Rotten Mango - #3- Cannibalism- The Forbidden Meat

Episode Date: June 24, 2020

One man wants to eat human flesh with a glass of wine. One man wants to have his "eggplant" bitten off and grilled. They end up going on a deadly date and filming the 4 hour long deed. They called it ...the "slaughtering." Is it murder if the victim got off to it and wanted it?  Grab a plate of sausages and eggs and let's get cooking. I'm kidding. Just bring the sausages.  To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Rambles. Whether you're doing intense to your favorite artist in the office parking lot, or being guided into Warrior I in the break room before your shift, whether you're running on your Peloton tread at your mom's house while she watches the baby, or counting your breaths on the subway. Peloton is for all of us, wherever we are whenever we need it. Download the free Peloton is for all of us. Wherever we are, whenever we need it. Download the free Peloton app today. Peloton app available through free tier or paid subscription starting at 12.99 per month. Today's episode of Rotten Mango is brought to you by the Forbidden Meat.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Now, the Forbidden Meat is different per perspective. It could be different for you. It could be different for me. For some people, it could be that boy on Tinder. For some people, it could be your best friend's boyfriend. Don't do it, girl code. Or for some people, it could just be the two-day expired chicken breast in your freezer that you're just so tempted to make curry out of. I don't know what it is, but today we're talking about the cannibalism aspect. The real forbidden meat, the deepest, the darkest, the strangest forbidden meat, honestly, brought to you by Mango. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:01:11 What? If you guys don't know, make us like, no, and everything is literally named after her. Run, mango, miss mango, but on YouTube. Sorry, I had to make the joke, it's dark. This podcast is dark. People are signing up for dark honey. Really not family-friendly on this podcast. Dun dun dun. So this episode's going to be very interesting because we're talking about cannibalism and we're not just talking
Starting point is 00:01:36 about the general, I don't even know what to call it, an idea, the general act, the general crime, the general fetish of cannibalism, but just more so of a very particular crime that happened in Germany not too long ago, that is probably the most well-known crime that involves cannibalism. And it's weird, it's freaking weird. It hits all of my true crime points that just kind of get me so intrigued. I mean all the aspects are there. You're talking about a four hour long footage of the crime being filmed. The entire crime was filmed, okay? And the second thing is it's questionable. They won't release it to the public. They only even during trial, they only showed 19 minutes of it because of how gruesome and I mean there is a lot of therapy
Starting point is 00:02:21 sessions that were had after that. I mean is it like a four hour long mukbang? No, it's like a four hour long slaughtering. I mean, that's the word that they use for it. It's murder, but I mean, it's a four hour long like meat butcher type video. It's just very strange. And the other aspect is that I don't know. I mean, it's's this causes so much controversy and it opens up the very big question. I feel like most majority of people are on the same
Starting point is 00:02:50 side of, okay, well, this is murder and this should be illegal and he should run in prison. But what if the victim agrees to be eaten? What if there is a victim who says, listen, I want to die. And the way that I want to die is to get eaten. And that's my biggest fantasy in life. And that's the only way that I would be happy ever leaving this earth is to get eaten alive. I mean, is it really murder? Isn't there a culture out there that when they die they want to be eaten by their families? Yes, so yeah, so there are a couple places around the world and a couple cultures that really enjoy cannibalism in a spiritual aspect, not the actual act
Starting point is 00:03:29 of eating someone's flesh. And some of them do it very interestingly. Like they will wait till they're cremated and put the ashes into like a smoothie like a jambajuse, you know? Because it's almost like an insult if you don't eat your dead relatives, because then they're just roaming around earth with nowhere to go, no vessel to be in. But if you eat them, their spirits and their souls live with inside of the people that consume them.
Starting point is 00:03:55 Yeah, I feel like eating ashes is a little more mental than, you know. But really, I think eating ashes sounds better than... Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, sounds yeah for sure sounds better than like okay He said mental Yeah, but it's it's more mental. Oh like not like um, okay Not in like that weird like you're crazy, but like more mental in the sense like mentally You're like okay, I need to do this. Yeah because you're not really Like trying to enjoy and savor the flavor. I get I guess when you're like, okay, I need to do this. Yeah, because you're not really trying to enjoy
Starting point is 00:04:25 and savor the flavor. I guess what you're saying. And so, there's so many aspects of this crime that I just don't freaking understand, and I'm kind of on the fence. Like I go back and forth between, ooh, is this murder or two? Ooh, this is just weird.
Starting point is 00:04:40 And I feel like there's actually a lot more worse perpetrators than the one in jail right now, which is going to get really strange. And so I mean cannibalism is weird. I just, there's no way that we can understand cannibalism, right? I have so many questions about cannibalism. Okay, go ask. I'm a cannibal expert for the day. Are you really? I mean, I might not know the answers, but ask away.
Starting point is 00:05:03 Because I always read that if you eat human, you can cause a lot of crazy disease. Yeah, so there's this one disease called Kuru. Oh, you really are expression now. So it's this one disease called Kuru and it typically happens when you eat a person's spinal cord or their brains. And it's these, something happens to the cells inside of your brain, which practically just turns it into like a sponge. Like you start getting holes inside of your own brain
Starting point is 00:05:31 because of these proteins inside of the other people's brains and spinal cords. And so then the word Kuru actually is originated from the term shaking. So you'll like start trembling, you'll start shaking, and most people pass away from it. But it's strange too, because there is a whole group of people who for the past 200 years have been eating their ancestors
Starting point is 00:05:53 for the reasons that I've already said. And a lot of them, it's kind of like natural selection. A lot of them don't have Kuru, and they biologically don't get it if that makes sense So like if you and I ate someone's brain we'd probably get Kuru. I mean, I don't know the odds of that. I'm not gonna risk it Yeah, but also cannibalism is not illegal in most places So like in the US it's not illegal But murder is yeah, so that's where they get you. Canibalism itself is not something they would charge you for, but they'd probably charge
Starting point is 00:06:28 you for necrophilia, which is disturbing dead bodies, eating them, assaulting them, and then murder could be one or assault if you were just like they're alive and you're like, listen, I just want your arm. Like that's it. I just want to eat your arm and use it. That's okay. No, I mean, it's illegal. You will get arrested for manslaughter and
Starting point is 00:06:45 but what if they volunteered? That's where it gets weird and that's why we're talking about the case of what just happened in Germany in 2001 I mean this case sounds like it happened in the freaking 60s because it sounds so freaking crazy and there's no way that I can just put in my brain that this happened in recent years Can I tell you a scary story before we get started? happened in recent years. Can I tell you a scary story before we get started? Okay, so I just want to purpose this podcast by saying that he is really excited to tell the story. So go ahead.
Starting point is 00:07:12 I'm not that excited. Oh, okay. It's appropriate right now. Okay, do it. Go. So there used to be a woman. She got married, newly wed into this new family. So he moved into her husband's house
Starting point is 00:07:26 and he lives with his parents, right? So it was a very, very poor village. They barely have any food. So one night, she woke up in the middle of the night and she noticed the husband's gone. So she looked around frantically. She started saying, oh my God, where did he go? Is he cheating on me?
Starting point is 00:07:47 Is he doing some shady business? What's going on? But at the same time, she's so hungry, right? So she got up and she started looking around the house and trying to see what's going on, where did he go? And meanwhile, looking for some food. And as she looking around, she noticed there's lights coming out of her mother-in-law's room.
Starting point is 00:08:06 So she kind of, you know, walk up to the room, stand, she stood outside and listened. And there was the mother-in-law and her husband talking in the room, whispering. And she stood closer and listened and she heard, well, if we don't kill her now, we might starve to death. So we have to kill her and eat her now. She heard that. She got so scared. She ran out the house and just went straight home. And she went straight home. She's our crying to her parents. Like, oh, my God, I can't believe they were going to eat me.
Starting point is 00:08:42 I can't believe that almost happened. And the parents are, oh, my God, that's okay believe they were gonna eat me. I can't believe that almost happened. And the parents are, oh my God, that's okay, that's okay, go to bed. Oh my God, that's so freaking crazy. I'm so glad that you caught them and you came back. So she went to the back and she went to sleep. And all of a sudden, in the middle of the night,
Starting point is 00:08:58 she woke up again because she's, you know, she's just feeling uneasy from what happened. She went outside and noticed her parents' room's light are on. No. She went up to them and she heard them talking. Well, we got to kill her friends before somebody else does, because we don't have food here.
Starting point is 00:09:19 Oh my god. Honey. Anyways, that was my joke. That was your joke. I know I like it. No, what was the one that we really like to that has to do with cannibals? Oh, the dance.
Starting point is 00:09:32 Also, we're just casually like, who was the cannibal that we like? The one where it's like the guy at the bus stop. So this is an urban legend slash creepy story of a man sitting at a bus stop. And a lot of people thought that he was just like this crazy homeless man who stop and a lot of people thought that he was just like this crazy Homeless man who just had a lot of issues and every time someone would pass by he would just yell out things and it was just very very strange
Starting point is 00:09:54 What would he yell out? He would yell out things like like frickin chick Banana frickin Cheetos imagine just walking by and he's just like watermelon like i'd be like okay that's very offensive sir like you don't look so hot yourself and he would yell all of these things a high schooler thought that this was very intriguing just like okay i kind of want to study this guy he seems like a fun person a fun character this there's got to be a fun story along and so he's sitting next to the homeless man and he keeps, again, yelling out these things like, chick, banana, watermelon.
Starting point is 00:10:28 Yeah, and then Kevin. And then Kevin. And the kid was like, what the heck? Are you yelling every single day? So finally, one day he asked the homeless man, hey, what are you saying? Dude, look at him and he's saying, I can see exactly what the person ate as their last meal.
Starting point is 00:10:44 He fucking ate Kevin. Okay, so those are just our favorite cannibal stories. Woo! Yeah. Yeah, can't wait to have a kid and tell them these really great bedtime stories. So let's get into armament. Now, I really don't know how to say it's last name. I mean, it's spelled M-E-I-W-E-S I believe,
Starting point is 00:11:06 but it's pronounced like marvelous or something. I don't know, there's a V in there. So I'm not even going to attempt. He is German. He has been living in Germany his entire life. And what's kind of ironic is that he was originally born in the city of Essen, which in German translates to eat. So we're up to a really great start, I'm in.
Starting point is 00:11:26 And I mean, I think it's really important to talk about the past. I mean, sometimes I like to go just balls deep straight into the crime, but this one's strange. I have to talk about the past because you don't just wake up 40 something years old and decide to eat another human being. Like, there has to have been a lot of things
Starting point is 00:11:43 over time that just made you so fascinated and so hungry for the forbidden meat. And so when he was young at three years old, he moved into this huge mega mansion. I mean, I'm talking 36 rooms. This was a huge manner. He had a freaking horse, like a white pony with a freaking carriage.
Starting point is 00:12:04 Armin was living that life. Like like he was flexing on his haters, he was, he was loaded. And he had two half brothers, he was the youngest of three kids. And when they all moved, everything was amazing. Like they were building tree houses, they were playing, you know, cops and robbers. But there was a lot in his family that was going on. His mom was in his forties and his dad was in his twenties. So you're talking about a massive, massive age gap. And it didn't seem like his mom actually wanted a third child.
Starting point is 00:12:34 It seemed like she actually conceived Armin so that her husband wouldn't leave anymore. I mean, you are talking about a huge age gap. And his mom didn't seem to be like the nicest person either. Because she had Armin just to keep her husband around. She also treated him like that. She didn't treat him like this wonderful beautiful child she just created. She just laid around all day and treated Armin kind of like a servant. She kind of had this weird idea that this huge 36-real mega-manchin was just she was the lady of
Starting point is 00:13:03 the house and everyone would just work for her and she would just lay there and This this was weird Um, and she would always get into these really intense fights with her husband She would always threaten to kill him after every fight that it just kind of became normal for the household Like it wasn't anything strange like mom yelling to kill the husband the dad the household. Like it wasn't anything strange. Like mom yelling to kill the husband, the dad just didn't raise any eyebrows with the kids because they had heard it so many times. And so the two older kids, his two half brothers, when they were teenagers, they were like, listen, I cannot live here anymore. This is a toxic environment. I hated here. And they
Starting point is 00:13:40 moved out. So he was home alone with his mom. And this is proved to be very, very bad because his mom just Put all of her attention typically negative on to Armin And he really just connected with his dad who seemed to be the last crazy of the tube that makes sense. Was she abusive? She was an abusive per se in terms of physically and she wasn't as emotionally abusive as I would say like some serial killer's parents are, but she definitely didn't pay him any attention. She did not treat him like a son. I mean in this 36 room house like any kid would be like I'd be so excited to freaking live there. I would be like just a little princess or a
Starting point is 00:14:20 little prince in there, but I mean she treated him like a servant. So he really didn't live a normal life, a normal family life. And so at this point, he started connecting very, very heavily with his dad. And then when he was around eight years old, he saw his dad, he was playing at his neighbor's house, and he saw his dad storm out of the mansion, get into his car, and just drive away angrily. And for some reason, he felt like something was wrong. Like his parents had been fighting even more so than, you know, normal. And so he tries chasing after the car.
Starting point is 00:14:53 And he vividly remembers crying and screaming for the dad to come back. And his dad never stopped. His dad never looked in the rear view mirror. His dad didn't even glance at him and just completely drove away and never came back. He was abandoned. And this was shattering for a lot of reasons. I mean, he was only connecting with his dad at that point. He loved his dad. He just felt like
Starting point is 00:15:17 his mom was overpowering and she wasn't nice. And so that was sad for them. But also on top of that, his dad had drained all of their bank accounts when he left. And so that was sad for them, but also on top of that, his dad had drained all of their bank accounts when he left. And so they were left in financial ruins. They didn't really ever lose the house or anything like that, but there just was a lot of stress involved. And so his mom, instead of finding another man or instead of going to work or instead of doing all of these things, she said, listen, I want to create a fantasy world. And so she would spend all day making them dress up at this like the medieval times. It was strange and like she would be the lady of the
Starting point is 00:15:53 manner and he would, you know, drag her around on a horse carriage that they did. Sound like. Yeah. So like she really just wanted to escape, I think. And so he did all of the household things like laundry The dishes cooking he did everything and he was bullied by his mom and she had complete control over him I mean she was a very controlling lady and during all of this time has one mental escape his one thought that he really wanted was Man, I really want a little brother like I really want a a best friend. And she would even ask, he would even ask his mom, like,
Starting point is 00:16:29 why can't you just get remarried and just give me a little brother? And she just was so afraid of repeating heartbreak that she was like, no, I'm absolutely never doing that ever again. And so he would just fantasize about having a little brother. And he spent a lot of his free time reading. So there was this one book in particular that he became obsessed with, which is called Robinson's Crusoe. And I mean, it's a long book, but just to put it very, very short. There's this one crucial part where there's this man who's about to get, who's, he's about to get eaten by cannibals, right? And the main character saves him from the cannibals.
Starting point is 00:17:06 Okay. And they become best friends, completely inseparable, just like the best of the best, right? And for some reason, this translated in his head, like he just was longing for a best friend. He wants a best friend? Yeah, he was just lonely. Cannibalism had anything to do with best friend?
Starting point is 00:17:27 I mean, that book just had a lot of influence. And so I guess it was like the first book that he had read about friendships. And so he just kind of always tied the two together. Like you can't have a best friend without some sort of cannibalism involved. Like whether you save them from the cannibals or you are the cannibal, you know, it's just like a distinct tie, right? And so at that point, when he was at the age of 10, all at the age of 10, he was fantasizing
Starting point is 00:17:50 about killing and eating people, including all of his classmates. And it was just really difficult for him. He would spend hours going to the local like meat shops and he would just watch butcher's cutting meat. Like that was just something that gave him so much happiness. Yeah. It was just very strange.
Starting point is 00:18:10 And the crazy thing is like slowly his vision of having that little brother, like these imaginary friends, he always wanted more. He felt like it wasn't enough. I mean, I kind of understand this feeling in the sense like I never really had best friends growing up. And so I always wanted that one ride or die bits, that bad bits who was just gonna stick with me no matter what, through thicken, through thin, you know.
Starting point is 00:18:33 Sure. And he just felt like it wasn't enough because they'll always leave. Like his best friends will always leave. He won't have the same friends all the time. And he wanted more. He wanted them have the same friends all the time. And he wanted more. He wanted them to literally be a part of him. And in order to do that, his brain felt like he has to eat them.
Starting point is 00:18:51 That's the only way. Like they'll leave. He just wants someone just to be so spiritually inside of him literally by consuming their flesh. Nothing made sense other than consuming their flesh. So all the cannibalism that you know you ever talked about in your crime cases. Mm-hmm. Are they all for different reasons? Yeah, I mean I would say that most of them are for like weird reasons like this.
Starting point is 00:19:21 I mean but then you do have a big group of weird people that are like I just want to eat people and they're gonna be fun like eat them like this. I mean, but then you do have a big group of weird people that are like, I just want to eat people. And they're gonna be fun, like, eat them like groceries. That's a different type of. Yeah, eating, but you get it. So, no wonder what it is. Do you think they just the crazy forbiddenness of it. I think there is, I mean, there's just something, it's weird, I would say I'm pretty normal. Like I don't think I have any serial killer tendencies. I don't think I have any of these desires
Starting point is 00:19:57 to do anything out of the normal. I'm actually a very, very strictly law-abiding citizen. Like I'm very paranoid of like breaking laws. Says every serial killer. No. to do anything out of the normal. I'm actually a very, very strictly law-abiding citizen. Like, I'm very paranoid of like breaking laws. Says every serial killer. No. I'm innocent.
Starting point is 00:20:11 No. Like, I mean, I would say like the most palsy thing that I do that's illegal is probably, I don't know. I'm a confess right now. Like, rolling stops. Like, I have a hard time doing a full four-second stop at a stop sign. That is like something that is very, very bad.
Starting point is 00:20:27 I'm like, I'm so innocent. No, but really, I've like tried to follow the law because I'm so scared of prison. Listen, prison is not meant for someone like me. I will get mass whooped in prison. And yeah, I think even me, I have this very weird curiosity. None of how humans will taste, but after reading all of these crimes, I have this very weird curiosity, not of how humans will taste, but after reading all of these crimes,
Starting point is 00:20:47 I'm kind of like, I wonder what the smell of decaying body is. Because everyone describes it as such a distinct odor that you can't forget, like you know immediately once you smell it, that's not anything but decaying human. I would like have this genuine curiosity. I'm like, I wanna smell it. Like at least once in a while. Is there anybody who described it?
Starting point is 00:21:06 They said they can't even describe it in words. And that makes me more freaking curious. I'm like, you little T's. And so, yeah, maybe it's like that, but they are kind of twisted enough to be like, no, I'm gonna do it. Make sure it happens, right? And yeah, he just felt like he needed to eat them
Starting point is 00:21:22 so that they could be connected and that that person could be a part of it. What about what about what about like, I don't know, it sounds really bad, but like the taste of the forbidden me to anybody described that. Yes, he will later describe it, which I'll get into because I mean, he has this whole speech that he gave about his first bite. We'll get into that. he gave about his first bite. We'll get into that. And so even with crushes, like everyone has school crushes and he felt just compelled to eat them.
Starting point is 00:21:49 Like he just didn't want to date them, he didn't want to just sleep with them and have sexual relations with them. I mean, he genuinely was like, listen, I need to eat this person so that we'll always be together. How is he so fucked up so young? Yeah. And the weirdest part of all of this is that, I mean, he was a very respectful dude to a certain extent. I mean, you're still talking about the one who murdered someone slaughtered them and then put them in his freezer, but he was overall a pretty respectful dude.
Starting point is 00:22:17 He said, my fantasy is my fantasy, but I also, it is part of my fantasy that the person, whoever it is that I'm eating them, they want to be eaten. And that is the only way to have this connection and attachment. It's strange because with most people in this situation, they'd be so over consumed, that's the wrong way to use in this case, but so consumed by their fetish that they'd be like, listen, I don't care if I have to kidnap someone to do it. But his thing was, if they're not willing, then it's just eating meat. It's not a connection. It's not an attachment that will form.
Starting point is 00:22:53 And I went on Reddit and I saw someone comparing this to something really sick and grossed, but I feel the need to talk about it. They said that arm in is kind of like, this is so messed up. I don't even know if I could say it. They said that armen is kind of like um this is so messed up I don't even know if I could say it. They said armen is kind of like in Japan where they have the wagyu, the cows that they sing to because the whole idea is it is that the cows shouldn't die when they're feeling stressed and when they have all this negative emotion because the people that eat that meat will get all of those like if you just go to the grocery store and you just eat regular like beef You're gonna get all the negative emotions that the cow felt throughout its entire life plus all like the stress Cortezones or whatever they call it
Starting point is 00:23:40 No, I don't know if that's appropriate I know I know but they were like on Reddit. They were saying like I think this is why because it's just strange Like no one can really understand because when you talk about most people have such sick and twisted fantasies You're also talking about people who really don't give a shit about consent and so it's odd that armen was so Just nitpicky on consent, which should be the case But because you so freaking sick and twisted, you just don't expect it. You just don't.
Starting point is 00:24:09 And so I guess, you know, some people felt compelled to compare it to that. Maybe that's where his thought process was, because as a regular human, it's very hard for us to understand even just his fantasy, right? Okay. And so at 19 years old, he was unable to eat any human flesh thankfully and he decided you know what this is consuming my life. I can't do this anymore. I can't go to school and every single person I look at I want to eat them like it's it's not healthy. I need to join the army and so he decided to
Starting point is 00:24:39 join the West German Army for 12 years. And he turned it into a whole career. And this kind of became a way for him to control these dark fantasies that he had just kept suppressing and suppressing and suppressing. And at one point, he felt even comfortable enough to engage in a long-term relationship that he went to kind of like this marriage console where they would give him recommendations
Starting point is 00:25:03 of other women that he should try dating like kind of like a matchmaker And so they matched him with a woman by the name of Petra and it's strange because during all of this time He would constantly ask friends as he was dating Petra Do you think I'm gay and all of his friends would tell him like, you know, that's something only you know, Armin. And it seemed like everyone kind of knew before Armin was ready to admit it, until for a lot of those reasons and his cannibalistic urges,
Starting point is 00:25:34 his relationship with Petra ended up not working out, and that kind of just made him spiral completely. And so at this point, I mean, his army career fails, he starts turning to alcohol, he crashed his Mercedes. I mean, there was just a lot that happened, I mean his army career fails, he starts turning to alcohol. He crashed his Mercedes. I mean, there was just a lot that happened and then he was officially like, okay, you know what? This is what I have been avoiding, majority of my life.
Starting point is 00:25:53 But I think I need to do it. It needs to be done. I need to go back home and I need to go back live with my mom. And this isn't something that he wanted to do, but he just didn't really have a choice. And so he goes back home and he starts taking care of his elderly mother and he said this was absolutely miserable. I mean she was not grateful, she was not happy to have her little baby back home every five minutes. She would yell because she wanted something. I mean she drove him crazy and so he decided, okay, well, I can't really go to work because she needs me constantly, like every five minutes. I need to become a computer technician. So he
Starting point is 00:26:31 started a new career path and he was pretty successful. He got a job working for a bank remotely so he could work from home. And he was doing all of this while he was caring for his mom. Now, on his off time, I mean, he's in his 30s at this point, on his off time at night, when his mom would fall asleep, he would start doing some very questionable things. I mean, he was a crafty little motherfucker, so he decided to join the worldwide web, the internet. This was created in like 1990s and the 90s, right? And he started going online all the time and he was obsessed with it. And he would do things like just kind of really go into his fantasies. He found multiple different forums of people that were filled with the urge of cannibalism.
Starting point is 00:27:18 There's such thing in 1990s? Yeah, there was one in particular called Cannibal Cafe. And I know what you're thinking. Ooh, you got to download some tour. It's some dark web shit. No, it was like Like it was not, or like, don't know it or whatever. It was not a dark web thing. I mean, now I think all of these forums and websites are probably only on the dark web.
Starting point is 00:27:42 Yeah. But yeah, at the time, it wasn't. Especially because the internet was so new. There wasn't a lot of internet police. There's not a lot of surveillance and policing over what is done on the internet. This was just so fresh. And so he would go onto these websites at night
Starting point is 00:27:57 and he would just scroll and scroll and scroll. And he just really wanted to be a part of the community that he would do these weird things like he would go and buy meat from the local butcher I'm talking just beef or pork More exactly He would buy pork and he would sculpt it to look like it was human meat He would look up pictures of human meat and then he would sculpt this pork to look like a replica of human meat He would take photos of it, he would post it
Starting point is 00:28:26 onto these forums, and he would brag about how he consumed this human flesh. And now normally you would think, oh, the bits is canceled. Career over, Armin, we're going to contact your boss, you're going to get fired from the bank, you little Twitter's going to be blowing up. No, he was very idolized. Like, people in that form just thought that he was this hero to them. Like, oh my God, all of us are losers. We're sitting here thinking about eating people, but you're doing it, Armin, like, wow.
Starting point is 00:28:56 Yeah, I think that's probably where he triggered it. Yeah, and so, you know, three years after all of this was happening, he woke up one morning and he went into his mom's room with breakfast, like he does every single morning, and he found that his mom had passed in her sleep. And for a lot of people, this would be completely heartbreaking, but for our men, it was just kind of like a freedom. Like, oof, I can do whatever I want to do now.
Starting point is 00:29:23 I'm no longer under the control of this domineering woman, like I am free to just live out my sickest, darkest fantasies. And he was so freaking excited. He had the entire house to himself. He even turned one of the bedrooms into what he called the slaughter room. I mean, I'm talking about there was a hook hanging from the ceiling because you know how when you slaughter cows, you hang them from the ceiling to let the blood drain and stuff. And so he had put a hook on the ceiling. I mean, this, it was just sick and twisted. And originally this room was meant for him to take photos.
Starting point is 00:29:56 He wanted to just replicate the idea of human flesh. So he would make these like paper mishays. He would get a mannequin and paint them the color of humans and just like put hair on them and pretend to cut them open, take pictures of that and post it, acting as if these were real people. Wow. And then would repeat the cycle of praise that he would get. And mind you a lot of these websites, I mean, as sick as it sounds,
Starting point is 00:30:27 most of these people were into role play. None of these people genuinely wanted to be eaten. None of these people genuinely wanted to lose a leg to a cannibal. None of these people wanted to die from blood loss because someone was eating them. I mean, this was very, very strange, but I'll just vary a sexual fantasy for most people.
Starting point is 00:30:44 And he didn't really like that. That was sexual? Yeah. very very strange but all just very as sexual fantasy for most people and he didn't really like that. That was sexual? Yeah. Yeah so a lot of people get off on it. Okay. Yeah I mean so for Armin it is sexual it's also emotional it's also mental. For a lot of people who want to get eaten it's kind of sexual so it's kind of like I would say maybe like the peak of masochism. You know those people who genuinely want to feel hurt and pain to get off It's like a very small population But it's it's not like super rare such as cannibalism
Starting point is 00:31:17 I see but it exists. I mean 50 shades of gray 365 days Let's pop in Netflix. And so, at this point, he started going to meet people. They would meet in hotel rooms, and he said, I thought there was this one person that just kind of stood out to him a lot, which they would meet in this hotel room, and they said, hey, I want you to get a piece of paper and write down all the body parts.
Starting point is 00:31:43 Like, you would do like a pig. You know, like, those drawings of a pig that's about to get a piece of paper and write down all the body parts. Like you would do like a pig. You know, like those drawings of a pig that's about to get slaughtered and it's like this parts bacon and they like cut up the pig into like, you know what I'm talking about. You've seen them on like butcher websites and they're like, you're eating this part of the pig. They said, hey, write down all of the human body parts but kind of like make it sound like a like a butcher shop and he would stand there butt naked in the hotel room and forced Armin, well, nicely asked Armin to pin those pieces of paper
Starting point is 00:32:12 to those corresponding body parts with needles. I'm so sorry, who is this? Just a random guy that he met on Cannibal Cafe. So they met up to do this activity together? Yeah, and it just, I mean, Armin said that this was so exciting for Armin, but also really turned that dude on. The pain of getting pinned. And then, but it wasn't just the pain, it was like, like, I'm just a lump of flesh type of vibe. Like he was getting off on getting pinned like an animal with his animal parts Okay, got it. Okay, and
Starting point is 00:32:51 It was just very strange and so he's meeting all of these people doing all of this kinky shit, which honestly is I don't know. I mean, I feel like I'm genuinely very very open to kinkiness and people having their own strong I'll be at very very very weird sexual preferences, but this one is um Beyond my realm of comprehension like I understand it, but I don't comprehend it in the sense like I could see it, you know Yeah, and so at this point, he decided, you know, enough is enough. Like, this is kinky, but it's just not hitting the spot. Like, yes, I love pretending to be a meat butcher
Starting point is 00:33:34 and pressing all of these needles into the human flesh with all of the corresponding labels. But I need to eat flesh. I'm hungry. I'm in hungry. And so he decided to post on the cannibal cafe, which really interesting name. And this was his post verbatim. I'm in search for a young boy between 18 and 30 years old. If you have a normal
Starting point is 00:33:59 built body and you are willing to die, then come to me. I'm butchering you and I will eat your horny flesh. Yeah. So again this is another reason that why predators feel like oh like maybe this is why he was so keen on having a willing participant because people wonder if this wasn't, if the willingness, if the desire for his victim to want this to happen to them, if this wasn't involved in his fantasy, would he just be a serial murderer? Like would he just be a serial killer who just eats flesh all day? So that's why people are saying like even the words like horny flesh, like this kind of makes it seem like maybe Armin was a believer in the sense that whatever the victim was feeling in their last moments of life was going to be transferred into the
Starting point is 00:34:48 meat and because he was so keen on that that meat with this flesh would become a part of Arman, he needed to be a positive experience for both parties. I see. So like the cow thing was not just to be disrespectful. I mean, it is very a weird comparison to say. At this point, he gets a man to say, okay, let's do it. There was a lot of people who were responding to his ad and saying, yes, eat me, Zadi, all of these things.
Starting point is 00:35:15 I can't wait to be in take my horny flesh, like deadass, these were the things that people were saying. And at the end of it, before they were able to arrange a date, a time, a place, all of these things, they were able to arrange a day to time a place all of these things they were just back out they were just dipped they'd ghost him yeah until one man now this man emailed him and he said let's do it I'm down I'm one of those with the exact words and so he's like okay this is what I want to do I'm very into this I want to be eaten I'm so. I can't wait for you to taste my horny flesh.
Starting point is 00:35:48 His words not mine. And so he said, okay, why don't you come over to my mansion and we'll do everything then. So this man makes his way to Rottenberg, Germany, which is like this tiny little town in Germany that really was never on the map until this case and now it's like an international spot and he said okay come over so he comes over sorry and he lays down on the table but naked and Armin starts pacing around him and tells him everything he's gonna do to him. I mean it was intense. Like the way that Armin wants to do it is... Is this the part he recorded it? No.
Starting point is 00:36:30 And so he's like, yeah, so this is everything that I'm gonna do to you and he's listing all of these things one by one. He's talking about which parts of the flesh that he himself is so excited to consume. And then at the last minute, the guy was like, okay, I'm so sorry. Like, you know what, I kind of changed my mind. I don't think I can do it anymore. I know, I know, like I should just keep my word. And it's like really not cool
Starting point is 00:36:57 to like change up the plans last minute, but like, I gotta go. And it was crazy because Arm and Let Him Go. Arm and I was like, oh, yeah, that's fine. And so that's why people are like, I mean, this is crazy. You're talking about someone so sick and twisted and he's a very intelligent dude. You're not talking about someone who's a complete idiot.
Starting point is 00:37:16 This could have gone south really quick. This could have been, he could have been a serial killer in Germany that loves eating people. But he was like, yeah, no, if you're not down for it anymore, like that's okay. And he let him go. No hard feelings, no pressuring.
Starting point is 00:37:33 There was no, like, please, like just think about it or like, oh, come on, like just one finger. Like there wasn't any of that. Like it was just like, now I got it. Okay. And so he let some go. Wow. Yeah. And so he let some go. Wow.
Starting point is 00:37:46 Yeah. And then he starts working on more on his mannequins and his paper mishays and creating more fake bodies. And it looks like they, that he killed them. And he was just getting more and more praise from the internet, which, have you ever had those days where you just have so much saliva in your mouth? And really, it's not about the the case but you start questioning yourself.
Starting point is 00:38:08 Sorry, I have a lot of saliva in my mouth today. And so at this point he goes on to post on even more cannibal cafes like the evening he posted one in German, he posted one in English, he's just nonstop posting under the alias of Frankie at one point. And finally he kind of sees one ad that just peaked his interest. This wasn't the one, this was not a response to his own ad, but someone had posted in March of 2001. And they posted the subject was dinner or your dinner. And the content was pretty much just, I'm offering you a chance
Starting point is 00:38:48 to eat me alive. And it was written by, I mean, I don't know how to pronounce this first name, it's B-E-R-N-D burned. I don't know, but it's last name is Brandis, so I'm just going to refer to him as Brandis, okay? And Brandis just had this overwhelming fantasy to be eaten. He was a very successful engineer in Berlin. He was 43 years old, and he just couldn't live with this this want that he had. He just needed it to be done. And so he posted this ad, and a lot of people are responding,
Starting point is 00:39:22 but he was having the same issues as Armin. You know there was a lot of cannibals who'd be like, listen I want to eat your horny meat come here. But then at the last minute they would back out and he was getting frustrated until it was a match made in hell because Armin responded to Brandis. I mean Armin found the ideal victim and Brandis had the ideal fantasy I guess for Armin found the ideal victim, and Brandis had the ideal fantasy, I guess, for Armin. I mean, it was just all very strange. They started in very deep conversations about what each person wanted, what they wanted
Starting point is 00:39:56 to get out of it. It was very weird because it was very much an arrangement, but it seemed like they were both very respectful of each other's needs. And Brandis would constantly say, listen, this is going to be the biggest high in my life. Like the ultimate bliss I could ever, ever have in my life is to be eaten alive. Oh my God. He wanted to be alive while he saw someone eat parts of his body. He didn't want to die. He didn't want to just get murdered like a bullet to the head, just the most painless
Starting point is 00:40:32 death possible and then be consumed. He wanted to actively be consumed while he was in the process of dying. He wanted to feel a pain that was so severe, that was so intense that it would kill him. He was in it for pain. He was in it for sexual fulfillment. And the filming part was very interesting. So prior to even meeting for the first time, you know, Armin was like, I kind of want to film the entire experience.
Starting point is 00:41:01 He never mentions this, but I'm a feeling it's because he probably wanted to post some of it, which he later does do He post pictures of all of this onto cannibal websites later on Yeah, and became like a hero to cannibals But I think a lot of it was also due to the fact that he said that he doesn't know when he'll get his next Fix and so he wanted to just relive the slaughtering over and over and over again because that's something that he gets off on. And Brandis was actually on the same part that he was like, you know, I kind of want some parts to be filmed too, like specifically
Starting point is 00:41:35 what I'm about to tell you next because I want to see it before I die. I want to watch it over again, like I want to experience it, but I also want to watch it before I die. Wait, so is he going to die? Yeah. So the end game, like both of them knew that he was going to die. At one setting. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:52 And he said he's fine with it. And that's what he wants. And that is his ultimate bliss and his biggest high. And to give you a little bit about Brandis' past, because I feel like it's so intriguing, you know, I almost feel like most news networks, most documentaries, most people focused really heavily on arm and because he is at the center of it, he is alive, he did give interviews in prison. Yeah, that were really intense. But I think it's kind of, I don't know, the psychology of brand
Starting point is 00:42:19 is, to me, seems more... Yes, to me too. Seems more dark. Yeah. How do. Seems more dark. Yeah. Hell yeah, it's more dark. Yeah, I think it's always a little more dark to be, to want to be the person that gets killed.
Starting point is 00:42:33 Say that like, that's a common thing. And okay, so this is a little bit about his path. I tried searching more. There's really not a lot. Don't know if it has anything to do with the fact that I'm searching in English and this did take place in Germany or just maybe he was a more private person. It seems like too on top of all of that. His mom committed suicide at five years old.
Starting point is 00:42:56 And again, something I read on Reddit was that this is the weird thing. It's almost shitty for both genders because it's shitty for girls, because people always say, like, oh, this girl has daddy issues, right? But because it's more well-known, it's a little bit more accessible for girls to get help if they have so-called daddy issues.
Starting point is 00:43:18 But it does seem like a large population of males suffer from mommy issues per se if I could put that, you know, link go on to it it and so both of these men they just didn't really have a mother figure and it kind of really did fuck with them a lot yeah and the worst part is that his father refused to talk about it so they both kind of had issues with their father as well the more see the more I listen to all these crimes these cases the more I realize how much of an impact the parents have on these kids when they're young.
Starting point is 00:43:51 There's always something. Yeah. And like the more I read this, like the more I'm scared out kids. Yeah. Because I'm like, I don't know, like I mean, I hope to be good mom, but I don't freaking know what my small little decision could do to my child. Yeah. It's just so scary.
Starting point is 00:44:07 And so at this point, his mom commits suicide and his dad refuses to talk about it. Like he barely acknowledges that it happened. And when you go through something so traumatic and you're five years old and you don't have resources and you don't have a solid support group, I mean, you're probably looking at the other parent like, hey, talk to me, like, hey, let's talk about it. Like, I am not gonna recover from this trauma ever unless we talk about it, but his dad just did not want to. And so later on, he gets married,
Starting point is 00:44:37 but they ended up getting divorced because majority of the time he knew and his wife kinda knew that he was gay and it just wasn't gonna work And so his wife was like okay, you know what you need to live your life like we can't keep doing this And so they got a divorce he told his father that he was gay He was homosexual and his dad completely kind of mad of his life He just said okay, then I don't know you and their relationship ended and that a can was
Starting point is 00:45:08 just another layer of trauma. Yeah. And one of his ex-boyfriends was interviewed. So I mean, already I feel like I don't want to be like a psychologist because I'm really not, but I feel like even for my idiot, the brain, my basic bits brain, I can kind of see like, okay, so they have an absent father, they have heavy mommy issues, they also really don't feel accepted just being who they are and keep trying to suppress that.
Starting point is 00:45:36 And so these are super just so similar for both of these men. And so his ex was interviewed for a documentary and his ex was talking about, you know, I did think he was weird. I did think Brandis was weird. I thought he was so sweet, so successful. I mean, he was this amazing engineer, well respected, but there was just a couple things, just a couple things that were a little too intense for me. And they're like, okay, what are you talking about? He said, well, he wanted pain. And it's not so weird. It's not the weirdest thing I've heard, but it gets weirder because he wanted pain. He said he wanted a painting. And he said, he specifically wanted it on his breasts and his genitals. And that's it.
Starting point is 00:46:30 Like that was his spot. And then it escalated. You know, the more they would do it, Brandis would ask his ex-boyfriend and beg his ex-boyfriend to bite his penis off. Like his own penis. Like he would tell the ex-boyfriend, can you please bite his penis off like to his own penis like he would tell the x-boy friend can you please bite my penis off like not vice versa he wanted his own penis bitten off of his body severed castrated like not just like
Starting point is 00:46:57 bite it a little bit like give me a little teeth action just like bite it off. Oh my god. Like take it off. And that was a lot. And the ex boyfriend was like, um, no. I mean, like it's one thing to be like, oh, spank me. And then it's like, like, oh, kinky. But then it's another thing to be like, hey, so bite my entire penis off, like with your teeth, do it right now.
Starting point is 00:47:21 I don't think mentally most people could do it. Like I kind of, I'm thinking anybody could do it it. Yeah, it kind of feels like the whole concept of technically they say that like your finger is the strength of a carrot and a human could bite your finger off like the carrot, but you just can't mentally. Yeah, no. And so I feel like it's kind of like that. And so it's like, no, I can't. And I also feel like maybe you'll regret it, but also what? And he was like, listen, I will give you $10,000
Starting point is 00:47:50 to buy my penis off. And his ex boyfriend was like, um, no. And he was like, okay, fine. I'll give you $10,000 and all of my computer equipment. And his ex boyfriend is like, um, what? And he's like, okay, I'll throw in my car. And he's like, what? What? And he's like, OK, I'll throw in my car. And he's like, what? What do you mean?
Starting point is 00:48:08 So you want me to buy your penis off. You will pay me $10,000. Give me all of your computer equipment that was, I mean, he's an engineer. He had thousands and thousands of dollars of computer equipment. And you're not talking just like an old, old laptop. And he's like, and you give me your car.
Starting point is 00:48:27 So he can, he, he get off on getting bit enough. Yeah. He really, he can still get off. Okay, that's a different type of getting off. Yeah, like it's more mental for sure, like not like a physical oof. Yeah. That was nice. And so he just really loved the idea.
Starting point is 00:48:47 And his ex was like, I can't do it. Brandis, you're a really nice guy. I really, really like you. This was fun, but I'm gonna eat my body out of here because I don't know how to handle this. This is too intense for me. And he left. And that is kind of when Brandis started reaching out to more people, you know, nobody else would do it. He started posting on like Cannibal Cafe and he met Armin. So another weird request that he gave to Armin, he kind of, you know, told Armin all of these things. He said, listen, the first thing I want you to do to me is to bite my penis off.
Starting point is 00:49:22 Like, that is unless you can do that,, I don't wanna be eaten by you. Like, if you can't do it, I'm not into it. Is he not gonna pass out? Yeah, I mean, he does. It's really strange. And so then he's like, but also another weird request that I have is that when I die, I want you to use my skull as an ashtray.
Starting point is 00:49:43 I mean, I, yeah. Okay. I was gonna say I mean I get it, but I don't. I think I get it in the sense that like there are a population. I thought you were gonna say use, oh yeah, I get it recycling, I get it. No! In the sense like, I think it's kind of like BDSM where I mean, I saw something on TikTok. This is nothing to do with TikTok. But it went viral because there's a girl who was on all fours. Like, she was on her hands and knees in a mall, in a public mall. And she had a collar with Alicia touched. And a man was dragging her around.
Starting point is 00:50:19 And he would say bark. And she would bark. And then she would say, I'm thirsty. And then he would put a bowl of water on the ground and she would Drink it like a dog like not like a soup bowl, but like with her tongue Someone else recorded this or date they did and they posted on to TikTok Yeah, and then people were duetting it and I saw the duet of it of people being like, what the fork am I seeing on my TikTok right now? And then I was like, what? And then I looked into it and she like gets off on being a dog and she'll like eat dog treats. And so maybe it's like the concept of like you really want to be treated as not really a human,
Starting point is 00:51:01 I guess, because like the school being used as an ashtray, I think this was a lot more interesting to me than the penis getting bitten off. Because the penis getting bitten off, maybe I'm like, okay, maybe there's a physical sensation he's looking for. But for this one, it's very like, why would you, your brain, that's your school?
Starting point is 00:51:21 I would never want my school used as an ashtray. I would want my, I would not rest in peace if someone was using my goddamn skull as an ash tray for me, right? Yeah, that's weird. Yeah, and so maybe it has something to do with that. I'm not entirely sure. And so at this point, you know, Armin was interviewed and he said, he didn't love the idea. He didn't love the idea of biting a penis off.
Starting point is 00:51:41 He also really didn't love the idea of using a school as an astray, but he also at the same time didn't want to deny any request from Brandis because he felt like it would be disrespectful. Meanwhile, he's like, I'm gonna butcher you and eat you, but he's like, but that respectfully, respectfully sir. Not funny, sorry, I'm a nervous lover. And so he says, okay, I'm gonna do all of those things. And they said, okay, fine. Then let's meet on March 9th of 2001. Now this is where it gets really weird for me.
Starting point is 00:52:12 I mean, I know. That's the day after the International Women's Day. Oh my God, you know International Women's Day and I don't, I'm ashamed of myself. It's a huge holiday in China. Really? Yeah. International Women's Day? Yeah. Like, hi! And so at this point, like, I feel like I said some weird-ass shit, but this
Starting point is 00:52:36 is probably the weirdest part for me. They decided to meet at 11 a.m. I mean, for some reason, after knowing all of this, after hearing all of this, I'm like, okay, they're gonna do it at like three in the morning. It's gonna be real nasty. It's gonna be real dark in the middle of the night while all the neighbors are asleep when weird shit happens. Three, and they're like, so 11 a.m., and they're like, okay, good. And so they meet at 11 a.m. at a train station.
Starting point is 00:53:00 So he had taken the train from Berlin to Rottenberg and he picked him up at the train station. Arman picked Brandis up from the train station, drove him back to his manner and our Brandis immediately went into the dining room and he had just completely stripped naked. Now what's interesting is the dining room is literally at the front of the house and all of the blinds were open and he just got naked. Like he just did not care. Can't wait. Yeah, he like can't wait.
Starting point is 00:53:27 And so at this point, he takes them to the slaughter room where they have a video camera set up. I mean, both of them had already consented to this again. Consent is really king in this story, which I don't understand. I mean, I understand consent should be king, but I just don't understand in this context. It's kind of weird. And so I just don't understand how someone could give consent for something like this.
Starting point is 00:53:48 I think consent is what makes them get off on this in this case, right? It's even weirder. Yeah, that's even weird. Yeah, it's just so weird. And so they go into the slaughter room, which is upstairs. And they really wanted to eat the penis together. I mean, this was mainly brand-us. They go into the slaughter room, which is upstairs. And they really wanted to eat the penis together. I mean, this was mainly Brandis.
Starting point is 00:54:07 He said, I need you to bite my penis off, but I also want to eat it with you. Oh my god. And so they start doing it. They have just, you know, your vanilla traditional sex, you know, just very vanilla. And that was it. And then Brandis was like listen I'm in I
Starting point is 00:54:26 don't think you can do this I don't think you have it in you I don't think you have it in you to bite my penis off I don't think so I think you're a weak bitch I don't think you can do it you're too feeble I don't think that you can give me the type of pain that I need to get off. Because I just had sex with you and it was fucking vanilla bro. Like I don't think you can do it. And so he's like, oh yeah, bet. And so he tried to bite his penis off and it didn't work.
Starting point is 00:54:58 I mean, I just can't imagine it actually working in a real life setting, not like a movie weird game of throwing setting. And so he tried to bite the penis off. That was all what happened in game of throw. I think he just cut it off, but he did eat it and fed it to. Yeah. Very odd. And so he's like, okay, well, you can't even bite my penis off you little weak bits. I'm gonna go back to Berlin. And so he's like, okay, well, you can't even bite my penis off, you little weak bits. I'm gonna go back to Berlin. And so he's like, okay, let me drive you to the train station. Again, consent is king, very strange.
Starting point is 00:55:33 And so as they're driving back to the train station, for some reason, Brandis kind of changes his mind. And so he's like, you know what, take me back to your house, I want to do it. So he's like, are you sure? Do what? Do it. I want to do it. I want you to just rip it off.
Starting point is 00:55:48 I want you to cut it off, whatever. I don't care. And so he's like, OK. And so they drive back to his house. And on the way, they picked up 20 sleeping pills. And they picked up some like beer and stuff. And they get back home and they're just kind of hanging out. He takes the sleeping pills. And you know, I'm in for I'm in. They picked up some beer and stuff and they get back home and they're just kind of hanging out.
Starting point is 00:56:05 He takes the sleeping pills and out, you know, Armin for Armin, he thought, oh, well, he's taking the sleeping pills so that he won't feel as much pain, right? And for Brandis, it kind of maybe felt like, oh, this is going to be a very blissful way to die. Like, ooh, and like, high on drugs, but like also like, oh, pain is getting bit off, right? And so at around 6.30 PM, Brandis approached Armin, and again, everything that I'm gonna say
Starting point is 00:56:30 from this point forward was on videotapes, and I do believe most of the things that Armin said, because he has been very truthful about everything. He has never tried to deny it really, he has never tried to conceal the crime. I mean, it's weird. And so at 6.30 PM, he went to Armin and said he said, I can't stand it anymore.
Starting point is 00:56:49 Like, just take it off, cut my penis off. And so Armin's like, OK, so he switches on the camera. And this is technically attempt number two, right? And it didn't work because the knife was too dull. Imagine the pain of attempting it. And then being like, hey, this knife is not sharp enough. work because the knife was too dull. Imagine the pain of attempting it and then being like, hey, this knife is not sharp enough. Like that is an immense amount of pain. And so he's like, okay, hold on right there. Like his penis was on a table.
Starting point is 00:57:15 Like he was standing and the penis was on the table. So they could cut it and they said, okay, the knife is too dull. I have to go get another one. Like stand here on brand is like, let me go grab another knife. And so freaking armman goes and gets another knife. And he cuts off the penis. He severes the penis from brand is his body. And he said for the next 20 to 30 seconds will be the most god awful scream
Starting point is 00:57:44 that he has ever heard in his life. He said it was just loud, it was intense, it was like shrieking, it was like any other, it was, it was crazy. And then, you know, it was on tape. Yeah. And then it stopped. And then brand is stopped screaming after 20 to 30 seconds. Did he pass out? And then he said, well, I only see black. Like, I don't see anything like I just I'm like He was losing consciousness at that point and his blood was Belerting out of his body similar to that of like a Like the Vegas fountain or like the Grove like the water fountains
Starting point is 00:58:19 Oh the Bellagio. I'm like, why is that the part of the story that I'm like caught up on? Yeah, the blood was like spreading out of his body like the Bellagio fountains in Vegas. Like it was a lot I'm like getting a little like I mean out of breath because of like I don't I don't even have a penis and I'm like, oh, I feel it for so many So like my body's all crunching up. I'm kind of assume that's what will happen So are they not like taking any medical care? Not really. And then the worst part, this is the worst part,
Starting point is 00:58:52 is that Brandis is kind of astonished. He's fucking shook after his penis gets cut off. Not for the reason that you're thinking. The minute that I read that, I was like, oh my god, he's astonished because he's, he regrets it. He's like, fuck, put that back on me. Like, I want my penis back. But no, he's astonished because he's like, what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:59:11 It doesn't hurt anymore. And he was getting really upset by that. He was like, why don't I feel the pain? And he was getting so angry. He was like, I'm supposed to feel more pain than this. No, like, why am I not feeling the pain? And he was getting frustrated. Because he gets off on the pain. Yeah. And so a lot of people say, I probably had to do with the 20 sleeping pills that he took, you know, maybe it wasn't the best idea. And so at this
Starting point is 00:59:34 point, you know, he's like, go, go cook my penis. I want to eat it. Yeah. And so brand this is like, go cut, go cook my penis. Armenians, like, are you sure you're going to be okay? Like, it's going to take me a minute, you know? I've never really cooked a penis before, so I know. My fiance's like cringing, he's like squirming over there, and I'm like, oh yeah, that's how I felt about Junco's case last week, but I guess that's because I don't have a penis, so I don't really relate as much
Starting point is 00:59:59 if they're like the actual pain as, like, and so he's like, yeah, go cook it. So, Armand, penis in hand, runs down the stairs to his kitchen. I can't believe this is a real story, honestly. And so penis in hand, he runs down to the kitchen and he decides to wash the penis because sanitation is important. And then he blanches it, which is throwing in a hot water
Starting point is 01:00:24 very, very quickly, but not fully cooking. And so it it's not boiled and so he takes it out of the water he gets some salt he gets some pepper and he gets some garlic powder because he really likes the taste of garlic and he decides to put some oil into a frying pan and fries it he fried his penis He fried his penis. Your speech list. He's just looking at me speech looks. Yeah, and so he- For some reason I imagine a cheese corn dog. Oh no, I gotta go.
Starting point is 01:00:58 What is wrong with you? I'm sorry, but- And on that note, I gotta pee. I'll be right back. You really have to close your eyes and try to be zen. Okay, and so he seasons it with all of the seasonings, salt, pepper, garlic powder, fries it with some oil. I mean, he's really treating this like it's MasterChef 2020. He's really going in on this penis and he fries it for a short amount of time. And for some reason, it seems like maybe either the meat was too fresh, the penis, which, you know, it's crazy because I went on to read it and a lot of people,
Starting point is 01:01:33 there was this whole thread dedicated to debating the method of cooking. I mean, it's kind of strange and so people were like, no, with something like that, it should be boiled or like not see some people, some people were like, they should with something like that, it should be boiled or like not see what's wrong with these people. Some people were like, they should use a slow cooker or someone else. I mean, I think so because this next one, someone commented, hey, they should have used, you know, it's called a crock pot is what a slow cooker is called. Yeah. They're like, they should have used a crock pot.
Starting point is 01:01:58 I can't, I can't. Sorry, it's not funny. It's not funny. It's not funny. So they're trolling. Yeah, it's not funny. Okay. Sorry, it's not funny. It's not funny. It's not funny. So they're trolling. Yeah, it's not funny. Sorry, it's not funny. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:02:11 And so he cooks it up. It's just not working well. The meat's too fresh, and it shriveled up instantly. They said it turned into a little brazen, OK? And so he cuts it in half, and he brings it upstairs to Brandis and they were just really disappointed. They tried eating it together and they said it was super chewy, just kind of burnt, not delicious. Brandis at this point was just super disappointed that he couldn't eat it on penis and
Starting point is 01:02:40 he couldn't watch Armin eat his penis. So he was upset by that. And Armin instead of just trashing it, instead of just throwing it into the garbage disposal, whatever you do with leftover foods, they are not edible. He decided to give it to his dog. So Armin's dog ate Brandis's penis. And the reason, okay. Yeah, so that's very interesting, right? And this is going to be a very long process. So at this point, that was pretty much it. Like that was his dream.
Starting point is 01:03:11 He didn't really care about anything else. He wanted his penis amputated. It didn't seem like he wanted other parts of his body amputated. He just wanted to die from the pain of having his penis bit off, right? And so they were just waiting for him to die. Like he was just going to bleed out slowly. Like he was just gonna bleed out slowly. Like that was the game plan because that's what he wanted. He wanted a painful death.
Starting point is 01:03:31 He didn't want a short process. And so at this point around 9 p.m., which is about, well, this happened at 6.30, so do the math. He, brand is started complaining that he was cold. He's like, listen, I'm getting a little chile. And also I'm getting blood all over your floor. So do you want to draw me a bath?
Starting point is 01:03:50 And I'm laughing because I take a lot of baths, so. And so, almonds like, yeah, yeah, I'll draw you a bath. So he takes them downstairs to the bathtub, puts them inside, and starts putting in some hot water, and he's just in his own blood. Now according to Armin, it was strange because in the beginning, he was very, very happy that he was just laying around in his own blood. He was very, very happy that the bathtub was just filling with red because he loved the idea of bleeding to his death, right?
Starting point is 01:04:19 And Armin would check on him every 15 minutes, which I also thought was very strange. I mean, you're talking about the fact that you're about to eat this human. He this human wants to be eaten by you and you just kind of like spend time with him while he's bleeding out, but regardless, he goes through a different room and he would check upon him every 15 minutes. And the process was really long, like he wouldn't die, Armin said. And so he got a little bit bored, so he started reading Star Trek. Armin is reading Star Trek after hanging out by it out of Brandis's burnt penis, and Brandis is now actively bleeding out in his bathtub. He's like, this is a good time for Star Trek.
Starting point is 01:04:57 He needs a distraction, I'm assuming. And so he starts reading Star Trek, and then he would, you know, Brandis would call her and he'd go and he would just slip in and out of consciousness. And then slowly he decided to bring him upstairs. So he dragged his body all the way upstairs and he would stand up and then he'd collapse and then he'd stand up and then he'd collapse. And this was from an interview from Armonds Attorney. This wasn't exactly Armonds words, but at the ends of the death,
Starting point is 01:05:26 Brandis didn't really seem happy. You know, it just wasn't exactly what Brandis wanted. Brandis thought that he was going to die in ultimate bliss, but in reality it just was a very lonely death. Yeah. And so because of all of those reasons and because of the fact that he was just in and out of consciousness and also the fact that the process was just taken a very long time according to Armin, he felt like he should put an end to it. And so in front of the video recorder, in front of the camera, Armin hesitated, he prayed and he didn't know if he should pray to the devil or to God, but he prayed and he kissed Brandis and he picked up a knife and then he put it down
Starting point is 01:06:15 because he didn't know what to do and then he picked it up and then he didn't know what to do. And then he picked it up, put it down, picked it up, put it down, and he kissed Brandis some more. Brandis is out of consciousness. Yeah, but he was still alive. And he asked God for forgiveness. And then he picked up the knife one last time. And he stopped him in the throat. Now this is very interesting.
Starting point is 01:06:41 This was actually very pivotal in both of the trials because this wasn't part of his fantasy. He didn't want to do this. His fantasy never included killing someone directly. His fantasy was that they would offer their body up, but he didn't want to do the killing. That's why he was okay with brandis bleeding to his death. But he wasn't okay with actually putting the knife into his throat and that being the cause of the death. But he was just taken too long, which is an inconvenience. I say that sarcastically.
Starting point is 01:07:13 And so he stopped him in the throat and he was kind of upset by this. And this is really the only time a lot of people saw a motion inside of arm and like, when you watch his interviews from prison, talking about this entire experience I mean the way he talks is literally I'm just gonna try to copy it So we put the penis into the frying pan and I put some salt and pepper and it was a little chewy
Starting point is 01:07:37 But then the part where he does talk about the actual murder itself. It seems like he's he's just a little distraught I mean he's nowhere near emotional or like, oh my god, I can't believe I did that. But it's just a little more emotion than the rest of the story parts, right? And so at this point, he was all prepared. I mean, he's a crafty bitch. He was prepared. He had already gone to all of these websites that teach them how to slaughter and butcher humans. And so he said, okay, I'm ready to do the deed. He had already killed him. He was completely dead.
Starting point is 01:08:08 Brandis had passed at this point, and he separated the head from the body. He hung him upside down from the ceiling. He removed the organs. He cut him completely in half. I don't even know what kind of tools it takes to do that. I mean, I have done a plethora of research. I wouldn't say I'm an expert, but I've done a plethora of research on disposing bodies in true crime of how people get caught because they
Starting point is 01:08:37 can't dispose the body. And the biggest part is people always have a hard time breaking down the body. Like bones are not weak. Okay, I just talked about fingers being a carrot, but the rest of our bones are not weak. And he just split the body in half, cut the body in half. And the crazy thing is, all of this was recorded. All of this was on video. Every step of the way, hanging, the cutting in half, and he was wearing a butcher's apron. Like he really treated this like a butching job. Like he was like a meat counter person at Whole Foods.
Starting point is 01:09:11 Like this is not normal. So this is the highlight of his life. Yes. Yeah. And so he takes hot water to wash the body and he cuts them up into little pieces and places him in a freezer. Now, this is the one point where he did a little bit of concealing.
Starting point is 01:09:28 He did not just put him in the freezer just like willy-nilly. He created a false bottom, which is what a lot of people do when they murder people, which means you open the freezer and it looks like the bottom of the freezer, but it's actually not because you open that and there's more underneath. Okay, so he tried to hide the body? Yeah, so he froze the body, cut the body into a bunch of pieces, put them into like Ziploc bags, and froze the body under the false bottom of his freezer
Starting point is 01:09:55 and above Brandis' body parts that were now being frozen was like pork and beef and just like regular Costco shit. Like he had Costco and then he had Brandis in his freezer and it's very disturbing and so he decided okay for my first first meal very excited he made this whole special occasion out of it he let candles and he's eating by himself by the way he let candles all in the dining room. He grabbed his good dinner plates.
Starting point is 01:10:28 He didn't grab the ones that were just cheap and that he uses on a daily. He grabs the ones that were strictly reserved for guests. If you have parents who like dishes and plates, you know that feeling, my mom was obsessed with plates and I was never allowed to use the good dinner plates. And so he grabs the good dinner plates. A good bottle of red wine.
Starting point is 01:10:46 He makes something he called princess potatoes, kind of like scalped potatoes. He gets some brussel sprouts, and he cooks brandishes meat. Well, part. His back. And these were his actual words of describing it not mine, because I am not accountable. But these were his actual words of describing it not mine because I am not
Starting point is 01:11:05 accountable, but these were his words. The first bite of course was very strange. It was a feeling I can't really describe. I had spent over 40 years longing, dreaming about it, and now I was getting the feeling that I was actually achieving this perfect interconnection through his flesh. The flesh tastes like pork but stronger, but I'm sure most people wouldn't even notice the difference. Okay, you're like frozen. What's wrong?
Starting point is 01:11:40 I mean, I did read on Reddit. Again, I don't know if these are actual cannibals because I mean, it's... Why would you post something like that? Like, if you did eat human flesh, the last thing you should do is post about it on Reddit. But a lot of people said that most people will generally compare it to pork more than anything else. So not beef, not chicken, but pork. That's true.
Starting point is 01:11:58 Who the hell... How many people should even know about this? Yeah, they said it tastes like pork and they said it's one of those things where it's strong, kind of has more of a gamey taste, they said, like kind of like lamb per se, but in the pork version of it, they also said it's strange because maybe that gamey taste comes because you know what you're eating.
Starting point is 01:12:21 But they said that like if you were to just put, if I can two pork pork roast in front of someone and one of the most human and one of the most pork, a lot of people wouldn't notice the difference unless you're talking about Gordon Ramsay, like someone who has an expensive taste palette, you know. And so that's what he does. He puts them in the freezer. He said that was his first bite.
Starting point is 01:12:43 It was a very, very special occasion is literally what he calls it. And for the next six to eight months, he would continue to consume bits of brand is this flesh. And so after the actual act, right? After the actual murder, brand is his boyfriend reported him missing two days later. And nothing linked him to Armin. Like, he had wiped everything from his computer. There was nothing that could link him to the carabal cafe, to Armin, to their email correspondence. I mean, there was absolutely nothing.
Starting point is 01:13:12 And so during this time, I mean, it looked like Armin was going to get away with it. He had stored all of his flesh into his freezer. And over the next six to eight months, he would consume 44 pounds of brandus, 44 pounds. I mean, he was eating him willy-nilly. Like, he was no longer eating him as a special occasion, like, oh, candlelit dinner. He was putting him on top of pizzas, like pepperoni, and he was eating him breakfast, like
Starting point is 01:13:40 a breakfast sausage. Like, he was just eating him anytime. Like, he literally treated brandus' body, like, just Costco refriger Like he was just eating him anytime. Like he literally treated brand-is-his-body, like just Costco refrigerated meat, just bought it in bulk. Now I gotta eat it with everything. So at that point, you see, eating it still to get off his fetish, or?
Starting point is 01:13:56 You know, it's weird. Yes and no. He plot twist, he becomes a vegetarian. I know he's looking at me at shock. I'm not laughing because he becomes a vegetarian. I know he's looking at me as shocked. I'm not laughing because he becomes a vegetarian or because of this story, but just my fiancee's facial expressions right now. I like he really, I've never seen my fiance so confused
Starting point is 01:14:19 and holding his stomach in his own balls like someone's coming for them right now. Like brown chill, no one's coming for you you and so for the next couple of months he's gonna consume 44 pounds of his body and if it wasn't if it wasn't for the fact that he started craving more victims if it wasn't for the fact that he felt like oof what if I run out of meat and then it's too late like I don't even want to go a month without this meat I don't want to go a month without eating humans. What do I do?
Starting point is 01:14:49 So he started posting on two more websites about cannibalism. At one point he uploaded photos of Brandis's dead body. He never uploaded video footage. Thank God, but he uploaded photos. Did you see? I saw three photos that were allegedly released by the German police department. It almost looks fake because you don't really expect to see a photo like that. It almost looks like a horror movie. It doesn't look like extreme.
Starting point is 01:15:21 What did you see? His body hung and cut in half. Cut in half. But I don't know if they were recreations. I mean, I was on Reddit. And I know that the German police was really, really keen on this never getting out because they said, like, this would destroy humans. Like, it's one of those things where like Stephanie Sue sitting in Los Angeles is like, ooh, something happened in German and let me look at it. And then I'd probably need therapy for the rest of my life. You know, like it just would not.
Starting point is 01:15:51 So it might be fake. Yeah, and like there are so many crime junkies who would be obsessed with like looking at things like this. And it's honestly for our better good that these things aren't released because I would not be able to hold my curiosity. Yeah. Yeah. And so at this point, he's like, I need another fix.
Starting point is 01:16:09 Oh, and after he uploaded these photos again, hero treatment. Nobody's treating him like a murder. Nobody's canceling him on Twitter. Nobody's canceling him in his career. He was just being treated like a goddamn hero. And so he continued to search for his next victim and that is where he will become Incredibly reckless so he posts and add very similar to his first one and a young Austrian boy asks him he emails him and he says listen. I am from Austria
Starting point is 01:16:38 There's my age. I really want to be slaughtered. I really want you to eat me I've got horny meat for you to eat, etc., etc. And the young boy asks, you know, have you eaten someone before? Like do you have experienced slaughtering people? Because if you're at first time, I don't really want to go to you. Norman said, trust me, you wouldn't be the first. I have experience with this. And the Austrian boy, God bless his soul at this point. He got really freaked out.
Starting point is 01:17:10 He realized, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Okay, like this is no longer role play. This is super real. And this dude slaughtered someone. And so he was role playing. Yeah, and so he immediately contacts the police department. And probably because it was international and it was like a whole thing. And also maybe a lot of the police departments in Austria and Germany was like really, like someone was eating someone
Starting point is 01:17:30 and the jurisdiction of this happened on the internet. Do we even have jurisdiction for whatever reason? I'm sure there was a lot of loopholes that had to be jumped through. But five months later, it took five months. Five months later, six police officers show up at Armin's Mansion. Wow.
Starting point is 01:17:51 This was December 10, of 2002. Again, this story feels like it should have happened in the 70s, but it was like 2002. And they had a search warrant. They start with the first floor. They hadn't found the slaughter room yet, and they go into the freezer. And I mean, they generally have an idea of what they're looking for, so obviously the freezer was a hotspot for them. They go, they find the false bottom,
Starting point is 01:18:14 and they find about 50 pounds of what looked to be questionable meat. 50 pounds. And when they asked Armin, this would be the only time that he tries to conceal and lie because he told them as wild pig meat. And ironically enough, one of the officers, I mean, the sounds really sexist, but that's literally what the documentary said. One of the officers looked at me straight in the eye and said, it's really not like I'm a housewife. Like I do a lot of cooking too. That's not Like you're a freaking lying. That's not pig one of the officers a woman Yeah, and she was like I do a lot of cooking. I cook for my entire family that I import don't lie Yeah, and so it was just I mean it's very very strange and so they saw skin on it
Starting point is 01:19:00 I mean they were like no We're gonna get a tester because we don't believe you and at this point armman was even mean they were like no we're gonna get a test it because we don't believe you. And at this point, Armin was even before they were like we're gonna get a test it. Oh it's confirmed. He's like you're gonna go get a test it. Okay well here's what happened. So I met the sky on Cannibal Cafe. He pretty much confessed to everything. He told them everything. And the only denial, the only every time that he denied it, was when he had said it was pigment. Like from this point forward, through both trials, he won't deny it. He won't lie about it, he won't conceal it. He's very open and honest about it.
Starting point is 01:19:35 His interviews, and he told them, hey, like I also have pictures and videos of it if you want that for evidence. What do you think his mentality is? Probably many things. Germany doesn't have a log against cannibalism, and it was consensual. And I think, you know, Armin really doesn't strike me as the guy who like,
Starting point is 01:19:59 I mean, I know he wants to get away with it, but doesn't strike me as the guy that will just lie and claw his way out of there. Hmm. And, you know he wants to get away with it, but doesn't strike me as the guy that will just lie and claw his way out of there. And it was weird. It just almost seemed like he was just admitting to like a sexual fetish. Like a little embarrassed, but like, I am like kinda into it.
Starting point is 01:20:16 It was weird. And so they got his video camera, cassette tapes, computers, three knives and acts and a butcher's apron and all of the meat was confiscated. And later that day, during the search warrant that he had called an attorney and this attorney was like, Hey, Armin, how can I help you? He's like, would you represent me if I did something really bad?
Starting point is 01:20:35 The attorney is like, yeah, absolutely. What would you do? He's like, would you represent me if I killed someone? And he's like, Armin, what's going on? Like, yeah, I'll represent you, but what's going on? And he's like, would you represent me if I killed someone and he's like, I'm in what's going on? Like, yeah, I'll represent you, but what's going on? And he's like, what'd you represent me if I killed someone and then ate their flesh and I kept them in my freezer?
Starting point is 01:20:51 And the attorney was like, I think you need to come to our office. And they represented him. What? Yeah. And I mean, this story just fucking exploded because it has, again, like I said, all of those weird aspects that gets
Starting point is 01:21:06 everyone just so confused but also like a sick twisted human trait of getting intrigued like fascinated right and so it was very very weird and with it was weirder is that Germany had no log against cannibalism and so that was kind of gonna be problematic for the prosecutors They just didn't know how that was gonna be solved and also the video the video was gonna prove to be incredibly problematic in the first trial because it really shows Brandis as a willing victim. There is no hesitation There is no coercion. There is no come on baby. Let's do it like don't worry about it. It's gonna be okay Like it's none of that like Brandis was asking for it At some points begging for it at some points maybe Brandis was a little more aggressive than arm and making this happen
Starting point is 01:21:53 And so that was gonna be very very problematic for prosecutors so at first the first trial in 2004 again, it feels so new. In 2004, they said, hey, we don't think it's murder. We're gonna try to charge him for manslaughter, rather than murder, because of the consensual nature of it all. It just didn't seem like homicide. And so he was sentenced to eight and a half years in prison. And this, this was fucking controversial. I mean, this really put Germany on the map. Like the entire world was talking about Germany. Like what the fuck is Germany
Starting point is 01:22:34 doing? Like this man literally murdered him. Cut him in half, put him in his freezer. Like treated him like Costco me. Like you're gonna give him eight and a half years. And it just made everyone really, really upset. It just, yeah, it tore Germany apart. It tore the rest of the world apart. And so the prosecution decided to appeal the sentence. And they demanded a retrial. And they said this time,
Starting point is 01:22:56 we're gonna try to find him guilty of murder. So because cannibalism, again, is not something that they can charge him for, They charge him for two things. They charge him for murder for the purposes of sexual pleasure. And then the second thing was disturbing the peace of the dead, meaning that he is consuming the flesh after the person had died. And these are crimes. It's crazy that disturbing the peace of the dead is a crime versus cannibalism, technically,
Starting point is 01:23:22 isn't? That's so weird, yeah. And I mean, there's a lot of weird conspiracies on why a lot of like first world countries where you would think cannibalism is illegal because it's not really a part of the culture, right? Why is it not illegal? And they're saying cannibalism is very strange
Starting point is 01:23:39 because when it comes to wartime, it is, yeah, it's just, yeah. It is an option. Not necessarily an option, but... It is needed to survive. If needed. And so, some people, I don't know if this is true. Some people say that in a lot of first world countries,
Starting point is 01:24:01 it's not a law because they don't want to try or convict anyone who fought and served for their country if they were forced to do If they were forced to eat another human to stay alive They would just say it would just be a lot of like legal headaches and then also the people who served the country and then Probably didn't want to eat another person, but there was force to eat another person I don't know. I mean, this is all a conspiracy. This is all a conspiracy. Cannibalism statistically is very rare. Very rare.
Starting point is 01:24:30 But there are not concrete statistics on wartime because nobody reports it. And if it is reported, it just kind of gets brushed away. And it's the same with rape. Rape is not rare. It is very, very common. But it's even more common in wartime and war zones. But again, those numbers, they're not accurate because they get pushed aside. So like because of that, because of wartime and war zones,
Starting point is 01:24:58 nobody really knows statistically how many people partake in cannibalism. Wow. Yeah. Wow. And so this time they were not charging him with manslaughter via cannibalism. They were charging him for those two things. So you're talking first degree murder at this point. And what was pivotal to the prosecution was that they were saying,
Starting point is 01:25:22 hey, listen, first of all, Brandis was definitely not in the right mind to give that type of consent. Like to give that type of consent of, okay, like I wanna die, he wasn't in that right mind the minute that his penis was cut off. And again, it's one of those situations where because Brandis was not in the right mind, if Arman had contacted the ambulance
Starting point is 01:25:41 or the police or medical authorities, maybe a life could have been saved. And so because of that, he is a murderer. And Brandis was still alive when his throat was cut. So you're not just talking about slaughtering. He actually put in the cause of death. Right. Like the cause of death technically wasn't bleeding out.
Starting point is 01:26:04 And so for those reasons, he should be convicted of first degree murder. They had a four hour long footage, and they only shared 19 minutes of it to the jury. And even after that, most of the jury, the jurors, their life was just upturned like most of them became physically sick in the courtroom. They had to go to therapy, extensive, like not just, oh, state mandated, like, he, he, ha, ha, I'm just here because I was part of the jury, like extensive therapy afterwards. The police officers, the investigators, the prosecution, who saw the tapes. I mean, there are a select number of people in Germany
Starting point is 01:26:47 that work for the government that saw all four hours of the footage, and they have to, I mean, I am sure most of them are still in therapy. There's not something that you can unsee. Like, there's not enough I bleach on Reddit to get rid of something like that. Yeah. And at this point, what's even crazier is that he was convicted at
Starting point is 01:27:09 2000 in 2005 for murder and he was sentenced to life in prison. Now, in cases like this, when someone is sentenced to life in prison, you see a lot of people showing a lot of fake remorse or real remorse, who's to say, right? But there is a lot of like judge like listen, I didn't freaking mean to do it. Like I was in over my head. I just really wanted to like try eating, I don't know, a piece of his balls. I don't know, like please forgive me.
Starting point is 01:27:34 Like I didn't mean to. I messed up. But it didn't seem like remorse is too strong of a word for arm and even his attorney realizes this and admitted this, Armin doesn't necessarily feel remorse for what happened. His only regret is that killing that he had to stop the neck and he wish he hadn't, but not so much of the eating and slaughtering aspect. He doesn't really feel remorse or regret for eating brand is or slaughtering brandis. But he does know and he does understand
Starting point is 01:28:09 that it's wrong. He feels like, okay, this should just be a dream. Like next time I have a fantasy about this, it should just be a fantasy. It shouldn't be something that I actually do it. Like go through it with it. And the saddest part, the saddest part about all of this is that a lot of people were looking at this case like, it's so sick, it's so twisted, but maybe the silver lining is that Brandis got what he wanted and Armin's and jail, but he lived out his final fantasy and he's gonna spend the rest of his life in prison. I mean nobody really gives a fuck about Armin, but more for Brandis, right? But the saddest part is that neither of them got their fantasy
Starting point is 01:28:50 What do you mean? Brandus wanted to be eaten alive and that's all what happened They couldn't eat the penis. He wanted to eat the penis. He wanted the penis to get bitten off That didn't happen either and it wasn't exactly what he expected I mean armen said like it seemed like maybe he had a lonely death. And so maybe it was like a case of like buyers remorse in the really sickest terms of, this is not what I thought it was going to be like. And there was a lot more sorrow and a lot more, what did I just do than anything else, right? Yeah. And then for Armin, you know, he wasn't really interested in eating a penis. He did that
Starting point is 01:29:25 for a brandess. And he really did not have any desire to kill anyone. And that was so important for him. Like he wanted consent. He didn't want to be a murderer in his own eyes, whatever those are. And so I'm not saying we should feel sympathy for Armin, I'm just saying it's kind of sad that neither of them got their exact fantasy. Like one person had a die, one person is now in jail forever, and neither of them got their fantasy. And what's even more ironic is that now that Armin's in jail, he has converted into becoming a vegetarian.
Starting point is 01:30:03 A fucking vegetarian. A fucking vegetarian. Why? I'm gonna say one more time for the people in the back. Armin, cannibal, murdered someone. 844 pounds of human flesh is now a vegetarian. Yeah. What? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:23 So, I mean, there's two theories for that for that some people are like okay, maybe no other meat Taste as good as humans for Armin and he doesn't want to be reminded by the shitty meat that he has to eat That's not human flesh. I mean that's what people are saying This is what a lot of people are speculating so either meat brings him sadness because it's not his actual fantasy or Maybe human meat really ain't all that. And maybe eating 44 pounds just, it just russes him out and now he's sick of meat. You know, it could be either or. Yeah, and that is the story of Armin.
Starting point is 01:30:57 So he's sitting in jail right now? Yes, he's sitting in prison doing some interviews and his interviews are very interesting because he doesn't really Show any remorse or emotion. I wonder how the inmates treat him I'd be scared shitless. You think so? Yeah But then some people are saying that he should be let out Why because the whole point of prison? I mean, that's what some people are saying I don't believe it, listen,
Starting point is 01:31:25 I don't want a cannibal out in the streets of Germany. I've never been a Germany, but it seems very scary. Yeah. But a lot of people are saying prison is literally for the people who are dangerous to society, but Armin isn't dangerous to society because he doesn't pressure people to do it.
Starting point is 01:31:42 But I don't know. I feel like it's kind of like a cult. Yeah. So, I feel like a brandess. It was a situation of the right circumstances, the right timing, the right life experiences, you know, his life trauma, all of that. And he would still be alive if he hadn't met Armin.
Starting point is 01:32:03 Yeah. And then he's posting all these pictures and getting praised. Yeah. That's sending very, very, very wrong ideas to people. Mm-hmm. Yeah. And imagine if he's out and about and people's like, oh, okay. You just say, I get consent.
Starting point is 01:32:16 And then you can do whatever you want with people. And then imagine all the people who pretend to get consigned or fake consent somehow. I mean, I don't think even with consent, this is messed up. Yeah. There is two groups of people. There are two groups of people that are kind of split on it. There's a group that says,
Starting point is 01:32:35 is it really murder if a victim consented to homicide and they wanted it? They wanted murder. They wanted to be murdered. They didn't want to die. They didn't want to commit suicide. They wanted to be murdered, that was very specific. Is that still a crime?
Starting point is 01:32:49 Yeah. Or is that free will? So there's two groups of people, there's a group of people that I like, look, it's sick, it's twisted, and the victims are the victims of the family, like the family gets hard. The family is like, what? He wanted this, you know, those are the victims, but technically it could be a victimless crime. So you have some people that are like, arm and doesn't deserve to live forever in jail. And then you have another group of people that are like, oh yeah, hell yeah he does.
Starting point is 01:33:14 Yeah. I feel like I'm on the, oh yeah he does, boats. But I mean, it is a question that I'd love to ask. Is it murder if a victim consents? Is it murder if the victim wants to be murdered? Let me know in the comments. It's a very strange grey area. There's no comments.
Starting point is 01:33:35 Oh, shit. It's a podcast. Let me know in my... DM. Now in my... DM! Sliding to them! DMs! And um, America's Lunt Talent, America's Got Talent. Sliding to my dance as well. The voice, feel free to...
Starting point is 01:34:00 Sliding! Smash that button! Smash that follow button for more weird crimes. And DME for a list of weirder crimes, if you guys have any. I mean, I have like a whole list that I've had for the past three years of crimes. I could never talk about it in mukbangs because I mean, it's a mukbang and I'm eating while I'm talking about those crimes. So I have like a whole list and if you guys have any more let me know so I can add them to the long list. But I hope you guys enjoyed today's episode of the Rotten Mingo. Please stay safe, please don't be going on some weird ass websites. Really think about it before you give your consent, like think long and hard.
Starting point is 01:34:41 Don't do it. The forbidden meat really ain't good. Don't do it. And I'll see you guys next week on Wednesday because we like to penetrate your your holes on hump day.

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