rSlash - r/Idontworkherelady I Got a Mega-Karen ARRESTED!

Episode Date: February 24, 2020

r/Idontworkherelady In today's video, an entitled Karen slaps a cashier in front of OP, and then Karen gets the incredibly bright idea to go find a police officer to arrest the cashier. When the cops up, OP pulls a reverse Uno and tells the cops what REALLY happened, and so they slap the Karen in cuffs and haul her away! Instant justice! If you like this video and want to see more, hit that subscribe button! Watch on YouTube: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 For your holiday season, real Canadian superstar has more legendary ways to save than any other major grocer. Until December 6th, get a free Jumble Point Seta when you spend $300 or more. Plus, PC Optimum members can get select PC or no-name cheese at $3.99. Conditions apply to Fly For Details. Welcome to our slash, I Don't Work Here, Lady, where OP gets a Karen arrested. My friends' parents were throwing a party for high-end clients. They themselves have a huge fancy house right on the water, floor-to-ceiling windows, indoor and outdoor swimming pools, two bars, one in the den, and one by the outdoor swimming pool. Heeded toilet seats, hot tubs in the bedroom, whole shebang. My
Starting point is 00:00:38 friend had invited a few friends to attend as well. However, we decided to stay away from the main event, which was by the outdoor pool bar and just hang out by the bar and the din. There are maybe about eight of us hanging out down there and maybe 60 people hanging out back. They hired two bartenders to serve drinks on the pool bar and had a live band. We occasionally wandered up there to get a drink, and would just duck behind the bar to grab drinks, but decided we could just drink from what was available in the din bar since it was loud and crowded up there. So to set the scene, it was us, several early to mid-20some things hanging out drinking around this bar, not really dressed up like the other guests. I'm behind the bar making myself a drink.
Starting point is 00:01:15 A lady in a red dress, mid-40s, aka Miss Wow walks in from outside and comes up to the bar. Hey, can you make me a Cosmo? Okay, sure. I pause, realize I don, can you make me a Cosmo? Okay, sure. I pause, realize I don't know what goes in a Cosmo. What goes in that again? She looks at me like I'm stupid. Wow, shouldn't you know how to make that? Me, not following, and kind of offended by how she's talking to me.
Starting point is 00:01:39 I know I've made them before, but they're not my drink of choice, and it's been a while. Actually, I'm not even sure if they have all the ingredients down here. But you should know how to make a Cosmo, isn't that pretty basic? Well, how did you even get this gig? I was getting a bit pissy, but finally catch on, so I'm a bit testy in my response. I don't work here, I'm a guest like you. I was just trying to help you to be nice. She has the good sense to apologize and finally seemed to register that we were just a bunch
Starting point is 00:02:09 of young people hanging out. She'd be the hasty retreat without a drink. It was night and day how she went from condescending to apologetic, like I was suddenly worth normal social niceties. That's why I don't trust anyone who's mean to the help. Man, what a messed up mentality. Does she think that guests deserve politeness, but servers don't? This lady seems kind of classist. Our next reddit post is from Stitch Thoughts.
Starting point is 00:02:35 Now, I'm pretty much a fixture in my local grocery store. Almost every day I'm in there, because I like to cook, but I don't always remember to get all the ingredients and have to go back. I'm in the grocery store so much I know most of the staff by name. A couple of my neighbors even work there. But anyway, I was walking around the aisles picking up beef broth vegetables and whatnot when I saw a lady wandering the aisles aimlessly. So I thought I would be considerate and ask her if I could help her. The elderly lady was looking for baking goods. I know the store like the back of my hand and know where it is. As we walk through the baking, I always struck up a conversation.
Starting point is 00:03:08 The sweet elderly lady asked me if I would help her with her shopping because she had never been in the store before. I said, sure, why not. I wasn't in a big hurry. I mean, I live in the apartment's right behind the store. I mean, actually, behind the store. I can stand on my patio, take off a shoe, and actually hit the back of it. We wound up doing all of our shopping together. She began to tell me about her kids and grandkids, and she was soon to be a great grandmother. She's a very pleasant woman. I actually learned a few things she told me that she had seen her in a lifetime. We walked the aisles, taking the items on her list and throwing them in the shopping cart, and she would check the items off. Finally, about half an hour later, we proceeded to check out.
Starting point is 00:03:48 I told her I'd be right back, because I almost forgot what I'd gone there for. As I returned to the register, the elderly lady was telling the manager what a nice employee I was, and didn't want me to get in trouble for taking up my time. Dean, the manager, smiled, and told her that I don't work there. The elderly lady looked at me puzzled and apologized to me for taking up so much of my personal time. I told her that I was in no rush and that I live in the apartments nearby. It turns out she just moved several apartments away across the apartment complex.
Starting point is 00:04:17 We walked home to our apartments. She smiled and asked me why I helped her if I didn't work there. I told her that my parents raised me to help others without reward. I gave her the groceries. I told her if she needed help or wanted to go shopping, let me know. The elderly woman said she did her shopping every Monday and if I wouldn't mind going and accompanying her. I told her it was very kind of her to try and keep me from getting fired even though
Starting point is 00:04:40 I don't work there. So now I have a shopping buddy and someone to talk with and share coupons. I know this doesn't have a screaming entitled Karen or Brad, but I just wanted to share this I don't work here story, so thanks for reading. Have a great day. No need to apologize OP. Sometimes it's nice to read a story like this, you just remember that not everyone out there is a walking butthole. Our next Reddit post is from Whisperless Void. One day after work, I stopped by the local pet super store where all the pets go in order to get some more litter from my two cats. This particular location has a station where you can refill your own jugs with a store
Starting point is 00:05:15 brand litter at a discount if you buy one of their containers first. I have main coon mixes so I buy and bulk when I can and had three empty jugs in my cart and a fourth in my hand that I was refilling with litter. It's at this point that I hear a woman clear her throat. It was cold season, so a lot of people were doing that, and became vaguely aware of an older woman getting closer to me. I just moved closer to the bend so she could pass behind me if she needed to. Finish up with the first jug and move on to the second. This was apparently the wrong thing to do, as the woman huffs at me. Huh, we heard that poop, scoops. I stopped what I'm doing in Glance around, thinking that maybe she'd spoken to an employee that was stalking Shels or something,
Starting point is 00:05:55 but no, she's scowling right at me. It was early in the afternoon in the middle of the week, so there weren't many employees in the story yet. Whatever, no big deal. I have a vague idea of where things are since they remodel the store. I take a second to glance down the aisle and standing next to, and I'm relieved to see litter boxes. I reflexively give her a customer service mile and gesture down the aisle. They're at the end of this aisle against the wall. Karen doesn't bother to thank me as she moves closer to the aisle and looks down at before huffing again. Huff, those ones are too small. I need a big one. I realize at this point she means the dog shovel scoop things. I shrug and move on to my third litter container. Well, I only have cats, so I don't know where the dog stuff is now that they remodel the store. You should probably ask
Starting point is 00:06:41 an employee. But you're an employee! I see you here all the time. I should probably point out that I work in an office and was dressed in black trousers, heels, and a green pattern blouse with a small purse hanging off the shoulder facing Karen. The employees here wear sneakers, jeans, and either a red or blue t-shirt with a company name and logo in big white letters on their front and back of the t-shirt. I have two large cats, so they go through litter pretty fast, so I'm here on an almost weekly basis, but I don't work here.
Starting point is 00:07:11 That's a lie! You gave my dog a pat, and I have seen you on the registers. It's at this point I'm a little shocked. I worked in the grooming salon at this particular store for a couple of months, but that was well over a year ago. I'm sorry I should clarify, I haven't worked for company name in over a year. They've remodeled the store since I was an employee, so I really don't know where they move the dog shovels to.
Starting point is 00:07:34 I believe they were at the front of the store when I worked here, but that area is now where they have the dog food. I finally see an employee approaching. Probably drawn to Karen's steadily rising voice, and point him out to Karen, who promptly stomps over to him to complain. I had finished refilling my jugs so I pushed my cart towards the register's only catching part of Karen's complaints about my poor customer service before I tuned the rest of it out. Funny thing is, I would have helped her find where it had been moved to if she hadn't started talking
Starting point is 00:08:03 to me like I was beneath her. Just because you're old, it doesn't give you the right to toss basic manners to the dogs. Our next reddit posted from Mind Your Manors. So this was like two years ago. I was at the grocery in the water aisle picking a bottle of soda for a party later when I noticed an older man struggling with a gallon of water. I offered to help and put the water jug in his cart. I asked if he needed help lifting it when he got back to his car, but he declined and said his son and his wife were in another aisle. He thanked me and left, so I went back to the soda deciding which one to get. Once my back is turned, I hear it. Those dreaded words you never want to hear when you just want to pick up one thing and leave. Excuse me, I turn around and sear.
Starting point is 00:08:46 Typical Karen. Fake tan skin of noxiously large sunglasses, wearing a neon pink two sizes two small t-shirt, jean short shorts and flip flops. Yes. Now that you're finally done with that old man, you can pick up this water, point to the 36 bottle package of water, and carry it to the front with me. Her cart was packed full of different foods, the bottom of it also had stuff on it.
Starting point is 00:09:11 I'm sorry, but I don't work here, but I can get an employee to help. I was wearing a plain t-shirt and shorts, nothing that indicated I worked there. She looks me over. I don't care if it's your day off or whatever. You will lift that water and you will come with me to the front. No, I won't. If that's the attitude you're going to have when asking for help, you can do it yourself. I turn around, grab a mountain dude, and walk away.
Starting point is 00:09:36 You butthole! She screamed at full volume. I ignored her and kept walking. I was about to head to the checkout when I saw they had a Bucksar next to it. I ordered a nice coffee with that a lit or a straw because I wanted to try and save the environment, lol. I'd get to the self service and just wait in line. When it's my turn to scan, I hear a familiar voice right behind me. THAT'S HIM! I turn around and see her again with a confused manager in tow. Metro links and cross links are reminding everyone to be careful
Starting point is 00:10:08 as Eglinton Cross Town LRT train testing is in progress. Please be alert, this trains can pass at any time on the tracks. Remember to follow all traffic signals. Be careful along our tracks and only make left turns where it's safe to do so. Be alert, be aware, and stay safe. Your business has grown fast, from opening your first location to planning an expansion in no time. And with your business platinum card from American Express,
Starting point is 00:10:42 you can access spending power and payment flexibility to fuel your growth. Sarah, the contractor's here with the plans. American Express, don't do business without it. Terms and conditions apply visit slash business platinum. This is the one who refused to help me. The confused manager points to me.
Starting point is 00:11:05 Him? Yes, she said with Glee. That's him. Ma'am, he doesn't work. Yes, he does. Her every word dripping with venom. And, oh look, he's drinking coffee instead of helping me. I just glared at her and said nothing.
Starting point is 00:11:23 Put down that coffee and help me with my groceries. She slapped the coffee out of my hand which caused it to spill all over me before I hit the floor. The F? The manager becomes less confused and turns to me. Sir, do you want me to call the police? I am wiping my shirt. No, I just want her gone. Now, you heard a maim. But, but, but. You have two options. You can either leave willingly or I'll call the police and they'll drag you out in handcuffs.
Starting point is 00:11:52 Karen turns and spits at me. But hold. She storms right out the front door with none of her stuff. I clean up in the bathroom and they even give me two bottles of soda for free. The sad part of all of this was I would have helped her if she just minded her manners. Someone down in the comments says, I was secretly hoping your response would be absolutely I wouldn't press charges. And then someone says, people here never press charges when they should.
Starting point is 00:12:20 And to that, depreciated zero adds a story of his own. Maybe 8 to 10 years ago now, my brother and I were at Subway and witnesses woman have a complete freak out. She stood and huffed angrily about having to wait for my brother and I to finish ordering. Then immediately starts being awful to the woman working. Says something along the lines of, took you long enough to get started. She's a total grunt the whole time she's ordering and she walks out. Now my brother and I sat down to eat in and as we're talking, in walks that same
Starting point is 00:12:51 Karen again. This time she's screaming about her sandwich being made wrong. The employee officer are refund and tells her she'll need to swipe the card again to put the money back on it. The woman says that's not fast enough so the employee offers to call the manager for her. At which point, the woman reaches over and slaps the card out of the cashier's hand. As she's storming out, she stops and looks at me and says, he's taught she wouldn't refund me, right? I smile and say, I saw everything that just happened.
Starting point is 00:13:20 Now, it's worth noting that this particular subway is Cady Corner from a cop shop. So Karen walks in moments later with a pair of police in tow. She points at me and grows, he saw everything, he'll confirm what happened. I nodded to the cops and said, it's true, I can confirm everything. I watched this woman right here attack the poor girl behind the counter there completely unprovoked. She gives me this look of astonished betrayal as if she'd expected anything else. So the
Starting point is 00:13:50 one cop took the woman outside, the other went and talked to the employee. I watched her the big glass front windows as the woman tries to walk away and the cop calls her back to him. After a few minutes talking to the employee, the other joins him, and they hand up Karen and put her in the cruiser to go across the street. What happened to her from there, I couldn't say. But the poor girl working came over and hugged me and thanked me for sticking around. Since it's the cops' decisions whether or not to press charges, I'm hoping they did. Our next reddit post is from Nami Rilla.
Starting point is 00:14:20 So I'm 24-22 at the time, and I worked as a station agent in a friend's airport. Those are the people in suits to check you and your luggage in, and even board you or de-board you from planes. I worked with a French company for 8 months during the summer of 2018. Working there was the best. Great hours, nice pay, people are A-holes, but honestly, not so bad once you learn how to deal with them properly. One of my favorite parts of this job were the hours,
Starting point is 00:14:45 either from 4 a.m. to 2 p.m. or from 1 p.m. to 10 30 p.m. No weekends or public holidays. For most people, that's probably bad, but for me, it was paradise. We would get days off by cycle and having days off in the middle of the week rocks. Go get groceries with almost nobody in the stores,
Starting point is 00:15:03 all government agencies open, and less people all around because they're working. A paradise. Now, for the first five months there, I would always come dress in a suit. Full suit, even in the middle of summer, with a tie in everything. So, I would go home or shop in stores in the suit as well. After a while, I got tired and started to change clothes arriving and leaving from work. This story of course happened when I was still coming and leaving from work in full suit. It was around 3 months after I started. By then, wearing a suit became natural. No more of that weird, uncomfortable feeling while wearing it.
Starting point is 00:15:36 It became normal. Even more, I could use to changing my attitude while wearing it, in like my posture. And people, even in the streets, would think that I'm some successful person just because I wore a suit. And I also got quite used to noticing people needing help, problematic customers, and all that. I leave work at 3 or 4 pm, I had to stay longer to cover for someone and head to a store to bring a faulty electronic I bought there. I walked to the store, wearing only my suit and carrying the thing in a bag. I head towards customer service, and immediately notice a man, hand on the counter, leaning towards the cashier, she'll be Julie, and all our colleagues look tense, eyeing the guy. I shrug, not my problem. I'm not paid to deal
Starting point is 00:16:15 with that one. I turned a sit and noticed that all the seats are taken, so I stay up and pull out my phone. Meanwhile, this guy starts to speak louder and louder. From what I got, the issue was that he wanted to use a store cart of his wife, but the store policy is that you can't use the cart of another customer, even if you're the relative, as the cart can be used to make credit. This guy gets more and more heated up and starts calling around for other people to join. That immediately ticks me off. When I was intrining to become station agent, we learned of different types of customers. I won't go into detail, but this guy is what we call a red customer. Someone that will rally others to help them get
Starting point is 00:16:55 what they want. I see Julie on the verge of tears and I try to think of something to do while the guy starts throwing slurs at her. I finally notice a paper hanging near the counter and take action. I drop the bag, adjust my tie, take my best manager face, and walk to the guy. As soon as he notices me, he smirks and turns to me. You're the manager? To which I reply, yes, while looking at both him and the cashier as it to judge a situation. Julie turns white. He points at her and says, this employee is discriminating against me. I want to use a discount on my wife's store card.
Starting point is 00:17:33 I have her ID. There's no reason that. I then take a step forward. I'm not tall and this guy is taller than me, but he still stops when I get in his face. Without a word, I pointed the paper I saw earlier. It's a notice saying that any kind of harassment or insult towards an employee will result in a lawsuit and fine for the customer. It's his turn to turn white, or whiter.
Starting point is 00:17:57 He opens his mouth, but I'm faster. She's right, if you want to use that card, you need your wife to be here. Now I have to ask you to leave leave or I'll have to call security. But first you will apologize. You've been beyond insulting to her. A security guard that's always near steps closer. He turns to the woman, apologizes in a weak voice and quickly walks off. I walked to Julian Asker if she's okay.
Starting point is 00:18:21 She thinks me profusely. Then another worker comes to me and asks me what to do with a product returned by another client. I giggle and pulling my airport ID simply state, sorry I don't work here, I just can't stand people like this. I was allowed to check out first, got a refund and smiles from everyone on the team. A good day. It's like what they say, not all heroes wear capes. Somewhere suits. That was our slash. I don't work here, lady. And if you like this video, then hit that subscribe button because I put out new Reddit videos every single day.

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