rSlash - r/Entitledparents Stupid Karen Tries to Use Men's Changing Room

Episode Date: March 30, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to our slash entitled parents where OP gets $5,000 worth of payback against his entitled parents. Hey everyone, this is Dabney aka R-slash. And before I get into today's episode, I just want to say that I have started a brand new YouTube channel. So if you like my content and you want to see more, or if you just want to support me, then go to the description to find the link to my new channel. I'm experimenting with the new type of content that I've never done before, where I'm actually going to be on camera. So I would really, really appreciate it if you could check out my new channel, drop a like, subscribe, and let me know what you think. Anyways, onto today's episode.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Our next reddit post is from Coinopop. This happened in 2015. I was 18 and about to move out on my own. Prior to this, I had a savings account that my parents had helped me set up, and I'd been putting money into it in any way that I could for three years. Birthday money, odd jobs, part-time afterschool, dishwashing job, all that stuff, and I'd managed to get a few thousand dollars into it. I had really been wanting to move out because I have two little brothers who absolutely drive me up the wall. My parents loved making me the live-in babysitter whenever I wasn't working, which is why I tried to work as much as I
Starting point is 00:01:15 possibly could. When the time came for me to move out, my parents said they wanted me to stay because they needed my help. Also, they wanted me to start paying rent to help with bills, but I held my ground that I wanted to live on my own. I had already paid the deposit and first month's rent on an apartment without telling them. And by that point, I had a local full-time job, so I was set to move out after about a month. But when my parents found out, they freaked out
Starting point is 00:01:43 and told me to get out that day if I wanted to be on my own so badly. I packed up what I could and left to go to my aunt and uncle's house. It was a four-mile ride with a bicycle that I had a small trailer hook to. When I told my aunt and uncle what happened, they were very angry and took me in right away. A couple days later, I went to withdraw all the for my account, and I saw that it was empty. My parents had come in the day prior and cleaned it out. All the bank could do was give me a balance statement saying so. Since my parents were co-signers
Starting point is 00:02:15 of the account, that meant that they had access to the money too. I was livid, and I immediately told my aunt and uncle as soon as I could. They were beyond angry as well. Then my aunt got an idea and started calling up other people in the family to tell them what my parents had done. It wasn't long before the shit hit the fan. My other aunts and uncles, cousins and grandparents were all furious and they let my parents have it. I don't know what kind of excuses my parents gave them, but it didn't work.
Starting point is 00:02:46 The next time I saw my parents, they showed up to my aunt and uncle's house to yell at me. When they saw me, my mother threw some money at me and called me an ungrateful brat for telling everyone. My aunt then said that she was the one who told everyone, not me. I looked at the money they had thrown at me and it was just some kid play money that my little brothers had. I asked where my real money was and my parents said they'd already used it to pay off their credit card debts. I said that I wanted
Starting point is 00:03:14 back the money they stole from me for real, but they refused and said that it was their right to take since they'd open the account for me and I still have a job. At this time, I was okay with my expenses because my next paycheck had already been deposited into a new account, and I was able to save until the apartment was ready. But my parents took a lot of heat from my aunt and uncle until they left. Also my cousin used to babysit for my parents when I was busy, and not only has she refused to do so again after what they did, but she also told me that she put out word to other teen babysitters on social media to avoid my parents because
Starting point is 00:03:53 they were thieves. By the time that I was living in my apartment, my parents finally couldn't take the social stigma anymore and met me to compromise. They said they couldn't pay me back all at once and they asked me for a payment plan. I had the exact number of the amount they'd stolen and I said I wanted it all back. They actually tried to haggle me down to half the total, but I refused to accept anything except the full amount. They reluctantly agreed and gave me 200 bucks a month in cash for two years before
Starting point is 00:04:25 it was all paid back. 200, 200 times 24 months? $4800? Yeah, OP, I'd be pretty pissed off too. Our next reddit post is from Allhale. So my dad's a fireman and one time when his pager went off, he rushed out to get to the fire station. He got to the station, and a car was parked in the fire station gate. He got out of his car and went to talk to the caron. Hey, you can't park here. Oh, I'll just be 10 minutes. My daughter is just in the supermarket. No, you have to move. There's a fire. Don't worry. She'll be back soon. If you don't move, I'll have no choice but to call the cops. No, I need the food that my daughter is getting.
Starting point is 00:05:08 I'll starve. Ma'am, someone could die. Fine, but I'll be complaining to your station officer. She eventually moved, and luckily no one was hurt in the fire. I'm not sure if this entitled Karen is brave or dumb, but like even if you don't care about other people, and sure Karen doesn't like obviously care about other people, I literally would have assumed that a fire truck while trying to get to like a fire if their gate is blocked by a car, I would have assumed that they would just nudge the car out of the way with their truck.
Starting point is 00:05:39 I guess I'm wrong because that's not what they're doing here, but like this is an emergency vehicle. I do know that firemen will literally smash windows if there's a car parked in front of a fire hydrant so they can hook up the hose. So it's like if they'll smash windows, then I imagine they'll probably give a car a little nudge to get to where they need to go. Our next reddit post is from PCS. So for backstory, my gym also has a large swimming pool attached to it, and both the gym and swimming pool share a locker room.
Starting point is 00:06:08 The gym is for ages 16 and older, but the swimming pool has no age limit as long as people under the age of 16 have a parent or guardian presence. I just finished my usual 2.5 hour session at the gym. I was in the changing room and I had my shirt off because I was rummaging through my gym back for some deodorant and a clean shirt. I have a scar on my side from when my mother hit me with a broken bottle while I was trying to protect my sister. This was nearly 11 years ago. While it's mostly faded, there's still a jagged line that's still visible because it was quite a deep wound.
Starting point is 00:06:39 I hear the door open and I see a middle-aged woman walk into the men's changing room. My first thought is that perhaps she made a mistake, but no. She just stands by the door, looking at a kid probably around 13 to 14 years old. The kid looks like he's about to die of embarrassment. Mom, just go, I'll be out when I'm ready. No, darling, I don't trust these places. There can be dangerous men lurking here. God only knows why your father let you come in here.
Starting point is 00:07:12 I said, sorry to interrupt, but this is a men's changing room. You really shouldn't be in here. Another gym guy said, yeah, some of us are trying to get changed here, so sought off, lady. At this point, the entitled Mother Seize My Scar and says, You there, you have to cover up that disgusting scar. It doesn't make you look big or cool. You shouldn't be proud of a mark like that because it makes you look ugly and no one is attracted to it.
Starting point is 00:07:40 Before I can utter a single word, she grabs her son and walks out. Me and the other guy exchange a WTF look and have a laugh. Before I can utter a single word, she grabs her son and walks out. Me and the other guy exchange a WTF look and have a laugh. Sorry, it's not dramatic or action packed. I just thought this deserved a place on entitled parents. You don't think it's dramatic to have an adult woman walk into a men's locker room where literally little children are getting undressed? I mean, obviously, including her her son but including other kids as well
Starting point is 00:08:05 and she can just ogle these half naked men and children like it's not a big deal. If a guy walked into a woman's changing room and just enjoyed the view then people would lose their minds. So fittingly people should lose their minds at this lady as well. Also I've got a scar on my knee from when I was a kid and I fell onto a board that had like a nail stuck out of it. And the nail penetrated my leg and kind of tore out a chunk of skin so I've got a really deep scar on that leg. And I remember being like six and thinking, wow, I would have a super cool scar if I
Starting point is 00:08:38 dive into this nail and rip out a chunk of my flesh. I'll look so cool with this gnarly scar. Is this what this lady thinks that people like make these choices because they want to have a cool looking scar? Today's episode is sponsored by Coinbase. My second biggest regret is not starting my YouTube channel sooner. My biggest regret is not getting into Bitcoin back when it was like $1. I remember back when Bitcoin was super new, I was interested in it, and I thought about buying some,
Starting point is 00:09:07 but I lost interest because I didn't know what to do, and it felt a little overwhelming. I really wish that I could have used a site like Coinbase back then. Coinbase is a website that makes it super easy to buy cryptocurrency like Bitcoin and Ethereum. Interested in getting into the crypto game yourself, then check out Coinbase.
Starting point is 00:09:26 For a limited time, new users can get $10 in free Bitcoin when you sign up today at slash rslashpodcast. Sign up at slash rslashpodcast for $10 in free Bitcoin. This offers for a limited time only, so be sure to sign up today. That's slash our slash podcast. Our next Reddit post is from BabySans. I work for a local painful on Airsoft field as a referee and at their sales booth. We have a couple events every weekend. Sundays are always a lot of fun. We host walk-ons and the people who come are usually experienced, polite, and sportsmen like. But on Saturdays, we have the F-ing birthday parties. Some of them are okay, mostly because kids just hide behind a wall for the whole game. Most times, however, it's absolutely miserable.
Starting point is 00:10:19 I have a few stories like this, but here's one of them. This happened a few years ago. The entitled Parents Kid, who was like 11, forgot to put his barrel cover on when he entered the rest area. I run up to him, grab his paintball gun, and place the plastic sock over the muzzle as I was trained to do. Hey, you gotta put this muzzle on when you come to the rest area, buddy. Oh, okay, I understand, I'm sorry. No worries, bro, it's just a safety thing. Are you having a good time? Yeah, it's so much fun. The entitled parent was watching this exchange from a distance. The kid walks up to her, and she sternly said something to him.
Starting point is 00:10:56 She gave me a really dirty glance, and I mean dirty. Then she turned back around like it never happened. Shortly afterwards, we were having a kids versus parents game. I decided to join the kids team to even the playing field. I ended up in a small bunker with the kid. He hit his entitled mother twice in the thigh. I laughed and gave him a high five. The entitled mother said to me, Oh geez, why would you do that?
Starting point is 00:11:22 That's not fair at all. You're like an f-ing pro and I've never done this before. Learn some respect! I said, respectfully, this is how the game is played, and you did know what you signed up for. Besides, it wasn't me who got you, it was your kid, so please calm down. Don't lie to me, this might be my first time, but I know more about it than you do. Mom, it was me, please stop yelling, it's just a game, I'm sorry that I hurt you. Oh my god, now you're all buddy buddy with this jerk! At this point, the entitled mother took her mask off, so I blew my whistle immediately
Starting point is 00:12:00 and yelled, cease fire. One of my co-workers said to me, hey what what's wrong? Yeah, she took her mask off. I had to stop the game. Ma'am, you can't take your mask off mid-game. Please follow me to the rest area. Don't tell me what to do. Why are you gonna do? Shoot me again?
Starting point is 00:12:16 Yeah, right. Just leave me alone. The entitled mother put her mask back on and went behind the tree. I guess she expected us to resume play and pretend that she never got hit or more importantly that she never took her mask off. Also, the other kids and parents were starting to walk up to where the referees were, so there was quite a scene. I told everyone else to head back to the rest area and we would begin the next game shortly.
Starting point is 00:12:40 Ma'am, I'll get fired if I resume play right now. You've already taken your mask off, and it's my job to take you back to the rest area. You'll be able to join back in the next game. What difference does it make? Can you please just leave me alone now? Actually, no, I can't. I also really don't want to curse you out and force you down to the rest area in front of all your friends and their kids. Unless you want to be removed from their property
Starting point is 00:13:06 and your son to come with you, I suggest you follow me. Shut the hell up, I'm not scared of your BS. Just go away and keep playing the game like jerks. Another parent came up to console the entitled parent and asked us what happened. We told them exactly what happened, but the entitled mother disagreed. They both shot me after I fell down.
Starting point is 00:13:27 My mask fell off and they almost hit my eye. The other parent seemed to be able to tell that Karen was lying because she gave me a look that seemed to say, sorry, she's an absolute moron and then started to walk back down with the others. Oh come on, you're full of BS. Your son seems like he's having a good time, and the only reason I'm not dragging you off the property by your hair is because I don't want to ruin it for him.
Starting point is 00:13:53 The entitled parent officially lost it. She was mad! She raised her paintball gun and shot my friend four times, once in the groin and three times in the stomach. I grabbed her paintball gun and ripped it out of her hands. Ow, why'd you keep hurting me, you effing butthole? I paid for all this, so quit being a dickhead and start playing fair. You just shot him for no other reason than being a total piece of garbage, so get out now before we call the cops. My friend was now on the phone with the manager.
Starting point is 00:14:27 Our super cool manager basically told us that we should do whatever necessary to remove her from the field because she was a safety threat. That basically meant that we could get physical and not get fired, so my friend hangs up and turns back to the entitled parents. I'm giving you one last chance to act like an f-ing adult before I start treating you like the B word that you are. How dare you! I give you my business, and this is how you treat me, you butthole!
Starting point is 00:14:56 And funnily enough, she didn't pay for this. The birthday boy's parents covered the prices for everyone. Have it your way then, dickhead! My friend attempted to hold her arms behind her back and escort her back down the hill. She broke free and started trying to hit him. He responded by gently but firmly pushing her away and she slid about six feet down the hill. First you shoot me, then you cut my hand and now you're effing ruin my expensive jeans.
Starting point is 00:15:24 All of this could have been avoided if you'd acted like a freaking adult. I'm the mature one here. Get off your high horse butthole. I'm suing all of you. Note that we weren't actually being super physical. We very much so could have been, but we took our threats of suing fairly seriously. Ensuring stuff is really complicated for paintball fields, and a lawsuit would cause a lot of problems even if we won the case. The entitled mother was really crying at this point. I don't think she realized that she had nowhere else to go but down the hill because we had
Starting point is 00:15:58 to stop the game, so she kept trying to break free and run back up the hill. We eventually got her back down to the rest area where she had a nice long talk with the manager who later told us that he was trying not to laugh. He gave her a $20 off coupon just to shut her up. Little did she know, it was expired. I felt bad for the kids, so I gave him a coat for some free stuff from our website which he redeemed a week later. It was just a t-shirt, special socks, a cool face mask, gloves, and some other stuff. Not much, but I wanted him to have something so he didn't feel too upset. In the end, me, my friend and the manager had a good laugh over the whole thing. Me and my friend had to file a report stating what happened so that just in case she did sue us, we had official records of the events.
Starting point is 00:16:45 We actually found her Twitter and she said that we caused irreparable trauma and that she would be taking immediately a galaction. We never heard from anyone representing her. We did, however, get an email from the birthday boy's father who said that she tends to be over-dramatic and stubborn and that he apologizes for what she did. So, last week, the kid came back to the field for an airsoft event and recognized me. He asked me if I ever posted the story anywhere, and I said no, he told me to put it on our slash entitled parents, so here I am. I like the kid in this story.
Starting point is 00:17:20 He shoots his own mother, then lets the worker take the blame for it, and then tells that worker to post a story, embarrassing his own entitled mother online. Clearly, this kid is fed up with his mom's antics. That was our slash entitled parents, and if you like this content, check out my second YouTube channel by clicking the link in the description. the link in the description.

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