Red Scare - Diddy Really Light Himself On Fire *TEASER*

Episode Date: March 12, 2024

The ladies discuss Aaron Bushnell's self-immolation, Google's woke Gemini AI, and Diddy's belated #MeToo moment....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We went in an abject hot tub for my birthday. Those are innocent times. It was before Aaron Bushnell. I know, I know. I mean, I hope more people don't self-immolate. I hope more people don't self-immolate. Well, that was the idea that a lot of the right-wing guys were saying that the reason that you have to mock and belittle Aaron Bushnell on is to prevent future copycats,
Starting point is 00:00:26 which doesn't really seem to out of. No, no, that's not going to dissuade. I don't think anybody's going to see like a zero HP Lovecraft tweet about how Aaron Bushnell was a coward and also women suck and should be imprisoned and stripped of the vote and be like, okay, I'm not going through it. I mean, literally looking at X makes me want to like the match.
Starting point is 00:00:47 I'm like, give me out of here. I know, but that's what I'm saying. That's like my most cynical hot take in all of this is like when people think they have like a cause that they're murdering themselves for, there's usually another much more mundane, perfectly reasonable explanation for why they did it. That's still valid.
Starting point is 00:01:06 Which is that they were like cracking under the pressure of living in our current social media hellscape where like... Which is still... Nothing can be, like everything is permitted but nothing is possible. Yeah, that's like also the legitimate reasons to go out. You know? I get it. I'm like, for sure. You're going to self-emulate because,
Starting point is 00:01:34 emulate because not enough people are sharing images if you're one tip. I'm going to emulate because y all set. I was bald. How about that? She's taking back the narrative. Oh, so you think I'm not hot, huh? That kid is good, the photographer. Oh my God. Sadam Hussein's nephew.
Starting point is 00:02:02 Yeah. Jason Altan. Shout out. He's incredible. He is, he did, he is really good at like, I was arching my back in some shots that were like killing me, but they look great. It hurts to arch your back.
Starting point is 00:02:19 Yeah, it felt like having sex honestly. It was like really like I was like giving him everything. Check out the new issue of no erotica features some fiction of mine that I wrote originally for a magazine you were gonna start. Oh, that's the story that's gonna be the most cute. Okay, cool. Love to kill two birds with one stone.
Starting point is 00:02:45 Two birds with one tit. Yeah, I'm like, okay, let's do the photo shoot too. Whatever. Anyway, like I said, I renounced all that because I'm really religious. I guess. I guess.
Starting point is 00:03:00 religious. You hear about this woke AI? Sure did. The AI has been woke. It's been woke. Okay. If you take the woke, like if you switch the woke button off, it just gets really, really racist.
Starting point is 00:03:24 Right. But that's because, really racist. Right. But that's because racism is reality. Okay. My take on this is that Google knew what they were doing when they released their janky ass buggy AI that made like the founding fathers into black men and SS officers into Asian women. Yeah. Cause there's that whole thing. They talk about.
Starting point is 00:03:42 Yeah. Which is like the woke more correct. Once again, Hitler does have the artistic acumen of like your average, as you mentioned, like seven to 10 year old Chinese kid. And the biggest Nazis this day and age are six figure earning Korean girl bosses. Are they the biggest Nazis?
Starting point is 00:04:09 Yes. You think? Yes. Hmm. Hard to say. I'm going to die in that hill. But you know that they were saying in all those articles about how like, come the tech companies often release like incomplete
Starting point is 00:04:25 or like imperfect products so that basically they get like real time consumer feedback and can like troubleshoot and test out bugs and stuff. Yeah, and that's like easier and cheaper than doing it like internally with tunnel vision and not knowing exactly what may or may not be wrong. So I think this is just like a more extreme version like internally with tunnel vision and not knowing exactly what may or may not be wrong. That's the chat GPT. So I think this is just like a more extreme version of that where they knew it would like
Starting point is 00:04:51 go viral too because it was so like absurdly woke, you know, it's not even offensive. Yeah. Because it's so funny. Yeah. Yeah. Like I'm sure there's much more subtle and imperceptible ways in which AI's lie Because they have man-made inputs Right and they're like trained by mere mortals

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