Robert Kelly's You Know What Dude! - Cheating Bill and MMA

Episode Date: April 17, 2011

Cheating Bill and MMA Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up? We're back with the podcast and we have the, you know what dude? I think I might alternate between Tracy's theme song. I'm gonna try to mix the two somehow. I still like Traces. I like the effort that was put into it, but Joderos has seemed to win with the fans But we're back. I'm here with Somebody who's been on the podcast before Actually my next store neighbor Thesbian
Starting point is 00:00:49 MMA fucking fucking Efficient auto Pussy hound Here we go One of the only good looking redheads. I know I'm not a redhead. I'm a blonde guy. You're a fucking ginger and you know it Buildaws everybody My people are gonna applaud
Starting point is 00:01:14 In case you applaud in your car driving in traffic or at your house at three the more way listen Because you applaud when I announce the guests. It might be those people who actually Listen because you applaud when I announce the guest. It might be those people who actually Oh And you know you've also banged chicks in my apartment before I bought it so which is my claim to fame Very uncomfortable. He's on Broadway on in La Barte La Barte if you want to go check him out He does 15 shows a week Not like you man. How many shows how many shows you got I probably do about four or five a week four or five?
Starting point is 00:01:47 Oh, you mean the party. Yeah, LeBarr yeah, yeah, eight eight eight shows a week That's that's anybody who wants a fucking theater gig to comics worst dream Doing actually booking a play on Broadway. It's so fucking prestigious and oh my god. You're on Broadway Yeah, that lasts for a week and a half. And you realize that the next fucking six months, you have to do the same shit. Yeah. Eight times a week. Tell me about it.
Starting point is 00:02:15 Chris Rock was talking about an unletterment. He was talking about like, oh my god, I can't believe I'm doing this so each other week. I saw him Monday. That's the fact. Name dropper. Listen, name dropper alert. Yes. I have no sound effects. That's a bad fact. Name dropper. Listen, name dropper alert. Yes.
Starting point is 00:02:25 I have no sound effects. That's bad. You. So anyway, we're going to talk a couple things to talk about. You know, I tried, I did a podcast with Derosa, but you know, I brought up MMA or any sports in general, and this fucking fruit loop doesn't know anything. He really doesn't. And he knows everything about film. Any movie or TV show. That's how he gives you advice as a friend. It's based on movies. Yeah. Dude, it's like when Quentin Tarantino,
Starting point is 00:02:56 that's like in public fiction, in terms of endearmate, shut the fuck up you non-human. He's like experienced nothing in life. It's all through fucking television. Oh, he's such a hundred garbage, but I had him on and he couldn't talk MMA whatsoever. So we're gonna brush up on some MMA fucking thoughts. And then, you know, another thing we're gonna actually talk about is, something we couldn't talk about last time you were on.
Starting point is 00:03:27 Yes, that's right. I've been given permission. You were given permission from my girlfriend. From ex girlfriend. Now we're working our way back into the GFBF situation. Now, for some of you know, we talked about cheating, me and Deroza, cheating stories and stuff like that. We're writing a book on cheating, which is coming out next year. It's how to cheat and get away with it basically.
Starting point is 00:04:01 You're one of the stories, you know, not to get away with it basically and you know you're one of the stories you know not to get away with it. Yeah yeah right well you have a cheat story that's pretty fucking amazing where you you just fucking failed and it it's it comes into the if it was 10 years ago you would have got away with it. Yeah 10 years ago before Facebook and MysSpace and Twitter and all these social fucking networkings you would get the fuck away with it. You would have been Scott free. You did everything right. But because you're a fucking handballing like the rest of us and you you've got to be out there on Twitter and you And you got a validation. And you got fucking bad. And you-
Starting point is 00:04:48 Now this is, you gotta set this up a little bit. I went over to his house a few months ago. I think it was the Anderson Silver Fight when he did that front kick. Not the Segway back and what a beautiful Segway, by the way. And the MMA, I'm mixing the two because that's what I do on my podcast. I'm fucking great like that.
Starting point is 00:05:03 We're at your house and you like, you know, oh, my girls here and it was like really late at night and you're like, oh, I don't worry, she's really cool. And I was like, am I being too loud? No, no, no, she's great. You know, she comes out, oh my god, what a stunning woman. Beautiful woman. But you know, always get scared when a friend of yours, especially I know a lot of, you're a good-looking stud. You know, guys like you have these hot chicks that are just a lot of you're a good looking stud you know guys like you have these hot chicks that are just cunts just fucking cunts they shake your hand and look away like you're not worthy you know
Starting point is 00:05:33 but you know when your girl came out stunning beautiful and i'm like oh boy you know everybody always says my girl is really cool really she's cool to you yeah yeah she's you know they're usually not cool to fucking, you know, random fucking people, especially me, because I'm such a fucking alpha douchebag comic that I was, you know, I come, you know, those type of women hate me. She came out fucking sweet as pie. So nice, really cool. Just one of the guys didn't mind that we were fucking watching UFC and being loud and actually hung out and you were actually right. She was really cool, beautiful girl. And you know, you were actually couldn't stop praising her
Starting point is 00:06:09 and how great it was. I was actually like, wow, man, that's cool. I mean, you know, Bill is on Broadway in New York City, lives in the Hell's Kitchen. I mean, this is a pretty hard place. I mean, I'm married. I'm finished. I'm bald.
Starting point is 00:06:22 I'm fat. I have fucking long toenailsails and nobody's fucking me But you're a good looking guy. You get all the shit going to be hard for me if I was in your position with abs to to be able to Fucking stay steady. I was actually well. It's pretty cool. You know that you found a girl in your I'm always happy for somebody when they a scumbag like you. Yeah, like me, when we find that happiness and we settle that a little bit, cut to a week later. A week later.
Starting point is 00:06:54 So we have to go back in time. Okay, so I met this girl. When I met her, she was married. And she was an unhappy marriage. And we talk about, we're an acting class, which is if you are a scumbag and you're looking to get laid and acting class is the shoe in. You know that are an open mic. Or an AA meeting. Oh yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 00:07:14 And they're on the same level, you fucking creep. So anyway, when I was doing promotion for, anyway, we decided to start dating and then I moved to New York from LA when we started dating. Right. Well, let's try to make it work. So meanwhile, she's going through divorce, she's moving, she's getting all of her shit out of her apartment to move into her own place.
Starting point is 00:07:35 She hasn't quite filed yet. So when I got to New York, I was like, F-Y-I, F-F-U-L-S-A-T, this is the justification. Yeah, exactly. Let me defend myself. Yeah, this is the foundation of justification. He's laying down before he tells you what he's
Starting point is 00:07:49 about to tell you. Okay. Go ahead. So married, work it out. Let's see if it were. Okay. Go ahead. And not where you are. Not in a matter, though, by the way. But go ahead. No. Well, she, she, she, when you met her, she'd already filed for divorce. Okay. But when you moved to New York. You moved to New York. So when I started a promotion for Lombardi, I did a TV show, which was a really crappy TV show. And when the hostesses of the TV show is this woman, she's kind of like a New York sort of socialite, very wealthy woman, older woman. But I thought she was kind of attractive.
Starting point is 00:08:23 And we can see. We can see. We can see. We can see. We can see. woman, older woman, but you know I thought she was kind of attractive and wealthy, wealthy, like billionaire wealthy, not a thousandaire, not a millionaire, not a millionaire, yeah, really, we're talking wealthy. We're talking like Arthur, okay. And so she, and she contacted me on Facebook after interview, just some sort of flirty little comment, so we did the like the Facebook bullshit we flirted like winky smiley face dot dot dot so that fucking bullshit yeah and then And then she's gave me flowers opening night of my play. I was like oh my god. I'm a list call actually likes me and of course because I'm Fucking white trash need validation from rich people and attractive people. I was all my asshole puckered and then But you were going out with your girl this time.
Starting point is 00:09:06 Yes, I was going with you. She was in LA. She was in LA. Right. So, filing for divorce. Filing for divorce. To be with you. Filing for divorce, period.
Starting point is 00:09:15 Right, okay. So it's filing for divorce. Just checking. Okay, so we'd flirt a little bit, and it was kind of like that. And then one time I was home home and I got a text from said Hostess billionaire saying a text saying you want to fuck was like midnight or one o'clock And so you got a text yeah from this person you want to fuck Instantly yeah instantly. I was I was you know I
Starting point is 00:09:42 Was bona fide right it's like I was, you know, I was bona fide. Right. It's just like, chemically, I just want to. Look at that. Well, to any man, okay, there's certain, give it any, look, I don't, and this is to a woman, too. Yeah. If my wife was in a room with Brad Pitt, and he said, if he leaned into her ear and said, I'd love to fucking kiss you right now.
Starting point is 00:10:02 I think that you would fucking have a hard time saying now. I think she would have, and kissing to a woman is fucking to a man. So let's just get that out. I think it's actually more intimate, way worse. I'd rather catch my wife blowing Brad Pitt than kissing him. Is that some sensual shit?
Starting point is 00:10:20 That's meaning. That's connected. Yeah, I contacted him. Yeah, she could be, if I catch your blown him'm there could be just to get me a partner's next move You know what I mean if she's kissing them that's some that's she likes some shit But yeah, so she wants to fuck you. I mean that's correct. Yeah, and she's no bread pit Yeah, she's not but she's all right. She's all right. Uh, so And she has this place down. I don't know like try back our finance like some pan house apartment
Starting point is 00:10:42 So I take my L.O. She's a billionaire. I rollerblade down. You do not. You roll up, you are fucking white garbage. You really are. You couldn't even fucking sport for a cab. Roll up in a cab. You had a roll of blade down there. So that means you had to have your roller blades with you
Starting point is 00:10:59 when you went in. You fucking piece of garbage. God, you have a backpack too, right? Probably, yeah. Oh, God. You had a sneakers. God give a backpack to right probably yeah. Oh God. Yeah, that's nekas. Yeah, it's nekas. Oh fuck. So we get there and we get I get there and and you know she's got this huge immaculate
Starting point is 00:11:16 like it's almost like a lab this place. It's clinical. There's no life in there. It's just furniture and nothing's been lived in. Right. She has like a night gown and we're just kind of she has like a glass of wine. Hey, you want some wine, right? You really want some gatorade because you're fucking dehydrated from the roll of lady from hell's kitchen to try better Me electrolytes
Starting point is 00:11:39 So and then one point shows he just won't go in the bedroom So we go in the bedroom and we, you know, Consume whatever and then I let me leave. I leave like an hour later. You're back. We're back. You're back Good was it a good one? Were you proud of yourself? I mean I didn't bring my A game But I reserve that but it was good though. It was all right. Yeah, it was laid into it. You know, it was fine You're down on it. You take a couple swipes. I did I did my best. You took a couple swipes. You took a college try. I'm give it a little lickie. No lickie. No lickie. Just so you did the dough. Yeah. Right. And then you get on your roll blades. And I feel like shit. Yeah, because you got to go uphill. I got
Starting point is 00:12:18 this hell's kitchen is uphill from Tribeca. That's why you feel like shit. I feel like harry. So I was like, I'm never gonna do it again. And then I see, and like- You said that to yourself. Yeah, I did. I really did. And then I see my girlfriend again. You know, like I said, my girlfriend's, we've been talking about having an open relationship.
Starting point is 00:12:35 We've been talking about, and I knew she dated a lot of NHL players. She's from Canada. And she was like, listen, I get guys, guys are guys, sex and sex. Fuckin' this fuckin' I don't really care. Just, you know. But she did care. And I felt like garbage.
Starting point is 00:12:48 And she came to opening. And she came. I went to our Halloween. We had a great time. I was like, I'm never going to do it again. I came back. And once I came back home alone in New York, I just, I like didn't have whatever, the self-esteem,
Starting point is 00:13:03 or the self-worth, the feel like I could be alone. She wasn't with you. She wasn't with me. She's not with you. You're a young guy. You're fucking yeah. You got a lot of shit going on. But you're a younger looking guy. You want to tell your comic too. So we're so fucked up. Emotionally, we need those accolades. We need those self-esteem boosts. You feel like shit. You don't use drugs. You're not a heroin addict. You're not how fucking banging hookers. You get a apartment in New York. You're alone.
Starting point is 00:13:29 And it's not like you're going out meetin' girls. You're not going out pursuing anything. You have this fucking thing coming at you. So you're alone. Feel like shit about it because you like this girl but it's not a true sense relationship you're not living together you're not with each other every day you're not you're alone the responsibility is you know on yourself just hard and then what happens thank you for defending me so so say they come back
Starting point is 00:14:03 she's gone oh she's so and then I'm at home alone and watching fucking TV, like a jerk off, jerkin' off to you porn, feeling like a loser. Right. And I don't wanna date anyone because I don't wanna involve myself emotionally in any type of way. So I, you're emotionally involved with someone.
Starting point is 00:14:18 So again, like I get another text a couple of days later, like, you know, hey, what are you doing? I'm like, fuck, and the same thing. So it happens, this happens about, we took a cab the second time yeah and then my electric bike you know electric bike come on now listen oh god an electric bike oh my what floor do you live on but there you have to carry that fucking electric bike with the basement oh god for big you big. You're gonna look like it. Plug it in. Really? I was just a Japanese shit dick. Alright, so you take your, okay, go at yourself. So, in as I'm doing, you know, so I do it
Starting point is 00:14:52 a few more times. A few. Yeah, total like four. Alright, so you can't stop. I can't stop. I get kind of, and each time I came, well, well, I shouldn't do it. I can't do it. In my head I'm going, well, I'm just working through something and this is going to end. And then it came to, well, well, I shouldn't do it. I keep doing it. In my head, I'm doing well. I'm just working through something, and this is going to end. And then it came to one time I was at her place. And I just couldn't do it. She was just annoying me. She's kind of a cont. And she was just in negative.
Starting point is 00:15:15 And there was no emotional. So I just kind of, one time I got there, and I just was like, I was like a spaghetti noodle. I was like, I can't do the same more. So I kind of said, well, you know, I don't know. We're looking for different things. She said she wanted a relationship. I was like, I can't do this anymore. So I kind of said, well, you know, I don't know if we're looking for different things. She says she want a relationship.
Starting point is 00:15:27 I was like, I can't do that. It's over. Then it gets, because I'm a fucking idiot and I want everyone to fucking like me. I was like, well, maybe we'll be friends. And so I invite her out one night to a social event where I totally ignore her. And I tell her, well, I hope it can be friends
Starting point is 00:15:42 and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And she's mad and she leaves. And we don't really talk. And I'm like, good, I'm it can be friends and blah, blah, blah, blah. And she's mad and she leaves. And we don't really talk. And I'm like, good, I'm out of it. I dodge the bullet, blah, blah, blah. And I keep thinking, well, hopefully this will just blow over. And I'll just absorb all the guilt and I start thinking, like, I got a therapy and I start fucking read books
Starting point is 00:15:58 about sex addiction, all this fucking bullshit. So, and then months go by, nothing. And then right before Valentine's Day, my girl calls me and she goes, what the fuck is up with this woman, blank? Right, and it's right as I'm going into my play, I'm like, what do you mean? She goes, you fucking fuck this woman?
Starting point is 00:16:22 It's literally half-time like, I'm like, no, no, no, we just, we just flew down, it's kinda blow down, you know, I was, I was, went straight and if I can bullshit lie like, I, you know, yeah, we talked about it, we like talked all night, we kind of fought and then of course, the next day she goes, look, I got more details. I know when you went to her place, oh, how many times you fucked it? Oh my god, where you fucked her, details, and I don't know why any of this shit. You're like, how did you get this?
Starting point is 00:16:46 Yeah, and she's not telling me. Which is, you know, her right. So it turns out, finally I find out that somebody, to this day, I don't know who, sent her a link to the transcripts of this woman's radio show. Yeah. And in the radio show, this woman detailed. Everything. Pretty much everything
Starting point is 00:17:05 You know, and it's it's not super graphic, but it's enough. We start off on the cows Then what's right at the moment, right? Okay, so but how did How did your girl find out? how did it get from Some random radio show whatever that probably nobody listens to, that you grow and never hear, to your girl. I don't know. It's pretty fucking... I mean, they're theories. There's one theory that in her divorce, she had her husband, who's a very wealthy man, powerful man. You know, you're really our one trash. You're the guy that the father pays, not to marry a daughter. I'll give you a million dollars just to walk away.
Starting point is 00:17:48 So it could have been like... Because they contacted her. No one contacted me. I wasn't getting emails or anything. Right. But let me back track a little bit. There was a little bit of thing when someone emailed me and said, this woman is ripping you part on her radio show.
Starting point is 00:18:05 Right. So I go on Facebook and I try to contact this woman. She's blocked me from Facebook. Right. I try to call her. My number has been blocked. There's no way to contact. Right.
Starting point is 00:18:17 So I had a second Facebook account and I go, hey, what's going on? Why are you mad at me? Why are you talking shit about me? Right. And then, so I made the mistake of all my Twitter accounts saying, oh, looks like I got a bunny boiler situation going on. Right.
Starting point is 00:18:31 Which, so she heard about this from one of her crazy collars. What is a bunny boiler? Explain that. Like fatal attraction. Okay, yeah, okay. And, uh, and she started a Twitter account just basically attacked me. And she started a Twitter account just to basically attack me. And she started, Suck my all, I'm supposed to shit. And I went back on her for Twitter a bit until I was like,
Starting point is 00:18:53 I'm the fucking idiot, I shouldn't do this. I deleted all that stuff and blah, blah, blah, I didn't really deal with it. And again, hope I'll blow up. That was back in January. Right, yeah. So anyway, she finds out about all of this, if she finds out about the Twitter, about the transcripts, she gets sent links to the Twitter, the Twitter quote-unquote
Starting point is 00:19:09 fight, all the transcripts. She knows about as much as you could possibly know. And then so I kind of copped to what happened, you know, and the honesty approach. The honesty approach. And she, the problem was she just started thinking that our whole relationship was bullshit was all alive. It was based on so basically through the fucking social medias, through fucking Twitter, through Facebook, radio TV, the internet, yeah, somebody knew your girl, knew you and knew this person, Yeah, and put fucking two and two together. Yeah, and fucking ratted you out. Yeah. So so basically if you didn't have a Twitter account or If you didn't if you weren't connected to your girl
Starting point is 00:19:58 Somehow through Facebook or through the internet someone might have never known where you were or what you were doing. Yes through the internet, someone might have never known where you were or what you were doing. Yes. Right? But because you were on there fucking yapping or she was on there yapping, they just said, oh, that must be what's his name? That's, and she's my friend and she, oh my God,
Starting point is 00:20:17 this motherfucker. And she's not on Facebook, she's not on Twitter, she's not doing that shit. So I don't know how, I don't even know how someone could have made the connection But someone did I it's we haven't really been public together. She's still going through divorce So she's right I keep things on the DL So I don't know if one of her friends kind of made her mission to find out because she you know My girl is very intuitive and she knew there's something wrong that something happened in November and she knew about
Starting point is 00:20:41 She was what the fuck was going on November? You were different, you were acting weird, you were kind of like disappearing. What the fuck was going on? Her spicy sense is what off. Her spicy sense is what off. And the most honest I ever got, that point of go, look, I was going through some in November, it's done now. It didn't mean anything, nothing happened. So what was, then we just ended up,
Starting point is 00:21:02 we were just in the fucking heart of darkness. She's French is just she's fucking dumped She dumped well, she's we she would try to work it out Right and then she'd be like I can't fucking do she can't get past it can't get past it And then I would just I mean for like a better word. I was just big. I believe just give me a chance You know, I I love you. I want to try to work us out She's okay. Okay. She come to New York. We'd hang out We'd have we'd have like she come for four days three days. We'd great and one day she'd be like You know, fuck it right now believe you fuck like something would remind her, you know, it's called resentment It's called hatred
Starting point is 00:21:37 It's called you know, you push that shit down But you can't you it's never gone. You have to get it out. you have to get it to fuck out and she had to get it out Because she'd see yeah exactly but another thing too another thing is is a She She you guys gave away all your shit. Yeah, and I think the party was like it's also she could she could see the woman's Pitches of the woman and yeah, it was a random fucking Jersey broad she could see the woman's pictures of the woman and she was a random fucking Jersey broad. Yeah, so she got images of this person.
Starting point is 00:22:09 Oh god. And then it tied into her theory, which is her theory about me as a white trash person, which is that, tapping to fear for her, it's like you are someone who, because of your upbringing, whatever it is, you need validation from a rich semi-quasi-famous woman who who was hey, I'm rich I'm semi-powerful and I'm attracted to you and so I'm gonna like oh, okay, I'll just let's not forget The most important part though you alone Lee at fucking 12 at night in your apartment by yourself in the primary of fucking life and somebody said I want to fuck you Yeah. And somebody said, I want to fuck you. Another woman just said, I want to fuck.
Starting point is 00:22:48 How do you say no? How do you go? I really can't. I don't know. Oh, fuck, it's hard. That's a hard, you have to have an emotional, strong, emotional, you have to live with that person, have a kid. Be married, a document under God and the government to be able to say you know what I can't do that that's that's not fucking realistic for me.
Starting point is 00:23:14 Yeah, you know that's hard to do. Well if I was really you know the truth is if I was a if I was a real fucking man real dude I would be like you know what I would have said that I would have said listen This is tough. No, you were a real man. That's what real men do. They fuck people. That's what men do real men fuck chicks Real men fuck chicks. You know what you know what no you're trying to be a In a relationship man. That's not a real man a real man fucks women and Fucking succeeds and provides and fucking gets money and hunts and gills and fucking ravishes mother with vampires We're fucking glamming mother fuck that's what men do, okay? Then there's that fucking guy the boyfriend guy who fucking you sacrifice some of your manhood to fucking accommodate the woman's Inscurities and what she needs it's sacred be married to sacrifice this things you have to sacrifice you have to learn to become a different type of guy
Starting point is 00:24:15 Yeah, yeah to to Be married. Yeah, yeah, you do. Yeah, you know you you you you did what the fuck any guy would have fucking done. Because it's not an emotional thing. It's a purely what the fuck else am I going to do? Well, one of the things she said in her last was, look, I get it. Sex is sex. Like I said, she did NHL players. You were saying that like, they're porn stars on the side too.
Starting point is 00:24:39 What is that? Well, you know, she, her boyfriend, they played for the Ottawa, she said, before she started damn, she walked in on the bathroom once and he was getting blown by something like on the skank. So, she kind of gets it in a way. It's the rock star lifestyle. You know, and so, in my head, I'm like, she said, I don't care about the physical, but the emotional fare is more of an issue than that.
Starting point is 00:25:03 So in some way bullshit way, I was justifying to myself, well this is an emotional, oh the woman, she was a automaton, she was like a fucking robot, she had no emotional life. So I kind of, in my head I justified it, well it's kind of within the parameters, but at the same time more of shouts, I know you're fucking someone, I was like, you would just have to point a relationship where it was going to go to the neck. It was just about to fall off the cliff under the next level. Yeah. Okay. And become monogamous. Yeah. Where she, she, she not only now does she do care about you and what you do. And look, we've all been there. We've, I mean, one of my first girlfriends
Starting point is 00:25:42 that, you know, I, I was seeing other girls and then when she started seeing another guy, she went on a date, that bugged me. I was like, you know what that means? I like her. Yeah. So now I'm going to have to sacrifice. I'm going to have to not see anybody too, because I don't want her to see anybody. So literally, this is probably just you guys going to the next level. Yeah. And that's how I looked at it. It's like I was trying to go from, and this is maybe a crazy bullshit philosophy, but there's low monogamy and high monogamy.
Starting point is 00:26:09 Low monogamy is where everything's like, I'm not gonna fuck other women out of sacrifice. Right. And high monogamy is like, I love this woman so much that this is the only woman that I really want to fuck. Right. Now I don't know about that,
Starting point is 00:26:20 because I, on one level, it's always gonna be a state of sacrifice. Right. But I like the idea that, I mean, because I think that women get in the state where when they're fucking a guy they literally can't imagine fucking another guy. They literally like the idea kind of grows as a mount. And my girl like I said my girl is like really hot but I also do think that she is someone who lives in the state of when she's with someone she kind of can't be with another guy.
Starting point is 00:26:43 Yeah because she can get any other guy she wants. So is the challenge. It doesn't matter. When you look at, if you walk into a room full of fucking prostitutes, right, you're not going to give a fuck about it. You're going to go and get the one you really like and just stay with that one. Because you can have any single fucking one you want. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:27:01 We don't have those options. We can't just walk into a room and fucking get laid. She can just walk up to any guy and go, I want to blow you. Yes, I will let that happen. She knows that there's nothing there to it. Yeah. What's more intriguing to women is actually it's an emotional connection, liking somebody. Yeah. I like, you know, she likes the whole package and she wants a little more than that. She can bang whoever she wants. We bangin' to us is, you know, it's almost a validation. Women want you, the hoop you have to jump through them is actually not fuck them to prove that you like them.
Starting point is 00:27:34 And women, and to us, you suck my dick, that means you like me. That means I can feel comfortable around you because you blew me and you let me fuck you. Do you know what I mean? So it's a, we're on, we're on, totally different opposite sides con volotea, la región de Murcia nunca ha estado tan cerca, espectacularismos, rincones de película y un sin fin de aventuras te esperan. ¡Friparás! Huelades de madrida murcia y a otros destinos que te sorprenderán a partir de 19 euros.
Starting point is 00:28:07 Volotea. Tarifa sujetas a disponibilidad, consulta las condiciones en Pero ¿qué sé que ha pasado? ¿Qué ha pasado? Bueno, ya está...
Starting point is 00:28:23 ...cambaclón en New York, un poco tiempo, estoy intentando... ...cambac come back to New York a couple times, she's trying to work it out. When she was first come back to New York, she admitted that she was afraid that if she wasn't here, I was just going to go back and try to start fucking women. And I got so fucked up. I mean, she basically at one point would happen, she sent me an email, she goes, look, I can't do this, don't contact me. Oh, bley.
Starting point is 00:28:44 And I didn't hear from her for a week. Right. And in that week, it was the worst week of my life. I mean, it was like a death, you know what I mean? I went through everything, all the stages of grief and denial and anger and whatever acceptance. And I was doing shit like I sent a fucking message to this woman that Ben Weith Knight and I said listen, I apologize.
Starting point is 00:29:07 I tried to like sort of step a little bit and say I apologize for the wrong I did to you because I wanted to clear up that karma. Did that work? No, because then the bitch fucking brought up on a radio show. Yeah, you dumb, do what I tell you. I know.
Starting point is 00:29:19 You know what radio people need? Content. They don't care how they get it. They're gonna do hours of radio a day new You know what I mean? So yeah, you can't fucking bring anything up on to anybody on radio. Yeah, they're gonna fucking of course Fucking gold. Yeah, you know you should do you should give her ratings next time It's like here. Oh, just give her a gold bar. Yeah, you can't fucking write a fuck, I'm sorry I did this to you. She trashed you on air, dude.
Starting point is 00:29:48 There's no apology needed. You didn't call her. You didn't fucking call her. You didn't owe her shit. You know, I mean, then she fucking brings it up to, she brings up your personal life to get ratings. That's fucking nuts. If anybody gets an apology, it should be you.
Starting point is 00:30:05 Yeah, yeah, that karma will come back. Yeah, so, and I wasn't trying to get her back or anything, but my girl who is kind of obsessed with what happened has been following the transfer of the radio show, so she's still my name again. She goes, I'm finally into a place where I'm accepting it, and all of a sudden your name is fucking mentioning it by this one. Yeah, you got it. You got to let it die So I did let you know, but so it's been like I said everything there's always like a new challenge that kind of comes up
Starting point is 00:30:32 And blah blah blah blah and then we go, you know again, we see mother fuck worth a hat Chris rock play and And it's all about cheating and I'm sitting right next to her like and it's all about cheating. And I'm sitting right next to her like, Oh, jeez, it's fun. Right, he's giving me not, can this subject not be everywhere and I'm fucking alive?
Starting point is 00:30:47 And during the show, she's kinda like, she just wanna touch me. She's really, yeah, I don't know if that's that good in that context. Well, you know what, dude, you can't blame her. Yeah. You get a fucking, you get a weighted out. Meanwhile, I just let you know,
Starting point is 00:30:59 this guy's changed smoking the whole time. He said, four cigarettes. Oh, fucking do it, dude. You nervous cunt. I think that this this is actually a good thing that happened because what it does is it made her realize that you know what I really like you dummy. I don't I all that bullshit I said about you know I don't sex is sex. That doesn't that doesn't that doesn't count anymore because we're beyond that. I do give a shit and it fucking snapped you out of your horse shit Well, you're like fuck I almost lost something I really like yeah, and let me get my shit together I bet you haven't done shit since no no, right?
Starting point is 00:31:37 You're right, so it actually made you realize I mean, so this is actually a good thing Your religion went to another level. Yeah, you're gonna start With a clean slate now. Yeah, well that's the thing that all idea of starting with a clean slate is easier It's done because that the residual effects of what happened and all the little vestigial bullshit still exists and she's still gonna Yeah, it's gonna go away. Oh, it's absolutely gonna go away But it's gonna go away when she actually gets to live here and you guys are spending time together. And she knows that you're not fucking doing that.
Starting point is 00:32:14 Yeah, and I think part of it is, one of her best friends is married to a guy, an actor who fucks the world, fucks everybody. So she's Melissa's your best friend, talk about all of his infidelity for years now. Right. right and so she kind of all the girls that have sort of been in my life either as friends or I hung out with her blah blah blah she fucked this girl and we actually went to a party this weekend and she my girl is pretty she's pretty intuitive there was one girl there and this party is group who at one point like five years ago
Starting point is 00:32:44 I almost fucked and we almost had a thing and I think this girl may have select me who knows but there's 20 people there and she just goes you fucked that brunette didn't you? I'm like what the fuck no I did I yeah right she she kind of like lost it and we had it like a bad a bad night yeah you're gonna have to take the hits yeah you take the hits for a little bit but it will go away. Yeah, and you got it You got to fucking make sure your collar make sure you're fucking, you know You really catered to our ego and our self-esteem for the next fucking few months
Starting point is 00:33:14 Yeah, and that shit will go away and one of the things I think is hard for women to get I know it's hard for her to get is look There's no comparison between my girlfriend and this this fucking Yeah, yeah, like I would never I never I never wanted to be with this other woman right and Look, there's no comparison between my girlfriend and this fucking radio show. Like I would never, I never wanted to be with this other woman. Right. And my girlfriend, who like you said is really gorgeous. I think there's a part where I was like, why would you do that?
Starting point is 00:33:34 Why would you choose this girl over me? What am I not doing? Am I not satisfying you? Am I not there for you in a way that you want? And it had nothing to do with that. But she doesn't, like she doesn't get the multiple occasions she goes I get like that you fucked up you got drunk you hooked up with her one night because you got this text but the fact that you went over there three more times four more times what is that that's a whole other thing and
Starting point is 00:33:57 she'll never she doesn't understand that and I don't know if I can explain to you in a way. I think anybody listening does. You know what I mean? You know what I mean? You shit wants twice and then you know, you go back for the third, fourth times on an electric bike. I mean, come on. You know what I mean? I get it. You got,
Starting point is 00:34:18 it became your little booty call. And it was your, it was your, it was literally your safe way of cheating without falling into an emotional connection with abroad. Yeah, so you don't have to take some chick out the dinner Yeah, shit that you want to do with your girl. Yeah, go to a movie or bring her back to my place Yeah, bring her back to your place. It was it was like it was a prostitute. That's right That's why I told her I go it was the equivalent of a prostitute and she was like she was like no There's a reason it was this woman and no other woman Is this woman because she validated your bullshit white trash mentality?
Starting point is 00:34:48 They need to be validated. It was that looking it was that woman It could have been a fucking any other woman if a woman calls you up and says you want to fuck That's that's that's that's the equivalent to a prostitute. Yeah, that's what you're looking for That's the that's the you know look I want to fuck you. Okay, and then you fucked yeah, that's what you're looking for. That's the, you know, look. I wanna fuck you. Okay, and then you fucked. That's all you did. I mean, there's no fucking dinner.
Starting point is 00:35:12 There's no fucking movie. There's no walk to the park. You're not kissing or an investebule down in the village. You know what I mean? You're not giggling, getting tattoos together. You went, you fucked, you left. I mean, if there's anything, it's a prostitute. It's an emotionless connection with another human.
Starting point is 00:35:30 It's purely sexual, that's what it was. It was to fill the whole of fucking loneliness and your belly that you weren't getting because your girl wasn't there. That's it, you know. So now you're back together and things are going alright. Yeah, and I'm finding that it's hard for me just to kind of be when she gets her fears and she's really creative. So she comes up with, here's my theory.
Starting point is 00:35:56 This girl, bubble the one, you know, she'll create these whole narratives about how I fucked this other random girl that I didn't and it sounds like a really convincing theory. I go like it makes the last sense. All the dates line up with your theory but it's not true. But but why would I believe you because you lied to me for fucking because I fucking we know what I was starting you have to say I'm being honest with you now you know everything yeah I'm not gonna fucking get involved in this again I'm not gonna go through this again on my end. I'm thought you have to, you look, you
Starting point is 00:36:28 have to fucking trust me because I, you know everything. The slate's clean. We're starting from a new level now. I know what you're coming from. You know where I'm coming from. I stole your coffee. Yeah. My fucking just glad she didn't get in the middle of it. That's what you usually does But you know you started from it. Oh, I hope I hope that it I think that it will work out You're gonna have to eat shit for a little bit. Yeah, you're gonna have to fucking defend yourself a little bit But there will be a point where you go enough is enough. Yeah, we're we're good. And where is that point that that's also a lot? You'll know you'll know where the point is. It's like look when I first got sober I remember I went to rehab for a year. I moved back on my folks Where is that point that that's also a line? You'll know you'll know where the point is. It's like look when I first got sober I
Starting point is 00:37:06 Remember I went to rehab for a year. I moved back on my folks It's going to a a meetings fucking seven nights a week. I came on late one night from I was at a big fritz With people after 12 step meeting talking about God and sobriety over coffee and a fucking big apple Right, yeah, and for those you don't know what a big apple, right? Yeah. And for those of you who don't know what a big apple is, holy shit, go to Big Friens. It's a pancake French toast to crepe with apples, hot butter, just melted butter and syrup.
Starting point is 00:37:34 It's insane. They have a baby apple too, but that's for fucking amateurs. I came on my mother grabbed me. She grabbed me at the door. What have you been doing? You been drinking. Let me smell your breath. I moved out. I moved out because I realized that she's never gonna see me in another light Mm-hmm, I went you know what I was at a fucking I went to a meeting tonight
Starting point is 00:37:54 I was talking about fucking sobriety for two hours at a fucking big bridge with fucking a bunch of other losers like me You know what I mean? I was like fuck you. That's enough. Enough. I had to move out. I had about 16 and a half. I had to move out of my house and move in with a foster father. Because I was still a ward of the state. I had, you know, it sucked me. That's what I had to do. There'll be a point where she'll get over it. Well, she'll have to, you know what I mean? But those are the things when she'll be testing you that you do little things. And you say little things and you have to be honest with her too. There's gonna be bumps in the road but you're gonna have to fucking really be honest. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:32 And then she'll know that you're, she'll know when you're honest. She'll know if you call her up and go look I'm fucking having a hard time really lonely and I fucking, I'm fucked up right now. You know what I mean? What's up? What are you doing? Talk to me. Then she'll know that you're going to her
Starting point is 00:38:46 instead of fucking going outside. Yeah, and that's why I told her. I said, listen, if it comes up again, I'll, if I start feeling that way, the way I felt back in October, November, I'll come to you. Yeah. But, you know, she keeps going like,
Starting point is 00:38:58 well, the way you talked to me back in October was, was the same way. Right. You talked to me that my mom committed. And the truth is there is a part to me that I'm committed and the truth is there's a there's a part of me because of my fear and insecurity that she's a gorgeous woman in LA wealthy woman LA doing her thing guys she lives in this really hot shot building with all these like hot young you know love it if she
Starting point is 00:39:18 fucked I love she just fucked some other dude really the whole time the whole time she's been fucking just banging some other guy Well, you know, that's a that was a that was a fear had, you know That's her thing. Well, maybe she is and that's why she's acting this way because she's entertaining something Maybe and she would bring up things like well There's this kind of famous act in the building who keeps looking at me and talking to me and I get all insecure And I get all like oh, well, I better go fuck someone because Jesus Christ, man. I gotta protect myself.
Starting point is 00:39:46 And of course you can't protect yourself. Right. Well, let's move on. It's, I feel like it's gonna work out. We'll touch base again in a few months or so and see where it's at. Maybe we'll double date. Hopefully, yeah, I'd loved to, my wife met your girl
Starting point is 00:40:03 and thought she was really nice. That's why I was a fucking I'm actually You know I was I was like surprise. I thought it was a wrap. I mean you sold the iPad she gave you that's gone That is gone. Yeah, you sold it to Joe de Rosa Jackass for $100 a hundred dollars that fucking unworthy Twatch swooped in while you're weak and fucking lonely you want this. I don't want to look at it I'll take it 100 bucks. Yeah, walked out fuck. I wish I knew What if I come over and fucking grab the TV what else did she buy it? She didn't help me buy the TV. I want to fucking walk though. You dude. This is no good either Anyways, we got the
Starting point is 00:40:42 So, mm-a-may man. Let's mean, let's really quickly kind of go through this. We got, um, there's a couple of things, man, there's the, uh, the fight that just took place last week on strike force. Strike force was acquired by UFC. Which is, it's fucking great. It could be bad, it could be good. The bad part is they do what they did to pride. They wait for it fucking run out fucking kind of dissolve it take all the fighters bring them to the UFC No more competition. No more fucking strike force
Starting point is 00:41:16 You know you need competition. You need that fucking. I don't care where it is I don't care if it's a comedy club You need the comedy club down the street to be a little not as, you know, the little better than you. You know what I mean? To make business thrive on both ends. And if that's what happens, it's going to suck. Because strike force is not as good as UFC. The production value is not as good.
Starting point is 00:41:38 The commentator is not as good. It's not, but it's good. It's good to watch. They have great fighters But the other thing that could happen is they keep strike for us and it goes for a while and they actually start Fucking fighting between each other Which is cool. Yeah, well you unifying the belts. Yeah, well you got a L.A. Star over him fighting fucking Kane Velasquez, you know what I mean? And the heavyweights fighting and some of the welter weightsights and go back and forth and I mean fucking Nick Diaz, man.
Starting point is 00:42:08 Nick Diaz last week, no fucking joke. It was, it was fucking unbelievable. Who did he fight again? He fought Paul Daly, who was from the UFC. He actually got kicked out of the UFC for punching, uh... what's his name in the fucking head after the fight uh... come on the fuck is his name uh... he just you just thought you sp uh... got beat
Starting point is 00:42:35 they hosted the tough tough two thousand ten oh just cost just got checked out josh what he josh did he would be you know paul daly's a scrapper and he and you know Josh was talking shit. We're just gonna stand up. Josh just took him down with his wrestling Lie down top laid and prayed talk to his ear with saying shit to him. Just hold him down Scorn points for the fucking all three rounds. Yeah, and he just couldn't take it at the end He fucking got up and fucking he was talking shit too got up. We just fucking punched him in the head
Starting point is 00:43:04 At the end of the fight just ran over and punched him when he was was talking shit too. Got up and just fucking punched him in the head. At the end of the fight, just ran over and punched him in. When he was like talking to Joe Rogan? Dude, no. Like right when the fight ding, that's it. Josh gets up off top of him because he's a line-off. He fucking, yeah, he got up,
Starting point is 00:43:16 fucking went over and punched him in the fucking head. It's my fault. The kick that he was in. Which, he shouldn't have got kicked out. Yeah, yeah Yeah, you should have got a fucking suspension. Yeah, some money But they kicked them the fuck out Dana White doesn't you know take shit. Yeah, yeah, yeah Kick them the fuck out went over to strike force It's been kicking ass over there and then he went up against
Starting point is 00:43:40 He went about Paul Paul against Nick Diaz, but Nick Diaz, man, what a fight. If you haven't seen it, go to, you can go to, it's on actually, which is a great site to see the fights after. What a fight. Knocked fucking Diaz down in the first round, then fucking Diaz came back and fucking they brawled Diaz fucking TKO to him. Oh really? Yeah Diaz is no joke. Diaz, I mean he almost fought fucking Ariel Hawaniah because Ariel was, he was just pissed and he was like you know it's guys like you start the fucking rumors and start fights between fighters, your reporters and you said shit to daily that I didn't really say, and you're like, in the interview,
Starting point is 00:44:29 you can see it on the, actually another great website, if you're a fucking MMA fan, is AerialHawani, one of the fucking top interviews out there. Cause he doesn't do these these hang on one second. Hello So Ariel Hawani These fucking great. He does these videos that are really just really long They're not these short fucking one-minute videos there really long and ask some fucking shit load of questions and Really intelligent and he's great. He's really great. MMA Yeah, he was like, yeah, people he was talking to him doing
Starting point is 00:45:08 head to. He goes, when you're people with that, and my neighborhood, people get slapped for that shit. And it was just like, what the? He's just a thug. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Nick Diaz is a thug. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But he is one of the best fighters. I'd love to see him in the UFC. I'd love to see him. He was in the UFC for a bit. Was left. His brother is Nate, who's another good fighter, great fighter. Yeah. But Nick is one of my favorites. He's just a dog man. Didn't he get suspended for weed? Yeah, he got suspended for weed from his ridiculous. Well, yeah, I mean, well, it's a band substance and the fucking certain stuff. I don't get why that would be a band substance for fighting.
Starting point is 00:45:46 Well, it's illegal. You can't do that. You have to, you need a, you need a fucking prescription from a doctor. You know what I mean? And you can't be a fighter on any, on drugs. That's a drug. There's people being beheaded in Mexico right now
Starting point is 00:46:02 because of marijuana. You know what I mean? I think marijuana should be legal. Don't get me wrong. Yeah, but I'm saying you know I understand why they suspended them. It's not like I'm like dude. He had fucking cool aid. What's wrong with you? You smoking pot. Yeah, but yeah, he is fucking great. He really leveled them. It was fucking Unbelivable fight. Yeah, really yeah show show time puts on some good fights and Dana White was actually at the event. Oh yeah yeah I was pretty used to show to strike force shirt. Oh wow. So it was kind of weird man. Yeah it is weird. Yeah they got a lot of good interviews on it and it was just a great night of fighting but I'd love to see the mixture of the two organizations. Now
Starting point is 00:46:41 what's the difference when rules with strike forces? Strike force have like I think there's I think they're the same rules now that the two of C, I think they're gonna be going of this, you know what I thought? I think in NICD, as I actually talked about, this is an interview with Ariel Hwani. It's hard to fucking fight these guys, these wrestlers and stuff who want to just hold you down.
Starting point is 00:46:59 They should have like in pride, the yellow card. Yeah. Yeah, you get a yellow card, you get points and you get money taken out of your purse. Yeah. If you're not fucking moving, if you're not trying to fucking get position or trying to, you know, fight, if you're not fighting, fuck it, yellow card. Yeah. Yeah, I think they should adopt some of that shit for some of these fights because some of them get boring, and some of these fighters what is it Houston against who's the black guy I suck at names I'm so tired too Houston Alexander versus yeah what's the beard with the beard what's his name
Starting point is 00:47:38 fucking the black dude with the Kimbo slice I was like Kimbo I'd be the worst if if someone came to me tomorrow we want you to fucking do UFC? I'd be the worst. If someone came to me tomorrow, we want you to fucking do UFC show, I'd be the worst. I'd be like, what's his name? Fucking the black dude. Kimbo slice. Ran, circles, just ran circles. That was his game plan. And he's supposed to be a fighter.
Starting point is 00:47:55 You could fucking yellow card that motherfucker right there. Fuck it. Money out of your money, right out of your paycheck. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Force these people to fight. Well, I think pride that we're just good. Money out of your money right out of your paycheck. Yeah, yeah, yeah force these people to fight Well, I think pride there were just good pride used to have and a lot of MMA people think this they should make legal
Starting point is 00:48:17 Needs to the head to down to ponet because wrestlers when they when they turn up They're so comfortable in the turtle position until they get there If someone gets some trouble just need them in the fucking head also too what the guys are doing is that you can't need them when their hand is touching The can there's a lot of rules a lot of guys right now. I'm starting to just keep their hand down Yeah, avoid getting fucking knocked out, you know, they mean so you keep your hand down while you bent over and the guys got you You can't fucking you should be if you're on your knees your hands and knees are on the ground like literally Your hands and knees. Okay, I don't agree with kicking somebody in the head then, because you can get on top of them, you can get it back, you can do it on the middle. But if someone stands it up and their fucking hand is touching the ground, a one knee fuck
Starting point is 00:48:58 you, you should be able to fucking crank them right in the fucking front of the forehead. And they also have elbows, they have to be like sideways yeah well well I mean the elbows dude if you see a fucking really vicious elbow straight down I mean that's awesome it's awesome but it's not gonna get the four the sport where it needs to be yeah because you're gonna just gonna be slicing people's heads look I love you MMA but I was at a fight think it was what it was. I think it was UFC 100 or something. And some, I forget one of the preliminary fights. The guy got cut open, like, ugh, just blood everywhere. It's kind of like, dude, this is, this is getting a little creepy now. There was the fucking mat was covered. And he was just gushing. It's like, dude, this is kind of weird. I don't want to watch somebody just bleeding,
Starting point is 00:49:48 gushing blood and plasma from their head. But then with the flip side, is then you get wrestlers who come in, they're division one champions, and they just tackle someone in Lyon. Yeah, that's where the yellow card would come in. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're fucking booted, yellow card them, get the fuck up, get them back to their feet.
Starting point is 00:50:02 Some of the refs are doing that now. Where they get up, let's go. And they get him back to their feet some of the refs are doing that now Yeah, where they get up. Let's go. Yeah, and they get him back to their feet I mean it's still evolving. Yeah, but I just hope that you know that they don't eliminate strike force Suck up all the talents sticking in the UFC and then WEC's gone. Yeah, pride's gone strike force would be gone It just be the UFC. Yeah, you know what I mean? And I think competition is actually is is pretty good, but him. Anna who knows? Yeah, who knows what the fuck? That's probably what they're gonna do. Yeah, I mean, that's what that's what W. W. E. did they brought up they bought WCW and fucking Just fucking ended it and made it Thursday night fucking smackdown or shit
Starting point is 00:50:42 So I think they should bring in women fighters, too. The women, they're good fights, man. Women fighters are great. I love fucking. Women fighters are like little guy fighters. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, the flywits, yeah. They just, they fucking well it out, man.
Starting point is 00:50:56 They got the gas, they got the speed, and they fucking go at it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, because they, you know, yeah. Women fighters, I like women. The only thing I talk about before is I get sexually aroused. You should. Well, you can literally see the shape of their pussy's in those tight GSP shorts that they wear.
Starting point is 00:51:12 You just sit in there like, I hope she rips a tittle. You know, I mean, Gina Karano is so much easier. Oh, jeez, how hot is she? What is she doing now? She's fighting again. Where? She's fighting a straight force. Oh, straight.
Starting point is 00:51:24 So straightness was so as when? Yeah, she's fighting again where she's fighting a strike force oh strike so strike was saw as when yes she's coming back she'll be back I think the next strike for she's actually fighting the next big fight that's coming up is actually is Jake Shields and GSB and fucking big fight who do you think it's gonna win well of course I'm a GSB fan really yeah you see GSB is gonna win? Yeah. You know what? Because I think everyone wants to believe in the idea of a superhero.
Starting point is 00:51:49 And he's the closest thing to a superhero. So you don't want Spider-Man as I asked, you want the fucking superhero. That's why people love dynasties. And, you know? Hello! The Celtics were killing it when you were a kid. You love that.
Starting point is 00:52:03 I don't know man. I Do like dynasties, but it's hard to be a fun. I mean, he's already a dynasties He's on beaten Jesus him in silver. It's crazy And the only divisions that are I mean those are the two they haven't changed hands in a long time So I would like to see I mean I'd like to see shields come in but he's's just a boring like if you wanted He's just a boring dude, isn't he? Which GSPs a few except for the last one. Yeah, it's true. He has really finished was pretty boring too Many as a game plan he sticks to it and take some down and you know You against the pit bull. It's all you do is take him down take him down. Take him down He's fucking well in it out, you know, like uh, you know when you watch fucking BJ Penn, the BJ Penn's boxing, boxing, boxing, fucking, then
Starting point is 00:52:50 it take down and fucking submission. I know. Yeah, it's an interesting fight, but I think it's going to be good. I think it's going to be a good fight. I just hope, and it's for a championship, so it's five rounds. That's going to be great. I just hope that it's not that fucking boring Take down fucking point bullshit because shields is a is a jits guy
Starting point is 00:53:11 Yeah, and and he's not really a wrestler, right? So she just pick a probably just take him down and lie down Yeah, but I tell you what fight's gonna be fucking awesome is a hosey aldo. Oh, yeah Mark hominick that's That's I mean that's gonna be worth the fucking price of a mission right there then you got fucking Machita is fighting Randy guitar holy shit. Yeah, that's gonna be a fucking fight this card is stacked Yeah, it's gonna be a great. I mean just to see fucking Randy fight Machita. That's gonna Ransi gonna take him to the cage. Yeah, it's gonna take him and fucking grind it out Yeah, Machita's gonna try to stay away take him to the cage. Yeah. He's gonna take him and fucking grind it out.
Starting point is 00:53:45 Machita's gonna try to stay away from him and pull that fucking crazy. Kung Fushe. Well Karate, it's Karate in Jiu-Jitsu. Yeah, so he's gonna try, yeah, he's probably. I feel like people get Machita's plan now. Like they figure it out. Like the code's been broken.
Starting point is 00:53:58 So now he's kind of like not that. Which is why he's fighting Rey and Koutour. Because Rey and Koutour really isn't relevant anymore. Rey and Koutour is, well definitely, are you out of of your mind? What you think he's ever gonna be a champion? 50-50 years old champion again, but he his fights are yeah, he has always fucking great man. I mean So I mean two two belts could change Jose Aldo and and fucking Saint Pierre I mean that could be pretty big stuff Yeah, yeah, either one of those belts
Starting point is 00:54:21 That could be pretty big stuff. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And one of those belts changes hands. And also, Chale Sunnett is actually back in the mix. Oh, yeah, yeah. Yeah, he's back in the mix, which is gonna be great. I'd love to see the rematch between him and Anderson. Yeah. Fuck yeah, without steroids.
Starting point is 00:54:36 Yeah, as I'll say, he was, he was best for the steroids. Yeah, he was fucking, that was a great fight, man. That was a great fight, but it just taints it when he's fucking, you know, he's like the Brendan the Brendan Verified I mean the fucking other guy was on steroids. Yeah. So it's like you know you never you never know what the fuck really really happened. It's the same too because jujitsu because I mean look at BJP and one of the best Jits guys in the sports he has now everyone's all lubed up they got the Vaseline they're wearing fucking thongs basically you can't do any Jits so you can't rubber guard or try and lubed up. They got the Vaseline. They're wearing fucking thongs basically. You can't do any jiu-jitsu
Starting point is 00:55:06 You can't rubber guard or try and mix it up. You talked about fucking they did a twister The the the Korean zombie. He won by twister. Did he really dude? He did the first time ever done He won and UFC history. He won by a twister. Holy shit Joe Rogan was like I think he's going for a twister and Joe's the only guy that would know where twister is yeah yeah he's the only guy that knows what a fuck any bravo he's the only guy that knows what a twister is and he fucking won dude fucking grab it was unbelievable dude yeah the Korean zombie fucking tapped the guy out by a twister which was great. So you can still do it dude. You can definitely, the Jiu-Jitsu is still a huge part. Especially when you're in your back. You know, you have to not defend. But another good fight that's
Starting point is 00:55:53 coming up with Dan Henderson is gonna fight Fadon Malianicov. What? Yeah. Fador? He's fighting Fador. So Fador's finally coming to the... Wait, that's that strike force? Yep. So then Fador's finally coming to the... Wait, that's... that's Strike Force? Yup. So then Fedor's probably under the UFC umbrella, finally. No, he's not, he's under... Well, he is, technically... Yeah, he is, but Strike Force is still a separatity.
Starting point is 00:56:15 Oh, come. So, and they're still run by the same people. They just... But Fedor lost two in a row, too, right? Fedor lost two in a row, but... This is light heavyweight. Well, he should be. He shouldn't be in fucking,
Starting point is 00:56:25 you see the heavyweights in fucking in Stradford's Jesus Christ. You know what I mean? He's not, he doesn't go in fucking shredded. It's not a, he's not a big guy, man. I mean, I've met him twice. He's not a fucking monster. Yeah. Like a Brock or a cane or a fucking Shane Karin or
Starting point is 00:56:46 Alistair Overiem. He's not. He's he should be light heavyweight. Yeah, it should be fight. I mean in pride It was a different story because it was different rules. You can do a lot more shit and pride But in the octagon and the rules that they have I think it's a little uncomfortable in to fight these big mother fuckers You know yeah, cuz you can't go through the ropes. Yeah. And you know, all right, get back up. You know, it's like you're up against the cage. You're fucked. But you know, and Hendo's, he's a mother fight. He's a champ too. He's got a belt around his waist. So we might see Mel and Eukov try to make a run at another belt. Yeah. Guarantee is going to tap him up. Really? A Hando? I love Hando.
Starting point is 00:57:26 I love him. He's a great wrestler. He's got a fucking right hand, a fucking skillet. But there's no, I think Fado going down a weight is gonna be to his advantage, not to. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Not to anybody. He's just gonna come in, they're trying to figure out
Starting point is 00:57:41 it's gonna be a catch weight. I don't think he's gonna come down to 205. I think it's gonna be a catch weight. What do you think he's gonna come down to 205. I think it's gonna be a catchweight. What do you think the biggest card... What do you think the biggest card would be? So that is said he wouldn't get the belt. If it's a catchweight, he's not gonna get the belt. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:52 What do you think the biggest... You think the biggest card would be Fador and Rainy Couture? No. Would it be GSP and Anderson Silva? I think it would be right now. Yeah. Bones Jones against Anderson Silva. Wow, fucking Jones, yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:03 Yeah. Bones Jones against Anderson silver Oh fucking Jones yeah yeah Yeah, bones Jones is red Against Anderson silver would be the fight if if someone said to me if Dana White said Robert Kelly my pal my friend My buddy What fight do you want to see it would be Anderson silver Jones who is Jones gonna fight now Jones fighting reshot evidence Oh, that's right. She's going to be a fucking great fight. Yeah, we'll be in the fight. Oh, because they're training partners. They spar together and they know each other.
Starting point is 00:58:28 Not anymore. Well, not anymore, but they were great. Yeah, it's a fucking rap. It's over. Wow. Yeah, it's pretty. And you trained with the Gracies, right? Yeah, I trained with, yeah, every Monday,
Starting point is 00:58:40 down at Hanzo Gracie, it's GSPs down there all the time. Frankie Eggers down there all the time. A lot of those guys, a lot of the UFC guys are down there fighting. It's pretty fucking amazing. So that's why you're going with GSP because you're fucking known, kind of. Yeah, I told you, when he won his last fight against Josh Kasha, I came to the class and said, listen, everyone I want to tell you, it's all because of you guys that was able to win the fight.
Starting point is 00:59:03 We all teammates. I was like, my God, I'm George. You're not just team. You're not just team. I know, I was the to win the fight. We all teammates I was like, oh, I'm George Yeah, not as team I know I was the guy in the corner with the other blue belts, but still yeah, you're a fuck of it Your applause and you're you're staring fucking like a stalker While he fucking wrestles other guys, that's what you do I have a bit about I don't know if I told you but with the first time But because he cuz everyone is walking out. They have their geese or they have their their rash car and their shorts But GSB when he's there. He's walk he walks around with his little tidy whiteies. Yeah, just oiled up like a fucking a don
Starting point is 00:59:36 It's just walking around like hello and And uh, and I was with my I was a white belt the time I was like with my geese sitting like Indian salad So some other white belt and time I was like with my geese sitting like Indian salad some other white belt And he was walking around of course, I don't want to look at the guy, you know because I just feel so stupid and my friend goes hey George, how you doing good? See he shakes his hand. I'm like picking a little in tough my belt Yeah, and I'll send I look around and see people like staring at me And I look up and George my bears hovering over him with his hand extended. Oh really? It was yellow. And I literally, I had long hair, and I put my, I kind of swiped my hair behind my ear.
Starting point is 01:00:11 Like it was the gayest thing I've ever done in my life. Like I was like, oh hey, and I was like, how am I doing this in my hand? Right, I've turned my gay for like a minute. Yeah, always a joint safe here. Yeah. It's the best fucking torso in the business. But all right, so I mean there you have it. We got we got your fucking hopefully your relationship actually is back on track. Hopefully you can fucking keep you dick in your pants. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:36 And go back to jerking off like a lonely douchebag. Like an adult. Like the rest of us jerking off to Don't go to Why not? That's a good one. I'm actually means go to And we get some exciting fights coming up. Number one is the fucking UFC 29, Aldo versus hominic and St. Pierre versus shield and Randy Gatorr versus
Starting point is 01:01:02 fucking Machita. That's a crazy card. Yeah, that's gonna be great. I think I'm gonna get that one. Hopefully I'm on my route. Where is that gonna be? That is going to be shit. This is another crazy.
Starting point is 01:01:14 It's in Toronto. I think they sold 55,000 tickets. Yeah. It's gonna be the biggest UFC event ever. 55,000 people in the arena. And I think it might be up to 60. Yeah, well, it's sold out. It's saying it's sold out on the website.
Starting point is 01:01:29 Oh, it's fucking nuts, dude. It's fucking nuts. You know what I mean? That means we're gonna be able to see events like a giant stadium where it's gonna be fucking, you know, 70,000 people watching a fight like back in the day. We're gonna be able, Ali used to fight.
Starting point is 01:01:45 That's what I can't wait to fucking see a mega event, like a WrestleMania type of... Why won't New York license it? It's all politics and unions do. Yeah, it's not gonna happen for a minute. It will happen, but not right now. So for now, you're gonna go to Jersey. It gives a shit. Go to fucking Jersey. I'm watching on Pay Per View, but not right now. So for now, you're going to go to Jersey. It gives a shit.
Starting point is 01:02:05 Go to fucking Jersey. Oh, watching on paper view, which is even better. You can have fun. You don't have to fucking worry about some dude in the fliction shirt. It's still in beer on your neck. Yeah, I mean. But all right, man, well, that's it.
Starting point is 01:02:16 That's a podcast, number, fucking, whatever. Bill Dawes, thanks for coming down. And fucking hanging out and talking to him, shared with me. And being so honest about your fucked up Relationship, oh man, it's just hard, isn't it? Yeah, I'm back in the day. We're used to build ahead of them I'm not so lucky. I never had that day. I know I mean either back in the 20s. Yeah, I Did you cheat yeah, I. Go make me fucking steak. Where's my steak?
Starting point is 01:02:46 Steak. All right, dude, I'll talk to you later, man. Thanks for listening. Hope you guys enjoyed this shit. Another one of my mediocre podcasts. I never claimed to fucking put on anything other than mediocre fucking podcasts. So what the fuck else were you doing while you're
Starting point is 01:03:01 in your car driving to work or sitting in your dumb cube? Fucking trying to make someone else's life better. I'll see you later Geekies We really did, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really,

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