Quick Question with Soren and Daniel - QQ ep 22 - BOOhemian Rhapsody

Episode Date: November 8, 2019


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Starting point is 00:00:00 So, hello again and welcome to another episode of Quick Question with Soren and Daniel. We've been told that we need to say something up top, informing listeners that this is a new episode. Seems obvious to me. If it was an old episode, I wouldn't be calling it new. Now would I? And you wouldn't be hearing those sirens in the background. Yeah. We'll have a different sound effect next week. Quick Question is the advice podcast where two best friends who happen to be TV writers separated by 3,000 miles
Starting point is 00:00:27 catch up and answer questions because a couple of years ago we heard there was a lot of money in podcasts and we're looking for our slice of the pie. Just trying to get our beaks wet. Just getting that beak
Starting point is 00:00:39 fucking sopping wet. That's all I want. I'm Daniel O'Brien. I got a dry ass beak right now and I'm looking to get it just doused with podcast cash and I'm joined with, as always, by Soren Bui. Soren, hello. because I am based deep in some water right now with my beak just getting it all wet oh yeah yeah okay so now so now I'm confused about the the bit I'm are we making money or not what was the accent you just did oh no you don't like this you don't like this new, my new me that I'm trying out? And who's that other voice who is very reasonably criticizing the new me that Soren is trying out? Hey Dan, it's Bacon.
Starting point is 00:01:42 I wish you could see Soren's eyes just like squint a little when he was doing that voice. Give it a try, maybe it'll grow on you. Yeah. just like squint a little when he was doing that voice. Give it a try. Maybe it'll grow on you. I wish you'd prepared something a little bit better because at this point, you must know that I'm going to turn to you in the intro of this show to say something.
Starting point is 00:01:58 And you said, hey, Dan, I wish you could see Soren. This is an audio medium. Yeah, I'm trying to fill you in. Like you were in the room. Like everybody was in the room. Okay. As always, we are Quick Question. And as even more always, you, our listeners, have a name that you prefer to be called.
Starting point is 00:02:22 And that name is, hit hit it soren what is it uh the three questionnaires starring quiz o'donnell tim query and kweefer sutherland we can't nothing and like so so obviously this podcast has to stop but also the rest of the world has to stop because no one can continue once queefer sutherland has been stated out loud in a room with air in it and now we've said it twice if we say it one more time he's summoned he's gonna show up yeah oh my goodness uh i'm so happy that i handed that off to you at any rate our listeners which i've already forgotten everything except quee for sutherland uh we like to call out one review every week to read on the show and how do we pick that review i'll never tell uh but this week bacon
Starting point is 00:03:20 told me to do this one so we're gonna do it This is from one of our Patreons. If you have disposable income and like, even if you do, you shouldn't give it to us. Stop qualifying it. Stop qualifying it. Just give us money. No, like someone could give us money, but they shouldn't. But someone who did sent us this question and it's, fuck, it's so long. I mainly became a Patreon because I don't listen to the podcast on Apple.
Starting point is 00:03:52 So I couldn't give you five stars there, or I couldn't figure out how to do it. This podcast has become one of my favorites. That's nice. I stay in contact with one of my best friends by thirsting over Soren and Daniel and sometimes bacon. Impossible. While we listen to the episodes
Starting point is 00:04:07 and debate the questions between ourselves, so it has become a great support in our friendship. You guys are so kind and empathetic and sweet and cynical and smart and etc. I know that this has become too spelled wrong, mussy, to be ever on air, but you have a very small
Starting point is 00:04:24 and dedicated fan club in Iceland. Congratulations on the Emmy, Daniel. It was well-deserved, and I cheered for you. That's kind. Now for the question, how do you deal with negative reviews of your work? Oh, my God, that was long. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:40 I was very kind. I do lots of bits about how I hate this show and anyone who supports us. And I feel them deeply. But that was very nice of you and I appreciate it. You have a name that I, if I tried to pronounce it, it would be a racial hate crime. There's like a bunch of umlauts over letters that I didn't think umlauts could be over. So I won't embarrass either of us by trying to pronounce it. Dan, there's a...
Starting point is 00:05:10 I looked this up when I saw that review because I think it might be a local dialect thing, but I think mussy is definitely a word. Mussie? M-U-S-S-Y is a... It's a... I think it's a synonym for messy. Well, yeah. Bacon.
Starting point is 00:05:31 That's what I would have guessed. Your hair is must up. Can your hair be? Yeah. People say must for hair, I think. No, but I think they, I don't want to speak for, I don't want to speak for uh i don't want to speak for pure hill to her hume to door but i think the sentiment they were going for was mushy because it was getting very mushy oh it wasn't getting mushy like it was messed up it was
Starting point is 00:06:01 getting mushy like it was emotional i thought maybe it was messed up. It was getting mushy. Like it was emotional. I thought maybe it was messed up because she thirsts after bacon sometimes. And I want to know exactly when those moments are. Is it in the disappointed silence after each time he talks? But let's answer Pure Hilder's question. Okay. How do you deal with negative reviews of your work do you want me to go first yeah um well i don't read them mostly i think i used to back when like in the crack days i would read everything and now i just don't read anything because i don't particularly care anymore
Starting point is 00:06:39 but also because i'm at a point in my life where nothing anyone says to me can be as mean as I am to myself every single day. I talk to myself a lot more than I used to, I think. And I am unparalleledly cruel to myself in those moments where I'm trying to like psych myself up for things. And anything anybody says to me outside of that is just sort of charming it like that they're trying. Yeah, I feel like the when someone asks you questions like this, the what they're thinking of is like the very aggressive, the meanest thing you could possibly say to a person. And those have never really landed for me.
Starting point is 00:07:27 Like someone saying something wildly negative just slips off my shoulder. But someone saying something medium true, that'll destroy me. Like I can write a cracked column like i did back in the day and someone could be like this is fucking awful i hope you die i want to kill your family you suck and i'll laugh that off but if someone if someone wrote not your best i'll sit with that for a week i'll live with that and be sad about it for a very long time yeah i think i remember uh they those aren't muskets which is a michael swain sketch group before he was cracked uh they did a sketch once and one of the comments on it was nice underbite and all of them sat there for a very
Starting point is 00:08:20 long time trying to first figure out if it was them right and then trying to like figure out what the person what their intent was like what they're getting out of it and it it made them sit there and think about this person for a very long time which i think is the goal when you're when you say something really awful and mean i think like an expert trolling is something that that uh has an ounce of truth to it that you can sit with for a while. Yeah. Yeah. No, you're right.
Starting point is 00:08:48 I was really, we did a sketch once with Rachel Bloom where I was a, I was the flash and I was wearing a flash costume and it wasn't even a mean costume, but somebody just put a time code and then said, you can see Soren's penis and through the outline of the costume. And it really bummed me out a lot right that was like the harshest i think that was the one that got to me the most yeah and that was the weird thing because that was that was the take where like your your penis had gone out through
Starting point is 00:09:15 your arm sleeve it was like your left arm was out and then your right arm was just penis and you wanted to like stay true to the character and be super fast so fast that no one would even see it but then this a-hole was like if you pause it you can see it and that sort of deflates the character the director was to be fair the director did watch it in frame by frame and say i can see your your penis out of your sleeve hold if it does the scene do you want to redo it? And I said, no. Be true to the art. Yeah, of course.
Starting point is 00:09:49 Well, thanks for making us talk about that question, Bacon. Moving on. I have a question for you, Soren. A quick question. Shoot. Have you ever had a, I'd like to speak to your manager moment. Yeah, you go first.
Starting point is 00:10:08 I want to hear yours first. So I had my first. I don't normally do that because in any situation that I've been in when I've felt like I've been wronged or mishandled as a patron, I've either thought, oh, the person who's handling me is having a hard day, so I'll move on. Or I've thought, I'll just deal with this thing that is wrong forever.
Starting point is 00:10:32 But last week I had two days off and the worst thing you can do is give me time because I will be cranky and entitled and white with that time. And we have a digital marketplace at my apartment complex where anyone can post when they're selling something or trying to buy something or like I'm advertising my skills as a babysitter or I want to get a poker game going, whatever. It's a digital marketplace. You have the information that you need this person of a week ago posted a thing about how he didn't like how dogs were barking in the building and he posted an offer to it was all satirical it's fucking joke. An offer about how you could put your dogs down. He's a hack. He's not funny. He was like, oh, it seems like not everybody knows that dogs can be quiet. So you can go to my friend, Dr. Jack Kevorkian, and he can handle your dogs. It's a painless process and it's free. Just do it because the dogs are too loud right now. painless process and it's free. Just do it because the dogs are too loud right now. So it's essentially this post about this guy who wanted anyone who had a dog that was barking to have their dogs put down.
Starting point is 00:11:52 And I didn't like seeing it. I was very mad. He's not on my floor and he's not dealing with me directly. But, you know, you wake up on a Monday morning and you see a post that is like, hey, me directly but you know you wake up on a monday morning and you see a post that was like hey your dogs are allowed fucking kill them and i was immediately miserable and i drafted like three or four different drafts of emails that i could send directly to him they were like funny joke counterpoint eat my fucking ass you idiot but i didn't send those which draft was that that was every single draft they were glad that theme stayed through the first one was just that and then like as it went on there were more clever versions of that that all ended with counterpoint suck my fucking ass you idiot and i talked to my close friends and I was like, should I,
Starting point is 00:12:47 should I email this guy and, and tell him to suck my fucking ass? And they were like, think about it for a second. Maybe like, take some time. Like we agree. He's bad. We're on your side. He's bad. But like, think about it. And instead of emailing him, I emailed the building directly. And I said, hey, this person sent this email to the public digital marketplace. I can only speak for myself and like kind of my floor that also has dogs. We do a pretty good job of keeping them quiet.
Starting point is 00:13:25 that also has dogs. We do a pretty good job of keeping them quiet. If he has a problem with a specific person, he should talk to them and not go on the public square and say, you should kill your dogs. I understand it's a joke, but it's not pleasant to see a joke like this. And also also you chose to live in a building that allows dogs so that's on you buddy and the building immediately responded to me and they're like we've taken his post down and we're going to speak to him and we're going to serve him with a violation and you're right
Starting point is 00:13:58 and this never should have reached your door and we apologize and that was the first time that I've did, I've done like the entitled justice version of things. You know, I've done like petty justice. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:13 Instead you told on him, which is technically what you're supposed to do. Yeah. It didn't feel great. It didn't feel as good as petty justice feels. I think. I think you're right. I think culture has told us that you don't do the right version.
Starting point is 00:14:28 When you're telling somebody, you feel shitty about it. But when you just get them back in a way that they can't ever trace it back to you, oh, it's delicious. Yeah. But also, a thing that I learned, and I still want your answer on if you've ever told the manager about something. A thing that I learned when i talked to my apartment building they're like the problem is this was never supposed to reach you there's an ongoing dog situation on one of the lower floors that we thought we
Starting point is 00:14:57 had contained but it somehow now reached the rest of the building i was like oh i'm not mad anymore now i'm just curious what's going on yeah you got you got a peek inside the dog drama did you at any point reading his post think it might be your dog no okay just because i've i've talked to my i know all my neighbors in this corner of the apartment building and i've talked to them about Jackson, my sweet, amazing dog. And I've, you know, he's not the, he's not perfect. I mean, he's perfect, but he, when I talked to my neighbors and like, is he a problem at all? And I'll deal with it.
Starting point is 00:15:38 They're like, no, he'll let us know when we're getting home. Just, just saying hello. But that's it. He's not a bad dog. That's good. That's really nice when other people recognize how good your, your pet is. Right. He's just, if you're talking while walking down the hall, he'll, he'll bark hello. And that's it. And so I want to know now, I really badly want to know if these dogs actually do suck, but this guy also sucks. I do. Yeah. Cause management is like, yeah, it's, it's, it's not your floor.
Starting point is 00:16:07 It's a lower floor and it's been going on for a while and we thought we had it contained, but it's, it seems like it's spreading. I'm like, eh. I mean, I still think this guy who sent the email, whose name incidentally is Paul, is an asshole. But separately, I'm deeply curious about this ongoing dog feud. I was thinking about this the other day, that how nice it is sometimes when the universe allows me to hate the things that I already hate. And the fact that he said something that was,
Starting point is 00:16:48 that immediately my cockles go up. Is that the right phrase? Hackles. Hackles, okay. Hackles with an H. Oh, my hackles, not my cockles. No. Cockles is a type of shell-based.
Starting point is 00:17:03 My cockles went up because my beak was getting wet. That's what comes out of your sleeve and uh and then for him to do for the joke to be so bad it makes me just feel so good about how much i don't like him it's like oh thank god he also sucks at writing right because he tried to do like it was clear that the joke he was expressing was i will put your dogs down i will kill them i will put them to sleep forever and then he because he's a fucking hack was like i don't think they're gonna get it so i'm gonna say my good friend dr jack kvorkian which timely reference paul throwing that in there was like oh you're you're like an asshole and an idiot that's good that's very good i like that both things are true you can just as like an asshole and an idiot that's good that's very good i like
Starting point is 00:17:45 both things are true you can just as easily like jack of organs actually too far removed you could just say your friend who's a vet yeah and you get the same message like it's all clear yeah um so i as you as people who have been listening to the podcast and the uh the soricide squad as i like to call them out there who know a lot about me oh fuck you uh i have recently moved i'm and i'm dealing with a lot of contractors and i do this a lot now i've found because i honestly i don't know how a lot of these people stay in business they're so bad at their jobs and not like the, their skill. They're probably great at their skill, but like interpersonal relationships and like staying on track and staying on time and getting back to an entirely manner, that kind of stuff. They're just really, really bad at. And I had one really, really egregious example recently where, uh, I had to rush over to the house because there was a guy coming to
Starting point is 00:18:42 check on a leak in the roof. And it was a bad leak. I mean, it was one where you can actually see the holes in the shingles. And underneath, you can see that the ceiling is collapsing. And this is in a garage, so it's not a huge space. But he's supposed to come over a certain time. He comes over an hour and a half late. And he gets there. And I'm like, you're an hour and a half late.
Starting point is 00:19:04 And he's like, no, no like no no i'm only 40 minutes late it's like he's already like contentious over how late he is and so i'm already kind of mad and then i look at him and he's wearing sandals and shorts to go inspect a roof which is like a really dangerous thing to do because it's first of all you're on a slippery surface to not have good shoes on is a bad idea but also it's a soft roof so if you fall through it you can really hurt yourself and he hasn't signed any paperwork with me i don't know what kind of liability system they have and so i was like no you can't come you're wearing look at you where i call them flip-flops just to be mean crueler but i was like oh yeah you're wearing flip-flops and socks you're not coming in my house and he's like
Starting point is 00:19:42 i've been doing this for 80 years like i do it this is how i do it 80 i'm sorry he said i've been doing this since the 1980s okay it's very different which i think also meant i've been doing this since chester a arthur i think what he meant was i've been doing this since you were a kid which also kind of pissed me off too and so i was like but you're not doing it in my house i don't i'm not gonna take the liability of you being up there in flip-flops and he's like i'm not in flip-flops they're sandals and so he keeps arguing the how the severity of the things i'm bringing up in a way that seems completely arbitrary and so i was getting very very upset and i was like you know give me your foreman's number give me your foreman's number and called his foreman in front of him and i was like this guy showed up an hour
Starting point is 00:20:29 and a half late and he's he's wearing flip-flops and the foreman's like he's wearing flip-flops i was like well they're sandals you coward uh i said well you guys wear sandals with socks like that was gonna help my like the socks were gonna be like oh well that's unforgivable um but he he was very embarrassed and then uh he said all right well i'll talk to him you don't let him in that's fine don't let him in i'll talk to him and uh thank you so much for even thinking of us in the first place. If you ever had any other needs, like I promised this sort of thing won't happen again. And he just like gave up on the possibility even of the job. He was just like, no, yeah, let him go. And if, if we can ever make this up to you in any way, we'd love to. And as soon as you get that, you just really go for broke. Like suddenly that's
Starting point is 00:21:23 so empowering that i can see why those let me speak to your manager moments happen because as soon as you see the other person start to cave when you're mad like you it doesn't make you rescind at all it doesn't make you which it should it should make you step back and be like okay okay thank you instead it makes you feel very entitled in your anger like if they're giving then they must really know that they're wrong. And so like I just kept going for no reason. Just like about how late he was, about his appearance, about he shouldn't have showed up in shorts either. And as I'm going, I'm realizing that this is, he's standing right there and I'm just digging into this poor stranger.
Starting point is 00:22:00 So I was like, oh, okay, thank you. Bye. And then also shut the door on the guy. And then he went and basically sat outside in his truck for a little while then i saw him pop the hood of his truck and get out and go work on his truck for a little bit because i think his truck wasn't starting and i started to feel really really bad so i went outside and i was like do you need some help getting your truck started and he was like no no no it's okay and i went back inside and felt awful about it after that it was like i don't know if you've
Starting point is 00:22:30 ever been in a fight before like a physical fight with somebody it's at the end not on like super serious terms yeah i mean like i've been in a situation where punches were thrown and uh whether you came out on like what is objectively the top or not you never win in the end at the end you always feel so dumb for having gotten that emotional yeah that's kind of the thing that i learned from from doing this like reaching out to the apartment building and and seeking justice is like i came out the other side and thought, what? I don't feel better. I don't feel like I won. And I think even if I had done petty justice, even if I had emailed this guy directly, or as I tried to do, go online and see if I can find out what he looks
Starting point is 00:23:20 like so I could see him and then glare at him down the halls which i couldn't but even if i had done that i still don't think it would be fulfilling it wouldn't make me feel better yeah it's like at the end of something like that you you're almost kind of mad at yourself because this person made you feel and they got to see that and i hate giving that to anybody. Except, you know, my wife, obviously. Yeah. Yeah. Just some random guy named, you know, who knows? Could be anything.
Starting point is 00:23:55 Paul consumed my day. And I'm sure it didn't consume his. I guess I should kill him. I don't think you have a choice, man. He's seeing you. I wonder if they talked to him. They said they did, but I don't think you have a choice man he's seeing it well i don't know that i wonder if they talked to him and if they know if he said they did but i don't know like like that that could just be nonsense that they send that they say to someone was like don't worry we're going to talk to paul and we're going to serve him a violation and this is never going to happen again and he's
Starting point is 00:24:19 going to know what our rules and regulations are blah blah blah. They could just be placating me at this point. They're also in a circumstance like that. They've got no interest in protecting you. I've noticed that when I've called the police before or when I've had the police called on me, I parked in a residential street for a long time and the person who was sitting inside did not like that I was parking on that street and it made me want to do it more. And every time she would call the police because of a car sitting for 72 hours, it's considered abandoned and then you can get it towed.
Starting point is 00:24:53 And she got my car towed twice. So just go park over there. And the reason I found out it was her is because the first time it happened, I called the police and I was like, I think my car's been stolen. They said, what's your license plate here? It's been impounded. This is where it is. No,, what's your license plate here? It's been impounded. This is where it is. No, it's not your license plate now. And I was like, why?
Starting point is 00:25:10 Why? And they're like, well, this person called. Are you there in the spot right now? And I said, yeah. And they go, okay, it's that address right there. And they basically told me which house it was. And I was like, you're allowed to do that? And so people in that situation feel no affinity for whoever
Starting point is 00:25:26 just told in fact sometimes they hate you more so i would just look out damn look out for paul let's say i will i'm fucking ready i mean i don't know what i mean when i say that i'm ready i'm sleepy all the time and non-violent by nature wearing headphones frequently never looking up all very helpful for sabotage got a weighted blanket to hide under do you have a weighted blanket i just got it i i'm gonna try it out tonight how how heavy is it 15 pounds how cold is it there in in new york amer. Yeah. I mean like right now it's probably fifties. Okay. I'm very curious to see, first of all, if you continue to use it, what it's going to be like in July. Yeah. I won't use it in July. Oh, this is a winter thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:19 I just don't understand the, the, I I'm fascinated by weighted blankets. Everybody. It's also like kind of a therapy thing. It like a big heavy hug to to keep you contained when you're having anxiety attacks and so what is it you don't have yeah that's why because you'd fucking cracked the code or whatever i just got lucky lucky every day of my life. Have you ever, so never, you've never worn a weighted blanket, weighted vest or anything like that?
Starting point is 00:26:58 No. The closest I got was we had a production coordinator, I guess, or like a production editorial position at our job. This woman, Sarah card, who we both liked. She was really funny.
Starting point is 00:27:09 Yeah. She, at one point in a really bold move, somebody from the floor that had a bunch of mother's websites, mom websites brought her a wrap for her chat for her stomach. That basically is like a tummy tuck that makes you look thinner. It's kind of like a girdle, but it's all Velcro. Okay. Yeah. This is not that.
Starting point is 00:27:31 She was embarrassed by that. I took it and thinking I was funny, I put it on for the day and didn't want to take it off because it felt really nice to have that around my midsection. It's nice. I had my old therapist had me put on a uh a weighted blanket when it was clear
Starting point is 00:27:51 like even in the waiting room she was monitoring me from her office on a camera and could see me pacing in the waiting room which i think is very invasive that you're doing what is this sliver what she's watching you yes it was sliver that's what i said and it was a very accessible reference that she got 100 and i was like what is this sliver and she was like yeah it's kind of like sliver i don't know i'd have to re-watch it it's been a while and then she's like you seem anxious right now and she she put on this blanket and i thought this is fucking stupid and then as soon as i put it on i was like oh this feels this is this is good i like this very much put it on in the waiting room no we went into as soon as I put it on, I was like, Oh, this feels, this is, this is good. I like this.
Starting point is 00:28:25 You put it on in the waiting room. No, we went into her office and I put it on. Okay. And so then you got one. And I'm very curious to hear how it goes for you. I want to know like how you sleep, what your dreams are like,
Starting point is 00:28:35 all of it. I don't think I'll use it to, to sleep all the time. I think some nights when I'm feeling more anxious or if I, if I know I have, I don't have work in the morning, that's going to be a huge thing. If I could just like force myself to sleep in, then I'll employ the weighted blanket. Yeah. You know, actually, don't tell me.
Starting point is 00:28:55 I'll just watch on my monitors or as I like to call them, the sliver screens. That's fair. Yeah, that's good. That's right. All right. Do you have any questions for me? Yeah. Dan, quick question what personality traits are you ashamed that you're attracted to in the opposite sex because everybody's got something that like they don't know why maybe something from their
Starting point is 00:29:17 childhood their whatever at some point in their life that makes them very attracted to a personality trait that is not good for them and it's kind of embarrassing even, and you just can't help it. Do you want me to go first? Yeah, that's a very good question. Okay. I really... So I've learned that my entire family listens to this podcast, so I have to be very careful.
Starting point is 00:29:46 It's good that you said, actually, because my in-laws listened to it. And I think, yeah, those are the only family members I have that listened to it. But, uh, this is a personality trait that I didn't know I was attracted to until I look back on my dating history. And it's true of just about every woman I've dated. I'm attracted to women who get easily stressed out by things, that take everything very seriously and that it all kind of stresses them out. It's because you want to solve things for them? I don't think so. No, I don't totally. It's because you want to solve things for them. I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:30:27 No, I don't think so. I think it's that it's nice that they're focused on something other than me. Like knowing that they, I think I'm, I'm very, it's very easy for me to confuse stress for ambition because a stressed out person always looks like they've got like 40 irons in the fire. And so I like somebody who's ambitious somebody who has like clear goals and that are outside of the relationship when you when you're with somebody who's only it seems like you're their sole focus and they're only interested in you that's very off-putting for me and i don't want to be in that situation okay but what if someone is is neither stressed nor focused on you?
Starting point is 00:31:05 They're just chill. They're just like being the flow. I have no idea. I've never been attracted to a person like that. You know what I'd be curious about is Bacon's answer. Yeah. Does Mona listen to this? Do you want to cut her name out of this podcast does fucking anyone outside of my family listen to this just dan's parents dan's parents and my in-laws um no you know i i like uh i like when i can be helpful, I've realized.
Starting point is 00:31:45 And so when I find a lot of like personal joy in, I think with Dan, when you said like solving problems, I really like to help someone come to a solution on something. And so I think someone that's like naturally predisposed to like collaborative problem solving does a lot for me i don't want i want the opposite of what soren said yeah i don't like so yeah bacon that is embarrassing so the question was a thing that you're ashamed you're attracted to and your answer was i like solving problems i like a teammate who likes to solve problems with me and that i can be both my best friend and my lover so i'd say my biggest weakness is that i work too hard sometimes
Starting point is 00:32:28 do you have one dan yeah i mean i like i feel like for a real answer uh the thing that i wish wasn't true about me is uh an attraction to people who are not into me or a little bit tough with me like that like that's a big thing for me is finding someone who is uh a little mean to me, which I mean, that's probably. There's a whole book on that answer and why I'm seeking someone who is mean to me, but. Yeah, I don't know. Someone else, please. That's a very real answer, but I think a very common answer. I think a lot of people feel that way.
Starting point is 00:33:26 I think there's a little element of that in mine as well, that I want somebody who's focused on something other than me feels a little like that. Like, yeah, I'm looking for somebody who's cold and attached and only interested in something else and that I'm sort of kind of ancillary. Right. I'm, I'm interpreting it as, uh, mean to me, but I think what I probably mean is I'm not the center of this person's world. I'm not the most important thing that they have going on is, uh, I think a better version of what I want to say. Yeah. Can you isolate it?
Starting point is 00:33:58 Like, do you think that it's, if they're interested in, in other people and you can see that they're interested in other people and they're see that they're interested in other people and they're sort of cruel to your own emotions knowing how interested they are in you how interested you are in them that's something you're attracted to or is it they're interested in other things that are not uh that don't satisfy the same itch for them as you do i would say the latter they're interested in other things that don't satisfy the same edge. Yeah. It's like with someone who is interested in other people, that's, I'm, I'm in my thirties right now. I'm not interested in chasing someone who is clearly interested in someone
Starting point is 00:34:33 else, but, uh, someone who is not putting me at the center of their world. Yeah. That's, that's my shit. That's extremely my shit. Yeah. I, I can see that. I mean, I just, we we're old enough now we've been friends for long enough that you can start to see patterns in other people i've known you to be a very chivalric guy that you treat women really well that when uh even when you're there's no expectation on
Starting point is 00:34:59 your end but when they're suffering you'll come over to their house and help them no matter what when they're uh too drunk to get home on their own, you will take them to your place, let them sleep on your couch and feed them breakfast in the morning. Uh, you go above and beyond for a lot of women. And I think that occasionally that has burned you where women have just sort of treat you like shit. It's never burned me. Oh, it's always been. That's been, that's satisfied the itch. Oh, it's always been, that's been, that's satisfied the itch. No, I, well, let's separate those two ideas. I don't feel burned if I, if I help someone get home safely and, and, and I get nothing from it.
Starting point is 00:35:40 That's not a burn. What I meant is that there's no gratitude. Yeah. I'm not saying like they owe you. I'm saying that. No's no gratitude. Yeah. I'm not saying like they owe you. I'm saying that. No, you are. Okay. I'm saying that they owe you, but what they owe you is not sexual. What they owe you is gratitude for that. Like a thank you or like a realization of what you've actually done for them and an accounting for that. Like, hey, I see the magnitude of what you've just done. You drove 40 miles. You were in, this is a city you're not familiar with. You drove me home 40 miles because I was too drunk to do it on my own. I don't, I, and then you left very, very kindly. And I never mentioned it again. Like there women are the the it's hard for me to say this you know what i'm talking about
Starting point is 00:36:30 though right do you know what situation i'm talking about i know the specific situation that you're talking about where i uh drove a woman 40 miles home in a in a an unfamiliar city um but i'd like you to keep talking uh that at no point after that were was she ever acknowledging what had happened uh that that was a nice thing that even that was a nice thing i mean i'm sure there was a thank you at the end of the night that there was never never pulling you aside being like hey i was out of line or I shouldn't have done that. And that was really kind of you to do that, which is something that like, I think all of us try, try to adhere to in our lives where when somebody goes out on a limb for you and it's clear that they're extending themselves, you recognize it. And I think that you've encountered some women
Starting point is 00:37:19 who have not. Well, I, I, uh, you, you've said some very kind things uh i because we're in that fucking corner again but i sit down i feel like uh you have and will do similar things for men and women for the rest of your life i mean i i think you and I are similar in that we've just, we have like a, a baseline understanding of what we think is the right thing to do. And we do them. It's not, it's not specific to me and, and women. Like if I met a guy who was super drunk in a city that was unfamiliar to that person, I would drive 40 miles to get them home safely. And you would too. If we didn't know each other and you found me drunk at a bar in Glendale. Well, hold on. Are you crying?
Starting point is 00:38:18 I'm not crying. I'm pitching you a show that I think would be great. I hate this. Strangers pitching me. I have a lead on a place where we could both move in together. And it would be like, it would be a money saver for both of us if we moved into this place. So like, do you want to do it? Do you want to move in with me? And make this web series?
Starting point is 00:38:44 And we're strangers. Uh, yeah, I would. You wouldn't move in with me, but you would get me home safe. Um. You wouldn't? Sorry, and it's my birthday. I know you mentioned it like a hundred times. It's weird to me that you're not spending it with your friends.
Starting point is 00:39:06 Honestly, you're my friend. Seems like a red flag. Yep. See red flag. Um, yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:39:15 We've certainly gotten into friendships, which I think is probably the logical direction that should go is like, do you also find these, these people attractive in your friendships as well? Do you find that you, people who are a little bit mean to you are your good friends no i i'm very lucky uh separate from you who is a very supportive person uh my closest friends are the the greatest and most supportive group in the world it's your fans right it's my oh yeah if i had to rank them i was like number one fans number two troops and number three city of baltimore oh my
Starting point is 00:39:54 god the city is a character um no like i i have very good friends that like we we all just celebrate each other i'm i'm i'm lucky and I encourage anyone who's listening to this podcast, which is to say, mom, uh, find people who look at you the way that my friends, Elise and Jamie and Caitlin look at me, you know, find that mom. It's your mom not spoiled for choice with friends right now. Yeah. She, I just, I, I want my mom to hang out with my friends more. Uh,
Starting point is 00:40:29 that fits. Uh, I think it's true. My, my thing is also my, with truth friends. I think it's weird when you encounter a friend who's like, Hey,
Starting point is 00:40:40 we need to hang out more. Yeah. Oh man, we never hang out. You and I got to hang out or they're telling stories to other people like he just you you gotta hear this he did the funniest thing and like that you are the focus of the friendship it's very off-putting yeah but you have you you similarly have very supportive friends you don't have like you're not i i i went to your bachelor party and it wasn't like an aggressive bro thing.
Starting point is 00:41:06 It was a bunch of buddies hanging out. Like we all just like enjoyed being around each other. And this is like your, your brother and your college friends and your new LA work friends. You just like surrounded yourself by positive, uh, sweet boys. Yes.
Starting point is 00:41:23 Yeah. I mean, you say that, but we went to Las Vegasgas and i split my face open and had to go to the hospital that's a pretty bro-y thing that happened yeah but it wasn't it wasn't like at a strip club or anything that's very true we got drunk eating hot dogs at a house in henderson yeah yeah the context is important i guess um yeah i guess that's true um i don't know i guess i what i would say is you that shouldn't be something you're ashamed of
Starting point is 00:42:00 being attracted to people who are mean to me well that's when you phrase it like that doesn't sound great you know what i mean uh i need to track down i'm so sorry i need to track down all the social accounts um while i'm doing that oh i'm very pleased to share this with you guys so soren's been workshopping a one-man show that some might argue is controversial i count myself among them but uh that's all right sometimes and the act is called what if freddie mercury did stand up instead it's a one-man show where he plays embodies really freddie mercury as a stand-up comedian it's three hours and 45 minutes long i believe he's debuting it next tuesday brunch at the dynasty typewriter but as a special treat he's going to perform some of it right here right now this is soren as freddie
Starting point is 00:42:52 mercury as a stand-up comic and he does a voice and everything and maybe even sings let's hear it fuck dude Fuck, Dan I hate my wife How badly do I hate my wife? She sleeps in a separate house than me And And I think there was a waiter at one of my parties that i ended up hooking up with if i remember the movie correctly
Starting point is 00:43:30 what what what what and so you're a stand-up comic. What type of music do ghosts like? Bohemian. And that's just a table. Gabe doesn't even know me. He has his head in his hands. You can find Soren at Soren underscore LTD on Twitter. You can find me at DLB underscore INC.
Starting point is 00:44:05 You can find Bacon at MakeMeBaconPlease, PLS. You can email the show, QQ with Soren and Daniel at gmail.com. You can find the show on Twitter at twitter.com slash QQ underscore Soren and Daniel. You can find us on Instagram, QQ underscore with underscore Soren underscore and underscore Daniel. We have a Patreon that you should not partake in. We have a new engineer, Gabe, who will not provide any information for how you can hire him in the future. But he's great.
Starting point is 00:44:40 We love him. Anything else to add, boys? I'm just distracted. I'm trying to think of a way in the future to get you to do a Native American affectation. All right, bye. See you later.

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