Robert Kelly's You Know What Dude! - Paul Virzi, Colum Tyrrell "Hot & Sweaty"

Episode Date: September 13, 2021

This week check out guests Paul Virzi and Colum Tyrrell as we get into call back etiquette, enjoying high ticket items, and the pros and cons of having a big bag. Bonus Episode, YKWD Overtime, LIVE FROM THE SHED AND MORE ON PATREON DUDE!!! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hoy es un día de eso de no saber cómo va a acabar el día. ¿Dónde nadie pregunta, ¿dónde viene? ¿Si no, por qué no te viene? Y una ronda es el tiempo que pasa en preno, conocernos, y no creer olvida. Hoy es un día de eso, que Madrid nos vía. Hoy es un día de eso, que Madrid nos encuentra. Maú, la vida es más vida cuando nos encontramos. Encuentra los bares de Madrid, la dicción especial de Madrid nos liga.
Starting point is 00:00:24 Un humenaje de mao, a Madrid. Sabemos lo importante que es sentirse acompañado. Por eso en Caixa Bank ahora cuentas con un préstamo para hacer realidad tus ilusiones. Solicitas lo desde el móvil o a través de tu gestor. Informa Caixa Bank, tu y yo, nosotros. Siempre que se mantenga las circunstancias económico-financieras del solicitante en el momento de la solicitud. Informa Caishabank, tu y yo, nosotros. Siempre que se mantenga las de circunstancias económico-financeras del solicitante en el momento de la solicitud.
Starting point is 00:00:51 Buscas contenido gratis. I wanna be see. Pluto TV es el servicio de streaming gratuito con series como South Park o sensación de vivir. Descarga ya la aplicación en todos tus dispositivos. Pluto TV, ven a verlo sin pagar nunca. Baby, we're startinglo sin pagar nunca. Back again old school back in the day. We're all starting before them all I'm being right why can't I use this podcast is so fun and crazy and there's no rules Shut up you all who in this Work the ball damn it man. I'm so sorry It's comedy podcast. This is an NPR
Starting point is 00:01:36 That's the podcast done. Is there any better show? This the original original Original, original. Oh, hit the fucking button. You know what, dude? We're back, live in the studio, above the comedy cell, the laugh button comedy cell in studio. We got mushed without even having mush here. We had a fuck up at the beginning. Who fucked up?
Starting point is 00:02:07 Who's me? Those max. What'd you do, Max? Yeah, don't do that. Let new Nikki, your boss, the producer of the show, Max, are you hearing me? Yeah, I hear you. Let her do stuff. You don't do stuff unless she tells you to do stuff. I was told. You were told to do what? Try to get the video over on the other screen. Right, okay.
Starting point is 00:02:35 All right, well, work it out, right? My maxi, you're lucky. You got my kids name, I swear to God. Anyways, new Nick, we got new Nick here. We got Max, the mush, well mush is gone. And we got, we got Stutter and fucking Joe in the back with his fucking stupid shirt that he got somewhere. I don't know what it is. Anyways, we got a great show tonight. Thank you all the Patreon members. Thank you for being a member. You're watching this live. You're
Starting point is 00:03:02 watching it unedited. This is going down now. You're proud of the chat. You wanted a ladybugs. You were doing this. Plus you get the Coffin Kelly Friday. You get the JOP on Saturday. You get the Fletz and the Box show. We're filming a new episode of Live from the Shed
Starting point is 00:03:16 with Rob Dukes on Wednesday. I mean, I give so much Patreon stuff more than anybody else hands down for the price of two cups of coffee or one cup of coffee. It's up to you. But there you go., that's Robert Kelly. If you're not a member, click it.
Starting point is 00:03:31 Go do it now. Go become a member. And if you're just going to watch it on YouTube, feel free. It's free. It's for you. It's my gift to you. But you get it a week late and just hit that subscribe button. It's not free.
Starting point is 00:03:43 Hit that. Like that. Comment that. We're in the algorithm. There you go. It's not free. Hit that, like that, comment that. We're in the algorithm. There you go. That's all I ask. Anyways, today's show, new Nikki, what do we got? Who do we got? I'm very excited.
Starting point is 00:03:52 We have Paul Versey here. Hey, K.A. Fucking Married. Now, I mean, that, I don't, that intro is. I know. But I love her. I mean, I don't know her, but she seems lovely.
Starting point is 00:04:02 She's trying, she's, she's, listen. Let's try to get Nikki ready. No, no, no, I don't want, you but she seems lovely. She's trying, she's, she's, listen, let's try to get Nikki ready. No, no, I don't want it. You can't fake that, but it's, it's not like we were out of wake. We can try again. Let's say, new, new Nikki, who we got today? Halversy.
Starting point is 00:04:16 Yes. Yes. That's nice. And who else do we have? And we have column Tyrell. Column Tyrell. What a fucking evil villain name that is. Oh yeah? Isn't it? It's Tyrell, but she pronounced column Tyrell. Column Tyrell, what a fucking evil villain name that is. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:26 Isn't it? It's Tyrell. Wish he pronounced it a Tyrell. I like Tyrell better. Tyrell. Yeah, Tyrell. I think it's a badass name, dude. Isn't it?
Starting point is 00:04:33 Yeah. It's like, who's after you, Column Tyrell? Yeah, like that, yeah. But that, like that's, I could see that, like, you're starring in a movie, man. Oh, you're okay. You're talking about your name, not your face. Don't, don't give me an audition, you'll change your mind.
Starting point is 00:04:49 First of all, you're verzy. Yeah, you're coming in. What? You got, what? I know, I know you. Well, can I ask your question, though, because we haven't talked in a while. What happened to your head?
Starting point is 00:05:01 Your head got sliced, you never even told me. I keep seeing videos of you with the fucking gash here something, you obviously fell something happened. And I thought we were easily in the circle of close enough to say, hey man, are you okay? You fell down, what happened? We're also in the circle of being men, where I don't call you and go, do the slice of my head open.
Starting point is 00:05:18 But you didn't mess, you're supposed to mess it. As him say, what happened to your head? He's not supposed to boom. You open, go, hey, I have a booboo. Thank you. You go, I tell god you're close enough you literally said he's right you know what he's right and what I did was I thought that I should call you and ask what happened your head and I never did and now I'm taking it out on you you're right but that's enough the fact that you even thought it you're like I'm a good guy
Starting point is 00:05:38 you know you don't have to my as a thing I can't you're right I can't call you but do that hurt myself yeah you make I don't give a't, you're right. I can't call you, but do they hurt myself? Yeah, they're okay. You make a fool of me. No, you're right. I got a fucking kid that's out. Yeah, I'm fucking flying a Utah. You took a, yeah. I got a white bus that my balls about not coming home on Sunday.
Starting point is 00:05:51 Oh, yeah, you know what I mean? Yeah. I get it. So you should have called me. And you didn't. You saw me bloody. You saw a video. Now, let's just back this up a little bit.
Starting point is 00:06:02 Yeah. Let's go pack it up. And you saw a video of, in the circle, as up a little bit. Let's go pack it up and you saw a video in the circle as you put it, where I'm in the circle. There's a circle, here's a circle. Call him outside, he's over here. I'm on the inside of the circle. Well, call him and I just met, so he's a good kid.
Starting point is 00:06:18 Yeah, but he's on the outside. Look, I saw your sliced head, I was gonna text you, say what happened to your head, I didn't. And, and, and, and. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no got sticks, you cheat sticks, you're showing all these people, and I'm going to fuck up into his head. But you saw the original bloody video. No, I did not. Yeah, you did.
Starting point is 00:06:48 No, I didn't. Yeah, you did. No, I didn't. I saw lines. I just pushed you. I saw lines and scratches on your Instagram, and I'm going, did he fall into a rake?
Starting point is 00:06:58 You're like, I didn't know what happened to you, and I was gonna say, Bobby, what happened to your head? Listen. You didn't. You didn't do it. I didn't. Of course he didn your head? What I didn't. You didn't, you didn't do it. I didn't. For us he didn't. Yeah, he didn't.
Starting point is 00:07:07 And probably the, I mean this is next to Star Trek, the most easiest time to get in touch with somebody. Literally going, Pfft. Call Bobby. You can literally watch this, watch this. Hey Siri, call Paul Verzi. I mean, listen, it does it. Yeah. Calling Paul Verzi. Yeah. I mean, listen, it does it.
Starting point is 00:07:26 Yeah. Paul and Paul Verzi right now. I'm called, I mean, I don't have to touch a button, Verzi. No, I am. It's called Bobby. Yeah. I mean, I love you though. I apparently not that much because I had a scar on my face.
Starting point is 00:07:40 Literally wounded. When I saw it was a healed little, you know, I was, oh, now it's little. You said, Paul's a now it's little you said Pause a nice guy now. I meant most people would have looked at that one fucking dumb Bobby He he he's first of all that's not what they were done. Yeah, they would have been concerned. That's what you Irish Derby's people fight over a fucking football Man would have looked at you and look at this fucking though, but he's not he's a nice guy He was caring. You see how he's not, he's a nice guy, he was caring. You see how he is, you see, he was a nice guy. No, because you've got kids, the white dude.
Starting point is 00:08:09 There's like, you've got this. He's not a nice guy, he didn't fucking call. But he's still a guy, he's not a chick, but he thought it, the fight had even called it. Yeah, no, no, no, no, he's coming at me with it. You know what, columns two. Call him, start, he's not gonna do nothing. You know what, if he comes,
Starting point is 00:08:22 but it comes, columns two for two, you don't know that. You don't know. Are you kidding me? You don't know that, listen, and here's the other thing. Listen. know, it comes, it comes to for two. You don't know that. You don't know. Are you kidding me? You don't know that. Listen, and here's the other thing. Listen. Okay, here's the other fucking. Let's talk real.
Starting point is 00:08:31 I do like, I actually do like, no, I actually do like. All right, relax. Don't say that. No, because there's people that, there's people that you meet and stuff. I told him at the stand the other night, I said, I love his take on shit. I love the way he goes about things.
Starting point is 00:08:41 I like the kid. But you know, here's how I love you and you, and what you know, what's that? What's that? What? Who am I am I who are we at a mall? What I take your parking spot? What's this shit the first of it wasn't that it wasn't directed with that You're telling dressed in all black listen, what that finger down? Let you mean it. Let's I'll fucking take this out There you go. Oh shit. Yeah, I got to look like all right. Go ahead You're the only person I would have left the stand for after what happened tonight, just so you know.
Starting point is 00:09:05 Okay, well, that's how much I love you. All right, I'm gonna say this, you come in hot. You came in, you came in with the empty. Oh, I'm sorry that I rushed here. I told you, oh no, yeah, I came in. Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I just ran my five and fucking stress in all day, running around doing things.
Starting point is 00:09:22 And then guess what, all of my friends, which I'll get into are at're at the stand-run, they're bringin' pizzas out, peppermint pizzas out of the thing, Chris Italian's got fuckin' Sam, all this shit's goin', and I go, I gotta get it, and it's 9-04, and I'm goin', I hope I'm not fuckin' I can't be honest with me, be honest with me. Yeah, when you said I gotta go,
Starting point is 00:09:37 and they were like, dude, fuck that, what did you say? No, I said, listen, I told Bobby, and I said I told Bobby that I would do this, so just, I'll be back in an hour if you guys are still here. But were you say? No, I said, listen, I told Bobby, and I said I told Bobby that I would do this, so just I'll be back in an hour if you guys are still here. But were you happy? Yeah, no, I said, I told Bobby, I gotta plug my special, and I listen, I gave you my word, but look, I mean, if you would,
Starting point is 00:09:56 Why you laughing, folks? Because he was, look, I have to plug the special. Oh, here's the other thing, plug the special. No, I gotta plug the special, I told you I would do it. I'm running around the city, I wouldn't wanna do that to you to you now if you would have called me up at 8.30 and said Don't worry. It's canceled. I would have fucking clicked my heels in happiness. Yeah, you were I apologize Do you have something why? No, what?
Starting point is 00:10:15 You don't know you don't want to know what you're saying all welcome. So you got a pot. I know that that's a weird way to start something Why is that why it is? Yeah, you don't just go up to somebody. Hey, I was like, can I apologize about something and they don't know what the fuck I'm in the circle. Okay, what happened? I'm in the circle. Okay, you are the circle. I am. I hate his ugly face. It's just ugly Percy's literally just the ugliest person I know. What do you got to apologize? When an ugly person does fucking mean fat jokes, it's just Earth's more. Yeah, you're right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:48 You're right. I'm gonna take a sip, ugly. What, I have to apologize to you. Why? Because I fucking made a mistake about, I, I, I, remember when I, no, tell me what? Don't tell me what? Oh my God. What?
Starting point is 00:11:03 I wasn't scheduled for this, was I? I wasn't fuck, I knew it. I fucking knew it. I fucking knew it. I was sitting on the fucking toilet. And Gabby fuck, I fucking, now I'm mad I'm here. Now I'm fucking, I told, I'm sitting there and they fucking made me feel like I had a memory lapse.
Starting point is 00:11:18 They made me feel like I was fucked up. I wanna finish. Can I finish? What? When did you find out you're a book today? No, they fucking lied. I knew they were lying. Listen, thanks, Jumber.
Starting point is 00:11:29 Let me say what I was saying before he fucking, because he's wrong. Okay. He's losing his mind, I'll call him, but no God didn't reach. Okay. Now, I'm apologizing because,
Starting point is 00:11:40 originally, originally, I had you, I thought you were hosting. Okay. Yes, hosting. Right. And I had you, I thought you were hosting. Okay. Yes, hosting. Right. And I called you and I was, I was like, hey man, I don't need you to guest host, but I would still love you
Starting point is 00:11:52 to be on the show. Sure. And you were like, I wasn't hosting. I had no, yeah, I had no. And I was like, dude, yes, you were. We talked. Yeah. And you're like, buddy, I don't remember that.
Starting point is 00:12:00 And I was like, well, we did, we said we talked about it on the phone. We talked about it on the phone, but I'd still, I'm going to host, but can you, I'd love, I haven't seen you. I'd love you to be on the show. Yeah. So I didn't, you being on the show, I, I re-asked. So we wiped the slate clean with the hosting thing, the guest host. And I re-asked you. It was clean. I said, I'd like to have you on it. And that was, then, that was real. That was to you. Right.
Starting point is 00:12:25 That was not the second one. Yes. The second one was real. So you're on that. No, and I get the first hosting thing, I asked Voss, Voss called me tonight from his house, by the way, what a garbage man he is. He's like, he was staying home. And I never called him,
Starting point is 00:12:42 because I thought I talked to you to tell him I don't need him to guest host. I've been in an anxiety depression because and you know that I have been listening to me I have been so fucked up the last two months because they fucking diagnosed me with this rare fucking spinal condition. I told you about and they and I'm fucking sitting there and I thought when Gabby texted me I thought I was in such a fog Mentally that I fucking was I said I would host a show and it never fucking happened I'm sorry, okay, but I'm sorry like I'm sorry, you know my spine. It's got me all fucked up. I'm forgetting shit It's fucked up man and then and then and then I'm gonna tell you what happened. Well wait, okay, what I already said
Starting point is 00:13:17 I'm sorry. No, no, but I'm telling you I'm telling you how much I love you. Are you don't accept his apology? This what happened? This is fucking instigating. I got that. That's why you were looking for it. You were like, I said, I'm sorry. And then he just, so I, I said, I've got even a little leprechaun. So I go to, I go to the stand tonight to run the hour.
Starting point is 00:13:42 Up in the upstairs glass box, up there. And it's fucking, it's, it's going great. I go to the stand tonight to run the hour in the upstairs glass box up there and It's fucking it's it's going great and then Bartnik shows up and Bartnik opens. He does some time Love right? Yeah, Bartnik does some time. He's sitting there drinking Then there's a couple other friends there then we get a table then all of a sudden I'm up there The crowd's fucking fantastic and I'm going through the jokes and then the door opens and It's like and sitting in the back and I didn't know who it was at first. I kinda thought but so, Burr sneaks in during my closer and he's got a mask on
Starting point is 00:14:12 and I'm like, so I do the closers, as I'm leaving, he just taps my back and he goes, I just caught the end, that was fucking awesome, all this shit, right? And all of a sudden we sit down, we hug, we take a picture and then he bring, and then all of a sudden a hot pepperoni pie comes, then everybody goes,
Starting point is 00:14:26 no, you're leaving? You're not, you're late, what are you? And I go, yeah, no, I'm gonna go run and do this, and then everyone's there, everyone's taking pictures. I go, you guys gonna be here in an hour, they all start just getting into the whole fucking friend thing. And I said, I can't be late. I got a, I told Bobby I'm doing this shit,
Starting point is 00:14:40 and I'm gonna do this shit. So, to hear, yeah, that's scared of me. So, so, so, so, so, so, that was very, when Gabby, okay. I'm gonna pull it out now. I'm gonna come on, I said I'm gonna do this shit. So, to hear, yeah. That's scary. So, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so're down and you're anxious, you've got depression and shit all of a sudden, I'm going like, dude, did I really say that, man, I'm in a worse place than I thought. So thank you for telling me. I actually am in a bad place, because I forgot it wasn't you. I forgot about Vos.
Starting point is 00:15:14 Now, it's easy to forget about Vos. I understand that. But I somehow replaced him with you. Okay. And I swear to God, we had a conversation about you gas toasting you like, yeah, but it was little hands. Yeah, which is nuts to me.
Starting point is 00:15:33 Because I had the conversation. Is false little hands? Yeah, that's false. He's got little hands. Oh my God, they're almost scary. It's a thing. Yeah, he has a hard time opening certain doors. Yeah, like he can't, if it's a door knob,
Starting point is 00:15:48 he has a hard time turning. Yeah, yeah, I saw him high five in turtle. He's very small hands. So, anyway, it's good to see you. Dude, I am very happy to see you. Yeah. I haven't talked to you in a long time. All summer.
Starting point is 00:16:04 I know. We haven't seen each other in the summer you in a long time. All summer. I know. We haven't seen each other in the summer. We haven't smoked one fucking cigar. I know. But you told me what was going on. Yeah, yeah. And now, but you didn't, here's the thing. Can I say something?
Starting point is 00:16:13 Maybe you can give me a call on this column. Okay. With your fucking, I think this is the disposition. Disposition. He is going through something. Yeah. It's 25 minutes away from my house. I'm the closest friend beside Giannis.
Starting point is 00:16:28 Literally, closest. Yeah. In proximity. Am I correct? Okay. Huh? Yeah. And the circle that you said other than,
Starting point is 00:16:35 other than, yeah, Giannis living down the street, yeah you. He never told me he was going through anything. Never called me, never asked for help, never reached out, never even let me know. So here I am with my friends. I didn't, when I'm down see the thing with me is. Am I in the lot of friends? No, there's two guys.
Starting point is 00:16:53 Am I in the circle or a lot of friends? No, no, no, I'm saying I didn't talk to anybody. But I'm saying, you're in the circle for me. Oh, so the circle, but the people in the circle know. No, no, that's what I'm saying. All right, you're honest. The thing is, you honest noticed something going on, so I had to tell you honest, but like,
Starting point is 00:17:07 I didn't, when I'm in a situation where like, you know, if I have a, you know, if I'm in an anxiety or a depression state and I'm going through something, I'm not one of those dudes who's like, like, it's hard for me to like, I don't even tell my siblings, and I'm kind of just like,
Starting point is 00:17:22 and then if it comes up, hey, by the way, man, I've kind of been going through something and I kind of like, kind of get, because comes up, hey, by the way, I'm kind of been going through something and I kind of like, kind of get, cause I don't wanna tell, and dude, I was really fucked up because I thought I had this condition and then I found out two months later that I was misdiagnosed with one of the rarest conditions.
Starting point is 00:17:34 So, what is it called again? It's called cyromelius, so what it was is, I went to the doctor cause I have a, I have bad disc in my neck and it's hitting the spinal cord. I have bone spur in my neck, I have degenerated disc and arthritis in my neck. And it's hitting the spinal cord. I have bone spur in my neck. I have degenerated disc and arthritis in my neck and shoulders. So I was already fucked up.
Starting point is 00:17:51 But when they looked at it, they also found something. And they go, I do this is like, and I said to him, oh, is that common? And he goes in 20 years, I saw six of them. And I'm going, that's a hush, you know? And then I realize what it is. It's a tear in the actual central spinal cord that fills with fluid.
Starting point is 00:18:07 And it can be okay and it could be monitored and fine. Long-term success with surgery is fine, but it also could be, it could, you know, it's fucked up and it's your actual spinal cord. It's not, so they told me I had it. I'm reading about it. If you got that shit in like the 60s or 70s, it was fucking, it was bad.
Starting point is 00:18:23 And I'm just like, at the beach with my family, and I'm thinking like, what the fuck's going on man? And then all of a sudden, Janice has a surgeon in his family. And he was at a barbecue with a guy who was there, and there happened to be a spinal doctor there, right? Right, yeah. And Janice goes, dude,
Starting point is 00:18:38 this guy said like this guy's legit, he goes, I'll have the guy look at your MRI, you know? So, not only is this guy a fucking neurosurgeon that works on it, all his specialty is, he's world renowned in Cyromelia. They fly him to Russia, they fly him to Germany. They go, he's on vacation in two weeks, he's gonna look at your MRI and I'm waiting,
Starting point is 00:18:55 and I'm waiting, and Yannis called me up, and this is after going off for two months, thinking I have this shit, Yannis goes, buddy, I got good news for you. And then he's just like, you a misdiagnosed, you don't have it. And he goes, this guy's the world renowned. And he goes, the disc is hitting the spine. It's causing dilation in your spine, but you don't have that condition.
Starting point is 00:19:12 Now, God forbid, who knows what the fuck, anything else can turn into, but I don't have that condition, which is rare. Right. And, but yeah, when you find spinal cord shit, fuck that. Right. Like that'll fucking, you know, you'll be thinking about that shit on a flight to go tell fucking assholes dick jokes in fucking Utah. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:19:30 So that shit was going on and then, you know, so. But, and it's still her say you don't call. I mean, you don't have any spinal fucking surgeons in the family, do you? Yeah, I do. You do? Yeah, one of your cousins. Yeah, Mike.
Starting point is 00:19:42 Specialist. Mike the surgeon. Mike the fucking spine, he's the Spina Bifida's expert. Oh, he's not. But listen, if your car isn't trouble, Bobby has connections for your reckon. If you need it, really, I have no connections. If you need that. No, I mean, if you need, if you want to, if you're going to a steak tip, you want a good
Starting point is 00:20:02 steak tip, I got a connection. If you want, if you want, yeah, if you want, if you want, yeah, like some, you want to eat you're gonna stay tip something you want a good steak tip. I got a can if you want smoke go down the duck if you want Yeah, if you want If you want Yeah, like some type of food recommend you know where the best ramen is yeah Bobby will give you a good look at those are It's a girl fucking. I'll kill you with this a guy. I'm motherfuckers. I know you go Dude the aviator burga that one motherfucker can't get enough I don't know I'm a little but I mean I wish you called me and just you know, I mean you saw me injured
Starting point is 00:20:32 You were you know a little tough spot that's using that's when friendships happen right? We don't need your foot. I got I mean I mean There's a couple scratch on it. I mean scratch can I, I mean, there's a couple of scratch on the head. I mean, scratch on the head. I mean, scratch on the head. It was bloody dying. But I mean, listen, scratch on the head is a little different than something that's on the fucking rare disease list. Okay, you got a fucky. You look like a cat scratched you. I'm fucking told that my fucking spinal cord could fucking,
Starting point is 00:20:54 I mean, it's a little different. You thought you don't mean a chair? I think you don't mean a chair for the rest of your life. I, you know what? Like, surgeons and some people that listen to the podcast that knew or like, to the worst-case scenario Like they're a great surgeons that like they do surgery and you're okay So like
Starting point is 00:21:10 I was just like dude. I was just like I don't what sucked was I was like Am I gonna be playing one day and something happens to my arm and it's that is it progressing? Is it a rapid progressing thing is it something and also when you have it you need to monitor it So I'd have to get an MRI every six once a year to rest of my life. So I'd have to get an MRIs, I'd have to see if it got bigger, then you have to make a decision if you want them to drain it and have the thing. All of these fucking things that I'm sitting there
Starting point is 00:21:34 like thinking about, and it was just like, you know, it wore on me without me knowing it. So like I would wake up in the morning and be like, wow, I have a condition. That's what it was. It was like, it was like, but you didn't a condition. That's what it was. It was like, it was like, but you didn't have it. No, I'm saying when I was,
Starting point is 00:21:48 when I was told by a fucking, will you think in that you're gonna be the guilless, will you think in that you're gonna have to like, write your set list on your dead legs? You're gonna be the, you're gonna be a wheelchair comedian. America's got time. No, see that, no.
Starting point is 00:22:00 Nobody would have, I'm gonna only work the upstairs room at the stand cause it's on an elevator. I would, no, I would have fucking just, you know, if I would have downstairs, yeah, I would have just fucking thrown myself off the fucking. Oh, no, would you have, if you would, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, I just, it was like this. It was like, it was the first time in my life that I was told I had something,
Starting point is 00:22:19 and when I looked it up, I realized how fucking rare it was. Can I say something though? It's common for all of us. Of course, of course. Like that day is common, common for all of us. Of course, of course. Like that day's common, like you said that. I'm like, of course. Like it's common. And it's not just coming from me or you.
Starting point is 00:22:31 Listen, every day. We're all gonna end up in the same place. I get down. But like when I'm like, I'm way to the beach with my family, okay? And I want to buy a fucking boogie board. And I'm like, can I even fucking boogie board with my kids?
Starting point is 00:22:43 It's just snappier spine. Yeah, I don't want to flow it up in the beat. Yeah, I fucking throw a football and Lucas just sees my neck break and I fucking fall face first in the sand and he's calling for my wife crying like that. It was just shit. It was shit like that. And like, you know, it's like, yeah, man, I'm about to shoot a
Starting point is 00:22:58 special and I got shit going on and I'm like, dude, I might do I have this thing. So to hear that I didn't, man, to hear that I didn't was really actually weird because it wasn't instant relief. My body for two months was so, I was so like, all right, fuck, what am I? What am I actually, you're banging? You're just crying?
Starting point is 00:23:14 You're kind of banging what you had. You're trying to do that. Jerking off softer. No, no, I just was like, you know, see what happens and talk to doctors. and then I got like a grip on it But then I would have bad days and in all of a sudden you find out after two months. No, you don't have it Emma I was like confused. I was like I already fucking do I drive my god with it fucking MRI report report what's that you did you Did you immediately feel like fucking fantastic?
Starting point is 00:23:44 Like it was a fantastic for five minutes, but then confused because of everything I went through Right, like you know what I mean? Like imagine for like two it wasn't like I found out and then two days later. It's just a long time like you know a couple of mine And you know it fucks what you're summer like I was like I ain't going on a rollercoaster I can't go on rides You want to laugh? You want to laugh? This is when I got sad. We went to the beach and we saw people like we're getting cotton candy in the boardwalk and I just saw them pushing this dude in a fucking wheelchair.
Starting point is 00:24:12 And I looked over at him and I was like, I got a fucking rare cadet. You know, if I'm like this dude, like, he waves at a milagame. He's like, hey, I whispered in his ear. And I'm a freak. How do you do it? I'm a freak too. I'm a freak too.
Starting point is 00:24:25 How do you do it? Can I get your number? Yeah. I might need it. What's the mileage on that thing? Yeah. What do you get that? But, dude, my mind.
Starting point is 00:24:34 I like the wheels. What do you do if you get a flat? Hey, dude, where do you get gloves with no fingers? Is your smell great? Does your smell get better? Yeah. So, yeah, it was fucked up man. I'm not gonna lie, I was just like, fuck it.
Starting point is 00:24:47 And then I was good. And then I like accepted it. Can I ask you a question, you went to Jersey Shore for the summer? No, I went to, so we go to LBI. What's that? It is the Jersey Shore, but it's not the boardwalk shore.
Starting point is 00:25:01 What are you talking about? It's not seaside shore, it's not wild with shore. This is like families, it's like a nice private island. It's not like boardwalk. Sure. What are you talking about? It's not seaside shorts. Not wild with sure. It's this is like families. It's like a nice private island. It's not like the Jersey shore. It's like, it's not like the Jersey shore you see on like on MTV. What is it? What's the LBI? What is the Long Beach Island? Long Beach Island. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. And that's fancy. Beautiful place. Rest is sold. David Kimowitz had a house down there. It's a very private family type. There's like one strip of restaurants. Beaches are clean. Beaches are amazing. And we just go every year. Now, no, no, you rent the house.
Starting point is 00:25:30 Yeah. The whole house. Depends. Sometimes, sometimes there's like three floors. Sometimes, there's two floors. You get a floor of the house. And it's really nice. There's like three or four bedrooms. What'd you do this year? You rent the whole house? You just know this year, there was a two level. We were going to have friends come, they didn't. We got the top roof with the roof balcony and all that stuff. It was great. Three houses to the beach.
Starting point is 00:25:51 You could walk to the beach in three minutes and clean nice. Really? Yeah. And you walked to the beach. I went to the Jersey show once, me and Dawn. Yeah, but where'd you go? I don't think it was that because
Starting point is 00:26:04 if there was a boardwalk, it wasn't. We went to the beach and it was that because if there was a boardwalk it wasn't. We went to the beach and it was so fucking windy. Sam was just blown in our mouth. We couldn't even lie out. And there's people with almost like barriers, like windbreakers to block the sand. It was so fucking windy. And then the restaurant sucked the bag of decks.
Starting point is 00:26:22 And then I remember I made Don flirt with a guy on the boardwalk because I wanted this green guitar. And he kept giving her like extra tickets. So I was like, go back, like talk to him. She's like, what? I'm like, just fucking get the guitar. So without blowing them, just go back. And she went back.
Starting point is 00:26:42 She's like, hey, she's kept giving her tickets. She came back with the guitar. Nice. I got a green guitar. Nice. She's still got it. I give that shit away. I'm fucking was cheap. At least my no my wife's a trooper. She'll get me what I need. But I didn't like the Jersey Shore. It was fucking garbage. No, this the Jersey Shore like there's like literally two parts that are really nice and the rest I won't do. And so you don't even go to the other part. You gotta go to the other part with the kids. Like C side is where they did Jersey Shore and MTV's garbage, Wildwood's garbage.
Starting point is 00:27:12 You know, where's Uncle Vinnie's? Point pleasant. Not far from C-7, but it's just not great. But you took the kids there, right? We were there for a day, when we were there for a day, you would go, and that's when we were never we're never not we're never It's only LBI that's it really so you don't even go to the rides and all that shit with the kids in LBI There's a little amusement park. That's like private. It's amazing. What are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:27:36 There's like so when you go on a boardwalk like a shitty fucking so you're like a fucking you're like an elitist Yeah Yeah, let's know. like an elitist. Yeah. Yeah, what am I, a fucking animal? Yeah, that's apps. I have no problem saying I like better things. I got no fucking problem. What am I gonna do? You know, I just go with everybody.
Starting point is 00:27:53 No, I'm not going with everybody. There's fucking animals. Dude almost died. I need you. You're almost fucking dead. I need taught you almost died. Listen, fucking say thought, not taught. All right, I'm getting superior accent. I'll say whatever one of the things. Fuck, I think since 1992, he's gonna get taught him, he almost died. Listen, fucking say thought, not taught, all right? I'm getting superior accent.
Starting point is 00:28:05 I'll say whatever one of the things. Fuck, second thinks it's 1992, he's gonna get a deal because he's different. Listen, he's taught. He didn't almost die. I know that. He knows he didn't. No, but what he's saying is right,
Starting point is 00:28:16 like when you're mentally fucked up from something like that, you don't know what's happening. Yeah, but he's not doing that because of that, he's fucking, he goes to a private island without these people because there's gonna be a roundum Well, no, I mean like blue collar people. No, no, that's not true. I like there was a lot of blue There was a lot of blue a private island with the blue No, it's not a private island. It's it's it's way more private. No, it's it's it's more private than It's not that it's not it's more private than fucking seaside or
Starting point is 00:28:47 Wildwood there's no big fucking slice of pizza this big on a boardwalk with a slushy. No, I'm saying that's the shitty That's what fucking animals do. Do we saw a boardwalk in the church? Get a good deal for their money. No, no, dude. It's fucking animals eating that shit Animal you don't like regular people. I like, I know, I like, I like clean. I like families, I like nice restaurants. I like expensive shit. I like expensive shit. Really?
Starting point is 00:29:14 Yeah. Why the fuck not? What am I, a fuck yes? I like, yes. I like, I like chains. I like fucking white leather and cars. I like fucking, I'll buy a fucking exotic animal fire. I don't give a fuck.
Starting point is 00:29:27 What do you mean, what the fuck? You're like a fucking prize fighter from the hood, who just struck Richard, so you want it? What do you talk about? You want to get like a fucking horse? I said I want a Siberian tiger in your garden. No, but I like a horse. You can't get a horse, you can't even
Starting point is 00:29:41 fucking kick your ever cat. Never mind a horse. You're a horse. But my wife goes, where the fuck are we going to keep a horse? Yeah, we'll figure. Well, you got to, but your backyard could actually get a horse, you can't even fucking think you're a cat. Never mind a whole horse. Your horse buddy, my wife goes, where the fuck are we gonna keep a horse? And I will figure, well you got to, but your backyard could actually keep a horse. You're actually allowed, I found out, you're actually allowed one horse per acre on your property.
Starting point is 00:29:53 And we have a little over an acre and one of the neighbors has a horse just running around but it would take too much, it would take too much to get. If you get a horse, I will fucking, you would come over and ride it. Absolutely, yeah, you would fuck the hero. Dude, I got the best saddle ever.
Starting point is 00:30:07 Nobody's had a fucking saddle like this. It plays iTunes while I'm riding this cocksup. Yeah, but you were like, dude, that's a ghetto saddle. This is fucking Alexis. I got it from Yannis's cousin. Gave me Alexis Saddle, dude. Look at this. It's got a fucking, it's got a digital iPhone built in.
Starting point is 00:30:23 Nobody has these. Dude, the saddles of phone. It's, a fucking it's got a digital icon built in Nobody has these good the saddles of phone The saddle teachers the horse harder the way I like to ride and it plays the theme from yellow stone as I'm riding If you got it's there's the thing about Bobby that if anybody doesn't know yet if Bobby gets into something If he gets into something if Bobby gets into something, if he gets into something, it's every fucking aspect of it, every gadget of it, the newest thing of it he has. He'll become friends with the CEO of the fucking company, you have a cookout with him.
Starting point is 00:30:54 I mean, you, I've never sent you like it. I have passions. You have addictions. I have addictions. Which can be called passions if you're in the middle of them this fucking kid came to my surprise birthday party I talk him into having a little cigar with me. He's got a thousand cigars at his house and his friends with like major Manufacturers of you got him in he was the second time first time was Richie but Ricky butchini from Quincy Massachusetts. Fucking great guy.
Starting point is 00:31:25 Oh, what a guy. I mean, Ricky Buccini. Ricky Buccini, he was from Quincy. He had a Italian guy. He was a hairdresser for guys, but like Italian, you know what I mean? And I remember, his balls were too big and we'd be walking. What? And he'd be like, stop, stop, stop.
Starting point is 00:31:43 And we'd have to wait because he'd have to untangle his balls, because they twist up on each other. So we'd have to sit there and untwist them before we got the walk. Wow. Yeah, but he got me in a smoke and cigars back in the day. Him and Gary Gumball. Gary Gumball was probably,
Starting point is 00:32:00 him and Gary got me smoking bats. And then I quit for a long time, quit cigarettes for a long time And then went up to your house and I had that one bat. Yeah, that was it with the circle of people and I was like I'm in Would you rather have gigantic balls? Listen, right? Yeah, I'm right here. So if you're men if if gigantic balls though it could be disability or versus I don't want to say dick size, but what would be the give or take with an abnormality? We what?
Starting point is 00:32:29 What do you mean? What's another big dick or big balls? I'd rather have a big dick. No, no, but I'm saying like if you had like in my mouth, no, like you had abnormally big balls where you had to like every 10 feet, you had to fucking adjust, but you had a hog on you. Ah.
Starting point is 00:32:44 Or, or you got like, or you could take normal balls, but just like, can I be honest with you? I like fucking my big nuts. I have big nuts. And I feel like my nuts, I feel, I don't know, I like them. I like a big fucking nut. I like when my nuts are hot and hanging like a man.
Starting point is 00:33:05 Like I like, I don't know, it just makes me feel manly. I have probably been a fit of listeners that I brought this up. When I'm out and I got my fucking swim trunks on, I'm sitting and I can feel my nut, my big balls. I'm like, yeah, I'm a fucking man. These are my nuts. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:33:21 Yeah, I don't mind a big nut on me. Yeah, but sit down. Sit down's a problem I've sat on my nuts a little bit. I pissed on my nuts one day I remember that because my shtamink wasn't that well, you know It was facing down my my scoops are fucking big my Scooby Snacks are big So but I don't mind them. I don't mind having I feel like it's you know, it's you're a man You got nuts, you know what I mean? I don't you ever see a guy't mind having, I feel like it's you know, it's you're a man, you got nuts, you know what I mean? I don't, you ever see a guy with little tiny nuts?
Starting point is 00:33:48 That freaks me out. No, how would I ever see that? Hey, watch a porno, you ever see a porno? Are you watchin' Kitty porn? Yeah, but like, what do you mean like, like I never look at the dudes nuts? Dude, you can't, are you fuckin' out of you, I'm mine. Gotta check a big girl guy with tiny nuts.
Starting point is 00:34:02 That's like a, that like a tiny nuts category. Dude, listen, I don't watch more man anymore. I'm not saying Google nuts. Google tiny nuts. I'm just saying. I've never seen an ab nor like with porn. I've never watched it. First of all, you say that you don't want,
Starting point is 00:34:15 you have to see it. There's nothing, I'm not sitting there going, oh, look at these nuts. I mean, you're making it, you're framing it like that. No, I understand, but I, you've seen nuts. Of course, I've seen nuts. There's no one in, there's no one in porn with a giant hog who has a tiny nuts. There is.
Starting point is 00:34:31 Wait, a giant hog with tiny nuts? Giant hog tiny nuts. Not tiny nuts, but not in relation to the giant hog, yeah. Yeah, little tiny school, little Scooby snacks. I've got some little marbles on me. You get, yeah, because you're Irish, you get little Irish nuts. Yeah. Yeah, you tiny school, little Scooby snacks. I've got some little marbles on me. You get, yeah, cuz you're Irish, you get little Irish nuts. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:48 Yeah, you get little, I, they're getting bigger though as I get older. Oh, they get, they do, that's what it is. They do get, as you get older, I'm 50 going on 51 next month. And yeah, they get bigger. Yeah, mine are probably doubled in size in like two years. Yeah, they just get bigger and they fucking sag
Starting point is 00:35:05 It's gross. Yeah, I know, but I like it. I'm a man, but there's like a wisdom to them now. Yeah Yeah, they've been through some shit. Yeah, like they know something They're swirling a fucking bourbon Like they represent me like they just hang in there come ask them for advice and stuff. Yeah, yeah, shake them What do you think? Yes or no? They don't say much. But when they do, it's crucial. You listen. Yeah. I mean, it's having balls makes you, I mean, what's the first thing they cut off when they're making you a girl? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:36 And that's, well, we were, we were all girls. Did you know that? We were all boys, too. What? No, I'm saying we started as girls. What are you talking? We started as both. Not you know that? We were all boys too. What? I'm saying we started as girls. We started as both. Not. You start. You start as a girl and then I don't know. I don't know about you, Paul, but I was always a man. I was always a boy. This new age, horseshit. No, we, I think somebody said that and I believed it. Are you just saying something to somebody said that you don't even know? No, somebody's not.
Starting point is 00:36:04 That's the have a fact. No, we were all girls. And I believed are you just saying something somebody said that you don't even know That's the have a fact no We were all girls we we start out in conception as girls and then not strob Pretty sure we started as both yeah at one point how long and there's one point you you're you're whatever Picks aside picks a sometimes it picks both but most of the time it says oh You I believe your clitoris is your penis. Yeah becomes a penis and your vagina lips Be our balls if you look. Yeah, if you look at a labia. It's just not it's not without the ball Yeah, you have a Google giant. Yeah, it's just a small Clint giant Clint is a penis. Yeah, really. Three signs you started as a girl.
Starting point is 00:36:46 I read that to us. We can't, I can't read it. Basically I'm right. No, you're not. You know, it would just be if you're human. Can you please, can you please bring up, nipples, don't bring that up, Max. Bring up my question.
Starting point is 00:37:00 How long into when you're a fetus? This is just awesome. Three fucking dumb dumb. Yeah, no clue. No, let's get it. We've never listened to the health class. There's zero science here. Oh, it's great. We started as a girl.
Starting point is 00:37:12 I mean, it's the dumbest. It's the best. And this is what you should be coming to for your news and for your information. It's three dumb dumb upstairs from the Communist Zone. But we're going to figure it out right now. Other people just say shit and leave it out there. We're actually gonna figure it out.
Starting point is 00:37:27 I'm gonna nerd on a computer right now, trying to figure it out. Are we both at the beginning? What's the date? What date into pregnancy can you figure it out? The 11th. You can find out what sex the baby is. You gotta wait, like, I had a kid.
Starting point is 00:37:43 I don't know, I don't know. I think it's like seven weeks or something. I think it's like, yeah, it's like, it's like two weeks. So if you were to do two months, like a month, two months, two months, something like that. They do little scan. Yeah, I think at like seven weeks or eight weeks, it's about two months they can get a good picture
Starting point is 00:37:56 and like 90% tell you what it is. Yeah, and they were right with us both times. Yeah, they can tell you. We found out it was, You can be like, I'll keep it if it's a boy. Whoa, what? You know, what if it's a girl you don't throw it out? Fucking flush it flush it. What the fuck kind of I'm pro life dude. Sorry. You're such a fucking showvinistic pig I'm so choice. You do you stop doing your little act. You don't make sense
Starting point is 00:38:19 He's like damn but then make sense you want to kill the baby or not because it's a woman pro choice How is that so you want to because it's a girl? I just believe the women have the option to do what they want But you if it's a woman you throw it down the tubes It's a you're probably more likely to get rid of how about save the baby and throw a fucking wife down the tubes Here we go. No, we're talking. I listen first of all. I love my wife. I'm joking Listen, I don't know what happened. Do we start I asked a question about big balls? We were talking I just fucking scumbag throws a joke because his accent you don't know if it's getting a nod He says if it's a boy keep it if it's a girl flush it
Starting point is 00:38:52 But I love that this kid is drinking a fucking 24 ounce fucking champagne appears. This is what I was that's fantastic This is provided to me by the host. I guess he's a showstopper I don't really fucking red wine it shows stuff. I fucking run you can have whatever you want. What we want? What do you want? It's too late now. What do you mean it's too late? Huh? I mean, what do you mean you have red wine up here? You don't listen snob boy, okay? This isn't the fucking no, I'm not talking about this isn't the LAT fucking island. This is you know I mean you want a beer LAT you want some bourbon? We'll get you some bourbon. I'm not getting you a fucking shardin. You want a male dick? The fuck he's got a fucking tall boy. We got one. You want one? No, no, I can't drink that.
Starting point is 00:39:31 My god. What does it say? Read it out loud. So this is all human individuals, whether they have an XX or an XY or an A typical sex from a zone combination of being developing from the same point. Can you dumb it down, please? I don't understand it enough. Oh, God. You don't understand that we're
Starting point is 00:39:52 fucked if you don't get it. Yes, says we're all we start out as female. Look at the bottom. Look at the. Where? Look at right? Is that what it says?
Starting point is 00:40:00 All right. Is that that it doesn't say that at the beginning, no matter what at the beginning, you're female and then if the ball and then if the testicles drop your a man a man now yeah Oh, can you answer him? He just I don't say it. We're at the bottom of which paragraph. I you just got where the purple shit was The highlight the dumbest people win so stupid we yelling at this boy kids science making a
Starting point is 00:40:23 KWD science with these yelling at this board is science making the biggest right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right
Starting point is 00:40:29 right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right
Starting point is 00:40:37 right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right
Starting point is 00:40:43 right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right right鹿鹿鹿鹿鹿鹿鹿鹿鹿鹿鹿鹿鹿鹿鹿鹿鹿鹿鹿鹿鹿鹿鹿鹿鹿鹿鹿鹿鹿鹿鹿鹿鹿鹿鹿鹿鹿 Start out as I you know what I fucking as chicks we start out as female Bobby We're all female at the beginning and If the nuts drop you become a boy and if they don't you stay a female where does it say that? He just rabbit didn't he now we didn't know we didn't you fucking cunt oh? Well Paul said I saw here we go confidently. I just believed him. Hey. Yeah, I know he's here. Do we all start out as female
Starting point is 00:41:05 now Confidently, I just believed them. Yeah, I know he's here. We all start out as female now Re-signed you started as a girl. That's the same thing. We were once all female science alert look We were all must why are you talking me like I'm not from this country right now? We are all I mean, I just read it. Okay, but I'm just trying to get to the bottom. I'm glad you found it. All right, here we go. I still don't believe you. What? Look, what does it say?
Starting point is 00:41:30 We were all female. Dude, that's so fucking blogged by a female. I don't believe that. It's called science alert. All right, I believe it now. It may come, listen, I'll read it. It may come as a surprise to some of our male readers, but you, ready?
Starting point is 00:41:47 But you all actually started out as females. And then what happens is, oh, no, you're all caught. No, okay. Okay. This is what somebody told me. What happens is, in this either, either the thing, look at you, you're like a scientist.
Starting point is 00:42:03 I think, right, if they stay up their ovaries or some shit and if they drop their balls something like that that could be wrong That could be that could be wrong If they stay up They drop the balls are some shit like that. Let me tell you something if they stay up. It's an old All right, and if they drop down there fucking balls Would that be like telling like a mob guy like god Are you something who's a woman? Yo, these look like ovaries to you who started out as a what what are you playing here We're literally in the middle of talking. He's playing something while we're talking You just pause it please, but I I'm right. So that worked is it yeah, we're good with the thank you
Starting point is 00:42:42 Nice, but I you know, I don't know, I mean, you're right, but I don't like, I really don't like you. Fucking, you're confident Ted talk when you're not at your right. But two people told me it, so I was glad that it is. One of them was bread-erenced, which is hilarious. And then somebody else said it though, we all start as females and then they drop,
Starting point is 00:42:58 or they don't, that's what I heard. So luckily I was right. And yours dropped. So did yours. And yours did too, but they were little. Little Irish ones. They're still dropping. drop them. Every Irish fucking pebbles. Could you imagine how your balls are going to be when you're 70? Oh, makes your sneeze. What do you learn? You're just a big balls. Yeah, it's it's it's going to be funny. Because this certain, I mean, I'm 51, and I've seen, you know, you see,
Starting point is 00:43:27 old guys at the gym, and gym, and you sneeze inside? Yeah, I got held it in. Nice. It is, it is like there's a point of no return. There's a point of your body, of like your legs, your arm, your tits, your nuts. There's a point of no return,
Starting point is 00:43:44 even if you're working out, even if you're your nuts. There's a point of no return. Even if you're working out, even if you're eating right, there's a point of no return where you're still alive, you're still healthy, you're still walking around. But your legs are fucking mushy. Dude, look at Brad Pitt, dude. That dude is 60 or something.
Starting point is 00:43:56 He looks fucking like he's weird. Yeah, but he's a freaking nature, right? Tom Brady's 44, still playing professional football, man. Freaking, yeah, you're literally listening to these. Tom Brady's 44 still playing professional football man. Freak rings of the year literally listening to these hombreed Jennifer Lopez. Superman looks fantastic. Jane Helen Merrin. Yeah, I mean, come on, dude. 99 all these professional good looking beef. Bo Jackson. Never had a real job. Look out your crowd next time and find me one of those people
Starting point is 00:44:31 Shit, yeah, that's true. Yeah, but you got to work at it man You got to eat good like like Tom Brady doesn't put anything in flammatory in his body All it is is like you have a lean shakes and like private. What does that even mean? Well, what is inflammatory food like what does that even mean? Well, what is inflammatory food? Like, what does that even possibly like do the American diet? It's like, he probably just didn't even chew on. They just injected right in his fucking neck and he just, he drinks like green shakes and like,
Starting point is 00:44:54 there he's just like fucking like juicing shit. Yeah, but can I just say something? You can't even, he's not even on the scale of anything that's attainable because he's a fucking multi-millionaire, okay? He's married to one of the hottest chicks on the planet Earth. You know what I mean? I'm married to a chick from Everett that keeps her hair up on a bun 99% of the time.
Starting point is 00:45:16 What motivation do I have? Huh? Get- She sleeps in a bunk bed most nights. Alright? What? What? You see, you know, or in like a fucking...
Starting point is 00:45:25 The column has a nicer ass than my wife. Listen to me. What do I mean, what, you know what I'm saying? I love my wife. I love her flat butt. It's my thing, but here's a, you know, and you're like, you like an OS, huh? I do, I like an OS.
Starting point is 00:45:40 But like, would you always like that growing up? Yeah, I look. That's like a certain generation. I don't like a big ass No, I do not like a big fat ass. I feel like it's hot and sweaty. What I feel like inside the crack is just wet. No Yeah, I mean, it's not that's not true. I like a I like a little less I mean I like a nice little bum. I don't know why I like a nice little It's like friends are gonna come over when they're 12.
Starting point is 00:46:05 Kids fucking ass. Better than the wife. I'm gonna flat ass. Look at that. Look at that. No ass. Yeah. Back that no ass. I like a no bum.
Starting point is 00:46:18 Yeah, no rappers ever fucking. No rappers ever made a flat ass in know I like that flat ass in my lap I put dollar bill on that Booty can't bounce Is she comin' to go and I don't know Booty's can't You know try to bounce that flat piece of board on my dick It's impossible to bounce that ass
Starting point is 00:46:38 I like small butts of y'all in the lie I just threw 50 cents on that flat ass Give me that shit You'll put my drink on that ass. Yo, yo, yo, yo, go back that ass up to the wall. Yeah, bang it from behind to kiss me bruises. I got bruises on my hips. Yeah, yeah, nobody's ever talked like I don't like a I don't listen. I don't like that. Like I can't look like that. That's that's a lot. That's hot, but but like a nice I don't listen. I don't like that gigantic, like that. That's, that's a lot. That's hot.
Starting point is 00:47:06 But like a nice like, you know, two nice round cheeks. Like my wife said, I mean, I don't want to talk about my, but my wife's got a nice ass. Well, I just talked to her, but we just did a rap about my wife's ass. But we did. We talk about your bum, your wife's bum a little. Yeah, but like I agree, don't have to rap about it.
Starting point is 00:47:20 I agree with you. If it's two games on a roast. Yeah. I like it. We're in the's two games on a road. She. I like it. We're in the backyard. Jumped on my horse. I thought I was dead. She brought me the horse.
Starting point is 00:47:32 Of course. With that ass. We went to a private island. Everybody was like, yo, yo, crack the saddle with that ass. I was like, during your face around my wife ain't at home. That's just a big ass. My horse hates my wife's ass. I was like, during your face around my wife ain't at all. That's just a big ass. My horse hates my wife's ass. Yeah, dude. I have always liked the little bum.
Starting point is 00:47:54 She sits the horse just looks. What's the fuck? What's up? I can't even look fuck with the time. Is there a picture of somebody fat on a horse? What Is there a picture of somebody fat on a horse? No, I mean like is there a picture of somebody fat on a horse? Something about the horse has to find something unusual Oh Oh my god. Oh my god. That's a shatlin pony. That guy's got more fucking. Oh my god. Oh, that's a photoshop. That's bullshit. Yeah, that poor horse. Oh Go back to that one the one you originally had oh
Starting point is 00:48:51 My god That's oh my dude that poor horse is back. Yeah, I hope that's not a long fucking hike This guy's fault. It's got can't even get off. Jesus Christ. Oh Boy I just got, can't even get off. Jesus Christ. Oh boy. Well, nice. Have you ever gone horse riding on EWV? I have, like once as a kid. Yeah, I remember when I was a little kid, they had, it's how old I am.
Starting point is 00:49:16 I'm a fuck it in West Medford. They had stables, like in the town. Like, you know what I mean? Like in the West Medford, like a park in a car. Like they just, what I mean? Like in the West Memphis. Like they're parking a car. Like they just had stables over by the Mystic River that a stable and- Yeah, a fucking door swing in Saloon too.
Starting point is 00:49:32 No. No. But I remember that kid Chris was my friend, but he's like you. He was like, how do I say this? Salton you. Well, he had like Cologne on while he's on a- Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, he's like you. He on while he's on a hook. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:45 Yeah, he's like, you know, he's family had money. You know what I mean? I literally would be on a horse with like, Jordan's Cologne and a fucking gold chain. Yeah. Well, he got a cowboy hat. No, no cowboy hat for a coat. No, okay, for a coat, a nice.
Starting point is 00:49:58 Chinchilla. He got on the horse. I remember, I never had money. My mom was a single mom. We didn't have money to do anything. So we would go to the store. He'd buy like a cap gun. I wouldn't get shit.
Starting point is 00:50:09 He'd get a bike. I wouldn't get it. I'd have to walk next to him. You know what I mean? It was just the way it was, but we went to the horseback riding place and I couldn't afford it. So they put him on a horse and I had a watch.
Starting point is 00:50:24 That's why I, with my kid now, whatever the fuck he wants he gets, as far as that shit. Like we don't go anywhere, and if a kid's with us, they get it too. Well, if you're a kid's with my kid, and we go somewhere, your kid's getting it. Oh, of course.
Starting point is 00:50:38 Your kid's getting whatever my kid gets, my kid gets a fucking candy, you're getting a cotton candy. You can't not. There's parents that did it to me. No, when I was a kid, dude, I can't tell you there was a lot of parents. That's fucking brutal.
Starting point is 00:50:50 It's not brutal. It's brutal. They couldn't afford it or whatever. Then don't get your little fucking ass wholesome. Well, I mean, look, I'm not gonna go. And then your friends running around with cotton candy laughing and you're just like, God, why did I come to this?
Starting point is 00:51:02 Chris wasn't laughing. He was a good kid. I mean, he just, you know, I didn't get certain things. So you watch your friend on the horse? Well, he got on the horse and the fucking horse lost its mind. Amazing. And just when I just started running around and Chris was like,
Starting point is 00:51:18 what a scream. Ah, went through the fucking doors in the barn. And the kid was gone. And I was just, what the fuck was that? Wow. And I remember the mother was running, and like, Christopher! And she had a run in, and it just saw
Starting point is 00:51:33 this horse go through the barn doors. He didn't hear anything, you heard screaming, and that was silent. I was like, oh, this kid just died. I just saw my friend die. Thank God I didn't get a go, yeah. Yeah, and then he came out and he was crying. He had all, hey, I guess the horse threw him in a fucking
Starting point is 00:51:49 big hole. Like a sick call. Yeah, horse a fucking kid. Dude, my buddy had a dog, a Nikita. No, a kid, it looks like, right? They're like, they're beautiful. Like a lion. Yeah, they look like a, like, almost like a furrier husky,
Starting point is 00:52:01 a Nikita. Yeah. And it was a big girl. It was big. And he goes, hey, Paul, did you mind taking her for a walk for me while I just took outside, and I fuck out, I'm taking this big fucking dog. I was very aggressive. Actually the one right next to one that you were just at in the middle, to the right,
Starting point is 00:52:17 to the right, to the right, that one. Yeah, so he has something like that, so he has something like that, right? And he goes, did you mind taking her out? So I'm walking her, and his woman's walking by with a small dog but I'm not making this up I'm talking like a fucking pomegranate and his dog and and fucking put it in its mouth and started going yeah and the woman's going oh my baby oh my baby I didn't I what the fuck I didn't I didn't I didn't
Starting point is 00:52:41 why did he ask me to let no she's go all my dude this thing took like in a cartoon It put the fucking pamerian. It's about the stuff No good I got in fucking no she's no my baby Then finally it loosens and then I walk back and he's is everything all right. I go dude. I got to talk I go I don't think you're gonna have a good relationship with this neighbor He fun I said she put her in the fucking mouth and just started ragged out, dude. Oh, God. Could you imagine if she did a kill it?
Starting point is 00:53:08 No. No, she let her out, but dude, if she would have squeezed and killed it, could you, I mean, that's on me, right? That's you, yeah. Is that on me? Yes. Is it? Yes.
Starting point is 00:53:18 You fucking... Why, what was your friend doing, then? He was just like, hey, he was doing something, talking to his mom, he goes, can you just take, I remember, can you just take Angel out? And I remember, I said, first of all, for this angel, but of it, angel. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:30 But is it, is it on me if I'm walking? It's on you because you fucking did it. You're with the dog, but it's really in the code books of human to human, friend to friend, your friend set you the fuck up. If you're taking this fucking animal out, if you came to my house and I said, Bobby, take Lloyd outside real quick.
Starting point is 00:53:50 Yeah, and you take Lloyd outside and he fucked something up real bad. I don't think I can put it on you. I think it's on me. It's on you, but it's on me because I should have known what the fuck I was dealing with. You can't just let a fucking dog, especially in a key, those things are known.
Starting point is 00:54:06 Are they? Yeah, and your dog too, your dog's like the original dog that has 19 nipples. You don't let that fucking thing. You don't let that thing near and a fucking little tiny chihuahua. You know what I mean? Yeah, I guess you're right.
Starting point is 00:54:20 I feel like it's on both, but I feel bad for the person that did it. Oh my god. I would feel bad for you if you go to a lawyer's office. Can I just say something? What? I fucking hate. If there's anything I fucking hate is people who don't have to control their animals.
Starting point is 00:54:36 Not that you're a situation. I understand you're a kid. But you go to a dog park. This fucking guy, my wife brings our dog down there. There's a beautiful dog park down the street for my house. Uh, this guy has a baby and a baby carriage in this fucking, you know, husky, crazy, you know, big, a big, a medium sized dog and let's the dog in the fucking park.
Starting point is 00:55:01 And he stays on the outside because he's got a baby carriage. So the dog and then this fucking animal dog goes and attacks the other dogs gets an off-site. This guy can't come in because he can't leave the baby. So that guy should be fucking I mean you should be allowed to go and punch that fucking guy in the head. Little and take his dog your Your dog's gone and take it and give it to somebody else. Fucking moron. But I hate people who are with dogs that they can't control are fucking the dumbest type of people.
Starting point is 00:55:37 I got one for you. What do you think about this dog? Well, I was in Austin, Texas, which I already trashed today on the bonfire, but why the trash dogs? It was just, it was due to why? Because I performed it's a dump and fuck it's a fucking dump that I perform in the train before you try to. Before you try to.
Starting point is 00:55:53 We trash it. You have a special coming out. Yes. When is this? What? You're filming it. Yeah. When I'm filming my special I'll be a levity live September 16 through the 18th and the 18th is the two tapings
Starting point is 00:56:06 of the special. So September 18th two shows I will be shooting my second special I can't say where but it'll be on a major streamer and I will also be running it there that Thursday and Friday the 16th and 17th and I will be running it in Philadelphia at the Philly punchline on the 15th. So 15th in Philly and then 16, 17, 18th at Levitie Live with the 18th being the two shows for the special. There was a shooting two doors down for more I performed in Austin. 13 people got hit, okay? 13 people got hit, right?
Starting point is 00:56:38 This is the best fucking plug ever. You go right into this. Right. So you go right into it. Yeah, so anyway, you know, there were, and I feel bad, but there were like heroin addicts nodding out, dude. And I saw this dude sitting up like, and he was just out, like he was in a heroin knot out,
Starting point is 00:56:54 and he had this beautiful fucking dogs out cold, sleep in next to him. And I literally wanted, like, I know that that dog is that guy's life, but I wanted to take the fucking dog. I wanted to be like, dude, this fucking beautiful animal is living with this fucking dude who's doing fucking God knows what all day. He's the dog is definitely not getting what the dog needs. The dog looks sick. The dog was out cold.
Starting point is 00:57:17 I mean, the dog looked like he was on heroin. I mean, the dog was out cold, out like, and they were both just out and the dog was like a beautiful animal. Man, it was a beautiful dog. And I'm just going like, and they were both just out. And the dog was like a beautiful animal. That was a beautiful dog. Right. And I'm just going like, what is that? Like, you know, like, is that something like where you feel bad, where it's like, if that guy, that's all that guy has, that's all that guy's life is, but at the same time.
Starting point is 00:57:37 What are you gonna do with that dumb dog? What's he gonna do with it? Well, he's gonna fucking keep warm. So you're saying, what am I gonna do with it? What are you gonna do with that dumb dog? I don't know. Give it a yard and throw it a ball and fuck it up. What am I gonna do? Feed it? What the fuck? What am I gonna do? This guy's got a fucking the dog look like bringing him to shore. Yeah, what? Yeah, take the fucking dog to the different day. One day would be your dog. Your dog. Your dog.
Starting point is 00:57:59 That dog. That dog. That dog. That dog. That dog. That dog. That dog. That dog. That dog. You're a dog. Of course you're a lead. Of course. Of were. No, you're not. Your dog, of course you're latest. Of course, no way you're fucking dog. I love how I told Bobby the guy was nodded out on heroin and he's going, what are you gonna do? I would give that dog the first two hours of that dog with me would be the best of his fucking life. What are you talking about? He's talking about dogs like,
Starting point is 00:58:17 this guy doesn't fall asleep. Yeah. Yeah, oh, this guy's fucking, I'm gonna give him doggy treats. How about a house? How about that to start? Hey, guess what, you're fucking, we'll make a fire. I'm gonna have this fucking dog,'m gonna give him doggy treats. I'm, how about a house? How about that to start? Hey, guess what? You're fucking, we'll make a fire.
Starting point is 00:58:26 I'm gonna fucking dog him. You see the dog jerk off. First of all, your dog wouldn't get along with that fucking dog. That dog will be on the market within a month beyond this fucking chopper. Yeah, my dog will not handle a male dog. So like, his best friend is the honestest dog
Starting point is 00:58:40 and they're fucking the best friends. And if the honestest dog had a dick, it would not happen. He just can't handle it. Yeah, he can't handle a male. So that dog is exact, that dog is a helping that fucking crazy person have somebody in his life. I'm saying is it fair to the dog. The dog doesn't know, the dog doesn't know
Starting point is 00:58:58 it's having a shit like. Oh, it knows. He's fucking way. He's bumming out every day. I guarantee that dogs like all this such a dick. Yeah, shout again You know other dogs what are you doing? I'm not looking as fucking loser. Yeah, he's a dog prancing by fully grew Oh, he's like you make me sick. He's a good job. You're fucking junkie. Yeah, he's a nice fucking gray. How does that was adopted? Look at this piece of shit. Where you guys going? We're going to the island
Starting point is 00:59:23 Yeah, He sees a fire. Yeah, getting brushed. He just sees like, oh, God, you want a tree boy? He's looking in disgust. Yeah, that fucking guy. He fucking, that's his dog. What are you going to do? You're going to take the fucking only thing.
Starting point is 00:59:38 Dog would leave the dog. The dog loves it. See, that's the thing. That's the thing. And dogs, first of all, can I just say something? Until you pride it out and give it a yard. Yeah. That will leave fucking memory will go real quick you got a piece of bacon that dogs gone yes I give us some real food for one you give a piece of bacon a bite the fucking heroin out of your leaves huh you let them change your name hey hey Gary
Starting point is 00:59:59 who's he be like everyone whatever the fuck you just pulled out of your pocket. Is this, is this, I'm indoors? What is this? I've been smelling shit in bookers for the last three months with this fucking piece of shit. Yeah, he's the only dog that cleans up after his owner. Oh god. This guy, this guy shit is better than I have. He has to be the fuck. Where's the little bag of his owner shit in his pocket?
Starting point is 01:00:21 Oh, dude. But let's be honest, dogs want, I mean, they're supposed to be outside. They're loyal to you. They're not supposed to be inside. Right. Dogs, dogs are supposed to be outside. When I went to get my burner doodle, right?
Starting point is 01:00:36 In the middle of fucking nowhere, on a farm, a men and a night farm, all the dogs were outside. There was like fucking 25 of these beautiful dogs all lived outside. They had a barn, went in the barn. You know, our dogs, your dog has fucking AC in the summer and heat in the winter and a fireplace.
Starting point is 01:00:55 I mean, your dog is fucking crazy. That's like crazy life. And that was like, good yard. Your dog came from a beach in Aruba. They found my dog and his brother in a dumpster in Aruba Right, and he was a puppy and they brought him that you people in Westchester teamed up with people in Aruba Taurus were kind enough to bring him and now yeah, and his his brothers in Massachusetts and he's with us Right, and he's got yeah, he went from he went from a fucking dumpster to a to a like a farmland Yeah, you took away his brother. He doesn't see his family anymore
Starting point is 01:01:24 Well, you know, they could have been put down if he stayed there. I mean, yeah, I'm like, all right, that's a good option. I mean, Jesus, what on I kill you then, you don't grave a little fuck. If you want a house with potentially a horse someday, or you leave, you leave your brother,
Starting point is 01:01:38 or you want to die. Yeah. That reminds me of that Will Farrell sketch when he's, when he, when he, the public humiliation of dogs. What is it? Will Farrell publicly humiliates dogs in a training thing. It was like an SNL sketch like one of those videos where he just like parades it and he personally insults the dog as a form of training and he goes, oh you know I need your food. Oh sorry the palm was in open and he just said he just like does that's really funny.
Starting point is 01:02:13 Yeah I love my dog but I don't think I want to get another one. I'm getting another one. I don't want unless we get unless we get a massive if we get a big house or the big yard yeah where we can you know what I mean I just it's you can't go on vacations. You have to find somebody to watch the fucking thing. It costs, you know, 75 bucks a day to have somebody who's at least reliable to watch you. You have to have money. One thing that I've got money. Yeah, because like, you have to have money to have a fucking dog.
Starting point is 01:02:36 Dude, we went away and we had to put the dog in the cat and the kennel. And it's like, okay, so, and here's the thing. In order for these places to keep your dog, they have to be up on the shots, right? So they go, hey, your cat was due for a fluenza. Also this plus 55 and night, seven nights and the shots. And here's his insulin, and they're going out.
Starting point is 01:02:58 And I just, I was like, what's the price? And they were like, oh, it's 703. And I just come home from vacation, $703 whacked out and you just fuck it, you know, it's definitely me and Donna going to Aruba for over two weeks this year. We're going for Christmas. What? Wait a minute. What?
Starting point is 01:03:17 What? Wait. Alright, before we get to this column, what do you get to plug? Oh, yeah, great. What do you get to plug? Yeah, you can follow me on social media at column terrel across all platforms. You can check out my podcast, The Wizard of Pod.
Starting point is 01:03:30 That's available everywhere that you get podcasts. You can check out my YouTube channel, YouTube, forward slash column terrel. Right. I'm gonna be in Austin, the end of the month, opening for Lewis J. Gomez, whatever the last couple of days of the month are, and then we have the Creek in the cave. And and also October
Starting point is 01:03:47 6th at the stand in New York City. I'm not gonna be recording your crowd work album. So there's not many tickets left. Please come out to check that out. All right. That's great. There you go. I'm gonna be I'm gonna be on your Patreon. You're gonna come on my Patreon and soon because once it hits 600 people, we're gonna have you and hopefully Voss Rost one of my very first sand upsets my first TV appearance in Ireland. Oh, I can't wait to hear this garbage Yeah, yeah, I guarantee you would be like what look to put him especially why do you say? My true, but I'm sure yeah, I'm a fucking Guinness
Starting point is 01:04:20 What this is this is a very American version of oh yeah, so when yeah. So even when I watch them, I'm like Jesus Christ, I was a real hillbilly back then, huh? Well, he's one of my favorite new guys, yeah. I really like common, I think. I like you two guys. I think he's super funny and he's really cool. And he's got that attitude of a guy that's just gonna fucking do good, because you get it.
Starting point is 01:04:40 You're not one of these fucking coming up here, acting like these comics who have been in for two years and they get there on the third album. Yeah. You ever see those motherfuck fucking, you know, coming up here acting, you know, these comics who have been in for two years and they get there on the third album Yeah, you ever see those motherfuckers. You're like, hey man, it's like I've been doing it six years Yeah, my third album coming out. You can't do that, but you don't seem like you have that well the crowd work albums Not bad, right? That doesn't count. No, crowd work doesn't count as an album. That's just fucking off You're fucking that's a cash. That's actually cool. Yeah, I love that. I love that. I like this guy. I wish guys don't know how to bullshit.
Starting point is 01:05:07 That's the like, I wish guys are just so fucking real and honest. Yeah, but the thing with Irish guys that I've realized with him is their fucking faces are always like, yeah, look at his face. It's always the it's I'm fucking yeah, we're in the same light. We're in the same lights. No, you got big fucking Irish guys are hilarious because when they get fired They're like you're right Stuck your right skirt right at lunch. What are you drunk? Listen? I look surprised it was this long be honest
Starting point is 01:05:37 Yeah, Irish guys just take it. Yeah, I had a girl We have to fire you killed his cat. You're right, I did. I had a girl broke up with me before she was like, you're a piece of shit and I can do better. And I was like, look, facts are facts. You know? Good. Good look out there.
Starting point is 01:05:52 It's very guy richy. That's a funny, Stavros had that joke. When I first met Stavros, he goes, my girlfriend broke up with me and I like it, think was, you know what? Go for her. That's great.
Starting point is 01:06:08 It's fucking great. Oh, it does. I really do think Irish guys are hilarious because dude, Irish dudes will like I had a friend man he would drink on a thing and then still function and like tough fight, fight, drink, get up with the pain, deal with the pain. You know me dude, I drank and I would just be like, I'm never going to that job again. I'm like, a kid and I would be another kid, we're going to do kickstands. Right. I'm just never going back. You know. Yeah, I was, I was guys are no joke. You're going to stay on a beach for Christmas. Listen, we're going to go to Patreon. We're going to wrap up the show and go to Patreon version, which you can get if you want to join my
Starting point is 01:06:45 session, Robert Kelly, become a member and you get the extra YKWD with the guests every week. Only on Patreon, you get the unedited, you watch it live and you get so much for it. So they'll go there. But I want to thank you guys for coming on today. Yeah. Berzy, thank you. Thanks for having me, man. for for being on coming down. Thanks for leaving everybody. I'll drive you back over there if you want.
Starting point is 01:07:07 My car's here. All right, so maybe I'll meet you back over. Let's do that. You want me to do that? Yeah, I'll text those guys and say we're coming through. All right, we'll come through. And then, uh, I'll just go home and go away.
Starting point is 01:07:17 Come through. You said that. You said that very loud. Come through. You said that light, dude. What? Oh, you got your sandwich. Would you come through after you said that? No, I was'm dude. It's the fucking stand. It's the best
Starting point is 01:07:32 You like what you went like come through. Oh, no, of course you can yeah No, you like that dude Yeah, no, of course we'd like here's not here's no come on, though. You fucking dude Yeah, of course, we'd look like here's not here's no come on, dude You fucking dude. Yeah, here's how you you you say it you say what he you say to me good I'll be verzy who it's what he should I go. I'll just go home though. I absolutely fuck that. Let's go You're with us come over. I don't I don't want you drive with me, dude All right, I'll come that be fun. All right now. We'll do your version ready. I'll do it again Don't mind me. I'll just go home. Come on
Starting point is 01:08:07 It's the stand everyone's gonna be outside hanging out doesn't matter You know what do we put that because I even buy us the fuck out of me there Paul really fucking yeah, you shouldn't also you know you should do seriously take the head you shouldn't come Okay, no, no, what are you saying? Yeah, no, no, no, I get it, I get it, I get it. Yeah, so just back off, you know what I mean? That's the first time, maybe next time. No, I would say come and hang. I mean, that's not what you, wow.
Starting point is 01:08:33 That was the first time. That was the first time. That was the first time. What do you guys want me to done? Fucking exhaust it. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
Starting point is 01:08:40 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no You just don't want me there Paul. That's fine. That's fine. Say it. Say it. Say it. You don't want them there my Nex my next killing me. I would love them to be there Bring up the fucking bird away cancer What the fuck you say you don't want them there Because it's not true. It is true. Just say look good. I rather you not tonight because it's with my friends
Starting point is 01:09:02 And I think I think and I yeah, good. I think he's. Oh, no, you can come but like I'm not on it You can't sit with us. That's kind of like yeah, that's fine What about that two are reading into me you two are out of your fucking mind. Yeah, I'm gonna guarantee I get a call later tonight Dude that fuck I didn't want him coming Would not happen at all. I want to go there. I want to sit down I want to eat and want to smoke a stick and I want to go to fuck home I don't know that I don't want them coming. I had you pick up on that. It would not happen at all. I want to go there, I want to sit down, I want to eat, I want to smoke a stick and I want to go to the fuck home. I don't see guys.
Starting point is 01:09:28 You know that I don't. I don't. Oh, I got to, I got the mother load. So let's go do it. All right, well, we got to talk, we got to go and go and go. I'm going to talk to you about my, I'm going away for Christmas. Hang on, before you fucking, yeah, but I know you. Okay, okay.
Starting point is 01:09:44 I know what you got to do. Okay. I know there's some fucking Genie tradition thing that's gonna whip in here, you know, you should hang on hang on We're gonna go right now Joe Russell at jokes Russell Mike at Mike V. Shores Mike V. Shores with me all weekend I'm at sites, but it's all weekend Thursday Friday Saturday nice and then I'm at the reward MGM Then I'm doing the Pactiark theater with creeps. We're back creeps for kids is back creeps is back in And I'm gonna celebrity theater for a couple nights round the rock tavern. I'm going there and round rock Texas governors, Skankfest, comics come home, I'm torn with Louis, I'm gonna do a whole two weeks with Louis.
Starting point is 01:10:32 In the middle of the country, Uncle Vinnie's the warehouse, bananas. I'm coming back to bananas, I mean, look at my, go there, come see my standup, because that's what I do. I got all kinds of merch. We got all kinds of shit up there. You got the YKWD You got the Robert Kelly head you got the sister ping you got the culture and Kelly everything's up there Use code word ladybug and you get 20% off ladybugs a ladybug a ladybugs. What is it? Nice talking to you. Why why is that gonna ask what is ladybook?
Starting point is 01:11:02 a ladybug, a ladybug, what is it? Nice talking to you. Why is that gonna ask? What is Ladybug? It's kind of our fan base. Oh. It's the people that do the JOP and support the Patreon. They're really just fucking, it's hard to explain. But they called themselves a ladybug.
Starting point is 01:11:18 Well, we called them that because we were talking one day, one of the senators had genital warts. It was a cluster of them. And he was like, oh, don't mind, no, it was those are my lady bugs. I want nice. And then we called the cluster of fans, our lady bugs, a cluster of genital warts.
Starting point is 01:11:35 So it doesn't make sense, but it does to us. Anyways, I want to thank you guys. We're going to go right into it right now. YKWD, make sure you're subscribed. Click that on YouTube, like it, lickD, make sure you're subscribed. Click that on the YouTube, like it, lick it. Make sure you put us out there, tell a friend, share it. We guys are the best fans of the world.
Starting point is 01:11:52 And we're going right now. So if you wanna watch the rest of this, go to, slash robbercale. All right, here we go. I met this guy. Do you have a meet one of your, what are you texting? Bill. Who are you texting? I, who are you texting?
Starting point is 01:12:07 I'm texting, I'm texting Bartonick and Bill and them. Yeah, that we're, were you gonna bring sticks or now? I, are you gonna, are you gonna, are you gonna bring? I got sticks, you know, um, tell them I'm cool. Tell them I'm gonna come. They don't even, they're gonna go who? Um, now open Wicked Good Hosts here furniture, come in and get wicked. Good deals, uh, on all your your name brand furniture at 70% off regular retail prices. That's right. This son of a bitch is good all this
Starting point is 01:12:33 furniture and guess what? It's national brands. Till we're talking about cat napper. We got nationwide. We got Ashley. All those brands. This guy carries what a cool guy met him in Philly really great guy and He has this furniture store that you can go down to it's fucking wicked pass head though and get your smile That's over there and see us. It's in just over the Phillips Berg bridge In the center. It's three one six town centervard Eastern PA. It's a great little ride. Even if you don't live there near, the town is awesome. You'll have a great little time over there. Get lunch, get yourself some furniture, check out the website
Starting point is 01:13:16 or call them at 610-438-4829. Mention the podcast and get a free delivery and set up. Okay, I like this guy. I like this furniture place. When I'm gonna, I'm gonna go there for my tiny home and get myself a nice little L shape couch, maybe a rocking chair and a bed for Max. Check them out. Again, that's and they look forward to seeing you. Make sure you're mentioning us and get you a free delivery and set up. Now we're gonna read the names. Please make sure you go to check out all my dates So let's read these suckers right now. We only have ten will you read the ten dollars with your fucking beautiful accent? Ready here we go
Starting point is 01:13:58 Andrew, what's up? Thank you so much for joining. Who is that say Owen Kelly? I wonder if that's I always see when I tell I see a Kelly. I'm exactly related to me somehow like some cousin that I say Owen Kelly? I wonder if that's, I was assuming, at the time I see a Kelly, I'm like, is that related to me somehow? Like some cousin that I don't fucking know a lot of Kelly's though. There's a lot of Kelly's. I guess you could fucking stamp on my dream. Right, like that quick, if you want. What?
Starting point is 01:14:16 I mean, wow, I mean, what the fuck? Sometimes it's like watching, it is a family member who's been searching for me. It's my father's other kid. He's like, I gotta give this guy money to fucking. I gotta fucking give money to him. He even gave me five. He even drew an upper tier,
Starting point is 01:14:29 just drew the lowest. Yeah. Ah, good. Rick column, who's next? Wait, so I'm doing the $10 one? Yes. All right. This one is Nick White,
Starting point is 01:14:39 giving $10 per month. He was due on August 24th. Yeah, how many is that in Irish money? I have no idea. You know, what do you have? You have like 45 euros or something. 45 euros is 10 euros. No, it must be about 12 euros.
Starting point is 01:14:52 Oh, you're fucking asshole. I don't know. I honestly have no idea though. The day I moved here, I was like, I'm not even, I said, I'm not keeping that. You're done. Yeah. You're American. I didn't want to get you out.
Starting point is 01:15:03 You're an American. Yeah. Say it. I'm an American. I'm proud to be an American I am proud to be American. I am American. All right. I said that don't fucking question me God damn. I'm a regional American. All right. We got me a G. We got a rap this up. I mean Paul's energy is fucking murdering me What? I know all his friends. I know I'm on you dude You got it your energy's fucking, let me get this over. You sound like you're not talking. You don't know not happy.
Starting point is 01:15:28 You don't understand that day I had, Bobby. And I'm sitting here, what? I love you. I love you. You guys, I'm sitting here. Just it. You want out. And I'm trying to get you out.
Starting point is 01:15:36 That's all I'm saying. No, but I never said. But your energy's crazy. You gave me an out to say, do you want to leave? And I said, no, I'll stay. No, but yeah, I know because you're a nice guy. My energy is crazy. What do you want? Your energy is on me. A G. What a What a
Starting point is 01:15:49 That's you. That's you. That's you. That's very Come on me. A G. Keep giving money to a place that I don't get any. Yeah. Oh Oh Oh, it all came out now. Oh, wow. I'm fucking no more Mr mister fucking nice guy? That's what I want fucking read those names and tell them who they are all right. Yeah KP third giving ten dollars a month good for you and Twinnett and Twinnett
Starting point is 01:16:16 Shave oh Shiavo, I don't matter spit it out. Yeah, five dollars. God bless you. What's this beat cheeks? Ten dollars a month good for you. Let's only a 10 of 10 you know what I mean pony up 10 b cheeks only gives me five Yeah, fuck you that's all you deserve and and and Brad American Red bar phone. Yeah, man. I right doesn't matter I don't fight all of five five dollars a month. Thank everybody there. We'll go through them again in all seriousness. Thank you so much Andrew own Kelly Nick white me a g P3rd and twin at Chevo b cheeks and Brad bar phone
Starting point is 01:16:51 I'm so happy that you guys support my friends fucking podcast because he's one of the best He's one of the funniest of podcasts is fantastic and come to my special Boom nice. See you guys next week! Y no wa tud! ¡Nice! ¡See you guys next week! ¡Nice! ¡See you guys next week! ¡Nice! ¡See you guys next week!
Starting point is 01:17:10 ¡See you guys next week! ¡See you guys next week! ¡See you guys next week! ¡See you guys next week! ¡See you guys next week! ¡See you guys next week! ¡See you guys next week! ¡See you guys next week!
Starting point is 01:17:18 ¡See you guys next week! ¡See you guys next week! ¡See you guys next week! ¡See you guys next week! ¡See you guys next week! ¡See you guys next week! ¡See you guys next week! ¡See you guys next week! ¡See you guys next week! ¡See you guys next week! ¡See you guys next week! ¡See you guys next week! ¡See you guys next week! ¡See you guys next week! ¡See you guys next week! ¡See you guys next week! ¡See you guys next week! ¡See you guys next week! ¡See you guys next week! ¡See you guys next week! ¡See you guys next week! ¡See you guys next week! ¡See you guys next week! ¡See you guys next week! ¡See you guys next week! ¡See you guys next week! ¡See you guys next week! ¡See you guys next week! ¡See you guys next week! ¡See you guys next week! ¡See you guys next week! ¡See you guys next week! ¡See you guys next week! La región de Murcia nunca ha estado tan cerca. Espectacularismos, monumentos, rincones de película y un sincín de aventuras te esperan. ¡Fliparás!
Starting point is 01:17:28 Huelades de Madrid, a Murcia y a otros destinos que te sorprenderán a partir de 19 euros. Volotea. Tarifa sujetas a disponibilidad. Consulta las condiciones en you

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