rSlash - r/Niceguys VS r/Nicegirls "I Only Date 10/10 Hotties"

Episode Date: April 27, 2020

r/Niceguys vs r/Nicegirls In today's episode, the crazy gets dialed up to 11 and nicegirls and niceguys try to beg, lie, and threaten their way into relationships. We've even got one guy who makes a R...eddit post while HIDING IN HIS GIRLFRIEND'S BUSHES! And he thinks his girlfriend is the crazy one! We've also got a nicegirl who threatens to murder her boyfriend because she has a dream where her man is cheating. That's not a red flag at all! If you like this video and want to see more, be sure to hit the subscribe button for daily Reddit videos. Watch on YouTube: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 For your holiday season, real Canadian Superstore has more legendary ways to save than any other major grocer. Until December 6th, get a free Jumble Point Seta when you spend $300 or more. Plus, PC Optimum members can get select PC or no-name cheese at $3.99, conditions apply to fly for details. Welcome to our Slash Nights Guys versus our Slash Nights Girls, where a nice guy threatens to murder a girl. Let's start with our Slash Nights Guys. A woman's idea of let's just be friends is, hey, listen to all my problems and keep
Starting point is 00:00:29 me company while I passionately hug with someone else. I know, right? My male friends are the same too. They're never down for passion at hugging. Always just want to play Xbox and watch films and then go back to their misses. Absolute pricks. After 4 years, I've had enough. The selfish and manipulative winch that I call my girlfriend will torture me for the last time.
Starting point is 00:00:53 This is it, Reddit. I'm writing to you from the bushes of her front lawn. What? I have my note in my hand. After four years of her never paying attention to me, I finally built up the courage to tell her how I feel. I have my note in my hand. Ready to knock on her door and let her know my feelings.
Starting point is 00:01:13 4 years of watching her date the wrong guys over and over again. 4 years of her never realizing how great of a guy I am in choosing those selfish, obnoxious fruits over me time and time again. It makes me filled with unbridled rage. I feel the fire inside starting up again. I am the one for her. Or she'll act out of plays and press charges again. The Year Lady. This is the guy who's been watching you from the bushes and your yard for the past four years. Do you like me? Please circle yes or no. Heart heart heart.
Starting point is 00:01:47 We're effing done. You dirty little 18 year old mayonnaise dumpster effing used up slut. Blank told me you think I'm a creep and you're using me on Fortnite. Sure, Blank has a big dick. He would effing destroy you by the way. And so would I.
Starting point is 00:02:04 Sure, my dick isn't that big because I was born premature so F you. Go get F some more by big dick. PS I love sluts. You should have just told me you're a nasty girl. I love talking dirty but whatever our friendship ends here unless you want to be redeemed. You'll be begging for mercy, you whore. All you girls are the same. Can't trust any of you. You start telling me the truth from now on. Or send me news. Or you're done 100 effing times over. Don't ever tell Blank that effing more on anything again. And to top it all off, you single slut, you deserve to get eff- Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:02:48 And to top it all off, you single slut, you deserve to get- BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP with no mercy. All girls do is lie, lie, lie. Never effing ends. I offered my help to you in the first place because I'm a normal guy. You F-ing remember that. This guy actually thinks he's a normal guy? Oh my god. This dude is a basket case. You should get it. It's so much fun. Can't lull quarantine. Maybe once this whole thing is over and it's safe to visit
Starting point is 00:03:25 the stores again. So what are you up to now? Stuffing my face with this amazing burrito bowl blank made me. Oh nice. Are you guys hanging out right now or something? I thought you were self-quarantining and practicing social distancing. I am, I'm just staying at his house, moved a bunch of my stuff there for the self-quarantine. That's kind of weird. I thought you have your own house. Why not stay there? Because I want to be here. What's wrong with staying at Blinks?
Starting point is 00:03:53 Well, you're staying at a guy's place and it sort of defeats the point of social distancing. If you wanted to crash at a friend's place for quarantine. You could have stayed at my apartment. He's my boyfriend. I'm not crashing at a random friend's place. Wait, what? You guys are dating? Yes, it's still sort of new, but yeah. I feel like I mentioned this at some point.
Starting point is 00:04:18 I literally asked all my Facebook friends for lunch date ideas, lol. Wow. Wow? I thought you were into me. I was thinking about taking you out on a date to like fat cats or main event when this coronavirus stuff ends. Oh god, why would you think that? I don't know, we've just been texting a bunch lately and I figured it's because you
Starting point is 00:04:38 liked me. Guess you've just been leading me on, should have expected that from a girl as pretty as you. What? No. You've been texting me and I've been replying. Also, I've been very open and vocal about the fact that I like Blank for like the last three years. I don't know how you've missed that or the fact that I've mentioned having a boyfriend
Starting point is 00:04:58 on multiple posts on my Facebook. I'm looking at that now. You don't have Blink tagged in anything. Probably so that people think you're single just to take advantage of them. No, my Facebook says that I'm in a relationship, and again, I'm mention having a boyfriend in multiple posts. As for tagging Blink, he deactivated his Facebook and other social media because he wants to keep his life private now that his business is growing. Check your own friend's list of the Facebook search.
Starting point is 00:05:27 Well, I don't check Facebook often, so you should have said something so I didn't waste my time. Why would I need to mention it? All we ever do is talk about Yu-Gi-Oh and random video games. Whatever. BEEP. That's… I'm sorry if this hurt you, but I thought we were friends, and I know for a fact that I've
Starting point is 00:05:47 told you multiple times about Blank and how I wanted to be with him. Lose my number. And then, at least one day later, this guy replies with, Are you effing kidding me? You posted our conversation on Facebook? I get deleting me, but you didn't have to put me on blast like that. Can you please take that down? I'm really sorry for calling you a b****. I didn't mean it. I wish a sub set the link asked you out first and that you said yes. Please, your little
Starting point is 00:06:17 army of e-girls are on their bashing me and saying all sorts of terrible stuff about me without even knowing me. I'm gonna assume you're asleep. Please delete it when you wake up. I really am sorry. Then on the following day at 8 a.m. he sends. Good morning. Will you please take it down?
Starting point is 00:06:37 Mark just screenshot it and sent it to me asking if it was me. People are recognizing it's me. It's really embarrassing. Will you at least respond? Come on, I know you're seeing these. You're never away from your phone. Please, this is no way to treat a friend. Leave me alone. You're not my friend. Fine, but at least delete it. Wanna know what's embarrassing and hurtful? Thinking someone is your friend for three years only to find out they were only interested in you romantically? No, I'm leaving it up.
Starting point is 00:07:10 I don't care if it embarrasses you. Also, regarding Blink asking me out first and me saying yes, it's really stupid of you to think I would have said yes to you if you had asked me out first. And what really happened is going to hurt you a lot more because Blink didn't ask me out. I got tired of waiting and asked him. I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to hurt an embarrassed you. No you aren't. You're just sorry that it's on Facebook now and your friends know it's you. Don't ever text me again. Oh man, this guy's f**king weird.
Starting point is 00:07:42 Dude, you waited three years to ask her out. I think you kinda missed your chance there, buddy. On this next post, this guy replies to a girl's thread on Reddit. If you ever divorce and want to live in a nicer house with a better-looking dude, who happens to be a nice and genuine guy? Ha, let me. Though this would require relocation to the beautiful state of Montana. Also, I found this due to the roasting reddit.
Starting point is 00:08:11 Ew. So ladies, if you ever want to divorce your husband and fly across the country to live with some random guy in exchange for passionately hugging, then you know who to contact. Bet on the NFL with Bandual, official sportsboy partner of the NFL. know who to contact. You're flying to meet with a new supplier to keep your business growing. And with the business platinum card from American Express, you can earn $820 in new value and more, which includes a $200 travel credit toward your flight. Now a boarding business class. American Express, don't do business without it.
Starting point is 00:09:01 Terms and conditions apply as at slash business platinum. I would get corona virus if it meant being able to f**k you. I would risk my life during a pandemic just for one sweet release from you. My favorite thing about this post is that this girl put him in her contacts as nope? Hey, is this still Emily's number? Yeah, who is this? Nick. Oh yes, that narrow is it down. Huh, I see you still got that attitude, which is crazy because I really was just texting you to say I would date you now.
Starting point is 00:09:39 Excuse me? Well, I know things didn't work out for us in Bacola, but I did see you took my advice and lost some weight. And you do your makeup prettier. You still have some weight to lose, but you're at a weight where I date you. Oh, thank God. I've been going to the gym every day wondering if I'd finally lost enough weight for some wallnut of a man I talked to four years ago.
Starting point is 00:10:03 See, this is why no one ever wanted to date you and just wanted someone to hug passionately. You dumb stupid b******. I'm a good guy and you'll never know because you have to have an attitude about everything and you don't know how to respect a man. Effing ugly b******. You're still fat too. This is why you got beat you dumb slut. Maybe your husband knows a thing or two.
Starting point is 00:10:31 B. I'm a good guy and you'll never know. Fat. You don't know what's good for you. Fat slut. Are you done dude? That's another thing. You don't act like a woman is supposed to. I can handle you being in the Navy, but that's already Strike 1.
Starting point is 00:10:50 You say dude, bro, bud, brother. Why can't you just shut up and act like a woman is supposed to? It would make you hotter. Hello? Crazy I thought I could actually date you and we'd be happy. You're just a fat slut. I can find where you are Are you threatening me now? No dumb You always think people are out to get you and I'm just trying to treat you right
Starting point is 00:11:17 I'm not entertaining this any further. Enjoy your night. Yeah run away slut. I hope you get Yeah, run away Slut. I hope you get it. It's what you deserve for never respecting men. I really hope you get some mental help and figure out why you're like this. I'll be blocking your number now. Have a good one. Yeah, fat grunt. Ugly b****. So this guy starts a conversation by criticizing her, calling her fat, saying she deserves to be physically and sexually abused, and then has the balls to say, honestly, I'm a nice guy.
Starting point is 00:11:53 Really, I'm one of the good ones. That was our slash nice guys, and now onto our slash nice girls. On this next post, this girl broke up with OP, blocked him on all social media and then sends him this. By the way, he doesn't have any of her stuff. Hey, it's Blank, I just got off the phone with Blank Police Department. It's illegal for you to abstain from getting in contact with me while you're in possession of some of my stuff.
Starting point is 00:12:20 Therefore preventing me from ever getting it back. I didn't want it to come to this, but if I don't get it back in two days, you'll be having a visit from office to their blank. What am I in possession of? You took everything when you left. I was going to tell him I'm sorry for spasming out, but he's not answering me, so I said I'm sorry for interrupting your game. That's all he does is play that stupid game. Give him time, he might be busy. I don't care if he's busy. I'm more important.
Starting point is 00:12:51 Yikes. I'm crazy. I can tell. Hey, hey. James, why aren't you responding? Answer me right now or I'll call the police. I'm sorry, I'd love you, kissy face. Talk to me. Talk to me. Talk to me. Talk to me.
Starting point is 00:13:11 Talk to me. Talk to me. Talk to me. Talk to me. Agh, bye. Blocking you. Have fun. Faddy.
Starting point is 00:13:19 And then OP replies with a single question mark. And for a plot twist, this is the second time OP has ever talked to this person. James, for your sake, I hope this is also the last time you ever talked to her. So this next post is pretty wild. The sky was dating this girl on Tinder and eventually he told her that he wasn't interested.
Starting point is 00:13:43 And that's when she sends him this. It's what I can only describe as a relationship contract, and it's pretty long so to spare my voice, I'm not going to read it in an entitled woman voice. Ideal relationship. The following document is agreement and conditions of the relationship. Title, special friend. Duration, limit of three months, or until Party A decides with Party B's consent. Party B restrictions is not allowed to seek sexual or emotional relationships while with Party
Starting point is 00:14:13 A. Conditions, minimum of one social outing without romantic contact a month. Minimum of two days personal time a month. Minimum of two dates per month. Minimum of two intentional hookups per month. Minimum of minimum of 2 dates per month, minimum of 2 intentional hookups per month, minimum of 1 group outing per month. In order to maintain healthy friendship, open communication must be requirement. Party A, the woman, party B, OP, condition 1 explanation, condition 1 and 5 can be the
Starting point is 00:14:41 same or separate. This is to force contact without anything sexual happening. This is the only time along with condition 5 that romantic hugging is not allowed. Condition 2 explanation. This means that we need to hang out indoors, alone at least the two of us. It is okay for passionate hugging to happen, but not required. This can go along with condition 3. This can also go along with condition 3. This can also go along
Starting point is 00:15:05 with condition 4. Example, we can go out somewhere and go back to either of our places. That half can be considered personal time. Condition 3 explanation. Two dates per month means this is an outing of just us two that is more than likely ending an intimacy. This can go along with condition 4. Example, we can go to the beach and go back to my place for the passionate hugging part. Then, OP adds our signature at the bottom and has a place for signature of Party B. So, first things first, OP run. Second of all, are there any lawyers out there who are watching my video because I would love to know the legality of a document like this?
Starting point is 00:15:46 Can a nice go write a document that if you sign actually Legally requires you to passionately hug that woman Like if OP violated this contract could she I don't know take him to court and win and the judge be like OP you violated the terms of your contract now take off your pants and bang that woman right now. Hi, hello. I can see the ear online. Like, this isn't cool, man. I know you're chatting to Blang,
Starting point is 00:16:14 so like, you can chat to me too. What the hell, man? Like, I thought we were pretty close and like, I thought you actually liked me in that way. So now you're ghosting me? After I was such a nice girl to you, the oddacity. I mean you aren't even that good looking and yet here you are too busy for me. You're effing reading messages you poop or brain? I can see
Starting point is 00:16:39 you. I would have literally let you take me out, and I would have treated you like a king, even though you don't really deserve it. Oh, MFG, answer your god dang phone, or I'll blow-cue. Hello? This woman sent all of that in four minutes, and she was so frustrated that she sent this screenshot to OP asking, Why won't he answer me me I don't understand. Lady I think I have a pretty good idea why he's not answering you. LMFA why'd you remove me from Snapchat? I don't know we didn't really ever talk, so you just removed me? Like yeah I used Snapchat to talk to people and we didn't talk.
Starting point is 00:17:22 Um we could have but I'd. Are you gonna remove me from Twitter and TikTok too, then? I mean, no, not really, because I don't use those apps to talk to people. Hmm. And the stuff you make on those apps is pretty funny, so like, I'd still want to see them. I just didn't think Snap was worth it, because we don't really like talk. Brown Men is shaking my head. We kind of did sometimes, but okay.
Starting point is 00:17:48 Okay, this has absolutely nothing to do with my race. I straight up don't see how this is a big deal. All I did was remove you from snap. I'm kidding about the brown-man. If I was blue, I'd blindy you would have kept me. Bro, getting black for zero reason gotta be one of the most annoying things, dog. You didn't get blocked and you barely know me, this straight-up shouldn't be a big deal. Okay, the dude in this is just being one of the most chill, normal people ever and she's
Starting point is 00:18:19 like, brown people. That was our slash nice guys versus our slash nice girls and if you liked this video Brown people. Ugh.

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