Quick Question with Soren and Daniel - E.T. Vs. Predator

Episode Date: October 15, 2022

UFQs! Unidentified Flying Questions!  The guys talk about their favorite movie aliens amongst all sorts of other great stuff.  And as always big thanks to our sponsors. GO.FACTOR75.com/qq60 and use ...code qq60 to get 60% off your first box. Thanks  Magic Mind! Go to magicmind.co/14daysofmagic and use code QQ14 at checkout for 20% off. Shop with confidence — get Honey for FREE at JoinHoney.com/qq

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I've got a quick, quick question for you, alright? I wanna hear your thoughts, wanna know what's on your mind I've got a quick, quick question for you, alright? The answer's not important, I'm just glad that we could talk tonight So what's your favourite? Who did you get? What do I be? What's it up with? Oh, forget it. Saw a movie, Daniel O'Brien.
Starting point is 00:00:29 Two best friends and comedy writers. If there's an answer, they're gonna find it. I think you'll have a great time here. I think you'll have a great time here author of How to Fight Presidents, and solar-powered machine of joy, Daniel O'Brien, joined as always by my co-host, Mr. Soren Bui. Soren, que pasa? Hey, it's me, Soren Bui. I write for American Dad, and I have COVID still. Dan, do you think... I'm very nervous to roll my R's ever anymore. Oh yeah? Why? I feel like it might be problematic.
Starting point is 00:01:33 problematic um the rhotic r is not uh unique to uh let's see any one particular country like like no you're right in my head when i was doing this just now i was uh being fancy british and fancy british we're still allowed to make fun of them okay it came with a k-pop at the end and that's why I immediately set associated context with it that's a reasonable jump to make um but I I'm also not saying like there's nothing wrong with doing a rolled r like if I'm speaking Spanish I'm gonna roll the shit out of my r's when I'm talking to somebody else but if I do it in English each time I do it I'm like i wonder if anyone if anyone didn't like that uh it's possible it's possible plenty of people didn't like it and uh who cares thanks to magic mind for supporting my podcast magic mind is the world's first productivity drink that helps you fight off stress and keeps you dialed in, not wired.
Starting point is 00:02:27 Go to magicmind.co slash 14 days of magic and use code QQ14 at checkout for 20% off. Today's episode is sponsored by Honey. The easy way to save when shopping on your iPhone or computer. Honey is the free shopping tool that scours the internet for promo codes and applies the best one it finds to your cart. Get Honey for free at joinhoney.com slash qq. Thanks to our new sponsor, Factor. Factor delivers delicious, fresh, never frozen meals that are ready to heat and eat in two minutes. Head to go.factor75.com slash qq60 and use code qq60 to get 60% off your first
Starting point is 00:03:06 box. I don't know if you can tell by my energy in the recording of this podcast or our previous one. Do you notice? Do you detect anything? No, you sound great. Okay. Well, I am great. I'm feeling pretty amazing today.
Starting point is 00:03:21 Yes, I did notice. I have a really I think think, pretty wacky energy. And it's, I'm almost, I'm borderline bummed every time I relearn that my mood is almost entirely dependent on whether or not the sun's out. It is Thursday when we record this it has been raining since sunday morning uh-huh and uh like with without letting up this is where jersey is is getting the the last gasps of uh hurricane i ian hurricane ian and so we've just been getting like hurricane ian zaring yeah just cold rain non-stop for the last several days and uh i i this whole time i thought maybe i'm maybe i'm sad maybe there's something in my brain chemistry that it like boy i must be really depressed about work right now i must be on this assignment that
Starting point is 00:04:25 i'm on must really be affecting me emotionally because it's tough material and then i woke up and the sun was out i was like and and now here i am doing this podcast where i'm rolling my r's and i'm and i'm casually lapsing into spanish and it's it's it's just because I feel like it's the, like I won the lottery, but I didn't. I'm just a dumb fucking machine that is powered by the giant glowing ball in the sky. There's no depth to me. I have no control over my personality or my mood. It's just, oh good. I could see blue sky.
Starting point is 00:05:05 That means I'm happy. Well, if you're a dumb fucking machine for that, Dan, then so is Superman. So just remember that. Ah, that sucks.
Starting point is 00:05:15 You're not a huge Superman fan. Forget that. Forget that. What? Like a, then you're like an orchid. No, they like the cold and dark.
Starting point is 00:05:23 Uh, like a sunflower. I. Like a sunflower. I could be a sunflower, yeah. That feels like a more reasonable leap than orchid. I know that feeling. I know, I remember as a child, there were days where I couldn't tell what time it was all day
Starting point is 00:05:38 because it was so cloudy out or it was so rainy and that really bothered me where it was just like I never really get a hold of the day because it was cloudy. And it was like, I just, that's gone. Like I never, there was never a day there that was just a nothing. And, um, it's really switched in my brain since I've lived in Los Angeles where, where if there's a cloudy day, like this morning I woke up and it was foggy and I was like, motherfucker. like motherfucker yeah oh it's so great oh look at it outside we gotta go for a walk like as soon as it's cloudy here everybody's
Starting point is 00:06:13 giggly and like excitable and like oh it's different things are different i need to like leave notes for myself because i i i never remember it when we get these stretches of rain i really do think like i guess i guess i'm a sad person i never really thought about it but maybe i'm i'm depressed like like those characters and television and books i need to like have a note around it's like don't don't don't get in any fights with anyone don't make any decisions just look at the weather it's gonna get sunny eventually and and and just remember that whatever problem you think you have you don't actually have it it's just dark you need that memento tattoo somewhere i i there are times where i have moments like that where i'm like, how do I keep fucking forgetting this?
Starting point is 00:07:08 It fundamentally changes who I am for a period of time. And then it gives me a lot of sympathy for women who forget when their period is out of nowhere. They'll just be like, sometimes women will be like, I think that something has fundamentally changed in my life. Why am I so mad right now? What am I i mad at i don't know what it is something has set me off and i'm just not addressing it and then you're like oh yeah i'm getting my period yeah like every month but i i suffer the same thing i just fucking forget i'll see texts from good friends of mine while it's raining out and I get annoyed to see the text and my brain is like, I guess, yeah, maybe we've always hated Nancy. No, no, we love Nancy. We just can't see the sun right now. Don't block Nancy on your phone.
Starting point is 00:08:01 It's very scary that the brain never knows when something's affecting just the brain the brain thinks everything else is sick around it yeah that's what yeah like the brain fog from covid where i was like in the moment i'm like i got this i got this this is no big deal and then you come back and you revisit your later and you're like oh shit no the brain was broken that was the problem we used to do um after hours which was a show on cracked dna used to do and uh we would shoot it late at night we'd shoot a bunch of episodes late at night because that's when the restaurants closed and we do and it's like six to six and uh we get through one side of the table we go through katie and michael uh and get all of their dialogue and then we'd switch
Starting point is 00:08:46 cameras to our side and say you can't see katie and michael anymore and katie try as she might bless her heart could not stay awake like she would just start falling asleep and so you're watching this person who thinks she's doing a bang-up job of like being like acting for you like acting against you like she's like trying to give you responses and nodding her head thoughtfully and stuff but it's at two-thirds speed and it's like these long blinks are happening and it was like a cartoon when she would start to fall asleep because her eyes would cross and so like this person it's just barely keeping it together thinking that they are killing it and it. And every single time we'd be like, Katie, come on, please. Please just look at me.
Starting point is 00:09:31 I need two eyeballs. That's all I need. This is a lot of dialogue that I'm going to rush through as fast as possible. Just give me a face. Yeah. I know. I know you're tired. It's also 5 a.m. I know. I know you're tired. It's also 5 a.m. for me.
Starting point is 00:09:48 It's the same. It's 5 a.m. over here on this side of the table, too. Yeah. And so in the moments, like your brain just thinks it's doing great. And that's what's really scary with like driving where you're like, oh, no, I'm good. I'm good. And then you'll get to a gas station or something. You're like, no i'm i'm good i'm good and then you'll get to a gas station or something like man i don't remember the last 45 miles yeah i drove on a
Starting point is 00:10:12 a mild concussion in college and it's it's a very unsafe thing to do uh don't i i would advise against it uh though having said that i didn't like know i was doing it so it's a hard thing to advise against i guess just be aware if you ever bonk your fucking head yeah but me and oh man this is this is appropriate me and nancy remember nancy from that story before yeah we hate nancy and yeah me and nancy well this was before we had our falling out when it rained me and nancy in college uh every friday we would do yoga together and then we would play racquetball. And one of the times we were playing racquetball, I was wearing inappropriate pants. They were perfect for yoga, but too long for like quick lateral movements. And right off the top of
Starting point is 00:11:01 the game, I slipped on my own pants and launched straight in the air and landed on the back of my head. Sorry to laugh. That's, I mean, it's tragic that you hurt yourself. No, it's like... You slipped on your own pants. It's like a really rough... The heel of my pants got under the heel of my foot.
Starting point is 00:11:24 And like, when I tell you it was immediate, it was immediate. I was like, all right, Nancy, buckle up. Here we go. Whoa! My pants! Right on the back of my head. And I got up very quickly. And she was laughing.
Starting point is 00:11:40 But also like, are you okay? I'm like, yeah, no, I'm totally fine. And I was not totally fine right but you know was embarrassed and full of adrenaline and like kept kept trying to play for a while and like my vision is blurry in a weird way and uh eventually i'm just like i i uh i don't i'm fine i just don't want to play anymore i have a headache and i just don't the the game isn't isn't fun so let's just let's just get home and i drove her to her house and the whole time she's saying like are you sure you're okay like yeah i'm sure i'm i'm i'm okay i i was truth be told beating her in the
Starting point is 00:12:17 game when we ended so like you recover she should be worried about herself. Yeah. And I drove her to her house. And then when we got to her house, I said, hey, I think we should probably go to the hospital because I don't remember how we got here, which was like a very true thing. And it was like incredibly scary for me at the moment and scary to think back on it that like here I am sitting in front of her house in my car with the steering wheel in my hands. And it was like, uh-oh. Yeah. I don't remember several of the moments that led up to this, which is terrifying because I'm the moments that led up to this.
Starting point is 00:12:56 Right. So we switched and she took me to the campus hospital or whatever it was. And you know, they advised all the things you advise rest if if it if the scariest advice that any doctor could give to anyone especially an idiot like me is uh you know you should be fine but if anything changes at all go to the emergency room immediately like oh fuck my body is full of surprises lady you have What does that mean? You have no idea. The Amazon rainforest is, I like to think of it as, the lungs of the earth. And it's responsible for producing more than 20% of the world's oxygen.
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Starting point is 00:14:12 jitters but magic mind has been incredibly helpful as a a source of energy that doesn't make me feel wired or weird i have recently been told the amount of coffee that I drink is alarming and I don't like to be alarming. I like to be awesome. So instead of reaching for that, let's be honest, fourth cup of coffee to keep my energy levels up. Now I just take a little shot every morning alongside my first cup of coffee and I'm good to go for the rest of the day. That little green shot, something I have every day and I love it. They help me so much to get in the right mind state for a productive day, which is very useful for my busy job as podcaster. For 20% off and to learn more about Magic Mind's 14 Days of Magic hashtag
Starting point is 00:14:56 and their donations to the Amazon rainforest, go to magicmind.co slash 14daysofmagic and use code qq14 at checkout for 20 off let me tell isa yeah i might i've been to those those campus uh hospitals uh i feel like i don't know it's i don't think hospitals is, it's not the right word. It's exactly right. Like, are the... Is it staffed by, like, med students? No. Okay. It's staffed by people who have been through nurse training, I think.
Starting point is 00:15:34 And so generally, there's nothing they can do for you at these places. Like, the best bet is that they're going to give you a painkiller, and then they're going to tell you to drinkinkiller and then they're going to tell you to drink fluids and then they're going to tell you to eat whatever. They're like, here, have some saltines or something very basic and easy for you to get down. They're armed with – that's their arsenal. Yeah, I didn't get the sense that I was dealing with the head honcho. Yeah, the top brass. Yeah, they're painfully inept i think at those places and it's it's not their fault like it's just nobody takes that seriously legally not allowed to diagnose or prescribe anything
Starting point is 00:16:18 it's of course yeah yeah and it's super dangerous for to have them do anything other than be like well i can help you with the pain a little bit in a way that you could do by yourself if you went to just like the campus bookstore and got some Advil. I'm sorry that that happened to you, Dan. But boy, is it funny to hear you tell a story about playing tennis and slipping on your own pants and knocking yourself out. It's a perfect segue into the episode topic. Soren, a quick question. Okay. What is the most ridiculous or surprising way you've injured yourself?
Starting point is 00:16:55 Could be a major injury, minor injury. Seems like you might have some. I can get us started with my most recent one that it was painful, but I just had to laugh at. Yeah. And, you know, jump in at any point of this story when you need some clarification. I just got one of my favorite snacks, a fresh jar of pickled asparagus. A spaz. How did this overtake gummy bears? What happened?
Starting point is 00:17:29 Well, I kept getting gummy guts, and the worst thing that happens with asparagus is you get, like, bad asparagus urine smell. Yeah. Which I hate, but, like, it's better than gummy guts. Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Pickled asparagus, too? fire. Pickled asparagus too?
Starting point is 00:17:47 Yeah. Spicy pickled asparagus. Okay. And how did you discover that you like spicy pickled asparagus? Well, I like cooked asparagus. Yeah. I've always liked it as far as I know. And if I don't have a list at a grocery store, I'm the easiest mark.
Starting point is 00:18:08 I'm here for anyone. I'm wandering around and I'm dumb and I'm in an aisle that I don't frequent often and I have no agenda. shelves of different like pickled beets pickled asparagus spicy pickled okra just different fun jars of veggies and uh one day a couple years ago i was just like maybe i'm a guy who likes trader joe's pickled asparagus i don't know and it turns out i am it's a great snack i've always liked pickles and the science is very similar i i don't yeah i imagine it is i like that it's also you you're chosen you're not just choosing like basic bitch pickling you get the spicy ones yeah of course because i i rarely have snacks in the house there's no like chips or anything i i i try to keep junk food out of my house and but i i still have the temptation like like just the act
Starting point is 00:19:08 of snacking i miss every once in a while so i populate my house with like keto granola and pickled asparagus and a bunch of like awful disgusting chips that are like it's it's it's all flaxseed but you'd never know it and it's like of course i fucking know it of course i know this thin cheddar crisp flaxseed is not supposed to be eaten and it's just a trick but like i keep them around because they're healthy right yeah i got a lot of that shit in my pantry now too but uh but pickle asparagus is not one of them okay i i think i'm caught up on pickle asparagus. You may continue. So I, I, I crack open a fresh jar of pickle.
Starting point is 00:19:48 I couldn't even put it in the fridge yet. I just got it home from the grocery store and I was like, I, like, I couldn't wait. Uh, so I'm standing in my kitchen and I'm, I open it standing full in my kitchen and I've got the jar in one hand and I'm just trying to get one, uh, spear out of the jar. And I'm like, just, just one, just for a snack to, to, to hold me over right now. And I'm pulling it out with the jar and i'm like just just one just for a snack to to hold me over right now and i'm pulling it out with the lid in my hand so like my grip is not ideal right now and uh again i'm just standing here holding this so so the jar is at about like collarbone height as i'm pulling this spear out i the spear slips out of my fingers and because the jar is packed so tight with his asparagus brothers it bounces off the top of one of the asparagus spears into my eye and
Starting point is 00:20:34 pokes me in the left eye and at the same time that it pokes me splashes the pickle juice into my eye like like the way they used to torture people in the past i assume it's like vinegar in your eyes yeah just vinegar and like a spear in my eyeball spicy vinegar yeah a spicy vinegar spear into my eyeball and like like fully just dropped out of my hand and and bounced directly into my eye magically and i like it hurt for sure like my eye stung and and felt like the general pain of getting poked in the eye and i just had to stand in my kitchen and laugh about it for a while of course like well i'm not gonna be mad at anyone for that there are moments where i mean you can see them there's a ton of videos like this on YouTube where there's like people doing these extraordinary things out of nowhere. Like somebody carrying a bunch of, a bunch of things of toilet paper and like one will slip off and they'll just start like kicking it around with their feet and kick it back up onto the pile somehow.
Starting point is 00:21:44 have these moments every once in a while in your life where you're like it was amazing what i just did like you have to pause and be like that was incredible and i think that i do the exact same amount of pause and like had the same impressed feeling when something so dramatically bad happens yeah in like a short period of time where i'm just like that was incredible yeah it's one of those cases where when i briefly pretend I'm on a Truman show, I look around and at like the camera that I assume is planted in my microwave and I'm like, that's pretty good guys. This is good.
Starting point is 00:22:16 Is this sweeps weeks? That's a good, I like, this is a good episode. I would watch this. This is fun. What's he gonna do next? There's just these moments where you're like, who could have predicted that? That was, what are the chances too? Amazing.
Starting point is 00:22:32 Amazing that I'm, what a time to be alive. It's very similar to, this is a tangent. It's not an injury, but it's very similar. There was a time when I was in middle school on a band trip and uh i was in a hotel and had my new sunglasses on my head and my arms were full of bags of tourist shit that i bought and i was walking to an elevator and the doors were closing on the elevator and i thought i'm gonna i'm gonna stop this with the most sensible appendage, my head. And I leaned forward to stop it, thinking like my head would activate the sensors and the doors would stop and open before hitting me.
Starting point is 00:23:14 But the doors just lightly closed on my head. And it was just enough to knock my sunglasses off the top of my head so they could then fall down the crack between the floor and the floor of the elevator just that like the like one inch yeah wide uh gap for the shaft of the elevator my sunglasses fell like nothing but net just swooped right down that shaft and even as a 14 year old or whatever I was like that's pretty good not gonna see that again they couldn't do that again if I wanted yeah they had to fold in the air yes in order to even slip down a crack because the cracks are not they're not huge it's not big enough like the lens to fit down its wide way
Starting point is 00:23:58 they're not meant for sunglasses to fall down the elevator manufacturers thought they thought of everything but no they could never anticipate a 13 year old stopping an elevator with his head and then dropping his sunglasses down that would have been a gap a fun elevator to be on i think to be like waiting for you yeah see you see that happen and then also just just like not so you make the elevator like so you like stand back up after they slip down just staring and just the door shut on you and that's it what a little vignette that i would take my band teacher on the inside of the elevator leave him forget him um it's interesting that we were talking about those student health centers because mine involves one of those.
Starting point is 00:24:47 In college, I broke one ankle and sprained the other one on a first date. And I mean, I do a lot of active things, but I even I know that generally you don't have a lot of opportunities to break bones on a date. Yeah. Especially a first date, which are pretty, in history, low impact. Yeah. But I had gone on a date and then we were coming back. We had to run up.
Starting point is 00:25:22 What were we going to go do? I can't remember, but we had gone up to my room for a second to get a jacket. And as we're coming down, I liked my dorm because it had a staircase that went down, platform, this, you know, turn and then stairs down the other direction. That's interesting. The staircase just went down. You know what I mean, right? Like in schools, like there's always like, the stairs, it's not like a spindle staircase, like Like in schools, like there's always like the stairs, it's not like a spindle staircase, like a spinning staircase, but it's like,
Starting point is 00:25:49 it goes down in one direction and then like a quick hard right angle on a flat platform and then down and again on the other side. So what I would- This must be a reasonable thing. Our stairs went up and down, but- Okay. All right. So I would run down these steps and then I would plant my hand on the handrail in the middle as I was running. And I would just run up the wall of that platform and down the next set of steps. So I never actually touched the middle piece. It's just like a really smooth, cool, practiced thing where I would run up the wall and down the next set.
Starting point is 00:26:23 And yeah, if I didn't, if I wasn't tipped off on how this story ends, I would agree with you. That does sound smooth and cool. And so I was like, oh, I'm going to show her some shit. Like, this is going to be cool. And went to go do it and really was like enthusiastic about it and overshot it. And as soon as I planted on that handrail, took two steps on the wall and jumped, I jumped too far. I jumped down the entire next set of stairs to the bottom
Starting point is 00:26:55 two steps and took one step, two step on those and both ankles rolled and I fell. And so then I'm at a heap at the bottom of the next set of stairs. And she was like, oh my God, what just happened? Because she's still holding out hope that that was an accident, like that none of that was right. Like that somehow I had braced myself, managed to step on a wall or something, but that like, this was like best case scenario. Not that I didn't. Oh, I would have thought that. Like, I love an injury that looks like you could have only been trying to do that and uh i'm on the ground she's like are you okay and i'm like yeah of course i am it's like i get up on these on like broken chalk and it is my bones and i'm like you know what i'm not really feeling it. I think I'm going to go back to my room.
Starting point is 00:27:46 And she was like, yeah, I think that's probably a good idea. And so I go up into my room and I'm like, okay, let's just see the damage. You got this. You're alone now. And I pull off a shoe, I pull off a sock and immediately like one ankle is just huge.
Starting point is 00:28:02 It's huge and it's not looking good. And then the other one I look at and it's like a, what you'd expect from a bad sprained ankle. And I'm like, okay, all right, just keep them up all night, put a little ice on them. And I will be healed in the morning shortly. And a really terrible night, a lot of sweats and clear that I was, uh, at some point I was in shock. a lot of sweats and clear that I was, uh, at some point I was in shock. So the next day I was like, I gotta get this taken care of. I'll go to the health center. And so I go to this health center and, uh, I lay down on a table and the woman is like, okay, so let's just get a, like a, I just need to feel the ankle a little bit and kind of see what we're dealing with. And I show it to her and she gasps.
Starting point is 00:28:46 Oh, shit. And by this point, so, you know, it's black and blue. And there's like a pool of blood in the bottom of the heel too. Like it's looking bad. And she starts like feeling it. And I can feel, both of us can feel that there's crunching. Like there's like, it's gross in there. And she's like, okay, I just need to get a i don't quite know
Starting point is 00:29:07 like what what parts of your ankle i'm feeling and i just need to get a sense of like how your ankles are can i see the other one please and i show it to her she's like and she goes what happened because she did not expect the other one to also be in bad shape that was a little surprise i left for her and she's like how did you get here let me here? Let me just recalibrate to see what an ankle is supposed to look like. I don't remember these. And she goes, how did you get here? In a very exasperated and kind of mad way. And I was like, I walked.
Starting point is 00:29:36 And she's like, well, don't do that. And then she sent me to the, she was like, wait, we can't handle this here. This is not for us. You're going to have to go to an ER. And so I had to find someone with a car to drive me to an ER and then wait there for a long period of time while they looked at my ankles admonishingly and did an x-ray on one. And they're like, all right, well, you, there's this bone that's on the very end of your ankle. Your tendon has stripped that bone off, um, completely. There's just bone that's on the very end of your ankle. Your tendon has stripped that bone off completely. There's just like a small bone that's under your ankle.
Starting point is 00:30:08 And it's like, it's not there anymore. Like you have a grade three sprain in the other ankle. And I was like, okay, so what does all this mean, doc? Like, where's that? How do we get that bone out? And he's like, no, your body will just reabsorb it. I was like, ah, okay. It's just in me somewhere there's some
Starting point is 00:30:27 confusing bones when i broke my wrist and got the the the metal plate surgery i initially didn't want the surgery and i didn't want the metal plate in there and i was like let me just i'll just wear the cast for six months and then and this will heal uh as as nature intended because i'm scared of any kind of surgery uh and the doctor was like no because because without that plate in there your bone might just just just like move move away i was like where's it gonna fucking go the doctor said out all right fine do the surgery i don't want to deal with whatever wandering bone syndrome yeah i'm gonna have if i don't get this yeah the doctor this doctor was not concerned at
Starting point is 00:31:12 all about the fact that he's like it's probably just it'll just absorb it'll reabsorb into your body i was like okay let's hope so uh and so then after that, I lived at the top of campus. Like we lived in a dorm that was the very top of a hill. And every day I would get up an hour early so that I could make my way all the way down campus to go to class, like go try and get a muffin or something and then go to class. But an hour earlier than I ordinarily would, because it took me so long to get anywhere because both my ankles were Completely fucked and then the embarrassment of them like seeing her around and being like, oh, I guess it was something after all But that was
Starting point is 00:31:56 Deeply humiliating in a way where I was like this should how did this happen? How did I let this happen? No second date I'm married to her now. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how I met your mother. No, different date. Do you have any other injuries? I have more quick questions if you don't.
Starting point is 00:32:19 No. All right, great. Soren, quick question. Yeah, go ahead. This might not be a good one what's the best movie good lead-in what's the best movie with an alien in it well it's uh i mean there's an obvious answer there the the first one that obviously comes to mind i think for everyone it's i i don't know if you if this will uh haunt you the same way it haunted me but someone i follow on twitter with like a like a writer or performer was doing one of those things where
Starting point is 00:32:58 it's like hey i'm at an airport and i have some downtime so ask me anything about writing or television or directing or whatever it is. Let me just, like, AMA, ask me anything. I'll answer your questions. And someone, in a way that had nothing to do with whatever this person's job was, just said, what's the best movie with an alien in it? And that question has stuck with me for weeks now,
Starting point is 00:33:22 and I'm just thinking, like, what? Because there are so many movies with aliens in them. Yeah. It's that time again, when I ask you, what's holding you back from great deals online? How do you feel about a shopping online? Do you hate it? I mean, something we all have to do at this point. You got to shop online to get some stuff that you just can't find in brick and mortars or maybe you're still not in the position where you can be going out to brick and mortars when no one is wearing a mask despite the fact that there's still a huge pandemic going on well thanks to honey manually searching for
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Starting point is 00:37:36 box as soon as i hear my my brain is like well you know et oh fuck star wars uh well you know what is an alien and i i started thinking of like every movie like alien ted's bogus journey's got an alien in it uh that's really haunting me yeah did you come up with an answer no i think i i like if someone asked me that on on stage i might panic and say well the safe answer is star wars and then yeah and then you know the audience would have to begrudgingly agree with me all right see oh god damn it so my my instinct really gets in my way here because my instinct is to be clever and yeah and so like a movie like toy story is like where i'd be like oh
Starting point is 00:38:25 yeah toy story i don't think those are technically aliens they're toys those little cloth that's what i was gonna yeah so it's arguable there i think uh no it's not it's arguable because i chose it but they don't know anything they're like they're like aliens. Everything that they do is alien-like. They're like everything is foreign to them. That's the same problem as K-Pax. K-Pax also isn't an alien. Sure he is. By the end, don't we find out he really is?
Starting point is 00:39:00 I think by the end we find out he's not. Oh. He's got a brain. It's like phenomenon. He's just got a brain like we we super dug into this a long time ago not not for cracked but at cracked we had we lost an entire day to reading and talking and thinking about kpax for anyone who doesn't know kpax is uh a 2001 movie starring kevin spacey and jeff bridges and it's we learn based on a series of books but in the movie kevin spacey uh he looks he presents as a human claims he's an alien he's in
Starting point is 00:39:37 uh an institution of of some kind or he he's yeah claims to be an extraterrestrial from the planet kpax and uh jeff bridges is his doctor uh who is tasked with uh i guess finding out if he really is an alien or uh if he's not an alien which is what the doctor assumes what is the root cause of this delusion right uh and i am now he's got some uh he's got some things that he can do he's got like some weird superpowers yeah um he's very bright and like they ask him i can't i can't remember any of the proof that comes up in it but like there's different things that throughout the movie convincing the audience like oh man i think this thing's legit i think that's an alien he says uh uh his his name in the movie is prot oh fuck it's not kevin spacey's name is is
Starting point is 00:40:33 is prot he's from kpax and he keeps saying that uh he's going to get um beamed back to his planet he's going to leave earth on a certain date at a certain time and at that certain date and time uh the camera in his room cuts to static right when he said it was gonna he was gonna leave earth and then later the doctor finds him lying on the floor of his room catatonic prot having apparently left the body to light travel back to kpax in the movie i guess I thought it was ambiguous that he was actually an alien inhabiting this body.
Starting point is 00:41:10 I thought by the end we were pretty convinced that he was an alien. But I don't know. And then there's movies like Beetlejuice. You've got sandworms on Saturn, which I guess would technically qualify as an alien but that's not what
Starting point is 00:41:27 the movie's about at all no that's like that's why it's like i think stealthily a difficult question is because uh it doesn't need to be a movie about aliens as long as there's just one alien in it then it it is in this category of what is the best movie with an alien yeah so it's a good thing all the superman movies suck so hard because they don't have to think about it absolutely um but it does that it does include uh many of the marvel movies yeah almost all of them kpax by the way um it was a series of books this is the thing that that uh lost an entire day of productivity with the crack staff is there there were five kpax books with like some really fucking nutso bobutzo lore from a movie that like i think what's on the premise of the movie uh as as a kid working in the movie theater seeing trailers for kpax it really seemed to bill itself as like
Starting point is 00:42:26 here's the central question is an alien inhabiting this person's body or is this a delusion and by the end of the movie you won't really care because it's like a fascinating meditation on that question it's and it's meant to be open-ended uh but then to find out that like no he's an alien and there's five books about like warring alien species all right oh okay well then fuck jeff daniels i guess um i've got an answer okay and mine is so far most of your answers haven't counted i know this is a real answer and it's one that i it's obviously got to be personal taste but i think the very best movie there's two i'm gonna put i'm gonna say two okay district nine edge of tomorrow oh okay both i think really phenomenal movies high rewatch potential and very original very cool when they came out i don't know how
Starting point is 00:43:28 great they did but i think they're both really good alien movies i think edge of tomorrow famously did really poorly despite it being fucking awesome yeah great movie so that's it's a rare movie where it did so poorly that uh they re-released it under a different title live diary poorly yeah it did so poorly that the studio was like well we don't really lose anything from name recognition if we just try it again with a different name yeah that's a was that the only time they've ever done that that's a really funny i do remember that happening. They were like, we're fucking calling it this now. Anybody want to see it?
Starting point is 00:44:09 I really love it if they wait a few more months. That didn't work either. All right, fuck it. Mission Impossible 6. How about that? You guys like those movies? Mission Impossible 6, space. And I mean, arguably, people are going to be like,
Starting point is 00:44:24 no, come on on are you kidding me there's alien aliens one of the best movies of all time sure but alien is not a movie i rewatch it's not like a movie that i'm into i think the thing i'm like i'm not gonna rewatch that over and over like i don't want those i want like something that's cool and that i would that i would be happy to like watch anytime it's on. I think Aliens might be my choice. If I'm doing... We have similar, spiritually similar twin picks.
Starting point is 00:44:53 With District 9 and Edge of Tomorrow, if I could speak for you, I would say that you've got a badass alien war movie with fun rules in Edge of Tomorrow. And you've got an interesting and grounded investigation of what would happen if we actually had aliens yeah on the planet which is what district uh nine does i my two that fit those categories are very obvious choices of et and aliens et is it's it's tough to call et underrated because it was like
Starting point is 00:45:28 famously the biggest box office smash for the longest time and is pretty undisputed but no one talks about it anymore or really thinks about it and it ends it's a pretty perfect movie that really does seem like from jump is this is a grounded and realistic approach to oh shit there's an alien on this planet and like i love that he's not an invader i love that he's like just accidentally fucking there and he's stuck and i love that the the kids who find him are immediately like we can't let anyone know about this like the movie has to be about hiding et from the government and then the government finds out and we understand yeah this the government would want to cut him up and do a
Starting point is 00:46:16 bunch of experiments on him yeah that was very prudent of those children i agree uh and and et i think is you're absolutely right alien well did you say aliens or did you say aliens interesting okay talk to me about that one uh I just love it that's why I was shocked when you said that's not a movie that you want to I said alien oh alien you don't want to revisit okay yeah uh alien I think that's fair like I I don't re-watch alien the way that I re-watch aliens right I think it's it's just a perfect rewatch Alien the way that I rewatch Aliens. Right. I think it's just a perfect... I mean, you know how I feel about James Cameron. That guy doesn't miss.
Starting point is 00:46:51 He's untouchable. And Aliens is just like a perfect alien action movie. Space Marines versus Aliens. It's Space Apocalypse now. Yeah. It is a really cool movie and it had it certainly is rewatchable and like you i i know more like i couldn't tell you more than three lines of dialogue from alien but aliens you know like everything you there's so many great great scenes sing
Starting point is 00:47:21 hudson's dialogue in that movie. Those are good choices. And I think that you... I mean, we're right back to it being the most obvious, though, right? Yeah. I mean, we do... It might be... I'm curious what the stealth good answers are. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:43 Someone on Twitter will probably have one that'll make me think oh fuck there is technically an alien in that movie yeah like you know if if it was somehow revealed that someone in citizen kane was an alien just like very briefly if it's like you think rosebud is the sled but no it's this weird like like venus flytrap alien like little shop it's like oh shit little shop oh god damn it yeah little shop of horrors is a great movie man but i don't but it's really hard to compare all these movies too like i don't compare little shop of horrors and the thing um but uh yeah like in a show you like the great example from a show would be like, oh, Fargo, one of the best shows ever made. Yeah, that's one of the best shows with an alien.
Starting point is 00:48:29 Yeah. I'm sure that there's something like that, that I'm just not thinking of. But I just, it doesn't have to be the clever answer, right? No. We're right. We're right on these fronts. I think the aliens is a good choice. I think the E.T. choice i think the et is the
Starting point is 00:48:45 is so clearly what it should be yeah objectively the best alien movie yeah what did you think of that question was that was that worth it to talk about on the show yeah of course oh cool i love thinking about things like that uh fuck our audience i don't care if I love thinking about things like that. Fuck our audience. I don't care if they like thinking about that kind of thing. Yeah. I think we have looked at the numbers.
Starting point is 00:49:16 Our audience does not care for pop culture. They don't want to talk about it. Any of these hypothetical deep dive investigations into pop culture. They hate hearing us discuss it. Right. They each found no more movies no more tv our entire audience found us through other people whispering about a podcast where just two best friends talk yeah the no other place the divorce of context we have never worked anywhere else yeah other than this podcast uh i do like that question though but i see why that would haunt you because yeah
Starting point is 00:49:46 what what a weird phrasing i oh yeah i i i love that twitter user whose name i didn't commit to memory as a strange uh chaos agent who just looks for amas from people and no matter who like neil degrasse tyson or Gates, just be like, oh, I got one question with you. What's the best movie with an alien in it? That's the only thing I want to know in the world from anybody who will listen to me. Mr. President, Mr. President,
Starting point is 00:50:20 what's the best movie with an alien in it? Think about it. Does it count? Pennywise isn't an alien. He comes from another dimension? I don't know. The darker lights? I can't remember.
Starting point is 00:50:39 I shouldn't even ask that question. It does not qualify. It's not a good enough movie to even be on the list. It part one was good. Do you not like that? I thought it was great, but I don't think it's anywhere near alien or aliens. It's clearly in the same vein.
Starting point is 00:50:57 Oh, that's right. Yeah. Well, that about wraps it up. Somebody's standing up from a couch. Yeah. Spitting some up from a couch. Spitting some ice from a drink back into the glass.
Starting point is 00:51:12 The show is Quick Question, but you knew that already. We are recorded, edited, and produced by the irreplaceable Gabe Harder. Find him on Be Real. I wonder if that's a fucking prank. Of course it is. Our theme song is by the incredible Merex. Their digital album is available at merex.bandcamp.com. You can find Soren at Soren underscore LTD on Twitter or me at DOE underscore INC. You can find the show at QQ underscore Soren and Dan or email the show at QQ with Soren
Starting point is 00:51:34 and Daniel at gmail.com. We also have a Patreon. You can support us there if you want. That's patreon.com slash quick question. Yeah. Cool. Bye. Bye. dot com slash quick question yeah cool bye i've got a quick quick question for you all right i want to hear your thoughts
Starting point is 00:51:50 i want to know what's on your mind i've got a quick quick question for you all right the answer's not important i'm just glad that we could talk tonight so what's your favorite? Who did you get? When will I be remembered? What did I do? Oh forget it Saw a movie, Daniel O'Brien Two best friends and comedy writers If there's an answer they're gonna find it I think you'll have a great time here
Starting point is 00:52:24 I think you'll have a great time here I think you'll have a great time here

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