rSlash - r/Choosingbeggars Unemployed Mom: "I ONLY DATE RICH MEN"

Episode Date: September 5, 2021

r/Choosingbeggars Fellas, have I got a girl for you! She's unemployed, lazy, entitled, and wants to drain you of every dollar you own! The woman in this dating profile genuinely expects to date a man ...who has a car, a job, and a solid 6-figure job, even though she brings absolutely nothing to the relationship. And to top thing's off, she has a kid and a baby-daddy. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to R-Slash, a podcast where I read the best posts from across Reddit. Today's subreddit is R-Slash Choosing Beggars, where someone expects you to pay $1,000 for a vegetarian meal. Selling Dorma Frigrator I love for 35 bucks. I'm in blank. I have Venmo. Hello? Hello, I'm in blank, and I have a fridge for 50 bucks cash. $35. No. You don't even need the money. Really? How do you know?
Starting point is 00:00:27 Because you live in a middle-class neighborhood. Then you don't even need the fridge, clearly. We view one star. On Friday, November 1st at about 11 a.m., I stopped by the Starbucks and I had the worst customer service that I've ever experienced in my life, I bought a breakfast sandwich at another Starbucks. I didn't have a chance to eat it for about an hour. I stopped at this Starbucks and asked if they could reheat it for me. The girl at the counter said, no, they can't do that. I asked why, and she said it was a health violation.
Starting point is 00:01:01 I asked her to make me another sandwich, and she said, no, we can can't do that and that I can buy another sandwich if I want. Any decent person would have either reheated the sandwich or would have offered to make me a new one. These are the type of people that will destroy a business. Okay so for those of you who are wondering why Starbucks couldn't just reheat the sandwich, let me tell you why that's a terrible idea. After OP bought the first sandwich, she could have put anything she wanted on the sandwich. Rotten fish, liquid fart prank materials.
Starting point is 00:01:33 She could have opened up the bread and took a steaming dump on it and then closed the bread, re-wrapped it and said, here, could you heat this up for me please? Then the entire Starbucks would have smelled like microwave rotten fish or turd or whatever, which would be, gosh, just disgusting.
Starting point is 00:01:50 And of course, they'd also have to close the place down and probably throw out the microwave entirely. So when she's talking about this being a simple request, no, it's not a simple request. It's like, lady, this is Starbucks. They're here to sell you coffee and sandwiches and like crepes or whatever. They're not your personal kitchen. This next post comes from a wedding invitation. So that we may prepare your preferred dinner, please circle your gift level and indicate a meal choice for each person in your party.
Starting point is 00:02:19 For a loving gift of up to $250, you get roast chicken or swordfish. For a silver gift of $251 to $500, you get sliced steak or poached salmon. For a golden gift of $501 to $1,000, you get flaming yawn or lobster tails. For a platinum gift of $1,001 to $2500 and above. You get two pound lobster plus a souvenir champagne goblet. Also, vegetarian and kosher meals are available at the platinum level. Please indicate this is your preference.
Starting point is 00:02:56 The favor of your reply is requested by the 13th of September. And then, down in the comments, and post in replies, Jesus, having Christ $1,001 to attend your vegetarian, how about you just eat my up for free? Yeah, I guess that makes sense. After all, it is tossing salad. Do you have your own spot? Car? Job? Sorry for the interrogation, Loll. I'm just not in to dating losers. I'm sure you can understand. I definitely understand, and I absolutely bought a house a while back. My dad helped me out a lot, but yeah, I do have a house. I also have a full-time job in two cars, Loll. One is strictly for work and one is for pleasure. Sounds like you've got it going for you. Thanks, love. So how about you?
Starting point is 00:03:46 How about me what? Car, crib, job? Why would I need one? That's why I'm looking for a man to take care of me and my kids. Men are providers. Didn't your mom ever teach you? I live with my mom. I get child support and I don't have a car yet. Is that a problem? I get child support and I don't have a car yet. Is that a problem? Haha. Dumpster Fire seeks full-time firefighter. Beneath that, a non-content adds, I met a girl years ago, and she was telling me that before she would even consider dating a guy,
Starting point is 00:04:17 he would have had to, at the very least, complete a master's degree. I asked her what her field was academically, and she pulled a similar thing to OP. What do you mean? So, I asked her what university she attended and what she studied. She replied that she didn't complete high school and that it was a man's role to provide and that she'd mind the kids. I should also point out that she already had two kids from two different dads. She was really classy.
Starting point is 00:04:43 I have to wonder, what do you think the odds are that her two other baby daddies each had master's degrees? Also, I hate to break it to you, but master's degrees aren't really all they're cracked up to be. Some are amazing, don't get me wrong. If you get a degree in medicine, or there's no master's degree in law, but if you get your law degree,
Starting point is 00:05:04 then that's obviously super, super valuable. But I have a master's degree in law, but if you get your law degree, then that's like obviously super, super valuable. But I have a masters degree in literary and cultural studies because I thought that I was going to become an English professor. And oh my god, that was a waste of money. And beneath that, we had this story from UES Foodie. Same, I knew a woman who was in her late 40s. She had a high school degree in work as a nanny.
Starting point is 00:05:24 She was never married, and she had overstayed her workpiece in the country. But her list of requirements was insane. He had to be within five years of her age, never married, no kids, and must be a doctor or attorney. He must attend opera or ballet, which she herself didn't go to, and be highly religious in her particular religion. On the rare occasions that she'd get a first date with a guy like that, she'd get mad at them for asking questions about her life.
Starting point is 00:05:52 Once a guy asked the last time she had seen her family back in her home country, and she flipped out because she thought he was snooping into her visa status. Man, I can't imagine the amount of copium these people have to be consuming on a daily basis. An unmarried doctor or lawyer with no kids is automatically in like the top 10% of most desirable man-to-day market. And she's bringing to the relationship what exactly? So one of my guilty pleasures that my wife and I really like is the Bachelor and the Bachelor app.
Starting point is 00:06:24 And watching the show sometimes is so frustrating because these people come on the show and they're really, really attractive people like solid aides and nines. Usually not like 10 out of 10s or not like supermodel attractive, but just like if one of these people came in the room, they're attractive enough that you would be like, wow, okay, that person's attractive. And they're like, well, I'm 28 and I just can't find the right guy to settle down with. And it's like, well, I can tell you what your problem is, your standards are too high. These people assume that just because they're super attractive, that they can find another
Starting point is 00:06:58 super attractive guy who's also like a really good person, a good provider, blah, blah, blah, all the other stuff of what they're looking for in a man or partner or whatever. But like, finding a good partner who just has a good heart, has a good family, has a good job, that's already super, super hard to do. You're already dealing with a really small dating pool. But then if you want to say, oh, but I'm also super attractive. So if I'm a 9 out of 10, then I expect my partner to be a 9 out of 10 too.
Starting point is 00:07:27 Then that shrinks your dating pool to an even tinier fraction of a fraction. So you end up with people like this woman, a single woman in her 40s who can't figure out why she can't get herself a rich man. Giving away a microwave for free. Is this still available? Address please. Yeah, I live in Elmer. Okay, I can't go there for just a microwave unless you pay me $25 for gas. I don't even know how to respond to you. Unreal.
Starting point is 00:07:55 So based on my understanding of these types of posts, what's really going on here is that choosing Beggar is planning on getting the microwave for free and then just reselling it probably even on the same website for like five or 10 bucks. I don't know if I would call it a scam exactly because it's not exactly taking advantage of OP in these situations and like if they're willing to put in the work to flip something and like hustle it out, then you know, more power to them I guess.
Starting point is 00:08:19 But this guy asking for 25 bucks shows that it's not about the gas, it's not about the microwave, it's that this guy is trying to exploit money out of OP, plain and simple. From what I've seen, the best way to give something away for free online isn't to listed for free, it's to listed super, super cheap at like 5% or 10%
Starting point is 00:08:38 of its normal value. And then when someone shows up, just be like, nah, don't worry about the cash, you can have it. It's a pretty effective strategy for weeding out all the people who are just in it to scam some money out of you. Hi, I play a 5P's Christian Rock Band and we're looking to record some of our music in your studio.
Starting point is 00:08:54 We don't really have endings to our songs, but we're hoping we can figure something out while we're in there. We have a strict time schedule and we're looking to book the studio for two days, and we saw that you charge about 200 bucks a day to hire out your studio. a strict time schedule and we're looking to book the studio for two days and we saw that you charge about 200 bucks a day to hire out your studio. I'll just stress this to you nicely. If we don't have an album of 9 tracks fully mixed and mastered by the end of the two days, then we will not pay you. We take the band seriously and we do not settle for mediocre deals. Hi, so you won a 9 track album, fully mastered and mixed in 2 days.
Starting point is 00:09:29 When you haven't even finished writing your songs, this sort of feels like going to a restaurant and ordering a burger or whatever and being like, look, I'll take your burger, but if I eat the burger and I'm still hungry afterwards, then I am NOT paying you for it. Or going to a gym and getting a subscription and being like, look, I'll work out in your gym, but if I don't lose 10 pounds in two days, I am NOT paying you. When is someone going to take this seriously? I have no family, no nothing, so my TV is very important. And no one is taking this seriously!
Starting point is 00:10:05 It's been three days now, and I really need someone to give me a computer or an iPad or something. I am only 56. How are older people coping without a TV? I'm fuming and upset! And then beneath this Facebook post someone replies, it's a bit rude demanding people give you a computer or an iPad. There's
Starting point is 00:10:25 more serious things going on than losing a few TV channels. Well said Mike, I couldn't have put it better myself. Thanks! Erigan to rude people like this really annoy me. Well OP, I would hope. I would sincerely hope that by the time you're 56 you have your life put together enough that you can go out and buy your own iPad. Hi. Anyway, I saw your work on R-Slasht Photoshop request, and I must say the skull art was really nice. So, I was wondering if you can make a character art from a description. I'll pay, but I don't have a sketch.
Starting point is 00:11:02 Yeah, thank you. I love to do this kind of character art Please send the description and the price would depend on how detailed you want it to be amazing I'll email you the details. It's a two-page PDF. What's your email? Then the choosing beggar sent this long PDF with a weird character backstory and mentions every single tiny detail of how they look That's really descriptive. It's nice to know what exactly you're trying to make them look like. It really helps, but it looks like it's a lot of work though. So $50.
Starting point is 00:11:33 Dollars? Uh, yes. It's okay, I guess. It had better be worth it. Oh yeah, it would be. I'm currently working on another project, but I'll jump on this as soon as I finish that one. You pay 25% in advance. Why? And what if I don't like the results? I mean, you liked my work. That's why you contacted me, right?
Starting point is 00:11:55 Bro, I don't have money right now. I'm getting paid in a few days. You'll get your money once it's done. Check my profile. I've paid people before in Photoshop requests subreddit. Okay, let's do it this way. You watermark it and send it to me full resolution after getting paid. Let me think.
Starting point is 00:12:12 Come on man, I really need this done. Please. Fine, I'll keep you updated once I begin the work. Awesome. Then, after finishing the work and making a few changes, OP sent them the final version, but then the dude went missing for two days. It's been 24 hours, bro. I sent you two emails and still no response, so what's up?
Starting point is 00:12:35 Listen, man, I can't just sit around with this one. I have other work to do. I've sent you an invoice. Whenever you get time, pay the money and I'll send you a full resolution on Watermarked files. I am NOT liking this, bro. I sent them money. I know it's less than what you said, but believe me, the last two days were the worst days of my life. I broke my leg, and I was in the hospital for two days. I couldn't even reply. I'm so sorry. I hope you understand. Nah, bro. $10 is not gonna do it. I'm so sorry. I hope you understand. Nah bro, $10 is not gonna do it. I spend more than 6 hours on this.
Starting point is 00:13:10 Also, I feel like you're BS-ing me. Pro, I swear. This is ridiculous man. I'm not gonna give it to you for $10. Why are you typing for so long bro? Don't waste your time. I am NOT giving it for anything less than the agreed upon price. Come on man, you literally work for free on other subs. I'm still paying you 10 bucks. Oh what?
Starting point is 00:13:32 I work for free when I want to. Not when someone promises to pay. I didn't do this in my free time, you know. This was a paid gig. Please. This is the exact reason why I wanted 25% in advance. No. Okay, so what are you gonna do with it?
Starting point is 00:13:48 You already made it. You're just wasting your work then. I would happily throw it away instead of giving it out for free. Bro, I sent you $10. Will another 5 do? $50. It's better to get $15 than wasting your work. It's okay, this is a learning lesson for me.
Starting point is 00:14:08 Listen, stop wasting your time. Don't message me anymore. I'll send you the files after you pay $40 more. I can't afford $50. So, I guess that's it. What a fool. Give me my $10 back. No.
Starting point is 00:14:24 You, Grunt. No, you grunt. I report you to PayPal. They'll block your account. That's enough of that. I have screenshots. I can't wait to show this to everyone. If you grunt, your work isn't worth that much money. Huh, classic.
Starting point is 00:14:39 Blocked. Alright, so OP said that he posted the art in another subreddit. And I had to go and I had to go look up what it was and it's basically every agey 13 year olds wet dream. For those of you who are listening but not watching, imagine this like, I guess, priest but he's got like half of a shirt so you can see his rippling biceps and his muscles and the guys got four arms wielding a giant spiky mace and magic hands and one of his hands instead of fingers Is this long long bloody sword and of course he's got some super cool medieval helmet
Starting point is 00:15:15 That's also covered up by a black hood and honestly. It's really good artwork It's just a shame that Opie got scammed by some 12 year old Unfortunately, I feel like this is a lesson that pretty much every single artist or freelancer has to experience at some point in your life. You'll have a client, they'll send you some red flags, which you ignore, and inevitably, you end up doing all this work for half price or no price. So, it sucks that you had to go through this OP, but in the grand scheme of things, $40 is a pretty cheap life lesson. That was our slash choosing beggars, and if you like this content, you can sponsor my
Starting point is 00:15:50 podcast to unlock extra episodes. Also, be sure to follow my podcast, because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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