rSlash - r/Pettyrevenge I TRICKED a Karen into Giving Me $10,000... for FREE!

Episode Date: February 19, 2020

r/Pettyrevenge An entitled parent in this video thinks that OP isn't worthy of dating her precious son. So, she tries to bribe OP to go away with $10,000. OP graciously accepts the money... but then j...ust doesn't leave! The entitled parent can't tell her son because then he would know that his mom tried to ruin his relationship. So, this stupid entitled parent gave away $10,000 for nothing - what an idiot! If you like this video and you want to see more, hit that subscribe button! Watch on YouTube: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So you think you know sports? Points vet is the sportsbook for you, because we've got the features for true competitors, like live, same-game parliers. Use your sportsmarts to make picks live on the players and teams you're watching, and qualified vets can use our early cashout feature, so you could take your winnings to play live blackjack
Starting point is 00:00:20 on the same points vet app, the platform that gives you everything you need. You know what to do. Bet on it. Point Spets Sportsbook and Casino. Welcome to R-Slash Petty Revenge, where a bully gets what he deserves. I'm a 26 year old man that works as a program coordinator at my company. We're a 1000 person team that focuses on supporting the military with defense contracts.
Starting point is 00:00:42 My girlfriend is 22 years old and works as a bartender while she's finishing up her final year of university. She's sweet, shy, and makes me laugh every time we hang out. I love her so much. But one of her co-workers, Megan, is a complete jerk to her when they work together. Cusses her out in front of diners, belittles her when she makes a mistake, reports every little infraction she makes to the general manager, etc. This woman is in her late 30s and still acting like a high schooler.
Starting point is 00:01:10 My girlfriend has reported this behavior several times to management, but they just wave it off. Several nights, she's cried into my shoulder, talking about how badly she wants to quit as I reassure her that Megan is trash, and she doesn't deserve being treated this way. One afternoon, I came into the restaurant while my girlfriend was working the bar. Sure enough, Megan was also there along with another guy. The young guy and I are talking about our career goals when he asked what company I currently work for. I give the name of the Defense Contracting Company I work for. Oh, hey, Megan just applied there, right? He says, turning to Megan.
Starting point is 00:01:43 Didn't you apply for that defense contracting company? He has. Megan replies, not making eye contact with me. Oh, what position I ask. A warehouse one, she answers. That's all I needed. That night, I asked my girlfriend what Megan's last name was and the following morning, I immediately headed towards the warehouse manager's office.
Starting point is 00:02:04 We maintain a good professional relationship. I informed him that a woman named Megan Blank had applied for some type of position under his department and warned him that she was prone to cause trouble. He thanked me for informing him, and I went about the rest of my day as normal. That was two months ago. Last I heard, Megan was still working as a bartender at my girlfriend's restaurant. I applaud her for trying to move up in the world. Maybe she's looking to get health benefits.
Starting point is 00:02:29 Maybe bartending is getting to be too much as she ages. But I don't think anyone else deserves a suffer from her workplace attitude. I think she's exactly where she needs to be for the rest of her life. OP, I'll give this revenge 4 out of 5 stars. What you really should have done was let her get hired. Then, after she leaves the bartending job, that's when you go to the manager and tell them all the horror stories
Starting point is 00:02:54 about all the terrible things she's done. Our next reddit post is from Troll the Mormons. This isn't my story. This was told to me by a woman I knew from work several years ago. She's a very sweet nurse. The nurse graduated from nursing school and decided with her best friend to move to one of the cities that was listed as having the most eligible bachelors from some publication. She moves and starts dating her future husband.
Starting point is 00:03:16 Future husband's mother is a viper and decides nurse isn't good enough for her family. The happy couple eventually get engaged and future mother-in-law is having none of it. She tries for several months to break them up, tries to convince the nurse to go back where she came from, and simultaneously tries to gently convince her precious son that nurse may not be good enough for him. To add some more context to the situation, this mother-in-law is pretty nasty to the nurse, but hides it well to other people. Always making sure she's super fake sweet to everyone when others are around.
Starting point is 00:03:49 Finally, wedding plans are set, so mother-in-law gets desperate. She gets nurse alone with a generous offer. Leave the fiance and never come back in exchange for $10,000. Note, this was almost 30 years ago so I guess it was kind of a boatload of money for most. The nurse is so sick of this woman's garbage and is incredibly insulted. However, she's intelligent and maintains her composure. Nurse accepts the offer. Nurse takes the money, doesn't leave, and gets married anyway.
Starting point is 00:04:23 Nobody else knows about this. Mother-in-law can't say or do anything about it without exposing yourself to her family as a horrible person. Nurse and husband are still happily married. Their kids are grown. Husband has no idea this went down. The mother-in-law has suffered silently for almost 30 years. This suggestion from C-Sick pirate down in the comments escalates this from petty revenge
Starting point is 00:04:50 to pro revenge. The mother-in-law is on her deathbed. The wife suggests everyone to leave to let her rest. Once alone, she leans in and says, don't worry about the funeral arrangements, I have everything covered. You'd be surprised how little you get for $10,000 nowadays. Hahahaha. Ouch.
Starting point is 00:05:10 Our next Reddit post is from Christ the Wilder. So years ago, I delivered jugs of water to homes and offices. My work truck was fairly big, probably about 35 feet long. I had a building I delivered to that had 8 to 10 stops in it, and it was one of the few places that had a loading bay for delivery vehicles. The bay was wide enough for two large trucks side by side, and long enough for my truck to mostly fit with a bit of cab sticking out in the alleyway, not so far as a block traffic. On the other side of the alley was another building, and the dumpsters for said building.
Starting point is 00:05:40 These dumpsters were in a position that it could be a little tight to get into the dock, but it was doable. This day I pull up and see a small courier car. The size of a Honda Civic, pull into the bay and stop right at the entrance. This position is just enough that I can't get the angle I need to be able to nose up to the dumpsters and back into the open spot in the loading bay. If I tried, I'd likely hit the car. Luckily for me, the driver was
Starting point is 00:06:05 just getting out of the car, so I'd politely ask if she could back up a couple of feet so I could get into the dock. I'm only going to be a few minutes. Yes, but if you take five seconds, we can both do what we need to do. I'll be a few minutes, and she walks into the building. So, I'm kinda stunned at this point. I've been in the delivery industry for almost a decade. Most other drivers get that it's a tough job, and we all do what we have to do, and there's kind of an written code even amongst competitors. So I think, well, someone hasn't heard of the right of weight. So I'm maneuver my truck nice and tight to the building so as to not block the alleyway while parking perpendicular to the loading dock entrance and blocking her car in. I start loading the first of two or three cart loads
Starting point is 00:06:49 into the building. She comes out and sees my truck. Well, isn't this cute? You need to move. I'll only be a few minutes. I need to go. Move your truck now. By this time, my card is loaded and I tell her, it's okay, I'll only be a few minutes, as I walk into the building. Then, we have a similar story from Clown 572, John on the comments. I drive a tow truck, and many times, I'm in the middle of loading a car in my flatbed and a crowded parking lot. People will walk up to me and tell me that I need to move so they can get out. I tell them I'll be done in another minute or two. For some reason, that's not acceptable to them and they start ranting about having places to be and getting me fired.
Starting point is 00:07:31 I always respond with, if I hadn't had to stop to talk to you, I'd have been done by now, but feel free to call the number on the truck. That's always more fun when they call and answer with, this is going to take all day if you keep interrupting me. These people call up this To tow truck driver and are like, hello, I'd like to report you
Starting point is 00:07:49 to you because you're a jerk. And I demand that you fire you. Our next Reddit post is from Half Pined Marmot. I'm not a professional photographer, but friends and family ask me to take photos for them all the time. I love portrait photography and I'm happy to do the favor, but sometimes people are really awful and annoying and they didn't really great that I'm spending my evening and weekend shooting and then processing photos for free.
Starting point is 00:08:14 A few years ago, I had a really, really bad client. A colleague asked me to do a family shoot on Mother's Day. I knew I'd have the morning to play with before going to see my own mom, so I accepted. It was going to be at a winery in the country and my colleague offered to pay me to join them for brunch. Bonus. We carpooled, and it wasn't until we got there that I realized that it wasn't just going to be my colleague, her husband, and her kids. It was my colleague, husband's entire family. Brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, parents, and even both grandmalls. 27 people. I'm immediately panicking about how long it's going to take to do this shoot and mention to my colleague and her husband that I have to leave in three hours to get back
Starting point is 00:08:56 to my family's mother's day. My colleague's husband says it'll be fine. I don't really have a choice as we carpooled, so I try and relax and have fun These side marios all you can eat is all you can maja soup Salad and garlic homo For your holiday season real Canadian superstar has more legendary ways to save than any other major grocery Until December 6th get a free jumbo point set it when you spend three hundred dollars PC-oplamant members can get select PC or no-name cheese at $3.99. Conditions apply to fly for details. Brunch goes on forever, and when we're finished, we only have an hour for photos. I figure that should be fine if cutting it close, and I ask for colleagues' husband to help
Starting point is 00:09:39 and keeping his family organized and moving. I plan out the normal shots with colleagues' husband. Everyone together, family groups, kids, and then colleagues husband starts asking for couple shots as well. Then siblings. I text my family, let them know I'll be a little late, but hoping it won't be too bad because colleagues husband will keep people moving.
Starting point is 00:09:58 An hour and a half later, and everyone is having a bad time. The kids are crying. It's taking forever to get any shots at all. Why? Because colleagues' husband is yelling at people. Herling commands and orders, barking, foaming at the mouth. It's incredibly awful.
Starting point is 00:10:17 The winery people come over a few times and ask us to keep it down. Colleagues' husband yells at them too. I'm praying that they kick us out. I try telling Colleagues' husband that I have to leave, that we can try again for photos another time. The family tries to leave. We're stopped.
Starting point is 00:10:34 No, we must endure. When he tells his son that he's going to knock the snot out of him if he doesn't stop crying, something snaps in me. I stop trying to cheer people up, get fun photos, happy smiles. I just take the photos we need so we can all just GTFO. When I eventually get home, I do what I can with these miserable photos. I combine different frames to get group shots where everyone looks happy. Where that doesn't work, I touch up facial expression so people look less harried.
Starting point is 00:11:03 I steal bits from candid shots earlier in the day These are impossible masterpieces when I'm through with them I spend hours and hours making sure these pictures are going to hang in living rooms forever Then I go through every single Effing photo featuring colleagues husband Absolutely everyone and just enough to be slightly noticeable, just enough to look weird and awkward, I enlarge his head. I feel like every time this guy passes a mirror for the rest of his life, he's going to
Starting point is 00:11:37 look at himself and be like, is my head really that big? Our next reddit post is from Shaluka. We live in an apartment block and occasionally had new people move in and out. Yesterday we encountered a new resident, a short red haired lady who, through dwarfism and food, manages to be about as wide as she is tall.
Starting point is 00:11:55 My boyfriend greeted her with a simple, hello. He also tried to say welcome, but she cut him off with, shh, I don't know you. Okay, not the sociable type, neither are we. Let's not get friendly then. Today when we're turning from grocery shopping, we found her trying to pick her lock with what looked like a piece of a paperclip,
Starting point is 00:12:14 because you know that's going to work. And she had apparently been at it for a while because before we could open the door with our key, a patrol car stopped in an officer called out to her. We stopped to watch because, well, it was happening. The officer asked her why she was breaking into the apartment, to which she responded she lived there. She turned to us and said, they know me.
Starting point is 00:12:36 My boyfriend smiled and said, I don't know you. We entered the building after the officer asked us to confirm and my boyfriend repeated, we don't know her. Can't wait to have more contact with her. Our next reddit posted from Sparky Mountain. So I took my two young sons to the local water park yesterday. They had a blast. I stayed in the lazy river most of the time with them.
Starting point is 00:12:57 I tend to stay about 10-20 yards behind them. Close enough to keep an eye on them, far enough for them to have fun. I'm minding my own business, floating in the lazy river when suddenly a wild bully appears. Q-10-year-old Huskyboy who's following around a much smaller girl. I'm observing over the course of a few laps of the river as this little turd boy is constantly teasing and intimidating this little girl that's like half his size. I lap them. I'm now right behind victim and bully. My own son's constantly in my view. I lapped him. I'm now right behind victim and bully. My own son's constantly in my view and I get close enough to hear bully talking trash
Starting point is 00:13:29 to his victim. Trying to get her to leave the pool. She's visibly scared and trying to get away from him. There are no accompanying adults with these children. This is when I see the bully take a mouthful of water and flat out spit in the girl's face. At this point, I'm like, you did not, and I go into action. Things are crazy and hectic because we're surrounded by people in a loud water park, so I know I can get away with this. Just loud enough for him to hear me, I say to the bully from behind him. Hey, bully turd turns around and I proceed to go full-e-honda palm splashing right in his face. After about 6 seconds of splashing, blast-oys level water in his face, bully is coughing,
Starting point is 00:14:12 and girl is 10 yards ahead near my sons. My work here is done. I proceed to say nothing, and pretend nothing's happened. Bullie stands shocked, catching his breath in the lazy river as the hapless water going masses float past. Oblivious. 10 minutes later, the bully is gone and victim has returned to marigment. I think the lifeguard saw me and just didn't care.
Starting point is 00:14:34 OP! Use Hydro Pump! Her next reddit post is from Mar-7. This happened a few months ago as I was driving my work van. The biggest Mercedes printer you can drive without a commercial license around Amsterdam delivering groceries. This story takes place on a single lane road with high curbs on both sides that takes you from one neighborhood to another. The speed limit is 50 km per hour, although it could have been 70 in my opinion except in some tight corners. Now I've driven here so many times before that I feel comfortable doing 60-ish, just
Starting point is 00:15:03 a bit faster than normal without the risk of getting caught speeding in an urban area. Suddenly, I hear a loud beat behind me and wouldn't you know it, it's a BMW. What a surprise, I think to myself. I was quite impressed by my ability to guess the brand of this automobile because everything forward of the rear doors was invisible in my mirrors. The tailgating in Hong Kong continues for a little while until I spot the perfect opportunity to teach this IKEA Pinsle equipped douche a lesson. A long straight section in the road. For those of you who haven't been to the Netherlands before, our government loves two things. Taxes and using those taxes to build speed bumps. As such, we have a wide variety of speed bumps and this straight
Starting point is 00:15:45 section was equipped with my personal favorite, the bus bypass variant. A trapezoid block, just wide enough that a normal car has to pass over it with at least one wheel, but a bus can pass over it and obstruct it. I've had plenty of practice with these obstacles and line up for a flawless pass while accelerating to a mind-numbing 70km per hour. The BMW still glued to my rear bumper. I pass over the obstacle without the slightest inconvenience. The oblivious BMW driver, however, hits it in the worst possible way, launching himself into the ceiling of his car and grinding his oil pan as his suspension compresses.
Starting point is 00:16:24 After that, he kept a good distance. Well, I wouldn't worry about the BMW driver too much. If he damaged his oil pan or suspension, then repairing a BMW should be pretty cheap, right? That was our Slash Petty Revenge, and if you liked this video, then hit that subscribe button because I put out new Reddit videos every single day. that subscribe button because I put out new Reddit videos every single day.

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