rSlash - r/Amithedevil I Love My Daughter Now That She's Rich

Episode Date: June 28, 2024

0:00 Intro 0:12 Money motivation 1:40 The bill 4:41 Easter dinner 7:16 Devil dad 10:37 Jealous gf 13:53 Self pity scum 15:29 Funny comment Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make your nights unforgettable with American Express. Unmissable show coming up? Good news. We've got access to pre-sale tickets so you don't miss it. Meeting with friends before the show? We can book your reservation. And when you get to the main event, skip to the good bit using the card member entrance. Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash y amex. Let's go seize the night. That's the powerful backing of American Express. Visit slash y amex.
Starting point is 00:00:28 Benefits vary by card, other conditions apply. Welcome to r slash am i the devil where OP abandons her daughter and then suddenly wants to reconcile once her daughter gets rich. Our next reddit post comes from r slash relationship advice. I'm a 47 year old woman. How can I reestablish contact with my 30 year old daughter? I had my daughter at a young age. In the beginning, we were extremely close, like any mother and child should be, but we were closer than that. Things changed when I got married.
Starting point is 00:00:58 My husband didn't treat her the best and he didn't want to be a stepfather. We ended up having our own kids and things got so bad that she was eventually taken in by her friend's parents and they became her legal guardian. The biological dad wasn't interested in taking her. We slowly fell out of contact with her. I got updates from my mom who's still heavily involved in my daughter's life. My daughter has finished medical school and residency. She's married and her husband is also very successful. I'm so proud of the woman that my daughter became.
Starting point is 00:01:30 It absolutely needs to be said that I was completely wrong to defend my husband's disgusting behavior. We've grown, but both understand that we can't change the past. It's been long overdue that we establish a relationship with my daughter. Alright, when OP says, we've grown, what she really means is, we've grown to understand just how rich my daughter is and NOW we want to be in her life. Man, it really pisses me off when she says, I'm so proud of the woman that my daughter became when she had nothing to do with it. Some random couple, the parents of her friend raised her,
Starting point is 00:02:06 not you! Our next reddit post is from r slash amithabudhole. Amithabudhole for laughing at my girlfriend when she suggested that I offer to pay the bill for her family. I'm a 23 year old guy and my girlfriend is 21. We've been together for a year and a half. Her family is super sweet and I get along great with them. Now, my girlfriend's dad is pretty well off. Every time I've gone out to dinner with her family, he always foots the bill. Her family's been great to me. They always welcome me in their house. I went on a vacation with them back in winter. Her parents paid for our hotel for the entire week. Her dad gave her money for food. Granted, it was for her, her brother, and myself. I also only paid for half of my flight because my girlfriend offered to pay for
Starting point is 00:02:51 the other half. The only thing that I really had to pay for was food for a couple of days out of the trip. And my girlfriend pitched in and helped with that too. This past weekend, my girlfriend, myself, her younger brother, and her dad went out for brunch. I was spending the weekend with her anyway, so she invited me to join them. Before we left, she and I were walking and she mentioned how maybe I should offer to pay for brunch. As in all four of us. She assured me that her dad would 1000% refuse to let me pay, but he would probably really appreciate and respect me for offering. Now here's where I may sound like a butthole, but I honestly laughed at her suggesting this. I told her that I would offer to cover our portion of the bill, as in her and my portion,
Starting point is 00:03:35 but to expect me to offer to cover the entire bill is crazy. Sure I work a full time job and all that, but I have my own bills and stuff to worry about too. And she wants me to offer to pay for a $150 brunch? She told me that if her dad accepted, which she could 100% guarantee that he wouldn't, that she would send me half the money for the bill. I continued to laugh and told her I am not doing that. I'll offer to pay for our half and that's it." I asked her if the roles were reversed if she would offer to pay the bill for my family. And she said that's completely
Starting point is 00:04:11 different because my family has 8 people in it, not 4. We both have very different upbringings when it comes to paying the bill. She grew up in a decently well-off family where they would constantly argue on who would pay the bill, because everyone in her family would always offer out of courtesy. I grew up very differently as I come from a family that's not financially well-off. If someone offered to foot the bill, you just sit back and let them do it. When we went to brunch, I offered to cover both her and my portion of the bill. Her dad immediately refused and covered the whole bill. She gave me a, I told you so, look.
Starting point is 00:04:47 She thinks that I was the butthole for how I reacted to the situation and says that I should have trusted her. She told me that she needs some space because my reaction to the whole situation is kind of a turn off for her and she needs to think about things. Am I the butthole? Well, sounds like the girl in this story is starting to realize that she's dating an ungrateful gold digger. Our next reddit post comes from r slash am i the butthole. Am I the butthole for telling my sister that she's overreacting for banning my boyfriend from the
Starting point is 00:05:16 Easter dinner that she's gonna host? I'm a 23 year old guy and I'm dating my boyfriend who's 19 for a year and he struggles a bit in social settings and can come off as rude sometimes. My sister, who's 27, has had a cat ever since she moved out. Our parents didn't allow pets. And now the cat has unfortunately passed away. My sister came over to visit me a couple of days ago and kept talking about how much she's grieving her cat and even now she's still crying at nights over it.
Starting point is 00:05:46 My boyfriend overheard her and told her, isn't it kind of embarrassing for an adult to cry over a cat? Just get another one! My sister didn't take it well and started berating him and raising her voice at him. He also struggles with people yelling because of his abusive dad. And at some point my sister called him soulless, to which my boyfriend replied that at least he's not a dumb woman like her. I tried to calm things down as much as I could, but the damage was already done and my sister
Starting point is 00:06:15 left in tears. I tried to lecture my boyfriend about what he said, but he didn't seem like he was listening to me, so I just gave up. I thought we'd smooth things over later once my sister calms down, but I just found out that she banned my boyfriend from the upcoming Easter party she's gonna host and said that if I try to bring him regardless, she'll cut me out of her life too. I said that she's overreacting and she knows my boyfriend is a bit standoffish, but doesn't mean any harm.
Starting point is 00:06:42 And I could make him apologize for what he said to her, but she said that she's had enough of that jerk insulting her and everyone from our family. And she knows that he never means any of his half-hearted apologies and he only tells them for my sake. She told me that I can spend time with my family or keep being that buttholes personal public defender and then hung up, which I think was uncalled for. My boyfriend does sometimes say things that can come off as rude, but he doesn't mean them. And my family was being understanding, but it seems like now they're not.
Starting point is 00:07:14 I know I defend my boyfriend a lot, but I feel nobody understands him like I do, though I might have come across as an enabler of his bad behavior to a couple of people. OP, I am also one of those people who think that you came off as an enabler. It sounds like OP's boyfriend is a jerk to every single person on earth except OP so then OP says no one knows him like I do. Yeah because you're the only person he's nice to. Our next reddit post is from r slash off my chest. For context on this next post, this was posted during covid quarantine. I hate how mean my wife is.
Starting point is 00:07:49 I feel close to my breaking point as I've reached a new low in our relationship. I contracted covid for the first time. I spent the last two days quarantine in the corner of my house. I'm pretty miserable and it's made worse by my wife's lack of empathy. She made sure that when she made lunch yesterday for the kids, she didn't make me anything. She asked me how I feel zero times, offered zero support and only made comments in passing about how pissed she would be if I infected anyone else. I honestly can't fathom how she can hate me so much.
Starting point is 00:08:22 At least my daughter asked me how I was feeling. Then, down in the comments, the wife replies. See, this is why you can't believe everything you read on Reddit. This came across my feed randomly, by the way. Did you tell everyone where and how you got covid? We have two kids. One is a medically fragile preemie and isn't even a year old. On my husband's third work trip in November, I spent the night in the ER with the baby after frantically looking for child care for the older kid. I say work trip in quotation marks because it was more of a team bonding trip full of fun activities and trips to restaurants. After that traumatic experience, I said no more work travel until the baby was two.
Starting point is 00:09:05 My husband told me that he was being sent to New York, which led me to believe that it was a mandatory work trip having to do with his promotion. He wanted to fly out the day before Mother's Day and I had to remind him that it was Mother's Day. He ended up flying across the country for his trip Tuesday through Friday while I stayed home with the kids. I found out that this was not a mandatory work trip when he asked me if I wanted a souvenir from the Met in the middle of a workday.
Starting point is 00:09:33 He caught COVID in New York, by the way. So I was a solo parent from Tuesday to Friday. Then I had a half day of help before dealing with a sick husband and now I'm solo parenting again while trying to keep myself and my kids healthy, including my preemie baby. I made lunch for myself and the kids because I'm spread thin and I'm at my own breaking point with how exhausted and rundown I am. I didn't get a thank you for staying home alone with the kids for his trip until Sunday, even after bringing up the lack of acknowledgement multiple times. I'm sleeping on the couch so that he can have the bed and quarantine in our bedroom.
Starting point is 00:10:10 I went to a school fundraiser for our daughter Saturday evening before we knew that it was Covid and I received angry texts because I didn't reply immediately to his request for me to stop and get him Sudafed on my way home. Which I did, by the way. We've done couples therapy in the past. Nothing changes. I was stupid and didn't protect myself financially before becoming a stay at home mom and becoming entirely dependent on my husband. I have PTSD from my pregnancy, in vitro fertilization, hospitalization followed by a premature labor, and then a nearly three month stay in the NICU. This time last year when I had to be hospitalized, our oldest got COVID,
Starting point is 00:10:50 and we weren't allowed to visit the baby for the first 2 weeks of her life. So yeah, COVID is a big deal to me, and I'm doing everything I can to keep myself and the kids safe. But I'm mean, so I guess none of that matters. Our next reddit post comes from r slash relationship advice. I'm a 25 year old woman and my boyfriend is 26. His sister is weirdly obsessed with him. He's taking her on holiday and I don't know how to convince him that it's super weird. I've been dating my boyfriend Mike for just under 18 months. Our relationship has become really serious. We even started to discuss things like marriage, Mike, for just under 18 months. Our relationship has become really serious.
Starting point is 00:11:25 We even started to discuss things like marriage, children, etc. We moved from England to Wales about 6 months ago because I got a job opportunity that requires us to relocate. He was able to convert to working from home, so he stayed employed by his old company. We now live about 70 miles away from our hometown. Because it's so far, we rarely visit home, maybe once every 6 weeks or so. Whenever we visit, we stay with Mike's parents, and every time we go, his sister is incredibly obsessed with Mike and won't leave him alone.
Starting point is 00:11:56 It's to the point where it's really weird and almost like she has some weird romantic feelings for him. I've brought this up to Mike, and he says that I'm being crazy, but I'm not. For example, she'll snuggle up to him on the sofa so I have to sit somewhere else. She'll ask for him to take her shopping to places that I don't like. She'll make him take her to restaurants and they'll have fancy meals together. It is so weird how she treats him like a boyfriend. They have a holiday to Spain booked for this summer in the town that Mike grew up in. They booked this before we were dating. But it's just those two
Starting point is 00:12:30 going and it makes me feel extremely uncomfortable. I first asked for him to change the booking so I could come along as well. I said that I would pay my own way, obviously. He said that he contacted the travel agents, but they weren't able to change the bookings anymore and that they couldn't book a separate package for me because the hotel was booked up. Yesterday, I told him that I think it's really weird that he wants to spend two weeks alone with her in a foreign country. And when I said this to him, he blew up at me and kicked me out of the house. Like genuinely kicked me out of the house for just questioning him about this, which made me feel it's even more weird than I thought. We ended up having a huge argument like the biggest we've ever had. And now I'm considering booking a separate hotel near the one that they're staying at just so I can keep an eye on her. I've
Starting point is 00:13:18 been texting him and ringing him and he hasn't answered or responded to me at all. I don't understand how he doesn't see this as weird, especially considering how obsessed she is with him, as I mentioned earlier. It just makes me feel sick, and I don't know what to do. How do I express to him that this is not normal? How do I show him there's something weird about how his sister treats him? Alright, I'm hitting the comments, and okay, in a comment, OP clarifies the sister in this story is nine years old and by the sound of it, he also misses his little sister. It's sweet. You know, the sad thing is, is that this is actually a major green flag for the boyfriend
Starting point is 00:13:59 because it shows the boyfriend is, you know, caring and loving. It's kind of paternal the way he's treating his little sister. He wants to build a relationship with her and, you know, just be a good older brother. But OP is so ballistically jealous that she can't see it. She's honestly threatened by a nine-year-old, a third grader, you guys. Our next Reddit post comes from rslashsexoffender support. Society wants me jobless and homeless because I possessed, oh geez, I gotta call this, uh, inappropriate content of children.
Starting point is 00:14:32 I was denied an accepted job after a background check. The reason they gave is because I'm on the registry, even though I'm only level one, low risk, not publicly listed. I even voluntarily disclosed my registry status as it didn't show up on the background check. So much for honesty. It's clear the registry is straight punishment. I have a college degree and I've been trying to find a job for a year now. I'm also looking for a new apartment and I have a pet. How will I know if my neighbors have been convicted of animal cruelty in the past? Is there some kind of registry for that? I'm worried about potential neighbors drunk driving into my place. Is there a driving while intoxicated registry out there? I don't want addicts hanging
Starting point is 00:15:15 out near my house, coming and going at all hours. Could my neighbor be on a heroin dealer registry? I better know if I need to keep things locked up. Is there a theft registry? What about the HR guy who signed off on my denial who goes home to slap his wife around? Is there a domestic violence registry that he needs to worry about? I don't want to be murdered by a neighbor. Is there a murder registry? I'm 45, motivated, doing everything I can correctly, with a lot of life left to live, but society thinks that I'm scum of the earth. If I were a murderer after getting this far along in the job hunt, society would say that I've redeemed myself. I love this comment from Akantacephala, gosh that pesky term I can't say on YouTube
Starting point is 00:16:02 ruining poor OP's life. It just magically found its way into their possession. Won't someone think of the P words that I can't say on YouTube? That was r slash am I the devil and if you liked this content be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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