Saturn Returns with Caggie - 2.11 Intuition: How Do We Access It? with Natalie Miles

Episode Date: December 14, 2020

Natalie Miles, author and podcast host of "You Are Intuitive", talks to Caggie about how to tune into your own navigating system. We all have an internal compass, steering us towards what is good for, but our busy minds can often take us elsewhere. Often we are torn between logic and intuition. But, like a muscle, the more we use it the stronger it becomes. Your intuition is the quiet voice that is always guiding you. During your Saturn Return this is a huge lesson to learn, and will be crucial for navigating the challenges and tests that lie ahead. --- Follow or subscribe to "Saturn Returns" for future episodes, where we explore the transformative impact of Saturn's return with inspiring guests and thought-provoking discussions. Follow Caggie Dunlop on Instagram to stay updated on her personal journey and you can find Saturn Returns on Instagram, YouTube and TikTok.  Order the Saturn Returns Book. Join our community newsletter here.  Find all things Saturn Returns, offerings and more here.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello everyone and welcome to Saturn Returns with me, Kagi Dunlop. This is a podcast that aims to bring clarity during transitional times where there can be confusion and doubt. It's really important for people to be able to connect to their own intuition, to see the power of inside themselves versus the fact that they think that they need to go to a guru. You know, you have your access to your intuition. It's already there. It's here to help you, especially during, you know, what we're experiencing right now. In this episode of Saturn Returns, I'm joined by Natalie Miles, who describes herself as a spiritual mentor and psychic medium. Her mission is to help us learn to reactivate and trust our intuition.
Starting point is 00:00:52 And she has written a book called You Are Intuitive. Now, I was introduced to Natalie through Ruby Warrington, who you guys may remember came on season one of the podcast to talk about being sober curious. And has since become a friend of mine and anyway she uh put me in touch with Natalie and said that she might make for a good guest of this season and I've definitely wanted to do something around intuition it's a massive theme massive theme for me over like the last couple of years during my own Saturn Returns journey and a lot of you have actually requested that I do an episode around this. So it was very perfect that she got in contact. And I absolutely loved the book.
Starting point is 00:01:32 And I loved this conversation. I feel in many ways throughout my, I guess my 20s, I kind of stopped listening to my intuition. I think that naturally I had quite a strong intuitive guidance system. And then, I don't know, I just kind of disconnected from it. I definitely think that that was connected to the lifestyle I was living, perhaps being inauthentic and not really being truthful to myself. And it was really over the last couple of years that I started to get these really massive intuitive hits. And that was very much aligned with my sobriety because obviously I, well, it's my belief that that
Starting point is 00:02:10 sort of numbs and dulls it. And we kind of go into that. We also talk about how there's an ancestral wound going on. And by that, I mean, women historically have been disconnected from their intuition because it's been seen as dangerous. It's dangerous for them. It's dangerous for society, women in their power. And just to explain a little bit about the start of the call, we, I always have issues with technology. Something apparently, according to Natalie, it's something in me about my energy which makes a lot of sense because it is it is like a comedy sometimes and obviously with what I do everything is kind of around technology which makes it slightly challenging but we did have a few hurdles getting on the call but we
Starting point is 00:02:57 managed to and I really love this conversation so I hope you learn something from it and I hope that it helps you in accessing your own intuitive power. Just before we get into this and start our wrestling with tech here is Nora our astrological guide for the season. In astrology generally the intuition is determined by certain placements in the charts but the technicalities of it don't matter because how this ties in with Saturn return is that when we're going through our Saturn return or the maturity of Saturn which happens at the age of 36 and Saturn return happening between 28 and 30, at these ages where Saturn is really being prominent in our lives, it forces us to recognize our natural abilities but also to recognize your authority within us. More often than not this would have been a little voice
Starting point is 00:03:52 inside of us that would have told us no that is not the right relationship, no this is not what you want to do with your career, no this is not the kind of like place that you want to live in, but you will ignore it. You'll want to please society rather than just please our true selves. So Saturn return comes in and then it obliges us to give attention to that voice, which is our intuition. And that's exactly when things fall apart. If we have been ignoring our intuition, if we've been ignoring this gut feeling and truly our inner
Starting point is 00:04:27 father, our inner mother, our inner authority, things will fall apart. And the big, big lesson that we learn during Saturn return is that we should listen to our intuition. If I had listened to this, then now during Saturn return, I'll be reaping rewards. I would not be facing this kind of destruction and difficulties that i've that i've been facing truly honestly if we if we all would listen to our intuition and all be true to ourselves we would be having you know maybe not the easiest life but we would be having a more authentic life and a life that is more rewarding which is exactly what saturn is teaching us through and it was real weird because as i like put um signed up to your link it wouldn't access my microphone and i was like but i've given all the permissions for that and i went into all my back end of my system and i was like oh this is so weird I normally when
Starting point is 00:05:25 this stuff shows up for me like this I um I know it's part of like a client session like I know it's part of the messages and the guidance that wants to come through if that makes sense in what sort of capacity the messages for you around it were like you're in this like new space of communicating your truth like more than ever before and you're about to like step into some like brand new ways of like how you're showing up in the world and there's just some like energetic blocks around your voice and using your voice in these new ways of what wants to come through in this new phase of chapter of your life that you're going into and so it shows up in like mini blocks of technology because it's part of that like subconscious of you kind of having mini
Starting point is 00:06:14 blocks and fears around using your voice in new ways wow that is wild but yeah I mean it was it was like crazy what just happened before this call. But it's quite common with me. Yeah, because you're so sensitive and you are highly, highly, highly intuitive. So the more that you step into your intuition, it's like this whole energy surge, this like brand new energy that is like flowing through your body. And it does, it breaks technology. brand new energy that is like flowing through your body and it does it breaks technology like because it's honestly like a comedy because it seems to be whenever it's something that I have a lot of like a strong energetic response to or something that's like important in some way whether it be like this conversation or whether it would be me recording music in a studio like
Starting point is 00:07:03 it's exhausting for everyone involved because there's always hurdles in actually being able to have the conversation. But anyway, here we are. We managed to make it work. We made it. And when that happens to you in the future, I always like make sure
Starting point is 00:07:20 that I'm really grounding my energy beforehand. So actually like consciously doing a grounding. I mean, sometimes I even just ask, please let this flow with love, ease and grace, and just set the intention that I want it to move with love, ease and grace and actually ask her for all obstacles to be removed. Okay. I think I need to start doing that. But thank you for joining me.'m really excited we're finally having this conversation so when you say you get messages and stuff because you speak in your book a lot about like spirit guides and everything is and this is something that you have been aware of
Starting point is 00:07:59 as a gift from quite a young age like how does how strongly does it come through um yeah really strong I experience messages through um hearing seeing knowing um feeling so I yeah I have a blend of all of them and and it's just been over time that I know when my spirit guides are communicating with me, you know, we have this spirit team, but also just your own intuition. You know, we're all intuitive, we're all born intuitive. And once we begin to realize and notice how our intuition shows up for us and how we are receiving messages every single day it just there's something that is really empowering inspiring absolutely because um intuition has been been like such a huge theme for me personally you know as you discuss in your book we really are out of alignment with
Starting point is 00:09:01 being able to hear that voice and so what I really want to achieve from this conversation is to set like an intention is how people can access their own intuition and can we bring it back to the very beginning how you got into this work and yeah just start from yeah it's been quite the journey um I first went to a psychic circle in the UK with my mom back when I was like 16 and um that was the first time that I ever shared a message with someone or connected to the energy and was like wow I, I can do this. I was like, this is really cool. But I, um, the, the shame of it, like I was really worried about what people were going to think of me, friends, boyfriends, partners. So it all really went into kind of shut down for me in my 20s. I started a career in film, but it was something that was very much hidden
Starting point is 00:10:10 because I didn't want people to think I was weird. And then during my Saturn return, which was a wild time, it was when you're in the thick of it it was yeah not not the funnest of times but i call it it was part of my spiritual reactivation um a reactivation to get back reconnected to my intuition ins and outs with a long-term relationship um I was mugged um I multiple houses that I were in were flooded um cars driving shit was hitting the fan basically shit was hitting the fan um and then it literally it wasn't until I actually I now live in Canada I now live in
Starting point is 00:11:00 Vancouver Canada and I decided that I'm you know I got this intuitive hit that I needed to move to Canada I needed to leave the UK and it was here that in the midst of being alone away from friends family the usual setup that I had I reconnected to my intuitive gifts and the spirit were really loud and clear were like you need to be doing this work. It's really important. And so, yeah, here I am. And it's been a journey, but it feels like who I am and what I'm about and what my mission is. Yeah, because I love it. You describe it as that the universe will throw pebbles on your path.
Starting point is 00:11:41 And if you're not listening, it will throw rocks. And then if you're still not listening listening it'll throw like boulders so I think that that is such a an amazing way of describing actually what a lot of people experience on their during their Saturn return myself included was like you know I may have had a lot of experiences that my intuition was you know trying to speak to me and I was just ignoring it and then it was really through my Saturn return journey that I suddenly was like oh wow that that's painful when I ignore it now so I think it's a really you know it's a really crucial and necessary pain that I think we have to go through and you discussed this also that like you have not have
Starting point is 00:12:22 to but it seems to be there is you know a correlation between ones like spiritual reactivation or awakening or whatever you want to call it and something that happens in one's life that's hugely disruptive yeah and can seem as a loss and can seem that there's something being taken away from you and it's also this part of especially within the spiritual wellness world the way we can kind of focus on this like love and light intuition or this focus that you know oh I'm having a spiritual awakening and it's like la and the clouds part and everything's going to be amazing and actually it's a time where we're really forced to look at our shadow we're forced to look at what hurts and the pain and the suffering um
Starting point is 00:13:06 and what our shadow parts of ourselves to learn from them and you know quite often you know and society you know tells us that we shouldn't be looking at this part of us that we should just kind of push it aside and focus on the good things but actually those shadow parts are such deep transformational parts of our learning and healing journey and it's so important to look at them totally because I also think you know society like you say and and especially we see an example of it through social media it's like you know don't acknowledge the shadow the the less attractive parts of ourselves and then also there's been a conversation that I've had a lot recently with people around the idea of the feminine again that it's this like very light
Starting point is 00:13:52 very soft energy and then then some people come back being like no the feminine can be like dark you know it can be mysterious it's powerful it's potent it's not like flowers and rainbows and it's the same with this sort of spiritual bypass of like the self-help movement that's like manifest your dream life and you know light and positivity and everything and it's it's dangerous because it's an unregulated world and I think that if you don't if you don't have your own intuitive or if you aren't tapped into an intuition it's hard to decipher what is worthy of following and what isn't and because you can market things in such a way through the realm of social media and stuff I
Starting point is 00:14:39 think it's like a very murky area and we'll kind of get into that because it also just plays into the idea that I think a lot of people think that this stuff is like quite woo woo and an evil, the devil's work, like you say. And it's all, it's just all really interesting conversation because I, it's my belief. It's all about personal sovereignty and it's about tapping into your own inner compass. So you can make these decisions for yourself and you can't take advantage of people's vulnerability and the
Starting point is 00:15:11 intention always has to be about empowering people for to do things for themselves like not to take away that responsibility from them big time and acting out of authenticity and integrity and using our intuition to practice discernment. There's so much going on in the world right now where we don't know what is real and what's not and the news that we're reading and there's a lot of misinformation. And so it is about how can we practice discernment. And I love what you shared about the feminine, Kagi, just saying about, you know, women are wild, women are fierce. And it is patriarchy that has been telling women that they aren't those things.
Starting point is 00:15:50 But it is the realization and it is connected to our intuition around, you know, women being in their power is it's, you know, it's a threatening thing. That's part of the why there were the witch trials but there is this kind of energy right now where women are realizing their own sovereignty and they're realizing their own power and they're realizing their own intuition and what that means um and it's uh yeah it's it's beautiful to witness because you talk so beautifully about it in your book would you mind explaining to the listeners a bit about you know the trials of witches and how how that happened in terms of creating a system where they wanted to oppress people and keep people down and you know why that in turn meant that our power was taken away yeah i mean, we all hold the ancestral shame of the generations that have
Starting point is 00:16:49 come before us, not just the women, but the men as well. We were told to see the power of outside of ourselves in God or religion, but that meant that people's own personal practices around intuition were taken away, were banned. The witch trials happened where people were killed and murdered and many intuitives went into hiding. And then you also bring in colonialism into that as well. So indigenous people of color, they were also oppressed and they're also their connection to their spirituality and how they connect to their intuition, their rituals and their practices were taken away from them as well by white people. And then you throw in religion as well. I have a section of the book called It's the devil's work and it you know it we've been told so often that this work was um will bring in the devil that it's going to bring in um negative
Starting point is 00:17:54 energy um and that is again it's part of that societal um programming but I will sorry to interrupt you but I will say for that part is that it can I think there is an argument that I do understand for that because like I said it's so unregulated and there are some people out there sort of charlatans that are practicing things perhaps they have some sort of uh gift but it it isn't always coming from the right place and I think like and also to touch on something you said earlier some people have mentioned to me about you know because there's obviously clearly this movement that's happening now where people are you know this stuff is hitting the mainstream but some people have said to me you know it's being reclaimed in the wrong way so
Starting point is 00:18:46 practices that don't culturally necessarily belong to us are being practiced not necessarily in the right way and not necessarily with the right intention you know yeah very much so it's what I call conscious intuition it's about you know cultural appropriation is rife in the spiritual world right now and it's about looking at um where do those practices come from are they part of your lineage um if they're not part of your lineage it's time to kind of look at your ancestry your lineage and look at you know the practices that came from them and also it's about being invited in and learning from people from that cultural lineage that you would like to use you you just need to look at now white sage bundles being sold in high street stores and it's like that's an indigenous practice that was also banned like they were banned from using that as a practice and so for us to be take their ritual to take
Starting point is 00:19:55 their practice and for people to be making high street stores to be making money from it yeah it's icky it feels it's not right and And so, you know, as there are shady doctors and shady lawyers and shady builders, there are also shady healers and it's life. And so that is why it's also really important for people to be able to connect to their own intuition, to see the power of inside themselves versus the fact that they think that they need to go to a guru um or a teacher to find yeah their own inner power and their and their own inner truth which is what i'm sharing is like you know you have your access to your intuition it's already there it you it's it's here to help you especially during you know what we're experiencing right now so I want to talk about that and I want to talk about everything
Starting point is 00:20:51 that's going on in the world in terms of basically right now the world has sort of shifted on its axis I actually don't really like I kind of make a bit of a ban of talking about it on this podcast because I like this to be a space where people can separate themselves from that. Because I think that the way we are consuming media full stop was a problem before, but it's just so much worse now. And creating this like constant anxiety and fear, even if it's's subconscious it's manifesting in not very nice ways for people I have this like tendency when stuff like this happens this like natural thing where I just create like an energetic cocoon I it just doesn't really phase me I just shut off from like all the stuff that's going to be fear inducing and I'm just like how do I feel about it like and just get on with the things that I can control it's yeah it's like it's what I call um energetic self-sovereignty I would also share that I think
Starting point is 00:21:56 we all have a responsibility to know what is happening in our planet so it's like how do we find the balance between knowing what's happening in the news knowing what's happening in social media but choosing our response and being in charge of our own energy around it it's like noticing when your energy has been like hooked into social media or the fear is coming up or there's like that addictive scrolling that sometimes happens that really practicing it as, you know, deleting an app off your phone, only saying like, I'm only going to be on here for like 15 minutes, having the conversations with your friends and family. If there are particular friends and family that, you know, keep talking about the same thing about the news or the same,
Starting point is 00:22:43 you know, the same rhetoric, whether we're talking about politics, whether we're talking about COVID, it's an element of you setting boundaries. And it's also the element where we've gone into future projecting mode. A lot of our fear and anxiety is connected to the fear of the unknown, a fear of what is going to happen. I talk about this as like how we can, you know, be in the present moment, you know, healing in the present moment, intuition in the present moment, and bringing it back into the here and now and asking ourselves like, what do I need to know today? How can I be in my body today? and really bringing it back to the present?
Starting point is 00:23:31 And I don't want to sound like doom and gloom, but this is the start of the spiritual reactivation for the collective. This is going to be a longer process over the next five to six years. There is going to be a lot more seemingly more chaotic change as the power structures and the structures of our society begin to change and so that is why we are going to need to have the tools of our intuition and being kind of learning how to practice discernment and being in the present moment and that energetic self-sovereignty so that we can feel grounded and safe and anchored versus kind of spiraling into that kind of future fear projecting mode all the time. 100%. And what are some of the tools that people can do for protecting themselves energetically and harnessing that intuition and I'd also like to go into being able to decipher between you know the ego the fear and the intuition because I think that's something that people will find really interesting and tricky to navigate myself
Starting point is 00:24:36 included because sometimes I'm like I don't know who's talking right now yeah why don't I jump into that first so um so for you know how how on earth do you know whether it is the fear based voice, the ego based voice or your intuition and your intuitive voice? For me, I describe that the intuitive voice normally comes from the back of the head. It will feel like the voice will come in from the back of the head. It will feel grounding. It will feel calming. It might feel like your best friend giving you a piece of advice. And then it will leave. It will come in into your mind and then it will go. Versus the ego fear-based mind,
Starting point is 00:25:18 it normally comes from the front of the head. It will feel like chatter. And instead of it coming in and leaving, it will like whirl around in the front of the head, it will feel like chatter. And instead of it coming in and leaving, it will like whirl around in the front of your head and it will just, you know, it's that internal dialogue that we have with ourselves when we're listening to the fear kind of whirl around in our mind. That is a great way to decipher between it. The intuitive voice might not always make sense, decipher between it. The intuitive voice might not always make sense, which is tricky. And because we want logic, we want something to hold onto. So the intuitive voice might feel like, oh, this doesn't make any sense, but it feels really good. It feels right in my body. It feels like this is my kind of next course of action.
Starting point is 00:26:07 And the ego and fear-based voice also, it has a time agenda a lot of the time. Like you're like, I want an answer now and I need this answer now. The ego and fear-based voice can also be like, I should do this. I must do this versus it being kind of more of an energy of surrender of what truly wants to come in. And just noticing how it feels in your body. Like when the ego or the fear-based voice comes in, it can feel like it can give you anxiety, it can feel really heavy, it can bring up a lot of emotions. And the intuitive voice can also bring up a lot of emotions, but it will feel like like it's guiding you and it will make you feel kind of anchored and grounded into your body. Yeah, that's that's really helpful. The way I describe it is like my intuition is is more of a whisper.
Starting point is 00:27:03 Like you say, it kind of like will speak once and then go and I'm like is that it whereas you know the ego and the fear is just non-stop madness and because we live in such a sort of linear logical world like it's hard to listen to that quieter voice that's kind of gone after just speaking at once and it's and like you say it comes from somewhere like in the back in the back of the head that's definitely like where it resonates for me um someone told me this really interesting thing it was basically about how you know animals will sense fear they'll sense danger they'll and they'll move away they'll have that instinctive response whereas we because of like our logical linear thought with language we can like sense something that's wrong and physically feel it
Starting point is 00:27:52 and just go like straight on in and it's because like the logical mind it kind of has made sense of what it wants to make sense of rather than feeling it out and being like okay that doesn't feel right I'm not going to do it and it it's, it's, it's a hard thing. It's like a muscle. You have to learn to trust that because we want to know what's at the end of doing it the way we think we should rather than just trusting, trusting our body. And I think that the body for me is such a,
Starting point is 00:28:21 a key component to, to the language of it all really. And I do this thing when I'm in a situation and I had it like not that long ago, where if something starts to feel off, even though like logic, linear thinking is like, this is great. This is a great situation. This is a great opportunity.
Starting point is 00:28:42 Like this is where you should be and this is where we should stay. and my body will start reacting or responding and I think oh dear there's a lot of conflict going on and so I ask my body the question so I'll say like you know we stay in this situation and we carry on with what the mind wants and my throat will close up the back of my neck will get prickly I'll just like my chest will tighten okay that's not very good and then I'll be like okay we remove ourselves from the situation which you know is the harder thing to do in terms of it's going to disrupt things and it's going to upset people but I you know I ask my body that and everything opens you know my chest like opens
Starting point is 00:29:26 my throat opens I'm like okay I guess we've got to do that and that's my way now of of knowing like which course of action to take oh yeah the body I love that Kagi that's such a good description it's like it's what I call like the hell yes and hell no and really listening to what the body is communicating with you and we're a society of people pleasers so we don't want to upset the boat and we want to be liked by people and so when your body is having that you know of a physical reaction and I love the the one that you said about the throat closing up. I get that. That's such a powerful representation. And I sometimes get that when I'm also not speaking my truth. So yeah, I mean, our whole body is intuitive. And I think we're also, you know,
Starting point is 00:30:19 for many of us, we're not in tune with our bodies or our emotions, and we can find them very overwhelming. And so this is a part of a journey where we are being asked to kind of get back in touch with our feelings, with our emotions and the hell yes, heck no, like, you know, it's a really great simple tool. But if you've got a question that you really want to like ask you, like imagine the question in white light, like in your in your head or imagine in front of you and then kind of wrap green light around it. And I'm like, breathe the question into your heart space and say and, you know, and call your spirit team forward and ask, like, is this a hell yes or is this a heck no? And just see how it feels in the body. Like the hell yes will normally, you know, give you full body chills. Um, you might even see like a green light for go. That's how I get it. Um, I see like a green, um, a green go sign. Um, and it just feels really good. But when I get a heck no, it's really obvious in
Starting point is 00:31:27 the body, like the energy shuts off. I see like a red stop sign and, and it is, we all can do that. And it's, it's about kind of working out what that looks like for us and noticing how the, how that shows up in the body yeah in a sort of like a similar vein to this I want to talk a little bit about red flags like we've all had those situations and relationships where like there's been a lot of red flags and I jokingly say that I just make them into bandanas and like carry on um and it took it took a pretty like harsh lesson actually at the end of my Saturn return to be like okay I'm not ignoring the red flag anymore and when people then guess like that that's really that's really like shit because you then it's that you're sending yourself a message of like
Starting point is 00:32:20 god I can't honor those feelings and I can't trust those feelings and I actually need to like push them down because you know that was a horrible response I got so I'm not listening to it anymore yeah and then we don't trust our intuition even though it's like the biggest hell yes um I mean I've had that um I in fact it was it was in my certain return i was being cheated on and i just knew i knew what was happening but because i was gaslighting i was being gaslit and i was being told no even though my intuition was like giving me all the signs it's but it is it's practice it's trust and knowing that you know there might be consequences of taking action on your intuitive messages. But it's better off taking action on the messages and being in your truth and power and knowing what the truth is versus feeling like you can't speak your truth or that.
Starting point is 00:33:19 Or getting trapped in something. And getting trapped into it because that's when those boulders come up. something and getting trapped into it because that's when those boulders come up then there's going to be bigger things that come up to get you um out of a relationship a job using your intuition and noticing when you are being gaslit or manipulated yeah it's it's so important um with those red flags totally because I had exactly the same experience as you and like I'm actually you know now really grateful for it because I was just like wow I'm never ignoring that again and it's it's just it feels like it's awakened such a powerful tool for me so that now when I've been in situations recently and I don't want to like share too much, but there was like in
Starting point is 00:34:06 terms of dating, like historically the behavior that I would have thought was flattering and, oh, I'm being, you know, I think so doting towards me and how, isn't this so lovely to be idolized like this and everything. But my body was just like, get out. And it was so uncomfortable. The person went like completely, because I literally just said, this doesn't feel right for me. In my body, energetically, like I'm removing myself, I'm leaving.
Starting point is 00:34:33 And it was such a big lesson for me because they went completely mad. The way that they responded was so telling of like actually, you know, how obviously not right it was. And then anyway, now I'm in a situation when when I'm with someone and they when I speak to them about like you know this is coming up for me and when that's met with open honesty and integrity and like received well it's such a beautiful experience because that person is
Starting point is 00:35:05 basically being like you know you are you are right in feeling that way and and I'm going to hold space for it I would love to encourage people to be able to do that you know you obviously there's the risk that someone might gaslight you but if you do it with an invitation of like integrity and honesty people tend to surprise you surprise you with how they can meet you there. It might not be immediate, but they want to. It's like an energetic thing of up-leveling. And they're like, I want to get there with you, even if that means going through some discomfort first.
Starting point is 00:35:38 Sometimes we want relationships to fit a certain way or to fit into an expectation or how we visually want to see it as well and so we don't sometimes don't want to have those conversations because it might then mean that something might end versus when we have as you say like we have those those curiosity moments and it's like oh I'm feeling this energy in this space. I'm feeling that you're, you know, you're anxious about this part of our relationship or you're, you know, are you feeling this certain way, or this is how I'm feeling and I'm bringing it into this space. As you say, it invites that up level. And then that also creates more of a conscious relationship. It then means that you are both feeling comfortable to
Starting point is 00:36:26 bring up the feelings and the emotions and the intuitive hits that you're getting within the relationship dynamic and that is so powerful because it instead of bringing you further apart which is like the human fear actually brings you closer together yeah yeah because it's that it's the sort of conundrum of you know we want to be seen authentically in relationship but in order to get there we have to be incredibly vulnerable and then we're afraid to be vulnerable because what if we're rejected in that vulnerability so it kind of like plays out in this this vicious cycle because like I believe on the precipice of anything great fear is the gatekeeper and there's no way of like dodging that you know it's just like something
Starting point is 00:37:11 that we have to step into but that is where like a conscious partnership lives the truth is ultimately like all growth is rooted in pain it's just the like that's just the reality and that's something again that this spiritual bypass of like manifest your dream life and have everything you want like that's not and I've I've you know I've gone to things where I've seen people practicing that kind of psychology or like that kind of message to to people that are hurting and that are vulnerable. And I'm like, this is dangerous because you can't bypass those emotions. Nor should you want to, because that is where the magic and like the essence of everything lies. Yeah. It's where the healing is. And it's, you know, yeah,
Starting point is 00:37:58 you can't push it down. And just by focusing on the love and light, it's like, that's not going to get you where you want to go. Like that's just, those things are where you want to go like that's just those things are going to continue to keep coming up and and we're always on a healing journey or you know even then when you think you've got your shit together and you think that you've got everything you know happening it's like yeah you know my job's going well I'm in this amazing relationship it's always going to be something that comes up it's just about oh I'm I'm now going deeper into my healing I'm now like peeling the the the you know the onion back even more all the
Starting point is 00:38:33 layers and when we become to realize that there is no end game of the healing it takes the pressure off like you say to to surrender a little bit to that process and to be kind and curious in that inquiry of self you know like when things are going really well and then something else happens you're like but why has this happened and why am I behaving like that and just be like oh this is interesting this is still something that I need to like work on or learn from or like whatever it's just being being light I guess in the heavier stuff and I think that's that part of that intuition is like noticing the themes and the patterns that keep coming up in your life that's intuition those themes and patterns whether they
Starting point is 00:39:18 keep repeating themselves um you know say for example trust keeps coming up in your relationships and also in your you know work colleagues or you know general levels of trust it's like okay well let me look beneath that and if that's a theme that keeps coming up in my life that's an intuitive message for me to um look at some of my um belief systems my subconscious belief systems and then i then talk about you know healing your ancestor story that a lot of the time we're also holding on to the patterns and blocks and themes that come from our ancestors from our parents from our grandparents from our great-grandparents and lineage before that that you know we're holding on to subconscious beliefs based on what they faced in their lives um in our life today
Starting point is 00:40:06 and when we start to look and unpack that it's like oh I've been you know running this kind of you know subconscious belief system which I didn't even realize I was holding on to how do we go about unpacking that yeah so for me um personally the ancestral work um is say for example you know that there's a lot of things to do with like trust in relationships and then you realize and you look back and you're like oh yeah well my I know from my mum that she was cheated on twice and and there was a divorce in a relationship like you so you firstly you can if you can you can ask your family if that's a if that's something that you can do to like ask questions about like what was their life like growing up what were the challenges that they
Starting point is 00:40:56 faced what do you feel like your biggest learning is on this planet like in your lifetime what's been your biggest learning it can bring up so much. And it's also important to share that you can also do this if you are adopted or you had another caregiver in your life, because it's not just our familial line as well. We can take on the ancestor story of like the people that looked after us as well. And we can take on the themes, you know, around our money story, our relationship with money, how we receive love. It can be sometimes like, why do I feel like I don't relate to anything connected to home? Or I feel like I'm not settled or grounded in a home and then you realize that oh well you know my parents they moved around a lot they didn't have a home funny that you say that actually
Starting point is 00:41:52 because I I've always had this thing of like loving moving abroad new cities like there isn't even an ounce of fear and a lot of people send me messages of Alex they're like oh my god I want to move but I'm scared and especially with everything that's going on in the world right now people like why would you want to like uproot and just like change location but for me that like I get something out of that energy but also it probably ties into like my family nest you know falling apart when I was a teenager and not having that space of like home and that family. So it's meant that like, I actually find familiarity and safety in like never being too settled somewhere. And that applies like to my career, to my relationships and to my physical
Starting point is 00:42:39 home is that when things get too, when things have been going on like for too long I depart it's not like I think oh this is getting a bit good and feeling a bit secure so I'm going to ruin it it's just more of a like a thing of this feels unfamiliar um and like I'm scared I guess of like feeling safe in it or like things feeling cemented because I'm not used to that so I'm used to like this flighty like you know everything's at the beginning stages because that's what I can control if that makes sense so I feel like I'm in a therapy session like I always do in this podcast and that's all I love it because my my work and how my client sessions go I mean it is it is like therapy and but that's why like this anchoring this grounding energy is going to be so important for you like I know we set you know off from the start we talked about like how anchoring your energy is going to be really key for you and
Starting point is 00:43:45 so it is going to be um like as you move through the next phase in the chapter of your life it's like you making roots and being anchored ironically is a thing that you're going to need the most during this time and it's going to feel really counterintuitive because you are going to want to like okay it's time to move oh it's time to change that it's time to it but it's going to feel really counterintuitive because you are going to want to like okay it's time to move oh it's time to change that it's time to it but it's going to make you kind of sit in the uncomfortableness of being anchored and grounded in one space and what that feels like and that's going to be some like really deep powerful healing that happens because you're not going to be able to use the survival mode or mechanism that you've done in the past to kind of mix things up. Wow. I feel like that is exactly what I needed to hear this evening.
Starting point is 00:44:31 I just got like full body chills when you said that it was like, Oh, I think cause it's been, you know, that restless unease I'm feeling in myself of like change, shape, shape shift, you know, it's like a shape shifting thing of that's my that's my like mechanism for staying safe and I think yeah my challenge now is to is to remain as I am which is bloody terrifying yeah and and and being um yeah and that kind of being in that surrender and being that patience and kind of releasing the time frame. I know that, you know, we're all wanting things to move and to change. And we're very kind of stuck in the time frame of things.
Starting point is 00:45:15 And just like it's not going to happen overnight like it happened in the past. It's going to be a slow burn. But this slow burn is going to be more rooting more grounding more anchoring and it's going to be something that you can keep coming back to versus something that burns quick and then disappears they're like that's not what kagi's about now this is about like the fire that you can build that's sustainable that's anchoring and that makes you feel in your like firepower wow I love that because it is so relevant to like every aspect of my life right now which is really good thank you for that
Starting point is 00:45:55 there was a question that came to me and I was like not really sure where it came from but why are we afraid of our power? Yeah great question. I don't know I don't know where it came from and I'm like I have no idea how you're gonna answer that but I just like something in me was like ask her this question. That's a really good intuitive question. Thank you, guys. We are afraid of our power because we're afraid of our potential and we're actually afraid of our truth. We're afraid of our inner knowing and our power for change and transformation. And a lot of the time we fear change and we fear transformation and we fear our truth.
Starting point is 00:46:47 And so by fearing our truth, we fear our truth and so by fearing our truth we fear our own power and I think we um are in this time of change and transformation and that where we are being reconnected to our power and it's it's the realization that we all have access to it. And that's really important for during this time. But it is, it's so conditioned in us for us not to be in our power. But it's about trusting our truth because the truth can be scary. The truth can bring up a lot. The truth can bring change. But the truth and coming back to the inner truths of our own inner knowing and that own inner guidance is so deeply powerful and we do we fear our own power because we don't see
Starting point is 00:47:34 ourselves as powerful but we really are i think that's that's perfect and also i guess what comes with that is the unknowing so it's's like the fear of actually having to let go of something we thought we knew and we actually realized that perhaps that wasn't it. Yeah, and trusting the journey. Trusting the journey and knowing that it might not make sense at the time, but you're going to look back in a week, a month a year three years five years and be like oh didn't make sense at the time but now this all makes complete sense and I see why that had to happen yeah I love that well thank you so much Natalie I'm so glad we got to speak although it
Starting point is 00:48:21 was a little hard we made it happen let's hope it saves I hope you guys enjoyed this episode and you know I've thought about this episode a lot after recording it and so many things Natalie said especially especially about, you know, my personal journey with, you know, the space that I'm in, how to ground myself and all these things, because it's a daily discipline checking in. Even like I find myself sometimes thinking that caffeine can kind of, I don't know, distract me from my inner knowing and because it kind of speeds up the mind if that makes sense and we need to quiet that chatter to really know and listen out for that quieter voice that inner knowing and you know I often think of femininity as and I think all of us do is this light and gentle girly thing but I'm beginning to realize that it's it's also quite fiery and sometimes dark and I think it's I'm beginning to own and access those parts of myself but it's a
Starting point is 00:49:37 bigger energy and I kind of this is like making me question like why and where do I keep myself small and who am I trying to please in doing so because I think we are so used to having to shape shift to suit certain environments and to kind of go by unnoticed and so I hope that this kind of encourages and calls you to take up a little bit more space you know take up a bit more space in your energy and in who you are. If you want to follow me on social media, you can find me at Kagi's World. And our astrological guide, Nora, is at Stars Incline, if you'd like to get a reading. And Natalie is at I Am Natalie Miles.
Starting point is 00:50:27 This podcast has grown through word of mouth, so please continue to share it with your friends or anyone that you think might find it useful and leave us a review on apple because this helps us get discovered by more like-minded individuals if you would like to join our growing community you can find us on patreon at Saturn Returns with Kagi. Saturn Returns is a Feast Collective production. The producer is Scarlett O'Murray and the executive producer is Kate Taylor. Until next time, thank you so much for listening and remember, you are not alone.

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