Quick Question with Soren and Daniel - Rescue Music

Episode Date: May 21, 2024

The guys determine the appropriate soundtrack for a dangerous situation.  ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I've got a quick, quick question for you, alright? I wanna hear your thoughts, I wanna know what's on your mind I've got a quick, quick question for you, alright? The answer's not important, I'm just glad that we could talk tonight So what's your favorite? Who did you get? When do I be remembered? What's it up with? Where did all the good weeks go? Oh, forget it
Starting point is 00:00:25 Saw a movie, Daniel O'Brien Two best friends and comedy writers If there's an answer, they're gonna find it I think you'll have a great time here I think you'll have a great time here last week tonight with John Oliver, author of How to Fight Presidents, and jack up a few other trades, but I never talk about it because I'm so shy. Daniel O'Brien, joined as always by my co-host, Mr. Soren Bui. Soren, say hello.
Starting point is 00:01:13 Hello, everybody. I'm Soren Bui. I'm a writer for American Dad, if you didn't already know. Daniel, are you painting? No, me. Daniel, are you painting? No, me. So for our listeners who are just listeners and nothing else,
Starting point is 00:01:33 in case you didn't know, this podcast is also in video form now. You can find it on YouTube at the Quick Question YouTube channel. And what you're missing if you're just listening is I'm so embarrassed and shy. I didn't even realize behind me is a is a a fresh painting that i made recently of a of a a boat sailing across a reflective water uh soren is shaking his head soren i was gonna say that that's uh what can i just see it over your court your shoulder before and uh it's sort of like oh it's a sail a sailboat. I thought it was some gentleman. I thought it was like Washington crossing the Potomac where it's like a bunch of guys standing up. No.
Starting point is 00:02:11 And I was like, yeah, okay, it's a sailboat. It's a white sailboat on over the black silhouetted hills and the sun either setting or rising, depending on whether you're an optimist or a pessimist it's not really clear to the artist so i think that kind of ambiguity is important for the piece actually uh and look at you sit from your american dad mug what a branded day we were having this is uh i did a a paint and sip class with with my fiance and my mother um which i've never done before i don't know if you've done one of those but this is the the product of that and it was a super fun time i highly recommend paint and sip classes and uh it's beautiful there's a part of a really nice job all right you must be proud of it right you must be proud of it i'm like annoyingly proud of it yeah i'm like really proud of it then then i should be because the class is like it's designed to let everyone leave with a painting
Starting point is 00:03:14 that looks like the thing it's supposed to look like while they're drinking so i know in the back of my mind that this isn't i'm probably not actually a painter but I don't know I'm kind of a painter look at those trees it's really gorgeous did Shay take it too? she did yeah and she went rogue with hers because everyone else
Starting point is 00:03:37 was like we're doing this thing and here's the sample and it's like this brownish reddish umberish yellow sky that we're all going to do together as a class and shay was like i would like to do a blue sky and said with no sun and have a big moon shining down and it was like far and away the best one in the class i'm not just saying that because we're gonna get married it was like very clearly the teacher was going around
Starting point is 00:04:02 and uh stopping at everyone's easel and saying like just like fixing things things that that i did wrong whereas like we're gonna paint over this and then you could redo the boat the best you can or like just some tips about how you can make your trees better and then the teacher stops at shay and like like pauses the way like a talent scout sees a young prospect. She looks at the work that Shay has done and is like, for everyone else, she was fixing things. For Shay's, she was giving tips to enhance things.
Starting point is 00:04:35 It's like, you know what you could do? You can use, because your moon is here, you could add some light hitting the trees just here. Yes, yes, that's it. And just the two of, like, clearly in a different class, the two of them than the rest of us. That's not what I anticipated.
Starting point is 00:04:48 I expected you to come out of this having done the assignment with an A plus and like how frustrating that would be for Shay. But instead it's the other way around. No. Yeah. She went rogue and still defeated everybody. Let me, let me just say really quickly, Daniel, and it's something that's, I've been looking at in it and I want you to be happy with your painting, Daniel And it's something that I've been looking at
Starting point is 00:05:05 And I want you to be happy with your painting And I think it's good I know celestial bodies are not your thing Space sucks to you But space fucks to me Dan And where your sun is and where your moon is There's no correlation there
Starting point is 00:05:21 This is from a planet Where there are two moons Actually planet where there are two moons. Actually, where there are two suns, because you have a sun setting. And then you'd also need over, let's pretend that we're looking like due west right now. You'd also need a sun over to the south in order for that moon to be doing that. This has been another episode of Science vs. Art with Neil deGrasse Tyson ruining everyone's day with his knowledge of where space things go.
Starting point is 00:05:54 Yeah, sometimes they hang out together. They do not like that. No, they don't. There was just an eclipse recently where they were like great buddies. They were practically on top of each other kissing. That little thumbnail moon you're not gonna get with the sun down below here i i was working on our show we get look and we get our screeners every once in a while where we're like here's your here's the color model and like or like the color screening and we watch it and i got mad i got mad because
Starting point is 00:06:27 there's a uh this was um the curious case of the old hole there you see the hole uh which is like this place where steve has been going his whole life with snot and then there's a beautiful moon over it and then in that within that crescent there's a star you could invisible within the crescent and i was like stop hold. What do you think the moon is? Like in a really Neil deGrasse Tyson kind of way where I was like, that's not how it works. You can't have a star inside the Crescent of the moon. That's, that's just a big thing that we don't see that you're only seeing
Starting point is 00:07:02 part of, but it's a big circle. Art exists in retaliation to people like you okay great i mean i'm i'm telling you also that i made a whole television show i know that's why i was so nervous about bringing up my artwork because you work for american dad which means as a uh writer producer on that show you you draw jeff right correct you draw jeff every time he's on screen that's the only thing i do the only thing i do is draw jeff jeff fisher a couple years if you get promoted i think in two more years you draw stan is that do i have that right no you it actually goes to francine first she's like the soft launch to stan yeah okay that's cool hey oh fuck i think i can see some stars in your crescent some stars in my crescent right does that mean the same thing i've been saying i can see stars
Starting point is 00:07:53 i can see stars where there should not be stars because there's a goddamn moon in the way i like to think of those less like stars and more like mistakes from someone whose wrists were getting tired from painting for three hours. I love it though. I love it. I think that it's so like the trees. How did you do that? How did you know to do trees like that?
Starting point is 00:08:17 How did I know to do trees like that? Yeah. I don't know. The teacher was like, use this brush and then, and then do some light. She was like a very phenomenally bad teacher. And she was like, just take, use this brush and then do some like, she was like a very phenomenally bad teacher. And she was like, just take your brush and then just like do some like, some leaves on the trees.
Starting point is 00:08:33 Gorgeous. And then I started doing it and I was very happy with it. Yeah. The boat, I fell apart in two places. I fell apart on the boat. The boat was obviously the most complicated design and it requires a steady hand that I don't have. And I also fell apart on the boat. The boat was obviously the most complicated design and it requires a steady hand that I don't have. And I also fell apart on the moon. You see the moon is kind of wobbly. It's also, you can't tell by looking at it, my second attempt at that moon. I did a crescent
Starting point is 00:08:57 moon and then I painted over it because it was bad. And then I did a second also bad version and just like ran with it because I couldn't do a third moon. You'd really think I'd never seen a moon before. That was the, the artist inside of you was telling you this should not have a moon in it. Yeah. Fair. There was a part of me that was briefly tempted to like auction this off to
Starting point is 00:09:24 our viewers but then i realized that charity would just be me and then i'm selling art and i don't think yeah i don't think i'm okay with myself charging money for art in this particular way you really i think it's great i think you could you should sell it um also I love how you've mounted it. This isn't where it normally lives for listeners who can't see the video. I have turned a wire hanger upside down and impaled the back of the painting and then placed it really, really haphazardly on the bar behind me. And this is, there was a ticking clock on this painting.
Starting point is 00:10:09 I was very worried that you would say, lift it up, let me see the rest of it. And that was just no, that was a no-go. Yeah. Well, it's gorgeous, Daniel. It's far better than anything I could possibly do myself. And I'm so impressed with your ability here. This is really, this is like the beginning of something good. I think.
Starting point is 00:10:29 Thanks, man. Uh, I don't, I don't want to get too far ahead of myself, but we did buy a couple of easels and some paint sets and some canvases. So this is, this is the next thing.
Starting point is 00:10:42 Yeah. How is that not getting too far ahead of yourself? Why did I get that disclaimer? It sounds like you're way ahead of yourself. Well, it's just because it's not like, it's not on my business cards yet that I'm a painter. Oh, okay. Yeah, that makes sense.
Starting point is 00:10:57 But you know, you have provider of services on the card, which I feel like serves a lot of purposes. That's true heavy lifting statement um are you going to do you have a palette like do you have something that you put all the paints on and then you yes like you squeeze it on like condiments oh that's so exciting um that's like the part of the painting that i think is the the coolest i think that the routine of putting that out mixing the paints together getting the color you want like that stuff is all very romantic to me in terms of like somebody from the outside looking at painting obviously somebody is an insider it's probably means nothing to you
Starting point is 00:11:37 boring it's uh it's just math for me uh it's it was very soothing and very relaxing uh to to paint in ways that i hadn't anticipated it being it's because it's just it's repetitive and you're you're watching uh white fade away and you're watching progress and it's and it's it's just very like anytime the same as fishing or running or any of the other stuff that I do that I love, where you're just, like, focused on a repetitive action on one thing and sort of blocking out all of the other noise, it's great. It's puzzle solving. I mean, I don't want to devalue what art is, but, like, it is really, along the way, you're just like, this isn't working.
Starting point is 00:12:21 How do I make this part work? Ah, there we go. And, like, you see the progress as you go, and then you just move to a new section and move to a new section right i love it it's like that's what carpentry is for me that's what i when i first started doing carpentry i was like open up the etsy shop this is me now uh should we get into the show i have a quick question for you show yeah let's do the show go ahead hit me with a quick question uh this is this is i like this one this is actually a tweet from a writer that i followed uh back in the day on twitter back when i was on twitter uh her name
Starting point is 00:12:56 is reina on twitter she is quaker reina and she's a comedy writer and And I saw this tweet years ago, but it just resurfaced on Reddit or wherever I was browsing. And I filed it away for this. The tweet, Sorin. Your wife has been kidnapped and is being held in a location 30 minutes away. You're driving to rescue her. It's a warm night and your windows are down. Do you listen to music on the drive there yes or no do i have to say what i'm gonna listen to i think that's helpful yeah okay it's it reminded me while you're mulling that it reminded me of of like i've never had to
Starting point is 00:13:42 rescue anyone from danger or anything but like a real world emotional thing of of going through uh a bad breakup and then having a long drive from where i was breaking up to my home and just like all i wanted to do was was just i was just like so completely in my emotions and and and in touch with my feelings and just thinking about it and letting myself feel things and very present and checking in with myself. But at the same time, I can't drive in silence. I can't just numb myself and weep in silence.
Starting point is 00:14:22 So let me just hit on the radio and like sitting there being very focused on my pain and then also going like well no not this not this next hey it's big tuna here with the kr-101 want you to know next up we've got the bgs right it's like no i don't want to hear anything exciting i want to hear something sad and then there'll be a really sad song like well no not this pearl jam cover about the person dying in a car accident not that sad give me like some middle ground um that's tough that's here's my my real world example of this is that my wife uh started to go into labor in our house and i don't mean like oh like her water broke and now we have a few more hours like she went into active labor with our second child in our house.
Starting point is 00:15:06 And to the point where I was like getting the, preparing the bathtub and calling 911 and being like, we're going to have this kid here. And at the last second after a contraction, she went, if we left right now, I think we could make it. Getting her out to the car. She's on all fours in the back seat because she can't even sit down. And I'm driving and asked her while we were driving,
Starting point is 00:15:29 what do you want to listen to thinking like, this is obviously it's your day. You, you could, you could do whatever you want today. What do you want to listen to? And she was like, so mad that I had asked that question.
Starting point is 00:15:41 And understandably so. Now that I have the beauty of hindsight. But at the time I was like, you, well, surely there's something like that would calm you. Like, what do you want? And, but what I was doing was like, Hey, make a decision right now, make a decision. That's what I was going to ask. Like, is, is the, is the beauty of hindsight to, to, to incept yourself and go back in the past and and change events would you keep it completely silent or would you is the move to pick the thing that you think will soothe her or just to pick anything right how emotionally intelligent are you are you going to know what that is that song is or like what it is that needs to go on is it hypnobirth even like like what is it that you're gonna put on that you know is exactly right and i'm generally bad at that um yeah
Starting point is 00:16:31 but if i'm on if it's just me and i'm on the way and she's been kidnapped and i have to go get her i'm pretty confident that i'm putting on some fucking pump up music i'm gonna get myself you are you're gonna give yourself a real life soundtrack it's 30 minutes away like i'm gonna drive that in silence i am going to i'm gonna feel i want to keep whatever emotion i've got like i need to keep that amped because it's not like i'm just going to get there and they're going to be like okay you made it in 30 minutes here she is I feel like I've got to be I've got to have my head on a swivel
Starting point is 00:17:12 as soon as I get there for some violence and then if you get to your destination and it's like sometimes when I'm coming home from the gym or the store and the song I'm listening to, I really like I'll drive past my apartment if it's not over yet.
Starting point is 00:17:29 So I can like, you do a good part. I'll do a little U-turn at the supermarket and come back, make sure I got to sing my favorite part of the song. You can just park and do that. No. And people that's people will see me. You can't see me do that. No. And people will see me. They can't see me when I'm driving.
Starting point is 00:17:49 Because you're going so fast, you're just a blur to them. Yeah, I think that I'm putting on some pump-up music. And if I'm going to decide on what that is, I'm realizing also, I don't listen to pump-up music anymore. When I was in high school, it was very important to me because you are filled with a lot of emotions and also doing a lot of sports so you're like you're very in tune with pump up music even when i work out i'm listening like bon Iver now it's not it's not it would excite nobody um right a lot of my running music is like disassociation music yeah like something something to take my mind somewhere else so I can just let my body move this sack of electrified meat forward.
Starting point is 00:18:32 I don't have a playlist that's ready for it. It's like you need to be tough at your next destination. Do you know what's most exciting about this to me? And I can't stop thinking about it. It's actually interfering with what I'm going to listen to. As soon as you said that my wife has been kidnapped and i have to go get her i'm immediately so pumped that i get to put on my gun oh my god i don't want to dwell on that i don't want to talk about it i get to i get to wear my little cowboy holster i get to put some some
Starting point is 00:19:01 little bullets and the little hole the little pieces on it and then i get to put the gun on on my hip and then i get to well i mean obviously make sure it's right in the mirror for a little while make sure it looks good make sure that i've got it like my poles are good and then i'm wasting time for doing a u-turn at the supermarket to hear the end of someone gets hurt from mean girls then you're a hypocrite then I have to go get in the car, realize that it's not comfortable to sit down with it. And now I'm in a logistical nightmare where I'm like, okay, do I take the gun out and put it on the seat next to me? Because that's not legal. No.
Starting point is 00:19:40 Or do I put it in the trunk? Do I run back inside and get the lock in case for it just in case get case um and uh and but okay now that i'm finally i've got it settled i put it in the back i decided i went inside got the lock in case now i'm gonna i think i'm gonna basically listen to pump up music from when i was in high school so it's gonna be early afi it's going to be early AFI. It's going to be like black sales AFI. Uh, and it might, who else do I want to listen to?
Starting point is 00:20:13 Mill and Colin, uh, suicide machines. Oh, um, Oh, I'm going to listen to, um,
Starting point is 00:20:21 bouncing souls. That's what it's going to be. Yeah. I feel like I'm listening to some, I feel like I'm going to listen to Chap Sous by System of a Down. I'm going to listen to some more System
Starting point is 00:20:32 and some Dream Theater because Dream Theater can be very aggressive, especially when they're just doing their like instrumental stuff. Dream Theater is a prog metal band. I know that it sounds
Starting point is 00:20:43 like a stereotype of like a playlist that i would make for my day-to-day like my cooking music is called dream theater it's a very reasonable guess if you've never heard of the band but they're like a prog metal really uh like tough guy kind of band that i listened to a lot in high school and is is good to get the blood pumping and I think my ending song if I timed it right even though it's not music that I ever opt to listen to um would be the music that horribly operates some like ingrained tribalism in me is that like flogging molly ship it up to boston song where this was a couple years ago my uh my brother and sister-in-law got married uh her family is very italian and we're irish italian we're more irish obviously o'brien
Starting point is 00:21:39 and they they had a band at their wedding and towards the end of the night the band was like we're gonna play like some traditional Italian song. And it was like, beep-ba-da-ba-da-ba-doo. And get all the Italian folks having a good time. And now we're going to play an Irish song. And they played that Flogging Mollies, Shipping Up to Boston song. And it's a song that I don't think about. And I never seek out.
Starting point is 00:22:01 But as soon as it started going, I was like up and jumping. And we all were. We were pumped. And like, it just activates this hitherto concealed Irish pride in me that was like, this song is for us and about us. And it just like charged me up. And even thinking about it now, I'm ready to rescue someone's wife. That's, I love. I guess it's i love my fiance i love vlogging well that is a dropkick murphy song um and is it really
Starting point is 00:22:31 yeah they're great too that's the one from the that's how little i think of these bands yeah yeah that's a dropkick murphy dropkick murphy song thank murphy thank you for that really great the the pogues right in that like yeah fit right in there as well where you're like there is something so uh god i if this was any other culture i could uh this is a very racist thing to say but it's very primal like it's a very like animalistic like yes like let's go that's what i felt to me when they were playing that music and and i was jumping up with all the irish people in this wedding where i'm like am i like this is this is this in me i i can't blame you at all especially after listening to a bunch of like fucking that like that very jaunty italian type of music where you're like you want you expect
Starting point is 00:23:20 to be drinking out of a drinking chianti out of like one of those wine bottles with the basket on the bottom. And then all of a sudden you get to do like this rageful Irish song. That's wonderful. All right. Yeah. I'm with you. It's a really great transition. A great transition from the night is winding down with the Italian music to
Starting point is 00:23:38 fuck you. The night is just starting. The night's never going to end. Drop kick Murphys. I would, I'm, I'm into it. I liked Irish punk. Like there's definitely a special place in my heart for that. the night is just starting the night's never gonna end with that dropkick murphy's i would i'm i'm into it i like irish punk like there's definitely a special place in my heart for that i'm gonna put on some as well thank you for for for talking to me on my phone as i was driving there to get my wife and then if it doesn't end in time circle around do a quick u-turn of course and come
Starting point is 00:24:00 listen let the song finish respect the artist there's the two reasons for not having music one of them is is if this is a non-hypothetical in a real world thing i don't know that i will put on music because i might just be so i might be like truly numb and not thinking about it there could be music there could not be and i wouldn't even know it but the other thing that occurs to me is so in this scenario you are successful at rescuing your wife that goes without saying that music or no music you are successful you stop the bad guys whatever that means to you when you're hypothetical and then you you rescue your wife you get back in your car and you go home as soon as you start the car whatever was
Starting point is 00:24:45 last playing is gonna come on and she's gonna know that and that's something that i was like wrapping up that search engine uh yeah she's just from just done with with the traumatic experience of kidnapping she's like i just can't wait to get home and and be safe and you start the car and she's like turn the volume down she's like could you just is this did you put this on did you go to spotify and search this on the way over here i was at a light it was a very long light um yeah i mean the other option is that I have on, yeah, whatever podcast I was listening to. And I'm just like, right. Well, it's the only thing on right now.
Starting point is 00:25:29 And I've got to focus. Here's what I'm most concerned about with myself is that I know that I'm going to get to a light at some point. I'm going to have to stop. Like, maybe there's even cars going, which like, it wouldn't, it's not even a possibility of me running this light. I'm gonna pick up my phone for a second. Just see what's going on in the world. I'm gonna be like, well, I mean, like,
Starting point is 00:25:50 let's see what's going on over at Blue Sky. That's certainly fair. I have TickTick, which is my to-do list app that I'm constantly consulting. And if I'm on my way to rescue my fiance and I've stopped at a light, I would look at that and be like, this wasn't on the list so i probably i probably can't go to
Starting point is 00:26:10 the gym now so i can push that to tomorrow what else am i not gonna have time to do now that i have this rescue mission that we didn't budget for i wanted to play bass i guess no i guess yeah i guess that's all it It's all tomorrow. Unless. I guess that's all future me. If we wrap this up quick, I have about 45 minutes I could still play bass and when we get home. Depending on like
Starting point is 00:26:32 our emotional state, I think. I wonder if I could convince her that this is helpful. Right. Oh, green light, green light. Okay. Sorry, everybody.
Starting point is 00:26:42 Yeah. I think I'm going to look at my phone. Yeah. that's not something i'm proud of but i will likely do it i will likely be like well let's just see if my show got picked up hold on sitting at a stoplight thinking i mean i know it's not the most important thing in the world but i have a 653 day long duolingo streak and i know once i rescue her we're not going to want to spend a second apart but this is my last shot today to keep my chain going i i i think i gotta do it you know what the kidnappers are spanish i'm gonna turn around and go home
Starting point is 00:27:20 because i didn't this is gonna really fuck up my workout so it'd probably be better if i biked there oh yeah absolutely i'm just gonna i'm gonna hustle on the bike uh my earbuds are not charged i'm gonna have to charge those for a little bit as long as i charge up those those beautiful beautiful raycon earbuds got Gotta get them nice and charged. And it doesn't even take long for them to charge for the battery to last super long. That's one of the great things about them. The best things about them.
Starting point is 00:27:55 And I think that I could bike there. I think that would be fine. Although my hair is going to be weird for being under the helmet. And if I'm meeting new people, I'm not sure that that's something new people the detail that i love in reina's writing in this is it's a warm night and your windows are down just a completely unnecessary detail because that's when you want to listen to music the most i know because certainly no matter what i'm not going to put on the air conditioning when i'm on the way to rescue my fiance i'm not trying to be comfortable here
Starting point is 00:28:35 i did run some lights when i took my wife to the hospital when she was pregnant i made that was only one of the mistakes that i made was i felt good about running the lights that felt like i was showing i was demonstrating to her that we were i was really hurrying the music was a big misstep are you treating them like stop signs we're gonna stop and then proceed when safe or are you just hoping i'm not the rest of the world sees you okay no i'm like i get to the light i'm making sure that the coast is clear and then i'm going through it um and apologizing to no one sorry sorry right um and then so i felt like i started to like dig my way out of the hole there and then fell into another just catastrophic one when i took her to the wrong entrance of the hospital um there the hospital has like an emergency entrance and then there's like another
Starting point is 00:29:27 entrance for just oncology or something like that and i went to that one got out and i was like my wife is in labor and they're like well then you should go to the hospital and i was like oh no what does that mean you got to go back and so i get back in the car and start driving again and that was that was rough on her that was like uh are you fucking kidding me type of moment uh the only saving grace was that we got there they got her into a chair and they are so used to seeing women come in being like i'm in or families i should say uh men and women coming in they're saying like we're in labor we're in labor we got get us to a bed right now because that's how
Starting point is 00:30:10 everybody feels as soon as like labor starts they're like we're the only people on the planet fucking help us and then so they're like they're like sitting in a wheelchair and they're like trying to like sign her in and stuff and i was like i don't think you understand like she's in labor right now they're like okay and then we finally get to a room get her in the bed and like they get a peek at my daughter's hair like she's crowning like she's coming out and they were like oh fuck and immediately like everything like then we started getting taken seriously but it was just a real eye-opening experience to get a peek at how women in general deal with hospitals where uh you go to a medical situation and you're like things are very bad for me and the hospital's like short toots let me finish this
Starting point is 00:30:56 cigarette first the cards were stacked against them because you come in and you're like i don't think you understand she is ready to give birth now and they're like is this the fucking guy that just drove to the hospital gift shop is he telling us what we don't know is he in our business i also don't know somehow during that time my car got moved and uh i don't totally know how i left the keys in there's a there's a security guard sitting outside but there's no valet system you have to go through the other end another entrance to get a valet and everything but like i i got in and like i'm just in that open the like roundabout the same way like a hotel would have one and i was just like the keys are in the car to the security guard he's like i don't
Starting point is 00:31:38 do that and i just left and then later my car in fact we don't have a that at this hospital um it wasn't stolen there was i really i i relied on the kindness of strangers in a way that i never have in my life where i was just like i i don't know if you left the door open i don't know yeah but it was really touching we almost didn't make it it seems like i remember you telling me about that when it happened and it ended feeling like an incredibly tense it's fun to to talk and laugh about it now but it did seem like a really tense in a way that made me like uh god willing we get pregnant one day and that and and that's what's in the cards for us i feel like just for safety i would move to a hotel across the street from the hospital for the last like for the last full trimester just yes i just want to be there i was gonna say because we were my daughter was supposed
Starting point is 00:32:32 to be born like two and a half weeks or three weeks later than she was and so we were like we had plans for calling parents to come out and everything and all of a sudden we were in a situation where like oh there's no help like we don't have anybody here and it was to give you like a sense my wife and i left for the hospital at uh at 7 45 my daughter was born at 8 30 so like that it was quick it was like that that's the time in the car and the time getting to the chair and the chair the bed and everything was like that was all seconds like crucial seconds where then the baby like was there and so it was very scary we were at home trying to figure out what we were going to do and we called uh our old nanny who was not supposed to be in helping at all she like we hadn't seen her in
Starting point is 00:33:21 a very long time but we had no one else and we were like can you please come watch ronan because he's still asleep at this point and we get to the that point where calling was like i can leave if we leave right now and maria's not there and i'm like we're just gonna have to leave him like she's gonna come eventually but we're about to leave a four-year-old child a home alone because there's nothing else we can do and we were like prepared to leave him um for you know it would have been he would have been asleep and it would have been like five minutes but still that's a very certain prospect as a parent and uh we didn't eventually we really on the way to the car she had another contraction almost collapsed i'm like holding the screaming woman up at five in the morning outside as people
Starting point is 00:34:05 are walking their dogs past being like uh is this a this is okay right you guys this is not like a domestic thing and then that's a that's a miracle scream right good okay i'm just mazel just shut up i'm putting her in a car and and then as we were like leaving maria pulled up and we're like oh thank god but it was a situation where like we hadn't we're out of options and we were like leaving maria pulled up and we're like oh thank god but it was a situation where like we hadn't we're out of options and we were like we're gonna have to just leave our four-year-old child alone for for an indefinite amount of time like it would have could have been like if something had happened to maria like you never know right it was very scary yeah but it all worked out it did it worked out great in fact she was you know uh she wanted to do
Starting point is 00:34:49 this is for people who are like considering having children uh she wanted to she with our first child she definitely did uh drugs and like was planning to do that with my daughter and there just like wasn't even time for any of that it was like you, you get there and you're like, there's no way that's even a possibility. You just by default have a natural birth. And it was like, oh, well, that took a lot of things out of our hands. A lot of decisions out of our hands. I'm going to, I feel like the, again, God willing, future hoping. The second a doctor says, congratulations, you're pregnant,
Starting point is 00:35:25 I'll be like, I was hoping for this, and then I wheel out a giant suitcase, and we're like, we've got enough to stay here for the next 10 months, just in case. So we're going to stay right here. We like this room. It's good. We're going to stay right here.
Starting point is 00:35:36 We can both work from home, so this is good. And we're here now. And then whenever the baby wants to come, we'll be ready. Did I see that there's a Wendy's down the street? That is perfect. That is so perfect. Sorry, for Postmates purposes, is there a sweet number or do I just say hospital?
Starting point is 00:35:55 And then someone at the front desk pings me when it comes. You know what? By the end of this, I'm going to be sick of Wendy's and I'm excited about that. That's so exciting to me that i will be sick of it uh do you have any questions for me your co-host soren oh god uh no i know i didn't play anything for this podcast um i i did have one. No, I have a question for you. Are you... Let's see.
Starting point is 00:36:28 You're getting close to 40 now, right? You're like three years away from 40. Yeah, I mean, I like to think of myself as far from 30. What does that even mean? Do you have... Just taking 40 out of the the sentence is helpful for me better okay do you have any um like long-standing injuries that you're just like i'm it's now occurring to me that this is just going to be something i'll have for the rest of my life that this isn't one gonna be one that goes away uh yes and no i mean there's no well yes yes and yes tell me your medical history on a podcast there's some i have the the foot that i broke last year that i never properly attended to
Starting point is 00:37:21 uh and just like started running again without running waiting for it to fully heal and without getting a consultation from a doctor after the first doctor was like that's broken don't run on it i was like fucking doctors are quacks uh that never i don't think healed 100 right and maybe that'll the bones will just like reshuffle in a couple years and it'll it'll be fine that's that doesn't happen that's not how it works and do still run on it but i just know that like this is this is different and like i i favor my gait differently as i'm trying to like not press down super hard on some parts of my foot and i can feel that uh shifting things and like the rest of my wretched body, my hips and everything has to compensate for this new posture that I'm doing to, to treat with tenderness the parts that I've hurt.
Starting point is 00:38:12 What am I a fucking poet? And the other, uh, the other pain that is not specific to like, I can't tie to an actual injury is just persistent knee pain from running and i don't know that it will either it'll never go away because it's just like knee pain that i have as part of my system now or it'll never go away because i'm never gonna stop running until it's medically impossible for me to do so because I I'll run fine and run fine and run fine and run fine and then the knee will start acting up and then I will
Starting point is 00:38:52 wait for it to act up less and then go back to running again until it acts up again and I will run less and my brother who's an occupational therapist and we're on the same like running app so he sees how many miles i'm putting on and how fast i'm moving he has said in his expert opinion that i i am it's repetitive stress i'm running too much and and too fast i'm a very fast runner soren and and it like it's medically problematic how fast I am. Yeah. Everybody knows that's how Bo Jackson hurt himself. He was too strong for his own body. And it's truly, it's a knee injury. It's really a brain injury because it gets fixed or it gets alleviated if I don't run as fast as I can every time I go out. Every runner that I talked to was just like, yeah, you can have a day of speed running a week and then the rest of it,
Starting point is 00:39:52 make a distance day, make a jogging day, make it just like, don't make it an anything day, just run for the love of running. And it's very, even when I'm i'm it's gonna sound like a brag but i promise i'm the villain here even when i'm trying to go slow i still end up being faster than uh you would think i'm attempting to go no yeah i get that you have a speed that's like this is my comfort speed this is what i'm actually getting a workout from and your body will slip into that every single time you stop paying attention yeah that makes sense uh and especially if i have what's supposed to be like an easy day and then i look down on my app and i see that like i'm pacing for a 7 12 mile i'm like well it'd be a shame to waste this i might as well just keep going and see how long i can keep up that pace and and i get very proud of myself and then i am laid out for three days because i can't
Starting point is 00:40:46 walk so the way that you're living is how i've lived my entire life uh which is oh shit this thing's not working right well let's figure out a workaround until that heals but assuming that like it's just gonna heal automatically and that you're like not doing more damage to it every single time that you're working out or doing something on it and it works i mean it works up until you're probably about this age and so like it wasn't until around 40 where i was like i need to i need to actually let this thing heal and what a demoralizing and scary prospect that is that you're not going to be doing anything for a while. And you're like,
Starting point is 00:41:29 but all that work I put in all of that work is going to, we're going to lose it all. What if I just do everything else? And a doctor or somebody will be like, no, you, you don't understand. Like you're aggravating it every single time you're working out and we're
Starting point is 00:41:42 running. And then you have to be like, okay, so I just don't do anything and they're like yeah just try it try it for and i'm like they're like not long and i'm like how long they're like i don't know a month i'm like that's fucking crazy a whole month um anyway i'm running into an issue where i have a i i am my all of a sudden I was just like lifting one day and my shoulder, I wouldn't even be confident that it was the shoulder. There's like the shooting pain that
Starting point is 00:42:10 was started kind of like in my shoulder blade and was all the way to my elbow. And I was like, I don't even know where that was born from. That was that where that came from. And it was the first time in my life where I was like, well, I should just stop right now and like not do anything for a week and see if this goes away and even though i'm not going to feel it again in like three days don't still not do anything and i'm doing the responsible thing daniel you did you did you completely stop the workout that day no no yeah because that's i would also not do that i was already i've done workouts where i felt sometime last year a real like rip in my chest and i and i knew that it was going to lay me out for a while but i thought well this i can't make it worse by continuing my workout today even though
Starting point is 00:43:00 like i definitely can my mind was like this is this day is going to go down as an injury no matter what happens next. So I might as well just get it in. And also, I don't know when I'm going to be able to do this again because of this thing. I might as well get in a really good one today. Yeah. Just build up some goodwill with my muscles. Yeah. So yeah, I did not stop. I like moved it around and kept moving it just like generally in the air to see which movement was the one that hurt the most.
Starting point is 00:43:30 And I was like, OK, we just avoid that movement, that movement and probably paid the price. Like I still it was sore the next day. And then at that point, I was like, I'm not going to I'm not going to work out this for a while. I'm running. I'm running still. That seems to be fine. But I am not going to work out this for a while. I'm running. I'm running still. That seems to be fine. But I am not going to work out for the whole week. And then if it's something that you're used to,
Starting point is 00:43:53 if it's like brushing teeth to you, when you're not doing it, you're like, oh my God, I feel, what am I doing? What am I going to do today? Maybe I should just go. Maybe I should just go. And like really talking yourself down every single time to be like no you don't need to do this your teeth aren't gonna fall out if you don't brush them like it's metaphorically right it's tough to give up
Starting point is 00:44:16 your favorite workout even if it's in your best interest like when I have to lose running for any amount of time, it's not just, it's, it's, it's such a house of cards where, where I'm, I'm more irritable because I've built running into like my meditation and my disassociation and, and, and like getting my mind right. And, and like my, my solitude and just like all the non-mental stuff all the endorphins that that occur when you're doing that and then you mix in like what that physically does to your body whether it feel like it makes you trimmer or stronger and when you see that go i very problematically have a connection between how i think I'm looking and how I'm feeling too. So it's a whole lot of stuff that gets lost just from running that makes everything
Starting point is 00:45:12 definitely like noticeably, measurably worse and also intangibly worse in terms of just like, it feels like I skipped a meal every day or it feels like i skipped you know i didn't get a good enough sleep like you're missing some foundational part of what you'd conditioned your body to accept as normal is just gone all of a sudden and you just feel off kilter there's also just the built-in knowledge that it took you a while to get to that point where it felt like brushing your teeth, where you were working out so frequently that it does feel like a piece is missing each day. And you know how long it took you to fall into that routine. And you know how easily you can fall out of that routine. And so when you're not doing it, you're also fucking with your own subconscious.
Starting point is 00:46:04 You're like, maybe this isn't a thing that I need. And you don't want to be in that. That's like the scariest position to be in of all where you don't want to go work out. Cause then you're like, I'm back to zero. Like that's the hardest part when you, it's building the,
Starting point is 00:46:17 it's building the knowledge that this is not something that's a requirement every day. This is just, this is a routine. This is just like something that I do requirement every day this is just this is a routine this is just like something that i do every single day because i remember what i was like in covet and at my least healthy and like at a real crossroads decision point where i was like i can force myself to run every day like starting from zero because i've taken so much time off i could force myself to get back into it force myself to work out in my apartment or i could just completely go the other
Starting point is 00:46:53 way and just decide to be like like a fun chubby guy and buy clothes that fit that type of and just like like change my personality too i just like be that kind of person and that's and that would be like like we just need to make the decision and then stick to it because this strange in between place where i was out of shape but dressing like a fit 25 year old that's no good so i need to go in one way or the other and i chose the fitness route if i was in a position where i couldn't run for two or three months that conversation would happen again and i don't know if i'm strong enough to choose the path that i want i might just be like well i'll just be a guy who's got like a really in shape mind and i sit down all day that's and there's nothing wrong with that i mean if that
Starting point is 00:47:42 that's absolutely fine but like it was i was also in the position where i was like it's not gonna it's not tenable anymore the way that i want to eat uh i will continue to gain weight and it will be a type of weight that is tougher on my body like it's like i can feel it already i can feel being winded when i go upstairs and stuff or like when i go upstairs and stuff or like when i sit down and like my pants do a weird thing in the back where they fold a little bit like i don't even know what where this what this thing is do you know i'm talking about where like the back of your jeans will just sag in the back when you sit they will they open up like
Starting point is 00:48:19 like an eye basically like you sit down and like the weight from your uh your lower back like they it spreads the the slack forms in the back of the jeans and opens up you don't you don't know what i'm talking about i'm not even close to know what the fuck you're talking about that's having a hard time explaining this um yeah same way i mean we also have we we famously uh have wildly different butts you and me so we just might we're working with entirely different sets of cards when you're wearing a shirt that's got buttons on it and it's too tight and you sit down the way that the up near like the chest where they just like buttons have a lot of tension on them but they kind of split in the middle like in between they can get that gap all of a sudden it's that
Starting point is 00:49:10 but with jeans like you're getting the points of tension are not pulling the jeans taut like the 10 points of tension are actually creating slack in the very middle it just always felt like that's where oh it made me realize oh this is why you can always see uh oh i do understand what you're talking about plumbers crack i i get that now yeah yeah yeah i do understand okay um and so excellent job explaining as i was dealing with that i was like i don't uh yeah i either need to change my entire wardrobe and like get it get this solved or i need to like figure something else out and i need to i need to do stuff that i've never done before i need to like do cardio i need to figure it out and so i was like well let's just try it let's try it for a little while and that's always like the easiest way to do it is that you say to yourself well until this event
Starting point is 00:50:00 or whatever and now i'm living basically event to event to event where i'm like well i know i've got daniel's wedding coming up so i don't want to wear my suit so i'm gonna have to it's salads for lunch until then and i'm working out good that is you read the invitation thoroughly it's salads until the wedding for everybody for lunch very yeah it was a really strange request but i'm willing to honor it it's your day yeah and uh i said invitations that was just the save the date the invitations will come after the weigh-in you'll be sent information for where you can like one of our locations where you can you can weigh in get on a scale and then uh if the numbers are no judgment if the numbers are right then you'll get an invitation. That's fine. I got a lot of saran wrap
Starting point is 00:50:46 and I got a stationary bike, so I'm just going to wrap myself up, just like get all that water weight off. Well, I think that can be our show, don't you? Yeah, I think so too. Do you have a, do you know how to end it?
Starting point is 00:51:03 Yeah, I do. I love our wrapups because it is like somebody's slapping their knees and standing up after hanging out with friends it's like well i should be hitting the old dusty trail um you can find dob wow i can't believe i called you dob man you know what i was looking at i don't think you ever do that no i don't um you know it was funny sean riley or uh sean baby as people will know him one of the first few times that we hung out with him he called daniel dob which was like whoa that's a swing
Starting point is 00:51:37 i think there were a few people doing that because DOB was in like branding on the columns that I was writing. Right. And it was before we had done videos where someone could say out loud DOB. And so I think there was a lot of like people would write comments on articles and they would write out Dobby as like a nickname of DOB. And I thought, oh, you're pronouncing that in like a totally different way yeah then that i had intended when they're all capital letters there's there are rules i know and like the idea the idea that there were some people walking around this earth looking at me and thinking there goes dob dob is so upsetting yes there goes dob i hope he finally got his sock
Starting point is 00:52:26 all right well you can follow me or daniel on blue sky go find us there i don't want to give you the handles you don't even need them we're the only two there you can go to quick question on x still it's at qq underscore soren and dan we have an email which is qq with soren and daniel at gmail.com our instagram is qq soren and daniel there you'll find videos of us you can also find videos of us on youtube doing this podcast at youtube.com slash at qq podcast we have a patreon where there's also brand new videos you've never seen before unless you're a long-standing patreon-ish patron? Patron. Jesus Christ. Of course it's patron. Patreon's less quick question. And we've
Starting point is 00:53:10 got a... Patron's the part of the word that wasn't invented for the internet. That's the part that's been there the whole time. And I've already lost touch with it. You can, if you liked our theme song, that's from a band called MeRex. You can find their music anywhere you get your music from, but you can also find full albums at me,
Starting point is 00:53:26 Rex dot bandcamp.com. And obviously a big thanks to our sound engineer, editor and producer and the glue to the entire show. Gabe harder. Don't look for him. Bye. Bye. I've got a quick,
Starting point is 00:53:42 quick question for you. All right. I want to hear your thoughts on what's on your mind. Bye. I'd be the remember Close it out and let it all go Oh forget it Saw a movie, Daniel O'Brien Two best friends and comedy writers If there's an answer they're gonna find it I think you'll have a great time here I think you'll have a great time here

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