Rotten Mango - #16- The Twisted Life of Jeffrey Dahmer *He Wanted to Create Living Zombies

Episode Date: September 24, 2020

He injected his victims in the skull with hydrochloric acid and sometimes boiling water - all because he wanted to create living zombies.  Jeffrey Dahmer is one of the most twisted serial killers in ...history.  It's a real life nightmare guys. Get ready. To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Rambles. Whether you're doing a dance to your favorite artist in the office parking lot, or being guided into Warrior I in the break room before your shift, whether you're running on your Peloton tread at your mom's house while she watches the baby, or counting your breaths on the subway. Peloton is for all of us, wherever we are, whenever we need it. Download the free Peloton is for all of us. Wherever we are, whenever we need it, download the free Peloton app today. Peloton app available through free tier or pay to description starting at 12.99 per month. We're live. We're here with our host Stephanie Sue.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Yes. The most famous murder podcaster Stephanie Sue. Wait, am I a murder or a podcaster? With co-host Mr. Manglebell here, coming to you live, for an hour living room. Yeah, it's a vibe here. Listen, this has never happened to me before, not once, not ever in the history of, I want to say the past three years that I've been just so absorbed into this true crime world. Ever since I started those YouTube videos all about true crime. It's been about three years and this is
Starting point is 00:01:08 never happened not once, but I think I definitely was putting a lot of pressure on myself with this podcast this week because I really wanted to cover the case of Jeffrey Dahmer. Now I mean some people know him as like the Milwaukee cannibal, the Milwaukee monster. What's a Milwaukee? Milwaukee. That's a place in Wisconsin. You idiot. He said, just show what's up? What's up, Milwaukee? Is that like, how you walk like that? Is that a new TikTok dance?
Starting point is 00:01:41 Oh, walkie talkie. Okay, excuse my man's This has never happened to me before which is the fact that I I think I really was putting a lot of pressure on this week's Podcast because you guys have been requesting this case for quite some time now and I mean I mean this is a story everybody's familiar with the Jeffrey Dahmer It's the Jeffrey Dahmer like I'm not saying that in a respectful way or in a way of admiration, but he's really notorious. He's well known. He's kind of like Ted Bundy.
Starting point is 00:02:10 I mean, I would say he's up there in notoriety. So I just felt like, you know, what could I provide you that you haven't maybe already heard before, right? How can I make it interesting for you if you already know the story? And so I was just over-consumed. I mean, I pretty much watched about,
Starting point is 00:02:25 I wanna say like four different documentaries. I read like four different write-ups. I went on to Reddit. I mean, I just went into my whole looking for things that I was like, maybe they don't know this. Maybe they don't know this. Maybe I can talk about this, right? Did you learn something new yourself?
Starting point is 00:02:40 Yeah, I did, but you know, that's the crazy thing. I think I was thinking so much about Drafty Dahmer that for the first time in the past three years of me doing true crime, he showed up in my fucking dream. He showed up in my dream. A nightmare or a game? It was a nightmare. So here's the thing with Drafty Dahmer. I mean, you guys know the story. 17 victims and they're all young men or boys. So really, when you think about it, he's really not one of those serial killers that I would really research and just be so scared. I'm not looking over my shoulder. First of all, he has passed and the way that he passed is just intense, right?
Starting point is 00:03:19 It was another inmate who kills him. Anyways, continuing on, right? What? Yeah. So you have this man who is a predator towards other men. So I mean, technically, this is much less scary for me to research than the Ted Bundy's of the world, where it's just them targeting women, right? So you would think, you would think, I'd be okay in my dream, but he shows up in my dream, and I remember we were living with a bunch of people and someone had let him in, and they were like,
Starting point is 00:03:44 oh, he's out on parole. and I remember like we were living with a bunch of people and someone had let him in and they were like Oh, he's like out on parole and I was like what and then I remember they were like telling me like don't worry about it He's not gonna hurt you. You're not as tight. It's okay And then I was like having a conversation with him and then he went into a different room and then I got really freaked out And I was like is anybody keeping tabs on this Jeffrey Dahmer dude, you know And then he ended up leaving the house and I went on like this rampage of making sure all of the windows and the doors were locked. And then I tell my fiancee about like, Oh, Jeffrey Dahmer showed up in my dream, right? And then he was like, you know, dreams are the opposite. And I was like, what?
Starting point is 00:04:16 And then he's like trying to make me feel better. So he's like, so that means you shut up in Jeffrey Dahmer's dream. I'm like, okay, that's, that's, um, and he's like, but you know what I mean? Like, it's the opposite in dreams. So, like, you're never gonna meet Jeffrey Dahmer. I'm like, he's dead, babe, but he's dead. First of all. It's just, um, him trying to help me out.
Starting point is 00:04:38 It's just an work. Thank you, though. But I want to say, though, I have no idea who Jeffrey Dahmer is. Are you kidding me? No idea. Who are you Dahmer is. Are you kidding me? No idea. Who are you? What is wrong with you? Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:50 I mean my knowledge of true crime walking from you. So if you haven't talked about it, then I have no idea about it. Let's hear it. What do you mean you don't spend your entire life just watching and reading and researching crime? It gets really wild. So if you guys don't know about Jeffrey Dahmer like Mathy Anse, you guys might know him as the serial killer who injected acid into people's brains while they were alive. Because that's kind of something that he's known for. He's known
Starting point is 00:05:17 for, I mean, well, he's known for a lot of things. He's known for Neckrophilia. There's, you know, cannibalism in today's podcast. There's a lot of just, it gets wild. So let's get started with Jeffrey Dahmer's childhood. Now, I mean, it's a little bit strange because of how big of a sexual predator Jeffrey Dahmer was, he really did not endure a lot of sexual abuse at all. I mean, if any, so there's really no evidence, There's no claim and Jeffrey was really really open about everything Which is kind of crazy like most serial killer cases you don't have just a plethora of information So he had interviews where he was so transparent. You had his dad who wrote a book on their history I mean, there's just so much time pack here. So let's get straight into where he was born
Starting point is 00:06:02 So his dad's name is Lionel and his mom's name is Joyce. And Jeffrey Dahmer would be the first of two sons in this family. Their born and Wisconsin, now he, he had a very interesting family life when he was young. So, while not the dad, he was getting a chemistry degree at college, so he was really busy being a student, he was really busy trying to get them good grades, you know, get a bag or two. So he just was doing a lot. Now the mom, she was a teletype machine instructor, but she was going through a lot of mental health issues. So she was a hypokondriac, which means that she believes that pretty much any symptom she feels is leading to a much greater life threatening disease. So for us,
Starting point is 00:06:40 we'd be like, oh, no, it's okay. We just have a cold, but she'd be like, no, I know for a fact, this is this rare disease. She goes to the doctor and they say, well we ran the test, we ran the diagnostics, you don't have what you think that you have, right? She would still be like, nah, I'm pretty sure I do. So it's more like more of a mental disease than... Yeah, yeah, for sure. And she was depressed, she had heavy amounts of anxiety, so she really wasn't maybe. I don't want to say she was a bad mom, but she wasn't the best mom that she could be because she just had a lot going on inside her own self, right?
Starting point is 00:07:10 So Jeff gets born and unlike every other serial killer that we talked about, we just talked about Edgene, on last week's podcast and he was just a recluse, right? Jeff was exuberant, he was curious, he was so freaking out going as a little baby, like he'd be two years old, just freaking running around, I wanna to touch this. I want to touch that like just being such a cute baby
Starting point is 00:07:30 And so it just was a little bit strange now four years old comes around and some shit starts to go down So the first thing is that with his curiosity came his curiosity for animals I know I know okay. I know everyone's ears just like opened up like oh my god he's gonna rip on right, he's gonna kill one right now at four years old holy shit. No, like the curiosity again still seemed really innocent. So when he's really young his dad takes him under the house because under the house they have like this cross space right and they have a lot of dead animals there. When I say a lot I mean like small dead animals. So maybe they put like pesticide and then there's like rats who ate the rat poison
Starting point is 00:08:06 You know and they ended up skeletonizing over time. They're just like little small animal bones under the house So the dad's like let me teach you a little lesson on just like the evolution of life and like how life is created and bones and shit I mean, I really don't know what he was trying to teach him But I'm sure it was something really intelligent because he's a chemistry major So he brings little Jeffrey under the house and he brings a bucket. So he's like, oh look at this bone and he cl... Into the bucket. He's like, oh Jeff, look at this bone and he cl... Into the bucket. And Jeffrey Dahmer was like, that fucking clinking noise? I don't know why. He just loved it. And his dad remembered like he just had this like just eyes of crazy wonder
Starting point is 00:08:48 With that clean noise Yeah, just like of the bones of the noise. He seemed so fascinated now his dad being a chemistry major He's thinking like oh my god. He's gonna be a veterinarian, you know He's thinking all these things. He's like this is really good, right? So he gets a little bit fascinated with animals since that point. Now, there's a lot of different sources that say a lot of different things. So, at this point forward, I mean, I don't really know what to say. I can only go off my personal, what I feel like happened, right?
Starting point is 00:09:17 But I can't say 100%. So, there are sources out there that say that he was severely neglected as an infant. Meaning, he was fed, he was properly clothed, he was always washed, he was never abused, but he was never shown heavy amounts of attention. Like an infant should be shown. He was never shown like heavy amounts of like, come here, like we're going to play this little puzzle together, right? It was just they did the bear necessity to keep them alive and well fed. And then the other claim is that his parents actually loved him a lot
Starting point is 00:09:46 and they just doated on him. Like they were just you know watching his every move, making sure everything was okay with Jeffrey. And I think the truth obviously lies probably somewhere in the middle. And just like a regular parents? Yeah, but I think maybe more so on the attention deprivation. Because his mom, because of all of the issues that she had, she's been a lot of time in bed. She wasn't really attentive to her son and she was known to be kind of greedy for attention. She was kind of known to be greedy, especially with Lionel, so he'd get back from class and she would just be like, no, me, me, me, me, me. Let me talk about my day. Like, forget the kid, me, me, me, me, me. And it just was
Starting point is 00:10:24 a lot. And she was known to be very argumentative. So she would get into these fights with Lionel all the time. She would get into fights with her neighbors. She would just get into fights with everyone. And when Jeffrey was a young kid, she attempts suicide for the first time since he was born. And she does it with something called equinell,
Starting point is 00:10:39 which is this minor tranquilizer. Now thankfully, it was not a successful suicide. And she ended up, I feel like those are really bad words to say. She thankfully ended up living, right? She survived. Yeah. Jeffrey did say that he was really miserable at home. He said that he was unhappy in the house because the parents were always fighting. So he didn't like it. I mean, the house was always tense because the mom and dad were yelling at each other. again like this all sounds so eerie and creepy because he's a serial killer But at the same time how many houses do you think right now?
Starting point is 00:11:11 Are just parents fighting in front of their kids like I grew up and I watched my parents fight, you know There was lots of tense arguments now four years old He undergoes a double hernia surgery and that's when people kind of say he started withdrawing from people So when he was young he was so curious a double hernia surgery and that's when people kind of say you started withdrawing from people. So when he was young, he was so curious, he loved everyone, he wanted to talk to people, he wanted to be active and then at 4 he has the surgery and it's like boom, completely different person afterwards. He was just very shy, very timid, not outgoing anymore, not curious, just really wanted to keep to himself. Which I mean, again, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:11:44 So we recently did a case not too long ago where we talked about another killer. And he had spent, I want to say like a week in the hospital when he was one. And I mean, that's when people say he snapped too. Which is all very important. So you're saying that this changed his personality because he was lack of love.
Starting point is 00:12:05 So that trauma ties the baby. Yeah. So a lot of people say maybe when you're young and you go to a hospital and you have to stay admitted in this hospital, maybe there is this feeling of isolation. Maybe there's a feeling of just trauma and like not being in a familiar environment. Or maybe it's just all of the things combined. But people did notice that that was something that happened and he just became somebody else. So Lionel ends up graduating and he gets a PhD and they decide to relocate their family
Starting point is 00:12:31 from Wisconsin to Ohio. Now, they move around a couple times in Ohio and they finally settle down in this house that has a two acre lot. So it's just hello woods, okay? Now, it's about an hour south of Cleveland, if you guys are interested. And Jeff was seven at the time of this move. And he had just gotten weirder, they said, you know, his dad just kind of described him as shy, socially awkward, uncomfortable,
Starting point is 00:12:56 almost like a interiority complex. Like he didn't seem to have really strong self-esteem is what his dad noted. He just observed this. Even his teacher said, it seems like he's being neglected at home. I mean, I don't think that he's being abused, but she had noted in her reports
Starting point is 00:13:11 that it seemed like he was maybe feeling neglected from the mom's illnesses. So there seemed to be something that Jeffrey was holding dear to him probably. So the parents decided to give him a dog by the name of Frisky. Frisky's not going to die, okay? I know everyone's like dog by the name of Frisky. Frisky's going- he's not going to die, okay? I know everyone's like, oh my dog, Frisky!
Starting point is 00:13:28 Frisky's not going to die, but other animals will. So Frisky, he loved that dog, Frisky. I mean, Jeff was only excited and happy around the dog, some family members, and just like a neighborhood buddy of his. Like, that was it. Like, even when he was in elementary school, he still made good friends. What kind of dog is it? I saw a picture, it looked kind of mixed.
Starting point is 00:13:51 Yeah, why? Nothing, I just wanna see a picture in my mind, you know? Oh, yeah. You're just really just envisioning Jeffrey Dom or holding a dog right now. Okay. So that's when the parents decide maybe Jeffrey needs to feel involved, maybe he needs to feel valued.
Starting point is 00:14:09 Maybe that's how he gets outside more. So when Joyce Falls pregnant with their second son, they say, hey, Jeffrey, do you want to pick the name? So he says, yeah, that'd be great. So he chooses the name David for his younger brother. Now, the parents try really really hard to get Jeffrey to not be so anti-social because he was just becoming more and more withdrawn and more and more to himself and it was really alarming the parents. So they started enrolling Jeff
Starting point is 00:14:36 in like tons of activities for kids like there's literally a video of him boating around like with other kids like you know those tiny little boats that like propel like as a bike Like he's like fucking doing that shit with like a bunch of little boys So it seemed like he had a really nice childhood He would spend the weekends with his dad. They would plant gardens in the backyard They would raise sheep for competitions. I don't know what that means. Okay, and Jeff was kind of close to his dad He would make his dad these handmade cards and they would have poems on them. One of his poems specifically said,
Starting point is 00:15:08 the squash and pumpkins can never compare to the dad who has curly hair. This poem is from Jeff and I love you to death. He doesn't kill his dad by the way. I know my fiancee's eyebrows are like going all the way up like, Oh, he loves him to death. What does that mean? So yeah, for shadow, for shadowing. So Jeffrey turns 10 and his mom is hospitalized for anxiety.
Starting point is 00:15:36 And that's when the marriage really just starts crumbling. Like it was already going bad. It was already too much. It was already tense. I mean, the fights were violent. The fights were aggressive. They were loud. They were all over the house.
Starting point is 00:15:48 But I mean, this is just one of those moments where it's just fallen apart. And so when they would fight, he would go outside into the woods and he would pick up these big sticks. And he would just start beating the shit out of the trees. Like, he would just be so mad. And he would soak in the woods and just beat these trees. And he says, you know, he was mad at his dad because his dad always considered him to be shy,
Starting point is 00:16:10 but he wasn't shy. He said he just hated being in the house because the parents were always fighting. It's just a little bit weird. And when you see interviews with the parents, it's very strange because Laonel, Lionel, I don't know why I can't say his name. The dad even admits in a book called a Father Story Later that he had dreams about murdering people. And then Jeffrey Dahmer ended up murdering people. So he wonders, I mean, he doesn't know what that means. He doesn't know if he unwillingly and, you know, had passed something down, whether it was genetics, whether it was the way that he taught something.
Starting point is 00:16:47 He doesn't know. I mean it sounds like there's gotta be something in his genetic, no? I don't think so because I feel like most murders, oh well actually. Right, like you got a boar certain way. Because he does have, he was diagnosed with a lot of things, which I think some of them are genetics that usually you not all the time, but usually are passed down through genes. So maybe it is that, but I mean, I don't know that a lot of psychologists said that that has no correlation. Even Jeffrey Domine himself was like, no, I hate when people blame my parents for what I did, right? But it's just
Starting point is 00:17:22 very interesting to note that his dad had fantasies of he just loved playing with fire. He loved the look of fire. He was bullied a lot when he was young, so he fantasized and dreamt about murdering his bullies. So he said he was relatively violent as a kid. And he kind of outgrew it, but it seems maybe Jeffrey Dahmer never did. So that's when the animals start happening. So at first Jeffrey Dahmer goes around and he starts collecting these large insects. So I'm talking dragonflies, butterflies. He'd put them into these little mason jars and he'd be like, look, I've got a dragonfly. And then he starts getting more curious.
Starting point is 00:17:59 And he's like, but what does it look like on the inside? That was his big thing. He just wanted to know what things look like on the inside. That was his big thing. He just wanted to know what things look like on the inside. Oh my god, how terrifying is that statement? And so he said it all started when in class, they have this pig dissection, right? And that's when it just like sparked this inside of it.
Starting point is 00:18:17 And they open up this pig. Yeah, back in the day, it was a different curriculum. But you know, I had a dissect of a frog. Yeah, I think everybody does. No, and then there was a worm, but I don't think so anymore. You think they still do that? The frog. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:33 You think they're still going around dissecting frogs? Um, I don't know. Let's ask people, yeah. So before we get into the frog topic, or the pink topic, I do want to say something. I mean, I'm trying to say this as nice and optimistic as possible. After listening to all these podcasts, we can definitely say everyone's different. Everyone has different needs, different preferences, different skin, different hair. Oh, you didn't even think it was gonna lead to hair, did ya?
Starting point is 00:19:07 If you guys don't know, everyone's hair is different. I mean, that's why if your friend is like, hey listen, I just bought this new shampoo from the drugstore, go get it. And you go get it and then you try it on and you just spend, I don't know, $15 on it and you realize, holy cow, this sucks. It's because you are different.
Starting point is 00:19:24 You're not like the other girls. You're special. So you should treat your hair with the same kind of love and care that you deserve. Function of beauty is the shampoo and conditioner and now body wash and body lotion because they have it that I have been dying for, but like the past, oh my gosh, I've been using their shampoo and conditioner for like two years now and my fiancee uses it. It's a specialized hair care that is formulated specifically for you. They create your shampoo, conditioner, and your hair treatments to fit your unique needs. How unique? Ask me how unique. How unique? They have over 54 trillion possible ingredient combinations.
Starting point is 00:20:02 54 trillion. Fifty-four trillion. Trillion. Trillion. Here's how it works. Okay, so you take a quiz, but it's really quick, but it's very thorough, and you tell them a little bit about your hair, then their team determines the right blend of ingredients, and then they'll bottle your custom formula to your order, and they'll deliver it straight to your door. You can even customize the color, the fragrance.
Starting point is 00:20:23 You can even print your name on it because gone are those days that you're roommate, that you're fiance, that your family steals your customized shampoo and conditioner. And their formulas are vegan, cruelty free, they never use sulfates, parabens, or other harmful ingredients, which by the way, your hair will notice a difference. Function of beauty is not just the first ever custom hair care brand. It's the internet's top rated. So if you guys don't believe me, then believe the other 40,000 people who gave them five star reviews. Go to slash rotten to take your four part hair profile quiz
Starting point is 00:20:58 and save 20% on your first order. That's Slash rotten for 20% off. Thank you, Function of Beauty, for sponsoring today's video. I'm losing my brain cells watching, listening to you just repeat that phrase. Five times in a row just now. I don't know if I'm gonna keep all of these in. He just said, functionabutie, like 10 times. So back to the pigs.
Starting point is 00:21:32 After he dissected them in class with everyone, he decided to take a pick home and he just kept the skeleton after a biology class. And then he slowly starts graduating to cats and dogs. Now just like every serial killer out there, he's a crafty mother forker. So instead of going out and killing all these cats and killing all these dogs, and I wonder if anything else to do with the fact that he even had a family pet, maybe he didn't want to kill them? I don't really know, but he ends up searching for Roadkill. So sometimes he'd go out with his friends, they would literally bike around and they'd find dead dog,
Starting point is 00:21:55 they'd find, you know, a dead squirrel, a dead ABC&D that had been hit by a car, run over, and they would bring it back into his backyard and they would just start dissecting him. It was mainly him, I mean, the other two, they just kind of like went around for the ride, but he would just start ripping them apart honestly. He would cut them down the middle, he would decapitate them, he would skin them, he would just feel all of their organs, put them in his hands and feel what they feel like. It was just so strange. One of his friends later told people that he said, I just want to see how the animals fit together. Like where does what organ go?
Starting point is 00:22:30 Where does this bone go? And I'm like, have you ever heard of a textbook? You know? So he starts just dissecting these roadkill animals. One point, he brings home the corpse of a dog, the carcass, I guess it's not a corpse, of a dog, and he decapitates it. Now he puts the decapitated head of that dog onto a wooden stake next to like this wooden cross that they have in their backyard, and then he nails the rest of the body of the dog to a tree. So does the family know about this? It seems like they find out later, and it's just it's again it's so weird because the dad was saying, you know This sounds like the beginning of a great taxidermy career
Starting point is 00:23:10 But instead he just goes like a completely different way so I think it would have been a lot more alarming if he was going around Killing these animals, but because he was collecting roadkill I think if they did know they probably kind of turned a blind eye Now the mom claims that she had no idea. And she said that if she had an idea then none of this would have happened, right? Cause she would have tried to get help. But it's just, it's weird.
Starting point is 00:23:32 He would put them in mason jars like organs into like these mason jars and he would try to preserve them. He would try to preserve a bunch of bones. And it just was a lot. So one day they're having a chicken dinner, like a rotisserie chicken dinner with the whole family. And Jeffrey looks up from his dinner and he looks at his dad and he says, dad, what would happen if I put chicken bones into
Starting point is 00:23:53 bleach? Now, Lannell at the time, he was so freaking excited, he was like, this is my chance to shine. Like my kid is finally interested in something that I major in like Like this could all be about chemistry. This is wow, for a young boy to be asking questions like this instead of being like dad, like what's going to this, right? It's just wow, what an intellectual and he starts getting so excited and he's like, let me show you a little young boy. So he brings Jeffrey over and he shows them how to safely be leech and preserve animal bones. So bleach is part of the process.
Starting point is 00:24:31 So he just kind of like puts it into bleach, I guess, for a certain amount of time. I mean, I don't really know if the FBI is listening. I don't know. I don't know how to do any of that. Okay. So high school comes around and he becomes just an outcast. I feel like it is. So what is his fast-natured about just collecting bones?
Starting point is 00:24:51 He doesn't even know. So I saw this like two-hour long interview while he was in prison after everything. And he says that there is just a part of them that like wants to keep these things. It's like the collecting, collecting those. And later he tries to make like an alter out of skulls of real people. Huh, okay. Yeah, so high school, this is when everything kind of starts more like a regular serial killer story. So he becomes an outcast in high school.
Starting point is 00:25:17 By the time that he's like 15 years old, he's already drinking beer, he's already drinking liquor, and he's drinking it at school. Like he would literally pour it into a flask, put it, tuck it into his little jacket, roll up to school and start taking swigs of that at eight in the morning. And one of his classmates was like, that smells very odd. So she looks at him and she's like, what is that? And he was like, it's my medicine. So it seemed like he was addicted to alcohol at a very young age. Now the staff at this high school, they say, you know, he was pretty polite, like at first, when he first started as a freshman, he was highly intellectual, but he had average grades.
Starting point is 00:25:51 But like the teachers could tell that it wasn't just about the grades, like the teachers could tell that he was very smart, he just didn't try at school. He briefly played on the tennis team, and he was part of the high school band at one point, and this is also around the time when he starts realizing Holy shit, I'm gay, you know, I'm only attracted to men
Starting point is 00:26:08 I don't have these fantasies or this yearning to be around, you know, girls my age I don't want to date them. I want to ask them a prom and he decides he doesn't want to tell his parents So this was a different time back then and even today it's so difficult to come out I can only imagine right but back then it was a lot harder and his parents were constantly fighting like why would he feel comfortable in his home to fun you know finally be like hey guys I'm gay you know so he didn't now his early teens he had a brief relationship with another teenage boy it's said that they didn't have any intercourse but it just kind of kick started everything a little bit more. Then he starts getting these really intense fantasies, and he still doesn't know where
Starting point is 00:26:48 they've come from, even after all of his crimes when he was interviewed. He doesn't know where it really originated, which is the fact that he wants to dominate a completely submissive male partner. He wants complete control. He likes this idea of laying down next to an unconscious man. Like not even having sex with that man, just laying down. Just domination. Yeah, like they were just unconscious.
Starting point is 00:27:14 Which is such a strange thing, right? Yeah. I mean, it's strange, but it's not that strange, right? I mean, like we can still kind of be like, oh, I mean, it's not that crazy, right? Christian Grey. Type shit. But it just like, oh, I mean, it's not that crazy, right? Christian Grey, type shit. But it just was, yeah, that's just his thing. So he sees this male jogger that's always jogging on the same route every single day
Starting point is 00:27:33 and he's like, holy fork, that male jogger is so attractive and he starts getting this fantasy of like, I want to make that jogger unconscious so that I have complete control over that jogger's body. Now, here's another very interesting thing about Jeffrey Dahmer is the fact that he was really, really particular about his victims. He only went after attractive lean muscular men. Like, he was like, it doesn't matter what race, it doesn't matter anything. They just have to be attractive. Like, he was attracted to anyone that was attractive. That was a male Got it like young muscular, right?
Starting point is 00:28:06 And so he hides in the bushes with a baseball bat and he's waiting for the jogger to run by This was high school. Yeah, so he's waiting He's waiting and the jogger doesn't jog that day And so this was his first attempt to attack someone and he was like, I'm not gonna try it again Like I'm just gonna let the jogger jog, okay. Which is very interesting, right? And when he was asked in an interview, he said around 14 to 15 years old when he was just lost. There was nothing his parents could do
Starting point is 00:28:33 to kind of reel him back in from these crazy fantasies he was having. So he starts fantasizing about killing people around this age. Killing and particularly dismembering. So it seems like he's more into dismembering than killing. But you also have to remember that Jeffrey Dahmer is not a sadist. So he's not going to dismember you while you're alive because he actually doesn't want to hear you scream and pain. He doesn't want you to feel complete torture.
Starting point is 00:29:02 Like sometimes I just wonder what happened? You have a room just throw all the serial killers in there? Do you think they'd kill each other? Right, I wonder what the fuck's gonna happen. You know those people, they throw a bunch of random bugs into a box. Have you seen those video? Yeah, or the psychologist who put three people together who all believe that they were the prophet.
Starting point is 00:29:23 Yeah, yeah, yeah. And like they try to see what happened. Yeah, I would love to see like all these serial killers. Oh, God. See who comes out, you know. I mean, they definitely, like someone's gonna die, right? There's no way that they're just gonna like sit there and just share stories. They start a podcast.
Starting point is 00:29:42 You're right. So he starts fantasizing about dismembering people. And he was kind of traumatized by these fantasies. So again, it's so weird. So he has this fantasy and he's like, oh my God, what is this disgusting thought that I'm having? This is nasty. And when he was young, he didn't really embrace these thoughts.
Starting point is 00:30:00 He was like, this is gross. What's wrong with me? And he became really ashamed to the point where he started drinking all the time, like just every single day, eight in the morning, he's taken shots of whiskey. So, Jeffrey said he never knows where it came from. I mean, therapists even after all of these crimes, they studied him and they said, you know, maybe it's this, maybe it's this, but nobody has given him a concrete answer of why he wants to dismember people.
Starting point is 00:30:24 So even though he was kind of a recluse and he didn't have all these friends, he was kind of a class clown. Like, he staged a bunch of pranks. So his favorite one was to pretend that he was having an epileptic seizure or that he had some other disease and they actually called it doing a dumber at school. Like, imagine how much these kids are probably traumatized after they grew up and found out. Oh my god. Remember when we used to say doing a dumber? Well um, turns out! So he would pretend like there'd be a hurricane drill. Like you would just see this random dude running through the hallways
Starting point is 00:30:55 being like a hurricane drill and it was Jeffrey Dahmer. So again, it's just so confusing like, is he shy? Is he awkward? Is he an outcast or is he, you know, does he have a personality? Maybe he's too scared to show. I mean, he was obsessed with having a bizarre, unexpected type of laugh from people. So he would even go to the mall and all of his classmates, I guess they gather at the mall in the weekends. So he went out to a lady who was giving away
Starting point is 00:31:19 these like sunflower seeds. So he's like, can I get some? Can I get some and he was very polite, you know? He's always polite to adults. And then he shoved a bunch at his mouth. And then he ran around the wall, screaming, spitting out sunflower seed one at a time, screaming, I'm allergic, I'm allergic. And it was called doing a Dahmer. One time they went on a field trip to Washington, DC. And somehow, he was able to get the call, like the phone number of the executive office of the vice president and said, hey, my high school is here to like learn some
Starting point is 00:31:52 shit in Washington DC. We're from Wisconsin. Can we meet the vice president? And he was able to get the whole class in to have a private meeting with the vice president at the time. So he just, I mean, I don't even know. I don't even know what to say. He is such a strange dude.
Starting point is 00:32:11 But not in just like the regular strange way, like truly just, I can't really wrap my head around. Like a strange. Yeah. But then he was also just a drunk outcast. So we don't really know. Is he doing these for other people's attention and like laughter or praise?
Starting point is 00:32:26 What is it right? It seems like it but it doesn't seem like he lives on it. It doesn't seem like he is like Yerding for the next time he makes someone laugh you know. Hmm, I see. He just like did some bizarre shit And people thought it was funny whether he was doing that bizarre shit because he genuinely didn't think it was funny And everyone perceived it to be funny. Or if he just was like, whatever, I feel good today. So I'm going to do this weird joke. I see. So it was called doing a dumber.
Starting point is 00:32:53 And then everything starts falling apart. Okay. So it's great stop dropping. They hire a tutor. It doesn't work. He has no friends. He's closed off. And his parents, they tried couples counseling.
Starting point is 00:33:03 That doesn't work. And then Lionel finds out that Joyce had a brief affair so the parents end up getting divorced. Now Lionel immediately moves out of the family home into a motel that's about five miles away and Joyce she ends up taking David, her youngest son, and moves away to Wisconsin. And she doesn't tell Lionel, she doesn't tell anybody, she just ups and anybody she just ups and leaves now Jeffrey who's 18 had just Recently graduated high school. He's just left alone at the family home Like Joyce and David up and leave and Lionel has no idea that they even left Lionel has no idea that Jeffrey is home alone
Starting point is 00:33:38 He's just there. Yeah, but he's 18. Yeah, I mean he's 18 But it just was I'm sure that had probably had I heard his ego like his feelings of like why did my. So at that point the divorce gets finalized. Joyce was given Soul custody over David. Jeffrey obviously wasn't in the picture because he's over 18 and she was given Alamoney payments. Now three weeks after graduation is when Jeffrey Dahmer commits his first murder at 18 years old. So he's completely home alone.
Starting point is 00:34:08 And this is when all of his fantasies start just becoming so insane in his head, it's just non-stop. He's completely isolated. He has no friends. He's just thinking about killing people. And that's when he's driving around and he sees this hitchhiker by the name of Stephen Hicks. And he's about 19 years old. And he was trying to go to like a rock concert. So he's hitchhiker by the name of Stephen Hicks. And he's about 19 years old,
Starting point is 00:34:25 and he was trying to go to like a rock concert. So he's hitchhiking to get there. So he's like, okay, get in the car. Now, Jeffrey later, he even tells people like, I wanted everything to just not stop the car, but I couldn't. I had to do it. Everything was lining up because he had even fantasized
Starting point is 00:34:41 about killing a hitchhiker, like just laying next to an unconscious hitchhiker. So he lures him into the house for drinking. He hasn't really planned the murder yet. He just really wants to like have control over him sexually. So they start drinking in a lot of alcohol. They start drinking and listening to music. And after a couple of hours, Steven is like, you know,
Starting point is 00:35:01 it's been cool, dude, but I kind of want to go. I'm like, I wanted to hitchhike, not hang out with you for the rest of my life. So if that's cool with you, like, let's just hit the road. Now, Jeffrey didn't want him to go. So he felt the only thing that he could do was be like, hey, just wait a minute before we head out and he went and grabbed a 10 pound dumbbell and struck him from behind while Stephen was just sitting in a chair. Okay.
Starting point is 00:35:28 And then he used the bar of that dumbbell to strangle him to death. He stripped Stephen of all of his clothes once he was dead and he stood next to the corpse and just masturbated. Which again, like there's just such this intense want of Jeffrey to have control over unconscious or dead bodies. Like he sees them as objects and not as people. He doesn't want them to move. He doesn't want them to say anything. He just wants them to lay dead.
Starting point is 00:36:02 Interesting. Which like did they not have sex dolls back in the day? Probably not. Damn. So then the next day, he completely dissects the body in the basement. He buries Steven's body in a shallow grave, and then weeks later, he will go back and dig up that body, separate the flesh from the bone.
Starting point is 00:36:21 Yeah, and then he will dissolve the flesh and acid and then flushed down Steven flesh into a toilet. So what is he doing? He's taking, he wants to preserve the bones? Yeah, so he has all the bones and at first he doesn't, he's not really about preservation. At first he's about disposal. So his first murder, he actually grabs a sledgehammer and he starts crushing up the bones and he puts them into like these trash bags and he dumps them into his car and he starts driving late at night to a local dump site That's when he gets pulled over by the police because he was drifting across like the lane lines And they literally pull him over and they're like where are you going this late?
Starting point is 00:36:57 And he's like the dumpside and they're like what's in those trash bags? And he's like listen my parents are getting divorced and I just, like, I wanted to declutter the house. I just felt like it'd be nice to just get away from the house right now at this time and go to the dump site. So he's like, okay, well you get a ticket for driving weird, but have a good day. And so he drives Jeffrey Dahmer drives back home and stashes the bones into under the house area, right? And then he goes back later and he just scatters them across the woods. Okay, so he completely disposed the body. Yeah, completely by
Starting point is 00:37:36 dissolving in our sit and flushing down the toilet. Now six weeks after his first murder, his dad returns home with a new fiance and that's when he discovers that Jeffrey is at home. He's like, what the fork, like where's your mom? Like where's David? And why aren't you with them? Like you've just been here for the past six weeks. Like why didn't nobody tell me this? Like what have you been doing for the six pack weeks?
Starting point is 00:37:55 And he's like, oh it's fine dad, like it's nothing. Now his dad realizes that he's just drinking his life away. So he's like, okay you graduated high school like now what? Like now what are we gonna do? So he starts putting a lot of pressure for him to go to Ohio State University. He's like, you need to go to college, you need to get a degree, come on.
Starting point is 00:38:11 So he's like, you need a major in business, you're gonna be good at business, Jeffrey, I believe in you. So he goes to Ohio State University, and the entire time he just drinks his way through the three months that he was there. He would even sell his blood to these plasma centers so that he could be able to pay for the alcohol that he was consuming on a daily basis. And business, my booty, Bits, here's best grade in Ohio State University was a B-minus in rivalry, which is the practice of shooting rifles, which I didn't know that that's like a class you can take. But I also didn't know if like, is that something you need for business? So that was his best grade and his GPA was a point four five out of a four point.
Starting point is 00:38:56 No, a point four five. So he was just really failing and his dad had even paid for the next semester, but he dropped out within three months. So he goes back home to live with his dad and his soon to be sent mom and he's like, hey guys, I'm back and he just starts drinking again and his dad is like, Jesus Christ, like you can't do this. You need to do something with your life. So he's like, you know what you should do?
Starting point is 00:39:19 You should do what all the other boys do. Go join the army. Woohoo. So he's like, whatever. I mean, I don't really care. Like he had a very passive approach. It didn't seem like he had any crazy ambitions in life. Like he wasn't like no doubt I'm not gonna do that because I want to do this, right? He was just like okay whatever. So he joins the army and he gets trained as a medical specialist. And that's when he learns heavily about human anatomy.
Starting point is 00:39:47 Heavily, and he was based in San Antonio, Texas. And he was really happy there. It seemed like he was the happiest he'd been in so long. Like people said, he almost reminded them of baby Jeffrey, like just kind of outgoing, kind of carefree, seems like he was finding himself, and then boom, they said, sorry, you gotta leave Texas because we're gonna be
Starting point is 00:40:09 stationing you in West Germany. You're going overseas, boo-boo, and yeah, that's when everything fell apart. So he was considered an average, maybe slightly above average soldier in Texas, which is pretty good, you know? But in West Germany, just a lot of shit went down. So at the time, they didn't know this,
Starting point is 00:40:27 but he had raped two people in the army. He had raped two fellow soldiers in the army. One of them came out in 2010, I believe. So one of them said, listen, I was raped by Jeffrey Dahmer over 17 months in West Germany. Like he would constantly like drug me, you know, rape me and it happened
Starting point is 00:40:45 for a really long time. And then the second person said that we were in a tank and he drugged me and he raped me. In a tank? Yeah. And so it seems like maybe his superiors didn't know, but I also don't know because I've heard a lot of crazy stuff about armies having like their own little ecosystem of like judge jury and everything, right? And they are really good at suppressing shit so I don't know if that has anything to do with it but apparently his superior is never new and they said it was his alcohol issue and so they gave him an honorable discharge so they said you're just not a match but it was not a dishonorable
Starting point is 00:41:19 discharge it was an honorable one they said we're just not meant for each other it's not you it's me. Wait when was this after he went to Germany? Yeah, in Germany is when you know his alcoholism started getting really bad again So in Texas he was doing great, but when he was stationed in West Germany, it just all fell apart The allegations of the rape, you know was all when he was in Germany We don't know if it came out during the time, but that was in Germany. Okay. So he was honorably discharged And he felt like he just couldn't face his dad So he was like I'm not going back to freaking Ohio send me to Miami, Florida Because when you get honorably discharged, they get you like a ticket anywhere in the US. So he's like fucking Miami, dude
Starting point is 00:41:59 Which okay, I do want to mention if you guys have a week's stomach, please keep in mind that this story is gonna be heavy on cannibalism later on. And I was reading this Reddit thread, and it's a really, really intense one, just... It's supposed to be like for true crime people who really like dark jokes. And the running joke is that Jeffrey Dahmer is a horrendous chef. Okay. Because he's a cannibal. I mean, that's supposed to be the butt of the joke, right? But I will tell you something.
Starting point is 00:42:28 I am not a horrendous chef. Because I use green chat. I don't even know why companies work with me. I'm like, do they know what kind of weird segues I do, sir? So if you guys don't have green chat. Let me tell you about green chef. It's a USDA certified organic company that makes eating well easy and affordable with plans to fit every single lifestyle. So it doesn't matter if you guys are
Starting point is 00:42:55 keto. They've got a keto plan. Maybe your paleo. Maybe you want to be plant-powered. Maybe you're like, listen, I'm all about that balance. That's exactly what Green Chef does. So it lets you choose from a wide array of easy to follow lifestyle recipes with select organic ingredients. And then they get shipped to your house with these recipes that are just so easy to follow, like they're quick, they're step-by-step instructions, they've got these little chef tips in there that are super helpful, they've got photos to guide you along because I am a visual person. Everything is hand-picked and delivered right to your door. The ingredients are pre-measured. Do you know how many times I've messed up a recipe because they're like
Starting point is 00:43:32 two tablespoons and I'm like, I'll do four. It's perfectly portioned and it's pretty much mostly prepped. My mom actually has taken a liking into green chef because it kind of fulfills that want of like seeing those ingredients go in, seeing those fresh ingredients go in and then you make this delicious meal without all the stress of like measuring everything out, go into the grocery store yourself, it's just so easy and it's really nice to discover new recipes every single week. You can switch up a meal plan whenever so you're like I'm keto today but I'm plant based tomorrow you can do whatever you want. They've got a wide variety of high quality, clean ingredients that you can feel really, really good about.
Starting point is 00:44:10 It's also the most sustainable meal kit. Offsetting about 100% of its direct carbon emissions and plastic packaging in every box. So let green chef do the meal planning, the grocery shopping, and most of the prep work for you week after week so that you can just feel like a little chef in that kitchen. Make sure to check out green chef and use code rotin80 to get $80 off your first month plus free shipping on your first box. Go to, slash rotin80 to redeem,
Starting point is 00:44:42 and you can get more details there. So then he moves to Florida and he gets a job at a local Delhi and he starts renting this room at a local motel. Now he gets this money from the Delhi and then he immediately spends it on alcohol. So he's gonna get kicked out of that motel because he's just not paying for the fees. So he's like, you know what, when and Miami?
Starting point is 00:45:00 So he starts sleeping on the beach. So every night he will sleep on the beach, wake up, go work at the Delhi, spend all of his money on alcohol and then go sleep on the beach. So every night he will sleep on the beach, wake up, go work at the deli, spend all of his money on alcohol, and then go sleep at the beach again. And this is where it gets crazy. Like you would think that there'd be a tipping point. Like maybe he's like, okay, I need to get like a, I need to do a 180 on my life. What am I doing with my life?
Starting point is 00:45:17 Like it's a midlife quarter life crisis. But no, his tipping point is that he is terrified of rats. And one night while he's laying on the beach, a huge rat just crawled all over his chest and he freaks the fork out, this zero killer, freaks the fuck out and he's like, uh-oh, not today. So he calls his dad and he's like, daddy, I need to go back to Ohio.
Starting point is 00:45:38 I'm just gonna, he was like, dad, can you send me money? And the dad was like, no, you're gonna come back to Ohio. So he said, okay. So he goes back to Ohio and he moves in with his dad and his new stepmom and he just becomes just a drunk like he just drinks and drinks and drinks. He gets arrested for drunken disorderly conducts. His dad tries to fix him, it's just not working. So he's like you know what, there's one person you love. The one person he loved was his grandma and Wisconsin.
Starting point is 00:46:04 That just something about his grandma Jeffrey just showed her so much affection, had so much respect for her. So they were like, go live with your fucking grandma, because we can't handle this anymore. So at first when he's living in Wisconsin, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, with his grandma, everything's great. He's doing the chores. He's going to church. He even gets a job as a phlebotomist, which is the person that injects you with needles, like a flu shop, they're like a phlebotomist. So he's like poking people in shit. So he's like, this is great.
Starting point is 00:46:32 So he starts making some money. And then he gets arrested again for indecent exposure because he decides to go to a park, just a lolly gagging at a park. And there's a group of 25 women and children. And for some reason reason he felt so compelled to just get butt naked. And he was like, look at my wavy.
Starting point is 00:46:50 What in the world? Yes, we get to rest in decent exposure, which actually did you know it's a problem in South Korea from what I know. They're called Pabari men, which is just dudes in trench coats, but they're completely butt naked underneath and they'll go to a woman and they'll just boom. What did they get out of this? They like the fear and shock. They want to hear the ghost scream.
Starting point is 00:47:11 So at first it's funny, but then later you're like, wow, that's really psychotic. Yeah. So then after 10 months, he gets laid off from his job as a phlobatomist. I mean, I don't really know if anything about the indecent exposure had to do with it but he just became unemployed for the next two years. So for the next two years his grandma gives him all of his allowance. He's just immediately buying alcohol from it and then finally after two years of that he gets a job at a chocolate factory. Why? What's wrong with that? I don't know it's just ruining my vision of chocolate factories. Like Willy Wonka is so cute and then it's like Jeffrey Donner.
Starting point is 00:47:47 So he would work the overnight shift at this chocolate factory 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. as a chocolate mixer and he goes to a library on one of his off days and that's when a man passes him a note and the note is just like, Hey, do you want me to give you head? Like it was just the man. Yeah, it was just the man asking Jeffrey if he wanted to receive Felatio from the man. And Jeffrey did not accept the proposal. He was like, no, thank you.
Starting point is 00:48:13 He did not do anything with that guy. But then it kind of just sparked this flame inside of him. He's like, you know, I am gay. And I should go experience that. So he starts going to gay bars. He starts going to gay bath houses. So the way that a bath house works, which I didn't really know,
Starting point is 00:48:28 but I can kind of equate to it as like a steam room, like a sauna, like kind of like a gym-duty bag, right? But they have gay bath houses, which is you have to be male to enter and you usually typically buy like a membership. So it's kind of like a gym and they have these private rooms inside, they have sounders, they have pools inside and it's not a brothel. So you're not going there to pay people
Starting point is 00:48:50 for sex and they also the workers are not sex workers. It's just a place where you can meet people. Socialite. Yeah, so it's kind of like a hotel but kind of, right? Like it's a social place, right? And so he would go to these gay book stores as well and from one of these gay book stores he ends up stealing a male mannequin that was in the window and he started that that's what I had the same question like I was like do you does he just like put a jacket on it and then just like put his arm over and like start talking him like oh my god let's get out of here Steve like how does that work? Yeah, yeah, so maybe that's exactly how we do it So he stole the male mannequin and stuffed him in his closet and he would just masturbate on it
Starting point is 00:49:31 And he loved the idea that the male mannequin would just like sit there like lifeless And just take it, but I mean it's weird because he's still doing all the work like he's masturbating It's not like sex. I don't know So his grandma eventually finds it makes him throw it out. So then he mainly goes to these bath houses and he said it was a relaxing place. And every time he went, he said, I'm looking for the best looking guys in here because he only likes hot dudes. Right. So he gets really upset when people move during sex. Incredibly upset. If you moan, you move, your buttaches, oh Jeffrey don't like that. Okay, he doesn't like that. He wants you to just be motionless, pretend to be dead.
Starting point is 00:50:12 So, so he's having sex with different dudes. Yeah. And he's telling them to be still. Yeah, and they won't because I mean, it's sex. Like they're not dead, you know? And he wanted them to be objects and not people. So that's when he starts smuggling in these sleeping pills and he would roofy people's drinks in these bath houses. And he had raped about 12 unconscious people before he was officially banned from the bath house
Starting point is 00:50:39 because they realized, oh my god, it's all Jeff Ray, right? So he gets a serious rapist right there. Yeah, so he becomes just like a massive rapist. And then he looks on the local news, and there's this 18 year old dude who had just recently died. So he's like, I'm gonna go dig up his coffin. Oh my god. And I'm gonna have sex with the corpse.
Starting point is 00:50:56 That's perfect because I want everyone to be dead, and this one's dead. But then he gets to the grave, and he's like, the soil is too hard. So like, I mean, it's just like this weird mixture of like he's like this crazy killer But then also a little bitch, right? So he's like the soil is too hard So then he goes home because he can't dig up the coffin and that's when he gets arrested again So not long after that. He's at the Kineke Kineke River Kineke
Starting point is 00:51:21 River I am literally the most uneducated Can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I, can I. So he gets convicted of disorderly conduct, and he gets one year probation, and he has to agree to undergo additional counseling. Now, that's when the second murder happens. So he needs a guy by the name of Steve at a downtown bar, and he persuades him to join him at the ambassador hotel in Milwaukee. And that's where Jeffrey had a room for the night. He said that he had no intention of murdering Steve. He just wanted to drag him and rape him. And
Starting point is 00:52:08 so then he said the next morning he wakes up and Steve is unconscious, unconscious, and his chest has been crushed and and he was black and blue everywhere with bruises. And he had blood coming out of his mouth. Jeffrey's arms and his fist were bruised up and he has no memory of what happened that night. Later he tells the police, maybe, maybe he tried to rip out his heart, he doesn't know. So he goes and he buys a large suitcase, places Steve's body in there and brings him back to grandma's. And then one week later he dismemberes the body, det touches the head, the arms, the legs from the torso, and he starts flaying the bones from the body. So he takes out all the bones. He cuts the flesh into small, hands-ice pieces, puts those flesh pieces into plastic bags.
Starting point is 00:52:57 He puts the bones into like a bag of sheets and starts breaking them down with a sledgehammer. And the dude is productive. I mean, the whole deep, like, just dismemberment process took about two hours. And he disposed of all of the trash. Like, he pulverized the bones. Like, they were splinter sized because he put them into a sheet and just sledge hammered it for just an hour. This is very professional, huh?
Starting point is 00:53:21 Yeah. And he disposed all in just like the regular trash. Wow, except Steve's head So for two weeks he keeps the head wrapped up in a blanket and then he decides to boil the head in a mixture of soy legs and bleach so soy legs is like an industrial detergent So he mixes mixes some detergent some bleach boils the head and then now it's just a skull So all the flesh had like disintegrated and so now it's just the skull and he starts masturbating to the skull every single day. Now eventually because bleach really breaks down bones like a lot. So the skull became too brittle and eventually started breaking off pieces of the head. So
Starting point is 00:53:58 he's like, oh man, like I can't masturbate to this anymore. So he decides to just pulverize the rest of the skull like beat it with a sledgehammer, and then disposes of it. The way he just... Just does it. Yeah, the body is like disappeared. Yeah. Like everything is gone. Like it's crazy because a lot of serial killers, they just like leave the body in the woods.
Starting point is 00:54:20 Yeah, yeah, yeah. They're like, this is good. Yeah, and they have trouble even to like remove a part. And then imagine like, this is in his grandma's house. Like, he's not living in like an isolated middle of nowhere right now. Yeah. He's in Milwaukee. Like, it's a pretty populated area. It's not the little matter. No fucking idea. No idea. No idea. So then the third murder was James, who was only 14 years old. So he was a native American and I mean this just He was a male prostitute at 14 so obviously he was probably trapped like something was just bad going on in his life
Starting point is 00:54:55 Okay, it breaks my heart that he's 14. I don't even so he gets lured into his grandma's house into Jeffrey's grandma's house And he was told that for nude photos he would get $50. So he's like, this is great. So he goes into the house and they engage in consensual, allegedly consensual, sexual activity. And that's when Jeffrey decides to drug up. Also, I take that back. There's no consent when they're 14, but just keep that in mind, okay? So Jeffrey decides to drug up James and then strangles him until he dies and then does the same dismemberment process. dismember is the rest of the body and bones in the trash, boils the head and keeps the head to masturbate. then he has another victim and I mean it's just weird, like he starts giving oral sex to the corpse,
Starting point is 00:55:41 so his fourth murder victim was named Richard and after he strangled him, Jeffrey gave oral sex to the corpse, so his fourth murder victim was named Richard, and after he strangled him, Jebri gave Oral sex to the corpse. Which I don't know, and I just, I feel like I haven't really heard a lot of cases like that. I've heard a lot of, you know, assaults. I've heard a lot of Sodomy, or even, you know, with Ed Kemper, he would thrust into the mouths of severed heads, but like he was giving the oral sex. So it's just weird. All I know is the possibility of these serial killers are endless.
Starting point is 00:56:15 Yeah. Seriously. And so then he finally dismembered the body and within 24 hours, I mean he is disposed of the body. All the bones, all the flesh in the trash, same M.O. Now, he has attempted number five. Okay, attempt number five gets ruined because he puts drugs in the coffee of the victim. The victim is at his grandma's house and that's when he's like getting so excited.
Starting point is 00:56:38 His mouth is salivating. He's like, can't wait for this victim to die, you know? And there's grandma, it's like, Jeff, is that you, sweetie? And he was like, fuck my grandma, so I'm supposed to be home right now. So he starts panicking and he responded as if he was like alone. So he's like, oh yeah, yeah, just go back by myself
Starting point is 00:56:55 or something, right? And his grandma had mentioned that she saw that he wasn't alone. And he knew it. So it was kind of like this unspoken thing, right? So the grandma didn't say anything, but he knew that she saw so he didn't kill him. He ends up dropping him off at a local hospital And that's when yeah, that's when the grandma sits him down and he says listen I'm gonna need you to move out. So first of all, I don't really feel comfortable with you bringing all these random young men
Starting point is 00:57:22 You know home late at night. Now. I don't know if there was any sort of homophobia involved in this situation, but it seems like he kept a relatively good relationship with his grandma even afterwards, so I don't think so. But I mean, I can only imagine being a grandma and like your grandkids are just fucking people, like I'd be concerned. I'd be like, can you not do that in my house, right? I don't think it has anything to do with homophobia, but it's just out for debate right and then the second thing was that there was you know a nasty smell coming from the basement she's like do all people in there 20 smell like this I don't even remember it's just a nasty smell and you
Starting point is 00:57:54 did a pack it up dude okay get some cologne so then he's like fine so he finds a one bedroom apartment and he moves in now the next day he gets arrested because he lured a 13 year old boy into that apartment and he said, I'm gonna pay you for a noot, but he ends up drugging him and fondling him. Now this 13 year old boy is so important to the story because later on one of Jeffrey Dahmer's murder victims is this boy's younger brother, coincidence, complete coincidence. So then he was convicted
Starting point is 00:58:26 of second degree sexual assault, which I'm like, why? The boy got away. Yeah. Well, haven't just ran off. Yeah. He woke up and I guess he just didn't want to kill him. He was like, you're free to go. And so January 1989, he gets convicted and he has to wait till May 1989 for his sentencing so then he moves back in with his grandma sometime in March right and two months after his conviction and two months before Sentencing like imagine the stress of light like you don't even know if you're getting jail time right You're gonna find out in two months, but he's like I'm gonna just kill someone So he might meet some and by the name of Anthony Sears who was an aspiring model and they meet at a gay bar And he said, Anthony was just exceptionally attractive,
Starting point is 00:59:07 one of the most attractive men that he met in his entire life. He didn't go to the gay bar, like he wasn't like hunting for any victims, but he just kept talking to me. And so I was like, wow, you're so hot, right? So he brings him back to grandma's. They engage in some oral sex. He drugs up Anthony,
Starting point is 00:59:26 and he strangles Anthony. And then he brings him to grandma's bathtub, decapitates him, and that's when some weird stuff starts happening. So that's when he tries skinning him to try to preserve his skin, stripped him of his flesh from his bones. He pulverized the bones and disposed in the trash the same way as he always does. But this time he wants to preserve the head and his genitalia in acetone. What does that mean?
Starting point is 00:59:54 So he's trying to put it into like, you know acetone, like the stuff I used to like remove my nail polish? Sure. So he's trying to preserve it and it's like glory, Like, you know, those Halloween, like imagine like those jars, like, yeah. Oh my God. And he would store those in his work locker on the chocolate factory,
Starting point is 01:00:13 because this grandma could find it. Oh my God. Which is very fascinating. A lot of psychologists actually would later study this fact because he ends up, what do you call it, castrating a lot of his victims, ripping off their penis, cutting it off, right? And trying to preserve it.
Starting point is 01:00:27 And Jeffrey, when he was young, he always had this fear that his penis would be gone one day. Like, he would, yeah, his dad apparently said that he would ask his mom, like, what if it just falls off? Like, what if my penis just like, I wake up and it falls off? Like, what if I bump into a wall and my penis
Starting point is 01:00:42 just like falls off? It's a really weird thought. Yeah, like, what if I, I have my leg falls asleep and then my penis falls off. Like, what if I bump into a wall and my penis just like falls off? It's a really weird thought. Yeah, like, what if I, I have my leg falls asleep and then my penis falls off? That's really weird. Yeah. Never thought about that before. You never thought about it? No. Now he's got a new fear.
Starting point is 01:00:55 It's weird. Yeah, so that's what he, I mean, it's just, we don't know if this is like a weird moment for him. If that's something he's always thought about and then made it happen. Now there are victims. So then he moves into the Oxford apartment which is known to be a not-so-great area. It had really really cheap rent. So he was just excited to get out of his grandma's house again and he's like yada yada yada goes to his chocolate factory work locker takes out Anthony's penis and his head and brings him to his new
Starting point is 01:01:21 apartment. He gets this beautiful like tropical fish tank. Yeah, he has fish. He has fish tank, okay? And within one week, he gets his sixth victim, Raymond Smith, who is a 32 year old male prostitute. Wait, what is he doing with the fish tank? Just like has the fish there. He likes fish. Oh, I thought you were saying that. Oh, no, he's not going to put the skulls in the fish tank. Oh my god. No, like the penis. Oh, no, no, no, no no. Yeah yeah. And so he gets this male prostitute to come over for some sex and they you know pay and stuff like that. He ends up roofing him with seven sleeping pills and then he manually strangles him. Now this time
Starting point is 01:01:56 there's a deviation. He goes and he buys a polluried camera and he starts taking pictures of the corpse in the bathroom while like before and during dismemberment. So it would be in the process, like progress update, pull-or-aid pictures. Did they see the photo? Oh yeah, that's how he gets caught, by the way, by those photos. A cop was looking for something else in his house and they found the photos.
Starting point is 01:02:19 It's crazy. So then he just dismembers, boils the legs, arms, and the pelvis and this giant steel kettle with the legs, arms and the pelvis and like this giant steel kettle with soy legs, the detergent, and he wrints the bones in the sink and he ends up dissolving the rest of the bones in like a container full of acid acid. Now this is again where he starts doing something different. So he gets the skull of Richard Raymond and he spray paints the skull. So we get to the school of Richard Raymond and he spray paints the skull.
Starting point is 01:02:47 I got DIY like a DIY. Yeah. But then like these kind of things, even if you see it, you wouldn't even think that's real, right? I mean, I don't know. I've never seen a human school. Go to a Halloween store. It's just a regular school. No, but like I wonder if I see a real one if I'd be like, that doesn't, that looks a little different. You wouldn't be able to tell.
Starting point is 01:03:03 You think so. Yeah. You think I'd just be like Oh, would you get that yeah spirit Halloween? Yeah, some shit target. No, it's Melissa That's not funny. I don't know why you laugh. I didn't even think the joke was funny. I just did nervous laugh I think now nervous laughing again anyways, so the next week he ends up This was his seventh murder attempt this one is kind of funny so he ends up bringing a victim over to do the same thing that he did to his other six victims
Starting point is 01:03:32 but Jeffrey Dahmer drinks the drink with the sedatives. You forgot? Yeah like he got the drinks mixed up so he drinks the drinks with the sedatives He wakes up the next morning and the victim steals a $300 in cash, a bunch of clothes, and his watch. Oh, man. I know it's so good. So good. And he never reports it because obviously, right? And he does mention it to a probation officer like in passing, like, oh, I was robbed.
Starting point is 01:04:02 And then later he'll tell them what happened. So then the seventh murder was Edward Smith who was 27 years old. Now he didn't like that all the previous skulls were very brittle so the two skulls that he had kept they just were on the verge of breaking and all his past ones they had already broken. So he's like you know I'm gonna try to do a different this time. So he does the same thing with the flesh he always gets rid of the flesh. I mean sometimes he keeps it to eat it. So he likes the heart and the liver and the legs and the thighs. So he'll eat some of those,
Starting point is 01:04:31 but up until this point, he doesn't eat it yet, right? And he ends up placing the skeleton into the freezer. And that's when he's like, okay, it's gonna suck out the moisture from the bones. But it doesn't. So then he's like, you know what? I'm gonna kinda dehydrate it. Like, you know know like beef jerky
Starting point is 01:04:45 But to a skull so he puts the skull into the oven to cause it to suck out the moisture so that it doesn't like decompose and shit And that's when the skull explodes in the oven Yeah, I don't know the logistics. I don't know the cooking logistics. I don't know the heat logistics I just know that is not a visual that I wanted to have. So he later tells the police that he felt awful about this murder, just completely rotten. He used the word rotten. He used the word rotten because he couldn't keep any of the body parts. It's not the fact that he murdered someone that he feels awful about. He's like, damn it, I couldn't keep any of the body parts. It's not the fact that he murdered someone that he feels awful about. He's like, damn it! I couldn't preserve the skull!
Starting point is 01:05:28 And so he was really mad. So then he meets Ernest, 22-year-old, does the same thing. He put sleeping pills in. This time he slashes his throat, more polaroids, and this is when he starts losing it. He starts talking to his severed head while he's dismembering the rest of the body. So the body would be in the bathtub. He would decapitate the head first and then like kiss the head and like talk to it and then be like yeah now I'm just working on the arms and like kind of like kind of like a YouTube tutorial but with a severed head type of vibe. Yeah and then he would wrap up the heart, the biceps, the leg flesh into these plastic bags, throw them into the freezer, later he says that he would eat it every now and then. I mean cannibalism wasn't his end game, it wasn't his main goal, but it was just something that he liked.
Starting point is 01:06:14 He's advancing, he's just getting more and more nasty. Oh yeah, so then even the bones, he starts putting them in like a light, be-leach situation. Like he's like really just chemistry-ing this shit. Like, he's like, okay, I'm gonna try to mix the ratio of this and this. What is he doing with this? He's trying to preserve the bones. So he puts them into a very light bleach mixture
Starting point is 01:06:34 and then he lets the bones dry on cloth for a week. He puts a head in the refrigerator and then the skull later is preserved. So then he paints it with a Namo. Yeah, it's just weird. So then the ninth murder is just kind of sad. So he needs David Thomas, who's 22 years old at a mall and he was to come over for drinks.
Starting point is 01:06:58 So he ends up at this apartment, it was Unit 213, Jeffrey Dahmer's apartment and he starts drinking, but Jeffrey saidmer's apartment, and he started shrinking, but Jeffrey said, you know, after I had gotten him unconscious, with all of the drugs that I gave him. I just, I didn't get hard, like, I'm gonna have to have, there's no attraction to him. So, I couldn't risk to keep him alive. So I killed him anyway.
Starting point is 01:07:19 I dismembered him, and he did take pictures of the dismemberment, but he intentionally kept no parts of the bodyemberment, but he intentionally kept no parts of the body because there was no attraction there. He didn't keep the skull, he didn't keep the bones, he didn't keep any flesh, nothing. Hmm, interesting. That's so weird, right? So fucking weird. Yeah, and then he takes like a random five month break.
Starting point is 01:07:39 Like he was just escalating with frequency and then he was like, I'm done. So for like five months he didn't do anything. Now really, people don't really know what happened It seems like he tried to lure people into his apartment, but maybe they were just not having it and they didn't think he was cute so Is there any police searching going on right now or not really so there is but not a lot because a lot of them were prostitutes so because they were sex workers they were kind of were prostitutes. So because they were sex workers, they were kind of, it this happens in almost all the serial killer cases where they target sex workers, they're just kind of like not
Starting point is 01:08:10 put on the front page. Right. And he, I guess Jeffrey was experiencing some anxiety and depression, poor Jeffrey. And say that was sarcasm. So for the next five months, he's just dealing with like his sexuality, his solitary lifestyle, his financial difficulties. He's having some suicidal thoughts. And then he was like, now I'm a murder again. So he murders another person by the name of Curtis, keeps tons of videos and photos. And then, and then, oh my gosh, this is where the acid happens, okay? Let me tell you about the acid. But
Starting point is 01:08:46 before I tell you about that I need to tell you about Filo. If you don't know, Filo is TV for everyone okay? We recently put a TV in our room and holy cow! It has been upping my life and I love TV but I think the reason I never wanted to get one was because listen I hate the size of cable bills. I don't understand it I literally want to watch true crime. I want to watch ID I want to watch A&E but I never want to pay this cable network and then this one and then this one Just so I can like watch one show that they offer once in a while
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Starting point is 01:09:47 saved hundreds of dollars a month on TV. It's really the most affordable way that I found to watch TV. There's also no contracts, so it's cord-free, commitment-free, hassle-free, and they've got really good customer service. They also have unlimited DVR. You can save all your favorite shows, so you can watch it on your own schedule. You can watch three simultaneous streams in one house so you never really get to fight over. No, I want to watch this. It's just like, hey, go to the living room, dude. I'm busy. Haha. Now more than ever. Filo believes that gray TV is shit and cost. I was going to say an arm and a leg, but it just really doesn't feel like the time to say that in the middle of a Jeffrey Dahmer podcast. It should just be accessible for everyone sign up
Starting point is 01:10:27 today at slash rotten and you guys can actually get 25% off your first two months. That's p-h-i-l-o-dot-t-v slash r-o-t-t-e-n. So that's when Jeffrey Dahmer meets his next victim. His name was Arrow Lindsay and he was 19 years old and he was a straight male. So he gets drugged and he gets leared into Jeffrey Dahmer's apartment obviously and he gets drugged and this time he does something different. Jeffrey really was not really in it for killing people. He didn't get off on the kill.
Starting point is 01:11:04 He wasn't one of those serial killers. He didn't get off on the kill. He wasn't one of those hero killers. He didn't have this rage and he wanted to see the life go out of people's eyes. He didn't have any of that. He wasn't a sadistic killer. He really just wanted kind of like a zombie like sex doll. That was his end game really. It didn't even seem like he wanted necrophilia. It didn't seem like he just enjoyed sex with dead bodies more than anything. He loved sex with unconscious bodies. And he felt the need to kill them so that he could keep something from that experience. He could keep the skulls to remember this experience by, right?
Starting point is 01:11:39 And so he decides to drug up Errol and he drills a hole into his skull. He's still alive, he's just unconscious. And he pours in a diluted hydrochloric acid into his skull. Oh my God. Now he's hoping that this would turn him into a complete zombie. He wants him to be a complete submissive person who would never say a word, who would never do anything, but literally sit there, stay alive,
Starting point is 01:12:01 and just be his little sex thing, right? And that's, I's, he was just so excited for it. Now he's waiting, just anticipating for Arrow to wake up and be like, hey, I'm just your sex slave now, right? But he actually wakes up and he's like, what's going on? I have a headache, what time is it? And so he's like, shit, that's not good. So he ends up drugging him again and kills him. So he ends up drugging him again and kills him Yeah, so then this time he tries to keep the skin and like this water salt water mixture to preserve the skin I mean that didn't work out like he's just really trying that like he's I don't even know He's like Frankenstein things right and it was a lot
Starting point is 01:12:41 He ends up dismembering him in the same way and keeping his skull. Now, the building at this point is, if they're getting a lot of concerns. Like, the neighbors are saying, listen, you know, it's a little smelly on the second floor. It's a little smelly. There's a little smell coming out of 2.13. We don't know what to do. We don't know if it's rude to tell them, hey, Jeff, you're kind of smelly, right? And they said, you know, and sometimes randomly, we'll just hear like these chainsaw noises. Like, why is there a chainsaw in an apartment? Like, there's no yard work. Like, what are you doing?
Starting point is 01:13:09 DIYing furniture in the middle of your apartment? Well, maybe. Right, but like, what are you doing? Yeah. So, that's when the building manager, she ends up calling Jeffrey multiple times, and she's like, listen, we've got more reports of this. Like, what's going on? And so for the smell, he has two different reasons that he kind of exchanges.
Starting point is 01:13:23 At first, he's like, oh my god, my freezer is broken and everything inside my freezer is now spoiled. So it's smelly, sorry. And then his second reason is, my tropical fish died. And it smells tropical. So it's a little smelly, but I'll take care of it. So then the building manager is like, shoot. What can we do, right? And then he meets a boy by the name of it. So then the building manager is like, shoot, what can we do? Right? And then he meets a boy by the name of Tony. Well, I mean, not really a boy. He was 31 years
Starting point is 01:13:49 old and he was deaf and he was mute. So they communicated by writing to each other and he actually was trying to get money for a nude so that he would take inside of Jeffery's apartment, like most of the other victims, right? So Tony ends up in Jeffery's unit, and Jeffery kills him. This time, there's a deviation again. He lets the corpse just sit in his bedroom for three days. And I mean, I don't know if you guys know what happened to three days, like a lot happens. And only his living room had air conditioning,
Starting point is 01:14:18 so his bedroom was pretty hot. So there was just a lot going on in that bedroom. So he just leaves him there for three days, and that's when he needs Konarak smithesom phone and I'm definitely pronouncing that wrong So Konarak is 14 and he is actually the younger brother of a boy that he assaulted remember that boy that I told you remember to This is the younger brother co-incidentally. So he's 14 years old and Jeffrey manages to persuade him to come into his house, right?
Starting point is 01:14:46 So he does. Again, it was like the money for the nudes for the polarity picture situation and he drugs them up He performs oral sex on the 14 year old and That's when he drills another hole into the skull of this 14 year old. Now this one It was in the frontal lobe. So like in the front So he's hoping like maybe this will do something else because last time it didn't work, and he injects hydrochloric acid into his brain. Into his skull. And so he gets, before he gets knocked unconscious, though, he brings the 14 year old boy into
Starting point is 01:15:20 the bedroom where, guess who? Freakin' Tony's laying there. And he is, he's a bloated corpse. Now it's one thing to see someone like laying on a bed, but it's another thing to see a corpse and one that's like that far into the decomposition phase, right? So this 14 year old, you would expect him to scream and to fight and to be so shocked, right?
Starting point is 01:15:39 But he had no reaction. So this gave Jeffrey a lot of hope. He's like, yes, he's gonna become the sex zombie that I've been waiting for So then he's waiting, you know the boy falls unconscious. He's like, oh, when he wakes up It's gonna be all fun and games, right? And he's like, well, what should I do to kill the time? He starts drinking the beers And then he's like, man, I ran out of beers. So he goes to the local bar He leaves just two bodies in So he goes to the local bar. He leaves just two bodies in his apartment, goes to the local bar, starts drinking some there. And then he's like, you know what, it's time to go
Starting point is 01:16:08 home. So then he goes to like the local liquor store by Samal Kahaw and as he is approaching the apartment building, he sees the 14 year old boy butt naked talking to three women and he was speaking in Laos. So he is loud. I don't know if that was the only language he spoke, and I don't know if maybe all of the trauma he was just like speaking in whatever language he wanted to, right? I'm not really sure about that, but the three women were just kind of confused.
Starting point is 01:16:36 And of course, they were like, coming out of a little boy, like let me take care of you, right? And one of them, she later was telling like the price and stuff. Like he just, he ran up to her with this like Oh my god Thank God like look on his face and she's never met him before and just like jumped into her arms And she had to constantly like wipe his head because the amount of sweat coming
Starting point is 01:16:57 Constantly and she noticed that he was bleeding out of his butt like his buttocks and the blood was dripping down his thigh It's just a lot. So the three women they call 911. They're on their way, right? bleeding out of his butt, like his buttocks, and the blood was dripping down his thigh, it's just a lot. So the three women, they call 911, they're on their way, right? And that's when Jeffrey approaches. And he says, oh my god, this is my friend. Thank you for finding my friend. I'm just going to take him back to the apartment right now.
Starting point is 01:17:18 He's my house guest. And the three women are like, oh no, you don't. No, you're not. We called the police. So you can take him back after the police say you can take him back. So then Jeffrey's sitting there, he seems a little bit agitated. But immediately when the two police officers arrive,
Starting point is 01:17:34 he seems really relaxed. And he tells the police, listen, this is my 19 year old boyfriend. He was 14, by the way. But the police are like, cool. And he was like, we got into this fight, and he got so drunk. And now he's so drunk. What do we do? Like I'm just trying to take him back to the apartment. I know he's like, but I get right now. So embarrassed, right? And the three women are standing there and they're just looking so flabbergasted.
Starting point is 01:17:58 They're like, shut the front door. That's not what happened. And they said, listen, police, you need to listen to us. He's from the butt that's not good second of all Earlier before he like you guys got here Jeffrey try to bring him upstairs and he was kind of struggling like I think that That's not normal right yeah, and the cops told the women like hey, but out like shut the hell up. It's a domestic incident Are you kidding me and so the police helped Jeffrey escort the boy back to unit 213. And that's when Jeffrey comes out of his bedroom and shows them Polaroid that he had taken of the boy earlier. And so it's he like we were just taking some sexy photos and then we got into a fight. Well, there's a dead body in the bedroom.
Starting point is 01:18:40 In the bedroom. And one of the police had remembered that it did smell really nasty in there because of Tony's body obviously but he didn't question it and the police even specifically told Jeffrey like, alright well you take good care of him and left. Now they had his name, they had his address. If they had Rhanna background check on Jeffrey Dahmer they would see that he was a convicted child molester. But they didn't. Of that guy's brother too. Yeah But they didn't. Of that guy's brother too. Yeah, but they didn't.
Starting point is 01:19:07 Holy shit. And so that's when Jeffrey Dahmer now having evaded the police again because remember that time he got pulled over and shit, right? He evaded the police again. He decides to inject him one more time. And this time it would be fatal. He ended up dying from it.
Starting point is 01:19:32 So the next day he takes the day off from work and he dismemberes both of the bodies. Then he meets Matt Turner who's 20 years old. He faces the same fate and then he meets Jeremiah Weinberger only five days after Matt Turner's murder and he drugs him and Twice twice he would inject boiling water into Jeremiah's skull And it didn't work obviously what he wanted because Jeremiah ended up going into a coma and he ended up dying two days later and Jeffery's apartment. Then he meets Oliver Lacey, who's 24 years old, and this time he's trying to get upset that none of this is working.
Starting point is 01:20:12 Okay, so he's like, listen, I want to keep people alive. Like I want to have a sex doll, right? Like a zombie, like a living zombie. I don't want to like masturbate to a skull. Like I'd prefer a living zombie. So he tries to like keep him alive But barely alive using chloroform, but that doesn't end up working So he then takes another day off to dismember his body because I guess his plan was no
Starting point is 01:20:34 I'm just keep him kind of alive, right? But it didn't work so he had to be killed in Jeffery's eyes and he takes the day off of work Now that's when work is like listen you've been taking way too many days off, so they fire him. And that day, he's so mad that he goes and finds a 24-year-old Joseph Breithoft, and he murders him and leaves his corpse on his bed for two days.
Starting point is 01:20:58 And after two days when he comes back to see the corpse and all its glory, there was just maggots all in his head. to see the corpse and all its glory, there was just maggots all in his head. Now, July 1999 is when everything kind of comes to a close. How did he get caught? You know, what happened, right? Well, Jeffrey needed one more person. Well, he needed two more people, actually, I think. No, what?
Starting point is 01:21:21 We'll get into it. So he approaches three men on the street and he says, listen, I'm willing to pay you guys money for Polarite Nudes in my apartment. And Tracy Edwards, who was 32 years old, he had agreed. He said, okay, sounds good, right? Immediately upon entering the apartment, Tracy was like, what is this smell? Like this is a weird smell, dude. And as he entered the living room, he see boxes of hydrochloric acid. And he just casually was like, what are those for? And Jeffrey was like, oh, I was just cleaning some bricks.
Starting point is 01:21:51 You know, you can clean some bricks with hydrochloric acid. So he's like, okay, that's a little bit weird. So then he was like, oh, why don't you sit down? He sits down. Hey, you want to look at my tropical fish in that fish tank? So he's like, sure. So he looks over and that Swin Jeffery grabs his arm and puts a handcuff on it And he struggles to kind of cuff his hands together
Starting point is 01:22:12 So he wants Tracy's hands to be cuffed together, right? Yes, but it doesn't work So he grabs the other cuff leads him into the bedroom and inside of the bedroom There was a TV that was playing the exorcist 3 the movie and there was also a 57-gallon drum that was really smelly just like in the corner of the bedroom like you know those big massive barrels right yeah and Jeffrey suddenly pulls out a knife and he's got this handcuff on one of his arms and he's like all right well let's take the pictures and Tracy's like you know I'm your friend like I'm gonna be your friend throughout all of well, let's take the pictures. And Tracy's like, you know, I'm your friend. Like, I'm gonna be your friend throughout all of this.
Starting point is 01:22:48 I'm gonna take these pictures. All I want is I just want to get a little comfortable. Like, let's take off these cups. You know, I think I can do more poses without these cups. Wait, did he lock him into something? Yeah, like he had just one cup and he was holding the other one. And he was kind of standing in the corner of the room so he can't leave the bedroom.
Starting point is 01:23:06 And so Tracey is trying to be smart. He's like, you know, I could do more poses without these cuffs. Get rid of the knife and I'll be so much more comfortable. Like, let's take the pictures. Like, why do I mean, I came here to take the pictures. It's fine. And so he looks at him and Jeffrey's like, huh.
Starting point is 01:23:24 And he just stares at the TV. He's just watching the exorcist And so he's like, okay, sorry, you're not gonna like put away the knife or you're not gonna take off I don't know what's happening, right? And then he starts rocking back and forth And he starts chanting something and he's like, what? Tracy's like, what are you saying dude? And then he just comes over to Tracy, presses his head against Tracy's chest, listens to his heartbeat, presses the knife near his heart and says, I'm gonna
Starting point is 01:23:57 eat your heart. And that's when Tracy's like, did it's all good? Like it's all good? Like, why don't we hang out before you do good. Like, why don't we hang out before you do that? Like, why don't we hang out before you eat my heart? You know, that sounds like a really good dinner snack? Right now it's lunch, you know? So we should just hang out. So Tracy's trying everything that he can to just make sure that this doesn't happen.
Starting point is 01:24:21 So he's like, can I use bathroom first? Can we sit out in the living room because you're making me a little bit nervous? I want to do all these things with you. Like, let's just drink another beer. Like get Lucy. And so he's like, okay, fine. So they're sitting in the little living room. I mean, this was five hours total that he was undergoing all of this. And then finally, I mean, I think Jeffrey got a little bit too drunk and he was losing a little bit of concentration because he ends up just releasing the other handcuffs. So technically he could just run out the front door right now.
Starting point is 01:24:48 So Tracy is like, all right, I'm going to just use the bathroom one more time. And so then Jeffrey's like, okay, cool. So he stands up, punches Jeffrey in the face, and runs out the apartment. And that's when he finds police on the corner of the street. And he's like, oh my god, please help me out of these handcuffs. I'm freaking out. The police handcuff key couldn't remove the handcuffs. So they're like, what's going on?
Starting point is 01:25:10 Like just follow us back to the apartment where you claim you were handcuffed. So he's like, are you kidding? Like I was in there for five hours. I'm fucking let's go. So they go to Jeffrey's apartment and they're like, open up police and he opens the door and he says, please enter my humble abode, like unit 213. So the police enter, right? And Jeffrey admits to putting on the handcuffs,
Starting point is 01:25:29 but he gives no explanation. Like he's just like, yeah, I did put those on him and the police are like, okay. And then Tracy's kind of getting upset, you know? He's like, what about the knife? Like tell them about the knife. Like tell them you literally held a knife to my heart and told me you're gonna fucking eat my heart.
Starting point is 01:25:44 Like tell them that, why don't you Jeffrey right? And he makes no comment. Jeffrey literally says nothing and he goes, the key is in the bedroom, I can go get it right now to release him from the handcuffs right? So the police are like okay, we'll go get it. So one of the police officers starts working towards the bedroom and Jeffrey, like, starts speeding up, like almost as he wants to like outwalk the police officer to get it first and that's when the second police officer was like hey back
Starting point is 01:26:10 off so then he just kind of froze the first police officer gets there and on the bedside table he sees the knife on the ground so he's like oh shit like this is a real story he sees the handcuff key but the ninth stand drawer was open just a teeny weeny bit and he glances down and inside the drawer he sees what looks like a picture See opens it up And it's pull the words of dismembered bodies and the decor looks exactly like the apartment that he's standing in It doesn't look like a movie set. It looks like this was taken inside this apartment Like the walls are the same, everything's the same.
Starting point is 01:26:47 So then he walks out to the living room to the other detective or the other police officer and said, Hey, in quotes. These are for real, in quote. And so they're like, what the fork? So they try to arrest him, he tries running, but they overpower him and they arrest him. They call for backup. Now while they're waiting for backup that's when they open the fridge and there's just a freshly severed head in there just staring at them and they hear Jeffrey say for what I did I should be dead
Starting point is 01:27:20 they're like what so they arrest him they search his entire apartment. Inside of his kitchen they find four severed heads, seven painted skulls. So the heads they hadn't had the flesh ripped off. So it's a total of 11 skulls technically. There's four heads. Four heads. Yeah, with meat. Oh, not meat. Oh, you put it in those jars. Yeah, like flesh. That we're ready to get, I guess, disintegrated. And he had seven painted skulls. There were two human hearts inside the freezer was an entire torso, a plastic bag of organs, a bunch of arm muscle. There was two entire skeletons in his house, in his apartment, a pair of haons, there were two severed and preserved penises.
Starting point is 01:28:06 There was a mummified scalp, and then, you know, in that drum, the 57-gallon drum I was telling you about in the bedroom. There were three dismembered torso dissolving an acid currently, and there were 74 polaroids of dismemberment in different phases. 74 polaroids. Yeah. The chief medical examiner who covered this case said, it was less like searching someone's house and more like dismantling someone's museum.
Starting point is 01:28:34 Like it was, it's just a weird feeling. It's not really a crime scene type of thing that they were handling. It felt like a museum. Like what is this? Yeah. Right, so the police, I mean, they're interrogating Draftrey and he was really not putting up a fight He waved his right to an attorney they questioned him for 60 hours and he literally told them like I'm gonna confess to everything And he said because I created this horror it only makes sense that I put an end to it So he confesses to 17 murders. He confesses to Necrophilia. He said usually
Starting point is 01:29:06 he would have sex with the corpses during dismemberment. He confessed to cannibalism. He particularly ate the heart, livers, biceps and thighs. He said it all had to do with the fact that he has this never-ending desire to be with people, to be with someone, and that someone he really wanted them to be good-looking, just like so attractive. That's all he wanted someone and that someone he really wanted them to be good looking. Just like so attractive. That's all he wanted and that's all he thought about. So they were like, what are you doing with the skulls? You know, why were they painted? What's going on?
Starting point is 01:29:34 And he said he wanted to create an altar. So he had this, um, he had this dream, right? So he's like, I'm going to get this black opaque shower curtain, hang it up in front of the window so that no one can lay it again. And then I have this black table and I have this black leather chair. So I'm going to put the table right up against the window and I'm going to have my chair facing that table and I'm just going to sit in there and it's going to be like my meditation space. So I was going to get these skulls. He wanted 12 skulls, right? And he wanted them painted. He wanted incense on the table and he said he would sit on the black chair, and he would meditate.
Starting point is 01:30:09 That's what he wanted, he wanted a place to meditate. I'm like, have you fucking heard of yoga? But he was like, no, I'm gonna meditate with skulls. And he said that that was a place that he genuinely felt like he could finally feel at home. And he could draw a sense of power from the skulls. He said, if you had caught me six months later, you probably could have seen the altar because he was waiting for the next skull, I guess.
Starting point is 01:30:33 He just needed one more to finish. So obviously he was indicted, 15 counts in Wisconsin and one count in Ohio. He was not charged with the death of Steve that happened in the hotel, remember? I'm not sure why. I think the police just really wanted shut and done cases. They didn't want anything for the defense attorney to grab onto and be like, no, see, right? So because there was no memory he had of it, he didn't really confess to it. He has no idea why he did it, what happened, and they couldn't find any of the body parts or polluaries of that one.
Starting point is 01:31:06 They never charged him for that one. And they also didn't charge him for attempted murder of Tracy Edwards for whatever reason. I don't know why, right? And he pleaded guilty to all of them, but he pleaded guilty but insane. So he's saying like, hey, I'm not trying to say I'm not guilty by reason of insanity. I'm just saying like I'm guilty, but I'm also insane. And so January 20th, 1992 was the trial and it was going to be a very intense two week trial.
Starting point is 01:31:33 I mean, the amount of psychologist that I read went up and like tried to diagnose him. Everyone kind of had their own variation of what the fork was going on inside of his brain. It really was not a shut and done Hey, this is the illness that he has it was intense The the defense was saying listen he has a mental personality disorder and he becomes obsessed and he can't Control these impulses of his obsession and the prosecutor is like saying no, he can have he has the ability to resist it Okay, He's like dismembering and disposing and disintegrating bodies. It sounds like someone who wants to get away with it, okay? It doesn't sound like someone who's like,
Starting point is 01:32:10 I can't resist, right? And so he was somewhat diagnosed here and there with necrophilia, borderline personality disorder, schizotypal personality disorder, which it just, I mean, like the main symptoms from what I could research has to do with. Sometimes you do hallucinate, sometimes you do have psychosis, but a lot of it is just, you don't know, you're just kind of anti-social, really, is what it means from what I could gather.
Starting point is 01:32:36 And alcohol dependence and a psychotic disorder. So the necrophilia was a whole debate during trial because technically, he didn't want people to die. Like, he wanted to make them into sex dolls. So the necrophilia was a whole debate during trial because technically he didn't want people to die. He wanted to make them into sex dolls. So can you really say that he's a necrophiliac? I mean, none of it makes sense, right? And then you have a serial killer which people were kind of accustomed to serial killers
Starting point is 01:32:54 being this crazy sadist at the time. Like just people who want to see you tortured, right? But he wasn't. So this was kind of confusing people. You know, there was also evidence that he would drink alcohol before every kill. So maybe it means that he didn't want to kill these people. Like he had liquid courage to help him kill these people. Like sure, the dismemberant, he was cool with it.
Starting point is 01:33:18 But maybe the act of killing he didn't actually want to do. So can you really argue that that's an impulse he can't control? If he didn't even want to do. So can you really argue that that's an impulse he can't control? If he didn't even want to do it, does that make sense? So like they were just kind of like arguing these little nuances. They brought in like the exorcist three, the return of the Jedi, okay? Because he would watch these videos all the time and be like, oh my god, I relate with these evil characters. What are they debating like his sentencing? Yeah, so if he should go to like a hospital for the criminally insane or if he should go to prison prison, right? Okay. And so the defense is like, now he was a desperate lonely, just sick individual, okay?
Starting point is 01:33:53 And the prosecutor is like, he literally killed people so he could get off on it, thank you. And so it lasted two weeks, he was obviously found guilty on all 15 counts. Now of those 15 counts in Wisconsin, two of those he was given life in prison plus 10 years. The other 13 counts he was given life in prison plus 70 years. So technically he was just given life in prison but plus a bajillion other years.
Starting point is 01:34:17 But just like life, right? And then he was flown to Ohio where he would be tried for the one count of murder. For the very first murder he ever committed like fresh out of graduating high school and he was also sentenced to life. But he would serve in Wisconsin, right? So he gets put into jail at Columbia Correctional Institution and for the first year he was in solitary confinement for his own safety. This was just too big of a case. Too many people were disgusted, you know,
Starting point is 01:34:46 by Jeffrey Dahmer. All these criminals were like, if I see Jeffrey up in this bitch, I'ma kill him. So with his consent after a year, he was like, you know what, I wanna be around people. Please send me to a less secure unit. Allegedly, he still had like a full-time guard, just guarding him.
Starting point is 01:35:02 Anytime he was near other inmates, because he just was having tons of problems with other inmates. Now every single day he would do these two hour daily toilet cleanings, he became a born again Christian, he was actually baptized in prison. So they had, yeah, they had a pastor come out and baptize him. And by the way, the pastor lost about 90% of his church after baptizing Jeffrey Dahmer. And what does he say about that? He said that God forgives all.
Starting point is 01:35:30 You know, he was like, God's okay with this. And yeah, he was just kind of like a born-again Christian. I don't really know, right? And Osvaldo, which was a prison I made, he tried to slash his throat, Jeffrey Dahmer's throat, with a blade that was hidden inside of a toothbrush, because he just didn't like Jeffrey Dahmer. He was like, you're a sick nasty little bitch.
Starting point is 01:35:50 So I'm gonna kill you. And then it didn't work. So he ended up surviving. And Jeffrey seemed like he didn't care. Like his mom was like, are you okay baby? And by the way, he maintained a relatively good relationship with his parents while he was in prison. Yeah, what does the parents say about this shit?
Starting point is 01:36:04 They supported him. What do you mean supported him? Like they think what he was in prison. You know what does the parents say about this shit? They supported him. What do you mean supported him? Like they think what he did was evil. They think they feel so bad for the victims, but they still love their son. And the mom, I mean, she gave a very emotional interview because she was like, am I not allowed to mourn or feel anything?
Starting point is 01:36:20 It's like, I can't feel anything, even though technically, I lost my son because all these people lost their kids And they'll never see them again, and she said I hope it doesn't hurt the victims Families, but I have a good relationship, and I love my son And it was just very controversial because a lot of serial killers parents are like okay, bye, right? So um, yeah, she said that he didn't care. He was like listen mom I'm ready to die and I'm ready to accept my punishment whenever it comes.
Starting point is 01:36:49 So then punishment came. Jeffrey Dahmer and a man by the name of Jesse Anderson, who was in prison for life for killing his wife outside of TDI Fridays after dinner. They had dinner at TDI Fridays and then he came out and shot his wife. Jesse Anderson, yeah. And then we have Christopher Scarfer.
Starting point is 01:37:08 He was an alcoholic. He said that he heard voices that told him he was the chosen one. And he got like this job application. And apparently like this situation just didn't end up working. Like the position, it wasn't filled by anybody else. It just wasn't going to exist anymore. So he was trained for the position, but then the company got rid of that position. So he had no job.
Starting point is 01:37:28 So he had so mad, he goes to the boss, and he's like, listen, I need money. And then he's like, okay, he's $15, and he gets so mad that he shoots him until he dies. And tries to flee the scene. So all three of these people went to go clean the bathrooms together. And for some reason, the guards gave them like a 20-minute window where they were just alone. And that's when Christopher Scarver grabs a 20-inch, five-pound metal bar and beats both of them, beats Jeffrey Dahmer and Jesse Anderson with it.
Starting point is 01:37:56 What? Yeah, so... So, it wasn't targeted? It was, kind of. Kind of a knot. So, first, when the police and everyone asked him, like, why'd you kill Jeffery Dahmer and Jesse Anderson not saying that we want them to be alive, but like, would you kill the other one too?
Starting point is 01:38:12 Yeah, they both died. They both did. So, like, they were like, listen, we're not trying to say, like, these are the best people that need to be alive, but it's still murder, so why'd you do it, right? And he said, well, I was walking, and they were walking behind me. And one of them poked me in the back, like poked me, just like poked me with their finger. And I turned around and I said, who did it? Uh-huh.
Starting point is 01:38:33 And they both giggled. That's it? Okay. So then he killed them. So this wasn't targeted Okay, so that was his first claim right and then later he said you know I Think it was all a setup so Christopher thinks it's a setup So he said that he had always hated Jeffrey Dahmer since like a minute that he stepped foot into the same prison as Jeffrey Dahmer He hated Jeffrey Dahmer
Starting point is 01:39:01 Jeffrey was allegedly unremorseful in prison He said that during lunchtime he would see Jeffrey shape his food and catch up to look like limbs like severed limbs And he would show in a round to prison inmates. I mean, I don't know if this is true Okay, I have no idea if this is true and he hated him He just thought that was disgusting like what's wrong with you with you? And for some reason, Christopher said he always carried around a piece of paper, like a newspaper clipping of everything Jeffrey Dahmer had done. Like one of the initial newspapers.
Starting point is 01:39:33 And so that day, for some reason, Christopher feels like it was a setup. Like the prison guards hated Jeffrey Dahmer. And magically, the dude who also hates Jeffrey Dahmer, the prison and maid who hates them, is just alone in the bathroom with him for 20 minutes. Really? Like, really? So, he said...
Starting point is 01:39:50 People are saying, Jeffrey was murdered in jail. Oh my god. He was saying that the guards wanted Jeffrey Dahmer. Well, he didn't really say that. He was too scared to scare that because he wanted to be removed to like a federal facility, right? But anyways, he said that he got poked so that triggered him. And then he was like,
Starting point is 01:40:11 you know what, fucking Jeffrey, I've been wanting to have a word with you. I've been waiting for this conversation and you just poked me. So look at this newspaper clipping. Like, is this true? Like you fucking did all of this? Like this is not some weird legal shit that went down.
Starting point is 01:40:26 And he said that Jeffrey looked at him kind of shocked and just said yeah it's all true. And he just beat the shit out about to them with the metal bar. That's I mean this one is a little bit strange so it gets really murky. At one point like a couple years right after it happened he had said it had to do with the fact that Jesse Anderson and Jeffrey Dahmer had Like discriminated against a different race and then he said no, I didn't say that so like all these articles I read they all just kind of like said wishy washy things so it went from like he kind of recanted things So at first he was like no, it was all because they poked me and then he was like it was about race and then it was like
Starting point is 01:41:04 Oh no, like I think it was a setup. I was just disgusted by him, right? So it just kind of has like this murky waters But eventually he ended up getting two more life sentences to his already life sentence so technically I guess nothing more Oh, I see and a lot of people in Wisconsin were like, hey Just remember like don't Chlorify Christopher Scarver because yes, he did do some vigilante justice, but he is not Robin Hood Okay, he killed some people. So let's calm it down But yeah, one point he had like a mini fan club of like yes
Starting point is 01:41:39 We're so happy Yeah Very confusing now the aftermath of this is that Lionel, the new wife, his dad, Jeffrey Dahmer's dad, Jeffrey Dahmer's stepmom and the mom Joyce, they all still maintained a really good relationship with Jeffrey and Joyce, the mom, she ended up dying in 2000 of cancer. She had actually tried to commit suicide one more time before she ended up dying in 2000 of cancer. She had actually tried to commit suicide one more time before she ended up dying in 2000. And Lionel wrote a book called A Father Story. Yeah, and he donated a portion of the proceeds to the victim's families. But most of the family supported it because
Starting point is 01:42:17 I think when you have victims like this, I mean, I don't know what I would say, but I don't think I could blame other family members, you know, for one person's actions, especially when they're over-age, right? Especially if they there's no evidence of abuse. Maybe it's a different story if like the dad sexually abused him, and then he turned into this monster, you know? But it seems like the dad was just in a hard spot, too, right? So most of the families did support the book, but three of the families sued Lionel. Most of the families did support the book, but three of the families sued Lionel. Two of them sued them for using their names inside the book without their consent.
Starting point is 01:42:49 And the other families sued them for wrongful death, saying that, hey, this was wrongful death of our family member because you neglected your family member. I don't think that that would work. I don't know if they settled. Right. So Joyce passed David, his younger brother. He ended up changing his name. He graduated. He got a nice job. And he's just kind of trying to lay it low, like living his life in an, like, end on a mid-A-D,
Starting point is 01:43:20 anonymously, like just not trying to be in headlines. Is he still alive? Yeah, like not trying to do interviews. So it seems like, you know, Lionel and Joyce did some interviews. Yeah. I mean, I think David's just trying to like live his life, you know. Okay, imagine being associated with that. Yeah, I mean, it's crazy because Lionel
Starting point is 01:43:37 didn't change his last name. He kept his last name and he said he's not ashamed to be a Dahmer. But like not in the sense of like he supports his sons, you know, activities, but not activities, but murder. And the apartment building that all of these murders took place, well, most of the murders was torn down completely in Wisconsin. Because I just can't imagine. What are your thoughts on this case? Just nasty.
Starting point is 01:44:01 Yeah What are your thoughts on this case? Nasty is it what you expected went cuz I mean you're coming from the perspective of you didn't know a lot about Jeffrey Dahmer and you do know his name. I mean I've said his name so many times. Yeah, yeah, you know, yeah Nasty ones I guess like after a while they all turn into that you start eating that people you start having sex with that people Do you think there's like stuff that happens in your brain even after? What do you mean? Because I think there's like two perspectives of looking at it. The first perspective is they were born this way or they were made this way And this is who they became, right?
Starting point is 01:44:37 But what if it's like after every murder? There's stuff that keeps changing in their brain? Oh yeah, for sure. And then it just like worsens. Yes. Oh yeah, for sure. And then it just like worsens, worsens. Oh, absolutely. And like it's the last of like them becoming their true cells versus some shit's going on in their brain. Like some brain chemistry is fucking up here.
Starting point is 01:44:55 I'm sure the eating really forks it up. Because you're literally ingesting. It's not even psychological at that point. It's literally just. I just don't know where that thought comes from. Like as you're killing someone, you're like, let me just put this in my mouth and see what happens. Like, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:45:11 But they all do it. They all do it. They're fucking do it. It's crazy. Yeah, I feel like when we first started this podcast, we're like, today's a novel treat. We're talking about cannibalism. Now we're like, they're all fucking cannibals.
Starting point is 01:45:23 Okay, high-trick. This one's favorite is the heart. Yeah. The other one is the fucking, what is it? The hands, oh the lips, he likes to barbecue the hands. Watch out. Hide your meat, hide your kids, hide your wife. And I hope you guys enjoyed today's video. And I'll see you guys next week. Bye. and I'll see you guys next week. Bye.

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