rSlash - r/AmITheA--Hole My Sister F***s on MY Bed

Episode Date: September 6, 2022 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to our slash, Am I the Butthole, where OP finds out that her sister has been leaving used condoms in OP's bedroom. Am I the Butthole for slut-shaming my sister after I found a condom under my bed? I'm a 23 year old woman and I'm sex repulsed asexual. However, if someone loves passionate hugging, I'm never rude to them or think badly about them. If they have a healthy love life and they're happy, I'm happy for them too! So, onto the problem. My 26 year old sister came to visit me with her fiance four days ago. They got engaged two weeks ago and I'm so so happy for them. My sister knows that I'm asexual and how I feel about passionate hugging in general. I asked her as nicely as I could that if they do anything sexual in my house that I don't want to see or hear anything, and I would prefer if they could wait until I leave the apartment. She agreed, and I thought that
Starting point is 00:00:54 was it. However, the first night they were here, I woke up to a weird sound, and it took me a moment to realize what it was. They were passionately hugging in the next room, very loudly. They didn't even close their door. I just put on my headphones and listened to some music. Needless to say, I didn't sleep well at all and it affected my school and job performance the next morning. There were a few more incidents after that where they passionately hugged in the shower
Starting point is 00:01:22 and then again at night. The next morning, I asked her again as politely as I could if they could keep it down and wait until I leave the house. She smirked, apologized, said it won't happen again and not to worry. Anyway, I was cleaning my room this morning and I saw some trash under my bed, so I just took it out. And when I saw what it was, I almost threw up. It was a used condom. I screamed, threw it on the floor, and just stood there and shocked. Oh my God, OP, did you pick it up with your hands?
Starting point is 00:01:52 Ooooooh. My sister came to my room to see what was going on, and when she saw it, she looked surprised, and then effing laughed about it, and said, oops, sorry. I was so mortified, and I could feel that I was about to cry, which is stupid I know. I asked her if they did it on my bed and why didn't they clean up after themselves. She looked at me like I was a crazy person and just told me to stop overreacting and then people in real relationships passionately hug all the time. She said that I need to stop making being asexual in game my personality and that I need to
Starting point is 00:02:29 grow up and that normal men and women are meant to have sex with each other and so on. This really triggered me because people have rejected me in the past because of my sexuality which they 100% have the right to do. Anyways this is where I might be the butthole. I told her this is my house and these are my rules. And if they can't respect that, then f off. And also, if two grown people can't go one week without passionate hugging, that's very pathetic and sad.
Starting point is 00:02:58 And they need to learn to control themselves better. She got really upset and started to cry. Her fiance was out shopping, so she called them and they left. They messaged me and said that I was a butthole and I slutshamed my sister for being in love and that I need therapy for my problems. OP also posted an update that's kind of long so I'm not going to read it all, but in this update, she texts her sister and her sister says that she was trying to cure her of her like, issue, I guess.
Starting point is 00:03:28 She said that she was sorry, but they wanted to convert me and cure me and show that sex is a normal and healthy thing. Also they complained about the bit that they were in was too small and OP's bit was big and nice so they had to sleep on her bit instead. Okay OP, so you said at the beginning of the story that you're asexual and this is like a point of contention between you and your sister. But like, let's be clear, you being grossed out about other people passionately hugging on your bed
Starting point is 00:03:54 and leaving used condoms under your bed is not an asexual slash sexual problem. That's an everyone problem. If someone point on my bed and left a used condom, they would never be allowed inside my house again. Period. That is disgusting and it sounds like from the story. It sounds like you picked it up with your hands. Oh god. Oh man. It could have been sitting there for like days. Oh, slide me in, crusty. No, man. Nah.
Starting point is 00:04:26 This is a completely reasonable outrage that you felt. Your sister is disgusting and them like imposing their sexuality on you. It'd be funny to reverse it on them and be like, Oh, sister, so you think it's okay for you to have sex on my bed and for you to explore your fetishes on my bed. Well, I guess you don't mind then if I do stuff on your bed, right? I mean, unfortunately, my fetish is peeing on people. So next time I'm over at your place, I'll go to your bed and peel over your bed and your pillows because that's just my fetish. Like, that's totally, that's reasonable to you, right?
Starting point is 00:05:00 Am I the butthole for taking my wife's side after she screamed and cursed at at my mother? I'm a 33 year old guy, and I'm married to my wonderful wife, Melody, who's 29. She's currently pregnant with our first child together. I have a six year old daughter from a previous relationship, so for the most part, I know what Melody needs to feel supported while she carries our child. I've been spending lots of time making sure that my wife is comfortable and taking on more of the load at home so she's not doing too much. This is her first child after all, and it's obviously a lot for her physically and emotionally. My mother and melody do not get along too well. My mom didn't like my ex either, so I think my mom just doesn't like melody because she's dating me for whatever reason. She's very nitpicky about Melody, about how much she does around the house, how emotional
Starting point is 00:05:49 she is, and the fact that she wants to be a stay at home mom. It just seems like nothing Melody does is okay. However, I do stand up for Melody, and I don't allow my mom to talk down to her. Today before picking up my daughter from summer camp, Melody went to three different grocery source to find rotisserie chicken. She's been talking about it since last night, and really wanted one. She sent me picture messages documenting her quest for the chicken and finally found it. And man, she was happy! Rotisserie chicken is also kind of a comfort food for her because her mom used to make one of those when she was having a lazy day
Starting point is 00:06:23 and didn't feel like cooking. My wife was planning on serving that with some other basic sides for dinner, perfectly fine by me. My mother came by to see Tina and started telling Melody that chicken is bad for her and that she shouldn't eat that while pregnant. Melody said that it's fine, she usually eats healthy and she just wants this one thing that she's craving. My mom went on about how unhealthy it was and said that she has to eat something else.
Starting point is 00:06:46 Melody said no and went to the backyard to FaceTime her family. When she came back, my mom had thrown out the food and ordered takeout, a salad for Melody and pizza for everyone else. Melody asked where the chicken was and my mother told her she needs to start being a responsible mother and eat correctly for the baby.
Starting point is 00:07:05 Melody screamed, What the F is wrong with you? Why are you always such a beaward to me?" She then started crying and called me to come home. I came back and asked my mother to leave after hearing the story, and I said that she is not to come back until she apologizes for how she treated Melody. My mom went on about how I'm choosing another woman over her, but I just think as enough is enough, and Melody reached her limit. My dad thinks that I'm right for taking Melody's side,
Starting point is 00:07:32 but my brother thinks that I should always defend my mom. So am I the butthole? Okay, so first off, I remember going to the pediatrician when my wife was pregnant, and we went through this whole long list of foods that you're not allowed to eat while you're pregnant. You know, like alcohol, raw fish, and chicken, rotisserie chicken was not on that list at all. So I don't know what she's talking about, first of all. Second of all, your mom got upset at you because you're choosing another woman over her, but
Starting point is 00:08:00 you should choose another woman over her. You're supposed to choose another woman over her. You're supposed to choose your wife over every other woman on earth. So like, what is your mom talking about? And like, even if your mom was right, she's not right, but even if your mom was right, why throw away someone else's food? Right? Because you could have eaten that food.
Starting point is 00:08:20 Your daughter Tina could have eaten that chicken. But instead, she just decides to throw away food that your wife bought that day because she doesn't agree with it, that's super controlling behavior. Your mom kind of gives the vibes of one of those like, incest-y moms for lack of a better word, who's like overly controlling and manipulative of their son and doesn't want any other woman to get close to their son. So, um, getting kind of some weird vibes out of your mom here. Opie, you get an easy zero out of five buttholes. I'm proud of you for sticking up for your wife.
Starting point is 00:08:50 I'm giving your mother two out of five buttholes. Am I the butthole for being honest with my son that I am not proud of him? My wife, Nina and I became pregnant with our son, Jason, when we were both 20. I'll admit that it was an unplanned pregnancy, but we love our son and we kept him. We did our best to raise Jason to be kind, respectful, and treat others well, and we thought that we succeeded. Jason worked hard to attend an elite university. Jason and his first wife, Sarah, had a daughter, Simone. Unfortunately, Sarah passed away in a car accident before Simone's third birthday.
Starting point is 00:09:26 Jason raised Simone until Simone was four. At that time, he met his second wife and moved two hours away. Now, Simone lives with us. Jason visits once every two months at best. He and his wife would stay for a day, buy Simone a present, and then Jason would say that it was time to leave. My wife and I suspect that he only visits and buys Simone the present because his wife makes him. His wife, Iris, is a lovely lady. She insists that Simone should move in with him or they should move closer to us because she wants to be Simone's stepmom and spend time with her.
Starting point is 00:10:02 But Jason always shoots the idea down because he says that Simone moving in with them would hurt his career and it's best Simone stay with Nina and me. Simone is 11 now and she adores Jason. She makes drawings and cards for him and constantly begs treats to send to him. It's devastating for her because her daddy is her hero and he doesn't want to spend any time with her. Her birthday was in July and she cried when Jason didn't call her to wish her a happy birthday.
Starting point is 00:10:33 Iris tried lying to Simone to make her feel better that the phone lines went down and Jason didn't forget but Simone didn't believe her. Simone is at a summer camp all week and Jason invited us to a party to celebrate receiving a promotion. During the party, Jason told me how much more money he makes with this promotion and his job title, and he told me, You should be proud of me, old man. I've got such and such job title, and I'm a such and such university alumni.
Starting point is 00:11:01 I sighed, and I told Jason that, honestly, I haven't been proud of him as of late. He may have a well-paying job, but he treats his own daughter as if she doesn't matter. Simone says own little girl and she loves him so much, but he doesn't even seem to care. My wife Nina came back with drinks and Jason told her what I said. Nina told him that she agreed with me and that he doesn't treat Simone right. Most of the family says that Nina and I were in the wrong to tell Jason that I wasn't proud of him. They said that I should know how much that statement hurts at any age because I was never
Starting point is 00:11:37 good enough in my father's eyes. They said that Jason is probably focusing on stabilizing his career and that Simone can move in with him after that. They also said that Jason's own promotional party wasn't the time or place to call them out, and I could have just congratulated Jason on working hard and saved the drama for another day. I feel that what I said needed to be said, but most of the family is disagreeing with Nina and me.
Starting point is 00:12:01 Am I the butthole? And as many people have asked, Jason does pay for child support. He believes that because he pays child support, his responsibilities have been met. Okay, so um, this is your kid, Jason's your child, and you are raising Jason's child. So you have absolutely earned the right to tell Jason if you are or you aren't proud of him. And if Jason were my son, I wouldn't say that I was proud of him either. In fact, to be totally honest, I don't know if I would spend time with him at all. If my kid treated my grand kid the way Jason is treating Simone, I would be physically repulsed by him.
Starting point is 00:12:40 Opie, I'm giving you zero out of five buttholes. If anything, you're not doing enough to shame him for what he's doing. I'm giving Jason 4.5 out of five buttholes. He shouldn't be all proud, he should feel ashamed, deeply ashamed. Am I the butthole for cutting off support to my daughter? I'm a 52 year old man and I have three children with my ex Tracy, who's 50. My kids are Michael, who's 28, Linda, who's 25, and Victoria, who's 23. My wife and I split up because Tracy had an affair with Stan, who's 55, and she's now married to him. We never told the kids the reason for the divorce because I didn't want them to blame
Starting point is 00:13:20 either of us. This backfire, because the kids saw their mom move out of the house into a small apartment and me keep living in the house and remarried two years after the divorce. So they saw me as the bad guy. Stan and Tracy let them pretty much do whatever they wanted and I had to be the disciplinarian who made sure homework was done, appointments were made and deadlines were met. My two oldest eventually came to realize that I was not the bad guy. My son realized this when he found out that his mother had put nothing away for college for him as outlined in our divorce decree and she told him to take out loans.
Starting point is 00:13:55 My daughter realized this when she found out that her grades were going to keep her out of her desired program in school. My youngest however never came around. So it was a surprise when her boyfriend asked for my blessing to ask for her hand in school. My youngest, however, never came around. So it was a surprise when her boyfriend asked for my blessing to ask for her hand in marriage. When I expressed that I didn't think that she cared about my blessing, he said that she insisted on it. My youngest daughter started spending time with me, being polite to my wife, and it felt wonderful to have my daughter back. I went with them to book the venue and they'll be getting
Starting point is 00:14:24 married next summer. I paid the deposit and the first back. I went with them to book the venue and they'll be getting married next summer I paid the deposit and the first installment. I noticed that my daughter was becoming less communicative again recently Ignoring my texts or giving one word replies and not coming over as much. On Monday, my son sent me a post from Instagram My youngest daughter had an engagement party this weekend, to which I was not invited. One of the photos was her with Stan and it read, Anyone can be a father, it takes a real man to be a dad. This amazing guy has been my dad for 15 years, even though he didn't have to be. I'm so blessed to have him walk me down the aisle next year.
Starting point is 00:15:03 Hashtag Daddy's Girl. Hashtag Future Mrs. X. My kids have wanted for nothing their entire lives, and I never let them go without. Even when they wouldn't talk to me, I made sure their needs were met. I texted Tracy to ask her why I wasn't included. She replied that Victoria didn't want my wife there
Starting point is 00:15:22 because she wanted a drama free day. My wife has literally never wanted a drama free day. My wife has literally never started drama in her life. I asked if Stan and I would both be walking her down the aisle. Tracy didn't respond, but Victoria called me up demanding to know what my problem was. I repeated my question and she told me that no, her dad Stan would be walking her down the aisle. I told her that if that's what she wanted, then I would be fine with it.
Starting point is 00:15:48 I told her to let Stan know that the next payment for the wedding is due in November. Stan and Tracy don't have the money for this wedding and they think that I'm being a butthole. Linda says that if I do this, Victoria will never speak to me again. My oldest son, Michael, is on my side. Yeah, I don't really blame me for cutting her off, OP, because it sounds like she's treating you less like a family member and treating you more like an ATM. It's pretty transparent from her behavior that she only started being nice to you so that you would pay for her dream wedding, and my guess is that as soon as the wedding's over, she's going to piece
Starting point is 00:16:21 out and never talk to you again. OP, you get 0 out of 5 buttholes. Your daughter gets 2 out of 5 buttholes. That was our slash of my The Butthole, and if you like this content, be sure to follow my podcast, because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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