Episode Date: February 15, 2020

r/Choosingbeggars What's wrong with influencers nowadays? It seems like every Instagramer with more than 1,000 followers suddenly thinks that they're god's gift to mankind, and everybody owes them ton...s of free stuff. Lady, if you were successful enough that an instagram post from you actually mattered, then you're successful enough to actually buy the product! Be sure to subscribe if you want to see more videos like this one! Watch on YouTube: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 To support sustainable food production, BHP is building one of the world's most sustainable cottage mines in Canada. Essential resources responsibly produced. It's happening now at BHP, a future resources company. Welcome to our slashtusing veggers where exposure pays the bills. Yo, what's up brother? How you been? Hey, really sorry.
Starting point is 00:00:23 Who's this? Blank from the New Year's Eve thing at Blanks House. Oh yeah, my bad. Yo, what's up brother? How you been? Hey, really sorry, who's this? Blank from the New Year's Eve thing at Blank's house. Oh yeah, my bad. I forgot to add your name to the contacts. What's up? I saw on your Instagram that you draw. Do you do any art for friends and stuff? I have before, yeah. I'm super busy these days though, so not as much. I have an Etsy shop, blank, that you can look at if you want to buy something.
Starting point is 00:00:44 Bro, I really want to draw in for my room like this. I mean, like I said, I've gotten super busy, so I only paint off and on. All the pieces I have are online if you look me up. Also, I'm not sure that that's a painting, by the way. It looks suspiciously like Photoshop. Do just make this one for me. You know me, so it's like for family. Even if I had the time, that piece would take weeks to make. It would also be expensive between the canvases and the paint. Bro, come on, how hard can it be?
Starting point is 00:01:17 You have to think about other people too, not just yourself. I can post a picture of it online and people will come and buy it from you more Okay, two things first you know There's like a meme online about people asking for free stuff and promising exposure as payment Second, what? I told you I'm busy. It's not personal. There's plenty of artists on Etsy that take commissions Yeah, but that probably costs more than if you just did it.
Starting point is 00:01:45 You're being selfish. Blank told me you gave her one for free. Yeah, for a birthday, over the summer. And it was way smaller than what you once. Whatever, you probably just can't make it because you're not good enough and you're trying to find an excuse. Okay, I don't have time for this right now. I hope you have a good night. Come on, man, just do it for me. You're so annoying. I know you're only doing this because you're not good enough. Come on, bro, please.
Starting point is 00:02:15 It would look so cool in my room. You're a piece of trash and your art sucks. Hey, you changed my mind. I'll do it for you totally free. Yo, thank you, my guy. How soon can you have it done? I can come pick it up if you want. Oh, thank you so much.
Starting point is 00:02:33 I'll even throw in 20 bucks because I'm sorry I tried to blow you off. You're a real one. How soon? I'll finish it tonight. I'm dropping all my other priorities. Sick! It's done. What the heck? It's been less than an hour. What can I say? I work fast when I'm motivated. Here you go. And then OP post an image of something that looks like he made in about 5 seconds. Are you joking? I'm into real drawing, a big one. You're
Starting point is 00:03:03 so stupid. And that looks like trash anyway. I guess you're actually the worst artist I've ever seen. I hope you die waste of my time. Idiots. Sometimes I have to wonder if choosing beggars are honestly less intelligent than normal people because for whatever reason they seem to be completely oblivious to sarcasm. How on earth did that moron not figure out that OP was messing with him?
Starting point is 00:03:31 For set up, I parked for working a giant car park that shared by McDonald's in a supermarket. The supermarket also has a sandwich jelly that serves fresh, huge, pretty healthy sandwiches and similar products. This was after work and I was famished so I decided to be naughty and grab a snack from the McDonald's. As I was doing so I got stopped by a beggar asking if I could help him out with some food. I'm somewhat jaded with encounters such as this so I say I can get him a specific thing from McDonald's if he's happy to take that. Not just offering cash or I'm gonna get badgered. The beggar looks nervous, clears his throat, and says he would prefer something different. If possible, sandwiches from the deli are much more filling and healthy than a McDonald's snack.
Starting point is 00:04:13 If possible, and only if possible, would I mind getting him a sandwich from the deli instead of a cheeseburger or whatever? Dude looked so ashamed and nervous about asking me to go an extra step on his behalf, but he was right. I tell the dude to not sweat it and wait right there. As I'm making the order at the deli, I tell the worker about the whole thing. She finds it so sweet she gives me three sandwiches for the price of one to take out to the guy. The guy tears up when he sees the small feast I brought out for him. And I tell him to thank the deli worker as well, since she contributed to.
Starting point is 00:04:46 He mutely offers me one of the sandwiches and we go back and forth for a bit. He's insistent that this is so nice I need to have one to enjoy myself too. It's only dropped when I point out that the sandwiches were specifically a gift from the deli to him. It would be stealing if I took them. So this guy was literally a choosing beggar. I was going to offer him a cheeseburger or some chicken nuggets. He specifically tried to choose something else. It was also one of the nicest moments in my life. Thank you for reading.
Starting point is 00:05:15 Haha, I think this subreddit has made me too cynical. I kept expecting this order to take some dark turn like him being like, what the f you got mayonnaise disgusting and just like throws the sandwich across the parking lot. But hey, I can post a whole some story every now and then. Hello, would you like to do some sort of collaboration? I'd love to share your work in my account if you're interested. Depending on what you were thinking, I might be open to the idea of a collab. A collaboration with another artist is something I've been really wanting to do, so I'd love to hear your ideas. Cool!
Starting point is 00:05:48 My idea was for you to send me a box of your pins, slash stickers, slash art prints, and then for me to do an unboxing video on my Instagram or my YouTube channel. I appreciate the offer, but I only send out free things to people who win the giveaways that I occasionally hold. You're more than welcome to join in one. I always announce them here on Insta. Also, all of my pins in the respective stickers are available for purchase in my shop. The link for that is in my bio. I didn't want them for free. My payment would be in the amount of traffic you would get coming from my account. I have over 50 times the amount of followers you have, so you
Starting point is 00:06:23 would gain a lot and sell much more of your pins and stickers. Again, I appreciate that, but as an independent artist slash business owner, I'm not really able to send out free things that often. Not only is it the cost of the product, but I would have to actually pay the shipping cost as well. Thank you, but no. It would be an investment into your business, and if you can't afford to invest in your own business, maybe you shouldn't be trying to sell things anyway. I already said I wasn't asking for anything for free. This is no different than paid advertising. I never said I couldn't afford to invest in my business. I said I couldn't afford to send anyone anything for free, which is what you're asking me
Starting point is 00:07:04 to do considering I don't accept exposure as payment It's still a no. My pens are available for purchase through PayPal and my shop or you could potentially win one during a giveaway That's it. I'm not going to pay you and then give you free traffic to your page. Why would I do that? Lol. I would be giving you money and exposure. How does that benefit me at all? If you can't afford to fund your own business, that's not my fault and it doesn't mean I'm doing anything wrong. If you can't afford to purchase products from small businesses, that's not my fault and it doesn't mean that me not accepting your ridiculous offer is wrong. LMAO, I could afford your junky pens. I could buy them all if I wanted to.
Starting point is 00:07:48 I don't want your junky pins. I offer to do you a favor and to make content for my followers. You just don't see the value in it. I make plenty of money, much more than you I bet, so don't tell me what I can and can't afford. B****. I'm sure that you do. Again, I'm a small business owner trying to make a living. I'm glad you can afford to buy the things you want. Since that's the case, consider never asking an artist to give you free things again,
Starting point is 00:08:15 because it's super rude and really not appreciated. Have a good night. I didn't ask for anything free. What part of I had 50 times more followers than you didn't you understand. That was your payment. I didn't ask you for anything free. Are you stupid? You can't read.
Starting point is 00:08:34 When my local grocery store starts accepting exposure as a valid form of payment, I'll hit you up. Your pins are ugly. That's why you're broke and can't afford your own business. Stupid. Ugly! That's why you're broke and can't afford your own business. Stupid! This is basically what happens when an Instagram influencer tries to buy something using shrewt bucks. Is the couch still available? Yeah. $15.
Starting point is 00:08:55 What? $15 for the couch. You're kidding, right? My post says price is not negotiable. Okay, but I don't have $400. I only have $15. Please, man, I need this couch. Money's tight AF. And plus, I saw another guy selling it for a cheaper price. Hook me up, would you? I'm your friend, after all. Okay, we're not friends.
Starting point is 00:09:24 We've only ever talked like seven times. I know dang well money isn't tight for you. You bought a $90,000 car like a week ago. And if you saw another guy selling here for cheaper, why don't you buy it from him? As the world's population grows, so does the need for resources like Potash to support sustainable food production.
Starting point is 00:09:44 This is why BHP is building one of the world's most sustainable Potash mines in Canada. Essential resources responsibly produced. This is what BHP has committed to Canada. The future is clear. It's happening now at BHP, a future resources company. To discover how, visit slash BetterFuture. Your business has grown fast, from opening your first location
Starting point is 00:10:14 to planning an expansion in no time. And with your business platinum card from American Express, you can access spending power and payment flexibility to fuel your growth. Sarah, the contractor's here with the plans. American Express, don't do business without it. Terms and conditions apply visit slash business platinum. Okay, F you then stupid grunt.
Starting point is 00:10:40 B****. Hope your parents die in a car crash. Archibald Kalos adds this in the comments, tell them that your parents did die in a car crash and all they left you was the couch. This next post is an update to a previous post that I covered on my channel. On that post, an entitled mother used her friend as a babysitter and one time they just dropped off their kids with zero notice and OP couldn't take the kids that time, so she turned them down.
Starting point is 00:11:09 Also, one time while picking up the kids, the husband noticed that OP was a painter and so he asked her to paint him a free painting for Christmas. So of course, the entire mother demanded that the babysitter give her free paintings, which the babysitter denied and that paintings, which the babysitter denied, and that led to a huge fight. And as a result of the fight, the babysitter refused to take the kids on future dates. Then the entitled mother sends the babysitter this. Hello, I wanted to talk to you about some things. I've been incredibly busy these past few weeks with the holidays and the kids, and I wanted to take some time to think about this.
Starting point is 00:11:46 I was very angry at you and did not respond right away because it would have been a very bad exchange on my part. I'm not going to lie, I'm still a bit upset. Here's why. One, you refuse to not open the door for my kids. My kids! What if it had been an emergency? Do you only care about the money? I don't care what Blank said. You as a friend should have known that this would bother me. What you do to my kids is if you were doing it to me, I still can't understand how you
Starting point is 00:12:18 refused to help me with my babies. I know you don't understand because you haven't been blessed enough to be a mother. You don't know the feeling of your kids getting rejected. Blank lost a big project too, which we lost a lot of money on, so thank you. 2. About your exchange with my husband. You know he's a jokester and likes to pick on you. You just don't have thick skin. You're the most emotional person ever and need to get a grip of yourself. He thought it would make your day to have someone interested in your art, which I'm sure that doesn't happen often.
Starting point is 00:12:56 He was joking, playing around. I did tell him a while ago that the painting you did for Blank was gorgeous and I wish you would have done the same for me as a wedding gift. You didn't give me anything. And honestly, a gift like that would have been so cool, but I never told Blank to commission a painting from you for Christmas. I'm not trying to be rude, but I don't want to get a painting for Christmas when I can get Louis Vuitton shoes. I know this sounds bad, but I'm sure that's why he asked you to gift it to me. I don't see myself or him ever really paying for art. I never really was into it and don't think it's worth it.
Starting point is 00:13:35 I know I probably sound rude, but I'm sorry it's the truth. No one wants a painting as a Christmas gift. 3. I've talked to Blink and we come to a decision and we're not going to pay you for babysitting nor are we replacing your iPad. He lost a big contract that day you didn't open the door and I just think it's fair that you need to make it up to us this way. Blank has really opened my eyes and made me realize most of my friends want us to fight and see us in ruins. Maybe even divorce because they don't have a beautiful family like we do. You and others just like you, milk us every way you can.
Starting point is 00:14:15 Raising kids takes a village and you as a friendship help out. You never know, you could end up pregnant or needing a favor from me someday. How'd you like me to just leave the door closed for you? Or ask you to pay me when you're supposed to be my friend. Friends help each other without always asking for money. Blank is right. You first said that my kids broke your iPad, so we'd give you a new one because you think we can afford it. Wait, wait, wait. Did you read what your husband wrote to me?
Starting point is 00:14:45 He said he won't be bringing the kids ever again. I am not a babysitter. I was not giving a heads up and I leave my phone on Do Not Disturb because I have problem sleeping. I didn't commit to babysitting your kids. You can't be mad at me because your husband didn't plan ahead.
Starting point is 00:15:00 I got paid for Blanks' painting. Her in-laws bought it for it and they asked me to do the painting two months in advance. I took close to three weeks to finish that painting and I was compensated for it. I can't work rushed and your husband asked me a week and a half before Christmas. The oil paint wouldn't even have been dry by then. Either way, it's expensive to paint. Look how much paint tubes are, plus my time. I can't rush art. I've tried and it comes out looking rushed.
Starting point is 00:15:30 Plus you didn't invite me to your wedding. I don't think I'm awake yet because I'm having a hard time understanding this logic of yours. Your kids are not in my responsibility. You mention that it takes a village to raise kids. I disagree. I have no right to raise anyone else's kids. It's not my responsibility. You mentioned that it takes a village to raise kids. I disagree. I have no right to raise anyone else's kids. It's not my responsibility. Also, your kids confessed that they were fighting over who would use my iPad and they broke it when they were wrestling.
Starting point is 00:15:55 Do you remember that? Please pay me at least half for the babysitting and replace my iPad. You can even purchase a used one. Please, please be fair. Well, you could have told them to say that, or the iPad was broken already. Either way, you shouldn't leave expensive valuables up around when kids are around. You'd know that if you had kids. I didn't. My iPad was in my bedroom and asked them to stay away from it, and they found it when I was busy chasing your toddlers, making sure they didn't destroy the house.
Starting point is 00:16:26 I think your older kids are old enough to know not to fight or destroy things that aren't theirs. If you're not going to pay me for babysitting, please replace my iPad. Also, please answer the phone. I think we could solve this faster and smoother through a phone call. I'm busy making money and taking care of my kids. Don't have time to sit around and be sad and blame others about how bad my life is going. I already said what I had to say.
Starting point is 00:16:52 I gave you a chance, but you value money more than us. This friendship is over. It sends me so much that you tried to screw us over. How much is our friendship worth to you? A few hundred dollars? We lost thousands on the contract and here I am trying to mend things with you even when you and Blank were spreading rumors that my husband treats you badly. Put yourself in my shoes.
Starting point is 00:17:19 I think this is Blank or maybe it's Blank. What you're doing is extremely selfish. And you know what, you shouldn't have texted me at all to tell me all this. What is it going to be now? You're charging me for the contract that your useless husband lost? GTFO. You're effing entitled, you know. My husband makes six figures in a year.
Starting point is 00:17:41 That's more than you'll ever make in your lifetime. Blank was right. You're a bunch of jealous brats. Can't believe I stuck up for you all this time. You hate my husband or you hate that you'll never have a successful man like me. Well, F you. Then OP decides to take her to small claims and this is what she sends. Blink showed me the post you posted about me online. I'm sorry. I'll be honest, the one that wrote those texts was my husband.
Starting point is 00:18:13 I agreed to it, but I've been feeling extremely guilty. He was pretty mad that he had to take the kids with him to the meeting that day and said he lost money because of you. Please forgive me. I can't pay you. I don't have the money to afford it. I'm the one paying for all the household expenses. Blank isn't contributing much.
Starting point is 00:18:35 Blank and I are not doing good financially and he hates to admit it. That's the reason our last babysitter left us. I don't expect you to believe me or want to be friends with me anymore and I understand it. I know your living situation is bad and I haven't been able to sleep knowing we lied to you. Please don't take us to small claims. Forgive me please. I'm not sure what to do with Blink now but I just wanted to let you know I'm not sure what to do with Blank now, but I just wanted to let you know I'm not the monster those people say I am Man, that's a whole lot of words to say. Please don't hold me accountable for my actions. I don't like spending money
Starting point is 00:19:15 I would rather have all that money for myself Thanks that was our slash choosing beggars and if you like this video then let me know by hitting that like button because it really helps my channel That was our slash choosing beggars and if you liked this video then let me know by hitting that like button because it really helps my channel.

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