rSlash - r/AmITheA**hole For Cussing Out an Entitled Karen?

Episode Date: April 20, 2020

r/AmITheA**hole In today's video, OP is chilling on the bus texting with her friends. Next to her, a nosy entitled Karen reads OP's texts without permission and then decides to scold OP for writing im...proper things. So, OP does the only logical things and curses at the Karen, telling her to mind her own business! The Karen is utterly shocked that somebody would speak to her this way -- never mind the fact that she literally just scolded a total stranger. Watch on YouTube: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Where can a vehicle from Mazda's electrified line up take you? From powering up. To winding down. Electrify every moment with the 2024 Mazda CX90 plug-in hybrid. Learn more at Welcome to our slash of My The Butthole, where OP tells off a caring who sticks or knows in other people's business. Am I the butthole for telling a woman who lives in my complex that, yes, having her husband
Starting point is 00:00:26 check me out turns me on? Okay, hear me out. I live in a complex that's built in a circle, so it's like a track. A lot of people use it to run, walk, etc. I've always used it to run and walk as well. I live in Florida, so I usually wear leggings in a sport bra or tank top. I literally only wear it because it's insanely hot here. This woman always gave me dirty looks when I'd walk by her apartment. She'd be sitting on her porch.
Starting point is 00:00:50 There are a few maintenance guys, not sure if that's the correct title for them, but that's what everyone calls them, that walk and ride around on golf carts throughout the day. I soon realize that the dirty look woman is married to one of the maintenance workers. I'm always polite to them, but I've never talked to them by any means means. So yesterday I was working out on the tennis court which is near their apartment. Her and her husband were sitting on the porch. She's giving me the dirtiest look and is making me pretty uncomfortable but I try to ignore it. Before I leave she says, do you like it get off having the maintenance men check you out all day, to which I replied, actually, yes, it makes me super wet. They're what keeps my sex dry pie.
Starting point is 00:01:28 She looked shocked and her husband started laughing and then she smacked him on the arm. I came back and told my mom this story and she said I should be more sensitive and obviously the woman is insecure. Now I kind of feel bad and I the butthole. No, O.P. G's just because someone else is overly sensitive doesn't mean you need a tiptoe around them. She was incredibly rude. I mean, what were
Starting point is 00:01:50 you supposed to work out in? Winter clothes? But at the same time, I can't super blame her for being insecure. I mean, calling you out was a little bit rude, so I'll give her maybe 1.5 out of 5 buttholes. Am I I the butle for hiding my friend's laptop because he imposed restrictions on me and my house? I know the title sounds bad, but please hear me out. This is my first year in college. Everything is working out fine, except for my roommate. Ever since I moved here, I just can't stand him.
Starting point is 00:02:20 Why? I can write a whole story about why I despise this person, but I don't want to keep this long so I'll just mention the key points. One, he's really messy. His room is a total mess. Not that I sleep there, but I don't have TV in my room and sometimes have to go to his room for it. Note that we're paying equal rent, so he isn't doing me a favor for it.
Starting point is 00:02:39 Two, he used to not even wash his plates until I told him I'm not washing them for him. Three, he would leave a mess everywhere until I told him I'm not washing them for him. 3. He would leave a mess everywhere until I had to explain to him like he's a little kid as to why it's not good to have a dirty house. 4. The bathroom smells horrible whenever he leaves it. He can't even clean the toilet after use. Luckily though, I would rarely see him because I would spend most of my times at either the
Starting point is 00:03:01 library gym or with friends or my girlfriends after class. Now though, because of what's happening, I must stay in the house, which is killing me. I now have to work out and study at home. I like to jump rope as a cardio exercise for 10 to 15 minutes, which can make some noise. Two days ago while I was exercising, he told me to stop jumping rope and find something else because I make too much noise. I got so pissed off because I never complained when he does things that bother me, but now he can't even handle some noise for 10 minutes.
Starting point is 00:03:30 I told him I won't stop, so he just went back to his room. Yesterday though, when I went in to work out again, I couldn't find my rope. I asked him if he's seen it and he told me that he hit it from me and will give it back to me when he finishes studying as he can't concentrate. I got so pissed off because again it's just 10 minutes, maybe 20 with breaks in between. I never complained when he bothers me, but he can't even handle this. Because of this, I hid his laptop when he was out today. While I was working out, he asked me if I had seen his laptop and I told him that I'll
Starting point is 00:04:02 give it to him after I finished working out. He said that he has an online exam tomorrow and that he needs it now to revise, but I refuse to give it. I'm physically stronger than him, so he can't do anything to me either. He just went back to his room. Well, when I finished working out he asked for the laptop back. I went outside to get it, but I couldn't find it anymore. I think someone must have stolen it.
Starting point is 00:04:24 I told him I couldn't find it, and he told me that if I don't give his laptop back today, he'll press charges on me. But he has no proof, so I doubt it'll work. He's blaming me for stealing his laptop, but I just hated because he tried imposing restrictions on me. I didn't know it would get stolen. Today, I even caught him stalking me on social media. I called him out on this. Am I the butthole for this?
Starting point is 00:04:46 Or did he go too far? Alright, OP, so when I saw this post, I saw that it was tagged as you're the butthole, and I was reading it. I was like, what are these people talking about? All he did was give his roommate a taste of his own medicine. But then I got to the part where the laptop got stolen. Honestly, OP, I can't believe you're not taking responsibility for that laptop. I mean, teaching him a lesson
Starting point is 00:05:08 by using his own immaturity against him, fine, okay, I can give you a pass for that because honestly, your roommate deserved it. But once the laptop was stolen, it instantly became your responsibility and you know it. Stop screwing around and buy the guy a new laptop because this is 100% your fault. If you get him a new laptop, you're one out of five buttocks.
Starting point is 00:05:28 If you don't get him a laptop, then you're five out of five buttocks. The circumstances of the post literally do not matter. He could be your best friend who's the best roommate ever. He could be your worst roommate who's the worst roommate ever. In both situations, if you take the guy's laptop and lose it, it's your fault. Am I the butthole for buying a $50,000 guitar for $4,000 and refusing to sell it back when the buyer found out the real value? This happened a while back.
Starting point is 00:05:57 My wife and I still talk about it every once in a while. She's on my side and most of our friends and family are. However, when it happened, it was like World War III between us and our co-workers and others. Here we go. I've been playing the guitar for 22 years. I know guitar values and what not very well. I am very into the guitar market. And my wife's old company, she was hanging out with co-workers one day after work and she mentioned that I play guitar. A co-worker who, I guess, is very popular at work, said that his dad passed away and he was selling his dad's things.
Starting point is 00:06:28 His dad had a guitar and asked my wife if I'd be interested in it. My wife texted me and I said to have him send me the info in the guitar and the price. The next day he texted me the picks and price. It was a 1952 telecaster in mint condition. He had the original receipts, which was crazy. That's how I knew the date. I asked what he wanted for it and he said he looked up telecasters online and he thinks $4,000 is fair. I texted back, I'll take it for $4,000 and went to pick it up. The guitar had no sentimental value to
Starting point is 00:06:58 him at all. Here's the issue at hand. The guitar's worth approximately $50,000, depending on the buyer and I knew it. When I got the guitar, I told my wife the price and what it was worth. She was floored. Fast forward two weeks, her co-worker tells my wife he just found out what the guitar was actually worth from a family friend and wanted it back. She said, well, he really likes the guitar and he knew it was worth $50,000, which is why he was floored you offered him $4,000 for it. He really likes it and I doubt he'll sell it back, but you can ask. Probably not the smartest thing for her to say, but she was
Starting point is 00:07:35 caught off guard and it's not her fault or problem. He contacted me and asked to buy it back. I said that it's not for sale. He then said I scammed him and he was going to assume me and take my wife to HR for being a part of this scam, which was nuts, but he actually did contact HR. They were cool about it and said it's not their problem. It's between him and me. Over the next few months, he made things very uncomfortable for my wife at work. He would bug her constantly about it. She eventually had to go to HR for harassment and they actually let him go. She complained twice and he was warned and didn't stop. He contacted me several times about it so I got a restraining order for harassment too. I blocked him too.
Starting point is 00:08:18 I haven't heard from him in about a year. Am I the butthole? So down in the comments of this post, people are viciously opposed to each other. Lots of people are saying OP is complete douchebag while other people are saying OP did nothing wrong. So I'm really curious what you have to say. Do you think OP was a butthole here? And on that note, OP edits information in the edit, specifically to point out that the guitar is not a family heirloom and that the guy wasn't even close to his dad. Also he has this to say.
Starting point is 00:08:48 And to those who would say that they would have told the guy the real value, that's a load of horse stew. If you went to a garage sale and saw an item worth $5,000 priced at $50, there's not a snowball chance in hell you would walk up to the homeowner and tell them they mispriced it. You'd buy the item and then tell all your friends and family what a great score you got. Don't even kid yourself you wouldn't do that.
Starting point is 00:09:09 I don't feel bad about buying an awesome guitar at a STEELE of a price. I was curious what others would think, and it looks like I'm not the butthole so thank you read it. I can play the guitar with zero guilt now. Not like I felt guilty before, but now my feelings are justified. Yeah, and it's not like the seller lost $40,000. The seller inherited the guitar for free and then sold it for $4,000, which is still a game.
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Starting point is 00:09:53 we're North America's number one sportsbook. 19 plus and physically located in Ontario, gambling problem call 1866-531-2600 to visit Am I the butthole for telling an older woman to mind your own effing business on the train? I've had a long day at work, I'm tired, and I'm also minding my own business browsing through Reddit messaging friends. Now I have a vocabulary that would make a sailor blood show to speak, but I'm not one to use filthy language outside the comfort of my own home or private messages unless provoked. The train was full like it always is during afternoon peak hour and an older lady and
Starting point is 00:10:27 her husband hops on the train, and the husband decides he was gonna sit next to another man and she would sit next to me with the island between them if that makes sense. I'm sitting there having a good laugh with the May through text and the content wasn't exactly PG I guess, and I could see her looking at my messages in the corner of my eyes, so I did try to move the phone out of sight so she wouldn't get offended. But it was too late. She advised me that I shouldn't bother moving it out of her sight because she had already read it. And called me a disgusting millennial and then I should be ashamed of my language. I'm 26 next month. Not exactly that young. I looked at her and said, how about you mind your own f***ing business? All she did was scoff
Starting point is 00:11:05 at me and then the husband told me off for being rude, so am I the butthole here? Honestly, OP, you're so far from being the butthole that I'm surprised you even felt the need to post this on Reddit. This lady stuck her nose in your own private business and then judged you for it, she can go f*** yourself. Am I the butthole for using home security cameras to expose my girlfriend's gaslighting. My girlfriend Ann, 25, and I, also 25, have been dating the past five years since college. After graduation, we were a semi-longsistance, living close enough that we alternately visited almost every weekend. In 2018 Ann got a job in my city and we found a place to move in together.
Starting point is 00:11:43 Now's a good time to mention the security cameras in our house. Brake-ins are unfortunately common where we live. We thus got some motion-activated cameras, one of which has a view of our kitchen to monitor the back door. The cameras only record when there's motion so they can retain footage for a very long time. And of course, knows this. About a year ago, and started complaining I wasn't contributing equally to chores.
Starting point is 00:12:06 I've been obsessive about chores my whole life. Growing up, not doing the dishes meant no video games for a week. When I live with roommates, I was always the chordnazi, making damn sure we all stuck to our chore wheel. And as just as facetious about chores, we just naturally alternated who did what. I've been brushing her remarks off, but after the last few months, they've become much more aggressive. Eiji, I was vacuuming and Ann said, look at you finally cleaning up around here.
Starting point is 00:12:34 I replied that we alternated vacuuming, to which she retorted, no, you vacuumed maybe twice since I moved in. Exchanges like this have been happening so frequently that I began to doubt my own recollection. Am I not as clean as I thought? Finally, she exploded at me last week. She said that having to stay home constantly over the past weeks exposed how little I do around the house, and that she didn't move in just to be my maid.
Starting point is 00:13:00 Questioning my own sanity, I spent a few hours going through the entire one and a half year archive of security camera footage, and tally the exact number of times the kitchen cam caught each of us doing dishes. Our cleaning supplies, vacuum mop, etc. are in the kitchen pantry, so I also tallyed up how many times we grabbed cleaning stuff. To my vindication, the tally showed that we, indeed, split chores equally. She vacuumed her mopped five more times than I did. I did dishes twenty more times than she did. Given that we vacuum her mop at least once a week and do dishes at least every day, there are insignificant differences over the year and a half we've looked together.
Starting point is 00:13:38 When I confront a man, she shrugged off her behavior as remembering things differently. But the real sin here is what I did, which she called an unforgivable violation of her privacy. I can't do abuse of stalking. She's broken up with me and is trying to move out, although obviously this is difficult due to current circumstances. I'm totally heartbroken. Han was the love of my life and I can't believe she destroyed a relationship like this. To make matters worse, she told many of our friends who are mostly siding with her. They've been texting me that what I did was creepy, abusive, controlling, invasive, etc. I'm at a loss. I'm beginning to think I'm the one who's off base here. No, OP, let's pump the brakes right here, okay? You absolutely did nothing wrong here.
Starting point is 00:14:33 Your girlfriend is coming off as super manipulative and abusive. What just happened here straight up is she tried to manipulate you, she failed because you're smarter than her and now she's trying to turn things around on you. I know it stings now, but she's doing you a favor by breaking up with you. Because odds are good that this behavior was only going to get much, much worse. Dude, just cut and run. Am I the butthole for reminding my brother that he's adopted and not a true part of my family? Yes, OP.
Starting point is 00:15:02 I literally don't even need to read this post. Yes, you're the butl. Oh my god, that's ridiculously rude and insensitive. But for those of you who are curious, I'll go ahead and read the post anyway. No, we all know from the title that she's a butl. So I'm a 19 year old female, I'm a brother's 18. He was adopted when I was four, and my parents had been nothing but kind to him. They treat us exactly the same and he knows that they've given him a good life with amazing opportunities. My only issue is that he's very clingy and too attached. He was always like that.
Starting point is 00:15:36 For example, when we were little, he always wanted to play with me and not other kids. Our teachers had to physically separate us because he wouldn't let go of my arm. Over the years, the attachment wasn't that extreme, but he's still clingy. I'm not sure why, but it's tiring. Anyway, I was FaceTiming my cousin and her friends. My brother was also with me in the room, and her friends noticed him in the background and asked who that is. Before I could answer, someone asked if he's my boyfriend, cringe, and I explained that
Starting point is 00:16:02 he's my brother. They pointed out that we looked nothing alike, so I clarified that he's adopted. I explained that he's never blended in with my family because he just looks and behaves too differently. My brother was suddenly very quiet and left the room. After a while, I went to speak with him, and we had a huge argument. He thinks that I hate to be associated with them because I'm always quick to clarify we're not biologically related. I told him that he's not a true part of my family so I have the right to tell people he's adopted. He just looked at me with a blank stare and didn't reply. Honestly, I was pretty mad and told him to leave me alone for a while. Apparently, my dad saw him crying and I got disserious trouble with my parents.
Starting point is 00:16:45 I don't know if he told them what happened, but I've never seen him cry so they probably think it's very serious. They're furious with me and want me to apologize. Am I the butthole for being truthful with my brother? Oh, Pee, so when I read the title, I thought you were going to be a butthole, and then after reading it, it confirmed that you're absolutely a butthole. Oh my god, the story's even worse than the title. So, oh my god. Opie also posted an update where she explained that his parents died in a horrific accident and he witnessed it when he was only three years old. Jesus, no wonder he's clingy
Starting point is 00:17:25 because he lost his entire family and he's afraid he's gonna lose you, which I can't blame him for because it sounds like you're constantly pushing him away. Look, I'm an older brother. I have a younger brother and some time younger siblings can be annoying, but that doesn't mean you just discard them
Starting point is 00:17:43 because they have annoying qualities. What's wrong with you? I'm going to post this comment from YKNJS because I thoroughly agree with it and then soon got like 40,000 upvotes on it. Holy cow, this might be the clearest you're the butthole I've ever seen on this sub. Your brother's been part of the family since he was 4 years old. Of course a child who has experienced enough upheaval to end up being adopted at age 4 could end up being clingy or whatever. You should be thankful that you didn't have to deal with that in your early childhood rather
Starting point is 00:18:13 than judging him for his reaction to it. It sounds like you started being jealous of your brother as soon as he became part of your family and haven't quite managed to grow out of it yet. You might think that you've fit in with your family, but honestly, I'd imagine your parents are trying to work out where the F they went wrong to raise you to be so cold, nasty, and malicious. I mean, I try not to rake OP over the coals too much in these threads because in some ways, you know, it takes some guts to post on him by the butthole,
Starting point is 00:18:41 but I'm being harsh with OP here because seriously OP, you need a wake-up call. This behavior, this mentality is not healthy and you really need to re-evaluate how you look at your relationships in life. That was our slash in my the butthole and if you don't hit that like button then you're definitely the butthole. the butthole.

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