Rotten Mango - #10- The Dildo Submarine Murder

Episode Date: August 12, 2020

Remote-controlled dildos Russian mafia Columbian drug cartels A strip club named Porky's and The $35 million Russian military submarine that was about to be sold to transport 40 tons of cocaine right ...under the nose of the FBI.  I can't make this shit up. To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Rambles. Whether you're doing intense to your favorite artist in the office parking lot, or being guided into Warrior I in the break room before your shift, whether you're running on your Peloton tread at your mom's house while she watches the baby, or counting your breaths on the subway. Peloton is for all of us, wherever we are whenever we need it. Download the free Peloton is for all of us. Wherever we are, whenever we need it. Download the free Peloton app today. Peloton app available through free tier or paid subscription starting at 1299 per month. I think you're a serial killer. I think that I am dating a full-fledged serial killer.
Starting point is 00:00:37 Here's the thing, when I was younger, I was so freaking excited to be on my own, to move out of my parents' house, to get away from my mom. You've been someone's personal, no. I was so excited to be an adult, so that what I could eat whatever I wanted, I could browse the sections of the grocery store and just grab and go. Grabbing, well obviously I would pay for it. That sounds like I was stealing lots of hot cheetos. No, I would pay for it, right?
Starting point is 00:01:01 But my fiance is willingly, consensually, and actually choosing to sit in front of me right now and eat a trail mix without even chocolate. There's no chocolate involved. There's no chocolate covered almonds. There's no chocolate chips. There's nothing. It's literally just almonds, not even the salted ones, like the raw almonds. You've got some fucking cashews, non-saltyd. I mean just eating like that. Who are you? Oh that was good though. I think that you're a serial killer. Okay, what? What's this?
Starting point is 00:01:39 An almond? Do you not know how to say almond? And what is um... Oh, welcome to our riveting podcast where we talk about Nuts. What's this? That's a cashew. This is not a cashew. It's a cashew.
Starting point is 00:01:53 It's a pistachio. I think it's a car bonzo bean. Alright, alright. Put your cabons away because today we've got a very riveting topic. I mean, this is a crime that I... It took me days to study this one because I just did not understand how a strip club, a strip club that really profits off of just selling patrons this motorized dildo. I'm not kidding. I mean you can hear that a lot in today's story. It's me saying I can't make this shit up, this is not a lie, I'm not making this up,
Starting point is 00:02:26 because of how just far-fetched this true crime is, and I can't believe more people aren't talking about it. This is a crime about how the Russian mafia goes to bed with the Colombian cartels. Yeah, there's dildos involved, there's submarines involved, Russian Soviet submarines to the tune of $35 million involved. It's freaking ridiculous There's strippers involved. There's just so many weird weird weird stories. I don't know where to start
Starting point is 00:02:55 So I'm just gonna start with what the actual crime is did people die, you know, etc etc. And I'm sure there's a lot of people that ended up dying and I'm sure there's lots of people that end up dying because of the business that these people are in. But we're going to be focusing mainly on about like a handful of people that were just so. They were just mastermind criminals. I don't even know how to say it nicely. So in 1997, the FBI uncovered they unveiled a plot of a strip club owner trying to sell a Soviet military submarine To the Colombian drug cartel the Cali cartel for 35 million dollars. Where were they? They were in Miami This trip club was in Miami. You're like, yeah, of course makes sense. No, I'm surprised that that doesn't happen more often in Miami
Starting point is 00:03:42 And the Cali cartel if you guys don't know, is a cartel that runs primarily out of Cali, Colombia, and that's the city called Cali. And the most notable leader of the Cally Cartel was Pablo Escobar. So it's an intense-ass cartel. I mean, they, at one point in their height, they were bringing in around, I around I think nine billion dollars annually just from the United States And that was all cash no taxes who's the IRS? They don't fucking know That's not funny. Sorry Um, I don't want to get into deep of the drug aspect because I also I mean
Starting point is 00:04:21 I feel like a lot of this is gonna come off as almost comical almost almost so what the fuck that it doesn't make any sense, that it's so funny. But I also know that drugs wreak havoc on people's lives. So this is not me saying like, whatever drugs are fine, like, yes, drugs everywhere. Let's just move the drugs all across the world so that everyone can have drugs. That's not it. But I will say, it's kind of a comical story. I just don't want to make it seem like I'm like not putting any attention towards how drugs can kill people in lives, you get it. But you're saying like they're doing way more than just drugs.
Starting point is 00:04:53 Oh yeah, they're doing way more than drugs. They're weird. And it all starts with a Ukrainian gangster by the name of Tarzan. That was his nickname. His real name is Ludwig of Feynberg. But I feel like that doesn't have enough street credit, you know what I mean? And so his nickname was his nickname. His real name is Ludwig of Feynburg, but I feel like that doesn't have enough street credit You know what I mean? And so his nickname was Tarzan and he immigrated from Ukraine to New York He went to Brooklyn first and he felt like the American dream was just the best shit ever and I'm gonna take his own quotes from this
Starting point is 00:05:19 He said that the US is a country of opportunities. You wake up in the morning. You want to be a boot movie star? I was gonna say booby star a booby star you could do it you want to be a movie star? You could do it and he says you want to wake up and become a gangster a drug lord That's also possible that is literally his quote. He said that is very possible and he says that he loves America now he gets his job in Brooklyn with the Gambino crime family. So we're talking about just these most notorious gangsters. Like you think of any mob boss movie like the Gambinos are involved. They were a massive, massive
Starting point is 00:05:58 crime family in New York and he joins and he was given a very low level rank job. He was not, you know, whispering into the main Gambino's ears, talking about all of his, ooh, we should do this, we should try this. No, he was what's called an enforcer, which means they just go and they enforce the laws of the Gambino crime family. And if you were to ask for his job description, he said shit like, okay, so this is what we would do. We would go into these houses, we would go into these stores, we would go all across Brooklyn and we would just light shit on fire. We would light stores on fire, we would light houses on fire, you know, we did all of that.
Starting point is 00:06:34 And he said it's so easy, so easy to have arson jobs done in the US because the firemen do the rest. I don't know how firemen are in Ukraine but he says it's almost comical because in the US, you start a tiny little fire. And then the firemen come in, they smash your windows open, they hose your entire, they soak your entire store in your house down with water and like fire resistant films, like fire extinguishers.
Starting point is 00:06:59 And so you just started a small fire, but the firemen will actually ruin the rest of your house is how he put it. That is so weird. Yeah, so the way that he thinks is so very interesting. And he said, you know, I was a little bit rough, but it was mainly for people who didn't pay. So people who would, oh, the Gambino crime family money. And if people asked him what his job description was or what his job was he would say that he was just a collection agent And he was just super illegal like the violent illegal kind and he would beat people up
Starting point is 00:07:32 He broke into houses He tried to steal money from them when they needed it and he was making a shit ton of money by doing this I mean him and his partner they were going around just sitting little fires all over Brooklyn and they were killing it They were making so much money. How do they make money? The Gambino Crime Family would pay them. Yeah. It's like a, like a in-house security guards collection agent. And his partner ends up one day. Okay, so Tarzan wakes up one day. Brooklyn, amazing morning. Ready to go sell, set some more houses on fire. He's ready for this job. He's born to do this. And then he goes to knock on his partner's door and his partner has been killed.
Starting point is 00:08:08 Shot murdered. And this was very serious. I mean, he, this was not a random crime. This was not, you know, a serial killer on the loose in Brooklyn. This was sending a message to the Gambino crime family. When you're dealing with people like this, every murder, none of it is a coincidence. You can never really look at it and be like, what a kawink eating that they just happen to have all of their hands stuffed into the Gambino crime family, but maybe it was an accident. Maybe it was just a random hit. And so he said he freaking heard the message. He was like, listen, I'm not gonna wait around so that they can kill the other half of this team. I mean, it's a two person team that we were running.
Starting point is 00:08:43 So no, no, no, thank you. So he asks all of his Italian crime mobsters that he's like, you know, where should I go next? I'm scared of Brooklyn, I wanna be here. I wanna go somewhere nice. And they said, you know, I heard Miami is nice. I heard Miami is really nice. And you could find a lot of work in Miami.
Starting point is 00:09:01 And so he packs his bags and he fucking moves to Miami. Now, Miami at the time that he moves was, I mean, I don't know how it is right now. I know right now they're getting a fun of because of coronavirus, but I don't know how it is in terms of like all of these other things, in terms of organized crime. But they said that the cocaine wars were raging in Miami.
Starting point is 00:09:21 So you've got gang wars going on in Miami at the time that he moves and he's like this is the best place I've never wanted to be anywhere else. And so you've got half of Miami fighting the other half of Miami and then you've got because of the closeness of Miami to South America you've got so much drug movement coming in and out of the port of Miami. I mean they share the same waters so a lot of the drugs were being transported via boat into Miami and then it'd be spread across the United States. I mean there they share the same waters. So a lot of the drugs were being transported via boat into Miami, and then it'd be spread across the United States. I mean, there was just so much drug stuff going on,
Starting point is 00:09:52 and then, and then this is the words of a DA agent. This is not my words, okay? A DEA agent said, you know, and then I all got really bad because the Russians started coming to town. And we have a Russian friend, and you know, ironically she did live in Miami. She's a house in Miami and she loves Miami. So they were like, okay, the Russians are coming to town. And the Russians mainly migrated to Miami because they loved the sun.
Starting point is 00:10:20 They loved the ocean, but there was also again that access to South America that the Russians seemed to be very very interested in I don't know if this is true or I feel like it's probably one of those things where Originally people will move with intention and then just because now there's a higher Russian population if you're immigrating from Russia You're like let's go there because there's a lot of Russians there instead of the middle of the Midwest where there's no Russians and I can't get Russian food, you get it. And so he moves and he has all of this money that he made from burning people down and burning houses down in Brooklyn. And Tarzan's like, I'm gonna open up a strip club. I'm gonna take that money and open up the most bangin' club in Miami.
Starting point is 00:11:00 And he gets a manager and he sees this guy who's a Russian dude and his name's fat Tony That is not my description the restroom fat Tony. Oh no fast sauce Yeah, yeah, his name is fat Tony and so he starts managing the rest or the strip club and it's called Porkeys Porkeys yeah, like pork a porky Yeah, it's also strange and so in the beginning I wasn't doing that well because why would anyone want to go to a strip club called Porkeys I mean it just it has some weird
Starting point is 00:11:31 Contasions towards it. I mean I think there was a movie called a porkeys Maybe that's why they named it after it, but it was just also strange and then the manager fat Tony was like You know what I need to class this place up this place is not liked by all the high-end people. It's not liked by all the big Bala Shot collas coming in here with stacks and racks of cash me trying so hard to act like I know strip club language. And he's like, I'm gonna class this place up. So how do we think that fat Tony did this? Did he, you know, put on a burlesque show? Did he, you know, try to serve good food? Did he up the quality of the liquor?
Starting point is 00:12:08 No, he said, here's what we're gonna do. You know those toy cars? You know the ones that you can get at the dollar store, Target, Walmart, wherever the fuck you go? Well, what we're gonna do is we're gonna get those remote controlled toy cars. We're gonna strap on some dildos on top of them and then the girls are gonna lay out on stage,
Starting point is 00:12:23 butt naked and then the patrons, you will have all these clients pay to get five minutes to control the remote control car to see if they can insert the dildo. What? Yeah, so that, I mean, he just felt like he really classed the place up with that idea. That doesn't make sense. Yeah, so we'd imagine toy cars, you know, in the kid's section, but then like you strap a dildo on top of it, and then let's say, you know, John Doe over here wants to get a ride with the car.
Starting point is 00:12:51 You give him the remote, he pays the stripper money, and he starts, you know, trying to, she's laying down on the ground, and he's trying to, skirt, skirt, you know, you turn fucking Daytona race. So they're turning to like a arcade? Yeah, like a adult formula one, you know, Tokyo drift could never, fast and the furious could never.
Starting point is 00:13:13 And that was a hit. Oh, it was a freaking hit. Literally everyone started coming. Oh, wait. Okay. No, but there's nothing so proprietary about that. Anybody could copy it. Yeah, but you know, porquies at that point,
Starting point is 00:13:29 they were just getting that name. Like, it just, they wanted to go to porquies. They didn't want to go to any other place I was copying it. And Tarzan was, he was a good marketer at one point. So it becomes a very popular destination. Now, is it a very safe destination? Absolutely not. So they had a saying back in the day that if you go to any other strip club in Miami,
Starting point is 00:13:48 you would be lucky to leave with your wallet. Okay? That it doesn't get stolen because during this time Miami was not at a great stage and these strip clubs were doing some dirty shit back in the day. And then now, porkeys, they say, well, you'd be lucky to leave with both of your kidneys. Like, it was a very dangerous area. Shootings were very common. Tarzan himself always had two guns on his body.
Starting point is 00:14:11 He had one strapped to his belt, and then he had another one on his ankle. I mean, I don't know what that one is. On the ankle? Mm-hmm. That's like a backup gun. Yeah, so he liked to sit. You know how you can sit with your legs crossed, but you could also place your ankle on your knee.
Starting point is 00:14:27 Yeah, yeah, yeah. He liked to sit like that so that it'd be easy access, but that fits and I'll do what it can. Yeah, no, exactly. And so it's a very dangerous area and it became a massive Russian gangster hangout to the point where even all of the local police knew about it. Like it doesn't matter if you're a Russian that lives in Moscow, or if you're a Russian that lives in New York or Los Angeles.
Starting point is 00:14:47 If you go to Miami and you've got any questions about how to do anything illegal, you go to Porquies and you look for Tarzan. It was like a thing. He was like in the yellow pages. Like, this is like, he was on Yelp for Russians, essentially. Like, this is the dude that you go to. You want to move some drugs?
Starting point is 00:15:02 You want to hire a hitman? You want 23 prostitutes that are all 23 years old. You go to Tarzan. I mean, yeah, he was really making a name for himself. Okay. And so the task there becomes massive, just massive police freakouts. I mean, they were freaking out because you're already talking about so many drug gangs. You're talking about all of the, what they call the cartels coming in, you know, a lot
Starting point is 00:15:29 of them were from Venezuela and Colombia, I believe, right? And then you've got the Russians coming in. And I saw all these news networks from back in the day in the 90s that were talking about the Russians and they were like the red scare, the Russians. And they were like threatening to bring the red scared to the United States via Miami, bloodshed everywhere, you know, all of that stuff. I mean, there was a lot of fear in the people of Miami and with the US, and so they put together this task force, and this task force was called Operation Odessa. And I feel like that is definitely a Russian name.
Starting point is 00:16:06 I don't know the heritage behind that name, but it sounds Russian. And it was a mixture of FBI agents, DEA agents, the Coast Guard, customs, immigration, and local police officers. So you're talking about a massive, massive task force, and they were just trying to get to the bottom of cracking down on all of this crazy cartel crime and all of these Russian mobsters in Miami. And what they discovered was that it was going to get a lot worse.
Starting point is 00:16:35 So initially they thought, okay, we got some gangs in Miami. We got the cartel that keeps coming to Miami and doing business in Miami. But then we also got the Russians in here and they're all killing each other and killing everyone and just the Russians are doing their own thing, right? But once they set up this task force called Operation Odessa, they discovered that the Colombian cartel was actually teaming up with the Russian mobs. That is going to get so crazy. So the cartels, they've got drug money. I mean, they've got money on money on money. And this drug money, it is not even, I don't even think Apple or Google could even understand the concept of this money. Like, they are billions of dollars
Starting point is 00:17:16 just in cash. One trillion. Apple. Okay. So the cartel, like, wasn't that cool. I mean, I guess I could fight them myself. I'm just kidding. And so they just had crazy, crazy money. Now, the Russian mafia and the mobs, they have money, but they don't have cartel money, but they do have something else. They're known to be incredibly crafty. They're really smart. They like to twist their minds. They're kind of like the brains of these operations They know how to evade the law really well They have access to military devices because back in the day in the 90s It was the Soviet Union and they didn't really keep inventory of military devices and there was so much corruption So you could literally go to Russia and buy a military grade helicopter and bring it back into the US
Starting point is 00:18:04 A chopper A chopper. A chopper. Yeah. Oh, there's so many choppers in this story. There's so many choppers, so many motorcycles, and then there's just submarines on submarines. It's crazy. Yeah. What are they doing?
Starting point is 00:18:19 They're trying to move drugs with them. I know. Where's the chopper? Yeah, because I was thinking too. Why do these drug cartels need so many choppers? Are they going on so many helicopter city view rides for Instagram pics? Like, what is Pablo doing?
Starting point is 00:18:33 No, it's to move drugs. Yeah. There's no regulation. I mean, there is, but I feel like it's easier to get away with a chopper. Like, imagine boarding a Delta fly. Like, I'm sure it's easier to get away with a chapa. Like imagine boarding a Delta fly, like I'm sure it's so much harder. Facts. I actually don't know how people move trucks, so they're like, oh shit, shit's about to
Starting point is 00:18:55 go down. Now the two people that they discovered were kind of like the conduits between the Colombian cartel and the Russian mob was Tarzan. He has all of these Russian connections. He knows all of these Russian mobsters. And then Juan, he's been like a Miami residence for so, so long and he also is very, very wealthy. And he has connections to lots of cartels. Not particularly the Cally cartel, but lots of other smaller cartels in South America. And so just was very very smart. So Juan was kind of the opposite of Tarzan. Tarzan is like this big Ukrainian dude who's just like yeah fuck it whatever let's just do it right and then Juan
Starting point is 00:19:33 he was kind of sleazy. He was super super sleazy. He sold cars, he sold boats, helicopters and then finally he tries to sell submarines to these cartels. I mean, he's so in just intellectual. He is shrewd, he's super connected, he knows exactly how to hide assets for gangsters. So he's just like a broker, a businessman? Yeah, a businessman. And so it all started with luxury vehicles. So he would sell these for our, he's to these, you know, cartel members. And of course they come in in which is like bags of cash And he knows exactly what they do for business
Starting point is 00:20:07 But he's like don't fucking tell me I don't need a notion. I'm not a cop and he would sell them Ferraris He would sell them illegal street cars because there's a lot of illegal cars that get imported from Europe that are either faster or for whatever Reason they're just not street legal in the US or not even just legal in the US, right? And he would import those and he would sell them to these cartel members. And he was making a name for himself. Like if you were part of the cartel or if you just had tons of cash and you didn't want like a Ferrari salesman to be like, why do you have so much cash? Like fill out this form, please.
Starting point is 00:20:38 You know, then you would go to Juan. And it was so crazy because the Mercedes S-L500, the first one ever made was released in the 90s. And a lot of people were trying to get their hands on it. I mean, you're talking billionaires. You're talking about CEOs, Fortune 500 companies. You're talking about like the Kardashians of whoever was the Kardashians in the 90s. I don't freaking know who was the Kardashian, like who would compare. I don't know. And so all these people are trying to get their hands on one, but Little did everyone know that the first fleet of them actually went to the cartel
Starting point is 00:21:11 I don't even think Mercedes. Well, I feel like Mercedes probably knew so what happened was Juan was actually commissioned by the cartels and they said listen We want the S.L. 500s like we freaking love these cars We want like a dozen of them, maybe two dozen. And they were all starting at around $100,000, right? And so they're like, we want two dozen. And he's like, I know you guys have the money, but you know how difficult it is to get this car
Starting point is 00:21:33 that everybody wants all of a sudden? And they were like, well, make it happen. We're gonna pay you to make it happen. So he ends up flying to Switzerland. I don't know why Switzerland, okay? Juan goes to Switzerland and he rents a cargo aircraft, loads that shit up with a fleet of SL500s, and flies that to Colombia and delivers the first fleet
Starting point is 00:21:58 of SL500 Mercedes to the cartels before anybody else has them. He's a hustler. He's a freaking hustler. Damn. He is crazy. And the fact that I had no idea, like I always assumed, I don't know, that I would be like famous people
Starting point is 00:22:13 or like super rich people who would get the first of the car, but no, it was like the cartel. I'm not laughing because it's funny. I'm just laughing because I had no idea. And so in 1991, the Soviet Union collapses. Now this sounds like such a long time ago but it really wasn't right. So the Soviet Union collapses. Now this is an amazing time for people to go in and try to make money. At least that's what Juan and Tarzan thought. You know Tarzan he's Ukrainian so he kind of understands
Starting point is 00:22:38 how Moscow works a little bit. He's intrigued. Juan's intrigued and so they said let's just do it. Let's just fucking fly to Moscow and see what we can buy. I mean, I'm sure there's no leadership. They said, even in the United States, all of the news was just saying, like, who's going to be the next ruler of Russia? Like, we don't even know. Like, what's going on in Russia?
Starting point is 00:22:59 We don't fucking know. Like, nobody knew what was going on in Russia. Russia didn't even know what was going on in Russia. And so they fly to Moscow, and it just was complete chaos over there. Like you had riots, protesters, but then you also didn't have any government lead. People were just trying to do what they could
Starting point is 00:23:16 and try to make ends meet, so everything was for sale. That's what that meant. That did not mean anything political to Tarzan, or to Han. It just meant everything's for sale. When everything goes to shit, the only thing you get out of it are lots of sales. Everything's for sale. Military stuff for for sale.
Starting point is 00:23:35 Weapons for sale. Drugs for sale. Everything's for sale. And so they go to Moscow. And they had heard about this motorcycle factory. And these motorcycles they were really expensive in the US. I think they were like, they were like tens of thousands of dollars in the US to get this motorcycle. It was a nice brand and they were well made,
Starting point is 00:23:53 they were super fast and they're like, we want to go buy these fucking motorcycles. They have no idea, they've never been in Russia before. They're like, it's in this city somewhere, we got to leave Moscow, we got to go to this city. How do we get to this city? And so they're like sitting there, like, does there is there a plane that goes there? But then even if we got a plane, I mean, how does this freaking work? And so they're like, oh, here's what we're going to do. Let's rent some choppers.
Starting point is 00:24:15 Let's rent some helicopters. And so they call it a little aircraft area, right? They're an airport and they say, hey, do you guys have any pilots with helicopters that we can rent? So we'll pay. And it's like one of those city views that you do for Instagram. But it's like, no, we're doing it for a point A to point B destination type of trip, right? And so the
Starting point is 00:24:32 the person's like, uh, you want to you want to rent a helicopter? I mean, like at this time, nobody had money, right? Like nobody was rolling in it. And especially with this political atmosphere, nobody's like, hey, I just want to take a scenic ride on a helicopter right now. That's just not the time, dude. Read the room. And so she's like, OK. And so she calls back and she's like, sir, we do have a lot of helicopters.
Starting point is 00:24:54 And we do have a lot of pilots. But I highly doubt that you would want to do it. I know it's so expensive. Right now, we're currently charging $500. A helicopter for you to ride all day in it with a pilot What is that that's a little Very little and Tarzan and Juan were used to paying so much money and Tarzan being the hustler that he is he goes Oh, man, that is really expensive
Starting point is 00:25:20 But I'm gonna pay it and so for these two people it was just the two of them They rented 10 helicopters not because they needed 10 They just wanted to invade a city like the feeling of invading a city Just taking over a city Hannah Montana that shit just they wanted to fly in with the fleet of choppers Just to impress people that they didn't even know anyone that lived in that city They didn't even know what was going on in that city Just for the shits of it's for the shits of it. Just for the shits of it, because it was only $500 a chopper. So they're like, we're millionaires.
Starting point is 00:25:50 Let's fucking do it. What a rush of woo! So they get 10 choppers. They're in separate choppers. There's just eight pilots that are flying empty choppers. Behind them. I thought they were trying to pick up some motorcycle. But they're not going to bring it in the shoppers.
Starting point is 00:26:06 And so they rent these helicopters. And then they're telling the pilot, hey, so this factory in this city, that's our destination, right? And the pilots are like, oh yeah, we know that city. But we don't know where that factory is. That's a random factory. How the hell are we supposed to know that factory? It's not even a famous factory.
Starting point is 00:26:23 And so they were like, well, then what do we do? Like we're already in the air. I just told you our destination, we're headed towards the city. How do you not know where the factory is? And so the pilot was like, oh, no big deal. I'll take care of it. And so they decide to land in the middle of a city, in the middle of that city, in the middle of an intersection, with all 10 of their choppers.
Starting point is 00:26:44 And they stop the choppers. They got out and they asked the old woman that they could find nearby. Hey, where is that motorcycle factory? And she said, you have to fly that way, that way, fly that way. And so finally, they flew around and around and around until they could find the motorcycle factory. It sounds so funny, but I think that just goes to show there definitely was no law in order in Russia at the time. Like they landed in the
Starting point is 00:27:10 middle of a city. Like how does that happen? There's no air traffic control police, there's no air police, there's no helicopters sent by that city to be like the fuck are y'all doing right now? Like this is illegal. There just was none of that. So they landed in the middle of the city. They get to the motorcycle factory. They land in front of it. And a police guy approaches them with a stick, a baton. Ooh, a baton. And so he's like, what are you guys doing here?
Starting point is 00:27:34 And they go, we're from Moscow. And he goes, oh, OK, what should I do now? Like the police asked them what he should do now. Because he has no idea. Like there's no law in order. He doesn't know what to do. He doesn't have a boss. What if these people are powerful people?
Starting point is 00:27:49 He doesn't even fucking know. I mean, they just came down with choppers. Like this police dude has never seen a chopper in his life. Like he's just so freaking confused. And they say, here's what you're going to do. You're going to watch these helicopters while we go into the motorcycle store so that nobody steals them.
Starting point is 00:28:03 And he says, OK. And so he stands guard for these random dudes while we go into the motorcycle store so that nobody steals them. And he says, okay. And so he stands guard for these random dudes that are actually like drug lords so that they don't get their helicopters stolen. What in the world is going on? So they go in to the motorcycle factory and they end up buying 250,000 units, 250,000 motorcycles. And in the US, they were retailing for thousands and thousands of dollars. The same exact brand, the same exact make, the same exact everything.
Starting point is 00:28:38 They were retailing for thousands of dollars. In Russia, this factory was selling it for $200 a pop. They ended up selling majority. They got another like massive cargo airplane, okay? Flu, that shit from Moscow with all of the motorcycles to Miami ended up selling majority of these units of motorcycles to the cartels in Colombia. And they made a profit about over $3 million. Just from this one trip to the mother's factory. It doesn't make sense, babe. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:09 The number doesn't add up. What do you mean? How much do they buy? $250,000. Oh, not $250,000. No, $250,000 units. It each is worth thousands of dollars. Yeah, something like that.
Starting point is 00:29:22 But I think they gave them a discount. So you'll see that they give lots of discounts. I think they spent a lot of money on it, but it's weird, yeah. So I mean, I don't know how much they make per deal, but I know for this one, they made over $3 million. I don't know how much they were sold for, but that was just the pocket for what's his name? Juan and Tarzan got
Starting point is 00:29:46 from the deal. So they took home 3 million collectively together. Back then. Yeah after like all the expenses, after chartering that airplane to do all of that, so they made 3 million dollars back then. So that's a lot of money. And so with this extra money, he decides Tarzan decides he's gonna open up a second place. He's got this strip club called Porquies, it's doing really hard, why don't we open up a restaurant called, and I'm gonna say this, and my fiancee are gonna giggle because I feel like our Russian friends says this, I don't even know what it means, babushka. Babushka. What does that even mean?
Starting point is 00:30:18 I feel like I hear that so much from them. I thought it was a dish. Babushka. The dessert? Is that babushka? I don't know. It's a cuisine. Okay, well he opens a restaurant called Babushka and of course this is a notorious gang store that's opening up this restaurant so it's serving Russian food. I mean lots of people are just spilling into this restaurant and he decides to take on a restaurant partner by the name of Gregory
Starting point is 00:30:45 Grisha Royes. Now we're just going to call him Grisha. That's what people called him. That was his nickname Tarzan and Grisha. They're running the separation together. Now Grisha has an intense history. Grisha was not loved by the US government. He's definitely more hated than maybe Tarzan and the likes. Grisha, the DEA, can confirm that he has at least killed one person with his bare hands. It's not even just he's killed one person by shooting them. It was a drive-by or anything like that that seems a little bit more plausible, but the DEA can confirm that he has killed someone with his bare hands.
Starting point is 00:31:23 He's a nasty dude. You don't want to fuck with this dude is what they're saying. He is scary. What do you mean kill people with bare hands? Like he's... Yeah, like he's that scary. Like he's not just a criminal. Like he's a hardened criminal. He's not the one that'll be like, hey my little minions go do this. Hey someone just shoot him in the back, you know? I mean he will just get so angry and rageful. And he was friends of Tarzan's parents so they go way back. And he was friends of Tarzan's parents, so they go way back. Like he was a childhood friend, they knew each other, they're both Ukrainian, and Grisha has always had anger issues. His first arrest happened when the police was like,
Starting point is 00:31:56 listen, I don't know what you're doing, but I don't like it, you're getting arrested. And he got so pissed off that he got caught in a crime that as the police officer is trying to put him into his patrol car, Grisha bites the police officer's nose and a part of it fell off like he bit it off like he might tie him to that shit. That seems politically incorrect but he bit off part of his nose. The police officer, yeah and so then from then on in the Russian mafia he got the nickname of Cannibal because he was just biting off police officers body parts because he was pissed off Like I think that's so crazy you get arrested and you got caught doing something illegal You get arrested and you're like no, how dare you?
Starting point is 00:32:36 Let me bite off your nose Yeah, very strange and he particularly took a liking to heroin So he was a massive heroin trafficker. He was moving heroin internationally and that was just kind of his forte. Made a ton of money from it and finally he gets caught in Bulgaria. I've never been to Bulgaria. I hear it's beautiful but I also hear the prisons in Bulgaria be real crazy and so he gets arrested in Bulgaria, he's in this Bulgarian prison and he has no teeth. Now the reason he has no teeth is because when the police arrested him in Bulgaria,
Starting point is 00:33:11 they knocked out all of his teeth. They kicked him. They threw him on the ground and they knocked out all of his teeth. Is it because they don't want their nose to get bitten off? I think so. Yeah. Oh my god. I think probably less of the nose getting bitten off because I'm sure there's a much more civil way of making sure your nose stays on your face. But I think it was more of like a hey you fucked with a cop, we're gonna fuck with you, type of shit.
Starting point is 00:33:34 Or also just for shits and giggles. I'm really not sure. And I'm not laughing because it's funny. Did he's truthless? Yeah, so he became toothless. Oh. I don't feel sympathy for him. He was just not a good person.
Starting point is 00:33:48 So he's sitting in this prison in Bulgaria. And the DEA decide, you know what? In order to play with the nasty people, maybe we need a nasty person on our team. So the DEA of the United States sends an agent to Bulgaria. Oh yeah. And by the way, the DEA, they specialize in drugs. sends an agent to Bulgaria. Oh yeah. And by the way, the DEA, they specialize in drugs, right?
Starting point is 00:34:10 So they send an agent to Bulgaria. They meet him in the person. They meet Grisha and he says, listen, what will it take for you, Grisha, to work with us, to go undercover with some Russian mafia. I mean, you're going to be stepping on a lot of people's toes. You're going to have, after all of this is ends, you're going to have the Russian mafia. I mean, you're gonna be stepping on a lot of people's toes. You're gonna have, after all of this is ends, you're gonna have the Russian mafia out for you. You're gonna have the cartels out for you.
Starting point is 00:34:30 Like, you're gonna be really stepping on a lot of powerful people's toes. What will it take for you to work on our side? And to give us intel, and to snoop around, and to sneak around and be our little spy. And he said, honestly, I would do anything to get out of this prison. Get me the fuck out of Bulgaria.
Starting point is 00:34:46 Damn. So this is just like a movie. Yeah. Wow. And so they said all right let's get on that Delta flat. I'm just kidding I don't know if it's Delta but the DEA agent and Grisha end up leaving Bulgaria and going into the United States into Miami. So Grisha like I said was already friends with Tarzan. So, Tarzan had no idea all of this
Starting point is 00:35:08 happened in Bulgaria. He knew about the first arrest where he was nicknamed Cannibal, but he really didn't know that he got stopped in Bulgaria and it became this whole big our deal, right? And so Tarzan sees Grisha and he's like, where have you been? What the fuck? I missed you. Where are your teeth? Exeter, exceter, and Grisha's like long story. I don't want to teeth? Accelerate, excelerate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, excretate, open called Babushka. Now here's the problem. I mean, it's always packed. There's so many people in and out of Babushka. We get all of these Russian mafia's. You know how they like to tip. They spend so much money.
Starting point is 00:35:53 They drink so much. They tip so much. It's amazing. But I love my festivities. And so he was spending a lot of money just having entertainers, like belly dancers, come into Babushka every two seconds and just really belurging to keep these mothia men entertained and happy.
Starting point is 00:36:11 And so he was actually becoming indebted because of babushka. And so he tells Grisha all of these things and he's like, okay, well, how about this, Tarzan? I'll give you $70,000 to help with your debt. Now this is crazy because that was US money. The DEA gave Grisha $70,000 to give to Tarzan to earn his trust even more. And so he said, with this, you're gonna make me partner of Babushka.
Starting point is 00:36:37 We're gonna run this shit together. You and me, Grisha and Tarzan, Grisha, the DEA secret spy agent, and they start running Babushka together and Tarzan had no fucking idea that he was working with the DEA. So this tough ass man became the biggest spy? Yeah, yeah. Uh-huh. Okay.
Starting point is 00:36:59 And so he's the co-owner of the restaurant and every day he'd be like, oh my god, my friends from Russia are here. he would say let's take a picture for the wall do you see that wall this restaurant wall full of all of these pictures of these random Russians and when I say random I mean mobsters and mafia gang leaders anyways let's take a picture to put on that wall but Grisha always saved another copy of that picture to give to the DEA. And he would say, oh, this guy right here, this guy does this, this guy does weapons training, this guy specializes in nuclear weapons, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, etc, etc, etc.
Starting point is 00:37:35 And so the DA is like, give us more. And so finally, he's like, okay, well, Tarzan's out of town and I'm running this restaurant right now at midnight. You guys are gonna come unclothed, not unclothed, but not in unicorns. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. That's a totally different part of the story. I'm just kidding.
Starting point is 00:37:53 No, no, no, wrong story, wrong story. He says, you guys are gonna come, not in your uniforms. Don't be fucking wearing those Navy-ass jackets. That's a DEA on them. You stupidos. You're gonna come in regular people clothes and you guys can wiretap all of the tables, okay? Do it very quietly and so they're like, fuck yeah. So they go in, they wiretap all of the booths
Starting point is 00:38:14 and this reveals yet another slamming connection. I mean, the DEA is just getting slapped in the face, left and right with how deep and how dangerous and how scary this entire thing is getting right. So they start learning through these wiretaps that Tarzan and Juan have a really good friend. A friend that is much more powerful than Tarzan or Juan to put it clearly Tarzan and Juan are kind of like the bitch boys right they're kind of like I mean they're really scary
Starting point is 00:38:45 Don't don't get me wrong, but in the eyes of a Pablo Escobar they like the bitch boys, you know They're the messenger. They're the brokers. They're the car salesmen You know they make money they make millions of dollars, but they're car salesmen. They're not they're not the CEOs They're not the one moving all of these products and all of these plans and masterminding shit. I mean, they're essentially car salesmen, but not their friend. They're friend by the name of Tony Yester. Or Yester, yeah, Tony Yelster.
Starting point is 00:39:18 Sorry. He, I mean, everybody already knows him. He was a fugitive at the time that they found out that they were all connected. So he was already running away from the US because he was selling tons of cocaine in the US in Key West, Florida. He is an international smuggler.
Starting point is 00:39:34 He is the one that has direct connection with Pablo Escobar. He is the one that works with directly Pablo Escobar. And his job is interesting because he's actually not part of the Cali Cartel. He's more of like a hired consultant for cartels. So these cartels, these big dudes like Pablo Escobar will hire these consultants once in a while to be like, hey listen, I need to move 10 tons of cocaine into this country. How do I do it? And he was internationally connected. So he had connections in virtually every single country
Starting point is 00:40:07 that were major ports for drug trafficking. So he was the dude that you would call, he's like a travel agent. And so he was a major, major, major player. And he was just a weird fugitive. The US said he has been in and out of the US, in and out of Switzerland, in and out of Switzerland in and out of Europe the South America He has 41 different passports. That's what they know that he has over 41 different valid passports
Starting point is 00:40:31 I mean he has 41 different identities by the time that they find out in identity He's already like four people later So this dude, I mean at one point he was a Cuban secret service pilot like he just was a lot like he had lived a 41 just full life and he was mainly primarily a consultant for drugs and weapons trafficking So you want to smuggle some drugs into a country Tony's the one to call you want to smuggle weapons into a country Tony is the one to call his nickname was brain because he was always the brains of the operation and He said it all started right so Tony his entire life started when he immigrates from Cuba to Key West Florida and he said when he landed in
Starting point is 00:41:17 Key West Florida He just knew that he was gonna be a big ball of shot collar like he was like fuck. This is paradise knew that he was gonna be a big ball of shot collar. Like he was like fuck this is paradise. This shit looks banging. There's sun, there's waves, and there's bitches everywhere. Like those are what he said, not me. And he's like, I want to own this place. Like not a piece of this place. I don't want to own a house on this place. That's so average, right? I want to own Key West. Like I want to fucking dominate areas. And so within his first year of immigrating, he made his first $1 million. By selling cocaine. So it's not as admirable as it sounded.
Starting point is 00:41:55 So his life motto is, listen, I want to drive a Ferrari, not a Chevrolet. Those are his words. Those are his two car models. That's what he lives by. He loves it. And so in 1990, he goes on the run for dealing tons of cocaine, identity theft. I mean, the list goes on illegal weapons, weapons trafficking, cocaine dealing, etc., etc., etc.
Starting point is 00:42:15 And he just proceeds to taunt the police. Like, he would go to a different country and send the Miami police to the Key West police postcards signed by Tony saying I'm sipping a pinya calada on the shore where are y'all I haven't seen you guys in a while and he would send that shit and he would taunt the police I mean he was crazy. Do you think we were so savage? I know. It's so weird because a lot of the times we talk about some of the darkest criminals but they always get caught in a way well a lot of them get caught in a way that seems relatively stupid.
Starting point is 00:42:49 But then these people, I'm like, God damn, what the fork. I mean, these people in the unibomor, the unibomor, I mean his brother gave him in. If it wasn't for his brother, I highly doubt he would have been caught so soon. I mean, it still took like a decade or something so long, right? But no, he was just taunting them and he was close to Juan. Why? Because like I said he said he wants a Ferrari, not a Chevrolet and what does Juan sell? He sells Ferrari's. Not a Chevrolet. Not a Chevrolet. And so he was really close friends with Juan and they started working together. So Juan's conduit to the cartels was almost always Tony.
Starting point is 00:43:28 So unless they came and found Juan and it was like an individual cartel person, I was like, I just want to fucking boat because I want a boat. But if the cartel itself was buying a fleet of boats, they always came in through Tony. They trusted Tony with the money so they would give the money to Tony. The sale would be done, Tony would then pay Juan and Tony would take a cut right so it almost always happened like that and a lot of these things were Used to smuggle tons of drugs. I mean they were selling these massive cigarette boats You know like the cool ones that you see on James Bond. They look like cigarette packs
Starting point is 00:43:59 Like it doesn't even like safe They're like floating on top of water almost right And say what they would make shift these engines in there. They would put in these powerful engines so that you could go really fast. And you could evade a lot of other boat vehicles that might want to stop you. So they were selling cars to cartels. Then they were selling motorcycles.
Starting point is 00:44:20 And then it went up to boats because the cartels were like, wait a second, we can just pack shit into boats and then bring them into the ports of Miami. So let's just get some boats. And then it got intense. Because the cartels started thinking, what can we do that's better than boats? That's much harder to catch and we can move way more product.
Starting point is 00:44:40 And so Tony was like, well, I know exactly what you can do. And he's talking to these cartel people and he goes, you just exactly what you can do. And he's talking to these cartel people. And he goes, you just need a camov helicopter. And they said, what's a camov helicopter? And Tony says, well, it has two rotors, okay? And it's really known for its big carry load. So you get this hook at the bottom of that helicopter.
Starting point is 00:45:03 And you can essentially hook it to a shipping container and it can carry 11,000 pounds. That's about 5,000 kilos of cocaine on a hook. That's weird. No, you're dangling a box of cocaine. Yeah, but they were like, we want to do that. I mean, I don't know where the cartels dangling this shit. I mean, I haven't seen it personally over my house or anything like that, but they were like,
Starting point is 00:45:27 we want a dangle cocaine, let's do it. And so they were like, how can you get it? And they said, well, in the US right now, for a camop helicopter, it cost about 10 million dollars. One helicopter? One helicopter. Oh, it's true. And so these cartel people were like, listen, we're billionaires, but like, we don't want
Starting point is 00:45:44 to spend 10 million dollars on a fucking helicopter Especially with the risk of like all of these things like it's just not gonna be worth it It's not like we're just cruising on a helicopter for fun. We're billionaires like we're doing it for work And so they're like I don't like this and so then Tony was like okay, let me try something else So he goes knocking on Juan and Tarzan's door and he's like listen So he goes knocking on Juan and Tarzan's door and he's like, listen, do you all want to try to go to Moscow? And see if you guys can get your hands on some Camof helicopters. And they're like, fuck yeah, last time we went to Moscow, it went so amazing, let's fucking go to Moscow. So Juan and Tarzan, they fly all the way back to Moscow and they start searching for these Camof helicopters.
Starting point is 00:46:21 And they found them and they were to secure one for $650,000. The same one that's being sold in the US for $10 million. They were about to make a lot of money. That's just all I have to say. They were about to make some fucking crazy money until some shit goes down. They get these helicopters. They got all these spare parts for the helicopters and they throw in some motorcycles since we're here. get these helicopters, they got all these spare parts for the helicopters and they like throw in some motorcycles since we're here, right?
Starting point is 00:46:46 And they rent, they charter a military aircraft. In Russia? In Russia. For what? To bring the helicopters back to Colombia. Okay. Now, this military aircraft is known to just be like a massive cargo ship. Like, that's what it's known for, right?
Starting point is 00:47:06 It's not really known for like military weapons or anything like that or being like stealthy in this guy. It was just known that it has such a big carry load, right? And so they're like, okay, we're gonna, we're gonna charter this military aircraft and just to show you guys how cheap things were in Russia at the time and how much money they were making in order to charter that in a place like the US, which you probably couldn't in the first place, I mean, unless you had a really good reason,
Starting point is 00:47:28 but if you wanted to, it would cost about a million dollars a trip. In Russia, it was about $200,000. So they were like, fuck yeah, take that out of our cart, like let's put it in. And so they chartered this massive military aircraft. They loaded up with multiple birds as they call it. Those are helicopters.
Starting point is 00:47:45 So they put the helicopters in there. They put the Sparic parts. They got some motorcycles. They're like, let's fill up the space anyway. So they put some motorcycles in there. And then Juan is like, okay, this is what we're going to do, Tarzan. I'm going to go to Columbia first. And I'm going to wait with the Cali Cartel.
Starting point is 00:47:59 And we're going to wait for the shipment. You are going to make sure this lands where we need it too. So you are going to be on this military aircraft with the shipment. You are going to make sure this lands where we need it too. So you are going to be on this military aircraft with the pilots and you're going to make sure this fucking aircraft gets to Colombia. And so they're like, okay, no big deal. They fist bump, Juan goes to Colombia, tarzans waiting for this one to take off, right? Yeah. And as they're on the tarmac, snow is falling.
Starting point is 00:48:22 It's a blizzarding. And these jeeps roll up just a fucking fleet of jeeps and they start pulling out machine guns. They don't fire but they pull out machine guns. They draw their guns. All of them are like packed head to toe with masks. This was not the police. This was not the military. It was a Russian mafia. Oh my god. Yeah. The way that Tarzan describes them is very comical. He says he calls them big neck dudes. So they've got these thick ass neck.
Starting point is 00:48:53 He said with some gold ass chains on them. These were big dudes is what he's trying to say. Like they're massive. And they've got machine guns, automatic weapons. It's not like, it's not cutesy play anymore and so he's like what the fuck and they're like do you think that you can leave without paying us for these helicopters they really don't care that these helicopters got sold but they're like this is my territory so anything that
Starting point is 00:49:17 comes in anything that goes out goes through us so the time has changed how often is there their first time here yeah and so they're, you have to pay us a commission to get permission to leave with these helicopters. And Tarzan's like, these aren't even your fucking helicopters, the fuck, right? And they're like, we don't care. So we want payment. And he goes, okay, well, I don't really have any money. But how about I give you cocaine?
Starting point is 00:49:40 And he wasn't saying that in like, let me just give you a line in the bathroom Kelly. Like it wasn't one of those like, LA party vibes. It was like he was talking massive kilos of cocaine, like not just like he was a little, for you know, it was massive amounts of cocaine. He was saying. And the problem is he doesn't have any cocaine. He really also doesn't have much access to that much cocaine. That would be worthwhile for this Russian gangsters. So he's like, fuck what do I do? He's just making shit up because he doesn't want to die. I mean, imagine you're just in a fleet of jeeps just rolled up. And instead of visco girls, it's the Russian mafia.
Starting point is 00:50:15 I mean, I'm scared. I mean, even if it was a fleet of jeeps, of visco girls, I'd be scared. I don't know which one's scarier, honestly. And so he's just scared. He's just bullshitting. You know, he's like, I'll get you cocaine. I'll get you so much cocaine.
Starting point is 00:50:28 You will be bathing in cocaine. And they're like, yeah, you're fucking lying. And he's like, hey, you ever heard about Pablo? They're like, what? He's like, you know, Pablo Escobar? And they're like, shut up. You don't know Pablo Escobar. He's like, I fucking know Pablo Escobars.
Starting point is 00:50:45 How do you think I got these choppers? You think I just buy this shit for fun and my show? No, I fucking, I'm doing this for Pablo Escobar. And so they're like, then we want to talk to him. Now, I know what you're thinking. And this is exactly what I thought. Oh, well, I mean, it seems relatively easy. Tony Yester is friends with Pablo Escobar. They'll just get Pablo on the phone and Pablo will just explain it away
Starting point is 00:51:08 And then I realized that these are cartel people and Pablo would rather kill these people than have to like do some bitch work for them So that's not gonna happen They're not gonna let Pablo know that they've faced an obstacle in Russia Even if these helicopters were for Pablo Escob. So Tarzan calls Juan and says, listen Pablo. And Juan's like, the fuck he's in Colombia and he's like, fuck, fuck, fuck. And he goes listen Pablo, we need to talk. If you don't get on a flight to Russia right now, it's talk to these people and tell them that I'm working for Pablo Escobar and Pablo is going to do something great for them. I'm a dead man, you hear me? I'm a fucking dead man. And
Starting point is 00:51:43 so Juan's like scratching his head in Colombia and he's like, so the choppers aren't coming. And he's like, no, you better fucking come to Russia. And so Juan hops up in a plane and flies to Russia. Just like that. Yeah. And here's the crazy thing. Tony Yester, this is how smart the brain is.
Starting point is 00:51:59 He was in a resort in the Swiss Alps of Switzerland because he knew already that with choppers like that, I mean if you are talking about expensive, crazy, heavy-load carrying helicopters like that, the KGB and the CIA, everyone would be stalking out those helicopters. So why is he throwing the mouth there? Because the job needs to get done, but he doesn't need to get in trouble for it as his theory. Really? He's the brains.
Starting point is 00:52:27 So he was in Switzerland. No one could get in contact with him. So Juan and Tarzan are like, what the fuck do we do? So Juan shows pretending to be Pablo Escobar. Yeah. I saw both of their pictures. They do kind of look alike, but almost in like a not really way.
Starting point is 00:52:44 Like kind of, but not really. But do they even know what Pablo looks like? Barely. Like they kind of have an idea of what he looks like, but it's not like, you know, crystal clear, right? So he pretends to be Pablo Escobar. And he goes into a board room, a board room, Tarzan's crying in a corner. Crying. Yeah, Tarzan's like, Pablo and Hugs him. And he's like, very shaky and nervous and looking around and he's not that big, big strip club owner in Miami that he is now. I mean, he's just, he's scared out of his wits.
Starting point is 00:53:14 And these Russians, they're like, hey, listen, Pablo, sorry to bother you. Please sit down. So they're in this boardroom with all of these fucking Russian mafia leaders. And it's Juan pretending to be the Pablo Escobar. I mean, all of them are armed with machine guns. Like, this could go very, very bad. And so the Russians sit him down and they say, listen, we didn't really kidnap your helicopter.
Starting point is 00:53:37 And we're not. We just want to make sure that we can have a friendship. We just felt like if we kept the helicopters for a little bit, then we could maybe, you know, come to a friendship and agreement. We want to be your representation in Russia. We want to be your distributors in Russia. We want you to send lots and lots of cocaine to us, and we will distribute them throughout Russia. And so fake Pablo Escobar goes, well, how much talking like how much can you guys move and I mean that's a drug term I didn't really know that I'm like move
Starting point is 00:54:13 Make money move yeah, so they're moving these drugs so how much can you move how much can you sell essentially is what he's asking this fake Pablo right and the Russians look around and they look at each other and they go 50 kilos. How much is that? It's about a thousand dollars a kilo. 50 kilo? So it'd be like 50 thousand dollars. Exactly. That's exactly what fake Pablo says. He looks around and he starts laughing.
Starting point is 00:54:40 And he says, don't fucking tell me that you brought my ass out of Colombia to Russia to talk to me about 50 kilos of cocaine And he said this is a joke if tell me you're joking if you're not joking It's gonna be bad and so this is fake Pablo by the way like this would be a cool conversation if it's real Pablo He's like role-playing Like who what would Pablo say and he wouldn't say yeah sounds good right? So he's like the fuck 50 kilos it takes me and my man the same time to pack 50 kilos as 50,000 kilos you bitch Yeah, he was doing the ball is your tarzia to the corner like
Starting point is 00:55:25 And it's not like are we pushing it all too much like I don't know And so he's like how about this you get me a fucking warehouse We're gonna bring in at least 30,000 kilos and we're gonna start from there You pay as you need if maybe we'll get other distributors. Maybe we won't and the Russians look around and they're like That's a really good idea. And they go, shit, you got to deal. And they start shaking hands and they go, okay, let's party like the Russians do. They get drunk, they fucking take pictures. The Russian mafia is like, hey Pablo, what's going on here? I'm so sorry. Lou is so okay basically the fake Pablo sold himself.
Starting point is 00:56:08 Yeah. That's it. They believed it. They're became friends. Yeah. The rest is history. The rest is history. They got the chopper too?
Starting point is 00:56:16 Yeah. So they're like, all right. Well, you guys go back to Columbia. We'll be waiting on your word to send us these kilos of cocaine. Woo! Partnership. I can't believe I met Pablo Escobar and they let them leave to Colombia and they will never see an ounce of Pablo's cocaine. From at least one and Tarzan at least.
Starting point is 00:56:35 And so now this big-ass military aircraft lands in Cali, Colombia. And these choppers roll that and the coolest thing about this cargo aircraft I don't know if it's like this with a lot of cargo aircrafts, but the cargo door is like the nose of the The nose of the plane comes up It just yeah, I looked freaking crazy. I mean I can imagine that's the talk of Columbia They said every single person in Columbia government officials children in schools everyone was talking about it About the cartels, maybe helicopters. I know it's like relapsing, but it's like really sad and not funny, but like just the fact
Starting point is 00:57:11 that like the way that they explain things is just so weird, right? And so it lands in Columbia. These helicopters get out and let me tell you I mean this was big the Cali Cartel this was big they said I can't believe you little fuckers were able to pull this shit off that you guys were able to bring Russian helicopters to Columbia at a great price too like who the fuck and so suddenly mean, Juan and Tarzan's life is just going, it's on the up. Like they were getting more inquiries from different cartels. You know, they were like, can you get us at least like one boat, two boats, three boats?
Starting point is 00:57:56 I mean, they were just making so much money. They were well known, which they thought was great because they could get tons of pitches. They were considered untouchable because, I mean, I don't know about you, but if I ever heard someone was affiliated with any sort of cartel, I would not try to fuck with that person. I would not try to be like, let me just go see what happens if I punch them in the face. That's not what's happening, right? So they were considered untouchable. But that also means that they were getting a lot more attention from people who didn't
Starting point is 00:58:21 give a fuck about things like that, such as the DEA, the FBI. All of these government agencies, the US ones, they were like, we don't think so, but you're not that cool to us, we don't really give a fuck. And it was just getting worse because Tarzan, he just, Tarzan was definitely that dude that could not keep it in his pants. I mean, you're supposed to keep it on the deal, right? Which is odd because I heard that Gambino, crime family in New York, the ones that he kind of learned most
Starting point is 00:58:48 of his roots from, they really weren't the opposite of this. They weren't flexors. They weren't as big of flexors as you would assume some families with that much money would have, right? But he didn't really pick that up, I guess, because he had limos picking up his daughter from elementary school. And he was just a strip club owner, so it just didn't really pick that up, I guess, because he had limos picking up his daughter from elementary school. And he was just a strip club owner, so it just didn't make sense. I mean, the IRS should be knocking on his door like yesterday. Like, none of this is making sense.
Starting point is 00:59:14 And so the DEA is like, we need to amp things up. They're doing some crazy shit. We thought it was for Raris for the cartels. We thought it was boats for the cartels. Now we're talking, Cam of helicopters from Moscow, Russia. We need to do something and we need to do a quick Right some shit's gonna go down. So they get a guy by the name of Alex Yosevich now Alex Yosevich is of Russian and Ukrainian descent He grew up in Brighton Beach, which is the same area that Tarzan and Grisha grew up in the US And he was living in Washington DC and he was living in Washington, DC and he was a
Starting point is 00:59:45 DEA special agent. So he grew up in the same place, he knew all of them, but he just went in the opposite path. So he's working for the government and he was he specialized in undercover work in Washington, DC. So they said bring in Alex Yasovitch, we're gonna take him to fucking Miami and he's going to go undercover. So they get Grisha in, who by the way is the dude that like wiretapped for the DEA. Remember the one with no teeth? Yes. Yeah, so they meet each other and they're like, oh, I remember you from Brighton Beach and the FBI is like, well yeah, you guys are gonna work together, okay?
Starting point is 01:00:18 And so they're like, okay, sounds good. And so Grisha goes to Tarzan and is like, I want you to meet our friend from Brighton. Do you remember him, right? We were so close back in the day, remember? And he brings in Alex Yasovitch. And Tarzan's like, I think I remember you. Yeah, I think I remember you. Oh, shit, like how you been, how you been?
Starting point is 01:00:37 And for Tarzan, he goes by the saying that a brother of my brother is family. So either he really did remember him or didn't remember him and was just trying to be polite because Grisha introduced him. It was just, there was no brainer for him. Yeah. Yeah. They were gonna be friends.
Starting point is 01:00:55 And so Alex starts working at that restaurant too, Babushka, and he's hanging out with them, and he's not necessarily working there. He's just doing a lot of connecting there, right? And so they're like, okay, well, what do you do? What do you do? And Alex was always like, you know, I'll tell you what I'm ready. I'll tell you what I'm ready. Now finally, they decide to tell him and it's complete lie. But Alex Yasovitch, the undercover, says, I specialize in heroin and weapons dealing. So I like to traffic weapons in heroin into the US, but I want to get
Starting point is 01:01:25 on that cocaine money. That's why I came to Florida because I want cocaine money. You know that I mean? And so then he's like, oh shit, well, I mean, I know people who know people who know cocaine really well. Like I know Juan, who knows Tony and Tony knows Pablo. And I think Pablo knows cocaine. And so he's like, I could probably hook you up, right? We could make so much money. And so they're like, OK, OK, sounds good. Let's talk more later. So they're on and off meeting. And then finally, things come to a very awkward pivot
Starting point is 01:01:54 at Miami Fountain Blue Hotel. Very famous hotel in Miami. So they decide to meet at the Fountain Blue Hotel in Miami. And the FBI, the DIA, they had decided to wiretop this room with a camera. Now this camera was disguised as a radio, but there was a camera inside of it. And so the hotel room, they both walk in, Alex Yasovitch, the fake heroine dealer that works for the DEA, he's undercover, and Tarzan. And Tarzan is trying to sit at the chair
Starting point is 01:02:27 that's facing away from the camera. And so you see Alex being like, hey, you should sit at this chair. Wait, so are they trying to catch Tarzan right now? Yeah. Okay, just him, not no other big fish. Yeah, so they're hoping because he seems like the most Lucy Goosey that he will ride everyone out,
Starting point is 01:02:42 you know? And so he's like, no, no, you should sit over there. And so Tarzan's like, okay, you're fucking weird, right? And so he sits over there and they're talking and talking. And then this was all caught on camera. Tarzan looks straight into the camera. That's disguised as a radio. And he says, that's a fucking camera.
Starting point is 01:03:02 And Alex Yasovic, and by the way, remember how he said Tarzan sits with his ankle on his knee? His legs crossed with a gun right at his ankle. So very easy to just fucking pop that. Good bye Alex Yasevich. So he looks at it and he goes, no, that's a fucking camera. And Alex is like, what do you mean why? Why would there be a fucking camera? Like a kind of this hotel all the time. It's always there. There's no fucking camera. And so he's like, no, it's a fucking camera like a kind of this hotel all the time? It's always there. There's no fucking camera and so he's like no, it's a fucking camera You want to know how I know it's a camera because I used to do some spying shit and there's a spy store in Miami a spy store guys A spy store in Miami, and I saw that exact camera model. It's a fucking camera
Starting point is 01:03:39 And so Alex Yosifitch is like it's not a camera dude. It's not a camera You want fine. You think it's a fucking camera? Why don't you walk over there and pull apart this camera? And then Tarzan looks at it. You can see him contemplating it and he goes, maybe it just looks like that. Anyways, and he just didn't check the camera. Oh my god.
Starting point is 01:03:58 But everyone was fucking shitting themselves, including, obviously Alex, yes, but everyone that was watching it, everyone, you know, it could have been so bad. Or are they doing it in there? They were talking about the next big deal. And that's what Alex found out was the submarine deal. He tells Alex Yasovitch, he says, we're trying to fucking buy a submarine, you'll never believe it.
Starting point is 01:04:20 And he's like, what? A submarine? And he's like, yeah, so I know this guy named Tony, okay? Tony's like the brain, he's the conduit. He knows the Cali cartel. They're gonna give him money. They're gonna give him millions and millions of dollars, probably close to $40 million to buy a submarine.
Starting point is 01:04:36 Now me, me, Tarzan and Juan, we know Moscow, Russia. We know these people. So we're gonna fucking go in there, and we're gonna buy a military grade submarine From the Russians because they're corrupt and they'll sell it to us for about 35 million dollars and here's the crazy thing Why do they need a submarine? Why does the cartel need a submarine? I mean is it just like a fascination is it you know boys in their toys that type of thing? No, because the submarine goes underwater can be undetected if you're really
Starting point is 01:05:05 good with it and you can fill it with 40 tons of cocaine. 40 tons. That's about 40 million dollars of cocaine sitting in a sub going anywhere in the fucking world. It was going to be one of the biggest reserves of cocaine just in that that submarine if they filled it with 40 tons that's the biggest backup reserve of cocaine in the world That's what they're gonna do So fucking insane. Yeah, so out of this world
Starting point is 01:05:34 Out of this world, but it happened and then it happened again in 2000 We're gonna get into it and so well you'll see so they said you know It's gonna cost about maybe 40 million dollars They're gonna fill it with 40 tons. That means within one trip of delivering cocaine to wherever they wanted to get it to, they've already paid for the fucking submarine. I mean, the cartel's crazy. And yeah, I mean, it was just insane.
Starting point is 01:05:57 So he finds out all of this. And he's scared. I mean, everyone's scared. The US was kind of quaking, but they were also hoping. I mean, it's so crazy that there's no way it's gonna happen. Nobody just sells submarines. It's not something that's on the free market. Like it doesn't make any sense, right? But would it happen? So Tony meets with the cartels. They say, you know, you get it. We'll get you the money.
Starting point is 01:06:21 No big deal. We make billions of dollars. Well, fucking give you the cash. It makes sense. It's investment in our future. We can do it. And so Tony's like, OK, Juan, Tarzan, it's your time to shine. Go to fucking Russia and find us a military grade submarine. So Tarzan has friends in Russia. He calls one of them up, right?
Starting point is 01:06:38 And he says, listen, I know it's a crazy question, OK? But I have a friend who's asking me if I can get them a Russian submarine. He goes, a Russian submarine and he goes, I know I know, but they're trying to pay like millions, 40 million. He goes, 40 million, Russians, I mean, yeah, let me call you back. And he calls him back the next day and he says, does your friend want one with missiles or without missiles? Like, it was that, like that fucking easy. Oh my god.
Starting point is 01:07:08 Yeah, I know. I mean this definitely happened mainly because of all of the political turmoil in Russia at the time. Like there was no leader, it just was full of corruption. I mean you could kind of say that now but there's a very strong leader that would make sure that there's nothing happening like this probably. But I mean, back then there was none of that there was no leader there was no It was just corrupted right and so they go all the way to Russia and who do they meet with do they meet with some street dealer? Do they meet with some submarine manufacturer? No, they meet with high ranking military officials from Russia Tony Juan and Tarzan all of them got everywhere. Each star was like a good honorable deed that they did. They were just fucking filled with stars. Tony said it was like looking into the night sky.
Starting point is 01:07:50 Like all of them were high ranking officials. And so they're like, okay, well, we're gonna make this deal happen, right? And they're talking, talking, talking. And then finally, the military officials from Russia who are trying to sell this military submarine illegally was like, let's go to the sauna So Tarzan's like great sounds good. So they go to the sauna all these Russians get naked but naked go into the sauna
Starting point is 01:08:12 Tony who's Cuban is like I'm not fucking going to the sauna like I'm not getting naked. That's nasty, right? And then Tarzan is naked, right? And he's like you don't go into the sauna the deals off And he's like what and he's like that's the sauna, the deals off. And he's like, what? And he's like, that's how Russians do it. We need to see you naked first. And he's like, he's like, what do you mean? I've never fucking done deals before. Nobody has to see me naked. And he goes, no, it's a Russian thing.
Starting point is 01:08:35 You see the other person but naked. And that's how you know you can trust them. And he's like, no, I don't want to do it. And he's like, fucking think about it. Because we're about to lose the deal. Because of your stupid ass, because you can't get naked. And so he's like, no, I don't want to do it. And he's like, fucking think about it. Because we're about to lose the deal. Because of your stupid ass, because you can't get naked. And so he's outside, right? And then finally, he decides to be like, oh, fuck it.
Starting point is 01:08:52 OK, it's millions of dollars. He takes off all of his clothes. He goes into the naked sauna with all of these naked military officials from Russia. And then the conversation that he's hearing is fucking nuts. They're offering to sell them nuclear weapons And they want to know if the Cali Cartel is interested in purchasing nuclear weapons And Tony's like what the fuck no like guys, we just want a submarine
Starting point is 01:09:15 Like we don't need missiles like we don't really need any of that like that's too much I don't think they want that and this was the first time he was like, I'm gonna get fucking executed for this. Like, he was like, this is bad, this is so bad. Tony the brain. Yeah, he was like, this is bad. He was scared. Yeah, he was scared, right? Now, to mind you,
Starting point is 01:09:36 submarines, let me give you some background on submarines. Because, I mean, it sounds comical. $35 million submarines, right? There's only 38 countries in this entire world that own submarines, and most of them are diesel-based submarines. And this is important because the ones that they were trying to sell in Russia were diesel-based, and diesel means that they have a loud engine noise. So if you are a country with lots of tech and lots of, you know, defense things, you know,
Starting point is 01:10:04 they give you the U.S., then you've probably got all of these little detectors in the sea and the ocean that can detect loud noises, they can't get frequencies. I mean, even without that, I'm sure they'd see a sub coming from super far away, right? But these are really, really loud. Now nuclear ones, nuclear powered submarines are relative just silent. Like you can go dark, you can practically disappear underwater. No other country can detect your nuclear-powered submarine, and there's only five countries who own nuclear-powered submarines. The United States, China, the United Kingdom, France, and Russia. And it takes about $3.5 billion to build
Starting point is 01:10:46 a nuclear-powered submarine. $3.5 billion, yeah? Yes, so that's why most countries do not own a $3.5 billion submarine. Oh my god, that is stupid, my god. Yeah, that's stupid money. And the Russians were trying to sell them a diesel powered submarine for $35 million. And any country that does have submarines, the submarine base are some of the most heavily guarded assets.
Starting point is 01:11:16 They are some of the most heavily guarded bases that even if you're part of the Navy, unless you are of a certain league, you cannot even go look at a submarine. You just can't. Really? Yeah, it's that intense. Huh, I did not know that. Yeah, I mean, I didn't either. I thought submarines were like super cute.
Starting point is 01:11:33 I thought I could go on a field trip to see what. I thought it would be like, oh, weren't she classed? Would you like to go see a submarine? I thought it'd be that easy, but apparently not. Huh. Yeah, so weird. Because they got that little reflective glasses. You just take out your top and you just see what's above the water.
Starting point is 01:11:48 I mean, I mean, I mean, there's like non-military grade submarines, maybe that are super cutesy. I don't fucking know, but these are like military grades that we're talking about, right? And so the Russians decided to take them to the secret navy base to see the submarine. Wow. Now, here is the pickle that they're in. They see it. They see the submarine. It's beautiful. It's amazing. They want to buy it. But the Cali Cartel said, how do we know? You better send some pictures with proof so that we know that there even is a fucking submarine. I mean, we know that none of you guys are dumb enough to run away with our money,
Starting point is 01:12:26 but we just want proof that the Russians aren't trying to play us. So you have to take pictures of this fucking submarine in Russia. And so they're all standing there and Tony's like, fuck, we gotta get a picture. What do we do? What do we do? Like, the Russians are gonna fucking kill us
Starting point is 01:12:38 if they see us trying to sneak you take a picture of this fucking submarine, right? And so Tony's like, listen, Tarzan. You're gonna get some pictures of that submarine. I don't care if you die. You're gonna get pictures of that submarine. And so Tar Tony's like, listen to Tarzan. You're going to get it some pictures of that submarine. I don't care if you die. You're going to get pictures of that submarine. And so Tarzan's like, what do you mean? They're going to kill us.
Starting point is 01:12:49 Yeah. And he's like, I don't care. So Tarzan goes up to the captain. Yeah. He goes, so I have a really dumb question. And the captain goes, OK. And he says, can I take a picture of the submarine? We have a captain says, yeah, you're right, that is a really dumb question.
Starting point is 01:13:09 It's a military base. No, you cannot take a picture of the submarine. And so Tarzan goes, okay, well, I'm going to take that. You're going to ask, right? Yeah, you're going to ask. And so then he knew that these captains were making about $20 a month. And so he says, he looks to that captain and he says, how about I give you $200?
Starting point is 01:13:32 Now again, this is not back back in the day where $200 was like $20 million. Like $200 was probably like, I don't know, $300, $400 today is time, right? And he's like, what if I give you $200? And the captain looks at him he takes some money and they have a photo shoot with the submarine they have photos of Tarzan with the submarine they have photos of Tarzan with the captain with the submarine they have photos of just the captain with the submarine they have photos of Tony with the submarine Tony Tarzan captain with the
Starting point is 01:13:59 submarine and I mean it was a fucking you would think it's an engagement shoot like this there had so many fucking photos in the secret military secret Russian military base with the submarine that they're about to buy and who are these people? Are they part of the Russian military? Are they part of another country's government that were invited? No, these are drug dealers The irony in this story is and so the thing go back home. Tony goes to Columbia to talk to the Cali cartels and he's like, fucking look at these pictures dudes, I fucking saw this summary and this is not some shit that I got off the internet. This is my picture I saw it and Tarzan goes back home and he does the same thing but not with the cartel, but with all of his friends. He's like, yeah's I wanted to solve a military submarine from Russia. And he would just lay these pictures around his desk and guess who had access to that desk?
Starting point is 01:14:51 Fucking Alex from the DA. Alex Yasovic. Sorry I just really like saying it's last name, it's so fun. So Alex Yasovic, he sees this. He helps himself to it and he brings a copy. And the DEA, the operational desa, they freak the fuck out and they immediately call the Department of Defense. They call the US Navy and they call NATO. They call NATO. Let me give you the direct because I'm going
Starting point is 01:15:19 to fuck it up there. I just know that they're really scary. Like I would never fuck with a NATO. It's a, it's a, it's like a bunch of countries. What countries are here? The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is a alliance between 30 North American and European countries. That's really scary. Yeah, it'd be scared. And so they call the Department of Defense the US Navy and fucking NATO. And NATO was able to confirm that that is actually a real Russian submarine base and not just like some random Russian dude who built a submarine. Like this is the real deal, this is the real shit. Now the NATO had their own concerns. They're thinking that this is not okay because yes it is diesel, but every diesel submarine
Starting point is 01:16:02 has the option to go electric. Like if you get some fucking mechanics and some engineers and you have the money, you can make that shit, you can convert a diesel into an electric submarine, which then you could go dark underwater. No one will sense you coming. And that's a huge danger. And so they're like, this is some shit. Like we got to do something about it
Starting point is 01:16:25 Like we cannot let this sale go down like I don't even care We're gonna put so much money into this. We're gonna funnel this to make sure these dudes do not get this summer in now Alex at the same time goes back to Tarzan and he gives him a phone. It's an international phone He says this is a clone phone. I got it for you. It's a present. Now, Tarzan did not know that it was being wiretapped by the DEA. They set up a entire fortress just
Starting point is 01:16:54 to listen to the conversations Tarzan was having. They had, I mean, Russian translators who were there every day. Uh-huh. And it was used to be, you know, talking internationally. They had hoped that he would call Tony from it. And they wanted to find Tony, you know, talking internationally. They had hoped that he would call Tony from it. And they wanted to find Tony because he is the brains of it. He's an American fugitive. We as a Cuban, you know, citizen, but in America, he's a fugitive. They
Starting point is 01:17:15 just wanted to find him. And so they're wiretapping. They have all these Russian translators, Tarzan constantly using that phone, which then now the DA in this task force is learning so much information about the submarine deal. And everyone starts to kind of feel like some shits going down like someone knows about this right who turns in them yeah they all kind of have like this uncomfortable inkling and even the Russians are getting a little bit stressed out like the Russian military like okay well suddenly we want to know what you guys are gonna do with the submarine like you need to tell us honestly what are you gonna do with the summary. Like, you need to tell us honestly, what are you going to do with the summary?
Starting point is 01:17:46 And which is crazy because, I mean, you would think that they have no morals, but now they do. I thought they knew what the fuck they're doing. No. They just want to make us out. Yeah. They're like, just tell us. Like, we just want to know who the owner is going to be.
Starting point is 01:17:57 And they're like, well, no, it's not going to be for like missiles or anything like that. We're not going to start a war. It's just going to be for drugs, right? Yeah. And they're like, but who, but who's gonna own it? And so there's just lots of tension going on, right? Tony is like in Switzerland, just like flying around, like all these like Swiss Alps resorts,
Starting point is 01:18:13 making these phone calls, Tarzan and Juan, are like, we need to get this deal done, we need to get this deal done. And then Tarzan and Juan decide to have this brilliant idea. And they call, they call Tony, they say they say listen I don't know if this deal is gonna get done the Russians are getting angsty we think the DEA is on to us you know we saw some people that's all the FBI lurking around a couple
Starting point is 01:18:37 places you know it's shit's going down dude how about this you get the money from the Colombians and we'll take'll take it, we'll split it. Everyone gets like $10 million each, and we'll just make a run for it. We'll run from the cartel, we'll run from the FBI, we'll fucking ditch everything, and we will go on the run, okay? We will live like millionaires somewhere else.
Starting point is 01:18:59 And Tony's like, do you know who you're talking about? These people, they make $7 billion a year just from US, this cartel. You're dealing with people who have eyes, who have money, and their entire business is based off of the fact that nobody can cross them. So if you fuck them up, then killing you is not even showing the world that they're strong.
Starting point is 01:19:25 It's showing the world that their business is normal. Like that's the only way they can maintain a business like this. You were literally putting their business in jeopardy if you get away with crossing them. Do you know who the fuck these people are? And Tony's like, here's the thing, you've never met Pablo Escobar, okay Juan? Okay, Tarzan, let me tell you. If you guys were to ever meet him, you better bring a box of toilet paper because you'll be shitting yourself the entire time. And so he's like, okay, but like you don't think we could just like fucking go to, I don't know,
Starting point is 01:19:52 like Switzerland too, and like just hang out there with like $10 million. I mean, I'm sure we can hide if we have that much money. And he's like, you are fucking stupid, right? And so Tony's like, whatever, I'm gonna get this deal done. So Tony goes to the cartels and he's like listen We need 10 million dollars to show the Russians we got the money that's gonna put them at ease They're gonna stop for gonna asking us questions the minute that their eyes put get put on that paper that 10 million dollars They're gonna be done. They're not gonna ask us shit. We're gonna get this deal done That sub is yours, right? And so they're like okay, we're gonna send 10 million dollars to France Here's the pickup location you pick 10 up 10 million dollars in cash up from France take it to Russia
Starting point is 01:20:30 Do the drop and so Tony says sounds good so he fucking flies to France, but he already had a different plan Tony had a plan. That was very similar to Tarzan and Hons. Oh my god So Tony gets the 10 million million from France and he dips. He does not head to Russia, but he had straight to Amsterdam where he has a close friend. He breaks into his friend's house and he sits there and he had put the $10 million of cash into his garage and the friend gets home from work and he says, one's last time you've been on a trip and the friend's like, what are you doing here Tony? I don't know, years I've been working and he's like, here's $10,000.
Starting point is 01:21:07 Take your girlfriend to Spain for two weeks. Don't come back. And he's like, $10,000 to Spain. What's going on? And he goes, don't fucking tell him. Don't tell anybody that you've seen me. Don't tell anybody why you're in Spain. Don't tell anybody anything.
Starting point is 01:21:19 And if everything goes well and you don't fuck up, there's gonna be another $10,000 waiting for you when you get home. And he said, fuck yeah, and he just packed his bags and never asked another word, did not know that there was $10 million in his garage, and he just dipped. And so he spent the next two weeks organizing plans, getting his shit together. The one thing that he says is, so troublesome, his poor life, is that $10 million is a lot of paper. It's a lot of money.
Starting point is 01:21:44 Yeah. It's a lot of paper. It's a lot of money. Yeah. It's a lot of paper and so he was organizing on how to deposit them into different accounts and etc. etc. He never reveals to anybody how he did it. Did it what? Did the storage of that $10 million. He got away. But he got away. Yeah. Yeah. So who told the story? He was interviewed in Africa in a secret location by a documentary. He is still an international fugitive and the cartels are after him and he was on a private jet being interviewed. Oh my god. This is so insane. And they asked him straight up. They said, Hey, so in the cartel line of power, where were you?
Starting point is 01:22:26 You know, yeah, and he looked at them and he said, geez, why are you guys so fucking curious? And he's like, I want to talk about it. Okay? He's like so weird. Like he's so nice one minute and then he's like snaps at you the next minute. Yeah, so he never tells anyone what he does with that $10 million. That's so fucking epic. Yeah, we just know that he's using it right now. We don't know if it was deposited to like international overseas accounts or if he had a plan for it or if he has like a million dollars in cash that he takes for them everywhere,
Starting point is 01:22:53 I really don't know, right? Probably um. Beaconess! Oh my god! And so Juan gets a call in Miami and he doesn't really know what's going on He just knows like the walls are closing in and he's just frantic But it's not like him and Tony or lovers. It's not like they talk every two seconds, right? And so he has no idea until he gets a call from the cartels from the Columbia
Starting point is 01:23:16 Kali cartels Yeah, some of the members and they say hey, what are you doing? Are you in Miami? And he goes? Yeah, I'm in Miami Like what's going on? And he's like, no, nothing. We're just going to be in Miami for the next couple days. So let's hang out. And so he's like, yeah, come by. You know, come through. And so they come and they spend the entire day, if I can party and getting drunk and eating, and they're just having a blast. And then the next morning, they say, where the fuck is Tony? And he was like, wait a day. Yeah, that's funny. And he was like, what? And he's like, Tony ran away with our money. And we just want to say
Starting point is 01:23:47 We want to know where are his wife and kids. We heard they live in Miami. Oh Wow, and so Juan hops up in his white rolls Royce and he drove drives them to where Tony's wife and kids live It was in a nice condo and they wrote down the number they wrote down the address They said, okay, well, we can go to lunch now and They tell Juan at lunch you better tell Tony to talk to us, you know talk some sense into your friend Because he's got a hit out on him by one of the most powerful Cartels in the world like your friend Tony's not gonna do well You better tell her I thought Tony works for the other dudes
Starting point is 01:24:25 The brain, right? Mm-hmm. Okay. Well anyways. What do you mean works for you? I thought Tony was closer with the cartel than with Juan. Yeah, but I mean he crossed the cartel so they're thinking maybe, you know. And then Tarzan starts getting nervous. He hears about all of this and he's like, fuck, fuck.
Starting point is 01:24:45 I feel like they're gonna arrest me. I don't know. Something just feels weird. And so he puts his daughter into his car and he's driving her to kindergarten, beautiful day. And then suddenly there's a bunch of car cars behind him that are driving slow. So he drives slow.
Starting point is 01:24:56 He drives the speed limit. And then they pull him over anyway. And he gets really mad about it. He's just like the cannibal. He's like, am I arrested? And they're like, no. And then he's like, then I don't want to come with you. But you need to come with us. And he goes, no, I want to. And he goes, no, you have to. And he goes, why do I have to if
Starting point is 01:25:13 I'm not arrested? And it's just like this very intense conversation. And they're like, are you seriously arguing about this? Like, do you not know what you're being investigated for? Like, are you really trying to have an argument about if you're arrested or not? Like, fucking get in the car. And so he gets somewhat for. Like, are you really trying to have an argument about if you're arrested or not? Like, fucking get in the car. And so he gets somewhat arrested. Like, he's not arrested, but he is arrested, right? And they bring him in. And these DA agents are fucking questioning the shit out of him.
Starting point is 01:25:35 And he's like, I don't know why I'm being arrested. I did nothing. I didn't do anything. Now, Juan, at the same time, was in Moscow. He was securing a $45 million helicopter deal for the cartels. And so he's casually walking around in Moscow, he was securing a $45 million helicopter deal for the cartels. And so he's casually walking around in Moscow and he notes that his lawyer was Jewish, right? He had brought his attorney with him and his attorney's Jewish and he wanted to go see all of these synagogues in St. Petersburg.
Starting point is 01:25:57 So he's like, oh, fuck, I gotta go see all this shit, right? And then he gets a call from Tarzan's brother and he's like, hey, what's popping, right? And he's like, wait, what's popping? Where right? And he's like, wait me, what's poppin'? Where are you? And he's like, I'm in Moscow. And he's like, there's literally a man hunt out for you. Like, I don't know, I'm reading the papers, my brother just got arrested, my brother Tarzan just got arrested.
Starting point is 01:26:17 They're looking for you. Something about a submarine, were you guys doing something about a submarine? It's all over the fucking news, dude. What are you doing? And so he's like, oh fuck. Oh fuck. So now you have Juan who's gonna end up turning himself in. You've got Tarzan and Jail. You've got Tony on the run from government agencies and cartels with $10 million. And so they're in jail and they just both of them don't talk until 18 months later. Tarzan decides, okay, if I can do it anymore, jail is not the place for me.
Starting point is 01:26:49 18 months was more than enough and he finally agrees to cooperate and testify against Juan. Uh-oh. So Tarzan testifies Juan gets convicted of conspiracy to traffic cocaine and he gets a 40-year sentence. But immediately as his sentence comes out, Tarzan goes, I fucking lied. What do you mean? So the judge, he's like, I fucking lied. I was coerced, I didn't want to talk.
Starting point is 01:27:14 I recant my entire testimony. And because his testimony was technically the only evidence that they had, they had to overturn Juan's conviction. What did he do that? To get Juan out of jail. It was like just a risk that he took. So why did he do... Also Juan's free?
Starting point is 01:27:36 So Tarzan signed a deal that said, you can't arrest me. He ended up getting deported to Israel. So they said, either you're going to get deported or you're just going to stay in jail, right? And he says, okay, then don't arrest me for that you don't charge me of any of these crimes that you think I did. Just deport me to Israel. And if you sign that and say that you're going to just do that, I will talk and I will tell you about Juan. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:00 And so they sign the paper. So Tarzan cannot get charged for this crime now. Yeah. And so they sign the paper so Tarzan cannot get charged for this crime now Yeah, and so he testifies against Juan and the judge this is the only evidence that Juan is involved right yeah Concrete evidence and so then the judge sentences him to a 40-year sentence But then Tarzan goes I fucking lied And legally if that's the only evidence yeah, then technically the conviction has to be overturned Yeah, it doesn't hold water. So what happened to Juan. So Juan gets released and he's living in Miami. And what about and Tarzan's living in Israel? He's been deported, but he's just hanging out in Israel now.
Starting point is 01:28:33 You can do that. This sounds way too stupid. Yeah, I think it had to do with the fact that most of the times with things like this, there's no, there's a lot of other evidences. There's like either small evidence, DNA evidence, ABCD evidence, you know. So they got played by these two people? Yeah, whether it happened the way that they thought it was going to happen, or if it just fucking happened because it seems like they do have Matt like just random flashes of luck. Okay. I have no idea, right? It just was very, very strange. Okay. So Tarzan has now moved to Moscow and he is still doing business with Juan. They won't release what type of business they're doing, but they're still very close friends. Juan is still in Miami. He was recently arrested again though for drug and weapon charges, but I mean, it doesn't seem like that one's going to be a long sentence or anything like that.
Starting point is 01:29:24 And so he's still working with Tarzan. Tony is an international fugitive. He is hiding from the government. Now is he still hiding from the cartels? Well he was interviewed and he says, well if you guys don't know, Pablo Escobar has passed. Yeah. And he says, all my enemies are dead and I'm really fucking happy.
Starting point is 01:29:42 And I will see them in hell when I arrive. So he's just running from government agencies it seems. He ended up in 2000 organizing another submarine delivery. I was going to say sub delivery but it sounds like he's delivering for postmates. A submarine delivery and he ended up getting most of the parts of a Russian submarine to Columbia, but the mountains of Columbia were rated because someone tipped them off. And so all of these agents found these cartels like assembling a Russian submarine. So he was able to get it there. I don't know if he was paid for it, he didn't release, but I feel like he was because it
Starting point is 01:30:24 was up to the cartel to reassemble it. You know, he just had to deliver all the pieces in the product. So who knows, he might be sitting on 35 mil now. Yeah. And so Tarzan says, listen, Miami is the most beautiful place. He wants to die there one day, but he's been deported and pretty much blacklisted from immigration and he just has one question Tarzan, strip club owner, dildo car runner, just all of these things. He just said why is someone called a special agent versus a regular agent? Why is one more special than the other? Is it because they're fucking good looking? He just wants to know. Are you serious? That's it. That's his last question. Just... Why is there a regular FBI
Starting point is 01:31:10 agent and then a special agent? Well the fuck is the difference? He said it's just one good looking. Are you so special? I'm special. Do I call myself special Tarzan? Are they are they comical? They're so comical. Yeah. Wow. That is one of the craziest crime stories. I mean, strip club owner, dildos submarines. I mean, what's popping, Billy? Also, it's very scary. I think the scary thing that I will take from this
Starting point is 01:31:39 is that nothing is not for sale apparently. Everything is for sale, I did not. Yeah, everything is for sale and I did not understand the sheer depth and power of cartels. I mean, I knew a lot, but I did not know this much. Like that they were just like Russian submarine, 35 million dollars. Here it is. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And how much money they make and how I think they, the cartels control over like 90% of the cocaine distribution in the world.
Starting point is 01:32:14 But then I'm like who's the other 10% yeah. What? Yeah, who's the other 10% we want to know? No, just kidding, we don't want to know. That's something I would rather not know. Wow, wow, wow, I'm real. I mean, let me know what you guys think of this case. I know it's so unlike the other crimes that we did. It's just a weird crime. I have no words.
Starting point is 01:32:35 I hope you guys enjoyed today's video or podcast. And I will see you guys next Wednesday where I will penetrate your submarine earholes with my kilos of okay, I gotta go. Bye. Bye.

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