Regulation Podcast - Affecting the Market // Dog Shampoo [42]

Episode Date: March 17, 2021

Geoff, Gavin, and Andrew talk about doing so many more than 1 intro, Gavin can't speak in the Zimmerzone, and how Roombas have gotten worse over time. Sponsored by: Postmates (Download the Postmates a...pp + code FACE) and Raycon ( Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 Hey, I was on time, Gavin. Look at me. Yeah, it didn't matter, because Eric was just yakking away this time. Yeah, we were waiting for you, so it's fine. No, I was here at half three, so... Hello! Hello, hello, hello, hello, and welcome to another episode of the F*** Face Podcast. I believe it's episode 42.
Starting point is 00:00:29 My name is Geoff Ramsey, and with me as always, Gavin Free and Raymond Sommar. How's it going, boys? What have you been up to since, when did we do this last, like two days ago? It's like a week ago. Can I, can I be honest with you guys? Yeah, go ahead. That sounded, that sounded like such a fucking podcast-y podcast intro. I hate it.
Starting point is 00:00:48 Can we do it again? You're the host of a podcast, but yeah. I don't know what you think you're doing. It's a podcast. Listen, while I was saying it, I was envisioning me saying, I looked like a person I would want to punch. Like if I heard me delivering,
Starting point is 00:01:04 I'm just like a random dude, and I hear me delivering the intro to that podcast, I would want to punch. Like if I heard me delivering, I'm just like a random dude. And I hear me delivering the intro to that podcast. I want to hit me. I think it's mainly because we can all hear you ramping up to that mode. But while you're talking, because you're always like, Oh, I keep wait.
Starting point is 00:01:19 I keep waiting to get interrupted. So I only like, I ramp up the further I get. The higher the like increases to the chance that I'm not going to get it. So yeah like i ramp up the further i get the higher the like increases the chance that i'm not gonna get it so yeah i put more in uh anyway this is face it is episode 42 uh i am jeff you are gavin and you are uh raymond and uh i feel a lot better about that intro i don't i if i heard that i would be like oh that's a guy slightly defeated doing an intro and i wouldn't want to hit him i guess we're making up for the episodes that had no intro
Starting point is 00:01:45 by having two on this one. Yeah, there you go. How many didn't have intros? I feel like most had intros. I know we went through a wave. We can't possibly talk about intros any more than we already have. Okay, I was just asking. Isn't this season two? Aren't we on the new stuff? That's true. I mean, but you're the one
Starting point is 00:02:01 doing two fucking intros. What do you mean are we on the new stuff? You're doing the repeat. Maybe that's what Jeff thinks season two is. Every episode has two episodes. I mean, but you're the one doing two fucking intros. What do you mean? Are we on the new stuff? You're doing the repeat. Oh, maybe that's what Jeff thinks season two is every episode has two episodes. I mean intro shit. Sod it Fucking it Nick says 30% don't have an intro There's no way it's that high. I bet you it is I bet there's a pretty good chance it is. Wait does it count if we do it like 45 minutes in and do an intro does that count or does that not count that doesn't count then what's the point of it there was a run of episode 16s that i don't think had intros alone okay that was probably 20 i think at least 50 of episode 16s didn't have an intro do we know what the first episode 16 was i keep yeah it was episode 16 yeah i know but i mean it came right after
Starting point is 00:02:45 episode 15 wow that's great i appreciate that insight i was curious we did a lot of 16s i i think episode 16 uh i don't know man that was like a million years ago i know i was just curious what even is on the first episode 16 i have no idea would that be like pencil times? Let me look at episode 16. Oh, they're not numbered. That's going to make it difficult. Do you want what episode 16 was? Wait, the new ones are numbered. The new ones are numbered. Episode 39 is numbered.
Starting point is 00:03:16 Episode 40 is numbered. Nothing else is numbered. A variety of lawsuits. Bog roll folders. Oh, yeah, that was probably deep in pencil. That was probably pencil. I don't remember what the bog roll is. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:29 There we go. Jeff, Gavin, and Andrew talk about Gavin's assembled legal team. Jeff's first take place Garfield finish. Bog roll folders and more. I forgot you played Garfield. Briefly. Yeah. You know what else?
Starting point is 00:03:43 I remember when I kept calling you on the Anaheim number that I had. Because you mentioned. I forgot. There are a lot of things I forgot you played Garfield. Briefly. Yeah, you know what else? I remember when I kept calling you on the Anaheim number that I had, because you mentioned, I forgot. There are a lot of things I forgot that happened. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You kept calling me on that California number. That's true. Yeah, that's great. I have an issue with Eric I want to talk about immediately,
Starting point is 00:03:56 just before we get too far. I was about to say, I'm glad that you did that. Hold on a second. Okay. All right. I had to get that out. I got nothing. I got nothing for today. What was that? I was a burp. I got that get that out. I got nothing. I got nothing for today.
Starting point is 00:04:06 What was that? I was a burp. I got that burp, and that was it. I got a burp, and that... I stopped at Raymond, Sommar, and Zimmer, and the acronym. My brain turned off after the last episode, and nothing has happened in my life since. I got nothing to talk about. Okay. Well, I wanted to talk about. Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:25 Well, I wanted to talk to Eric about the fact he gave a lot of shit about not doing the shake my head reveal in that episode. Talked a lot about it last time. Nobody commented on it. Nobody was in suspense. It was not a big deal. Would have made more sense to just wait. I think that's only because there was a bigger thing that we hadn't talked about uh it just it seemed he he put a lot of a lot of force into that
Starting point is 00:04:50 we were idiots for not covering that nobody cared nobody cared about that coverage lack of coverage i mean i think i think you nailed it gavin i don't know like i don't know you dig a big hole and then you dig a bigger hole next to it and people go, wow, that's a really big hole. Oh, okay, there's a small, but look how big this giant hole is. Yeah, I also don't know if, like the response being that people didn't seem to care doesn't make it what we did any less dumb. It just means that either they were focused
Starting point is 00:05:19 on the bigger hole or they're so conditioned to disappointment that they just, that's the bar. That's a great point. Which isn't a good thing either. Can I say I've really been enjoying the f***face Instagram? It's really my only window into how out of control this Zimmerzone thing has gone.
Starting point is 00:05:38 It's amazing. So many confused people who know nothing of this podcast around the world. I love it. It might be the crowning achievement of all things we've done in Rooster Teeth, or at least in my career, is seeing all these articles and comments on Twitter and Instagram and on baseball card forums from people going, what the fuck is going on with Don Zimmer? Why is this card have value all of a sudden?
Starting point is 00:06:04 It's been a thing. I mean, I guess we have to thank the audience because they have taken it to a whole level and the entire hobby is in mass confusion. And just reading
Starting point is 00:06:14 the different theories has been incredible. They've ranged so far. Kudos to the audience because it is 100%. We pointed you guys in a direction or we presented an idea
Starting point is 00:06:22 and the audience is how it happened, right? They ran with it and also proved a really interesting point, which is you can affect a market. It doesn't take that many people focused in a direction to affect a market. It really doesn't. I mean, how many people could have been buying Zimmer cards in the last month to make it explode into what it's become. Like, what does a Zimmer card go for on eBay right now? Do you know, Andrew, off the top of your head? I think it's ranging between $15 to $20 per card. I don't think I've seen one go for less than
Starting point is 00:06:57 $15. I've been trying to buy one of every Zimmer card, kind of like I do with Marcus Smart, you know, just like every different one. And so I've got about six or seven now, and I was buying them for a buck a piece, and now I think the last one I bought for $12. They're definitely getting up there. Also, Nick has written that the episode with the SMH actual reveal isn't out yet.
Starting point is 00:07:21 Yeah, I mean, that's, like, what can you do? It's not even worth having the conversation about because somehow i'm still wrong so it doesn't matter what you just have to you have to find something where andrew peters off and then the conversation can just sort of go no no no no let's think about this for a minute i need to go in my head because i don't i need um because we it would have been the following episode the the shake my head thing did not happen in the last episode that aired. It was the one before that. So we would have mentioned in that one if we followed your order is the whole point of the one that comes after the episode that just came out is that you weren't here.
Starting point is 00:07:57 And one of the things you yelled about was the lack of reveal in that episode. Right. So I'm still right. My point is still valid. See, Gavin, isn't that what I just said? I said't why why even bother why even bother i was extra trying to pay attention to what andrew was saying and what his stance was i don't i don't know what you mean house is not this is okay because all i said was that the smh reveal hasn't come out yet well yeah the one where eric was like you didn't even talk about SMH.
Starting point is 00:08:26 Yeah, I know. I'm aware of that. I'm addressing the fact that he yelled at us for not addressing it in an episode. Go ahead. Before you go any further, I hate to cut in to further exacerbate things, but just to kind of reinforce what Gavin just said,
Starting point is 00:08:40 I lost interest, and I am not paying attention to anything y'all are talking about. I couldn't follow it. So y'all continue, and just like loop me back in When you're done Why even speak then? Why comment?
Starting point is 00:08:52 What's the point of you saying that? What are you doing? Are you talking to me? Yeah I'm talking to you Jeff No circle back to me when you're finished No I'm done at this point I just don't understand the argument. So there's no point in listening because nothing anybody's saying is making any sense.
Starting point is 00:09:10 I was just saying we got yelled at. We didn't need to be. I think we deserve. I listened to that episode last night in bed. We definitely deserve to be yelled at. I don't know. I don't know about that. I'd say the reaction says otherwise.
Starting point is 00:09:22 Have we started this podcast yet? I don't know. Can. I'd say the reaction says otherwise. Have we started this podcast yet? I don't know. Can you do a punchy intro? Hello and welcome to another episode of the F*** Face Podcast. My name is Jeff Ramsey. With me, as always, Gavin Free and Raymond Sommaire. And what do you guys want to talk about this week? We solved or we, I would say we crested Somer Mountain and the SMH Mountains,
Starting point is 00:09:50 and we have driven fucking full steam through the Zimmer Zone and come out the other side. What do we have? I don't think we're done with the Zimmer Zone. I was curious what your guys' favorite theories have been. What theories have you heard? There's a group of people that believe that this was a money laundering scheme, which I think is a fantastic
Starting point is 00:10:09 concept. The idea that anyone would launder money $10 at a time from Don Zimmer cards on eBay. At what point is the FBI like, it's too low to be laundering? I've heard that it's some sort of a Redditdit group that exists to do to
Starting point is 00:10:29 like manipulate markets kind of like gme gamestop like bitcoin like it's very like nft like new like new media like tech scammy type stuff you know i've heard that i i was accused uh by somebody on uh some comment somewhere of setting all of this up just so that i could sell my personal collection of don zimmer cards and raking a bunch of money as if once again i was like as if for the last 10 years i've been hoarding millions of zimmer cards for 10 cents each so i could turn around and sell them for eight bucks a pop and slowly get rich eight dollars at a time you would have to have a warehouse of so many that's where i want to pour my energy yeah just imagining somebody breaking down because their zimmer warehouse caught fire all their future profits you've been holding these for so long yeah it was great there's a
Starting point is 00:11:23 whole thing about how like a shadowy group was buying the cards themselves like selling like buying them at higher prices to try to generate hype and adjust the market i it was great i saw another one i saw another one the other day where people were speculating that this meant that more manager cards were going to become in vogue and december was just the start and that people were like who do you think is going to be next and people were trying to figure out who the next hot manager i like as well that it's it's actually going really well it's like it's quite big now that this is actually registering to people outside of this podcast but i feel like our listeners as i just i can't you feel like our listeners are... Hold on. Let me take it again. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:12:06 Roll back. I feel like our listeners... Why is this so hard for you? What are you doing? Why are you broken? Whatever point you're going to make is not going to be worth this. You should never have stopped. Can we push the recording one more day?
Starting point is 00:12:33 You never get to start again. What's your point? I'd love to hear it. Well, I feel like our listeners are so true faces that they're actually not letting anyone else know where it's coming from. They're all like in on it with us. And I think that's the best part of it
Starting point is 00:12:52 is that it's so big, but it's not big enough to the point where people are finding out where it's coming from. Totally agree. All the facers out there that are taking part in this fun little experiment and enjoying this. Thank you so much for keeping this close to your vest.
Starting point is 00:13:06 It's been, it's been so wonderful to see people like going out and looking to try to find the solution and not being able to. And can you believe I made that observation and told you about it in the first try? Delivered it perfectly. delivered it perfectly what a clear interesting thought that you succinctly delivered it was very concise as somebody you as someone who just fucking yelled at me for being confusing and not clear
Starting point is 00:13:38 i really appreciated the delivery you gave and i'm taking notes i'm gonna learn a lot from you i'm bad at podcasting if i have to be quiet for a long time like if i'm listening for several minutes back to back i start to get worked up in my own head when i should talk again and then when i do it's like dude i do the same thing you start like you get like a car revving you're like because you don't want to be quiet enough to the point where someone realizes that you've not said anything in a while and then they ask you why you're not saying anything you don't want to be quiet enough to the point where someone realizes that you've not said anything in a while and then they ask you why you're not saying anything you don't want to get to that point but you want to chime in at some point and it's hard to time in my head do you have the reverse where you get a spot and then you start talking and then you think like
Starting point is 00:14:16 well now now they're listening to me i better go and then after a while you're like why am i still talking and am i just saying the same thing over and over again in different ways because I had that earlier in the beginning of the podcast I don't even remember what it was but I remember going to loop make a note to Nick to tell him to cut out like 45 seconds of some shit I said in the first 10 minutes I think I get that much less frequently because I try and say everything and be done talking as quickly as possible and I I don't like it if I've like right now what do you mean it was going on too long I wanted to be over I had to end it oh okay I don't I feel like you just stopped talking though I don't even feel like you made a point was your point that you have nothing I don't know I feel like I have like a hard 30 second limit where
Starting point is 00:15:00 if I've not stopped then I've just just got to pack it in. Otherwise you get nervous. What about you, Andrew? I'm still, we're still Zimmer. What's going on with the Zimmer Zone shirt? Is that out at this point? It's St. Patrick's Day, by the way, when this airs. Oh. Happy St. Patrick's Day.
Starting point is 00:15:16 Is it St. Patrick's Day, really? What is that, March? March 17th. Oh. Happy, Craig, that's cool. Do you know, that means today is the fourth anniversary of the day I quit drinking. Hey, accidentally on St. Patrick's Day.
Starting point is 00:15:29 I had no idea. Congratulations. Your last drink. Oh, yeah. Well, yeah, I do. I remember my last five drinks because they happened. And well, I had. Yeah, I remember my last five drinks.
Starting point is 00:15:40 I had them in rapid succession. Yeah, I've told that story a million times i don't want to bore anybody with old stories about me drinking and throwing up blood and stuff but but it was it just just so happens that that march 17th is the four year today is the four year anniversary of the last drink i took so i don't think i know that story you have to tell me offline uh yeah it was like six in the morning i was fucking you know drunk know, this is about drunky, drunk, drunk. And I got up and I was shaken. And so I took, I usually take shots in the morning.
Starting point is 00:16:11 You know what? I'll tell you later. What? It's a sad story. You're going way too far. Okay, that's far. That's fine. If you're going for darkness reasons, that's fine.
Starting point is 00:16:20 I just like the idea of that morning. You're just like, that's enough. I'm done. All right. So I got up, you know, and I was like, it was six in the morning i had to tell him it's okay i've told it on another podcast millie gets up we can cut it from this so it doesn't have to be in this podcast if you want to see here but i'm fine with it i don't understand why you've teased it like five times in the show and gone i'll tell you online then you start telling it again if you want to
Starting point is 00:16:43 cut we'll cut it. But also, just tell the story. I just don't want to bore the audience because the audience is probably hurting. Do you think, do you think, just tell,
Starting point is 00:16:50 just tell the story, Jeff, please. Okay, so I was up one morning. Eric is making the story take longer. It's March 17th. It's during South By.
Starting point is 00:16:59 I'm off that week. I get up in the morning at six, you know, because I'm an early riser and I got to take, get Millie up at seven. So I go into the kitchen. I get up in the morning at six, you know, because I'm an early riser and I got to take get Millie up at seven. So I go into the kitchen and I take my morning.
Starting point is 00:17:09 I take two shots of bullet whiskey every morning. Well, if that's what I have right at the time I had bullets. So I drank two shots of whiskey to kind of steady the nerves and it didn't steady my nerves. I was still shaking really bad. So I thought, oh, I better take another shot. And that didn't work. So I took two more shots so that I could get to normal so that I could you know make
Starting point is 00:17:26 breakfast and stuff for Millie because that's you know I was in a bad way and when I swallowed the fifth shot something happened to my stomach and it immediately I went it's coming up and I turned toward the bathroom as
Starting point is 00:17:42 vomit projectile vomited out of my mouth across my entire kitchen into my hallway and it's in the old house gav you know that house yeah like you know where and he kind of hit that wall over where the bathroom was and it was blood and shit and i thought a that's not good b millie's not awake yet i don't want her to see this and so i got that on my hands and knees and i was like cleaning up blood and puke with my shirt because it's what i had and i was all fucked up and then i thought i just probably stop this probably enough and that was the that was the that was when i quit drinking well i'm glad you did congrats on four thanks man there's too many more no thanks i appreciate it it's always um i don't
Starting point is 00:18:17 know if we should go into vomit stories if we're going to cut that actually uh it's okay never never say never you know i don't want to be one of those people that says i'll never drink again but i sure as hell hope i don't i find that if i ever projectile vomit usually from a previous night of drinking i always like if i'm not going to make it as a toilet i always try and go for the mouth cover but it's always the wrong move i think you're much better off just vomiting forwards as you're walking because then it doesn't go on the ceiling and the walls through your hands totally agree and you end up with a dirty hand that you have to clean before you can
Starting point is 00:18:49 use your hand to clean it's like vomiting on a broom you're ruining the tool you need to clean it, right? I did not expect that analogy. It's a good one. I've never even considered vomiting in the hands. You gotta just embrace the projectile vomit when it happens. So when you vomit, when you projectile vomit, Andrew, do you just, are your arms at your sides? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:22 My arms are on my knees. I'm getting into as much force as i can this is just this is where we're at i'm gonna make the most of it just imagining a broom covered in oh you'd have to just throw it away it's like how do you clean a broom i know i know it's it's a flawed analogy right because it's like it's not like if i was like ah shit the dog threw up somebody grabbed the broom it's not like i'm cleaning up puke with a broom i should have said mop yeah mop would have been better works yeah yeah or inside a small tub of lysol strips or whatever oh i feel like that's a paper towel fix i don't think it's that hard to clean a vomit. It's always tragic when you ruin a piece of cleaning equipment.
Starting point is 00:20:07 And I feel like a vacuum is the same way. Because Dan told a story to me once where he just chunked off the side of his bed. And then he cleaned it up with paper towels. And then ended up just like vacuuming up the rest of it. But until he stopped using that vacuum cleaner years later, every time he vacuumed, just the smell of vomit would be pumped out of it. Even though it was technically clean, there's just something about it was stored inside
Starting point is 00:20:29 and it would always smell like chug and he'd always be heaving when he was trying to vacuum. Gavin, it's so funny you say that. I just had that happen last week. You threw up in your Dyson? No, dude, no. But I don't fully know what happened. And I haven't done the investigation to figure it out.
Starting point is 00:20:50 But what I think happened, because I picked up my Dyson the other day, the cordless kind to clean up something. And it wasn't working. And I went to clean the trap out. And it was full of what appeared to be vomit, right? And what I dissected, because didn't have millie wasn't here at the time what i've put together was that i think arrow or henry must have thrown up a bunch of dog food and then millie tried to clean it up with the vacuum cleaner and so it was just a bunch
Starting point is 00:21:18 of like wet soggy dog food and puke like clogging the thing up. I had to take our Emily and I had to take the entire thing apart piece by piece and hand clean the entire Dyson vacuum cleaner while and I was retching the whole time because it just smelled like I don't know how long it had been in there. And I, you know, and like and all I can say, I look at it and I'm like, I was mad. But at the same time, I'm like somebody either Emily doesn't want to accept that she did this or Millie did it. Either way, they were trying to solve a problem. They were trying to clean something up. So I shouldn't be mad at them for, you know, trying to clean up this issue. But it was fucking stinky gross.
Starting point is 00:21:51 There needs to be like a potpourri bomb or something that you can mow up in a vacuum that cleans the smells out automatically. Yeah. Are you a bit cleaner, Andrew? Do you, uh, how often do you tidy your shit? Because in my head, you live in in a just a pigsty of waffles and trash i don't live in a pigsty of waffles and trash i still have the outline of when i was living in a pillow fort when we recorded these i saw boxes all around my desk but outside of that
Starting point is 00:22:17 things are okay i wouldn't say it's too dirty i'd love to have like a a fucking a roomba or something though that seems great. Those seem fun. I feel like they're a lot better in theory. Yeah, I could see that. They get stuck on small stuff. Or if you've got cats, there's probably a cat toy getting wedged in it. I feel like they've decreased in functionality over time as they've improved, if that makes any sense.
Starting point is 00:22:41 Like, I got a new Roomba not too long ago because, you know, I had a bunch of Roombas. I was a huge Roomba proponent back in the day we you know we had the roombas fight with knives gavin yeah i had the dyson roomba for a while that i i gave up in the divorce you had the one that ran over the dog turd and smit it yeah i had i had two instances of the dog shit happening once with the dyson once with the roomba uh i think it's even yeah which one handled it better? The Dyson was easier to clean. The Roomba died. It killed that Roomba. It never worked again. That's true.
Starting point is 00:23:13 So I got a new Roomba a couple months ago and it's like the brand new model. It's supposed to be the best one. But I feel like the lint trap or the vacuum trap where it collects all the shit is half the size of the old roomba so you it doesn't even make it through one cycle before it has to be changed the new fancy ones empty themselves don't they that's why they have a whole
Starting point is 00:23:33 they have that you can't buy when i went to buy it you couldn't buy the empty itself thing like you can get the roomba but you can't get the trap thing they were just like not available they were selling on ebay like $1,200 just for that at the time. It was fucking ludicrous. Forget Zimmer. I know, right? But then this fucking new Roomba, who's lovely, but it gets caught on everything, all the time.
Starting point is 00:23:56 Every day. I feel like Roombas have gotten worse as they've increased in price and technology. Interesting theory. What's the worst thing you have on your desk you have a clean desk um worst thing worst thing um like i'll just put something on my desk and forget it's there i just i just pulled the waffle bomb out it's still on my desk oh come on why is that on your desk it's just there i think i moved it i was scared it was gonna
Starting point is 00:24:23 get knocked over where it was before so i put it in the corner of my desk and i thought do i still have this i do i i just can't concentrate if my desk is full of trash i can't do like if there's a an empty mug or a drink that i've already drank i can't have like an empty glass and stuff i gotta get rid of that shite because i'll knock it over why why why is that the case for you at home, but at work, your desk has 7,000 half-empty cups and you don't give a shit? I tell you why, because that's not my trash. My desk is the closest to the door. People leave their—I don't drink out of cans. People leave their shite all over my desk.
Starting point is 00:24:57 I don't buy it. They carve holes in it. They write all over it. They kick it in half. I'm not dealing with my desk at work. That is the office's desk and i i can't care about it if i care about it i'll get upset when someone kicks it off won't i some of that's true but all those fucking dixie cups are yours buddy i'm the one that walks over to the water machine and fucking gets a little half cup thing of water and then leaves it there until you've got uh like a baker's dozen of them on your desk at the end of the day. Yeah, but it's only water. It's not sticky shit
Starting point is 00:25:26 that's gonna get all mold and sticky ansel in it. It's only water. It's only 17 half-empty or half-full cups of water on a desk full of computer equipment where we throw shit around constantly. Yeah, but over the space of six months, that's pretty decent because I can reuse those cups
Starting point is 00:25:41 so I keep going back and forth until I wake up and there's a cockroach in one of them, has happened it's a miracle you don't get a fucking knock a moon ball into one of them and short circuit something and set the whole place on fire have you ever have you realized that electronics are actually pretty resilient to liquids like i spilled drinks and water all over pretty much everything electronic at some point in my life i don't think i've ever broken anything from water. Yeah. Millie, Millie told me, I don't know, maybe a year ago, her Mac, but she spilled a Dr. Pepper. I think it was in her MacBook air. And she was like, it doesn't work anymore. And I was like, turn it upside down and check on it in a week.
Starting point is 00:26:20 Millie still using that MacBook air to this day. Yeah, I had a thing where my cat knocked an iPad into the bath and I, while I was listening to it, I wasn't in the bath, but I was about to get in and watch something and my AirPods just suddenly cut out because I guess Wi-Fi or Bluetooth doesn't work through water. It just instantly cut it off and I just saw the splash. I was like, God damn it. Because they're not cheap, them iPads. Didn't work. I left it, I left it. Because they're not cheap. They're my pads. Yeah. Didn't work. I left it.
Starting point is 00:26:45 I left it off for a couple of weeks. I didn't bother with the rice thing because I heard that's a lot of bollocks. So I just left it. It didn't work after two weeks. Started charging. It still didn't work. I just chucked it in a drawer. About nine months later, I tried again and it works.
Starting point is 00:27:01 It was, I guess, just needed longer than two weeks. Or the opposite. Like I got when I got my iPhone 10 I was having a conversation with Emily about how they're waterproof and I was by the pool and she's like they say they're waterproof but they're not waterproof so I dunked my iPhone 10 in the water to show her they were waterproof didn't work for two days it immediately broke and I had to go put it in I had to put it in rice at Emily's old place. Exactly. She had the pool two fucking days immediately broke.
Starting point is 00:27:29 Didn't you also get that Insta 360 camera? And the first thing you did was you put it in water and it wasn't. Oh, big time, dude. That thing spent more time underwater than above water. Yeah, there was nothing waterproof about that. And you also you also thought you were taking videos but you were just taking pictures of yourself looking into it starting a couple of grandparents trying to figure out i'll find that photo and i'll have i'll have
Starting point is 00:27:59 them put it up on the on the instagram yeah we've mentioned that before. It's so funny to me. Wherever you're going, you better believe American Express will be right there with you. Heading for adventure? We'll help you breeze through security. Meeting friends a world away? You can use your travel credit. Squeezing every drop out of the last day?
Starting point is 00:28:24 How about a 4pm.m. late checkout? Just need a nice place to settle in? Enjoy your room upgrade. Wherever you go, we'll go together. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash yamx. Benefits vary by card. Terms apply.
Starting point is 00:28:41 What's new in Canada? I got a port-a-potty update. It's in Dallas. Yeah, I don't have a port-a-potty. What's up with this fucking port-a-potty update. It's in Dallas. Oh, yeah. I don't have a port-a-potty. What's up with this fucking port-a-potty? It's in Dallas. It was supposed to, I guess, with the storm, it got pushed back for delivery.
Starting point is 00:28:52 It hit Dallas today, so I imagine early next week. But where's it coming from? Why didn't you order a local one? Well, I just, I bought, I went online and I bought a port-a-potty. What do you mean? It seems like you've moved a port-a-potty across the whole of the United States. Where's it from? I think I did, actually.
Starting point is 00:29:07 I think I bought it from a place based in Colorado. Why didn't you buy one that was in Austin? Look, here's the deal. It's going to get redirected to Rooster Teeth anyway. There's no way it stays in my yard. You've got to use it at least once in your yard. Yeah, absolutely. I don't think I do.
Starting point is 00:29:28 I don't think I do. No, you definitely do. I really think you should record one episode of F*** Face from inside there. You think that now? You won't after 30 seconds of hearing me in it with the echo. You're going to go like, all right, all right, all right, tear it down. It's impossible to talk to you. I think it's i i think yeah i agree with gavin i think that's absolutely a move you have to do yeah well i'll believe it when a giant pink porta potty shows up
Starting point is 00:29:54 in my front yard because i've been hearing that for three episodes and it's fair it should be coming soon this could be the long play this could be utter bullshit and he never ordered one again. I'd be very... I would almost be more annoyed at that than if it's a real port-a-potty because he really has me believing it's coming. I really don't want to believe it, but I do. Eric, I have a question. I have a business question. This is just a crew conversation, not for the audience,
Starting point is 00:30:21 but we should leave it in anyway. We have sponsors every week, several. That is great. Why do we have zero dollars towards the budget of F*** Face? Oh, do you think that that's how that works? Yeah. I mean, yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:30:37 Because this, people pay to advertise on this. Everything you're about to say, I 100% agree with. I'm not asking you. Andrew paying out of his own canadian pocket right for bogs and that and correct i feel like you use corporate money okay yeah no i i everything you're saying i agree with 100 but i'm not the guy i'm not the guy who makes the money happen i am given the money that I'm given for each show. I know.
Starting point is 00:31:07 I just feel like, you know, give and take is important. Uh-huh. I agree. And we need to start taking. I just don't know how to do that. Because Jeff's doing all the giving. Right. What does that mean?
Starting point is 00:31:19 Well, you're doing all the ad reads. Uh-huh. Oh, that's true. I do do all the goddamn ad reads. And by the way, yeah. Boy, do I love it. doing all the ad reads uh-huh oh that's true i do do all the goddamn ad reads and by yeah boy do i love it i mean who do you want to do the ad reads no no that's fine i'm doing it uh i was just about to say uh but i i i appreciate all of the the sponsors that sponsor our podcast and make it possible for us to continue although i do have one complaint still about the ads um what's that i feel like there's got to
Starting point is 00:31:45 be someone out there who used the code you know instead of face yeah i feel like the first company to go all in on that that'd be a great ad read i think you're right okay i can run that up and i can also see about getting more budget for this show more than zero yeah absolutely i got sent a uh a missed opportunity this wasn't a thing when this came about there is a portable small toilet that you can buy from i think this home depot that is a zimmer toilet zimmer bucket zimmer bucket toilet all comes back to the zimmer zone is that the brand zimmer yeah the brand of the, like the company that makes it was a Zimmer. I believe the Zimmer bucket toilet for like camping. I wonder if anybody from Don Zimmer's family is still alive.
Starting point is 00:32:32 I thought about that. You think he might be the last Zimmer? He could be the last Zimmer. Did he have kids? I'm the last Ramsey in my line. If Millie doesn't have kids and name them Ramsey, I guess. I'm the last male Ramsey. How long has Zim had been dead?
Starting point is 00:32:49 He died like 10 years ago, maybe. Andrew, when did Zimmer die? I feel like 10 years ago. I think that's right. It is a shame. 2014, so seven years ago. Did he have kids? He has three children. Three children, okay. Oh, the port-a-potty came from Indiana, just so years ago. Hmm. Did he have kids? He has three children.
Starting point is 00:33:05 Three children, okay. Oh, the port-a-potty came from Indiana, just so you know, Gavin. Answer your question. I don't know what that is. Is that somewhere in the middle? Yeah. That seems befitting,
Starting point is 00:33:14 because Indiana is often considered the toilet of America. I wonder if his kids know how much joy he still brings the world. Obviously, they know how much joy he brought the world when he was with us, and how much joy he still brings the world. Like, obviously, they know how much joy he brought the world when he was with us, and how much joy he brought his family, no doubt, as well. But since his unfortunate passing,
Starting point is 00:33:32 he has lived a new life, if you will, an infamous life that has only just started, and I bet his children have no idea this new technology Zimmer that exists. Since looking at that picture of his hat getting pushed in his eyes, I watched the clip. I didn't realize that it wasn't a fight at all. It was
Starting point is 00:33:53 like a half second moment where he ran at someone and the other guy just pushed him to the ground. There wasn't any scrap whatsoever. He just charged like a bull and fell on the ground. I don't even scrap whatsoever. He just charged like a bull and fell on the ground. I don't even know if I can say it was a shove.
Starting point is 00:34:09 It reminds me of when you watch those Zen Master martial arts videos where they sidestep and the guy falls over. He put his hat in front of his face and the zipper just goes down. I don't know if I've laughed harder. He bounced so hard as well. The only way it could have been more embarrassing
Starting point is 00:34:25 is if pedro martinez just stuck out his right hand and it hit zimmer's forehead and zimmer just ran in place swinging his arms oh it's so funny i mean it's not funny i mean the actual like written in on paper it's not funny it's very funny though it's hard to describe zimmer knew what he was doing when he charged him come on lunatic do you think zimmer would go for a second charge because it just stops look it could have gone the other way everybody remembers when fucking uh who was it robin ventura charged the mound on nolan ryan robin ventura was like 20 years old nolan ryan was like 45 and nolan Nolan Ryan beat the shit out of him. Zimmer might have thought
Starting point is 00:35:05 it was going that way for him. He's like, I got, I may have 30 years on Pedro Martinez, but I got Nolan Ryan energy. And then suddenly he couldn't, he could only see
Starting point is 00:35:14 the inside of his hat and then he was on the ground. I wonder what his goal was. What his move. Did he have a plan? Did he have like a right hook he was loading up on? Like what did he want to happen when he began the bull rush? Is he just going for a collar grab?
Starting point is 00:35:34 I'd love to know what his strategy was. I think he was trying to flip him over his shoulders. Literally like a bull. Yeah, I think he was like... I think it was going to be like the Charger in Left 4 Dead 2, right? He was just going to keep running. Just run right through him. I had to stop until I hit a wall.
Starting point is 00:35:55 I don't think anyone falling has brought me this much joy. I've laughed so much just watching him fall. Oh, dude. It's great. There's one other fall, I think think that's up there which is the kelsey grammar fall that thing that lives in infamy as well but another face favorite yeah oh dear lord i don't i'm not familiar with the kelsey grammar fall when did kelsey grammar fall hold on a second let me find it for you okay uh you don't want to you don't you need to see it
Starting point is 00:36:22 in your life if you've never seen i love a good fall it's also it's just so great that it's him you know why this is just because he's just such a straight-laced like serious boring person and then for him to fall in such a funny way his reaction his reaction is the funny part kelsey grammar falls we might get andrew's live reaction to uh i'm very excited to watch kelsey andrew's live reaction hold on a second all right here we go it's by the way he's talking to kids at disney world i believe it's about uh it's about his experiences at disney world all right and give it a watch oh you gotta listen too so be sure to
Starting point is 00:37:04 listen yeah i'm listening i'm gonna watch this it looks like a very dark room in defense of kelsey This is a Disney world. All right, Andrew, give it a watch. You gotta listen, too, so be sure to listen. Yeah, I'm listening. I'm gonna watch this. It looks like a very dark room in defense of Kelsey Graham. Kelsey G. I love it's just called Kelsey G. 35 seconds, the appropriate length for a fall video. Yeah. I think I'm okay now.
Starting point is 00:37:38 I love the ensuing, like, 20 seconds of people checking on him, and he's just like... Did he continue the speech? Did he go back to talking about it's a small world or whatever he was saying? I don't know. If you're not audience, I highly encourage you to go to YouTube and look that clip up. Do you think that would be in the top three internet fools? I feel like Great Lady has to be number one. Oh, Great Lady's got to be number one. Oh, Grape Lady's gotta be number one.
Starting point is 00:38:08 There's nothing better than her. I mean, Grape Lady was pretty good. But she was, I mean, doing a stupid thing. Like, it's a goofy, she was doing something goofy or, like, acting into the goofiness. Kelsey Grammer couldn't be more serious talking about his interpreter. Yes. As he falls. she got what was she grape lady got what was coming to her because she tried to cheat on
Starting point is 00:38:31 the grape race yeah so you know there's like some comeuppance there but kelsey grammar he was just boring some people in a fucking auditorium just being a boring ass old boring dude in an auditorium and he and then the next thing you know he's oh oh good lord he fell fucking far too for how old that motherfucker is like you know that you know that hurt oh he just missed the stage he didn't
Starting point is 00:38:58 even trip he just tried to walk beyond the stage I wonder I would like i wonder what the audience what's your favorite internet following video it's gotta be specific to somebody following or tripping i would love to know what else is out there that we're not thinking of right now what's your what's your all time i can't believe you'd never seen it i can't believe you've never seen it. I can't believe you haven't seen it when we had that whole Kelsey Grammer conversation
Starting point is 00:39:28 about when you tried to game his stock market or whatever it is. Yeah, this is great. I feel like I have a lack of fall knowledge. I'm just an appreciator of the fall. I think the fall is a great thing. It's so embarrassing. There's no recovering from it.
Starting point is 00:39:43 You can't suddenly get out of a fall. It's just a wonderful what's this are you guys familiar with this fall video that Eric posted oh Sal Governali yeah this is long this is like three and a half
Starting point is 00:39:54 when does the fall happen about 15 seconds in okay Jeff you know you haven't seen this no I've never seen it oh this is great
Starting point is 00:40:03 what is this it's Sal being Sal and then he's sal right off the stage was that gary over there trying to get him off stage uh yeah i think is that is that and that's already yeah oh he falls yeah he does is he wearing like a bobble booby mask what a fucking idiot yeah he's like he's like dancing around and all this stuff. He does like the arm thing off the stage. He does like the break dance as he falls. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:40:32 So here's the thing. They liked it so much on Stern that they did an 11-minute special on Howard TV specifically about Sal falling off the stage. I don't know how I missed that. I never saw it. I don't either. It's great. I don't think I've ever seen you outstunned. Yeah, really. And that's not even a hard one. Dude, I'm not even close to the
Starting point is 00:40:51 biggest Stern fan in the company now. Jordan is a huge Stern fan. Ryan Hall, Eric. There's a couple other new employees that are big Stern fans. Yeah, Wayne is a big Stern fan, apparently. It's growing numbers at a time when when stern is dying i had a i had a memory of um another face that happened i think yeah this was the week i
Starting point is 00:41:12 moved to america because i feel like jeff that was when you were at the height of your just screwing with me wherever you could like lying to me about the price of driving tests and such yeah i i moved to america with just the important stuff because i figured i'd get a lot of stuff when i got there the stuff that i don't need to take like i'm not gonna fly across the world with shampoo and stuff when i can just buy some there but the first night in your house i didn't have any shampoo so i was like you got any can i just borrow some shampoo for tonight and uh you were like yeah there's one in there don't use this one uh just use whatever else is in there and i was like all right okay and i used the other one that the one that you didn't not the one you didn't want
Starting point is 00:41:48 me to use and uh it just smelled a bit weird it's like it's different i guess you know american shampoo might have different flavors finish rinsing it out and uh my hair was all like it was a bit weird just felt a bit weird i went back to have a look it was uh it was pet shampoo for poppins and after work the next day because we i just went straight to work i like slept woke up showered with that went straight to work after work the night we got home i was like oh damn i didn't get any shampoo again so i went in there to use it again he used dog shampoo i used dog shampoo the first two nights that i spent in America. I used dog shampoo because I wasn't allowed to use your fancy one. You didn't tell me that there was pet shampoo right next to the human shampoo. Who leaves their pet goods next to all the human stuff?
Starting point is 00:42:36 They're like with a fluffy mane. What? What? What do you mean? I told you not to use the fancy shampoo. It's not like I have shampoo that's like only for me. It's like you can't use the good stuff. That's like we only bring out the fine china and the fancy shampoo for Christmas.
Starting point is 00:42:57 You said something specifically about not using one of them. Use the other one. I probably told you don't use the pet shampoo. It's for the dog. Use the human shampoo and the other I probably told you don't use the pet shampoo It's for the dog use the human shampoo you fucking idiot If there were two shampoos, and I told you not to use one I goddamn told you not to use the non-human shampoo, and you fucked it up you dummy Wait, I'm not taking the heat. i'm not taking the heat because you're illiterate you weren't trying to get me to use your dog shampoo no maybe was i i don't know i
Starting point is 00:43:34 would do that because i think it was i think it was someone else's i think it was like specifically i think there might have been another cheaper shampoo in there, but it wasn't where you said it was. It might have been in the cupboard or something. But there was definitely some dog shampoo out. Did you enjoy it? Was it good? Was it better than human shampoo?
Starting point is 00:43:55 No. No, it smelled weird. One of two things happened. Either you're a fucking idiot and you misunderstood what I told you and you used dog shampoo for human. I was jet lagged. Or I'm a fucking genius and I pulled off a hilarious prank that I forgot about and didn't find out about till 12 years later I guess I'm okay with either either resolution and it was it was definitely a move for me to deliberately use it for the second time and after that shower after
Starting point is 00:44:21 I got dry I walked straight to the supermarket and got like three shampoos. Wow. The amount of stuff in my life where I think you've messed with me and you haven't. It's unbelievable. I don't know. Maybe I did mess with you.
Starting point is 00:44:37 I don't know. I'm pretty sure I didn't throw a giant branch at your forehead, though. You've just done such good work that you can now take credit for just the things that happen to me normally. don't know i would love to go back because chances are you know we were on the bevs it was exciting i just switched countries we're like hey so i might i may have completely heard the opposite of what you're telling me but i'm not i don't think i'm
Starting point is 00:44:58 that how wrong can you get that i don't think i would have been like i'm gonna use the one he told me not to use you got a 50 50 shot because you also picked up definitely you also picked up a container clearly labeled pet shampoo probably had a picture of a dog on it i'm gonna assume probably like a golden retriever or some dog with like beautiful like irish center with like beautiful flowing fucking dog hair that probably said Acme Pet Shampoo. And you held it up in your right hand, your right handed, and you looked at it, had eye contact with it while you squeezed it into your left hand the whole time looking at it.
Starting point is 00:45:36 Then your eyes followed as you put it down. And then you went back and you washed your hair. So you were you had eye contact with dog shampoo for at least a minute and a half no one continues to read if i if my eyes saw the word shampoo on a thing that was by a bath i'm gonna keep reading if that was the first i'll tell you what i'm set that's shampoo i tell you what if i was in somebody else's bathroom and i was looking to get clean everything i picked up i'd probably fucking read and if it had a picture of an english bulldog on it i probably wouldn't put it in my hair. Okay, here's probably what happened.
Starting point is 00:46:07 You said, yeah, don't use the orange one. Use the other one. I avoided the orange one. The other one was pet shampoo. I'm pretty sure that's exactly what happened. Because there was no mention of pet at any point. It never came out of your mouth. Hey, be careful of the dog shampoo.
Starting point is 00:46:20 You need to give a warning for that. I feel like you would just naturally know to avoid the dog shampoo. I don't know. If you were having someone over, Andrew, and you had two shampoos, one was for, you know, like a parrot, wouldn't you warn them about that? Wait, a parrot? A parrot shampoo? Do parrots need shampoos? I don't know, I'm just trying
Starting point is 00:46:37 to think of something that you wouldn't want to put on your own head. Sure, I mean, am I? Well, why wouldn't I? Why can't I use the parrot shampoo? What is the difference between the human shampoo- Well, I don't know. Why- Yeah, I mean, dogs have hair, Gavins have hair, I- they both gotta get clean, soap is soap, right?
Starting point is 00:46:55 Yeah, but I guess there's a reason that L'Oreal aren't making dog shampoo. Is that what it looked like, Gavin? Cause if that's what it looked like, you've no excuse. No, it didn't look like that. There was no picture of a dog on it. I like the idea of you just reading oatmeal shampoo and being like, that's odd. We're going to go with this.
Starting point is 00:47:09 I like to believe that. I found the only container of fucking dog shampoo that doesn't have a dog on it. Bullshit. It was like, it may have had like a silhouette or something that was small, but I remember it was a white bottle
Starting point is 00:47:22 with like a maroon top. No, it still puts the pictures of giant dogs on the front of the shampoo. It was silhouetted. small but i remember it was a white bottle with like a maroon top no it's supposed to be some giant dogs on the front it was silhouetted it was suggested for dogs they don't want to be too overt with the messaging but i tell you something oh was that it no that was that's still got a big dog on it they're getting smaller giant dalmatian right there they're getting smaller i tell you what though i sure as shit didn't have fleas on my first two days in the country.
Starting point is 00:47:51 Audience, if you can find a dog shampoo, audience, if you can find a dog shampoo in your house that doesn't have a picture of a dog on it, please send it to us. No, it can have a picture of a dog, but I'm telling you, if the word shampoo is bigger than the picture of the dog, I'm just going to see that and stop reading.
Starting point is 00:48:08 If it's not like blindingly dog shampoo, I don't know who would, who studies a shampoo? That's, I mean, a fair point, but I feel like so many of these bottles I would look at and go, this isn't, this isn't correct. This is, you know, maybe, maybe, maybe I'm.
Starting point is 00:48:35 Maybe we're focusing this in the wrong at the wrong person. Dog shampoo industry. If you're listening to this podcast, maybe, maybe be a little more overt with your advertising. Maybe make the dog, maybe go into Photoshop and the picture of your dog shampoo, the design, and click on the dog and then make it 30% bigger. And then make it 10% bigger for Gavin. And then make the word dog at least 20 points bigger.
Starting point is 00:48:59 I'm going to Google, how does pet shampoo differ from human shampoo? Yeah, I'm curious. Can I use pet shampoo? Different amount of sulfates, pH levels, oh okay i'm gonna say right now is it gavin if that if that bottle of tropiclean oatmeal and tea tree pet shampoo is the one in my bathroom i can see how you would have fallen for it that is a tiny tiny picture of a dog. The Chi one? Yeah. I think that's... The oatmeal and tea Chi one? It's
Starting point is 00:49:27 tinier. The dog is tinier than the and sign. Yeah. I will say, if it is that, okay, great. I will also say, it's been 10 minutes of this conversation, and that's the first time we found one that's even close to passable as
Starting point is 00:49:43 maybe this is people shampoo. I also would look at that bottle and think it's probably also sunscreen. Yeah. Maybe. How does... I think you were setting me up for failure, whether you knew it or not. Or it could be skin cream, too. It could just be lotion.
Starting point is 00:50:01 That is a deceptive bottle. I just remember having to use a lot of it to get it to work that one see that wouldn't be acceptable i think it was definitely a white or a cream bottle mainly can a human use dog shampoo i mean obviously you did but like is there a danger to it is there a negative uh different different ph levels and whatnot yeah i mean it did i feel like it did the trick like it it definitely took the the travel out of my hair i just now i'll be honest with you that looks like that looks familiar to me that's probably the dog shampoo i would have used now that clearly has a horse a dog and more animals
Starting point is 00:50:40 and that looks like that looks like some shit i would have bought i don't recognize any of those other dogs shampoo brands but that one that one that one looks the most like medicine though yeah not one person eric's right there's not one there's not one silhouette of a person i will give you this gavin all three of those animals are silhouetted on the on the shampoo bottle but they. That is very clearly a horse. How many of your shampoos have people on them?
Starting point is 00:51:11 All of them. You got a picture of a human on your shampoo? No. No, no, no. No, that's true. No person. Goat milk shampoo. I wanted to use an example of something that has an animal but is not for the animal. I believe this is goat milk shampoo wait i wanted to i wanted to use an example of something that has an animal but is not for the animal i believe this is goat milk shampoo but it's not shampoo
Starting point is 00:51:30 for goats ah so she's got pictures of goats all over it but you wouldn't want to use it on a goat yeah different ph levels this is my shampoo here's my shampoo i don't think that i would be confused this is shampoo i have my bathroom right now you want me to click a link i guess it says the word surf on it yeah there's no yeah yeah it's a surf and then it says it says uh foam wash shampoo shampooing for buoyant body and soft sea breezy texture and then it says it in other languages, too. But at no point does it say anything about it being for a dog. $27? Jeez! Well, I don't buy it.
Starting point is 00:52:11 My girlfriend owns a hair salon. Oh, fair play. That's like ten times the price of a head and shoulders. I can buy two bottles of dog shampoo at that price. Andrew, what shampoo are you rocking? It's a Bumble and Bumble thing, I guess. I don't know. I just kind of grab shampoos. I don't put a lot of thought
Starting point is 00:52:29 into it. I might try a dog shampoo. The variety we've selected. Bumble and Bumble is what I use. Do you and I use the same shampoo? No, I use a different type. I'm using the gentle, the BB Gentle shampoo, I guess. Oh, are you serious? Emily uses that, I think.
Starting point is 00:52:45 Yeah, it's on my desk. Do you find most shampoo too rough for your hair? No, I've never really made any observation about shampoo. Jeff, I think I fucked with your shampoo somehow, but I don't remember what it was. Okay. I don't, I just... I'd love to hear that.
Starting point is 00:53:00 What does that mean? Like you messed with it or you've used it? Yeah, no, I messed with it in some way. What? Yeah. Or what happened with that? That definitely happened. What do you mean?
Starting point is 00:53:11 Well, there's something with Millie and I with the shampoo. We talked about messing with your shampoo, I think. Did you replace it with pet shampoo? I don't remember what it was. This was a long time ago. I completely forgot about this. But I think something happened to your shampoo at some point. Really?
Starting point is 00:53:26 What was it? I don't remember. I just remember there was a conversation about doing something to your shampoo. I don't remember what it was. I forgot all about it until I saw your photo of the shampoo. I was like, that's a familiar bottle. How many years ago was this? Maybe like two?
Starting point is 00:53:40 Year and a half, maybe? So you're probably a few bottles on from that. Yeah. It's not currently in the rotation. You would have used the bottle by now maybe nothing you know my shampoo. I don't know I wish I did but there was some talk about doing something. What are you fucking with me right now? No? There is a conversation about your shampoo and doing something to it I just don't remember what that was you son of a bitch. Oh Well, I mean, it wasn't my idea, I don't think. I feel like it was presented to me and then a conversation happened about the options
Starting point is 00:54:09 that could be used. How do you remember nothing of importance about it? Yeah, I know. It's odd. I remember discussing it. I don't remember if it happened because I wasn't there. I didn't physically do this. But yeah, I think I think I fucked with your shampoo.
Starting point is 00:54:24 I would love it if you would sit down and figure out what you did. I'll think I'd love to know i think i fucked with your shampoo i would love it if you would sit down and figure out what you did i'll think i'd love to know how i was fucked with next episode if it happened i'll uh i'll figure it out i'll look into that i my least favorite development in this podcast is when the andrew panton is the portion when i'm sorry raymond uh presents uh some scenario where he may be fucking with me or not and I'm left to try to figure it out for a week or two or three, a la, I don't know, a giant pink porta potty
Starting point is 00:54:54 that may or may not show up in my house every day of my life that I have to, every day I go to bed and I think, today I dodged the porta potty, thank Christ. Now I'm gonna have to, every day I'm gonna take a shower and think like, what did Andrew do to my shampoo and has he done it again? No, it's aa-potty. Thank Christ. Now I'm gonna have to, every day I'm gonna take a shower and think like, what did Andrew do to my shampoo? And has he done it again?
Starting point is 00:55:07 No, it's a one-time thing. I just, I asked Millie. I don't know. I'll get back to you. I don't, I don't. Thanks. I'm not sure. You okay, Jeff? Yeah, I'm just thinking about buying a new shampoo now. No, you don't need to buy a new shampoo. I think we're supposed't need to buy new shampoo.
Starting point is 00:55:26 I think we're supposed to close the show, Jeff. This is your job. It's what you do. All right, well, thanks for listening to another episode of F*** Face. I'll be honest with you. I don't know what we talked about today. What did we cover? What was the point of today?
Starting point is 00:55:40 Can I talk about a F*** Face that we did to ourselves? I tried. I did my best. The point is in the right direction. No, hold on a second. Hold on a second, Eric, because I'm not sure we have a full show yet Andrew let's see what you've got no this is this is a small thing we might have a Zimmer's own shirt that might be releasing as the same time as this episode I tried to bring it up it just got on St. Patrick's Day yeah well I don't know
Starting point is 00:55:58 we're talking about I asked they asked when we want to release the Zimmer's own shirt and I asked what you guys thought haven't heard we made a small modification to the image, if I remember correctly. I asked on our behalf for that change. I don't know if that's going to happen. But is it out yet? Do we think it's out yet? Is the shirt out yet? If it is, it'll be on our Instagram.
Starting point is 00:56:19 I'm going to be optimistic and say yes. And if they want to find that Instagram, where can they find it? On Instagram? What a stupid question christ do you not link the instagram and where do you go one description eric i do but i want to know i want to know you can say it out loud and then people hear it and then they go oh well do you do you know the answer face pod thank you what i'm trying i'm trying to get you the host to say the name because it holds more weight than when i some dipshit say it the you mean some dipshit the producer producer eric yeah dude you need you need to have you need to believe in yourself a little bit more eric you need to work guys we might have we might have 10 to 15 dollars worth of budget next week i'm
Starting point is 00:57:02 excited i can get a bottle of dog shampoo. This is great. Thanks for listening to F*** Face. If you haven't heard about it, not only are we a podcast, we're also an Instagram. And you can find our stuff on that Instagram. And Eric wants you to know about that.
Starting point is 00:57:23 He even said the name of it earlier. I don't want to step on him, so I won't say it again. But if you didn't catch it, rewind a few minutes till Eric's talking. He'll, I promise you, he says it clearly. And then you can then,
Starting point is 00:57:32 from that point on, you can continue till you catch up and then this is all new from this point on. Or you can just fast forward back to this point right here or a few seconds back so you don't miss anything
Starting point is 00:57:40 and then continue on with the end of the episode, which is what this is. Hopefully you enjoyed it as much as we enjoyed bringing it to you, and if so, it would be really swell if you would tell a friend or a family member or a co-worker or an enemy or some sort of a despot about our podcast and recommend that they listen to it. Maybe listen to one, maybe listen to 100 episodes, maybe listen to the same episode 100 times. I don't tell you how to enjoy your content, but I do want you to
Starting point is 00:58:08 enjoy it, and I want you to tell other people to enjoy it, too. If that's your jam. If not, that's cool. We also like reviews and rates and all those things. There's stars you can click. There's words you can use to tell other people in a comment about how much you like the show, or you can review it like you're Gene Siskel
Starting point is 00:58:23 himself and tell the world all about the two thumbs up you gave F*** Face. And that's it for me. Gavin and Andrew, would you like to finish out the episode? I peeled an orange
Starting point is 00:58:34 and ate it within your intro. I just ate an entire orange. I peeled it and ate it. I think we're good. What do you mean? How big was it? Wait, how big was this orange? It's a tangerine orange.
Starting point is 00:58:44 You ate the whole thing in one bite? Yeah, I threw it all in my mouth because I was trying to beat Jeff on the outro. Hold on. Hold on. Don't go anywhere. Okay. Do not go anywhere. Do not go anywhere.
Starting point is 00:58:55 I'll be right back. Right back. It somehow didn't end. Wow, that might be the most end we've ever had without ending. That was over. Well, we did three intros, so we might as well do two outros. I'm peeling another orange, but I don't think I can eat another. I'm back.
Starting point is 00:59:14 Hold on. Hold on. I'm preparing something. So you're going to peel and eat in one bite? No. All right. Well, I'm going to do it with a picture of my hand. Okay.
Starting point is 00:59:22 Let's see. Mouse and my hand. Am I eating another orange? No, I just want to know what that means when you say you ate an orange. So here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to send... Oh, that's a bad photo of an orange.
Starting point is 00:59:33 That's what? That's a bad photo. Is it blurry? I don't take good photos. Okay, one more. No, you don't. You've covered it. All right, here we go.
Starting point is 00:59:41 It's because he's hammering the take picture button before the app is open. Is the tangerine not an established size for an orange? I feel like we all know that tangerine is orange. If it's a tangerine, it's not an orange. It's not an orange, it's a tangerine. And you said orange, so that's what confused me. What is a tangerine?
Starting point is 00:59:56 Like a clementine, a satsuma, a tangerine. None of them are oranges. Wait, what does that mean? It means they're not an orange. Well, what is this? Since I can't ever get... Since I can't ever... Nick, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:00:09 This isn't an orange? I don't have your phone number. I'm just going to send this. An orange is a big fruit. I texted you guys a photo, okay? Do you have it? In that photo are two oranges. Which size would you say is approximate to what you ate?
Starting point is 01:00:23 I apparently don't even have an orange. I thought it was like apples. It was like different types and names for apples. I thought this was an orange. Why is your hand in the picture? To give you a reference to size. I put my hand,
Starting point is 01:00:35 I put my hand and the mouse in for size. You put your hand behind it. Yeah, so you can see it. What's the plastic stuff that's back there? What is that? Oh, that is a piece of plastic from the bag that I ripped the orange out of.
Starting point is 01:00:47 You had to get it really quickly. I was tearing it open like a raccoon. Yeah, I was running through the groceries. So, Andrew, point to an orange. Is it the one on the left? It's the one on the left. Yeah, it's the one on the left. It's the closer one.
Starting point is 01:00:59 That's an orange? That's like a little cutie. That's a tangelo. Yeah, but it's an orange. That's not an orange. That's still an orange. No, an orange is on the right, goddammit. I couldn't put an entire...
Starting point is 01:01:07 I don't think I could do that in my mouth at one time. That's what was so mystifying to Gavin and I. I guess I could try. I mean, are they all oranges that we've just given different... Like, I guess there's a blood orange. No, that's different. That's what I'm saying. Is a tangerine and a clementine an orange?
Starting point is 01:01:22 I think it's an orange. A tangerine is a mandarin orange, if that's what you're asking. Yeah, it's an orange. It's a type of orange. All right. Well, I just want to know what size. So you ate a tiny orange. That's not nearly as impressive as you eating an orange.
Starting point is 01:01:35 It was more of a point of how long that outro was, which didn't end up even being an outro. The one that we're still doing, you could have eaten two regular oranges by now. How many regular oranges should you be able to eat in one standard length outro? What? I want to know if a Tangerine and a Satsuma... I want to know how long...
Starting point is 01:01:56 Now... Did he stop? Did he... What happened to his audio? I don't know what he did. He disappear? I don't know. No, I He disappear? I don't know. No, I was just...
Starting point is 01:02:07 You were trying to talk. Yeah, Jeff was yelling and then stopped yelling. Well, I was gonna say, for the confusion, if tangerine, a mandarin, and a satsuma are oranges, then what's an orange? That's a great question. Like, what is the regular orange that you juice? That's like a...
Starting point is 01:02:23 Did you not juice a tangerine? Because it's not like a Granny Smith and then a Bramley and then a Braeburn and then an apple. They're all apples. Right, right. Well, if you want to find out the answer to that question and more,
Starting point is 01:02:35 tune in to the next episode of F*** Face. Which is a great outro. And that's a... I think Eric might have answered my question. I was trying to... Now we're using oranges as a unit of measurement. Now that we've landed on the size of an orange, Andrew said that my intro was long enough
Starting point is 01:02:53 to peel and eat one small orange of Tangelo or Satsuma's side. So I'm trying to figure out, I was just trying to determine in orange time, what an appropriate length is. Is it like half an orange? Is an appropriate length is is it like half an orange is it like you just appeal and then i should be done before you could even get the
Starting point is 01:03:09 orange in your mouth should you be able to fully peel an orange in my outro uh is that too long i don't know i'm just trying to get a sense i'm gonna this is my last orange so i've had orange have you started it yet he's already eating it he's already eating can you. Can you unpeel it and then repeel it? No.

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