Rotten Mango - #370: Toxic Pastor Humiliates Wife In Sermon, She Leaves Him, Then Found Mysteriously Dead In River

Episode Date: June 27, 2024

A church in South Carolina has gone viral recently--even making national headlines. A young pastor by the name of JP is caught on a recorded sermon saying: “One day I’m going to preach about rich, strong, healthy, and finding a hot wife that loves Jesus!”  The congregation laughs awkwardly because on his left hand ring finger is a wedding band—he’s already married—but he won’t be for much longer.  Just a few weeks later, Pastor JP’s wife—14 years younger than him—is found face down, submerged in a marsh, an entire state away.  Just four days after that, the media reports that Pastor JP was drinking at a bar with a woman thought to be his mistress.  This is the ongoing investigation into the tragic death of Mica Francis Miller.  Mica Francis Miller’s Go Fund Me link: Official Justice For Mica website link: Full Source Notes: To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 A church in South Carolina has gone viral recently, even widely talked about on the national news, and it all starts with a few very strange sermons. A younger looking pastor by the name of Pastor JP is on stage giving a sermon. He says, if you ever want to know what's going on in my life, it's always what I'm preaching about. God is so good to do that every single time. One day I'm going to preach about getting rich, strong, healthy, and finding a hot wife that loves Jesus. That's what I'm going to do.
Starting point is 00:00:36 I'm just kidding. I told you I shouldn't be here today. I shouldn't be here today. He holds both of his hands up like he's surrendering and it's kind of the whole congregation laughs, but maybe it's a slightly uncomfortable laugh because there on his ring finger on his left hand is a wedding band. Pastor JP is talking about finding a hot wife that loves Jesus when he's already married to his wife who is also very active in the church
Starting point is 00:01:05 it's just... it's weird it's humiliating for his wife, it sounds like he wants a new wife honestly that's what it sounds like like he has very weird humor? is that what it looks like? or he's not being serious? it sounds like he's being a little serious but he's trying to laugh it off and people don't know how to react yes, it rubs a lot of people the wrong way, as it should. But that's not even what makes these sermon videos circulate all over mainstream
Starting point is 00:01:28 media and on social media. It's not until a few weeks later, Pastor JP gives another sermon. Pastor JP is standing in front of his congregation, where he says in this high-pitched, shaky voice, I got to lay next to her, spend time with her about four times this week and each time it still didn't hit me. I thought she was gonna wake up. I even tried to raise her from the dead one time this week. This sermon is from his wife's funeral after she was found dead in a state park, in a national park. A sermon Pastor JP gives on how he tried to resurrect his wife from the dead because he couldn't believe it. But in that sermon,
Starting point is 00:02:12 he fails to mention that she was in the process of separating from him. She had alleged that he groomed her since she was 15 years old, that he was allegedly having an affair with another woman from the church, and a long list of allegations of abuse that have been made against him that was omitted from the sermon this is the case of Micah Miller and everyone wants to know what exactly happened to thank today's sponsors who have made it possible for Rotten Mango to support Justice for Micah's GoFundMe.
Starting point is 00:03:02 Her sister, Sierra Francis, has taken on the full-time job of managing the family's fight for justice. This GoFundMe campaign serves to assist the family with legal fees as they fight to get answers in what could be probably a very long, complicated judiciary and investigative process. All the GoFundMe information, where to donate, they even have t-shirts where the proceeds will go towards supporting the family.
Starting point is 00:03:26 They have engraved bracelets, memorabilia, a gallery wall, tip line, any and all of that information will be in the description. This episode's partnerships have also made it possible to support Rotten Mango's growing team. We would also like to thank our listeners for your continued support as we work on our mission to be worthy advocates. As always, full show notes are available at A few quick disclaimers on today's case. Everything covered in the episode is what was available at the time that this episode was filmed. The investigation is still underway, meaning almost anything can change.
Starting point is 00:03:57 We will do our best to keep you updated with possibly a pinned comment below if there's any major updates. However, we do encourage you to check Justice for Micah's webpage. They have an updates tab. As for content warnings, there is mention of self-exit DV, allegations of essay, child essays, grooming, struggles with mental health, and brief mentions of religious trauma. The discourse surrounding religious trauma involves Christianity specifically. However, the events, behaviors, and even quotes from people involved in this case are inaccurate representations of Christianity as a whole.
Starting point is 00:04:29 And one last disclaimer for today's case. There have been zero charges, zero convictions, even official persons of interest, let alone suspects in today's case. As of the date that this is published, the official manner of death has been ruled a self-exit with no foul play involved. all the following is alleged, the information is available online, net is in
Starting point is 00:04:50 speculations, and in the states you are innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. some statements have been condensed for time, but these are all things to keep in your mind. this episode is also not to cast any suspicion on anyone or any parties in particular nor is it made to sway your opinion on somebody so with that being said, let's get started a very bizarre video of the local pastor of South Carolina goes viral this time it's not a sermon, but it is of Pastor JP he's laying on the grass with his cheek up against the ground his face is almost all smushed into the grass
Starting point is 00:05:25 it looks like he was about to get out of his car but his whole body went limp and he dives face first into the grass he's like half in his car, half on the grass and it just looks like for some reason someone put super glue onto the grass because he's not getting up his face is not moving
Starting point is 00:05:40 it feels like he's stuck in that position his palms are just digging into the ground. The video is taken by a worried passerby who knew Pastor JP, but also knew that Pastor JP was recently upset because his wife was leaving him. He had five kids that were no longer going to have both parents in the house and he was just going through a lot. The person recording asks, what's the matter? Are you okay? What's the matter? JP starts talking and this JP stands for John Paul,
Starting point is 00:06:07 by the way. How old is John Paul? At this point, he's probably, okay, wait, wait. It was 2015, he's 44 today. So like 34? 35? Yeah, he's like 35 in the video. Oh wow.
Starting point is 00:06:20 JP starts talking in this incredibly high pitched voice. It's so high pitched, it sounds like he inhaled a helium balloon. I switched medications today. It makes me go crazy. Oh, is somebody helping you? I think something is coming to get me. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:06:39 I thought I was gonna see Jesus. Okay, but you got Mark coming to help you, right? He continues to blubber between sentences and he starts sobbing. I feel see Jesus. Okay, but you got Mark coming to help you, right? He continues to blubber between sentences and he starts sobbing. I feel these ants, they keep biting me, bite me everywhere. Is your medication something they gave you? Yeah, they were drunk.
Starting point is 00:06:56 They were doing this in their days as they were something. There's ants all over me. It feels like there's ants on you. He's still on the ground? Yes. The pastor starts crying in the grass, like this high-pitched whining sound. There's no ants on you though. It's just maybe that's how you feel JP, but there's no ants on you. There's none on the grass. I'm gonna see Jesus. I'm gonna see Jesus.
Starting point is 00:07:18 No, no, no, no, no. I just need to get to you Jesus. I just need to get to you Jesus. I just want it to happen quickly. I don't want anything to steal me. Don't look at them please. Don't look at them Jesus. I don't, I just want to be able to talk to them in bed at night. They're getting in my head now. I'm afraid. I just look at my room all day and look at the ceiling and I wonder what my kids are doing, what my wife is doing. I don't want my mom anywhere near. They're crazy. I want to get off medication and this is what it does. They're crazy. I can't eat, I can't sleep, I can't do nothing. I feel like ants in my eyes. I can't open up my eyes
Starting point is 00:07:47 Like sounds like he's under something. Yeah, there were allegations it Okay from a third party perspective, this is i'm not saying this is what happened But considering the religious context some people say that he looks possessed. Some people say it looks like a drug psychosis Some people say it looks like a mental breakdown Some people say it looks like a drug psychosis, some people say it looks like a mental breakdown but it's definitely not normal behavior at all. Now the pastor goes completely silent, almost catatonic silent, just laying there breathing and the neighbor starts zooming in on his face. It seems like either pastor JP is losing it or perhaps in some sort of, like I said, psychosis.
Starting point is 00:08:23 The video itself is very alarming and just unsettling, bizarre. I'm not even sure what the right word for it is. It's just a very strange video made even more strange by the fact that this is a pretty well-known pastor in South Carolina that's the subject of this video. But the timing of this video being posted onto Facebook and the caption that is uploaded along with it makes the video even more intriguing. The video was posted onto Facebook May 10th of this year, 2024, a few weeks after Pastor
Starting point is 00:08:54 JP's wife was found dead in a national park. The caption reads, I believe the saying goes, getting a taste of your own medicine. And I mean that quite literally. You have used and abused for way too long, JP, only to get up on that pulpit and consistently discredit your victims by airing out intentionally degrading and inappropriate personal information. Doing that allows you to control the narrative. Now we have the death of your wife that you claim only took her life because of mental illness.
Starting point is 00:09:24 Fact is, JP, nobody was ever mentally ill until they met you. You are the common denominator in all of this. This video is only proof that you yourself have issues and you know what medication can do to someone. JP, I could have done this anonymously, meaning the poster could have posted this video anonymously, but I want you to see it's coming from me so you don't go after anybody else, you know, I've got receipts and you know, I'm not scared I have never met anyone like you But what I've learned is and what I've been taught is people like you repeat their behavior and every so often They slip up and show who they really are
Starting point is 00:10:02 Solid Rock Church. Let me introduce you to your pastor. You don't see this version on Sundays. This is the guy that you allow to give you and your family counsel. The guy you share your personal vulnerable information with that he will use against you when and if you question him. To the ones who are the reason that I'm involved in all of this, I hope you understand why I had to do this. Enough is enough. Some want to raise awareness and most want justice. Well, godspeed JP.
Starting point is 00:10:33 If you know, you know. Internet, do your thing. Hashtag justice for Micah. And many others. Wait, so the video was taken in 2015? Yes. And in 2024, this year video was taken in 2015? Yes. And in 2024, this year, Micah passed away. And then a few weeks later, video was posted.
Starting point is 00:10:51 Yes. Do you know who posted it? A neighbor and someone that I guess is familiar with the church. And this is the caption that he posts along with it. So at first when Micah passed away, it seems like the news was very much retained in that local area of South Carolina. And slowly as things start developing, such as this Facebook post, it becomes national news because it's so cryptic. What does this mean? I mean, people are just trying to figure out like what the hell is going on in that small church in South Carolina?
Starting point is 00:11:19 What did Pastor JP do? Pastor JPs wife filed for divorce October 2023. In the divorce document she claims that her husband Pastor J.P. cheated on her multiple times. In an affidavit sent to her attorney she writes, since the day we became husband and wife I have been abused in every way I can think of emotionally, sexually, spiritually, financially, and physically. He has harassed me physically and electronically with letters, phone calls, emails, and texts. He's hacked into my emails, hacking my personal Facebook, and impersonating me, using my stolen phone to send texts and emails out to church members pretending to be me,
Starting point is 00:11:58 texting friends and family saying that I'm sleeping with teenagers from our church, and showing up in person at places around town. He has installed three different tracking devices on my vehicle. This was sent to her attorney nine days before Micah Miller, the wife, would be found dead in a marsh. What day when was she found? April 27th. Four days after her death, sources state that Pastor JP was out seen at a bar with his alleged
Starting point is 00:12:27 mistress. Pastor JP decides to have a pre-marital sermon series. This was a while back before his wife passed. He believed these are sermons every couple should be ministered before getting married. This is like the most valuable lesson of marriage and being in a relationship that he can pass on to his congregation. The sermon was gonna be broken up into two different parts. One would be about every man's battle in a marriage. The other would be about every woman's battle in a marriage. That's what he titled them, don't come for the messenger. Obviously, I know that there's, it's not everything is heterosexual.
Starting point is 00:12:59 But during the man's battle sermon, he starts off by saying, every man's battle is looking at things that do not belong to us and lusting after those things. Let me tell you how you know if a woman is loose. If she doesn't wear a bra or if her bathing suit in the back barely covers up her crack and if every picture on social media is either in a bikini or showing off her chest, that's how a man can tell if a woman is loose. So if your daughter dresses like that, I don't want to say be ashamed because that's not
Starting point is 00:13:30 godly. If your daughter dresses like that, you need to be convicted of it and teach her how to be a modest girl and a modest woman because every unsaved man in the entire world is looking to see bra bikini thongs and what she shows on Facebook that's how you can tell a loose one and every man in this room knows exactly what I'm talking about that's why all of our faces are so red right now listen ladies you don't want a man to want you for what you look like and what you're flaunting off listen once you lose that body you're gonna lose the man he also states that there are three reasons why a married couple does not have healthy
Starting point is 00:14:04 intimacy the three reasons are number married couple does not have healthy intimacy. The three reasons are, number one, there's an explicit video addiction somewhere in the marriage. One of them is addicted to porn. Two, there's a negative or unkind spouse. Because a man would rather, unfortunately this is sick and sad, a man would rather have a computer screen than a woman who's unkind and nagging and fault-finding and negative. I mean, in a heartbeat. And most men, they'd rather have a computer or a phone than a woman who's always fussing and griping about something. Or the third reason, homosexual struggles.
Starting point is 00:14:37 Yeah. But there's a way to fix that, he says. That means every wife in here is in a very powerful position. You're in a position of, you've got great responsibility. If you make excuses, if you're negative, okay, I promise you if Satan has a computer image right around the corner, don't refuse sex to each other. Do you know that you can actually help your husband in the area not be tempted by you being a giver in this area? That's amazing! Amazing! That's why when you walk as a married couple, you make sure both of you
Starting point is 00:15:10 are 100% satisfied. He also tells the wives to not speak too much about their husband's failures or else he will never open up. He says, if you say to a man, you did such a good job painting that wall, he hears success, success, success. I love you, I'm attracted to you, success. I success I want you success if you say you never pick up your socks off the ground failure failure fair I've worked 40 hours this week I'm paying the bills and I take care of the kids and that's what you want to bring up my socks that I'm a failure I don't want you get out of my life that's how a man's gonna feel you have to be very careful when you talk to a man to make him a success.
Starting point is 00:15:45 He says one of his favorite pastors had once said, If a man knows when he fails he will be seen as a failure, he will never repent, he will never change and never be healed. But if a man knows when he fails that there's somebody there who will pray for him, give him counseling, encourage him, and get him restored, That man will step forward and repent every single time." He says, I want every wife in here to know that if your husband faithfully tithes, which means he has financial wisdom. Tithing is offering. You give money to the church.
Starting point is 00:16:18 To the church he owns, by the way. I want every wife in here to know if your husband faithfully tithes, which means he has financial wisdom, if he serves in church and he's willing to do whatever it takes to be free from pornography, he is in the top 1% of men in the entire world, hallelujah! Now he may eat Doritos in bed, he may leave his dirty drawers hanging around in the living room, I don't know, but he may have some other issues in there, but for heaven's sake, shut your mouth and love that man! And thank God he's in the 1% of men! The next week was a segment for Every Wife's Battle. During the Every
Starting point is 00:16:54 Wife's Battle, he asks the crowd what they think every woman's battle is, and they finally start responding out loud, and he jokes, it's obviously your mouth. No no no no, I'm joking, calm down. The truth is, ladies do speak more than men. And so the Bible says, the more you talk, the more you're likely to sin. Most of the gossip comes from ladies. Most of the negativity comes from the ladies. I'm sorry. It's just because you talk the most. We think it, y'all say it. This is kind of ironic coming from someone who yaps for hours every Sunday. And I don't mean this in a crude way, but if I were to preach to the ladies today,
Starting point is 00:17:32 to the wives about the words that come out of your mouth, that would be the equivalent to me preaching to the men last week about adultery or masturbation. The greatest enemy a woman will ever face in her life is not her ex-husband, it's not her parents that did not affirm her, it's not her boss, it's not the devil. The greatest enemy a woman will ever face in life is the battle that's going on inside her mind. You ladies, y'all can think a thousand things at once. The smallest thing can happen and you can visualize the divorce and think about 20 things that if someone offends you today in church,
Starting point is 00:18:02 you got a list of 20 things they did that offended you before and it all comes to the forefront of your mind. that if someone offends you today in church, you got a list of 20 things they did that offended you before, and it all comes to the forefront of your mind. He then brings up a visual of a man's brain and a woman's brain. He says, men have about six thoughts, that's about it. Men think about money, work, they think about food, sex, sleep,
Starting point is 00:18:17 and I'm gonna be kind and say they also think about God. Other than that, men don't think about nothing. Yeah, that men should not be in power. Then he says that this is what a woman's brain looks like. Does this dress make me look bad? I can't believe my husband wore this today. I don't like the person that's sitting next to me. Are my kids okay? I'm tired. I should have been... Am I a good mom or a bad mom? I bought McDonald's for the kids last night. Oh, what's wrong with me? I can't believe the sermon he's going to minister to me. I don't know if I remember that script or not. Wait, do I have my Bible with me? All these thoughts!
Starting point is 00:18:46 He said he compares a woman's mind to a hoarder's house. Very cluttered. Completely cluttered and everybody else can see it too. He says... He also compares the clutter in a woman's mind to be equivalent to a man committing adultery. If you go and think, you know, my husband never closes the pantry door and you want to bring it up every time, you have to tell yourself, what if he never closes it for the rest of your marriage? Are you still going to be married to him? Of course you are. Then why
Starting point is 00:19:13 bring it up? Why even think about it? Is it that big of a deal? And you think, well, no, it's not that big of a deal. Then don't bring it up if it's not that big of a deal. Of all the great things he does and that's the one thing you're gonna talk about, is that he doesn't close the cabinet doors, just close them and let it go. Which obviously as a woman with a very cluttered mind, I find great errors and faults in this very skewed way of thinking.
Starting point is 00:19:39 But at least some people could argue, at least Pastor JP walks the talk. He's a great husband. He's in a loving marriage. Maybe he knows something. Maybe we're just spiteful people who need to find purpose. One day, JP's wife comes home and finds him in a compromising position with the babysitter. The girl that watches their children in their house, the one that JP has known since she
Starting point is 00:20:06 was 15 years old, the one that he has been a mentor to for most of her teens, I would say, the one that would listen to JP no matter what because she believed he was a man of God and would give her guidance. JP was having an affair with that girl, the babysitter, Micah Miller. Oh, so Micah is the second wife? Yes, and there's a lot of sentiment towards this because the first wife, you would think that she hates her ex-husband and probably the woman that had an affair with her husband. However, you'll see that the first wife is actually, maintains a close friendship with
Starting point is 00:20:43 Micah. And there's a lot of reasons for that we're gonna get into it a fisherman named Johnny was out in the lumber river park for a few hours now he's out in the water this is in South Carolina he's enjoying his Saturday he's drifting up and down trying to be as still as possible so he doesn't scare the fish away lumber river park is well known for having these incredibly smooth, incredibly slow water currents making it very perfect for fishermen, kayakers, canoers of
Starting point is 00:21:13 all skill levels. The average water current in the river is a striking two miles per hour. You know what else moves at two miles per hour? Ants. So it's very slow, it's not really a river. It's perfect for Johnny and other fishermen. There's a lot of alligators as well in the park so you have to be careful. Perhaps that's why Johnny never goes swimming in the water. He basically only ever stays in his boat. He'll find a little spot, cast a line, and just sit in the safety of his boat. There's thick trees on both sides of the river but people say the river feels more like a marsh. The water is that deep dark green with the tree roots twisting into the riverbank. Now it's mid-afternoon when Johnny first hears it. He hears
Starting point is 00:21:53 someone crying and he can't really make it out. It's very distant. According to reports he heard it for just a few minutes but when he looked around the riverbank to see if anybody was there crying he would try to look into the tree lines but it was so thick he couldn't see anything. Johnny himself said that if he had seen someone, he would have checked up on them all day, but all he heard was a soft, distant cry that lasted a few minutes and then it stopped. The next thing he heard was a gunshot. But when he sits up and looks around, there's nothing. It's quiet. The crying has stopped. The gunshot is gone.
Starting point is 00:22:27 Later that day, Johnny finds what he said was one of those, what do the ladies call, fanny packs. It was just a few feet from the water's edge. It was black. It had a couple of items in there, including $500 in cash, a cell phone, and a small Bible. Johnny discovers that the police were investigating the Lumber River Park. He hands the bag to the police and all of the contents inside,
Starting point is 00:22:47 and inside the police find everything Johnny had said would be in there, plus a small wallet. The ID reads, Mica Miller. The police would also locate Mica's black Honda Civic. The car tank is full of gas, and inside is a homemade sandwich that had been packed that remained untouched. In the cup holder is an open Celsius energy drink that was bought at a gas station recently. And shortly after, the police find Micah dead in the water from a gunshot wound.
Starting point is 00:23:21 JP's first wife, Allison, states about finding out that her husband at the time was having an affair with Micah. She said, prior to my knowledge of JP's sexual relationship with Micah during our marriage, both Micah and Micah's husband at the time, Jeremy, became very close to our family. And to some degree, I took Micah under my wing as my older daughter. I taught her to drive. I took her to get her driver's license I allowed her to take care of our children shared family meals together in our home Provided her guidance and advice and she even began working in the church Which I think that Allison has every right to be upset at whoever she wants to be upset within this situation But she continues Despite the initial destruction caused by JP's infidelity
Starting point is 00:24:07 for several years, there was a part of me that was relieved to know that Micah would be present in the home when JP had periods of visitations with our children. I viewed her as a safety net for our children. What? Which is a very interesting thing. I mean, nobody would blame Allison for having a little bit of anger or resentment for all the parties involved. But she still trusts Micah more than her own ex-husband. More than the father of her own children. Why? Maybe it has something to do with the fact that some people believe, a lot of people believe, that Micah is not really the other woman.
Starting point is 00:24:43 Like you know how in situations like this people might think, okay, he's cheating, this is the other woman, right? But a lot of people allege that this might have been part of JP's plan, allegedly. Some people speculate and allege that maybe he had been having relations with Micah, not sexually, maybe emotionally, mentally. Maybe he was manipulating her since she was 15. Micah joined JP's church when she was 15 years old and he was the youth pastor. JP takes Micah under his wing and since she's 15,
Starting point is 00:25:16 he is kind of her mentor, leader in life. When she turns 18, he officiates her wedding to a guy named Jeremy who also happens to be a close friend of JP's. So some people even speculate, it's like he's deciding what she's gonna do with her life. Because I don't know, the vibe that people get is that her and Jeremy did not just like fall in love naturally. It seems kind of, it was recommended, it was set up to a degree. Jeremy also works for the church and Micah starts working as his babysitter. JP would have his wife Allison, who also works for the church, and Jeremy, Micah's husband at the time, out doing church stuff
Starting point is 00:25:54 while he and Micah allegedly were home alone with the kids. He would allegedly shower her with compliments the whole time and take her to lunch while their spouses were working at the church and he's the one telling them what to do with the church. One person close to the couple said, JP just has this way of taking over someone's mind. Micah and Jeremy would spend a lot of time at the Miller's house rehearsing for music for the church. It just seemed kind of suspicious that they would always be hanging out, always together. He always had them around. It's like JP did it underhandedly to subliminally get into Micah's mind. He
Starting point is 00:26:30 had her wrapped around his little finger and she would jump even when she was married to Jeremy. He did it in such a sneaky way and she was just a sweet person. A lot of people did not feel like this was a more typical situation of a husband leaving his wife for a younger woman. More so, the sentiment seemed that the husband allegedly grooms a young girl until he believes that she's fully under his control and then he leaves his wife for her. That's what people felt the situation was. But either way, people felt they can only speculate from the outside. But either way, people felt they can only speculate from the outside. It was a huge scandal at the church, but eventually most third-party outsiders, they get over it, and they just hope for the best for all parties.
Starting point is 00:27:11 In 2017, about two years after JP and Allison separate, Pastor JP calls on his congregation to come to the beach for a baptism. Micah is there with him, obviously, and is standing in the sand looking out into the ocean and this plane drives by or flies by with a banner and the banner reads, will you marry me Micah? Micah has no reaction. She glances around the whole church is clapping and cheering and she leans into Pastor JP and asks, why is everyone cheering? She didn't have her contact lenses in, so she couldn't read the sign.
Starting point is 00:27:47 And it was kind of a cute proposal story, and the whole church, or at least the members of the church that stayed, were very excited and hopeful for this new chapter, this new love story, I guess. You know? What's their age gap at that point? Or their age gap in general?
Starting point is 00:28:00 14 years. Oh, okay, so he was, what year was this? This was in 2017, but when she was 15, he would have been much older. And the people that did stay at the congregation, I think that the problem is it's very hard to hate on JP and Micah as a couple, primarily because it's very hard to hate Micah. Everybody said that she's just the sweetest. That's how everybody describes her. She's just the most loving person that you could imagine. Even Alison, the first wife, maintains a good relationship with Micah after her split with Pastor JP. So November 7th, 2017, at 23 years old, Micah marries JP,
Starting point is 00:28:43 the pastor that she has known since she was 15, the one that officiated her first marriage when she was 18, and now she is marrying her longtime leader and mentor, 37-year-old JP. She would take on the role of being the pastor's wife and being a stepmom to five children. And yes, the way that their marriage begins is alarming and it causes a bit of a stir at the church. I would imagine because of the major power imbalance, the affair, the fact that he's known her since she's 15 and he was 29 at the time, the fact that he was her mentor and
Starting point is 00:29:11 pastor during those formative years, the fact that she's 23 and he has five kids that she's gonna be a stepmom to. Like I said, the fallout was pretty big. It stated that a lot of people left the congregation but the ones that stayed said, okay, hopefully JP is going to treat his wife this time the way God intended him to. But perhaps old sins die hard. A few years into the marriage, the gossip in the community was JP's son had joined the local soccer team, made friends with another boy whose parents are also part of the church.
Starting point is 00:29:42 Well now JP is allegedly sleeping with that kid's mom. So his son's soccer buddy's mom. Her name is Suzie and she is married. Now both of them have denied the affair, but according to JP's ex-wife, Alison, it was pretty out in the open. It didn't seem like they were trying to hide it. Alison said JP would even use their son to facilitate play dates,
Starting point is 00:30:05 if you will, with Suzy and her son. And look, maybe Allison is at the stage where she's like, you do you, do whatever you want, you're my ex-husband. But she said that it was starting to impact the kids. She said the kids knew exactly what's going on between JP and Suzy, and all their friends were talking about it, it was causing their children's stress and embarrassment. JP and Suzy both deny having the affair, like I said, but Allison refers to Suzy as his paramour, aka his mistress. But it seems somehow JP was able to gaslight Micah into believing that it was just another woman coming onto him and he just lacked the guts to get rid of her. Again, this is all alleged, but allegedly in 2021 around August, Suzy's husband,
Starting point is 00:30:50 Chris, who is also part of the church, finds out what's going on between his wife and the pastor and allegedly he confronts the pastor about the affair. And he tells him, you leave my wife and children alone. Two weeks after this alleged confrontation, JP is up at the podium at the church, and he says, we are here today, and it's very exciting. It's very, very exciting to preach at a funeral in which I don't have to lie. It's probably my first funeral
Starting point is 00:31:18 where I get to say all the truthful stuff. Funeral? Pastor JP was leading Chris's funeral, Susie Skinner's husband. About a week before Chris Skinner's death, JP starts a sermon on a Sunday by saying, don't ever let a test tell you who you are. This is an evaluation tool to help you confirm and personally analyze yourself. We all need a vision. He said that we're going to be doing a disc personality test,
Starting point is 00:31:47 D-I-S-C, which each of the letters stand for character traits. D for being dominant, direct, decisive, results-oriented, confident, focused on accomplishing bottom line results, strong-willed and forceful. I, influence, people that are outgoing and enthusiastic, optimistic, people-oriented,
Starting point is 00:32:06 focused on building relationships and influencing others, often seen as very persuasive and talkative. S is for steadiness, patient, accommodating, calm, consistent, focused on operation and maintaining stability, often seen as dependable and supportive. C typically stands for conscientiousness, analytical and systematic, precise and accuracy-focused, concerned with quality and competency, often seen as very careful and cautious people.
Starting point is 00:32:35 JP tells the congregation that he took the test and he got incredibly depressed because he ranked D and I, dominant and influential. He said he didn't he wanted to be a pastor and people don't like D's they like the S's the S's are the ones that are calm and sweet and steady. He said hi D their weaknesses they're very direct they're always thinking in their mind no matter who's talking they're always thinking this get to the point they're impatient they can't relax until a project is complete,
Starting point is 00:33:05 they lack empathy, they're arrogant, and they can't say, I can't even read this, they can't say it, I can't read it. I was wrong. Are these recorded? Yes, recorded and posted onto the church website and YouTube. He describes Deez like himself as like a lion. Who dares provoke him? They're incredibly intimidating to confront. He starts listing off a list of high D personality types. The devil, Lucifer himself, Hillary Clinton, and Hitler are all high Ds. He says the high Ds, they fear nothing at all. The only thing they fear is not getting something done. You know, this feels like like someone you take one of these
Starting point is 00:33:45 BuzzFeed quiz and then that's your whole personality you're kind of like I'm just I can't help myself. Yes and he acts like he doesn't want to be a Heidi but he seems pretty boastful about being a Heidi. Yeah exactly and come on it's just a little quiz not that serious. Now their sermon is uploaded to their YouTube channel September 5th, 2021. So it could have been filmed the Sunday before or even before then, but the timing is still quite interesting
Starting point is 00:34:12 and it's fascinating because September 6th, 2021, Chris Skinner, Suzy Skinner's husband is found dead. Chris Skinner, Suzy's husband, this is the alleged mistress that he's cheating on Micah with. Chris Skinner is Suzy's husband, this is the alleged mistress that he's cheating on Micah with. Chris Skinner is an author and inspirational speaker. He actually became a quadriplegic after being in a car accident with a drunk driver. He met Suzy through his rehabilitation process and it's said that she is the one that introduced him to the church and into Christianity. Since then,
Starting point is 00:34:42 I mean, Chris just seems like the type of guy you go to when you need help. when you need someone to kind of give you some sort of guidance and inspiration, he- he was a very loved man. and then on september 6, 2021, he tragically died. he was found drowned in a community pool in myrtle beach. it's stated that his wheelchair tipped into the pool and he became trapped underneath it. Now I do want to make it explicitly clear that the police stated there were no signs of foul play. CCTV footage from the community center showed that he had gone there alone and they had ruled his death an accident.
Starting point is 00:35:17 JP's ex-wife, Allison, remember how she stated that JP would use their children to go hang out with Susie Skinner and it was bad for their kids? She said that she confronted JP about exposing their children to the affair and not setting the right example by them and she told them don't ever let it happen again. Now the interesting thing is soon after this confrontation that she has with her ex-husband, Pastor JP calls her to tell her, hey, Suzy's husband had died in a drowning accident. He sounds upset and he asks Allison, this is out of the blue, to please pray. Allison said just the timing of it all, all of it is just so bizarre. She said all of it was bizarre,
Starting point is 00:36:02 but I do want to make it clear once again that there's absolutely nothing that connects JP Miller to the death of Chris Skinner. But some believe that Chris was driven to self-exit. There are reports that the CCTV footage that is obviously not public shows Chris alone at the pool and he drives his wheelchair directly into the pool is what it alleges. Officially his death has been ruled a tragic accident so this is all going on while pastor JP is married to Micah and also you say Chris was at the pool by himself yeah is it like is that something that he usually do is that something that happens like it doesn't appear that way right like it's kind of
Starting point is 00:36:41 the setting is very strange for very to be there. Very odd. Micah has a very close friend by the name of Charlotte. Charlotte said she received a very bizarre message a little while before Micah was found dead. She said it was weird. She probably thought it was an accident at the time, at least initially. But she said that she had been added into a group chat with Micah and Micah's husband JP. On what? Just text message. She gets added into this group chat with Micah, JP, and suddenly Charlotte is in there. They're not planning a trip. Charlotte doesn't even live in Myrtle Beach. She lives in Virginia now.
Starting point is 00:37:15 It was just out of the blue. She gets invited into this group chat and she gets a text message from JP. The message reads, I would leave anyone or anything for you. I'm only asking for the same respect. Charlotte is like, what is going on right now? It's like being a fly on the wall for a marital fight. Why is she even in this group chat right now? Can they see she's in there? Yes, they added her. JP continues, you can't treat someone like shit and then leave. You're
Starting point is 00:37:41 supposed to work it out. Stay and do whatever it takes. Please don't be selfish. This one time I'm literally begging you to do the right thing, the godly thing, the only thing that will work. I need you, I want you, and I don't want to sleep alone ever. But if you choose this, I will not beg you to come back. I won't put up with this again. This is literally your last chance to make things right. I'm too old, too hurt, and you have put me through too much to continue letting you treat me like shit while I pay for your bills and do whatever you want. I need you to act like a godly wife this one time and prioritize your marriage over your family, friends, and feelings." Clearly he's talking to his wife, Micah. And Charlotte is Micah's friend. Why would he add her? Clearly they're in a fight. What does Charlotte have anything to do with this?
Starting point is 00:38:27 JP then sends another lengthy text message. Charlotte is in this text so she can hold me accountable for this. What you've done in our marriage this time is totally unacceptable and no man would put up with it. But I'm willing to give you one more chance. I'm asking. 1. That you repent. 2. Hear my heart and pretend like you chance. I'm asking, one, that you repent. Two, hear my heart and pretend like you understand why I'm hurt. Three, come home now. If you don't do these things that will help me feel loved, safe, and prioritized, then our
Starting point is 00:38:55 marriage is officially over and I cannot allow my heart to be put through this ever again. I love you when I'm willing to do whatever it takes, but I will not be treated this way and defamed so horribly anymore." Nobody responds. I mean, what do you respond to that? He allegedly texts again. We used to be the best of friends and I'm shocked that you would throw all of that away. Maybe it's because you want to live with Charlotte? Why would you want to live with her? Or should I tell her?
Starting point is 00:39:20 Go ahead, Charlotte. Ask Micah why she would want so badly to stay with you. Please ask her, I'd love to hear how honest she is. Since she threw me under the bus today with my church elders after everything else you've done. By 9am there will be nothing left inside this house that has anything to do with you. If you want your clothes, shoes, jewelry, pictures, furniture, books, anything that is an attachment to you, then you need to be here before 9am. Everything is going to goodwill. Finally, Micah responds in the group chat.
Starting point is 00:39:49 Why are you being crazy? I just wanted to visit my sister. Why put your sister before your husband? That's the continual problem. Once, just once, put your husband first. Micah responds, I make a hundred decisions a day that put you first. No wife would do this to her husband in the most desperate time of need. I'm coming to you. You're a horrible wife to do this. When I arrive, I'm going to raise hell.
Starting point is 00:40:13 Your siblings are going to be up all night. If you leave now, I'll turn around. If you come now, you are trespassing. I don't care. Ha ha ha. That's funny. You can call the cops. You did this."
Starting point is 00:40:25 Charlotte would later ask Micah what that was about, and allegedly, this whole fight between JP and Micah starts because Pastor JP wanted to play a little game that night. He said it would be fun, and he kept asking his wife Micah all these fun little questions, and one of them was if you had to kiss a girl which girl would it be? she said what? no I'm not responding to that I'm not answering that. Micah did not want to answer this question it's weird it's uncomfortable and maybe she knew that he would lash out at her regardless of who she picks even though he keeps saying it's just a game allegedly but he keeps asking allegedly so finally she just responds Charlotte because she wouldn't tell like she's making a joke you know you don't kiss and tell and also Charlotte is like one of her best friends and this explosively leads into a massive fight it is alleged where Micah leaves to stay with her sister for a bit to cool off if
Starting point is 00:41:20 this is true then this is very concerning It seems like if Micah doesn't get away from this guy, something very bad is gonna happen very soon. Just the behavior of dragging another person into a group chat, that is so... Sick. Yeah, like he's obviously doing it to his advantage. I don't even know how to describe that, right? Like he, it's, it's a setup is how I feel if this is true, if this happened. Um, and I say that for legality purposes, my personal opinion is, I don't know that would be a very bizarre lie to make up, but who knows, never say never. Right.
Starting point is 00:41:57 Um, there are text messages that have been released. Those messages have been released. Oh, those have happened. It, it's alleged because it hasn't been confirmed and I don't think that we can confirm that's his phone number and he was the one texting on it. You get the legality. But it feels like a setup to me where somebody asks you a question and they're like no no it's for fun. Oh yeah. And then the part where he texts Charlotte and is like ask her why.
Starting point is 00:42:22 Ask her why she would want to live with you it's making it into something that it never was and I'm sure especially considering his sentiments for relationships and the fact that he thinks one of the three reasons that a heterosexual relationship cannot be intimate is because someone is having quote homosexual thoughts I mean I feel like he's probably putting a very strong stigma. Like I think it's, yeah, he's homophobic. He's also like humiliating her in front of her friends.
Starting point is 00:42:53 And just imagine like doing that in public. Now October, 2023, Micah files for divorce. And it seems like her life spirals into a living hell after this. She's separated from her husband, but everything is falling apart. One day, Micah is in her car, and she's pulling out of the parking lot, and she hears this bizarre popping noise. She gets out, and she sees metal protruding from her tire, a razor blade.
Starting point is 00:43:19 This is the second time that she's found a razor blade in her tire that week. A Myrtle Beach police officer helps her change her tire so that she can drive to a dealership to get a new tire. The cop tells her, it kind of looks like a tire deflation device that you can buy online. Meaning someone might have purchased this with their own money for the purpose of deflating her tire, aka slashing her tire. Micah drives to the local dealership and they tell her something even more alarming. While we were under there, we found what looks like some sort of tracking device on your car. I think someone's following you. They call the police and while the officer is standing there, Micah gets a phone call from an unknown number.
Starting point is 00:43:56 JP. She hands the phone to the officer and the officer tells JP, hey look, your wife does not want anything to do with you, you keep this up, we might even be looking at a warrant. This show is sponsored by BetterHelp. Please tell me I'm not the only person who feels like 2024 is going by way too fast. I mean, this is a genuine problem, because it happens every summer where I start getting anxiety about how fast time is passing
Starting point is 00:44:25 And I wonder if I'm even doing enough if I'm accomplishing my goals But this year I decided to do something about it, and I was like okay listen therapist. I need your advice I've been going to therapy for years But I feel like this year I made even more breakthroughs My therapist is helping me learn how to make time to celebrate my wins set realistic goals so that I can stop feeling like life Is always flying by me and there's a stigma that therapy isn't for everyone, but it really is for everyone. Even something like not setting aside enough time for yourself can be addressed in therapy. Whenever I'm done with the therapy session, I feel like I have a fresh perspective on
Starting point is 00:44:57 my problem and often I realize it's never as bad as it seems. I'm working on managing my time and expectations so I can finally stop feeling like life is out of control. If you're thinking of trying therapy, I highly recommend using BetterHelp because it's so convenient. You can do everything online from filling out a brief questionnaire to setting up a session with a licensed therapist. You can also switch therapists at any point for no additional cost. If you feel like your current therapist isn't the right fit for you, it can take some time to truly find the right professional,
Starting point is 00:45:25 but it is worth it in the long run. Take a moment, visit slash rotten today to get 10% off your first month. That's betterhelp, H-E-L-P, dot com slash rotten. This is after she filed for divorce. Divorce. In the process. Yes. Now, that doesn't seem to do anything.
Starting point is 00:45:48 It doesn't seem like anybody listens to her. The police don't really do anything. He doesn't really do anything. Because later, Micah would call the police again to state that the man she's avoiding approached her at a gas station. We have a video of this. She's in her car and she's filming JP walking away. And JP is saying, this video is going gonna be up on Facebook in a few hours and
Starting point is 00:46:06 Micah is saying you're gonna be in jail in a few hours walk away Wait, why did he say that this video will be on Facebook? I don't know. It seems like he's threatening to humiliate her. Oh He's recording to or yeah, so he's like recording her recording According to news 13 Micah reported four instances of finding GPS trackers placed in her vehicle. But in response, it seems that JP claims that his wife is mentally unstable. He alleges that shortly after their wedding in 2017,
Starting point is 00:46:38 she was diagnosed with bipolar II, schizophrenia, and dependent personality disorder. He claims the GPS trackers on her car are for her own safety. He said as long as she takes her meds, she'd be fine, but he has reason to believe that she's not taking her meds. He alleges that Micah is doing alright until recently a couple of women from the church told her that mental illnesses can be prayed away, which allegedly led Micah to believe that she doesn't need the meds anymore, that she would be cured through prayer.
Starting point is 00:47:09 He also alleges that she did not want to take her medication because it made her gain weight and made her slur her speech. That's why she allegedly starts spiraling, which I mean, I couldn't find any evidence of her spiraling. And he felt the need to track her through her car for her own safety. The police take no action. They stated that because they're not divorced, their car is marital property so technically placing a GPS tracker on marital property, I mean that's not illegal. Which I don't know if there's different state laws, I don't know if that is legally
Starting point is 00:47:44 correct, but that's what they allegedly stated. So they didn't do anything. There is a Facebook group that Pastor JP was part of, or allegedly a part of. And the Facebook group is called Big Boobs and Nice Curves. April 8th, a few weeks before Micah is found dead, she finds a picture of herself, a topless photo of herself, posted to that Facebook group. She knows it's her, even though part of her breasts are blurred. She knows it's her because whoever posted it tagged her old Facebook account. And there was only one person other than her that would have this photo because she's only sent it to one person. JP, Pastor JP.
Starting point is 00:48:23 Micah reports it to the police but they tell her since the photo was uploaded anonymously, there's no way to prove who even posted it. Additionally, they argue because she did send that picture to somebody, they own the picture. So they could technically post it. Really? Well, so they said they can post it the way they posted it because the nipple part of the breast was blurred out Which means it does not meet the South Carolina code of law for nudity Was her face in there? I don't know
Starting point is 00:48:55 Now there was nothing the police could do Micah gets an email a little while later from JP allegedly and it reads I'm sorry for putting a picture of you on the internet it was for less than one hour and immediately taken down I was hurt that you were telling everyone horrible intimate details of my past sin and I just wanted to try and hurt you please forgive me it was evil for me to do that it seems like Micah knew that she needed to leave this very toxic relationship she was already in the process of leaving, but she was terrified.
Starting point is 00:49:26 Micah had tried to leave before. January 2023, a little over a year before her death, she moved to Kansas to try and start fresh. She does have family in Kansas, from what I can tell. She joined a new church, she was making new friends, and it seemed like she was just trying to turn over a new leaf. But out of nowhere, she sends her sister a text message out of the blue that reads,
Starting point is 00:49:46 hey good news, I've been reconciled. My husband's allowing me to come back home. Praise God. It was just very odd. It didn't make any sense why Micah would go back and obviously if this were an abusive relationship like it is speculated and alleged, there's a lot of reasons why victims go back
Starting point is 00:50:04 to their abuser and it's not because they weren't being abused and it's not because they want to be abused. There's so many reasons and a lot of that has to do with gaslighting, manipulation, emotional control and I'm not saying that's the situation here but here is some insight on why Micah might go back. It's alleged that JP was constantly guilt tripping her, using religion against her. He would try to gaslight her and manipulate her by bombarding her with text messages, messaging her family if she tried to ignore him. Apparently he sent a message once after a fight that reads, all of this started because of one bad decision a month ago in Colombia.
Starting point is 00:50:40 Context clues? It sounds like he cheated on her in Colombia. Is what people are gathering. But again, we don't know. If I could turn back time, I would. He continues, we had the greatest marriage in the world up until that one wrong choice. It can continue down that path or we can have an amazing marriage once again. The choice is yours. If you come home today, we can take the rest of the year, go to counseling every day, go to Iceland, do whatever in order to get well. I also desperately want a child with you. I'm just scared of this. This is the only reason I wouldn't have a child. I'm scared of divorce or putting the child through things like this where you leave and aren't willing to do whatever it takes.
Starting point is 00:51:20 It sounds like he messed up, but his answer is like you need to forgive. You need to choose to have a good marriage. Like he's putting this all on her. Yes, that's exactly the point. Like it's up to you now. It's your choice. Like he also brings up the fact that he desperately wants to have a child with her, which I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:51:38 Perhaps that could be a strong emotional trigger for her personally. And then he ends the message with, but I'm scared of putting the child through things like this where you just leave. He starts off, if my context clues are correct, by addressing an alleged affair. And then in the length of one singular message, manages to make it her responsibility and her fault,
Starting point is 00:51:59 it also appears, in my opinion, that he uses religion against her. There are messages where he texts Micah's sister. Biblically, when your spouse needs you, nothing else should come before that. This is like a prime example what gaslighting is. Yes. That's exactly what it is.
Starting point is 00:52:16 Yeah. Implying, you know, he needs Micah to come back and she's not coming back. He also sends messages like, I have a list of how we can make our marriage amazing and all will be okay. Or messages like, five years ago, me and Micah, Mark and Kay, Dan and Erica all got married in the same month. Now all of us are going through a divorce in the same month. If Micah
Starting point is 00:52:38 actually cares, she will do exactly what God wants and do whatever it takes to make it work. One message reads, you win. I will allow you to completely destroy me, continue to hurt me, and you leave. But I'm still begging for you back and do whatever it takes if you come home. You'll never find another man who loves you enough to do whatever it takes after you treat him the way you treat me. According to an affidavit by Alison, JP's ex-wife, JP would even take his children's phone, this is what she alleges in her sworn affidavit, and texts Micah begging her to come back making her believe the kids need her. The text reads from JP allegedly
Starting point is 00:53:16 pretending to be his daughter, hey when are you coming home? Dad just cries and prays really loud. I wish I could come home, frowny face. Dad says you can come anytime. I told him I'm asking you about lashes. He says different things to me. I miss you guys very much. I cry too. He said sorry, and it's your birthday.
Starting point is 00:53:37 Yep, I'm 30, just got my toes done at Daisy's. Life is gonna move on, but it'll be really weird for a bit. Frowny face. So you're not coming home ever? What can I tell dad so that you can come home? I prayed with dad for you to come home. Thank you for your prayers. Inside I know he knows what's right but we have to make choices that line up with that. In this part she says, you're really smart and kind and pretty, like your mom. I will miss you. So again, there have been allegations that like Micah and Allison have a tense relationship,
Starting point is 00:54:12 and I'm sure at points they were tense, but it seems like Micah and Allison do have respect for each other. Like the fact that she's saying that is just, I think that goes, that shows you a lot about Micah. Mom says boys are dumb, but I know dad loves you a lot. I've never seen him cry so much. If he asks you what we talked about, tell him lashes. I have to delete this.
Starting point is 00:54:33 I understand. I'm praying too without dad that you'll come home. He's crying so loud right now. Can you please talk to him? I promise he loves you. He has your pictures all over your house. He won't do anything with us. He just keeps crying I'm sorry last time I tried to come home and be peaceful
Starting point is 00:54:50 He called the cops and said I was trying to break in after he was the one that asked me to come My hands are tired. He won't even let me in Can I ask him he has done dumb things? But all he does is ask for you to come home and ask God to bring you home He doesn't even get out of bed. He just cries. I really liked you with my dad These were sent from JP's daughter's phone But according to Allison in a sworn affidavit, they were all written by JP to guilt trip Micah into coming back home I wonder if Micah also have suspicions like oh is this is this him or is this actually the kids?
Starting point is 00:55:26 But she may be rather be nice. Yes, just in case right? Yeah It does appear that JP always knew what to say and what to do to get Micah back Something he would likely know how to do considering he had been Micah's mentor since she was 15 years old. And that is why people heavily frown upon, even though they got married when she was of age, that's why people heavily frown upon relationships like this. Because the mental and emotional control
Starting point is 00:55:57 that you have over someone when you start a dynamic like this is just immeasurable in most situations. There are even text messages from Micah's family to Allison, JP's ex-wife, where one of the members of Micah's family texts, Ali I'm begging you as a mother-to-mother, please talk to me. I promise no one will know that we spoke. I'm concerned for the safety of my daughter. I'm asking you, begging you, not to let JP know I've reached out to you. He will just further isolate Micah from us please where they asking of Alice
Starting point is 00:56:29 Allison they just want help they don't know how to get Micah out Micah's dad noticed a shift in his daughter after the two got married but it seems like a situation again where I know people might be like why didn't the family do anything they're trying but what can you do Even if they forcibly remove her and force her to stay away, it would only push her closer to him. There are allegations that he purposely isolates her from her own family. Micah's dad said, as soon as they got married, her behavior went downhill fast. She seemed to be more sad, more under control.
Starting point is 00:57:00 I believe he compressed her. He just sucked the life right out of her and caused her to go downhill. There were a few incidents prior to Micah's death where she decided she couldn't take it anymore. She leaves the house and comes to visit one of her siblings and JP apparently does not like that. It's stated that during one of those occasions of Micah being at a sibling's house to get away from the alleged abuse, JP finds out and texts, not Micah, but her sibling. I'm on the way to your house. Be there at 1255.
Starting point is 00:57:31 We will not let you inside. We aren't doing none of that tonight. That's fine. You can call the cops. I'm armed and ready. Armed? JP said I'm armed and ready. They respond armed? Micah can fix all of this.
Starting point is 00:57:49 This doesn't help anything. Threats and intimidation only make matters worse. I don't care. If you come here, the cops will be here waiting. If you stay home, they don't need to get involved. You can't make a threat about being armed and ready and come to my home in the middle of the night. It's not safe for anyone involved.
Starting point is 00:58:07 Fine by me. Haha. I don't care. That night in November 2023, so a few months before Micah passes, Micah's sister places a 911 call. 911, what's your emergency? I need to report a non-emergency at this point. Okay, what's going on? My sister came here today to visit because her and her husband were having issues. She came from Myrtle Beach. She told him that she's gonna be home on Tuesday and he is texting me at this point saying,
Starting point is 00:58:33 I'll be at your house at 12.55. I'm armed and ready and I will keep you up all night. I'm gonna get her back. I said, you're not welcome at my home. There are no trespassing signs. You cannot threaten weapons. He has six guns that he just purchased recently and he's saying I'm armed and ready and I'm coming to get her.
Starting point is 00:58:51 There are a lot of allegations of abuse against JP. Now I do want to reiterate that none of these have been tried in the court of law. Therefore they are just allegations. This is not a statement of fact and the full list can be found on run by Micah's family. but the list of allegations include isolating her from her family and friends allegedly JP would tell Micah that her family was not good for her and they were using her. the family alleges JP would not let Micah sleep which we have if this is true we've heard of. this seems very common in abusive relationships.
Starting point is 00:59:25 He would keep her up at night allegedly and pull the covers off of her every time she started dozing off. They allege that she started having to sleep in her car at times just to get some peace and quiet. It's alleged that JP hired PIs to follow and track Micah and placed multiple GPS tracking devices on her car. They allege that JP would hack into her email, iCloud, Facebook account, and would sometimes message people pretending to be Micah and would text family members or church
Starting point is 00:59:50 members admitting to bad things like she's having intimate relations with teenagers in an attempt to disgrace her name. The allegations continue. JP would tell Micah that she was lazy and mentally ill, that her breasts were too small, that her family was ignorant and used her, that she would not be a good Christian woman if she questioned him or did not submit him or did not keep all of his dark secrets. It's alleged that JP forced her to submit to humiliating sexual acts that disgusted and hurt her. He would allegedly berate her for not being smart and quote falling for anything.
Starting point is 01:00:23 There are allegations that if Micah told JP she was going to expose his abuse he would berate her for not being a good Christian because only God can judge. He also allegedly told her, which is not true because judges are judges, but he also allegedly told her that a dutiful wife must obey her husband if she does not she is sinning. It's stated on the website that JP paid her less than minimum wage for more than her full-time employment at the church, removed her from all their bank accounts, but still made her own car payments, her own insurance payments, and pay for medical bills. He would also allegedly randomly fire her for disobeying him and would
Starting point is 01:01:00 only allow her to have her job back if she agreed to some sexual acts or other list of demands. It's said if Micah ever hinted at exposing his abuse, he would also threaten self-exit and even threatened her whole family with gun violence. There are allegations that JP would punch holes into the walls of their home. He kept guns and knives in the home, keeping Micah in a constant state of fear.
Starting point is 01:01:21 One big allegation reads, while she was hospitalized, JP demanded that she have sex with him while she lay in the hospital bed. state of fear. One big allegation reads, her and quote, preached on Sunday that if she did not submit to his every request for sex in any manner he desired, then it was her fault if he got his needs fulfilled by another woman or man. The allegation list continues. JP slashed five of her car tires. JP would take her person keys to prevent her from leaving the house. One allegation reads, JP cheated on her many times. He sent nude pictures of himself to another woman. He paid a woman from church $10,000 to destroy a sexually explicit video of himself. He flirted with other women. He sexted and dated other women.
Starting point is 01:02:12 He paid for sex from both women and men. These are all the allegations. And the last allegation reads, physical abuse without marks. JP finger punched her in the throat. He held her up against the wall by her throat and slapped drinks out of her hands, and in public, he snatched a plate of food from her and threw it. So these are all allegations that the family posted. Yes.
Starting point is 01:02:35 And they probably gathered this from different sources? Yes, so allegedly Micah had journals that she would keep that the family are allegedly in possession of. And I'm sure Micah, like, would tell them. I don't know how deep she would tell them because I'm sure she didn't want them to worry too much. And that's typical of victims of abuse is you don't want to worry your family members. But I mean, it's coming from the family. I say allegations because, again, they haven't been tried in the court of law. But it's not like me trying to question a victim's story or anything. Now the most
Starting point is 01:03:07 terrifying one leading up to her death it stated that Micah would tell her sister quote if I end up with a bullet in my head it's not by me it was JP and that would be the exact manner that she is found dead. Allison JP's ex-wife would even state, on one occasion while picking up our daughter, I observed holes in their walls, hinges off the doors, and pieces of paper taped to the wall with negative affirmations about Micah.
Starting point is 01:03:35 I'm imagining, I don't know, I'm imagining post-its of just mean, degrading things about Micah randomly stuck around the house. He would also take the podium during a Sunday service and almost allude to all the problems Micah has under what feels like a thinly veiled disguise as being a sermon. JP had a thing for mentioning his wife's mental health struggles to people around him, whether it's true or not. He would openly talk about what he thought of her mental health.
Starting point is 01:04:00 Then one day, he gets up there and he says, you know the thing about pride, pride in mental illness? I think mental illness is probably the most horrible thing that we can face in our bodies, and pride is probably the most horrible thing we can face in our spirits, and here's why. When you're mentally ill, it's the one sickness you have that you don't know you're sick, and you have to trust people around you,
Starting point is 01:04:20 because you're saying, no, they're lying to me, they're telling me I need medicine, I don't need medicine. Because the thing sick is your mind, and your mind is what you need to realize that you're saying, no, they're lying to me. They're telling me I need medicine. I don't need medicine because the thing sick is your mind. And your mind is what you need to realize that you're sick, but you don't know you're sick because your mind tells you you're not sick and your mind is the thing that's sick. Again, I don't know. I haven't looked into statistics and I highly doubt
Starting point is 01:04:40 that there would be valid statistics that I could quote, but I know a lot of people who struggle with their mental health and I don't think any one of us refuses to take medication. I think most people who struggle with mental health want help. JP would also give these sermons based on the stories of his friends that he had this fellow pastor. He would talk about how his pastor was going through a divorce that his wife just left one day. She was having an affair with one of his staff members. So in a day, the pastor lost his wife and his good friend, the staff member, all at once.
Starting point is 01:05:14 Which, it sounds like he's alluding to the idea that Micah is doing the same thing to him. When this is actually the exact thing that he did to his previous wife, Allison. Which, like, is this play about him right now? Because not only did he do this to Allison, but he's likely doing the same thing to Micah too It's alleged that he was cheating on her with multiple different women But one of his affairs like I said, the one with Suzy Skinner seems like a pretty well-known accepted fact and then Micah gets admitted into a mental health facility. She states that her husband had involuntarily committed her. It's further alleged that during this time while she was admitted to the hospital,
Starting point is 01:05:50 he took her wallet and keys and her car and went through all of her personal belongings to get rid of any and all things that allegedly would be incriminating towards him that she might have been using and collecting to bring to the court. After being released from the hospital, Micah tries to file a police report that her husband stole her car, but a few things. JP alleges to the police that his wife has mental health issues, and usually during the holidays she has these episodes where she will become manic, is what he says, and spend excessive amounts of money recklessly.
Starting point is 01:06:23 He alleges that he took the car because he felt that she was going to sell it to fund these shopping trips and he didn't want that to happen. Now, side note, he does make some crazy allegations. He states that Micah bought a gun and he was scared that Micah was going to shoot him. He had been begging all of her family and friends to help her, but according to JP, they refused. So he had no choice but to use his power of attorney to hospitalize her is basically what he alleges. The police couldn't really do anything in this situation either. They told Micah that technically because
Starting point is 01:06:53 they're married and haven't divorced yet, the car would be considered marital property so he can't really steal property that he partly owns. Now side note, a lot of Micah's family and friends will argue JP's claims and they state that Micah did cut back on her meds. She was on medication, but because it was allowed in her medical regimen that she could reduce her two pills of lithium to one. And the family demanded to see when Micah signed over power of attorney to JP. They allegedly kept pressing JP to show them the papers that she signed, but when he allegedly
Starting point is 01:07:24 brought them to Micah's dad, they weren't signed or notarized. Which if that's the case, that would mean that's not official documentation. But the family believes that JP would use these documents and somehow convince Micah that they were very real, and this is how he has power over her, complete and utter control over her.
Starting point is 01:07:42 Later, JP would go up to do another sermon. This is around the time that she's in the mental hospital. And when was that? Like years ago? No. 2023? Yes 2023 or 2024. Now my wife went to the hospital you know. I looked at her phone and I counted over the past two years 18 people who had texted her and said if you ever want to talk about your husband, you can talk to me and say anything and I'll keep it confidential. Why the heck does somebody want to hear
Starting point is 01:08:11 what somebody else says about their spouse? And 18 people text her? Yes, which I don't know why he is probably saying this because that means 18 people feel like your husband is alarming and I want to help you. This guy is so good at spinning everything around into his favor. Yeah, allegedly. Well, it's an opinion. Yeah, he does. Like, everything you hear is like, he's just preaching about whatever you want to preach about. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:08:39 he literally frames it like this. You're not even ready. Why the heck does somebody want to hear what somebody else says about their spouse? And he doesn't think he's, there's no problem with him. Everything is like, no, you're the problem, you're the problem, you're the problem. And he has a Southern accent and he does have that pastor cadence. This very authoritative,
Starting point is 01:09:00 and then where you maybe even listening, you're like, okay, okay, and then afterwards you're like, what did he just say? Like that doesn't even make sense. He says, what the heck does somebody want to hear what somebody else says about their spouse? And two of those 18 were men. And I thought what and I was thinking when I read that if somebody wants to call you and say bad things about somebody else, that's a demon talking to you.
Starting point is 01:09:23 And the only way to respond is with the word of God. He keeps bringing God too, all the time, in his favor. It's not a demon talking to you, it's 18 concerned people that see red flags in JP and are worried for Micah. He also states, last year, you know my wife, they went to Africa and had a wonderful trip, amazing trip, I believe it was like a mission, and she came back with the idea to start a school in Africa. And six weeks ago, she goes in the hospital, gets out and just leaves, just completely leaves me, leaves everything, drains the bank account and goes, guess what?
Starting point is 01:09:57 While you're out there talking bad about me, I'm building a school in Africa for over a hundred kids to be able to be fed. I'm doing the work. The congregation starts clapping. Listen, I'm hurting more than I've ever heard before though. So much pain you can't even imagine. Last week I have somebody that's gonna donate a plane to our church for me to be able to fly from Florida to Tennessee, North Carolina and Georgia for me to go and preach at other churches because listen, God gave me the idea
Starting point is 01:10:26 that I don't care about other churches. I care about other pastors. And for some reason, I can develop a sermon on tithing, again, giving money to the church, on gossip, on strife, on supporting your pastor, and I can say things to the church that will bless the pastor. So now I'm getting invitations to speak at other churches all over the states around here and we get a free plane I can go around in. So while
Starting point is 01:10:49 you're talking about me on Facebook, look up in the sky and you'll see a solid rock logo on a plane. That's me going to Miami. So he's talking this to the whole church. Yeah. About Micah. Yeah. And the whole congregation burst into cheers. Yeah. So imagine what kind of power imbalance this is and how would she feel to know that this is what he's talking, like publicly talking about her. Yeah. This is, again, I do want to mention this is not representative of Christianity.
Starting point is 01:11:20 I myself have a bit of religious trauma, but this is so unhinged. If you hear about a pastor talking about a private plane ever, I think it's time to switch churches. It's just even if it was donated or whatever, it's very alarming. Micah posted a video on Facebook and if you just see these videos of him up on that stage preaching and then you see the videos of Micah, it's so different the way they carry themselves, the words that they use, the type of message that they're trying to spread Micah posted a video on Facebook, so today my heart's a little heavy I've had a lot of women that have reached out to me about situations of abuse
Starting point is 01:12:00 and I just want to tell you what a lot of people have told me lately and reminded me because I think I forgot I mean I knew but I pushed it in the back of my head because just because of my situation but you are the bride of Christ before anybody else's bride abuse is abuse and you are the bride of Christ doesn't matter your gender and my Bible says that he took all the abuse you could think of for you Jesus took it all for you so you don't have to stay in an abusive relationship whether that's sexual whether that's somebody forcing you to take illegal drugs or alcohol abuse or
Starting point is 01:12:35 Psychological abuse or physical abuse or making you think that this is all your fault or you're a bad mom or a bad wife Or you're a bad husband or you're not giving it your all when you know you are. God hates divorce but why? According to everybody I've asked and the scriptures that I found it's because it hurts people but does abuse hurt people? People, how do you think God feels about that? So I want to remind you like a bunch of people have reminded me, I'm God's bride first. And even an earthly spouse who's a good spouse when they know their bride is being hurt, just imagine what an earthly spouse does. What do you think your heavenly spouse does when you're the bride of Christ and he sees
Starting point is 01:13:16 his bride going through abuse and hurt? What do you think he thinks about that? Male or female, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter what gender you are. Abuse is abuse. he thinks about that? It seems like the way he uses, in my opinion, the way he uses the Bible is very for himself to confirm his actions and beliefs and choices. And the way Micah uses it, it's, and I'm not religious, but she is trying to find wisdom and trying to find strength in the Bible which is how it should be used and she's trying to uplift people with her faith it's very different oh yeah April 9th Micah posted a picture of
Starting point is 01:14:15 herself on Facebook and the caption reads when terrible terrible terrible things happen to you y'all know what I'm talking about. RPF, resting peace face. Hashtag still bless, hashtag God is good. And that would be the last picture she ever posts. Micah files for divorce October 2023. The divorce is dismissed February 2024. Micah is filing again but this time for legal separation. So it's very different from a divorce but just like we're still legally married. We just do not, we live separately. But it does-
Starting point is 01:14:50 Why is it dismissed? Um, it's complicated. But it does seem like, or at least it appears from the outside, that Mica just wants to be free. She wants to move on with her life. She even reaches out to Allison, JP's ex-wife, and leaves her a 47 second voicemail where she says, hey alli, it's mica. this is my new number, please don't give it to anybody, but i just wanted to see who your counselor was to help you walk through your-
Starting point is 01:15:16 for forgiveness and stuff and keep your heart in the right place through all this mess. i just don't want to lose myself in this and I don't want to pursue anything out of anger or vengeance. I just want to be free and have peace and keep my soul right. So if you just text me the name of a good counselor, you know I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks. Bye." Micah's separation papers were served to JP April 25, 2024. April 27, 2024, she would be found dead in the water. Micah's family have alleged that when they found out about Micah's death, it was from a text message from JP.
Starting point is 01:15:53 The text allegedly reads, This is what happens when you try to encourage someone to divorce the person they love and tell them that they don't need medicine and that they're not ill when they are. Good job, Francis family! The family allege that he starts texting about 100 people that night that she passed and people start blowing up Micah's family's phones and that's how they knew.
Starting point is 01:16:13 Side note, even the way he announces to the congregation that Micah has passed is very bizarre and has gone viral. He doesn't seem to give time to Micah's family to let people know. I mean, just the day after Micah is found, he goes up there and allegedly gives a full sermon. And at the end, he says, we're not going to do an altar call today. Instead, I'm going to have you stand up,
Starting point is 01:16:35 and I'm going to make an announcement. And after the announcement, I'm going to ask that you leave the church quietly, and you don't talk about the announcement here in the building. Please, if you can, so you all get to your feet. Before I make the announcement, I just want to say that my request is that you will all continue to come to church and serve and give.
Starting point is 01:16:51 But for the little next while, I'm taking a little bit of a break. I don't want to have to worry about the church. My break could be a few days, a few weeks, I don't know. But I got a call late last night. My wife passed away. Yeah, it was self-induced and it was up in North Carolina and we're gonna have a funeral for her here next Sunday Late last night, my wife passed away. Yeah, it was self-induced and it was up in North Carolina and we're gonna have a funeral for her here next Sunday at 3 p.m. So yeah, I'm just kind of going on adrenaline right now.
Starting point is 01:17:12 So y'all pray for me and my kids and everybody. And y'all knew she wasn't mentally well and she needed her medicine. That was hard to get to her. And so I'm sure there will be more details that come out but just keep our family in your thoughts and prayers. It was such an emotionless bizarre announcement. Sunday May 12th 2024 JP holds a memorial for Micah at the Solid Rock Church. Her family does not attend. He says during the memorial service
Starting point is 01:17:42 while showing a slideshow of Micah, it's just weird that doesn't feel like he's complimenting his wife But almost not he would say things like she she'd get a tourist to take our picture and I say, okay Thank you. And she said oh, no, this isn't good. Give it back to them and they do it again, you know But she loved she uh, she she's so creative. She just everything she did was creative. What's the next picture? Next picture she'd stop we'd be's the next picture? Next picture? She'd stop, we'd be on the way to like a show or something, and she'd stop. I gotta get a picture, I said we're gonna be late, and she said I don't care. Just paraphrasing, but again, just kind of weird, right?
Starting point is 01:18:16 He would also talk about how she loved tattoos, but he didn't. She wanted to skydive and do all these dangerous things, but he had to think about his kids. He also compliments her in ways that I just don't feel like are nice during a time to celebrate somebody's life. He would compliment her on how beautiful she was to look at, how she took care of him, dressed up as Wonder Woman for him because he loves comic books, took care of the kids, things of that nature. He continues, I can't even, if I had 10 hours today,
Starting point is 01:18:47 that wouldn't be enough time to tell you all the great things about her and what it was like to be in an intimate relationship with her, you know, I can still hear her voice and I can still picture just walking in the front door and she was a great stepmom. She, in fact, she did so much work with the kids all the time, she was the one that would always
Starting point is 01:19:03 pick them up from school and get their food. And she takes my daughter all the time to get their nails done or go to Lululemon. You know, all the special girly girly things, you know, and I appreciated that from the very, very beginning. Not once she ever complained about me having five kids. And oh, this is my favorite video of her. And he plays a clip of her singing
Starting point is 01:19:22 and he starts doing this odd combination where he's laughing and crying. Where he's, like it's really I don't know how to describe it. I can only play it for you. It's just weird. He says, imagine being married to that. It was like that in our house all the time. Y'all stand to your feet and Pastor Randall's gonna close in prayer. Side note, he does mention trying to resurrect her from the dead while visiting her body. He also states, it really hadn't hit me, you know?
Starting point is 01:19:49 As Christians, of course, we know she's not here and she's in heaven and she's, you know, worshiping and enjoying and probably hadn't even had time to look down here yet, but I got to lay down next to her body and spend time with her body four times this week and each time, it still didn't hit me. I thought she was gonna wake up, you know? I even tried to raise her from the dead one times this week and each time it still didn't hit me. I thought she was gonna wake up you know I even tried to raise her from the dead one time this week and actually that morning actually I went to the mall
Starting point is 01:20:11 later and she bought me this dog tag and the chain had broke so I went to the mall to get it fixed and I saw a female about 20-30 feet in front of me and she was wearing one of Micah's dresses and she had the same tattoo Micah has on her arm and the exact same hair and it was just out of instinct I screamed Micah! and the girl turned and it was one of her sisters I thought I raised her from the dead, you know, she's you know yeah Does he look sad?
Starting point is 01:20:37 No In my opinion, no He looks like he loves performing on stage Yeah, I... He loves performing on stage. Yeah, I... If you told me, Stephanie, imagine a pastor who goes up on stage to hold the memorial for his wife. Even if it's a celebration of life,
Starting point is 01:20:52 this is just not what I would expect at all. How many people was in that church? Like how many people was in the seat? Yes, prior to all of this happening, it was said that he had two sermons on Sundays and a total of around 700 people would come yes yeah his church does well the church's assets are estimated to be close to six million dollars i believe they hold real estate they have that plane that's almost half a million dollars
Starting point is 01:21:18 yeah and it's it's alleged that he controls most of the church funds, if not all. Like, it's his church. So he's powerful. Yes. And he's well known in the area. Now, it gets weirder. Apparently JP wrote Micah's obituary, and it just, it was a weird read. It's been condensed, but it reads, She and JP have been friends since 2009, married in 2017, and spent almost every single day and night together.
Starting point is 01:21:43 She truly served Jesus and her husband with all her heart. She would praise her husband after every church service telling him he was the best preacher in the world, even if it wasn't true. She also told him he was the funniest preacher in the world, even though that wasn't true either. Micah loved her family so much, which is kind of an odd, obituary portion to begin with, in my opinion. But it also fails to mention that Micah filed for legal separation and he was just served papers 48 hours prior to her death. It's just weird.
Starting point is 01:22:13 He would also later say in an interview with ABC15 that she was probably the greatest wife anyone could ask for. She was incredibly affirming. We spent every night together for hours just talking and talking. But Micah's family hearing this They don't believe a single word of what he's saying. They remember before she died She told them if I end up with a bullet in my head, it's not me. It's JP When JP was 19 years old he did something very sinful He was indicted on charges of assault and battery of a high and aggravated nature According to the Myrtle Beach Sun News JP hit a 19 year old girl twice with his
Starting point is 01:22:48 car while driving high speed. It sounds pretty intentional too. Apparently he was driving through a neighborhood where a lot of residents were out sandbagging their homes. That means putting out bags of sand so their lawns don't get flooded during hurricane season. Allegedly there was a ton of rose clothes signs on the street but 19 year old JP is said to have put black tape on his license plate and started driving his truck down the road. This is
Starting point is 01:23:12 when a 19 year old girl that's helping her family sandbag their house tells him slow down and he hits her and continues to drive for about 300 feet. He finally slows down to the point where she's able to safely roll off. And then he just flees the scene. Is she okay? The 19-year-old girl stated she suffered from severe painful and permanent injuries. JP was arrested, his bond was set at $5,000, but he was released the same day. Eventually, he received a suspended sentence of four years, three years probation, 500 hours of community service, and an order to pay court fees.
Starting point is 01:23:45 In 2022, he received a pardon for his conviction. Now, Allison, JP's first wife, would state his affair with Micah was not the most alarming thing during their relationship. The cheating wasn't even the biggest issue. The big issue was, JP confessed to Allison and even some of the other church members that he was, one, addicted to hiring sex workers and two, he allegedly admitted to being sexually inappropriate with several underage girls from their church. He would later tell some of the church members that this is all because he himself was abused sexually by his own dad.
Starting point is 01:24:17 The church decides to forgive him for illegal acts that he committed against other people, which I don't know how you have that kind of jurisdiction, but they said we will forgive you as long as you undergo an extensive sexual addiction program. He thought it was silly and he did not follow through with it. And apparently this with the divorce of him divorcing Allison for Micah caused a massive scandal in the church. The church members start splitting off, leaving to new churches, branching off in their own congregation, and he allegedly told the remaining church elders that there's nothing they can do to him this is his church and he's got a hundred percent
Starting point is 01:24:50 authority. Allison said after JP informed me that he had been inappropriate with minor female members of our church and disclosed to me the identity of these girls I immediately contacted them to encourage them to come forward although they each shared with me detailed accounts of what JP did to them, they were too scared to make a police report or testify in court. When I learned they were too fearful to report JP, I went to the police department for the purpose of making a statement and requesting an investigation. However, I was in essence told by police officers that nobody would believe me because JP was a well-known pastor and we were in
Starting point is 01:25:23 the middle of a divorce. Without the testimony of the victims there was little else I could do to prove that JP had done this and ensure that he was held Accountable it seemed that at that moment Allison felt like again There was nothing she could do and she still has to co-parent with this guy Allison has asked the court to give her immediate full custody over their children after Micah's death She states in that document has asked the court to give her immediate full custody over their children after Micah's death. She states in that document, so this is very recent, that JP has exhibited increasingly unstable behaviors, failed to provide a safe and stable environment for the kids, and has exposed the children in incidents of domestic dispute which have been traumatic for the
Starting point is 01:25:58 kids and just overall not in their best interest. She states that JP's mental health has increasingly deteriorated. It's very interesting because JP keeps yapping on about Micah's mental health, but a lot of those close to him have major concerns for his. I don't see many people coming out with major concerns that they had for Micah's mental health. Obviously she was going through a lot with the whole separation from JP, but nothing indicated, at least that the public knows about as of right now, any sort of ideations, dark thoughts, any sort of major depression, not even episodes of manic-ness that he keeps describing,
Starting point is 01:26:33 like nobody has come out to say, oh yeah, she definitely had those, I remember those. Which, side note, the ex-wife isn't the only one that's concerned about his mental health. JP even stated in a sermon that he was having a horrible time that he himself is on 900 milligrams of lithium and he's seeing a counselor every week and he can't even get out of bed. He said quote, I have unforgiveness, hatred, and demons coming out of me. Horrible. I'm in such a bad place. He said this before Micah died. Allison states sometimes he wouldn't even visit the kids because he would tell her he's not mentally well enough to take care of the kids right now. She said his behavior patterns were becoming increasingly erratic, irrational.
Starting point is 01:27:10 The filing is 11 pages long, and Allison's main points are, he uses having joint custody over the kids as a way to control and threaten Allison. Based on information she's received, she believes JP makes a lot more than he says he makes, and she would like to modify the child support agreement in place. She states the kids don't feel comfortable under his care. She said JP would preach sermons on the Sundays. Our children were with him and present in the congregation, disparaging Micah and indicating she has mental health issues and eventually
Starting point is 01:27:38 putting her in a mental hospital. The children were subjected to JP calling Micah crazy one day, and then her being back in their home at the next visit with their father assuring them that she was fine. Allison also states that JP's mental health started deteriorating or quote spiraling out of control after Susie's husband drowned in the pool. She said, He informed me he was getting into buying guns and shooting. He had purchased a gun safe for his home and as a convicted felon, he is not allowed to have weapons However, he managed to get a police chief from the church to assist with expunging his record You could do that like what apparently the police chief also gave him a special police badge that instead of police I guess it says pastor
Starting point is 01:28:18 So he if he ever gets pulled over he would likely flash it to the cop and most likely they'll let him go So this is all ex-wife ex-wife is saying the police is involved in this. Yes. That's huge. Like for her to go against the police department. Yeah. Like that's a lot. Well, I don't know if she's going against them. Not going against them, but she's exposing this information, right?
Starting point is 01:28:39 Yes, but it's not, I don't think it's, it's not necessarily a crime to help expunge someone's record. You can apply to get it expunged at any point. But to have a police chief involved in the process is definitely going to make it easier in my opinion, right? And so for her to state that in the affidavit is I think interesting though. Yes. Now, side note, JP wasn't allowed to have his underage daughter over at night. He was only allowed to have daytime visits with his underage daughter, which JP kept telling Allison that he prayed she would change
Starting point is 01:29:09 her heart about that choice. One text message admitted into the affidavit by Allison reads, you can't have normal privileges because you have committed terrible crimes of sexually molesting underage children, praying for my heart to change is absolute gaslighting there was a point in my life where I felt like I was drowning in debt every time I thought I was making progress on my credit card debt it was like my car knew I swear at one point I thought my car was sentient because every time I saved even just a dollar it would break down on me and I would need an expensive repair I thought I'd be stuck in this cycle forever where I would pay off my debt just a little and then a huge unexpected expense would hit me I felt like I couldn't tell anyone I was in debt either because I was so scared of the judgment I would receive It's why I wish I knew about PDS debt when I was paying off my debt
Starting point is 01:30:01 PDS debt strives to understand your specific scenarios and can help provide alternative solutions to becoming debt-free. I know how easy it is to get into credit card debt and I know it can feel like you'll never get out. If you're struggling with credit cards, personal loans, collections, or medical bills over $10,000, I recommend PDS debt. They can help if you feel like you're making payments every month but you feel like your balances aren't going down.
Starting point is 01:30:24 They help match you with debt solutions tailored to your financial situation. you also don't have to worry about whether or not if they will accept your credit score because there is no minimum credit score required. pds debt accepts bad and fair credit. everyone with $10,000 or more in eligible debt qualifies for pds debt. stop waiting and start saving. get a free debt analysis right now at slash rotten it only takes 30 seconds that's slash rotten slash rotten ultimately allison states in the filing that if they continue to share joint custody over the children, she believes it will be detrimental to the safety of both her and the children, and she believes Micah.
Starting point is 01:31:13 She says, Micah began calling me for advice on how to free herself from JP and for guidance to counselors and people to assist her. I prayed with Micah and did all that I could to provide her with sound advice and guidance. Micah shared information with me about the things that my children were exposed to while in the care of JP and warned me that my children were in danger while in his care. I have tremendous concern about the safety and welfare of our children while in the care of JP, especially now that Micah is no longer present. I was married to JP for 16 years.
Starting point is 01:31:42 Although my story and what I lived through with JP is different in some ways, many of the details shared with me by Micah are so similar to my own experiences with JP, I know she was being truthful." Another part of the affidavit from Allison states that she does not want her children to be around JP's father in any capacity. Which is very interesting to state. This is their grandfather, but JP's father has been slightly vocal about this case. He sent a 900-word document to the Daily Mail alleging that Micah's mental health problems were severe, but it's all being covered up to protect her memory. He alleges that her family is in denial of such mental health issues and that she is, quote,
Starting point is 01:32:20 a very, very, very sick woman, which I feel like you can't really throw stones without checking the foundation of your house first. Reginald Miller, JP's father, was once charged with labor fraud, visa fraud, and failure to pay minimum wage. He was accused of turning his Bible college into a forced work camp. He served 15 months in prison after his arrest. Additionally, he has very questionable past allegations where he has been accused of making sexual advances towards men whose wives were in Bible study. When he was asked later about the claims against him, he just said, allegations are allegations. Okay, same goes here. Allegations are allegations. We can talk about it. Speaking of, there are allegations or theories that JP was stealing donations intended for the church and its charitable activities and he was taking them for personal use allegedly but um I don't know. There are
Starting point is 01:33:10 also other allegations that he just ran his church very peculiarly. He has a very um he really likes tithing. I heard it come up a lot in his sermons meaning giving a percentage of your income to the church. Some former members allege that if you tried to leave the church or if you disagreed with him, he would harass you, spread rumors about you, and make you a social pariah amongst all the other local churches in the area. This is what's alleged.
Starting point is 01:33:33 Again, I've never been part of his church, so I can't tell you definitively. Soon after Micah's death, a series of Facebook posts start circulating. All people who claim to have connection to Micah and JP start sharing their stories. These Facebook posts are other individuals and their thoughts and feelings and versions of events. So we cannot verify them, obviously.
Starting point is 01:33:52 But they're real people, right? Yes. One friend that spoke to Micah the night that she passed or the night before she passed said on Facebook, I will not sit here and pretend that I know exactly what happened, but I know a lot. And I'm well aware in the past that Micah has had mental health issues, and I witnessed her struggle firsthand. The Micah I witnessed last month, I was seeing a grown woman trying to break the chains of an abusive marriage. When I talked to Micah last, she was making plans, moving forward and trusting God.
Starting point is 01:34:18 Her faith was her shield. She had reconnected with people that she had been isolated from, myself included. She was sorting out her new normal. She was making plans to get a haircut, she was a woman making plans to live. I was so overwhelmed seeing people on the news last night trying to minimize Micah by painting her as mentally ill. Another person close to the couple posts on Facebook a statement that reads, what I'm about to say is my deep-hearted opinion. However, some stuff will be things that I've personally experienced.
Starting point is 01:34:45 I've said it from the beginning, JP doesn't have the guts to kill anyone. If you truly know him, then you know that his biggest game is stalking, manipulating, and brainwashing. He is the one who will hand you the gun and dare you to do it, or the one to place it on the counter when he knows that they are at their lowest. Just listing examples here, I'm not saying he did or didn't have something to do with it at some level or that he pushed this sweet soul to the point that she felt like she had no other option. It's heartbreaking. It's nauseating. I can promise you this, JP is smiling. He is thinking that he is not at fault. He is thinking that this will blow over and that he will
Starting point is 01:35:19 build his new church and he will have another brainwashed congregation to follow him. He is a narcissist at its finest. Don't stop speaking out. He will make someone's life a living hell until they feel that they can't escape it. I've personally witnessed many situations in over 30 years that I've known him. I've stood up to him in his lies and we've had multiple disagreements. I've always said that JP was scared of me because he doesn't know how to handle a woman or a man who calls him out on his shit, who doesn't fall for his manipulating techniques.
Starting point is 01:35:47 He's a weak man with a brilliant ability to manipulate and brainwash. A woman claiming to be JP's ex posted on Facebook, again this is a claim and allegation, but she posted, I am an ex of John Paul Miller. I was 14 years old when he was 19 years old. I was a child at the time but I didn't see an issue but at 19 obviously he should have. We dated for a year and I found out that he was dating his first wife Allison while we were together. All unbeknownst to her. She later found out and lied about it as he continued to do about the multitude of infidelities the remainder of their marriage. This has been hard to watch and keep quiet about but I feel like it's time to be transparent." She states in her post that JP reached out to her after Alison left him when she
Starting point is 01:36:33 found out that he was cheating with Micah and she said, he was not remorseful of his actions. He was upset over the amount of people that left the church and that hurt him financially. Soon after, another woman comes forward. A woman with text message conversations with JP. She's actually not a member of the church or a friend of theirs. She works for a restaurant that JP visited February 23rd, about two months prior to Micah's death. He left almost a 50% tip and wrote his number underneath the little signature portion with
Starting point is 01:37:03 a big smiley face and the text message reads allegedly from JP I think I need a bikini pic of you she has no idea he's married she just responds lol I don't know if I really have any come on okay no bikini then winky face meaning just naked then she responds lol I think most of the time when I'm in a swimsuit I'm also in a mermaid tail it seems like maybe she had a side gig of being like a mermaid. I'm not sure. Are any of my pics going through? JP asks. Nope. Hmm, do you have one with just the mermaid tail? Smiley face.
Starting point is 01:37:37 Haha, I don't think I do actually. Give me something. I'm still trying to send pics. She finally sends a picture. She writes, hmm okay this, this one isn't bad, but that's all you're getting right now. Shy face. Wow, you're super hot. I love it. Thank you so much. She asks him, what do you do? And he says, well, dot dot dot dot dot. Well, dot dot dot question mark, lol. I'm a senior pastor of Solid Rock at Market Common, and I'm headmaster and founder of Faith First Academy. I'm going through a divorce due to my soon-to-be ex-wife.
Starting point is 01:38:08 She is bipolar and schizophrenic and left town after she got out of the mental hospital for the seventh time. I'm also owner of the Crocodile Rocks, which is like a piano bar at Broadway at the beach. Yeah, she stopped talking to him after that. April 30th, 2024, three days after Micah's death, another police report is filed. JP calls the police to state that the leasing agent would not let him into his deceased wife's apartment to collect her things. Now, why would he want to go there? Micah's family believed that JP was there so that he could get her diaries and journals
Starting point is 01:38:39 and potentially any other documents that could incriminate him. According to an affidavit later filed by Micah's family, they state, Micah was gathering and sorting evidence that she had to bring to an attorney for filing divorce pertaining to his abuse, character, and his affairs, and associates that he paid off or blackmailed. Those documents, emails, files, etc. were removed from her phone, personal laptop, vehicle, and purse and never recovered. Ultimately, the police have ruled Micah's death a self-exit. from her phone, personal laptop, vehicle, and purse, and never recovered. Ultimately, the police have ruled Micah's death a self-exit.
Starting point is 01:39:08 For a few reasons. The medical examiner does not believe there was any evidence of anything indicating foul play on her body. There is no reason for the authorities to believe that she was not alone at the state park when she died. And the one person who many believe has a motive, JP,
Starting point is 01:39:26 has an alibi. He was seen in a sporting event about three hours away. Investigators said that they located multiple eyewitnesses who confirmed the pastor was at the event all weekend. His truck was seen on route from Charleston and back but likely one of the most heavily weighed aspects is the 911 call. There was a call placed from the park. 911, what's the address of your emergency? Hi, are you able to trace the location of my phone? Let me see, you don't know where you're at? At a national park, I have my location on, I think my phone, find my iPhone is on. Lumber River State Park. Yeah, that's where I am.
Starting point is 01:40:06 I'm about to kill myself and I just want my family to know where to find me. Okay ma'am, just listen to what I'm saying, okay? Let me make sure I go, I get the exact location where you are, just one minute. Robinson County 911, what's the address of your emergency? Hi, are you able to trace the location of my phone? You don't know where you're at?
Starting point is 01:40:29 At National Park. I'm about to kill myself. And I just want my family to know where to find me. That 911 call was placed before she passed. But still, a lot of people, including many netizens, feel like there's just so much more to the story. On Solid Rock, which I'm assuming is the church website, there is a little about me section where JP writes a bit about him as the pastor.
Starting point is 01:41:00 He writes, We, your pastors, are very transparent. We are the exact same on the platform of solid rock as we are at home behind closed doors. What you see is what you get. We refuse to wear masks and play games. Rather, we keep everything out in the open. The whole truth is on display.
Starting point is 01:41:16 JP has filed to seal all probate court documents involving his late wife, Micah. Which again, requesting to seal those records is not an admission of guilt. But. Micah's family, the France's family, have filed a petition to become the administrators of Micah's estate. There were concerns that JP was trying to manipulate his assets during the separation with Micah. Allegedly, Micah said that he was moving around assets so that in the event of a divorce, Micah would have nothing, or a lot less of what she was entitled to.
Starting point is 01:41:42 For example, their house that they lived in would likely be considered marital property. Well, he ends up selling the property to the church, which Micah does not have control over the church's finances. And technically it's not his finances because the churches are nonprofits, but JP- What kind of selling your house to the church? What?
Starting point is 01:42:00 Yeah. JP is also said to have full control over their bank accounts. I don't know if that's true, right? But um, the family wrote in the complaint Defendant Miller's supposed sale of the marital home to the church is believed to have been an attempt to defraud and deprive his wife from her fair share of the marital estate It's also alleged that other investments were transferred to his son's name around this time Which side note, Micah's family also requested to posthumously change her name, drop her maiden name, or drop Miller or go back to
Starting point is 01:42:29 her maiden name I mean. And JP has pushed back on this in court, which is so odd to me because they were already in the process of separating. She was filing for a legal separation. Why would he need her to still be Micah Miller? It's such an odd thing to fight about. A lot of netizens think it's just ego. He just seems to be a very odd character, I think is the nicest way to say it. Now, side note, according to Allison, JP's ex-wife, JP told the kids his plan was to quote, sue everyone and become a millionaire. Everyone as? Social media people who talk about the case, allegedly. There are rumors online that he is hiring a PI or
Starting point is 01:43:06 Somebody like a PI to likely run background checks on people who talk about him on social media I guess in ways that he does not like so that's interesting That's just a rumor as of right now But very interesting JP and his attorney have denied any and all involvement in Micah's death as well as the abuse allegations The attorney made a statement the gist being following the untimely death of Micah Miller unfounded rumors and false accusations began circulating on social media and in various media news outlets suggesting Pastor Miller's involvement
Starting point is 01:43:36 in her demise. This created a buzz causing local and national media outlets to begin proliferating these falsehoods on a mammoth proportion. Our client refutes any report that suggests he ever abused his wife. It has come to light that Micah Miller struggled with mental illness, specifically bipolar disorder which when not properly managed led to paranoid episodes and self-destructive behavior. Again, Micah suffered from mental illness and some reports made by her in the recent past are nonsensical." The statement also has the lengthy portion basically saying that there are a ton of people on social media defaming JP and they will take legal action against
Starting point is 01:44:13 those people etc etc but um what theories are they talking about? What accusations? Welcome to the theory portion of the video where just like the rest of the video I want to emphasize the rest of the video, I want to emphasize this is not a statement of fact. These are collections of sentiments, opinions, allegations, and questions that have been posted publicly online and I've just compiled them for you to absorb the content quickly. Nobody, nobody at all, at least as of right now, as of filming, is even considered a suspect in this case, meaning nobody is guilty of anything. So keep that in mind and always consider that the internet likes to do what the internet likes to do, which is theorize and speculate.
Starting point is 01:44:53 Which brings us to our very first theory, the theory that Micah self-exited, which is a, it's a theory shared both by law enforcement as well as some netizens at this time. This is her official manner of death according to the ME and the police. Them, plus a handful of netizens who have given JP the benefit of the doubt, as well as JP himself, have settled with this theory. It's argued, the fisherman at the park that day heard only one gunshot go off. The pawn shop where Micah bought the gun had CCTV footage of the entire transaction She was alone and did not seem to be forced to be there
Starting point is 01:45:29 The police found the receipt for the gun for the sale in her car. On paper, Micah allegedly had a history of mental illness And according to some members of Solid Rock Church, they state they believe Micah had previous failed attempts at self-exiting The only person that might have a motive to do something like this is usually in most cases the husband, but multiple eyewitnesses have come forward and have corroborated JP's alibi that Saturday at a sporting event. JP's truck was caught and time-stamped by traffic cameras two hours and a whole state away at the time of Micah's death. In Micah's phone, there were directions and multiple recent searches
Starting point is 01:46:06 to the pawn shop where she bought the gun and to the park where her body was found. She bought the gun the same day. The one piece of the puzzle, well, I guess it's not really a puzzle to them, is basically a shut-and-done case for people who believe this theory. The one detail they always cite is the 911 call. Micah called 911 and said she was gonna self-exit that day at 2 54 p.m. police were dispatched to her
Starting point is 01:46:30 location at 3 0 3 p.m. if Micah did not self-exit and there is foul play involved, wouldn't her alleged killers need more than nine minutes to flee the scene? wouldn't it be in their best interest that the police don't arrive at the scene until they're long gone? Not to mention the netizens who support this theory claim Micah sounded very calm in the 911 call That it would be virtually impossible to force someone to make a 911 call like that against their will However, there are a lot of netizens that dispute the theory's main points Disputing through arguments and anecdotal evidence or speculations again nothing has been shut and done in the court of law but netizens have argued back against this theory by alleging if the fishermen heard only one
Starting point is 01:47:12 shot that would be one thing but the Francis family and a park ranger have reported that they found multiple shell casings at the scene. Could it just be another case of faulty eyewitnesses, faulty memories, or even planted memories? Micah's family stated that there were multiple bullets found at the scene and later it would be, it's gonna be confirmed that there were two spent shell casings found near her and a live bullet, meaning two spent, they've, they've gone through, fired twice. Which is not very common from what I can tell anecdotally of self-exit cases. Netizens agree that it looks like Micah goes inside and buys the gun at the pawn shop from the CCTV footage that is released, but a lot of people are
Starting point is 01:47:54 questioning the CCTV footage. In certain frames of the CCTV footage, Micah has this hand tattoo of a cross, a pretty big cross on her hand. It's missing in the CCTV footage. What? So is her necklace that she was seen wearing the day of her death? People think it's weird. Wait, have you seen the footage? Yes. I don't see the tattoo. Is it very blurry footage or...?
Starting point is 01:48:18 It doesn't- to me it doesn't see- because even if it's blurry, would you not still have a blurred outline? So they're saying this footage is questionable. Yeah, there's no tattoo. I don't it appears there's no tattoo Remember Micah's 911 call where she says she wants her family to know where to find her She made the call and then walked from her car and the parking lot Where her black Honda was found into the trails of the forest and off the beaten path Which some netizens feel defeats the purpose of making that call to begin with? And sure Micah had a history of mental illness but that is according to JP. Her
Starting point is 01:48:54 schizophrenia mania, playing chess with people who aren't there, that's what JP alleges right? That's all what he alleges. in an interview with Anna Francis, Micah's sister, Anna claims that JP was actually the one who had been on schizophrenia medication for the past 20 years. she also states that at the end of Micah's involuntarily, you know, held at the hospital that the doctor quote, at the end of that weekend where Micah was examined and I'm pretty sure Faith Green apologized for it and said that she should have never been there. Everyone cleared her. She's completely sane." End quote. That's what the sister said.
Starting point is 01:49:29 Netizens who don't believe Micah self-exited also cite that Sure, perhaps the chances of someone with past attempts of self-exit dying from self-exit are higher But that doesn't mean the chances of them being murdered are lower Especially in cases of speculated DV, if anything that increases her chances of being murdered. And those netizens who aren't fully convinced that JP had nothing to do with it, that Micah did not self-exit, they bring up the netizen theory 2 and 3, which is that JP killed Micah or that JP was the sole driving force pushing her towards her death. Again, another quick super brief legal disclaimer. At the date of this
Starting point is 01:50:09 recording, there have been zero official suspects nor persons of interest named by the authorities. Micah's death at the date of this recording has still officially been ruled a self-exit by the police and the medical examiner. The following details, little facts that have been pointed out, or inconsistencies are all netizens speculation and the source notes will be in the description. And all of this is public information available online. And again, just to cover all the bases, the police do not believe JP Miller was involved with the death of his wife. Alleged theory number two, Pastor JP allegedly killed his wife and
Starting point is 01:50:38 using his authority within the church, he spun his own little narrative to cover up any traces of foul play. Netizens believe that JP has a motive to want to be single or to be free, and that motive, they allege, is Susie Skinner. Remember his alleged girlfriend and affair? Susie Skinner's husband died in the pool. Susie and JP were spotted at a sushi bar just four days after Micah died. Two seats down, a local recognized JP from the news and snapped the two pictures for proof. The two were having drinks and a bite to eat only four days after his wife died.
Starting point is 01:51:11 Suzy Skinner was also allegedly spotted on June 14th, 2024 with a tote bag slung over her shoulder walking towards JP Miller's alleged truck getting in and the two of them driving off. Not only that, but netizens have noticed that the truck is parked on the street and not in the driveway. So they allege, you know, it's kind of interesting if they weren't having an affair, if these are really two church members just trying to find comfort in each other,
Starting point is 01:51:37 why would he park not on the driveway? Wait, whose driveway? I'm so sorry. Susie Skinner's driveway. He didn't park in the driveway, he parked on the street. It seemed like if they're not having an affair, why would he park on the street? Why can't he just park in her driveway and pick her up? Okay, like he doesn't want to be seen? That he's picking her up?
Starting point is 01:51:54 Yes, which is... you only do that when something is weird, no? Typically? According to JP's ex-wife's affidavit, two weeks before Chris Skinner's death on September 6, remember Chris confronted JP telling him to stay away from his wife, Susie? The affidavit also states, quote, Netizens are also questioning JP's alleged alibi. The police posted pictures of JP's truck in South Carolina as proof of his alibi on the day that Micah died. They even said JP was accompanied while traveling in the truck to South Carolina as proof of his alibi on the day that Micah died. They even said JP was accompanied while traveling in the truck to South Carolina,
Starting point is 01:52:28 so he's not alone. Netizens wonder though, all the pictures the police provided show the back of JP's truck. You can't see who's in the driver's seat, let alone in the passenger seat. The window tint is so dark, you can't even see a silhouette of anyone in the truck.
Starting point is 01:52:41 And again, there have been multiple witnesses that have come forward to confirm JP's alibi, but this is just netizens' opinion. Some netizens' thought processes continue. Sure, JP's car has an alibi, but to some netizens, they feel like they haven't seen the proof that he was or wasn't in that car. What if he was driving a separate car that day? Netizens also questioned the police's report stating that they had eyewitnesses who corroborated JP's alibi. Because doesn't JP have connections to the police? Which is a very crazy allegation to make collusion with the police.
Starting point is 01:53:12 But netizens say, I mean, he does have friends in the police department. Not saying the police are lying, not saying that they're doing anything weird, but he does have friends. I mean, remember that friend that gave him the pastor badge the one that helped expunge his record some netizens question Hypothetically speaking of course if JP was able to successfully be pardoned allegedly with the help of a police chief What else can he get away with? Then another point made by netizens online is Micah had a necklace that she was seen wearing the day She died later JP was wearing it in an interview with the local news and people wondered,
Starting point is 01:53:47 how did he get the necklace? If they were separated, people thought it was strange. JP would claim that they gave it to her after he went to see her body. And he said he immediately put it on to feel closer to her because she loved that necklace. Other people argue, doesn't that seem like something a narcissist would do when they had a hand in your death? It just feels very gross. Is what people say.
Starting point is 01:54:10 Another reason that some netizens believe Micah did not self-exit is, she did not leave a letter. According to her three sisters, brother and father and loved ones, she was a meticulous diary keeper. She loved journaling. She had started to keep a record of all the alleged abuse she was going through. Micah always loved Bible study where not only do you read scripture, but you interact with it. You often write or discuss your interpretations. She committed things onto paper, typically in her daily life. So why would a self-exit letter be any different? Why would she not have one?
Starting point is 01:54:39 Which obviously for self-exits, there is a lot of impulse involved. That is a factor to be considered, typically. But some netizens just said it just feels so out of character. But of course there are also netizens who argue the points made by this theory. They argue the biggest point or contention though is that netizens who disagree with the theory is the CCTV footage of Micah buying the gun. They say CCTV footage is notoriously low resolution. So the tattoo that is supposed to be on her hand is probably just too small for the pixels to pick up.
Starting point is 01:55:11 It was, you know, it's like a rather thin cross, they said. Same goes for the disappearing necklace. The pixels are too small to be picked up. You also need a valid state ID to purchase a weapon in South Carolina, meaning there's the world's slimmest chance that that footage was edited to look like Micah or that somehow a body double went in. The chances that the camera's resolution is bad is far more plausible. So with that, a sub-theory develops. The theory, not fact, pure internet speculation, is that JP killed Micah,
Starting point is 01:55:39 but he hired someone else to pull the trigger and make it appear as a self-exit. Speculators say it would explain all of the confusion surrounding JP's alibi because with the Murder for Hire plot, it doesn't matter where he is. It would also explain away parts of the 911 call because if it was somebody that was hired to do a hit, allegedly, hypothetically, then it wouldn't really matter if they were just in the woods at the time that she died. They have no connection. There were kayakers, there were fishermen around. If they have no connection to Micah, perhaps the police wouldn't even look into it.
Starting point is 01:56:12 It's a state park. The allegation is that somebody had threatened Micah, forced her to buy the gun, forced her to call 911 and say that she was going to self-exit. But that 911 call is a huge part of the case. People say that Micah is just way too calm, that there's no way someone could have forced her to fake a self-exit call like that. Well, Micah's father, Michael, did an interview with Law & Crime where he agreed Micah was way too calm.
Starting point is 01:56:38 In fact, she was talking so slow he even wondered if it was her. Michael suggested that his daughter's voice was created using AI. So this sounds really far-fetched, right? It sounds like a sci-fi movie. But I personally guarantee you that if not now, one day we're gonna start seeing AI interfering with investigations and being part of cases more and more often. Again, I'm not saying there's proof to that theory or trying to convince you of anything in today's case. There's no proof that AI was involved actually, but I personally believe in my opinion that if AI can fake those kidnapping calls that are made to families by scam artists, then
Starting point is 01:57:14 eventually, if not already, then one day AI will be present in more crimes. Another detail that netizens refer to in regards to their belief that Micah was murdered are the alleged bruises and self-defense wounds on her body. Micah's body was cremated. Yeah that's a whole thing too we're gonna get into but her family did go and see her body and they stated that she had bruising on her wrist. It almost... some that isn't speculate that perhaps it looked like someone forced her wrist to pull the trigger like forced the gun up to her own head but I don't know
Starting point is 01:57:49 I do know that the Emmy is saying that could have happened after her death during pulling her out of the lake some people argue that and say that you actually can- it's very hard to form bruises when you're dead because your blood is no longer circulating now, the family has also claimed that JP made the parents approve cremation in order to see Micah's body Anna Franca said, in order to see her, our parents, per John Paul, JP, our parents had to sign that she had to be cremated so you either sign it and do it easily so you can see her or you just put up a fight and you don't get to see her anyway. That's really weird. Yeah he will later refute this. It's a whole thing. But the family said that they did take photos and videos of
Starting point is 01:58:32 her body and of what they believe were self-defense wounds and of course the pictures were submitted to the proper authorities and are currently being kept private as the investigation continues. As of June 25th 2014, the North Carolina Office of the Chief Medical Examiner released a preliminary summary of the circumstances surrounding Micah Miller's death. Netizens that believe Micah did not self-exit, in their personal opinions, they do not believe law enforcement findings and they believe this new release actually supports their claims. They point to exhibit A which reads, law enforcement recovered two spent casings and one live round on the bank of the river.
Starting point is 01:59:08 These are the casings that Michael Franzen had alluded to in his interview with Law and Crime, and now we have the ME's report that says that there were two spent, meaning two separate rounds of ammunition that were fired, and only one live round was found, meaning one unfired bullet was found as well. Two things about this. Like I said, netizens argue that people who die by self-exit through firearm almost exclusively fire one shot, which is the fatal shot. The idea that a practice shot was fired, to the netizens, feel doubtful. They believe the blowback and the sound of a round being fired is almost always enough
Starting point is 01:59:40 to rattle the person, especially when they're firing with a 9mm gun gun which is what she had. It is no small dainty pea shooter. This is a common choice for officers in law enforcement as their go-to handgun. And number two, right after the Emmy report states two spent and one live bullets, the document says deceased was found prone submerged in river beside tree limbs about a hundred feet from the casings. People, netizens have argued that a hundred feet is about the length of five giraffes stacked up on top of each other or three yellow school buses, roughly two-thirds the
Starting point is 02:00:13 length of an Olympic-sized swimming pool. Now there could be completely reasonable explanations for this detail and this detail in itself is not alarming but some netizens wonder if the gun was fired on the riverbank where the shell casings are found and Micah shot herself. How did her body end up a hundred feet away from the casings now? Obviously people are gonna state oh the current of the river But netizens that have been to this park recently and they've seen videos the water seems almost completely still and the water is incredibly shallow They wonder what are the chances that her body floated a hundred feet away when there's almost no current her body was found really quickly yes again this is not a
Starting point is 02:00:51 fact it's an opinion and question posed by netizens and one final theory from our research the most popular theory is the theory that Micah did die by self exit but that doesn't make JP Miller less guilty of killing her. One netizen summed up this theory in a comment on Reddit. When you have been groomed since 14 or 15 years old, when you have reached out to the police for help and no one is helping, your church is not helping you, when your spouse brainwashed you while grooming you as a child and then makes you feel like you're crazy
Starting point is 02:01:21 and he puts you in an institution, he steals your car and puts a tracker on your car. You get to a point where there feels like there's no way out. It is not a woman's fault if she ends it all when it was someone else that pulled the metaphorical trigger. Netizens also cite that the chances of the whole thing being a conspiracy with Hitman and a premeditated plot are highly unlikely compared to the chances that she did die by self-exit, but that JP should still be held accountable in some way. In most cases like this, I assume JP would release a statement through his attorney like he did and retreat to try not to stir stuff up and lay low, but no, he starts posting
Starting point is 02:01:58 onto TikTok. These full length videos are going to be linked in the show notes, but they have been condensed for length here. In one video, JP starts off by saying, Greetings everybody. I'm here to let you know that my silence is nothing more than wisdom and self-control, so we can win the war that is up ahead. I look forward to presenting over 350 pieces of proof on what Micah thinks about her family,
Starting point is 02:02:18 and what Micah thinks about her lawyer, and the things her lawyer's saying, and the things that her family's saying, and Charlotte and all these other people that are saying things. People forget that Micah corresponded with me more than anybody else on planet earth. I know her heart and I have her text messages and we're going to disprove all the lies that are out there. There are so many lies. It seems like everybody thinks the world is flat but when I get to court I'm going to show you that the world is round and you're going to be shocked at some of the things that you
Starting point is 02:02:47 see that Micah says and we're going to find out exactly who is responsible for my wife's death and Micah will have justice when it's all said and done and I'm gonna make sure of it. So thank you so much. I look forward to seeing you. God bless. In another TikTok he addresses the fact that he preached the day after his wife passed and the announcement he made of his wife's passing. And he basically says in the beginning of the TikTok that Micah allegedly wanted a very thick wedding band tattooed on her wedding finger. He says so that when she was working out or when we were on vacation, when she didn't have a ring, she let everybody know that she was still married. That is not something that someone who is being abused does.
Starting point is 02:03:28 Which I don't think again is factually correct, but that could be my cluttered brain. So the reason I preach the night after she passed, the night before that at midnight, I had five people in my house telling me not to preach. I would be crazy for doing it. I didn't listen. It's because at first I didn't believe it.
Starting point is 02:03:44 I had spent the past three and a half months doing everything I could to keep her alive. My goal every single day to find somebody to some way get her, get her her medicine because I told them that she was going to commit suicide if she didn't get her lithium and I went to her, her pastors, counselors, doctors, policemen, judges, friends, family, roommates, everybody you could possibly think of and nobody believed me. So to get that call that night that it happened, I'm sure you can imagine what a failure I felt as well as this just can't be true. It became my worst nightmare.
Starting point is 02:04:13 There's no way and so I thought maybe the family was playing a trick on me or something. The other side of it was I thought if it is true, I don't want to deal with it. I don't want to do anything. I want to just keep living my life as if it never happened because I was not ready to believe that it happened. So the next day I preached. I was like a fool. And then I made my announcement for everybody to be quiet and leave
Starting point is 02:04:33 because like a moment of silence, like you do in respect. I did it like I didn't want anyone to be talking about suicide or mental illness or asking me questions or I just want them to leave and go talk to Jesus about it and then talk to me at some later date. I was not prepared to deal with any of it at all. I'm sure you cannot imagine what it's like to be trying your best to keep somebody alive and then find out they passed and then how you handle yourself in the next 24-48 hours. I don't think there's a manual on that. So if that offends anybody, I apologize but I did the best
Starting point is 02:05:04 that I could with what I had and God bless Other allegations in his series of tic-tacs include he states that someone is making fun of him because he sniffs But he says it's a tick that he's had since he was a kid which I don't know I'm just saying he says a lot of things okay. He's yaps a lot really is a talker yeah, and just like everything becomes such a, woe is me, look at me, I'm so good. Everybody's evil. He said the whole case is actually
Starting point is 02:05:34 about mental health awareness. He alleges and claims that Micah was diagnosed with bipolar two disorder, schizophrenia, dependent personality disorder. He claims that she had several other diagnoses by different doctors at different times all throughout the last seven years. He continues the two diagnoses that stayed every single year
Starting point is 02:05:51 were schizophrenia and bipolar II. He states bipolar II is when you're super high and you wanna give away a thousand dollars. The low is when you wanna die. He said that she had ups and downs and it was a constant struggle, but they were getting through it. He further alleges and he makes some wild claims about her mental health, which again
Starting point is 02:06:07 I can't say for certain if it's not true, but I imagine if her symptoms were this bad that a lot of people would speak up and say so, or that she would have done other things that people would have stories about to share. Others must have noticed. He claims and alleges that Micah would play chess with people that were not there without a chessboard Like imaginary people imaginary chessboard. She would hear voices or talk to people who were not there She would forget who she was forget that she was his wife forget who he was forget that he was her husband Sometimes she would forget her family
Starting point is 02:06:38 He claims that she was quote deep into the schizophrenia and was delusional and accusing him of certain things like slashing her tires or sending a naked picture or stalking her or things like that that he claims he didn't do. Which what about the email that he allegedly sent her apologize? Anyway, he claims he found an Apple Air tag in his car in the truck that week and he saw her popping up everywhere. He went around the week.
Starting point is 02:07:03 Remember that gas station video where she's like, walk away. He's like recording her and he tells her and she's he's like, no, she followed me to the gas station. Like a little spy, he says, mental illness is sad, it's sad, but we managed to always find lightheartedness in life in spite of it and we always got through it. I would do things like sometimes I would play into the delusion, pretend like I was a double agent who quit their job to marry this beautiful girl and I'd have to show her our marriage license.
Starting point is 02:07:32 He alleged that her life was just so easy and perfect. He said, we worked very hard to keep her enjoying her life, she didn't have to cook a single meal, she didn't have to clean, she didn't have to work, she just had to take her medicine and enjoy life He also alleges that he texted Micah's family offering to pay for all their travel expenses to come see Micah's body He claims they asked for 2,500, but he gave them 3,500 He said within seven minutes after the family cashed the check they went on to Facebook to post about needing money for travel expenses He claims he texted the entire family quote. I'd love for you to come and see Micah's body. Here's the times that the funeral home says are best.
Starting point is 02:08:10 They thumbs up the message and about an hour after that, they posted on Facebook that I would not let them see Micah's body. Please help me understand that is what he says. Now again, he did not release these messages. So he didn't show the messages, he didn't release the messages, but this is what he's alleging on TikTok on TikTok he's still talking on
Starting point is 02:08:28 TikTok oh he's yapping oh he stopped yapping I think his attorney told him to stop yapping but he was yapping hmm I wonder if these will be brought up later yeah he continues they said I forced them to sign some cremation paper that I knew nothing about and had no idea what they were talking about. Days later I was given this piece of paper that the mom and dad both signed saying they wanted Micah to be cremated and they chose to have that, which I totally agree with because of the way that she passed away. I thought that was what was best but nobody forced them to sign anything or anything. I don't even know about what they're talking about with that. They
Starting point is 02:09:01 said that I pushed for the cremation to happen quickly to hide things. The national average is three days because after that the body starts to smell which i imagine he had to look that up which is again very odd but he continues she was cremated six days after she passed away so that her ashes will be ready for the funeral the next day while the family was there i told the funeral director i said let them know that i'll pay for all the urns that they want to keep the ashes in i'll pay for the jewelry, this stainless steel cross, because he's wearing a stainless steel cross, has Micah's ashes inside. It's the only ashes I have, they have all the rest of her ashes.
Starting point is 02:09:35 The funeral director called me and said the bill is going to be $18,000. I said why? He said they all picked out 24 karat gold jewelry. So I said please call them back and let them know that if I'm paying they got to get the cheap stuff And it was still well over ten thousand dollars, but I didn't mind because the way you treat people was not based on the way that they treat you It's based on your own heart Exhausting to listen to him. Yes, and so if you could help me understand the answers to those questions, I'd appreciate it. Thanks a lot. God bless He continues here. We go. Okay. all this is part B, I guess.
Starting point is 02:10:06 The Francis family, Micah's family, said that there were bruises on Micah's body. There were none. I saw her body four times. I saw it once in the hospital, three times in the funeral home. The hospital that prepared her body for me to see it, the nurse and the medical examiner said there were no bruises and Robinson County said there were no bruises and the funeral home who washed her entire body and put her in pajamas for us to see her body said there were no bruises so four independent parties say no bruises but then you have the one who waited until days after she's cremated
Starting point is 02:10:33 and there's no proof, they didn't take any pictures they didn't tell anyone what they supposedly saw they wait till later and say, hey there were bruises on her body bruises on her body I thought they did take pictures yes, from what I can tell they did take pictures but he's saying they didn't, yeah he said, why in the world would we believe that? on her body. I thought they did take pictures. Yes from what I can tell they did take pictures but he's saying they didn't. Yeah he said why in the world would we believe that? I literally don't
Starting point is 02:10:50 understand the logic behind it. I don't understand it because let's say the Francis family came forward and said there were no bruises on her body. Robinson county said there were no bruises on her body. The medical examiner said there's no bruises on her body. The funeral said there's no bruises on her body. And then I step up and I said guys, it's a lot. Hey everybody, I saw bruises. I know I didn't tell you when it happened. I know I didn't take a picture. I know I waited until after she was cremated, but I saw bruises on her body.
Starting point is 02:11:13 Would you believe me? Then in another video, which is probably more widely talked about, first off JP starts the video early on by stating that Micah's mom was married multiple times. Okay. Nobody cares. What? The way he brings it up is very strange and disrespectful, and I imagine because of his religious background, he thinks that people will draw connec- I think he thinks people will draw connections to Micah's personality and her character based on the amount of marriages her family had. That is crazy. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:11:44 Uh-huh. on the amount of marriages her family had. That is crazy. Yeah. He goes on to say, Micah, my wife, had seven. I think her mom's married seven times. Michael Francis is the biological father. Like he literally didn't need to say any of that because Michael Francis has been pretty vocal about this case. So like everybody knows.
Starting point is 02:11:59 And then if you just say, Micah's father, what do you mean? It's very obvious to me what I think he's doing. He said the other day on some show, something to the effect of Micah's, one of her tattoos, my name, that's my signature that is tattooed on her body. He inferred that meant that I owned her and that I was controlling her and manipulative. And then I made her get that tattoo so that I could brand her and stamp her and say that she belongs to me.
Starting point is 02:12:21 That's not really how it worked. She got my signature tattooed on the other side of her body, but I don't think that it means that I was controlling her manipulative. I didn't think that it means that I owned her. I don't think it was a brand or anything I forced her to do. It was completely her idea. I didn't know, I don't know why Michael would think that. But if you do think that's what it means, if somebody has someone else's name, their signature, even tattooed on their body, if you think it means that person owns them and that they are over them and they're controlling them, then what would you say, Michael, about this? And whose idea do you think this was?
Starting point is 02:12:53 He then proceeds to lift up his shirt to show a tattoo on his side that reads, Michael Miller, but all anyone can focus on was the fact that the tattoo looks very glossy. What do you mean? The allegations online by netizens is that he either just got it because you know when you just get a tattoo, it's very pigmented, it's shiny almost because ointment is on there and it just... Yeah, it's very saturated. Yes, it's super saturated.
Starting point is 02:13:19 Because you recently got new tattoos. Very saturated and then even ones that you have from a year ago, they don't look anything similar right now. Yeah, no, you can see the difference. Yes. So it looks like it was fresh. Yeah, but I mean, I don't know, maybe it's here, it doesn't get sun. I don't know. It looks very fresh or it looks like a stick on tattoo.
Starting point is 02:13:40 Is what netizens alleged. Unfortunately, we don't have proof of that. And unfortunately, the Sheriff's Office have stopped responding to FOIA requests, and the evidence remains under suppression orders. JP has to stop doing interviews and posting his little TikToks. And officially, the FBI have gotten involved. They are running a parallel investigation, but we don't really know anything further than that.
Starting point is 02:14:03 Like what they're exactly investigating, we don't really know anything further than that. Like what they're exactly investigating we don't know. So FBI got involved because there's so many people like raising suspicions on this right? Yes but I okay that part is confusing because some sources that's what it states. Other sources state that it's actually because they were reached out to since the beginning that they found Micah's body that the the police reached out to them, and that they have been running a parallel investigation. But I don't know if that's the more accurate one because I think up until that point FOIA requests were being taken in by that police. As of right now, Solid Rock's congregation has also decreased by a lot. Back then, before Micah's death, close to 700 people would be in attendance on Sundays,
Starting point is 02:14:45 and now it's closer to about 50. He's still talking? He has been released from his ministerial duties, and that is the current case of Micah. And the very controversial, some would say, manipulative, toxic, abuser, manipulator, narcissistic pastor JP Miller. Some would say that. I don't know if I'm saying that because there are rumors that he's just he's getting too happy What are your thoughts on this case? Have you heard about it recently? I know it's even going viral But I'm gonna leave all the links for justice for Micah's page and I will leave her go fund me linked in the description But please stay safe, and I will see you guys in the next one. Bye

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