rSlash - r/Choosingbeggars "WHY WON'T YOU LET ME COMMIT INSURANCE FRAUD?!"

Episode Date: May 3, 2021

r/Choosingbeggars This choosing beggar is so angry at OP! OP works as an insurance adjuster, and he's working on a claim where a young driver clearly broke the law and was responsible for a 3-car cras...h. Despite the kid obviously being at fault, his parents call up OP and scream at him because they expect him to pay for the damage to his car. OP tries to explain that their kid is clearly the one at fault, but they just won't listen. They even ask him how they're supposed to commit insurance fraud when he's being so uncooperative! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Enjoy the classic taste of the holidays at Tim's with the new non-alcoholic Bailey's flavored holiday menu. Whether you're hanging holiday lights or driving up to your folks, you can enjoy your Tim's and Bailey's anytime, anywhere at participating restaurants in Canada. Welcome to R-Slash, a podcast where I read the best posts from across Reddit. Today's subreddit is R-Slash choosing beggars where a guy complains because they won't let him commit insurance fraud. On this next post, OP has a business where he sells aquarium parts. This influencer message is OP, and the influencer doesn't have the best English, so bear with me on this post. I'm a tic-tucker with 300,000 followers. I get 13 million views in one month. I want to
Starting point is 00:00:43 collaborate with you and sponsor your page in exchange for something. I'll make many videos with sponsoring you. No thanks. But I have 13 million views a month. But all your posts are in Italian and they have nothing to do with aquariums, and you can't spell. On TikTok, I do speak about aquariums. Why? I'm offering you the opportunity to revive your site in exchange for almost nothing. You're in Italy, you can't spell, and I don't need your help.
Starting point is 00:01:13 This could be a collaboration that benefits both of us. Nah, I'm good. Do you ship to Italy? We don't ship to Italy. Our customers are 100% in a lower 48 states, so all of your influence is lost. F you bro, Italy is the best country. You are RASIST. That's racist spelled with two Zs. You are f'ing bankrupt to offends Italy.
Starting point is 00:01:36 Yeah, you're exactly the type of person I want talking about my business. You're a failure who doesn't recognize opportunities. And who's begging for free stuff here? Who has a dying shop here? Dying. How many views does your shop get in a month? A hundred? I get 13 million views a month. You're an effing failure. Life isn't about views, it's about sales. I've got more sales than I can handle. I employ 6 people. How many people do you employ? I'm going to passionately hug your daughter and your wife. I employ a manager and I have an agency with 7 figures on my account. You've racist against Italians butthole. That
Starting point is 00:02:21 would be a good trick since I don't have a daughter and my wife wouldn't give you the time of day with your spelling ability. Fox News Story A couple invited family and friends to their dream home for their weekend wedding celebration, saying that it was God's plan that they should get married there. There was just one problem. They didn't own the mansion, and they didn't get permission from the owner. So I looked up this story and first of all this house is huge. This thing looks like a full blown mansion, it's 16,000 square feet. Anyways,
Starting point is 00:02:52 here's an excerpt from the news article. The actual owner of the house never gave them permission to hold the festivities there. He was stunned when the wedding couple showed up Saturday and morning to set up and he called the police. I have people trespassing on my property, he told 911 dispatcher, and they keep harassing me calling me. They say they're having a wedding here and it's God's message. I don't know what's going on. All I want is for it to stop and they're sitting on my property right at the front gate right now.
Starting point is 00:03:20 And then the article goes on to explain that apparently the homeowner had tried to sell the house, and the husband of the couple came to tour the house posing as a buyer. A few months later, the husband asked the homeowner if he could use the backyard for his wedding, and the homeowner said no. The husband figured that it was a vacant house, and didn't realize the homeowner lived on their property in a different home. This guy had no idea that he lived there. You know the shock that must have been on his face when he showed up at the gate and the owner was home? Alright, so here's what I want to know. If you're planning to break into someone's property to stage
Starting point is 00:03:54 a wedding there without permission, wouldn't you at least knock on the door first to make sure no one's home? Selling computer for 500 bucks. What's wrong with it? Nothing. I just got married and I don't game anymore. I just read the description and it doesn't have a graphics card, man. Yeah, that's why it's $500 and not well over $1000 low. Why are graphics cards so much? If you buy me a graphics card, I'll buy the computer from you. I just need a full working gaming PC for my son.
Starting point is 00:04:24 I'm not going to buy you a graphics card so you can buy my computer. For those of you who aren't familiar with building computers, a graphics card costs easily 500 bucks and likely a lot more. In fact, graphics cards are really expensive right now because cryptocurrency is so popular. So it would literally be cheaper for OP to throw a computer in the garbage than for him to buy this choosing beggar of free graphics card and then sell his computer for 500 bucks. On this next post OP is selling a MacBook on the Facebook marketplace. Hi, is this still available? Yeah, it's still available. I'm here due to a sudden emergency surgery for my
Starting point is 00:05:01 daughters, so I'm not completely flush with cash because I just had to pay for surgery bills. I'm very desperate to get this for myself as I have to stay here for two weeks due to her surgery. And I don't have a way to study for my university exams. I'm just wondering what the lowest you could do is, or if you'd be willing to just give it away to help a family in need, please. I know this is a really big ask, but I'm so desperate and worried that I'll fall behind on my studies while I'm stuck here. Are you able to help me at all? Please? No.
Starting point is 00:05:36 F you. Come on man, if you're strapped for cash, then maybe the first solution isn't to go try to buy a MacBook. Our next reddit post is from Phoenix. I'm acclaimed to Justin for an auto insurance carrier. My job can be stressful, but for the most part I like it, and I'm blessed to have a job in this economy. When someone calls and opens up a claim, they're either the insured party or the claimant.
Starting point is 00:05:59 This claim that I was handling had three cars involved. Our insured car and two claimants. The claim was opened by the mother of one of the claimants. Since she wanted us to pay for the damage to her son's car, she had to get the vehicle inspected. So I get the police report, and the woman's son was ticketed for failure to yield, careless driving, and driving with a suspended license.
Starting point is 00:06:20 I'm looking at this document and disbelief, and wondering if there's an error. It stated that her son had a stop sign, but he didn't make a full stop and he pulled out in front of my driver, who had no stop sign and was traveling with the right of way. Our insured driver hit this kid's car because, well, that's what happens when you don't stop at stop signs. Then, after the collision, this kid's car went on to collide with another car that was parked nearby.
Starting point is 00:06:48 I'm thinking to myself, is someone that naive that they would think that we would accept liability when the officer wrote her son two tickets at the scene? I interviewed the son who admitted that he stopped and saw our driver on the road, but he kept going because he thought he could make it across in time. I explained to him that he didn't yield and my driver had the right of way.
Starting point is 00:07:10 I also interviewed the other claimant who was stopped at the stop sign. And according to him, the claimant who pulled out in front of my insured driver didn't even stop and just blew through the stop sign. And this guy actually honked his horn at our insured driver because he saw the kid blow through the stop sign. And this guy actually honked his horn at our insured driver because he saw the kid blow through the stop sign. I asked this guy, did it appear that my driver was coming at a high rate of speed? And he told me, no, in fact, your driver tried to stop and had the roads not been icy, he probably wouldn't have hit that idiot who ran through the stop sign. My driver told me the same thing, that the kid ran through the stop sign and
Starting point is 00:07:44 he slammed on his brakes to try to avoid the crash. that the kid ran through the stop sign and he slammed on his brakes to try to avoid the crash. And also, he heard the other driver hawking his horn to try to warn him. Okay, so my driver is not liable for this accident. This NHL season, get more excitement out of every slap shot with Fandule, North America's number one sportsbook. You can bet on everything from the money line to over-unders to which player will net the first goal.
Starting point is 00:08:06 Make your picks and assemble a same game parlay with Fandual Sportsbook, home of the SGP, plus with Fandual's quick payouts you can get paid faster than a breakaway. Make every moment more with Fandual, a fish-so partner of the NHL. 19 plus and physically located in Ontario. Gamlin' Problem Call 1866-531-2600 or visit So I speak to the mother of the kid who was at Fall Tier and tried to explain why we can't pay for her car. She's acting like this is not how insurance works. I even asked her, why did you open this claim when the police report says that your son
Starting point is 00:08:55 was the person at Fall Tier? Well first of all, I don't have collision coverage so I can't file through my own carrier for my damages. Second of all, it shouldn't matter who has a stop sign. My son says your driver was speeding and he hit my son. My son has right of way because he was in front of your driver. No, your son didn't yield to my driver who did have the right of way, which caused my driver to take your son's car.
Starting point is 00:09:22 Had your son waited for my driver to proceed and to cross when it was safe, he wouldn't have been hit. But I don't have money to fix his car, and you guys told me it was a total loss. You can still fix it if you want to and keep it, but it'll be a salvage vehicle, so it'll be worthless. But who's going to give me the money to fix my car? You'll have to pay to fix it yourself since you don't have collision coverage, or you can just sell it for scrap. Well later that day, I got a call from her husband and the father of the driver. This is outrageous!
Starting point is 00:09:56 You completely misled us and you were fraudulent. In what way had I misled you? Well you inspected the car and made it seem like you were going to pay. We inspected the car because your wife wanted to file a claim. That's just part of the process, so if we're deemed at fault, we can settle for damages. She requested the inspection, so we did as she requested. Well, you shouldn't have inspected the car if you knew that you weren't going to pay. When your wife put in the claim, she said she felt that we were at fault and we sent someone out there the next day for an inspection, sir. I didn't get
Starting point is 00:10:28 a chance to read the police report or speak to all the drivers until the day after. Well, you should still have to pay us for the car. Why? Because you made it seem like you were going to pay. I never once told your wife that I was going to pay. In fact, before I got a statement from my driver, I called her to tell her that, based on your son's statement and the police report, I was most likely going to deny any liability on my driver because all the evidence places your son at fault. Well, your driver hit him. Your son didn't yielded a stop sign and my driver had the right of way.
Starting point is 00:11:02 Your son even admitted that he saw my driver, that he didn't wait and that he knew that my driver didn't have a stop sign. Well, now what are we gonna do? The car is a wreck. Who's gonna pay to replace it? It's like I told your wife, she chose not to carry collision insurance on the vehicle,
Starting point is 00:11:19 so you have to pay out a pocket. This guy called me the next day to complain again. This time he was pissed because the auto damage adjuster had noted the car was a total loss, and it was showing up on the car packs as being a severe accident. I explained to him that insurance carriers have to report these things when we inspect cars
Starting point is 00:11:38 and that it's a state regulation that it gets reported to the databases. He's pissed off because how dare we declare the car a total loss when we didn't actually pay him for it. I ran out of patience with this guy. Sir, your car is a total loss and it's worth less regardless of the fact that we didn't pay you. So the report is correct.
Starting point is 00:11:58 Well, now I can't sell it for as much. Well, if anyone actually looked at the car, they could see that it's badly damaged. But now I can't sell it for that much because if you guys, I'm gonna report you to the State Division of Insurance. For what exactly? Because you didn't pay us for our car. We weren't liable for the accident, even your carrier agrees to that. But you inspected our car! Because your ex-wife asked us to! And you reported it to the database! Because we're legally obligated to do so due to state regulations. So, let me get this straight.
Starting point is 00:12:36 You want to go to the state and complain that we did not pay for this claim because we're not liable. And that we fulfilled our obligation to report the vehicle's condition to the database system after we inspected the car which your wife requested us to do? I need to speak to your manager, and I will sue your company and your driver for what you've put us through with this claim. It's been a nightmare! I transferred him over to my boss, who calmly told him that we can file a claim if he likes,
Starting point is 00:13:04 but we'll send a lawyer to defend our driver. Also, my boss re-explained what I already explained to him. I asked my boss, if this guy has the audacity to go to court and try to sue, can I please take a personal day to go watch? Oh, and it gets better. When I spoke to their insurance company, they told me that they were dropping them because they were committing fraud. It turns out that the mom lied and said that her son didn't live with her and didn't
Starting point is 00:13:30 drive that car, but that was the only car listed. The police report showed that the kid's address on his license was the mom's address, and the other insurance company told me that this kid was the primary driver for that vehicle. So she was being dropped for committing insurance fraud. So to summarize, the parents were pissed off that they were caught committing fraud, and then they had to pay for their own mistakes because I was doing my job and wouldn't let them commit further fraud. Post it on Craigslist, I'm giving away a 46 inch TV for free.
Starting point is 00:14:01 It's a Sony 46 inch HD TV. It works good with great sound. It has rear projection and comes with a spare bulb. It would be awkward for one person to carry, but not impossible. I can't help you carry it. And then, sometime later, OP posted an update. I just wanted to say, I effing hate craigslist. To the four people who replied, you really are the essence of what's wrong with humanity. At this point, I'll break the TV with an f-ing hammer to get rid of it by myself because I'm tired of these stupid f-ing responses.
Starting point is 00:14:33 Even though I know that it's my fault for even using Craigslist in the first place. Who the f-do you think you are expecting someone to deliver it to you? It's an f-ing free TV off Craigslist. There's no F-ing warranty. I am NOT F-ing delivering it, obviously, if the post says that I can't help. No, I can't come hook it up to your house, you F-ing idiots. I don't even care about the TV now. It's going in the trash, which is where the Craigslist community belongs. People make the internet a great thing, but people are also so effing self-absorbed and entitled. And also OP updated the specs. Condition, excellent. Make
Starting point is 00:15:12 manufacturer, doesn't matter. Model name slash number, it's in the dumpster now. Size slash dimensions, seriously, F you all. Down in the comments, we have this toy from Zombie Fin Men. I've been there. I recently sold a monitor off a Craigslist for cheap. I agreed to meet the person in a public place, agreed to the price, and even threw in a couple of different cables in case she didn't have the right one. She gets there and says, oh, it seems that I'm $5 short. I say, sorry to hear that, good luck.
Starting point is 00:15:43 But I drove all this way, and she waves the cash in my face. Me too, thanks for wasting my time. I packed up and met with another interested buyer the next day. On this next post, OP makes furniture. Quick, friendly hint. Before you try negotiating an artisan down on their costs, be sure you know what you're talking about. For example, when I price a slab table at 800 bucks, that's because I'm taking into account
Starting point is 00:16:07 the cost of the raw materials of the slab, but the raw materials and time it takes to fabricate custom legs, any tools, glue or sealer used in the project, and lastly, I'm accounting for the amount of time I spend working on the project. To be clear, I'm typically underselling because I'm still working on learning how to account for things like taxes and profit margins in my prices. It doesn't matter if you know a guy who can do the job faster. It doesn't matter if you know a place where you can get the slabs cheaper. When you offer me less than half my asking price for slab furniture or any project really,
Starting point is 00:16:38 you're likely barely covering the cost of materials, which translates to you telling me that you don't think my time is worth anything. If you've found someone who can create a superior product for less money, then go ahead and buy it from them. I don't think it's unreasonable to charge you the cost of the materials and the time it takes to make the thing you want to buy from me. That was our slash-tusing beggars, and if you liked this content, be sure to follow this podcast, because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.
Starting point is 00:17:00 and be sure to follow this podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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