rSlash - r/Entitledparents My Mom Killed My Twin Sister

Episode Date: October 12, 2022 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to our slash entitled parents where a Karen kills her own 15 year old daughter. Our next reddit post is from Clavage Cobbler. I'm a 30 year old guy and my parents didn't really want kids. I was an only child and pretty much an accidental pregnancy from what my relatives have told me because my parents claimed that they were going to be child free when they married. My childhood was initially good, but I think that after I started growing out of the cute and adorable phase, my parents were less inclined to spend time with me. They both worked and had their own business that they started together.
Starting point is 00:00:36 That business was their life, and I was always second-fiddle to their work. Any other close family members, like my grandparents, live states away, and I barely knew anything about them until I was an adult, so I had no other family around for my entire childhood. I was practically raised by TV and my schoolteachers. By the time I became a teenager, I would spend my own birthdays without my parents, because they would just give me some money and tell me to go out and buy whatever I wanted. It was more or less the same with Christmas and sometimes even back to school shopping. We wouldn't have even had a Christmas tree after I turned 10 if it weren't for the fact that I convinced my parents to buy a fake one so that I could build it, to get an
Starting point is 00:01:19 idea of my parents. Think of them as those people who always wear black, drink lots of wine, and look down their noses at people. And wear black, drink lots of wine, and look down their noses at people. And the last that I saw of my parents, they still looked and acted the same way, although now my father wears a toupee. When I turned 16, I asked my parents if I could work part-time with them at their business. They just told me that they had no open positions or anything like that. They may as well have just come right out
Starting point is 00:01:45 and said they didn't want me there. After I turned 18, my parents told me that since I was an adult, they expected me to move out as soon as I was able to. I was working part-time because I was still in high school and I didn't have anywhere near enough money safe for college. Not long after high school ended, my parents told me to pack up and move out. They even got an official eviction notice that gave me 30 days and everything. They
Starting point is 00:02:11 didn't even help me move. I had to get help from a friend's dad who owns a truck. I ended up running a sucky apartment and working retail. I had no real life experience and no time for college. Then, after just a few months, I got fired because my manager legitimately had it out for me and wrote me up for the stupidest things. I ended up going broke pretty fast because I was terrible at managing my own money and I couldn't find steady employment. So, I lost my apartment. I went back to my parents begging for help, but they refused to take me in. Not even for just a little while to get back on my feet. I ended up homeless and living
Starting point is 00:02:51 out of a tent in someone's backyard and winter. My friends had all gone on to college, some and other states, and I was just a broke kid taking whatever work I could to stay alive. My salvation came when one of the neighbors of my parents found out that I was living out of a tent and offered to take me in for a little while so that I wouldn't freeze. She helped me badger my parents and telling me how to get in touch with the other members of my estranged family. My parents didn't want to tell me, my guess is out of fear of being judged for throwing their son out the way that they did, but still they coughed up the info and gave me a list of contact details.
Starting point is 00:03:29 Then they told me not to bother them ever again. I called my grandparents from my father's side of the family, and they were very surprised and happy to hear from me because they hadn't seen me since I was an infant. Also, I'm their only grandchild. After they found out about my situation, they flew me over to live with them as soon as they could. They basically adopted me. My parents didn't even see me off at the airport, despite being invited to. I had zero contact with them for a decade. My grandparents said they despised my parents for treating me so poorly and legally disowned them by
Starting point is 00:04:05 striking them from their wills. My parents, I'm told, were not too happy to hear that, but they also said that didn't really matter because they were pretty well off and they didn't need anything for my grandparents. Oh, how wrong they turned out to be. After living with my grandparents for about a year, I was able to afford to start going to community college. I got an associate's degree, got a decent job thanks to a recommendation from my grandpa, and eventually my grandparents offered to sell me their house so they could retire to Arizona. I was sad to see them go, but I happily bought their house. They sold it to me for one third of its value, and in just a few more years, I'll have it completely paid off.
Starting point is 00:04:47 My job has been going away on the road periodically, so I can end up away from the home for weeks at a time. One day in late 2020, I came home after being away for two weeks, only to find a large white van that I didn't recognize in my driveway. I was getting ready to call the cops when I noticed the van had the logo for my parents' business on the side of it. At that moment, I felt dread. It meant that my parents were here. Somehow, they had broken into my home and were living there. They had the nerve to greet me like we were all buddy-buddy the moment that I walked in. I told them to get the hell out, but they refused because they said that it was grandma and grandpa's house. I said that it wasn't their house anymore, that they had sold it to me when they retired. They'd known that if they were
Starting point is 00:05:34 in any way involved with my life. But they weren't because they threw me to the wolves 10 years prior with no life experience. We argued and they refused to leave. My father told me that it was his parents' house first, and that meant that he and my mother had the right to live there if they wanted. I walked to my bedroom, locked the door, and called the cops. When the cops showed up, they were of no help. My parents claimed that they had already been there long enough to have residency, which was a complete lie.
Starting point is 00:06:04 But I had no cameras to prove that they weren't there for over a month. My neighbors had no cameras either, so it was just my word against my parents over how long that they'd really been there, and they were claiming squadders rights. They told police that they had a verbal rental agreement with me, and that I was trying to illegally evict them for no reason. My mother even put on the waterworks when saying that. The cops told me that it was a family dispute and to file a viction with the courts to get them out.
Starting point is 00:06:33 And keep in mind that this happened in 2020, so getting to court for anything took longer because of the pandemic. Meanwhile my parents were squatting in my house, rent-free, and rubbing it in my face. From the information that I got out of them, their business went bankrupt, and they sold off almost everything they had to pay their debts. All they had left was the van and a few personal belongings. So they expected to live in my house, rent-free for the foreseeable future. They were working too.
Starting point is 00:07:04 Both of them soon got new jobs. My father as a delivery driver and my mother as a sales associate. They were making money, and the only things they contributed to was electricity and water utilities, which was basically just them handing me a $100 bill every month and saying that I should be grateful they were paying me anything. Any time that I tried to discuss proper rent with them, they just said that I owed it to them to live rent free because I took 18 years of their lives. And it's not like they were demanding the money back for that time. They threatened to stop helping with utilities altogether.
Starting point is 00:07:39 I was so at my wit's end that I ended up calling my grandparents to explain the situation to them. They were very unhappy and spoke with my parents. But my parents still said that they had a right to stay in my home and they refused a budge. My grandfather told me he was sorry it had come to this. And if they hadn't sold me the house, my parents wouldn't have invaded. I told him not to worry that I'd already filed for a legal
Starting point is 00:08:05 eviction and I would get it soon enough. My parents knew that they were on borrowed time. I made sure to say that in earshot of my parents too, and they responded with the silent treatments. My father was gone six days a week making deliveries, which was a job not to his liking. Meanwhile, my mother basically tried to take over my house in her spare time. She demanded that I let her rearrange my living room and even tried to force me to give her and my father the master bedroom because they're my parents and they deserved better as she put it. I vetoed both of those ideas and said they don't deserve better and to stop acting like
Starting point is 00:08:41 I owe them anything. I didn't ask to be born and it's a normal obligation for parents to raise their kids. All they were doing was trying to assert dominance to try to keep me from kicking them out. Finally, after four months now in 2021, I managed to take my parents to court over their squatting. They tried to use the fact that it was formerly my grandparents' house, and the fact that they were giving me a hundred bucks a month as some sort of leverage of residency. But there was no real rental agreements. They were smart enough not to try to forge one because it would have been fraud. So the judge ordered that they
Starting point is 00:09:17 had to be out in a maximum of 30 days because they had zero claim on my house. After court, my parents confronted me and said that they were disappointed in me for kicking out my own flesh and blood. I couldn't help but laugh and call them hypocrites because that's exactly what they did to me without a care in the world for my well-being. They had no love for me, so I had no love for them. I owed them nothing. They tried to act like everything that was mine was theirs. But they had no right to call themselves my parents because they never really acted like it. My father looked enraged, but my mother stopped him from doing anything by grabbing
Starting point is 00:09:57 his shoulder and shaking her head. He sneered at me and walked away. They left, but not without a lot of tension. The final month was spent with them either gilting me to try to make me change my mind or completely ignoring me. I put up a calendar in the living room and checked off each day before they had to leave with a red marker. I still remember that that final day was March 2nd. My parents waited until the exact day they had to leave my home for good
Starting point is 00:10:25 before they finally left. Since they were so convinced they could make me let them stay, they didn't even bother to look for another apartment until after they were evicted. My mother spent weeks scrambling to find an apartment. They had to get a tiny, sucky studio apartment in the next city over because it was the only thing that they could find on such short notice. Their apartment was a lot like the one that I had when I was 18. Quite ironic. I drove my mother over to see it one time and the apartment was terrible. The walls were baby-barth green.
Starting point is 00:10:59 The carpet looked like it was 20 years old. The only window had a view of a brick wall outside. There was no dishwasher. The stove was the smallest stove that I'd ever seen, and the toilet looked like it really needed to be replaced. The walls also did little to stop noise from neighbors. There was already two people loudly fighting in the adjacent apartment while we were there. My mother went out of her way to try to give me sad looks while dropping hints that I should feel guilty that I was reducing them to live in such a place. I just acted oblivious until she finally stopped. They
Starting point is 00:11:34 signed the lease and moved in. They also ended up demanding the queen-size bid, dresser, and flat-screen TV for my guest room. I told them to just take the damn things. As they were getting into the van to finally move out, they watched me replace the locks on the front door. They said nothing. I said nothing. They just sat and watched me for a while until I had the new door knob on. Then they finally left. I breathed a massive sigh of relief the second that band went down the road. I figured karma had finally come for them and they could live under a rock for all I cared. But nope, my grandparents heard from them recently. They called them to brag that they had started a new, similar business.
Starting point is 00:12:17 They said they were basically on track to be right back to where they used to be prior to the pandemic, which was making good money and looking down on other people. I googled their new business, and it seems like it's doing well. They have positive reviews and everything. I'm pretty resentful, truth be told. They put me through being homeless, squatted in my house for months, and then went right back to being the snobby, wine-drinking business people they used to be. If karma is real, it's taking too damn long. O.P., your parents are so incredibly toxic that I think the role you have to live by is that the best revenge is a life well lived. If you obsess over your parents and feel bitterness about their happiness, then all you're
Starting point is 00:12:59 doing is adding misery to your life. So the best thing to do is just change all your locks, install security cameras, and move on. Our next Reddit post is from Small Fly, so my mother has been and continues to make my life less than enjoyable. One particular thing I want to get off my chest is what happened when I was 12. I have two twin sisters, and at the time of the story they were 15 years old. Their names are Sarah and Bess. Our mom left our dad to be with a total dick. This man would buy food and put his name on it so that we couldn't eat it. One time he grabbed me by my neck for walking
Starting point is 00:13:36 out of the kitchen with food in my mouth. He called us horrible names and the whole time my mom knew, obviously. We were never allowed to tell our father what was happening. Our mom would tell us, what happens in my house stays in my house. Your dad doesn't need to know and you better not tell him. One night my sister best had enough of her stepfather dick. She called our dad and our mom listened in on a different phone because this was back in the 90s. After she heard best confiding in our dad what was going on, my mom was furious.
Starting point is 00:14:09 She told her that the sight of her face made her sick. She banished best to her room completely besides using the toilet. This continued for like two weeks. Well, all the stress from this caused a heart condition that we didn did know best had to flare up and she actually went into cardiac arrest one morning and died, did at 15 years old. My mom will never own up to her mistakes. She has never made things right. She acts as if it never happened. I recently went no contact with her and I've never healed from this.
Starting point is 00:14:44 Ugh, that's awful OP. I'm glad that you're out of that situation and that you're no contact with your mother, because she sounds like a disgusting woman. That was our slash entitled parents, and if you like this content, be sure to follow my podcast, because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day. single day.

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