rSlash - r/Amithedevil I Told My Crush My Twisted Fantasies about Her

Episode Date: July 6, 2024

0:00 Intro 0:05 Witch 5:11 Changed my mind 6:12 Creeping 9:01 Comment 9:12 Naked 11:02 Comment 12:28 Divorce 14:07 Labels Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 At this exact moment, you're just five minutes away from mouth-watering golden french fries. Five minutes away from crispy onion rings and potato tots too. Because five minutes in the air fryer is all it takes to serve up a delicious batch of Cavendish Farms new quick crisp onion rings, potato tots and french fries faster than ever before. Just 300 seconds between you and your all-time favorites. Quick Crisp from Cavendish Farms. Made our way. Enjoyed your way. Available right away.
Starting point is 00:00:30 Welcome to r slash Am I the Devil where we have a shocking twist ending. Alright, I want to give a disclaimer on this next story. This is coming from r slash True Christian. So you're going to see a lot of like religious stuff, which I know is like a hot button issue. But the reason why this is in r slash am I the devil and the reason why I'm reading this post is because of a twist ending at the very end. So be patient because we're building up to something spectacular here. My non believing wife is into witchcraft and I destroyed her monuments, spell jars, essence
Starting point is 00:01:04 and threw away all the photos that she has in her shrine. Guys pray for me. I'm married to a non-believer and a woman who practices the occult. I've put up with her practices for a long time out of respect for her, but we have kids and my house is in chaos! There is a spirit of anger, sadness and hate in my house that's extended even to my children who are always miserable.
Starting point is 00:01:28 My wife has a closet in her room with spell jars and other stuff dedicated to her spells. Pictures of me, the kids, even pictures of my mom in there and other stuff. I just went in there and I threw everything away. Pray that God protects me. I know that I shouldn't have married a non-believer, but I wasn't someone who was on any type of meaningful walk at the time and I didn't truly come to Christ until later. Pray that my home is filled with the Spirit of God and that spares me from any wrath that my wife may attempt to punish me with for this.
Starting point is 00:01:59 A couple weeks ago, I prayed with a prayer group about this and multiple people there said that they felt the Holy Spirit was calling me to get rid of certain items in my household dedicated to demonic spirits. I didn't want to at first because I know that my wife will probably go ballistic. She has a very nasty and argumentative energy, even for more basic things, and will insult and belittle me for much less. That being said, I've been praying a lot recently.
Starting point is 00:02:25 Earlier this week, I was praying and my wife started speaking loudly as my head was bowed and my eyes were bowed. It's getting pretty weird in here, she said. She then started intentionally passing gas and doing other things to try to get to me. I kept my head down and focused on God. Anyways, something told me that all that witch stuff in our room had to go. While she was occupied, I went and threw it all in the trash. Something told me that all the other stuff, her entire shrine had to go. In the closet she had a wand, a spell book, pictures of me, my kids, and even my own mother stuff that was given to me to use.
Starting point is 00:03:02 And she and my mom do not get along. So I have a feeling that that part is sinister. There were some cute things of the kids that I wanted to keep, but something said, all of it! Everything in this shrine! So I threw everything away. All of it. After I did that, I prayed and I asked God to bless oil that I had and to anoint the
Starting point is 00:03:21 area and the children. I asked God to take over this place. My entire marriage, I tiptoed around her. I even let her open our marriage at one point because she told me that she wouldn't continue the marriage unless I allowed her to open it. I allowed her to watch adult videos online even though I told her that I was uncomfortable with it and she begged me. I was so afraid to lose her and the kids, so I'd let her do almost anything. Now I just want to protect my household. I wasn't a Christian then, but I put my faith in God and she is no longer my God that
Starting point is 00:03:54 I fear has power over me. I'll follow the Lord and do what's best for my family, and my kids don't need to be around all that demonic energy." And then OP posted an update, so I prayed that God not allow her to touch a hair on my body nor take my kids away from me. I blessed the area. When she first went into her closet, she was upset. She went into the room and came back out.
Starting point is 00:04:17 I explained it to her. She wasn't happy about it and she asked that I give her $100 for the stuff, which I agreed to. She didn't talk to me for the rest of the day. But since then, she's been surprisingly nice to me. Like she went out and got me a drink for breakfast and she's been way more chill than I imagined. She's been joking with me sometimes and surprisingly pleasant to me. I've seen her blow a fuse and physically assault me for much less, but she told me
Starting point is 00:04:43 that she thinks that I'm a good dad yesterday on Father's Day, and she got me something. Down in the comments, people are pointing out that obviously the wife is just being nice while she gets her ducks in a row so she can exit and get like a divorce or, you know, live in an apartment somewhere else or something like that. And I think that's also the case. But here's the real r slash am I the devil portion of this post.
Starting point is 00:05:09 Down in the comments, someone says, I'm curious why the Holy Spirit told you to demolish her property, but didn't say anything about the homosexual sex that you've been having while cheating on your wife. And then they link a post that OP made over an r slash confession with the title, I had gay sex last night and I'm disgusted with myself. Unfortunately this post has been deleted so I can't read it for you guys. Our next reddit post comes from r slash LegalAdviceUK. I successfully prevented the installation of an electric charging point outside of my house.
Starting point is 00:05:46 I now own an electric car, but the council refuses to install one because of the prior quashing order actioned by me. Back in 2020, I successfully quashed a proposed road traffic order that would have allowed the installation of an electric charging point. I argued that the local authority didn't meet the requirement of providing sufficient notice in the local gazette and that a reduction in double yellow lines would cause risks to pedestrians and the consultation process was procedurally unfair. Fast forward to today and I'm now the owner of an electric car.
Starting point is 00:06:18 However, I've hit a roadblock as the council is now refusing to install the charging point due to the quashing order that I initiated. They're refusing to do it despite demand from the local residents. I would now like there to be an electric charging point. My house isn't suitable for off-street electric charging. Can I get the council to install one? Our next reddit post comes from r slash amithabutthole. Amithabutthole for saying hello to myth grade crush when I saw her at the grocery store? When I was in 8th grade, we had to do square dancing for physical education and I danced with this girl named Vanessa.
Starting point is 00:06:53 I don't remember the dance, but we had to hold hands and I fell head over heels in love with her. She was really out of my league, so I never had the courage to approach her, but I used to have vivid fantasies about dating her, marrying her and having a life with her. She moved away the first year in high school, so I thought that I would never see her again. But I saw her at Safeway yesterday. She looked exactly the same and I had to say hello. I asked her if she was Vanessa and she said yes and I said she probably doesn't remember
Starting point is 00:07:26 me but we went to middle school together and she said that she remembered dancing with me in gym. I was so stoked that I went into telling her how much I was in love with her but too afraid to approach and that she always seemed so sweet and that she was beautiful. I said that when I was a silly schoolboy, I had dreams of marrying her and having kids. And I even had the names picked out. I asked her what she was doing now, and she said that she's getting her masters in architecture. And it turns out the office she works for is right down the street from my work.
Starting point is 00:07:58 She said that she had to go, and I asked for her number, and she gave it to me and said that maybe we could catch up with a group of her friends sometime. I was so stoked and we said goodbye. About 10 minutes later, I thought of the name that I wanted to name our kids because it was based on a book that we were reading at the time. So I FaceTimed her to tell her. She didn't answer and I got the text, Hi, I'm sorry, but this whole encounter was really intense for me. I wish you well, but please don't contact me again. I tried to call her on a regular phone next, but I think she blocked me. I saw my girl cousin later last night, and I showed her because I don't want Vanessa
Starting point is 00:08:37 to get the wrong idea. I'm just a normal guy. I was thinking about maybe just stopping in at her work and explaining things again. My cousin said that this text was as blunt as it could have been without using swear words. She said that I was fine to say hello, but I was weird when I told her about my daydreams and that I was a certified butthole when I tried to FaceTime her 10 minutes later and that she doesn't even have words for what I would be if I stopped by her office.
Starting point is 00:09:05 I would like to get a second opinion. Am I the butthole? Reading this story, we're getting OP's like rose-tinted glasses where everything was pleasant and magical and he talked about all these dreams he had. I guarantee you that if we could have watched like video footage of their interaction, we would see that he is way creepier than he comes off in this post. And he already comes off pretty creepy in this post. I like this post from 270 mile per hour for GT.
Starting point is 00:09:32 The CIA couldn't torture me enough to tell anyone my fantasies about a crush to anyone, much less directly to her after years of no contact. Am I the butthole for breaking up with my girlfriend after seeing her naked for the first time? I feel really guilty even typing this. Me and my girlfriend have been in a relationship for a few months. We're both 20. Prior to that, we were close friends from middle school.
Starting point is 00:09:57 When I finally asked her out a few months ago, we thought this was meant to be because we had such a close relationship and such a strong connection. And of course, it wasn't my highest priority because I genuinely loved her. this was meant to be because we had such a close relationship and such a strong connection. Intercourse wasn't my highest priority because I genuinely loved her. We dated for a few months and it was amazing and last week she finally decided she wanted to take the next step. She said that she never had intercourse with anyone before and she was nervous. But I told her that it was alright and we were in it together.
Starting point is 00:10:23 The mood was very romantic and my plan was to go down on her first. However, when we both got naked and I saw her down there, I felt a bit shocked because I'd never seen something like it before. I think the term for it is an outie. I also felt a bit nauseous so I went to use the restroom, but luckily I didn't puke. I tried my best to hide my reaction, but she had seen everything. I apologized a lot and I told her I just wasn't feeling great and it had nothing to do with her, but she could probably see through my lies. I really felt horrible, especially since I could see that she was really hurt. She left my apartment shortly after.
Starting point is 00:11:05 The next day when we hung out, I apologized again for everything, and I told her it would be best if we could just remain friends as our friendship was more valuable than a relationship. She agreed, but she also cried a couple of minutes later, and then she left. We've barely spoken since then, and I feel really guilty about everything. Am I the butthole? Alright, okay, I'm glad that other people are thinking the same thing I am. Down in the comments, Playful Trouble says, To be fair, if this guy nearly puked at the sight of a lady part, then he's probably so deep in the closet that a talking lion just made him king of Narnia. Yeah, I think that's probably the case.
Starting point is 00:11:46 Or alternatively, OP is just completely asexual. Because he says that he's never seen anything like that before. I don't know what the average number of adult videos that a 20-year-old guy has consumed by that time, but it's got to be probably in the thousands at that age. You know, just on average. So the fact that this guy has never seen an outie before leads me to believe that he has never once looked up adult videos. So I think OP may just be completely asexual. That or very, very gay. Whoa, hold on. I'm going to the comments and a lot of people are saying that OP must be addicted to adult videos and he has this
Starting point is 00:12:25 like unfair expectation of what girls are supposed to look like. But that can't be true. That doesn't make any sense because if you go to the hub, there's girls of all shapes, sizes, colors, weights, hair colors, innies, outies, everything imaginable. So the only way that he could not see an Audi is if he intentionally searched for Innies only, which means he does know what they are. So that doesn't make any sense. So I don't think this is an adult video addiction.
Starting point is 00:12:54 That can't possibly be the case. Our next Reddit post comes from LostYogurt. It just hit me that my divorce is real. My wife doesn't wanna give us another try. I'm going through a divorce. We have a two-year-old son. I admit that when it's my time with my son, I'm floundering. I find it hard balancing my job, taking care of my son, and the other demands of my life. My life is in chaos. My flat looks like a mess and I'm barely hanging on. My marriage
Starting point is 00:13:21 fell apart because of the demands of my life and my wife felt like everything was on her shoulders. I assumed that she was having just as hard of a time because I asked if she wanted to stop the divorce and try counseling. She said no. Apparently she finds things easier now than when we were married, even though she has our son by herself half the time. Her job, being a lawyer, is even more demanding than mine. Ever since she said no, whenever I see her she's relaxed and content. Like she was when we first got married. It hit me that divorce is really happening.
Starting point is 00:13:56 I have to accept that and I won't give up trying to be the best I can for my son no matter how hard it is. But when the realization hit me that there's no stopping the divorce, it gutted me. Yo, this post is such a self-report because if his life is in shambles and his apartment is a mess now that he's separated, clearly that means that his wife was doing all that. She was doing all the cooking, all the cleaning and all the childcare. So I don't blame her for dumping him. And you know what the really sad thing about this post is?
Starting point is 00:14:26 He doesn't even seem sad that he lost his wife. He seems sad that he lost his… maid who he also gets to sleep with. Our next Reddit post comes from r slash relationship advice. How do I inform this woman who's 29 that she is not my girlfriend? I'm in a peculiar situation. This woman we'll call Rachel is under the impression that we're NOT my girlfriend. I'm in a peculiar situation. This woman we'll call Rachel is under the impression that we're in a relationship. This has been going on for 4 years now. I've never asked her to be my girlfriend, but there was a miscommunication
Starting point is 00:14:55 at some point. Now, I won't lie, I played into it a lot and I shouldn't have. I did all the couples things that couples do, but I never asked her to be my girlfriend at all or referred to her as my girlfriend. I never stopped her from her calling me her boyfriend or wanting to celebrate our anniversary. In my mind, however, I was single. So when I hear her ask about marriage or moving in together, it makes no sense. I figured that she would one day realize that I never asked her to be my girlfriend, but so far she never has. Everything was fine, until about a month ago, I met this beautiful woman. There's this food truck that isn't far from my house. I asked her for her number and we hit it off. Things are getting serious and I'm going to ask her to be
Starting point is 00:15:42 my girlfriend soon. Before I do, I need to address the elephant in the room with Rachel. Wow, this type of logic might work for, I don't know, seven year olds? But in the real world, this is just delusion. I mean, what does this guy think? That real life is like middle school where you have to pass the girl a note in class that says, will you be my girlfriend? Check yes or no and please return. That was r slash am I the devil. And if you liked this content, be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit
Starting point is 00:16:15 podcast episodes every single day.

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