Regulation Podcast - Fidget Guns and Monster Trucks // Death of Umidigi [197]

Episode Date: March 6, 2024

Geoff, Gavin, and Andrew talk about getting sent to the office, children fidget weapons, yoyo’s getting banned in school, lockers, smurf christening, 5 pound bets, bomb shapes, the size of an append...ix, sour patch kids heads, recouping your organ space, pantone color of 2024, what animals could sell us what foods, animal drug dealers, best/worst devil actors, robinsons orange, Geoff’s tooth falling out, how the umidigi died, newfound faith in Eric and board games, playing Expeditions: A Mud Runner Game, the monster truck kid on Geoff’s street, what happened to episode 196, and more. Sponsored by BetterHelp and Mando code FACE Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So here's what I think is happening Yeah Last episode he showed up early For Pleasantries I think this episode He's proving a point He's gonna show up late I don't know what the point is
Starting point is 00:00:20 Yeah I don't know what the point is either But I think he is proving it Balance the scales I like that yeah Gavin is a just man so Gavin like justice is blind
Starting point is 00:00:31 he can't read a fucking clock apparently but while we wait I guess I can bring this up Freddy got fingered got added to the Criterion channel I saw that oh Oh, my God. Awesome. Hey, there he is. Hello and welcome to another episode of the face podcast.
Starting point is 00:00:53 My name is Jeffrey Ramsey with me as always. Andrew Panton, Gavin Free. I don't know why I said my full name there. That's first. Yeah, I don't. I mean, that is my name, but I don't call myself jeffrey very often oh fuck am i in trouble with me jeffrey was what i always get called by my mom when i was oh no maybe i'm maybe i grounded myself and i don't remember are you in your own office i am what does that mean
Starting point is 00:01:16 well you got sent to the office but it's your oh i got sent to my own office you got sent to your own office by you i'm all discombobulated because we're recording on a Friday, and now all I can think about is little kids playing with guns. What? It's America. Well, also, I did that. Did you not play with guns, Gavin, as a kid? Play with guns?
Starting point is 00:01:39 Yeah, well, like, not real guns. I was a big cap gun guy as a kid. You go to the dollar store, you get a cap gun. It makes the loud noise. Oh, yeah. I wasn't really allowed fun stuff. Oh, man. That's tragic.
Starting point is 00:01:52 I had aliens that could shag each other. OK. What do you mean by you weren't allowed fun stuff by your parents or by your nation? Oh, well, both. Yeah, I think it's all around. I think self-imposed as well, to some extent, I assume. I think it's just a general culture. At one point, yo-yos got banned from my school.
Starting point is 00:02:12 Really? Yeah. What happened with the yo-yos? Did someone get taken out? Did you get choked out? Yeah. I can't remember if it was a yo-yo incident where someone got clipped by one
Starting point is 00:02:21 or whether they were just too popular and people were nicking them. Oh. got clipped by one or whether they were just too popular and people were nicking them oh i remember uh three ninjas high mountain i think is what that movie was called it's a three ninjas movie with hulk hogan in it one of the the kids had like a uh yo-yo that had like blades on it and i thought it was the coolest thing ever and so i wanted to be a yo-yo kid and I just never I didn't have the patience I never learned Andrew and Gavin did you guys have lockers in your
Starting point is 00:02:50 schools like when you went to school you'd get a locker every year and then you'd put all your books and stuff why do you say yes and then no uh I said yeah because Eric posted a photo of three ninjas high noon at Mega Mountain which is a childhood staple of mine and I said no because we had we
Starting point is 00:03:06 didn't have lockers it was like a cubby situation where everybody i didn't we didn't have any storage but we just carried everything around in our backpacks which you couldn't put anywhere because there were no lockers that's did they remove them or were they never there uh i mean at my school i never saw any so maybe they were there before I was there. I don't know. In America, we had lockers like in almost every school and you would get a locker and a combination at the beginning of the year. And then somewhere around high school,
Starting point is 00:03:34 when I was in high school, they started pulling them out of schools because of drugs. They were convinced that kids were hiding drugs. And I remember they would have these things where we'd just be in class and then it would come over the loudspeaker and the teacher and the principal would say, please lock the doors. No kids are allowed to go out of the room for the next 20 minutes. And they would bring cops and police dogs in to smell all the lockers to find drugs.
Starting point is 00:03:55 And then eventually they just started pulling lockers out of schools. So like no schools in America really have lockers anymore. Or if they do, they're there. They just can't use them like Millie. I think there's some there's some lockers in her school, but she just they're there they just can't use them like Millie I think there's some lockers in her school but she just can't they just don't use them they're just not available that's to remind you that you're in a school
Starting point is 00:04:11 yeah exactly setting I think it adds atmosphere Gracie also had them Gracie said we had them but never touched them like was that a personal choice or were you not allowed to were they issued to you or were you just told not to touch them um they weren't even issued wow but they were pointless they just become at some point in america they just became set dressing they're like phone booths in london but we had we we had
Starting point is 00:04:36 lockers in jit like in like our gym class like you would change so why wouldn't i just keep drugs in there i don't it just never occurred to me until now like what why have lockers for that but not lockers for other stuff that's weird we had hooks that was our our big thing was their hook you'd walk in you had a designated hook that's where your backpack would go the our gym situation was just benches yeah i had a hook in primary school yeah it was just a hook i wish i would i i mean that's a band thing like a locker is a cool band thing compared to like gavin you were yo-yos mine was bionicles that was the thing that was banned at my school eventually uh they said they were dangerous you don't remember bionicles gavin were they like little action figure things
Starting point is 00:05:22 uh they were like the lego transformer type thing they were like me? Were they like little action figure things? Uh, they were like the Lego Transformer type thing. They were like mechs. They were like little weird mech things that you would build and you could, if you buy multiples, you could make a big one type thing. Yeah, Eric just posted. Why were they banned? Uh, the word on the street was that they were capable of cutting through wood
Starting point is 00:05:40 and therefore were dangerous, but that is just not, they're plastic. Oh, they didn't pass the wood test. Oh, they didn't pass the wood test. Yeah, they didn't pass the wood test, unfortunately. The past is so stupid. It is. Grown-ups make the dumbest fucking decisions.
Starting point is 00:05:55 Like, I was thinking the other day, we might have even talked about this in the past, but I don't know, but I was thinking about the other day when I was like 14, I remember in my shitty little area of Alabama, they had a Smurf burning at a church. What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:06:09 Where they just brought everybody. They were like, Smurfs are demonic. They're witches. So bring all your Smurfs down to the church parking lot and we'll get a bonfire going and we'll all burn plastic and then breathe it in for three hours and sing hymns. That could sense awesome though. I want to go to a smurf burning that's great you're gonna have to go
Starting point is 00:06:30 back to 1986 but oh man do it that is a a deeply disturbing event in the world of smurfs in smurf history such an innocuous cartoon too just about like friendship and love and support and everybody pulling their own weight and caring for each other and the churches get in and go like well he's blue so we gotta he's from the he's from hell for some reason smurfs are in the same category as mr. Magoo
Starting point is 00:06:56 for me where I couldn't tell you a thing about them they are just blue men that wear goofy hats and there's like one woman smurf right yeah there's like smurfette. Yeah. That's all I know. Is she like the queen of the hive? Did she give birth to all the other Smurfs?
Starting point is 00:07:14 No, I think Smurfette was Smurfette was created by Gargamel. Kind of an asexual cartoon. No, Smurfette was created by Gargamel to infiltrate the Smurfs, but then I think she went, oh wow, this is really cool over here. So then she just keeps hanging out. Because why would you want to hang out with that guy and his weird cat?
Starting point is 00:07:29 That is true. But there's no shenanigans going on with the Smurfs. It's just very wholesome. I was just reminded of a time where I made a bunch of five pound bets with people and I won all of them because I had inside info. Really? When would this have been? Secondary school, I assume.
Starting point is 00:07:51 But I made bets with everyone that I knew the title of the next GTA. And I said, I know it's going to be San Andreas. Because I just played GTA 1 and the three cities, and Liberty City, Vice City, and San Andreas. And most people hadn't played GTA 1 and the three cities in Liberty City Vice City and San Andreas and most people hadn't played GTA 1 you were just making a very educated guess yeah yeah I wouldn't say that's insider information you just played the game I don't insider information to me applies knowledge that you could not access you can't you can't get insider information for playing an outside game yeah i didn't have connections to rockstar when i was 12 i for some reason imagine this was a much
Starting point is 00:08:31 more recent bet for you that this was like two years ago before you set up the timeline the fact you're a kid makes it so much funnier anyway i don't think we ever expressly mentioned it in the episode but before you got here gavin we were looking at pictures of fidget guns fidget weapons and just found like a treasure trove of little children and their parents playing with guns and so we were sending each other images and i'll put all that on the instagram when this episode comes out because it's too funny not to not to show they're great if you're to look at them gavin it is just our perception of all advertising in America for every yeah it's what the world feels about America the kids
Starting point is 00:09:10 happy time the mom showing the little girl fucking gun while she's got a crayon in her hand it's really cool me and Nick are fidget weapons guys now Nick do you have your gun ready they don't fire anything they just make a noise and feel good it's like the lamest shootout of all time where neither of you have any ammo and you're just
Starting point is 00:09:33 firing an empty mag at each other over and over again it's like that video of those two people in the street flipping each other. That's absolutely what this is. Yeah. Just leaning in harder each time and like really slamming your arm out there. Hey, I got a question for you guys. It's a bleed over from a personal conversation Eric and I were having. And I want to get everybody's opinion. How big do you think an appendix is? Oh. It's a bleed over from a personal conversation Eric and I were having. And I want to get everybody's opinion. How big do you think an appendix is? Oh.
Starting point is 00:10:10 Like with your hand. Like is it a, like I said I thought it was about the size of a fist. Maybe a little bit bigger than a fist. Eric, what did you say? I want Gavin to guess. Gavin, how big do you think it is? I thought it was going to be like, like if I put my finger in my thumb. Maybe like the size of a dick.
Starting point is 00:10:24 What? That doesn't help. What shape is it? Is it long or is it a ball? That's up for you, man. I assume it's a ball. I just thought it was a ball when it was about to explode. Is it always a ball? I assumed it was always a ball. I never considered it to change shape during the explosion.
Starting point is 00:10:41 I thought it was long. Or that the explosion would dictate the shape. Well, bombs are, in cartoons, bombs are round. So I guess for it to explode, it would have to assume a round shape. Yeah, but before it explodes, is a bomb not round? Is a bomb a different? That's a good question.
Starting point is 00:10:54 Yeah. I'll have to go back and check cartoons. I don't know that that's a good question, but I guess it sort of fits here. I think we may have a market here. No one's making triangle bombs. We gotta make some triangle bombs. You need a square bomb. I guess c4 is square right and that's definitely a bomb so that's taken care of but i've never seen a
Starting point is 00:11:13 triangle in the first star trek remake movie don't they go through a bomb field that's all triangles i i have that's the future though sure okay that still has to be invented i don't have the insider knowledge of seeing the film so bombs are either round or shaped like hot dogs strapped together. Yes. Wait, hang on. Gavin, are these the bombs from Star Trek? No.
Starting point is 00:11:34 No. All right. Those look just like miscellaneous. That's what I thought. I googled it. I wanted to see. Anyway, I thought an appendix was like maybe like in like two inches two inches i yeah i didn't think it was like very long i thought it was like two i thought
Starting point is 00:11:51 it was like a small thing get out of here two inches that in in my mind for how when someone says no no i'm explaining let me get to it i'm there. I'm getting out of here. What the fuck? No, I'm getting there to the visual of my head. In my mind, when an appendix explodes, it is it is violent. It is like when the guy gets his heart ripped out at Indiana Jones or like a chest burster. In my mind, that's how how it always worked. So the idea of it being like a two inch thing is like when in mission impossible one he puts the gum bomb on the thing and explode like that is the level that's ridiculous that's too small can be gum i forgot about that that's true there is a gum bomb you
Starting point is 00:12:37 can make a gum into triangles if you want to quickly empty an aquarium I'm gonna... I have an answer here. I've looked it up. Okay, how big is... I never heard from Nick and Gracie how big they thought an appendix was. I thought it was like a palm, the size of your palm. Okay, like a palm. Yeah. Alright. Are you saying palm or pom? Palm? Like the palm of your hand?
Starting point is 00:13:00 The palm of your hand. Like the drink? What? What's happening? Gracie said half a foot okay the way but like here's the thing like a long foot is six inches and isn't a crazy guess but saying half a foot makes it sound fucking nuts wait what oh 12 half of six inches okay thank you all right so gracie said six inches. 12 inch, not feet. What does that mean? Oh, like the feet.
Starting point is 00:13:30 Yeah. Like, I'm not talking about the body part when I say a foot. Right, right, right. So, okay, we got six inches. We got a palm. We got a fist. We got a penis. And what was you?
Starting point is 00:13:44 What were you? I said like two inches. Like two inches. A fist. I'm with you. I think it's like a fist. We got a penis. And what was you? What were you? I said like two inches. Like two inches. I'm with you. I think it's like a fist. Here's why I said fist. Because when I was a kid and you'd go to the doctor and they have the guy that you can play with all those organs. They all fall out and you try to put them back together.
Starting point is 00:13:57 They're all pretty big, right? The appendix is usually eight to ten centimeters, three to four inches long, and less than 1.3 centimeters wide, so it's about Gavin's penis. Yeah, it's a penis. It's appendix. It's in the name. That checks out. That's just good science. So it's long and skinny.
Starting point is 00:14:23 It's like a little sausage. Can someone just post a picture of one that isn't too gruesome for me? It's like a sausage. Can someone do the work for me? I got it right here. It's the blue part. Oh, that's nothing. That sucks.
Starting point is 00:14:39 That's so disappointing. Now here's the thing. The reason you think it's round is because when it's inflamed, it starts going into a bomb shaker. Yeah, it gets bomb shaked. Oh, that's a cooked appendix. That's a grenade that's ready to go.
Starting point is 00:14:56 Somebody definitely pulled the pin on that appendix. Yeah. RB to throwback. Oh, man. Have you ever had the Sour kids heads before uh no heads heads yeah the specific is that a canadian thing do you is that not in america sour patch kids heads i'm not familiar with them it may okay never never mind i was just gonna say the they one of the heads i'd say the main head in a batch of
Starting point is 00:15:25 Sour Patch Kids heads is the same color as the bomb from Mission Impossible 1 the gum bomb and because of that I refuse to let the ends touch because that is how the bomb goes off I eat it in half it's a weird quirk of mine I don't trust it I'm not gonna fall for the gum bomb
Starting point is 00:15:41 wouldn't you want the bomb to go off uh yeah I guess that's a fair point but I don't trust trust it. I'm not going to fall for the gum bomb. When do you want the bomb to go off? Yeah, I guess that's a fair point, but I don't trust a flavor bomb. I don't deal with explosives. After the waffle bomb, I've decidedly am against bombs in my life.
Starting point is 00:15:57 You should get your appendix removed immediately then. It's gone already. I'll already take care of it. Oh yeah, you had a bunch of like, I didn't realize it was on the large intestine. That's insane. I think it's unfair if they're going to remove
Starting point is 00:16:09 something from your body, you don't get to recoup the space. Like, put something there that you couldn't fit before? Yeah, like, you can build a pocket or something that you could store in there. Like, you can hold a,
Starting point is 00:16:17 that's the size of a USB drive you could stick in there that you'd always have on you if you needed it. Or if you don't have a locker, you could put your drugs there. There you go. Hey, uh, I had an idea a couple days ago that i haven't talked to i've only talked to eric about it i haven't talked to you guys about it yet but a long time ago we uh the last time we sold
Starting point is 00:16:36 baseballs there were a handful that got uh that bought them and then for whatever reason their order fell through and they weren't able to get their baseballs so we said we'd hit another round for them and uh spring uh what's it called opening days coming up and day someone said spring training and baseball uh opening days coming up pretty soon and uh eric and i were talking about it and i really want to make good on that uh promise to those people and i wouldn't mind we also still have a bunch of balls that we we didn't hit the last time so i was thinking maybe for opening day it would be fun to do another round of hitting baseballs but the angle we could take on it this year and maybe we do it going forward is i just hit we just hit them in whatever the pantone color of the year is so they're like
Starting point is 00:17:18 of the year 2024 oh that's awesome so. Whatever the Pantone color of 2024 is. What is the... Oh, I love that. Peach fuzz? Peach fuzz, there you go. So what if we get a bunch of peach fuzz paint and then hit a bunch of balls with peach fuzz? I think that sounds great. That will look better on the front of my camera than the black that we put on last time.
Starting point is 00:17:41 We're gonna slowly turn your camera into a Jackson Pollock painting I think Nick has a good question though that's the Pantone color of the year is there a Pantone color of the year or no? good question Pantone color of the year? surprisingly
Starting point is 00:17:54 peach fuzz oh wow that's actually what a coincidence it's an alignment this year it's a rare time very rarely aligns but this year it's an aligned peach fuzz I think your color of the year is called cop out Wow that's aggressive just wait and see what the color of the year is the 2025 Feeling like a fool Did we intro this episode? No.
Starting point is 00:18:25 We'll get to it later. Oh. Okay. Hey, I got another question for you guys. The other day, this was a big topic of conversation last night when we were hanging out. I was hanging out with some friends. Down in South Austin, there used to be a sub shop, and I never went there, but I would always drive by it.
Starting point is 00:18:42 And it had this giant gorilla holding subs and every time i saw it it was never like the right time to eat a sub but every time i saw it emily and i would both go man i really i really want to eat at that gorilla sub place and we went by it last night and it was closed and we realized we missed our window but as we were talking about it we got to thinking like i really do trust a gorilla to deliver a good sub, maybe more than any other animal. Now in my head, I don't know if I did before or if this happened,
Starting point is 00:19:12 but I associate subs with gorillas. And if I think of an animal, I want a gorilla to sell me a sub. So we got talking, what other animals should be selling certain foods? Like who would you, like what would you trust from a walrus? I would clam chow oh yeah clam that's a great one i i would honestly i think a bear could sell me any food any food with a bear works for me i yeah i was thinking like the
Starting point is 00:19:39 obvious one is like honey but i could see uh i could see a bear selling peanut butter and jelly sandwiches oh absolutely you know like uncrustables you know what uh i take that back i couldn't see a bear selling like a gourmet pizza like it just doesn't the claws would rip right through the dough it just it doesn't work the functionality isn't there i'd take a plate of sushi from a crab, I think. Oh! That's a very good one. That's a good one, but don't you think a penguin would look a little better? No.
Starting point is 00:20:14 Sardines. Penguin's frozen yogurt, dude. Oh, penguin could be frozen yogurt. Yeah, ice cream. If I'm going by Who Framed Roger Rabbit rules, I assume the penguin is dealing with the drinks. That's a good call. Nick said a giraffe would... He'd buy a salad from a giraffe.
Starting point is 00:20:30 Gracie would take pancakes from a kangaroo. Pancakes from a kangaroo? Yeah, why is that? I don't know. It just seems trustworthy. Flapjack, kangaroo jack. I can see it. I can see it.
Starting point is 00:20:42 Yeah, I get it. I feel like a smoothie for a kangaroo for me in my head i'm processing now whatever it is i need to be able to imagine the animal holding it or like creating it oh absolutely yeah so like like a kangaroo yeah sure that could work uh i just can't see i can't well i guess like a like a kangaroo jumps makes wine right like crushes the oh that would be good he could bounce on the grapes yeah i'm trying to think like functionality an octopus would do hibachi oh that's great that's all the arms yeah that's a really so it sounds like you wouldn't take anything from a slug
Starting point is 00:21:23 yeah that's a really it sounds like you wouldn't take anything from a slug escargot salt yeah i would yeah unfortunately salt the thing that kills him yeah he's an expert oh anyway oh well there you go that's perfect uh i was oh what was what do you uh what would you eat that a wolf offered? Oh, like raw meat? Yeah, like steak. Yeah, like beef jerky. Yeah. No, jerky's like a moose food to me.
Starting point is 00:21:56 Oh. Like a moose would be doing jerky. Yeah. I wouldn't buy anything from a salmon. And that's even... I'm allergic, like that's a side point to it but when i imagine a salmon trying to sell any food it's like jack lemon and um and uh was the the selling movie with uh alick baldwin oh oh glenn gary glenn ross yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:22:22 his care you know like just this sad salesman thatman that can't do anything at the end of his career. That's what a salmon is to me. Like Gil from The Simpsons? Yeah, like Gil, exactly. That is a better comparable. Oh, yeah. I just don't, you can't, the salmon isn't selling me anything. I don't trust it.
Starting point is 00:22:39 I don't think it's good. I think a fox could sell me tricky spicy noodles that like they don't look like they're gonna be spicy you eat them and you're like oh i got tricked by the fox who sold me these spicy noodles that tracks regular noodles i don't know spicy noodles that's a fox food horse horse sells trail mix right that's a good one that's really good some of these are from people came up with last night that I'm just remembering now you know Jeff how you ate those boiled peanuts yeah who would give you them Oh alligator I got one
Starting point is 00:23:22 No, it's a donkey food. A donkey with some boiled peanuts? That's donkey food, dude. Donkeys don't sell boiled peanuts. That's such a donkey food. No, I agree with that. Elephants sell peanuts, first of all. That's an idiot. Boiled peanuts is a donkey food.
Starting point is 00:23:36 I'm telling you, a bayou gator with a cowboy hat on that's all rolled up with a little bit of a peanut shell in his mouth and a Cajun accent. The elephant hands off the peanuts to the gator for the boiling process. I think that the gator is selling me catfish. That, yes. That's why boiled peanut
Starting point is 00:23:57 is donkey food, dude. Yeah. I feel like a squirrel is selling gourmet nuts. It's something trashy about a donkey with the boiled nuts. Like it just, it fits. Does it bother you that animals don't have names and they're not really anything? What do you mean? Well, just humans named all the animals, but they don't, they're not actually that.
Starting point is 00:24:19 And they don't know each other as that. No. I mean. No, that's never, that hasn't bothered me. Nor have I thought it, but i think that's a very funny i don't i don't think you're allowed to have i don't think you're allowed to have that thought after i got just undressed for thinking that horses think they're in the middle ages because they actually live in the middle ages because they work
Starting point is 00:24:40 at that fucking medieval times we went to you're not allowed to think that animals are annoyed at people and being called the wrong name i'm glad jeff that you like the sub gorilla that that's the thing that that that brings you joy i have a dumb bit in my head where there is a car dealer that has like a giant like reptile like a dinosaur type thing inflatable on top of it and i've created this bit in my head that uh it makes me laugh every time i drive by it where it's the idea of this guy who really wants to buy a car but he thinks that the monster is real so he can't so like he drives up to it and he's like oh my god it's a dinosaur oh fuck and it's like every time he drives by that's the it's like again why haven't they dealt with this what i need a car
Starting point is 00:25:32 i need a car now god damn it so the idea the sub is the same thing i like the idea of this person who really wants to eat one of those subs but he's scared of the gorilla yeah dude i'm the opposite i want i would i'd run up and hug that gorilla if i met him if i saw him i want i've never wanted anything more than i want a sandwich from that gorilla and i'm so bummed we we did we you see it in out in the world and you think that makes total sense gorilla selling subs that'll always be there and you take it for granted and then before you know it the world changes so were you always going by this gorilla like 9 a.m like what what was the wrong time for us just always like it's like four in the afternoon you're headed to uh the mall to pick something up and you just drive by and you go oh next time we
Starting point is 00:26:13 eat lunch over here let's go get at the gorilla sub you know it was like over by the best buy uh down at like i don't know mopac and brody or something and uh i just like i just it was always like it's in a shopping center that you have to like, you have to put effort into getting to, you know, it's one of those ones where it's got like a weird off ramp. And so, oh, there's now the Juiceland Gorilla. That's great too. I definitely would drink a smoothie from,
Starting point is 00:26:37 I would buy drugs from the Juiceland Gorilla. A hundred percent, dude. Absolutely. That Juiceland land gorilla would sell you drugs right now that's what's in the crown well what would be the best drug dealing animal like if you had to take drugs from an animal i think power weasel oh i i think the kangaroo has that pouch and it has some utility you don't know what's in there. It's got room to look around. It gives you change. You know what?
Starting point is 00:27:07 It's donkey. It's a mule. No, it's not. Yes, it's donkey. The best drug animal. That carries it, but that doesn't sell it. No, I think it's a koala.
Starting point is 00:27:17 I think it's a koala. They also have a pouch and they're fucked up like 18 hours a day on eucalyptus. They're always high. They always have like weed vision eyes. They'reucalyptus. They're always high. They always have like weed vision eyes. They're always like, hey. They're always fucking hungry.
Starting point is 00:27:28 They're always munching on stuff. Don't they have like insanely smooth brains? Like aren't koalas like so dumb? Because yeah, they're fucked up. Yeah, like really cubular shits. I knew a guy in middle school that was like a koala. He was high 24 hours a day. We were watching his brain smooth out and there were there
Starting point is 00:27:45 were bets like he's not gonna make it to 10th grade right and everybody's like no there's no way if you did the anamorphs on the brad pitt character in true romance it's the koala so i don't know if they're selling but it's like that's that person it's that personality type i don't know if i trust him as a dealer. I can't get through that movie. Yeah. Yeah, it's one of those movies I've seen the first 45 minutes several times. I watched Drexel's dick get blown off
Starting point is 00:28:16 and then I just turn it off for some reason. Drexel is one of the coolest characters ever, though. I disagree strongly. I think Drexel kind of sucks as a character he does but the fact that that's Gary Oldman like what a performance dude is that a role that he would take these days no I don't think so
Starting point is 00:28:35 but like he fucking nailed it well he's retired now right isn't he retiring is he I think he said so that's too bad he just done some weird stuff he was a great version of Satan and a car commercial. I don't remember that was directed by who directed. I don't I don't remember who direct.
Starting point is 00:28:53 It's one of the all time great commercials. It's Clive Owen and him. And I want to say Danny Trejo. And it's all about James Brown sold his soul to the devil. But now that he's growing old he can't like the contract it was for fame and he can't be famous because he can't dance anymore and so they race to it i think it's a tony scott commercial it's great but he does some weird stuff i'm saying like it's not out of his range have you guys ever seen this all-time great commercial? No. I mean, maybe.
Starting point is 00:29:25 I don't think so. It's a fantastic commercial. It was like a run. It was a car commercial where they took like seven or eight famous directors and they had them make like short films around the car. And so Gary Oldman played the devil? Gary Oldman plays the devil and it's a very like ridiculous, over-the-top performance by him.
Starting point is 00:29:45 It's great. Who do you think has played the devil, and it's a very ridiculous, over-the-top performance by him. It's great. Who do you think has played the devil the best? Didn't Tim Curry do a good devil? In, what was that, A Legend? I don't know. Legend? Yeah, was he the devil in that? Well, he was a demon, for sure.
Starting point is 00:29:59 Oh. I don't know if he was the devil. I saw that movie when I was a kid. I don't really remember it very well. I thought Peter Stormare was awesome as the devil i saw that movie when i was a kid i don't really remember it very well uh i p i thought peter stormare play it was awesome as the devil in constantine i always anytime i think of the devil now i think of he's the first thing that pops up as peter stormare in that role what about was de niro the devil an angel yeah he was i was about to say who do you think played the worst devil that would be de niro and angel heart for me he that's the only time
Starting point is 00:30:24 i've ever seen de niiro in a movie be bad. I haven't seen it. So I just, I feel like that's one I hear about a lot. I'm having a hard time thinking of other known devil performances.
Starting point is 00:30:33 Dave, girl, the devil or just a demon? I think he might have been the devil. Oh, John Lovitz played a great devil on the People's Court episode of Saturday Night Live.
Starting point is 00:30:42 And that's skit. Did he wear like the red suit? He did. Maybe I'll switch from Peter Storm here to John Lovitz. John Lovitz is my favorite devil. That might be the best devil. Wherever you're going, you better believe American Express will be
Starting point is 00:31:02 right there with you. Heading for adventure? We'll help you breeze through security. Meeting friends a world away? You can use your travel credit. Squeezing every drop out of the last day? How about a 4 p.m. late checkout? Just need a nice place to settle in? Enjoy your room upgrade.
Starting point is 00:31:19 Wherever you go, we'll go together. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash ymx benefits vary by card terms apply speaking of uh subs and and juices i i had my first streaming disaster what's funny gavin i'm looking at this fucking gorilla drink a giant thing of juice no you're right it was a funny sentence i liked it uh have you heard of robinson's orange kevin it's a it's a uk beverage like an orange squash uh no it's like uh maybe eric could you pull up an image of it it is uh it says on the side of it appointment to
Starting point is 00:32:00 queen manufacturers that so I've been streaming. That's orange squash. Ah, yes. Okay. I didn't know that, and I still don't know that, apparently. I have been streaming quite a bit and trying different juices, and I saw that in a store,
Starting point is 00:32:19 and I thought, that looks great. That looks like an orange type thing. I've tried orange juice. let's try to stream this and it was uh right before i had a meeting and i was like oh i could use a drink let's get this going i was all excited i had it in the fridge for a few days and uh i streamed a whole i streamed a whole, I streamed 850 milliliters of Robinson's orange, took a sip and did not like it. It was, it was very strong.
Starting point is 00:32:50 It was a kind of orange. It was just a weird taste. Uh, wasn't a fan. And then I, I just gave it to my partner and said, try this. I don't, I don't like it. And they tried it. They're like, is this, what do you say was squash? Gavin orange squash. Yeah yeah i didn't know so i guess essentially this is like the concentrate of that that that bottle there that's enough for probably 60 liters of drink like you yeah
Starting point is 00:33:18 die you die like the shit out of it so you couldn't pour like a centimeter into a huge glass and just make a whole add water make a whole lot and for like explanation of what would make sense to me i essentially carbonated grenadine and then tried to drink it is sort of the idea it i got laughed at so hard for for not noticing because on the front of the bottle it says dilute me in like a pleading way I just didn't notice it and then on the side on the side it says it's a four to one water ratio
Starting point is 00:33:53 one part this concentrate to water I would say four to one is even pretty strong it's uh if you encounter that if you've been streaming because of of the show be careful with the robinson's orange because i now i have a 750 milliliter carbonated thing of robinson's orange that i don't know how to distribute out of that like do i carbonate the
Starting point is 00:34:20 water as well do i just add the carbonated robinson orange to i just don't i would add it to already carbonated water i think that's the move but it's just i've been staring at this carbonated bottle of mix essentially or concentrate and uh it's been a disaster it's my first big loss in the streaming game speaking of of disasters, I don't think I've mentioned this to anybody yet. Maybe I have. But on Sunday, my tooth just fell out of my mouth. Oh my good god. What do you mean?
Starting point is 00:34:54 Oh god. I had a fucking... I was eating Mike and Ike candy and I just took a bite of a piece of Mike and Ike and I heard a weird noise and then a tooth just came out of my mouth and my hand The whole thing? No it was a crown but it was most of a tooth
Starting point is 00:35:09 and so I just had like a little weird like nub kind of like when Darth Vader takes off his helmet for the first time and you just see like what's left of his head like kind of like that it was like that's what my tooth felt like I think we are at the 15th anniversary of the taffy incident so maybe it's just So here we go.
Starting point is 00:35:26 So I freaked out. There was no pain or anything. But, you know, I have such anxiety related to dental stuff now that Emily had to. Stop eating candy then. Emily had one Mike and Ike. And I even bought it because I thought, well, this isn't too chewy. I'm probably fine with this. Mike and Ike is so chewy.
Starting point is 00:35:41 Millie was eating taffy and I was like, no way in hell I'm ever touching taffy again. And I'm like, my taffy daysie millie was eating taffy and i was like no way in hell i'm ever touching taffy again and i'm like my taffy days are long gone and so i fucking got so upset and so just like freaked out because i've just had so much you know trauma related to it the emily had to give me like a volume to calm me down and then the first thing in the morning i just went to the dentist as they were opening and called him and was like hey uh my tooth fell out blah blah i gotta come in and get it i just gotta get my my crown glued back in and they're like well we're pretty busy and then they're like wait which tooth is it and i told them where i thought it was and they're like is that the crown we just put on like a month ago and i was like yes it is i had no idea and they were like well you better get in right now then and so i was there for an hour and a half because they were very kind to fit me in but when they finally sat me down and they got in there and
Starting point is 00:36:28 they looked at it the dentist goes i didn't put this crown in this has got to be at least 10 years old and i realized gavin it was the crown i got from the laffy taffy it finally fell out the very first crown popped out 15 years later and they just glued it back in and it was fine it was totally fine she's like well i don't like this crown but it already exists and it should be fine put it back in god and i laughed so hard oh that was longer than because i think that was 2007 yeah probably 2007 that sounds about right and you they wouldn't have fit me in if they thought it was if they knew it was not their crown because they were like they were like they thought it popped up after a month they were like holy shit we really fucked up long enough to like
Starting point is 00:37:09 fully live through the lifespan of your dental work like full cycle i gotta say though it happened at like eight o'clock at night and then i was fixed by 9 30 in the morning so it was like a 13 hour ordeal with zero pain at any point like if you're gonna have a dental issue that's the way to do it but i just thought it was funny that it finally that it turns out it was the the crown the very first crown and what have you learned uh that a crown will last you about 15 years like in about 15 years i'll take it i'll take it easy on the mike and ike's because these crowns will be ready to pop out now do you think it was mike or ike that took the crown out which one do you think a combined effort it wasn't even good I like Mike and Ike
Starting point is 00:37:48 I bought this fucking no I like Mike and Ike I bought this tropical like this tropical version and some of the flavors are good but some of them are really bad and I was trying to figure out what the flavor was that sucked I think it was some kind of coconut but I do like coconut but this was dog
Starting point is 00:38:04 shit and so I even lost it on a bad flavor. I have a new dumb problem in my life that might go on for a month. I'm not sure when it will last. It's going to extend for a while. Jeff's favorite phone, the Umi Digi,
Starting point is 00:38:22 his brand of choice, has passed. It's's dead no more crazy photos it's gone how do you go through the phones i don't understand you want to know how the umi digi died yeah i was feeling really sick and uh i had a bath and it's the first time i've ever fallen asleep with the phone in my hand in the tub, and I was alerted to it thudding off the bottom and went into full panic, and it turns out the Umidigi is not a waterproof phone.
Starting point is 00:38:55 It is my burner phone. It could not handle the water. It was truly a burner. Put it out, but the next day it worked and i was like oh this is great i don't need to look at a new phone this is awesome and but then the screen progressively died further and further like it got started getting more pixelated and i was like this isn't great but i can live through it and i was on tiktok and each tiktok would accumulate further like it would stay on the screen to the point where like four tiktoks i've still seen the outline
Starting point is 00:39:30 of what was there before and then eventually it was like somebody smeared all the pixels and so it's completely unusable it's just like streaks of light, essentially, and different shades of my home screen. But I can't turn the phone off. It is stuck in idle. Like if I hold the power button down, it will turn off and then immediately turn back on again. And it's like shorted on. It is shorted on. But that's not the problem.
Starting point is 00:40:01 The issue is we were going to do a sloppy joe stream recently and i decided i was going to have a nap so i set an alarm clock for 7 20 p.m my time and now that alarm is still active so every night at 7 20 p.m my alarm goes off on that phone and because of the interface I can't swipe it it's completely unusable and I can't turn the phone off because it just immediately turns back on again so I have to turn the phone off and then it comes back on but it clears the alarm in that process but the battery life on the Umi Digi is long, especially when it's not doing any other functions. So I have no idea how long I'm going to have to reset this phone. All it has to do is beep once a day.
Starting point is 00:40:53 Can you still take photos with it? Like, is there a hard button on your phone that will take a photo, like click photo? No, I tried. I did do that. then i thought how can i tell if it's capturing it or not there's no way for you to like there's no way for you to like plug it into a computer and pull files off because i would love what you were describing to me it sounded like when the beastie boys created their recorded their check your head album they wanted to have like a buzzy sound and they didn't know how to achieve it. So they bought a bunch of old microphones
Starting point is 00:41:26 from like music stores and pawn shops and they just started pulling wires out and then singing into them until it sounded cool. And I feel like you've got some sort of a scenario going on there in your phone where who knows what kind of, what could be created. Well, unfortunately, it's just the visuals.
Starting point is 00:41:43 The audio works great. and even when the phone was working the camera and flashlight were the only thing i was like i can live with that i don't need those things the camera sucked anyway but now it's a problem of every night 720 megapixels though oh yeah watermarked as well but i got a new phone coming i'm excited i hope it watermarks it as well uh what i have what I have headed my way you guys can see the new future of tech is it another UmiDigi like a waterproof version I don't want to spoil anything
Starting point is 00:42:12 but we'll see we'll see what's coming in the future another $100 phone without this show I never would have heard of anything called UmiDigi in my life and now it's all I think about with phones. Andrew slacked the other night.
Starting point is 00:42:28 He goes, I just want to let everybody know the umidigi died. And so if anybody needs me, I might be hard to reach for all. I thought he was going to a funeral for a pet or something. I was like, fuck, it's umidigi. And he's like, no, my phone, you idiot. And I was like, I don't know how I was supposed to remember that's what it was called. But I was so concerned so concerned for a second. Sound like a dead Tamagotchi.
Starting point is 00:42:48 It did. Yeah. Well, listen, the best feature of the Umi Digi is they have a burnt in thing where you think it's your home button, but it's a home button for their store. So you can just buy more Umi Digi products. It is an immediate. It's just built into the phone. They're fucking genius. They're so smart.
Starting point is 00:43:12 Oh, I pocket bought another phone. Shit. If you want tablets, they got them. It appears as though the occasional time I accidentally hit that button thinking I'm going home and I get to see their product line. They got a lot going on. Umi Digi might be a company to invest in.
Starting point is 00:43:28 I'm not an expert, but they got tablets. I wonder if they'll sponsor the podcast. My phone collection needs it. I trust the next phone I'm getting. It sounds real good. It was on sale. I'm a believer. Oh, speaking of believing.
Starting point is 00:43:48 I believe I'm developing some newfound faith in our co-worker, Eric. I'm starting to believe in him that he might be a guy who likes to play board games. Because he came over to my house last night because he came over to my house last night he came over to my house last night and he joined he joined in a game of monopoly and he played for over an hour i'm not sorry not monopoly he joined in a game of uno and he played for over an hour no i think that fits with him because eric is a he never wants to but will if in the scenario i feel has been i was he was tricked. He was instantly having fun. I just want everyone to know that I was tricked.
Starting point is 00:44:27 I'd say that's less of a board game, too, because you could easily play that sat on a wall next to a giant trailer. Yeah, but I didn't say he... That would be great. I'm saying he's trending in that direction. I'm not. No. I'm telling you, 2024 might be the year we get Eric into board games.
Starting point is 00:44:43 It's not. I called the full show at AAPW last night, and my wife said, uh, we get Eric into board games. It's not, I had, I called the full show at AAPW last night and my wife said, Hey, we're still over. Uh, we're still over here. Uh,
Starting point is 00:44:52 if you want to come over. And I said, yep. And so it was 10 30 and I headed over and, uh, I was tricked into playing Uno. She said, Oh yeah,
Starting point is 00:45:00 they told me I wasn't allowed to tell you that we were playing Uno. So then I got there. I will say no one is good at Uno. everyone was giggling and falling all over themselves the only person that I trust to play uno with is burn dog because he is out for no blood and only fun it is that guy kept fucking shit up left right and center it playing uno with burn dog rocks dude he we're playing this kind of uno that has these link cards where you can link two people together so that anytime one of them draws the other one has to and vice versa and bird dog kept linking he and i together and i'm like stop linking you at all first of all you're just fucking yourself over stop and then we made it a
Starting point is 00:45:44 rule where you can you can keep adding on to the link. So he would like triple or quadruple link us. So like if I had to draw four, we'd have to draw 16 each. At one point, at one point, somebody put down a blue eight and he just flipped all of his cards upside down. He went, I just want to see if I can do this by feel. And he put down like a red. He put down a red six and he went, nope,
Starting point is 00:46:07 and put the card back and then tried again. Anyway, Eric had so much fun. You can tell in his voice how much fun he had. I was so fucking tired and then we were playing Uno and then nobody wanted to play.
Starting point is 00:46:22 And then we got to a point where we let Emily win. It's because you showed up. We had already been playing that hand for over two hours. Like we only played one hand Uno last night and it lasted three and a half hours probably. So you had like a private
Starting point is 00:46:36 Uno the movie happening? Yeah, I didn't even mean to. It just kind of went that way. This version of Uno we were playing with the rules we came up with just made it impossible for anybody to win. There's this point mechanic too where you put a card down that just has a finger pointing, and then everybody points in the direction of somebody, and then you have to pick up as many cards as fingers are pointed at you. So anytime somebody calls Uno, somebody just throws down, and then you get five people pointing at you.
Starting point is 00:46:59 So it just became impossible. Right, but then also Burn Dog and Jeff were triple linked, so they each ended up picking up like 15 cards. It just became impossible. Right, but then also, Burndog and Jeff were triple-linked, so they each ended up picking up, like, 15 cards. And it just kept going. I do love that we once played a game of Uno that started with Barack Obama being president and ended with Trump being president. I did, too. That was a great day.
Starting point is 00:47:22 Speaking of Burndog playing games, Truck Boys put out a Let's Play today yeah the Truck Boys video came out today I hope everybody enjoyed it
Starting point is 00:47:29 I uh I was telling Andrew last night I watched it twice to give notes on it and uh I rarely ever watch anything
Starting point is 00:47:38 I'm in you know god damn did I hate me in that video I made I had I had so many fucking notes for that video
Starting point is 00:47:46 of like cut out this word cut out this line I probably have half the audio in it in release than was in it yesterday I fucking I can't ever listen to me I just grate on me dude I fucking can't stand me that's it is
Starting point is 00:48:01 as somebody who also struggles with that I couldn't relate more to jeff's notes where i would watch the video and it would be something that is literally no other person would think was off or weird or not funny and jeff is just self-hating throughout all the notes of that video yeah because when i give notes i have to tell why i have to explain why you're cutting i'm like you have to cut this moment right now because i sound like a fucking moron i sound like i i sound like i just discovered how to drive a car i'm the dumbest person on earth please don't let this come out i i would be embarrassed for my mother to hear how stupid i am like i have to give like a paragraph of why i'm why i suck and every note
Starting point is 00:48:39 it's a great video it's a lot of fun i it. I didn't have any any notes based off of my experience watching it. I would also just like to take a minute to talk about expeditions. That game is so fucking fun. I can't wait for them to add co-op to it.
Starting point is 00:48:54 So that I have not. That's new trucks. Yeah, it should. I think does it look better? It looks better. And it looks like Red Dead. It does. Yeah, it takes place in like in the desert
Starting point is 00:49:06 it looks like red dead i've probably put like 20 hours into it it's the only game i've been playing for the most part uh i just i can't get enough it's so much fun you can put anchors down gavin and you can winch to to any of the places that you put down as long as it's on like dirt so you can't just do like rock you can't rock climb with it but like if you're stuck somewhere instead of just being like oh fuck i'm stuck you can put a point down and then pull yourself out of it yeah it's fantastic you basically mountains yeah you basically almost always have a winch point and then the mountain thing is crazy because you know how like when you winch to something you can pull closer to it but in this game you
Starting point is 00:49:45 have a push so like Andrew's right you can put a winch point at the top of a mountain and then connect to it and then push and then just let yourself go down like Spider-Man it's so cool I uh a tip for anyone starting that game there are missions you get where you have to explore
Starting point is 00:50:02 a circle they give you on the map you can do that by whipping out your binoculars and just looking around or you have a drone that you can fly around and do it i took probably like 17 hours it took me 17 hours into the game to realize this so to that point whenever i had a circle i would drive around every corner of it and it would take forever i hated those missions and then i felt like such a fucking idiot the first time it was like you're 60% done and then I pulled out my binoculars and it was immediately clear it just gave it to me we do that in the video you do it in the video it was in the first mission and I was like oh my god I don't know why I didn't connect that that was a thing
Starting point is 00:50:40 I could continue to do yeah does it give you a tip that you could just use a drone or binoculars? It does. Yeah. It's like in the tutorial essentially, but I don't think I, I was confused by the drone at that time. It's confusing. They throw a lot at you that's different, but similar, you know, and the whole thing is just, it's just a little confusing at first. I still don't understand exactly how garages do or don't work. I will say playing a game for the first time on camera is one of the worst ways to play a game. It's the best way to miss all the tips and tutorial information.
Starting point is 00:51:11 That game especially, we were kind enough they gave us early access to it to make that let's play and we got codes for, we'll eventually do co-op stuff in it. It is the coolest game to get to play early because there were times where instinctually I'd be like, where the fuck do I find this? I'll look up a guide and then realizing oh there's none there's i have to find it like i'm truly on this expedition i need to try to track this thing down i for me
Starting point is 00:51:35 what i realized last night when playing it is that and i i think it's the reason why i actually prefer expeditions i think overall to snowRunner is the puzzle of SnowRunner and the hurdle is you're stuck it's movement it's trying to figure out how to get through this terrain that is really difficult where expedition is more about resource management and the movement itself is not nearly as complicated to get to like point a to point b I'm very rarely completely stuck and don't know what to do it's more like oh fuck i only have this much gas because when you recover now you don't get gas back for it you do have some in your home station but that that depletes like it doesn't
Starting point is 00:52:16 constantly redeem so this yeah this is this is where it's a little confusing to me so you you basically have to plan for success bring everything you think you could possibly need out onto the expedition with you and then if you get if you run out of gas out there are you able to drive another vehicle out to refuel you or are you just fucked so here's the thing if you if you have a base in that region you could put a car there but you can't drive multiple cars out of multiple areas so i did a thing where i brought two trucks with me one with the intent of it just being a fuel truck and i couldn't travel to a new zone with both of them i could only do one so essentially whatever you
Starting point is 00:52:57 bring into that zone lives in that zone uh in terms of multiple trucks like when co-op is added this won't be a problem it It'll be a pretty easy solution. One person is fuel. The other person drives. But it is region locked in a way that SnowRunners isn't. So if you're in a zone that doesn't instead of garages,
Starting point is 00:53:14 it's like bases that you have. If you're in a region that doesn't have a base, you just can't recover. You're just stuck. You have to end the run, essentially. And start from the beginning. Also, it is from what
Starting point is 00:53:25 i can tell in that game everything that's being done is in the service of selling meth like you're out in the desert and there's just all these like like huts and tents and like random equipment hidden in the back of a pickup truck covered by a tarp and you're just going there's no fucking roads around it's real sketchyy. It definitely looks like, it definitely some like Breaking Bad shit. Yeah, they are aware of that in the sense of I feel like maybe the fourth expedition you do
Starting point is 00:53:52 is a straight up Breaking Bad reference. Oh, is it really? Yeah, I think there's a mission called Breaking Brad and you have to go to what is the equivalent of like the RV from the show or the meth lab is. It's great. Such a fun game.
Starting point is 00:54:06 I can't wait for you guys to play more of it. And I absolutely can't wait for co-op. We're going to have so much fun in that thing. Yeah, we're going to make a billion videos in it. And who knows? Maybe I'll even have the truck boys back again for another video. If people like that. Yeah, I had so much fun playing with them.
Starting point is 00:54:18 It was great. It was very funny. We're in the beginning of the video. It's established that like, OK, well, who's going to start? And then who the person playing Willie Nelson does not give up that controller we talked about it after we didn't even realize that i was in the i recorded so that video comes out it's about an hour and a half it was almost three hours of recording and after we sat down like 10 minutes later in the kitchen and bernie's like wait a minute well i didn't let nobody else play
Starting point is 00:54:41 it's like oh yeah yeah. It's great. It was fucking, it was so much fun to watch him play. Did you guys play, did you guys play trucks last night? No. No, I went to bed, dude.
Starting point is 00:54:52 I was tired. No way. We only left at like midnight. Yeah, Bernie might've, but I, I watched the traders and fell asleep. Traders is good.
Starting point is 00:55:01 It is good, dude. I mean, and there's a, if you're in America, uh, there's three new seasons. UK season two, Australia season two,
Starting point is 00:55:10 and New Zealand season one are all hitting this month on Peacock. I have a question about season two of the American one. Okay. What in the goddamn is John Bercow doing on that? I'll tell you what he's doing.
Starting point is 00:55:23 He's sussing out traitors. It's like 18 US reality stars and the former speaker of the House of Commons. It's the weirdest. I don't understand how he got to that position. Does he want to be a reality star? How did he get on that? They're just trying to make it make for an interesting show it makes it it's very interesting too and he's a he's a beloved guy
Starting point is 00:55:50 on the show everybody loves him yeah he's great how far into it are you have you caught up no i've just i'm like two episodes in i watched i watched him fall in mud. Speaking of mud and trucks, I've had a recent development. There's this, I bet, you know, when I go for a walk in my neighborhood lately or go for a bike ride, there's this kid down the street.
Starting point is 00:56:16 So fucking kid down the street who is always playing with this monster truck. That's like a shark. And I get so fucking jealous of this little fucker and his truck it looks like he's having so much fun right and so I went to Target I was like fuck it I can have one too so I went to Target
Starting point is 00:56:34 and I bought one and so now this three year old on my street isn't the only one with a fucking cool monster truck there's a 48 year old competing with him but I took it to the park and i started playing with it and i took a bunch of videos because it was so much fun and i sent him to burn dog and antonio and now they want to build it like a monster truck track in burn dog's backyard
Starting point is 00:56:55 that we can do real trucks in that's great yeah they're like been in the park playing with your toy yeah i've been in the park playing with your toy. Yeah, I've been in the park with this. See, I said it. The little monster truck is the shark. Oh, he's fucking wild, dude. He can do so much fun stuff and he can climb. And there's like, it's so cool. It's so cool. So we're just going to build like the coolest. We're going to do.
Starting point is 00:57:18 It's just going to be amazing. We're just going to have we're going to build trucks in in Burndog's backyard. And then we can do we can play trucks all day long. People come over. We'll put up some speakers, have some fucking music. some fucking music plaston it's gonna be you guys are all invited we're gonna it's gonna be amazing did you have a go-to aussie car when you were younger no no i had this bad boy oh that's when it goes both ways right is that the one that it flips
Starting point is 00:57:39 over yeah drive it yeah i had that that was fucking awesome that'd be a great addition to trucks that we absolutely well i think everybody should get a truck and we should all get involved and you can drive it. Yeah, I had that. That was fucking awesome. That'd be a great addition to trucks. Absolutely. Well, I think everybody should get a truck and we should all get involved. Maybe make some real life truck videos. We weren't even thinking about like, we weren't even thinking about getting into it. Like if we're trucking and somebody flips over,
Starting point is 00:57:57 you got to rescue them with the other trucks. I've got to say, this is heading straight for like robot wars. What's that career's that yeah we're gonna start as trucks and it's gonna be a battle box or whatever by the end of it yeah that's awesome that's that's awesome i can't wait i'm gonna get a little one that has like a little scooper at first it's just gonna raise the other trucks and by the end of it it's gonna be sending them like 16 feet start think start about trucks. Start looking for trucks now
Starting point is 00:58:25 because I'm telling you, this is going to be happening. This is our future. Your original RC car, Gavin, looks like when you leveled up a car in Crackdown. It looks like a prototype of that. It looks like your RC car is like the level 4 vehicle of that RC car. I could click in the thumbstick and just
Starting point is 00:58:41 ride straight up a wall. Man, Crackdown was so fun and for some reason the other ones weren't I could never figure that out it is weird that they took the they took the magic of Crackdown 1 and then made two new games that had
Starting point is 00:58:59 none of it yeah it scratches an itch. The other games. But no, it's it's they're definitely not improvements. This is fun. This is a good episode. One ninety seven.
Starting point is 00:59:15 Yeah. This was a good episode. One ninety seven. That's an excellent point, Andrew. I agree. Yeah, I guess it's probably time to wrap it up.
Starting point is 00:59:24 Eric didn't tell us to wrap it up yet. We're not wrapping it up early, are we? I don't I don't know. I mean, we've been at an hour. Yeah, I guess it's probably time to wrap it up. Eric didn't tell us to wrap it up yet. We're not wrapping it up early, are we? I don't know. I mean, we've been at an hour. Yeah. Do we want to get into the fact that this is 197 and not 197? Yeah, well, I think after you audience, you just listened to the whole episode. It should be pretty clear to you that this was episode 197.
Starting point is 00:59:42 It was a hell of an episode. It was a great episode. It felt like a banger. It was a 196, though. It was a hell of an episode. It was a great episode. It felt like a banger. It was a 196, though. It didn't feel like a 196. We were talking about it the other day, and we just thought the lamest, most expected thing in the world
Starting point is 00:59:54 is to go in order. 192, 193, yawn, 194, 195. Oh my God, I'm going to fucking fall asleep right now. 196. What if we skip 196, go right to 197, and then you don't know when 196 is coming out. Maybe it's next week. Maybe it comes out after 204.
Starting point is 01:00:18 Maybe it doesn't come out for a year. We don't want you to see it coming. We want you to be surprised by it. 196 is too special. It's too good to just throw it out because a six comes after a five. That's stupid. The only thing you know about 196 is that it is an absolute banger.
Starting point is 01:00:34 And it's not this one. No. All right. Well, thanks for listening. Thanks for hanging out with me, guys. But we never mentioned it at the beginning, which means a lot of people are going to... Actually, did you even intro 197?
Starting point is 01:00:49 No, I didn't intro 197. I never introed it, so I figured they'd have to listen to the end to find out, and then they find out at the end, and now they understand, and they're fucking super excited because they know they're getting to 196 someday, but they don't know when it is. Is next week going to be 198? Or is it going to be 196?
Starting point is 01:01:05 Nobody on Earth knows, including us. Oh, dear. It's going to be a fun year. I'm really excited. I'm very excited. We've got so many video games to play. We've got real life trucks.
Starting point is 01:01:22 We've got all kinds of shenanigans. And before we wrap this, can I mention one thing about expeditions? I forgot to mention. Yeah, I want to try to get some cred with the truck boys. I've been playing it a lot.
Starting point is 01:01:33 The achievements haven't been enabled and early access. I saw that they turn them on this morning. So it was a great it was one of the best gaming feelings I've had of. Oh, another pop, another pop,
Starting point is 01:01:44 another pop. I'm the first person on xbox to get the i believe it's the expedition achievement which is to travel 100 kilometers in the game it's only the second time i've ever gotten achievement pop to say 0.0 congratulations what was the other one yeah uh there were like probably five or six and all the other ones had some amount. It was like, no, no. I mean, what was the other 0.0 you got? Oh, it was in Prey.
Starting point is 01:02:12 We got early access to the Prey game and I was the first person to discover all of the audio logs for a character in that. I don't remember what the achievement was called, but hey, this is a trucks thing that I'm excited. That's I'm so fucking excited uh i'm so i'm just excited about all form of trucks in the future uh speaking of trucks before we before we wrap up i feel like we should mention we recorded a series of videos yesterday gavin you missed this i'm sorry you missed it in a game called was it Racing? I think so, yeah. I am so fucking excited for those videos to come out. Gavin, it was Rocket League and golf together. It was insane.
Starting point is 01:02:58 And Eric, I've never seen Eric. Once again, Eric, big board game guy, big game guy, instantly was like, I don't want to do anything other than play this game for the rest of my life. I think this podcast is changing, Eric, big board game guy, big game guy, instantly was like, I don't want to do anything other than play this game for the rest of my life. I think this podcast is changing, Eric. It is. He's evolving. What are you talking about?
Starting point is 01:03:13 There's nothing we did yesterday in the golf trucks game was anything other than golf. It was just golf. We just went fast and hit the ball. It was great. I think you're enjoying things more. He is. He is. He is.
Starting point is 01:03:25 He's trying to hide the fact that he's having fun. Oh, I will say I enjoy multiplayer gaming more since we started Let's Play, 100%. I don't play games with other people or online or anything, and I started to do that now since we started Let's Play. 100%. Absolutely. That's great.
Starting point is 01:03:41 Everything else I still hate, so it's fine. The Worms video we were talking about a few episodes ago where we were all talking about, well, I was talking about quitting worms forever. It's now out. It's a first only though. It's a good one. You can go to slash first.
Starting point is 01:04:00 You want to sign up and support the show. You're listening to the show. That's plenty of support for the show, but we're letting you know that we have that stuff over at And boy, is it a good game of worms. It's a great one.
Starting point is 01:04:11 It is. Oh, it's a good one. You should go check it out. I thought it was insane to put that one behind the paywall. And then after watching it, I'm kind of glad.
Starting point is 01:04:21 We're trying to do you a favor, buddy. Yeah. Oh, man. We need to wrap up 197 now, thank you Thanks for listening to another episode of the F*** Face Podcast Please listen Keep an eye out for some of these videos And things we've been talking about They'll be out soon
Starting point is 01:04:36 A lot of fun stuff in the future We're gonna have some fuzzy peach baseballs At some point for you to buy And We'll see you in the mud. It's like a trucks thing. Hey guys, Major League Fan Jack here with a look at next week's episode of F*** Face.
Starting point is 01:04:52 You guessed it. The gang is still behind on recording. So here's some more assumptions about what's going to happen in the next episode. Hey, did you know Jeff has a dog named Albert? Gracie has had enough. Andrew is being traded for a third round pick and a new hot dog machine.
Starting point is 01:05:06 It turns out Eric doesn't actually like wrestling. The gang moves to Key West. Gavin reveals a massive secret. And once again, Andrew does not eat the pencil. All that and more on next week's episode of F*** Face. Maybe.

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