Quick Question with Soren and Daniel - Shameful Stupid Sunburns

Episode Date: May 28, 2024

The guys talk about the unique humiliation of sunburns, the oft-overlooked issue of fish fraud, and the uncomfortable window into other people's lives that we've just learned to live with. Are adult s...unburns inherently humiliating? You can sound off in the comments below or on instagram at www.instagram.com/QQSorenandDaniel And speaking of new rooms, joining the Quick Question patreon page guarantees you'll see Soren's guest room at least one more time, plus you get a extra episode of the podcast every other Friday. Sign up at www.patreon.com/quickquestion

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I've got a quick, quick question for you, alright? I wanna hear your thoughts, I wanna know what's on your mind I've got a quick, quick question for you, alright? The answer's not important, I'm just glad that we could talk tonight So what's your favorite? Who did you get? When do I be remembered? What's it up with? Where did all the good weeks go? Oh, forget it
Starting point is 00:00:25 Saw a movie, Daniel O'Brien Two best friends and comedy writers If there's an answer, they're gonna find it I think you'll have a great time here I think you'll have a great time here for last week tonight with John Oliver, author of How to Fight Presidents and Vacation Boy. Daniel O'Brien joined us always by my co-host, Mr. Soren Bui. Soren, say aloha. Aloha, mahalo, fellow travelers in this world. I'm Soren Bui. I'm a writer for American Dad, but that's not really my real title. I'm a wanderer, a traveler, you might say.
Starting point is 00:01:22 Oh, boy. You'll notice that I've traveled to a new room daniel uh so two things first of all visually i will not notice that oh you didn't notice visually if you're not if you're not watching this podcast fucking get on it baby because we're gonna be talking about that kind of stuff a lot like daniel is clearly a traveler he's got on a cool new flowery hat he's got a sunburn on his nose and i am in a brand new room and that's fucking all we're gonna talk about today i know wait okay i forget which comedian i want to say it was kyle canane but it's just a line that stuck with me for forever where i was doing a stand-up and
Starting point is 00:01:59 he was also on the show and he had just gotten back from a trip and was very sunburned and he said if you were looking for if you want to find the stupidest person in any room look for a sunburned adult and it's such a good point and it's very like it's a sunburn is a really easy thing to avoid as an adult you cannot be outside or if you're going to be outside and you know you're gonna be outside you can bring in where there's solutions for that yeah yeah and i i uh i'm on i'm vacation work because i'm on hiatus from work this week and i've just been enjoying just like truly just baking in the sun and i went fishing on tuesday and you you there you, there's no, there's no shade on a boat. No. You're just out there in the water and you're getting blasted with rays from the water as well.
Starting point is 00:02:52 And I thought I was so fucking clever wearing a hat and sunglasses and even like a UV shirt, like a long sleeved UV shirt for protection, but just nothing on the old face and i just i'm i'm just like blasted and it's i appreciate how humiliating sunburns are it's the the swastika they carve into the nazi heads and inglorious bastards i'm not allowed to walk around and not broadcast my stupidity yeah uh which is what which is the which was the nazis that was their main thing they were so stupid that's yeah brad pitt's big concern was they were dummies yeah he was like just didn't have the intelligence um no you can't forget you're a nazi if i don't remind you no you have what i would call the the raccoon tan which is eyes are white still rest of the face is a different color that's pretty that's like we
Starting point is 00:03:52 that was the goggle tan we would all get as kids for the same reason where like you're up on the mountain you're getting hit from every direction like you're yeah you're getting bukkake by the sun because right it's coming from the ground and it's coming from the air as reflecting off the the snow uh but you i will say that as an adult yes it's not it's a little humiliating to have a sunburn you have to it only happens through stupidity and we're at a time like 2023 where you see a child with with a bad sunburn like that also reflects really poorly on the parents you don't see that anymore you don't see kids with really bad sunburns i'm curious about a couple of things i'd like to know what year you think it is
Starting point is 00:04:34 um 2024 yes that time you got it you can say we're at a time 2023 oh fuck that's i'm just gonna start using 2023 as like the time when everything changed and we should all be good now so it's past 2023 what are we doing women can be doctors etc i truly forget what year it is all the time and i forget um what time of year it is i'm glad this the it's getting warmer so that that clues me in pretty good but if i'm not in a target for a while i have no idea what time of year it is target is really crucial be like hey it's mother's day i'm like thank you so fucking much i thought it was christmas this is really helpful thank you target for your card displays letting me know what where i can orient myself within the year and just seeing like back to school savings i'm like ah damn summer's over
Starting point is 00:05:36 and this was the only way i was ever gonna find out because i don't write checks anymore you're right target will help you target can be your calendar don't rely on home depot to be your calendar anybody because i've gone in there to try and get halloween decorations in september thinking like oh you know what i could use a couple more skeletons for the old casa and tried to go in there and they're like no we don't fucking do those anymore it's christmas it's christmas and like by the end of september there's you're there's no chance you're getting halloween decorations they've already set up everything for christmas and there might be like christmas then yeah a dog skeleton somebody forgot about that like you could still purchase
Starting point is 00:06:15 if you wanted to but other than that it's like yeah the home depot is so far in advance like they're so far out on stuff that you're like oh this is not helpful to me you also i'm i'm doubling back or going back a little bit because you mentioned uh sunscreen on children and this was something that is in like my long gestating uh notes doc of stand-up material okay even though i don't do stand-up and i i have no intention of going back i still keep it i still like putting notes every once in a while and i was an idea that i was circling that i couldn't i never actually figured out how it could crystallize into a joke i think the notes just said have you ever seen an adult put sunscreen on a child it is one of the most violent things i've ever seen
Starting point is 00:06:59 but i don't know how to what what to do with that but it's it's truly like like they're like pulling on their child because the kid doesn't understand and doesn't want it and uh like like like child child like like like five where you can't really explain and they want to go and play in the pool or play in the sand and just watching the adult who's just like just hold still and really slathering it on this kid who is fighting every step of the way they don't want this thing and the parent is just like if you just do this one bit of preparation then you're fine for the rest of the day you just need to sit still for a second and then it'll be done and it'll be over with if you stood still perfectly still the whole time and i'm like i'm doing this to protect you little shit it's such a battle it's so fun for me to watch i'll say even the kids that are like sitting still parents are still like
Starting point is 00:07:52 slapping the face and like turning the whole head when they're like trying to get it on their face because they're trying to rub it in like they're trying to do a good job it's really tense they're doing a lot of like it's a lot of yanking and pulling of the face in a way that's like whoa you're not allowed to get away with that any other time now i said if i saw a child with sunburn i would be like oh that that that parent fucked up um yeah and you don't really see like kids with a really bad sunburn we get that shit all the time we were young but now everyone knows better everybody knows that you just shaved off like 10 years of that kid's life but as an like yeah i feel like i got like parents were great but i was still i was just reckless and lawless and i would just come home
Starting point is 00:08:36 covered in dirt and sunburns missing a shoe and they'd be like where were you i was like i don't know where am i now now? What the hell? Yeah. My mom would every summer shave our heads after learning the lesson that we were going to get a bunch of tree sap in our hair every summer. Yeah. And she was like, I'm not dealing with this shit. I can't stop you from going out there and like getting tree sap. I don't even know where you're getting it. But you're getting a lot of it in your hair and I'm just going to shave your heads.
Starting point is 00:09:09 That's very smart. We would come home and my mom would immediately check all of our hair for ticks. Yeah. Because we were probably somewhere where ticks were going to be. And also, as usual, I have no memory where we were. It was like, did you, were you in the woods? Were you in long bits of grass? Like, I don't know. I walked outside when it was sun and then the sun went away.
Starting point is 00:09:22 So I came home. What's for dinner? Now it's the new thing. Yeah. I, so had my children like my son my daughter's never actually gotten sunburned because she's still pretty young but he is a enough of a his own person that like he can live in the world um without us and i didn't put sunscreen on him one day recently and it's not until recently that like the sun has mattered because of where it is in the sky and like how short the days were. But he came home and he had sunburn on his neck. And I was like, this, like, we can't leave the house for a few days.
Starting point is 00:09:53 This is, this is like neglect. This is abuse. If people see this, it's going to be a problem. I can't let other people see that you got sunburned because it reflects so poorly on me as a dad. So we're staying home we're staying home for the next three days till this solves itself i had um some of the most humiliating sunburn i've ever gotten uh the the weekend that i've proposed to my now fiance because we were down in florida and we went out on her parents boat and i it's it's it was cartoonish you could really see
Starting point is 00:10:29 um that i was wearing a backwards hat and that i stopped applying sunscreen at the line of the hat and then at some point had pushed my hat back farther than where it was so when i took my hat off there was like a perfect cartoon line across my forehead and then a little window where like the the hat buckle is open the exposed part it wasn't a fitted cap it was a strap cap so you could see like the window where i'd i had been clearly wearing a hat anyone who looked at me could see wore a hat backwards fell asleep in the sun didn't that's sunscreen on before the hat and like when your sunscreen tells a story that's tough yeah and like every thank god we didn't do like professional engagement photos that weekend because it was just
Starting point is 00:11:17 it's just such a wash every photo of me even when i'm wearing like a nice shirt and i've got product in my hair there's still a very clear line across my forehead as if i'd had like a nice shirt and i've got product in my hair there's still a very clear line across my forehead as if i'd had like a scalp transplant it's like a perfect straight line of uh negligence on my part that's and then you get an extra little semi-circle above it for your third eye that's so brutal man i so uh we did a sketch of when we used to work at cracked where i was a stripper and i had to be in american flag briefs and before this i i think we shot in like february and i was like you know what i'm gonna just tan up for this if i'm gonna have my whole body out there for the internet i'm gonna tan up a little so it's february tough to tan in february and i thought wow no sunscreen necessary just go sit
Starting point is 00:12:12 out in the sun uh like 11 o'clock in the morning and don't leave the sun for as long as you can so i had on uh it was little briefs uh not briefs um like boxer briefs so like there's like a little bit of leg to it as well and set out in the sun just reading and like turning over and just spinning myself like a rotisserie chicken and eventually came inside and i thought ah that ought to do it went and took a shower and in the shower it became immediately apparent that i had overdone it and i was like fuck i am burned like this is way worse than being pale but i'm burned in a really terrible obvious way so and in a way that like breaks the reality of the sketch it's like now why is he burnt show up burnt the joke is gone is that the joke is that the joke
Starting point is 00:13:01 the joke of the sketch is ruined because it's been muddied by this new thing. And so the morning of, Colleen was like really supportive. She was saying, maybe it'll just go away. Like it's only a February burn. Maybe it'll just disappear by tomorrow. I was like, yeah, yeah, maybe. And then the morning of, she... Maybe this will be the first time that happens.
Starting point is 00:13:23 I had to get up so early for the sketch too we started shooting like 6 30 and she got up with me and she was like i think if we just put some makeup on it it will be fine and this loving supportive wife of mine put concealer on my whole chest like on my body and my back and then i went and shot the sketch now i didn't know that i was going to be in these briefs that was uh thrown on me at the last second on the day i put on these american flag briefs and before that i'd been wearing boxer briefs just irresponsible filmmaking just so rude so now i've got basically thigh highs of sunburn like picture thigh high boots but there's just sunburn instead and then a gap of about four inches before the underwear starts
Starting point is 00:14:17 so just this band of pale skin in between so it's nothing could be more glaring now if that sketches up you could go back and watch it and you could be more glaring now if that sketch is up you could go back and watch it and you could look and you'd be like oh fuck yeah he's really sunburned oh wow look at his legs and it's it's rough man it's uh it was the worst decision i ever made and it was like the worst sunburn i've not like in terms of like blistering sunburn but the dumbest sunburn i've ever had i don't even think you wanted to do that sketch i think this was this was very uh early-ish cracked time where you were you you were the only thing close to a piece of meat that we had at our disposal you were you were always like a very fit
Starting point is 00:15:01 person and like i think like a shared comedy writer brain is like he's fit so that must mean he wants people to look at his body as close to nude as possible he's fit so surely he wants to be nearly naked on film forever that's like a like for some reason every comedy writer assumes like like attractive people want to be staring at and objectified because we're all broken and miserable inside. That was the first time that we shot agents of cracked that I have to wear a squib. Cause you shoot me in it.
Starting point is 00:15:38 And there's going to be an explosion in my shirt, but the squib has to be taped to your chest. And there's behind the scenes like i'm sitting there with a shirt like half over my shoulder wearing it up i'm not a part of cracked yet i am as somebody that you guys borrowed from another company that you needed in a sketch that and uh michael took a picture of me not wearing a shirt and then just put it up on everything and he was like wow sword's a piece of man meat and i was like oh hey okay like hey everyone check out this body it would be crazy of me at this point to be like hey everybody please don't look at this and
Starting point is 00:16:19 please take it down like that's not yeah if i'm trying to be part of Cracked, I'm not going to do that. So I was just like, you know what? Steer to the skid. Sure. Yeah. Yep. There it is. And then, yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:33 And then playing that role for a while. That's, uh, it's, that's been true. I'll say not just Cracked. That's true of every job I've had. Right. Where they're like, hey man, man we gotta do this shoot will you just pop your shirt off i'm like i don't yeah no bosses just like feel very comfortable being like touching you touching your like your arms and stuff and you're like ah
Starting point is 00:16:59 here's the thing at a job please don't ever remind somebody else that they own a body yeah that's the safest way you can work if you're just joining us we wanted to issue another uh correction and on the podcast in real time soren mistakenly remembers the finale of agents of cracked season one uh and he said that i shoot him through the chest he is actually i believe shot by mandy manderson that's right yeah mandy shoots i don't think i don't think the daniel character shoots anyone anyone in that show yeah no you don't so so if you're just joining us Soren thinks it's 2023 and he completely erased the woman in STEM that was Mandy
Starting point is 00:17:50 Manderson from Agents of Cracked Soren the floor is yours you shoot two giant machine guns in the intro to that sketch every single time fair okay well that was a fun walk down memory lane i would have been actually
Starting point is 00:18:07 really good we didn't come in planning planning that but it would have been a fun question to say what was the most embarrassing sunburn you've ever had and uh oh yeah asked and answered um did you before we were recording that you were asking me about uh fish my fishing trip did you have any specific questions about the i do i i have a bunch of questions about it go for it oh great so you got burned on that trip are you was that near your house or was you were you gone somewhere to do your fishing trip uh i took a boat out of uh marina that's about 10 minutes from home all right now you sent us a picture from that trip of you catching a i'm gonna say i don't know fish shark you caught a shark sure you caught a fish and you showed it to us and this fish is i would say maybe like
Starting point is 00:18:59 eight inches long uh you're incorrect six it has to be at least 12 and a half inches to be kept yeah so that's a big fish okay yeah you sent us a picture you sent gabe and me a picture of your fish it's a very pretty fish it's like the silvery fish it's a sea bass it is okay uh it's very pretty it's got some iridescence to it now in the picture that you sent the fish has an extra little hole in its lip i can see where your hook is in where your hook is uh going right through the lip and then just above that it's got another piercing like a one that like it got when it was younger and then decided it it didn't want it anymore yeah did somebody else catch this fish before you does this happen first of all does this happen a lot where like you're catching fish and you can tell that somebody else has caught this fish maybe even like three or four times
Starting point is 00:19:53 second of all do you even know what that hole is no i would guess it's uh it had been caught previously and maybe it was caught and thrown back because it was too small. So that could be a couple years old or several months old, something like that. It could also be, I mean, blackfish season didn't officially start until, I want to say May 17th out here. So it's possible that someone caught him the week before season, and you're not allowed to keep it if it's off season. Yeah, so they might have caught it and been like,
Starting point is 00:20:31 oh shit, I can't keep this, and thrown it back. Or they threw it back because it was too small, or they threw it back because they had already hit their limit. They've maxed out on the amount of sea bass they're allowed to take that day, and threw it back. Any of these hit reasons for throwing a fish back after you caught it so you are it didn't even occur to me until now that there are fish out there that have probably been caught like five or six times like fish that get caught over and over and never learn their stupid lesson right because on the same day it could happen yeah because they
Starting point is 00:21:01 were like oh look a snack oh no my life has changed and then they get thrown back in the water everything's fine man that was that was crazy oh cool a snack right now you said black fish season uh sea bass sea bass season oh but you it's a black sea bass oh okay yeah okay i didn't know if there's like you cycle through different colors of fish that are okay to catch yeah um no there's different seasons for uh for when you're allowed to catch fish and there's some i and like different rules for different areas i think in in north carolina there's like two days a year that you are allowed to take home red snapper and you're only allowed one that's like the limit so there's just people who are like fishing all year long and then they they wait for fourth july weekend or whatever it's going to be and you're like i'm going to catch
Starting point is 00:21:55 this is the this is my my one day to catch the red snapper pokemon and if i don't then i have to wait till next year that i was on a boat when someone caught them and it wasn't in season and they they took it very seriously but like i can't let anyone i have to make sure they like revived the fish on the boat before sending it back in the water because they didn't the fishermen are really serious about not breaking the law and they didn't want to catch or kill cpr what what had they revived the fish i think because they it's deep sea fishing so when you pull it out it's the same as humans where like that is too big of a change too quickly for the the fish's bladder so you need
Starting point is 00:22:42 to like pump some kind of air in it or something to get it like breathing again and re-acclimated to being at just a completely different depth yeah until they like revive themselves and and swim back down there that's wild um i i've heard of this about red snapper not necessarily like individual non-market not commercial fishermen but that red snapper that in within our country there is way more red snapper on menus than there is like red snapper being caught throughout the year yeah 70 like something like 77 of all red snapper and even like great restaurants is not actually red snapper it's this other correct really dog shift fish that when you eat it a certain percentage of the population when they shit after eating it get these oil droplets in their shit that terrifies
Starting point is 00:23:33 everyone like red oil see yeah rises to the surface and terrifies everyone i wish i could remember the name of this garbage fish i know uh there was a podcast that talked about it and they called it x-lax fish because of what it does to your digestive system but when i had it in uh hawaii everyone we were no one was putting on airs that's diarrhea fish that's what everybody i know in real life called it and then i heard about on a podcast called x-lax fish but um it's a kind of escalar escalar that's right thank you um but fish fraud in america even separate from escalar is huge because there's there's there's lots of incentive to mislabel fish right there's you can sell diarrhea fish at a much higher price if you say it's red snapper or grouper or something like that and if you're not buying a fish with its like whole body intact you're not going to know you're like most fish expert most people buying fish at a grocery store or a restaurant they're
Starting point is 00:24:39 not going to know the difference between tile fish and pollock or whatever so one of the incentives for uh fish fraud is you get more money pretending it's grouper another is uh you can catch a fish that is off season and you don't want to get caught for it so you skin it and say this is grouper i caught i caught one of the fish i'm supposed to to catch um i thought those are the main like incentives for lying about fish and also it's because it's like it's such a difficult uh thing to track because the food that we're eating in in uh our grocery stores and our restaurants is very often like caught in china and then travels through russia before it comes to us. Thank you all for listening to my fish fraud podcast.
Starting point is 00:25:31 I don't know if Soren knew who is teeing me up for a thing that I think a lot about. Welcome to Fish Fraud with Soren and Dan. Yeah, this is a great behind the scenes glimpse into what happens to ideas that I pitched to last week tonight that don't get picked up. They stay in my brain until I can talk about them on the podcast. I assume that you've also looked a lot into this, which is like the spiritual cousin to it, which is that they renamed a bunch of fish so that people would eat them. Like once they realized they couldn't get away with fraud,
Starting point is 00:25:59 they were catching still a bunch of fish that were like very plentiful, not bad tasting, but just like a real dog shit fish to look at it's like a chilean sea bass is a good example like chilean sea bass was not always called chilean sea bass it was like the patagonian tooth fish and when you see it the actual fish you're like oh no no one should be eating that no thank you uh and they renamed a bunch of them and they just decided like at one point there was just this surge where they're like and now we'll just rename all these fish to make it more palatable yeah
Starting point is 00:26:30 i my first experience with escalar in hawaii was just going to uh fish market and just i wanted to buy and make fresh fish so and i didn't know shit about fuck so i was like that one looks good can you tell me about this one what what should i cook it with they're like oh just some garlic and butter and it's great and i ate this fish and i cooked it and it tastes really good um and then i was shitting my brains out and i it just so happened that the airbnb i was staying at had a book about Hawaii fish. And as I'm sitting in the toilet, I was reading up about escalar. And they were like, sometimes called diarrhea fish.
Starting point is 00:27:11 And I'm like, hey! I know that one. It's true. I guess it's just a really oily fish. I don't totally understand how it happens. And it also doesn't affect everyone the same way, apparently. Like, there are just some people that are more prone to getting massive diarrhea from this fish. So they're like, these restaurants are like, we'll roll the dice on that. It's very funny.
Starting point is 00:27:35 I imagine both of us were thinking about Escalor this year because we listened to the same podcast. Search Engine. Search Engine. Search Engine, yeah. Search Engine, my favorite podcast um but the the host was going to this same sushi restaurant in new york and eating the same thing and getting diarrhea over and over again so he took he was like convinced that he was the victim of fish fraud and he took a sample of the fish and sent it off to get it dna tested to
Starting point is 00:28:06 see if he had been served escolar from the sushi restaurant and the results were no it's not escolar so this host is just like he uncovered this whole thing about fish fraud it made it like a very fascinating episode it was on a whole lot of like end of year lists for just like an incredible topic an incredible story and uh i'm sure informed a lot of people and changed a lot of lives got no closure on his thing just it's just unrelated getting consistent diarrhea from this restaurant he so he's somebody who uh asked very good questions about the world but at the world around him so isn't always aware on whether this is like a universal issue or this is a issue that's happening within a very small radius in new york city so yeah uh pj vote will like ask a question like why are there so many chicken
Starting point is 00:28:55 bones in the street and i'm like i cannot i can't relate to that what are you talking about i have no idea what that means and so like that like just the first part of the podcast is him trying to convince you that like this is a bigger issue which is always very funny to me try to sell it doesn't what he's the story he's about to tell is like no this matters yeah i it's such a a fun and addictive podcast and you're absolutely right that i'll see an episode title that it's like where have all the roaches gone it's like pj what do you mean what could you mean yeah i'm probably a good perhaps you moved um speaking of insects dan and insects disappearing you'll you will notice
Starting point is 00:29:40 visually that i'm in a new location okay please take a moment to do that all right uh yep the roof is uh slanty are you in an attic it does have that sort of feel or like an a-frame this is a the guest bedroom in my house we've modeled it after a motel six if you can see uh i got i got severely burned uh on a recent zoom call where my showrunner asked if my bedroom was in 1996 damn um you are so is your a quick question for you yeah on your On your work Zoom calls, is a bed behind you? Yes. When I work here. Yes.
Starting point is 00:30:32 When I work here, usually I work in the garage, right? Obviously that's my, that's my space. This is a room that I have to use as like a backup. And when it gets really, really cold in the winter and I need to be on camera, sometimes like a really rainy season, I will just come in here and work because it's just not i need to be on camera sometimes like like a really rainy season i will just come in here and work because it's just not worth it to be out there yeah um i do what everyone does when you have a zoom call in the beginning of the pandemic and it's the first time we're all doing zoom calls and i could see into my co-workers homes i did what everyone does
Starting point is 00:30:59 and i one by one go through absolutely everyone's background to see what they're showing me, what they're presenting. And I was and am shocked at people who will have their bed in the background or some people who are like sitting on their bed in like work clothes and everything. But just like this is, you know, we most of us live in New York. Certainly at the time we were all living in New York and no one has a big home in New York. Certainly at the time, we were all living in New York, and no one has a big home in Manhattan anywhere. So I understand space is limited, but just I'm not supposed to see any of my coworkers' beds. It's really uncomfortable.
Starting point is 00:31:40 I don't like it. This is not... So first of all, it's madness when they don't make the bed this is uh this is not my bed this is a guest bedroom bed so uh this is not where the magic happens um right and so i feel more comfortable i feel more comfortable with it in the background doesn't feel it just feels like another object in my house as opposed to like something very personal but i know exactly what you mean yeah when i see a co-workers or like they're sitting there and they're like it's clearly they're lounging a little bit more like their chin is
Starting point is 00:32:12 tucked in and then you can see a headboard behind them and you're like get out of there don't that it's like somebody it's like seeing somebody's breast fall out you're like i'm not supposed to see see this this isn't for me katie Stoll once posted a picture that was her boyfriend at the time, Cody Johnston, friends of the show, friends of ours. He was in swim trunks, which is like a thing I've seen before. I've been to pools and stuff, so it's not like an R-rated thing or anything. And he is in the shower with their dog, Maggie,
Starting point is 00:32:46 as he is like, that was how he was getting her clean, was getting in the shower with her. And Katie, I'm sure was posting it as like, look at this cute thing. This is how we wash the dog here. And I almost reached out to her.
Starting point is 00:32:57 I was like, take that photo down. I'm not supposed to see Cody in the shower. That is against the law. I love that you were scandalized by it in a way that was like did somebody call the police i know he's in swim trunks and i know he's holding a dog but there are enough other ingredients of cody in the shower that i'm not supposed to see yeah no i get it i get it um i don't like looking at my co-workers houses but that's all i'm gonna do the entire time is like see i want to see what i'm not supposed to see for like no other reason than like i look at uh roadkill when
Starting point is 00:33:41 i drive by it i'm like yeah i don't want to see it but i want to make sure that it's not there i want to look through your everything that's in the background be like what clean up your fucking floor before you do a zoom i can see a bra on the floor i was so scrupulous in my early zooms that i was always only going to have a plain white background behind me just a solid white wall because I didn't want the last thing I ever wanted to do was invite ten comedy writers into my home and an opportunity for roasts because I know what we're like we're terrible and so I was gonna give them no information that was one of the reasons and the other reason was i wanted the freedom to uh take little trips and take great advantage of
Starting point is 00:34:34 working from home and i didn't want uh any like identifying marks like if i was ever in a hotel room or staying at someone else's place or traveling, I would find another white wall because I didn't want anyone to know where I was in the world. Now I give much less of a shit about what's in my background in these Zoom calls. I'll normally have the depth of my apartment with a window behind me because that's where all the plants are and i think the plants look nice but uh that is also like the workspace where fiance works a lot of times and i don't want her in the background so when that happens i just like wedge myself into a corner with a fire extinguisher hanging on the wall behind me and it's like i
Starting point is 00:35:20 don't give a shit anymore guys you's whatever you didn't realize how many more questions you were raising early on in the pandemic by only having a white wall behind you and wearing a three-piece suit on everything single zoom call yeah suddenly it was that's all anyone could think about right i didn't do a three-piece suit for my work zoom calls that was just for like my friend yeah happy hour zooms but like we um it's it's wild that you brought that up because we someone in our group chat was just posting a bunch of screenshots from our the happy hour zooms that we would do and it is like such a cry for help it It's such a bad time.
Starting point is 00:36:07 Like, we're all at 3 o'clock in the morning drinking alone in our apartments, just playing weird games and, like, doing Pictionary and stuff. And it's like, it was definitely a fun time. And, like, we all needed it to get us through this horrible pandemic. But looking at those photos, it's like, oh, I don't actually want to...
Starting point is 00:36:23 I don't think I want to see that. I don't think I need to be reminded of that. i also don't look at x-rays of my broken wrist yeah it's enough fun to see me broken um well okay so i mentioned killing insects the reason that i'm in here today is because oh yeah i have tented i did I said killing insects Yeah I'm tenting my garage Oh What's in there? I'm fumigating it
Starting point is 00:36:52 Termites Oh gross Termites Are something that any I don't know if this is true of everywhere This might be my PJ vote thing Where I just assume every house has termites But within Los Angeles certainly Everywhere that I've ever looked at When we were looking for houses this might be my pj vote thing where i just assume every house has a has termites but within
Starting point is 00:37:05 los angeles certainly everywhere that i've ever looked at when we're looking for houses uh everywhere i've ever lived has termite damage and it's like a guarantee that while you're living there if you're living there for like seven years you're gonna get termites at some point every house you buy you gotta tent it immediately then you live in it for a little while you're going to get termites while you live there and you have to tent again it's just like it's just how it goes here um and so i've been in the situation where i was working in the garage looked in a corner while i was sitting there probably on a zoom with you or on this call with you and i was like man what is that pile of sawdust oh that's just termite like where the termites are shitting i guess and they're like it's like coming out of the wall and so i had a
Starting point is 00:37:49 guy come and he's like i can't spot treat this you're gonna have to tent it and i was like okay sounds easy enough it's just a garage but my garage shares a wall with a neighbor it's like it is the a wall comes to the garage stops at it and then you know that becomes the wall and that wall has these beautiful vines growing all over it for them in their backyard so i had to like really negotiate how am i going to tell my neighbors i have to kill all of that i'm going to put a tent over my garage it's going to kill all your vines i know that it took years and years for those to grow but the garage is gonna you understand the garage will fall down if we don't do this and so like trying to decide how can i make this up to them like i'll offer to
Starting point is 00:38:32 paint it like offer to scrape it do whatever they need done and uh just have them um pivot to youtube that's what happened the last time vine died. Soren, did you hear me? I'm letting it just sit. I'm going to let it marinate. Okay. We'll add it in some laughs. Nobody went to YouTube, did they? Nobody went to YouTube.
Starting point is 00:39:00 All the Viners went to YouTube. TikTok was not available when Vine died. Okay. Wow. I hope their careers survived that jump uh so i'm in a situation now where like yeah i'm i'm tenting it it looks awful out there i can tell that like it's killing even the stuff that's nearby it and uh at some point that's going to come off and i have to now i have like this whole new mess of problems where i gotta fucking solve a wall that i don't even see every day because i feel terrible for my neighbors my uh old place where i lived uh and my landlord she was uh 197 years old and she lived in the unit above me and the place was
Starting point is 00:39:47 falling apart for a million different reasons and we had like the clearest textbook indication of termites you will ever see in your fucking life in our bathroom of just like a hole in the ceiling and then a perfect circle of that sawdust debris or termite whatever it is that coarse dust underneath it yeah yeah like unmistakable signs of termite infestation and as she did with all home repairs she looked to see if she could fix it herself and she couldn't because uh i got 197 years old and she couldn't because I got 197 years old and she wouldn't let me call any professional for for this or any situation she always had a very specific person for each thing and it was like reliably someone who would tell her that
Starting point is 00:40:37 the damage is not that bad and that it would cost too much to fix or replace anything whether it's like the washing machine broke or the ceiling was leaking or the ceiling was full of termites she would get some fucking kirkland brand repairman to come in and be like i can plug up that current hole where the termites are throwing their droppings and then you won't see that anymore yeah and that would be i wasn't allowed to get a second opinion from anyone that would would just be like, well, I talked to my expert and the expert says, you're crazy. The ceiling is not leaking and there aren't termites. So I guess this is just your life now. And that's what happened.
Starting point is 00:41:14 We just like cocked up that hole and I was like, this is not my home. This is going to fall apart on someone else's watch. It's going to collapse. It's going to collapse at some point. And how embarrassing is that? Like, how embarrassing is it that you didn't like so much of home ownership is you being like i just have to avoid a wall falling down or something that's gonna really embarrass me stuff can go wrong underneath the house it was really wild knowing being like so very aware because it was it was just her her husband had
Starting point is 00:41:47 passed away a while ago and um her plan for the house is truly to just die i know it's a dark thought but like she so much was falling apart in that house. And I would I you'll never get a better tenant than me because I would say like, hey, I'm sorry to bother you. But the the window fell out and I need it because it's winter. And she's like, can you live without the window? And I would say, I guess I technically can. Like, you'll never get a better tenant for this particular situation. window and I would say I guess I technically can like you'll never get a better tenant for this particular situation but I would would think about like this is this is your home this is your
Starting point is 00:42:31 investment all the things that I'm fine living with the next tenant is not going to be fine with like you're not going to get me ever again what could the plan be and I think I'm pretty sure I landed on it. The plan is to just die. And then the house goes to the state and it's someone else's problem. And at a certain level, I was like, I kind of respect that. You're not going to. What are you doing? What are you doing? Building up a nice home for someone else.
Starting point is 00:43:00 This isn't going to be. You're not getting buried in the house. Yeah. Yeah. else this isn't gonna be you're not getting buried in the house yeah yeah i i mean you can see it with parents too where parents will be like they're trying to decide what they want to do with their house and they're like do we we've got like wood rot or whatever and they're like should we fix it or should we just let it ride because how much longer can it conceivably go for? I am looking forward to eventually reaching the age where something goes wrong with my body. And doctors don't advise changing my diet or rehab or anything to fix it. when they're just like well your knee could just suck
Starting point is 00:43:45 now until the end i'm like thank you that's right that is that's what i wanted that's how i feel too you need the kirkland doctor you need the doctor who's gonna tell you everything's gonna be fine i somebody uh i think it was my in-laws one of them had gone in for an eye exam and the doctor was like well you've got this you've got astigmatism and you've got like clearly some these other signs of like aging. There's like clouding in the eye and stuff. And like your vision's pretty poor. So ultimately really good for your age.
Starting point is 00:44:13 Yeah. You're just getting these, these report cards that are like, I mean, at this point, a C minus is awesome. So you should be really happy with what you've got there. I get that with teeth. Dentists. I hate going to the dentist because I'm always concerned that I have done something drastically wrong throughout the year. I've just fucked up. And I go in and I'm just like ready for bad news.
Starting point is 00:44:35 And a lot of times the doctor would be like, doctor, listen to me. The dentist will be like, okay, so I see like some cracking here. You got some really bad gum recession everything looks great yeah because you see i guess you see people who don't brush ever in their entire lives who then are like wandering to a dentist by mistake um right and people just need like full crowns and stuff or like bridges whatever a bridge is and so seeing some teeth where somebody still has all their original teeth the doctor's like what the doctor yeah the dentist is like somebody else get in here look at this look at this
Starting point is 00:45:14 uh i don't get that i get very clearly every dentist will say boy you really grind your teeth huh like yeah sure do i had to go to a periodontist to see if they wanted to do surgery on my gums to make more gums for me. Yeah. Which is like brutal. The process, I guess, is that they, you have all that wrinkly stuff on the roof of your mouth, that wrinkly skin. That's a bunch of extra. That's, yeah, that's the gold of your mouth. Apparently they cut that off your roof of your mouth apparently they cut that off
Starting point is 00:45:45 your roof your mouth and then they tape it to your gums and then and then hopefully it takes and it turns into more gums i don't want that but it's the most painful process in the world leave that crying skin just where it is that's where it's supposed to go it's not supposed to see any more light than it does currently my dad had had that process done and then he said the only thing that he said was super painful it was very hard for him for like an entire week and then after that he just couldn't get over the fact the roof of his mouth was so smooth because you've grown up your whole life with that that piece of your brain down there that piece of your brain that you just put your tongue against all the time and it was
Starting point is 00:46:25 different all of a sudden and so like he couldn't couldn't get over it he's like talk about it constantly dinner and stuff it's so smooth i think it's just sliding down there slipping and sliding don't like it apparently the process has changed somewhat When I'm talking to my periodontist, he was trying to assure me that if I did want to get it done, they, and this was not comforting, they go underneath the gum. They cut out a slice of like skin underneath the gum and just raise it up. Like a window, basically.
Starting point is 00:47:02 Like a sliding window. That's the only way I can describe it. They separate some of it and just slide it up and then it continues it restores in place and i was like that sounds worse that sounds like way worse yeah i don't want any of this let's take it off a cadaver let's do that yeah and then not even stitch it into mine let's just put it there and if it takes it takes and see if it doesn't yeah if it doesn't i write it out how much longer can i be here speaking of how much longer uh we somehow recorded a whole episode oh we're done daniel it was you got something else no i i only wanted to say the reason that
Starting point is 00:47:47 this happens this happens to us occasionally this is a little peek behind the curtain where daniel and i will uh record and then we don't ever say any of the things we meant to say because we just want to talk to each other and i gotta say it was great talking to you man great talking to you i came in with four to you. I came in with four questions. I've never been more prepared for this podcast. And we didn't use them. So back to the trash they go. We'll never use them.
Starting point is 00:48:16 Goodbye. Bye. Hold on, hold on. Let me get through a couple outros real quick. Okay. If you want to find Daniel or I, you can find us on blue sky. Uh, quick question is still on X at QQ underscore Soren and Dan.
Starting point is 00:48:30 There's a, uh, Instagram is QQ Soren and Daniel. You can watch a little snippets of these episodes and I mean, watch them because you can see both Daniel and I, if you're also interested in seeing more bonus content of us and seeing our faces, you can do that at patreon slash quick question or you can watch all these podcasts in their entirety on
Starting point is 00:48:51 youtube at youtube.com at quick question podcast sorry at youtube.com slash let me start all over again youtube.com slash at qq podcast and you can find our stuff there you can also just go and search it. It's got a good search function over there on YouTube. They're doing it right. Thanks always to our sound engineer, editor and producer, Gabe harder.
Starting point is 00:49:13 In this case, our stand in engineer and editor and producer, Jacob Weinstein. You probably more likely to find him out there than you are to find Gabe harder. And that's it. So. Bye. Bye. out there than you are to find Gabe Harder. And that's it. So, bye.
Starting point is 00:49:26 Bye. The answer's not important, I'm just glad that we could talk tonight So what's your favourite? Who did you get? Who do I be? Who do I remember? What's it up to? Where did all that go? Oh, forget it I saw a movie, Daniel O'Brien Two best friends and comedy writers
Starting point is 00:49:58 If there's an answer, they're gonna find it I think you'll have a great time here I think you'll have a great time here

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