rSlash - r/Choosingbeggars Boomer Seeks Free Child Slave Labor

Episode Date: December 6, 2021

r/Choosingbeggars Hey kids, how would you like to travel out to some old dude's farm and spend your entire weekend hauling heavy bails of hay up to the top of a barn... for free?! I know, it sounds to...o good to be true. It's so nice of this boomer to give kids an opportunity to do back-breaking labor for the incredible price of $0/hour. Honestly, it would be rude to turn him down. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to our slash-choosing beggars, where a girl is looking for a simp to give her a free apartment. Hi, I'm interested in the rats. You said they're friendly, right? My four-year-old daughter really wants one. Yeah, they're super friendly. Let me know when we can meet. They do best in groups, so I recommend getting two or three. Okay, that's fine, but I don't have any money, so give them to me for free. Unfortunately, I can't do that. These are pet rats, and I want to make sure they'll be safe, so I charge a $5-homing fee per rat. If you, thank you for ruining my daughter's birthday, I hope your rats all get eaten by snakes.
Starting point is 00:00:38 And if $5 is too much to acquire the pet, then how do you expect to buy a cage for them, buy food for them, buy toys for them? What? Hey, I hope this isn't a problem, but I got your phone number from a mutual friend, Blank, and he said it was okay to message you about making something. It's fine, what are you looking for? He said you've done like cornhole boards. Yeah, I've done some, they're posted on my Facebook page. I need a set. How
Starting point is 00:01:05 soon can you make them? Well, I would need to go get materials, so I couldn't even start before next weekend, and then it depends on what you want. I want cornhole boards. Yeah, but do you want them painted in some way? Oh, yeah. Like, University of Texas themed maybe, or one University of Texas themed, and one Bama themed. And let me just say real quick that I don't watch football, I don't care about football, so it's possible that I'm not pronouncing Bama correctly, and it's possible that UT stands for like, University of Tennessee, and like, I don't know, I don't care, I really don't care, I don't watch football.
Starting point is 00:01:40 So if I'm doing something wrong here, just please understand that I just don't care. Okay, no problem. Just pick whichever you want and I can do that. University of Texas and Bama since me and my boyfriend like different teams. That won't be a problem. Just send me a picture of what you'd like them to look like. Well, just make them University of Texas themed and Bama themed. Okay, but there's different ways to do that. I'm not sure I can do an elephant, but I can do an A for sure. Well, do the University of Texas logo like on your page, and just try to do Bama similarly. Yeah, that'll be easy enough. It'll be about two weeks minimum
Starting point is 00:02:16 because I'm on overtime for work. Isn't this your work? No, this is a hobby. Okay, I didn't know since you had a business page. No problem, it's just a good way to show work. How much for the boards? Around 160. $160? What? Hand painted and sealed.
Starting point is 00:02:34 Yeah, about 160. What about bags? I don't make bags, I never have, but I've heard they're not hard to do. So $160 and no bags? Yeah, is that an issue? No, it's well It's just that bling said that you charged him less. I don't remember, but if I did it's likely because I've known him for 20 years And it was a gift to his dad if I'm thinking right. That's not exactly fair, is it? Fair? That I charged a close friend less? I can only do 160 if you make the bags. Well, I don't make bags, so sorry, but lots of people make boards.
Starting point is 00:03:14 Okay, well, can you work with me on the price then? What were you thinking for the price? Well, is 160 your best price? Like, is that your pretty girl price? What? I just have a normal price. Well, you have a friend price, so you have other prices too. Even on my friend price, I made a little profit, but you and I are not friends, so what I
Starting point is 00:03:38 did for my friends isn't your concern. But we have mutual friends. Good luck with your shopping. I can't believe this girl tried to get a But we have mutual friends. Good luck with your shopping. I can't believe this girl tried to get a pretty girl discount over text. Over text, text you guys. Well, I know that you can't see me so that you can't see that I'm actually pretty, and I also said that I have a boyfriend, so obviously nothing can ever happen between us, but since I'm pretty, and I promise I will be in pretty, couldn't you charge me less?
Starting point is 00:04:09 I posted a trampoline on here the other day and on Facebook. It was free to collect, and I had many requests. The first person who contacted me, I had to wait for a reply for 30 minutes, which I thought was fair, but then I got no reply until 2.30pm the next day. I gave away the trampoline to the next person who requested it because she wasn't replying. Yesterday, she replied saying that I had let her daughter down because she was going to get her the trampoline for her Christmas because she's disabled. She said that I ruined her Christmas and she was not pleasant in her messages. Anyway, I blocked her because the trampolines found a new home.
Starting point is 00:04:46 I can't believe the cheek on some people. How long do they expect you to wait for a reply? And I don't know how I ruined her Christmas because if I didn't list the items, she wouldn't have had the trampoline anyway. Sorry for the rant. Some people make me so mad then they blame you when you're doing them the favor.
Starting point is 00:05:04 Heh, down in the comments, Orcate points out exactly what I was thinking. me so mad, then they blame you when you're doing them the favor. Down in the comments, Orc 8 points out exactly what I was thinking. If the child is really disabled and desperately wanted to trampoline for Christmas, then it's her mother that ruined her child's Christmas by not responding to your text ahead of others. Looking. Oh man, this post. Looking for a simp to provide accommodation in London. I'm a female in her 20s looking for free accommodation in London provided by a simp.
Starting point is 00:05:32 I'm not offering anything in return. The only thing you will get is living together in the same property as me and being able to serve me and fulfill whatever demands I might have. Get in touch with exact details about yourself and what you're offering to be considered. Responses with your demands or requests will be ignored because you clearly cannot read that this is about serving me, not you.
Starting point is 00:05:56 I couldn't care less about what you want or need. You know, this post seems absurd, but 2021 is kind of the year of the SEMP, so I wouldn't be surprised if she actually got an offer. Also some people in the comments are pointing out that maybe this is like a financial domination king which exists, it's like a thing, where people like control your money and you have to spend money on them and it's just like a way to dominate their bank account essentially.
Starting point is 00:06:23 But I don't really understand why you would need some girl off a Craigslist to do this for you, because the IRS does this to me every damn month. On this next post, Starbucks is offering free coffee to veterans and active duty military members. And beneath that post, we get comments like this one. Does this include the boyfriends and girlfriends of those who are active in the military? Starbucks replies, hi Annie, this offers only valid for veterans, military service members and military spouses. And then another girl replies, and if my vet doesn't drink hot coffee, he all should offer
Starting point is 00:06:55 a little more variety for those who served our country and fought for our freedom to make and pass Starbucks. Hey man, I noticed you've been losing a ton of weight and been getting pretty fit now. Thanks dude, just trying to be more conscious of what I eat and dedicating more time to the gym. Would you be able to train me and give me your diet plan? Yeah, no problem. I really don't have a diet plan, I'm just more aware of when I put junk into my body.
Starting point is 00:07:19 I can be free to train you after work, so any weekdays after 5. I'm not free in the afternoon, would you be able to take me during the workday to train me? No can do. What about weekends? I can show you some pointers that you can carry out on your weekday workouts. I don't have a gym membership yet. I was hoping you can just guest me at the gym until I get one. I can guest you when I'm available, but it doesn't look like our schedule's match up
Starting point is 00:07:42 well. I honestly think that if you can get your own membership it can help to motivate you to go solo. I don't want to pay 10 to 20 bucks a month right now. Never mind, I'll ask someone else to help me. Hmm, sounds like he doesn't really want help. Sounds like he just wants a free gym membership. Hey, do you do video edits? I do, what kind of edit do you need? I just need you to stitch some clips together, add some music and some text as well. Sure thing, I'd be happy to do that for you.
Starting point is 00:08:10 What's the approximate length? About 10 minutes, I also need it before a two. Do you think you could do that? As in 2 p.m. or 2 a.m. 2 p.m. today. Wait a minute, hold on, they're talking at 1. at 1.18 pm so the turnaround time on this is 40 minutes. I'm out on a walk right now but I can run back home and start work on it in 5 minutes. I might have it done by 2 if I rush but keep in mind it'll cost extra.
Starting point is 00:08:37 Okay nice thank you how much is it? 20 euros. Are you kidding me? No! I'm home now, and this price is only 5 Euros more than my normal price. 20 Euros for less than 1 hour's work is actually insane. You're exploiting me right now. I'm charging more because this is extremely short notice. Dude, do you understand how much I need this? I'm legit gonna get fired if I don't get this done. Okay, here's the video. Okay, I'll get started on it if you agree to my price.
Starting point is 00:09:10 You are literally holding me ransom right now. You're sick in the head if you think this is funny. It's entirely up to you if you want to pay the 20 euros or not. Okay, I'll pay you the money. Just get it done. Just add some upbeat music and add a title of Q3 Report 2021. Okay, here's the video. My PayPal is blank. Nice one, although I don't feel like paying.
Starting point is 00:09:34 Ha ha ha ha. Fine by me. Eh, if you, why did you lock the file you little B word, eh, if you? Ha ha ha. I'm sorry, I thought you didn't feel like paying. Even if you change your mind, your payments will be refunded. No, F off, don't do this, just unlock the file, please. And she sent this message at 1.59 pm, and then at 2 pm OP replies, I don't really feel
Starting point is 00:10:03 like it. What's so funny about this post is that down in the comments, OP points out that he originally sent the file unlocked. However, instead of just downloading the file, this woman decided to gloat to him about how she wasn't going to pay, which gave him the opportunity to go lock the file. So if she had just downloaded it instead of being a jerk, then she would have won, but no, she just had to gloat. Are there any strong local kids that need some community service hours and when a good workout?
Starting point is 00:10:30 You must not be allergic to hay. Experience unloading hay off a wagon into a loft is a bonus. Bales are approximately 60 pounds. If no one's interested in it for community service hours, I'm just looking for someone to do it at my mom's barn at a low raid and sooner than later. Oh man. And then OP posted picture of what must be, I don't know, probably a hundred individual bales of hay. And I've never, never bailed hay in my life. I didn't know there were 60 pounds, but this looks like torture. This looks like absolute torture. How do they even get bales of hay to the top of a barn? Do they throw?
Starting point is 00:11:07 I'm not a farmer, I don't know how this works. Do they throw 60 pound bales of hay up? Like a story into the top of the barn that can't be right? Do they carry them up? Like haul them up, climb the mountain of hay, to put them on the top? How does this work? This looks like absolute dick torture.
Starting point is 00:11:24 And this guy expects kids to come do it for free? Why? Why? Who? Why? What's wrong with kids these days? They don't want to come to some stranger's house and haul 60 pound hails of bait to the top of some barn. Ginzears these days need to learn some respect. In search of a housekeeper who will accept payments in Mary K products I need someone to clean my house every other week P.M. Me for details for those who don't know Mary K is an MLM Which which means is choosing beggar purchase? My guess would be thousands of dollars of Mary K products
Starting point is 00:12:02 She can't sell them because that's how most MLM schemes work and now she's trying to find some way to turn it into value by getting free labor for house cleaners essentially. Selling desk for 10 bucks. I won it. Great, it's still available. Yay, how much free. I don't understand your message. It's free, right? Or 10 bucks? It's 10 bucks and you have to pick it up. I'll deliver, but for a fee depending on distance. Are you serious? Wow! Oh, well, I'm on 27th and Glendale.
Starting point is 00:12:34 We can't take it apart, so I'll give you five more dollars to deliver. That's a 42-mile round trip for me, and it would cost me ten bucks and fuel alone. Please pick it up for ten dollars or I'll deliver for forty dollars. I understand that these options don't work for you. Thanks. I drove to Mace it to suck dick for a hundred bucks before so that must have been a wonderful time. So good luck to you. I don't understand why this choosing beggar is being so belligerent about this. Why doesn't she just go suck some guy's dick and then buy 10 desks? I would have loved to have heard the phone call.
Starting point is 00:13:11 Hey, are you the guy with the dick? Huh? You mean the desk? Oh yeah, right, the desk. I confuse you with this other guy. I really like the idea of using BJs as a standard unit of measurement to determine how much things cost. If when BJs is 100 bucks, you'd be like, man, that new video game looks awesome, but it costs half a BJ. That's pretty pricey.
Starting point is 00:13:34 Or man, a new computer costs a thousand dollars? That's 10 BJs! I just don't have the appetite for that. That was our slash choosing beggars, and if you like this content, be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day. That was our slash Choosing Beggars, and if you like this content, be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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