rSlash - r/Relationships My Fiance Intentionally Killed a Dog... What Do I Do?

Episode Date: May 25, 2020

r/Relationships_Advice In today's episode, OP discovers a chilling secret about her fiance. When he broke up with his ex-girlfriend, he took their shared took and intentionally euthanized it just to s...pite his ex. He literally killed a dog just to make her ex sad! And to make matters worse... he was proud of it! OP isn't sure what to do because in all other respects her fiance is a kind and caring man, but how good of a person can you possibly be when you kill a dog and don't even feel any remorse? If you like this video and want to see more, hit the follow button for daily Reddit podcasts! Youtube: Instagram: TikTok: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 To support sustainable food production, BHP is building one of the world's most sustainable podash mines in Canada. Essential resources responsibly produced. It's happening now at BHP, a future resources company. Welcome to R-Slash, the podcast where I read the best posts from across Reddit. On today's episode recovering R-Slash where O.P.'s boyfriend intentionally murders a dog. Yeah, this is a doozy.
Starting point is 00:00:28 I've been trying to post it since it happened, but just haven't really been able to process it. So I'm a 23 year old male, and I'm the oldest of five siblings. The others are a 16 year old brother, a 14 year old sister, a 10 year old sister, and a 10 year old brother. Our mother is severely bipolar, but very resistant to treatment and to be frank is an absolutely terrible mother. I've done my best my whole life to raise my siblings since she clearly isn't going to, and I like to think I've
Starting point is 00:00:55 done quite well. I've managed to keep them out of the care system most of the time at least. Two years ago, I finally moved out of my mom's house and started university. I stayed in the same town in case the kids needed me, but I decided I had to start putting myself first a little bit, and I couldn't keep putting off my own life because my mom is a failure of a parent, you know? With the exception of a few minor incidents, it's actually gone rather a lot more smoothly than I thought thus far. I currently have a house with two other students from my university, though one is currently
Starting point is 00:01:23 back in our hometown for the lockdown. So the problem. Yesterday, there was a knock on the door around Nuneish. I wasn't expecting anyone, but figured maybe it was the postman or my flatmate had ordered out for lunch or whatever and opened it. To my shock, all four of my siblings were standing on the doorstep, looking as confused as I felt. The 16-year-old informed me that mom had dropped them off here without saying why, or
Starting point is 00:01:48 where she was going, and she was in the middle of a pretty intense manic episode, and was just sort of rambling nonsensically instead of answering any questions. Of course, I wasn't going to abandon the kids, so I let them in and have been trying desperately to get a hold of my mom ever since. I know she's getting my texts, because I've been sending them on WhatsApp and it's showing me she's reading them. Also when I call, it's ringing two or three times and then cutting out so she's clearly seeing the calls coming in and rejecting them.
Starting point is 00:02:16 Rather than it ringing out, I've tried reaching out to her friends with very similar results. I don't know what to do. I don't have the space for four kids in the house, and it's so unfair to my housemate. Though, bless his soul, he's an absolute angel of a guy who keeps telling me not to worry and he's fine with it. I currently have the girl staying in the other housemates vacant room with her permission, and the boys are in my room with me. Obviously, not ideal. I also frankly can't afford to take care of four kids all by myself. No idea what groceries are gonna look like from here on out. The kids haven't brought
Starting point is 00:02:51 many belongings with them, so they don't have many clean clothes. My 16 year old brother and 14 year old sister can probably get away with wearing my clothes if it comes to it, but I have no idea how I'm gonna close the twins if they're here for more than a few days. I don't want the kids going into the system if I can avoid it. I've had too many traumatic experiences with it myself. Can anyone wiser and calmer than I offer some advice on what my options are here? OP, I hate to say this, but you are officially in over your head. You really need to call Child Protective Services.
Starting point is 00:03:25 Luckily for you, it's generally the objective of CPS to not break up the family unit. So as long as you want to care for your siblings, they'll probably bend over backwards to help you. Plus, on top of that, it's really important that you get an official record of what happened because what your mom did is not okay or safe. What if you were on vacation? What if your mom just dropped off your siblings and no one was home? So the authorities really need to know what happened in case this happens again.
Starting point is 00:03:53 Our next reddit posted from Throwaway Dadlad and is an update to a previous story on an R-slash relationships advice video. In that story, OP was married to a guy who broke their dogs' leg and then lacked at it. And to make matters more complicated, OP discovered she was pregnant and was wondering if maybe her husband was not the guy she thought he was. Hello all, for starters, thank you for the outpouring support and advice, I feel much less alone in this. Ruvis the dog is doing well and recovering at a friend's house with her husband, along
Starting point is 00:04:24 with my other dogs and senior reptiles. I decided to re-home the rest of them for their own well-being. I also left some of my essentials and important possessions with her for when I left. Initially, when I sat my husband down, it went smoothly. He agreed to seek anger management and therapy, but when I made it clear the dogs weren't coming back for a while, he got angry. He felt like I was being immature and he was being treated like an abuser. Reminding him that what he was doing was abusive seemed to hurt his pride, so he went to take
Starting point is 00:04:54 a walk to cool off. Unfortunately for him, he left his phone behind, and it started to go off constantly after about 10 minutes or so. Now I've never once felt the need to go through his phone, but last night I decided to. I have no idea why, and I kind of regret it, but I did, and I found some wild stuff I was not expecting. Turns out, he was linking up with his old high school flame,
Starting point is 00:05:19 a crazy woman will call Sarah. Sarah was crazy. I'll kill myself if you leave me daddy issues kind of crazy She even stalked me for a bit early in our relationship But it seemed like he wanted nothing to do with her turns out a few months before quarantine They were jumping again and we're hooking up sexting and trading nudes You know the whole package. I couldn't help but think that maybe his sudden spike in aggression was stimming from his double life and lacking passionate hugging with his X stress.
Starting point is 00:05:50 When he returned, he knew something was up and I let him know that I know and he lost it. Crying, please don't leave me, I love you, I don't know why I did it, the whole works. I told him I was leaving and he tried to stop me, but with some help from my friend and her husband, I was able to leave without things getting physical. I still haven't told him I'm pregnant, but I'm roughly 8 weeks and still haven't decided what to do about that. He still doesn't know.
Starting point is 00:06:18 Thankfully, I have no STDs, even though he was passionately hugging with both of us at the same time without me knowing. I am heartbroken and filing for divorce, and most likely going to avoid bringing a kid into all of this mess. But Rufus is being his support at best, so I'm going to press on and hope for the best. OP, I'm really glad you're getting yourself out of that situation because that's just red flag after red flag. And looks like Rufus here is the real MVP.
Starting point is 00:06:47 Our next reddit posted some throwaway, oh boy. I found out my friend commissioned an adult graphic drawing of me without my knowledge or consent, and I don't know what to do. So for context, we're college students. I'm a 21 year old female and he's a 21 year old male. Who met freshman year through mutual friends and had been acquaintances until this January. When we were in a discussion section for a class together and started talking more, it was just friendly and stayed that way the whole time. I've had a string of not great romantic experiences in college and have sort of put a full pause on flirting,
Starting point is 00:07:16 dating, etc. for a while and have always been very blunt with my friends, including him about it. Since the pandemic hit, I move back home and we only communicate over text now. Let's call him James. James's roommate, Leon, a 22-year-old male, is tight with one of my best friends, Sam, a 21-year-old male. Leon decided to move back home when school shut down as well, and while he was packing, he came across a rolled up small print in the back of their shared closet, and unrolled it to see if it belonged to him or not. The image was a drawing of a girl nude performing an explicit act, and she looks exactly like me. Like I'm not even really friends with Leon, and he immediately thought, oh, that kind
Starting point is 00:07:56 of looks like OP. Face, body type, even both of my birthmarks. One in a very noticeable spot, and one he would only know about from me mentioning and passing. It's all eerily similar to me. Leon immediately got spooked and took a photo of it and sent it to Sam because he thought I should be notified of the Prince existence. Sam forwarded it to me and I found the original artist Twitter handle off his signature. He's a not safe for work artists who also does commissions and will often post those commissions after completing them, and sure enough.
Starting point is 00:08:27 I scrolled back far enough to find what is basically my naked body drawn on this man's timeline. Posted all the way back in February, which means James had paid for it like months ago, maybe right when we found out we had a class together. I've been talking to him for months, and he's had this for basically the whole time This discovery was two weeks ago and I feel effing disgusted and honestly violated I stopped talking to him for the most part But I'm afraid that he'll circulate the image more if I stop speaking to him entirely or tell him that I know His roommate promise not to say anything because he was pretty disgusted too and as far as I know He stayed true to that.
Starting point is 00:09:06 I want to cut James off completely and I want the artist to remove the post of the commission from his Twitter. But I'm so scared in a shame to reach out because I hate drawing more attention to the fact that this drawing even f-ing exists. And I shudder thinking about the artist possibly using reference photos of me for the drawing. So I guess my advice requests are, one, should I bother trying to get the post taken down and if I do, how do I make sure he does it? Two, should I confront James? I never want to speak to this man again, but I would be
Starting point is 00:09:37 more to fight if he circulated the image at all. Should I just block him? Is there someone I should report him to or something? Three, is this an overreaction and should I do nothing? I haven't told any of my friends besides the one who informed me because it makes me so uncomfortable and I need an outside perspective. I've never shown any kind of romantic interest in this man and just wanted to be his friend. And he showed absolutely zero interest in me as well. He's had this image for months, all while still talking to me, and it makes me feel so effing icky. And brings back memories of a four-mention,
Starting point is 00:10:10 sucky adult experiences, and I just don't want to be around him. Sorry if this was overly long. I'm just really over my head here. As the world's population grows, so does the need for resources like Potash to support sustainable food production. This is why BHP is building one of the world's most sustainable potash mines in Canada. Essential resources responsibly produced. This is what BHP has committed to Canada.
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Starting point is 00:11:07 Now a boarding business class. American Express. Don't do business without it. Terms and conditions apply as at slash business platinum. Down in the comments, we have this great contribution from Ugg Names or Hard. Hey, I'm an artist who does commissions, and it honestly never occurred to me that the people who I get commissioned to draw wouldn't want me drawing them like that. And I'm kind of having a WTF moment. I don't do adult art though, so it's a bit of a different beast. That said,
Starting point is 00:11:37 if someone contacted me and asked me to remove a piece of art I made of them because of something like this, I deleted it in an F-ing heartbeat, no doubt about it. If it was a particularly good piece that I was proud of, I might keep the process files just because I try not to destroy my old art because it's important for my growth. But even then, I'd still probably end up deleting it at a bare minimum, never showing it to anyone else. If the artist doesn't want to get rid of it, he's a butthole and you have every right to be mad.
Starting point is 00:12:04 And there was another comment from VideMount, who's a lawyer in California. I'm not going to read his whole post because it's kind of long and technical, but here's the important part. He explains that there are invasion of privacy laws that prevent this exact sort of thing. The specific torts being committed here are using your likeness without your permission and casting you in a false light. The mere fact that an acquaintance was able to identify you within the drawing speaks to the fact that this is clearly created in your image. Vibe Mouse then goes on to explain that OP can take legal and civil actions, including filing a report with the police, potentially a restraining
Starting point is 00:12:40 order. So, in California at least, what this guy did was a really big deal. And OP absolutely has steps she can take to correct this. Our next Reddit post is from Throwaway Amy B. I, a 32-year-old female, just learned recently that eight years ago, my boyfriend, 36, euthanized his healthy dog out of spite over his ex-fiance leaving him. My boyfriend and I dated for over a year now. Things have been great. I even moved in his apartment since the whole quarantine started.
Starting point is 00:13:09 Over the weekend we were drinking a little wine and talking about our past relationships when I asked him what was the worst thing he did to an ex. Now I asked this question after telling him a funny story about my ex so I thought he would do the same but what he revealed shocked me. He said that he took the dog he shared with his ex-fiancé to the vet and had him euthanized. There was absolutely nothing wrong with the dog. My boyfriend was angry over the breakup. His ex-fiancé wanted nothing more to do with him but it asked to take their dog with her. He had felt his ex-fiancé loved the dog more so he had asked
Starting point is 00:13:42 for one more day with the dog. Drove it to the vet and watch their dog of six years get put to death. I'm an animal lover, but I don't want any pets because I don't have the means or time to take care of them. That said, I would never punish an animal because of what's happening between me and another person. And, God, the way my boyfriend told this story with this small smile on his face, it's scared and disgusted me. It's been almost four days since he told me this, and things between us are now weird. He tried to initiate passion and hugging today,
Starting point is 00:14:17 but I told him I was tired and needed to sleep, but I'm still wide awake. I can't stop thinking about what he did. By all accounts, my boyfriend was a wonderful, loving, and caring man, but now I see him in a new light. I told my close friends about this, and they don't see what's the problem. They asked if I'm really going to break up a stable relationship over what he did to a dog
Starting point is 00:14:39 over eight years ago, but they didn't see the look on his face when he told me. I'm sure a part of him had enjoyed it. If he's willing to euthanize a dog over a breakup, then what isn't he willing to do? That's what I'm afraid of. I don't know what to do. I broke my lease to come live with my boyfriend, but there's a part of me that doesn't want to stay here anymore.
Starting point is 00:15:00 Has anyone ever dealt with this kind of thing? Dated someone who euthanized their healthy pet out of spite? What you do and what should I do? I'm so confused. Uh, to answer your question OP, no, I've never had to deal with this kind of thing because this kind of thing is crazy. And if I ever did have to deal with this kind of thing, it would be a same day break-up. No questions asked.
Starting point is 00:15:25 I think that on my list of dealbreakers, dog murderer would be somewhere near the top. I'm a 25 year old male, and my girlfriend 24 destroyed my tank of fire ants. Before you ask, no, she doesn't have a problem with me keeping ants. I'm quite sure that's not the reason. We had an argument earlier today. Later, I left to get Grocery's letter Chill out, came back, and soon saw the state of the ant room, a spare smaller bedroom where I keep them. I guess I should give a crash course on ant farms to this makes sense.
Starting point is 00:15:55 Most have two compartments. One emulates the underground colony with tunnels and chambers where the queen nests. Then this is connected by a tube to a second part that emulates the above ground world where the workers go to forage for food. I hope that makes sense. There's plenty of cool videos on YouTube of people's setups. So anyway, my girlfriend had disconnected the two compartments, dumped the colony on the floor so that's soil plus ants, and dismantled the sides of the outward part to leave the
Starting point is 00:16:18 contents all over the place. I'm lucky everything is plastic, or there'd probably be broken glass everywhere too. I've had these ants for two years. There's hundreds of them. I've put hours and hours of work into growing this colony and crafting their environment. I know it'll sound weird or stupid to some people, but it's my hobby, similar to keeping fish and aquariums. It's like if someone dumped out your water and threw all the gravel and ornaments around, plus leaving your fish to die, except while I'm sure some of the ants have died, plenty are still alive for now. They have free-epping range of the entire house now.
Starting point is 00:16:54 I'm furious! Red fire ants are an invasive species that's gained a foothold in some parts of this country. Luckily not our part because of climate, but as long as they're alive, they'll sting any unsuspecting person who comes into contact with them or is walking barefoot. They can cause serious allergic reactions in some people. This can be fatal. Answer drawn to dark places so they'll very likely go into the walls. And don't worry, yes, I've thoroughly alerted the other tenants in the house what happened and how to protect themselves. This is serious stuff.
Starting point is 00:17:25 And my girlfriend couldn't be bothered to think of anyone else as long as she got her revenge. I'm just so pissed because I've put in so much research. Always took the utmost care and safely handling them. Never even had an accident and now it's all trashed. They're loose, not because I did something wrong but because she went psycho. But someone will start to think it's my fault. Let's be real. Insects and other exotic pets, especially ones that pose a risk if they escape or are
Starting point is 00:17:51 handled improperly, aren't exactly looked well upon. The owner is always held responsible. She did apologize. She said she just got carried away because she was upset. But I just don't know if I buy that because if she honestly had no control in the moment, then why were my ants the only thing that ended up destroyed? In a really thorough way at that, she knows it's important to me. It's not like she just attacked my old books from college or something.
Starting point is 00:18:18 Also, she's been wearing shoes and gloves. That tells me the planning was there to not expose herself while exposing me and everyone else. What the F should I do? I would honestly kick her out over this, but it wouldn't be the interest of public health because we're obviously quarantining together. Everyone's hunkered down. Right now we're in separate rooms as I'm trying to clean this mess up as best I can and she shuts herself in the bedroom. No idea what to do, I'm still in shock she did this. I'll need to fumigate the whole apartment to be sure they're gone and who knows when that'll be able to happen.
Starting point is 00:18:49 P.S., we've been living together for almost a year, dating for more than two if it matters. O.P., what's your girlfriend did was incredibly disrespectful. She disrespected you, your hobby, your passion, and living things. Honestly, it doesn't matter if she got carried away or not, she made a choice to destroy your stuff, and that means she's capable of doing it again. I say cut your losses and move on because that's a pretty major red flag.
Starting point is 00:19:14 That was our slash relationship advice, and the number one way that a podcast grows is through word of mouth. So if you've got a friend or family member who you think would enjoy this podcast, then please recommend my podcast to them because it would really help my podcast grow. So if you've got a friend or family member who you think would enjoy this podcast then please recommend my podcast to them because it would really help my podcast grow.

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