rSlash - r/AmITheA**hole For Terrifying a Spoiled Brat on a Plane with My Facial Scars?

Episode Date: March 17, 2020

r/AmITheA**hole In today's video, we have an incredibly spoiled family who reacts badly to OP's facial scars. The kid gets scared by the scars, which (let's be honest) is understandable because it's j...ust a kid. But what's way worse than that is the parent's reaction, who actually scolds OP for having the audacity to have facial scars. OP turns it around on the parent and scolds him for being such a despicable human being. What kind of douchebag scolds someone for having facial scars? Watch on YouTube: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:20 on the same points vet app, the platform that gives you everything you need. You know what to do. Bet on it. Point Spets Sportsbook and Casino. Welcome to R-Slash. Am I the butthole where an entitled parent gets publicly humiliated? Am I the butthole for laughing at my starstruck girlfriend?
Starting point is 00:00:39 I'm a 22 year old male and my girlfriend is a 23 year old female. Last year, my girlfriend won a radio contest to briefly meet and take photos with one of her favorite K-pop groups in CT. She was super excited since I guess you would call her a super fan. I definitely feel like she's too old to put so much stock in K-pop, but I generally don't talk to her about it since it's pretty harmless, just annoying. She was told that she could bring a plus one with her to the station to meet the band and so she took me with her. Even in the car, she was so excited that she was shaking and she kept saying that she wasn't sure
Starting point is 00:01:12 she could do it. I didn't care either way, I wanted it over with. The meeting was honestly nothing special. All the band members said hi to her and shook her hand or offered her like a platonic hug. She cried for most of it. Awkward and kept bowing to the members. She's white. And while I didn't say anything, I was so embarrassed for her. Some of the guys also shook my hand and greeted me, but a few of them didn't probably notice that I wasn't really into it. Whatever, it wasn't for me, it was for her. I'm not a fan. She has some other friends who are also K-pop fans, and when we all hang out later, she started talking about how wonderful and surreal it was to meet her idols. I then started laughing and telling her friends about how awkward she was, how she bowed to all of them despite none of them bowing to her and made a joke about how they probably
Starting point is 00:02:01 laughed at her when she was out of ear shot. Complete silence. Immediately everyone is death-glaoring at me. I tried to clarify that she really was acting crazy for a 23-year-old. I even looked up the band and half of them are teenagers. And she retaliates that she probably made them feel less awkward than me who didn't even talk to them. What the f was I supposed to talk to a bunch of Korean guys I don't know?
Starting point is 00:02:26 We ended up arguing about it privately, but it's been a sore spot and we just don't bring it up. She barely even listens to K-pop around me now. Fast forward to now, a year or so later. My girlfriend just bought two NCT tickets for her and her friend, which were very expensive and include yet another fan meet. I mentioned buying a ticket myself so I can go along with them. Not to the fan meet though. And my girlfriend said she'd rather
Starting point is 00:02:49 me not go because she doesn't want me to be bored or embarrassed. The way she said it was so cold for absolutely no reason. And I feel like she's being so passive aggressive over joke that I made ages ago. Am I the butthole for laughing at my adult girlfriend's teenage fan girl antics? Opie, honestly, I'm kind of surprised that you don't realize that you're the butthole here. You could just as easily have written, Am I the butthole for not supporting my girlfriend and laughing at her in front of her friends? The answer is yes.
Starting point is 00:03:23 You get two out of five buttholes for being a douchey, unsupported boyfriend, and honestly, I don't blame your girlfriend for not inviting you again. If I were in her shoes, I wouldn't either. In either butthole for telling the judge of a scholarship competition that if she already knew who she wanted to win, to cut the BS and just let us all go home, I'm in high school. We had a final presentation before winter break break and we had judges from the community come in to reward the best presentations. Like, not actual courtroom judges, just people who were involved in stuff locally. The price was some scholarship money for college. Our classroom judge was a mom in the school board and when we were doing the presentation, she was showing really obvious favoritism to her daughter's best friend, who I know is tight with that family. I know her presentation wasn't even her own, it was plagiarized a lot and not very good.
Starting point is 00:04:10 I saw her doing it in the computer lab days earlier. It was annoying how the outside judge kept going back to Koo over this one presentation, even after everyone else had moved on and other people had presented. It was super awkward, like she was praising this one girl after a different kid had just presented. Like, maybe pay attention to the person who's at the podium, not your little favorite. It was my turn, but I'd already seen her phoning it in when watching the last few. Playing on her phone even, not paying attention. I felt like it was pretty obvious she'd already decided who would win.
Starting point is 00:04:45 And that frustrated me. I'd worked really hard on mine, and if her behavior in the last few presentations was going to continue, I knew she wouldn't even be listening. So I went up and said, look, we all know you already know who you're going to give their prize to. We've all seen you play on your phone and ignore everyone who came after your daughter's best friend. So can we just cut the BS and go home?
Starting point is 00:05:07 I'm not going to stand up here and give a presentation to someone who's disrespecting our efforts and playing on their phone when anyone who's not a friend of your family is talking. She's your paid attention then, and when to talk to my teacher in a whisper, the teacher sent me to the principal's office. The girl I expected to win won. No surprise there. But I felt good I'd at least said something. A bunch of my friends in class said I was totally right when I called out that BS, and we all knew it. I wasn't saying
Starting point is 00:05:37 anything we didn't all see. My principal kept telling me that it didn't seem like I was taking my college app seriously, and I said that I didn't think I'd be going to college. I got stuck with debt already, and I'm going to need a job right away this spring. Anyway, I got detention. Am I the butthole for saying that instead of doing my final presentation for the project? Edit. I just found out that the girl who got the scholarship money decided to decline it and give it to the student who had the best grades in class.
Starting point is 00:06:04 I don't know if it was because I called stuff out and she felt guilty, but I think it might be. My god OP, I'm gonna give you 0 out of 5 buttholes. The judge obviously gets 3 out of 5 buttholes. Honestly, I can't believe that the school allowed a biased person to judge the competition when she had a personal connection to the contestants. The principal and the teacher, especially the teacher, really should have had your back there, but they didn't, and for that they both get 5 out of 5 buttholes.
Starting point is 00:06:34 Am I the butthole for leaving significant facial scarring uncovered on a plane and being confrontational when a father asked me to cover it because it was scaring his son? I sustained very bad injuries to my face this month. I'm in the stage of healing when the scar tissue is formed, but it's still very tender new skin. I'm going to have very obvious facial scarring for the rest of my life. The injury starts about an inch above my hairline, goes down over my brow so that, on part, the hair will not grow. It continues down my cheek where it's the deepest. I'll probably always have an indentation
Starting point is 00:07:07 on the fullest part of my cheek, then it continues to my jawline. In some ways it's okay, I'm happy it's just cosmetic damage. My friends are super reassuring, telling me how badass and sick it's gonna look. They say I am still as hot as ever, now a little more sexy and mysterious, lol.
Starting point is 00:07:24 But in some ways it really sucks. I know that I'm always gonna be seen first as the girl with the scar and it feels especially bad when people look at me differently. This week I had to fly home for a family thing. It was a plan I'd made long before my injury. I wasn't really looking forward to the pity or people making a big deal of it, I'd rather it not be acknowledged.
Starting point is 00:07:44 I'd also met with my dermatologist who said that I was at the stage of scar tissue formation that I no longer should be dressing the wounds. The skin was healing and instead I needed to be applying topical cream and vaseline to keep the side clean and moist. It also looks a bit ugly. The building scar tissue is very red and tender and with the vaseline over it looks slick and shiny. So I get on this flight. I have the window seat and I put on my headphones and dripped off to sleep and the plane is still boarding.
Starting point is 00:08:12 I wake up to this kid, maybe four years old sitting next to me throwing a tantrum. I didn't catch the first part of it and I honestly couldn't understand what he was yelling about. His father said to me, Can you cover that injury? I said that my dermatologist recommends I don't, so no, I don't think I will. He started snapping at me saying, There's no need to be so rude, that injury is graphic and it's scaring my little one. I said, This is my face, the only day face I've got.
Starting point is 00:08:43 It sucks being told I'm so ugly I can't show my face in public. He started to backtrack saying just until it's healed and I said it'll always be with me. Maybe teach some effing compassion and respect instead of telling a girl half your age what you think about her face. That's rude. He actually got up after that and I think went to a stewardess about a seat change because a young couple came to sit next to me after a few minutes instead. I've got to admit, I felt so low that I put on my sunglasses and had a quiet cry for a few minutes. Am I the butthole for not covering my healing scar and for being confrontational about it?
Starting point is 00:09:21 Oh, P. My God, you are not the butthole. You get zero out of five buttholes easily on this one. The kid we can't really blame because he was only four so you can't really get upset at him for having a reaction like that. But the father, my God, the level of inconsiteration is obscene. What you offered that family was a teachable moment. That father should have taken his son aside and explained that there are people who look different and sound different from him, but that doesn't make them any less of a person. Instead, he decided to be a douchebag about it and shame you? I don't hand this out often, but honestly, I'm giving this guy 5 out of 5 buttholes.
Starting point is 00:10:00 Actually, down in the comments, and Yolksu is on the same pages I am. Your business has grown fast. From opening your first location to planning an expansion in no time. And with your business platinum card from American Express, you can access spending power and payment flexibility to fuel your growth. Sarah, the contractor is here with the plans. American Express, don't do business without it. Terms and conditions apply as at slash business platinum. When I was about seven, I was at the grocery store with my mom and we were waiting in line
Starting point is 00:10:48 at the pharmacy. A man standing behind us had burned scars all over his face. I had never seen that before. I couldn't look away. And I was getting scared. I had a lot of nightmares about monsters and stuff at the time. My mother apologized to him, took me to the side, got down to my level and said, some people get very, very hurt and it changes the way they look and there's absolutely
Starting point is 00:11:10 nothing they can do about it. It's rude to stare, they don't need to be reminded that they look different. Imagine how you would feel if you had a nose that was 10 times bigger than it is now. Would it feel good to walk around and everyone stares at your big nose? No, it wouldn't. Don't stare and be respectful. That has stuck with me to this very day. See, that's the appropriate response.
Starting point is 00:11:32 Instead of shaming the injured person and ending up on R-slash. Am I the butthole for telling my girlfriend that it's weird that she is a tank full of fake jellyfish in her living room? I, a 21-year-old male, and my girlfriend, Alice, a 27-year-old female and I have been living together for just over four months. I sometimes stay over at her house as I still live at home. Alice suffers from anxiety and depression that she says comes from losing her mom to cancer six years ago. And her dad is extremely depressed and unreliable, so they aren't close.
Starting point is 00:12:03 Alice works at the local veterinary clinic and has a well-paid job, so she doesn't have much in the way of monetary worries. We get along great, and I seriously love her, and that's why I'm so pissed off that our first big real fight is over something so ridiculous. Last week I drove past Alice's on my way back from class to find her setting up a tank. I thought, or assumed she must have decided to get a pet fish, but it was this. Not even fish, fake jellyfish. Try explaining that to visitors. I asked her what the hell she bought it for, and she said it's supposed to help with anxiety. The whole in that logic is this. She's already on antidepressants medication and has been for years now. So why the hell would she need an LED tank full of fake jellyfish and how the hell would
Starting point is 00:12:50 she even begin to think that that's a legitimate thing? She's smart enough to get a degree, but not smart enough to avoid a blatant online scam. It turned into a fight when I said she was a prime candidate to join an MLM scheme if she was gullible enough to believe a fake fish tank would calm her anxiety. I told her people would find it really uncomfortable to sit in the living room with a random fake jellyfish tank. She called me an idiot and asked me to leave because apparently I was raising my voice. I barely raised my voice at all.
Starting point is 00:13:22 I was just frustrated. I know I reacted strongly to it, but it was just so crazy. And knowing she's allowing herself to be scammed is even more maddening. She ghosted me for a week and then finally texted me this morning with this. Just wanted to let you know that jellyfish were great. I feel way less anxious at night, but honestly, I think the biggest rest reliever was dumping your insecure butt. less anxious at night, but honestly, I think the biggest rest reliever was dumping your insecure butt. I'm sure she hasn't really dumped me over a fish tank of all things,
Starting point is 00:13:50 and when she unblocks me, I'll explain myself more calmly. But am I the butthole for being mad that she fell for a scam? Um, O.P. Yeah, you're definitely the butthole here. Three out of five buttholes for being, being honestly a judgy prick. The only justification your ex-girlfriend needs for buying a fish tank is that she likes it. I play video games and my wife will never understand what I see in them but she doesn't judge me for playing them and my wife buys expensive purses and I can't for the life of me figure out why she wants to spend so much money on expensive purses. But it brings her joy so fundamentally that's the only thing that matters.
Starting point is 00:14:31 I think your girlfriend's right, I think she's less anxious not because of the fish jang but because you're not around. Am I the butthole for kicking out a girl from my daughter's sleepover birthday party? I'm a 34 year old male and my daughter a 14 year old female had a sleepover birthday party last Saturday and she invited 5 girls from her school. There was this one girl that she invited who I could tell from her attitude was a spoiled brat. When she rang the doorbell, she walked in looking down at her phone, didn't greet me or my wife and handed me her jacket without even looking up. The whole night she was on her phone doing whatever the heck 14 year olds do on their phones. I thought she was just embarrassed or shy because maybe she didn't know anyone, but according to my daughter she's a super duper cool girl.
Starting point is 00:15:18 Anyways towards the end of the night my daughter was opening her gifts. Spoiled brat made a comment about every single gift. Not exactly snarky, but more like she was just unimpressed. The final gift was for me and my wife. We bought her an iPhone 7 by pulling all of our remaining extra money to buy it for her. The Spoiled Brat scoffed because she had the newest generation iPhone. I helped my daughter set up the phone with a SIM card, and the rest of the night they just hung out in her room. My daughter came down a bit later and she was
Starting point is 00:15:48 just sitting on the couch. I asked her what was wrong and she just went back up while saying, why couldn't you have just bought me the newest iPhone? That was really out of character for her as she's always grateful for receiving anything. My daughter left the phone in the table. I grabbed my daughter's phone to see a bunch of texts going back and forth between spoiled brat and my daughter. They exchanged numbers in the conversation when something like this. Hey, it's me. Thanks for inviting me to your lame slumber party, Lol, and congrats on the iPhone 7. What? Aren't you mad that your parents and friends got you such lame gifts? Slumber parties are for little girls lol, but whatever it's cool. You don't like the party?
Starting point is 00:16:30 I just wish I could go home lol. And that was the end of the conversation. It was around 1 a.m. and the girls were still up talking. I knocked and asked if I could speak with spoiled brat. She looked confused. I told her she needs to grab her things, something came up. I did this as to not embarrass my daughter in front of her friends. I took her downstairs and asked her to call her mom. She asked
Starting point is 00:16:54 why and I said, because that's what you said, right? That you wish you could go home, so go. She was tearing up a bit and made the call. I talked with her mom for a bit when she came. I showed her the text and she apologized profusely and said, it's just a teenager phase I guess, I'm so sorry, but don't you think she could stay if not, I understand. I thought about it for a bit, but her staying probably would have made it awkward for everyone so I told her it was best if they just left. My wife said that I overreacted and I should have just talked with spoiled brat rather than immediately kicking her out. I firmly believe I taught her a good lesson that she needed to learn.
Starting point is 00:17:33 It was my daughter's birthday and I didn't want the rest of her night ruined because of some spoiled brat who was making it all about her. I guess she didn't exactly do anything wrong, but at the same time her attitude was unbelievable. Am I the butthole? Not at all OP. To be honest, that spoiled brat needed a dose of medicine. And the strongest medicine is always the most bitter. The one and only thing that I might give you butthole points for is that you read your daughter's text without her knowing. I don't know what your understanding is with your daughter, but if she was expecting those texts to be private, then that was a little bit of an invasion of privacy.
Starting point is 00:18:10 But even then, I'd say parents are generally justified in checking in on their kids, so, at most, I would give you like 0.1 buttholes. That was R-slash, am I the butthole? And if you don't have to like button on this video, then you get 5 out of 5 buttholes. and my the butthole and if you don't have to like button on this video then you get 5 out of 5 buttholes

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