rSlash - r/Entitledparents WHY WON'T YOU PAY FOR MY VACATION?!

Episode Date: October 22, 2020

r/Entitledparents In today's episode, OP wins a free vacation as part of a raffle. She knows that if she invites her spoiled sister, her sister will treat it as if it's HER vacation and ruin OP's trip.... So, she decides to invite her friend instead. When her sister finds out about the vacation, she completely flips out at OP and basically proves that OP was right to never invite her. If you like this episode, follow me for more daily Reddit content! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Make every moment a little more magical this season with a Starbucks red cup in your hands. Wrap yourself in the warmth of one of our familiar faves, like a peppermint mocha or a caramel brule latte. Find your festive with the Starbucks app. Welcome to R-Slash, a podcast where I read the best posts from across Reddit. Today's subreddit is R-Slash entitled Parents, where an entitled mother expects other people to buy her a free vacation. Our next reddit post is from Acre McDatty. This happened about four years ago when I was working at McDonald's. Now this one is a 24-7 McDonald's, but due to management at the time, we had to do a deep clean. So we closed at 8 and we gave considerable notice as there were signs everywhere
Starting point is 00:00:41 letting people know. Then there's the blind driver who went past all seven signs not noticing a single one. I'm on the headset for the drive-through. I hear the beep that someone's at the order station and say, Hello, welcome to McDonald's. Unfortunately, we're closed at the moment. I'd like a fish finger happy meal and a large quarter pounder meal with a diet coke please. I'm sorry, ma'am.
Starting point is 00:01:02 We can't provide any service at the moment because we just closed her maintenance and deep cleaning tonight. What do you mean? This isn't all day all night McDonald's. Yeah, we are, however this was the business manager's decision ma'am. I can't provide any service at this time. I'm posted here to let the customers know that we're closed just in case they miss the signs outside.
Starting point is 00:01:21 I don't like your tone. I'd like to see your manager. Of course, ma'am. One minute, please. I go to the manager and explain the situation. He takes the headset and I grab a spare. Hello, this is the manager for tonight. What seems to be the issue? I'd like to order, please. Ma'am, I can remember explaining that we're closed at the moment for maintenance and deep cleaning.
Starting point is 00:01:42 You're gonna have to find another McDonald's it's open, like the one in X in the other in the city center. But it's my son's birthday today and I want to treat him. Ma'am, I understand that, but none of our equipment is on to provide service. You ruined my kid's birthday, I'm coming to the window. The entitled mother drives up to the window and demands to see my manager superior screaming at him. Not knowing that he's the only superior there, since he's the freaking business manager. I'm the business manager, ma'am.
Starting point is 00:02:12 You've decided to harass my crew and disrespect me. We have your license plate, face and card description, and we'll not only report you to the police, but we're permanently banning you from this McDonald's. Congrats, though, you're the first person I've ever had to ban. Carrying drives off when we resumed the cleaning. We did have leftovers from before we closed, so we held a friendly competition for the most creative burger. I didn't win, but I got to eat my spicy quad Big Mac supreme.
Starting point is 00:02:37 Our next credit post is from Cupcake commercial. A little over two years ago, I went a raffle at my job for an all expenses paid family vacation. It wasn't some super fancy prize to Disneyland or anything like that. It was just a nice 3 day stay at this little beach house in. It was for 4 people and I asked around and found out the package deal cost just under 400 bucks. I asked my boyfriend at the time to go with me, but he couldn't take off from school. I wanted to take my single friends and make it a girls trip, but they either couldn't because of work or other responsibilities, which I was sad about,
Starting point is 00:03:08 but understood. Since that plan was a bust, I decided to see if my sister and her two little kids wanted to come. I figured they'd enjoy it and so would my sister, and I didn't want to waste the tickets. Well, I went down to visit my family that weekend, planning on asking my sister if they wanted to come. But the longer I was there, the more I hated the idea. By the time I was packing up to go home, I knew I wasn't inviting them. I love my niece and nephew, but they were super bratty back then, because my sister never disciplines them ever. I love them, but she lets them get into everything and never watches them unless someone yells
Starting point is 00:03:45 at her to get off her butt and watch them. Visiting is always a chore because I end up watching them to give her mama break. It's pathetic. And like every time I visit, my sister dumped them on me the entire time, like usual. And by that point, I knew that if they came, it would turn into me babysitting them while she had a vacation. So, I didn't mention the vacation and just said goodbye before leaving. The next day I called my good friend Megan because she has two kids who are older than my sister's kids and very well
Starting point is 00:04:14 behaved. And she's a single working mom who I figured could use the vacation. I asked if she would be free for such and such days and she said yeah. So I offered to invite her along if she paid for gas while I paid for food and she happily agreed. We went and had a blast. I got a pretty good tan, we ate lots of buffet food, swam at the beach, and did plenty of family fun activities all weekend before coming back. Her kids are super sweet and it didn't feel like I was babysitting at all, even when I was helping Megan with them.
Starting point is 00:04:44 After I got home I posted some pictures I took, and before lunch, she'd been rolled around on my first day back at work, my sister was blowing up my phone. I knew that ignoring her calls would just prolong the inevitable, so I answered. I barely got past hello before she was asking me how the hell I could afford a vacation.
Starting point is 00:05:04 I told her it was a raffle prize, she asked to one, me or my friend, and I said me. She proceeded to flip out and demanded to know why I didn't invite her. I was honest and said because I didn't want to end up babysitting her kids for my entire vacation. She got mad and called me a butthole, then said that I knew that she needed a vacation and hung up on me before I could reply. I just sighed and continued working. Later while I was leaving work, our mom called me and asked why I'd promised my niece and nephew I'd take them on vacation. I said I never told them that. I hadn't even spoken to them since the last time I visited. Turns out my sister told them we were all supposed to go in a beach vacation together, but I ruined it and now they didn't
Starting point is 00:05:48 get to go. So my niece and nephew sobbed all day. It took my mom ages to get them to stop crying long enough to explain what was wrong. I told my mom my side of the story and she said I was mean not to invite my sister and her kids, but she dropped it after I told her that I didn't invite them because I didn't feel like babysitting my whole vacation. My mom torn to my sister for lying to her and also hurting her kids feelings like that, getting their hopes up about a vacation and then dashing them by saying I ruined it and they couldn't go. I wasn't there, but mom said that my sister threw a huge fit and basically trashed me all afternoon.
Starting point is 00:06:26 The only thing that I really feel bad about was my sister getting my niece and nephews hopes up like that. OP, I love how your sister said that you know that she needed a vacation. Which basically proves your point that she had every intention of giving you the kids and treating it as her own personal vacation. Our next reddit post is from Janissian. Long story short, my brother moved to a city three hours away to study law, and since his wife wanted to come back to this city, her family and social network is centered in the
Starting point is 00:06:53 area where I live. They decided to come back here for him to pass his bar. The issue is that the apartment they were supposed to move into suddenly became unavailable due to unforeseen events, and as a result result they had to quickly find temporary lodging. For reference, me and my parents bought a duplex a few years back and I live in the upstairs unit and they occupy the first floor. There's a bachelor room in the basement for guests to use. When my parents learned about the apartment issue that my brother, his wife and kids were
Starting point is 00:07:18 going through, they offered to lodge them temporarily in the basement in exchange for a relatively low rent. Now, my brother had not been an entitled parent. This three-month situation could have been perfectly fine as they had everything that they needed in the basement. They had a shower, a cooking range, and a fridge, and had a separate bedroom for the parents. But no! Of course, they had to take over mine in my parent's space. Metrolinx and cross-l links are reminding everyone to be careful
Starting point is 00:07:46 as Eglinton Cross-town LRT train testing is in progress. Please be alert, as trains can pass at any time on the tracks. Remember to follow all traffic signals, be careful along our tracks, and only make left turns where it's safe to do so. Be alert, be aware, and stay safe. smarts to make picks live on the players and teams you're watching. And qualified bets can use our early cashout feature, so you could take your winnings to play live blackjack on the same points bet at. The platform that gives you everything you need. You know what to do.
Starting point is 00:08:35 Bet on it. Point Spets Sportsbook and Casino. For example, despite having a brand new shower in the basement, my kids don't like the shower down there, so they've several times forced my hands so they'd be able to use my baths up to clean their kids. One time, they rang my doorbell while I was taking a bath after a long day's work, which forced me to run for a towel and then empty the bath water to refill it completely.
Starting point is 00:08:59 Hello, water bill. Also, they apparently once came while I wasn't at home, and the way I know this is that the temperature on my AC unit had been tampered with. I guess it was too cold in the house for his precious children. Then two days ago, he decided that the Wi-Fi connection in the basement, which he doesn't pay for by the way, wasn't strong enough. So he unplugged our router and tried plugging in his router in order to better redirect Wi-Fi to the basement. This caused every single smart device in the house to stop functioning, including smart
Starting point is 00:09:30 doorbells, all the lights and smart plugs. Also, the deal with my parents to pay rent fell through and he snaked out of paying for all three months that he was there. My parents only got a month and a half worth of rent. And finally, my parents had to make a decision regarding our very old 16 year old B-shon dog, who had become rather ill recently. And he felt like he had a word in the matter. He just casually told them that they should just get rid of it and move on.
Starting point is 00:09:58 This is a dog that my mother considered her baby. He's finally leaving in a few days. I honestly don't understand how someone can feel so freaking entitled to treating someone else's home like they own the place. Our next word of post is from Totted Demand. My grandma has a spare key to my parents house. She's had it since me and my sister were little so she could come babysit us when our mom was working evenings.
Starting point is 00:10:19 She doesn't need the candy more since me and my parents are adults now and have moved out and I guess my parents are forgotten about it. So I was visiting my parents over the summer, and on two occasions my grandma showed up at the house unannounced when I was the only one home. She did not knock, she just unlocked the door and walked straight in and went to my room, also without knocking. The first time she snuck up on me while I was gaming and scared the bejesus out of me. Fast forward like a week.
Starting point is 00:10:44 I was once again home alone, and I went to me. Fast forward like a week. I was once again home alone and I went to my room for some ALONE time, so to speak. There I was doing my deed, when I suddenly thought I heard something, so I stopped for a short while and listened, but I didn't hear anything anymore so I continued. A minute later someone rips the door open, and it was my grandma, and there I was. Spankin' the monkey with adult videos on my phone. She looked shocked like she had just seen a ghost. Then she closed the door and walked away and I could hear from the kitchen saying something like, stop that.
Starting point is 00:11:15 Get your ass in and come out of here you little perv. I did as she said and got dressed and left my room to speak with her. She was mad and the conversation went like this. I'm so sorry but you can't just walk in like that. I had the key, and you weren't opening when I knocked because you were in your room perving yourself. But you can't come as you want without permission. It's not your house.
Starting point is 00:11:38 It's not your house either. It's my daughters, and I can do whatever I want. Oh no, you can't. Why do you even still have the key? That's beyond the point young man. Why are you in there committing blasts for me? You should stop that sick behavior and focus on getting married. And also, I'm gonna press charges for sexual harassment. You exposed yourself to me. That's illegal. And I'm gonna press charges for trespassing. I'm just gonna show the security footage
Starting point is 00:12:05 of the front door camera. And by the way, I can do what I want with my own body and my free time. No, you can't. That's sick and disgusting. I'm going to tell your mom that you exposed yourself to me. So you mean that you're gonna speak to my manager? Uh, no, I said your mom. You bet she's gonna ground you for this. You know that I don't live here and I'm 25. I don't think my mom would care anyways after I show her the front door footage if you just walking in without knocking. Whatever, you're still in big trouble, you nasty pervert. Then she stormed out and slammed the door and I saw her messing with something by the
Starting point is 00:12:41 door, probably trying to reach the front door camera. And I later saw in the footage her trying to jump for the camera, kinda funny seeing a 5-foot tall, 70-year-old lady jumping and punching for something just out of reach, and I also saw her walking in without knocking and unlocking the door. It was the first thing she did when she got to the door. I called my mom after she left and told her the story. I didn't tell her about my private time, of course. I said that I was changing clothes, and happened to be naked when my grandma opened the door.
Starting point is 00:13:09 My mom laughed and said she's gonna take the spare key back or change the locks. I still don't know if my grandma has talked to my mom yet after the incident since it happened fairly recently. I've returned to my apartment since then, so I'm kind of curious on how my mom would ground me. And then O.P posted an update. My grandma called my mom the next day and yelled at her for raising such a pervert of a son. She actually lied about what happened and said that I was walking around naked and that I answered the door and started to pervert on myself in front of her.
Starting point is 00:13:38 And that I scared her for life and that she thought that I was going to attack her sexually and all kinds of made up BS. She said that I'm going to jail her sexually and all kinds of made up BS. She said that I'm going to jail for this and that I'm probably an abuser in disguise. My mom laughed at her and said that it doesn't sound like anything OP would do and why would he do such a thing in front of his own grandma. She said that she was just lying and that I told her the truth and that her claims are ridiculous. My mom was also kind of pissed that she called me a potential R word, but she didn't see any
Starting point is 00:14:07 point in arguing about it because my grandma will always think that she's in the right no matter what you tell her. My mom will probably change a lot and not say anything to my grandma because getting the spare key back is probably impossible considering how my grandma is. My mom simply said that I shouldn't care about what that stupid B word says and that I shouldn't worry about her pressing charges. She wouldn't do that, she just uses that as a threat. And if she were to, then my grandma would have no evidence, and also I have evidence for walking in without knocking. So I'm not concerned about that. You're
Starting point is 00:14:38 lucky that it was your grandmother who walked in and not your step sister because I've seen that video and that ends very, very differently. That was our Slash Entitle parents, and if you like this content, then check out my Patreon where I publish podcast episodes that were banned from YouTube. Also, be sure to follow my podcast because I put on new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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