rSlash - r/AmITheA**hole for Firing a Karen?

Episode Date: April 13, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to our slash, Am I the butthole where a Karen abandons her children? Before I start today's video, I just wanted to do a quick shout out to my second channel where I do on camera content, so check it out by clicking the link in the description. Am I the butthole for dropping my sister's kids off a daycare and making her pay for it? I'm a 19 year old woman, and my sister, who's 25, asked me to babysitter kids who are 4 and 6 so she could go to a friend's party. I told her that I can't babysit that day. I had an exam so I had to be at college. The day for which my sister needed a babysitter came. I answered the door in the morning and her freaking kids were on my doorstep and my sister was driving off. She just left them with me after I said that I couldn't stay home that day.
Starting point is 00:00:45 I called a friend who owns a small daycare and she told me that I could drop them off there. Thank God! I gave her my sister's contact info and I told her to keep me updated. I texted my sister about what happened and I gave her the address and the phone number. I picked the kids up from daycare since my sister wasn't answering her phone and fed them. She picked them up at 9 p.m. and was absolutely livid that I left them with a stranger, that it was irresponsible, that something could have happened, etc. I told her that she knew that I couldn't babysit that day, and that she could have picked them up if she wasn't comfortable with that since I texted her the address.
Starting point is 00:01:23 She told me that I should have just skipped the exam to retake it later. I thought this was a reasonable thing to do when someone leaves kids on your doorstep without warning and you can't take care of them, but my parents are on her side. My mom told me that my sister already has so much on her plate and that I should help out when I can. I guess babysitting at least one day a week for free isn't good enough. Am I the butthole? Okay, okay.
Starting point is 00:01:49 If your parents think it's so important to help out your sister, then they can watch the kids. Why is it your responsibility? Honestly, OP, your sister's lucky that a daycare was available in that situation because I think most people would have just called the cops. And it's not like she dumped the kids on you to, you know, go to a funeral or to go to
Starting point is 00:02:08 a cancer appointment or something. It was to go to a party. OP clarifies in an edit that specifically her sister went to an escape room with her friends. Also, I'd like to point out that OP said that she dropped off the kids really early in the morning and she didn't pick up the kids until 9 p.m, so that was probably close to about 12 hours of free babysitting. OP, you are completely not the butthole. What your sister did was rude and considerate and honestly dangerous. Like she drove off with the kids on the front doorstep.
Starting point is 00:02:40 Did she even wait to see if you answered the door? OP, you get 0 out of 5 buttholes. Your sister gets 3.5 out of 5 buttholes. Am I the butthole for dropping my boyfriend and his daughter off at a rental car place states away from home? I'm a 27 year old woman, and I started seeing Dave, who's 44, 3 years ago. I have two sons who are 9 and 6. He has one daughter and who's 17. I booked a road trip for me and my sons roughly 3 months ago.
Starting point is 00:03:08 This road trip consists of roughly 26 hours worth of driving with stops in between. This is the first time I've ever been financially able to do much of anything with my kids, so I went all out. I planned to stop at every place that my sons asked me to stop, basically. I was beyond excited to surprise my son with this trip. A week before leaving, Dave decides that he wants to go with me and bring Anne as a bonding experience. We don't live together, and Anne has never liked me because I'm boring.
Starting point is 00:03:39 She said this to my face, so Dave thinks that the five of us going together will be good. I didn't really want either of them to come along, but I thought, what the hell, why not? This could be good for us. Boy was I effing wrong. From the moment that Anne got into my vehicle, she started complaining about absolutely everything. It's too crowded, it's too loud, we're making too many stops. The boys are annoying, we need to quiet the app down and chill out. We get to a hotel 9 hours in, it's around 3 pm at this point.
Starting point is 00:04:16 Dave asks if he can take a drive with Ann because she was getting irritated with the kids. I told him that he could if he makes it quick because I need to get dinner supplies. 3 hours later he shows back up. Him and Anne had gone out to eat. So I made a comment like, you didn't think that we wanted to eat too, and Anne snapped back with. I don't think we asked. After comments like this for days, I finally snapped. My boys were now saying they just want to go home because several times Dave told my kids to be quiet because of Anne's comfort. At this point, I hadn't done anything with my kids because the queen would have a fit
Starting point is 00:04:56 if I pulled off somewhere. And at this point, Dave basically refused to let me drive despite the fact that this is my car. So I snapped and told them to pull the F over. When Dave finally pulled over, I got into the car and drove to the nearest car rental and told them to get the F out of my car. Dave and Ann both start flipping out. Ann says that she's not going to get into a car that has bid bugs. Dave said that he didn't want to take separate vehicles and he didn't have enough money for a rental because the queen spent over $1,500 in four days. So I said, I don't believe that I effing asked and I took off. They're close to 800 miles from home.
Starting point is 00:05:41 It took them four days to get home because they were practically broke and they had to borrow money. Now, I'm being told that I'm a selfish grunt. Am I the butthole? Also, down in the comments, OP clarifies that after Dave and Ann left, she had a great remaining vacation with her kids. Also, she dumped Dave. OP, you are completely not the butthole here. They literally ruined your vacation. I mean, I do kind of have to put some of this on your shoulders because you knew that Ann doesn't like you and that she's a whiny teenager. So it's kind of like, what would you expect was going to happen when you invite a whiny teenager who doesn't like you on a road trip?
Starting point is 00:06:22 Road trips are like one of the most stressful types of vacation too, because it's boring, it's exhausting, you're not comfortable, there's no escape from the people, so it really wears on you. So yeah, it's like, what'd you expect, OP? This was really only gonna go one way. So even though you're partially responsible for like allowing them to come on this vacation,
Starting point is 00:06:43 I don't think I can give you a butthole score because being partially responsible for the situation doesn't mean that what you did was a butthole thing. So I'm giving you zero out of five buttholes. I'm giving Dave and Ann three out of five buttholes. Am I the butthole for imposing my culture even though I thought that I was just being nice? I'm a 23 year old woman. And even though I'm an American, my parents are immigrants, and therefore I have a different
Starting point is 00:07:08 cultural upbringing than most. One thing that was hammered into my head from a young age was to always, always bring a small gift when visiting anyone's house. It doesn't matter if it's family or friends or that one person you kind of know but don't really like, bringing something is a must! My 28 year old boyfriend and I have been dating for almost 4 years now. Since we both work from home, he suggested that we make dinner with his parents a weekly
Starting point is 00:07:34 thing since we haven't been able to see his parents much for obvious reasons. I love his parents, so obviously I agree. Every week I made sure to bring something small to show my appreciation for them cooking for us, always using my own money. A small bottle of wine, their favorite dessert, some flowers, etc. And they always thanked me for it. This has all been going on for a few months, and I absolutely didn't notice anything out of the ordinary, until yesterday when my boyfriend and I were preparing to head over.
Starting point is 00:08:05 I'd gotten a cute base of daffodils since luckily I'd found some in bloom and my boyfriend's mom really loves them. But my boyfriend suddenly got really mad and asked why I kept bringing stuff over every week like his parents were some kind of charity case. Honestly, I got super confused and asked him what the problem was and that I've always done this with everyone, including his friends since we met. I said that it was just a cultural thing, but then he got even matter and told me to stop imposing my culture on everyone else and that it's weird since I'm white. At that point, I didn't
Starting point is 00:08:41 feel like going anywhere with him and just gave him the flowers and went for a walk while he drove over to dinner by himself. After he came home, he still had the flowers which he gave to me. And he told me that he was sorry, but his parents were really super annoyed with me constantly bringing stuff over like they can't take care of themselves. And later on, I got a text from his dad asking me to not come over for dinner anymore. Now my boyfriend's giving me the cold shoulder unless I give his parents a huge apology. But I really truly don't feel like I'm in the wrong for trying to be nice to them. Am I the butthole?
Starting point is 00:09:16 Okay, this post is bizarre because it doesn't make sense. Like first of all, they're wrong, They're straight up wrong because this is the polite and nice thing to do. They're spending time and money to cook a meal, so you spending your time and your money to show them like a gesture of gratitude is like very, very appropriate. And when you said that your boyfriend brought back the flowers and said that his parents don't want you to do this anymore, I just automatically assumed that he was lying. But then his dad texted you, this is really weird OP and I feel like something's missing here because it straight up doesn't make sense.
Starting point is 00:09:51 Who wouldn't want a free bottle of wine, or flowers, or desserts? This is awesome. Someone came to my house and brought me desserts and flowers every time, I loved them to come over. Also like, this is super, super American to do, I feel like it's kind of expected actually. Down in the comments, we have this post from typical Aquarius. Not the butthole. My family is literally as American as they come. I can trace my ancestors back to the American Revolution, and your boyfriend's family is weird.
Starting point is 00:10:22 Yeah, I agree 100%. And luckily, OP posted an update. After the last update, I told my boyfriend that I was sick and tired of him dancing around the issue with his parents, and I was going over to their house, whether he liked it or not. At this point, I think he realized that whatever he was doing had backfires, so he sat down all angry and told me that he'd explain. I sat down, and
Starting point is 00:10:46 he told me that he'd done something very spur of the moment, and that he had texted me from his dad's phone, then blocked my number, but he begged me to listen. That he just needed to get me away from his parents for a while. Apparently, his parent had started hinting to him about marriage since my boyfriend and I talked about marriage a lot. I fully expect to marry him, like I said in another comment, and I was honestly expecting a proposal in late spring since that's when we met. Four years of dating hasn't bothered me, and I was getting excited to settle down. However, my boyfriend apparently realized that he absolutely didn't want to commit to
Starting point is 00:11:24 anything. And he wanted to experiment and have fun since apparently I wasn't being fun anymore. Honestly, that just made me cry since we were each others first for everything and we're usually very good at communicating our needs. His grand plan was to get him mad at me so that I would beg for forgiveness, and then he would only accept an open relationship as an apology. Absolutely brilliant plan, I know. He had made up his parents getting mad at me, but he didn't expect me to blow off dinner completely,
Starting point is 00:11:59 and he felt like he was hitting a jackpot. His words, not mine. He went over for dinner, hid the flowers, and told his parents we'd gotten into a huge fight, but he was gonna fix it, but I needed space. After he confessed all this, he said that he was very sorry, but really didn't want to miss out on new experiences when he was still young. And he would consider an open relationship with me, but he would pretend that our relationship was strained with his parents so that they wouldn't get suspicious. And I laughed. I laughed his butt right out the door and told him absolutely not. And to just leave me alone while I
Starting point is 00:12:37 packed because I want to have some new experiences too. He never stopped begging me to stay, but I left to sleep at a friends. After calming down for a few days, I cemented the breakup and finally actually went over to his parents house. My ex-boyfriends dad never even noticed the phone missing, but still apologized, and his mom was a mess. I still love his parents, and I'll eat dinner without him as often as I can. I won't lie and say that I'm not sad about 4 years down the drain, but hey, that's life. And if that was my ex's best possible plan, then I dodged the bullet by a mile.
Starting point is 00:13:17 Wow, okay. I had like a gut feeling that something was really fishy here because it was just so, it just didn't make sense, it was just so weird. Who doesn't like getting flowers and chocolates? OP, I agree, you totally dodged a bullet. That was super, super manipulative. But like, what I can't understand is, apparently, the worst thing that your boyfriend can come up with is that you bring his parents' treats. Like, that's the worst thing about you that he can come up with. Not that you, you know, poop with the door open or that you bring his parents treats? Like, that's the worst thing about you that he can come up with. Nothing you, you know, poop with the door open or that you leave dirty clothes around
Starting point is 00:13:50 or that you're a bad cook or like, who knows? Anything really. Apparently, you're so flawless that he had to invent a flaw from an actual good quality to get pretend upset about. I wouldn't sweat it, OP. Honestly, you sound like a catch. Like,
Starting point is 00:14:05 you're sweet, you're caring, you're loyal, you have a spine, you're good at forming relationships with in-laws, which is always like sort of an iffy zone with new relationships. So, don't sweat it OP, get out there, find a great guy, and I'm pretty sure guys will be clamoring over you because you sound awesome, honestly. OP, you get zero out of 5 buttholes. Your stupid boyfriend gets 4 out of 5 buttholes. I bet you money that in like 6 months once he realizes the grass is actually not greener on the other side, he'll come crawling back. Don't take him back Opie, you are way better off without him. Am I the butthole for not returning to my childcare job because the mother fired me over a mistake?
Starting point is 00:14:46 I'm a 19 year old guy and I had a job taking care of a two year old boy, a three year old girl, a dog, and doing lighthouse work four days a week for a single mom. She'd gotten my contact info from a business card that I posted in my dad's pediatric therapy office. Ever since the weather started getting warmer, the dog has been shedding like crazy. Like I would vacuum the couch and the next, the dog has been shedding like crazy. Like I would vacuum the couch and the next day it would look like I hadn't. I would lightly tug on the dog's hair and would pull out huge tuffs of fur. Also, the dog's been scratching all the time. My dad's dog has a double coat like their dog and one morning when I was leaving for work I packed his brushing tool in my bag.
Starting point is 00:15:25 When the kids were napping, I spent the full hour outside brushing the dog. The dog seemed to enjoy being brushed, and after an hour, there was a huge pile of hair that had been brushed out. Before I vacuumed it up, I sent the mom what I thought would be a funny text saying, I brushed a whole new dog out of your dog's coat. Looking back, I realized that maybe I should have asked first, but at the time, it seemed like something that was within the scope of caring for the dog. The mom went ballistic!
Starting point is 00:15:54 She called me yelling, saying that by brushing the dog and not letting the hair fall out on its own, I was causing harm to the dog. She said that I was an idiot and that she can't believe she trusted me with the kids and that today was my last day. I was extremely upset because I'd been with the family for three months and she had never yelled at me like that before. I left as soon as she got home because she was fuming. I immediately lined up a job with another family and I'm supposed to start Monday.
Starting point is 00:16:24 The mom who yelled at me called me two days later, saying, I'm sorry about the misunderstanding and firing you was an overreaction. I told her that I was no longer available, and she started crying about how hard it was to find a new sitter for special needs kids. Her kids are autistic and they have therapy at my dad's office. When I stood firm, she started texting my dad and asking him to do something. My dad is annoyed at being dragged into this, and while he respects my decision, he wishes that I would keep watching her kids for a short time to keep the peace.
Starting point is 00:16:59 I hate that I put anyone in an awkward position, but I also don't want to work for someone like that. Am I the butthole? Nah, but I also don't want to work for someone like that. Am I the butthole? Nah, not the butthole at all OP. She has a right to fire you for any reason, including no reason, but likewise you have a right to not work for her for any reason, including no reason. I'm giving you 0 out of 5 buttholes. I'm giving her 2 out of 5 buttholes because she way overreacted. Also OP, I'm giving your dad one out of five buttholes because you can't say, I completely respect your decision, but still I want you to do this favor for me. It's completely not your dad's place to say who you should work for.
Starting point is 00:17:37 Like, why is it your responsibility to work for the woman to keep the piece for him? What if he dropped her as a client to keep the piece for you? It's bad parenting, it's disrespectful, and honestly, your dad is putting his convenience in front of your needs. So for that, honestly, I think your dad deserves one out of five buttholes. That was our slash of my The Butthole, and if you like this content, check out my new channel by clicking the link in the description. Also, be sure to follow this podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every
Starting point is 00:18:09 single day.

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