Robert Kelly's You Know What Dude! - Erik Griffin | Leaky Gut

Episode Date: November 2, 2020

This week Bobby's joined by Erik Griffin from Workaholics and Riffin With Griffin! We get into what's going on in LA, having to change gears in comedy, and how online gaming changed everything for Eri...k! For advertising opportunities email: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hoy es un día de eso de no saber cómo va a acabar el día. ¿Dónde nadie pregunta, ¿dónde viene? ¿Si no, por qué no te viene? Y una ronda es el tiempo que pasa entre no conocernos y no creer olvida. Hoy es un día de eso que Madrid nos lia. Hoy es un día de eso que Madrid nos encuentra. Maú, la vida es más vida cuando nos encontramos.
Starting point is 00:00:21 Encuentra en los bares de Madrid la dicción especial de Madrid nos lia. Un número de ma mal, a Madrid. I started social media podcasts Like the WD's back again Old school back in the day We're all started before them all I think I like it I think I like it This podcast is so fun and crazy And there's no rules
Starting point is 00:00:56 You're ruining this For some more, I'm gonna have to first try And then it's comedy podcasts This is an NPR That's what the podcast does Is there any better show This is the original original Sorry We've been mushed right out of the gate We got mushed because he played the wrong video. Hi, mushy. Hey, Bobby. How's it going?
Starting point is 00:01:34 If we don't get mushed, if you don't get mushed, it's going to be a bad show. That's all I'm saying. So this is going to be a great show because we got mushed the second it started. Tell us what's happening mush. Well, we have an awesome guest today. We have Eric Griffin on from the Riffin with Griffin podcast, Workaholics. So happen to have them on the day. Yeah, I'm fucking horrible. One of my favorite people that I don't really know, but I do know. Yeah, I know what you mean.
Starting point is 00:01:58 You know what it's like, it's because when you do comedy, it's like you work at a super Walmart. And like I see you over in produce, but I'm over in the, you know, I'm over in the, the, the, the fashion area. And then we like, why do I have break room? Why do I have to be in produce in your fashion? That's all in that scenario. You're at the bakery.
Starting point is 00:02:17 And the point I was going at, Eric, are you like a butcher actually? You being a meat department. Do they have, we don't have a butcher at a Walmart, do they? I'm sure that, Eric. Are you like a butcher actually? You being a meat department. Yeah. Did I have a butcher at a Walmart, do they? I'm sure they do. I'm sure they do. Yeah, and a big Walmart in a sun little town and where this is the biggest thing in town, of course they got a butcher.
Starting point is 00:02:34 I thought that meat came in with the bikes. No, do Walmart is just like Facebook, whatever someone else is doing, they're gonna take it and try to do it better. They're gonna buy it or if people don't sell it, then they're gonna take it and try to do it better They're gonna buy it or if they don't sell if people don't sell it then they're gonna do it Well, I wish they'd start doing massage paulers. How great was that be? Go ahead and get a nice hot soup in hamburger. I would not be surprised if there isn't a Walmart out there where they have Massage is going on. Yeah nice, 20 fat hamburger meat and a hand job.
Starting point is 00:03:09 You know, when you go to Wal-Mart's out in like Texas or in the, you know, Southern places, they always have some dude in the parking lot, cook and meet like a barbecue. And well, people tailgate in those towns to go to Walmart you know what I mean like the I went to one of the guys just like yeah dude I got a deer I killed the deer last week and I think that's Alc that's what he said I think that's Alc I've never I didn't know what a super Walmart man. I just thought okay,
Starting point is 00:03:45 this is a big store until I was in like Montana and this was the biggest thing in town like they sold everything there. Yeah, like they got here's the thing and I don't know maybe I'll never I feel like I don't know if you can relate to this. I feel like I'll never be, maybe I'll never, I feel like, and I don't know if you can relate to this. I feel like I'll never be famous. I was never meant to be truly famous because I go to Walmart and I feel at home. I'm like, I love everything here. I wanna buy the jackets, the shirts, the hats,
Starting point is 00:04:21 everything they have. I'm like, this is perfect. I buy is perfect. I just can't be in a place where you can buy an underwear on one aisle and then a one aisle over grapes. You know what I mean? I just don't like that. You know Rob, I got to tell you with these glasses, you look like a hipster Lex Luthor, I really liked this. You know, I thought something else. I thought something else was coming, but I really like this. You're like, you're a hip lex luther. I like this. You lost a lot of weight, dude.
Starting point is 00:04:53 Yeah, I'm down about 25, 26 pounds. Corn team's been good to me. You got this bid going now. You looked very, and you showed there's a kind of jack that you're working out out of some you look the last time I saw you a little rounder Yeah, well You can say fat And I thought you're gonna die me and you were both gonna fight wherever we were I was like oh one of us is grabbing our chest this weekend. Yeah, man
Starting point is 00:05:22 You look good, dude. You look great. Well, you know, I just, well, part of the problem, I mean, not to the brink of podcast down to a screeching emotional halt, but like, so my mom has dementia, you know, and so when you, when you read about and find out like how these things come about, you know, it's like, it's about inflammation, cholesterol, vitamin deficiency. There's all these things that will, that will lead down a path to that. And I said, well, damn, if my mom has dementia, it's 78 years old, 79 years old. I'm like, hey, I don't want to do everything I can possibly do to make sure that it doesn't happen because of things that I'm doing.
Starting point is 00:06:01 So. So much. Let's start the show and so who do we got to go? I'm believable. Lizard, man, I hear you. I'm 50. I just turned 50. And in December, I was in a rubah with my kid.
Starting point is 00:06:25 And I'm looking around and I'm like, I'm fucking obese, I'm done. I couldn't fit and we rented this four wheeler. At one point, we almost got hit by a car because my stomach wouldn't let the wheel turn. My belly button hurting, you kept getting caught on the wheel. It wouldn't land.
Starting point is 00:06:41 Are you, are you, are you, are you, are you, are you can just drive by doing like this. It was it was uh it was fucking terrifying and I was out of breath and we did all the shit that I've been doing for years in a room. I haven't gone there for 20 years and this year I was like oh I I'm not I'm not able to do this. I got a seven year old and he's going to have to uh I mean he's probably if I away, he'll probably wind up with a way better dad. I mean, my chick will find a fireman or a plumber or some in-shape construction worker in a month and a half.
Starting point is 00:07:15 But that's how I feel too about my chick. I was like, you know what? I made a promise, I say, because I'm now engaged to two, by the way. And I was like, and I said, and I was like, oh, I got,. And I was like, and I said, and I was like, Oh, I got it. My goal is to like go on our honeymoon and I could have my shirt off and not be embarrassed. So I had I remember this photo in the wall from me and her in Aruba and me shirtless and looking fantastic. And I've had to wear that fucking stupid sun shirt.
Starting point is 00:07:52 You know, the one that it's protecting me from the sun. No, it's protecting onlookers from. It's protecting me from getting rolled back into the ocean. It's nothing on that. All right, no, it was a whale joke. All right. We just let it go. You know what I mean? I thought you had a thing you wanted to whip up there.
Starting point is 00:08:14 Oh, you mean bold statement. Dude, I relate. I Dead I I I relate it's just it's time it sucks that I could I had I feel like this happens with everybody though at like 30s and 40s Something happens it happens with a lot of people not everybody. I hate when I say everybody But, and then all of a sudden you get happy and you meet somebody and you start pounding on the weight. And then you're like around 50 or something and you lay 40s like, I'm done. I'm out. It's time to get back into shape. It's time to get my stuff together. And because I, you know, what is it? 25 more years? Maybe I have on the planet. On the planet. That's what I do. I felt the same way because I think what happens is you get into late 40s and you know, things
Starting point is 00:09:11 happen, like things that used to happen fast happen super slow and things that used to happen slow happen fast. So what I mean by that is like, you know, I'm talking about half a donut and I'll put on 16 pounds, you know, like just, just out of nowhere, you know, you just think like, I'm good this week. And the next thing you know, your stomach is hurting and you're like, what am I doing? So it's like, you, you know, you start feeling old fast and things start to affect you. And then, but then if you have a person in your life that you really care about, and you're like, then you start thinking about other things,
Starting point is 00:09:42 because as a comic, we're so selfish and self-absorbed. And then when you get someone in your life and in your case, you have kids, that's when we start to go, oh, this isn't just for me. You're saying to yourself, I want to be on a beach in a rubah with my kid for 10 more years and not feel like I have to be carried around in a Yes, you know, so I told you yeah, it no it is it is It is true. I've been a plus There's more shit you have to do now like back in my 20s in early 30s I didn't really have to be physical. It was more. I wanted to be fun stupid shit picking up again But basketball Roll a blade right all that shit. I have to be physical now.
Starting point is 00:10:26 I have to go on the backyard. I have to move shit, pick shit up, rake shit, do things. And I know I hire people for certain things. But I gotta do this shit. And I have a seven year old. He wants to fucking play. He wants, he doesn't give a fuck that I, my toes tingle when I get up in the morning.
Starting point is 00:10:47 I don't care about my plant the fasciitis. Yeah, come on daddy. Let's go. I'm just going. I'm sure there's some more ailments. You know, just like 10 minutes later. We're like Jesus. It's I think I do have a leaky gut. I don't know what that is. But I'm sure you have a leaky gut. What's what's what's a leaky gut? Well, it's like when you eat certain types of food,
Starting point is 00:11:25 it's like, it's what keeps your stomach fat. And I'm finding out the bopsy thinks I'm going to these like preventative medicine health places now. So I'm going to, I don't just like, you know, it's like a Western thing is to go to the doctor when you're sick, but there are medical places you can go to help you prevent from getting sick, help you keep healthy.
Starting point is 00:11:44 So I'm going to those kind of places right now where they go, like, okay, so you need to take this stomach stuff to, I took a food sensitivity test and it blew my mind. You're not going to like a place with like the, I'm a Guatemalan lady puts a chicken liver out of your fucking stomach, right? No, no, no, I'm not going to those kind of places, but I mean, but you know, hey, you do what you got to do in our age, you know But yeah, there's leaky god. I love I love this. We're all producers on the fly, but so there are
Starting point is 00:12:14 You know, there are things you could you know, you could do like you know So now I'm taking like I mean last is and I'm taking like a fish oil tablets I'm taking my vitamin like I didn't realize I took like a baseline Fish oil tablets, I'm taking my vitamin. Like I didn't realize, I took like a baseline blood test and you find out that I was vitamin D deficient. And you'd be surprised, like half the country is vitamin D deficient. And you don't realize that you are and how it affects you.
Starting point is 00:12:34 So I'm taking vitamin D and everything to my nail started growing better. My hair was looking luscious. Sorry. And, ah, you know, so. Man, listen. So I'm just saying there's like, there's So I'm just saying there's a lot of play. There's a lot of play.
Starting point is 00:12:46 I'm taking vitamin D and my hair doesn't get delicious. I'm gonna be mad at you. But it also helps with your mood. I mean, there's just a lot of things that we don't know. What's wrong with my mood? Yeah, you've been vitamin D deficient for a long time. No, but you know, there's a lot of different things that you could. Let me ask you question. Are you still in LA? Yeah, yeah. I was born in LA. I'm not leaving LA because like
Starting point is 00:13:13 these people that are left LA, they came to LA because they wanted to be whatever. And then now they're like realizing it is not going to happen here now. So it's like, why not be someplace else where the taxes are lower and cost the living is cheaper. So you're staying, you're not leaving. No, I'm not leaving, I'm staying in LA, you know. I hope they all leave and it comes back and you're the only one there and you can everything. Yeah, who are you telling?
Starting point is 00:13:38 You know, this business is so weird anyway. So you know, you just, you just got you just, you just gotta pivot wherever you can and that's what happened to me with this stupid pandemic, you know, I just, I switched into gaming, you know, which you can see me daily on Twitch on Eric Griffin gaming. What, what, what am I, why don't I have this type of stuff? So catch me on Eric Griffin gaming on Twitch daily, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:14:04 And what is that? I Game, you know, so I play Call of Duty and and and the kids watch me and they cheer me on and you know, I got like money Yeah Talking of mush. Why am I doing this? This podcast and shit when I can be playing video games in the shed and making money with teenagers. Yeah That's it. I'm doing sounds weird, but listen. Yeah But you have to pivot in whatever way you can so like so podcasting became huge for like a lot of people
Starting point is 00:14:36 Especially some of the larger LA comics they went into podcasting and we realized that hey We're our own entity our own studio our own thing. We don't really need Hollywood. It was paying sitcom money to these guys, and even more. So then they're like, so why be in LA when you could do your sitcom from anywhere? You could do your podcast from anywhere. I mean, look, I pivoted, luckily,
Starting point is 00:15:00 my number one best friend, Mike Calta, who you know, he was like, let's do this. We've been wanting to work together for a long time, and this just made it righteous. So we do a show Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and the Jericho party on Saturday, which definitely pivoted, but it's, you know, I love video games.
Starting point is 00:15:21 I would love to fucking, imagine playing a video, how many days do you have to play though? This is, I play every day, you know, I love video games. I would love to fucking, imagine playing a video, how many days do you have to play though? This is, I play every day, you know, because I have subscribers. So that's how you keep them engaged and interested. You gotta just keep doing it, you know? So you play every single, how many subscribers you have on air-gryph and gaming?
Starting point is 00:15:37 Yeah. Hahaha. Hahaha. What am I ever saying? Hahaha. So you get like, no, I mean, it's like, you know, there's guys just to put it in perspective. Like that kid ninja, I don't know if you know who that is, but he's a huge, he's the biggest streamer in the world, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:15:55 He has, he makes $500,000 a month. A month? Yeah, just to put it in. Yeah, a month, a month. Like, what am I doing? A month. Yeah, just to put it in. Yeah, a month. A month. Like, what am I doing? Like gaming is way, it's, I was going to say, huge year if that's a word, but it's, yeah, it is.
Starting point is 00:16:12 That's, it's hugeer than comedy first year. What are you checking that? Gaming is like, because these people, the gaming world is crazy. They're just continuously watching, every single day, people are watching from work. They just have it on their phone, and they're just in there on for hours. They're just, yeah, that's the guy Ninja. He's a phenomenon, man.
Starting point is 00:16:31 He's just, and there's a lot of people like that. Nick Merk's, this guy, Swag, there's like hundreds of these guys that have a large subscriber base. You know, if they have like, I'm back up for a second. I do understand I was gaming on a fucking dowel back in the day soldier of fortune. Okay. And then I went, and then I, well, do it. I'm talking before they had Xbox. I was game. Okay. I invented the
Starting point is 00:16:58 clan, the gaze, GAAA YX. Okay. The we're huge. I was ranked 23 in the world on Call of Duty. Well, I don't know what you're doing. I don't know why you're not getting back into it. What are I honestly don't understand what like it's so simple. Like you're getting my wife. You're your producer guy. Right. Yeah. He'll he'll he'll get you involved And then you have one of these I want a flippy thing What else do you got? That's it. I just got like you know when this gets to be too much. I'm just gonna put this on the screen. This is a nightmare
Starting point is 00:17:41 You know, cuz I'm doing it right from my streaming program, but I'm just saying so just to get back to it, it was just like, I, you know, because I don't know how you felt, but when stand-up just completely stopped, I was like, I was depressed because I was like, what am I now? You know? Like I'm doing this seven nights a week. You know, like what a, you know, even if just half the time for pleasure, not even for money, you know, just Yeah, and then like what am I going to do in my life? How am I going to get my thoughts out? How am I going to, you know, get you know
Starting point is 00:18:12 I don't know and then so I had to like really feel like oh, I guess I'm more than this. I'm a personality I'm error-griffing and then how can I parlay that into other things? You know besides and then and then the podcast too. I was sick of doing it because I was like why am I doing this podcast because this is supposed to help me sell tickets and and there's no tickets to be sold. So what am I doing this for it? So I had all these thoughts you know so I'm back on track now you, but regular guy when we're from But you can but you can also, you know, Instagram and Twitter at aerographic Usually we do that stuff towards the end, but I mean I
Starting point is 00:18:56 Yeah, I like my crazy but I got to work my way. My producer never promoted me this much on my own show. He really liked you. He liked you a lot. You understand that? If he doesn't like you, he would have just been pulling up your website right now. Now, so it is true that all these people leave in LA and it seems like Rogan's trying to get people
Starting point is 00:19:29 to move, trying to make that Austin thing the new spot. Is that what I'm feeling? It's not gonna last. It's easy for someone that has $300 million to live wherever they want. You know what I mean? It's easy for somebody who like, he's not a irregular human being anymore.
Starting point is 00:19:46 Like it's totally fine for him to have 10 houses and you know, and 10 different places and be like, oh, this is home and that's home. Yeah, great. You know, you and then, you know, he's got enough money to like, he can fly his guests in if he wants. Hey, come in, stay on my ranch.
Starting point is 00:20:01 You're gonna eat elk for, you know, we're gonna, you know, it's a whole experience he's having, so it's fine. Yeah. Everyone else, like it's like, okay, you can move into Austin for what? Is your family there?
Starting point is 00:20:10 Like, what do you got going on? I think these people are making a huge mistake. Unless you go to a place where you know you wanna like, like plant some roots, okay. But if you're just gonna go, you're gonna be there, and for sure, after a while, you're gonna be like, what the hell am I doing? And people are leaving. Okay, but if you're just gonna go you're gonna be there and for sure after a while you're gonna be like what's up? Hell am I doing in?
Starting point is 00:20:28 People are leaving People are leaving though not because I mean, it's a bunch of shit I mean, it's the taxes the business is dead. There's no reason to be in California Auditions are done through digital means now you can be anywhere in the world on your iPhone. You don't need to be out in L.A. to do audition. There's no more pilots. He's in really, um, and, um, you know, uh, and the homelessness is fucking outrageous.
Starting point is 00:20:59 I mean, they're just living outside now. It's probably going to get worse. But that's, but that's where for every, I mean, they're just living outside now. It's probably going to get worse than it's being done. But that's where for everywhere, everywhere that there's warm weather, the homeless problem is bad. So I just got on you. Yeah, but it's becoming acceptable to have encampments.
Starting point is 00:21:18 And people are like, why am I paying this much money to have this house or this apartment Which is the highest rent in the country is LA and have a guy Hypodermic deals in my backyard and a fucking tent behind my house or the guy shitting in my back driveway What am I doing? Why am I living here? Let me go Summer else is nothing. Well, that's an unfair depiction because it's not like that everywhere But I at the same time I do understand what you're saying. There's like, you know every freeway you drive by the underpass It's like a new neighborhood and stuff and it's just like it is a sad situation
Starting point is 00:21:59 Yeah, but I don't think we're fixing it anywhere and it's just like you know, so it it's like, yeah, you can move away and be like, I don't wanna see the problem, but, you know, there's like, you know, the home of situation is going on everywhere, especially when you're in the warm weather. Like, you know, like, New York, for instance, like that comment we just saw, I can't stand New York, that place stinks. I'm talking about it stinks.
Starting point is 00:22:24 It smells like human shit in New York that place stinks. I'm talking about it stinks. It smells like human shit in New York City. You walk and by the way, and you can smell, you go, oh, that's somebody has some Chinese food off, 80 second in, you know what I mean? Like that's how distinctly that play, it's just stinks. So like during the summer months, it's just like, I'm like, why would anyone want to live here with all these people on top of you all the time and it smells like shit
Starting point is 00:22:48 So like every place has a problem People are leaving here now too though people leaving New York and LA to go to other places that are cheaper to live Because you know, you don't have to be If those clubs aren't open. Why am I open? Why are you there? If the store is not open, what the fuck are you doing? Wait, wait, for comedy?
Starting point is 00:23:16 I don't know what those comics in New York are doing because the difference between New York and LA is these media, all those mediocre comics in New York, they actually can make a living doing comedy going to like, you know, eight spots a night in all these little places that are open and making $15, $10, $20. I mean, that's the thing about New York that's different from LA. You can't make a living as a comedian in LA. So I think a lot of people were getting by, what are they doing now? And then I'll tell you what they're doing. They're collecting unemployment and making way more money than I've ever made doing stand. And they're still doing those little sneaky
Starting point is 00:23:55 spots for no money. But this, you know, so it's actually great to be a stand up, a mediocre stand up in New York right now, because you don't have any overhead, you're probably paying five, six hundred, eight hundred bucks a month for rent, you're making six hundred bucks a week on unemployment and everything's under the table. It's going to dry up though. It might be- I'm sorry, I ended. Oh, yeah. They actually just gave more money mush. I know they gave me they actually just gave more money much To be honest. Oh man. Well, you know, I'm saying but I'm saying but even still man, you know Why would you like you're in New York and it's about to start getting cold? I'm not eating on our New York side first of all just eating on sidewalks in the first place is like go fuck yourself
Starting point is 00:24:41 You know what I mean like? You know like I'm in the LA, so I'm driving down Beverly Hills, man. I'm driving in Beverly Hills, you know, off Santa Monica, you know, you drive by Beverly Hills. And then I'm looking at these fancy, like crustaceans, this is a super fancy restaurant. And they got people sitting on the sidewalk,
Starting point is 00:24:57 you know, they got plants out there to try to make it look good. And I'm like, are you kidding me? You know, it's like, so like, but this is LA, the weather's nice. Like what is gonna happen? Because one thing I know about New York, it seems to me like 80% of the businesses are restaurants.
Starting point is 00:25:13 You know, when you're walking out of street, it's like pizza place, Thai place, Chinese place, Indian place, Jamaican food, you know, all these different restaurants. What's gonna happen in these cold months? So I don't know, you know, I don't know, dude. I don't fucking know what's gonna happen. It's a good point.
Starting point is 00:25:29 I think that, you know, it was fun for the summer having these little outdoor places and it was kind of very much like Montreal or, you know, Canada, the way they just did that, but you're right. I mean, they're gonna enclose them and- What are you gonna have at lamps? I don't know. This, listen, we should be safe,
Starting point is 00:25:51 everybody wear a mask and all that, you know? But at a certain point, at a certain point, we're getting to like, where these two worlds are starting to collide, like where people need to make living and we need the economy to thrive. And then this thing about people getting sick and getting sick These things are kind of collide and one of them's gonna win and the other one what what's gonna happen man I just don't know what is going on do. I was talking about this on my podcast I'm looking at these numbers like these graphs, you know, you got went to John Hopkins website
Starting point is 00:26:21 Because they have a good COVID tracker because you can't I don't know who you could trust with this information anyway. Yeah, but you look at you look at the graphs, right? So here's a graph like of California. So when they first started, we had this huge spike and then it went down and then now it's still sort of rising because it's higher than when it was when it started, right? But you look at these graphs. So I looked at California's graph and then I looked at Florida's graph, for instance. They look exactly the same, but Florida has been open this whole time. Right. So when I show there in two weeks, but when I see a state that has been open most of the time, versus a state that's been mostly closed, And if they have the same looking graph, what are we doing? I know.
Starting point is 00:27:07 But if you say that, people are gonna assume you're voting for Trump. No, I'm voting for, that doesn't even matter. But I don't care about that. I'm talking about like, my business is shut down. There are restaurants here in California that have been open for a hundred years that are going out of business forever.
Starting point is 00:27:24 Absolutely. There's like, you know, this is going to have a long lasting effect. And I'm saying it's like, you know, the way we're reacting, it's as if the death rate is at 50% or 20%. I had a fight with a friend of mine, Saturday. He's like, yeah, dude, the numbers are going up. I'm like, yeah, dude, the numbers are going up. I'm like, yeah, but how many people are dying? That's all that matters to me. Because if the numbers go up, that means more people got tested, they had it.
Starting point is 00:27:53 But if 10 people die from that, who, I mean, yeah, that happens, but it's not, it doesn't mean we're fucked. Everybody's dying. When everybody's dying. Right, right. That's what I'm saying to you like I look you look at the death toll and you go like we don't want anyone to die by the way But like how is death toll compared to the regular the regular death toll of the people that die from the flu every single year? Right, you know, you know why though Eric is it's it's politicized right now. Oh, dude. I saw this great I saw this great pod hate to cut you out because you gonna like this. I saw this post on Instagram and it said. There isn't he said there isn't a COVID problem with the homeless because they don't have
Starting point is 00:28:33 televisions. That's funny. It's true. It's politicized man. This though thing is to scare the shit out of people one way or the other. You know what I mean? And you're right. You go to Florida. They've been open. I was there. Whether 100% open. I mean, and the thing too is that you would think that, okay, so I understand when we first started, we had to shut down because they weren't sure how this was going to spread and how it was going to affect the hospital system, which is important. So they said, okay, we got shut this down in case because we can't, if a million people get sick at once, what are we going to do? They didn't know how to deal with it.
Starting point is 00:29:12 They thought they needed ventilators. They thought all these things. They didn't know. Actually, here we are now. The hospitals are not overrun. Okay. Like, and if they were, trust me, to liberal media would be outside, you know, CNN would be outside every hospital going, people can't even get in because of all the COVID cases.
Starting point is 00:29:33 That is not the case. So what are we doing? That's what I'm saying. That's my point of the thing. What are we doing? I don't know. Why can't I be safe? By the way, I'm not saying not being safe.
Starting point is 00:29:45 I'm not asking. You know, it's all wear masks. We should all have social distancing. But why is our economy shut down like this? Why can you have this business and that business open and not a comedy club? And why can't we do it safe? Bro, they're opening theme parks.
Starting point is 00:30:04 Get the fuck out of here, man. No podemos ser seguros. Bro, están en las piezas de las piezas. ¿Qué se hace aquí, chico? nine euros. Volotea. Tarifa, sujetas a disponibilidad consulta las condiciones en So that tells me that like so don't you know, you know, let me take something else, men, I really didn't wear a brand about this. Don't talk to me about health and safety and McDonald's. It's still open. Okay.
Starting point is 00:30:38 Yeah. Fuck you. All right. Yeah. All these people out here, especially the liberal side, they're always like, we the mass and we have you should wear a mass and you need to be safe and we need to look. Okay, so but you don't care about, you don't care about that McDonald's has been killing
Starting point is 00:30:54 people for a hundred years. You don't care that like so we're gonna talk about health and safety, then let's talk about health and safety. Let's look at heart disease and all these kinds of things that we can prevent. We ain't shutting the fucking economy down for that. No. How many people die from obesity, from fucking trans fat, from all the fucking fast food shit, Coca-Cola? How many people lose feet? And you're going to open up a fucking theme park, and with things that were created to make people throw up and
Starting point is 00:31:28 That's gonna be fine. Don't you got your ice cream nobody would care You know what you know what the problem is and it's in a so politicized right and it's like especially the liberal side the conservative side you know Oops, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. What's that? What's that? What's that? Sorry, the liberal side is like obesity is liberals global warming, okay? Because 99% of scientists say obesity is a killer, but these fucks want to be like, no, feel good about you. You know, you, you know, you, you know, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, no, no, no, if they're, yeah. So what I'm saying is like, if we're gonna talk about health and safety,
Starting point is 00:32:06 then let's talk about health and safety. And it's just to me, it feels like we're not really talking about health and safety. We're just, this is some kind of weird thing, man. This pandemic was perfect for the left, the fire left it's because it's like, now we get to fucking use this to say these guys suck we're gonna save you now it's life or death it's life or death when in reality there's
Starting point is 00:32:32 fucking things like food corn syrup cornstarch Doritos all those bullshit that they stick down our kids malls at a young age cereals are you mind fucking Stereo. I know a bowl of candy. A bowl of candy. They're addicted to it. When I was a kid, you had one You got candy once or twice a year. You got candy at Halloween and you got a ribbon candy at fucking at your aunt's house At the same time though, it started in our generation though. They used to have commercials for sugar, C-N-H, pew pew. Sugar. Sugar. It was actually sugar, not fucking corn syrup,
Starting point is 00:33:13 corn start, corn glucose, which is poison. They don't allow it in Europe. I'm just saying, if you want to talk about health, if you want to talk about health, if you want to talk about then let's have a conversation about health beyond like we should be telling people where masks instead of putting hamburgers in your mouth. Okay. Like where masks instead of drinking sugar.
Starting point is 00:33:38 Like if you want to talk about what's good for our health then let's really talk about what's good for our health. But because I'm just yeah, yeah, yeah, because I'm really getting tired of all this, um, you know, it's very important. It's very important to me and my wife, uh, you know, meals, like my wife cooks meals breakfast, lunch, and we sit down as a family to have dinner. If I'm home, we're sitting at the table with no nothing, and we're gonna eat dinner together,
Starting point is 00:34:07 and it's a home cooked meal, and hopefully, good, healthy food. Once in a while, we'll fuck off. You know what I mean? But I hang out with other people's kids, and it's literally garbage. They fucking give them garbage all day long. And then other families instead of just their kids, Bobby. What's that?
Starting point is 00:34:28 You should say you hang out with other families instead of just their kids. Yeah, that sounded a little weird. Well, he made it weird. You gamers make it weird because you fucking make it weird. Here we go. Here we go. Listen to you listen. If you pulled up to a school in a van looking the way you look, let me tell you something. I know you're bonding over some horse shit and I don't like it.
Starting point is 00:34:56 All right. I don't like it. You look like fucking moushies uncle. Hey, that's what it is, man. We worked together in San Antonio. We do like we're related. San Antonio. This is my thing, right? I can shoot my lower thirbs up. Yeah, stick it. Wow, you look really old when you do that. Yeah, stick it. You know what? You know what? we're finding out about these comedy clubs, man? They're just buildings.
Starting point is 00:35:29 That's what they're doing. That's great. You know what? I fucking, God, the American, you're really, you're making me sick today because you're on point. You really are just a smart young man. Well, old, but listen, you're absolutely right. That was, uh, I couldn't put my finger on it, but you just laid it out righteous I did a comedy show and a baseball stadium Saturday night just as fun Just as funny you need a mic. That's the one thing about comics that they forget is we only need a crowd and a microphone is we only need a crowd and a microphone. And we've been making it out like they're the important thing
Starting point is 00:36:07 and they're controlling everything. And it's like, nah man, when we come out of this, they're gonna need us more than we need them. And we don't need to do six shows, by the way. Yeah, like what are you doing, man? We only need to really do one and sell all those tickets to one show and then go to another town and you'll make way more money.
Starting point is 00:36:29 Well, they need to, well, I mean, I get why they do that. I mean, they got to keep it. They're, you know, they got to keep their business up. They got to pay this stupid rents that they have and like they make, they, you know, economy clubs, they make bad deals. They make really bad deals. They go into a mall where they have to pay $30,000 a month to be in this mall.
Starting point is 00:36:48 And then they try to take it out on the comics. And it's only the huge comics that really, that it doesn't matter for them. Because it's like, I always say this, headliners change the ticket price. You know, I got to close the show and you're going to get a great show, but you're not truly a star headliner until the ticket price has changed. Because that's where they make their money.
Starting point is 00:37:17 You know, if a comedy club is, if it's usually $20 a ticket, and then someone's so coming in a town, they'd change it to 50. Now that comedy club is still making that $20 that they were making and not giving it to the comic the way they used to. Now they just, they still got that and that extra 30s, how they're gonna pay this star comic. The Xeroman and amount of money that they're gonna make.
Starting point is 00:37:38 So, you know, now we're going with because of podcasting and because of doing direct to consumer entertainment, you know, we're saying to our audience, hey, come to this little theater. And the comedy was booming before this happened, man, it was booming. Comics were doing theaters and they were all over the place. And I never thought something was shut it down. Here it is. Shut it down, but as fast as it's shut it, then we didn't even get any breaks.
Starting point is 00:38:01 Yeah, man. We didn't even get to slow down for the light. We just, and I've, I even get to slow down for the light. We just, And I've come to like really enjoy this, the time I've had off. I've come to enjoy it. I've gotten so close to my lady and like I say, now we're engaged
Starting point is 00:38:15 and I've started to like prioritize what's important in my life and I guess I needed this little break. I wish we had a world shutdown day, shut down week every year. I mean, if you're a conspiratorist, and you believe in the illuminati and Bill Gates and all those type people are in a room, they say, okay, so how can we get rid of people who have not been taking care of themselves?
Starting point is 00:38:43 Let's make sure kids don't get affected. Let's get rid of fat and people with these preconditions that are like- Old people. Old people. Old people. Pensions, Social Security. Yeah, let's get rid of all this.
Starting point is 00:38:59 Yeah, all the people sucking up resources, let's wipe them out. And also check this, we can improve the environment at the same time. Yeah, at all. How can we do that? How can we do that? Somebody said, I got an idea, there's this virus
Starting point is 00:39:14 I can we can release. And then we can make control it with fear. And, you know, I mean, if you're, I'm saying it sounds like a great movie, you know what I mean? It sounds like a great movie. I was just talking about that with somebody, actually a big name comic who caught me a moron for actually coming up with that.
Starting point is 00:39:31 I'm like, listen, I'm not saying it's true, but I'm just saying that it would be, look at all the benefits that have happened to rivers and lakes and oceans. The ozone closed up. Right? So I'm just saying we should have a week, like there should be a week all over the world where it, we just shut down. You can't go outside.
Starting point is 00:39:55 You have to stay inside for a week every single year. It would do wonders for people. It does wonders for the world. It does wonders for people like us. But it also, there are a lot of sick people out there that having to stand with their wives and kids, child abuse and domestic violence went up a lot since this has happened.
Starting point is 00:40:17 Yeah. Oh, of course, of course. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, that's why I said a week. Then it's like you gotta send these people home and go to school and go to work. I mean, the divorce rate is, the divorce rate is skyrocketing,
Starting point is 00:40:30 the divorce rate is skyrocketing. If you slap your wife in a week, you just didn't like your wife. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But a lot of people are, they're, they're, they're, they're divorcing, you know, they're, you know, like, I know in like, they talk, they said that, I saw that stat in China, like the divorce rate is up four times the amount, they're, you know, like, I know in like, they talk, they said that I saw that stat in China like the divorce rate is up
Starting point is 00:40:46 Four times the amount because after during the quarantine and I get that you're either in one or two states of your Relationship you're either like wow, this is the person. I really truly know I love this person because of how we are Interactoring doing this quarantine or you're like I'm gonna kill this motherfucker, you know Well, I can't be around this person, or you're like, I'm gonna kill this motherfucker, you know? I can't be around this person. But no, what happened I think though, and look, it happens with me too, is that you have, we've always been able to leave Thursday
Starting point is 00:41:14 and come back Sunday, or you know, I'll come back Monday, and you build up this guilt and you actually miss them. So when you come back, it's like, let me devour them, let me get them. And by the time you have to leave again, you're ready to go. It's like, I go on vacation for 10 days. I tell my wife 10 days.
Starting point is 00:41:32 Because if we go for eight, it's fine. But I wanna stay more. If I stay 10, I wanna go home. I'm ready to go. I wanna stay on vacation until I'm ready. I wanna go back to my life. You know what I mean? And-
Starting point is 00:41:47 But just working on vacation, that's the thing too though. There's no way to treat- Yeah, but being at home like a vacation. So- But being around people that you're used to a certain thing, like I'm going away, you're going to school. Like all right, my kids stays home from school two days a week, okay?
Starting point is 00:42:04 He would go to school Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. We had from eight o'clock until three o'clock to do our shit, to go back and take a nap, clean the house, go in the backyard, smoke a cigarette, a talk to each other. Now, we don't, that time was eliminated. Yeah, yeah. And when we, now he goes two days a week, Thursday and Friday, it's like, oh, thank you, God. We need that. I love my kid.
Starting point is 00:42:36 I love him, but you need that time. You don't have to justify wanting to be away from your kid. We get it. Oh, yeah. Everybody knows. I love you. I love you. wanting to be away from your kid. We get it. I love, I love me around. I love, I look at, I feel the same way as you. I've gotten closer to my family. I've actually enjoyed the one benefit of this whole thing is that I've realized that I love my life.
Starting point is 00:43:00 I always searching for, I was told I was supposed to be over there. I got to get to that. Well, hey, you know, what what are you going to get there? And I'm like, I'm already there. Yeah, I'm. Yeah. You're happy with what you have because our life our life became trying to maintain and search for more as opposed to we didn't take enough time to just enjoy these moments that we have. And that's where I'm at, too. It's like, I really love my fiance. And I'm looking forward to what the future's gonna bring.
Starting point is 00:43:34 And I didn't think I was gonna be like that. And I needed to be forced to just enjoy this. Right. Yeah. I actually, the one great thing is that I came out of this content. I was like, well, I'm fucking. I'm content. Yeah. I'm content. And I don't desire. And I look at when this happened, I say it all the time, I don't want to repeat myself, but it was probably going to be the best year of my comedy ever stand-up comedy like I
Starting point is 00:44:07 Literally, I didn't have to worry about it and in one day was all taken away and That hit me hard and I didn't react right. I was a little I was really fucked up But then all of a sudden a month in I realized I'm fine. I'm all right. I'm good I'm thin, I realized I'm fine. I'm all right, I'm good. I thought the same way to do. What's the worst that's gonna happen? I'm gonna get a move somewhere, get a smaller house, have to, whatever, go to an apartment again.
Starting point is 00:44:34 I still got my wife and kid, we're happiest shit, and I still can do stand up comedy when this shit comes back. Yeah, I felt the same way. I've always been a frugal guy. So all the, I've done numerous TV shows and that kind of stuff. And I realized I've always been someone that saved money. I always thought about, I don't know what the future is going to bring.
Starting point is 00:44:54 So then this kind of thing happens. I turn around and I go, oh, I got plenty of money in the bank. I don't necessarily, I'm not rich or anything, but I always make sure to take care of. So now, these little jobs that I do and the little things that I've come up and then I, you know, I can pivot into something else, I can take chances and take risks. And I was like, oh, you know what? I am, I'm going to be okay. I've made myself, I've set myself up to succeed. So, you know, and then you enjoy life. Enjoy life. I only I had very little money in the bank. I'm dying right now in a vine. I have nothing and So I'm glad about proud of glad for you, but I am happy Please what are you talking about with those glasses?
Starting point is 00:45:40 Those go to the Dan Zenni optical special. I know you got the good stuff I I know I didn't I didn't have a ton of cash when this I would have this year would have been the year where I would have been like sockets and shit away. But when you got a kid it's different. So I was like single guy for all through me doing what I'm doing. So you know it was just the my expense was like I got clipper tickets and the rest of the money went into bank. You know what I mean? So it's like so I get it when you have a kid you go to school you go you know, it was just, the my expense was like, I got clipper tickets and the rest of the money went into bank. You know what I mean? So it's like, so I get it. When you have a kid, they go into school, you know, you know, I don't
Starting point is 00:46:09 know if your wife works. I don't know if she's one of those that I'm not going to work. You know, I want to be a stay-in-home mom. Whatever your, my wife is and that's the voice she used. Yeah. That, but I get that, you know what I'm saying? I actually loved it by wife did that. When my wife, when we had the kid, I go, what are you going to do?
Starting point is 00:46:24 She goes, I go, whatever you want, I'm behind. She goes, I'm staying home. I'm gonna be a stay I'm gonna be a stay at home I was like fine great and it made me step my game up made me go from here to here I was like I need to be here now if we're gonna live this life I need to go here and I stepped everything up. I believe that I believe when you put yourself in a position everything up. I believe that. I believe when you put yourself in a position where you have to, you will. At least for me, you know, at least for me. You know, at the SEC just said that the only Bobby saved up bush crafting skills. You know what? Fat J.C. Go fuck yourself. If I do have to get rid of my house and live in the woods. I'll know how to make a fucking. You know, that picture of that guy is exactly what I thought he would look like.
Starting point is 00:47:08 Oh. Oh. It's so close. You call yourself fat JC. That is the picture of a fat JC. He really is a fucking ass. He's my nemesis here. His dimple was so big, you could eat cereal out of that thing.
Starting point is 00:47:24 You know what I mean, that's great. I'm glad you're staying in LA. I'm glad that you have that you're you fucking you have that perspective because I was born and raised here, man, this is my home. I'm not leaving my home. You know, yes, the taxes are too high and all that kind of stuff. But like where I live, I like I can't even move right now because like I live in like a townhouse. I pay I'm renting and so if I move now my rent would like go up whatever.
Starting point is 00:47:52 So I'm like, I'm good at this level, you know, because people is like, I have to buy a house, buy a house, but what people don't realize, let's say your house mortgage is 3000. All right. So you got the taxes and you have to pay for your water your lights your the trash You have to pay for all these things you that's you're doubling whatever your mortgage is It's like you're you're almost doubling it to live in that place. Well then just go live in a nice, you know Living go live in a nice building where they take care of all that shit for you It's all perspective. Yeah, I mean dude owning a house is the smartest ever did. Greg Fitzsimmons told me that years ago
Starting point is 00:48:25 He goes the first money I got I bought a I bought an apartment in New York City So I could own it and the first money I got tourgasm money Not from tourgasm from the tour after Because I didn't get paid anything for tourism I know HBO make a date on the phone. In fear of nine weeks, right after sopranos during the fucking primal sopranos, not I didn't get paid a fucking even sag minimum. Anyways, paid for my own operation through my own insurance.
Starting point is 00:48:53 Listen, I, uh, I think you hurt yourself the durian ad filming. Never did it never insurance. So I had to pay for it myself. Anyways, I, uh, you, you haven't been the same since, but go on. Yeah, no, every time it rains, my fucking knee hurts and my nose. But, uh, yeah, yeah, but we're good.
Starting point is 00:49:13 Anyways, I bought my apartment in New York on 47th Street. Best thing I ever did because and then when I sold it to buy this house, when I had the kid, there's something about owning your house I agree with you though I I bought in an area where the taxes were lower than you know in Westchester and I bought a house Underneath my means instead I was looking at the house with the swimming pool and the theater room and all the shit And I was like, we'll get that house. And then I did the numbers. I always do the numbers. I was like, okay, what if my career dies? I'm fucked. I mean, I buy the house where my career, like three years before
Starting point is 00:49:58 house. And that's what I did with this one. And I'm just never- It's never right. It's was like traveling so much and everything like that. I just never, it's just like, you know, I'd rather have, I'd rather have my money being invested in the market and that kind of stuff than to be, you know, when people say on real estate, it's when you, it's like, it's a second property that you make for profit. Not the one that you're living in,
Starting point is 00:50:24 cause I can California, you say you buy a house, right? And you're like, Oh, buy house by house. 10 years later, it's worth this. Okay, but where are you going to live when you sell it? Because wherever you the money you make, you have to put it into the new house, which is also three or four times more than you know, you know, are you really making? Then when you had to fix the roof and then... I'll tell you, you know what's, you know what's a fucking profitable thing right now? And I've been looking into it for a long time
Starting point is 00:50:51 is people are buying land in LA, land, which is cheaper and putting these little tiny homes on them and then air being being the air being being them. As air being... Yeah, but the rules are changing and certain certain neighborhoods and areas you're you're not allowed to to do that anymore what air being be yeah there's certain there they're they're they're returning to crack down on certain areas that that could be done and
Starting point is 00:51:20 and how it can be done it's like I guess if you own like if I own like an up like a duplex or something, I wouldn't wanna have anyone live in it. Just the whole thing be a Airbnb. I mean, that's the thing to do. But it likes the sun neighborhoods, the sun neighborhoods are cracking down because they don't like the constant traffic
Starting point is 00:51:36 of different people coming in and out. Yeah, well, fuck them. And here's the thing, I just watched this video on this guy who has a couple places in California one in LA and one outside of LA and People are people want that more than a hotel now. They want to go in They want and even with the COVID they don't give a fuck. They want to be in a little tiny home With nobody above them next to him on the side of them. It's better. You go in a hotel
Starting point is 00:52:03 with nobody above them next to him on the side of them. It's better. You go in a hotel, you have to trust that the maid cleaned off the remote and that they took that pillowcase off. Yeah. You know, but I'm looking into, I'm looking into getting some land and getting some Airbnb's, getting some tiny homes. Rent that fucker out.
Starting point is 00:52:23 I know, I get it. I mean, I I just like I wish for my parents, they have a place. That's like a, you know, they bought they bought this like townhouse condo, you know, within there's like four of them, they have one and where it's located. I wish when they moved, because they moved to Spain for a few years, now they're in a retirement place, but they still own that. I look back on it and I was like, I should have said, let me take this over and just run an Airbnb out of that. You know, and I'll send you, what do you guys want per month,
Starting point is 00:52:51 like whatever you're gonna rent? I'll send you that and I'll keep the rest, you know what I mean? Cause it would have been like so profitable. Like where are it, you know, people getting, you know, 250 a night for a place that, you know, you could bring the whole family and be in a place. I mean, it's like, especially at the height of it. So it's crazy.
Starting point is 00:53:08 Yeah, it's crazy right now. It's fucking nuts. But that's good. The extent of I'm glad you're standing out like I hope the business comes back and I hope you're the only one the only comic left. Yeah. And you rule the comedy store. Now the comedy store was on fire.
Starting point is 00:53:24 The the laugh factory, right? And the comedy store was that the comedy store was at a place that was like with the comedy cell. Legendary status. I mean, it's just the the comedy store was at a level that I can't even explain. And I'm gonna look back on that time and be like, oh, I'm so glad I was a part of that. I was in the heart of the lineup every night, you know, but it'll never be the same, not in my lifetime.
Starting point is 00:53:48 Not when I'm still doing comedy, when I'm still relevant, Comestor will not be back to that. None of these places will, you know, not till New York's different because it's so compact and everybody's right there and all these people live there. I don't know, dude.
Starting point is 00:54:01 I mean, like, because I was taking the other day, I'm so grateful that I was in that era of the comedy seller where it was, I mean, Jesus, they had three clubs in a block and a half radius. They had nine shows a night. I mean, there was so much creativity going on in the last 10, 15 years at the comedy seller in New York.
Starting point is 00:54:24 And I was a part of it. I was in the midst of it. I was always there. And now that that's over, it kind of breaks my heart. I know. That's what I feel about the Comedy Store too. They got this documentary on Showtime right now. And I don't want to watch it because it feels like a funeral to me,
Starting point is 00:54:41 you know? Right. It feels like a wake that you're talking about. You know, so then now with everybody moving It feels like a funeral to me, you know? Right. It feels like a wake that you're talking about, you know? So then now with everybody moving and then all the like, you know, all the stuff and then, you know, in news and it's just, you know, it's like, I don't know what I don't know what and then when the comedy store finally comes back, it's just gonna be a lot of like casted line-ups It's not gonna be about who's funny. They're gonna be like, let's make sure we have six female comics and two Mexicans, one black and a thing. So we can like, you know, it's like, it's gonna be, it's gonna go, it's gonna, it's gonna, yeah, and a thing, or whatever, like the Hosh Posh races, let's make sure we're, let's make sure that we're, you know, we don't care about funny,
Starting point is 00:55:16 we want to make sure that everybody feels good, you know, it's gonna be, it's gonna be, for sure, man. You think that sounds, go back to the conspiracy theory. It makes it sound like a slate cleaning. Like just fucking clean the fucking table off and start over in every aspect. I mean, I feel like that's exactly what happened though. It's like a hard reset, you know? It's like that scene, you know what it is?
Starting point is 00:55:42 It's like Jurassic Park, you know what I mean? We had to turn it off and on and they somebody left the velociraptor cage is open and we have to reset the whole park again. But it's like, whoa, you can't just reset, you know, the T-Rex is going to get out and the, you know, so that's what's kind of happening right now. People are like, you know, it's, it's, you know, I, I'm probably on the, probably on the glass half empty spectrum of this right now. And I'll probably rotate forward when things eventually start to start up again. But I don't think it's going to be a good restart. I think it's going to be a lot of like, who are we?
Starting point is 00:56:20 What are we? Let's look back and be like, do we want to do it the same way we did it before? And it's like, you know, here we are. you know, it's like, well, you're right. They're doing that movies. They're doing, they already said the movies from now on, you cannot make a movie that will be eligible for an Oscar or an award unless we say, we deem that it's racially equal. Don't even get me started right now. I mean, at least it's actually more intense than that. You know, so like, so there's room for wiggle room
Starting point is 00:56:51 because when I first read that I was like, Eric, I'm sorry. Do you have a don't get you started button on your? I should. He's been holding that one in for like a week, you know, for the last 30 minutes, you know what I mean? Will you just sit back and be the producer, motherfucker? Hahaha.
Starting point is 00:57:06 Hahaha. Watch out. You know what? You know what? That was like a bad, that was like a bad heckle in a comedy club, you know? Hahaha. No, but the, um, you know, you lost my train of thought. What were we talking about?
Starting point is 00:57:22 No, no, no, it's not our not our fault if you fucking lose your train. Oh, look at you, Kudal, ganging up on me now, Mr. I'm not ganging up on you. Oh, okay, for now. You know what, here we go. Here we go. This is it. I got to put it on now. This is a nightmare. I didn't see it.
Starting point is 00:57:39 And he's the one who said something. You're talking about movies having to, uh, all the Oscars thing. Like, so when I first read that I was so outraged by this because this is like what the one who said something. You're talking about movies having to, oh, the Oscars thing. So when I first read that, I was so outraged by this because this is like what the people try to do. They try to make themselves feel better by coming up with something.
Starting point is 00:57:52 Like you can't legislate how people feel about other people. You can't legislate, like you can't be racist. I can't be, there's a law that you can't be racist. You can't legislate how people feel and what they're you know You know so like so now with this law can a movie like 1917 be made? This is you know, it's like no, we can't make this movie because it's all white people
Starting point is 00:58:14 Yes, because at the time they made this movie it was all white people, okay? So what are you supposed to do but now but I realize you look at it further They're talking not they're not just talking about on screen. They're talking about off screen. And I can get I can be on board with that. But what do you mean? Are you mean just in general? Yeah, they're not just talking about like, they're not just talking about you. You have to have no, no, they're saying that you back to make sure that it's not just on screen.
Starting point is 00:58:39 It's the four categories. And one of the categories is you have to make sure that, hey, the key grip, that person can be black or latino or you get out of it if you want an all white movie is just to make the crew black yeah all right that that that is exactly it but the whole thing is going to be late every day but here's oh here we go I'm kidding I'm kidding here we go. I'm kidding. I'm kidding.
Starting point is 00:59:06 Catered by a polio loco too. You wanna keep going with it? Cause like for me, you watch a movie. Like any, see, I get tired of the white guilt movies that have to come out every single year. They have to have the white guilt movie, you know, it's like, so whatever slave movie comes out, that's to remind you, mother fuckers, what you did, you know, and it's um, you know,
Starting point is 00:59:33 but now you go, all right, so, but if any, here's a problem, any period piece, say any movie that's based before say 1975, if it doesn't have racism involved in it, it's not real. So then you get to the point where you just want, let's just make science fiction movies. These are the only stories that we know how to tell. It's like, how are you going to have a mood like this? So then another way to get out of things too is you go hey if you're a white producer and you just want to make white movies You go all right. Well, let's make a you know Civil War movie or or let's make a you know, this is a on a farm in like London and
Starting point is 01:00:14 You know 1857 You know Yeah, we don't have to move we don't have to worry about you know other other things because we can do this I mean, there's just so many different so that, I get the sentiment of what they're trying to do. I get the sentiment of inclusion and less involved everyone. And it is important. I'm not taking that away.
Starting point is 01:00:32 I mean, this is an I'm a person of color. So when I hear, say, for instance, white female comics, when they're starting to raise up a talk, should I go, yeah, yeah, yeah, go, you need to slow it down. You can't don't take don't lump me in. I can't stand the lumping in of all com. I mail that this term mail comedians and You weren't helping me You weren't helping you you were propping up the white comic that you know the whole time So you weren't on my side. You weren't trying to,
Starting point is 01:01:05 I had to bust my ass to get here. So don't lump me in with male comedians. Like I, I get when they take a stand that wipe over everybody. It's like we, you told us we can't do that years ago. And now that's all it is male comedians. And it's so fucked up because there's a lot, I mean, that gap that used to exist doesn't really exist anymore. Every show I'm on, there's a lot of female comics on it. Every show on TV has female comics on it. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:01:39 You look at anything Comedy Central does. I guarantee it's half females. Well, they're casting though. That's what I do. But see, even at a club, there'll be an Asian, there'll be like, they wanna make sure they are inclusive. When you go to the Comedy Cell,
Starting point is 01:01:54 there's a ton of female comedians there. You go to the stand, there's more female comedians. You know, that's why I love Nome, the owner of the Comedy Cell, he got into this shit. They were trying to cast him as a racist and a misogynist and you don't have enough women, you don't have enough women of color or people of color. And one of the girls was like, you know,
Starting point is 01:02:15 I work here and you don't. He goes, well, you work here, would you rather work here because you're funny, because you're a woman and you're black. And she said, because I'm funny, that's why you work here. I don't care about your vagina or that your skin color.
Starting point is 01:02:30 I only care that you're funny. Yes, but then that, just to be devil's advocate with that though, is like, this has not become about who's funny and who's not. And whatever, it's about people getting the opportunity to show that they're funny or not. And that's really what the issue has become. Oh no, he gives the opportunity to anybody
Starting point is 01:02:51 and she got the opportunity and she's funny. So I respect that that he only, for the most part, books people or passes people at that club because you had your five minutes and you did it. You were funny. Where other clubs don't do that, other clubs don't do that. And you said yourself, when we come back, it's gonna be a different ball game.
Starting point is 01:03:14 And look, it's gonna be different. I think it's gonna be different. I think there's gonna be a lot of unfunny stuff going on for a while in the attempt to try to make people feel good. And then we're gonna have another swingback where it's like talent will rise to the top. And that will be whoever it is, you know, thanks for tuning in. Make sure you go check him out on his gaming channel. What is that button again? Error, nothing game it.
Starting point is 01:03:42 And that's on and that's actually on Twitch and YouTube. I also like I'll be streaming in a little while on YouTube air-gryff and gaming and I'm in a you see you can check that out because you know I premiere my my podcast today and then like I go on I then I game on my other channel So it's riffing with Griffin, which is air-gryff and comedy on YouTube and then you know Just a fucking Larry guy. And one of my favorite, I mean, seriously, man, I'm the LA guys that have always met. You've always been nice to me,
Starting point is 01:04:10 but you've always been fucking funny, hilarious. Thank you very much. And you're a down to earth guy. And I just really, I love talking. Here's my shitty podcast with no calendar dates. I think I'm not really getting any comedy. Go to the sketch. Is that his dates right there?
Starting point is 01:04:29 The schedule? Yeah, there's no dates, because I have no dates. I'm not doing any comedy on the road because I just, I'm in LA. It's hard. You know, it's not worth, when you're on the East Coast or in your middle America, say you're in Chicago or something, it's a lot easier to be like,
Starting point is 01:04:41 or let me hop on this flight to Florida for $125 and get less money from a place. For me, it's like I ain't flying across the country for half the money that I was getting before when I could just stay at home and gain, you know? Yeah, but you know what? I do do that for some clubs that I love because they need us to help them right now.
Starting point is 01:05:02 You know what I mean? I mean, there's a couple clubs that are like, you, I don't want to see certain clubs die. So I've actually gone in at what I would go in for a couple days, I'll go in on the Thursday and let them make that money if they can. So they can stay afloat. But I've turned down a lot of clubs too that I'm like, no, fuck you, I'm not, it's not worth it. Yeah. Well, for me, it's like, I'm not, I don't know what relationships I have with certain clubs anyway, because like they weren't trying to help me when I needed work, you know what I
Starting point is 01:05:33 mean? I love you. I love you. You have the vendettas of an Italian. Yeah, dude. I'm just saying like they were, I'm just talking about, it's like, come on. Like they were like, help us out. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:44 Oh, you want me to help you out, but you were like not counting the room properly. You didn't know you want me to help you out. You want me out, but you know, you're not paying this feature enough money and now all of a sudden, hey, help us. It's like, no, it's like these club owners, they pull up in their Mercedes-Benz, they're, we're not making any money, man.
Starting point is 01:06:01 Oh, no, money is happening this week. Then they're talking to them and they get so comfortable and they're like yeah I'm fixing the roof on my house and we're going on vacation. You ain't making no money remember you not making money So all of a sudden now you're making all this money Yeah, I was at size players years ago when I first started going there and Tampa don't even get started about that guy rest his soul, you know, he's really still alive. What thought he died? Oh, you know, you know, I'm thinking of, I'm thinking of the Kansas city guy because they're
Starting point is 01:06:31 the same guy. Yeah. And I exactly, but Bobby, I grew up walking up and he said, yeah, we're not selling tickets, money's tight. And then I just went, is that the new convertible Mercedes? He's like, yeah, I want to take a ride. I was like, he is a nut bag. Okay.
Starting point is 01:06:48 That dude would put like, he wants you to stay in his little shit condo, you know? Yeah, I don't do that. Yeah, I was like, I refuse. And then it was his whole thing. Billy Gardell had to call him and be like, put Eric in the hotel. Yeah, yeah. Dude, and then the hotel was shit and the hotel was shit. You know, well, hang on stop because my moush is going there with me next week and he's staying in the
Starting point is 01:07:10 condo. Push it's not bad. I'm just, I'm bringing you, I'm bringing you, bring some Chlorox wipes. It's all I'm saying. My buddy, that's toxic people. Good. All right, guys, it's good to see you guys. And maybe me and you will battle it out in a couple of my, uh, fuck I will. Yeah. All right, buddy. I also have this for people too. Be right back.
Starting point is 01:07:34 Thanks for watching. That's when I got to go to the bathroom. When I have to take my pepsidacy, I go. All right, man, you guys are great. Talk to you guys soon, all right? when I have to take my pep to the AC I go. All right, man. You guys are great. Talk to you guys soon. All right. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:07:49 Thank you. No problem. That was fun, man. He's great. That was awesome. We still have the names to read. Let's read the names, baby. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:08:02 Now, first of all, I want to thank everybody on Patreon. I want to thank everybody on Patreon. I want to thank all the ladybugs that are watching YQWD. Now that's disgusting. I want to thank everybody that came out to the show Chris and J.C. What a show sat it in night. It was good to be back on stage and it was great to watch a master Ron Bennington just go up
Starting point is 01:08:31 and do his thing. And of course, Rich Voss and Jim Foyntine stopped by and we hung out at the end and we trashed each other and had a fucking great time. So it was great. Everybody that came out to Lakewood Blue Cloth Stadium. Thanks so much. And make sure you go to
Starting point is 01:08:49 We are gonna be there Wednesday night doing a live call through in Kelly. Motion Joe Russell will be there. And Austin will be the donut to rep me. And we'll be there on Wednesday night, unless it's important and I'm fucking up. And we're gonna have a blast. Go ahead, what are you gonna say?
Starting point is 01:09:04 No, it's what I'm actually giving the, we're gonna have a blast. Go ahead, what are you gonna say? No, it's what I make sure you're given the, because it comes out on Sunday, so yeah. So you're correct, that's why I didn't keep going. I was. All right, so make sure you buy your ticket sites, but it dot com. I have another date going up today. So check my website,,
Starting point is 01:09:25 for any dates I do have. They'll be up there. And as I cancel some of them, I apologize if they're up there, but they will. Some of them will be getting canceled. And what else, mush? Oh, I'll make sure you follow us
Starting point is 01:09:37 at like it, be a dude podcast, if you're not on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. And make sure you're liking, subscribing, doing all of that stuff, commenting, not just what you like. And there's no what you you're liking, subscribing, doing all of that stuff, commenting, notice what you like. There's no what you don't like. You've been doing a lot of that. But even more of what you like lately,
Starting point is 01:09:50 do we love that too. I thought they'd show that with what they don't like. I don't mean there's some people who are always going to say what they don't like. But you know what, as long as you're letting us know, it's fine. Can we get rid of them? No, they're not being rude.
Starting point is 01:10:03 They're just being honest. They're not Don't like the shows have been great the last four or five weeks. Some people don't like certain on air talent Oh Gabby, but they hate Gabby. All right, some people do, but just know there's been a lot of people defending her too So just know that I keep Gabby because it makes you mad So there's been a lot of people defending her too. So just know that I keep Gabby because it makes you mad. I love to go. So, but yeah, I don't also. Yes,, sash, Robert Kelly.
Starting point is 01:10:33 You guys who are a member of this, if you like the podcast, if you want, look, it, we get thousands of views every week. We get 19,000 subscribers and more. Please go to, sash become a member $5 $10 $25 dollars you pick whatever you want you get a ton of stuff culture and Kelly's up there only Friday episode and you get to come to the jerk off party where you get to hang out with us on Saturday night in a zoom meeting only podcasted to hang out with its fans, live every Saturday night. And also you get the extra 10 on YKWD and you get live YKWD, culture and Kelly, every
Starting point is 01:11:13 single day unedited, right to you. So that is it for a price of a cup of coffee. Go to, slash Robert Kelly and become a member and become part of my community and here we go And I will also read your name off. Dang it. Oh, no, I see a lot of tens Game clear $10 oh That didn't work 10 dollars. 10 dollars.
Starting point is 01:11:54 10 dollars. And then Amanda Elliott. Thank you for being a member. Bow. Uh, $5, right? And then we got Christian Call of Love, cough, cough. Christian Call of Love. Bow, bow, bow, bow, bow, mat,
Starting point is 01:12:20 clifton, heresiorits, Kellyn Park POP out out out out $10 you get fireworks. You got patty Oh patty patty one two three four five six seven eight nine ten you get Fernando head to the logo Thank you for being a member. Yes Thank you for being a member. Yes. Whoa. Ten of those. John five bucks.
Starting point is 01:12:49 Thank you very much. Turner. Skull, lup, skull, lup, skull, lup. You get that. Ten of those. Joseph Borges. Matthew Brunger. Is that Matt Brunger? The one we know? No, it's Matt Brunger. Oh, nice talking. What's up, Matt? And Jason Frank, I want to thank you guys from the bottom of
Starting point is 01:13:14 my heart for being a part of this This is what I'm doing during the pandemic. I'm in here doing shows for you guys every single day almost. And I think you like it. I think you like it. It's a fun show. It's not too heady. It's not too crazy. We talk about serious stuff, but we're really here to have a laugh.
Starting point is 01:13:34 Oh, that was fucking a good show. Eric was so fun. Eric's amazing. You did a lot of fun. I really like it. I've always liked him. And he's so honest. And I mean, Jesus Christ makes me laugh
Starting point is 01:13:46 Asking us out for that for years. What do we got over? Let's talk to the limelissa love you to Greg Sheppard soon to be on Twitch You're fucking Bobby get on twitch your cock sucker and fucking play the games I'll be on there fat JC He's Borges You motherfucker What if Patty is a boy? I don't know. What are you gonna do? Of course we have stood on awesome show guys. Thank you so much and Chris Lou Greg Chris Lou Greg Sarah all you fucks in there
Starting point is 01:14:21 Thank you. We'll see you guys tomorrow. culture and Kelly, new episode. You know what, Dad? See you next week. Shitty dodge, sheep, sheep dodge.

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