Robert Kelly's You Know What Dude! - Grey Mike

Episode Date: February 18, 2019

Getting ready for their upcoming Kesswick Theatre show with Bobby, Ron Bennington and Jim Florentine are on (along with a phone in from Rich Vos w/ an in studio stand-in) to discuss unnecessary excuse...s, how to intro a rock band, and proper puppet storage! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening to Robert Kelly's You Know What Dude on the Riotcast Network, Welcome to the funniest podcast on the planet Earth. This is gonna be a clutch defy. It's podcast, no rules. It's not gonna be a podcast. It's not gonna be a podcast. I'm sure I've already said should I regret it? Can I get a microphone?
Starting point is 00:00:21 No, what the fuck? That was trying to keep it like a comic head. I have a bunch of guys on. It fuck? That was trying to keep it like a comic-can. I have a bunch of guys on. It's just us sitting down and he happens. Sometimes it's hilarious, sometimes it's 10 no-pops. Big no-direction.
Starting point is 00:00:32 I love doing it. Way both sides of the coin. That's how it all holds the- That's how you love a- You wanna do your thing? My podcast is popular enough where I might affect somebody's life. You never know. It's Robert Kelly, so you know what to podcast on But I will do that right now with my fucking soup ball hat that I had ordered and the
Starting point is 00:01:12 world six rings. Tom Brady. Yeah, again. Show's over guys. Thanks for coming in. Appreciate it. That's all I wanted to say this week. You know, we all enjoyed the parade.
Starting point is 00:01:23 Yes. Two weeks ago. It's done. We've moved on. We're talking basketball. We're talking baseball. Yeah. You had your chance to celebrate your team. He didn't come. I was on a cruise with the impractical jokers. No. Having fun. Yeah. So I didn't get a chance. It does help the Patriots that they're in the shittiest division for the last 10 years. The jet stop and some bills. Yeah, it does help. Uh, one second. One team, two teams have gone to play us like in the last 10 years. So they go five and one in the division every year, maybe six and
Starting point is 00:01:52 oh, so there's six games that went right off the top. And they always get home field advantage because they play in a shooting. I'm actually the ho, you can look at me. Jim's right. I was with you. Yeah. I was following you and I'm like, wait, Jim's making a lot of
Starting point is 00:02:04 sense. I want to talk logic to someone that I can't talk logic to you because you're going to have say, I just want to, I'm going to, I'm going to, if you don't get the Tom Brady kissing his kid too long photo, I'm going to kill you. All right, I'm going to merchant marine your face. Okay. That's a thing. That's a thing. Yeah, watch the movie with Jan Michael Vincent. Okay. And Danny Ayello when he was a merchant marine, he came in the fucking queens and took over and then then solved the fucking problem. Has a merchant marine with no skills. Yeah, wasn't even a fighter.
Starting point is 00:02:33 Right. Took a couple of beatings. And I was like, What's the name of this movie? It's called, I don't know, but he's a merchant marine. Oh, thank you. Jan Michael Vincent, Danny Ayello.
Starting point is 00:02:41 You're looking it up. Look it up, that's what he's here for. Yeah, because Jan Michael Vincent hasn't made a movie in a long time. He was a long time ago. He's come now. You've been a long way on the cruise. I don't know how many things you missed. We have a great show to them. Very excited because Gabby introduced the show. Oh my gosh. We have Ron Bennington and Jim Florentine. Wow. Most of, and myself, most of the show that we're at, what, the, what theater is it? The Keshe, Keswick theater.
Starting point is 00:03:12 There you go right there, defiance. What a movie. Read the description, I can't read it. 1980. Yeah, I read it. Let's see, action veteran John Flynn, directed this tough as nail stroller, about our merchant semen, Jan Michael Vincent taking on a gang of thugs.
Starting point is 00:03:26 You know, can you just going to be a stand up, not an actor? Just straight stand up. Like, you're just not even pursuing acting. I don't know if you can see the little, uh, maybe add a little oaf to it. That's all I'm asking a little passion. I'm learning the words as I read. Yeah, that's what's called acting. An accent.
Starting point is 00:03:42 Try, just try. Merchard Meriner, Tommy Vincent is studying New York's tough, Lowery side waiting for his next ship. They said Queens. That's Lowery side. Same thing. No, back in his day, it was not the same thing. Queens, Lowery side, same. But if the merchant marine would have listened to you, he would have drowned.
Starting point is 00:04:02 He's too far away. Go ahead. Let's hear the rest of it. He mostly keeps to you, he would have drowned. He's too far away. Go ahead. Let's hear the rest of it. He mostly keeps to himself though he likes to know he takes a liking to a pretty local woman named Marsha and befriends a kid. Marsha, Marsha, Marsha, Marsha, Marsha, Marsha, Marsha, I'm from Boston. We've pronounced our hours where they're in hours. Idea. But he also finds the neighborhood played by a rough violent gang called the souls. Led by, led by angel.
Starting point is 00:04:30 No, they were Spanish. It was angel. Yeah, there's no black in them angel. All right. I'm not sure I'm gonna watch it. One of the guys in the cruise was like, well, why people are so racist, they never, they believe in God, but they never name the kid Jesus.
Starting point is 00:04:43 Spanish people always name the kid Jesus, Jesus, and I'm like, no, we're just not, we're not that fucking egotistical to go to the top. We do saints, Paul, Matthew, Sean. Well, if you're Catholic, you don't even bother Jesus. You go through. You can only mention Jesus. You're not gonna name your kid after God.
Starting point is 00:05:01 You put a record you guys are egotistical. You're not statistic people. I'm gonna name him after God. You put a record you guys are egotistical. You're not subsistic people. I'm gonna name them after God. You don't do that. And then call it the wrong name. Jesus. Yeah, it's him. It's too much power.
Starting point is 00:05:14 Joe, it was a J.O. right? So I'm gonna spell right. That's crazy. Too much pressure on the kid. It's way too much. You're being God. You have to be God. And then we're gonna go necklace with you on it. I mean, that's too much you're being God. You have to be good. Yeah. And then we're gonna go necklace with you on it.
Starting point is 00:05:26 I mean, that's too much. I could see one of the apostles. Wait, we're here. One of those. Yeah, one of the apostles is Luke, I think. Luke is a great kid. Yeah, that's like his name. Yeah, my kids.
Starting point is 00:05:39 But is that Luke is? Or do you just want straight to Luke? Just right to Luke. Oh, it's like the rifleman son. Great, great show. Yeah, you kidding me. He fought, I don't know why you saw it, but every gunfight he had, he had a rifle. Everybody else has a pistol.
Starting point is 00:05:54 He's like, fuck that. Give me the rifle. Yeah, he used it like a pistol though. Yeah, he did. Good, good, good, good, good. He did that. Go ahead. Tommy stands up to the gang
Starting point is 00:06:03 and his behavior encourages others in the neighborhood to fight back against their tormentors. It's the best thing ever, because when he stands up to the gang and his behavior encourages others in the neighborhood to fight back against their tormentors. It's the best thing ever because when he stands up to the gang, you think he's going to have some type of skill he learned in a war or like a rifleman, like something. He's going to have a certain weapon, nothing. He gets his ass beat and his radio broken. The first time he stands up, they just beat the fuck out of Tommy. Go.
Starting point is 00:06:23 Well, there's a nice picture of the right. The supporting cast includes Danny ILO, Frank Pesci and Tony Serrico. Isn't that a great guy? Isn't Art Carney in this? Yeah. Art Carney is the old veteran that he befriends in the neighborhood. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:38 It's a great movie. I mean, it's actually mind boggling. It's just boring. It almost kills you because there's nothing. There's no action. He just says regular fights. It's almost like a documentary of the Lower East Side. Look at the rifle, look at those high cheekbones.
Starting point is 00:06:54 Oh, beautiful. What a big great, a few transition later in life. Well, it remember his next big series was called Brandit. And he was a guy that was branded as a coward and he had to spend the rest of his life trying to prove That he was a man a man. Well, are you are you nodding your head? Yeah, I remember that Everybody knows I'm really yeah, I remember what movie it shows up in very very famous movie anybody Yeah, big Lebowski big Lebowski. All right. That's four points for me You got one on the look and-
Starting point is 00:07:26 I got three on the the defiance. The problem is your mic sounds a little tick. Yeah, it's a strong me off. These guys worked at studio, I got here earlier. They worked at studio like no one's ever done before. It was like a NASCAR pit. That was great. Everybody was running around.
Starting point is 00:07:42 The best crew ever. And then you come in at the last second, you're screaming at everybody. I don't want to sound a feminine. Bring it down. I didn't say a feminine. Oh, you didn't? No, I say gay.
Starting point is 00:07:51 I said gay. I don't want to be gay. No, we didn't think I am. Yeah, you're right. So yes, Vos was supposed to be here tonight. We're doing a big show at the... Keswick. Keswick Theater, me, Jim Florentine, Ron Bennington, and the legend, Richzwick. Kezwick theater, me, Jim Florentine,
Starting point is 00:08:05 Ron Bennington, and the legend Rich Vos. And he was supposed to be at it to help promote this show. If you don't have tickets, you can go to the My website or you can go where else. The kezwick, is your website. Yeah, and it's all over the place.
Starting point is 00:08:22 Get your tickets now, it's kind of sell out and if it doesn't sell out, I'm quitting. It's outside of Philly. It's right outside of Philly. Far outside. 20 minutes. Okay, it's great. 25 minutes. Maybe right there. It's going to be a great show. There it is right there. I mean, you can't. What the fuck? Look at that. Look at those headshots. This is looks amazing. It's only $29 to take a $39.50 for the better seat, which is up front. That's where I'd want to sit. Yeah, I would, why would you not, right? Yeah, well, you know, on the baller when it comes that.
Starting point is 00:08:53 Showtime to throw my cash around. Showtime's at eight, but I get there at seven. Oh, dear, you get there early. I would get there when they try to get there. Why? Because I want to sit down and relax, get a nice cup of tea. Maybe a glass of shardener' ay if you're into that. I'm not, but you know, you might get a water bottle, water some gum, chew some gum.
Starting point is 00:09:11 Can you show up early, right? I don't think the dudes that are coming to me, coming to the show are going to be there to drink tea. Right outside of Philly, you know, feeling. It might be, you know, you never know. Things are changing in the world. Where? Everywhere. Everybody's changing, you know you never know things are changing in the world. Yeah, where Everywhere everybody's changing, you know everybody and it's went to time nice cup of tea makes you feel good I always say first guy with a net net tattoo gets a hokey
Starting point is 00:09:37 Remember last year it was the Eagles that beat your patriots. Yeah, I know beat them bad I was that I would a backup quarterback. Yeah was a backup What about the year before that though? Not only is it backup cozy here before that tritz. Yeah, I know. Beat them bad. And was that a word of backup quarterback? Yeah, it was a backup quarterback. What about the year before that though? Not only is it backup, what was the year before that? The year before that is that was the Seattle, right? No, that was, oh, that wasn't Seattle. That was the year before that Atlanta.
Starting point is 00:09:54 Atlanta. Yeah. Jesus Christ, you guys do go to wait. I feel crazy. They're like fucking ex wives. That's fucking not. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:04 It's not. But the thing is this patch right here, this comes right off. They glued this on in the fourth quarter. Right after that interception, there was a bunch of a bunch of Spanish women just with hot glue guns putting the sucker on this hat. What did you do? Watch from the boat? No, I was home. No, I was here. We had the the second annual GM Norton Keith Robinson, Robert Kelly, but definitely not rich boss, super bowl party. At the comedy cell, we had around 10 12 Jo's pizzas. We had Philly
Starting point is 00:10:37 cheese steak and memory of last year. We had all kinds of stuff. Wait, we have wings. Philly cheese ste stakes a good. Can you get the cross off my head? I look like I'm fucking Hindu. Um, but no, we had a great, super bowl party this year. Last year was great too, even though we lost.
Starting point is 00:10:54 We had a good time. But I was gone. I went on the cruise and I didn't get a chance to do the old podcast because I was down to Tampa jumping on the ship. You've done the impractical. You've done it? No. Fucking great time. First of all Tampa jumping on the ship. You've done the impracticals, you've done that? No.
Starting point is 00:11:06 Fucking great time. First of all, hang on, stop. I need to get, Voss told me this morning goes, I can't make it in. No, yeah. The roads are too bad. I don't want to put my daughter's life in danger. I'm like, what is it? Is it 1802?
Starting point is 00:11:23 Are you taking a horse and carriage? I don't understand. I came in from the Poconos. And it was so nice the whole way through. What goes on with your own boss, dude? It seems like a love hate relationship. I took those same New Jersey roads and they were fine. It's wet.
Starting point is 00:11:40 Yes, same thing. Yeah, they're wet. You went to the same place. It's fucking wet. I came down to as wet. He had his son in the trunk. That's where he Yes, same thing. Yeah, they're wet. You want the same place. It's fucking wet. I came down to his wet. He had his son in the trunk. That's where he tried. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:49 He had his son in the trunk? Yeah. I was gonna say you left the trunk open. Because I parked right behind you. Yeah, you beeping? Yeah, that was me beeping. That's bad. Okay, yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:57 I saw you stepping the puddle. It made me laugh. I thought I cut you off or something like that. And you were beeping. I'm like, I'm not the only one with this guy. Oh, it's fucking nice. Yeah, I figured that's what it was. I'm like, I'm just screaming. You're just screaming your name, Jim Thorntine.
Starting point is 00:12:06 I know you're. I know you're. I know you're. Thorntine, you caught me off. You stepped in that big puddle, too, I saw. Did you step in? No, I didn't. That makes me happy nights like this.
Starting point is 00:12:17 All those fucking idiots that spent, you know, $900 on a pair of Nike's, have to stay home. You know, that is as fucking boss. Yeah. This is what he does is It's he and 20 year old black kids show each other pictures of shoes on their phone on there like this on night look look Tomorrow night when it's dry. I'm going out. Yeah, he didn't want to step in any slush That's what it's all about what is what is you know, Nike's new Jord. And plus you can't jump over the puddles because his legs are too small. That's true. I came in wearing flip flops and fine. I don't understand what everybody complains about. Is va I mean, have we locked in
Starting point is 00:12:54 that boss is doing this with us? Is this? It depends at the pants on a roadside there now. I put him on the end on the less we could edit him out. We could edit him out. I needed you first. I wanted me second because I put it together. end, on the lesson we could edit him out. We could edit him out. I needed you first. I wanted me second, because I put it together. Florentine third, because he's just such a, you know, he's a draw. And that's your, you know, he's a draw.
Starting point is 00:13:12 Look at that picture, it's gorgeous. Yeah, it's gorgeous. And, you know, women love that. We'll get some girls to the show. And I put Vos at the end just to, you know, we could slice him right out. Who could we replace him with? Mike? You know, uh, uh,
Starting point is 00:13:26 tell those me in a favor. If that couldn't work out, you know, you want to do it? Do you know funny would be a free douche. We just said, here, here's your money. And don't show up and just got to tell the do it. You're the greatest thing ever. Let's do it. I said we do it. Make the call. Yeah. Uh, uh, John Malini asked me if I was doing anything. Let's do it. Make the call. John Malini asked me if I was doing anything. I grabbed him. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:13:50 I moved the rest of those seats. I think Bill Barr is going to be in town at night. Okay, now we're talking. Louis actually asked to do a set. So I could get Louis to do a set and an interview. Dude, let's do that. We could do a podcast with what really happened. He said he wanted to do it. With Ron, if you don't mind doing that. Yeah, do a podcast with what really happened. He said he wanted to do with
Starting point is 00:14:06 Ron. If you don't mind doing that, are you kidding me? It'll be me in the photographer from New York Times there. So I say, we double. Yeah. If we got into the show, we fucking sold out in eight minutes. Yeah. We have literally four of the funniest people I know. And we're still struggling. We just call it, you know it something happened to him when he was a kid. No one ever brings that up. Yeah. That's good t-shirt. Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 00:14:32 Get that out of my head. Get t-shirt. Before you go judging me, you shouldn't see what happened to me. We've all been molested, we think. Tor. Yeah, pretty sure. You know, you've ever been molested? No.
Starting point is 00:14:43 Sort of. Really, sort of, from who? I told the story before, a've ever known that, I said no. Sort of. Really sort of from who? I told the story before the wrestling guy, this guy had wrestling pictures. Oh, so great. It's a great story. And I kiss him for a picture. Well, like on the cheek. And I sat on his lap in the front row, because he was a photographer, so he had front row
Starting point is 00:14:57 seats. So I sat on his lap and watched a couple matches. I didn't know any better. I was 14. If you could. When I was 14, I was dealing angel dust. I was literally, yeah, I was about to go to rehab and get sober. And I was sitting on a guy's lap because I,
Starting point is 00:15:17 Andre DeGiant was right there and I'm like, I was in the nosebleed. He took me up on the, yeah, that was right up there. He was sitting there on his lap like a lullipop. Now the, he was holding me like I was on the back of a motorcycle. Oh, you know what I mean? Like he was holding like this, I wouldn't fall.
Starting point is 00:15:32 Oh, it was fun. It is, it is. Just having fun. Yeah, yeah, just yeah, rocking me. And then he nibbled on my ear and then I got the hands on. And then he put his fingers, his index fingers in your belly button. Just to hold on, he didn't get that far. What was this guy now? You know, he's in Thailand living there because, you know,
Starting point is 00:15:48 I'm a white. He was on the sex offenders website. And then I told the story on the radio and like 20 people gone touch me. I had the same story about the dude. Really? Yeah. Did anybody want to get in some extra? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:16:01 I never get it. I kept all my wrestling. Did anybody get WrestleMania tickets? You had to visit him in Thailand. Well, he told me that this, he said a blow. He had just one picture of Ivan Koloff. He won the belt and he only had it for like nine days. He told me it was really rare.
Starting point is 00:16:18 So I believed him so I gave him a kiss and a cheek and then I looked it up and he was only worth 18 cents. I'm like that motherfucker. Not a fucker. Not a fucker. Didn't shake. He made his cock. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and then I looked it up. I ate it and it was only worth 18 cents. I'm like that motherfucker. Not a fucker. Didn't cheek you mean his cock? What do you mean when you say that? Yeah, the side.
Starting point is 00:16:31 Yeah, the scrappy. No, they call it like a fish, the side gill that's a cheek. Oh yeah, you're a side of your peckah. That's the right on the helmet. That's called the cheek of your cock. Wait, there's the Ivan Kola picture. I'll tell you right now, you go up and take a look at it, but first you gotta come over here.
Starting point is 00:16:48 Give me a little shot. There you go, swing over the side. Give me a little shot. If you can print that out, I'll sign the left. All right, but I'll give you this picture but I get the stuff on your toes. Is that a problem? Come on, you're a big boy.
Starting point is 00:17:01 That's fine. You don't understand how wrestling is. It's weird, but. You're really like wrestling, huh? I did. Yeah, I ear, big boy. That's fine. You don't understand how wrestling is. It's weird, but. You're really like wrestling, huh? I did. Yeah, it was a big fan. That big fan, yeah. I've never been a fan of something
Starting point is 00:17:12 where I kiss somebody on the cheek for it. I've never. Crack, you know. And the pictures are only a dollar. So it was all, it wasn't like they were $10 pictures. But you know what? You were feeling like. There was no eBaybay back then.
Starting point is 00:17:25 You couldn't get your hands on these as easily as you could with kiss your dog. Let's face it, your folks never paid attention to you. You know, you needed a little something. A little bit. A little something. Look, he said this the only time Hulk Hogan ever bled and I believed him. And it was a good picture. That's a constant.
Starting point is 00:17:41 Hey, did you, is that where you developed the devoyce? I heard your voice. Yeah, used to be a little lower than them. And you developed it out of fear, like to probably stay or stay away from me. Right. Old wrestling freak. Yeah, I see that. prostate up into his cockhead. Oh, is that the picture you got? The thing. It wasn't that one. I haven't in my scrapbook at home Carden Jizz
Starting point is 00:18:10 It's seriously as good as the story as I've ever heard in my life though I really I love that story It's one of the best when I saw you one man show Oh yeah, cuz I put it yeah and I showed the picture as a show Dude you as a little fucking asshole with hair. Right. I tell you what, I would have gave you whatever you wanted to. Yes, true.
Starting point is 00:18:31 Nice little kiss on the cheek from a little blonde hair. You look like the lead singer, a warrant. Yeah, I was a kid. Yeah. I don't blame the guy. No, I would you. You fucking smoking it. It's a little boy.
Starting point is 00:18:43 A little half shirt you had. Yeah, look at you. There you go. Right there. That's what you look like. That's a spandex pants. It also dress like a wrestler. Everybody that you're it because you like metal, right?
Starting point is 00:18:55 Yeah, I'll dress like the fucking rocker. I'll make a sense now. Yeah, yeah. I'll make a sense. You're trying, I get it now. You're trying. You try, you love metal because you love the hair and you love the craziness because of what it represented.
Starting point is 00:19:09 It's the wrestling. You're still attached to it. You still have it in your life, but it's rough now. It's men. It's not a lapped, given little kisses on the cheek. It's true. I mean, look, I had a, you know, on my wall, I had a poster, David Lee Roth with no shirt on.
Starting point is 00:19:24 And then I had pictures of superstar Billy Graham with no shirt on. And then I picked a superstar Billy Graham with no shirt on. The one where he's coming out of the water? Is that the one, David Lee Roth where he's coming out of the water? Oh, no, it was one that he was tied up to a fence. It was inside the one. Yeah, there was the original Van Halen, right?
Starting point is 00:19:38 Yeah, the original. Yeah, it's in like the women and children first album. The one who was coming out of the water. There you go, right there. You had that new wall. Yeah, that one. go, right there, you had that on your wall. I went, yeah. Yeah, go to the one that's not wrinkles. Go to the one that's not wrinkles.
Starting point is 00:19:49 Yeah, there you go. You had that on your wall, huh? Not far from faucet. Yeah. That was later. I was later. Then you and your wrestling buddy would play a pin the tongue on the David.
Starting point is 00:20:01 You just played again. What's up? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, and then you need to play jump. You played sit. I'm on a scene. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:14 What's the last one? You still like rocked, right? Yeah. Who's your favorite panel? Black Sabbath. Black Sabbath, yeah. You're worried about Ozzy, everybody's gonna, concerned.
Starting point is 00:20:29 No. No, you think he's gonna pull out of the small. He's always seen. What happened? He should have been dead when he was 25. You know, you don't get to hear about this in the middle of the fucking ocean. Well, I was in the middle of the ocean.
Starting point is 00:20:37 I was on the, you practical Joker's cruise, you know, doing my thing, having a good time. Well, that's when that's a little dirty bingo, I'm just saying that. Oh, fuck it, sassy bingo. Yeah, you're a dad-age. Yeah, let me tell you. I knew I was in trouble. I knew I was in trouble.
Starting point is 00:20:53 When I saw three women pull up with their scooters to the table at the buffet and move the chairs out, just pulled the scooters up and ate over the handlebars. I was like, we're in trouble on the skirts. Yeah. When I saw the lady get out with pizza, stack like pancakes and two in the morning and two scoops of mac and cheese on top, like ice cream. Wow.
Starting point is 00:21:13 Yeah, that's a carb heavy meal. Yeah. Then you're gonna go eat by yourself in a fucking one-bedroom at no window. But guys, do you think? Don't, don't case. Yeah, don't, it's none of our business. Yeah, turn the TV on to the front of the boat,
Starting point is 00:21:24 pretend you're at your room. Yeah, don't, some of our business. Yeah, turn the TV on to the front of the boat, pretend you're that's your room. Wow, what a fucking cruise. You loved it, though, huh? That, it was, let me tell you something, I really am sad that comedians don't vacation together, that we don't take a week or two weeks off a year, set up a thing somewhere and just go hang out.
Starting point is 00:21:42 Now, granted me, Patrice, Norton, we all used to do that and we went and we, for the flesh in Brazil. I mean, take that part out of it. It was a great time. I mean, we went there. Look, those stories just throw a shade all over his wrestling,
Starting point is 00:21:59 Kuck and molestation that you guys are done in Mario with glass of dildos. Not us. Dr. Dildo. Okay. When you get a nickname, you need more than seven dildos to get a nickname. That was probably that that was probably the best decision.
Starting point is 00:22:15 I ever made it by not going with them. Yeah. Because I was offered and I could have went and I just said, you know what? I don't this story is always going to be out there. And if anyone I date in the future, how do I explain that? Well, you, you know, I want to go fuck hookers for a week. But also you don't want to miss Monday night. Raw. I did check. It's not on down there. No, it's not. It's not. If you want to a rumba, you'd be in good
Starting point is 00:22:38 shape because they have, they really love wrestling at a rumba. Hey, can we get a rich boss puppet? So we all are from the show. Yeah. Yeah. Like we're robot. Hey, can we get a rich boss puppet so we all are four from the show? You'll like we're together. Yeah, I think we should do that. Why don't we do that? Do we have a puppet we can get? Oh, print out a picture. It's something.
Starting point is 00:22:52 Yeah, he's, the cruise was amazing. I don't know if you know the impractical joke of the girl. Sal is one of the most genuinely nice people I've ever met in my life. And they take care of everybody on the cruise. The've been doing it for a long time. I've been doing it for a long time. I've been doing it for a long time. I've been doing it for a long time. I've been doing it for a long time.
Starting point is 00:23:12 I've been doing it for a long time. I've been doing it for a long time. I've been doing it for a long time. I've been doing it for a long time. I've been doing it for a long time. I've been doing it for a long time. I've been doing it for a long time. theater with thousands of people. It's crazy. And then, they were doing their stuff every night.
Starting point is 00:23:28 They had a shoot, they had a fucking cigar bar. So you could go in, get a cigars. We all, Verzy taught us all how to play craps. We fucking took the craft table. They shut it down. They were like, look, we're shutting the table down in 20 minutes. So this is the last roll right here.
Starting point is 00:23:44 I won 800, I think it was 800 bucks off a 20 bucks. Crazy. We had a blast. And then, I mean, we ate like fucking asses. I couldn't take my socks off one night. My feet was so swollen. Just fucking just, oh, that's fantastic. Yeah, it was just a paradise.
Starting point is 00:24:01 Yeah. Oh, that's so nice that my feet swells up. It feels so good. There's not one vegetable on the fucking butt. There's no one fucking vegetable. It's just cakes, french fries, and some type of sauce. That a lot of sauces that would just pour over shit. Are all their fans Italians?
Starting point is 00:24:20 No, they can't tie in fucking... There's a lot of girls with, you know, purple hair and pink hair. Okay. A lot of, you know, the fans't fucking, no. There's a lot of girls with, you know, purple hair and pink hair and a lot of, you know, the fans were fucking awesome. I got a, I can't, they were great. They didn't bother you. They would come up and ask for a photo
Starting point is 00:24:32 and then let you do your thing. They went to all the shows. They laughed at everything. They were fucking great. Except the last night, there was two girls that kicked out. Really? You know off the boat? Yeah, we actually kicked them off the boat.
Starting point is 00:24:46 We was in Christine. There it is right there. Look at that. Look at that. It's nuts. It's crazy. And those four guys sell all those tickets on that cruise. And they are fucking, they're the Beatles with those. The Beatles on that thing. And they, and you know what, though, they're out every night. I got to give them credit. They're out The Beatles on that thing. And they, and you know what though, they're out every night. I gotta give them credit. They're out every night on that stage, we're all over the fucking boat, sweating it out for hours with the fans.
Starting point is 00:25:13 Well, I'll also tell you this, sales every night, every night doing fucking standup. Four, five, you know, fucking shows on it. This kid's not taking it easy. You know, you would think to himself, I made it, I'm gonna stay home. Oh yeah. Oh, I got a three-bed to himself, I made it. I'm gonna stay home. Oh, yeah. I got a three bedroom ranch in fucking Westchester. I'm done. I'm home Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. I
Starting point is 00:25:31 don't do anything. I made it. I'm done. My career's over. I'm doing the fucking. What's the place again? Yeah, casual week theater with you guys. If that sells out, I'm gonna take that money and I'm gonna put it away. I don't think I'm gonna buy a boat. I'm gonna buy a smaller boat and do my own tour. Hey, are you gonna make sure you don't give fucking Voss a full cut, right? No, because you should have been here. You gotta penalize them like it was fucking baseball or something. You know, he's gonna take a shot for this.
Starting point is 00:25:57 I sucks. The roads are too bad. What do you say? He said, the roads are bad and I don't wanna kill my daughter on the road. And I'm like, oh my God, I might not be able to make it. I was running errands with my son today in New Jersey. You know why?
Starting point is 00:26:15 During the snow. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And it was fine. Yeah. Cause you're a man. And you heard rain in the back being like, what? We're fine, daddy. You heard rain in the back. Yeah. Why? This is my problem. You just have to say, but I can't make it. I'm gonna say home of my daughter tonight. I just, I can't make it tonight.
Starting point is 00:26:33 Don't, why, why the fuck does he feel the need to lie? To say, I don't wanna, I don't wanna murder my daughter. He's also acting like Bonnie's an alcoholic that he can't leave Rainer with. You know what I mean? Like I don't know what I don't want to murder my daughter. He's also acting like Bonnie's an alcoholic that he can't leave random with You know what I mean? Like I don't know what Bonnie will do to her if I leave her Bonnie is Directing right Bonnie is Bonnie's in LA, but still you you can get a babysitter for aina, but even that you could just say I can't make it You don't lie.
Starting point is 00:27:06 Voss, why would you lie? I was a good picture of him now. Looks good. Can somebody do Voss's voice? No, I honestly can't. Mike, you do it well. Try it. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:27:20 Michael, try it. I have trouble with confrontation. Oh, that's good. It's pretty good. I like it. Yeah, right. Hey, Voss. Voss. What, Bobby?
Starting point is 00:27:28 Voss, why do you have to fucking lie to me? Why do you have to lie to me? Why do you have to lie? Everything's always lying. It's always, it's never a gray area with you. I don't know. Look, he's got his hat on this here. But why?
Starting point is 00:27:41 That's a good idea. He's sick of finger. By the way, he seems like he's back from a cruise every time I fucking stay him But why why are you always tan You get a lot of vitamin D Yeah I just don't lie to me dude you could just say I don't want to be enough to fucking say the roads are bad and fucking out Because then I have to see the roads aren't bad and then all of a sudden
Starting point is 00:28:05 I'm like he lied to me or I have to play the game. I have to play some game with you. You understand? Do you understand me? Just don't lie. Do you get it? I get it Bobby. All right. I'm not He would never use the word blast He tries to every now He would never use the word blast. Yeah, he says stuff like that. Gaden's in blast. He tries to every now and then. All right. Well, there we go. That worked.
Starting point is 00:28:29 I had my close control on 65 on the New Jersey term pike. Wow. I went through a puddle at fucking 80. I spun the car, went sideways for around fucking almost three trees, and then stopped, stepped on it, went in. Hello? Hello, how's it going? Yeah, well, yeah, close up on the, yeah, close up on the thing there. Vos, yes, Vos, we have a photo of you of a mushy Mike's face. Hold it over your face and just talk on the mic. There we go. Hold it up a little bit. Is that good? Okay, yeah, put the hat on. We have a hat too. Listen, why are you gonna fucking lie?
Starting point is 00:29:11 First of all, can you not use first of all can you never have a second of all? Don't say first of all when you don't have a second of all just say I Have three you better have three. Okay, you have better have threes I have three. I have three you have three you better have three. Okay, you have been have threes Oh, okay, one was having nice pleasant conversation. Okay, you get too heated and you think you're detective relax and listen to both sides Okay, that's two. Okay, three We relax. No, that's not three. That's that's the same as two That's that's not a third one. That's not even I won't accept that as a three. Okay, three, I know you're very hyped up. You just got off a boat.
Starting point is 00:29:49 You're back on land. You've got a lot of energy. You haven't done anything on dry land. Anything you can do. So you're back, you're back, and you're getting into the groove of things. I'm asking you, I'm asking you why you lied to me. I didn't lie.
Starting point is 00:30:08 You knew the roads. Listen, you've been alive for 60 years. You know how weather works. 61. Okay. Here's the deal. My main, my main concern is your daughter. Excuse my main excuse was here's my main excuse.
Starting point is 00:30:27 Dad, I wasn't going to come in because I didn't want to keep my daughter out there like because she had school. Okay, that was my main excuse. I did want to come in with her, but my main excuse was, I didn't want to keep her out late. Now with the snow, that puts my main excuse into my sub excuse.
Starting point is 00:30:44 You see what I'm saying? No, I don't have any, my main excuse into my sub excuse you see what i'm saying now i don't have to use my main excuse because i have another excuse to cover my main excuse let's just say this though is he going to be there at the kesswick theater or is he not coming how you what if it snows the night of the kesswick theater that will be a problem because i'm not bringing my daughter okay so i have a responsibility so matter what, you're blaming the soul on your daughter. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. I'm not blaming you.
Starting point is 00:31:10 How many knows? What's that? How many knows? How many knows what? Would you say no, no, no, no, no. Is that four knows? I don't know. I'm not, I'm not, maybe it was, but I'll tell another.
Starting point is 00:31:22 No, no, no, no. I'm not blaming my daughter my daughter is I'm not her responsibility wait no she's not she's my responsible okay my wife has got my wife's in Arizona hey Rick what she was doing in Arizona she's directing a road staff there for NBC local affiliates she's directing it and writing. Are you plugging during your excuse? Are you? I mean, this is fucking typical boss. You're plugging. I'm saying how, how talented my wife is. Can I say? No, not, no, you can't because we're
Starting point is 00:31:58 sitting here and we just hold it up, Mike. Don't let it's not my guy for this. This is, we're gonna end this. It's not, let's not have more. You don't let's not my guy for this. This is we're gonna end this it's not let's not that important. You don't need just hold it up Mike. I got your gift. Okay, well now, well now you got me. I know, but now you got me a gift or you got marble miles in 1995. Is it another fly rod with marble written on the side of it?
Starting point is 00:32:23 No, it's not. I get you a nice gift. You'll love it. Well, I'm going to love it. You like it. Is it made of, is it made of metal? Why would it be? No, something made of metal. Is it made of, can I eat it? You know what? That's so, you know, you can't, you know, you probably could eat it by a normal person wouldn't, they would wear it.
Starting point is 00:32:44 But listen, I'll just bring it to you. You know, am I crazy or is it starting to feel like we dodged a bullet that he didn't come here tonight? Now, is everybody attacking me? No, we all feel bad because I came in from the Polkinoes. And, and you know Jim came in from Syracuse. You know everybody was traveling. I was in Boston. Yeah. I got to the point where you guys fucking stood that you could have done this any time.
Starting point is 00:33:18 But what do you mean you're coming in the polka? We're literally we're shocked. We're all shocked. We're not even laughing in here. We're shocked. I'm looking at Jim We're not even laughing in here. We're shocked. I'm looking at Jim's face. I've never seen him this shocked. I was listening to one of his things
Starting point is 00:33:31 on a raw dog today. One of his telemarketer calls. It was so fucking funny. Dude, you know what we played on my show too, today? You did? Hello. Hi, Courtney. No, don't get, Courtney. Yeah. You're on the YKWP.
Starting point is 00:33:47 Yeah, we're using we're using Gabby's phone to talk to Rich Voss, but he was rather boring and you chimed in. So I figured I just swing over to you to see what you should probably hang up. I would say. Hi Courtney. What do you do for work Courtney? Oh, I'm a filmmaker as you know Do you know Bonnie McFarlane? She does all the roast out in Phoenix, Arizona for a local affiliate. Yeah, well, you know what you're already doing better than boss Thank you for calling in Courtney God bless you and have a great night Okay, and then also have Gaby call me back later. Okay, I will enjoy work hard.
Starting point is 00:34:28 Get it. It's not for you, Pepp talk. I went to a dead spot. I thought I'd show you. Yeah, no, I hung up on you. There was no dead spot. What? Dead spot as soon as Bobby said hello.
Starting point is 00:34:42 So he's out on the road center if you went through a dead spot. Oh, you're, you're, you're, you're driving. You know what? This, this is how Florentine caught his wife in a lot. Yeah, exactly. I didn't have to drive, I didn't have to spend seven grand that a private investigator. I'm good now. I mean, I'm in my house. What do you do? My daughter's, she does it. She can't do experiments. Yeah. You may like with other girls. Yeah. That answer is yes. This show is going to be a monster at the Keswick. It's going to be a monster. So I think, I think, though, Ronnie brought up a good point. I mean we might get a tell the joint
Starting point is 00:35:35 Maybe there's a bad idea How do you want to do bump in the mic That is called bumping kikes Can't we can laugh at this yeah, I mean that's yours that's yours. Yeah, yeah, I'm not sure It's not being set up to laugh at that. I get something like it's for that. Yeah, but I'm not I can't laugh at it Even though I had a George Frost the father three years. Yeah, I mean I sit around a giggle at the end word with Derek gains But I can't don it when he's not here. Yeah. Uh, I was listening. I was not to be there. I was not to be there.
Starting point is 00:36:10 Yeah. All right. Well, I didn't lie. I didn't lie. You did lie. You lied. I didn't lie. No, you did.
Starting point is 00:36:19 You know you did. I'll tell you what, you didn't lie. You manipulated. I manipulated. It's a difference. Well, I guess, I mean, you're right. I mean, but your friends don't need to manipulate boss. I'm looking at your photo right now.
Starting point is 00:36:32 Yeah, I'm listening. I'm looking at your photo right now. Yeah, I'm listening. I'm looking at your photo right now. I'm looking at your photo right now. I'm looking at your photo right now. I'm looking at your photo right now. I'm looking at your photo right now.
Starting point is 00:36:40 I'm looking at your photo right now. I'm looking at your photo right now. I'm looking at your photo right now. I'm looking at your photo right now. I'm looking at your photo right now. I'm looking at your photo right now. I'm looking at your photo right now. I'm looking at your photo up a way to have no fun. You could have. You could have. I could have if my wife was interacting with Roast and Arizona. No, game dropper. I was plugging again. I get the plug out. Where is it? What's this? Sedona? Where is she? Yeah. What? What? What? What festival? The dusty lizard film festival what The last time I heard this story was from Florentine's ex-wife
Starting point is 00:37:11 I'm off directing Rose Oh, that's wrong. No, I'm not. I'm not. Listen, I'll see you tomorrow. Bring your present. I really wish I was your folks. Folks.
Starting point is 00:37:29 We just call us folks. I hate you. I hate you more than myself. I really do. I'll break it back on dry land. No, I'll talk to you later. Was that a fat joke? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:40 No, you're going to have to both. You did the police. Okay. Did you have fun? Did you have fun doing it last year? Yeah, well, you know, I had fun just hanging out with the commas. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, why you didn't have fun. I did. Okay. All right. I'll talk. I'm gonna have fun.
Starting point is 00:37:58 Hi, come on. You bring a merch to the Cras... I was trying to catch him, but cash. Shit, I got him. I was trying to catch him, but he got me son of a bitch. Thank you for the role of Vos was played by Mike, Mushi Mike. Thank you. Tonight. Great job.
Starting point is 00:38:16 Great understanding. A couple of times I thought Vos was here. I was flipping out at one point. I saw the hat and the stillness in his face. Fucking asshole. Yeah, the ship was good. You've done ships before. You did the rock and roll things. Yeah, they don't want to a few weeks. Who is it? Who's on the Tesla Queen's right? Oh, fucking love Tesla. Pat Travers. Pat Traver pat travers boom boom. Yeah, um kicks. You know, all of the Y and T like those 80s metal bands K I X kicks. Where's it X X K X.
Starting point is 00:38:55 I love a Tesla is such a great band. One of my favorite bands. Yeah, they weren't really like a hair band. They weren't. What were they? They were like, they were like, they were like, they were like, they were like, they even covered signs. The modem day. You didn't get that sign, so that cover song. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:13 Yeah, they were good. That was a pretty good metal voice. Yeah, fucking got it. My friend Jim Flauntine is in the house tonight doing comedy. I want you to go down to the fucking Lino deck and watch this man singing out the jokes, make the most of it.
Starting point is 00:39:28 Now me and my band are gonna make it go one, two, three. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Welcome to the crew of life. Whoa, whoa, whoa, welcome to the crew of life. Welcome to the crew's of life. It could be a song. Yeah. We're on the crew cruise of life. It could be a song. We're all in the cruise of life right now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:55 So that's your kind of music too, right? You like, I like, you know, here's the thing with me. I've never been a music guy. I love music. I love all kinds of music. I've never liked the music guy. I love music. I love all kinds of music. I've never liked a genre. I like punk. I like rock.
Starting point is 00:40:10 I like disco. I love Abba. I love country. I love all kinds of music, but I don't have the memory, like baseball or sports fan. I don't have the memory to be a sports fan, because I can't say, oh say oh Fucking Johnny Tulips got traded over to Cincinnati last week for you know Michael Astro and then Mickey McGee you can't even name any baseball
Starting point is 00:40:38 Mokey bats and Aaron but I always think people who say they love all kinds of music don't love any kind of music That's my theory That is not a theory that is an assessment I that's the assessment that I make yeah, I don't ever go to concerts when you're younger I went to come first concert I ever went to yeah 10 years old First time I smoked weed 10 years old Ozzy Osmoan two weeks after Randy Road's died How much smoke weed? Ten years old. Ozzy Osmond. Two weeks after Randy Rhodes died. And I remember they were like the concert market canceled, but I was so looking forward to this. And I went to the Boston Garden. And I remember walking through the hallways,
Starting point is 00:41:13 it was like, mask, mask, valiums, weed, weed, mask, mask, mask, weed. I didn't know what the fuck that was. They just kept going, mask, mask, weed, valiums, and they kept, ludes, ludes, you want ludes? And then we got to the seat, and it was up onto the right of the stage, and I was sitting up, and I remember these joints were coming, and I was just smoking. So exciting. So exciting. My aunt Dottie was there.
Starting point is 00:41:37 Didn't even say shit. Her boyfriend didn't say shit. I just got fucking basted, and I just wanted to jump off the fucking balcony. I just go and jump fucking jump Prove to Aussie That was the first time I smoked we on Blacks out of the banhound they just passed joints knows the first time I smoked yeah
Starting point is 00:41:59 Just hand you know why because marijuana was nice and cheap then and it wasn't as crazy as marijuana is now where fucking two hits can destroy you destroy you yeah back then you smoked the whole joint and it was just the plant that they grew somewhere and someone's backyard. Now I was one of those guys saying stuff at a concert when I was younger I was selling drugs there and got busted at an arrow Smith show yeah and they fucking you know they take me down this downtown Philly. And when they finally pulled me out, these cops were just like, they would smack the back of your head and you shit like that.
Starting point is 00:42:32 And they were calling me Roy Rogers because they said it was fucking horse tranquilizer. And they go, how stupid, how fucking stupid are you to sell fucking dope to a cop? And I'm like, he's wearing a flyers jersey I don't walk up to a uniform fucking guy. All right, if it was I go out of my way to not be near him So let's not start fucking casting dispersions Consular was yeah, it was aerospace and the reason why I fucking did it cuz sticks was eating my asshole
Starting point is 00:43:07 They were so fucking annoying to me. I'm like oh, I can go make a little bit of money down in the bathroom And fucking relax a little bit take a little cash home, you know take my gal out at the spectrum Yeah, the spectrum I had a lot of bad luck with aerospace though I was always like I saw him get hit in the fucking face with a fucking MAD and Philly and the show. I saw like people getting crushed. Like it was a fucking whos show up against the window. And in another time we were up, maybe it was up fucking state somewhere
Starting point is 00:43:36 like in Allentown at the racetrack and all the kids fucking ran at the fence and knocked the fence down to get in. It was always something fucking dramatic. The carousel with. We're going over there with some. I was in the actual, remember, Angel video.
Starting point is 00:43:50 Were you really? Yeah, I was making out with a girl, Bonnie. Bonnie Pirelli, we're at the concert and they're filming the video and the camera came swooping by. I'm fucking loving this. I grabbed her and I just go, let's get in the video. We just stop making out. thinking that they'd be like,
Starting point is 00:44:06 hey, angel, angel, never. I just be kissing Bonnie. The crew was so fly. Yeah. And we never made it in. But I was actually sober and I saw them again. I went to the great white snake concert, great white and white snake together.
Starting point is 00:44:25 I saw a Bon Jovi, her dad's a band. I mean, I saw them, I think four times. I saw them at a little tiny joint when they had a bar on stage and it was fucking, I saw them at a big venue. I've been to a bunch of concerts. I don't like concerts. Right.
Starting point is 00:44:41 Because they're, you know, they're very fucking stressful unless you're treated well. Like I'm not going to go buy a shit seat and fucking be in the middle of, you know, 70,000 people. I don't care for that. I'd rather be somewhere else. No one's for us. And you'll be, well, you can do whatever you want. I remember when I went to Bonarou and outside of Nashville. I believe it is. Yeah. And we did the comedy there. And Irish fair goes, we're going to walk into the crowd. 100,000 people. And I go, what?
Starting point is 00:45:10 He goes, we're going to go walk into the middle of the crowd. And then he pulled out from his pants, a bag of mushrooms. It looks like he was making a salad at Penaire bread. I mean, it was just a massive bag of mushrooms. And him and Jay were just going to walk. And I'm like, I don't want to do that at all. I don't care. I don't care if Elvis came back.
Starting point is 00:45:28 I don't care who the fuck it is. I don't want to, I get this is too much. But if you hook me up like Gabby hooked us up, me and Max, at the Garden of C. Jovey were off stage. Left there was a little chair. I got to sit down. You're so cool. You call them Jovey?
Starting point is 00:45:42 Well, I get now. I get now because Max shit on my neck and I had to go to her dad's dressing room and just fucking ball up a load and a fucking underroot and throw it in his barrel. Hopefully some fucking Haitian dude found this. This guy is weird, man. Was that a Haitian accent? Yeah, but yeah, I don't I don't I love music. I love dancing now. I dance now. There was a stage where I stopped dancing for some reason. I was too cool for school. That's done. I'm going to tell one aerospace misshaun. I'm like Jim Florentine takeover. So I, I'm interviewing
Starting point is 00:46:17 aerospace method serious XM, right? And the whole band is coming back to do a tour and we're all set up. and the whole band is coming back to Dota Tour and we're all set up. And Steven Tyler has a mirror full length mirror set up for himself. So we can see how he looks during this interview and it's in that, you know, a room that we work in that fucking fish bowl. And there's only like 30 people, but there's no fucking TV cameras. It's just us. And he wants to look good for the 30 fucking people sitting there.
Starting point is 00:46:48 Had a mirror put up. I'm like, this is the most rock star thing I've ever seen in my life. Yeah, and you know what part we told him how to do that? JLo. Somebody on, he did a TV show with somebody and they were like, this is what you do. And he was like, oh, this is what I do for him.
Starting point is 00:47:02 Well, he was on American Idol with her. Yeah, but I think this goes back to like 72 73. I think he's always been like, I'm a fucking rock star. I'll tell you something. You can see why he's a rock star. He's very, very charismatic. When he turns around and look at you, you're like, I think Stephen Tyler wants to have sex with me. Yeah. I think there's something so important. And then you know, he looks away and you know, like what just happened Yeah, you know, and man was right. He was looking at the mirror to get ready for you I just think that he wants to look like a rock star all the fucking time
Starting point is 00:47:33 I mean, you know if you think of this clothes that they wear yeah, it's fucking stupid like they don't wear regular people close Really ever right either do wrestlers, right? regular people close really ever right either do wrestlers right Some of the guys now wearing like you know regularly jeans No, I like you the fuck and be ready to do the show right at all times you're over the top big Yeah, no like they don't all wear tights anymore Yeah, you've been you've been you've been back you I mean you've been backstage with the biggest bands in the world Even on big stages with these people right? Yeah, I mean does it fuck you up? Yeah, you get scared Dean Ambrose wears jeans Yeah, see that fucks it up for me. Did you have did you Did you have a fucking hate his bangs?
Starting point is 00:48:20 Really hate his bangs Doesn't look like a real person. Yeah, cause they fixed it, they photoshopped it, but his bangs are fucking annoying. Did you ever have somebody fuck with you, Snubya? No. Nobody fucks with you ever. All the famous people you met, nobody's done anything shitty to you.
Starting point is 00:48:38 No, not really, no. Eddie Trunk. No, for some reason, cause I just know, like, you know, as a comic, you know, your backstage, leave Malone, whatever rhythm they're in, whatever they gotta do before a show, or after the show, just don't bother them. You never stepped into a room and fucking the lead singer
Starting point is 00:48:54 of fucking Death Squad was taking a shit, and you went, get outta here! I'm taking a shit! Get outta here! I'm taking a shit! But don't, but don't, get outta here! I'm taking a shit! I'm taking a shit. But don't but don't get out of here. It's fucking taking a shit. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Get out of here. It's wrong to find one thing that makes someone laugh and then keep going back to it. That's fucking cheating. I can't fucking
Starting point is 00:49:18 handle how hilariously weird that fucking singing voice. It's too much. It's amazing. Yeah. Well, I annoyed Ozzy Oz born a couple of times. There you go. That's what I mean. See, I knew I'd get it out of you with that song. Um, he was doing like a black... Get out of my head!
Starting point is 00:49:38 He was still there. I still stuck in my head. Stuck in my head. And I don't like the baby laugh. know I mean I'm like I don't feel in control when I laugh it's an uncomfortable thing for me so come on the drum beat is working but I'm but the good the good the good the good the good the good the good the the but that's not my thing I don't like to fucking sit around laughing like a child. He was he was doing a record store appearance to Prokzaal. They used to hang out in the record store and sign the album.
Starting point is 00:50:12 Whatever. So I was probably 16 and I offered I got up to him. I got his autograph. I said, I was a big fan because I'll thanks and I had this little shitty watch. That was like $10 all rusted out of go. Here, Ozzy. Here's my watch. He's like, I don't want your watch. I go, no, no, I'm a big fan, because I had this little shitty watch that was like $10 all rusted out. Here, Aussie, here's my watch. She's like, I don't want your watch. I go, no, no, I'm a big fan.
Starting point is 00:50:29 I want to give it to you. So yeah, I don't want it. I go, no, but I'm a big fan. And she goes, all right, I don't care. Okay, but I don't want your watch. No, just take my watch. I don't want your watch. And they just go, keep going, keep going.
Starting point is 00:50:40 I might just take it. And they just could get out, get out like that. It sounds like the lead singer to anthrax, not Aussie. Are you sure? Are you not doing the accent? You're not doing the accent. No, no, but yeah, so he was, and then, and then me and Norton met him at MTV. What was the watch?
Starting point is 00:50:55 Was it a, a mech? It wasn't even a time, mech. It was like, gold and rusty. I used to wear it in the show. It was terrible. It was like a $10 watch and he was, and I was mad at Ozzy that he didn't take my watch. Like I got back on the bus from Port Authority back to Jersey and I was mad at him. It's getting ready to kill me.
Starting point is 00:51:11 That he didn't take my watch. I'm stuck in my home. Why wouldn't he take my $10 watch? It is a weird thing though that when you meet famous people and you're not equipped, now you meet famous people, you're mad at them a lot. You know, we're not, I know to shut my mouth and just say hi And it has your questions stout of their way because I'll fucking ruin it, but When you meet famous people I remember when I met Arosmith. I was in line to meet them at one of the concerts Someone's got his backstage and I just screamed out
Starting point is 00:51:39 Bill W Cuz he's sober. Yes, that's the founder of right. Yeah. No, it's more than you should say. Sorry. I sang your song. That would have been better. Get out of here.
Starting point is 00:51:54 I'm taking a shank you. Oh, mother fucker. Get out of here. Bill W. We're not drinking anymore. Cause that's where you is. We're not drinking anymore cuz that's where you need us
Starting point is 00:52:07 Seriously It's a fucking Well, I screamed down we're in a line of savages just shit face that they look Stephen Tal just stuck us out That's a response I got a response when I get up to the other I just panicked. I thought I was gonna have a conversation I've been sober for you know Five years how long you been chabber I'm a chabber. You know, you want to go to a meeting? I have a million mama cans down a land You want to go to a meeting? I have a million. Mama can's down on land, down streets and mom can't.
Starting point is 00:52:45 It's, yeah, it was, when it comes to like famous people, it's only the people that were famous to you when you were a little kid. That's the only ones that will still fuck with you. Yeah, fuck with me. Yeah, like I just met the picture, San Francisco's new picture was on the cruise.
Starting point is 00:53:04 And he's like, oh, this is fucking whatever his name is. The pitcher of San Francisco's new. And he's amazing and he's the next greatest thing and he's going to be, you know, he's famous, but it doesn't affect me because he's a kid. Right. I'm trying to figure out who it is. That's my, that's my team. Johnny Astro.
Starting point is 00:53:22 Who is that him? No, I mean, so whatever the fuck I was a came in cool guy, but he's a kid like sports guys are Children now to me. I'm 48 when I was a kid baseball players were men, you know know that. You fucking know that. Babe, Rooster! I'll tell you where I'm going! I'm going to do it. I stopped that. I stopped that. Can we plug the Kesswick? I think that's a deal. Yeah, the Kesswick Theater.
Starting point is 00:54:00 Where does the Kesswick Theater get it? You got it? The little fear. Yeah, it's Glensdale, Pennsylvania. Glensdale, Pennsylvania, it is Friday, March 9, 2019. Do what? March 8th. March 8th. March 8th.
Starting point is 00:54:17 I wear my glasses. Um, thank you. Can you read a copy? Uh, Friday, March 8th, 8th, 8 PM. What? Rich Voss, Robert Kelly, Jim Florentine, Ron eight, eight, eight PM, rich boss, Robert Kelly, Jim Florentine, Ron Bennington, at the Keswick Theater. Yeah, tickets to 2950 or 3950 for better seats. All ages, please.
Starting point is 00:54:38 Nobody under 16 unless you're going to sit on a lap. You want to come back today and get a poster sign. You wanna come back today and you get a poster sign. You can bring your son and sit on it and get a bossy day. That's the extra $10. I know. Yeah, that's gonna be a fucking, I called my agent, I was like, dude, can I please just do a show with people I like?
Starting point is 00:55:02 Cause I'm on the road every fucking weekend. And I'm like, why? I'm looking at these road every fucking weekend. And I'm like, why? I'm looking at these tours that they have. And I'm like, great, fine. Oh, okay. I have nothing bad to say about the tours they put together. But the fact that I'm walking around
Starting point is 00:55:13 the funniest fucking clocksackers, I know, and there's no tour at our age bracket. Because we get kids, but we also get, you know, people who are married and don't go out every fucking week and anymore and have kids themselves. So it's like, he goes, well, who's your dream to? I was like, this is it, bang, bang boom. I go, these three people. And he call me back, he goes, all right, I got it booked. And then they canceled it. And then we booked it again, and then they canceled that one.
Starting point is 00:55:39 I like that you call it as bang, bang, boom. Yeah, you're being, he's bang and fucking dumb, dumb, boom. Yeah, you're being he's bang and fucking dumb dumb boom. But I think that I think this is one of the probably best shows I've ever been on. And I was talking about before like the the the the the cruises you know you go on the cruises those know the comics right. Just me and Don Jamison. Don Jamison. So you and Don do comedy on the cruise before I must be tough. No, we do one one show on the theater, one comedy show. But we introduced the bands. We go around and just bands, you know, there's three different stages. How do you know, how do you introduce a band?
Starting point is 00:56:13 I you know, just go away. Give me a fucking thing. Like I'm the crab. Who's coming out? Give me a band. Hey, you guys still and give it up for Tesla. It was up here. Tesla's Tesla. You that's that's out of the show. Yeah, maybe 20 minutes before. Introduce them. And I'll just say, are you guys ready? You guys big rose tattoo fans out here. Tess is. You that's that's the outlaw. Yeah, maybe 20 minutes before I introduce them. And I'll just say, are you guys ready? You guys big rose tattoo fans out here. It's the first time torn in America in 27 years. I love this band. And hell. I don't know. I just whatever. I just right, you know, you don't get to fire them up. You don't try to get them
Starting point is 00:56:45 You guys ready are you ready? I said up there on the fucking by the water slide over there by the sonar And down there by the pool are you ready to rock it roll Give it up for the band that you love I love everybody loves my grandmother even loves these motherfuckers give it up for You don't do that Cuz it's a bunch of middle-aged people on a boat that don't have a lot of energy after the second day. So they don't need someone hyping it up. No, you don't need that. So I got that little hot chicks.
Starting point is 00:57:32 It was like two, right? There's a few. Yeah, there was like four smoking chicks. There's about 15 out of 3,000. Those are chicken rubbing my back while I was playing Crap's. Really? I just felt something on the rubbing my back while I was playing Crap's. Really? I just felt something on the small on my back. And it kept freaking me out because my wife and I didn't touch me in fucking eight months.
Starting point is 00:57:52 So I was like, is that human touch? Like, I didn't know what it was. I was like, am I having a stroke or is somebody caressing me right now? And I looked back and I was just beautiful girl on a sundress woman. It was a woman in a sundress. You know, she had definitely a miles on her, but I liked that. I like a little miles.
Starting point is 00:58:09 I like a little freckles on your chest because you didn't put sunblock on when you were like 18. You know, some of that maybe cancer, maybe not. Let's roll the dice on a freckled chest. You know, this is a weird thing to have. I get so weird thing to be attracted to melanoma. I know, I know. It's a weird thing to have. I can't say a weird thing to be attracted to melanoma. I know. I know.
Starting point is 00:58:28 It's a weird thing. You know the relationship won't last that long, no? Oh, well. You know, you can make plans. Yeah, make plans, but God laughs. I'm taking that bitch. I'm giving that bitch wings in around six months so you better get in on it. You know, just say, look, we'll get married.
Starting point is 00:58:48 We don't have to sign a pre-nut by trying to show. Yeah, right, right. Yeah. By the way, that introduction to Tesla thing is the weirdest fucking thing I've ever been sitting in front of someone. You know what I... You know what I...
Starting point is 00:59:03 You know what I picture? The whole time he's doing that Jim Norton in the crowd Watching the MC introduced a band like that and being so disgusting. He can't he can't enjoy the rest of the show No, because whenever local DJ would come out and try to do that He would know our net a metal show and a guy be doing that Norton would it would ruin his like till the fifth song. He'd still be mad. I'm like just get over it. Give it up for 107. You are Alan Milwaukee. My name is Ray Mike. Give it up for the wolf. Jimmy James here. And we had to introduce the bands. First up, let's give it up for my favorite band back on the day. She loves Jerry pie will soda we Make you wonder you know why great Mike
Starting point is 01:00:01 You're looking to see if there really is a cute one I'm here looking to see if there really is a cute one of seven Is it Rocks it's right gray Mike's up there with a Did you actually say that because you have a gray Mike right in front of you? Imagination started this thing on that's a black Mike. That's a whole other station That's a yo yo yo was a baby give it up for a black mic. But down here on the rubo we talk through the song.
Starting point is 01:00:30 And out out out out. Oh no. Yeah. We're coming down to the you're gonna go to the house. He talked right through a fucking whole song. Like yeah, you're sitting there jamming away. And he's like, oh yeah, that's a good song. Come down Tuesday night.
Starting point is 01:00:41 We got the girls hitting the fucking metal drum. Bing bang bong bong bong b fucking metal drum. Bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing. Anywho. I would, if I did the cruises, this cruise, I liked it because you were busy. You had shit during the day, you had shit at night, and the crew they put together as far as comics. He was a Bo Steve burn, Jessica Kerson.
Starting point is 01:01:02 Who's the girl that opens for dice? Eleanor Kegger. Ellen, I am an- She's right girl that opens for dice? Eleanor Kagan. Ellen. I am a monster. Buddy, I fucking love her. Eleanor Kagan. Yeah, she is. I want her amazing clip like that.
Starting point is 01:01:15 She is her and her sister came sister's great, but Eleanor is fucking funny, but hanging out. She is off a hoot. I mean, I I I love her. I love her. It's coast. Yeah, yeah, she's wise. Yeah, she's just she's off a hoot. I mean, I, I, I love her. I love her. She's a ghost. Yeah, she's wise. Yeah, she's just, she's some Philly though.
Starting point is 01:01:29 Yeah. She's a Philly girl. She'll cut you. She goes, I'll fucking cut you. That's like the second thing she said to me. Yeah, she's got a, comes from a family of nine, like seven brothers. There she is.
Starting point is 01:01:38 I mean, how fucking, she was on the cruise. She was awesome. Napar Gatsi was fucking. I mean, he's the greatest cause he trashes everybody. I mean, you just wind up trashing people with him and he's always looking for funny. I remember fucking, Cypher Sound was there.
Starting point is 01:01:56 He was DJ and do comedy, Span and do comedy. He walked up, I go, get me a water. He comes back with just a couple of water and no ice. I go, what are you, do you fucking run into a puddle? Fuck, fuck it, you're doing. Who brings somebody, I just a couple water no ice. I go, what are you? Did you fucking run into a puddle? Fuck it. You're doing we bring somebody's a fucking couple water with no ice. What is it the fucking 20s? My buffalo bill. Why would you ask him to go get water for you like he was going up there to get water? He's shining back. He was going to get everybody. He's gonna give me one thing again. Give me water. Give me a couple water But I will assume since it's fucking 2019 run a luxury cruise ship
Starting point is 01:02:28 We have everything you fucking one. He might dip the fucking cup But the big thing ice next to the water before he brings it back look warm water. What do we at a college? Guys do you want water? Here's a cup. I got it out of the fountain anyways Yeah, he was cool. Who else is Joe DeRosa, oh the best. You want to talk about how I love Joe DeRosa so much because you know controversy's gonna say something or just like that.
Starting point is 01:02:54 I heard that everybody was winning at the tables and DeRosa came out and it was like, get away. Everything about you. I had to leave. He's at the table, literally with the dice in his hand going. This is it's not working out I'm like dude you have everybody else was this way everything was going great. He goes it turned It's not good. I go you rolling you have the dice This is the time where you might be positive
Starting point is 01:03:16 You know, you don't say it's over with the dice in your hand And he's the game's going everybody walks up. Yeah, we had a good one, but it's over now. I'm like, you gotta go. You gotta get away from me. He's a mush. And they blame me for mushin'. And it was really, yeah, because I walked up the second night, the first night we all won.
Starting point is 01:03:36 I mean, literally, like, seven, seven, 50, 800 bucks. And I walked over to a roulette. The next night, I walked, because they were calling me the mush, but it was derosa. He was fucking the mush. So I go, okay, I was really bugged. I don't like to be the mush.
Starting point is 01:03:50 I don't like no offense mushy. It's a different mush. So I walked over to a roulette. I put, I don't know what I put like seven bucks or eight bucks on. I go 17 black. All right, and verse he goes, come on. I go, it's gonna hit 17 black right now.
Starting point is 01:04:04 And then we'll go smoke. He goes, what? Bing hits. Place goes nuts because everybody followed me on the 17. Everybody won. I won 380. I go, I'm not the mush. It was fucking derosa. That's not a mush. That's a fucking. So there you go. Yeah, he's on stage the last night big huge party, all in the deck and all the jokers are out there dancing and they are working the crowd. They are working. They fucking work. There is they don't just fucking go out there and just hey and wave they are dancing and
Starting point is 01:04:38 talking and for hours doing their writing shit, doing shit. This whole cruise is prepped. They got writers. It's crazy. The amount of work they do, they deserve every fucking nickel they get. They're not just shaking hands and kissing babies. And Derosa walks out, comes up, roll on stage.
Starting point is 01:04:59 I don't like, it's not my thing, it's their thing. You'll let me up on stage in front of thousands of people on the last night on your thing. I feel a little uncomfortable to be honest with you. I'm like, I shouldn't be here. Plus it's all house music. I don't know really, I put my hoodie on, I just stop bopping,
Starting point is 01:05:13 because I just don't wanna look like a dickhead. I wanna look like, you know, maybe a savvy bouncer. And that bouncer's real cool. So, Derose gets a coffee cup and fills it with champagne and goes out in the dance. Big huge stage of front thousand people. I think he bumps into the guy Joe. And the guy looks in the champagne on the stage
Starting point is 01:05:32 and he's like, what the fuck are you doing? And Deros got off fucked up because he got scolded by one of the jokers. And then he comes back over to Jay and Jay just starts making fun. Jay's trying to just, and then he comes over to me and I give him a pep talk, but it was too much. And then he goes to Sal and sounds like, I don't, I don't want to tell you. And he goes, he comes to me and goes,
Starting point is 01:05:51 do you think I should talk to him? I go, not now. It's over. I don't think he's in front of a thousand people right now, about to do a, a, a, a DJ battle. I think now would, to go up to him, go, hey, can I talk to you about me right now? Maybe a little selfish, a little bit. I go ahead and let it slide. Use the serenity prayer. That is fucking feeling, sir, though, you know? He's a sensitive guy.
Starting point is 01:06:14 Yeah, he's a sensitive. Joey Rose is a sensitive guy. Yeah, he is. Yeah. Most terrorists are, most terrorists. That's true. At the core of them, you know what I mean? There's a lot of sensitivity.
Starting point is 01:06:23 That's why they do what they do because what is, what is anger? Yeah. It's true at the core of them. You know what I mean? There's a lot of sensitivity. That's why they do what they do because what is what is Anger yeah, it's hurt feelings remember it like a nine-o-one like do you see me now? Do you understand how I feel now? Yeah, yeah, flying as fast as he could yeah, dude It's it's it's hurt feelings. Yeah anger and rage is just you somebody hurt you. Yes, that's it. So there you go Anger is just pain lashing out. Lashing out. Just lashing out. You know when now you're screaming at you child and your girlfriend, that's because you hurt Jim. That's all. You sure? Yeah. It wasn't that it just spilled something on the floor. Well, I mean, that's enough. I mean, you have a beautiful house. Because I don't
Starting point is 01:07:01 know why I don't really get hurt by that. It was just water. Yeah, by the way, some great news, I don't know, you've been out on the boat, you don't hear everything. Crank yankers is coming back. What? Yeah. Are you fucking kidding me? Is that amazing?
Starting point is 01:07:16 I don't know if I'm gonna be on it, but it's just coming back. Are you kidding me? You should be on it, dude. That'd be great. Do you think you're too famous to be on it with him? People would just know. Or do you think it's enough time has passed? No, it's because I did a Papa with a helmet on in 2002 to 2007.
Starting point is 01:07:32 Yeah, that's 2019 right now. Yeah, and don't forget the teeth. And he's called special ed. And one eye was bigger than the other. Yeah, yeah, I don't know if you can build the deal that right now. I think people are like, you know what, we've been sensitive for a while. Let's crank our yanks a little bit. Let's get out there and do it one more time. I think about this. Let's say Jimmy Kimmel's up to host the Oscars next year.
Starting point is 01:07:52 And Kimmel's put, you know, it's Jimmy's show. It's Jimmy and Adam. And Adam Corolla. Yeah, they, they, it's sort of back doing a show, whatever. It's Jimmy's production company. So next year for the Oscars, look at the shit that Kevin Hart had. So that someone's going to write an article that Jimmy's producing a show. And he's also wanted to characterize in a Suez production company, a guy making prank calls with a helmet on. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I think you get updated a little bit.
Starting point is 01:08:17 Yeah. Yeah. You get updated where he got like a brain surgery. And now he's really intelligent. And he's like the new Steve Jobs. Yeah, that sounds pretty good. And he calls up and says hello. Hello, I got mail. I know I just received mail. I have mail. And you son Luke can play special ed junior.
Starting point is 01:08:38 Do you yell at your kid? Rarely. Rarely. Rarely do anything wrong. Okay, but say he does. Yeah. Have you hit him? No.
Starting point is 01:08:48 You pulled this finger back, though. What? Why does he act his finger back as far as he's good? Fucking break this off. You have a touch that fucking van Hillen, Eddie, guitar ever again. That was signed by the whole ban you cock sucker. Stay away from that fucking thing. He played a rupture on that twice in front of me.
Starting point is 01:09:02 He ripped my Tesla poster. You took it out. He autographed a picture of Bob Beckland. I didn't like Bob Beckland. He was a rupture on that twice in front of me. He ripped my Tesla poster. You took a picture of Bob Beckland. I didn't like Bob Beckland. He was a better champ. Oh, it's a look. Eight. And already two streets more to sit on a man's lap.
Starting point is 01:09:13 Yeah. So he'd already be like, Hey, this doesn't feel good. Yeah, this doesn't jive. You're a pickle underneath my bum. Doesn't feel good. I'm gonna get off this. I'm gonna off this sensitive lap of you, sir. And I'm gonna go off this. I'm gonna get off this sensitive lapio sir.
Starting point is 01:09:26 And I'm gonna go back to my daddy. Yeah, even at eight he would know like if some guy came up to me and the nose bleed said you want to sit in the front like a front row. Yeah, we all know that. And you have to sit on my lap. He'd be like, no, I'm good in these seats. Right. I'll be all right.
Starting point is 01:09:40 Don't worry about it. Yeah, you might go, hey, is your nose bleeding? Now, the other thing that came up with Kimmo, he's one of the people, him, Jimmy Fallon, and Silver, Sarah Silverman, yeah. All they said, hey, you wore blackface in a joke thing years ago. So they're all taking a little bit of heat.
Starting point is 01:10:00 Who wore the blackface? All three of them. All three of them. Yeah. Was it at a party or on a show? I think it was on a show. Yeah. It was on the man show they did it. He would make fun of call him alone, Jimmy. Right. And that crazy Christ. Fallen did it for Chris Rock or something. I mean, listen, you can't, I mean, what the fuck we can't make fun of each other? I mean, you can't make fun. Shouldn't why the
Starting point is 01:10:20 fuck? Who gives the fuck? Why black people don't give a shit. He is black people care about that. Yes, they do. Now they do. Then they didn't because before blackface was just minstrel blackface with pitch black paint with white lips. Not the 80s and 90s, though. We're okay. I always knew it was wrong.
Starting point is 01:10:37 Like I went to a Halloween party. Like right when the OJ trial was on, I wore an OJ mask and a bloody like T shirt and the call number 32 on a back. Nobody talked to me, but I knew not to go on blackface. It said the OJ trial was on. I wore an OJ mask and a bloody like T shirt and the Cole number 32 on the back. Nobody talked to me, but I knew not to go on black face. I said, the OJ mask on. So I sat the corner. Yeah. They were horrified. But you listen to fucking Metallica on an iPod. I, I never, I never, before why? Huh? Yeah. You did. Yeah. What was Sarah Silverman's Sarah Silverman's real bad. She wore the, she did. Yeah. What was Sarah Silverman's? Sarah Silverman is real bad. She wore the old.
Starting point is 01:11:06 She did an I think on her show or Sarah Silverman show on Comedy Central. I was doing a joke about black face. She also let's Louis jerk off the front of the two. It's just terrible. That's her business. That's her. But did she told everybody? Yeah, that she said, Hey, I didn't mind.
Starting point is 01:11:19 And everybody got mad at it. Oh my God. Yeah. What was that for? She was here. That was the only way Louis could get excited. Well, it looks a little weird, doesn't it? No, that's menstrual blackface.
Starting point is 01:11:32 No, the shape of her face looks weird. Yeah, she made her lips puffier. Like she put something in her mouth. Uh, make sure. No. I don't think she did that, dude. You can't make your lips puffier. She just has white on her lips.
Starting point is 01:11:43 Yeah, she's just those are lips. I've been inside her. Yeah, you fucked just those are lips. I'm an insider. Yeah, you fucked. I mean, what are the, what are the crank calls gonna be? Are you alone? Mm-hmm. Yeah. I don't want to sexually harass you,
Starting point is 01:11:53 but you're alone. I don't know. What are you gonna do? Like, give me a character. What would you do? Right now, me and Ron are the producers of the new show. We're hired. I'd do the same thing.
Starting point is 01:12:04 I'll do what right now. We're hired. I do the same thing. Do do what right now. We'll give us a character. No, I'm just saying like whatever it is, I'm not gonna like, oh, I better not say that. I do ring. Hello. Who's this?
Starting point is 01:12:14 My name is Michael. Who's this? Michael Ho. Denny, who's this, please? No, Michael Ho. Michael Gatsby. Oh, yeah. Wait, did I go to high school with you?
Starting point is 01:12:25 Who is this? You don't know. No, I don't know, who is it? We just talked on the phone last week. I didn't talk to anybody last week. Oh, you didn't, so you didn't use your phone at all last week. I used my phone last week, but I- Oh, but you just said you didn't talk to anybody.
Starting point is 01:12:39 Is this Gary? No. Gary, who is not Gary Ho? Gary Malkovich. Yes, it is Gary Malkovich. Is it Gary? Yeah. What are you doing? You sound weird. I got a cold. You got a cold. Jesus Christ. You sound like you had to do some bands on a fucking metal cruise for God's sakes. Really? Yeah. Well, if I did, I wouldn't scream like some people. What? And overact and wave my arms. Now you get, no, I'm just saying that I mean, what are you doing? If I was breaking character now and I'm taking offense, you're literally, you're not getting the job. No, I fucking. Shuley was on today and we got talking about you and then we played, let me put my brother
Starting point is 01:13:20 on. And we bought the best just fucking laugh like school children. So stupid. Is it, I mean, how funny is fucking Florence team with that shit? It's unbelievable. I could never do it because I don't have the ability to not care. Like he has the ability, he, it's, fuck it. You can't in the moment, you can't care. You cannot even worry about anybody's feelings, what the other person feels like in the other line.
Starting point is 01:13:44 Maybe afterwards you could feel a little remorse, but not in that moment. You can't. It's just like an acting role if you have to do some 16, you can't in the middle of it feel like you do it's bad. Right. We had a couple of famous people like
Starting point is 01:13:56 bail right in the middle of a call. Yeah. They just felt bad. For somebody that couldn't do it. Huh? Who's the famous person that you stick with it? What's his name? Michael Kitt. Michael Kitten. The director now. Michael Kitten. Oh, the Michael Kitten. Yeah. Farrow. Michael Kitten directed that. Farrow. Yeah. In the middle of it. We were doing
Starting point is 01:14:15 it. Funny, but he just couldn't pull it off. He couldn't pull it off. Why? He just felt bad for the other people in the line. Yeah. They called me and they didn't get me and they didn't get me. Jeff Garland called me, but I'm too suspicious. I was like, who the fuck's this? I don't fucking know you. Fuck off, it's not real. Why would Garland do it?
Starting point is 01:14:34 Someone gave him my number. Like somebody, one of the comics that knew me was like, try to get Robert. I forget who it was. And it was a comic that we were friends, but not we were friends, but not friends. So he was just trying to fuck with me and he didn't get me. And it really went south and then never aired it.
Starting point is 01:14:53 Cause I was just like, go fuck yourself. I don't believe this phone call, you know? And that was for cranky anchors? Cranky anchors. Yeah, he was on there. Yeah, he tried to call me up and get me out. And I love Josh. I should have just played along.
Starting point is 01:15:03 I would have been on the show. You know what I mean? Could I even be calling you back now? Yeah, maybe. You appreciate that. Yeah, that's, I wonder who they're going to get to do it. And I mean, they can't be mean to people. They're going to get sued.
Starting point is 01:15:16 So Tracy Moore, it was Tracy. Three transgender people. Oh, yeah, they could do it. It was one to size. One to size Tracy Morgan, Jimmy Camel Camel Adam, Kerala. Right. Close. She paled the first season. Thank cook that a few calls. Yeah. But we were the main character. David Allen Greer was a character.
Starting point is 01:15:35 But you were a standout character. I did two characters. Yeah, his was the biggest guy. I did Bobby Fletcher and a special eds. I did two of them. Do the Bobby Fletcher thing. Now it's just my regular level. How's it go? Hi, how are you? level. How's it going? Uh, hi. How are you? Good. How are you doing? Not bad.
Starting point is 01:15:51 What? Who's this? I didn't use my phone last week. Who's this? What was the, uh, He was just a dick. He's just, you know, burping in the phone and stuff and just being rude. Now when you pitch, did you just do special ad or did you pitch him and have to know I was doing that
Starting point is 01:16:05 I might my my All cities. Yeah, I call them retard, but they said we can't call them that so they call them special ed So special ed now did you did you have to sell the licensing? Yeah, so they own special they own it Five what do you have much money? He can make on on dolls and fucking helmets. At the Keshewik Theatre, when it's out again. March eight. March eight.
Starting point is 01:16:32 March eight. I remember I get those dolls of the special helmet. Where Christmas is coming up. No, look, they said either you sign that character over or you're down on the show basically. Right, did you make a lot of money off of that? You made yes, just yeah, but I so was I gonna do play sports bars and Philly or or sign that over for free and be on a Hit show that knows gonna be a show but yeah was for a while your character was the main guy on that show It was probably it was the break out character. Yeah, you the
Starting point is 01:17:02 I made a lot of money for Comedy Central with that character. You made a lot of money for them. Yeah, that's funny too because. Well, and M&M was a big fan. M&M really put the show over the edge. He was a big fan of my character. And we, when he wanted to be on the show and he was on it and we did the music awards, the MTV Music Awards together and all that.
Starting point is 01:17:19 That's when really people really latched on it a show. You did the music awards. Are you, are you, is there ghost over there? Listen. Well, don't listen. Break up the music word you fuck. I can have Mike sit there and listen. That's why you're here.
Starting point is 01:17:33 We fired him. So because you're better at it. Usually gold rings that you fucking got off a gypsy and get that fucking video. Those bosses rings. Boss just sent in his rings. I know that is a show. My rings would be there. I lost boss's rings. Boss just sent in his rings. I know that it's a show. I rings would be there.
Starting point is 01:17:47 Those are bosses original rings. He's upgraded since then. So you and, and wow, that's crazy. I mean, you were at the MTV Music Awards. Yeah. Was that not that freaky out? Yeah. I was, I was there.
Starting point is 01:17:59 The memory of the year Madonna and Britney Spears pissed. I was at the rehearsals for that. It was, I was sitting in the crowd. It was all like 10 people. And I saw them do it early. And I'm like, holy shit. Didn't she also figure blaster in my memory?
Starting point is 01:18:12 And after that, I was, they didn't show that though. Okay. Is this y'all coming out? Yeah. Well, Eminem comes out and the Adam, I'll show you, I'm right under the puppet. I'm right under the, the puppets. No, the puppet. Eminem, are and the Adam I'll show you I'm right under the puppet. I'm right under the The puppets know the Puppet yeah, are you doing the puppet? I'm doing the voice and the puppeteers under there too
Starting point is 01:18:31 So there's two of us under the under that right there I had a little running with a puppet last year who basically got him off He's pissed me off so I smacked shit up with me tonight and say hi So Pavan on the head Stop one eyes bigger than the other one. I is Fun in the eyebrow on the left 2004. Yeah, wow or five. His eyebrow on the left didn't grow as much as the one on the It stopped growing because one side of his face was like I'm done. Go ahead And then the only here to put a smile on our faces
Starting point is 01:19:37 So what I'm saying is that I've opened my heart and now I understand it violence whether it's against puppets or against people Is That's why you should think And there are peaceful ways to resolve every conflict. And that's what's important. You write to your fans, that's what you should think before you stand, that's why you should think before you act, because it has an effect on those around you. Ladies and gentlemen, make some noise for 56. Alright, cancel that. I mean, you can't do that now. Times of change.
Starting point is 01:20:16 You can't beat up a retarded puppy. You can't. A ripet's arm on a puppy. A puppet. Sorry. What the fuck? I can't believe how much the world has changed. No, it's crazy.
Starting point is 01:20:29 And this seems like yesterday to be too. And at the same time, everything has changed. I can't believe it. I mean, that is you should show that. If you want to tell people the world has changed a lot, show that clip. I just feel like you can't do that anymore. MTV would never put that on either.
Starting point is 01:20:48 Who would? Music awards. Right. No. You'd get fucking off any social media you'd get douched with that. Oh, no matter what you do, you get attacked anyway, even if you didn't do anything. But yeah, but they would go. Look, it always helps when it goes through puppets.
Starting point is 01:21:03 I mean, South Park still takes unbelievable But I tell my wife it's right Listen, I'm gonna do a straw puppet, all right, but the dick on the puppet is gonna be my dick So you can always get away. It's built all around it. It's built all around my yeah Wow, did you ever get the puppet? Yeah, I have a puppet. You have anyone, yeah. You have one?
Starting point is 01:21:29 Yeah. Is it somewhere? Is it in a closet? Is it in my house? Yeah. You don't have it framed or in a box, like a magician. Yeah, it's like he's the fucking rock and roll
Starting point is 01:21:39 hall of fame with his own career. You wouldn't fucking have that in a, if they gave you that puppet. What the, is that a hamburger with nuts? Why, what are you doing? Why are you bringing up guys making hamburgers with a ticking ball? I'm trying to find a penis puppet.
Starting point is 01:21:55 Floor, just favorite wrestlers from when he was 14. We can't, what are you doing? Why are you doing this? Are you horny? It's my, it's my job. It's your job, but dick and bowl. And it's the saddest part. It is your job. That's the part I told you. You should feel bad. One guy looked like big jobs. Rodney. Yeah. You wouldn't, I mean, if they gave, if you did that puppet, I mean,
Starting point is 01:22:23 that guy, I wouldn't say, he's like if you did that puppet I mean that guy He's like put in the in the closet. It's in the closet. Yeah, okay See that that's Patrice's hat That's one of his hats that we all got when he died his mom gave us each a hat That's his hat. What's special? I didn't die. It wasn't his friend. It was a fucking puppet from the show. I you don't have to make it personal. No.
Starting point is 01:22:53 What I'm saying get this cape off my chair. It's not a cape. Might look like a cape now. I've always wanted a cape. Let's be honest. Who has it? If you could have a cape, Ronnie, you'd look great. You know what? Take that cape, put it in the glass box and put it next to the
Starting point is 01:23:08 heart. You'll have a front fucking thing there. Ronnie, you'd love it. You look great walking over the cape. If you had a cape, and if one of those little tiny cigars, they'd fucking follow you. They'd follow wherever you went. They'd follow you. I'm saying this is that you should have that. It's gonna, what if something gets into it? What if mites get into it and it gets? You know what, we're gonna promise. Let's put that in the box. Mania will go out tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:23:32 We'll buy a nice fucking box. Put it in, so I'll take care of Bobby. Don't worry about it. It's all done. Ronnie, I'm serious. We are too. We're gonna get that done. I'll buy it off you then.
Starting point is 01:23:42 I'll put it in the box. How much you want for it? Now, I gotta keep, but I don't want to, first of all, people come over and do repairs in your house. They see that puppet then they get to go, are you that guy from crank anchors? Then I get to get him an extra tip. I got to get an extra money.
Starting point is 01:23:56 Oh, or you get, or you get, or you get, or you get shit off. Oh, not really. Not really. I was, because I did for the puppet. Dude, I love that guy. I don't worry about it, man. I got it. I'm. Not really. Oh, because I did for the puppet.
Starting point is 01:24:05 Dude, I love that guy. I don't worry about it, man. I got it. I'm so to inspect your car because you're trading in the lease. But listen, you know what? You got a couple scratches that along on the six inches on your rims. I'm going to do it. For-
Starting point is 01:24:16 Hey, forget it. Yay. Forget it. Well, that has to happen, yes. Let me just take it. Let me take a picture with the puppet. Yeah. And that's it.
Starting point is 01:24:24 Don't worry about it trade that thing in Yeah, let's put it in the box tomorrow. I'm telling you I know I know I don't I know I did the character I don't need to put okay Well, you should at least vacuum seal it without the oxygen the oxygen you will eat up the fuck dude Can you lend us Patrice's hat box until we get another box? I want to go on my got to do a Patrice's hat. Just put wear it for a couple days Thank you for the days wearing around. Hey you guys remember Patrice? This is a hat you wouldn't look good with one of those capes. Are you out of you are fucking mind? Ronnie you'd be the king of Pekipsi. Where are you again?
Starting point is 01:25:01 Pokonos. No, I'm in Pekipsi. Right now I'm going to the prince and hoping that when my No, I'm gonna be kept safe. I'm not gonna be kept safe. Right now I'm only the prince, I'm hoping that when my dad dies I'm gonna walk up. Listen, you gotta put it in, I'm too serious. You gotta get a vacuum seal, then a bag. So the oxygen won't fuck up the color. I don't know what oxygen is in your house, but mine is fine. Show him.
Starting point is 01:25:20 Show him. Show him. Show him what happens to- Let me just seal up my kids. Oh, dull. While I'm at it. Yeah, let's take a look when the oxygen gets to your doll. What happens? I don't know. I'm curious what's going to happen. They were hard not It's horrible. Yeah, look it. That's what happens. Is that what you want to happen to the fucking doll? Is that what you want?
Starting point is 01:25:43 Is that what you want? I don't really care. I don't really care. Can I buy it off you then? How much you want to sell to the fucking doll? Is that what you want? Is that what you want? I don't really care. I don't really care. Can I buy it off you then? How much you want to sell for? $3,000. $3,000? I'll buy it off you're $3,000. No, I don't want to sell it.
Starting point is 01:25:52 Oh, somebody. My kid might want it, but I don't care about who cares. Because when you, here's not toxic fumes in my house. When your kid, that is gonna, the puppet's gonna descend. I'm telling you right now, the oxygen, it doesn't matter. How come it doesn't mess up my shirts? It will.
Starting point is 01:26:07 If you keep your shirt, you ever notice your shirts after a long time will become softer and lighter and more. No, not just more. Because you don't know how to do it long. No, no, no, you can, mites to look up cloth mites. Cloth mites, hurry up.
Starting point is 01:26:21 Yeah. This is what we got. We got it. We got it. Yeah. This is what we got. We got it. We got it. We got it. We got it. We got it.
Starting point is 01:26:30 We got it. We got it. We got it. We got it. We got it. We got it. We got it. We got it. We got it.
Starting point is 01:26:38 We got it. We got it. We got it. We got it. We got it. We got it. We got it. We got it. We got it. We got it. We got it. We got it. We got it. We got it. We got it. We got it. We got it. We got it. We got it. We got it. through all their clothes, had holes in all their shit, and everything that throw everything out, fucking steam their house, and then get all new clothes.
Starting point is 01:26:48 Those things that you just showed up there on me, I killed myself. I would fucking take a knife and cut my own. You gotta be careful those things, man. They'll fucking eat shit away. You don't want. I gotta be careful of a fire too. All you have to do is get a picture of a fire. I still live my life. Picture of a fire.
Starting point is 01:27:04 Puppet in a fire. Puppet in a fire. I don is picture of a fire. Yeah. Even in that case, the probably go up and flanks. Oh, yeah. Big house. So I got to worry about that too. So I don't know what I should do about that. Get it. If you put it in, get a fire. Prove it happens. Look at that. Look at that. You don't want that. Hey, he'd be instead of yeah, he'd be like, ow, ow, ow. Listen.
Starting point is 01:27:26 Ow, ow. Ah, ow, ow. We are the champions. And you know time for losers. Cause we are the champions of the world. One of those notes was the threat note. I don't, let's see. What's the world?
Starting point is 01:27:51 I add to my own twist. I like that. Hey, I'm telling you, all you have to do is get a bag. Put the thing in, press all the air out, tie it off with tape, and nothing will get in. No mold, no head. I'm actually going to do that, you have problems. Definitely not, though.
Starting point is 01:28:06 Now, if you don't do that and something does happen to it, later in the life, your kid goes to sell that on Pond Stars in Vegas and he's gonna make fucking 60 grand off of that thing because there's one and you had it and it's all fucked up and then they offer them 10 bucks, you're gonna be sorry. Because he'll be able to pay off your fucking funeral with that thing someday.
Starting point is 01:28:29 You understand? I'm a big. This is the Christmas of the future. Go to Amazon. I'm gonna. Yeah. I want to buy Ronnie a cape right now. Look at that.
Starting point is 01:28:37 I'm going to call up picture again. See if it's the word nine cents. We got the Keswick theater, right? March 8th. I mean, the lineup is crazy. I mean, Florence is one of the funniest guys walking. He's unbelievable. I didn't even got a special in this pocket. You haven't even put out yet, right?
Starting point is 01:28:53 Two weeks. Oh, you're doing it, you believe. He'll be a serious only. Oh, is that right? He's a serious ex-another, first couple of months. I don't want to hood on his cape. I just want to break the leg. This is stuff with about the accident on this.
Starting point is 01:29:03 I watch him put this together. It's the funniest, craziest fucking. I don't want to go on this. I just want to bring this stuff with about the accident on this. I watch him put this together. It's the funniest, crazy as fucking shit. I've ever seen. I can't wait to see it, dude. The light what he did with his ex and the shit that happened. People were just sitting over their jaws down.
Starting point is 01:29:19 Okay. Here's the thing I saw. He the last time I saw you do a full set was your special at the theater next door. He ends the one man show ends the one one man show. I mean, I was crying. His girl died in the end of it. It's him with this blonde, beautiful woman and this little kid. And I got it and I got it all and I'm happy today.
Starting point is 01:29:41 And I was like, what the fuck man? To see this hunk of shit, I don't care. I don't care. You know, no, he's just a guy's guy and to see him and that thing on that and just happiness. I was like, wow, fucking spectacular. And then when I found out she fucked a cop, I was like, what is he gonna do now?
Starting point is 01:30:01 And the fact that you have an hour dealing with this shit, I am, I can't tell you, it's like Rocky II. Well, first of all, do you remember the last line of that one man, Chau? Please tell me, I don't remember, because I remember if it took a while. It was a fallback and I said to one thing, and I'm gonna tell my son that one thing I will do
Starting point is 01:30:19 for my son that I didn't do for myself, I'll never let him get in the professional wrestling. Because there's a call back at a guy molesting me for the pictures. And cut to, we've been to two WrestleMania's. So I didn't listen to that. But yeah, so yeah, but anyway, after about three months,
Starting point is 01:30:33 I just came up with, I had one joke, and then the floodgates just opened and I just, I can't wait. I could, you know, it just took me a while to get over and then once it did, it was just, and it was vicious in the beginning. I saw it and then it took me about a year to smooth it over. You saw it early and then later and it got a little, a little softer. Yeah. Just, you
Starting point is 01:30:52 know, smoothed out the edges because it was angry. No, I wouldn't you be in a beginning. Oh my God, dude. I remember, I told you I was, I was on the Amy Schumer had a roof deck party. I mean, it was very exclusive. Me and him were up there. He was there with his wife. I remember going home to my wife that night and going, I found such a great couple we could hang out with. Florentine and his wife are the shit. They got a kid.
Starting point is 01:31:15 I mean, we got to invite him over. She's like, oh, really? I was like, gotta have him over. And then where? Where? Too much later, yeah, I'm from the party. Yeah, man. All right, and then we haven't had a friend over since.
Starting point is 01:31:26 And probably she even had something going on why that was happening. Yeah, like even doing that. Yeah, what's going on then? Yeah, she was already cut. It was a right, yeah, it was. Fuck, yeah, it's crazy. And she never liked Amy.
Starting point is 01:31:38 She thought that me and Amy had something going on. I'm like, we don't have anything going on. She's a friend of mine. Yeah, we're all just comics. We just hang out. You know what they said? Cheating people are always paranoid. Yeah, yeah, everybody. She's a friend of mine. Yeah, we're all just comics. We just hang out. You know, they said cheating people are always paranoid. Yeah, yeah. She was always like, I couldn't even watch that when I did
Starting point is 01:31:50 all the sketches for her show. My wife wouldn't even watch it with me. Really? She didn't like it. She thought we had something going on. I had to watch her like the next day when it would come out because I wanted to see the finished product. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:32:01 I'm like, that's weird that I came and watched, you know, a show my wife that I'm on. If I a walk in, I saw my wife cheating on me. I don't think I'd leave. I just feel like, hey, I'm going to be on the room. When you do, you got to go. So whatever you got to do, just ain't jerking off. No, I wouldn't be sexual with it. Okay, that's your choice, but it's open to you. All right. Yeah, it's there. It's on the table. Yeah. But I wouldn't, I wouldn't be sexual. I walked in on an X. I set that into one man's show.
Starting point is 01:32:28 You did? Yeah. I heard a moaning. Oh yeah. She was banging my roommate. Yeah. And I heard a scream and she didn't. I came home early from work.
Starting point is 01:32:35 Yeah. And the first thing I thought was like, what is he doing to her? Because I never heard a moan like that. Seriously, that's how sick it was. Yeah. Like I'd listen for about 10 seconds. I think that would kill me if I heard my wife
Starting point is 01:32:47 was going, whoah! Whoah! Never made those noise with me. It wasn't my wife, it was this girl from a while. I don't think I've heard my wife make a noise in a while. I think I heard, I think her trying to not make a noise,
Starting point is 01:33:03 or maybe her trying, I think now that it's her trying to make a noise. Did you hear a microphone call? Is that a real thing? Ah, Keswick Theater. Marges, you keep, I wanna get it, I wanna, I'm getting it. Yes, I'm fine, go with the Keswick Theater, let's plug that. I'm gonna get you, Cape, though.
Starting point is 01:33:18 Yeah, okay. I am getting you, Cape. Bringing out the night of the Keswick Theater. I think we should call it. When's it gonna be? This is why you're the fucking king we should all have Caps we come out at the end with Caps it's gonna be the cave shell and then afterwards we'll put them in boxes
Starting point is 01:33:33 Yeah I'll make a big box and you last me now. Yeah, I'll have my Patrice hat later in life. Your doll will have fucking clothes mites. I don't know anyone that's ever got clothes mites. I do. No hotel has bed bugs. It's all a myth. That's not a myth, you know, fucking savage. So it's March 8th.
Starting point is 01:33:55 March 8th, we have this great show Friday. Who now? Who are we going to call this show? I called it. We were coming up with names. Me and Vlas came up with making comedy great again. We were gonna get hats like red hats. Oh boy. What do you think of that? Why I have a, oh boy, oh boy. Does the bank call pro? Is that a touchy subject? I have a red hoodie as a bank call profits of rage. My profits of rage, whenever happy, profits of
Starting point is 01:34:22 rage, we're always on the edge On the hoody it says make America rage again, but when I wear it people want to fight They don't read it. They just see the red and make America people want to fight me American Profits of rage we're never really happy Here I come, puffed some rage! We're never really happy! Puffed some rage! We're always on the edge! He really could do a monthly crew cover band.
Starting point is 01:34:50 Now I know why his wife doesn't touch him. Yeah. Oh, no, you don't. My fucking pecker smells like a frog foot. Hi! Ron, Ridgeboss, Robert Kelly, Jim Florentine, Ron Bellicone. Now, Friday, March 8th. Ross is already, Ross is already, I'm gonna, I'm a boss, Robert Kelly, Jim Florentine, and Robert. Now, Friday, March 8th.
Starting point is 01:35:06 Ross is already, I'm gonna, I'm gonna host. Yeah, I'm hosting. Which I don't, I mean, none of us care, right? No, no. We go, we let him host. We should just leave when he's nice host. We'll go out and enjoy the city. Well, if we get him host up front, at least we know
Starting point is 01:35:21 he's not gonna go up. When I had, when I did a co-headline thing with him, it was not even co-head, I was just when I did a call headline thing with him, it wasn't even a call out. I was just headlined. He was supposed to do 30 minutes. He did 50 minutes and just fucking buried the light and crushed and then went, and then I think he stuck his little hand up at the end
Starting point is 01:35:37 and I had to go out and fucking, you know, every, everybody was talk to. It was, he sucks. So the suitcase for the fucking t-shirts, cock sucker. But no, he, I think he's one of the greatest hosts. He's great, he sees unbelievable. So everything goes.
Starting point is 01:35:51 What do you wanna call? What would your name be of the team? He's gonna go on tour, because I think somebody, we might do a tour, would you do a tour? Yeah. Of this, what would you call it? I'm gonna call it. Let's do this.
Starting point is 01:36:04 Let's do one of these in serious XM. We'll get an audience there. The four of us is up there. Okay. And by the end of it, we'll have the name of it. I'll get them to play it enough. You know what? I think we'll do. Let's talk about the fact that the audience has changed. Yeah. Over the last 10 years, I think it would be interesting to be I think. And you know what hasn't changed is our standup. A standup is we I mean, there be interesting to be. I think, and you know what hasn't changed is our standup. Our standup is, we, I mean, there's no B plan. We're still talking about the same shit we were talking about back then and getting laughs. So the minority, I think of the people fucking planning about this shit,
Starting point is 01:36:35 the majority of people still laugh at the same fucked up shit. We're out of doubt. I know he's as a club boners around the country. If I have more people walking out and they never they say no not at all All right, so we should do that you have anything to plug their Jimbo. Yeah, I have mites Yeah, they're gonna be around all this weekend and last now kid laugh now Atlantic City this weekend valleys oh nice Ballies And then Uncle Vinnie's comedy club march first and second.
Starting point is 01:37:05 Is that good? And I do my podcast, Comedy Mental Midgets Unriot Cast. It's the second biggest podcast besides this one. It's a great fucking podcast. I mean, it's the original, one of the original, yeah, it is with the glory hill. We were glory home. Yeah. Remember, we couldn't plug the shell on TV.
Starting point is 01:37:21 I was on a red eye and they were like, yeah, you can hear them on the glory. We can't say that. We can't fucking put that on there. And I went to Robert, yeah, we're gonna change the network. We're gonna change the name. So, yeah, Jim Florentine, thanks for coming on, brother.
Starting point is 01:37:35 Appreciate you. The roads are so dangerous. Yeah, I don't know if I'm gonna be able to get home. I mean, I appreciate you traveling in here and doing this. I gotta do an ad, right? Yeah. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 01:37:47 Real quick. Let me do an ad. You're a showbiz, guys, before I get to you, I don't even need a plug. And we, no, I wanna give you a plug. I, but I want it. Please, let me, please, please, let me do this. You wanna read the ad?
Starting point is 01:37:58 What is it for? It's for Brooklyn. Do you know Brooklyn? No, tell me all about it. Brooklyn is actually one of my favorite companies, Ron. I have Brooklyn and Lenin on my bed. Let me get my glasses on. Brooklyn and you, look, man, here's a deal.
Starting point is 01:38:15 You spend half the day in your bed. If you're lucky, eight hours, if you're not so lucky, six. But when you come off the road, when you go anywhere, you come home, what is your favorite thing? Your bed. Tonight, when you go anywhere, you come home. What is your favorite thing? You're bad tonight when you go home. What are you gonna do? You sit on the couch, have some cheese and crackers, maybe a wheat then some water.
Starting point is 01:38:31 If you're a fucking smart, right? I'm putting special ed in the case. You're gonna go home, you're gonna get a bag, you're gonna suck the air up, put them in that so your kid has a future. Yeah, I'm gonna make sure to the oxygen. Ron's gonna go back up to the fucking polka nose. You're gonna get that fucking... You're gonna get home.
Starting point is 01:38:48 He's gonna get in that champagne tub. It's gonna... What about my linen? Tell you right now, you spend most of your life in your bed and it's about time you upgrade your bedding, okay? I love my sheets. I have three pairs of them. I got one from them and then I bought two with my code because they're so soft, they're amazing.
Starting point is 01:39:06 It's like sleeping in a four seasons. You know when you get in those expensive hotels and you're like, oh, this is different. This is not 900 people have slept in this. Whatever thread count, whatever weird stuff. This is it in Brooklyn and that's what they are. Okay, they get over 30,000 five star reviews. Well, then any other online betting company,
Starting point is 01:39:28 half a million happy sleepers and counting, okay? They're winner of the best online betting category by good housekeeping. They're rewards, the reviews, everything. It's founded by a 2004 team by a husband and wife Vicki and Rich Fulop, their mission to do what? Make fire start betting affordable for everybody. So everybody can sleep nice luxury sheets without the luxury markups.
Starting point is 01:39:52 How do they do that? They take out the middle man. All right. Most betting is marked up 300%. That's a fact. Yeah. Check it. It's a fact.
Starting point is 01:40:01 Look it up. Brooklyn is the fastest growing betting brand in the world. Okay, like I said before, they have three, three, 30,000 five star reviews. She's feel great, they look great, they have mix and match over 20 colors and patterns. Brooklyn and sheets are the best, most comfortable sheets I've ever slept on myself.
Starting point is 01:40:23 I have them, I'm not joking around, I have them. Now it's time for you to upgrade. is giving an exclusive hour to my listeners right now. Get $20 off and free shipping when you use promo code. What dude? Okay, at Brooklyn is so confident you will love their product.
Starting point is 01:40:41 Check this out. Their sheets, confitors, towels, lifetime warranty, boom. Lifetime, that means your life. You live 10 years or a week from now, whatever it is. Whatever it is. That's your life. The only way to get this, $20 off and free shipping is to use promo code
Starting point is 01:40:59 That's These really are the best sheets I've ever had in my life. Make sure you go to and make sure you go to So that's Robert Kelly. Thank you for all the fans who are a member of my Patreon. I love you guys. If you're a fan of this podcast and you're not on my Patreon,
Starting point is 01:41:17 I don't know what to tell you. Okay, you're there to what you get the podcast free, you get audio versions of this podcast. If you're a trucker, toad, toad. Is that the horn they use? So on this side. Okay. Sometimes it's in the middle,
Starting point is 01:41:32 wah, wah, wah. It's a deeper sound. You get the, you get the, we're shooting me and we got to figure that out tonight. We're shooting the new episode of Live From The Shed, but it's gonna be Live From The Pussycat because it's just too cold to use the shed and the heaters.
Starting point is 01:41:47 Don't let it go. You're gonna put on it, you don't know yet. I do, I got Liza Colby, Google her, one of the greatest rock and roll singers in New York City. Old school CBGB type rock girl with the band, her Liza Colby sound, it's what the show sex drugs and rock and roll. She's, no, not based on her, but that type of thing.
Starting point is 01:42:07 And she is one of, I mean, she goes on stage, I mean, look at her, she is just a badass motherfucker. I don't know if you ever see him live, go see her live, her and her band are amazing, and she's gonna come on. And she's, her sense of humor is great. She actually sat, she went to my special, sat in the audience.
Starting point is 01:42:24 If you saw my life from the village underground She's in the audience with their husband and she didn't ask for take she just showed up She loves fucking comedy and she's one of the baddest mother fuckers out there rock in the world right now and She's gonna be on the show and I'm gonna try to get Norton I'm gonna try to get Norton Hopefully you can do it. He blew me off the last time because of the radio all that but says says Robert Kelly, what and Ron, you have your show.
Starting point is 01:42:48 I bet I'm gonna show the only father, daughter radio show in the history of radio, the Bennington show. It's one of the best show. I mean, when I'm gonna do your show and I don't try to get on too much, I would love to, I would do your show every day. I didn't know that.
Starting point is 01:43:02 I would, but I don't wanna get on too much because I don't wanna ever have an incident. Yeah. You know where it's like, uh, Bobby's gone too much. Yeah, he might not want you on that one. Yeah, well, of course he doesn't. I know you don't. You pick your spots.
Starting point is 01:43:16 Right, you pick your spots. When you have something good, you pick your spots. When you have a great restaurant, you pick your spots. When you got to put a good piece of ass that doesn't want to me you pick your spots. Right? Good piece of best.
Starting point is 01:43:27 Yeah. What was the last one? I don't know. I just was flown with it. It's like a song. Check out. Yeah. Try it and song.
Starting point is 01:43:34 Thanks. But your show is probably one of the fucking. It's probably the best show I'm on. I love it. So check that out on the on the, is it the fraction still? Yes, the fraction. The fraction one third. What is it out on the on the is it the fraction still? Yeah, it's the fraction the fraction one third What is it called what is that the faction? It wasn't mine. It's not your choice. What would your choice be the cape?
Starting point is 01:43:57 Give it up for the cape I wear it all day long Alright Mike what do you got buddy? You follow me at Mike Feeswar as on Instagram. See me around at the lantern, pre-gonna care places like that. What do you got? You can follow me on Instagram at Gabby is Brian. I have a monthly show first Wednesday of every month
Starting point is 01:44:15 at the way station. We're doing the live from the pussycat tomorrow night. Yeah, tomorrow night Wednesday night live from the pussycat. I can't wait. I'm running my, here's the thing. I've been running my dirty clean It's called dirty clean for the last year or so. I want to do a half hour clean a half hour dirty I want to do crystal clean
Starting point is 01:44:36 Tonight show comedy and then just turn and a half hour and do fucking just off Good idea and then I look on fucking the internet last week. Pete Holmes has a show, his new hours called Dirty Clean. And I mean, it's not the same concept. It's just, he's doing worry about it. I know, but it's my, the main. I'm not filthy cleaned that. Please. Do you hate that?
Starting point is 01:44:59 I don't. I don't know. I kind of like it. Let's, let's, we know what we can't get around. What is he doing at two? Where he's doing? No, he's not doing that. It's just his act. He's clean dirt, whatever. It should be called clean, clean.
Starting point is 01:45:08 So there you go. But we're working on that. I'm still working on it tomorrow night. And these two egg heads are there. But. I don't know. He said, that's too egg heads. Oh, you're going to do something with that?
Starting point is 01:45:20 God's already doing his work. I don't even know. He showed up and showed two weeks ago. His razor failed. razor failed the batteries. Yeah, I saw that on Instagram. It's one of the greatest. Greatest moments of my life when he took his hat off. I like that he didn't give a fuck. No, you made him go shave it, but he was like whatever. No, we had no happy to get it shaved. No, we had to take care of that. It's fine. I got him a razor with them plugs in. Let's just, let's just bet on you. Becky, what do you go? Of course, I love you. Hey, I love you too.
Starting point is 01:45:49 Oh, she's the best. I mean, if you want to see pictures from here, another stand up things that's at human places, these are three. I mean, she's just the best. Check that out. It's amazing. What do you got there? Merchant Marine.
Starting point is 01:46:01 I'll be out on the high seas for a while. You can follow me on Instagram and Twitter at MicahBrucy and I got a podcast called A Little Time and you can download that on Lafable and anywhere else that you get podcasts. I have the best team in fucking podcasting, I think. Also, before we close, we should plug this. Don't ever step on me again.
Starting point is 01:46:19 I'm so sorry, but I'm kidding. We didn't plug the Celevegas. I'm kidding, go ahead. We didn't plug this. Oh, Celevegas, yes. Comedy, have you been there, Ron? No, I have not. Hey, would you do that? Yeah. Would you go? Do you ever get a week off or a weekend? Yeah, I could do it. What could you do? Like Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday?
Starting point is 01:46:32 Something like that might be nice. Yeah. Well, you want to go out? Yeah. Yeah. Let's talk about it. Okay. All right. Yeah. It's a good time. Good club. And it's nice. You can bring the fam. Yeah. Yeah. Sounds good. What about you, Florentine? Would you do it? I would definitely do fam. Yeah. Yeah. Sounds good. What about you, Florentine? Would you do it? I would definitely do it, yeah. Awesome. Alright, yeah, Comedy Sella Vegas.
Starting point is 01:46:50 It's the hottest club in Vegas right now. It's a comedy club. Is it really? Well, here's a one because they don't do shitty MC that you never heard of. Fucking garbage, middle act, and then a headline of that might or might not be good. And they're all selling merch and they're all doing shit and nobody cares and nobody's in the room, give us a fuck.
Starting point is 01:47:08 They're putting the seller show that they do here in Vegas. Everybody's a murderer, everybody's doing 15, 20 minutes and it's crazy. It's the same show they do here, they're doing in Vegas and it's at the Rio, it's ComedyCellario, get your tickets, go to right now. It's the hottest show in Vegas and the best show in Vegas and it's at the Rio, it's Comedy Celario, get your tickets, go to right now. It's the hottest show in Vegas and the best show in Vegas.
Starting point is 01:47:29 They have a tell us they're gonna be there on the 18th as well. Yeah. Me and Vos, Keith Robinson are going out, Paul Verzi is doing the first the week you should do the, we should get you to do the end. Yeah. Or maybe you, either one of you would do it. That'd be a great fucking show. And we go, you know, it's a great figure.
Starting point is 01:47:44 You want to go call for him. I hate, have a good time. Have a blast. That's what we you would do it. That'd be a great fucking show. And we go, you know, it's a great figure. You want to go call for him. I hate having a good time. Have a blast. That's what we need to do more. We need to fucking do kicks. Yeah. So that's it. Who are you?
Starting point is 01:47:54 Mark. Hi, Mark. Thanks for coming. And do you have a good time? Bobby is the best. Thank you, brother. Thank you. And my friend over here.
Starting point is 01:48:02 Hi, buddy. How are you? All right. very subtle. I love it. Who's this fucking big guy? Hey Bobby. Hi buddy. I'm Steve Beard the stress factor.
Starting point is 01:48:11 You remember? Yeah, he actually worked for me at the stress factory. Very funny kid, really good kid. And he does everything at that new stress factory in Bridgeport. The kids running food, fucking bouncing, and then he's killing for 15 minutes up front. Great, funny fuck. Love you guys, see you next week.
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