Rooster Teeth Podcast - We Want to Try Human Meat! - #781

Episode Date: December 18, 2023

Armando, Andrew, and Griff discuss food to people comparisons. Is Drake the sugar of music? Would O type blood be the tastiest? All valid questions for the Rooster Teeth Podcast! This episode is s...ponsored by BetterHelp — go to to get 10% off your first month. Grab the exclusive NordVPN deal ➼ and get extra subscription time. Try it risk-free now with a 30-day money-back guarantee. Thanks to NordVPN for sponsoring our show. Go to to watch episodes of Stinky Dragon Adventures! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is a Risteteer Production. Welcome to the only show also using our campaign funds for only fans. It's the hearty podcast. I am your host, Runahtorrius, and joining me, as always, is the freshly botoxed Andrew Roses. And? Hi, I'm currently online trying to see if I can give my campaign donation back from George Santos.
Starting point is 00:00:43 Trying to parlay that into a cameo. Yeah, yeah. Get the campaign things back. It's like, does she go to the source? Yeah, I actually want a cameo from. Apparently somebody already ordered me a cameo from George Santos because I am trying to play him in the movie that's coming up. You like, I absolutely should.
Starting point is 00:00:59 I think you could trick him into getting your cast. Absolutely. I think you could appeal to his like, narcissist signature. I think of the only one that gets with everything that he's been through. Being a scammer, being weirdly fat, but not fat, being a dork to look at.
Starting point is 00:01:18 Tricking your way into higher echelons of power. That's what I'm saying. And hey, speaking of scams that involve money from supporters, if you want to help us make this. You're not going to get a better segue than that. If you want to help us make this show, consider becoming a first member. Unlike George Santos, we are actually using this to do the things that we say that we're doing, like making this wonderful show. But then in the show, the scams are the things that we are doing. So it's content and it's good. You can go to the slash first to help support us and help us
Starting point is 00:01:52 make this show. You can also catch a bunch of stuff that we have just for first members, including Gris show. Is it problematic? Yeah, I make that show. And coming up. It's a choice. Yep. I'm making that show. There you go We also do discord hangouts RTTV streams a bunch of really fun stuff But again that stuff is secondary to the fact that you are helping us make this show and all of the other shows that we're working on So go ahead and check that out. Yeah, thank you so much. Well, I am yeah, it's a yeah, there's about a 35 to 40,000 of you out there who listen and we appreciate it. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:30 Yeah. I will kiss every single one of you. Oh, I don't think you would. During cold and flu season. Yeah. Griffin, I aren't even sick. We have allergies. Why am I?
Starting point is 00:02:39 Why is there a close up on my feet? Why? You're doing this weird thing when you're doing the podcast. You said, and I quote, hey, y'all mind if I do a feat up and I kicked back up a son. That's not what it is. I said kick back, because I'm leaning back for audio listeners. I got my feet up on the desk.
Starting point is 00:02:56 I got a card to get on. I got a card to get on. I'm getting, it's fucking real professor hours over here. Yeah, yeah, yeah. What is that? It's a California Yankees hat. What's it called? A Dodgers hat? Yeah that? It's a California Yankees hat. What's it called? A Dodgers hat?
Starting point is 00:03:06 Yeah, that thing. A California Yankees hat. Yeah. Huh? Dodgers. But you knew what I meant. I guess. Yeah, it's a California Yankee hat.
Starting point is 00:03:15 Insane. They would. It looks like a Yankee hat, but for California. I don't want to do this, but the Cortes shoes I'm wearing are telling me to stab you. The Cortes shoes are the California. I don't wanna do this, but the Cortes shoes I'm wearing are telling me to stab you. The Cortes shoes are the California, the California tims. Yeah, the California tims. California tims is my favorite hockey team.
Starting point is 00:03:35 The California tims, baby. Wait, can I give a single really? Sorry, I saw my arm and it was, because the listen is a definition. The listen listeners at home, my arms look good. This is a weird episode. This is weird, I've already so far. It's because I've been eating nothing but soup and cold medicine for 10 days. Griff has over the last three days.
Starting point is 00:03:56 Griff has invited me over every single day to come get cold, I almost called it cold medicine. Chicken soup. I made soup from scratch. Yeah. I made like a bucket, like a bucket, like medicine, chicken soup. I made soup from scratch. Yeah. I made like a bucket, like a bucket, like a bunch of soup. I went to the house, it's in a Home Depot bucket. Yeah, I used three different containers to store it and you should come get one.
Starting point is 00:04:15 I will, I'm gonna come get the soup. I'm gonna try it. Oh my God. Yeah, the reason it's such a weird episode is because we started it out before we were even going talking about fast food breakfast item. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:32 Pretty aggressively. Pretty well, okay, fast food breakfast items exist for one reason and one reason only. It is because you are on your way to work and you need to eat something right now. Otherwise, you're going to fucking kill Brenda. And in accounts receivable. Yes. And so you fucking eat something right now. Otherwise, you're gonna fucking kill Brenda. And- In accounts receivable. Yes. And so you fucking need something right now.
Starting point is 00:04:49 And I would say foreign large. Foreign large. Okay. Foreign large, which wouldn't be far- I love that store for the big boys. Foreign large. Foreign large is what you become. If you eat too many fast food breakfasts,
Starting point is 00:05:01 I know it's just plus-sized flight jackets. Yeah. I do like when they make just plus size flight jackets. Yeah. I do like when they make plus size flight jackets because it's like, I can't even fit in a normal plate seat when the shooting comes to the one that goes 90 G's. Fuck off. Anyway, they're all bad. All breakfast items from fast food restaurants are fucking terrible, except for like one or two. And I would say that the best breakfast fast food item
Starting point is 00:05:30 is Taco Bell's breakfast crunch wrap. I've never had it. Never had it either. Have you ever had a regular crunch wrap? Yeah, yeah, elite. So a regular crunch wrap is, I called it a crunch wrap. It's serving crunch wrap.
Starting point is 00:05:45 Did you get your 20, 20, 23 spot of my cut, rat? It said I spent 53,000 minutes trying to find the Let's go My favorite was that I got What cities did you guys get like San Luis abyss bow? I got tempi Tempier's I don't know what that means, but they listen to a lot of what I do the worst I got like San Luis abispo. I got Tempe. Tempe are so nice. Oh my gosh. I don't know what that means, but they listen to a lot of what I do.
Starting point is 00:06:29 The worst. They got Portland main. Tempe are so nice. Tempe are so nice. Like yeah, you might listen to Olivia Rodrigo, but you still think that certain people shouldn't have rights. I don't listen to Olivia Rodrigo,
Starting point is 00:06:39 but I do listen to a lot of the city girls. So I don't know what the, I don't know why it gave me that. Interesting. What city did you get? I think know what the, I don't know why it gave me that. Interesting. What city did you get? I think it was Portland, Maine. Not the public. I would have thought about Portland.
Starting point is 00:06:51 Or it. Both of you. I can marry you. I mean, this, this sweater. That cardie. This party is pure Portland, Maine. I got a cardie, but it's just beige cardigan. Get it.
Starting point is 00:07:01 Get it. Brat beige, parentheses, age. Getting Portland, Maine means like voted for Obama, but still owns a gun. That's what you're buying. Now 100% North New England. Lithuania and North New England, it's so funny because they are like dependably blue,
Starting point is 00:07:15 but also complete psychos. Yes. My friend, Kath is from New Hampshire, and it's one of like hearing her stories about growing up in New Hampshire and like the people from there is so funny because they are weirdly like liberal boarding on libertarian but like you can't pass seat belt laws
Starting point is 00:07:34 in New Hampshire because it's like get your regulations off my body which is my right to die in a car accident flying through the window. That is my god given right. Hey, hey, here's the thing. After living 27 of them years, I get it. I get it. I get it. I'm not saying I want to die, but if I get into a really bad car accident, just let me go. Yeah. That's why I have organ donor on my driver's license, because I'm hoping when they come to save me, they go, why do you a kid me? I will say, if I had a head on collision with you, I saw you coming to window
Starting point is 00:08:11 and it's like, fuck me. It'd be like, it'd be like, why would he come when he looks up and there's a boulder and a shadow just gets bigger over it. Well, it sounds because it's, it's like first your car gets hit by a car and then a second car in my body is coming flying at you. I got San Luis Amispo, which I saw a TikTok where this guy was like, here's what what city you got says about your music taste. And I was like, okay, what are you going to say about me? Yeah, like you could roast me. And he was like, you spent a lot of time listening to music, trying to curate like a cool vibe, just to have your number one artist be Drake. And I was like, fuck.
Starting point is 00:08:48 No! Roasted. Oh! He cut to the very core of my music list of it. I feel like that's what mine means too. Drake has been my artist of the year. Every single year I've done Spotify rap, except the year that folklore and ever more came out.
Starting point is 00:09:01 Well, it's a- It's a conspiracy. Is it? Drake isn't actually anyone's number one artist. No, I, do you know how hard it is to be in the top 1% of an artist that popular? Wait, you're in the top one. Last year I was top 1%.
Starting point is 00:09:14 This year was top 5%. Last year was top 1% of Drake listeners. Which is hard. I respect women. I do. I respect women. I don't believe it. I really don't believe that.
Starting point is 00:09:24 Do I have a playlist called massage in the but it slaps? Yes. Is black bear and trache on there almost exclusively? Also yes. But does that mean I hate women? I don't think so. I just think that the songs that do are good. My Spotify rap is really interesting because it's like, it's so, I feel like it's the ultimate
Starting point is 00:09:44 thing. It's like, what are your curve records? You know what I mean? Because it's like, oh, there's like stuff that I listen to. Yeah. I have pretty, I would say I have pretty varied tastes. Yeah. But then there's like stuff that I, there are songs that I'll put on, like repeat while I'm,
Starting point is 00:09:59 or like, my friend Patty, like his whole thing was wrecked by ambient music, because he listens to that to work. See, I made a second account for my lofi. Sure, yeah, for your chill study beat. Yeah, because I have a family account, I don't have five people in there, so I made like a devices account.
Starting point is 00:10:15 Sure, that's smart, that is smart. But also, you know, but also sometimes I do just be like, I be like, ooh, I do love, I do love, you know, Cafe, Cafe Clinking noises for $15. Somebody just taught me about this. It was BK. Oh shit. I'm in the top 0.5% of Drake.
Starting point is 00:10:33 See? I don't even listen to Drake that much. No, you think you don't. I think it counts features. And also, yes, you do. Here's the thing. I listen to like 60, over 60, close to 70,000 minutes or whatever of fucking music.
Starting point is 00:10:51 And most of it was not Drake. Yeah, I can prove it. Well, it was too many other things. It's just that he's in everything. It's true. He's got his fan out of pie. My favorite, my number one Drake song wasn't even a Drake song. It was a DJ Khaled song featuring. It was Greece. Exactly. Okay. It's a DJ Khaled song. Here's my point. Here's my point of why Drake doesn't count as anyone's
Starting point is 00:11:13 top favorite artist. Okay. That's like me saying, what's your favorite food? Andrew, what's your favorite food? Burger. Wrong. Your favorite food is actually sugar. It's salt. Because it is the most included degree. It's sure everything I everything I need yeah precisely. Yeah, it's like that drake is sugar. All right. Yeah both because Really trying to court of the child market, but also because he's in everything. Yeah Some of those show no Reggie is one of the artists that put me in tempi along with doja cat and sitting girls I think you hate women. I'm gonna see all my top artists were women except for Drake doja cat hates women Yeah, you look me in the eye He knows she has that song woman that's like stop putting two bad bitches against each other. She hates women
Starting point is 00:12:02 She hates them and black people in Yeah, and that's her entire thing. So if you all, if you at home left a trail of breadcrumbs down this Spotify, cut wrapped. You were talking about breakfast items. You said the breakfast crunch wrap supreme. Yeah, the breakfast, uh, cut wrap is it's, uh, it is, the breakfast crunch wrap supreme. Yeah, the breakfast Cut wrap is it's It is the regular crunch wrap is like a tostada taco stuff some nacho cheese some sauce and then they wrap it together What what's what they wrap it in what just a tortilla tortilla? It's like yeah Yes, and it becomes like an octagon of Mexican flavor. The breakfast one is instead of a tosao, they use hash browns.
Starting point is 00:12:53 Oh. And then they put eggs. Is it hard? It's crunchy, but it's not hard. It's really nice. It's like a regular hash brown. It's fucking delicious. And then they put eggs bacon bacon, they use like a creamy
Starting point is 00:13:06 jalapeno sauce. And then they wrap that all together. I feel like I've talked about it maybe here, but different times. And I was a kid. One of the members of the school board of the high school that I went to owned like nine taco bells. And so we got to go to their headquarters in Irvine, California for my marketing class, where supposedly we were supposed to be learning marketing. But the tour ended, the tour was like 20 minutes. And then the rest of the hour that we spent there was in their test kitchen trying the breakfast items before they came out and answering a survey about how we felt about them and I didn't realize until I was an adult like, oh, fuck, we were just in marketing,
Starting point is 00:13:50 marketing, marketing, research, we were used. But I tried to breath. Yeah, exactly. Kids who are on their way to school and they need something to eat right now because their parents don't care about them. All I'm saying is that if you eat breakfast at a fast food place, it's because somebody doesn't care about you or you don't care about yourself. Those are the true. That's it. But tried the breakfast crunch wrap there, I loved it when it was made in there like test kitchen.
Starting point is 00:14:15 When it came out, I went, there's no way that it's just as good. It fucking is. It fucking hits. It slaps every time I get it. It's never done me wrong. And it's also the only non-crazy thing they debuted because no one seems to remember. One of the other offerings that they had
Starting point is 00:14:31 was a waffle bent into the shape of a taco filled with eggs and maple syrup. I do remember that. That was an abomination. Yeah. That was in the front to go. Everyone's brain tries to block it out because that's what all actual fast food restaurant breakfast is. Honestly, that's a lie. It's gross. It's bad. It's sugar mixed with eggs. That seems like more like a jack in the box offering. Yes. That's not the last time, right? The Jagger.
Starting point is 00:14:57 Jagger in the boxes just trying to like, I don't know, Jagger in the boxes like, you asked AI to make food and it fucked up the fingers. I'm saying. Truly. So, well, we started talking about fast food breakfast items. And I was like, all right, I got something, I got a little rant to go on here. Okay.
Starting point is 00:15:18 And then you put your feet up on the desk. I put my feet up on the desk because I have like, so maybe the worst, I'm gonna say the worst fast food breakfast item, you probably expect me to say some like crazy concoction from like, like the waffle taco. Like a waffle taco or something like that. Raw. The worst breakfast items you can possibly get
Starting point is 00:15:40 are at Starbucks. They fucking suck dick. They are terrible. And the reason they're terrible is because they're just as bad for you. But they're one, one hundredth the flavor or interest of any other breakfast time. It's like, you go, you're getting fast food breakfast because you, again, don't care about yourself
Starting point is 00:16:00 or somebody doesn't care about you. Or somebody doesn't care about you. But you need something that isn't abomination. You need something that is a flavor, punch in the mouth, to kick start your day. You need it fast. You need to soak up the coffee. You need to soak up the booze from last night. It needs to be something that is going to like, but recommend for your dream, dial it
Starting point is 00:16:21 your pupils, send you into like a sugary. You need the pulp fixin' adrenaline shot. You need the pulp fixin' adrenaline shot to start your goddamn day. And for like calorie, like when everything's taken to account ingredients, like the garbage chemical, like the sludge that they're pumping into our food,
Starting point is 00:16:42 when you account for all of that, when you account for everything that calorie to calorie, you're gonna go get a, like the most mediocre breakfast sandwich on planet earth from Starbucks. Yeah. Go fuck it. If you're getting fast food breakfast,
Starting point is 00:16:58 do it right and get some actually flavorable garbage. Don't get that like, Josh. In my defense, I had to walk into the Starbucks and that took so much time. Jesus Christ. Okay, first of all. That's my rant.
Starting point is 00:17:12 I think I'm gonna spend the calories. Why the fuck would you go get like, it's about time, it's not the calories. But you're not even saving that much time. I do do a second location. You have to go to a second location. You have to walk into it. Also, thermosis is dead to me. Well, Yeah. And then also the other thing is like here in Texas,
Starting point is 00:17:28 was first of all, as an aside, we are boycotting both of the extra to talk to us. We got our boycotting Starbucks and Taco Bell and McDonald's. McDonald's all young cause, which isn't McDonald's, I know that I was just mentioning it. Anyway, the worst part about the Starbucks type of shit now, other than the shit we just mentioned, is that in Texas, they don't seem to have drive through Starbucks. They're few and far between, yes, which means that you have to physically, you have to walk into the place. You have to wait in line. You have to order the thing. And then they put it through the fucking carousel of heat that just flops it out. So you can get the most fucking dehydrated,
Starting point is 00:18:10 but we add in a little bit of water as egg powder. They're shit, excuse for bread. And the bacon that's so thin, it's so clear that they just printed out a piece of paper with a picture of bacon and cut it out and put it on the oil. Truly a like child's like scratch and sniff snicker, scratch and sniff snicker. You'll get it. Oh my God. Scratch and sniff sticker. Lord have mercy of a picture of bacon. Yeah. Has more flavor than that fucking bear. Absolutely. I'm more man, I'm man about this. Yeah, because because you realize you're like, wait a minute, I could have gotten a McGriddle, a miracle of science, a miracle of science, and for the same calories, could have gotten something that tastes like it was 3D printed from Starbucks.
Starting point is 00:19:01 How dare you? The worst part is that like the more I think about it, everything I've ever had from Starbucks is awful. Like the same. Coffee's bad too. Coffee's terrible. It's all burnt. The only reason I was drinking it was because they had one seasonal item that I really fucked with.
Starting point is 00:19:15 Which one? And it didn't even fucking come back this year. Which item? The Toasted White Chocolate Mocha. Which is different from the White Chocolate Mocha and now that's Toasted and Delicious. See, here's the thing. And producer Cody's out there dancing.
Starting point is 00:19:26 Literally. They didn't bring it back this year. It's not, they didn't bring it back. Cody crumpan. Yeah. And the white chocolate mocha's ass. It is the best thing to have. The gingerbread's pretty good too, though.
Starting point is 00:19:39 The gingerbread can suck my dick. See? And soak in the cookie butter, whatever the, everything else is just sugar cookie, gingerbread, and like cookie butter, these are all just sugar flavor. Oh, I'll say sugar flavor. Sugar, Drake. Okay, oh my God.
Starting point is 00:19:53 So, this is actually it, and we're tapping into it. Like the best things from Starbucks are things that are completely massive. They're desserts. Yeah, you're getting a milkshake, it's fine. Oh, the fucking, also, or discontinued, like the apple croissant was actually good gone gone. The the the the the pumpkin the pumpkin muffin with the cream in the middle actually. I should use some gone again. The
Starting point is 00:20:15 things that are like our halfway the baked good is like a little bit. It's a little bit dicey disagree. The baked goods are suck. Oh, no, like, Have you had that pumpkin cream? That's because it has to have, it has to have like a cream element or also. And the apple also has a couple on it. A door stop things better. I don't like it.
Starting point is 00:20:33 I like, I like warm, I like warm, I don't, I want to warm, goopy breakfast. No, disgusting. Um, so, but I will say, so like the coffee thing that Starbucks is known for.
Starting point is 00:20:44 Yes, it's almost anywhere is better. Is it the beat they burn the beans so that they taste the same everywhere right? That's correct. That's correct. Yeah, it's it's it's in a front to God. However, let me counter this, their teas, lemonade, refreshers, the refreshers. Incredible. The dragon, the dragon fruit mango refresher is summer on this summer day. No. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:10 Yeah. Yeah. No, delicious. Okay, I'll give you that. They're halfway decent. They're bad. I dislike them. I don't like them.
Starting point is 00:21:18 All right. The thing is, is like Los Angeles has so many good places that just focus on getting drinks. That if I want, if I want a tea, I can go anywhere and grab one. Now granted, you might be saying, well, what if we don't live in Los Angeles? Your life doesn't matter. Is I guess what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:21:37 It's a co-stool leaf. No, no, no, no. I just like, I don't know. There's nothing that, I mean, this is all fast food, right? All fast food is like the worst version of what it's gonna be. Like, any burger from a small place is gonna be better than a fucking McDonald's burger. Well, yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:56 But some but, but like coffee from a local roaster is going to be better than Starbucks. And I, so I will argue that I have never craved a Starbucks coffee drink. Except for the toasted white chocolate mocha. Speak for yourself. And that's in your case, in your case,
Starting point is 00:22:19 that's the only one. That's the only one. I have not craved a Starbucks item. It's always like, oh, this will do in a pinch. However, and because there's plenty of other much better alternatives to it. However, and not word for our sponsor, star buttono, whereas we all know
Starting point is 00:22:39 that you can get a better burger just about anywhere in McDonald's. But guess what? Sometimes when you want to McDonald's burger or some of their nuggets, nothing else will do. I don't ever want burger king, but I do want a whopper specifically. That's weird.
Starting point is 00:22:53 I don't want a burger. I want a whopper. Whopper is correct. Whopper is bad. I don't understand that. But I understand the singular, I want this flavor. Yeah. That comes preposterously in burger form.
Starting point is 00:23:06 Yeah, that's not strong. Yeah, it's not the active, like, I want a hamburger. Therefore, I'm going to Burger King. It's like, I want what a Whopper Jr. tastes like in my mouth. What is a Whopper Jr.? Why do you like a Whopper Jr.? Because it has a very particular flavor.
Starting point is 00:23:18 Is it the bullshit ass char borrel? I don't know. Maybe. It's whatever chemical they put on it that make it taste like that. They make it taste like it was cooked on fire. Also, their buns kinda sweet a little bit. I like that too, a little sweet bun.
Starting point is 00:23:32 I don't, I don't know. Burger, soft serve machine never broke. Every single video you see of baggage handlers, like miss handling people's baggage. You know, viral videos of baggage, and a little bit of bag, bag handlers throwing people miss handling people's baggage, you know, viral videos of baggage, bag handlers throwing people's carry-ons, just like man handling them, tossing them into the cargo holds.
Starting point is 00:23:52 Every single Burger King bun was traded that way. Every single Burger King bun was like kicked into the store from the loading. Yeah, I wanna teach that. I've never seen an intact Burger King bun. It always looks like it was run over seconds before it was put on my sandwich. Burger King is the way that it's supposed to be. Their fries are always soggy and stretchy. Chicken fries don't make any fucking sense because my brain, I hold a chicken fry and my brain goes,
Starting point is 00:24:21 this is supposed to be a mozzarella stick. Yeah, it is. You know what is better? You know what's better actually than Burger King's fries? Like hunger. That's how bad those fucking fries are. Those fries are fucking discussing at least. At least Wendy's had the decency to go, okay, guys, we fucked up. We've been serving you this bullshit for 20 years. And now that Dave's dead, we're gonna put. We're gonna put the skins back on the pants.
Starting point is 00:24:46 We're gonna really fuck with it. Their chicken sandwiches are shaped wrong. You ever see that? Look at their old. Look like you pulled the paper out before the printer was done. It made it all long and shit. It's all fucked up and bad. I don't like it.
Starting point is 00:25:00 So they came out with a new sandwich. So supposed to be like their version of the Popeye sandwich, I went to Chick-fil-A. I ordered that sandwich specifically and then they are Burking and they still gave me the long Chicken sandwich. Yes. I was so mad. It's they Two dollars more. Someone did a panorama photo of a chicken sandwich and kept moving the sandwich along with it. Yes It's it looks like and I guarantee you that if you line it up, like the square footage of that chicken sandwich is the same as the chicken. It's not you're not getting more sandwiches. No, it's just that they're wrong. They just beat it. I'm mad now. I
Starting point is 00:25:36 fucking hate. I'm sorry. I brought this. I'm sorry. I'm worse chicken sandwich in fast food. Um, is it the bird? Is it the BK chicken? No, no, no. I feel like the worst chicken sandwich in fast food. Is it the bird? Is it the BK chicken? No, no. I feel like the worst chicken sandwich I've ever had in my entire life has been from KFC. Was it the double down? No, because that was actually fire. That's one, that was the one where the chicken's the bun, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That was when I realized that like, there's slow, easy, fun ways to kill yourself.
Starting point is 00:26:06 Oh, you mean, it was that, wasn't the bowl? No. The bowl is when I realized that we as a society were not long through this world. Yeah, the bowl, in case you're wondering, is KFC decided that there is a way that you can induce diarrhea. And they made it.
Starting point is 00:26:22 It's a plastic bowl filled with the driest and also gooeyest mashed potatoes you've ever had in your life. Yeah. It's a non-Newtonian liquid. Gravy, corn, little pieces of breaded chicken that are always more bread than chicken. And then unmelted shredded cheddar cheese that will not actually ever melt because by the time you get the bowl, it is so hot on the bottom and ice cold on the top. And I would argue that that cheese, like, won't melt will disintegrate before it melts. Oh, it'll dust.
Starting point is 00:26:58 Like, you can't, like you could send that sun, like it's not cheese to the sun. It would melt. It would break apart, like a meteor. The thing that pissed me off about that is, I do like to make bowls out of my food. I like to eat all my food in the bowl. I'll layer it, make a little food in the sun here.
Starting point is 00:27:13 And I was like, oh, they've done it for you, but just looking at the technology, I was like, it's not gonna taste good though. You have to do it yourself. They don't know my ratio. Also, I don't want cheese on it. I, so my argument that, so you asked them about the worst chicken sandwich
Starting point is 00:27:26 in the fast food, I, I think I'm going to say, it's been a long time since I've had it, but I am going to say it's probably the BK chicken sandwich. The long boy. The long boy. And for one simple reason is because this is how I remember it, is that in order to get to that fucking stretch arm strong, that fucking California king,
Starting point is 00:27:49 California king size chicken, no, see the other one. Is this gum under the table? Oh my God, right, right. The other one is called the King Sandwich. Oh, fuck you. You go to hell. So in order to actually bite into that patty,
Starting point is 00:28:03 that chicken patty, let's be very clear, that chicken patty, you have to hike across the Sahara desert of bun. That is so dry. Like, those are the only round buns. They make those buns out of silica gel packets. I'm convinced. The driest thing on the planet. And the most wilted piece of lettuce
Starting point is 00:28:26 that you've ever seen in your entire life that is so clearly genetically engineered for the long boy. I'm kind of craving one now. I know. You know what sucks? I would fuck up a long way. I would fuck up a long way.
Starting point is 00:28:39 You know what it is? It's that dollop of whatever fucking meal in the miracle work on it. I would think it actually yeah I might fuck I
Starting point is 00:28:48 like that let us generally engineer from yes sad Victorian poet man so wilted it's fucking 3D creative
Starting point is 00:28:57 every time you order the long boy should get sandwich here okay can I get a long boy yeah it's a dog matrix printer too sounds like Tyler cityady's printer in the back.
Starting point is 00:29:06 Yeah. Oh man. He doesn't look like you can see a seam in the bun too at the top. It kind of looks like you can see the seam where they've been. Oh, it's got a ball sack. It looks gross. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:29:23 The worst part is, okay. Show it again. This is supposed to be the most appetizing this sandwich has ever looked. And even in this picture, I don't want to eat it. It looks bad. It looks wrong. It's a fucking abomination.
Starting point is 00:29:35 I can tell I'll dry this just from the image. Here's the thing is like crack. At least, at least. The bun is cracked. Your phone folds in water. Pull out that picture and dries it out. At least with a normal chicken sandwich, like, okay, like a Popeyes chicken sandwich, right?
Starting point is 00:29:51 Like a KFC one for as fucking shit as they are. At least with those sandwiches, it gives the illusion of like, okay, maybe this is a boneless breast, right? With the McDonald's, like the McChicken, it being in a patty is at least sort of familiar. So our brain goes, okay, I'm not gonna think about it so hard. The long BK chicken sandwich brings to the forefront, oh, fuck, this is the pink goo.
Starting point is 00:30:20 This is the pink goo that they've extruded. This is extruded, yeah. Why don't you make it shape that way? Easy at the ability. I don't think they did for easy atability. I think what they did is they made it that way so that it could stick out. I think it was a tax right off.
Starting point is 00:30:36 I think it was a dare. Yeah. I think they did it to lose money. It's like the producers. It's the producers. Yeah. The producers, people actually ate them. Now they're losing money on it. Fucking gene wilders. Yeah. It's the producers, yeah. Yeah, the producers, but people actually ate them. Now they're losing money on it.
Starting point is 00:30:45 Fucking gene wilders. It's going like, no, long. So there is a phenomenon. This doesn't usually happen with burgers, but it certainly happens with chicken sandwiches, which is occasionally, and chicken sandwiches occasionally, more often with chicken nuggets, no matter where you get them from.
Starting point is 00:31:00 Mm-hmm. I would say except for Wendy's, because Wendy's actually, they're white meat chicken, like breast chicken nuggets. I would say accept for Wendy's because Wendy's actually their white meat chicken, like breast chicken nuggets, I've never encountered this problem there. But, definitely McDonald's, definitely a couple of other places,
Starting point is 00:31:13 where you will occasionally bite into a chicken nugget or chicken sandwich and it will be gristle. Yep. You'll get a gristle piece and that will immediately ruin them. Like, it completely betrays what I've come to this far, which is a frictionless experience eating a chemical meal and has broken that illusion because it's like,
Starting point is 00:31:38 oh, this was once animal. Fuck, this is disgusting. And it completely, it pulls me off my stroke. I'm out, I'm done. I don't want, I don't want that sandwich anymore. And it's like, God help you if that's your first bite. If you're like, well, trash. You just need to really have to throw it away.
Starting point is 00:31:53 It's like, I'm gonna, if the walk out of the room and come back. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, just like walk around for a bit, like reassess your choices in your life. I think you and I are different people. We are. You want to go.
Starting point is 00:32:03 You want to go. Woof. Thank God. I think you and I are different people. We are. Because, oh, thank God. You want to go. Thank God. I think you and I are different types of people because like, I wouldn't let that shit stop me in the slightest. Okay. I think I'm a bad human being.
Starting point is 00:32:15 Does that make you more excited to eat? I think if I was at a steakhouse and they brought the cow through the fucking steakhouse and I'm eating a steak, I go, hmm. I want some ear next. I go, hmm. You're not the ear next. I'm coming back tomorrow for you. Knowing that it wasn't, knowing that it was an animal doesn't really bother me, knowing that like, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:32:33 like I get, I've eaten like a chicken sandwich from a small place and got a bone in that shit. And it's just like, yeah, don't give a fuck. This used to be a guy. I'm a fucking meat eating pizza shit. No, yeah, my't give a fuck. This used to be a guy. I'm a fucking meat eating piece of shit. No, yeah, my mouth waters when I'm at Whole Foods and I'm walking past like the meat case and I feel like that delicious red raw meat.
Starting point is 00:32:52 Oh, when I see a bone in chop. Oh, that's what I'm saying. Yeah, exactly what you're saying. Like a dough. But again, this is again, I don't have the problem with like the thing from what, it is the fact that I'm coming to this fast food to like-
Starting point is 00:33:08 E3D printed. E3D print, again, it's the Starbucks conundrum, but the Starbucks parallax. It's like, I don't need to be reminded that this was extruded because that means you bite the gristle and then like you do the like tree of life flood of memories of like, oh, this is an extruded sandwich and like some gristle got like ground up the like tree of life, flood of memories of like, oh, this is an extruded sandwich
Starting point is 00:33:25 and like some gristle got like ground up into like this, particularly is. This one nugget is 18,000 chickens. Correct. Yes. You do all the mental math and weighing of it. And then it's like, here's why I don't mind it.
Starting point is 00:33:38 Okay. Because the alternative is, the alternative is in fucking 40 years or less when we're eating crickets and all meat is fucking cr- and you know that's not a bit, right? No, no, yeah, we're going to be bugs, baby. Yeah, crickets, cricket meat is like the easiest to like grow, reproduce it like has not as negative effects on the environment and- Make it steak textured.
Starting point is 00:34:04 They're going to figure it out. They can. I'm fine. They're just going to go out to the HB parking lot at dusk. They're lab-like summer. They're like some meat and shit. All right. We're like, we're getting to the point where it's not, we're going to, most people are going to be eating real animals anymore.
Starting point is 00:34:20 And so I get a little piece of gristle and I go, it was real. We're still on the top of the food chain. Maybe I'm not eating cricket bugs yet. Oh, yeah. Okay, question. Yeah. Three pinnets, like, or like genetically, like a 3D printed steak, 3D printed food.
Starting point is 00:34:36 Taste identical, no different. Yeah, absolutely, okay. Yeah, give it to me. I hope it kills me. I just don't want to eat the crickets, if I'm being honest. And like, Lufa's not cricket shaped. Here's the't want to eat the crickets, if I'm being honest. And like, if it's not cricket shaped.
Starting point is 00:34:45 Here's the thing, I was just gonna say, I don't mind if I eat cricket meat, just fucking lie to me. Soiling green my ass, all right? I don't ever want to know. Like if I mush them up and put them in some panko and like fucking make a patty out of it
Starting point is 00:35:01 and I put it on an all-blong shaped bun with like a wool piece of lettuce and mayo, you would eat that. Yeah, I would fucking eat it. But the moment, the moment that you go, did you like that? Well, that was actually crooked. Look at her, look at her, look at her,
Starting point is 00:35:14 look at her, reverse vegan. Like when a vegan tries to trick you, and you're like, no, I knew it was vegan, I could give it was bad. This fucking clockwork orange ass, try the wine, like, it's like psychopathic wine. That's what I mean. Did you enjoy your meal?
Starting point is 00:35:26 I'm under it. Did you enjoy your long chicken sandwich? Yeah, I'm stabbing the fucking king in the throat, all right? Yeah. The moment anyone tries to reveal to me that I've been eating crickets, they're fucking dead. I don't care. And then I will eat them.
Starting point is 00:35:41 I don't give a shit. Well, they're also a crick-in. I was gonna say, what if I got a bunch of ground beef shaped into the shape of a cricket and cooked that? I'd fucking kill you. Yeah, I'm gonna be a Detroit. I hate bugs so much. But to answer your question, I've used the like, beyond me.
Starting point is 00:35:58 One of my favorite burger places in Los Angeles is a place called Burger Lords. If you're in the area, if you're in Chinatown or Highland Park area, go to Burger Lords. It used to be, now they have beef patties again, but it used to be a fully vegan burger place, and it's my favorite burger place in Los Angeles. I don't give a shit.
Starting point is 00:36:16 If something vegetarian, vegan, whatever, I don't mind. The things that I do mind is when something tries to replicate meat, and it isn't meat and it's bad. And I don't mean like, I don't mean like, oh, I have to be a carnivore. I know I've said a lot of jokes, but like, I love the majority of Indian food and a lot of desi food because it is made to be meat. Vegetarian, yeah, vegetarian.
Starting point is 00:36:42 Like I love that shit. Just give me that shit. Give me shit that wasn't intended to rip off meat. Just give me your shit. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's the second they tried to like, woo, meat eaters by like meeting them more than halfway of like, this is our plant-based burger that like bleeds. It's like, I don't need a bleat, I get it, it's beat juice, but like, that's not why I
Starting point is 00:37:03 come to burgers because they are rare in bleeding. It's because it tastes good. Like restaurants and vegetarian places that don't treat vegetables like a side, they treat it as a main, they treat it as its own thing. Incredible, like one of the best experiences or one of the best culinary experiences you have. Andrew and I went to a restaurant the other day
Starting point is 00:37:21 where he was ranting and raving about the carrots. Yes. And I tried them. I get it. We went to a Colleen's kitchen and we had a side of their roasted carrots and they were fucking crap. They were so good. And I get it. So yeah, when they treat it nice, although on the other side of the spectrum,
Starting point is 00:37:40 what you were just, wow, is there is something wrong and fucked up in our brains? Because I do the same thing. When I see a bunch of raw fucking bloody meat that should be like upsetting to look at, I go, um, Pavlovian, drooling like a dog. I just like, it's hardwired from the predator natural. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:38:00 I see a bunch of raw fucking inside guts, and I'm supposed to go, but instead I go, yeah, I see a bunch of raw fucking inside guts and I'm supposed to go But instead I go yeah I'm fucking eating all that Yeah, yeah, I see a fucking an entire skinned animal hanging upside down with the blood draining out and I think two things one gangster movie two that's gonna be delicious I see a goat in a window, a little cabrito, a little lion on a charcoal, hmm.
Starting point is 00:38:29 Would you guys try human? Like lab growners. Lab grown. We're free range. Lab grown, human didn't have, I wonder why are you sharpening a razor on a straw and asking if we'd try human. Would you guys try human?
Starting point is 00:38:46 Like ethically, this is okay. So there's this fucking game. Uh-huh. That it's like a it's like a board game. And uh, sorry, he's a there's this fucking game. And I mentioned like this game will make you come in 40 seconds. Sorry. I was a different way. There's this fucking game, right?
Starting point is 00:39:02 It's um, it's the most dangerous thing in my life. Yeah, I played last week. It's the most dangerous thing you see. Yeah, I was most dangerous. I played last week. It's not the game over there. No, it's just fucking game. And the game is basically like a hot cold AB thing. So you spin it and then I can see where from one to 10 something is.
Starting point is 00:39:18 And I have to make you guess what that number is based on the prompt. So let's say it's like, it's lands like directly in the middle, and I say, and so my thing would be like room temperature, you would say like in the middle. In the middle. So I've had this happen two me specifically, three times on game night with the same group of people
Starting point is 00:39:39 where the prompt is like. Willingness to eat other humans. Is eating, is eating lab-grown human meat is what the prompt is. Oh, that's correct. Every single time they get it incorrect. What did they get? Well, they either put like unethical or like in the middle
Starting point is 00:39:57 and I'm like, no, I feel like that's like fully ethical. Fully ethical? Yeah. To eat lab-grown meat never attached to a brain. Yeah. I guess if they make the meat in agrown meat never attached to a brain. Yeah, I Guess if they make the meat and a lab doesn't have a soul It doesn't have a soul because we grew up in cells Sure, but like when does the when does the soul come into you know?
Starting point is 00:40:14 I don't think it does in the last the second I can perceive itself Can it perceive itself? No? Lab meat doesn't have a consciousness interesting. Yeah, so I feel like it's fully ethical to eat a lab-grown human meat. And I would. I just want to try it. I want to know, because here's my thing. I just saw that would meet.
Starting point is 00:40:34 Well, it was like a year ago. What? Because it's like, I'm dumb. So I was sitting and I was like, I think I was like making chicken or steak or something. I don't know. And I looked at my own hand and I said, what parts of the meat?
Starting point is 00:40:47 Because I was like, well, this is skin, where's my meat? I didn't know it was muscle. I guess. I didn't know that, I've never thought about it. Yeah. I've never thought about it. I mean, I was like, yeah, there's meat and there's skin. And I was like, well, what's my meat?
Starting point is 00:40:58 Well, we have like most fat skin. Most of steak is like the muscle, the like, the like, the like, marbleized fat. Yeah, like back and butt area. But I'm dumb. And then chicken you got the boobies. Yeah, but I'm dumb. Cause the breast, right?
Starting point is 00:41:13 A breast is a chicken thing. It's also meat though. There's our fat. What do you mean? And it's also, do you think, okay, so then that made me think about is human, is we closer to chicken or cow or pork? In taste pork.
Starting point is 00:41:25 Not pork, not in taste. Not so I told, allegedly. Not in taste in terms of like, like do we have dark meat and white meat? Sure. Or are we all red meat like a cow? Oh. Or do we have like dark and white meat like a chicken?
Starting point is 00:41:38 I mean, we do have dark and white meat. It's what's caused tension for generations. No, but that's the skin. I'm talking about our meats. Well, I'm leaving the skin's the skin. I'm talking about our meats. Well, I'm leaving the skin on. But I'm talking about the meats. I guess. Like, are we, are we just,
Starting point is 00:41:51 like, I want to, do my drame, are my dramees dark meat? And then like my breast white. My, yeah, my pectoral's white. Yeah, I just want to know what animal we, but also, so from when I grow it in the lab, I want to know what the best meat is.
Starting point is 00:42:04 I think it comes down closest to pork, which is like pork is all the same. All kind of it's all kind of the same. Kind of almost red. It's yeah, it's it's truly pork weirdly kind of halfway between chicken and beef. Yeah, like kind of. Yeah, all that white. So we're pale. The maleian, mammalian muscles differ from avian muscles by having multiple muscle fiber
Starting point is 00:42:22 types in each muscle. So we have a secret third meat. So avian muscles are generally either translucent pink or darker translucent pink while mammalian muscles are much redder and grainy or in appearance and more opaque. The color in all cases comes from myoglobin of which fast twitch muscles such as the chicken breast muscles used in flying have the least and slow twitch, such as muscles used for standing around a long time, have the most. So we're all dark meat.
Starting point is 00:42:49 I think so. I guess we're just closer to like cow meat. Yeah, cow meat. So we're tastier. Yeah, also again, definitely love. So yeah, when you're watching Hellraiser and you see the guy like writing help me on the tile of this blood, you're like,
Starting point is 00:43:03 mm, mm, mm. Oh, this blood, you're like, they say we taste like pork. I wonder if our blood type makes you taste different. Because meat is full of blood. And we have different types of blood. I wonder if it affects your tenderness or your flavor. I wonder if vampire color is like, I know. I like the thought that in 40 years from now,
Starting point is 00:43:22 when BFT replaces this as a host of the RTP, and people are going, who are these people? Bring back our motto. Where's Andrew? He has a Andrew took all his money and left about a fucking cast in a Transylvania, and only eats lab-grown human meat. Why?
Starting point is 00:43:44 I like to think that in 40 years from now, and that's going on, there's going to be a situation where like they're sitting here hosting the show going, you know what I was thinking about the other day? I fucking hate. Oh, type meat. You know what I'm talking about? I was thinking of these exact same thing.
Starting point is 00:44:01 They say it tastes like anything, but I think it tastes like nothing. Yeah, whenever I go to starbloods and I'm trying to get human sandwich, it just fucking sucks. It tastes, it tastes 60 printed. Yeah. That's important.
Starting point is 00:44:13 It's exactly really gross. It's deep printed. Oh my God, was this birthed? What are you talking about? What are you doing? Huh? Are you sending us a link to 3D printed human meat? No, okay. Thank you. But we had to discuss something that happened in our writers room the other day. If you want to discuss it, we can't
Starting point is 00:44:34 are you just trying to get us to stop talking about eating people? No, no. I just want you to fulfill what you really wanted to talk about. Mason, leave this in. Mason, leave this all in. This is just for us. This is the episode for us now. This is a real Christmas gift. God, we're not cutting anything out. Okay, this game will make you come in 40 seconds. So, you'll be forced to have sex with ugly grandmothers. We need different ads.
Starting point is 00:44:59 We need different ads. You should, this, Rupert first will make you come and kiss. Are you bored? Well, in 40 seconds, I'm going to be bored again. That's really a problem. You're not going to laugh. You're not going to laugh.
Starting point is 00:45:15 Listen to this podcast. Hot single podcasters are in your area. Oh my god. I told you, well, I don't know. We could bring this up. But I remember what I told you in the car the other car the other day about the the porn ad that I saw Why okay, so we'll just talk about it. So I was watching pornography Yeah, exactly. Oh, we're getting some DP floating. Yeah, speak. No, the photos are DPs
Starting point is 00:45:38 So put another one in the thing Take a paper leave this is warm. Did you replace the doctor pepper? You didn't replenish? No. You didn't replenish? That's that. No, she throw that. There's a camera here. You say empty. Mason leave this is. No, I guess this is the Christmas gift. I'll just say Alex, leave this in. I'm so used to saying Mason. There's there's somebody driving to work going what the fuck is going on? For those of you only listening, Mondo 3 mostly empty.
Starting point is 00:46:12 There's something out the week before Christmas. They're listening to this at their parents house like in a bedroom trying to escape going what the fuck is going on? Here's the thing. I just recorded the episode that we did for Christmas. It was a pre-recorded episode that I did with Blaine and Chris. It is so good. It is structured.
Starting point is 00:46:29 We go through a bunch of stuff. And when I say structured, I mean that it doesn't have a million tangents like this. We talk about Christmas, childhood. It's very funny. And then we talk a lot about what went into making the shows that they made. This is what you get Yeah, before that. Yeah, this is the gauntlet you have to get this mentally checking out This is the page
Starting point is 00:46:53 No, if we did patreon this would be the page I still care good way. No, I mean, there's a good way This is what I pay for times I look at the comments and early what you could out the thing What'd you believe thing? We're not doing that? That's all you left in you guys want to talk about all the stuff that we bleeped out That plays in the background You can't believe it out we already told you were not anything this way You can't bleep it out. We already told you we're not anything this way.
Starting point is 00:47:24 No, so remember that time you said all that stuff about Trevor, and we had to cut it out. I am tired. Oh my god. Okay, so this is like the most flawless thing. We're not going to get a better segue in this. Speaking of bleeping stuff out, I was watching pornography. And there was an ad, there was an ad from a, there was an ad featuring a female porn star.
Starting point is 00:47:44 What was it? I actually don't know what her name is, but she did not speak very good English. So, it's a Latin porn, I'm pretty sure Latin. Anyway, just because of the accent, it wasn't Russian. Anyway, in the ad,
Starting point is 00:48:00 in the ad, she, they leave bloopers in the ad. So, in the ad. What's the only bloopers in the ad. So, they in the ad. Because Lauren Blooper. Okay, precisely. So, like, it's like wrong hole. So, she was so, he fucked me in the ad.
Starting point is 00:48:13 No. Ha, I'm sorry. My stepmom's arm is stuck in this ad. It's so in the ad. In the ad. It's ad. They leave in the bloopers. They leave in the actress messing up her line. She's supposed to say like,
Starting point is 00:48:41 browsers is free. Like right now for whatever, for Black Friday or whatever, because this is like before Thanksgiving. Anyway. Why didn't they call it Black Friday? They really should have, really missed opportunity. So it, the cognitive dissonance that like washed over me,
Starting point is 00:48:56 so to speak, was like, so she keeps messing up this line, and they, they're supposed to be funny and cheeky and they leave it in the ad. She keeps messing up the line, but they bleep her saying fuck when she messes up the line. So it's like, and the pauses is free, right?
Starting point is 00:49:09 So, tip, bump. And they bleep it out. Meanwhile, cutting to people getting, wow, like people getting destroyed. Just showing full, full penetrates full frontal net mill nididav exactly. You can't say fuck, but bleeping it. I can stop laughing. I couldn't even finish jerking off. I was laughing so hard. Mission accomplished because now you have to come back. I had to go back. It was so funny to me. You skipped the ad hire. They wait. Well, no, I don't know why I left the ad
Starting point is 00:49:42 I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I'm the worst part of foreign. You told me that you were so blown away by the first time it happened, you went, huh? And then you watched the whole ad. That's right. That's right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Cause like, there's like a bleep, I feel like in the first, like five seconds of the ad,
Starting point is 00:49:57 which is like pre the skip button. And so you're like, you see the, like, her mess up the line. And then they bleep it out, immediately cut to someone getting like, delete, getting a warm D.P. Getting a warm D.P. And I'm just like, I'm sorry. What was the thought process of bleeping out the F word but then showing like a person getting
Starting point is 00:50:16 like their sugar wall's turned to cotton candy? Like, this is insane. It's absolutely turned inside out. Like, what if you're like literally figuratively being fucked in the ad? Whatever you're like transitioning, because you know, like, you have to like skip around when you're transitioning and trying to get through the ad and that happens and you laugh and you bust.
Starting point is 00:50:35 Is that, what the? The leader bad. Hmm. I mean, I think you crossed into like, Georgia stands a food sex like. I think that there's a. What are you all a territory? I don't listen. I mean, I think you crossed into like, Georgia stands a food sex like. I think that there's a whole new territory.
Starting point is 00:50:46 I don't listen. This episode, if you're listening, turn it off. All right. This is for us. This one's for us. This one's for daddy. There is, there are two different.
Starting point is 00:50:55 That was a title of that of a dog. Yeah. This one's for daddy. All right, but first we got to hear a word for our sponsors. This one's for Addy. Yeah. Ah. Fuck me. Okay. There are for most dudes. There are two different types of jerks. Okay. There's this one's for daddy jerks. Yep.
Starting point is 00:51:16 Where I am watching the video in its entirety and really enjoying the sensations that I'm feeling. Yeah, okay. And then there's, I gotta go. There's the maintenance. It's not fun. It's not good. You're already jerking before the movie starts playing. Okay. This is the these are the mandatory Adobe updates of a human body. It's like fuck me. I gotta do this again. Yeah, get the point.
Starting point is 00:51:41 It's before or right after you wake up or fall asleep. It's like right then. You jerk off when you wake up. Then you make you sleepy. No, that's like a lie. Sometimes it gets you going. I jerk off to go to sleep. Well, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:51:54 Every time. Both. Yeah, well, see, that's the one for sleep. That's for daddy. Yeah, but they all type, they don't make you tired. No, not me. Am I doing it wrong? Yeah, because you all type they don't make you tired. No, not me doing it. Yeah, cuz you you're only doing because women when When a woman when a woman when a woman come when a woman come when a woman come when a woman
Starting point is 00:52:16 Come when a woman can tell us more about it. He told me more. Yeah, I've never experienced so much about this. When a woman comes. Uh huh. When a woman comes, it apparently just feels so good. Yeah. Uh, that's not always the case for dudes. Like coming is good and it sends off this thing in your brain that goes, good job idiot. You fucking put more monkeys on the planet. But like sometimes when it's just the maintenance jerk, it doesn't even feel good. It just goes, you know how they say a sneeze is like one-sixteenth of an orgasm. They're talking about a male orgasm.
Starting point is 00:52:54 Yeah, because I never understood that. No, because sometimes when it's a maintenance jerk, when you come, I don't know why I'm pointing at you, like I'm putting it up me. You know when you'm pointing at you. Like I'm putting it up. I mean, you know when you specifically you'll make it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sometimes I'm fucking pointing at it.
Starting point is 00:53:11 Yeah, what I'm saying is that sometimes the maintenance jerk when you, that's like three sneezes. Yeah, that's what I mean. It's not like a, oh, my entire body. Oh, I fucking feel it. It's not always,
Starting point is 00:53:21 it's not always had to tell waves. Yeah, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, even the maintenance jerks, like real good. That's not always had to tell waves, you have to crash into the shore. Even the main districts, like real good. That's what I'm saying. For us, there's times where it's not even fun. No, it varies. But even when it's not fun, by the time you nut, it's like, okay.
Starting point is 00:53:34 It's not, but it's, that's what we're saying is that it's not. Well, I don't know, I'm looping you into my brain shit. I mean, really, truly. You just like, am I spitting bullshit, though? Or is this? No, because I feel like there are ones that really are. It's just like, I gotta clean the pipes. This is like, again, make that.
Starting point is 00:53:48 This is like routine. I'm on a lot of transforms. Don't worry about it. And a lot of the people will talk about how, like, nutting in the opposite gender is different. Like, like, trans guys will be like, I don't come as hard. And I, it's kind of making me depressed.
Starting point is 00:54:03 And trans women are like, hey, how do you guys stop masturbating? Because I've never, I've never in my entire life experienced anything like this. Yeah. Yeah. So I mean, I will say there, it does feel, I won't go as far to say it's not like fun. There, because like it feels good. Yeah. Yeah. Or else you wouldn't do it. I don't think I would let the very basic like animalistic primate. Yeah. Like in the corner, like,
Starting point is 00:54:32 prefling poo, it does like. Cause like in the films, documentary series that I've seen, like if it's a man who's like, you don't jerk in it or whatever, usually with like another guy, his bro, his trap, his return to the brother. Yeah, if you will, whatever.
Starting point is 00:54:48 Well, there it's like, it's like when the come happen. It's like, oh, I did it. But then like in my experiences with a woman, it's like, okay, it's been 30 seconds. Can you talk now? Can we talk? Are you back to planet earth? Can you see again? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Are you talk now? Can we talk? Are you back to planet earth? Can you see again?
Starting point is 00:55:06 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Are you here? No, no, no. But that's the difference between I'm talking about jerking. Yeah, you never paralleled play with a woman. Well, yes, but I would consider that. And you finish and then you're like waiting for her to finish. You're waiting for her to come off of the astral plane.
Starting point is 00:55:23 Exactly. To come back into this world of coil. Yeah, to come back into this world. Yeah, coil. Yeah. That's I would still consider. The white arise to speak. I would consider that, even though it is still jerking, it is still like an act of sex.
Starting point is 00:55:33 We are engaging together. Yeah. We're having this thing. Yeah, I'm saying. I wouldn't I wouldn't use one of my maintenance jerks for that where I'm just like fucking. Did I? Yeah. I have to see him shoot shoot dice in the alley. Have you fucking seen full metal jacket? No, the whole not the poor parody full metal jacket. The look that what's your face has? Yeah, the Kubrick stare. Yeah, the Kubrick's there. That's the maintenance jerk when you just
Starting point is 00:56:18 How did I get here? I fucking hate Burger King's chicken You can't even trick off So what I'm saying is a burger chicken sandwich is like a meat and it's jeric. Correct. And the Popeyes chicken sandwich, specifically the one that we always go to. It's a sad thing. It's for dad. It's a sad though.
Starting point is 00:56:33 That's a lesbian. That's a lesbian. That's a lesbian come. Yeah. You start like moving in. Yeah. Yeah. When a chicken sandwich.
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Starting point is 01:01:54 Are we having to do an R.T. It's good. I feel like we can guys do multiples. Yes. But we just need a second. No, I mean like, and that second becomes longer and longer the older you get. No, not like back to back
Starting point is 01:02:05 I mean like why it's happening anything is something that he's back up. No, so we my partner and I actually recently talked about this how like when a woman come when a woman. It's only funny to me now, but there's like this thing where like there's the differences, they were describing it as like, tiny combs and big combs. Yeah, there's different, yeah. We don't have that. No? We just have like, combs. Because like sometimes it'll be like,
Starting point is 01:02:32 you like, okay, this is done, but then like, there's the Mr. Peanut and Baby Not. Yeah, we only have, there's no Baby Not. You only have Mr. Peanut, because like the baby not is like, also very good. But then the baby not can turn into a Mr. Peanut. Yeah, you, like how like, you'll be like, this is the finished, oh no, it's not.
Starting point is 01:02:50 Oh, interesting. Here's the way to, so like, when a man nut, when a man nut, it's a movie. You know what I'm saying? Like you watch the whole movie. When a woman nut, it could be like a Pixar movie where you get the little Pixar short. Yeah, the short.
Starting point is 01:03:04 Buh, buh, buh, buh, buh, buh. get the little Pixar short. Yeah. Yeah. And sometimes that Pixar short leads into a full length. A full fucking movie. Yeah. Does that make sense? Yes, it does. Yeah. Just like what's into it?
Starting point is 01:03:16 What a woman would do. What a true toy story. Okay, so that's the other thing. Okay. You guys, okay, do you guys get my, okay, so that's the other thing. Okay. You guys, okay, do you guys get my, okay, so my algorithm thinks that I am both a Mexican and Asian man. Yes, because you hang out with us. But I don't know why it thinks I'm Asian also.
Starting point is 01:03:38 Well, it's because I hang out with you guys. Well, no, it's because you're black, but not a black man and it goes, oh, Asian. Asian, yeah. And so my algorithm, but not a black man. And it goes, oh, Asian. Asian, yeah. And so my algorithm, I get a lot of weird stuff. And one of the things I get on the man side is those like fucked up controller jerk off machines
Starting point is 01:03:54 that they target to men. Yeah. It looks like a video game controller. Oh, yeah, looks like a steam deck, but it's a stream deck. But it's got like a flashlight in the middle. Yeah. That's like a joystick controlled. And I get ads for those all the time. And I have to imagine, that seems overkill
Starting point is 01:04:12 for what you guys are describing to me. Or is that the way that you guys achieve the female orgasm? So finally. I just talked about this on the always open that we did for extra life. and they always open that we did for extra life. Men have sex toys that go from zero to 100.
Starting point is 01:04:34 Yeah, that's what they have to appear to be. Yeah, we have like flesh lights, which are the easiest. That's like manual. Yeah, and then it goes directly from flesh lights and then like regular stuff like butt plugs. Yeah, sure, it goes it goes directly from flesh lights and then like you know regular stuff like butt plugs Yeah, sure sure the manual stuff. Yeah to hey, do you want to spend $4,000 on the bottom half of a woman? But I have like a robot woman that will like sheng sung suck your soul Yeah,, it is upsetting.
Starting point is 01:05:06 It's got fucking balls in the asshole that vibrate you until you die. Yeah, it's so like that's kind of the weird thing we're like, I feel like when you have an Audi, you have so much more options. If you buy one of those, they will not print your orbit. Because it's too upsetting. It precludes you legally for not having an obituary.
Starting point is 01:05:30 I feel like if I was a dude, I'd be like, well, I'm gonna buy that. You, so. But I also don't know the sensitivities around having an outy. Please know that none of you outside of there are on camera, and so they won't necessarily know it's you. But I'm gonna make a statement and I just want you, yes or no, not.
Starting point is 01:05:50 Every dude at some point while they're jerking thinks about buying it and stops jerking for a second to go look at how much it is. And then you not, and you go, oh that's funny, that much fucking money on this thing. Yeah, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yeah, yeah. That's what happened. It was a cost like a like a lot more than a piece of that. More than a PS5? Sometimes. Not a real doll. I'm talking about the joy.
Starting point is 01:06:14 No, no, yeah, yeah. The joystick thing is probably going to be like, big 100, yeah, like it's a PS5. 100 bucks. But the thing is, is like, that is just a different feeling of doing the thing that we can already do. So it doesn't feel good, or? It feels marginally good. Because like, when a woman comes, you have option of, you have option of buzz rumble. Penetration. Yeah, I'm not even talking about that.
Starting point is 01:06:41 I'm trying to own the outside. On the outside. You have buzz, you have rumble and you have suck. I know. And those are the worst transformers. But those are also, they're also usually three different price points. I said that I'm a giant deal. Sam pushed the deal to in my post.
Starting point is 01:06:59 Again, that's a different category. Dicky. Just those two are this category over here. And then that's a different category. Sam Dickey. Just those two are in this category. Oh wow. Over here. And then that's a separate category. And they're usually price point based. Like, if you get to suck, you're spending a minimum $70. Just to get to suck.
Starting point is 01:07:14 And all sometimes suck not good. I, sorry, this is all gold, but I've been replaying the term in my head. Auto Cox, blow out over into the front. So I would say, there's a lot more subtle options, I would say with the female sex choice. A lot because the post nuts for women, I feel like is a much more protracted
Starting point is 01:07:42 and intubly, intubly, glorious process is a much more like, protracted and, innuably, innuably, innuably glorious process. Where's that line? Where's that line? Well, it's not stressful. I think like, so clean up.
Starting point is 01:07:52 That's okay. That's exactly what I'm getting, getting to. Is if you paid, like the moment I want everyone out there who's even thinking about, even thinking about buying like a $500 to $1,000 comic extractor, because at that point,
Starting point is 01:08:05 that's what it is. It's a milking machine. It's like a milking machine. It is like, so you light some candles, you put some soft music, you're gonna, it's this one's for daddy. Yes. And you strap this machine to yourself.
Starting point is 01:08:19 It extracts the poison. And then you have to exist with the post-nut clarity when like the universe in you, just your consciousness extends to the farthest reaches of the universe. You're completely empty. And you have to exist sitting there in your own goo with a $500 to a $1,000 device
Starting point is 01:08:45 trapped yourself, there is no more like, what the fuck am I doing moment? There is. Oh. Because it gets worse. I post to you that that sucks, but then you have to go to take it off of you. That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 01:09:00 No, I didn't know. And then go walk to the shower and fucking wash it out. Yeah, you have to get a cup brush. Yes. From, from, from, I'm like, you could do it, but then you come. And then you have to put it in a place in your closet, in your house where your partner won't find it. You got to dry it out, she don't want to get the moldy.
Starting point is 01:09:18 Yes, exactly. That's the other thing. Oh, the fucking dish rack next to your sink. So it's like, oh, here's a couple of glasses or like a pitcher. Also, comic extractor. Nine months later, you're buying a special cream for it because the ass cheeks are getting flaky. Yeah, but also it feels like to me, the ones that are not human shaped or human esk, are they look like gaming peripherals? Yes. And I feel like that's easier to get away with in the men in the man's room. Sure. Do you know what?
Starting point is 01:09:47 I said it next year. If you put it next year, PS5, who the fuck is gonna know? Yeah. Oh, is that the new Oculus? Like, no, it's a calculus. I would not put that next to your eyes. My man. No, no, I could get that with my face. I guess the worst part about all of this is maybe that like,
Starting point is 01:10:04 you know, it's better than any sex toy. Fucking without question. That's the worst part. That's the worst part about male sex stuff is the best sex toy or the best sex toy. Well, no, no, no, let me finish. Please let me. No, because some men are gay the best sex toy is
Starting point is 01:10:32 Compared to good sex I would for a man for a man I would fully No, no, no, no, no for a man for a man for the Audi I would say for an Audi for an Audi The best sex toy that we have is like it's fine for compared to like having sex. Yeah, whereas every sex toy for a woman is there because sex with men is so fucking terrible. That's why I'm always telling my straight friends. I'm just like dude, let her use a toy when you're having sex. It's gonna be better for everybody. You want to get more
Starting point is 01:11:03 phone? Oh, 100%. Yeah% yeah, get the toys in there I'm There's also this weird fucking stigma against it where like so many dudes get so weirded out by it or like I know you didn't hit clip. I'm sorry. It's not good. Yeah. Oh, also there's the fucking hack joke of like well Homeless supposed to that's like I'm a minor leaker and that's Barry bonds. Oh, oh, yeah That's every fucking head comic. But yeah, exactly. But the best part is is like I've been in four different relationships where I've been like, oh, yeah, you should use it. And then I'm going to sit
Starting point is 01:11:35 next to you and tell you good things about yourself. No, you can also be there. Oh, yeah. No, I take put in it. But what I'm saying is that like if you're just like, yes, this is good and I'm into it. So then we become the best coolest person alive. If I had to put it, if you're a man who is having sex with a woman in the traditional heterosexual sense, if you let her like use a vibe during, that's like having a game shark. That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 01:12:01 It's a game shark. That's what I'm saying. Although it gives you extra lives. Yes, but unlike the game shark. That's what I'm saying. It's a game shark. That's what I'm saying. Although it gives you extra lives. Yes. But unlike the game shark does not in my mind diminish the victory at all. No. No. Everybody's getting off. Everyone's having a good time. It's tremendous. Yeah. Also, the game shark didn't diminish my victory at all. I had a lot of you. So the lot of you. And I was fucking tapping that lot of you. That lot of you, it doesn't matter. When a woman comes, yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:28 What was the picture you were looking on your phone? Which picture? I don't know, Tyler sent you a picture. Oh, he sent me a picture of me writing on our own board saying, does asparagus make your come smell weird? Does it? Because I wrote it on the board.
Starting point is 01:12:40 Yes. It does? Why? Is there pee in my cup? Probably the same reason that it makes your pee smell weird? Is there pee in my pipe? Probably the same reason that it makes your pee smell weird. Is there pee in come? Hey everybody, thank you so much for joining us. We hope that this was a special episode for you as it was for us and sometimes you got to do one for daddy. And this one was one for daddy. This was definitely one for daddy. I've been Armando Torres. I've been Andrew Roses when a woman comes
Starting point is 01:13:07 and we'll see you at your local burger king. That's right. See you next week folks. Happy Holidays Merry Christmas

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