rSlash - r/Entitledparents OBEY YOUR MOMMY OR GO TO JAIL!

Episode Date: June 1, 2020

r/Entitledparents In today's episode, a mother goes completely nuts and starts acting like her adult, 23-year-old daughter is her property. When the daughter goes to live with her boyfriend, the mom f...lips out and calls the cops on her, saying that she ran away from home. The cops arrive, and the police officer is shocked that the woman called the police on a 23-year-old woman running away from home! If you like this podcast and want to see more, hit the follow button for more daily Reddit content! 🔔 Subscribe: 💬 Discord: 🎧 Podcast: ⚓ Send me a voice message: 📸 Instagram: ♪ TikTok: 🛒 Merch: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:30 Welcome to our slash a podcast where I read the best post from across Reddit. Today's subreddit is our slash entitled Parents and next a word from our sponsors. Background this happened about five years ago. My fiance and I had been together seven years this month. We're hoping to get married this year, but my postponed due to the coronavirus. We were reminiscing with some old stories yesterday when this one came up, and she suggested I share it. At the time, she was my girlfriend, and I was fully aware that her mom was a few fries
Starting point is 00:00:59 short of a happy meal. But this was the PANICAL of her behavior. Ellie and I were living together at the time. She just stayed over from time to time when she could. I took her home after she'd been staying with me a couple days and was heading to work. But shortly after, just before getting to work, I get a phone call from her and I can tell she's in tears. Apparently, when she got inside, entitled Mother immediately blew up on her about being gone for so long, even though it was only two days and she told them she was going to be gone, and kept in contact
Starting point is 00:01:30 with her while she was gone. But Ellie just sort of brushed it off and went to her room. Entitled Mother's House was pretty much your stereotypical crazy cat lady house. The house was badly decaying, cats all over the place, going to the bathroom and random places and whatnot. Alice was badly decaying, cats all over the place, going to the bathroom and random places and whatnot. And when Ellie got to her room, she realized that while she was gone, the cat used her pile of clean clothes as a litter box.
Starting point is 00:01:54 But whatever, Ellie decided to just bag them up and she would wash them next time she came to my place. Her mom didn't have a functioning wash at the time, and apparently that really said entitled Mother off. Entitled Mother apparently thought Ellie was bagging her clothes because she was planning to go back to my place that night to stay another few days. So she stomped into a room, grabbed the bag, ripped it open, and flung the clothes all over the room.
Starting point is 00:02:19 Along with the cat poo and piss, while screaming at Ellie that she's not going anywhere. That's when Ellie ran outside and called me. She was so upset and didn't know what to do. Her mom had been doing crazy stuff to Ellie since I'd been with her, but up until then I just helped her however I could while not getting involved in not saying a word to her mom. I told her to go ahead and get the thing she needs and I'll take her to my place. She said she would love that.
Starting point is 00:02:44 I told my work I was going gonna be late due to an emergency and turned around to go pick her up. When I pulled back up to the house, Ellie was in the driveway crying. I went and hugged her, told her it was gonna be okay, and that she could stay with me as long as she wanted. So she went back inside to get her things. As I was standing outside waiting,
Starting point is 00:03:00 I heard the door open again and went to help Ellie with her things. Uh oh, it's her mom. Entitled mother comes stomping out with her hair crazy and fizzled in an old nightgown. She beelines for me and gets right in my face. She says, with an extremely thick, high-pitched southern accent, My daughter said I need to come out here and ask what you think of me. I knew this was a blatant lie, as Ellie would never instigate this. You got something to say. Huh? You think I'm trash, don't you? Huh?
Starting point is 00:03:31 That's what you think, isn't it? Again, up until now, I'd completely kept my mouth shut and was trying to maintain that. But this woman was up in my face, freaking out and was tormenting the woman I love, so I finally looked at her and broke my silence. Why do you treat her like this? What do you mean? That's my daughter, and I worship the ground she walks on. Oh, really? So calling her a slut, grunt, and whore is worship? Yes, I've heard her say this with my own ears. I would never say anything like that.
Starting point is 00:04:07 BS, I've heard you say it. You get your f'ing butt off my property. Okay, I almost never find myself in situations like this, so I'm not used to it. I say that because after she said this, I pretty much saw red. I'm not proud of it, but I just started chatting every curse word in the book I could possibly think of at the top of my lungs while she went back in the house. But thankfully, that only lasted a few seconds, and I immediately calmed down. So finally Ellie comes back out with her stuff, and we put in the car and I assume
Starting point is 00:04:38 it's over. But Ellie turns to me and says, I'm sorry, but we can't leave yet. Why not? Huh, my mom called the cops. I sorta had a feeling that would happen, no big deal. So we just had to wait for the cop to arrive. After about 10 minutes or so a cop car pulls up. Right when he does, entitled mother comes out of the house and oh my god. Yes, she was doing exactly what you think. She instantly puts on the fragile brittle old lady act, hunched over, walking slowly the whole gig. And of course, when the police officer asked her what happened, she has to pitch her entire medical chart to the guy.
Starting point is 00:05:19 Ellie will tell you, this woman's been terminally ill for 12 years, lol. So when she finally gets done trying to milk this poor guy for sympathy, she tells her version of what happened. Sir, he came onto my property and verbally attacked me. He's awful to me, sir, and I've never ever done anything to him. He's turned my daughter against me and is trying to convince her to leave. At first he seems somewhat sympathetic to her until he turns to Ellie. Ma'am, this is your boyfriend?
Starting point is 00:05:50 Yes, sir. Okay, and how old are you? Sir, I'm 23. This was my favorite part because the officer looked up from his no pad with a look of, wait, what? Obviously, he was thinking Ellie was a minor or something based off of how entitled Mother was acting, but quickly realized just what he was dealing with. Eventually he turns to me. Okay sir, please give me your version of what happened. I did so. Funny
Starting point is 00:06:16 side note, at one point the police officer looks up to me and says, you look really familiar. Do I know you? It actually turned out that the police officer and I had gone to high school together. Once we recognized each other, we laughed and shook hands very briefly. This was hilarious because out of the corner of my eye, I see entitled mother has a big scowl on her face as she sees me getting friendly with the police officer. But anyway, the police officer puts his no pat away
Starting point is 00:06:41 in turn to me. Just FYI, he says the following with this heavy tone of, I know that you're fully aware of this and don't believe you're in the wrong at all, but I have to say this as a formality. Well OP, she doesn't want you on the property, so be aware that if you come back here, you technically can be charged with trespassing. Do you understand this as I've explained it? Absolutely sir.
Starting point is 00:07:02 But sir, I want to press charges. He didn't do anything illegal, ma'am. But he verbally assaulted me. I understand that, and while that was ill-advised, it's not something I could arrest him for. He agrees he'll not come back in your property without your direct permission. Okay, fine, whatever. Ellie come back inside. What? No. You heard the police officer, O.P. is leaving, and you're staying here. Whoa, ma'am. I didn't say that at all. But, but. Your daughter is not a child, ma'am. She's her she needs to stay here so she needs to stay. No ma'am, that's not how it works. If she wants to stay with her boyfriend, there's absolutely nothing you can do to stop her. The entitled mother starts to fake crocodile tears and stomps in the house and defeats.
Starting point is 00:07:59 Ellie and I think the officer got in the car and left. We've been living together ever since. And the happy ending, believe it or not, entitled mother isn't really much of an entitled mother anymore. Over the years since that day, entitled mother has actually decided to make an effort to try and improve herself. I guess she realized that if she didn't make changes, she would lose her relationship with Ellie. So entitled mother started taking advantage of her medical coverage and went to see her psychiatrist and got medicine for mental illness she actually had, as opposed to the one she would make up.
Starting point is 00:08:30 Since then, well, she's actually gotten way better. She takes her medicine regularly and has a boyfriend that is an extremely kind man, and treats Ellie as though she were his own daughter. So basically, entitled mother isn't really an Entitled Mother anymore. We actually get along very well and we see them frequently and we help each other out whenever we can. We actually look back on the early years when she was, in fact, an Entitled Mother and laugh. So not only is everyone getting along well, we can actually share the cringe stories and happily laugh about them. If you guys would like to hear some more, let me know.
Starting point is 00:09:05 Wow, I'm really glad for the happy ending, but it makes me wonder how many of the people in our slash entitled parent stories have a mental illness and how many of them are just entitled. And next, a word from our sponsors. So you think you know sports? Points vet is the sports book for you, because we've got the features for true competitors Like live same game parlies Use your sports months to make picks live on the players and teams you're watching and
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Starting point is 00:10:04 We live in a small house at the front of the 6 acres. Some of the neighbors occasionally walk their dogs there or bring their kids to learn to ride a bike. It's not a big deal and we rarely throw people out unless they're doing or selling drugs, nodding off or exposing themselves are they coming during the night. There are usually fewer than 10 people at a time. The sign says, cemetery hour is 8 a.m. to sunset. After dinner yesterday, I looked out the front door. When I saw a man park on the grass, get out of the car and run across the lawn towards the back.
Starting point is 00:10:34 Curious, I moved to the kitchen window where I saw a group of several dozen people, kids and adults, cluster together. Thinking someone had gotten hurt, I opened the back door to see what was going on. I could hear them singing Happy Birthday. It seems they decided to have their kids birthday party in the cemetery and the hope nobody would call it in. They stayed for about an hour. So let me get this straight.
Starting point is 00:10:57 These entitled parents decided to have a birthday party. During the quarantine lockdown, on someone else's property, our next Reddit post is from not another Feminazi. I'm a pre-K teacher and one of our kids is having a birthday party on Monday. As I'm about to go to my lunch break, I hear my boss calling Parents Online One. Well whatever, that's entitled mother. She wants to know why we didn't feed her child, why are we excluding him? I say I'm sorry but Kevin ate all his lunch with no issues.
Starting point is 00:11:27 No, the birthday party, why are you not letting him have anything? I'm sorry, entitled mother, but I won't let you yell at me. If you're ready to talk, I'd like you to rephrase that, or you can call another time. Entitled mother calmed down and started her poor, wronged lady act. Kevin came home crying yesterday because you guys said he isn't allowed to eat anything. He has to bring food from home and feels excluded because all of his friends will be eating cake, but he isn't allowed. Well, the party will be on Monday.
Starting point is 00:12:01 We told him to let you know so you can pack on some gluten-free snacks. Since I don't know what the other parents will bring for the birthday party. Unfortunately, I don't know what's safe for Kevin to eat, so it would be better and safer for everyone if you could just pack gluten-free cupcakes and we'll take care of the rest. But Kevin will be having cake with his friends! If you send us cake, we'll be sure he does. Silence. Will that be all? Can you ask the other parent to bring gluten-free snacks?
Starting point is 00:12:30 No, that's up to the other parents. Why are you guys bullying us? That's not fair. You're excluding my baby because of a disability. My little ear will be involved. I sigh and hang up the call and let my boss know what happens. Right now, I'm just dreading the end of my lunch break and having to handle the hot, truckload of garbage coming my way.
Starting point is 00:12:53 Our next reddit post is from Surviving Spartan. So first and background information, I work in a retail chain and live in the UK where it's a law that if the person in question looks under 25, then you have to ask for ID for items such as lighters and knives. It's also a law that if the person in question can't provide the ID, then you have an obligation to decline the sale. Even if there was someone who can produce ID and vouch for them, you still have to decline
Starting point is 00:13:17 the sale because the person wishing to buy the item cannot produce identification. I hope that makes sense. So to the story, on this particular day I was standing at my till waiting for customers. Entitled mother and her daughter. Entitled mother put all her shopping onto the till and I began scanning. She was pleasant enough and her transaction went by smoothly. Having paid for her items, the daughter proceeded to put her items onto the till. She had a dog toy and spray paint. Now, in the UK, you have to be 18 to purchase spray paint. So I scanned through the spray paint and the computer screen turned red. And inform me that I needed to make sure the person in question was of age to purchase
Starting point is 00:13:52 this. The daughter looked young. I reckon she was 18, but because she looked under 25, I still had to ask her for proof of age. Also, the CCTV is watched over when it comes to items being purchased with age restrictions. Someone is paid to watch over these sales to make sure that I'm following procedure and I'm not letting anyone underage purchase such items. If I'm found to have sold such items, I could be fired or face criminal prosecution.
Starting point is 00:14:17 With this in mind, I said the following. Sorry, ma'am, this item is age restricted. Do you have any proof of age on you? The daughter looked a bit startled, but looks through a person doesn't find anything. I don't have ID on me. I must have left it at home. I'm 18 though. Sorry ma'am, I can't authorize a sale without ID.
Starting point is 00:14:33 If you bring ID with you next time, I'd be more than happy to authorize a sale. The daughter shrugged inside. Oh well, I'll come back another time. I'll just take the dog toy then. I was about to scan the dog toy through when an entitled mother enters the conversation. You seriously need the ID for spray paint? Yeah, it's the law, you have to be 18. But my daughter is 18.
Starting point is 00:14:56 She may be 18, but I still have to ask her for ID because she looks under 25. But she's turning 19 in a week. Again, ma'am, that may be the case, but without ID, I can't authorize the sale. That's ridiculous. Sorry, ma'am, it's the law. Stop, mom, it's okay, I can come back tomorrow. We are not coming back tomorrow. At this point, suddenly the entitled mother
Starting point is 00:15:22 comes up with a genius solution to buy the spray paint and bypass the law. I'll buy the paint for, I'm over 25, that means I'm lawfully allowed to buy it. Unfortunately you can't because I know you'll be buying it for her and if I authorize that it's still illegal. This is BS, I want to buy spray paint. Sorry ma'am, I can't authorize you buying the paint because I know you're buying it for your daughter. You don't know that I'm buying it for my daughter. Yes, ma'am, I do because you literally said
Starting point is 00:15:54 five seconds ago you would buy it for her. So now you're lying to a customer. The daughter tries to drag and title mother away. Mom, leave it. Ma'am, I'm not lying to you. I'm telling you what you said and what the rules are. Well, I'm going to go to the other cashier and buy it there. That's fine, ma'am.
Starting point is 00:16:14 You can try that, but they'll give you the same answer I'm giving you because I have to notify them of any customer trying to slip by the rules. The Entitled Mother, right in the face, managed to slip past her daughter and get right up to my face, press her finger into my chest and scream. Get me your supervisor now! I'm going to report you for lying." As she finished screaming, I wiped her spit off my face, calmly pointed to my name badge
Starting point is 00:16:41 and smiled in my best retail voice and said, Hi, I'm the supervisor of this establishment. I hear you wish to make a complaint about one of our staff. How may I help you? Her face went from red to purple in a second. I genuinely thought she was about to hit me when her daughter stepped in. How much is it? For the dog toy alone, that'll be 399 pounds. The daughter paid me 5 pounds and told me to keep the change. I smiled and in my retail voice said,
Starting point is 00:17:03 Thank you for shopping with me. I and told me to keep the change. I smiled in my retail voice said. Thank you for, with her ID. For all you young shoppers out there, two things. First, please bring your ID with you. It's easier for everyone. Second, if you have an aggressive parent, please refrain from bringing them with you. That was our slash entitled parents, and the best way the podcast grow is through word of mouth. So if you have a friend or family member who you think would enjoy my podcast then please let them know because it would really help my podcast grow.

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