Quick Question with Soren and Daniel - QQ ep 28 - The Mailbag Episode!

Episode Date: January 9, 2020

In this episode Soren and Daniel answer listener questions!  Also a big thanks to Skillshare for supporting this episode.  Get 2 months of unlimited access at Skillshare.com/qq....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So, hello and welcome to a very special episode of Quick Question with Soren and Daniel, the podcast where two best friends ask each other questions of dubious length. Normally, Soren and I ask each other questions, but seeing as it is a holiday, we decided to do less work. So, we're doing what a lot of podcasts do around this time of year and hosting a mailbag episode where we take your questions. These questions have been solicited and recorded by Bacon, who will be reading them. We have not seen these questions in advance.
Starting point is 00:00:28 We're going to answer them. But before we do that, I just want to check in with my co-host and ride-or-die buddy for life, Soren. What's up, Soren? Hey, how's it going? How's your holiday season? It's pretty good. By the time this episode comes out,
Starting point is 00:00:45 which will be right around New Year's, I will have hosted my parents for Christmas Day. The first time I've hosted anyone for Christmas Day. Are they sleeping
Starting point is 00:00:54 in your bed you're sleeping in? They're staying in a place in Jersey. They're just going to come here to hang out. Oh, okay. I'm going to make
Starting point is 00:01:02 some food. I think maybe pork shoulder, but I'm not sure yet. Oh, yeah. That's very exciting. But seeing as it's New Year's and before we get into the questions from our fans, DOBs, devotees and the sworn swords of Sorin, real quick, have you ever- Don't call my fans though. The Soricide Squad, you know that. I hate it. Have you ever done a new years resolution
Starting point is 00:01:26 like actively like I'm gonna do this and stick to it really yeah but I never it's humiliating every single time it's something I try and just do quietly and by myself because I know I'm gonna
Starting point is 00:01:42 fail at it like what well it'll be like last year I was like I try and just do quietly and by myself because I know I'm going to fail at it. Like what? Well, it'll be like last year I was like, all right, this is the year you buckle down and you really try and get a literary agent. This was like long before any of the stuff blew up with the WGA. But I was like, this is when you try and you buckle down, you get a literary agent. And then I did absolutely nothing to further that. Within the first week,
Starting point is 00:02:08 I was starting to try and do some things and then I just gave up on it. The year before that, I was like, this is the year where you write three different pilots for three different genres. Maybe that was too ambitious, but I didn't write one. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:02:24 I mean, I wouldn't. No, I've never done a New Year's resolution. It's possible I did when I was much, much younger, but it's never been a thing that held any kind of appeal to me. I don't know. Yeah. That's great. That means that your life is going the way you want it to.
Starting point is 00:02:42 Yeah, let's say that. I have one thing I've done that it's not even a long con. It's just a thing that I've done since literally middle school is just right around New Year's, I've decided this is the year of Daniel. And it's like I would proclaim it. Like going back to 1998 would say, okay, guys, it's almost 1999. 1999 is going to be the year of Daniel. I've decided it. And then I've done that every single year since then.
Starting point is 00:03:13 And it's been a tweet that I've made since Twitter has existed. Just like, I'm going to preemptively call it 2008 year of Daniel. 2009 year of Daniel. I've always done it. I don't think, I think maybe like two or three people have caught on to the fact like, hey, I think he does this every year. I think I may have accidentally stolen your joke at least once then, because I did tweet at some point.
Starting point is 00:03:41 I regret to inform you that year 2016 or whatever it was uh this summer of 2016 was not in fact the summer of soren and i mean that's a good spin on the joke maybe i'd stolen that from you but anyway we're gonna get into a bunch of questions from you guys our listeners and we haven't even been around for a year we've only been doing almost 30 episodes, and it's still been a lot of fun, not just talking to Soren, but also reading your reviews, reading your comments, and talking to our listeners, and finding out what you guys like, what you're into, and sort of, I think, together developing what this podcast is, because we weren't really sure at the start. I think that's true.
Starting point is 00:04:27 I've sort of built it around the opinions of people. Bacon just the other day told me that there was a review online where somebody had said, they talk a lot about being rich. And I was like, Oh, they don't know what's a bit. Oh,
Starting point is 00:04:41 that's sad. We're not doing that bit anymore. Thanks to Skillshare for supporting Quick Question. Join the millions of students already learning on Skillshare today with a special offer just for our listeners. Get two months of Skillshare of premium membership for free at Skillshare.com slash QQ. But let's now get into questions from our wonderful, amazing fans and patrons who have supported the show from the beginning.
Starting point is 00:05:07 And Soren and I don't know what the questions are. Bacon is going to read them and we're going to answer them. And that's going to be the whole fucking show. Yeah. So the first one is from at tally underscore burger. They ask, do you ever find yourself saving a particular item for last? For example, I love the candy dots and it really bums me out if I can't enjoy a pink one last.
Starting point is 00:05:29 So I'll go out of my way to preserve one. I always order things from least preferable to most preferable. The example that sticks out in my brain right now is just because I came back from North Carolina. I was visiting my parents and we went to a brewery to get like a beer tasting thing. And I do the thing that I always do when I do like a flight of beer. I take a sip of each and then I order them in the way that I want them. So drink the ones that I like the least first and then save the best for last.
Starting point is 00:06:04 Everything that I do is about delayed gratification oh order like rearrange them okay i was about to be worried for you that you were getting i thought you were getting a flight you were drinking the flights and then ordering each one of those drinks individually and saving them i was like don't I take a sip? Come on, man. And I was like,
Starting point is 00:06:26 okay, this one, this one beats this one. Yeah. This one beats that one. And then make sure the last one I have is the best one. Yeah. I am a,
Starting point is 00:06:35 I have a child's taste, child's palate. So I eat a lot of sugar cereals and I still eat fruit loops and I still pull marshmallows out of the fruit loops. At least a few of them that I could just fit in my hand, like a, a good sizable amount of, of marshm, that I can just fit in my hand like a good sizable amount of marshmallows that I can all stuff in my mouth at the end so I have that taste in my mouth last.
Starting point is 00:06:51 Do you want to hear about like a missed opportunity of a million dollar idea? I learned this from my buddy Chris Bregnola who runs a junk food review blog called Junk Banter, which you can find online and on instagram junk banter um they sold marshmallows that purported to be like lucky charmers marshmallows like you could bag buy a bag of them but it's fugazi it's it's just normal marshmallows with a couple of different colors to them it's not like a large sized lucky Charms marshmallow thing. If you actually sold Heartstars, horseshoes, clovers, and blue moons in like normal size
Starting point is 00:07:32 in a bag of marshmallows, that's a million dollar idea, but no one's doing it. Yeah. With that dehydrated, crunchy taste to them. Yeah. Absolutely. That's a great idea. All right. Fuck this podcast.
Starting point is 00:07:44 Let's do that. Sorry, Gabe. I'm sure we could find a job for you there. Gabe knows a marshmallow guy. Okay. The next one is from JD, underscore JD Burrows. He asks. Oh, he's been around for a long time.
Starting point is 00:08:03 He's a huge fan from way back. Oh, that's great. Yeah, that name is very familiar. He asked... I thought it was a good question. He said... He said, if they Freaky Friday'd you guys, I don't know who they are, but if they Freaky Friday'd you guys, what would you do while you were the
Starting point is 00:08:19 other person? I mean, that's... Like, I'm not going to do anything with Soren's family. That's a very strange thing to do. You'd have a kid. I thought you, that's what I was saying. I thought you were definitely going to answer. That's exciting. Like I would probably play with, with, with, with Ronan as much as I could, but if he's in school, I'm not going to do any housework for, for Soren. I'm not going to spend any of my downtime doing that. I would say, here's the thing. Here's a tremendous difference between Soren and I, is that I am very bottom heavy.
Starting point is 00:08:54 I got really thick legs and a world-class dumper. So there's a lot of weight down there that holds me back from a lot of things. So I think if I was in Soren's body and I had his body, I would do some climbing just to see how high I can get and how fast I could get there because he's got the body of a climber. So I would go to like rock gyms and I would find a bunch of trees to climb because I'm held back by, again, this galactic dumper and these thick-ass tree-trunk legs of mine. I have bird bones, basically, too, Dan. I'm very light. Yeah, you're so light. You're so fucking light.
Starting point is 00:09:32 You just throw yourself up stuff. We did a... Soren and I did a race together, and part of it involved I carry him for 50 yards, and then he carries me for 50 yards, and it felt like I had less weight when I had Soren over my shoulders. I was flapping my arms very hard.
Starting point is 00:09:54 Yeah, and for the same reason, if I was in Dan's body, I would kick some stuff, kick through some walls and things like that with those oak tree legs. Maybe I'd go on some dates. Maybe I'd just mess up Dan's life. You would trot out these brontosaurus gams for some dates? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:16 I'd use those to my benefit. I'd get some girls to see those calves, those bumping calves. Yeah, I would go into Bumble. I would agree to some dates. I would go on some dates and then I would never tell Dan about it. I think you'd be really disappointed with Bumble
Starting point is 00:10:32 because this is true. Bumble just emailed me yesterday to say that your profile is invisible now because you've been so inactive for so long. Oh, Dan. I just haven't been using it. I wonder
Starting point is 00:10:48 if I could, buddy. Well, I'm not doing that. Boy, but that's a bummer. Maybe I could I would try and cook some stuff and see if there's some muscle memory in that body and just see what it would be like to be a really good chef.
Starting point is 00:11:03 Chopping up onions and knowing that that muscle memory is there and watching how to do it. And I'd be like, oh, I see. I see how to do this. So, you're trying to learn something to be better and I'm just climbing. Well, you want to- Because it seems nice. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:21 Because like I can't get that high. My legs are too heavy. But Soren can. Well, mine is more of a penance, you understand. Mine is – there's a lesson to be learned from it. Bacon, what's our next question? Real quickly. Soren, I think your most controversial opinion you've expressed on this podcast is your vegetable bomb where you just get a handful of spinach and squeeze it into your mouth.
Starting point is 00:11:47 People reacted very strongly on both sides of that. Oh, really? They were either like, oh my God, I do this exact same thing. Or like, what is wrong with you? Grow up. You're a child. People do that exact same thing. That's the more startling one, honestly. That's insane to me.
Starting point is 00:12:00 Now, if you find yourself listening to this podcast and thinking, what's so great about Soren and Daniel? I could do what they're doing. I'm going to tell you right now, buddy, you're probably right. And you can find out how to do that on Skillshare. Skillshare is an online learning community where millions of people come together to take the next step in their creative journey. With thousands of inspiring classes for creative and curious people on topics
Starting point is 00:12:25 including illustration, design, photography, video, freelancing, and more, you can learn how to do just about anything on Skillshare. Now Dan, I don't know if I told you, but I've been on Skillshare quite a bit over the holidays. I did one on animation that I found very compelling and very good, and it was really nice for somebody like me who came in with absolutely no experience to do that. And they were very open and welcoming. And it was, it just felt like I was, it was okay that I was starting from scratch, you know, Dan, geez, nothing. It's like, this is prerecorded. Anyway, there's another one I want to try that's on productivity, but just, I can't find the time, you know. Skillshare is a proud sponsor of Quick Question with Soren and Daniel. Explore your creativity at Skillshare.com slash
Starting point is 00:13:10 QQ and get two free months of premium membership. That's two whole months of unlimited access to thousands of classes for free. Get started and join today by heading to Skillshare.com slash QQ. That's Skillshare.com slash QQ. And one more time, that's Skillshare.com slash QQ. That's Skillshare.com slash QQ. And one more time, that's Skillshare.com slash QQ. Okay, this one is from at Bandit Soul. They ask, present company excluded, which one of your former cast members do you feel more deserve, deserves more credit or deserving of the most success after Cracked?
Starting point is 00:13:44 That's easy for me. Michael Swain is deserving of the most success after Cracked? That's easy for me. Michael Swain is one of the funniest and smartest people I've ever met. He's very charming on the spot. He's great at improv. He's also just kind of a genius. He's really well read and is dangerously funny. I don't know why he's not writing on a show somewhere. Yeah, it's difficult because there's no one, none of the expats,
Starting point is 00:14:14 none of the people who were at Cracked who are no longer there, who don't deserve a successful career writing or acting or directing or producing in some way michael is certainly a standout as someone who i just seems like tragically born in the wrong time this is going to be this is going to sound very lofty but i feel like were he born in shakespeare times he wouldn't necessarily be Shakespeare, but he should be, should have been born at a time where very wealthy people just paid for him to live the way that people paid for Shakespeare to live, where it was just like, I'm the king and you're very talented. So here's money for you to live. And all you need to do is create when you feel inspired to create and make things. That's the life that Michael should have
Starting point is 00:15:08 is just financially supported life while he makes brilliant things that no one else can come up with. It's unfortunate that he lives in this time of the internet and a content bubble that has burst thrice in our lifetimes. But separate from him, since Soren already took him as an answer, internet and a content bubble that has burst thrice in our lifetimes. Separate from him, since Soren already took him as an answer,
Starting point is 00:15:37 it's insane to me that Carmen Angelica isn't staffed somewhere right now. Yeah. She's probably my first call if I'm given a show, which I don't want to show. I don't want to be a showrunner, but if by some horrible twist of fate, I was made a showrunner and they're like, you need someone who's going to be your, who's your first hire? Carmen, hands down. Yeah. She's great. She's also great. I mean, we would write scripts back in the day. She would, she's great at punching stuff up. She's also great in the room, just coming up with new bits,
Starting point is 00:16:04 just like one after the other. And you're like, oh yeah, no, that's perfect. And so they're on story, they're on narrative, like they're great. Yeah, and she has that thing that can't be taught and isn't like a talent thing, but it's just like, yeah, if I'm working on a story and it's three o'clock in the morning,
Starting point is 00:16:22 I'm happy to be around Carmen. Like if we're both stuck in the office at four o'clock in the morning, I'm glad it's Carmen and not some difficult, problematic genius somewhere. It's just Carmen, who is as talented as anyone I've ever met, and it's also just pleasant to be around. Go, Carmen. Everyone hire Carmen Angelica. Yeah, and for Swaim stuff, he's at Swaim Cor s-w-a-i-m underscore corp um and i think you can support his uh creative endeavors through patreon.com yet slash small beans and he's doing some cool stuff with ign right i just uh yeah that stuff looked pretty neat um are there any
Starting point is 00:17:01 we don't have to use this but are there any any, uh, actors that you guys think were, um, or on their way to big things? Um, cause I know that we, back in the day before I got there, actually at Sam Richardson was on the show or was on some of the sketch stuff as well. Right?
Starting point is 00:17:16 Yeah. We still, we still do a lot of sketch with skits with Sam. I think Dan and Michael and Dan and Michael and Jack, uh, kids. Dan and Michael and Jack discovered who Sam Richardson was
Starting point is 00:17:28 at Just for Laughs. They're like, oh, there's something very special about this guy. We really worked hard to get him into stuff with us. It was very lucky. We met him at Just for Laughs and when I saw him, I was like, hey, if you're ever in
Starting point is 00:17:44 LA, let me know. We'd love to get you in stuff. He's like, I was like, hey, if you're ever in L.A., let me know. We'd love to get you and stuff. And he's like, I'm moving to L.A. I'm like, OK, great. It was like I can't take any credit for it because it was like really easy. He's just like a very talented guy who wants to work. And we were lucky that he showed up in L.A. at the right time. And we just got him in as many sketches as we could.
Starting point is 00:18:06 We also had someone I'm trying to, I can't track down his name right now, but, um, there was a guy that we did a series of shorts at cracked tales to get spooked to. Is that what it was called? Soren?
Starting point is 00:18:20 Yeah. Stories to get spooked by. Yeah. Stories to get spooked by. That's, that's right. Um, and Labes, in this one that I wrote about a stepdad that is a vampire.
Starting point is 00:18:39 We just had him play like a young kid who was dealing with the divorce of his parents and his new dad who incidentally ended up being a vampire. And I just saw him in Watchmen two weeks ago. He played young Wayne Tillman in Watchmen. That's exciting. So shout out to Philip. That's awesome. Okay.
Starting point is 00:18:59 This one is from at Sandy Mucket. And they ask if you were- What a name. At Sandy Mucket, and they ask if you were transported to the year 1919 and needed to convince someone, anyone, that you were from the year 2019, how would you go about this? 1919? Yeah. That's not that far back. What month? Probably like January.
Starting point is 00:19:21 If it's January, I would say, heads up, Theodore Roosevelt's going to die in his sleep soon. Oh, yeah. Your knowledge of history really helps you here. If it's later than that, I would say Woodrow Wilson's going to have a stroke. And if it's later than that, I would say bet against the White Sox. 1919, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:43 Oh, that's Shoeless Joe Jackson. Is that really when they threw it that's black socks scandal yeah yeah okay okay yeah i feel pretty good about that do you remember this is not related to the question but do you remember we had one time hold on are we just like moving past how fucking great i'm gonna talk about it but we had uh we there was like a trivia contest i tried to do like bar trivia and they asked, uh, there was, it was,
Starting point is 00:20:06 it was list the presidents, um, from most recent presidents, basically list all of the presidents and which number of president they were. And I've never seen more people like turn directly to you for, to like save the day immediately. That was really impressive. That was very impressive.
Starting point is 00:20:25 How did I arrive there? Am I naked? Yeah. Oh. It's Terminator 1 style. Okay, so lightning bolts all around me. I'm on one knee. You're Austrian.
Starting point is 00:20:38 They're naked in all of the Terminators. That's a good point. Well, that ruins that idea um what could i convince them with you could say hey is is june coming up because the treaty of versailles is going to be signed ending world war one is that proof enough for you? You fucking plebes. You could say that, Soren. You naked genius. I'm trying to think of anything I could do to maybe save some people.
Starting point is 00:21:12 Oh, get your money out of the stock market. 1919? Well, they got a decade. Damn fact checkers. They have a decade. They have until 1928, right? Yeah. Okay. That's how you would prove that you're from the future
Starting point is 00:21:27 and your money out of the stock market in 10 years ignore the roaring 20s okay hold on when's with a great gatsby written when is it written you're gonna write the great gatsby yes oh i'm gonna yes that's how i do it whatever song i know piano free fallen by tom petty i'm bringing that out i'm i'm uh introducing it to them and i'm gonna be uh oh wait what's the question is not to get rich again you have to wait 60 years 70 years till tom petty writes free fallen again you need to prove that you're from the future. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:06 No one's asking you to make money here. But I got to wet my beak. Okay. Can we just go back? Okay. Imagine you weren't naked. What was your original one that you said? Ah, got to throw that away.
Starting point is 00:22:18 Yeah. So, if I'm not naked, then surely there's some new world stitching. I've got my jeans that they would be pretty impressed by. Just my clothing alone, I feel like I could show it to them and they'd be like, oh, look at that stitch. Yeah, okay. This is something we've never seen before and this would be very beneficial to have.
Starting point is 00:22:36 There's a lot of t-shirts that if you look at the side underneath the sleeve, they don't actually have a seam because they've been sewn through this process. I feel like even if you write this moment, you currently in 2019 was sent back to 1919. The people would still be like, this clothes kind of feels like sort of 2006 now. What are you wearing a visor and cargo shorts? Oh, um, boy,
Starting point is 00:23:08 when's the Titanic? I feel like there's some things I could, I wouldn't even be able to go to a library and like, look this stuff up. Cause I wouldn't know how to use a Dewey decimal system. I wouldn't know what's already happened and what hasn't, uh, the rubber in my shoes.
Starting point is 00:23:24 I don't know, man. I think I'm done. I think I'm, I think it it might i'll be worse off in 1919 than i am now you wouldn't even try to prove that you were from 2019 no i would work at it but i'd really have to think i'd have to sit down and have a real ponder about how i was going to convince anyone of this because there's i'm not good like that area that piece of history like I am not clear on when things were around that time and what's already happened and what hasn't and what's not due for decades. Sorry. Oh, this is bad. This is really embarrassing for me. Myself.
Starting point is 00:23:59 Sandy Mucket. Sandy. I let Sandy down. Okay. Next question. If either of you were going to adapt anything, franchise or no, unlimited funds, what would your film or TV series be an adaption of? And how long have you wanted to do it? Why The Last Man, a graphic novel that I've loved since it came out. novel that I've loved since it came out. Years back, since we've talked about him already, thought I wanted Michael Swaim as Yorick, as the main character. It's an incredible graphic novel about the end of the world. There's some cataclysmic event that happens that wipes out all men on the entire planet so it's just women except one guy named yorick and his monkey a capuchin monkey who is also male named ampersand
Starting point is 00:24:55 and they're just sort of going all over the world sort of trying to lay low because they don't want to draw too much attention to themselves and they're also trying to figure out why this happened and why they were spared and there are a bunch of different factions of people that spring up in the aftermath of the end of the world and it's very funny it's very realistically played out uh york is a close-up magician close-up hand magician which appeals to me as a fan of magic and uh i've always liked it i think it would meet make a great two or three season series on hbo where i work currently. You do? Tell me more. I think Michael might be too old for it now, but I would still like to do it one day. I would do...
Starting point is 00:25:52 Okay. I would want to do a remake of The Iliad as a movie, but set as like a Friday Night Lights type of movie where it's high school football. There's clearly all the same character analogs as there are in the Iliad because football feels like this last vestige of where people just destroy someone
Starting point is 00:26:17 and then stand over them. And they're like, you're nothing. You are nothing. I am everything. And that was like something that was very popular in ancient Greek epics. And you can have all the same character analogs you can have achilles like drop out i'll drop off the team because he's just not happy with it like the coach got his his his buddy hurt got patrickless hurt and he's like nah fuck it i'm not playing uh and the team just starts to
Starting point is 00:26:41 lose badly and you can have all the same analogs. You can have this other team that maybe they play early in the season get destroyed by, which is like these Trojans. And then later they're going to have to play them again in the playoffs or at state, whatever it is. And that's when Achilles is back. Achilles is so upset that he comes back. He's so upset that he comes back. Yeah, what's the analog for him murdering the suitors?
Starting point is 00:27:12 No, no suitors. That's Odysseus. Oh, am I confused? Yeah, Iliad is the Trojan War. Sorry, I'm stupid. No, you are not stupid. I couldn't convince 19-year-olds that I was a 2019-year-old. Yeah, I think you could make a really good movie around basing that on current modern-day high school football, and it would be very, very cool and fun.
Starting point is 00:27:46 Well, I think that's it, guys. You don't have any more questions? No. We're all out of – The other ones are just long questions, and that's not on brand for us. Did you hear that, Dan? Did you just hear Bacon snickering at his own jokes in the silence?
Starting point is 00:28:02 Good joke. Hey, guys. Happy New Year, guys. Yeah, Happy New Year. Okay, yeah. We'll wrap this up. Thank you, everyone, for listening this year. It's been great.
Starting point is 00:28:18 It solved everything. We did it. My skin is better. I'm happy. I found love, And everything's wonderful. What should we say at the end of this thing? Global warming stopped. We did.
Starting point is 00:28:31 Oh, that's very good. We saved the planet. I like that about us. Yeah. So, great work, everybody. I couldn't have done it without you. Soren, do you have any listeners you want to shout out? I haven't learned a person's name since 2006.
Starting point is 00:28:47 So I don't think that's a good idea. I mean, we met in 2008. So, you know. I still call you Dan. Bacon, any final words you have for us? No, you guys are great. Glad we're doing this. Let's keep doing it.
Starting point is 00:29:02 Yeah. Listen, I love you guys is that weird yeah oh okay well bye

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