Queen Havoc and Her Murder Cult - Episode 3: Eyes of a Killer

Episode Date: June 6, 2023

Experience only emboldens the group. The members of Electus per Deus become more entrenched in the cult of Cecilia Steyn. They refine their cold-blooded tactics and continue their killing spree. A new... follower joins the growing cult with plans to infiltrate, peek behind the curtain, and see what EPD is really up to. Our host, Kurt Kubicek, meets one of the murderers in prison – and we hear a first hand account of a savage execution.  See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I suffered from acne into my 30s. I had tried everything from pills and creams to painful treatments and nothing seemed to work. Then a friend told me about skin laundry. She'd been getting their laser facials and said they were effective and did not require any downtime. So I decided to try it. My nurse made a plan to stop my breakouts and correct the discoloration I had. It's truly changed my skin and helped me regain my confidence. Skin laundry develops a personalized plan to get results. You can try your for skin laundry laser facial, including a free skincare consultation for only $75. The Unistat makes it easy for grandparents and family friends to give funds to a child's investment account. For limited time, download the Unistat app and use the code iHolm.com. Visit skidlontry.com to see real client results at book your first facial today. He'll forget about the video game you gave him on his birthday.
Starting point is 00:00:34 Wow! Thanks, Grandpa! But he'll never forget how you invested in his future with the UNEST app. Wow! Thanks, Grandpa! The UNEST app makes it easy for grandparents and family friends to give funds to a child's investment account for a limited time. Download the UNS staff and use the code iHeart50 at sign up to receive a $50 bonus when you fund your account. That's code iHeart50 when you sign up at UNEST.co for a $50 bonus.
Starting point is 00:00:58 See terms and conditions at UNS.co. What is it about the beach that draws us in? Is it the graceful dance of sunlight and water that first stepped in the sand? UNES.co. to and from the airport. Beachbound is the perfect place to book your perfect beach vacation. Book your next getaway to re-u hotel's and resorts at beachbound.com. School of Humans This show follows the investigation of serial murders and contains material that may be disturbing. Listener discretion advised. Mikaela Valentine, heart pounding, waits in the car for her husband, Zach. She steers at a reflection in the mirror.
Starting point is 00:02:04 In her blonde wig and heavy makeup, she barely recognizes herself. Inside, Zach carries out two fatal attacks on Natasha Berger and her neighbor, Joy Burnside. The plan was for Makayla to help him, but she couldn't bring herself to go through with it. When the executions are complete, Zach flees from the townhouse and runs toward the waiting car. He jumps in next to his wife. His hands, his face, his clothes, all covered in blood. Zach and Michaela speed away from the scene, bolting across the darkened city.
Starting point is 00:02:50 Zach calls to check in with Miranda. The job is done, he tells her. Miranda hears Michaela crying in the background and orders them to get rid of the murder weapons and report back immediately to the flat. Where Cecilia is waiting. When they arrive, Zach explains to Cecilia what happened and how Makayla couldn't bring herself to kill Joy. Cecilia was not pleased.
Starting point is 00:03:12 LaRou and Marcel are ordered to scrub the car clean of blood. Rhea Groonovald rushes to Natasha's place as soon as she hears the tragic news. She has to see for herself if things had actually gone this far. Rhea watches the slack-jawed as the bodies of Natasha and Joy are carried out, both covered in white sheets. In the dark of night, no one recognizes Rhea. But the following day, a witness comes forward. I heard screams coming from Joy's home, she said.
Starting point is 00:03:52 When I looked outside, I saw a blonde woman running from the house to her car. That woman was Michaela in a blonde wig. But strangely, the witness tells the police, with some certainty that who she's soft-fling the murder scene was Ria As if things weren't bad enough Ria's life was about to take yet another turn for the worse She was about to become the primary suspect From school of humans and I harbored podcasts. This is Queen Havoc and her murder cult
Starting point is 00:04:23 I'm your host, Kirk Kupcek. Episode three, Eyes of a Killer. In untangling the web of this case, we discover a long list of bad actors. But we also encounter people like Rhea, vilified for their good intentions. Among these well-intentioned individuals is the man we've been calling Luke. His involvement with Cecilia Stein would come at a steep cost. Luke is something of a vigilante. He met Cecilia and electus per des in 2012 as a murders were picking up steam. His friend Arya introduced him to the Know Your Enemy pamphlet, which peaked his interest.
Starting point is 00:05:09 The book's name was Now Your Enemy. So, I condensed a lot of people. Add here, to take yourself. If you don't know, Are Your Enemy Operates makes actually 100% sense. So I started believing this book. I didn't agree with anything. He shared his skepticism with Arya. So I told her, I've got all this questions and she told me she'll take me to the place and invite this book.
Starting point is 00:05:34 And that's when I made Cecilia stay in for the first time. And Zuck, well in time, and Makarila. Luke challenged Cecilia's ideas in person. And sock, well in time and... what are you all? Luke challenged Cecilia's ideas in person, and strangely enough, she seemed to enjoy it, bantering back and forth with him, but not providing any real answers. Luke remained unconvinced that she was as cunning as she said she was, but was intrigued by the group's reverence for her. But then, only a couple of weeks after he came into Cecilia's orbit, people started dying.
Starting point is 00:06:09 This one framed me about a week later and she told me on a dash of burger that frame's been murdered. In his gut, he knew they were to blame. I couldn't believe it. Something didn't make sense. And so, he decided to act. Leave it, something that it makes sense. And so, he decided to act. I went to my knees and I prayed, and I told it all he can use me. I will go into Grievous' dope if you can just protect me and I'll open up this whole woman that's next. Luke planned to conduct his own investigation.
Starting point is 00:06:42 He would infiltrate electors per daya's, posing as a devotee. He could get close to them and confirm his suspicions. Then, once he had hard evidence, he would go to the police. Luke tread lightly at first so that no one would suspect anything. He needed to earn Cecilia's trust. The rest would follow. Not aware of the malicious inner workings of EPD, Luke began to spend time with some of the members socially, Zach Valentine in particular, and up close, he took
Starting point is 00:07:13 note of how Cecilia played them all. She used fear and of course scripture, the story of King David, who was told by God to destroy the Philistines, worked especially well on Miranda. I remember she manipulated Miranda out of David. David killed all the people and the women and the children and dogs, everything must be killed and that's how she manipulated Miranda run not to bother sick by the killings. Cecilia reinterpreted biblical teachings to her liking so that members believed that what they were doing was God's will, just like so many zealots throughout history who murdered in the name of God.
Starting point is 00:08:03 Cecilia would speak on behalf of the Almighty, and who were they to argue against such divine authority? That made Michaela's unwillingness to kill Joy Burnside in a front to Cecilia and an act of existential defiance. Zach tried to reassure Cecilia that Michaela was loyal and that she could still be trusted, but Cecilia was unsparing. She berated Michaela for not following through on the kill assigned to her and decided
Starting point is 00:08:31 all of them, Zach, Marinda, Marcel, LaRue and Michaela should all be better prepared for next time. In fact, they should practice. Luke wasn't yet deep enough into the fold to be included in this macabre exercise. The core members, however, arrived at Cecilia's flat one evening to find her in the bedroom. Layed out under Staxa newspaper was a boar's head from the local butcher. She handed knives to each of her followers and instructed them to have added. I depraved rehearsal for killing a human.
Starting point is 00:09:04 She watched for a while and then left the room, returning a few minutes later, with an axe. While their blades were plunged deeper and deeper into the boar's head, Cecilia Feder followers' stories of the conniving ways of Rhea and her mentor passed her Reginald Bendixen. He was the aggressor, she told them. He turned Rhea against them all. He led OTC toward Prang incorrectly,
Starting point is 00:09:33 thereby forcing them to dispose of Natasha. And he, according to Cecilia, had plagiarized her no-your-enemy pamphlet and repurposed it for an OTC course. Finally, Cecilia's devotees, breathless and bloody, surrounded the mangled pig's head, ready for their next kill. This time, it would be Miranda's turn to prove her loyalty, and this time, we'll hear about the murder in her own words.
Starting point is 00:10:02 Now when Eva screamed, when I killed them, I were dead within seconds. We'll hear about the murder in her own words. I suffered from acne into my 30s. I had tried everything from pills and creams to painful treatments and nothing seemed to work. Then a friend told me about skin laundry. She'd been getting their laser facials and said they were effective and did not require any downtime. So I decided to try it. My nurse made a plan to stop my breakouts
Starting point is 00:10:25 and correct the discoloration I had. It's truly changed my skin and helped me regain my confidence. Skin laundry develops a personalized plan to get results. You can try your first Skin laundry laser facial, including a free skincare consultation for only $75. Visit SkinLondry.com to see real client results about your first facial today. You'll forget about the video game you gave him on his birthday.
Starting point is 00:10:46 Wow! Thanks, Grandpa! But he'll never forget how you invested in his future with the UNESTAB. Wow. Thanks, Grandpa. Don't just give them any gift. Give them a gift that can grow with them. Invite grandparents and family friends to contribute to your child's future with the UNESTAF. UNESTA is an investment account for kids that makes it easy to gift funds that can be used
Starting point is 00:11:12 for college tuition, their first home, and more, just by sharing the link. Or include a UNESQR code on party invitations for birthdays and holidays. For a limited time, download the UNESTAF and use the code iHeart50 at Sign Up to receive a $50 bonus when you fund your account. That's code iHeart50 when you sign up at unist.co for a $50 bonus. See terms and conditions at unist.co. Marinda Stein, guided by her undying loyalty to Cecilia, was outraged at past a Reginald
Starting point is 00:11:52 Bendixins inequities. He had stolen both Cecilia's intellectual property and Ria's admiration. In her book, the Kruger's Dwarp cultt Killings, journalist Yana Marks' details is seen where Cecilia called an emergency meeting and informed them, quote, we have to take him out. This is war. We are living in the end times and redge has turned against God. What you're hearing now is a maximum security correctional facility south of Johannesburg. It's popularly known as Sun City, after a famous holiday resort in South Africa's northwest province. The inmates ironically chose this name, implying that any time spent there was the furthest thing from a holiday. It's a kin to calling Riker's Island Disney World.
Starting point is 00:12:52 When I entered the prison, I was frisked from head to toe. I boarded a rickety old bus that took us to the women's prison. Female? Female? What? Next one, female? Okay, thank you. We slowed to a stop in front of a high razor wire fence that surrounded a large brick building.
Starting point is 00:13:20 The sun was out. There was a bite in the wind. I followed a stream of visitors off the bus and through layers of fencing. We were all frisked again and again. Each time I became more nervous. After what felt like an eternity, the guards checked me in. My name is Kurt. Who would check? Excitement and fear course through me. I was about to come face to face with the greatest evil I had ever known. Miranda Stein herself.
Starting point is 00:14:05 This one too. Miranda take that. Like with the first murder, the group heavily scouted the location. Pass original Mendixen lives on a one-way street. His house has a long driveway, a security gate, and a surrounding Cinder Black Wall. Michaela Rensekar, the room replaces the license plate with a stolen one, and Zach Murrinda and Marcel pile in and head to Regis House. Miranda and Marcel pile in and head to Regis House. On the drive, 14-year-old Marcel becomes suddenly nauseous.
Starting point is 00:14:49 She asked them to pull over. The murder squad decides that Marcel is too sick, and they all return to Krugerstort. This was not a good look for Marcel, or Makayla for that matter. When Marcel got sick, it was Michaela who tended to her. Over the past few years, Marcel and Michaela had bonded. While Miranda focused squarely on her duty to Cecilia, Michaela became Marcel's sole ally and confidant. Marcel looked up to her.
Starting point is 00:15:18 Both were relieved that their deadly assignment was aborted that night. that their deadly assignment was aborted that night. ["The Night of the Night of the Night of the Night of the Night of the Night of the Night of the Night of the Night of the
Starting point is 00:15:26 Night of the Night of the Night of the Night of the Night of the Night of the Night of the Night of the Night of the Night of the Night of the Night of the
Starting point is 00:15:34 Night of the Night of the Night of the Night of the Night of the Night of the Night of the Night of the Night of the Night of the Night of the Night of the Night of the Night of the Night of the
Starting point is 00:15:42 Night of the Night of the Night of the Night of the Night of the Night of the Night of the Night of the Night of the Night of the Night of the Night of the Night of the Night of the Night of the recommended. The two men make an appointment to meet the following Monday at a local coffee shop. Redge Jotset down in his date book. On the day of the appointment, the 13th of August 2012, Zach Marin and Marcel make their way to Bendixons home. They call and ask for a rain check, assuming he would be at home for a while before making other plans. The scouting mission concluded that Bendixons' wife would be away until later that evening.
Starting point is 00:16:07 About that same time, Rhea Groenevald gets a text on her phone from a number she doesn't recognize. Have you said your goodbyes to Reg? I hope you did. Rhea immediately forwards the message to the police officer she's been in contact with, the same cop who was a no-show at the coffee shop sting operation. Not surprisingly, he doesn't respond. Rhea tries calling, and yet again, the police aren't there for her when she meets them the most. Meanwhile, the novice assassins were nearing Reg's house. Michaela was ordered to stay home for this mission.
Starting point is 00:16:46 She'd stay by Cecilia's side while the others followed orders. Cecilia no longer trusted Michaela to get the job done. Marcel, on the other hand, was not given an option. Miranda made sure her daughter was there to learn by example. Cecilia ordered Marcel to bring a video camera to record the killing. She wanted evidence of their devotion, and she wanted to see Reg Ben Dixon die. Cecilia ordered Marcel to bring a video camera to record the killing. She wanted evidence of their devotion, and she wanted to see Regb and Dixon die. Interviewing Miranda for this podcast meant giving her a platform.
Starting point is 00:17:22 The ethics of that concerned us quite a bit. But after months of pouring over the facts of this case, we were missing a critical piece. What on earth motivated these seemingly normal people to become killers? I believe that talking to her might provide more insight into Cecilia's mindset and the group dynamics she cultivated. I wanted to figure out why Miranda and the rest of EPD did what they did and how they justified
Starting point is 00:17:49 it in their own minds. In the visiting area, there were about 10 other inmates facing their loved ones, in an echoey and sterile room with a folding table that held handmade crafts for sale. Crochet potholders and beaded jewelry all made by inmates. I walked past the tables and then heard a voice say, Kurt? Hello? Hi, how are you?
Starting point is 00:18:15 There she was. The face I had seen peering back at me, frozen in mug shots and courtroom photographs. She smiled at me and thanked me for coming. We sat down on a long wooden picnic bench in the center of the room. I was now a foot away, face to face with Miranda Stein. She was as nervous as I was and told me so. Honestly, I felt disarmed, mostly by her politeness, her seemingly normal demeanor.
Starting point is 00:18:45 But that light, soon dimmed, clouded by who I knew her to be, and that storm only grew as she started telling me what happened with Bendixson. Now, as you can tell, the audio quality of this interview was pretty rough, so we've asked an actor to read some of what Miranda shared with us so that you can clearly understand her chilling words. I knew the interaction would be tense and a bit awkward, but what I really didn't expect was how casually Morinda would talk about the act of taking someone's life, and so brutally. She was proud of what she'd done. I had a bad childhood, and he looked exactly like my father. and so brutally, she was proud of what she'd done.
Starting point is 00:19:26 I had a bad childhood, and it looked exactly like my father. So, I'm such a thrusting idiot. The kill team disguised themselves in police uniforms. Their weapons of choice, knives, and an axe. Miranda described calling Red from the front security gate using a burner phone. She claimed they were detectives from the South African police service who needed to speak with him about the
Starting point is 00:19:56 recent murders and a possible connection to his friend, Rhea Grunovald. Ben Dixon, of course, wanted to help with the investigation. So he let the killers in. He was sort of a bit suspicious and then he started talking to us and he opened the gate for us and we were walking out like a long driveway. Merinda came up with a ploy to con their way. Then I said to him, why don't we go and speak inside? Then I said to him, why don't we go and speak inside? Because now the walls are high, but the neighbors would see.
Starting point is 00:20:32 As the pastor and EPD walked up the front yard toward Bendix and his home, Miranda and Zach clocked eyes. So we went just around the bean. We went just around the bean and he walked in front of us. And then Zac didn't even wait for me. He just started eating him over the head and he fell there in front of us. So we were never even in his house. Zac got impatient and hit Bendix and over the head with the back of the axe.
Starting point is 00:21:02 They didn't even make it into his home. Then, Miranda joined in, stabbing him with her fishing knife. Marcel, 14 years old, watches and muted horror as this gruesome reality unfolds before her. Sitting there in her prison jumpsuit, Miranda twisted this into some distorted form of grace. People, basically I believe in killing a person quickly. Now when ever screened when I killed them, they were dead within seconds.
Starting point is 00:21:37 Here's Kristell Boyson, recalling Miranda's courtroom testimony. She was explaining that between her and Zark while they were busy with rex Benedict's and stabbing him and slashing him, they actually got so excited that Zuck accidentally hit her with X and she was telling him, hey, just stay clear, she was explaining this in court. Even when it was obvious that Reg was dead, Miranda continued to stab him. Her depravity was not only proof of her loyalty to God and his Cecilia, but the result of some research.
Starting point is 00:22:15 She says, she one time remember watching a documentary or something and they say that if you want to know if someone is dead you must look at the space on the throat and if the space stops throbbing then you know the heart stopped pumping. And she was stabbing Rex Benedickson and waiting for this not to throb anymore, then she would know that he's dead. With their work done, they leave Regis' lifeless body on the grass in the front yard, locking the security gate on their way out. When they pull up at Cassana Flats, Mikaela is outside sitting in her car.
Starting point is 00:22:54 Zack still hyped on adrenaline from his second murder, boasts to his wife about what they done. Miranda and Marcel follow behind, corroborating Zack's account of their kill, like a hunting party celebrating their conquest. Michaela, numb with shock, and careful not to show any indication of fear or disapproval, forced to crooked smile. Inside, though, she trembled, terrified at what her husband had become, a monster of his own making. I suffered from acne into my 30s.
Starting point is 00:23:31 I had tried everything from pills and creams to painful treatments and nothing seemed to work. Then a friend told me about skin laundry. She'd been getting their laser facials and said they were effective and did not require any downtime. So I decided to try it. My nurse made a plan to stop my breakouts and correct the discoloration I had. It's truly changed my skin and helped me regain my confidence.
Starting point is 00:23:48 Skin laundry develops a personalized plan to get results. You can try your first skin laundry laser facial, including a free skincare consultation for only $75. Visit skinlondry.com to see real client results at Book Your First Facial today. He'll forget about the video game you gave him on his birthday. Wow! Thanks, Grandpa! But he'll never forget how you invested in his future with the UNESTAB. Wow. Thanks, Grandpa.
Starting point is 00:24:15 Don't just give them any gift. Give them a gift that can grow with them. Invite grandparents and family friends to contribute to your child's future with the UNES staff. UNES is an investment account for kids that makes it easy to gift funds that can be used for college tuition, their first home, and more. Just by sharing the link. Or include a UNES QR code on party invitations for birthdays and holidays. For a limited time, download the UNES staff and use the code iHeart50 at Sign Up to receive a $50 bonus when you fund your account.
Starting point is 00:24:48 That's code iHeart50 when you sign up at UNEST.co for a $50 bonus. See terms and conditions at UNES.co. At this point, I think it will be helpful to sort out all the police and detectives involved in the investigation of these murders. It can get confusing since the police treated the first couple of crimes as unrelated. The car and church bombings, redges murder and the killing of Natasha and Joy. So, what became known as the Kruger's Dorp killings were investigated in stages. It's hard to pinpoint the exact chain of events
Starting point is 00:25:30 and police involvement at each stage. Many statements from the cops make it sound as if they were there the whole time, even if they were not. Everyone we spoke to seems to have an opinion about how it all went down. So here we go. From what we can gather, Captain Benvic was aware of the cases surrounding the car and church bombings,
Starting point is 00:25:51 and may have even been briefed on them. But when we spoke to him, Benvic told us that he wasn't officially assigned as a lead investigator until after Pastor Reginald Ben Dixon turned up dead. So I happened on the 13th of August that I was called to IC, where a person was deceased and that his XTI became involved in this case. Then, there's his associate, Colonel Henny Diagger,
Starting point is 00:26:18 a career cop with a brooding Tony soprano type presence. Colonel Diagger had been part of the investigation team since the car bombing incidents, assisting, we think. It's not totally clear when exactly DeYager became part of this investigation, but he's a major player and would soon become a pebble in the shoe of the detectives, seeking truth and justice. Many of the facts surrounding both DeYger and Venviks involvement in the
Starting point is 00:26:46 Cecilia Stein case remain opaque. Then there's Detective Suzette Kanotsie, graceful and bold. She is called in a bit later, followed by the brazen Detective Ben Boizen and a team of seasoned investigators. Both Detective Suzette Kanotsai and Ben Boizen each had to re-examine a string of suspicious events and reconsider the evidence from every angle. Essentially, rebuild the case and track where and how it all began. The other two law enforcement officials, our Colonel Kobas-Jonker, Susette's mentor, who started the occult-related crimes unit, and Colonel Kristell Boison, a well-respected officer
Starting point is 00:27:33 in the South African Police Service. She remains the acting operational overhead commander for the West Rand District. She's also married to Ben, and they often help each other out with cases. So here we are, August 13th, 2012. Past a regional bendix and spotty lies on the grass. It's a horrifying scene. Detective Suset Canote recalls the crime scene photos. He was hacked from behind when he turned around. He was hacked from the front. The pastor had axe wounds to the back of his head and had been stabbed more than 10 times on his chest and torso. Here's Captain Johann van Vick.
Starting point is 00:28:19 On the scene, it was one of the most gruesome murders which I'veg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg. De vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de vlieg in de v The Jagger. He said that he was from the occult unit of the police service, or never met him before. He didn't inform me that the murder had some sort of occultic connection. Here is where the window of truth begins to blur though. According to Janna Marx, who was present at all of the court proceedings, both the Jagger and Van Vick had been at least adjacent to the Carbomb investigations. Colonel the Jagger may have even been assisting them. So it's very likely they would have met before. The other strange thing is that Colonel the Jagger was brought on as a consultant to assess
Starting point is 00:29:18 the potential for ritual murder in the case of Natasha Berger and Joy Burnside, even though their murders were technically outside of his jurisdiction. He was reportedly an expert on the occult. The Jagger has Provoto. He commands any room he finds himself in, any crime seemed to. His arrival on the scene of Bendixen's murder was kind of like what we've seen in movies, when the FBI shows up and takes over. But in South Africa, the case remains in the hands of the lead investigating officer, which is now Ben Vic.
Starting point is 00:29:53 The Jagger was confident that Ben Dixon's murder was a ritualistic slaying, the work of a Satanic cult, and likely related to the previous killing of Joy and Natasha. Detectives who said canoesay and Benzin, on the other hand, both believe that an under-resourced police department, coupled with the nationwide fear of the occult, often resulted in a rush to judgment. And that dynamic resulted in poor police work, especially when a crime aligns so neatly with the biases born of their imagined fears. The two in-basigading officers working on the case concentrated more on the sightinism
Starting point is 00:30:33 side and they totally lost focus on the actual murders that needs to be investigated, which actually, yes, it was hard after the story, but that wasn't why the murders took place. Deyager argued that there should have been more blood on the scene, given the brutality of Bendixon's wounds. He was saying, no, there was a lot of blood and the blood just went missing. Ways all the blood. The blood just went missing. Ways all the blood. The jagger told his team that whoever committed this murder must have consumed the blood.
Starting point is 00:31:13 A clear mark of ceremony. So they need to say no, no, no, somebody must have drank it. The police worked earnestly with the jagger's theory that this was the grisly act of Satan worshipping blood drinkers. However, detective Susette thought it was obvious where the blood had gone. Now that person is laying on the grass, so it went into the grass and saw by the grass. That is where it went, no one thanked. In other words, all the Satanism stuff
Starting point is 00:31:40 was nothing more than a powerful distraction. You have to follow facts. The facts was right in front of them, but their attention was drawn to sensation, dragging their attention in the sensational route, and you can't investigate like that. Ben Boison, also looking at this retroactively, agrees that this was a huge mistake. And that's why the 2012 murders were never solved. They were investigating satanism. Satanism is not a crime.
Starting point is 00:32:13 You investigate the crime. So clearly, the police started off on the wrong track. In fact, they began to suspect that it was actually Ria who was behind it all. I'd regarded Ria Grinnevalte as also a person that just was legitimate and she just wanted to help the people and assist the people but because all of these things that escalated at the latest stage, I also became suspicious of her. According to Reginald Bendixen's phone records, Rhea had an appointment with him on the day he was murdered. When the police confronted her about this, she said it must be the Satanist impersonating
Starting point is 00:32:50 her, and that's when she decided to find a lawyer. Because of this scheduled meeting and the fact that she was connected to both Reginald Bendixen and Natasha Berger, Rhea now officially became the primary suspect. They reached out to Rhea's old mentor, FH Havinga, for comment. Havinga mentions a Colonel X here. He means Colonel the Yager. I got a Colonel from the S.I.P.S. contacting me who said, listen, I need to speak to you. There's been murders.
Starting point is 00:33:23 It's occult related. It's in Krugatastorp area connected to overcomers in Christ. And they say, whoa, overcomers in Christ? Yes. Ria frunoval. And you know, it was that moment. It was that shock. It was that disbelief. No, this can't be. When we spoke to him, there was still an open investigation into police misconduct. Thus, our use of Colonel X, more on that post-mortem investigation, in a later episode. At this moment in time, Havenga knew right away that the police must be barking up the wrong tree. They were ignoring the facts that were staring them in the face, preferring to focus on the illusions from a now antiquated satanic panic.
Starting point is 00:34:11 I said to Colonel X, your suspect is Cecilia Stein. Please follow her, Chicker. That's your main suspect. But the Jagger wasn't convinced of Ria's innocence until it became clear as day. Ria's new lawyer told her to document her whereabouts every day so that moving forward, she could always prove her innocence. But right after Bendixson's murder, the police confiscated Ria's cell phones, hard drives, and laptop, disconnecting Rhea from the world.
Starting point is 00:34:45 A big breakthrough came when, on the morning of past the Bendixins funeral. Rhea woke up on the morning, a pastor, Reginald Bendixins funeral. She stepped out onto her porch and felt the sun on her face. She looked down and found a parcel waiting at her feet. Rhea found me and she said that she found a package in front of a door. The package was wrapped, it was some sort of a meat.
Starting point is 00:35:12 Rhea unfolded the damp newspaper. Inside was a large chunk of bloody meat. Pinned to it was another note. Later, written in block words, look what the dog is left to you of rage or something to do that I think. The note read, look what the dogs have left you of your precious pastor. The detectives now had to let go of their pet theories that either Satanists or Rhea were to blame for the murders. Now they were forced to consider the case with fresh eyes.
Starting point is 00:35:46 On top of that, the haphazard criminals from EPD had fumbled again. Fingerprints was found on the letter that wrapped this piece of meat. Once again, police found fingerprints. I took their fingerprints and the fingerprints indeed belonged to Maranasthai. Then Vic took the opportunity to bring in everyone he could from EPD.
Starting point is 00:36:09 The police had all of them in custody, even Cecilia. But, despite all the evidence and the possible motives pointing to Miranda and Cecilia as the culprits, both were released from police custody. In fact, all the members of EPD were let off the hook. Before we go, there is one other police officer you should know about. He didn't work on this case, at least not in the way the others did. But he is the reason Bendixson's attackers wore police uniforms.
Starting point is 00:36:48 The reason Cecilia was never worried about them getting caught. He was extremely confident that nothing will happen to them. He was constantly telling them, don't worry, we know the cops. They will do nothing, don't worry about it. This other officer, his name was Dreadstein and he was Cecilia's husband. Even Cecilia's husband's in the police. So do you trust. On the next episode of Queen Havoc, she came to realize God will never ask you to murder anybody.
Starting point is 00:37:24 So with this was the house where they used to stay. She liked to provoke the son again, said. When she said she's going to the police, then the next morning, she ended up dead. The beating, the headboard, the wall, and the roof was full of blood. Queen Havek and her murder cult is a production of School of Humans and I Heart podcasts. Queen Havec is hosted and created by me, Kurt Kubicek, produced and written by Jennifer Tekeene,
Starting point is 00:37:55 Julia Kriskow, and Kurt Kubicek. Lead producer is Julia Kriskow. Story editor is Zaryn Bernette. Senior producer is Amelia Brock. Production manager is Daisy Church. Original music composed by Claire Campbell. Editing, Sound Design, and Scoring by Jesse Nicewonger. Associate producers are Dashin Moodley and Jameen Kriger. Additional producing by Ben Melman,
Starting point is 00:38:25 fact-checking by Dennis Webster. Recording engineers, Art Graham Gibson, Clay Hillenberg, and Josh Hook, Rindestine was read by Angelique Pretorias. Executive producers are Virginia Prescott, LC Crowley, Brandon Barr, Jennifer Tkini, and Kurt Kubicek. We want to thank all of those who so generously welcomed us in South Africa and shared their
Starting point is 00:38:51 stories. We're incredibly grateful to you all. We also want to acknowledge how traumatic these events are for the victims and their families. Please respect their privacy. If you or someone you know has been affected by cold behaviors, there are resources available, including voices for dignity at ChristineMurray.com. I suffered from acne into my 30s. I had tried everything from pills and creams
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