rSlash - r/AmITheA**hole For Shutting Down My Peeping Tom Neighbors?

Episode Date: April 17, 2021

r/AmITheA**hole In today's episode, OP is a young girl who has an apartment next to some really creepy neighbors. She notices that the father of the household is constantly staring at her through her ...large windows, so she decides to put up one-way mirror film along her mirrors. She can see out, but the neighbors can't see in. These neighbors actually have the audacity to come knock on her door and scold her for not letting them spy on her through her windows anymore! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Shut up, Amazon, for last minute it's great deals for everyone on your list Gifts for moment, gifts for dad, even for your sister and your brother chat Ah shoot, we didn't realize you were supposed to get a gift for a dog, what a guy We almost forgot about it, then to start to curve, we didn't expect to get a gift from her Or our cousin might forget his name, he got something nice Better reciprocate Flasmin' it deals on gifts of people You forgot get past the pre-shipping at Amazon Welcome to R-slash, a podcast where I read the best post from across Reddit Today's subreddit is R-slash and my the butthole
Starting point is 00:00:37 Where Opie's wife almost poisons their two-month-old baby Am I the butthole for saying what my wife gives her in front of our child's doctor, my wife and I have a two month old daughter. For the past month, my wife has been beating our baby, mashed potatoes, applesauce, sweetie, assorted fruit juices, and other things. The last time we went to the doctor, our pediatrician told us to not give her anything except for formula until she was four to six months old. My wife does not care and says that she knows best for our kid and that our doctor is not the parent. Our daughter is always constipated and she screams for hours at night and my wife just says
Starting point is 00:01:13 that she's colloquy. I've asked my wife numerous times to stop feeding her infant table food and go back to giving her formula. She's only feeding her one or two bottles of formula while I'm at work. The other morning my wife was cooking scrambled eggs in oatmeal and I was off work. So I started to make our daughter a bottle and feed her. But my wife stopped me and told me not to fill the baby up with formula because she wanted the baby to eat her oatmeal first. I fed the baby the bottle anyway after a huge argument. Well, our baby had a doctor's appointment
Starting point is 00:01:44 and my wife was talking about collic and screaming fits and when the doctor asked what she was feeding her, she only said formula and nothing else. I was angry because my wife lied and I told the pediatrician every single thing that my wife had been giving our baby. And the doctor strongly recommended that she stop because she was causing the upset stomach and more than likely she was the reason for all of her stomach issues. Instead of being apologetic for this, my wife is mad at me and she told me that I read it her out to the doctor.
Starting point is 00:02:15 And that she doesn't have to listen to the doctor and that it's only a recommendation and that I made her look bad as a parent. I told her what a selfish little twat she was being, and now she wants me to go stay with my parents until she forgives me and asks me to come home. Am I the butthole here? I'll admit, maybe I shouldn't have gotten mad and said the things I did. Maybe I should apologize to my wife. OP, are you the butthole for standing up to your wife when she's literally abusing your baby? when she's literally abusing your baby? No. O.P.
Starting point is 00:02:45 Let's be clear about this. Your wife is literally endangering the life of your child. Two month old babies just are not built to handle that kind of food. They can't really digest it, and your baby is screaming in pain from having that food inside of her. O.P. Something sounds seriously wrong with your wife. And to those of you out there who are like, huh? Giving a baby oatmeal and juice?
Starting point is 00:03:08 That doesn't sound that bad. To give you some perspective, until a baby is 6 months old, you literally can't even feed a baby water. Giving a baby water, even water down breast milk, can literally kill them. So if a baby's digestive system is so sensitive that it can't even handle water, what do you think oatmeal and apple juice is gonna do? Am I the butthole for not babysitting for my sister-in-law anymore after she called the cops on me? My sister-in-law and I have an agreement. She watches my kids three days a week and I watch hers three days a week. This agreement has stood
Starting point is 00:03:42 since March 2020 without issues. Any changes have been discussed weeks in advance. A couple of weeks ago, we had an argument. The next day, I brought my kids to her house, dropped them off and left. I didn't speak to my sister in law, because when one of us is in a rush like I was, it's standard for us to just stay in the car, let the kid out and drive off when you see the door open. I drove to work about 40 minutes away. When I got there, I had about 20 missed calls and even more texts, all from my sister-in-law, all saying that she didn't want to watch the kids give in our arguments. Her first text arrived a little bit before I got to her place, but I didn't see it until
Starting point is 00:04:18 I got to work because my phone is always on silent when I drive. I called her, said that I'd arrange to work from home, then come get the kids. She said that I have 45 minutes to get back to her place, or she would call the cops. I told my supervisor the situation, and she said that I could leave after I did a few things. This delayed me by about 20 minutes. When I got back to my sister-in-law just over an hour later, she said that she'd already called the cops when the 45 minutes ran out. I then had to stick around long enough to tell the officer that I did not abandon my children. There was just a communication issue. My sister-in-law and I had another shouting match over this. I arranged for other child care for my kids and I've been mostly ignoring her since. However, she reached out and apologized and asked if I'd be willing to go back to the
Starting point is 00:05:03 old child care arrangement. I told her to go screw herself. I work with children. If I had child abandonment on my record, I would never work in my field again, which she knew. And her calling the cops was a massive overreaction, so if she needs a babysitter, she can go whistle for all I care. She said that if I checked my phone, talked to her that morning or came back when I was supposed to, she wouldn't have needed to call the cops. And that I did this to myself because I didn't check my phone when we had just fought the night before. I told her that if she thinks that I'm babysitting for her, she's effing delusional and she's on her own. Because of my refusal, it's looking like she may have to quit her
Starting point is 00:05:43 job because my brother and her would pay more for a babysitter than they would earn from her working. My mother and brother have both called me a butthole because there were no consequences to her calling the cops. And then, while she did overreact, she apologized, so I should just forgive her and move on. Her income loss would also mean that she, my brother, my niece, and my nephew might have to move somewhere cheaper, and that my brother might have to take on extra hours at work, and in an extreme scenario, they may even be completely unable to live independently. Meaning, they'd have to
Starting point is 00:06:15 move in with her parents who live several hours away. In the butthole, there is a very important lesson that every single human being needs to learn at one point in their life. It's simple. Actions have consequences. Your sister-in-law called the cops on you over basically an argument. Not only did that threaten your livelihood, but it also put the lives of your kids at stake. What if the cops showed up and took your kids into foster care?
Starting point is 00:06:44 So it's okay if your sister-in-law to threaten your kids and your livelihood, but it's not okay for you to threaten her? Now OP, you are not the butthole here. Your sister-in-law is the one who chose to go nuclear over this, not you, so she's the one who gets to deal with the nuclear fallout. OP, I'm giving you zero out of five buttholes. I'm giving your sister-in-law three out of five buttholes. Where can a vehicle from Mazda's electrified line up take you?
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Starting point is 00:07:46 Get answers you can trust from Salesforce at Am I the butthole for putting ugly one-way mirrors on the windows facing wind on my neighbors because I saw the husband looking in my windows? I live in an apartment on the ground floor of a house that's converted into apartments. My neighbors can see my whole backyard and vice versa. My apartment has a whole wall of windows that are on the back of the house.
Starting point is 00:08:11 They're gorgeous and they're a big reason why I picked the place. I love keeping plans and they let in a lot of light. Looking out, there's my neighbors backyard which is large and comes up close to my place. The property line is maybe 10 or 15 feet from my windows. Now that it's gotten warm out, I've noticed the husband of the family who owns that house, looking into my apartment a lot. Sometimes, I'll look up and see him, look away, then look back minutes later, and he's still looking.
Starting point is 00:08:39 I started using the shades during the day, but that was kind of annoying because my place is a dark, cramped shoebox without the windows open. And I can't do that for long because the plants were struggling without light. So I bought these window coverings that make windows into one way mirrors. During the day, when the inside light is out, from the outside my windows look just like mirrors now. From the inside, it looks pretty much the same. The windows look tinted slightly darker, but that's it. From the outside, you can't see inside at all, it looks exactly like mirrors. The section of windows it's applied to is about 8 feet high and 20 feet wide. After a week of the window coverings being up, both of the parents from that neighbor's house
Starting point is 00:09:19 came to my door and when it's talked to me. The wife was complaining about the windows for a number of reasons. One, they were ugly. 2. It was uncomfortable, especially for the teens and their friends, to have a huge mirror adjacent to the swimming pool. It's at a time they feel insecure about their looks and they've lost interest in hanging out by the pool. 3. In the afternoon and evening, it was reflecting a lot of extra sunlight into their backyard, and they couldn't enjoy eating dinner on the back porch with the sun in their eyes. I said sorry about the inconvenience, but I wanted it for privacy. They both pushed back on that sum, but I said that I needed privacy because of the husband's staring. He started denying it in front of his wife, so I took out my phone
Starting point is 00:09:58 where I'd take in pictures and showed her a couple of pictures of him gaping in my apartment and the text from that time. He got mad and said that he incidentally looked over, and the 8-foot by 20-foot mirrors was a crazy over-reaction. I said that I was going to keep the mirrors and sorry, but frankly, this was avoidable. I think they're both mad because they called my landlord who brushed them off. Am I the butthole for putting the mirrored film in my windows? Nah, OP, the only thing you did was show your neighbors the consequences of their own actions. If they really want privacy that bad, they can put up a fence. Right? Like, if they don't want to look at your windows, they don't have to. Just buy a privacy fence. Am I the butthole for getting my neighbors' car toad? I recently bought a house and moved in. The previous
Starting point is 00:10:44 owner rented the house out to students, and recently bought a house and moved in. The previous owner rented the house out to students and he transformed a big part of the front yard into a parking place. My front yard is basically just four parking spaces. I live alone and I basically only use one of the parking spaces. When I had painters and hand him in over to work in my house, they used those parking spaces because the nearest parking spaces were like a half a kilometer from my house, so a five minute walk. When they were done and I moved in, my elderly neighbor, who can't walk without a cane, asked if she could continue the deal that she made with the previous owner. She showed me the contract that she made with the previous owner that states that she can use a parking space in exchange for a home cooked meal once a month. I told her
Starting point is 00:11:21 she didn't have to give me anything because I understood her situation, but she insisted. So I signed the contract to let her use the space closest to her house. This went on for a couple of months before another house on the street was sold, and the new neighbors asked if their handyman and painters could use my parking spaces until they were done, because it wasn't handy to make them walk all the way back and forth from their truck. On my street, it's illegal to park on the street. I told them that was fine, but only the handyman and the painters could use my spaces. And when they're done, I don't want anyone else using my parking spaces. I like to keep those space open for my girlfriend, my friends, and my family. Fast forward a month, and after the handyman and painters finished the house, the new
Starting point is 00:12:01 neighbors started using my parking spaces. I told them that wasn't what we discussed and they had to leave. They told me the spaces are community spaces and she and her husband could use them because I didn't need four spaces for myself. I told her to either move her cars or I'll have them towed. They moved their cars and didn't use the spaces anymore for a week. As soon as she parked her car there again, I immediately called a tow company, and half an hour later, her car got towed. The next day she approached me and asked what happened to her car. I told her that I headed towed because she parked
Starting point is 00:12:34 in my front yard. My friends tell me that I'm being a petty butthole for having my car towed and then I should apologize. My girlfriend tells me I did the right thing, because they would have probably claimed my entire front yard as their personal parking places if I didn't make a point out of it. So am I the butthole here? OP, you're asking if you're the butthole for protecting your private parking space? Your private parking space. As in, privately owned. Those are your parking spaces, so you can do whatever you want to with them.
Starting point is 00:13:05 What makes matters worse is that private parking spaces have real monetary value, especially in a neighborhood like yours where parking is severely limited. If your neighbors really want to use those parking spaces, then they can offer to buy them from you just like your other neighbor did. Granted, they'd probably have to fork over cash money instead of a homemade meal because F them. O.P., you get zero out of five buttholes. I'm giving your neighbors 1.5 out of five buttholes. Like, what did they expect? Am I the butthole for kicking my three sisters out of my wedding after they came with their kids? My wife and I got married two weeks ago. We wanted a child free wedding and we let everyone know and everyone was okay with it. Everyone except for my family. I have three sisters, each with kids from the age of two to ten years old. My mom said it was illogical to not
Starting point is 00:13:55 allow kids since first this has never happened in the family before. And second my sisters live several towns over so the kids can't be easily left alone. After a lot of arguing and others getting involved, I stood my ground and they agreed to not bring their kids. At the wedding, no one brought kids, but then I saw my two sisters arriving with their kids. I immediately went to ask what's the deal. They began arguing with me and then I said I would not be letting them in with their kids. Then my oldest sister showed up with her kids in the car, and I was pissed. I asked why they decided
Starting point is 00:14:30 to go against the rule and bring their kids. That's when my mom started yelling at me. Everyone was yelling at me, and I had to get the security involved to make them leave. My parents and aunt left shortly thereafter. They were so pissed at me. I got nasty text later, and my cousin posted about my sucky wedding on Facebook. Days later, I got my family together, and I explained that what they did was wrong. I said, if I let my sisters bring their kids, then what message does that send to my in-laws and friends who wanted to bring their kids but couldn't? My sister's argued with me and it turns out my mom told them to bring their kids and she'd deal with me later.
Starting point is 00:15:09 I told them they could have arranged for a babysitter, but my mom said they wanted to celebrate as a whole family. She said that I ruined my own wedding by making a scene, and everyone will always remember my wedding as a disaster. They said the only way to fix this is to have another wedding and include everyone, especially kids. I called them unreasonable. I asked my mom, where the hell she got the nerve to demand that.
Starting point is 00:15:34 They blamed my wife and said that it was a deliberate choice. I just left. They started talking to my wife, trying to convince her that they don't approve of what happened. And they're giving us a chance to fix the situation. Otherwise the relationship is damaged. This has been a complete headache, because I don't think that what I did was wrong. I just wanted my family to show some respect for my wife and her family. OP, I usually try to avoid making comments like this, but I'm just calling it like I see
Starting point is 00:16:02 it. Your family sounds super trashy. They said it was so important that they bring their kids because they want to celebrate with a family, and yet they're completely okay with yelling at you and ruining your wedding. Nah, that's a complete and total lie. I'm guessing the real reason is that they just didn't want to pay for a babysitter. At the end of the day,'re wetting your rules. I'm giving you 0 out of 5 buttholes. I'm giving your family 3.5 out of 5 buttholes. That was our slash of my the butthole and if you like this content check out my Patreon
Starting point is 00:16:33 where I publish extra episodes. Also be sure to follow this podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day. single day.

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