rSlash - r/AmITheA**hole For Sending Cops To My Sister's Wedding?

Episode Date: June 4, 2021

r/AmITheA**hole In today's episode, OP's mother tragically died many years ago. OP has her mother's necklace as a keepsake. When OP's stepsister sees the necklace, she asks OP if she can wear it durin...g her wedding. OP refuses and hides the necklace in her house, but somehow her sister finds the necklace and steals it! When OP finds out that her late mother's necklace has been stolen, she sends the cops to her stepsister's wedding to get it back! Is OP the butthole for ruining her stepsister's wedding by sending in the cops? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 At Salesforce, we're all about asking more of AI. Questions like, where's the data going? Is it secure? Are you sure? Are you sure you're sure? Get answers you can trust from Salesforce at Welcome to R-Slash, a podcast where I read the best post from a cross-reddit.
Starting point is 00:00:17 Today's subreddit is R-slash and I the Butthole, where OP calls the cops to break up her step-sisters wedding. Am I the Butthole for sending the cops to my step-sisters wedding? I'm a 32-year-old woman, and I lost my mom when I was 23. It was by far the most traumatic loss I had ever experienced. I just could not, and did not want to accept her death. It was unfair, untimely, and preventable. I went to therapy and was doing better, but I had issues
Starting point is 00:00:45 with my dad's new wife and her daughter who's 25 and just got married weeks ago. My step-cister and I do not have a close relationship, but we are cordial enough to have dinner together. My step-cister treats me like a distant relative, but after my father got sick, we had to see each other a lot. I'm handling my father's care while my stepmom works full time, and my step sister doesn't do much. Though she has been visiting a lot when I moved in to help my dad. When I moved in with my dad, I brought all of my mom's belongings with me, and my step sister showed interest in my mom's necklace, and she asked if she could borrow it to wear it or wedding.
Starting point is 00:01:20 I refused, and she tried every method to convince me. I had to put it in a place where I thought that it would be safe after my stepmother got involved. As the wedding approached, they both kept trying to convince me to let my step-sister have it. My step-sister bragged about being able to afford a better one, but it was a matter of showing who was in control. I stood my ground and told them how serious I was, so they backed off. I didn't intend to wedding so I could stay with my dad. I remember wanting to change where I was hiding the necklace while the house was empty, but I found the necklace was missing.
Starting point is 00:01:53 After searching for hours I called my stepmom, and she said not to worry, my steps is her ticket, and she would return it when the wedding was over, but it was clear that I wouldn't see it until after the honeymoon since she said her daughter was staying at a hotel. I screamed at her to return it, but she said that she didn't want to leave and the wedding had already started. I told her that I'd come get it myself, but she forbade me from coming, saying that she'd have to keep me out for wanting to make a scene. So I called the cops and explained to them what happened.
Starting point is 00:02:22 I informed them that my steps is so intended to leave for her honeymoon with my property. The police were sent to where the wedding was being held, and they were able to retrieve the necklace from my step-sister. My step-sister and my step-mom were in shock and they were livid. My step-mom returned home and kept shouting at me, calling me petty and crazy to send the cops to my step-sister's wedding. She said that I ruined their wedding and humiliated my step-sister over a piece of jewelry. She was screaming at my sick dad, telling him to handle me after the stunt that I pulled to the wedding. I defended myself, saying that I only wanted the necklace that belonged
Starting point is 00:02:59 to me and that they took without permission returned. She further argued that I could have just waited to get it back, but I chose to burn that bridge with my step-sister, and that she considers me dead after this. She said other stuff that I can't mention here, but all I can say is that it was a bad night. I might have overreacted by getting the police involved, but I had no guarantee of getting the necklace back since I had bad experience with them in the past. Am I the butthole? had bad experience with them in the past. Am I the butthole? Alright, this seems pretty cut and dry.
Starting point is 00:03:29 If you don't want cops showing up at your wedding, then don't steal precious family heirlooms to wear at that wedding. And the stepmom says that you burned that bridge? No. Your step sister burned that bridge when she stole your mom's necklace. And your right OP, you really did have no reason to believe that you would ever see that necklace again. They already went behind your back one, so what's to say they wouldn't do it again and just pawn
Starting point is 00:03:52 off the necklace? I will agree that your reaction was extreme, but sometimes extreme reactions are warranted. OP, you get 0 out of 5 buttholes. Your step sister gets 4 out of 5 buttholes. And down in the comments, I have to read this post from Ugly Quinnell. Something old, something new, something stolen, boys in blue. Am I the butthole for rejecting a gift that my dad's girlfriend made me? My dad's girlfriend is a person who's kind of difficult to be with. She's usually very entitled, and she calls herself honest, when really she's just mean. And she usually body shames us. For context, she was once a very
Starting point is 00:04:32 fat girl who was bullied about her weight. This made her change her lifestyle to an extremely healthy one. She goes to the gym six days a week, and she barely eats. She's gone to a ton of nutrition professionals, and she comes back super mad's gone to a ton of nutrition professionals and she comes back super mad because apparently they told her that she needs to eat more protein or vegetables or whatever. Plus, she kinda hates the fact that she doesn't have a waist like a Kardashian. So, she has a super unrealistic beauty standard. Of course, she's lost a ton of weight and she's a very beautiful woman even before her weight lost journey. Sadly, her personality changed a lot.
Starting point is 00:05:08 She hates people who are fat, who don't work out, and who are comfortable with having a little fat on their bodies. I say hate because she literally hates it. She thinks that all fat people are miserable in their lives and that people that don't go to the gym are unhappy with themselves. To be clear, I am not an athletic person. I don't work out, and I don't feel the need to burn every calorie that I eat, so I'm not precisely thin, more like a medium-sized girl.
Starting point is 00:05:36 And every effing time I visit my dad, she comes to my room telling me, you should have thinner arms, you should be much more attractive, you should consider a breast reduction to have some fat removed from the butt, just saying. And a lot more. This Saturday I turned 19, she and my dad came to give me my present early. She got me a dress that was extremely tiny, like an extra small when I am visibly a large. She then told me, happy early birthday. I bought it one size smaller so you can
Starting point is 00:06:07 motivate yourself into losing some weight. So no need to have cake today or Saturday. And you can't exchange it so you can have more motivation. I just smiled and thanked her but I told her I didn't want it. I felt very pressured by her and I didn't think that she came to me in a friendly type of way. I'm happy with my body, and I don't care if I'm fat or thin in her eyes. She was shocked, and she went to their car to wait for my dad. He later called me and told me that I was very ungrateful, and that she was just trying
Starting point is 00:06:38 to help. I told him that she wasn't. She just can't stand people who aren't like her. I wouldn't clarify that I don't hate her at all, but she needs to stop body-shaming people. It is not normal to be this obsessed with other people's weight, and I'm sorry to become trouble with having a tummy or wider legs, but that doesn't affect her life, so she has to leave me alone. Am I the butthole? Opie, your stepmom is a jerk and your father is an enabler. I'm giving them each three out of five buttholes and I'm giving you zero out of five buttholes.
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Starting point is 00:07:59 Or visit connectsonterio.c. Please play responsibly. Am I the butthole for ignoring my dad for a week after he told me to man up after I was crying? I'm a 16 year old boy, and I was crying because I didn't get into a soccer team. I was pretty upset about the whole thing, and I told my friends about it. Obviously, I didn't cry in front of my friends because I didn't want them to worry about me. I told my girlfriend about it, and she was really sweet and comforted me. Later that night I came home after hanging out with my friends, and I told my parents I didn't get into the soccer team. I didn't cry
Starting point is 00:08:33 at that point. I went to take a shower, and I began to cry because I was disappointed with myself. I don't have much time left to play, and it hurt really badly that I didn't get in. I got changed and went to my room. I began sobbing again, and my sister heard me and came into my room to hug me. She went to my mom and told her that I was crying, and my mom came to comfort me as well. Then my dad walked into the room. My dad asked me what's wrong, and at first he was making sure that I was alright. I don't usually cry much in front of my family because I don't feel comfortable doing that.
Starting point is 00:09:07 After that he talks to me for a bit and he starts scolding me for not doing enough. He starts saying that I should have run more. Then he started lecturing me about how I need to eat and drink more water, even though I do. Finally, he said that he found it stupid that I'm crying over this and that I need to man up. He starts giving me a lecture about how back when he was young he didn't cry. He was trying to sound like a man.
Starting point is 00:09:30 That just made me mad and I started arguing back. We argued for about an hour. After the argument, I haven't talked to my dad because I'm so pretty upset about the whole thing. It just makes me mad thinking about it and my mom thinks that I'm being unreasonable and that I should talk to him. But my sisters are on my side, saying that I shouldn't have said those things. Am I the butthole? Oh my god. When as a society are we going to get past this stupid idea that men can't cry? It takes more strength to embrace your emotions and to just bottle them up and hide them. Hiding from your emotions doesn't make you tough, it just makes you repressed.
Starting point is 00:10:06 I'm a dude in my 30s and I cry, I cry at my wedding, I cry at my daughter was born. Who cares? OP, your father is a toxic, unsupportive jerk, I'm giving him 2 out of 5 buttholes, I'm giving you 0 out of 5 buttholes. In America, men are 4 times more likely to commit suicide than women are, and attitudes like this contributes to that. If a guy is depressed or having issues, then he should go seek help. Not just bottle the emotions up inside of himself and hope that they go away because usually they won't. I know that my audience skews younger and
Starting point is 00:10:40 skews male, so to all my young dudes out there, embrace your emotions. Your emotions are part of you, they're part of what makes you human. So if you're going through something tough, just allow yourself to feel those emotions. And if you're feeling depressed, reach out to your support network because that's what they're there for. Am I the butthole for telling my fiance that I don't like her wedding dress? So my fiance and I are getting married in nine months. She's been dress shopping with her friends for months now. She found the
Starting point is 00:11:09 dress she loved and bought it and was too excited to keep it a secret. She showed me pictures of the bridesmaid dresses and I told her they were really pretty, they match the groom's mints who's really well. Anyway, she brought her dress out and asked what I thought. I specifically asked her if she wants the gods on his truth and wants me to critique the dress, or if she knows she loves it and just wants to show me. She said she wanted my opinion. She put the dress on and came out of the bathroom, and I would be lying if I said that I wasn't a little disappointed.
Starting point is 00:11:39 She's a beautiful woman and looks incredible in anything, of course, but the dress completely dwarfed her. And it didn't really fit the wedding thing that she worked so hard for. She wanted this foresty, magical, whimsical-type theme. Flower crowns on the bridesmaids, etc. But she chose a super sparkly dress with a huge skirt, which looked nothing like the simple, body-hugging, sexy dresses she had been repeatedly showing me. She basically picked a huge Disney princess dress, and I just didn't like how it looked
Starting point is 00:12:09 at all. I was honest when I told her that I didn't like it, and I was surprised she picked it because it just doesn't seem to match her, and I just thought that it was too much poop and sparkle. She got really quiet and stormed back upstairs, and then stormed out of the house and went to her mom's. She texted me, saying that she couldn't believe that I would say that I didn't like it, and what a dick it I am and that she blocked my number.
Starting point is 00:12:32 This is our first major fight and I'm just so annoyed because I asked if she wanted to real opinion and she said yes. Am I the butthole for telling her that I don't like the dress? Oh, Pee, this story is so sad to read. Just about every girl dreams of her wedding day, and it's clear that she's put a lot of effort and thought into her wedding. This is going to be one of the most important days of her life, and as she's walking down the aisle to marry you, she's probably going to think to herself.
Starting point is 00:12:59 My husband doesn't even find me attractive in my wedding dress. You should be making her feel confident and loved and attractive, and instead you're making her feel the opposite. Why? Just because you don't like a poofy skirt? The other alternative is that she wears a different dress, and then she has to think to herself. I can't believe that on my own wedding, I can't wear the dress that I wanted to because my husband is such a jerk. Oh, P, come on now. Support your wife. If you're not going to have your wives back on her wedding day, then when will you have her back? Also, bizarrely, people are actually giving this in everyone's sucks rating and I completely disagree. For example, Bumbling Genius says everyone sucks here. You're a fool for thinking that she wanted an honest blunt answer.
Starting point is 00:13:44 She's a fool for asking for she wanted an honest blunt answer. She's a fool for asking for an honest opinion when she didn't want one. Fools abound. Nope, no way. I'm not buying this in the slightest. You don't crush your partner's dreams just because you want to be honest. There are times in a relationship where brutal honesty is warranted. When you're smiling, beaming, giddy wife is standing before you in the wedding dress
Starting point is 00:14:05 that she loves. That is not that moment. That is not a time for brutal honesty. That's a time for support, for love, and for care. OP, please support your wife. Also on top of all this, I am completely not buying your argument that it doesn't fit her wedding theme. It's very normal for brides to have a wedding theme and then have a dress that deviates from that theme,
Starting point is 00:14:28 because you want the bride to stand out. Right? If the bride just looks like all the other brides made, then she blends into the crowd, and who wants that on their wedding. OP, I'm giving you two out of five buttholes. Your wife gets zero out of five buttholes. Am I the butthole for refusing to let someone order an item off the menu? I'm a waitress at a chain restaurant known for their ice cream, and I have a semi-regular family that comes in every once in a while. Every time they come in, they order their youngest child, Mac and cheese. The first time I served them, that kid threw up all over the booth.
Starting point is 00:15:01 I didn't think much of it, just that he was sick or had an upset stomach. I clean up the booth. The next time was the same thing. Mac and cheese, then puke. Again, the kid pukeed on the booth and the table. This isn't every time occurrence. The kid orders mac and cheese, then throws up. The kid never gets to the bathroom, and most of the time, he doesn't even make an attempt to leave the table. I believe that one time he tried to make it to the bathroom, and most of the time he doesn't even make an attempt to leave the table. I believe that one time he tried to make it to the bathroom. This most recent time they came in, and I was their waitress, and the kid went to order mac and cheese again.
Starting point is 00:15:35 I asked the mom, is he okay to have that? He gets sick every time. The mom said, oh yeah, a cracked mac and cheese makes him sick, but he once it. I said, Ma'am, I'm sorry, but I don't think your kid should order this if you know that he's going to puke from eating it. And quite frankly, I really don't want to have to clean up vomit tonight. The mom threw a bit of a fit, but when I said,
Starting point is 00:15:59 Why are you allowing your child to order food that makes him sick, just to have someone else clean it up? Then the manager came over and was agreeing with me, so she ordered him chicken tenders and fries instead. Was I in the wrong for not wanting or allowing the kid to order mac and cheese that makes him sick? I've shared this story with a few people, and I've had some mixed reactions. Am I the butthole?
Starting point is 00:16:20 Alright OP, so when I was reading this, the first thought that went through my head was, sure you can order the mac and cheese, as long as you clean up the puke. But then I thought, no, they're in a restaurant, and this kid pukes all over the booth in the table. Other people have to eat there too. So even if the parents do clean up the puke themselves, which clearly they're not willing to do, then that's still unfair to the people who eat there after this family. So, no OP, there is no scenario where you're the butthole here. The fact that this family keeps letting their kid puke all over the restaurant and is just like, oh, not my problem, is super trashy.
Starting point is 00:16:58 OP, you get a solid 0 out of 5 buttholes. The kid gets 0 out of 5 buttholes, he's just a kid. The parents, on the other hand, get 3.5 out of five buttholes. The kid gets zero out of five buttholes, he's just a kid. The parents, on the other hand, get 3.5 out of five buttholes. They're disrespectful, disgusting, and unsanitary. Man, this story gets worse the more that I think about it. It can't possibly be good for the kid's health for him to constantly throw up, right? Or for him to eat something that makes him throw up. What, is he lactose intolerant or something? Is he allergic to something in mac and cheese like the cheese or something? Either way, poisoning the kid can't be healthy and the constant vomiting can't be healthy either.
Starting point is 00:17:35 I think I might have to actually increase their score to 4 out of 5 buttholes. That was our slash at my The Butthole and if you like this content be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day. our slash in my The Butthole and if you like this content be sure to follow my podcast because I put on your Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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