Red Scare - Hitting the Walz

Episode Date: August 14, 2024

The ladies discuss Tim Walz's stolen valor, Emmanuel Macron's gay rumors, the Groyper War, and the Musk Trump X space....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The podcasting juice right there. The dumb bitch juice. I just, yeah, I just poured a Celsius into two glasses for me and Anna to keep our energy levels high. For Donsha and Ilana. We are, yeah, reporting hot off the Trump, Elon Musk space. Yeah. Did you see he answered my question? I was already on my way over here and stopped listening.
Starting point is 00:01:02 He called Kamala a beautiful woman. Oh, he did. When talking about her new time cover. Well, I think he called her drawing a beautiful woman and said that the likeness was similar to Melania's. Right, but that she doesn't really look like that. Yeah, he was like, she looks like the most beautiful actress in the world.
Starting point is 00:01:18 Like Melania, he's so sweet. But no, he did admit that she was a beautiful woman, which is like music to my ears because it makes him sound more credible. Well, he's not a liar. Yeah, he's not a liar. Say what you know about him. He's Kamabla.
Starting point is 00:01:33 Did he call her Kamabla at least? Yeah, he came out with the names right away. Adam Shifty Shiff, Kamabla. Gavin Newscum. I like that one. Yeah, Kamabla is really good because it solves the issue of pronouncing her name, just completely, just change it to Kamabla.
Starting point is 00:01:54 It also is reminiscent of like Nambla, you know? So like, maybe unintentionally, but like, yeah, it has, and it kind of, it sounds really racist. Like when Bap said, oh, bongo. Yeah. Yeah, it sounds like the Congo or Angola. Kamala. Fuck, what was I gonna say?
Starting point is 00:02:22 So Elon Musk had Trump on a X space, which I was very much looking forward to. And then there were, much like on our show, technical difficulties. Some technical difficulties that really took the wind out of my sails. And by the time they got, you know, and then I had this anxious kind of like
Starting point is 00:02:46 trying to get into the space, trying to figure out what's going on. Elon said there was a DDoS attack on the platform. I'm glad you pronounced it, not me. They were mispronouncing words, access of evil. It really was the best episode of Red Scare podcast ever recorded. I was a little underwhelmed, but it's in part due,
Starting point is 00:03:13 yeah, like I said, to the anti-climactic star. Yeah, you would think that for an event of that magnitude that they'd have all the tech lined up. I don't really believe that Elon Was suffering a DDoS attack. Yeah He was just fishing around in his like plastic basket for like headphones Brick yeah, his brick came unplugged Those plugs in his Chinatown apartment are loose.
Starting point is 00:03:51 There are some water bugs. Well, on one hand, it makes me feel good that actually everyone is as incompetent as we are. You're not alone. But on the other hand, it makes me feel kind of bad because it really makes you lose faith in our tech overlords. Like everything is so fragile.
Starting point is 00:04:10 Well, X has been bad. Janky. Like Elon's been fumbling X for a while. It's got tons of issues. Like me getting hacked by clicking on boomerang. Like me getting hacked by clicking on boomerangs. Like everyone being mean to me all the time. Like finding old like random ass stuff to get mad at me about. The stuff I said as a joke like six years ago.
Starting point is 00:04:39 People coming out of the woodwork to get mad at me. Yeah. Oh yeah. coming out of the woodwork to get mad at me. Yeah. Oh yeah, well, Fwente has declared Gropa War II against the Trump campaign. Milo has also been really messy. Yeah. Obviously his gay conversion therapy didn't take because he's being a little faggot.
Starting point is 00:05:05 Just two gay brown guys squabbling. I met a griper last night at the bar. Yeah, I didn't know they existed in the wild. They do, well, I say go to, a lot of them are Catholic. So sometimes you'll see a griper at a church. I know Zalome has encountered some. You have to throw holy water at them. Or put a mirror up to them.
Starting point is 00:05:39 They're usually pretty cute. I mean, you know, they're well, they're sharply dressed. That was part of the, you know, the first griper war. That's the thing that everyone was pointing out about the griper war is that they seem to have a lot of like very vivid memories of the 2016 election when they were all like literally like four to nine years old. And they seem to have a lot of like vehement opinions about how the
Starting point is 00:06:07 Trump campaign is currently being handled but none of them are eligible to vote because they're all like no they're you know a voting age like an amorphous faceless mass of like Mexican teenagers. Yeah, well Milo's been threatening to dox, maybe he did. I can't really follow because he's being he's really all over the place. He also released some legal documents where he testified that Kanye West has been, is addicted to nitrous. Okay. Which leads to brain damage. Barely, barely, dude. I, so.
Starting point is 00:06:54 But that's like the claim. Yeah, I mean, I do think he's on nitrous, like that's possible. I mean, he's also mentally ill and addled by fame. The nitrous isn't helping. But I also think it's like you're if you're an artiste, like, what do you need those brain cells for anyway? You know, it's probably better to you only need one but one good one. Exactly. Like some brain damage is underrated.
Starting point is 00:07:21 Yeah, actually, it really helps you think it helps you. Yeah, actually. It really helps you think. It helps you. It cuts through the noise. Yeah, exactly. I've done a lot of nitrous in my life, not in a long time. And definitely probably not like the medical grade. You know, I'm doing like Wippo-Dago Wippits. Yeah. But... You're doing like the street level nitrous.
Starting point is 00:07:44 Yeah. Which is this, the street level nitrous. Yeah Which is this it's all nitrous it's all good stuff. It's all a great drug But the brain damage is comp is like I think Comparable maybe even less So than like a night of heavy drinking honestly, it's like it's really not that bad and it's like basically, you know, I've been taking Oh my god today I took a pre-workout supplement powder and it made me feel like I smoked crack, dude. I was like, yipped the fuck up. I was like telling my, I was like in between reps,
Starting point is 00:08:24 I was like pacing around the gym I was like, what else should I do? I'm like, do you want me to do lap pulldowns? Do you want me to like my trainer was like why don't you just focus on your deadlifts? You know, and I was like I'll lift any weight in this gym Was like I felt like Bradley Cooper limitless I was like I would use I have so much one of those mothers who yeah They're toddler. Yeah trapped trapped under an 18 wheeler. My confidence was at an all time high. It was insane.
Starting point is 00:08:49 I can't believe you can buy this crap at Whole Foods. I'm gonna get into that. Honestly, I'd really, really recommend the pre-workout. It made me itchy. I was itchy from all the B vitamins. I was like, rawr, rawr, rawr. Like,
Starting point is 00:09:04 I'm like, um, but then I got really tired. Then I crashed and got really tired. Yeah. from all the B vitamins, I was like. But then I got really tired, then I crashed and got really tired. Sorry, I forgot, I met a griper, yeah, I met a griper at the bar. We had a nice conversation, very respectful, he was very deferential to me and was a good listener. to me and was a good listener
Starting point is 00:09:30 and we had a good dialogue about the upcoming war. Yeah. Which is from what I, so I didn't listen, I listened to the space, but I watched Fuentes's stream of it and the Graper Wars just them, they're gonna do kind of like coordinated posting, which they already do. Yeah, and like showing up to swing state campaign venues. That's what Fentus has promised.
Starting point is 00:09:55 Yeah. To make it worse for them. Yeah, and they're making it sound like they're doing it as a service. They're telling the guys running the Trump campaign, do better, be best. They're not happy with Chris Lecovite. La Savita?
Starting point is 00:10:15 Yeah, and Suzy Wiles or whatever. They don't like those people and they don't like, this gripper last night was saying, yeah, don't you see how Trump's messaging is, you know, back in the day, he was doing the Muslim ban, he was going really hard on immigration, now he's saying, you know, okay, if you have a college diploma.
Starting point is 00:10:39 Yeah, he's like courting the Indian and Jewish vote, whatever. He loves Israel, he's, you know, he's not the same candidate he used to be. Yeah, yeah. Juan Tez claims he still loves Trump, but that Vance is, I mean, Vance wasn't never a Trumper. Yeah, I mean, that much is true,
Starting point is 00:11:01 but I don't really see that much of a difference between the old Trump campaign and the new Trump campaign. I mean, okay, it's less overtly edgelordy and racist, I guess, but all of this feels to me just like an attempt by them to kind of like elbow their way into the administration or something or get his ear because I think they know that they're like nuclear and toxic
Starting point is 00:11:37 to the vast majority of voters. I mean, yeah, but they're not, that's not gonna happen. I mean, I'm a mentally ill basket case, so I'll like pay attention to what they say and do, but most people I think are probably like freaked out and turned off by it. Well, the main, yeah, on the front lines of the Graper war, their main-
Starting point is 00:12:04 I carried guns in the Gropar War. Like Tim Walz. I'm like stealing Gropar valor. But their main points are no war in Iran and no more immigration legal or illegal. And Trump's definitely focusing on the illegal immigration, which makes sense to me, but I like Indians and Jews.
Starting point is 00:12:27 But that's also like, whatever your qualms with legal immigration, you kind of have to focus on illegal immigration because that's something that everyone can get behind. Even the supporters of illegal immigration will cop to the fact that there's a problem with the way that it currently works. I mean, they'll make it into a question of like refugees
Starting point is 00:12:56 seeking amnesty and being under resourced or whatever. Like they'll put their like lefty spin on it, but it's a, you know, it's like a unifying topic that everyone can get behind. Yeah. So of course, Trump is at this point, a savvy politician with like good political instincts and he's leading with that.
Starting point is 00:13:19 It's like a more popular issue because most people, whether they're like native born citizens or illegal immigrants don't like the upsurge in poverty and crime. Yeah. It's like very obvious. And it's like, it dovetails with the question I asked last time, like why they're so obsessive
Starting point is 00:13:42 about him being a pro-Israel candidate when any major establishment candidate will by default be pro-Israel. Yeah, we've discussed this. Yeah, it doesn't make any sense to me. Yeah, I don't think they're gonna, yeah, I don't know, make much headway in those in those swing states. And their tactics are impressive, I suppose, the way that Fuentes is able to like mobilize his gripper army. But the strategy I have doubts about. Horny repressed Mexican teens who have nothing better to do than spend their time on the internet.
Starting point is 00:14:24 I mean, the griper I met last night, I'm not gonna dox him, I'm not gonna mellow Yanopolism, but he wasn't white. But he wasn't a Mexican teen either. He was a secret third thing. Not black. No. No. Arab.
Starting point is 00:14:52 Is our Persians Arab? Persian. They're like a mix of Indian and Arab. He was ethnically ambiguous and potentially white passing. But I actually asked him if he was an Indian. Yeah. But she was not. And he said New York used to be 95% white in New York City. Like in the 50s or something. Yeah. What's your dog in the fight, bro? I was like, well, I'm an immigrant. I mean, I like, I'm not like, I'm pro immigration because I mean I like I'm not like I'm pro immigration Cuz I want to come to America and have a fruitful life
Starting point is 00:15:30 Because this is a land of opportunity dog Yeah, I mean, but he said I feel about this topic I don't think anyone wants me to sound off again, but You're anti. I'm not no, I'm obviously like I can't be like blanket anti-immigration but I think like as I've said a million times before if you rapidly and profoundly alter the demography of the nation like the nation's core values and norms customs come under threat like inevitably and you can say like Well, we're gonna We're gonna streamline the process
Starting point is 00:16:10 Make it harder submit the people coming into this country to like a rigorous Exam where they have to demonstrate their allegiance to like well That's what Trump's thing about statepling the diplomas to the green cards. We're gonna make sure that they have college diplomas, that they're hardworking, et cetera, et cetera. But like, that's also such like, strive or mindset because it's not about taking exams.
Starting point is 00:16:46 Sure. Yeah, it's about contributing to the country. Yeah. So being a productive member of society. Yeah, like entry to this country should not be determined by like an SAT. Well, I mean. But obviously also I'm a realist,
Starting point is 00:17:04 so I wanna deal with the reality as it is, not as you wish it to be. And like immigration is here to stay. Sure. Yeah. And there's very little you can do about it. And I doubt, I think should Donald Trump come into power, that he's going to implement his campaign promises of like continuing to build the wall and initiating mass deportations. Like that's well, he already kind of botched that the first year. And that's why that's why Coulter and Fuentes and stuff are have their critiques. And also, it's like a woman and a bleeding hard libtard, I balk at the term mass deportation.
Starting point is 00:17:51 Which Trump has said he would do in this campaign cycle also. I think Quintus is installing himself as this martyr for the cause, this bearer of bad news that's gonna get raked over the coals out of the benevolence of his own heart. Yeah, he said he's happy to be the villain, but he's power hungry.
Starting point is 00:18:12 He just, when you watch, I watched his stream, he just like, you know, he loves to get the, his terms trending and he's like, gets off on like the power he has to mobilize people. Yeah, and he's like, I'm doing this as a service for the Fuhrer, but he's really only serving himself. That much is obvious.
Starting point is 00:18:36 Yeah. And I mean, I think like I watched some stream that he did where he was talking about like Sovereign House and Pariah the doll and the Red Scare Girls and how we were sort of circling around each other kind of skeptically suspiciously, but circling nonetheless. But the minute that JD Vance became the VP pick, we suddenly dropped our aloof above it all,
Starting point is 00:19:04 too cool for school cigarette smoking act and got real serious because we're like bought and paid for Zio horse. And it's like, personally, I have no opinion on JD Vance. I don't really care about JD Vance. I'm happy to give Vance a chance. I don't have a dog in the fight with Vance, I'm happy to give Vance a chance. I don't have a dog in the fight with Vance. It's just like, I'm a supporter of the Trump campaign.
Starting point is 00:19:33 That's where I stand. I don't think that we suddenly like pulled back and got all serious or whatever. I think it's just like a very obvious thing to not, like to maintain the morale. Well, I mean, to not counter signal. Well, you could make the case that, you know, America, if like America first, if like the populist demographic feels not served
Starting point is 00:20:12 by the campaign messaging. Yeah. And that's why we're in a Kruiper war again. That's why they're fighting. They're worried about starting World War III. I'm worried about them starting Kruiper War III. Oh, not Kruiper. We can't handle another Kruiper War.
Starting point is 00:20:29 We don't even, we're still, we're just, Kruiper War II is just getting started. No, but they don't want war with Iran and they don't want the Indians, I guess. Which, I don't know. I'm, yeah. The most damning thing you can say about Fuentes at this point, because I see people being like,
Starting point is 00:20:48 oh, he's a white supremacist, he's a white nationalist. The way the media treats him is obviously very biased. The way that they treat all like hard right figures, which is that they'll just throw a string of invectives into a sentence to signal to their like libtard readers that this person is like a persona non grata and a pariah the doll. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:14 The SPLC, the ADL, they all have little websites like profiles about fun times. My problem with him is not that he has like hard right or white supremacist views, but kind of the opposite that he is a guy who's basically LARPing as an ideologue when he's really just like a fame whore or a clout chaser and he's stringing along these true believers that follow him like lemmings off a cliff and that he will inevitably sacrifice for a crumb of clout. I mean he denies being a white supremacist. He just says he wants America to not wait like
Starting point is 00:21:55 to demographically remain mostly white but he's not oh that doesn't make him a white supremacist that's what he says. Yeah I mean I I get that you can quibble over the meaning of white supremacy forever. Sure. Like what does that even mean? Some people would say that wanting America to remain majority white is white supremacy. Yeah. I'm pro race mixing myself.
Starting point is 00:22:22 I think everyone should be a nice mocha. They should be the color of the Celsius. Just like piss yellow, emoji colored. Yeah, one love, one skin tone, one worldwide Zionist occupied government. Yeah. What's really funny though is seeing these major outlets like the Hill and these major politicians
Starting point is 00:22:57 like JD Vance even address big fun. The issue of Nick Flentes and the Groper War? Well, that's part of the, one of the tactics of the Groper War is to get people to talk. Yeah, but we all know that in this attention economy, if you stick around long enough and make enough noise, people will eventually notice you
Starting point is 00:23:15 and start talking about you. That's the real mechanism of envy at play. It's not based on like talent or competence or even charm or charisma, it's based on like how loud you are and how much space you take up. Yeah. And then people are sort of like. We're just connected to, I mean you can't say
Starting point is 00:23:40 that Fuentes doesn't have charisma. Sure, listen, I always give credit where it's due. I've said in the past that he's like a bright and high energy young man. He's amassed his large following, you know, through his charisma. He's, you know, relatively funny. He has a certain...
Starting point is 00:24:01 He's great at what he does. Trumpian quality to him. I mean to stream, like, you know, to get up there and just like re-associate and talk as much as he does, like that's a skill. And he's resonating with, you know, young men, certainly. But I, yeah, I've experienced some of the griper ire this week for whatever reason.
Starting point is 00:24:32 And to me, because they are so like undifferentiated and like hive-minded, I'd actually like, I don't even really feel the, you know, people are always like, don't. Yeah, like even the ratio doesn't matter. It doesn't, it feels like nothing to me because my dopamine receptors are so fried, but I just don't even care.
Starting point is 00:24:52 Yeah, which leads you to believe that the movement is fake, that it's astroturfed by like, bots and retards. Yeah, even if not like literal bots, like basically, basically bots. It's like literal bots, like basically bots. It's like those like young Bengali men, they would like the FBI would entrap in like Brooklyn bodegas. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:14 They'd be like, hey kid, you want to commit a terror attack? But a lot of people, you know, can't withstand the amount of psychological pressure that me and you can. It takes to be a griper. know, aren't can't withstand the amount of psychological pressure that it was. It was me and you. It takes to be a griper. No, like, you know, you know, for a normal-ish person to get piled on by
Starting point is 00:25:33 gripers, I could see being more upsetting. Are normal people piled on by gripers? Not normal people, but just like, you know. Normie establishment people. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, I think like JD Vance handled Fuentes' attacks on his wife, Usha, and himself pretty well, like he handled them.
Starting point is 00:25:56 I would have just ignored them. With grace and discretion, but yeah, I think it was a mistake to address them in the first place. I mean, it was funny when he said, obviously she's not white. Yeah, yeah. I would have gaslit and said, what are you talking about? Yeah, and then he went like wife guy mode
Starting point is 00:26:11 and was like, she's out of your league, she's beautiful, which also never plays well. Yeah. Though those things may be true. Yeah. But also I think he's doing like a kind of smart thing and he's placing himself as like a buffer between Fuentes and Trump because Trump cannot,
Starting point is 00:26:32 like at all costs he cannot acknowledge his prior meeting and current familiarity with that guy. And I actually believe that when that whole like Kanye, Fuentes, Trump dinner ambush thing went down that Trump probably just didn't know who he was. Yeah and Fuentes himself said that he wasn't expecting to meet Trump when he did. So Trump has right now, he like retains plausible deniability that he's not really familiar with this character, which is good for him And Kanye unfortunately is in the in a nitrous induced
Starting point is 00:27:11 Yeah, because also whatever you think alter now taking my personal opinion of him out of it like he is known in the mainstream media again is like a hard right radical and An avowed white supremacist and any sort of association between Trump and those sorts of forces, the democratic party will seize on. Yeah, but they don't, I mean, okay, so we haven't discussed Kamabla's VP pick.
Starting point is 00:27:45 Oh, Tim Walz. We haven't discussed Kamabla's VP pick. Oh, Tim Walls. Tim Walls. We can get into that. He's like a congressman from Minnesota, former teacher. Former national guardsman, right? Is it Minnesota? Is he from Minnesota? I thought Wisconsin, but you know,
Starting point is 00:28:05 I'm not an America first. He's from George Floyd country. Right. Yeah, Minnesota. So Minneapolis, he was, he's like the Rolling Stone song. He like watched Minneapolis burn. Um, I, another guy, much like Vance, who I didn't generally know about yeah
Starting point is 00:28:25 You know, they were foisted onto the national stage I'm just I I'm not worried about maybe I'm naive and maybe the Democrats are like Smarter than I think they are but to meet like Harris Walls yeah that's a flop like that's not that's not land I Trump Vance yeah Harris Walls you don't have to be on sounds like a bald eagle or an American flag I mean with a name like Trump you just can't even like yeah can't. Harris Walls sounds like a pharmaceutical company at best or like an accounting
Starting point is 00:29:08 firm at worst. And they did the real tree hat and yeah it's not I mean you merch idea. Walls we already have a real tree hat which you can buy at Walls seems like a nice enough guy. I guess he stole Valor. That seems to be the most damning. But like, yeah, we can get into that, but Fuentes did another stream where he was talking about how everything the GOP claims Vance's Walls
Starting point is 00:29:40 actually is just like a normal regular white guy. Regular, dagular family guy. Yeah. This is a guy obviously who's known for setting up a pandemic hotline for people to snitch on their friends and their neighbors. For real? Yeah, for like COVID infractions during the lockdown era.
Starting point is 00:30:05 He's a governor? Yeah. So of course he seems normal to Fuentes who sees no problem with like doxing his friends and his enemies. Yeah. I didn't know that I heard, this is unsubstantiated,
Starting point is 00:30:26 but word on the street is that Tim Wells doesn't own a house. He doesn't have any property. He doesn't have, he sold his house when he was elected governor and then lives in like the governor's mansion in Minneapolis. And like collects like a pitiable salary as like a civil servant.
Starting point is 00:30:48 So he's a hobo like Eric Adams. And he needs to get in the White House because he doesn't have anywhere to live. Homeless Tim. Yeah, he's like a, yeah, which doesn't, to me, doesn't inspire confidence. Yeah, I mean, there's a lot of like people on the right banging on about how he's like a radical leftist
Starting point is 00:31:08 in normie clothing, but unlike the West Coast Dems, he's not as like overtly bat shit, which gives them like a strategic advantage because he appeals to your average voter much more who may or may not know what his real policies are. And they're bringing up how he like supported trans and kids and putting tampons in boys' school bathrooms. The hotline, he was trying to give babies the vaccine.
Starting point is 00:31:34 Oh my God. He's obviously pro BLM. They unearthed some like rare interview with his wife where she was talking about how when Minneapolis was burning, she kept the windows open to smell the smoke. What? What? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:51 Oh my God. Just this kind of stuff. But I don't even know if that's such a red flag. It's kind of like... I mean, isn't that just like the standard democratic stuff? Yeah, that's not so crazy. One thing that Trump and Elon said in their space was how calm they were calling Kamala a radical left San Francisco liberal because of all her immigration and bail stuff.
Starting point is 00:32:23 And I actually kind of disagree. I don't really get that from her. I think she's also like profoundly non-ideological and will just go where the wind blows. Yeah. She's an opportunist. Yeah, all she cares about is her name and her career. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:41 She doesn't, she believes in nothing. She's not like trying to trans kids or like criminals walk free out of some deep conviction for progressive principles or something. Well, wasn't she a prosecutor? Yeah, but she, like she literally has knows. The democratic candidate when she was actually trying
Starting point is 00:33:05 to run for president. This was a good Glenn Greenwald tweet I saw. Yeah, read the Time Magazine illustration. The way the US corporate media transformed Kamala Harris from a national embarrassment to a transformative pioneer overnight without even pretending to care about anything that she thinks or believes is a powerful testament to how potent the science of propaganda is. The corporate media's mission as they see it is to help Kamala win, not denounce her for refusing to sit down in interviews and explain what she thinks about anything or why. I mean, yeah, she also is not.
Starting point is 00:33:42 put anything or why. I mean, yeah, she also is not, yeah. Yeah, and Trump's point about Kamala is very well taken. Like imagine her actually sitting down and having talks with like a Putin or a Xi. Yeah. That's insane. When he said, yeah, Putin said no way, Trump said way. And he brought up, yeah, his big red button,
Starting point is 00:34:03 which we all loved. The space overall, I was pretty underwhelmed by, mostly due to Elon's anti-charisma, when he started talking about CO2 levels and stuff. And yeah, in his full- Yeah, like mansplaining inflation. And Trump said he should put a solar panel. Mansplaining nuclear energy.
Starting point is 00:34:24 We don't care dog. Just play the fucking hits, let Trump do his thing. And yeah, Elon had pitched the whole thing initially as like a conversation rather than an interview implying that it would be kind of more personal and casual, you know, it would be, it was like, I just really wanted there to be, it seems like such a lost opportunity.
Starting point is 00:34:47 I'm glad that they did hit the issues of like inflation and the economy and Elon did make a good point. That's kind of a meme point because he like literally speaks in memes when he's not spurging that inflation is essentially like attacks on the responsible, productive, members of society. attacks on the responsible productive people who are like fiscally conservative get hardest hit but I wanted to like spurg about Tim Walls for him yeah yeah cuz like yeah he's being accused of stealing valor because he was in the military and then was when he he was meant to be deployed, he-
Starting point is 00:35:25 Yeah, he was like a national guardsman for 24 years. He was entitled to retire after 20 years. I sound like Elon now, I'm just like explaining the facts. So there are two questions at hand, basically, like the question of him retiring under suspicious circumstances. Yeah. After clearly receiving
Starting point is 00:35:45 unofficial notice that they were gonna be deployed to Iraq, which a lot of his colleagues have now come forward to accuse him of abandoning his troops and being a traitorous coward. But yeah, the main question with that is that the timeline was iffy, and I was sitting there in the wee hours of the morning trying to figure out, is that the timeline was iffy and I was sitting there in the wee hours of the morning trying to like figure out, like to decipher the timeline
Starting point is 00:36:10 and then I was like, dude, no, this is self harm. Like the timeline doesn't matter. Like whatever, it's like shady, it's iffy. The main thing is that he clearly lied about the facts of his retirement and he also got a promotion so that he could retire at a higher rank and then was demoted back to a lower pay grade
Starting point is 00:36:36 after everything was said and done. But to me, that's not even like the most important fact of the case. The most important part is that there's tons of like clips of him circulating where he is not quite lying, but crafting his statements in such a way that it's like ambiguous or oblique about whether he really saw combat or not.
Starting point is 00:37:00 Right, right, right. That's the big issue. Or when people innocently but incorrectly describe him as serving in combat, he does nothing to correct the mistake or whatever. I think there was really like only one time that he actually lied, which was like in a video from 2018,
Starting point is 00:37:21 where he says, we can make sure that those weapons of war that I carried in war is the only place where those weapons are at. So that's like a bald face lie. Yeah, because he was never in a war. Yeah, and supposedly of course it's in service of like the bigger mission of gun control, but really it's to raise his profile as a combat veteran.
Starting point is 00:37:42 And Vance was a combat veteran? He was like a press person or a photographer. Oh. I don't know if he saw combat, but he was like in the field. He's really making it seem like he fought in a war. Vance? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:58 I mean, maybe he, I don't know, we should look this up. Maybe he saw combat, but not as a combatant soldier. That's a big part of the combatant so that's a big part of his Signaling against walls is That yeah, yeah, he's really hammering the stolen valor Yeah And there's also obviously the issue that the weapons they use Or are not the kind of weapons that proliferate on the streets. Well, you can't even
Starting point is 00:38:23 Shoot like a automatic rifle in most of America. Yeah. So moot point. You have to go to Las Vegas shooting range to shoot like a sniper gun basically. But yeah, there's all these like clips circulating of him at like congressional hearings and on new shows.
Starting point is 00:38:44 Yeah. Basically doing nothing to dispel the myth that he was a combat veteran, which is shady. And then setting aside all the military stuff, he does this thing that I noticed that I really don't like, which is he always turns it back on himself, not in the way that like women do because they want attention, but in a way where he's like,
Starting point is 00:39:09 I can relate to you, I'm relatable. Yeah. I hear you. Yeah. Your voice is being heard. I mean, I think he was basically a good, a savvy choice. Yeah. For the Dems, for, you know, just objectively.
Starting point is 00:39:27 Yeah. Especially with Kamala, it's like, yeah, he is more relatable. Uh-huh. Cause he's overweight. Like a lot of Americans. He's red faced. But Vance is overweight too.
Starting point is 00:39:43 Yeah. So, you know, it's hard, it's a real toss up. I realize Tim Walls, who he reminds me of, he reminds me of that Brooklyn leftist guy, Doug Henwood, who's like a weird old pervert and swinger. Yeah, yeah, yeah, he does look like that guy. Let me look up a picture of Tim Wall. Let me pull up this guy.
Starting point is 00:40:06 Let's see. He looks like some kind of like East German party operatic. Right. Which is basically what he is. He's like Bavarian or something. Right, he's said that he was a retired sergeant major. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:23 When he actually retired a rank below that which seems a little nitpicky to be honest. I mean that's something all people do when they're faced with like leaving their job they like resign at like a higher position to get but usually they get some higher pay out of it. Usually it's about money. I mean, I don't think, oh, fuck, I spelled it down. I really don't even know how to spell this guy's name. Yeah, I don't think he's like nefarious, actually. I think he is just like a career politician. He's politician-like.
Starting point is 00:41:02 Yeah, which they all are. He's a smug, self-satisfied liar. He's a smug self-satisfied liar. It's like real estate agents are all scum. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Okay, one of my good friends. Sorry, Vish. Not Vish, he's one of the good ones. Vish is a great sneaky Indian real estate.
Starting point is 00:41:21 Well, he does it with charm in a palm. Yeah. And I'm delusional, so I like to think that he's not lying to me, even though he totally is. Yeah, it's true. I mean, really, the real damning thing is that I think for walls is the Floyd, some of our Floyd stuff. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:43 That he like destroyed Minneapolis. That doesn't seem. Yeah, and there's this recording that the Dems are passing around of like Donald Trump calling Tim Walz to congratulate him on the way that he handled the George Floyd riots. And I think that's kind of cooked because that came after his non-response
Starting point is 00:42:05 and only when he was pressured, something like that. Wait, after his non-response? Yeah, because he initially let the city burn for a while from what I understand. Yeah, right. Yeah. He's, yeah. He's kind of, he's a bit of a cuck.
Starting point is 00:42:26 Yeah, he's like the kind of guy who would be like washing a black woman's feet at one of those anti-racist ritual ceremonies, gums love to have. Yeah, but you know, he'll, Kamala's pretty, you know, if she wins, which I don't think she will, but he's never gonna have any real political power. He's just, you know.
Starting point is 00:42:53 Right. He's just the VP. He's not gonna do shit. But Vance actually might, because Trump is, though he's divinely protected, clearly, he could pass, in which case Vance would be the president. Yeah, I mean, he's certainly like, run for office himself at some point,
Starting point is 00:43:18 for president possibly. Like he is like a young and ambitious guy with a bright future ahead of him and like He and guys like Vivek Ramaswamy are like I guess the future of the GOP because they're in their late 30s and early 40s. Yeah, and Everyone else is a hundred years old. Yeah, and all both major parties need like an infusion of new blood.
Starting point is 00:43:46 Yeah. It's like real Soviet hours up in here are being ruled by like Boris Yeltsin's, but they're not even as cool or fun cause they're not, I mean, I guess Kamala is kind of like, Kamala's young. Drunk. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:01 She's brat, you know, she's, she's quirked up for sure. Trump's fantastic. Because, you know, I do. Is he going to come? Is he contractually not able to post on X or what's going on? Why won't he post? Why won't he tweet again? I'm so stupid because he started tweeting again today.
Starting point is 00:44:27 Yeah, but not in a very, not in the way he used to. I don't think his heart's in it. He's posting on Truth Social every day. I know, but I think he feels slighted by Twitter. When he started posting on Twitter again, I was like, oh no, the Groypers won the war. They made him post. And then I was like, oh wait, he's
Starting point is 00:44:43 posting ahead of the Elon space. the war, they made him post. And then I was like, oh wait, he's posting because like ahead of the Elon space. Yeah. No, he posts all the time on truth social. But I think, yeah, he feels, he feels jilted slighted by the way that he was treated. But that was a whole different. The Twitter grandies.
Starting point is 00:45:03 I think he's contractually not able to post on X because of his truth social obligations, which is no one's on that. No one's on truth. He's like the president of the world. He can violate any contract. It's true. Then why won't he post on X?
Starting point is 00:45:25 I don't think he wants to. And who knows, maybe he will. I mean, that just doesn't seem savvy. Yeah, yeah. It seems like- I mean, maybe he'll roll it out in the last few- He's the poster's candidate. He owes it to, I'm gonna start a griper war of my own
Starting point is 00:45:43 until he comes back. Or you counter signal Trump for not posting. Yeah, I thought he was representing, you know, me. Yeah, he needs to launch a counter griper war. I know it's not him. Call it that. Thereafter, it's me and he's the only thing standing in the way, so I kind of need him to get on the front lines
Starting point is 00:46:04 and get back on back into ex purgatory with the rest of us. I do think we would have done a better job with that interview than Elon. Elon's such a bad interviewer. Oh my god he really just takes a yeah no he's so like, not to be ableist, but his Asperger is really great on me. I find it so, I'm like, I know he's, yeah, neurodivergent, but like work on it a little bit, man. Like his like weird replicant,
Starting point is 00:46:41 like a void comp machine attempts at humor. Oh, you see a turtle in the desert and it flips on its back. Yeah, let's see. Oh my god. Well, okay. What's the deal with um, oh, I like the deal. It's the deal with the no tax on tips. I guess that was like an old Trump talking point that I weirdly missed that Kamala is reviving. Who wants there to not be a tax on tips? Kamala or Trump? I think Trump did originally
Starting point is 00:47:15 and now Kamala is taking up his platform. Oh my God. Okay, yeah, like that's so boring. And it felt like Trump was like a little bit, it did feel like Elon was trying to pivot to immigration. And then Trump was sort of like, not taking the bait. And yeah, he kept referring to the beautiful chart, the great the chart that saved his life. He loves the chart. He goes, he sleeps with the chart like, and the beautiful people at the rally and the shooter
Starting point is 00:47:52 and how he's- Yeah, that was very, like very classy of him. But like people wanna hear him talk about, yeah, migrants. Yeah, I mean, he did a little- He missed, like Elon was giving him opportunities to that he kind of wasn't taking. And then he pivoted to the economy, which was smart. Trump really like introduced that
Starting point is 00:48:17 because that Elon wasn't trying to. Also, I mean, also, I mean, I get it. He doesn't want to get on like the secret services. That's fine, I guess. also, I mean, I get it. He doesn't wanna get on like the Secret Service's bad side, I guess. But. A friend of the pod said that Trump was a class act because he didn't disparage the Secret Service, even though they failed in every capacity.
Starting point is 00:48:35 They tried to kill him. They tried to kill him. I would have absolutely leaned into like, they tried to kill me. But he did, he kept it very, when they, we know when they go high, we go low, when they go low, we go high. Here's a tweet from Batya, she said,
Starting point is 00:48:51 Trump refuses to take Elon Musk's bait when Musk asked why he thinks the shooter was able to get on the roof, consistent with Trump's refusal to blame the Democrats or democratic rhetoric for the assassination attempt. Instead, he turns the focus on how brave his supporters are. He mentioned how he would want his own voters in a foxhole with him, which is very sweet and endearing
Starting point is 00:49:14 and boosts morale. I think it's pretty smart of him to not denounce the Secret Service or blame the Democrats because it makes him also look like a rogue warrior and a lone wolf who's like carried by the providence of God. It feels a little distant like when he was saying, you know, that somehow they didn't notice that there was a gunman on the roof. Like it did feel a little disingenuous.
Starting point is 00:49:42 That speaks volumes like the somehow they didn't notice. It's basically damning with faint praise, which is something that he's a master at. And also, he did go on that whole extended tirade about all the migrants pouring into the country from prisons and mental institutions and how all these Lat-Am countries are suddenly seeing a cratering in crime.
Starting point is 00:50:05 They're like at 50% because they're gonna be on 100 because they're sending all their criminals and also their non-productive citizens who won't kill you but will drain your assets to the nation. Yeah, yeah, that's good stuff. Yeah, so he did, I mean, he played his greatest hits with regard to immigration. Yeah, he he did. I mean, he played his greatest hits with regard to immigration. Yeah. He called Biden like you.
Starting point is 00:50:32 He said when he was the stupid threats coming out of his stupid face, goaded Russia into the war on Ukraine, which is like basically true. You know? Yeah. And I love how he like came right out with his hyperbolizing numbers. Like we had great numbers. Oh yeah. Always, always. Congratulations to you, Elon, on the amazing numbers. And he was talking about how the media reports that there's something like 12 to 13 million illegal immigrants in this country, but it's actually 20 to 50 million.
Starting point is 00:51:02 Yeah, I mean, I don't know. A missed opportunity, I felt. I was, I'm disappointed. I'm disappointed in this space and I'm sad. I'm scared about the griper war, Anna. And I wish there was just more cohesion. Yeah, I think like the missed opportunity for me And I wish there was just more cohesion. Yeah, I think like the missed opportunity for me was that they just like didn't address,
Starting point is 00:51:30 like they didn't sufficiently address the points of the campaign and the future of the country. And what he would do in the future is like, he was basically again, like playing his greatest hits. Like that's probably the most critical thing I could say in the future. Like he was basically again, like playing his greatest hits. Like that's probably the most critical thing I could say about the space. And you know, they were just like kind of patting each other on the back and like talking past each other.
Starting point is 00:51:55 Conversation. Yeah. Just like Red Scare Podcast. I mean, yeah, of course we would have done much better. We would have sat in his lap. Let me see. Oh, he said Israel has an iron dome. Why don't we?
Starting point is 00:52:12 Oh, yeah, that was a good. Yeah, that was a good one. What did he say? I have the quote right here if I can even find it. I don't fucking know. I like really wanna find this quote cause it's really good. I could have gotten into it a little more.
Starting point is 00:52:35 I liked when Trump was kind of mogging him among the cyber trucks. Yeah. And the solar panels. But I, yeah, I lost interest and just came over here. Which was, and I'm a, but I lost interest and just came over here, which was, and I'm a, you know, I'm Trump's top guy. So I'm one of his strongest soldiers.
Starting point is 00:52:54 So I'm zoning out. He said one of the things we're gonna do is build an iron dome. We're gonna build the best iron dome. We're gonna build it in America. Why shouldn't we have it? Israel has it. Some other places have it
Starting point is 00:53:04 that frankly people don't even know about. Who else has an iron dome? Kamala. I'm gonna pee, really. Yeah, sorry. We've done almost an hour, by the way. Cool. Sausage is now making it. Can I have a hit of your butter? Show me.
Starting point is 00:53:32 I'm trying to get so enjoy. My nitrous. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I got a case of Georgian mineral water. Nice chalky taste to it. It's like medicinal, it tastes like alka-seltzer. Yeah, it does. It's refreshing.
Starting point is 00:53:56 It can't be good for you. Yeah, I mean, I bought a bunch of Vichy Cattle Ann a while ago and I was like, I'm just getting more dehydrated. When people order sparkling water at restaurants, I'm like, fuck you, what are you doing? What do you mean? It brings out my like inner health nut and cheap juice.
Starting point is 00:54:18 Is it not good? I'm like, first of all, it costs more money than tap, which costs nothing. Secondly, it literally dehydrates you. You're not getting hydrated. And you're drinking all those martinis. And you're getting bloated from, oh, Macron.
Starting point is 00:54:36 Oh yeah. Being gay. Oh yeah, we can talk about that. I have two more good Trump quotes from Elon Space. I like what he said about Javier Malay, the new head of a place called Argentina. He ran on Mac. He bought a bunch of hats.
Starting point is 00:54:54 He made Argentina great again. Yeah. So that's great. It's great because America and Argentina both start with an A. Yeah, yeah. That works out. That's perfect, yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:04 And he told Elon, you do make a good product. That doesn't mean everyone should have an electric car, but those are just minor details. Oh. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. I mean, he doesn't make a good product. X is botched. He needs to fix this website.
Starting point is 00:55:22 Trump handled Elon really well because he was like. I'm pissed at Elon. He was like overwhelming him with like constant praise, but actually kind of backhandedly insulting him at every turn, which is amazing. Like that's a talent I hope to acquire one day. Maddie's a real Elon apologist. Why?
Starting point is 00:55:48 She just thinks it's cool that the richest man in the world is like a weird slob. Yeah, I like that about him. He really rubs me the wrong way. I can't help it. Yeah, I know. I get it. I get it. You have good instincts when it comes to like weird pasty creepy guys like Richard Hanania.
Starting point is 00:56:05 I have a high threshold for the tism as well. I know, I know, I know. I'm very, I'm a friend to many autists and but sometimes they just really like, some yeah, I can't. Yeah, they give you the, it's like a very feminine response. I also, I's like a very feminine response.
Starting point is 00:56:25 I also, I too have a high threshold, but because I find them relatable, like they're weird, awkward, spurgs who made it against all odds. Yeah. Which is charming and endearing in its own way. I get it. That you could be like totally unlikable.
Starting point is 00:56:42 And just mass incredible wealth and power, I guess. And I thought like Elon's stuff with his like trans son or trans daughter was really weird where he basically, he gave some interview where he said that he bought X. He lost his son. Yeah, and he bought X because he was inspired by the sniffarious campaign that like the bureaucrats and pharmaceutical industry ran against his family.
Starting point is 00:57:16 And that didn't really sit well with me because, you know, his daughter was like on Twitter clapping back from her home in Bushwish or wherever, where she kikis with Salome. And I also, I'm gonna eat my words but. She's no doll, let's be honest. Yeah, but you. She's really got her father's boxy frame.
Starting point is 00:57:43 But you, I can't believe we're saying that about a child. Is she a child? Oh, I don't know. I just assumed that's the Elon alarm. They're taking us to Twitter jail. The cyber truck is coming to haul us away. But yeah, I mean, you have to accept some responsibility that it's like a failure of your parenting,
Starting point is 00:58:05 that you were not involved enough in your child's life. A bunch of illegitimate children with who has. And I understand Elon's position. He's like a busy mogul with tons of children. I hate the South African accent too. Me too. I think that actually is maybe. I'm like, is it Australian?
Starting point is 00:58:28 Is it British? Awful, awful, awful accent. One of the worst. And in the space too. I mean, I hate looking at them. So I guess it's good there wasn't a visual component. I know again, they're just like us for real. They like forgot to film it.
Starting point is 00:58:48 Yeah. Well, I think that, yeah, that's not the format. The text probably not there. I just want him to make the website better and he's made it worse. Yeah, and he's introduced like random features, like what is it it like top replies? The AI, the for you tab, and now I only get eating disorder content because I keep looking
Starting point is 00:59:14 at the thing because I, it's my fault. Is this a me problem? No, no, I get tons of eating disorder content, but it's because I click on the thinspo threads. Me too. Because I'm morbidly like, not even, I don't need the Thinspo, okay? Yeah, we're not, we're not trying. I'm taking pre-workout, like.
Starting point is 00:59:33 No, it's like whatever you click on is what you get served. If you click on cute animal vids, you get that. If you click on like morbid gore, you get that. Yeah. I started clicking on the ED twit threads, not because I was like fishing for thin-spow, but because I was simply alarmed as a mother that a lot of these girls who are like 13 or 14
Starting point is 01:00:01 have grotesqueque visible cutting scars. I love how Trump calls Elon a great cutter. He's like, does he mean the country? What is he talking about? Also, Elon's a fucking immigrant, by the way. Yeah. Just saying. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:20 Go back to so they're freaking freak. Oh, no, it's like really sad to see all these like young, beautiful, deeply, deeply mentally ill girls who are like self harming. A lot of those images are also, you know, they've been circulating in the eating disorder community for a long time. I know, but it's like the social contagion of thigh cutting.
Starting point is 01:00:46 Like when I was growing up, girls cut their arms, nobody was cutting their thighs. That's somehow even more bizarre and grotesque. I knew some thigh cutters, I guess. Well, you can hide your, if you, you know. But then you showcase them in a, I mean, yeah, it's, yeah, I look, I look at the threads myself out of like a more, you know, I'm like, let's see how, let's see how skeletal
Starting point is 01:01:11 and weird someone can get, I guess. It's just, yeah, but I could really do without it, to be honest. I gotta start looking more like gooning pornography. Yeah, X needs to address the plague of thinspo threads. How old is Elon's daughter? Because I was like before I make a 12 to 18. And before I make a rude remark about how maybe she should look at a couple more thins. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:01:50 No, I think she's got a, she's... I mean, also the thing is like when you have like 11, 12 kids. She's 20, dude, she's 20. She's 20. It's just more statistically likely that one of them is gonna be like gay or trans or otherwise weird.
Starting point is 01:02:04 Yeah, he said the woke wine virus killed his estranged trans daughter. No it didn't. It's because you didn't bother to like check in with her. And you know you people could see what was up in their life. Yeah I mean. And again like I respect the fact that he's a busy, wealthy man who's probably like jet setting all over the globe. So like sitting in the cold. He's also like autist green, whatever. But like it's on him to participate in his children's lives, even if he has to like parachute in periodically. He has autism and he has too many kids. He is of all people should not,
Starting point is 01:02:47 I don't know why he feels so entitled to be reproducing so much. I mean, he looks like shit. I mean, whatever that's his prerogative, but he has to under, he has to like acknowledge and accept that he has some non marginal responsibility to his kids. It's not cause of woke dude.
Starting point is 01:03:12 I feel like people are gonna rake me over the coals for this one because they were really mad about my daycare comments in the Tucker interview. Wait, what? I don't know, I don't wanna get into it. Oh, okay. I don't want to get into it. Oh, okay. Yeah, no, you're ultimately responsible. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:31 There are many factors, you know, nature and nurture. For the record, I think it's good and honorable when fathers are Involved in their child's lives. For sure. And when they raise their own children. Yeah. No, no, there's not enough. I can't believe that needs to be said.
Starting point is 01:03:52 Well, yeah, it just really goes to show that like it's not, there's no amount of wealth that you can amass that is a, will substitute for like parenting. But also his trans daughter, like many trans people probably has autism, which she probably got from him genetically. So also his fault. And also he should stop like, he needs to stop recording, I'm sorry. He needs to get a vasectomy or something.
Starting point is 01:04:28 He seems like a guy who probably would get it. No, that's part of his project is to like, procreate a body. He has tons and tons of kids. And now he's trying to get, Grimes is going to court to try and get custody of her kids and stuff. Yeah. Pff, big mistake having Elon's fucking baby.
Starting point is 01:04:50 I mean, I remember when I met her at that Barry debate, she had like two of the kids on deck and one of them was with Elon. I guess that's the one that they're warring over. And that's also weird to separate siblings. Right, the one that's named X or whatever after the website. One is like XY and the other one is trans. He wonders why they're trans. Oh man. Like you're giving your kids like weird gobbledygook unpronounceable names and wondering why they have like an unstable sense of their
Starting point is 01:05:26 gender identity. Yeah, you're a freak, dude. I don't mean to go so hard on Elon. Obviously it's cool that he commandeered X from like the Lib tards and made it possible for us to say retard without getting banned. I also just like strategically out of self-interest don't want to bash him too much because I need to, no, no, no, I don't even care about that. I just, I need to be able to reach out to Twitter higher ups if I, should I get banned
Starting point is 01:06:02 or hacked again? I know I want to stay on this be in good standing. I'm yeah, I've got a death wish. I'm like, I'm like daring him to take my to take my Twitter away. Cause it's like secretly what I want. You know, he can't he's a true believer in free speech. Yes. He lets his trans daughter tweet.
Starting point is 01:06:22 Yes. You know, so I should be allowed to, I think I did get banned once for calling him a fat faggot or something. But my account was reinstated, charitably. But no, yeah, I'd love to not, not look at eating disorder, shit
Starting point is 01:06:44 when I'm doom scrolling. I know. But I do love to express myself, so it's a real toss. People are always like warbling on about like the threat to free speech with regards to political content. And I don't know, I feel almost like a mullah or something when I see the morbid content and the ED content. It makes me like, spur out. Yeah, it triggers you. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:29 But speaking of fat faggots, I guess we can talk about Macron briefly. I don't know. His music is pretty good. Macron is kind of sexy. And I liked seeing those pictures of him horsing around on the boat with those fellas. I know. I mean, I don't think he's gay. It's like watching gay porn. I think that's just what French don't think he's gay. It's like watching gay porn.
Starting point is 01:07:48 I think that's just what French people get up to. Yeah. Kissing your male friends on the lips. Yeah, I'm just like reminded of like, Camille Polly, telling Glenn Belvario how much she likes gay porn. Because all the women in porn are professional actresses who can like simulate coming, whereas with gay guys, or with men in general, it's like real. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's more raw. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:17 The gay. No, he and those other guys looked really good on that boat. Yeah, they did. They were like sun kissed and glowing. And living their best life. I enjoy it. Yeah, I didn't mind. Seems good.
Starting point is 01:08:31 Do you know what's going on in the UK? Yeah, there's like a bunch of riots. It's actually really worrying and troublesome because white townies are like facing off in the streets with the muzzy hordes and are like inflicting violence on each other. And I saw this thread, I don't know if it's real, but if it's real, it's so damning and insane that that woman who I mentioned, Anna Slatz posted,
Starting point is 01:09:07 that was just a summary of the various UK judges who have meted out very harsh punishments to the white British UK rioters. So people are getting two and a half years for tipping a garbage can over on a policeman and they're getting like 18 months for using a racial slur on social media. And then there's like a record of those same judges
Starting point is 01:09:38 letting like known pedophiles walk free for like dog torture and baby rape videos. No, I just take everything I see on the internet with a grain of salt. And I always assume that there's some kind of like misinformation or disinformation happening or like selective information. Yeah. But I was like frantically messaging people being like, is this we're such boomers. I know.
Starting point is 01:10:06 I literally don't. I'm getting hacked in the process. I know. I'm like, what is this? But yeah, if it's true, it's really bleak, man. And I don't know that white British riders are being billed as the hard right by this guy. What's his name?
Starting point is 01:10:24 Keir Stormer. He has a super like white nationalist sounding name but he's like a left-wide cuck. Storm Trooper, yeah, yeah. And I mean, that's horrible. It's like the death of Britain. Why are they rioting? And isn't this why they did Brexit?
Starting point is 01:10:42 I think they're already dead. They're rioting over like the Southport stabbing of those three girls at like a Taylor Swift, the Taylor Swift theme dance class by that guy who was like, I don't know anything about this, but he was like a Rwandan legal immigrant or like the child of immigrants or something. And the media was using like a suspiciously innocent legal immigrant or like the child of immigrants or something. Okay.
Starting point is 01:11:05 And the media was using like a suspiciously innocent and youthful photo of him when he in reality does not look at all like that. It's like a five or seven year old photo. Yeah. I was looking at the sex offender registry recently and they have to update their photos pretty often. So it's fun to see them aging.
Starting point is 01:11:32 Just something to do if you're bored, you can put in your zip code to see all the tattoos. You can, it's true. But it's a lot of Hispanics doing the raping. But I think it's someone's doing the raping. But more notably than the like racial breakdowns of registered sex offenders is that they are mostly quite short. Short?
Starting point is 01:11:58 Interesting. You're looking at their height. You're clocking the heights. Yeah, well, because, and that, there's obviously a corollary there. So they're raping because they feel like children themselves. Well, they have man let rage. And they feel disempowered like very seldom is like, you know, obviously a lot of them
Starting point is 01:12:18 also are not. It's easier for them to pretend that they're in the fourth grade. Well, men from Mexico tend to be on the shorter side. Something I've noticed, but also they, yeah, I think that there is something to be said for like, yeah, feeling like disempowered in the world. And then, cause you know, the sex is about power. And then usually if they're tall or on the taller end of normal, they are getting out for child porn. Just, yeah. That's a good noticing down shot. Thank you. We're complaining about eating disorder Twitter, but you're going on like a weird pages.
Starting point is 01:13:15 Yeah, putting in different- To collect data. And putting in last names of people we know to see if they're, if we, or like looking in like Dime Square to see if they're, if we, any, or like looking in like dime square to see if like. F***. Yeah. I did. Sorry, sorry, did not mean to make that connection. Hello.
Starting point is 01:13:36 Oh, whoa. He's not on it, I checked. No, no. Are you sure? Ah, ha, ha, ha, ha. Not on it, I checked. No, no. You checked. Ha ha ha ha ha.
Starting point is 01:13:48 No one I know is like, I haven't found anyone yet. But my, you know, maybe when I get home, take a couple of Ambien, get back online. But oh, another thing I hate to see actually online while we're on the topic is like the pedophile vigilante justice videos where people entice some like confused, like 80 IQ guy into meeting a fake teen. Yeah, and then like berate and humiliate them.
Starting point is 01:14:21 I think that's really like, gross. Yeah. And like, obviously I'm not gonna, I'm not going to bat here for pedophiles. It's not a defensible position, but it's just like, we don't do that on this podcast. We don't do that here, but I just, I, that's something I find to be like profoundly really ugly. There was a video recently of, he was actually caught in a police thing operation, but, um, of a guy like going in his house and shooting himself. You don't see it, but you see him like scurrying away and then taking his own life.
Starting point is 01:14:55 Who was like reporting or publishing this content, like the vigilante groups? No, this was like a police, I think this was like a body cam video or some, this, this was an actual guy who was like about to be arrested for was like a body cam video or some, this was a guy who was about to be arrested for being a child pornographer or something, some cool pappado. I mean, I guess that's probably the best outcome for that sort of thing. Sure. As horrible as it sounds.
Starting point is 01:15:18 There was that Daily Mail article that I saw that I also don't know if it's fake about some guy who was like a crocodile or alligator expert. Okay. We've got 10 years for like amassing child pornography and torturing dogs and puppies and like sexually assaulting them.
Starting point is 01:15:40 And like his wife apparently didn't know and whatever. He worked with dogs though too, he had some, no? Maybe, yeah, he was like a breeder maybe, but. Ugh, that is so gross. I'm not like a huge fan of the death penalty, but I feel like for people like that, instant death penalty, not even for any like moral or ethical concern, but because they're just such a net drain on society.
Starting point is 01:16:06 The world doesn't need another like reptile expert who rapes dogs. They like fumbled their life too bad and they can't go on living. And like it's the best, you know, you give them a nice, as a Christian, you know, you give them a chance to repent. A nice open casket funeral. You know, and then you just chance to repent, you know,
Starting point is 01:16:26 and then you just put them out of their misery. And that's like, and I think the most humane option, some of the time. Yeah, and as our former and hopefully future President Donald Trump pointed out. 45, 47 maybe. That it takes a lot of money to house and feed these guys. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:57 So. It's probably the most merciful alternative for everyone involved. All around, yeah, yeah. Anyway, should we? Should we? Did we have anything else on the docket? No.
Starting point is 01:17:16 Yeah, not about, that's about pretty much covered. Yeah, I didn't expect the wild card of the UK riot. Sorry, yeah, it just came to me. But I guess it does play to your point that, well, because I was thinking about- Yeah, sorry. Sorry, Macron, and remember they were having
Starting point is 01:17:36 some like racial riots in France some time ago. Yeah. And yeah, that's just why I was free associating. No, but it does play to your point that immigrates immigrants. Yeah, ungrateful immigrants. Yeah. It's a portmanteau.
Starting point is 01:17:58 That they do seem to assimilate better in the US versus in France or the UK, which is probably like a question of like scale and concentration. Yeah, and like, history. This griper was asking me about, yeah, last night was asking me about Europe and I was like, none of my business. I was like, best thing Europe ever did was make America. As far as I don't, none of my business. What's going on over there? Europe made America great. Now let's make it great again.
Starting point is 01:18:38 Amen. See you in hell.

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