Episode Date: August 1, 2021

r/Entitledparents OP works at a hospital, and he also happens to have a prosthetic ear. When goes in to treat a child patient, the kid's mother notices OP's prosthetic ear and actually gasps. She's so... horrified by the ear that she demands that OP remove it because it's scaring her kid! OP refuses, and then the father starts grilling OP because the father assumes that OP is mentally disabled and has no business working as a medical professional. Can you imagine demanding that someone else remove their body part? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to R-Slash, a podcast where I read the best post from across Reddit. Today's subreddit is R-Slash entitled Parents, where an entitled mother tells OP to take off his EAR. Our next Reddit post is from Cassie. So this happened about two years ago, but I just went on a flight recently and I was reminded of it. My family had an event that we had to go to that was across the country. A lot of my family, my mom, dad, sister, and several aunts, uncles, and cousins had already flown out the week before, but I had to work, my mom, dad, sister, and several aunts, uncles, and cousins had already flown out the week before, but I had to work and my daughter had preschool, so we stayed behind and were going to fly separately on the weekend.
Starting point is 00:00:32 My aunt had a little girl that she couldn't bring when she flew out, so she asked that I bring her with me when my daughter and I flew out. My aunt's daughter, Grace, was almost two years old, but she was nonverbal so far, and my daughter, Ellery, was a little over three. I was 18 at the time. Ellery was conceived out of assault, and yes, I was crazy to fly with two toddlers alone. Since I was flying with two toddlers, I wanted to make sure that we had a road to ourselves. I was planning on having Ellery in the window, grace in the middle, and me in the aisle. So, I went for this slightly more expensive option of choosing
Starting point is 00:01:04 pre-selected seats. We got to be in priority boarding, so we boarded before a lot of the other passengers. We checked our suitcases, so I just had my backpack and a diaper bag. So I had gray strapped to my front, my backpack on my back, the diaper bag in one hand, and Eleory's hand in my other. I was really saddled up. I got on the plane with no fuss from the girls, but when I got to our designated seats, yep, you guessed it. An entitled mom and her son, probably about six or seven, were sitting in our row. Our conversation went a little like this. Excuse me, these are our seats.
Starting point is 00:01:38 We pre-selected them. Um, I'm sorry, honey, but it's open seating and I got here first. You can go find another seat. No, this is my row. I pre-selected it online and paid extra for it. I showed her my ticket. Honey, that's not how it works on this airline. And unaccompanied minors need to fly next to flight attendants anyways.
Starting point is 00:01:59 At this point, I'm getting exasperated and exhausted and still holding a baby in a backpack. I'm an adult and this is my daughter Please move where I'll have to get a flight attendant. Go ahead. She'll tell you the same thing So of course I go get a flight attendant explain the situation and show her my ticket Inter flight attendant. Ma'am. She did in fact pre-select this row So I'm gonna need you to move to another seat. Excuse me? The entitled Mother looks genuinely shocked.
Starting point is 00:02:28 Please move to another seat. We have plenty. The flight attendant gestures to the back where there are literally still whole rows available. No, we got here first, and my son needs to be over the wing. The flight attendant is starting to look slightly annoyed, but she says, why don't I help you find another seat? I'm sure your son will be fine. No, I'm staying in the seat because I got here first! At this point, Ellery was getting antsy standing in one place and the flight attendant noticed. The flight attendant said to Ellery,
Starting point is 00:02:57 Sweetie, why don't you take a seat right here while I sort this out? I'll bring you an apple juice in a bit. Ellery sat down in a seat on the other side of the row, the one empty seat in the aisle of the plane that was filling up. Then the flight attendant said to the entitled mother, We're going to have to remove you from the aircraft if you don't move to another seat. The entitled mother finally gets up at this point and drags her child behind her pushing past us, angrily saying it me and the girls, you teenagers are so entitled!
Starting point is 00:03:25 The flight attendant apologizes to me and helps me settle my girls and my things into our row. Wonderful job dealing with that by the way, you seem like a very responsible big sister. Actually, the older one is my daughter, the younger one is my cousin. The flight attendant smiles at me. Then you're a very good mother. I'll get you an apple juice for the kid. Just make sure you stow up before we take off.
Starting point is 00:03:45 Let me know if there's anything else I can do to help you. Alright, this woman steals your seats that you paid for and then when you get them back she calls you the entitled one. This is like catching a thief stealing your stuff and you take your stuff back and then he calls the cops on you for stealing from him. Our next credit post is from Chupie Gut. I was doing intake for a new kid at the daycare I work at. It was a short interview and a lot of paperwork.
Starting point is 00:04:10 The usual bureaucratic stuff. I was in a small back office where we do all our intakes. The nice kid is playing with toys in the corner and I'm talking to the entitled mother about allergies or whatever. The nice kid sneaks up behind me and pulls a zip bag out of my backpack. Now I keep a backpack on me because I usually go right from class to work. In my backpack, I keep baggies with extra epilepsy meds in case I forget to take them before I leave my apartment.
Starting point is 00:04:34 The nice kid looks at me and asks very sweetly. Can I have some of this candy? My eyes go wide and I snatch the bag from him. I regain my composure and very calmly say, no kiddo, this is medicine, not candy. The nice kid pretty immediately backs down, but the entitled mother loses her ever loving mind. Why can't he just have one? Huh? The entitled mother, now getting a pretty nasty tone says, just let him have one. Ma'am, this is medicine and I don't know what the side effects could be if he takes one but doesn't have the condition it treats.
Starting point is 00:05:10 The entitled mother trying to talk under her breath but not being nearly as quiet as she thinks she's being says, greedy f*****. I get up from my desk and call my coworker into the room. My coworker says, what's up? Can you finish off this intake for me? Why? The entitled mother angrily butts in. He won't let my son have any candy! She points to my back. I've been friends with my coworker for about 15 years. She knows that those are
Starting point is 00:05:35 my meds. That's not candy, ma'am. It's medicine. You're both being very rude. I'm going to complain to your manager. My coworker and I exchange looks. Her office is two doors up on the right. Go ahead. The entitled mother storms off, dragging nice kid. The nice kid is even complaining that the entitled mother is dragging him too fast and it hurts. The entitled mother barges into my boss's office.
Starting point is 00:06:00 I wasn't able to catch the entire conversation through the door, but I did catch this. If you ever pull that garbage with one of my employees again, child protective services will hear about it. The entitled mom and nice kid leave about 10 minutes later, with the entitled mom bright red and embarrassed looking. What really gets me is that our kid backed down almost immediately. That's the funniest part of this to me. For good side effects, what if this was like a much harder drug that could have caused serious issues? Like, what if OPP was recovering from a surgery and they had high strength
Starting point is 00:06:33 painkillers? Oh, it's okay. Why don't you give my little son Timmy and Oxy? I'm sure he can handle it. Our next reddit posted from the stash attacked. Boy, howdy, do I have some entitled stories from when I worked in upscale restaurants? In normal diners, parents behave and kids behave. But the boozier the restaurant, the more entitled the parents get. So here I am at a fancy Italian restaurant.
Starting point is 00:06:57 I go up to the table, introduce myself, and ask if I can start with some drinks. The entitled mother says, oh, son, honey, show the lady your ID so we can get some cocktails. A young man who I wouldn't guess is older than 16, hands me the most blatantly fake ID that I've ever seen. Like, I don't know who this thing would fool. The photo was crooked and clearly pasted on, and it peeled off whenever I ran my thumb over it to reveal a totally different person. Also the name on the ID was Amanda, so it's a very, very bad fake.
Starting point is 00:07:31 I said I'm sorry, but do you have another form of ID? This isn't you. What do you mean it isn't his? That's his ID. Well, I don't think that he's a black female named Amanda, so no, this is not his ID. And now I can't serve anyone at the table alcohol. It's the law. My manager overheard some of this and came over.
Starting point is 00:07:52 Is there a problem? She won't serve my son alcohol even though he showed her ID. At this, I handed my manager the fake ID. Ma'am, this is clearly a fake ID. By law, we can't serve anyone at this table alcohol now. This woman lost her mind. She jumped up and held a fork like she wanted to stab someone with it and demanded to speak to the owner.
Starting point is 00:08:15 The owner heard the whole thing, came over and informed this woman that, no, we will not be serving them alcohol and she can leave. Either via her own legs or the cops, because we were not serving serving them alcohol and she can leave, either via her own legs or the calves, because we were not serving them food either. The entitled mother and her family decided that we're serious and storm out, making a scene ranting the whole way out the door. Other guests are staring,
Starting point is 00:08:35 and they go back to their food with a bout of uncomfortable giggles. I have so many other stories from this restaurant. This isn't even the worst one. Our next reddit post posted from the sad trash. I'm a 22 year old woman, and today I had my COVID-19 vaccine. When my mom got home, she took a magnet
Starting point is 00:08:52 and tried to stick it to my vaccine arm without asking. When I asked, what are you doing? She said, just checking. Last night, my mom told me that the vaccine would give me shingles, that I would have heavy periods. I would be more depressed and I would kill myself. And that I'm damaging a temple of God, and the Bible says I shouldn't have the vaccine because it changes your DNA. This evening, my mom told me that if I have any symptoms after this, then she was right. I have asthma,
Starting point is 00:09:20 meaning that I have a cough. I've always had a cough. My mom told me that now that they gave me COVID, I'm going to hurt them and other people, and I'm the reason that COVID is spreading. I'm not allowed to talk about the vaccine because it'll annoy my mom's husband, while he walks around saying that vaccinated people are brain damage and going to hell. Whenever I try to talk about the vaccine, I'm told that I shouldn't try to change their minds because they don't try to change mine. My mother has since argued that I raised you to be better and you're betraying what I believe in.
Starting point is 00:09:51 And she thinks that me getting the vaccine is a sign that I don't appreciate my upbringing and that I disrespect her. So I recently read an article about the Delta strain variance and how nasty it is and how most of the people getting infected don't have the vaccine because obviously the doctor or nurse or whoever it was that they interviewed for this article was talking about how these people were begging for the vaccine right up until the point that they were being intubated and if you don't know what intubated is that's
Starting point is 00:10:18 when they shove a plastic tube down your throat so that it breathes for you. Then the person in the article would have to say, sorry, but it's too late for that. Shubbs tube downthroats. So yeah, I mean, I guess it's up to you whether or not you want to get vaccinated. But let's see, death with a tube down your throat or living healthily. Hmm, seems like a pretty easy choice to me. Our next Reddit post is from Snooze Strawberries. So I was in a Chinese restaurant waiting on my curry chip to go, and I'm just talking with the girl the till making small talk passing the time because the restaurant was mostly
Starting point is 00:10:53 empty. Then a presence descended upon the restaurant as entitled mom and entitled son entered. Immediately the entitled mother is obnoxious and overall not pleasant. She proceeded to demand chicken nuggets and chips for her son. I don't know why she decided to go to a Chinese restaurant and not the local McDonald's. The lady behind the till takes the order and relays it to the kitchen. And this is where the entitled mother shows her true colors. The chefs were making food and talking and I guess Chinese, when the entitled mother scoffs
Starting point is 00:11:23 loudly and said, this is Ireland, we speak English here. I'm just shocked at that and then the owner came out fuming after hearing this and shout in perfect English. This is Ireland, we speak Irish and he shout in perfect Irish, which I'm gonna give a stab at so go easy on me Irish people. Mjolnmormja is sweet kinoic to Agnes Nielfelt's ramaats. Which translates very roughly to you, you wail of a woman, you're a racist beaward and not welcome here. I can't contain myself and I burst out laughing as the entitled mother is shocked that she's being shouted at an Irish which she doesn't speak, and she just leaves an anger and silence. Do I have any Irish fans out there who can tell me how good my Irish accent is?
Starting point is 00:12:09 I'm sure it's flawless, right? Our next reddit post is from Mason's. For a bit of background, I'm a 24 year old guy and I'm half deaf on my left side due to a birth defect. I also have a misshaped ear due to a combination of birth defects and surgeries to repair it. When I got a bit older, I started wearing a prosthetic ear on that side to cover it up. It wasn't perfect, but it looked better than what I originally had. Unfortunately, though, these types of prosthetics don't last forever, and they have to be replaced every so often because the colors begin to fade and they tear around the
Starting point is 00:12:38 edges. I was due for a new one, and I was just waiting on my insurance to approve it before the prosthetic sent me a new one. So, for the actual story, I was working in a pediatric emergency room at the time and I had just received an order to perform an EKG on a roughly 8 to 10 year old patient. When I walked into the room and began to introduce myself to the mom, dad, and patient, the mother looked at me and gasped. I was taken aback and I asked her what was wrong. She told me. Your ear is really freaking me out. Is it supposed to be some kind of Halloween costume or something? It seems inappropriate for a children's hospital. Mind you that this happened on like October 2nd. I explained to her that I had a disability
Starting point is 00:13:18 for which I wear a prosthetic. She then asked. Take it off because it's making me uncomfortable. I politely declined because it's held on by medical glue and it's not very easy to take on an off. I proceed to do my job and perform the EKG, but throughout the procedure, the father decided to repeatedly probe me for personal information. He asked me things like, are you sure you're qualified to do this? And how long did you go to school before this job? I answered his questions, but I could very obviously tell that he was insinuating that I was mentally disabled and shouldn't be working in this field.
Starting point is 00:13:55 I finished the procedure as quickly as I could and left. I didn't say anything to the parents, but I did wish the child well. I gave the report to the bedside nurse and I asked her not to call me for this patient unless they absolutely had to. I kept my mouse shut at the time, but in retrospect I wish I had spoken up for myself more. Some people just have no respect for those with disabilities. So sometimes when I read situations like these, I think of those like trashy game shows like Fear Factor. You know what the ones where they're like,
Starting point is 00:14:25 okay, so you've got to stick your hand in this giant jar filled with rats and cockroaches, and if you do, you have a chance to win a million dollars, but if you don't, you're disqualified. Are you man enough to pull this off? I have to- This is really, really awful to say, but sometimes when I read these stories, I imagine what it would be like. If you're on a game show, but instead of like, you have to stick your hand in this jar full of rats, they're like, you have to go into this place of business where there's a disabled person working, and you have to make fun of them. I'd be like, nope, I'm just qualified. No thanks, not doing that, no way.
Starting point is 00:15:03 Like, really, I'm not even exaggerating. If I'm on some game show for like a hundred thousand dollars or whatever. And to qualify for the prize, I had to do what these people did in this post. Uh-uh, nope, not happening. Send me home, I'm outta here, I'm just qualified. See you later. Can you imagine the actual audacity you would need to tell someone to take off their body parts. Because it makes you uncomfortable? I literally can't even imagine. I can't even imagine. That was our Slash Entitled Parents and if you like this content be sure to follow my
Starting point is 00:15:38 podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day. new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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