rSlash - r/Choosingbeggars Seeking New iPhone, New TV... YOU Must Pay!

Episode Date: March 23, 2020

r/Choosingbeggars The logic of today's choosing beggar is pretty straightforward: They want a new phone and new tv; therefore, some stranger should feel obligated to buy it for them... AND deliver it their house. As you might expect, the choosing beggar gets some pretty ridiculous responses from people in the comments! If you like this video and want to see more, hit the subscribe button! Watch on YouTube: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're flying to meet with a new supplier to keep your business growing. And with the business platinum card from American Express, you can earn $820 in new value and more, which includes a $200 travel credit toward your flight. Now, boarding business class. American Express, don't do business without it. Terms and conditions apply visit slash business platinum.
Starting point is 00:00:27 Welcome to our slash choosing beggars where a lady gets handed free money and think it's angry about it. On this next post Opie's friend accidentally sent money to the wrong number. Hello, I accidentally sent you money. I guess Mary Christmas hope it helps you out. I don't have money for food and to pay my bills. I need $3500. Thank you. Take your $35 back. True story. I had a lady call our clinic today saying she needed to be treated for the coronavirus because she traveled through LAX and happened to be near some Chinese people.
Starting point is 00:01:05 She proceeded to berate my medical assistant when my medical assistant informed her we had no tests for the virus, but that if she's having signs and symptoms, she would be best to go to the local emergency department. Plot twist, she had no insurance and wanted us to see her at no cost. Ultimately, the conversation ended poorly with the lady calling back and leaving a voicemail that she'll be coming in in the morning to... TIEVEMAN TO TALK TO THE MANAGER! I'm super pumped for her to be greeted by my Asian face. This lady doesn't have the coronavirus. This lady has the carino virus.
Starting point is 00:01:40 On this next post, OP makes and sells candles. Is this still available? Yes. Where are you located? Blacksburg. Same. What's the least you'll take for them? Seven dollars? You want to pay seven for all of them?
Starting point is 00:01:54 My kids sick with the stomach bug, and I'll have to take them out to see the doctor today, so I can meet. They're small except the big one, which is at Ollie's for $6. Then buy them at Ollie's? Bet. I'd rather buy him new than from a stupid little mouthy b****. Ah, if you'd rather buy them new, then why are you on the Facebook Marketplace? You stupid moron!
Starting point is 00:02:21 Hey, I have a wedding this Saturday and was wondering if you could do my makeup. Of course, send me some pictures for ideas. And then the choosing Becker sends an image. Okay, that'll be easy. I charge 15 bucks for eyes, 20 dollars for full face, and an additional 5 bucks if you don't bring your own lashes. WTF? Why so much? It's just for a few hours. Well, if you bring your own makeup, I shadow highlight lashes, foundation, et cetera. I can do a whole face for only 10 bucks since you're my friend. I don't have any good brand makeup like you do and barely have any foundation left.
Starting point is 00:02:57 Why would I pay for something that I'll only have for a few hours anyways? Can't you just do my intenseense Wear friends? It'll be good for practice. I promise you I've had plenty of practice. Considering you want to use my makeup, it'll take my time, skills, and I'll be using my inventory. Name brand makeup is not cheap, and if I did everyone's makeup for, then I never have money to get new products. Not to mention things like moisturizers and brush cleaners. Then get a job! Excuse me?
Starting point is 00:03:31 I'm in college. I have a job. But I can't use all the money I earn buying eye shadows so I can do other people's makeup for free when I have more important things to spend it on like books and tuition. You wouldn't ask an electrician to change your lights for free. Whatever, I'll just get Blink to do it. She does better anyways and I know she won't charge me. Considering Blink is one of my close friends, I know for a fact she'll charge you and probably
Starting point is 00:03:58 more than 15 bucks considering she's low on money and doesn't do favors. But good luck. And then OP reached out to her friend the other makeup artist. Hey, hey, did Blank text you asking you to do her makeup for the bridesmaid's position? No, was she supposed to? She said she was going to get you to do it because I refused to do it for free. Here, I'll send you the screenshots. Huh? Then OP posted screenshots. LMAO, she knows my price range doesn't change, I charge 40 bucks for a full phase and don't offer lashes.
Starting point is 00:04:31 You gotta bring your own. Also, I don't do bold looks like that anyways, I only have natural palettes I can't do colors like you can. She's out of luck then. I figured you'd say that, Loll. I'm not surprised she didn't message you, thanks. No problem babe. Ah yes, the classic choosing bigger argument. I can't afford it, so I need you to get a job so you can afford it to give it to me for free.
Starting point is 00:04:55 Hi, Blank. Wow. Can I just say I'm extremely impressed with not only the quality of the activity book, but also the speed in which it was ready. I thought, for a 17-year-old, you're incredibly talented, but not only are you 17, you're on minority. May I ask where you learn to create the pages? I'm not trying to steal your ideas at all. I'm just impressed. I'd like to order a second one for my son, Blink. I'd be willing to post your business on my blog and tell my mom, friends about it, in exchange for a double-length book at a reduced price. Maybe $15 instead of $50?
Starting point is 00:05:34 Trust me, the revenue you'll bring in will make up for it. Again, I'm entirely impressed with the quality of your work. Keep it up. Sincerely, blank. High-blank. I'm not insanely comfortable with your request at all. Saying I'm talented, for a minority, is not a compliment at all. It's extremely underhanded and rude.
Starting point is 00:05:56 While I might be 17, I'm providing a product for you and would like respect. Secondly, I'm a college student. Making activity books takes about an hour per page. Unless I stay up for days at a time, it takes a while for me to make a 20-page book. None the less of 40-page one. I refuse to do 40 hours of work for 15 bucks and exposure. If you have another offer or any questions, feel free to let me know. Thanks. I'm thoroughly disappointed. I thought you would be grateful for the opportunity, especially since you're most likely in a rough financial position.
Starting point is 00:06:30 I refuse to pay full price when I have equally valuable things to offer. This is not a sound business practice on your part. And when you mature, you'll see how great this could have been. After hearing about you from Blankank I was excited to work with you. However, she was right, you're irresponsible and unprofessional. Please contact me when you're ready to make adult decisions. Oh my god, this choosing beggar logic. I can tell that you're in a rough financial position. So here, let me help you out by getting a huge discount on your product. Next, we have an update to a previous Choosing Beggar's post. As a reminder, a girl in college had a book that the Choosing Beggar needed,
Starting point is 00:07:14 and OP offered to take pictures of the pages that he needed and send the pictures to him. But the Choosing Beggar refused and demanded that OP meet him at his house and said something to the effect of. Why don't you come to my house, are you afraid I'm gonna rape you or something? Anyways, OP post an update. Hey OP, it's blank. Someone else let me use his account since you blocked me on my one. Do you still have the book?
Starting point is 00:07:41 I need it for another essay, sorry. Still using it, I can send photos if needed, but I'm not meeting you anywhere to share it. Nothing even happened last time. I didn't even go to the library. Yes it did. Not in regards to the book, but I saw the post you made about me. Like I said, I'll send you photos of what you need because I'm way too nice, but I'm
Starting point is 00:08:04 not going to meet you anywhere and I'm not talking to you before or after any lectures. Girl, come on, I just need the dang book! I'll meet you in public that makes you feel safer, but I don't want photos. Dude, I'm not meeting you anywhere. It's photos or nothing. Should've thought about that before you made that post. If your next message isn't the page numbers or chapters, I'm not responding. Oh, for F's sake, you're always effing overreacting.
Starting point is 00:08:33 The post wasn't even about you. Good job reporting me to Blank by the way, but I guess it didn't work as you planned because I'm still here. Just give me the dang book. I can pick it up from Blink's Office if need be. We both have these modules together tomorrow. I'll see you. Isn't it also your birthday tomorrow? Might want to watch out before I give you a present and knock you the F out. F out. Uh, no answers now. You're an F-ing-woozy.
Starting point is 00:09:06 Probably why you got mugged. Easy targets. Hmm, let's see. Promising not to rate people. Victim blaming muggers and threatening to beat women over a book. I think it's time to report this guy to the campus authorities. This NBA season make every three-pointer alley-oop and buzzer-beater even more exciting with FanDuel.
Starting point is 00:09:28 Download the app today to see why we're North America's number one sportsbook. 19 plus in physically located in Ontario, Gamlin Tom Call 18665312600 or visit It's hockey season and you can get anything you need delivered with Uber Eats. Well, almost, almost anything. So no, you can't get you need delivered with Uber Eats. Well, almost, almost anything. So no, you can't get a nice rank on Uber Eats. But iced tea, ice cream, aren't just plain all ice? Yes, we deliver those. Golden Tenders no, but chicken tenders yes, because those are groceries and we deliver
Starting point is 00:09:58 those too. Along with your favorite restaurant food, alcohol, and other everyday essentials, order Uber Eats now. For alcohol, you must be legal drinking age. Please enjoy respons essentials. Order Uber Eats now. For alcohol you must be legal drinking age, please enjoy responsibly. Product availability varies by region. See out for details. Looking for a professional slash talented amateur photographer in the southeast or willing to travel down. I have some things coming up soon and some collaborations with some brands
Starting point is 00:10:20 and I need a few shoots done. As it'll be for some companies, I'll need to see some of your work as I need professional images. Shots will range from standing, jumping, XC, possibly beach. Obviously, I can offer massive exposure and promotion for your business, and happy to discuss some free of charge direct promotions in exchange for a shoot. Thank you. And if you're wondering how much exposure this world famous Instagrammer can offer, it's a whopping 76,000 follower account. Lady, if you're big enough for your exposure to actually matter, then you're big enough to pay people. Free puppies, these two Akita pups are looking for their forever home.
Starting point is 00:11:04 Both are male, playful, smart, and curious. They're 8 weeks old, vaccinated, and dewormed. Either will make the perfect family pets. So cute, I wish we didn't already have Luna. Adorable, you won't have any problem finding a home for these cuties. I want them both. YEEEW, we have to pay for the neuter. I'm sorry, we only have one left.
Starting point is 00:11:25 Unfortunately we can't cover the cost of neutering but it shouldn't be very expensive. I went both so make it happen. If you won't pay to fix the dogs, there will be some food or toys. I'm sorry but the puppy is no longer available. F you and your stupid dogs. You and your gay family are effing our words. Learn your- Heh heh heh.
Starting point is 00:11:47 Learn your breads. Those pups are obviously Saint Bernard's. Here's a word of advice about the world of dog breeding. Don't take advice about dog breeds from someone who thinks it's spelled dog breads. Posted to the off grid at Homestead Lady's Facebook group. I need your opinions if I'm in the wrong here. A friend of mine bought a house on a couple of acres.
Starting point is 00:12:07 She asked me to give her a few hints. By few she meant six and no roosters. I have 16 hints and we're a family of six so we have enough to keep us covered. I told her that I don't have hints to give her since we have just enough for us. Now she's mad. She said, well, it's not like chickens are expensive, so whatever. I told her to start out with chicks like the rest of us. Now she's extra mad, lol. She said she doesn't want to
Starting point is 00:12:35 wait six months for eggs. I got minus chicks, raised them, and waited for them to start laying. Should I have given her hints? I'll add that she wanted me to deliver them as well, about 40 miles. Lady, if chickens aren't that expensive, then you can buy your own! Hey babe, I finally put a date down for my wedding and was hoping that you'd come, obviously. But was also wondering if you'd be alright doing the photography there as well? Obviously you can invite a plus one. Let me know ASAP please. XXX.
Starting point is 00:13:10 Hey, all congratulations. Of course I love to, but I need to know when it is. The 22nd of August. I went photos taken before the wedding though. You know, when we're getting ready, so it's something to remember. Ah, okay. Yeah, I'm free then. I'll book it in now because I'm usually packed in August with weddings. I needed a deposit of 250 pounds in May. Don't worry, I've added
Starting point is 00:13:33 a friend's and family discount. Well, wait, seriously? Why do I have to pay? I assumed I wouldn't need to pay a single thing considering we were best mates at school. You didn't charge blank when it was her wedding. So why do I have to pay? Well, yeah, blank is my sister, and I didn't charge blank as it is a wedding gift from me, and she paid for my room at the hotel and my drinks all night. Not that that should even matter anyway.
Starting point is 00:14:03 Just because we were friends at school doesn't mean I have to give you freebies. This is my wage. If I don't charge you, then it wouldn't be fair to anyone else. Well, you can f- up. You're not coming to the wedding anymore, so f you're in by you fat jerk. Lovely. Thanks for your interest anyway. Have a lovely day. TV 42 inches. Free. Looking for someone who needs to give a TV to a good home and would be able to deliver it to us. Ours is a bad one.
Starting point is 00:14:33 HDMI 1 has a short in the TV and HDMI 2 has no sound. And we'll be throwing out this TV after we get a good one, so a donation would be great for us if possible, please. And then, people absolutely dog pile this choosing beggar in the comments. You want a free TV delivered to you because your HDMI ports don't work? Hey, Uncle, I got an idea. Get a job and put the crack down. Costco sells them. Go buy yourself one. 4K, only please. I don't like the 1080p. That's not how adulting works, you get a job and buy yourself a new TV.
Starting point is 00:15:11 Then you'll feel good about yourself and your choices. I want my 70 inch delivered, it better be smart too. Do you want a tampon delivered with it yet effing pussy? Get a job! Absolutely true story. I just got off the phone with a woman who's organizing an event this summer in Chicago to bring awareness to how underpaid most musicians and music teachers are. She wouldn't have known if I would do a short talk in performance. I told her I'd be honored to do both. When I told her my fee, she told me they wouldn't be able to pay me as... Payment for speakers and performers was not
Starting point is 00:15:45 in our budget. I asked her again what the purpose of the event was. What problem they were trying to bring attention to. When she told me, I told her to look in the mirror. Oh no, no, you may understand. We do believe performers should be paid just not by us. We don't have it in the budget, which implies we do have a budget for other things. Just, you know, not for the sole reason why we created
Starting point is 00:16:11 this organization in the first place. Am I really being greedy? My daughter's fourth birthday party is this weekend at a trampoline park. I'm paying $543 for this party of 20. I asked for the people who are coming if they could chip in a small portion. It's $22 a child, yet everyone got mad and said if they have to pay, they aren't coming. Am I really supposed to pay for 20 people to come to my child's birthday? That's been planned for months. Lady, if you get in a room with 20 people and every single person is mad at you and calling you a butthole, then the answer to the question is yes, you're the butthole, not them. Hi, I saw your art on TikTok and saw you make stickers. How much do you charge?
Starting point is 00:17:02 $3 per sticker, not including shipping. What are all the ones you have? Hang on, I'll send a picture. These are the ones I have that are already made. I have other options that I just haven't laminated yet, but it doesn't take me long. What do you mean? These were all drawings from my sketchbook. I took those and photocopied them and shrunk them.
Starting point is 00:17:20 Then I laminated them with an adhesive side and cut around the edges, labors of love and stuff. So you don't draw each one individually? No, I would take too much time. I think $3 is too much if it's not original work. Also, it's really unprofessional that you're swearing to customers. Load the F, I'm not a business, I just do this as a side hustle. It absolutely is a business and I'm going to report you for scamming people for fake art. You found me on TikTok. How on earth did you think I was a business?
Starting point is 00:17:55 If you give me hand drawn stickers for free, I won't report you. If you pay me. Does this kid think he's going gonna report OP to the TikTok police? Hey, I saw on your channel that you hit 10,000 subscribers and most people when they hit a lot of subs do giveaways, but you haven't done any. So, I was wondering if you can do a giveaway. I really need a new gaming console, gaming chair, and a gaming setup. It would be a good deed if I won. I'm giving you 250 Euro PSN cards. Is that okay?
Starting point is 00:18:30 It's not enough. You make enough money so give me at least 250 Euros. Jesus Christ, buddy. Calm down. You're getting 250 Euros, okay? Okay. Even though it's nothing. Here's 100 Euro code. That's also a 100 Euro code.. Here's a hundred Euro code.
Starting point is 00:18:45 That's also a 100 Euro code. And that's a 50 Euro code. Happy now? Not really, but things I guess. They're fake! You bastard! I hate you! I'm blocking you!
Starting point is 00:18:59 That's what you get for being a choosing beggar. Thanks for the free Reddit karma, by the way. So I went to go grab some coffee before class. And this homeless guy came in and was asking for food and everyone kept telling him no. So I decided to give him my sweet bread I had. He had the audacity to tell me that he didn't want bread. And I said wow that's really ungrateful. And he started to argue with me that why was I giving him bread when he wanted a burrito?
Starting point is 00:19:26 Alright, it's a literal choosing beggar. That was our slash choosing beggars. If you liked this video then hit that subscribe button because I put out new Reddit videos every single day.

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