Red Scare - Anorexia Enormosa

Episode Date: October 25, 2022

The ladies discuss The NYT's foray into atypical anorexia and "sex positive" congressional candidates Mi...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Okay. Welcome to my, hello. Okay, hi. Hello. Hi, Anna. Hi, my Persian princess. Yes. Hi, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Dasha, can you tell them about your sinister actress plan or is it too much? I was just making a cheeky, off-hand comment to Anna about how I'm secretly happy whenever a gorgeous actress transitions because it's less competition for me in the casting pool. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:55 Hey, girl, you should totally cut your hair. You should get it in more of a, have you thought about being non-binary? You could totally do it. We should get double misactivities for the pod. For my, for our careers. Yeah, and then get like really gorgeous faked head. Like many years later.
Starting point is 00:01:20 Yes, smart. Oh, I didn't think that, I didn't think that through. Yeah. Yeah, my plan to be the only bio-female actress left. Yeah, the last women standing. Did someone's got to cast me? Yeah. Someone's got to show whole.
Starting point is 00:01:41 I'm like, sir, she's the only one. Roger. Like talking on walkie-talkies and giant industrial hanger. How are you feeling after getting your DNA test results? I'm okay, I'm a little under the weathers. I'm a little run down. I think I have a cold.
Starting point is 00:02:02 I don't think it's the cocoa. I've got something too. Yeah, we all do. It's humidifier season. Oh yeah, I should whip out the humidifier. It's been laying dormant. I need to get a new one because I threw my old one out, but it did occur to me today that on my way over,
Starting point is 00:02:19 I was like, wow, my lips are so chapped. Mine too. What the fuck? The dry. It's the, once they turn the heat on in New York apartments, then like it really sucks the life out of you. Yeah. I've been walking around like bleeding from my mouth,
Starting point is 00:02:34 like Steve Bannon. And I'm just like, no, you don't understand. It's sexy. It's like having thick eyebrows. It's like a specific look. Exactly. I'm being dehydrated in the natural brown. I was telling you when Azalea Banks went off on Kanye.
Starting point is 00:02:51 For being dehydrated. And was like, bro, you look dehydrated. You're like naturally beautiful. Black skin looks ashy and gray. I felt so attacked. I felt more attacked in that moment than when she actually attacked me. I was like, oh shit.
Starting point is 00:03:07 I'm dehydrated. Cause my skin also do be looking ashy and gray. I'm like the only white person who's ashy. Cause I'm a POC now bitch. Cause you're a Middle Eastern actually. It's Fahan province. I get very sallow. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:27 We both sort of. Olive undertone queens. True. Yeah. They did, you know, I don't know if does this, but the Me gives you, like a break down of the physical features that you're genetically likely to have given your makeup.
Starting point is 00:03:46 Wow, I need to do 23. It's I think it would be fun. I mean, we have the disposable income just to compare and contrast the results, but they'll tell you like how likely you are to have a certain eye color or detached versus attached or the ratio of your index finger to ring finger, widow's peak, that kind of thing. I forgot where I was going with this.
Starting point is 00:04:14 Unibrow. Oh, unibrow, yes, unibrow or no, unibrow. Where something having to do with being Middle Eastern, Ashi. Yeah, I don't remember now. Chronically dehydrated. I feel chronically dehydrated. That's my main, my New Year's resolution.
Starting point is 00:04:34 I know it's too early to like lodge those is to just like get more hydrated. Get that humidifier on, girl. I'm telling you. But like how much water do you need to drink? Well, to like get on a baseline level of hydration. Azalea said that it takes two weeks to restore your hydration levels.
Starting point is 00:04:55 What the, damn. Sometimes I feel like I'm doing okay. I'm making good progress. I'm like drinking enough water, but then another, you know, it's really varies so drastically from day to day for me. Today I like barely got out of bed. I need to have a baby dude for real.
Starting point is 00:05:12 Like I'm playing orange chess. It's like not to drink in no water. Just like looking at pictures of hospital. Got nothing. Yeah, exactly. It's giving child. It's definitely like, yeah, my lips are cracking. Not that I'd be more hydrated if I had a baby.
Starting point is 00:05:33 No, you'd be. All these extra. Literally be way less hydrated. I'd have all these extra responsibilities, but it'd be good for me, I think. To have a baby. Yeah, you can really channel all of your deepest ambitions and antisocial qualities into the baby.
Starting point is 00:05:53 Yeah. You can finally put the kibosh on like shopping or shoplifting. Shit, I thought you were gonna say shitposting. No. No. I don't know. I'm kind of back to shitposting after a long hiatus.
Starting point is 00:06:07 You are, and I'm glad to see it. Yeah. It's... You're not gonna want to shitpost the first year. I hope so. Yeah. That's all it takes to make the posting stop. Well, you know I'm gonna be a real bitch about being pregnant.
Starting point is 00:06:27 I can tell. I'm gonna be. You're gonna be like a diva. Yeah, I'm gonna be real hormonal and like, yeah. I don't know. I think you'll be surprised. I mean, if I already can't get out of bed. I mean, I think there's a difference
Starting point is 00:06:46 between being a real bitch and being a deliberate self-conscious bitch. Like when I was pregnant, I did make use of my status to get like perks and concessions. Sure. Of course. As you should. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:05 I'd be like, I'm pregnant and the matriot D would have to seat me or like a business that has, quote, no public restroom would have to let me in the back. I'm pregnant. Yeah. But I think my point is I would be, I would have a lot of time during the pregnancy
Starting point is 00:07:24 to devote to hydrating because I'm gonna really need to be super relaxed, super well rested, like basically we'll be able to do a thing, you know. Besides a drink, water, lie down, play chess, play online chess, that's when I'll really hone my skills. Online shop for baby clothes. For baby clothes.
Starting point is 00:07:49 That's right. Get my hands on some of those hand-me-downs. Mm-hmm. What are those gifts I got? Yeah. Yeah. I need those back. Hand-me-downs of hand-me-downs, yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:04 I literally was like, I should just sell some of the old baby clothing on Depop. Not a bad idea. And then I was like, nah, these childless hoes ain't gonna want none of that. Yeah, on Depop, you could consign it to the real real. They take baby clothes? I got many of those gingham pants off the real real,
Starting point is 00:08:24 like before he was even born. Oh, good to know. Yeah, that's a good place to get. They're so pushy. The consignment people. Yeah, and annoying over at the real real. I know. They send you a text and a follow-up text.
Starting point is 00:08:41 They're like Donald Trump. Hey, I'm in your area. Yeah, they are like Donald Trump. Ever since I donated. I text you 5,000% more than I literally do. Is that even possible? I love that Paul Cupo got his DNA tests back the same day. And I told him in the group chat
Starting point is 00:08:58 that he was gonna be 110% Italian. And sure enough. He's mad Italian. He's the most Italian guy. Yeah, not the 91%, that's high, but that's not. But as Amber said, that's like even more Italian than being 100% Italian. Because the real Italians are a little bit.
Starting point is 00:09:18 Yeah, they're all Balkan dogs. Exactly. Yeah, there was really no surprises with my DNA. Everything that I expected, I got. You were 50% 49. I'm 50.5% Iranian, Caucasian and Mesopotamian. Like 36.2% like Slavic, Russian and 12.8% Ashkenazi Jewish. Which I'm frankly surprised by,
Starting point is 00:09:45 because part of the reason that I even did this DNA test aside from being an impressionable woman, who was just, you know, mimetically copying you. Yeah. I was like, I don't know, I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:10:01 I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. Being you, yeah. Was that I wanted to also compare and contrast my results to my sisters,
Starting point is 00:10:12 because she did 23 and me like four years ago and her, she's two percentage points. Less Ashkenazi. Wow, very interesting. It's super interesting, yeah. Okay. Though you would think that that would reflect in IQ, but it really doesn't,
Starting point is 00:10:31 because she's definitely the smarter one. She might be the smarter one, yeah. But yeah, she's less Ashkenazi, which makes sense, because she looks a lot more like my maternal grandmother and I look a lot more like my maternal grandfather, so I clearly inherited more of his genome or whatever. I was like on, immediately took to the DMs
Starting point is 00:10:49 and was like, Razeeb, tell me more. But we can wait to unpack all this, because we should just like have him on at this point. We should get him on. Logo's coming, didn't you think? Yeah, yeah. Which no one wants, but they're gonna get. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:11 Sorry. How do you do, fellow Christians? Yeah, we have, me and Logo have some talking to do about the one true church. I told Razeeb that he's gonna have to explain what recombination and haplogroups are. Haplogroups, yes. I was looking up the haplogroups
Starting point is 00:11:33 because they gave me like my maternal haplogroup, but then they said. 23andMe is way better than, I gotta say. You should do it. And also honestly, you get 20% off a second kit so you can get one for Matthew. Cute, yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:49 I was gonna get one for Eli because they had this promo going and we were fighting at the time and he was like, whatever, I don't want a kit. So I was like, okay, fine. And now he regrets it. You're a loss for real. Paternal haplogroups identify ancient lines of men
Starting point is 00:12:08 that all trace back to the same common ancestor, not available, although women inherit roughly 50% of their DNA from their fathers, they do not inherit the Y chromosome and as a result, do not have paternal haplogroups. I felt so. Women do not have. No, I felt so shafted.
Starting point is 00:12:27 I was like, I want to be part of like a quote ancient line of men. Hello, Bap. Yeah. Hello. I want to know what my- You're a total Bronze Age pervert confirmed. I was a Greek god.
Starting point is 00:12:51 Okay, good to know. Yeah, I didn't even get to get into any of the haplogroups. So on, did they break down like all the regions and provinces that your people were from? Not in the detail of, well, I showed you, it said like Ukraine and Belarus, but then Razib told me that they don't even...
Starting point is 00:13:11 It's like the fifth episode we've done where we are talking about. It's a talk about Razib. He likes it. Of course, yeah. But none of our listeners do. No, they are tired of hearing about the minutia of our DNA test results.
Starting point is 00:13:24 But, you know, it's our podcast and we make the rules. So true. Yeah, they, I looked at the breakdown of- What's your maternal haplogroup then? Let's see, I'll look it up. The Longhouse. Yeah. Wow, the Longhouse.
Starting point is 00:13:46 The Longhouse in action. And they say we live in a patriarch. And we can't even find out our paternal haplogroup. Like your haplogroup, your maternal haplogroup is spittoon wielding Asian matriarch who belittles clerk husband. I looked at- Tiger mom.
Starting point is 00:14:11 My maternal haplogroup, if this means anything to anyone, is at UB40. No, it's Ufa, a shitty Gen X joke. Red, red, white? Red, red, white. That guy was hot. It's U5, B1, B1A. What, dude?
Starting point is 00:14:34 I don't fucking know. Come on. I don't know, I don't know, that's not, yeah. Okay. But the Ashkenazi Jewish, I'm going to have to take a big L on this one, is it's all Central European, Western Ukraine, Southeastern Poland, Eastern Poland, Lithuania, Belarus.
Starting point is 00:14:54 So I'm merely a lowly peasant, longhouse potato Jew and not the high German Jew, I was led to believe. You thought that you were? Well, because my family was not settled within the pale. They lived within the city limits of Riga. Okay. And they were all doctors and came from a nice upper middle class family and we have this very fancy
Starting point is 00:15:16 German name, Rainberg. So I was like delusionally missled. No, I could have told you. You were like, I can spot him from a mile away. So, yeah. That was my one bargaining chip, you know, to Lord over Eli, because I was like, haha, you're just a lowly Polish and Ukrainian Jew
Starting point is 00:15:35 and I'm a high German Jew. No. Yeah, no. Poor Lenny. I take that all, yeah. Yeah, he's, he's like literally, he's like 60% Zalonsky. Get that baby a DNA test. Can you, can you make a baby?
Starting point is 00:15:57 I guess you could hypothetically get a baby to generate enough saliva to like spit in the cup, but there's like just like food chunks up in there and like fecal matter or whatever babies are picking up off the ground. You don't. Yeah. But I'll get the 23 and we will pick this up
Starting point is 00:16:12 where we left off. Yeah, yeah. Well, I really want Eli to do one and I want Lenny to do one so that I can have a new means of Lording over Eli because I guarantee you the kid inherited more genetic material for me. I, well, the babies,
Starting point is 00:16:30 well, babies do inherit their mitochondrial DNA from their mother. So all babies are slightly more their mother than they are their father. Is that true? Yeah, I think so. I'm going to need Rezeb to confirm yet again. Well, they also have the in whole,
Starting point is 00:16:45 in utero thing. Right. That just makes them. There, yeah, he got my HIV. Stop. And HPV. And the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell. And the seed oil.
Starting point is 00:16:59 It's good we know all that stuff. Yeah. That we've been learning online. I know we've become so much more knowledgeable since aligning ourselves with the right wing. I told my therapist about repeat today. And what do you say? He was, you know,
Starting point is 00:17:20 I was like, anything sugar is actually not that bad for you. And he was like, okay. I was like, but he's not dogmatic. And it actually works for me because I'm just calorie deficient primarily. So I kind of just need like a patriarchal figure that doesn't feel too stifling to like give me vague nutritional guidance.
Starting point is 00:17:44 Yeah. That I can just be like, man, maybe I'll have a soda. Fuck it. I'm on a health kit. I have that Van Luen cone and Mexican Coke. You know, I'm just a health nut. Yeah. Well, two glasses of orange juice for me today, please.
Starting point is 00:18:03 Do you drink orange juice? I have been since I've been vaguely petered, but I didn't really before. I don't know. Cause I just had so much like analysis paralysis through the various like orthorexic. We'll get into eating disorder. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:25 This is a big pro on this episode. But, you know, like I definitely have been like, I have to like starving, but being like, I have to eat something healthy. I have to say, I have to eat kale every day. And like choking down foods I didn't particularly want. That's why I like repeat because he says to eat like liver and stuff that I naturally am like disposed to.
Starting point is 00:18:51 Yeah, exactly. It's like, well, cause he read up on all those Russian nutritionists. So his diet is actually weirdly very Russo inspired. I was doing like an interview recently and the guy was like, well, you know, it's fine and good to say that you find BAPS writing funny and entertaining. But that's often used as a means of dismissing his underlying
Starting point is 00:19:24 program, which is rather alienating to most people because it calls for eugenical supremacy. So would you say that you're on board with that? Can you comfortably confirm that I'll get into it later? But why do you find BAPS so relatable? And I was like, literally, it's just that I really relate to his bit about getting so hungry that you get analysis paralysis and you can't decide where to go.
Starting point is 00:19:52 And there's like a five guys in a Starbucks and you get so angry you just like don't eat anything because you want the meal that you have to be like worthwhile and good. Yeah. And you can't bear to eat some like bone dry prepackaged sandwich from starves. I mean, that's what I end up end up doing usually. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:16 Yeah, I'm like delusion. I'd rather starve and then I go to like some bodega and buy one of those like refrigerated like protein bars. I eat Chipotle. So yeah, I really am. This is how much water I drink today. That's not good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:38 Well, you know, all Azaleas had to get one of those Nalgene that has like the little yardstick on the side. I thought that was a good little pro tip or life hack or whatever. I have a Nalgene that doesn't have the like hours of the day, but you know, I do kind of make up. But I left it at Matthew's house. Yeah. Days ago and since then I haven't.
Starting point is 00:21:00 It's literally so hard to stay hydrated as a woman. How are you as a woman going to drink a glass of water? It's a Sisyphian battle. It's impossible. It sucks, man. Boo-hoo. We can't drink enough water. I'm rich and white.
Starting point is 00:21:19 So hard to drink water. I'm disabled. Honestly. That's going to be my body positivity thing. I'm going to start like a thing like Alcoholics Anonymous, but for like people who are like perennially dehydrated. Yes. I will join.
Starting point is 00:21:46 Because that's a disorder. It is. It's something's wrong with me. It's a disease. It's a syndrome. Well, I guess. Yeah. We're going to talk about this article in the New York Crimes
Starting point is 00:21:58 about atypical anorexic. A.K. being a secretive and shame based fat person who binges. This is what's going to really get us canceled. Don't say it. Don't speak it. Because people are losers. And the one thing that really upsets them is not misogyny or racism or homophobia. It's speaking frankly about eating disorders.
Starting point is 00:22:35 Yeah. It's true. It's always been. I saw like a really great thread the other day that I noted you were commenting on. Oh. Uh-huh. Where some right wing guy was like, there are only two acceptable female body types. And it's like literally thin and then curvy, but also thin.
Starting point is 00:22:57 Like a little bit. A little bit. Yeah. More like, yeah. With like slightly wider hips. Yeah. There's all like a lot of right wing guys who have kind of like aesthetic mood board style accounts where they literally post like the gayest, like Tumblr core pics I've ever seen.
Starting point is 00:23:19 Yeah. It's like a girl with a perfect wavy bob holding a tiny little espresso in like an Italian villa type landscape. And the one thing that really and they're like kind of like propping this up as like an image of natural beauty in a landscape of like leftist ugliness and depravity. And I'm just like, okay, but how can you not see that she has lip injections? Yeah. They literally cannot spot the minor like nips and tucks that women be having, which I don't,
Starting point is 00:23:58 I'm just judging, but like you can always tell when a woman has lip injections because they have that like sausage lip that doesn't have any wrinkles. Yeah. Some girls get very tasteful. No, I know, I know. Well, but that's the whole thing with like any kind of like cosmetic intervention or plastic surgery. It's like the good work is invisible.
Starting point is 00:24:18 So you can't really tell. Right. But like a lot of the stuff that's like bandied about as like a pinnacle of natural beauty is like literally augmented. Where do they find these pictures? I don't know. I don't know. They have to go on Pinterest or Tumblr, which like you gay.
Starting point is 00:24:36 I'm sorry. It is. It's super, it's super gay. It's much gayer than like the physique posting is when they post like a gorgeous like villa with like some woman who clearly works out. Yeah. I don't know what that that is. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:57 Well, he, uh, cause I posted a photo of me at the gym. Yeah. Wearing the revolver news teacher to famous Michelin Darren Beatty. Um, and lots of people said my knee looked weird. And when I was reading the New York crimes article about atypical anorexics talking about being fat shamed, I was like, I was like, yeah. A lot of people were sending me zoomed in photos of my kneecap and saying it looked kind of weird and that I'd actually didn't look strong in the pic.
Starting point is 00:25:33 Um, they call me spaghetti legs. A gumby. Um, no, and then someone tagged me, that photo of me into that thread and then that guy was like, this girl doesn't need to go to the gym. She's the first acceptable body type, which I was like, so sweet. It's so true. But it's true. It's true.
Starting point is 00:25:58 Dasha, you literally don't need to go to the gym because you're like literally naturally thin. If you go, it's for, uh, mood benefits, which is, yeah. And a point I made was that knots of naturally attractive women have, um, mental disorders and anxiety and stuff. And so they actually should go to the gym just to kind of work some of that stuff out. But also being skinny fat is real. Women can't just not exercise.
Starting point is 00:26:24 Like skinny fat is also a type of fat and no one's ready for that conversation. I'm just spiritually obese. Just spiritually. Yeah. Me too. No, but like literally, I think if you're naturally thin, you don't need to go to the gym as a woman. You can get like a few steps in and like do some lightweight lifting in your own home.
Starting point is 00:26:46 You should strengthen your core. No, I agree with that. I'm, I'm pro, I'm pro gym and pro fitness overall, but it was the first time that I saw a thread though, even though it was somewhat annoying and a couched in fake and gayness got to the heart of things in a truthful manner. Because the fact of the matter is a lot of women who are pretty and thin are naturally low, especially when they're young. Yeah, but you have to maintain your physique as no, I agree.
Starting point is 00:27:23 I'm just going to slow down ladies. I'm a big, I mean, I don't think you should be like lifting necessarily more like in some kind of like gym cell mentality. Like I go to the gym twice a week. I could probably go once, you know, and then supplement with like a pull. I think Pilates. I'm really, I haven't done Pilates in a long time because I have been weight training, but I think Pilates is great.
Starting point is 00:27:50 It's a really low impact workout. That's great also for like building lean muscle tone. I think it's awesome for women. It's great for there's prenatal Pilates. It's like you should strengthen your core. Everyone should. Yeah. Even if you're naturally thin.
Starting point is 00:28:10 Yes. I think you will only benefit from some form of physical exercise. Yeah. Of course. Of course. I'm not, I'm not advocating that you like go on permanent bed rest and become like a chip eating diva. Cause I've been, yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:27 But what I'm saying is that like, like painting with a broad brush in the general parameters of his insight, he is correct. That if you're naturally attractive and thin, you don't need to go to the gym. You don't, yeah. You don't have to like freak out and be like aggro or obsessive about your fitness habits. Yeah. Because it's, it's 90% diet anyway. That's probably true.
Starting point is 00:28:54 My babysitter who's naturally thin and gorgeous told me that when she started cooking at home versus getting takeout, she lost 10 pounds just like naturally overnight. That's literally how it happens. Yeah. If you know, that's, that's very true. Yeah. So anyway, I'm just trying to make a point that people are very touchy and insecure about. Well, sure.
Starting point is 00:29:20 Well, that, that thread was mad annoying. Yes. I mean, they're all annoying. Deliberately. They're all deliberately cringe and corny. I don't actually know if they're deliberately cringe and corny. I think that they're being kind of like renegades and speaking truth to power. They think that about themselves.
Starting point is 00:29:35 I mean, no shade. That guy told me I was naturally thin and had an acceptable female body type. So as a natural pick me, I salute you, sir. Thank you for your, thank you for your service. Thanks for remarking on my physique. Thanks for noticing. I am naturally thin. A lot of people have made comments about me seeming like.
Starting point is 00:30:02 I have disordered eating. I actually have something we touched upon earlier. Low executive function, which is not a, which is, of which my disordered eating is really a symptom, but I think that's the bigger like umbrella category of what's wrong with me. And people have made many snide comments over the years about how the anorexia was going to catch up with me and ruin my metabolism. Yeah. And still.
Starting point is 00:30:28 Pretty. Still, still trucking. Yeah. So I don't know. Yeah. I mean, look, at the end of the day, your spiritual obesity will catch up with you. It catches up with all of us. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:44 You get the, yeah. You get the face you deserve. Anyway, so the New York Times published yet another article. Very long. It was very long. It was in super long. You don't look anorexic. New research shows that our assumptions about eating disorders are often wrong.
Starting point is 00:31:07 That many large bodied people are starving themselves. Once again, I must reiterate the key to reading the New York Times is reading it as an art or stob to maximize your enjoyment and pleasure. Yeah. You get mad at a term like large bodied when you can laugh at a term like large bodied. Yeah. A fat body is a political body. I learned in college.
Starting point is 00:31:44 The very first sentence of the article, which focuses in particular on a woman named Sharon Maxwell. Which reminded me of that really hot model Stella Maxwell. That was cruel. Sharon Maxwell spent much of her life trying to make herself small and that immediately took me right back to, oh, by the way, Mills College, my formerly defunct women's university, no longer defunct, but now is called Mills College at Northeastern. So it got bought up by another larger institution.
Starting point is 00:32:24 And I think it might be coed now, but I remember learning that feminist terminology of women make themselves smaller and spend their whole lives kind of crushing their bodies into submission to take up less space. And that really hitting hard in my teen mind is like, I was like, wow, yeah, it's so true. Patriarchy is real. Women are small. And that concept gets circled back to at the end of the article, which is about this woman, Sharon Maxwell's sort of recovery from what is called atypical anorexia nervosa, which
Starting point is 00:33:14 basically means you have an eating disorder, but it's not working and you're still fat. Yeah. And then after at the end of the piece, once she takes control of the narrative and starts posting on social media, very cringe videos of her smashing her scale with a baseball bat. No, that was a different one. That was a different, it was like a black chick. It was Sharon Maxwell. It's confusing, but I was like, because I was like, wait, who did this?
Starting point is 00:33:52 And it circled back to Sharon Maxwell towards the end of the article to kind of tie some of these ideas together. But it was, it was a real, it was a doozy. It was a real riot, a real hoot. You know, that quote, that's like, if you're, if you're not a liberal at 25, you have no heart. And if you're not a conservative at 35, you have no mind. Yeah. If you, I've heard it at 30 being the, yeah, like whatever. But if you don't believe in the patriarchy at 25, 15, 15, you have no heart.
Starting point is 00:34:31 And if you still believe in the patriarchy at 25, you have no mind. Yeah. Like straight up. Straight up. Straight up. Yeah, yeah. Cause these, these frameworks and concepts are very compelling, right? Another one I was taught at my liberal arts school was that all heterosexual sex is rape.
Starting point is 00:34:59 Andrea Dworkin, who I love by the way. I respect her. I respect Dworkin as well. She was a real juggernaut. Yeah. And that, she does the same thing that like, Polya does, which I also like where you kind of take something to it's like logical kind of outlandish conclusion. And I really always admire thinkers that do that even if they're like conclusions are
Starting point is 00:35:22 a little like outlandish or far-fetched or contrarian. Well, because, because it reminds like their polemics are so obviously rooted in insecurity and lack, but you can say that and you should say that about any polemic. All polemics are rooted in insecurity and lack of sensing yourself as being different from others and suffering a gray moral fatigue and psychological torment because of it. But the difference between good polemics and bad polemics is that like good polemics universalize the particular and bad polemics like particularize the universal. Very true.
Starting point is 00:36:16 And make it all about me, me, me, me. Ukraine, what about me? Well, in Dworkin's case, I mean, she was a very atypical anorexic lesbians and big old galoshes and overalls. I think in that way, she's, it's almost a good polemic because it's not like she was ever a victim of, you know, male desire, you know? Yeah, that's true. Yeah, but that's, but that's why she was, that's why she's so mad.
Starting point is 00:37:06 She a lesbian. Yeah, but she's only a lesbian. Dworkin was only, I mean, she lived with a man for a long time. She was probably gay, but I think she was only a lesbian because she sensed herself very acutely and urgently to like not be an object of male desire. And I think it's very easy in those kind of instances to like chalk it up to like external forces. I think it's a chicken or egg kind of thing.
Starting point is 00:37:30 Yeah, it is, it is, it is. Yeah, but, but it's really just like your attitude. People chalk things up to external forces that are merely a question of personal attitude and personal responsibility because most, most other people are really like not that observant and you can literally get away with anything. It's like, you know, I said it in the early days of the podcast, like the easiest way to get people to think you're hot is to like stay not only directly, but mostly indirectly that you're hot and they'll just believe you.
Starting point is 00:38:03 You don't really have to be like objectively attractive. That's true. Yeah. I mean, it helps. It helps, but it's not the be-all and end-all. It helps to have one of the two acceptable female bodies. Yeah, it does, yeah, yeah. That's the other thing that I was confused about with that thread because he said, you know,
Starting point is 00:38:20 like there's two acceptable female body types and they don't naturally have to work out. So does that mean that the other unacceptable body types have to work out? I guess. Yeah. Like do they have to sweat it out at the gym? Some people have to work harder, I guess. Like if you're naturally like Apple shaped, but, you know, right off the bat before even getting into the nitty gritty of the article, like it's very apparent also that like most
Starting point is 00:38:58 obese people are like malnourished and starving themselves. Well, technically, yes, they are because even though they're operating at a caloric surplus, they're clearly operating at a nutritional deficit because they're not getting the nutrients that they need and that's probably like a function of both nature and nurture. Like they're maybe genetically predisposed to not make use of those nutrients. Yeah, but they're also not consuming enough of them. Genes are a big part of it. I mean, I came away from this article, which sort of sought out to make the case that, you
Starting point is 00:39:43 know, anorexia doesn't always look like what we think it looks like and that there's a wide range of kinds of people who are afflicted with it. And I came away with being like, oh, anorexia is fake. Like this is, to me, it really made the case of like, oh, this is a kind of medicalized category of pathological behavior that I think is real, like bell curve style, like in the extremes, but the way that we use the term to refer to basically any sort of like disordered eating or like even like obsessive compulsive disorder attitude towards food as all being part of this like anorexia nervosa symptomology.
Starting point is 00:40:45 It made me feel like the whole thing was was fake. I know, but that's what they want you to think. Is that what they want you to think? Or do they want you to think that anyone can be susceptible to this whole idea where they say like, to make it easier for people with atypical anorexia to be screen treated and insured, there's a growing movement in the field to collapse the categories of anorexia and atypical anorexia into one to no longer see them as separate illnesses to decouple anorexia from its virtually synonymous association with thinness, many, however, fiercely resistant
Starting point is 00:41:18 to letting go of the metric of weight, it would require altering the organizing principle by which the public and the greater medical field conceive of the condition. It would also require recognizing that anyone in any body can starve themselves into poor health and you'd never know it by looking at them. And it's like, well, okay, first of all, clearly as they themselves point out, the effects of the extreme malnourishment that you experience with the anorexia are compounded by the burden of living in an overweight body that you experience with like morbid obesity. Right.
Starting point is 00:41:52 The health effects are worsened if you're like starving yourself, but also that. Right. But also. But collapsing them into a category just feels like more like making it into like an identity that people are entitled to claim regardless of. Yes. Well, it's like with everything. It's again, like the culture of narcissism, the narcissist society.
Starting point is 00:42:15 We have to make these clinical definitions, which are imperfect to begin with, bend to our subjective self perception, right? You know, it feels very political. Well, it's a very sinister article to write in light of the like obesity rates and well, yeah, they're getting they're effectively getting to the fact that obesity is a much more widespread and common eating disorder. But in this like backhanded and ideological way, because actually the real eating disorders is obesity.
Starting point is 00:42:48 Yeah. And anorexia is like a bad and scary and profoundly fatal disorder, but it's a small fringe of disordered eating across the board. Yeah. And like, again, collapsing the taxonomy muddles all of that. And it's it is very like in line with our open borders culture, which is actually a borderline culture that's that's like literally my my central pseudo intellectual update. On Christopher Lash and TLP and this whole like discourse about narcissism is that we've
Starting point is 00:43:24 moved past narcissism into borderline. The predominant personality type that you see in the culture is a borderline personality. It's a hostage crisis. Yeah. Yeah. It's literally, yeah. And where the hostage is. And then yeah, I'm just like, can't I be a typical anorexic in peace?
Starting point is 00:43:49 Why all these fat people have to, I'm kidding, but that's that's kind of that's what the article would like you to believe is the predominant disposition of these eating disorder clinics and stuff. It goes on to like describe the various experiences these atypical anorexics have at eating disorder facilities for their place with like precipitously thin and some girls like I'd rather die than be fat. But obviously those I saw Taylor Swift, I guess put out a new album today, which I have not listened to, obviously.
Starting point is 00:44:29 But apparently she has a song that makes reference to her own kind of disordered body image. And I saw some like fat positivity activists on Twitter complaining about there being a scene in one of the music videos where she's looking at a scale and it says fat and it's like that meme of like a girl looking in the mirror and it's like Danny DeVito. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:57 And they were making the case that like how, how would you think it would feel for someone to say that they would hate to be to look like you to be fat and stuff. And it's like, well, that's what an eating disorder is by definition. Fat phobic. Yeah. And you can't, you can't, if we're going to be collapsing all these categories and like valorizing mental illness along with obesity, it's like you're going to get a lot of mixed messages people.
Starting point is 00:45:29 This makes me think of like that transphobia test that you did and I dropped halfway because I was like, I just like, there's some things I don't want to know about myself. And then I was like, oh, shit, like I really am transphobic in the literal sense of the word. I don't hate trans people. I'm afraid of them because I'm afraid that I might say something wrong and upset them or like they might misread my intention. I like literally live in fear of, I'm so scared of like misgendering you.
Starting point is 00:46:01 Well, that's what happens. What if I overst... Like, and I was like, I'm literally like transphobic. Awesome. Yeah, and that you're a trans person's hostage and they're very mentally ill and you don't know what they might do. Yeah. So you like walk on eggshells.
Starting point is 00:46:21 But yeah, anorexia I think is like a very interesting disease as Renee Gerard said in that essay that was posted on the sub because it obviously involves a great deal of discipline and like it's discipline that we all wish we had in one way or another, but that we, which we recognize in this specific context as being horribly and tragically misguided and misallocated, right? And like, so it seems like, you know, extreme thinness, this criteria of thinness that applies to anorexia clinically is a shorthand symbolically for discipline. I sound like Jordan Peterson now, I'm like, what do you mean by believe?
Starting point is 00:47:10 And what do you mean by in and what do you mean by God? When you say, I believe in God, that's a statement that needs to be unpacked. But you know what I'm saying, like, and it seems like the people who present with atypical anorexia, much like the rest of us in general lack the discipline required of the true anorexic who was doomed to a prison of psychic torment that like literally nobody wants, by the way. And that again, very few people legitimately can achieve, can achieve, yeah, I wouldn't say achieve. Well, I don't mean that in a positive way, I mean that in a literal neutral sense, yeah,
Starting point is 00:47:53 whatever, the article also did something very interesting from the jump, wherein describing Sharon Maxwell's upbringing mentioned that her family belonged to a fundamentalist Baptist mega church where gluttony was seen as a sin to eat at home was to navigate a labyrinth of rules and restrictions. Soon after that, it says it makes some reference to religious fasting. During periods of religious fasting at her church, she would take the practice to an extreme consuming nothing but water for days. And then it does a couple other times make weird like anti, they had a real anti-christian
Starting point is 00:48:50 sentiment kind of from the, from the beginning. Well, that's, that's just typical NYT because it's like a libtard atheism light. Exactly. So any sort of religiosity is associated with quote, mega churches and quote evangelicals and the Bush era. Exactly. That's yeah. But a lot of this does begin at home with parents who have like a shame based.
Starting point is 00:49:12 But it has nothing to do with them belonging to a Baptist mega church, nor is gluttony a sin particular to like evangelical Christians, but that's what I mean when I say spiritual leftism. It's this, this attempt to launder any questions of like personal desire, personal responsibility off as like the, you know, like your victimhood at the hands of external forces, like church leaders or authoritarian strong men or quote, the patriarchy and the male gaze and like a religious fast thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:49 Yeah. And I mean, it's true that like the nutritional kind of dietary guidelines when we were growing up were completely bonkers. Like there was like that fat free craze and, and the food pyramid with the bread on it. And I remember, I mean, I know a lot of people who are overweight now who testified to having the same experience as children, having these diet obsessed parents, specifically mothers who were really into like skim milk, and they would have like a heaping bowl of sugary cereal with skim milk.
Starting point is 00:50:24 Right. Right. And there was a real push by like the carb lobby to, to promote cereal as healthy, which is ridiculous. I mean, I wonder what, I don't know. I feel like culture has become so fragmented now that there isn't even like a coherent sort of mainstream ideology around nutrition, really. No.
Starting point is 00:50:58 And you have all these like weird fringe beliefs, like rape, heat and egg slonking. Yeah. They also seem like wacky and farfetched. I'm curious about how much of atypical anorexia is just bulimia. Because you know, later on in this article, they mentioned how Maxwell's esophagus is like damaged from years of purging. So she's a bulimic and they say 36% of people with anorexia develop bulimia at some point and 27% of people with bulimia develop anorexia according to one study.
Starting point is 00:51:35 But that's also like very much like the typical like bog standard New York Times model of journalism where they're like writing dubious studies, anecdotal evidence about fat shaming that they claim to that is happening. Yes. It's very much like the Daily Mail light, but with a lot of like moral and scientific and intellectual pretensions, like they'll basically present some like culture war like hot item in self-censoring language and let the photos do the talking. They'll present like photos of fat people, offer them up for mockery and ridicule.
Starting point is 00:52:20 And when they are summarily mocked and ridiculed on the internet, we'll like backpedal and be like, oh, well, we live in like an ablest and fat phobic and patriarchal society that's like concerned with like body shaming and it's like, you did this, you know, yeah. I mean, the article makes reference to that like one of the subjects being shown that like meme image of the fat Italian guy wearing the I beat anorexia t shirt and then mean while the article is paired with like a photo of a, you know, overweight woman that says you don't look anorexia, it's like begging the suggestion. Yeah, it's begging people on Twitter to make to make right wing threads about how she's
Starting point is 00:53:14 a pig who doesn't deserve to get fucked like literally. And I love this. Almost all of my colleagues were at capacity says Shira Rose and Bluth and eating disorder therapists who specialize in size and gender diverse clients. It's really it's hilarious how she hits them with the I'm at capacity line. But when I look at I looked at the photos of this like Sharon Maxwell and Shira Rose and Bluth and I was I was struck by the fact that they weren't merely obese, but they had this very specific body type, which is like apple shaped with a large midsection and toothpick
Starting point is 00:53:52 legs. Almost everybody in the story had that that body shape. And it reminded me of that conversation we had on the last episode about plum plummeting testosterone levels and sperm counts in men and like the flip side corollary of PCOS in women. Yeah. Yeah. And PCOS, as you know, often presents in virilizing symptoms or with virilizing symptoms.
Starting point is 00:54:19 So midsection weight gain. They mentioned PCOS. Yeah. Briefly. Access body hair, elevated levels of free testosterone in the blood. Like basically PCOS is a condition where a woman androgynizes or virilizes. Right. But in reality, what it is, is a condition of insulin resistance.
Starting point is 00:54:43 PCOS is basically prediabetes. Oh. Yes. So this, this very typical body type that you see, that's not merely obese. It's not like a stacked pog. It's an apple shape is just insulin resistance. And you see this in women and men in America. And it's very funny that they talk about how like atypical anorexia is, is higher in women
Starting point is 00:55:10 than it is in men, obviously, because eating disorders are higher in women than men, but it's also very high in quote, non-binary people. Yeah. For non-binary people, the number jumps as high as seven point. Yeah. The estimate suggests that 4.9% of the female population will have the disorder. Yeah. So non-binary people, the number jumps to as high as 7.5%.
Starting point is 00:55:34 Yeah. And, and of course this is very dicey because non-binary is like a self descriptor and means literally nothing. Well, as is anorexic, honestly. I think anorexic probably has like a clinical definition. It has a clinical definition, but I think with the data that they're using, it's also like literally I've starved myself like who among us hasn't skipped a meal. Sure.
Starting point is 00:55:58 Yeah. And I think like, I don't know, there's a case to be made for the kind of like self-reporting that these studies pull from where like, well, it is, yeah, it's self-reporting. If you're likely, if you're more likely to identify as non-binary, you're also likely to probably identify with like a slew of like psychopathologies. Well, right. My long winded, wind baggy argument that I'm trying to make is that they aren't making in this article like statistical predictions based on your self-reported non-binary status,
Starting point is 00:56:30 but it cuts both ways because when you are a sufferer of insulin resistance, you are literally functionally becoming more non-binary whether or not you accept the status because the fatter you get, the more virilized, the more androgynous you get, the less sex differentiation there is. Yeah. Fat people all kind of like approach a mean. The men become women and the women become men. That's why also like when you think of like trans activism, it's very laughable to me
Starting point is 00:57:07 in a certain regard because like as the country gets more and more obese, people are all becoming more and more functionally trans. Like obesity literally hampers sexual differentiation as does by the way extreme thinness. They mentioned that if you're like extremely malnourished and emaciated, your body stops producing sex hormones because it's in like fight or flight mode and it's concerned with like mere survival. And that's part of the narrative that gets conflated I think also with talk of anorexia and in particular in the extremes, I think the bell curve of anorexic like behavior will
Starting point is 00:57:56 basically conform with women engaging in some form of like restrictive or disordered eating in order to achieve some mimetic standard of beauty. But in the extremes, I think you see real at like anorexics typically have some kind of like early childhood or like sexual trauma that causes them to like tragically starve themselves like Fiona Apple. Oh, because she was molested. Famed anorexic who like starved herself specifically to suppress kind of differentiating sexual characteristics.
Starting point is 00:58:36 They want to they want to like kind of preserve themselves in the amber of childhood forever where they're not they're afraid to become yeah, they're afraid to like they associate like but in a perverse way, they have to like revisit the scene of the crime. Yeah, I know it's it's super it's it's very twisted and sad. But also, yeah, sorry, go ahead with with, you know, legitimate extreme anorexia, it is a kind of like lashing out, I think against well, right, certain like experiences one has had, like, as a sexualized or like a child, yeah, that I mean, that's interesting. I want to ask Dr. Drew about this because on the flip side, when I look at the photos
Starting point is 00:59:25 of these fat women, who are also invariably tattooed or have piercings, I think I look at them and I think molested as a child, something happened to you as a child like dead. It's like the voice test. Interesting. So yeah, maybe, maybe that's the real argument. I just like made the argument for collapsing the typical anorexia like they've all been molested as children. Make it a same clinical definition in the DSM.
Starting point is 00:59:55 I think you're onto something with the, but the, that woman, what's her name, Aaron Harrop, the other woman who was in the article, the large tattooed one, that's a they them. I was like, you were, you were clearly molested as a child. And it's like, okay, I don't, I know, no, I don't mean that in a mean or pejorative way. Like I'm very sympathetic to it. It's like all of these people are experiencing major, major psychological pain and torment. They're not happy people and like that's, that's why I also get angry at the New York
Starting point is 01:00:31 Times for offering these people up for us to mock and ridicule because it's our job to mock and ridicule them. You don't get to know it's disgusting. It's disgusting with what the New York Times does where they literally offer these people up for mockery and ridicule and then they say, who me, we were just, we were just doing the report. We were just doing investigative reporting with experts and fact checkers in like politically correct language.
Starting point is 01:00:57 It's really like disgusting and despicable because they seed, they encourage people to have like festering, unflattering thoughts. Sure. Yeah. That's literally their job. That's what journalism is in this day and age. It's encouraging people to jump to paranoid conclusions based on the available data. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:21 But I don't even think it's intentional. I think they're, what's a, it's like a business model. They follow. Yeah. They're useless idea. It's following. Like I'm drinking my Spanish wine and coke. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:38 Yeah. Of course. That DC. But yeah, I look at these women and I think like they're in a lot of like pain and discomfort. I think it is possible. I mean, obviously there is disorder eating going on and it is possible to starve yourself and you know, have co-symptomology with anorexia while being overweight. I don't think it is as straightforward as like looking at someone and being like, wow,
Starting point is 01:02:08 you're too thin. Let's get you off to the eating disorder war. You're too fat and you don't qualify for like insurance or programs or whatever. But I said this early on in the pod and it caught me a lot of flak, but anorexics are really the ultimate aggressors masquerading as victims. And I don't say that exclusively or pejoratively, right? They don't know very often what they're doing. And it's obviously like a disease of relatively high IQ, relatively middle class white women
Starting point is 01:02:43 primarily, though now you're seeing a lot of like now anyone can have it and now it's like cashmere. It was originally a luxury item and now it became a quote luxury item that any like peon can buy off the rack at TJ max. Well, that's also part of it. Sorry. Yeah. No, no, no, go ahead.
Starting point is 01:03:03 There's a romantic disorder to have that there is also, I haven't read the Gerard piece in full disclosure, but I think there's almost like a mimetic desire not for thinness, but for like being categorically anorexic because you get to have like, you get to incorporate like a tragic disorder narrative into your life. I mean, it was the original disorder of the female saints. Exactly. Anorexia mirabilis. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:03:35 And religious, I do take umbrage with the like offhand dismissal of like religious fasting because I think it's an attack on discipline and religious fasting doesn't necessarily have it's not it's not anorexic. It's literally about like denying yourself something that you might want in a fortify yourself spiritually. Yes. I no, no, I understand and I agree with that, but and I'm not a big fan of like, um, applying contemporary moral standards to, um, historical figures or events, i.e. like historical revisionism.
Starting point is 01:04:23 But when you hear these accounts of female saints who starve themselves, you can see kind of, uh, the, the, the lifeblood of like feminine civil disobedience of like topping from the bottom, passive aggressive manipulation, emotional terrorism, emotional extortion in the name of religion back then, because that was the going, that was the ideological framework. Now we do it in the name of like, uh, Somalia and Sudan, like Mia Farrow, that was, that was like 90s, 2000s, like political causes. In this day and age, it's probably like in the name of like body positivity, whatever. But when I say like, anorexics or aggressors masquerading as victims, I don't mean that
Starting point is 01:05:17 they don't have a serious illness and I don't mean that they're, they shouldn't be taken seriously and treated with fairness and compassion. I just mean that they are also like misallocating their tremendous energy and resources into this. Who was the guy who like, uh, came up with like the clinical definition of anorexia called it perversion of the ego. This was cited in there. Sir William with the gull in English position who coined the term in the late 1800s called
Starting point is 01:05:55 it a perversion of the ego. And it's a, it's a weird backhanded way of making yourself big by making yourself small. When you look at what eating disorders do in a family setting, for instance, like you take up space by not taking up space, right? Yeah. You, you extract. It's a power move. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:21 Yeah. Especially, which is why it's so prevalent in like teen girls who are uniquely kind of disempowered in this, in this way. It's a real. Well, and in middle class educated teen girls from, from, you know, relatively nice well-to-do families where the going mode of like intercourse, not sexual, but like emotional intercourse is passive aggression and cordiality, right? Where there is actually no intimacy and warmth.
Starting point is 01:06:51 Yeah. Like it's so obvious that like what I'm saying is like, I'm not, I'm not, I'm not saying that these people should be like cast out of society, exiled, they don't deserve treatment or like pieces of shit. That's not what I'm saying at all. It's a very backhandedly aggressive stance, which is why anorexia and all eating disorders are primarily a female affliction and why men generally don't have them. Yes.
Starting point is 01:07:17 And to be the libtard devil's advocate, even though I don't truly even necessarily believe it, but like you can make the case, right? But that is also because of like pain, drunken beauty standards and blah, blah. But I think it's really, I don't think men impose beauty standards. Women impose that beauty standards. All this, this John Berger thing that like feminists love, they love the, the men watch and women watch themselves being watched line because it's, it's very sexy and enticing and almost feels like a spy thriller starring Gene Hackman, but also gives you kind of plausible
Starting point is 01:08:00 deniability through its like Marxist reading. And then he puts a mirror in her hand and calls it vanity when he like, you know, paints or photographs her nude and realistically, women are the ones driving the draconian unrealistic beauty standards. Women don't care as long as you have like a reasonably nice demeanor and pretty face. They literally don't give a shit. If you've got a hole, yeah, someone, there will be a man to put it in you. I mean, that was really my, I didn't chime in because sometimes it doesn't, it's not
Starting point is 01:08:41 worth it for me to get involved in the discourse, but with that, the right stuff, dating app yeah, a fat girl right wing backlash thing. I was like, a lot of men just dead ass like that. Like, they, they're, they're literally, they're like, Oh no, the state, not the state making me have sex with this smoke and hot fat girl with a natural hourglass who's also fat and wearing high-waisted jeans. No, not this date making me like, first of all, black guys can be conservative too. What are you saying that they're, they're all chubby chasers?
Starting point is 01:09:18 Well, I'm doing, that's, you know, that's, it's an easy joke, but I'm just kidding. But did you see ACON is starting his own city in Africa? I did see that. Yeah. Very, very cool. Do you think that he would invite us? No. Why not?
Starting point is 01:09:34 Why not? Why not? I'm an ACON fan. We'd have to become atypical anorexics to get invited to down on the feet. That's so true. We have to gain 30 pounds. I would gain 30 pounds to get invited to ACON's Senegalese city with a state-of-the-art 10,000 bed hospital.
Starting point is 01:09:53 I might. I'll think about it. Um, what was, what were we saying? Um, the, the fat girl dating, or the right-wing dating after? Oh yeah, just like, yeah, just like, legit, legit, man, legitimately, look, I don't like it either, but men do like that kind of body type. They literally do. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:16 Um, they, they, they just do it, but the point you were making prior to that was that you just have to have a nice demeanor, something, something. Men don't create beauty standards. Women do. We talk so much about, so much ink has been spilled about the quote, male gaze. We need to talk about the female gaze. There's no such thing as the male gaze. It's fake and gay.
Starting point is 01:10:47 Well, the only male gaze is, is, uh, one man gazing lasciviously and, uh, upon another man's gains at the gym. That's the male gaze. Uh, who are also happened to be literal. Yay. Yeah. Um, right. Much like the male gaze, I also, whenever these little like, uh, body positivity pieces
Starting point is 01:11:14 come out, whenever anyone details like their run-ins with fat phobia in the real world, obviously people on the internet say all sorts of horrible stuff about someone's knee cap or whatever. All sorts of falsehoods they're willing to spread about someone's, uh, body, all various attacks, but, um, early. One's asymmetries, one's asymmetries, weird moles, you know, people will say all sorts of horrible stuff online. Um, yeah, in this piece, it talks about, um, what's her, I keep wanting to say Sharon
Starting point is 01:11:58 Maxwell. Sorry. You keep wanting to say Stella Maxwell. Now you put it in my head. I keep wanting to say Stella Maxwell. Sharon. Well, um, describes like going to the grocery store and people chiming in on the contents of her cart, people calling her names like pig and fatty and it's like, I just don't
Starting point is 01:12:19 buy it. I don't buy it as much as I buy the male gaze. It's woke toddler syndrome. It's like when, during the, the, the pinnacle of like TDS, when people were like, my toddler turned to me. I said, Wakanda forever. Yeah. And it was like, yeah, like some three or four year old being like, if they overturned
Starting point is 01:12:40 Roe v. Wade in the future, I'm becoming a jurist and you're just like, Oh, okay. Exactly. It's like, first of all, like one in four, three to four people are obese in America. Yeah. So why would they be fat shaming each other doesn't add up. It's delusional. Second of all, everyone's a narcissist. So definitely no one cares about what's in someone else's car.
Starting point is 01:13:15 Have you ever like gone to a grocery store and like looked at somebody else's shopping cart? What are you talking about? Exactly. It's a, it's a fantasy of oppression made to buttress the fat positivity movement and I just cannot, yeah, I cannot stand, stand by it. Here's, this is a tweet that was like went mini viral on Twitter recently. I've been subject to countless microaggressions.
Starting point is 01:13:46 I've been coughed on by a group of teenage boys. I've been tutted at by old ladies who are somehow not afraid of white unmasked Swedes but are terrified of me by a cat zoo, the Asian girl, the Asian, yeah, who's getting harassed by clearly Balkan. Yeah, I know. It's like some guy who's like, clearly Croatian, she's like, look at this racist sweet. And it's like, it's like literally, I'm like, wait, I know that guy Croatian. Yeah, that thread was, was crazy.
Starting point is 01:14:27 That gave me a real paranoid feeling. It's, yeah, it's so, that's the big, it's so delusional where these people like invent wholesale narratives in their head where they're like, somebody called me piggy or fatty at the gross. They really didn't have a cashew shaped head. They said my mold was unsightly and that Anna looked managed. No, people, by the way, people send me so many like horrible, unseemly DMs because they feel licensed to like psychoanalyze me because I think they, they feel like they're matching
Starting point is 01:15:07 my rhetoric. And I think it's like, okay, it's like upsetting in the moment, but it's also like funny and retarded. I don't care. And when I was 14 or 15 years old, this janitor at my high school stopped me in the hallway. I was very busty. Repressed memory. And he said, go back to your own country, sand, boop.
Starting point is 01:15:34 And I remember like literally laughing out loud because I thought it was so funny because this guy was black Irish, but he straight up looked Arab and he was shorter than me. I'm not very tall. And it was like, he's clearly like lashing out out of like some like psychosexual impulse. He called you a sand boop. Yeah. Yes, he did. In my high school, which sounds like a thing that didn't happen.
Starting point is 01:15:55 I know that sounds delusional crazy, but I thought it was so funny. Have you ever been oppressed by racism? I think it's hilarious and not because it fuels my like weird immigrant superiority complex because it's literally just funny because you're like literally all of us are nothing and nobody. No lives matter. We're all mere mortal meat suit losers who are going to die in the end. We will all die alone.
Starting point is 01:16:20 Even if we have kids and grandkids, that's why I don't like the right wing trap thing when they're like your only legacy is having moved to a farm and have a trad wife with kids and grandkids. It's like also with some tumblr ass image they found of some like your kids and grandkids aren't going to save you. They're all going to be trans. Are you talking about loser and hate you for being conservative and raising them on some demented farm that you can can barely manage?
Starting point is 01:16:52 You're getting like Amazon packages shipped to you. I'm not moving to a fucking farm. I don't care. That's how you know I'm not really invested in any ideological drift because I'm like absolutely not. I'm like, I want to live in a nice apartment in a long island city, Lassie City, okay? On the Isle of Manhattan or Paris. You're like living on a farm raising like a farm farm fresh chickens and cows and some
Starting point is 01:17:28 guy who looks like Trayvon Martin pulls up in the Amazon buggy to get you your toothpaste and like skincare products. I bought Marie's toothpaste. The girl. The girl. Oh, yeah. Yeah. The girl.
Starting point is 01:17:44 She's fine. I like this girl. I like the poster girl. I love the girl who posts and who's hogging the toothpaste. And I bought it. She had a tweet that was like, people think my remineralization of your teeth thing is a bit. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:59 And I was like, I never thought that for a minute. Like, I understand she's a troll and a shit poster, but that one thing felt like profoundly earnest. Definitely. Yeah. And just like a thing I felt, you know, I'll let you know how it is. Yeah. So, okay, what's the thing with the teeth?
Starting point is 01:18:17 Fluoride is bad. Whatever. It makes you gay. It makes entrance. But isn't it in the water? Like, aren't I? It's in everything. When, when I was like last episode and I was like, hi guys, can you help me get clear
Starting point is 01:18:29 skin and a flat stomach? Everybody was like, you need to get a filter for your water. And I was like, already have one filter on your phone and they were like, and they were like, no, you need to get a filter for your bathwater and I was like, no, I'm not doing that. No, it's too hard. I'm not a fucking loser. I mean, I am in many ways, but not in that way.
Starting point is 01:18:49 I'm not living on a farm. I'm just going to put the Paris filter on my face. So true that you need to see it. It's called the Paris filter. If you swipe once on Instagram, we get, you'll get it. It just really smooths everything out. Don't fuck with the Jakarta filter or the Oslo filter. None of them.
Starting point is 01:19:07 Paris. Paris all the way. The Paris Heinz filter. Of course. Just a nice, put Vaseline on the lens, just really soft in the edges. Another, one of the best pro tips that I can offer young Insta hose is to eat a lot of carbs because when you, when you be going to the bakery, the grease from the bread, the sourdough and the croissant gets on the phone and it makes your skin look extra luminous.
Starting point is 01:19:39 It makes you look pregnant all the time. Down at la bourgeoisie. Yeah. The Mel Bakery. That's, yeah. That's solid. My phone. If you want to get some like, greasy fingerprints on the lens.
Starting point is 01:19:54 My phone was definitely, is always mad oily whenever I'm in Europe and that's where I'm taking some of my flyest pics. Do we have any other thoughts on the, um, yeah, anything else we could, uh, well, okay. Can I just say one, one very annoying polemical thing. I think it's very undignified to have an eating disorder after, I'm going to be generous and charitable after 25, undignified. If you still have, if you still have an eating disorder after 25, you need to do a, a searching and fearless moral inventory.
Starting point is 01:20:36 Yeah. Calorie counting also for losers. Definitely. You should, you should like literally just eat what you want in moderation. And figure it out. I mean, I, I don't know. I don't feel like I can, as a naturally than one person, I, I don't know. I, I don't know what it's like really to be like struggling with losing weight.
Starting point is 01:21:07 So I can't, I have a lot of boo, boo. I just don't know what it's like. No, I mean, I, I, I have, I can empathize, but I can't like, I just don't. I think after a certain point, you have to accept yourself and you know, life is all the basic facts of life is that life is tragic and disappointing, which is also, it makes it beautiful and you have to accept that. Well said. And sometimes you, not all of us can be weight.
Starting point is 01:21:41 I'm not a wave. I'm not a fucking wave, by the way. You're very thin. I'm thin, but I'm, I'm not a wave. I'm a sturdy chicken coop woman. I have a strong bone density and musculature. You have to like literally like accept what you are and, and roll with it. For sure.
Starting point is 01:22:01 This is my biggest libtard take. I think women are beautiful in all shapes and sizes. I agree. Truly. Mm-hmm. I don't privilege waves. No, I, 100%, I am with you. I obviously have a soft spot for waves because they're more, it's my body, they reflect yourself,
Starting point is 01:22:25 your subjective self-image and also your objective reality. I do not favor waves necessarily. I do not favor pogs. My hottest take also is that like waves and pogs are like also the pathological ends of a bell curve, like very few people fall within those categories. Most people fall in the middle. And I'm, I'm a big like believer in the, um, 90s Sharon Stone slash Madonna body type, which is like thin with small ish breasts and long legs, but like a nice handful, uh,
Starting point is 01:23:07 Leticia Costa. I love her too, but she has, but she's, she's got the nice, nice rack. She's the, she's number two, a female acceptable body type. Oh, yeah. You know, I see this broad. Yeah. Okay. I like, I guess she's, she looks great.
Starting point is 01:23:25 I like her weird janky teeth. She's incredible. And kind of asymmetrical face. She's beautiful. She aged very gracefully like, I love, wait, Dasha, I didn't know you were a Leticia Costa fan. I'm a big Leticia Costa fan. You got to follow this.
Starting point is 01:23:40 And I love the name Leticia because it sounds kind of black underscore tribute account. It posts some rare Leticia picks that are all very, very nice. She looks good, but she also looks within the realm of human possibility. Right. I don't, what I find like literally disgusting and pathological, I'm sure I'm going to have a bunch of haters up in the comments being like, she is just else. I don't like the Kylie Jenner, Kim Kardashian cottage cheese ass augmented virtual reality hourglass.
Starting point is 01:24:16 And I think there'll be a collective backlash kind of against that. Yeah. I like a basically attractive, athletic, natural female look. There's something, there's this aesthetic now that's like the lump in aesthetic. It's like the black China, Tweety bird, fleece, pants, okay, like ass injections, like Brazilian thing. Yeah. I see women at the gym with the fake ass and it does.
Starting point is 01:24:45 It looks horrible. It's disgusting. It really is. It's disgusting. You look like a toddler who just shit in the diaper, a diaper. It's very, it's, I've never seen it tastefully done. I think it's, it's gross. It deforms the female body.
Starting point is 01:25:07 It's just, it's not like anything I can imagine anyone wanting. It's not totally like porn sick and like auto-gynophilic on is honestly, it's like, it is. I think it's porn sick and auto-gynophilic. I think that's all, that's all like a spectrum, right? I think it's like the porn, if you get porn sick enough, you'll end up an auto-gynophile. That's true. But I always associate porn sickness with like the hyper-wafy anime thing.
Starting point is 01:25:37 I think in the normie contingent, like, you know, I think, I don't think porn sickness is necessarily relegated to the extremely online kind of, but there's also no boundary to sexual pathology. That's true. And like, once you open that Pandora's box, it just like... But I think porn sickness is more prevalent than we even know, like amongst just the general population. What is porn sickness?
Starting point is 01:26:05 Just like watching too much porn and becoming like, or watching porn at a very formative, you know, from a very formative age and then just having like some kind of warped and damaged sexuality because of it. Okay, I feel like I started watching porn at a very young age and I watch a lot of porn still, less so now because I'm like a rundown and beleaguered mother, but I don't know. I mean, like... I mean, I started watching porn fairly young, relatively unscathed, you know, I don't know. I don't have any like tremendous pathologies, certainly, but I think...
Starting point is 01:26:52 I also think there's, you know, the lower IQ you are, it's just you can get overly sat. You know, luckily we were both very high IQ, we were able to differentiate. They need to figure out how to include an IQ test element in 23andMe slash Well, there's no way getting around just taking the test, they can't, they can't extract it. Eli and I did an IQ test together once and we scored extremely high, but that's only because we were working as a team. You combine horses as well.
Starting point is 01:27:29 I bet Matthew and I would do really well. It was really fun. It was a lot of like puzzles. Yeah, totally. Yeah. Okay. That doesn't sound so hard. It was like a monkey discovers tools.
Starting point is 01:27:39 I'm going to take one. Yeah. You should. I mean, it was exciting, erotic. My chess like ranking is really plummeted today. Wait, what's your chess rank? You have a chess ranking. Well, everyone on the...
Starting point is 01:27:54 Grandmaster, Dosh. No, no, everyone on the chess app does. It'd be really funny if you became like a female grandmaster. It's not going to happen, dude. We should actually, we should actually bait Kasparov to come on the pod. I've got some thoughts on chess. I've got a lot of thoughts on Hans. I want to get Hans.
Starting point is 01:28:14 Leave it on the pod. We could. We could. You know, he's after the failure and disappointment of bodega boy. I think it's only right. If I get ghosted on by Hans, I'll blow my brains out. How old is this person? Like 17.
Starting point is 01:28:29 He's young. He's a baby. But he's got those Stanley Kubrick brows and he knows how to talk to women. And I watched some YouTube videos of him playing against me. I have a movie idea. Michael Tracy, a Stanley Kubrick. I love it. I'm going to make it happen.
Starting point is 01:28:52 I don't know how Stanley Kubrick was murdered while making eyes for his eyes, starring Michael Tracy. He's like, autistically doing a race, realistic. I don't think he has the acting chops. I'm sorry to say it. Yeah. But okay, Michael, you know, I loved you. There's a type of guy.
Starting point is 01:29:10 As I said, the standout talent of Uncut Gems was not Julia Fox, who was great, by the way. And like the role was tailor made for her. She did an incredible job is Kevin Garnett because he was not there in the capacity of an actor. He has no internal monologue. He's just like playing himself. So like Michael Tracy, who has no, he has no Hollywood ambitions, could really excel
Starting point is 01:29:37 in the acting field. Well, it's very, it's, you know, it's because he's naive and childlike. It would be a very demanding shooting schedule and I just wouldn't want to deprive people of his post journalism. Exactly. Yeah. I might have to go with Michael Shannon or something inside, but Tracy's on the short list and I'd love to see it.
Starting point is 01:30:01 I would. Can you just sit? Can you imagine Tracy as Kubrick, like workshopping Barry Linden? So it's an epic biopic. It's going to span his whole, yeah, I could. The spoke Zarathustra. We play that for the baby sometimes and he really likes it. What?
Starting point is 01:30:23 The. The. The. The. The. The. The. The.
Starting point is 01:30:31 The. Yeah. They like hit you with the tool. They are like a little monk. Yeah they are little tricky goes. Geetoso. Um, that long have we been going. An hour 34.
Starting point is 01:30:49 Oh, wow. So we don't have to talk about these disgusting sex positive pundits and politicians. No. I'd rather skip it. I don't like the stunt that the Sman polled. Yeah. It's all very stunt. it's giving something in the milk ain't clean.
Starting point is 01:31:05 Mike, it kissed. And I read the thing that you sent me and it was like he was born in Odessa, Ukraine. They were trying to make some like Zelensky-esque Ukraine connection. I was like, he's just like a port noise complaint horny Jew loser. Well, I have kind of a bit of a tinfoil hat take that I'll mention briefly. Sure. Yeah, Mike, it kiss NYC congressional candidate who released like a sex tape because he's running on a ostensibly sex positive platform.
Starting point is 01:31:41 He also has a military history. There was also this woman Alexandra M. Hunt who's also a congressional candidate. What's up with all the congressional candidates? She reports to be like a former stripper, though I'm sure she was not a real. I just don't. I don't buy it. She was like a children's party stripper. Yeah, she was a drag queen story hour performer.
Starting point is 01:32:11 She had a thread much remarked on on Twitter this week. I think she's already lost her congressional race by the way. I think she's like trying to ratchet up engagement by posting about in seldom. Basically, she shared a chart that showed nearly a third of men under 30 have not had sex and a higher percent do not have as much sex as they'd like and said that our society criminalizes sex and sweeps down under the rug, blah, blah, men who do not have sex suffer. They are less likely to be a part of the labor force and more likely to experience depression, nihilism and other mental health issues.
Starting point is 01:32:59 We should be moving towards a right to sex. People should be able to have sex when they feel they want to and we need to develop services that meet people's needs without attaching the baggage or shame of criminalization, blah, blah, blah. This was inspired higher from obviously both SJW types being like, are you saying that the government should be providing these horrible insults with blah, blah, blah, blah? With state mandated girlfriends. Exactly. Everybody gets a state assigned trans M to F girlfriend.
Starting point is 01:33:40 If you ask for it or not, one just shows up at the door. Hostage crisis. It's like Samantha Pritchard at your door on demand. Boom, that's your girlfriend. Yeah. Enjoy the sex. No problem. You thought you wanted to have sex.
Starting point is 01:33:56 Here you go, buddy. Now you do. You're never going to want to have sex. It's like when your parents catch you smoking, like you smoke a whole pack of cigarettes. That's what my dad did. That's why I'm such a chainsaw for now. A lot of trans people on the internet be like, Anna, you're just jealous because you don't pass as well as us. And I'm like, you know, it's so true, King.
Starting point is 01:34:14 I really always wanted a second pussy where my chin was like John Travolta. I wanted to make myself more serviceable and available to men. The third hole. Fourth. Fourth. Sorry. Yeah. I literally had to do the math.
Starting point is 01:34:37 Fourth hole is what I meant. Yeah. I don't know if I should even say my, my schizoid. Well, say it and then we'll cut it. We'll cut it later. We just can't cut it now. I've alluded to it too much. I have a dark feeling about the Ukraine stuff.
Starting point is 01:35:01 Okay. Refugee, like obviously tons of sex slaves come from Eastern Europe. Having conflict in that region obviously is going to ratchet up the amount of like desperate women. Yeah. Trying to leave the region. I feel like they're going to like crank up the sex trafficking. And so there's some kind of sci-op-y push to like destigmatize sex work to like. Some more Ukrainian underage teens can.
Starting point is 01:35:42 I feel like they want to collapse much like anorexia nervosa. They're the powers that be would love to collapse the categories of like sex slave and sex worker in an effort to like destigmatize. To say nothing of the 300,000 plus men that were conscripted by Putin and 700,000 who fled. I don't, I mean, I don't know where these Russian refugees are going. I doubt they're coming here because we're probably not allowing them. But if you guys want a Russian sex slave boyfriend, now it's probably your chance. I mean, that just isn't the market for it. But that is going to also, you know, part of the reason so many are becoming slaves yet again.
Starting point is 01:36:41 Well, they have been part of the reason. So many male order brides come from Russia and Eastern Europe is because there is a massive disparity between men and women due to the like deaths of despair that happened during the collapse. There's more women. There's more women who then are forced kind of into basically sex work. Yeah. So they're, I don't know. And these women are unlike women in the West in that they don't suffer from atypical anorexia. They're just naturally thin.
Starting point is 01:37:12 So they're, they're comfortable and desirable. They really, they're doing the thing by doing basically the minimum are able to do so. They don't even forget to eat because they're stressed out. They like literally just don't have access to food. So they're natural. They have natural and they're eager to my low BMI is marriage as a migration strategy. And that is to say nothing of like women who are legitimately like trafficked into international like sex trade ring prostitutes. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:49 But I don't know. That was just kind of a hunch. I got from these two seemingly disparate Mike at kiss Mike at kiss and this woman Alexandra Hunt. I was like, we need to talk about sex. And I was like, she was trying. We literally don't need to talk about sex anymore because it's been talked about like a lot recently. It's nasty. And much like gluttony.
Starting point is 01:38:13 It is a sin. Yeah. Everybody like everybody just like talks. Everybody talks about sex, but doesn't have it. Nobody be having it. Nobody be having it. These no pussy getting MFers are on my feed. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:38:36 And she, yeah, back when she like had her congressional bid, she was sort of doing this like white AOC sex worker thing where she had like very AOC style shirts. So like elect hose and so she's just, I get really creepy Mackenzie vast vibes from her. And it gets that might just be some, you know, true partner's complaint style retard and the two are, you know, there is no congressional candidates. Yeah. This is how low our political culture has fallen. I know. Losers. Horses.
Starting point is 01:39:17 Yeah. Just like deficience. Yeah. Horses degenerate. Inadequate losers. Yeah. Completely. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:26 But this is AOC's fault. She used to blame. I, did you see the video of her getting hacked? No, no. It kind of endeared her to me, honestly. I lately have been thinking AOC looks good. Yeah. And I'm kind of like, what?
Starting point is 01:39:43 I'm like, she seems at least higher functioning to me than. Okay. This new crop of retards. We've reached a new pinnacle where like, we've changed our tune on Hillary. We love her now. And so it's only natural that we change our tune. We're going to, we're becoming, we're becoming AOC stands. I, you know, she's legitimately her hair is looking glossy.
Starting point is 01:40:09 I will say one thing about AOC. She is not dehydrated. She's not dehydrated. How does she do it? But she is refrigerator shaped. You don't have no. She does. She does not have an hour.
Starting point is 01:40:19 I'm just saying. The waist-to-hip ratio isn't there. The knockers are nice. Yeah. But I, I'm not a knocker. I'm good for you. I'm not, I'm not, I'm not a, I'm not a titty supremacist. Contrary to popular beliefs, people, people think I'm stealing big natural valor.
Starting point is 01:40:32 I've never wanted breasts. I want bee stung bee cups so I can wear strapless top. Mimetic desire. Mimetic desire. And the best thing that happened to me is that after I finished breastfeeding the titties shrunk and now they are full on C cup and I can. C cup. Yes.
Starting point is 01:40:54 Perfect per natural C cup. Nice. No need for bra. I love a small, elegant breast. Of course. Me too. You know, someone of the way fish persuasion. You secretly covet.
Starting point is 01:41:13 Yeah. I do love to see like a big, huge, gorgeous pair of tits. Yeah. But this is a problem with women. This is why we're never going to be satisfied. And this is why we are spiritual leftists and bottomless voids is like the grass is always greener. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:31 But much as you said about, you know, how it's undignified to have any eating disorder past 25. I stopped sort of coveting. You have to accept. You have to accept. Yeah. Okay. It's called playing to your strengths.
Starting point is 01:41:43 You have to literally play to your strengths and just like, except, except who you are. Yeah. For sure. I know. Which is a rugged Latina. And that's just who she is. Okay. I literally went to the bodega today to get cigarettes, cafecito and some like young
Starting point is 01:42:04 bloods were like scrapping outside and there was started, I was like, this is going to be the night that I get kept by a stray. I'm going to have to text Dasha that I can't podcast tonight because I'm bleeding out on the street. Oh no. Did I tell you I had a dream that there was an amazing statue of Steve Saylor in midtown? No. But there should be like a cause.
Starting point is 01:42:28 I literally, I was like, no, it was like, it was like a George Floyd mirror. But it was Steve Saylor and he was like standing tall and in midtown and I was like, oh, nice. Dude, he's awesome. He's so good. I love when he goes off on Madaglacias. I saw a comment. I saw a post using that was like, it's interesting that Saylor says the majority of homicides are committed by black people because he's murdering Madaglacias regularly.
Starting point is 01:43:05 I was like, he is kind of just killing him. Madaglacias, typical atypical anorexia sufferer. Absolutely. Yeah. We should have him on the pod talk about his eating habits. We need to go visit Bannon and jail is what we need to do. We will. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:27 I think it's like Bannon should take the next four months and get super jacked. He should get yoked because can you imagine how unstoppable he would be if he had that tan and that head of hair, but like on a hot and if he exfoliated a little bit, we said we were going to bring him some and other stories, exfoliant and body butter. He's just, there's something wrong. It's not just skin deep. He is cute though. People were like, oh, how can you say like Brad Pitt is less attractive than Steve Bannon?
Starting point is 01:44:05 I was like, if you Google Brad Pitt and Steve Bannon young photos, they are basically physically equivalent. Only one of them would choke you out with a belt. Girl. Look what's up. Girl, I'm looking at Steve Bannon young. He's got a ringer for Brad Pitt. Absolutely not, dude.
Starting point is 01:44:26 He's got that. No, come on, like Ted Kaczynski, no, they have the same, they have the same like feathered Farrah Fawcett hair. He's got that tense mouth. He's stressed out. How you think Steve Bannon got the way he did? He's a stone called freak, dude. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:44:47 He looks cute here. He's cute. When he gets the preppy looks, but like something bad happened to Steve when they laughed at him. He's a twisted and maladjusted individual. He is like, but we love him. We love him. We love him to death.
Starting point is 01:45:10 He's sweet. Good luck in jail, Steve. That time's going to fly by. It will literally four months, that's nothing. I mean, I bet he's a raging alcoholic. Yeah, I think so too. So hopefully he has those dilated capillaries. Hopefully he doesn't have like wicked alcohol withdrawal in jail and like.
Starting point is 01:45:30 Oh, he will. Maybe it'll be good for him. Maybe you'll have like a Dostoevsky in a moment and he'll come out kind of like better than ever. He's going to do, yeah. He's going to have his crime and punishment moment of like religious penance. Exactly. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:45 I think like four months is going to do him good. Yeah. I'm just really hoping that he, you know, gets his, gets in shape, starts lifting. He should become a Muslim. I suggested that to you. That's a good way to bounce back. You can become a five percenter. One last thing about Kanye.
Starting point is 01:46:05 Yeah. Okay. All right. Um, Alex Sabola said to me the other day, he said, there's a way, because I was like, we were talking about how Kanye can't stop going on the news and like he's, once he kind of took the lid off the anti-Semitic stuff now, he's just, he can't stop. Yeah. And like he's, I was saying that he's kind of being like thwarted at every turn in a
Starting point is 01:46:29 way that's like confirming his worst suspicions about like who's doing it and stuff. And so it's all bad. Like it's like, it's just exacerbating his mental illness. Like it's never a good idea to do what he's doing. Um, and I was like, well, how could he, and Alex Sabola's was like, he can bounce back from this. And I was like, how? And he was like, if he said 30% of, um, African-Americans are unbanked and I'm unbanked now, if he did
Starting point is 01:47:04 like an unbanked thing or like there are, there is, there are some kind of wire 30% of African-Americans unbanked. I don't know. Ask the Jews. Okay. We're done. We're done. We're done.
Starting point is 01:47:17 It's over. It's over. It's over.

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