rSlash - r/Trueoffmychest The Dad I Babysit for is Grooming Me

Episode Date: April 4, 2023 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're flying to meet with a new supplier to keep your business growing. And with the business platinum card from American Express, you can earn $820 in new value and more, which includes a $200 travel credit toward your flight. Now boarding business class. American Express, don't do business without it. Terms and conditions apply visit slash business platinum.
Starting point is 00:00:30 Welcome to our slash true off my chest where a teenage girl slowly comes to the realization that the guy she's babysitting for is a groomer. Our next reddit post is from committee according. I'm a 17 year old girl and I've been babysitting for this family for a while now. Since there are two young parents working full time with two young kids ages one and three, I previously mentioned that I would be happy to assist with other tasks as well, such as grocery shopping and other things. But for the time being, all I've been asked to do was watch the kids. The mother and the kids were leaving the country for a month, so the dad called me a few days ago to ask if I could help with cleaning the house since he was the only one home at the moment. I don't like where this is going. He offered to pick me up the
Starting point is 00:01:14 same day to simply look around the house and create a schedule, and I didn't give it much thought. Since he always did this when I was going to babysit, it wasn't unusual when he picked me up in his car. He instructed me in the car to keep the mother in the dark about this, and he also told me that I was very beautiful. I thought that it was a little strange, but I kept my mouth shut. Then he stood me in front of the mirror as soon as we got home to check to see if I was taller than him. I felt uncomfortable as he held me around the
Starting point is 00:01:45 waist to measure me. He showed me the mess around the house, and then we somehow got on the subject of my upcoming party, which led to him taking out his wife's wedding dress and then asked me to put it on and to borrow it to the party. What? I declined and pretended that we were oppressed for time. He offered to drive me to school later and said that we could eat something small first and he gave me a snicker and we sat down. I got a little bit of chocolate on my lips and he forcefully touched my lips to take it off.
Starting point is 00:02:18 We got out to the car and he once again reminded me not to say anything to his wife. He held my hand while his Tesla was in autopilot mode. He told me to stop talking to other men while he was holding my hand. I was so startled by this that I mentioned that I had a boyfriend, which is true. He said something along the lines of, Well, I guess that's okay. Just don't ask him for money. I can always fix that. And don't ask him for money. I can always fix that.
Starting point is 00:02:45 And don't work for another family. We need you here. I didn't respond to his comment much because I was horrified. He continued to hold my hand, placing his hand beneath mine and holding it as if you were going to kiss it. Another strange thing was he repeatedly asked me when I was going to turn 18. He said that we could go out to eat some time because he was so alone now with the kids and wife being gone. Then he dropped me off.
Starting point is 00:03:12 I also observed that he was, oh I can't say this on YouTube. A certain there was some tinting action going on the whole time. I don't know, it freaked me out. Please give me advice. Should I stop working for the family and never meet him again? Alright OP, here's your advice. Show this post to your parents and show this post to your wife. Do not under any circumstances meet this guy again, especially not in private. This is just a long list of red flags. Obviously this guy is trying to get into your pants.
Starting point is 00:03:45 But on top of that, he's trying to isolate you from other people by telling you not to talk to other men, which is classic abuser behavior. Also, he's planning the seeds that he wants to be your sugar daddy, I think, by saying that he can pay you money, which realistically in this case is hush money. Let's be honest. Stay safe, girl. Do not ever go back to see this guy again. Our next reddit post is from New Morning.
Starting point is 00:04:08 Both me and my best friend are 20 year old women. We've been friends for about five years or so. I've considered her my sister because we were just that close. We tell each other everything. She told me that she was hooking up with a married man. Mind you, this guy was like 50 or something with kids and grandkids. I told her to end it because she was being stupid. She knows that
Starting point is 00:04:31 I don't condone cheating. I tried to keep an open mind, but some things like cheating, I just don't tolerate. But she said that she's gonna continue hooking up with him because he makes her feel good about herself. Her reasoning was that this married man would rather passionately hug her than his wife, and that made her feel good about herself. But I need y'all to know this. Hooking up with a married person isn't a brag, it just means you're pathetic. I asked her what about his wife, and she said that she doesn't care about his wife. Her words were, if his wife was being a good wife, then he wouldn't be out here passionately hugging me.
Starting point is 00:05:09 And that just pissed me off. I screenshot all of our texts. She would send me videos of them passionately hugging each other, their text conversations, their dates, all the gifts he bought her, videos of him badmouthing his wife, and so much more. So I saved all of it. I easily found him on social media
Starting point is 00:05:29 because my friend was following him. This moron didn't even make his account private. He posted pictures of his wife, kids, and grandkids. From there, I found his wife on social media, followed her and sent her a DM with all the proof. Then I sent my friend a text saying that she's the scum of the earth, and I don't want anything to do with her. After that, I blocked her on everything. Opie, I think you did the right thing and all, but since when do people send explicit videos of them passionately hugging strangers to their friends. Now I'll be the first to admit that I'm a little bit older,
Starting point is 00:06:07 I'm in my 30s so I'm not like super hip and with it with the young people trends, but is that what 20 year olds are doing nowadays? Hooking up with married people, filming themselves, and then being like, hey bro, you wanna see something cool? Here's me passionately hugging some stranger. Well, I don't wanna see videos of my friends doing that. I don't want my friends to see videos of me doing that.
Starting point is 00:06:29 Our next Reddit post is from a man filled with regret. I'm a 35 year old man and I met my wife Annabelle who's 34 when we were in college. My family was lower middle class and I was hustling to make sure that student loans didn't kill me post-graduation. At first, everything seemed great. Annabelle was truly my rock through some really hard times. I struggle with anxiety and depression, as well as imposter syndrome. She had her own struggles too. I thought that we fit well.
Starting point is 00:06:59 My parents and sister always told me that while she seemed nice enough, something was off. This suspicion only increased when Annabelle dropped out of college and shared her plans to become a housewife and stay at home mom one day. And as such, she didn't need a degree. Back then, there was no guarantee that I would have a high paying job, but I also didn't mind her staying home with our future kids. Then I got an offer for my dream job. Six figures, company car, travel, the works. They'd also pay for me to obtain my master's degree, something that seemed out of reach,
Starting point is 00:07:36 considering I was drowning in student loan debt. I could finally move out of my parent's house and get one of my own. I used part of my signing bonus to buy an engagement ring for Annabelle. Because I began dating her prior to the money, I never imagined that she was with me for anything else. She loved me when I was a broke college student. We planned our futures back then. My family tried to point out the red flags. Annabelle planned an over-the-top expensive wedding. She wanted the biggest house she could find. My signing bonus was drained rather quickly, and I was worried about not saving enough. I constantly told her to slow down that we don't need the best of
Starting point is 00:08:16 everything, and she would, for a while, then it would pick up again. We had two kids together, who are now 8 and 4. The big spending got worse when they came along, but again I was okay with it. I was making good money and we could afford it. Annabel grew up in a similar situation to me, so I figured she just wanted to spoil the kids. Then I got laid off for my job. It wasn't out of nowhere.
Starting point is 00:08:43 The field I'm in has slowly begun to dwindle over the years. I stayed on for as long as I could, but at this point, the company is going under. Annabelle was worried when I relayed the news, but I informed her that we had our savings, so we'd be okay until I found work again. I was hired at a new company in a similar, but different field within a month. The catch, I'm making significantly less. It's enough to live off of and we can stay in our house, but things need to change. I pointed out that our kids can't go to private school anymore, that we can't take multiple lavish trips a year. No more frivolous spending. Annabelle wasn't happy, but again, I gave her
Starting point is 00:09:27 grace. It was a big adjustment, even for me. Just two months after I started at my new job, Annabelle came to me and said, I don't think I can do this anymore. I was taken off guard, and we had several discussions that amounted to her taking the kids to be with her mother while we took a break. I already knew that our marriage was over. No one can come back from a break unscathed. Sure enough, a few weeks after she moved out, she told me she wanted a divorce. She claimed that we had grown apart, said that I worked too many hours at my last job
Starting point is 00:10:02 and I was never around. While it is true that I did work a lot, I was home every night for dinner and we had all the weekends together. I traveled often, but she always came with me up until our oldest started elementary school. Back then, she never complained about a thing. In fact, I once said that I was tired from working a long week and I felt guilty that she was home alone with two kids, but she assured me that she was tired from working a long week, and I felt guilty that she was home alone with two kids,
Starting point is 00:10:25 but she assured me that she was happy. I asked her several times if this was about me losing money. She denied it up and down. She said that she got married so young, and now I need to see what's out there. She put all the blame on me. Nye evenly. I told myself that this was what happens
Starting point is 00:10:44 when you marry your college sweetheart. You grow apart. I didn't want to believe that my entire marriage had been a lie. Within two weeks of filing for divorce, she was with someone new. The reality came crashing down. She tried to play it off as they just so happened to meet, but they moved fast. She was moving in with him within three months. They were engaged before our divorce was even final. The new guy is
Starting point is 00:11:11 a surgeon. He makes six figures a year. I don't know if her cheating began when I got laid off or before. I suppose it doesn't matter. We're divorced now. Due to my schedule, I only see my kids every weekend and I hate it. I regret not making Annabelle sign a prenup because she gets half of everything. My family is aware that she's moved on, and I know they have their suspicions, but we've never spoken about it. In the three years since the divorce, they've never uttered I told you so, even though I deserve it. I went from loving Annabelle to despising her. I love my children very much, but I hate that I wasted 10 years on a woman who only wanted
Starting point is 00:11:54 me for my money. I should have so much more money saved up, but she either squandered it on useless junk when we were married or took half of it in the divorce. God, I hate her. Opie, that sucks for sure. I definitely feel for you. But I don't know how I feel about this story because I feel like I'm missing something here.
Starting point is 00:12:16 Like, your family says that she's a gold digger, but like why? Why did they think that she's a gold digger? We see no evidence anywhere in this post that she's a gold digger? We see no evidence anywhere in this post that she's a gold digger. Honestly, the things that she's doing in this post aren't really indicative of a gold digger that she's a stay-at-home mom. I mean, lots of women are stay-at-home moms and not a gold digger.
Starting point is 00:12:35 So, I don't know. It just kind of feels like something's missing here. Like the entire middle of the story, I don't know, maybe it's right. Maybe OP is correct that she's divorcing him solely because he lost his money, he lost his job. I don't know, I kind of feel like we're missing something here. Like, especially since she hooked up with you before you even got a high paying job, I suppose if OP has a degree in IT computer science and she can
Starting point is 00:13:01 sort of expect a certain amount of income, but still, either this woman is really playing the long con or she's like, can read the future here. I don't know, what do you guys think? Is the woman here a gold digger or is OP bending the truth a little bit? Our next reddit postage from Exhausted and Lost. I married my bully sister. I just had to tell someone because I was talking to my wife about it recently. I'm from a very small, very bigoted southern town, and it wasn't hard for others to find fault in anything I did. Also, due to the size of my town, I was in the same class with the same
Starting point is 00:13:37 people from beginning to end. I had a lot of bullies back then. People who would hurl slurs at me, people who would purposefully ostracize me. Teachers and staff would overlook it because they were just playing around. There was also an uptick in homophobic slurs when we hit high school. Now I'm a proud non-binary pagan, but back then I was terrified of anyone knowing that I even liked girls. The one girl who was openly lesbian in our school was tortured both verbally and physically, and the school overlooked it because she was already troubled. What since that made, I will never know. Regardless, being publicly outed as anything not straight in that town was a guarantee that my life would be hell. There was this one particular bully
Starting point is 00:14:23 who did that. He certainly wasn't the originator of the rumor, but because he was one of the more connected students in town, his words held a lot of weight. If he said it on a Monday, by Tuesday, the entire town was calling me all sorts of homophobic slurs that I didn't even really know what they meant. From 7th grade until I was baptized to fix me, I was everything from a predator to a whore to a witch, and those were the gentle words. I didn't find out that it was him, however, until after I married his sister, I didn't marry my angel out of spite towards him. He wasn't even a thought. My wife is smart, funny, beautiful, kind, and all around the most
Starting point is 00:15:06 amazing person I've ever met. We'd met in passing while we lived in our hometown, but we became so much closer after we moved away. We knew who each other was, because in a town of our size, everyone knew everyone's great grandparents, but it never registered what it would mean to marry her outside of marrying my best friend. It wasn't until she was telling me about her plans to visit her brother now that he was about to have a baby that it clicked. I married my homophobic bully sister. The ammo, the jokes, the clap backs. I've missed so many opportunities to rub in this butthole's face that I got with his sister. I'm a fool! I came to read it because I can't lament to my wife about it anymore,
Starting point is 00:15:51 but I can't get over my absolute lack of proper revenge for this. I also don't know how to go about it other than going, hey, you remember that time that you made my life a living hell for being gay? Well, I passionately hugged your sister, so maybe you were onto something. Personally, OP, I think it would be awesome if you humbled your bully, but keep in mind that best revenge is a life well lived. That was our slash true off my chest, and if you like this content, be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day. I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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