rSlash - r/AmITheA--Hole for Suing My Daughter?

Episode Date: September 8, 2022 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to R-slash, Am I the butthole where OP finds out that her father is taking a secret vacation of Paris and taking all of her siblings but not her. Am I the butthole for holding a grudge against my dad who took my step siblings to Paris but not me? A few weeks ago I learned from my stepbrothers TikTok that my dad, stepmom and two stepbrothers are in Paris. I was staying with my mom at the time. I'm a 16-year-old girl, and I would have loved to be there, but they didn't even tell me they were going. I immediately sent a text to my dad asking if they were enjoying their time in Paris, and despite him reading it, he didn't reply until late that night. Then he tried to play dumb and said that it's great,
Starting point is 00:00:42 and he wished I could be there. Yeah, me too. So I replied that he could have taken me and he said that it wasn't possible and we'll talk about it later. So when they returned, I told them that I was hurt that they didn't take me. My dad took me aside and told me that their finances are very tight. That this vacation was a gift from my stepmom's parents and they only bought it from my dad, their daughter, and their own grandkids, not me. He reminded me that I shouldn't act in an entitled way. They were effectively guests and I wasn't invited so I shouldn't act in an
Starting point is 00:01:16 entitled way. I wasn't convinced. They could have refused to go without me, paid for me themselves, gone somewhere cheaper, stayed a little less longer, or asked my mom to pitch in. And she would have pitched in. Me not being there was exclusionary. If this was only about the money, then they could have made it work. So I told my dad that I was disappointed in him. So last night, my stepmom's parents came over for dinner. The subject of the vacation came up, everyone was talking about it and I was
Starting point is 00:01:45 just sitting there being quiet until I thanked them for doing such a nice thing for the family. Then my dad looked at me in a frowny way. Everyone went quiet and my dad tried explaining that I should have understood that this was a very expensive gift that I'm acting like an entitled brat and I should go to my room if I can't behave myself. I said that it doesn't seem like I belong anyway and I told them to enjoy your family dinner and I left. Later, the grandmother came to my room and tried explaining that they gifted this to their grandchildren and couldn't afford to include me as well. She said that they initially only had a budget for three people, but they stretched themselves to four to include my dad as well.
Starting point is 00:02:26 But while they wish they could have done it for me, they couldn't really stretch it to five. So I told my step-grandmother that my problem isn't with her, it's with my dad. But she doesn't get to act like she cares about me either, and that's okay. I was like, I'm a stranger to you and you don't care about me, so have some balls, put your big girl pants on and wear it on your sleeve. Then I told her to get the F out of my room. She left and I heard her tell my dad that I was very rude to her, so I'm grounded until
Starting point is 00:02:55 further notice. Am I the butthole for acting like an entitled prat? And then opi adds in an edit. Not that it's relevant, but my step-grandmother's comment about trying to include me, but not being able to work out the budget was nonsense. They are very rich, so that was an excuse, and she was taking me for a fool.
Starting point is 00:03:14 But this isn't relevant to me holding a grudge against my dad. I am only specifying it for clarity. Okay, we'll do the grandparents first because they're super easy. If they only want to buy a vacation for their daughter and their daughter's kids, I think that's reasonable. If they don't want to pay for their step-grandkids, like, yeah, it's a little bit unfair, it is a little bit sucky, but I feel like this is in the realm of being like understandable and
Starting point is 00:03:36 okay. In a perfect world they would have invited you, but I think it's okay, sucky, but okay if they don't. Your dad, however, is being a butthole here. What he should have done as a father is give his spot to you, but he didn't, because he's selfish. And then failing that, it's like, okay,
Starting point is 00:03:53 obviously he wants to go to Paris, it's a super exciting opportunity. Then what he should have done was exactly what you said, talk to you about it, say, let's see if we can figure out the finances, let's see if your mom can pitch in. That's the logical thing to do. Not to secretly fly to Paris and not tell anyone, oh, let's not post on social media. Oh, you forgot about the
Starting point is 00:04:12 TikTok. Of course, the TikTok. And now my daughter's gonna find out that we went on a secret vacation without her. Super douchey man, super selfish, putting yourself before your own kid, awful behavior. So overall, I'm giving you 0 out of 5 buttholes, especially for calling out the grandmother on her BS. I think I'll give the grandparents 0.5 out of 5 buttholes because yeah, they should have invited you, especially if they could afford it, but it's their money, so if they don't want to spend money on you, that's kind of their prerogative. Your dad, however, gets 3 out of 5 buttholes.
Starting point is 00:04:44 I hope you got some amazing pictures of him in Paris because he's losing his daughter over them. Am I the butthole for speaking Italian to my girlfriends rude Italian-American family and embarrassing them? Backstory. Due to my dad's job, we lived in Italy for three years when I was younger, so I speak Italian almost fluently. Recently, I started dating a girl. She's great and I love her so much. I met her family a few nights ago for dinner. She warned me that the male side of her family is very big into being macho and testing the boys the women date in the family and very big on taking pride in their Italian ancestry. I think that besides the grandfather, however, they were almost all born in Bergen County, New Jersey, but whatever, it's nice to take pride in one's heritage. Long story short, at dinner, they kept making jokes at my expense. I honestly
Starting point is 00:05:35 wouldn't call it bullying, just things about my height, beard, shaved head, etc. They tried making fun of my IT job too, but they stopped once I told them my income. Overall, it wasn't a bad experience, but also not a pleasant one. Anyways, her older brother kept pushing things, giving me exceptional amounts of flack for playing lacrosse in high school. Apparently, it's a sport for prissy rich kids and not manly like football or baseball. He ended his rant by saying, hey, we're just the big Italian family, we're loud and we tell it how we see it.
Starting point is 00:06:11 And the entire family except for my girlfriend laughed. So for the next minute after that, I responded to everything they said in Italian. My girlfriend buried her head in shame. The grandfather laughed and everyone else kept looking at each other confused before telling me they didn't speak Italian. I replied, then don't use your Italian heritage as an excuse to behave poorly when you can't even speak the language. They got mad, but the grandfather told them that I was right and to be quiet. My girlfriend isn't mad, just ashamed. I think the Grandfather
Starting point is 00:06:45 likes me, but word from my girlfriend's sister is that all the men are furious. They think that I'm a smart ass and that I disrespected them and their masculinity in an unforgivable way. So, am I the butthole? Nah, Opie, not the butthole in the slightest. It sounds like all the men in the family are trying to haze you, but you just haze them right back. Also, it's so funny that the grandfather laughed. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that the grandfather likes you too, OP. OP, you get zero out of five buttholes. All the guys who are hazing you get 1.5 out of five buttholes. Am I the butthole for refusing to pay for hotel room? I run out the spare bedroom in my house for 800 bucks
Starting point is 00:07:25 a month. This is the market rate in my area. I don't know my roommate very well, but we work for the same company. I work early mornings and she works late evenings, so we're often ships passing in the night. On Friday, my hot water heater broke. The home warranty guys said they couldn't get anyone out until Monday morning. It's hot as balls right now, so I wasn't too upset. A few cold showers won't kill anyone. I texted my tenant that the hot water is out until Monday, and she responded with a thumbs-up emoji.
Starting point is 00:07:53 I didn't see her all weekend, which is normal, as I said. The guy got here at 8 a.m. to fix the heater. When he was done, I texted her to let her know that the hot water was back on. Then she hits me with this gym. My hotel bill was $250. Do you want to reimburse me now or deduct it from next month's rent? I stared at her text message for a good while. I didn't even know that she was gone.
Starting point is 00:08:16 She got a hotel room just for hot water. That's so extra. She could have showered at work, but she got a hotel room? I texted, hey, I didn't even know that you left. Renta still do in full on the first of each month, regardless of if you choose to sleep somewhere else for a weekend. She texted me back, there's no water. I couldn't stay there.
Starting point is 00:08:39 You're my landlord. You have to provide me with livable accommodations. I texted back, there was water, just not hot water. If it was winter, then you might have had a point. Rint is still doing full. Failure to pay rent will result in me filing with the court, which will impact your credit. She stopped responding. I texted a friend who said that I was way too harsh, and I should have just countered
Starting point is 00:09:03 with a $50 discount or something. Which, sure, if she'd asked for a $50 bucks reduction, then that would have been reasonable. But I'm not paying for a hotel and the audacity of her to ask me pisses me off. But I know that jumping to talking about filing with the courts was a bit dramatic. Was I the butthole? Okay, down in the comments, we're seeing tons and tons of different people talking about. You are the butthole, you're not the butthole. To me, this is really, really simple. What does your lease say?
Starting point is 00:09:31 Also, local legislation because sometimes people make laws saying that if a landlord can't provide X, Y, and Z, then they have to accommodate people. So, like, that's it. That's what this boils down to. Does your lease say that if certain accommodations aren't fulfilled, then you have to pay for it like a hotel room or something. If your lease says that, then yes, you're the butthole. If the lease doesn't say that, then no, you're not the butthole. This isn't a moral issue, it's not an ethical issue, it's not what someone should do or shouldn't do, it's literally just,
Starting point is 00:09:59 what did you both agree to and what did you sign your names to on this piece of paper that says, we will both agree to this thing and I will ring to this thing for $800 a month, that's it man. What does your lease say? So I'm gonna give everyone question mark out of five buttholes. Am I the butthole for threatening to take legal action against my ex-wife stepdaughter if she doesn't pay for the gift that she broke? I'm a 38 year old guy, and I've been separated from my ex-wife for almost 14 years.
Starting point is 00:10:25 She's married now and has two step daughters. This story involves the older one, Anna, who's 17. Our older daughter, Diane, who's 16 is really into calligraphy. My parents gave her a foodie, which is a Japanese calligraphy brush as a gift for having a great school year. We came back from a trip and left them with their mother. I was just getting home when my youngest called me to come back. When I got there, the girls were having an argument, and my ex-wife and her wife were trying to mediate. My daughter Diane said that Anna stole her
Starting point is 00:10:54 brush and broke it. Anna says that she took it with permission from Diane, which isn't true. We checked. Anna admitted that she broke the brush, but she wanted to replace it with a cheaper one. My ex-wife and her wife claimed that it wasn't a big deal and that Anna would replace it. I disagreed and told them that they had to either order a new one or give us the money so we could do it. They were willing to do it until Diane told them how much it would cost. Three thousand dollars. That's when they flipped out and asked how is it so expensive? I told them that it's none of their business or the point. Besides, it was a gift for my parents. They refused and said that they can't do it without taking a hit to their finances. I told them that
Starting point is 00:11:35 I don't care, and they need to either pay for it or I would take legal action against Anna since she admitted to taking and breaking it. I told them to be quick because the brushes are limited. Our daughters decided to come home with me and took their important things with them. My ex-wife, her parents, and her wife are blasting my phone, saying that I would ruin Anna's future and that I'm putting our daughters against them and ruining their relationship. We've been co-parenting really well, but I don't know. I think that I'm being reasonable. She's not a kid anymore. Alright, this is really simple.
Starting point is 00:12:08 Just because they don't value the brush at $3,000 doesn't mean the brush is actually worth $3,000. But like, what if Anna had stolen her car and gotten to a car wreck? She'd be expected to pay thousands upon thousands of dollars to get that fixed or get that replaced, right? So, it's the exact same situation with the brush. expected to pay thousands upon thousands of dollars to get that fixed or get that replaced, right? So, it's the exact same situation with the brush. It doesn't matter if the brush is $1,000, $1,000 or $10,000. If you break it, you buy it.
Starting point is 00:12:34 OP, you get 0 out of 5 buttholes. If anything, I'm proud of you for standing up for your daughter and what's right. Anna and your ex-wife both get 2.5 out of 5 buttholes. Am I the butthole for telling my brother's fiance that the reason she couldn't get a degree was because of her choice to be a mom? I'm a 24-year-old woman. My brother Adam, who's 30, met a single mom, who's 32 from Latin origins. Her name's Michelle, they met a year ago and they recently got engaged.
Starting point is 00:13:01 We only met her a few times, but my brother brought her and her son over for dinner on Sunday. To be quite honest, the family and I didn't know much about her, so after dinner we started talking to her about her personal life. She told us that she only has a high school education. She said that she always wanted to go to college and obtain a degree, but said that it was too hard to do. I found that a bit cliche, especially after she started complaining about lack of opportunities and resources. I told her I disagreed because colleges give all kinds of opportunities and scholarships and that the real reason she couldn't go to college was because of the fact that she was a mom and had to raise a kid. She stared at me silently
Starting point is 00:13:39 looking offended, then asked if I was implying that her decision to be a mom ruined her opportunities. I told her she could only answer this question when she takes a look at her life and sees if she's really happy where she is versus where she could have been without the whole struggling mom thing. She got upset and told me that she's happy with her life and her job at the salon. She said that she didn't appreciate how judgmental and condescending I was towards her and her child. Adam heard the commotion and asked what was going on. She told him and he decided it was time to leave.
Starting point is 00:14:11 She couldn't even wait or say goodbye. She just took her son and went to wait in the car. Adam chewed me out, saying that it was none of my business how she's living her life. But I explained that I was stating an opinion. Nothing more, nothing less. Mom cited with them, saying that I was out of line, rude, and ridiculous. But my younger sister said that Michelle was being too sensitive, and she should get over herself already.
Starting point is 00:14:34 Adam left, and then mom called him in the evening the next day, and then came into my room to yell at me, saying that I made Michelle cry with what I said. Now my mom wants me to apologize, but I'm not sure if what I said was out of line here. Hmm, well OP when I was reading the story you said that she's Latino and I was kind of waiting for that to come back into the story, but I never did, so I'm not really sure why you mentioned it. I could make inferences about why you brought that up, but I'm not going to because I don't want to make assumptions about you, but it's not a good look for UOP.
Starting point is 00:15:06 I will say that. But as for the story itself, how are you confused about whether or not you're the butthole? She was just innocently saying that she wishes she could have gone to college and you respond by calling into question all of her life choices. I really hope that her son isn't old enough to understand that you basically implied that his existence ruined his mother's life. You insulted her, her son, and her way of life.
Starting point is 00:15:31 So why shouldn't she be offended? Opie, I'm giving you two out of five buttholes. I'm giving Michelle, your brother, and your mom zero out of five buttholes. That was our slash of my The Butthole, and if you like this content, be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day. holes. That was our slash in my The Butthole, and if you liked this content be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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