Saturn Returns with Caggie - 2.9 Moon Cycles: Kirsty Gallagher

Episode Date: November 30, 2020

In this episode of Saturn Returns Caggie is joined for the second time by friend Kirsty Gallagher, author of The Sunday Times bestseller Lunar Living. Caggie and Kirsty delve deep into the four stages... of the moon cycle in this podcast, and how through plotting your moon cycle and journaling you are better equipped to understand and navigate your dreams, wants and desires. They talk through personal progress and about the importance of checking back in with yourself and listening to your inner stirrings. Kirsty has a journal coming out in the next few months, in a follow up to her book, to help with guidance on working with the moon. --- Follow or subscribe to "Saturn Returns" for future episodes, where we explore the transformative impact of Saturn's return with inspiring guests and thought-provoking discussions. Follow Caggie Dunlop on Instagram to stay updated on her personal journey and you can find Saturn Returns on Instagram, YouTube and TikTok.  Order the Saturn Returns Book. Join our community newsletter here.  Find all things Saturn Returns, offerings and more here.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello and welcome to Saturn Returns with me, Kagi Dunlop. This is a podcast that aims to bring clarity during transitional times where there can be confusion and doubt. Most of us, if we're honest, only ever dream a half dream. And so it's about then, well, what is the big dream? If none of this was like I knew what would your life be like what is it that you want where is it the direction like I talk a lot about your true north like the compass of your heart being in your true north what is your true north now I'm very excited because I am reunited in this episode with my friend Kirsty Gallagher. Back by popular demand
Starting point is 00:00:47 you guys seem to really enjoy last season's episode where we discussed everything to do with the moon and her work around lunar living and in this episode I got Kirsty back because the first time around we just went into the basics and now we really like home in on how you can really work with the lunar cycle to start manifesting things into your life to start really unearthing some things that have been bothering you for a while so we kind of go into the four different sections that you can use and mainly the big thing is journaling around this so I learned a lot from it and I've only just started working with the moon over the last I guess year and a bit so I just love it whenever Kirsty and I spend time together because
Starting point is 00:01:30 she's got such a great energy she's become one of my dearest friends and that's all through this podcast that we met and so I'm very grateful for her and I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I did and learn something from it but firstly before we get into this episode let's quickly check in with Nora our astrological guide for the season. The moon in astrology reveals among many things how you like to be nurtured, how you emote, the affection you received or didn't receive during your childhood. It represents who you are when you feel emotionally secure and loved and when you feel emotionally insecure and unloved. There's a lot one can derive from the moon in one's birth charts,
Starting point is 00:02:14 but the most valuable revelation of it, in my opinion, is the subconscious, our receptive, yin, absorbing, and at times dormant nature. By understanding the state of the moon at the time of birth, we can access our subconscious blockages, our subconscious desires. We can access what is truly our own nature and what has been nurtured, what has been imprinted on our subconscious during our early years. So then we can understand more how our life story has been unfolding and how to take charge of it. The moon is the gateway to our subconscious.
Starting point is 00:02:51 And it's like Carl Jung said, until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate. So Saturn return brings us several opportunities to make the subconscious conscious. Whether we recognize it or not is up to us. Well, welcome back. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:03:17 Our episode last season was like everybody just absolutely loved it. So nice. And things have been going really well for you, haven't they? They have. Can you tell us what's been going on? I guess I've been one of those lucky people who, since the start of the last lockdown, even in March, I started to utilise the opportunity, I guess, from all the community.
Starting point is 00:03:41 Because one of my main reasons, even for doing Lunar Living in the first place, was to create a community of people where we knew we're in this together so whenever we felt something around the lunar cycles or the effects of mercury retrograde or even if you were the saturn return when you're going through it you feel like you're literally the only one person in the world experiencing it and so i wanted to bring a community together of people who are like i'm feeling this too and I've got you and you've got me and this is incredible so I started doing kind of live yoga moon meditation classes where we'd gather together under the energies of the moon and share
Starting point is 00:04:16 how we were feeling and experience those energies together and they've been going so incredibly because I definitely noticed since all of this has happened this year that I feel like there's been a massive shift in in the sense of community and I think before when people had work and that kind of infrastructure that was the community but now that people are more at home and working remotely and stuff like that they're craving something that's a bit more esoteric and so this kind of thing seems to have completely boomed really absolutely and I think even I remember when we very first went into the the first lockdown back in March and I think it was on Chris Evans and he kind of said to me about the moon and uniting people and I was
Starting point is 00:04:56 saying to him that the moon is one of the only things in the world that brings everyone together we all see the same moon in the same sky in the same phase at the same time we all experience a full moon on the same second and a new moon in the same second and there's not many things anymore that unify us and my mum and I even used to have this little thing in lockdown so my family's still all up north where my mum would look at the moon and I'd know I was looking at the same moon as her and so even all of us being apart we can still all look at the same moon and feel and so even all of us being apart we can still all look at the same moon and feel the energies together and it's unifying to know yeah and
Starting point is 00:05:31 perhaps it's from meeting you and do it because obviously the Saturn Returns podcast only started in lockdown as well which is crazy because I feel like we've both been on like I know it feels like what we've both been doing this year is just kind of insane the way it's gone but I've definitely noticed a lot more people interacting with this kind of work and like a lot more of it on social media and it becoming a lot more normal I guess it's like normalized to it within the conversations that I have within my friendships within my like people I work with saying you know are you feeling this full moon or whatever whereas like a year ago that just wasn't in my language I think a lot
Starting point is 00:06:12 more people though have slowed down over this time because before we were so busy that from 7am to some people 9 10pm they'd be on the go running running running running so you wouldn't have time to tune into energies people have got more time now I think to spend with themselves and even for a lot of people that spending time alone brings up a lot of issues and and things and thought processes so I guess people have even got into more the esoteric to understand themselves a bit more while we've had this more alone time or downtime where in the world pre this there were so many distractions I feel like people have just suddenly had this moment to either be alone
Starting point is 00:06:52 or even relationships suddenly actually have to spend time with the people you live with in close proximity with those people that you live with and so I guess all with yourself oh yeah and for a lot of people I think they find that really scary difficult and confronting so difficult it's so I'm only smiling at you because it leads us just beautifully into talking about how to work with lunar cycles and how to get the most out of them and that's one of the main things is to just even if we've got a lot more time now but but even beforehand in our, I mean, do we use the word normal, but our old lives. I used to say to people, even if you can just carve out knowing a dark moon is coming, a new moon is coming, even if you can just carve out two hours of an evening where you don't make a plan to go out there and be busy.
Starting point is 00:07:40 Instead, you make that plan to sit and to be with yourself to check back in to catch back up why would you say is the main reason people aren't able to be there in the moment we're afraid of listening to that deep inner stirring because that deep inner stirring highlights us to where we're out of alignment and one of the things i talk to people about a lot is that we have choice in life. It's a human privilege that we have choice. Even in terrible situations of what we're going through now, we have a choice of how to react to it.
Starting point is 00:08:14 We have a choice of where we put our attention in all of this right now. We have a choice of whether we view this as an opportunity for growth and learning or the worst thing that's ever happened to us. And our choices will create the narrative around how we deal with this situation so for many people when we can deny there's something wrong we can pretend that there's nothing wrong we can not listen to our emotion or suppress or eat away our emotion or drink away our emotional party way our emotion
Starting point is 00:08:41 no more emotions we don't then have to face the fact that we're not quite living the life that we want to live whereas I feel like all of a sudden when you get faced with that moment of stillness and like me I look around and I go how many hours a day going out of the house at 7am and not getting back in until 10 wow and then I had to make that choice of well how do I now change this how do I if I don't want to live this way how do I want to live and how do I focus my intention to make that new life happen and then that that involves then me a making a choice and b having to actually do something about making a change and again make it everybody else's fault yeah so the thing that keeps coming
Starting point is 00:09:22 up for me now is is victimhood it's like and I don't think people are necessarily conscious or aware of it but we get stuck in this victimhood consciousness of like this is happening to me you know everything's bad I'm you know the victim in the story of my life and and that is a choice and that was actually something that was like a huge component to my Saturn Returns journey I remember when when I went to a retreat in Spain at 27, we had to do this exercise. It was like a very sort of spiritual deep dive. And at that point I was dipping my toe in the water,
Starting point is 00:09:53 but it was quite full on for me. I was like, I don't belong here. And to be honest, I was judging everyone there. I was judging like the whole thing. And my ego was just intercepting being like, let's fly home. This isn't the retreat of like green juice and kind of yoga and stuff this is like you know this is hardcore I don't want to be here yeah and anyway there were my friend that a girl that I actually went to school with but we were reconnecting at this point and she was like just give it the day
Starting point is 00:10:20 and we started doing these things like um free movement and kind of like I was tapping into my body in this way that I I was like totally disconnected from my body I was all up in my head and this thing that emerged through the course of the week during a couple of days of silence and also when we had to do we had to do like a line and it was the line of our life and like we had to pinpoint key relationships that had come up and that could be like you know an interaction with someone in a shop one day if that felt significant that was significant or you know romantic relationships our parents like relationships whatever and as we were like writing through I was kind of like what are we why are we doing this and then and then we had to like pick out the really really key ones and then it was
Starting point is 00:11:05 like another layer another layer and this was just going on and on and then there was a list of questions that we then had to apply to that person that they'd given us and we were going through it when it's it seemed all like random and not significant and then there was this one question that came up and i remember I remember reading it and going, I don't understand the question. And it was, what role did you play in this? And I just was like. What do you mean?
Starting point is 00:11:33 I was like, I literally went to Steph. And I was like, I don't get it. And she was like, what role did you play? And I was like, I literally, that's how blocked I was. I'm my own victim of consciousness. I was like, role did you play and I was like I literally that's how blocked I was in my own like victimhood consciousness I was like things are happening to me and it's like it's not my fault yes and then suddenly I was like oh I have a role to play in all of this and actually like I'm the one essentially putting out that energy and and making more of it happen but it's a really scary thing when you acknowledge that because there's something like I'm responsible for me I'm responsible for my life and everything that's
Starting point is 00:12:08 happening the good the bad the ugly whatever and even I have to catch myself with it now when I like snap back into to a default setting of like it's a lack of trust and self really that consciousness and it's also an inability to really like look in because we're terrified that if we look in we'll judge so badly that we'll actually like hate ourselves which I guess I probably did do and I think such an important thing is to take away that judgment and that's what you know being friends with you and doing this kind of work and like working with the moon I'm like always the first thing is like take away all judgment that story's so incredible because for me it really i mean i laughed at myself because i can hear your little voice going why are they asking me about me when we're talking about how everyone else is fault
Starting point is 00:12:53 but that's the moment and i say this in even in my lunar living sisterhood a lot that's the moment you take back your power because while it's somebody else's or something else's fault, you have to wait for that personal thing to change before you can be okay when you're in that mentality. It's my boss's fault that I'm unhappy. So therefore I have to wait for my boss to be nicer until I can be happy in my job.
Starting point is 00:13:19 It's my boyfriend's fault that I feel like this because if he didn't behave like that, I wouldn't feel this way until you have to look at, you just so beautifully described your part to play in all of this and as soon as you do then take back your power because you don't have to wait for anything external to change anymore you've got the power but again a lot of people are afraid of the power they have because it's easier when life is done to them As soon as we realize that we do have power over our own lives. Something scary in that. There's a big amount of responsibility in that.
Starting point is 00:13:50 And also it's on knowing everything you've always known. I say that all the time to clients. I'm not going to teach you anything. We're going to help you to unlearn a lot of the things that you've been told and taught. Especially for women, historically historically those women that have gone out there and got what they want have been met with who do you think she is and check her out and there's something again to be said for and this is what Luna Living Again does is that there's something to be said now for we've got to start to champion each other we've got to start to look
Starting point is 00:14:21 at the woman going after what she wants and go oh my god if she can do it so can i oh my god look at her how can i support her rather than who does she think she and we only reason we do that is because there's a part of us that wishes we were doing that totally but we can't and so it's time to rise and even reach out to that woman and be like hey how did you do that because i'd love to be able to do that you and i speak about i mean taurus moon taurus sun we've got very similar and we talk about that a lot about rising up and we have a good support network I guess as well in each other of helping but that's what traditionally women would get together every new moon and they would support each other and they would say to each other and this is back centuries and centuries
Starting point is 00:15:00 ago but and they had different things going on then in life but how can i support you what do you need where are you at what's going on with you this is where we need to come back to the feminine wound doesn't it that we were all sort of put up against each other when there were the wicks witch trials and stuff like that so there is and i have to be quite conscious of it because it just it just comes up it's an ancestral thing and you're suddenly like oh I'm feeling really like bitter or resentful or like the sort of scarcity mentality and I was actually writing about it the other day in terms of I felt like sometimes within the friendship group that I was in that I was scared to get up from the table because I'd feel like there may be a dagger in in my back and then I was suddenly was like do I want to be sitting at a table where there's a dagger in my back yes but I think a
Starting point is 00:15:49 lot of people will relate to that because we just go into a friendship circle and there's like a subconscious contract where it's like okay we'll stay we'll stay in this space and no one like steps out of it no one evolves too much no one grows too much because it will highlight that I haven't and we kind of like stay in this like stagnant place. And then if someone moves and tries to like go in a different direction, develop personally, people don't like it often. And so like that sort of filtering out of relationships can be quite a painful one because there is this sort of this in between. But then people like the way that you and I came into each other's life for instance it's just like there's just support there
Starting point is 00:16:29 and we're on our own paths and we kind of like want the best for one another but you have to you have to trust that that will come in and also like really address that part of you because we all possess it of like what I'm feeling bitter like oh I don't want to help that person where is that really coming from is that like my truth or is that something old that's not mine and kind of really dismantled that but that's the key we have to begin to feel our emotions again because we feel bitter we've learned bitterness is actually I mean all emotion to me all emotions beautiful bitterness as you've just said in that moment makes you stop and go oh why am i feeling this i'm feeling this because
Starting point is 00:17:11 they've maybe got something that i want okay so why don't i have it oh because actually i don't really believe in myself enough to go after it and i've been procrastinating and so actually the person i'm bitter towards him ways is yourself yeah but we'll project that it's like you said it's the out of alignment thing and there and there are two types of work that really help with this your human design can and actually mine when I'm out of alignment my thing is bitterness so now whenever I'm feeling bitter I'm like I'm out of alignment I need to adjust the sales like I get some stuff on social media sometimes not very often but like I try and be my most authentic self now and it always comes with its challenges especially when
Starting point is 00:17:52 it's like a thing for me is putting out my poetry feels really raw and vulnerable because I know like again the people I grew up with would be like how lame I'm probably sending to each other being like this is so lame but because it's something that I've always done it's like such a truthful aspect to me and even like I put up something last night and someone said something saying someone said a thing being like just lol like like laughing at it and I was like it triggered me a little bit but then I was just like nah and again you've got to think about that age old thing that I come back to a lot if I'm not going to take advice from you I'm not going to take criticism from you when you work in something like we do where it's our passion it's been life-changing for us like for you to do music
Starting point is 00:18:42 and I know this again and I've pushed you to put your music out there a lot i've got such blocks a lot i know because it's a passion it's something it's a part of you that no matter what no matter how much you deny it the yearning and the burning is in there because this is your dharma it's your purpose it's one of the reasons you were put on this earth we never feel that way about something unless it's truly purposeful and intended as in yeah because I always thought well I get such a bad anxiety around performing that it can't be right for me and then I read somewhere it's like the opposite of of love isn't hate it's indifference as in if something if you're indifferent about something you don't yeah maybe it's not you have to care still hate something yeah exactly and like to have a strong
Starting point is 00:19:30 physical emotional response so i i don't know people say what is hell it's bit it's being met by your potential like when you die and realizing you never became it yeah i was like gulp but anyway we veered off course a little bit we always do we always do but let's get back to the moon and it's magic where do we begin in terms of working with like four aspects of it let's say four aspects so this is a question i get asked a lot about where do i start it's all really complicated and you understand in the beginning yes it is but start really simple i get so many people really upset messaging me being like i didn't do my intentions last night and i'm like well then do them tonight it's all okay grab a pen and a piece of paper five minutes you're in you're out but you're holding yourself accountable and that's what
Starting point is 00:20:25 lunar living does it keeps us accountable so that we don't set a new year's intention and then suddenly in november we're like oh no didn't do anything forgot about it so we start with the new moon i always have to include the dark moon because that's the place in the lunar cycle that holds so much power so the dark moon is about the three days before the dark moon because that's the place in the lunar cycle that holds so much power so the dark moon is about the three days before the new moon and the dark moon is the lowest energy and emotional point of the lunar cycle so it's when we feel the most emotional it's where everything gets on our last nerve it's when we feel really raw and exposed it's when we take everything in that everyone says to us it's when we really feel the
Starting point is 00:21:06 most in our victim and our most vulnerable and the reason that this happens is because our emotions are indicators of what's going on inside us so just like the moon turns the tides on the earth we have this same watery inner world of our emotions and the moon takes us into those emotional depths to say what are you feeling bitter sad angry brilliant who are you feeling bitter towards and why who are you feeling anger towards and why what are you feeling sad about and why because these are all those areas where your life is out of alignment this is what you need to know this is like the true snapshot of your life right now in these
Starting point is 00:21:45 few emotional days so pay attention when the new moon comes then the new moon says okay sorry to interrupt how quick how many days is that before the new moon so again don't complicate it if there's about eight fate well there is eight phases i mean there's eight phases each one lasts about three and a half days so i normally give three days to each phase so about three days before the new moon and so if you start to look at a calendar or come onto my social around that time you'll suddenly be like oh yeah because I'm thinking as you're saying this I'm looking back and I was like wow at that time I was literally in like the depths the depths and actually I talk quite a lot about um our menstrual cycle and how that
Starting point is 00:22:26 aligns with it and now mine is moved from the new moon to the dark moon oh to the dark okay yeah perfect which meant it was like a double whammy i was just like because that is something that the cycles of nature want you to really be in they want you to be in that moment because then they're like brilliant okay so now what because so many of us never stop to check in with what do i actually want and many of us and i talked about this because the last new moon we had was in scorpio and the scorpio moon likes us to dream a little bit bigger and there's lots of aspects with this moon that meant we were being asked to to expand and to go bigger most of us if we're honest only ever dream a half dream yeah i love that we only ever dream a half dream because we're
Starting point is 00:23:10 always that little voice that says yeah but if you really dream that big dream and what if it doesn't come true what if you don't get there what if you don't make it what is it you're half dream down here and so it's about then well what is the big dream if none of this was like I knew what would your life be like what is it that you want where is it the direction like I talk a lot about your true north like the compass of your heart being in your true north what is your true north where is your direction and what are you headed to is that connected with your north node and south nodes yeah towards. Yeah. Towards your Tree North. Because interestingly, I was looking back,
Starting point is 00:23:52 because I'm still like a newbie really with all this stuff and the terminology. And because I'm quite dyslexic, it does tend to go in one ear and the other a lot of the time. So what? But when I was looking back at a astrology reading that I'd had, I don't know, several months ago, and and it was on zoom so it was recording of course there was like so much stuff that was said in it that just went in one ear and out the other but she was looking at my south node and my north node and so in my south node it was all this energy of like giving to community creating space like you know the podcast all that kind of stuff and giving she
Starting point is 00:24:25 was like you have to balance out with where your north node is in pisces which is your kind of emotional self and your expression in terms of like performing and things like that and it basically it made me think of you because you're always like why aren't you singing why aren't you doing that and she's like you need to do the stuff that gives you purpose, not just giving out to other people, because if it's imbalanced, you'll feel bitter. And so I was like, oh, that's really interesting. So those are quite important things then to perhaps then go into within this work to look at where your North Node and your South Node is so that you can get that balance right. Yeah. When I talk about True North, it it's about that it's about what is your your purpose your your deep inner calling what is it that you yearn for what's that longing that
Starting point is 00:25:10 just comes back over and over and over again that you can never quite seem to get past that's where we need to head for because it's it is about your soul's purpose and in that sense it can't be dependent on the response because if it was always dependent on the response and the outcome like you're always going to be wanting more so it's got to be more about how that feels for you connecting with that part of yourself regardless of how it is within this world if that makes sense all most of us want is to be happy to just be happy and feel like we're on purpose and to not have a purpose in life is one of the most difficult things for anybody to feel like you don't have a purpose but do you
Starting point is 00:25:51 think we all do not even a purpose necessarily for this big soul vision again this is something i talk about to people a lot that not everyone can do what i did and quit a job a big job in marketing and run away to india be a yoga teacher. Like for most people that that's not going to be a valid thing. And the world wouldn't necessarily work if that were the case, but all of us have a purpose, but what we need to do is take away our purpose being our job. Right. So that's where most people get caught up that they want their purpose to be their job. For some people they're lucky enough that it is, but for others, why can't you just allow the work
Starting point is 00:26:25 that you do as long as it's enjoyable to be the work that you do and your purpose might be singing but just for fun or it might be being a beautiful parent to your children and coming home at the end of the day being able to close the door not answer an email and get on the floor with your kids and push around toy cars your purpose might be to be the friend that everyone comes to in a time of need because you've just got the right words to say to them. Your purpose doesn't have to be your work. It's quite a lot of pressure that we put on ourselves that our work is our identity, is our purpose. And actually, I think that that leads us into a lot of trouble.
Starting point is 00:26:57 And it has me because I think, you know, for what I want to do with singing and and stuff it's like it doesn't need to be this massive thing it it's just a way that I express myself but every time I've tried I think because of being in the public eye people like she's trying to be a pop star no I'm like I'm actually just trying to do something that like brings me some joy and I think I really noticed with a lot of people that I speak to is they have this passion and this calling to do something but they don't allow themselves to express it because it doesn't tie in with their career so they actually like deny themselves it entirely because of that very reason so I think it's a really interesting thing and this is where again because you and I will get
Starting point is 00:27:42 we're going to be here for nine hours. Working in lunar cycles can be so powerful in this though, because you get those checking opportunities. The first quarter moon is where this shows up. And the last quarter moon is where you get to release this. So month on month, you start to call yourself out basically on your own bullshit. You start to realize month after month that, oh my God, I have this same repetitive negative thought every single month i'm going to do something whereas when the voice is there most of us don't know the voice is there it's the voice we've lived our whole lives until we start to really take that step back and listen to the voice and go hold on for a second well i think because it's coming up at the same time it'll come up at the same time or it'll be the same story or the same the same every month so then at least we start to because we're
Starting point is 00:28:28 consciously taking a look at ourselves taking a look at our intentions and our purpose and our dreams we get to consciously then see what stands in the way and nine times out of ten it's us it's us that gets in our own way the outside world doesn't actually care as much as i know i know i always think of it as like i went once went to see a healer and i was talking about kind of trying to go i was so obsessed and tunnel vision on the music at that point that i had to become this like superstar pop star because that's what everyone had told me like was a successful way of doing it and she was like it's really not resonating in your body I was like I know I've been doing it for so long and she was like just calm down she's like just calm down she's
Starting point is 00:29:15 like keep talking about the things you like and I was like talking about poetry and like storytelling and she was like these are all true these you know light you up and she was just like open yourself up she's like take off this backpack of like pressure and an expectation and also this idea that you're going up a mountain with like the world behind you when you turn around you're like there's no one behind me I'm making this difficult for myself absolutely no one gives a shit and again comes back to what we talked about it feels like seven hours ago at the beginning of this like we have a choice in everything and when we take back that responsibility for our own lives then we realize that we're the ones in control of all of this and if we work with that beautiful old moon in the sky we can really begin to harness all of
Starting point is 00:30:01 this but then we need to stop micromanaging the universe yeah so we have so many expectations i want that and it can only happen like that that that or that or else that's it and i'm gonna like lose my shit and that i'm not having it and when we try to micromanage we lose all of the joys of the different directions we could go in everything will come in its own perfect time in its own perfect way so we need to set that intent set our true north and then almost drop it and go out and have fun while the moon in the universe goes okay i got you here we go let me put all this in place and we just need to be enjoying ourselves in the meat and not making it so serious and clinging and holding and pulling well look the way i see it's like the mind only gets you so far and actually you have to relinquish control
Starting point is 00:30:45 and that's like a really hard thing I think when we when you came over like a couple of months ago I'd gone through like some weird relationship turbulent stuff and after I had eventually let go and stopped being dragged because I was resisting so much then suddenly I arrived at exactly where where I wanted to be but I needed all that stuff to happen for me to get there whereas we're like no this is taking me of course but it's actually not it's just like redirecting you in the way that the universe wants you to go absolutely the new moon is the beginning of a whole new lunar cycle so it's like that moment where we plant the seed it's the blank blank canvas. It's where we get to begin. We get to start again. So on the new moon, we set the intentions for what it is that we do want.
Starting point is 00:31:31 This is for the next lunar cycle. So for the next 29 and a half days. But I also keep a couple of intentions as well for something that might take a couple of lunar cycles. So I have a three over six month thing as well that i want to work with i'd say don't work with more than three five maximum things yeah because otherwise it becomes a self-sabotage when we give ourselves 25 and i don't do anything about anything yeah and then it becomes too big so again i say to people when you first start working with lunar energies pick something really like when people start working with the law of attraction and they ask for a car parking space yeah yeah because the car parking space we don't hold any
Starting point is 00:32:08 real emotional attachment to so if it comes or it doesn't we're not going to throw ourselves on the floor and be really upset if we didn't get it we might be a bit disappointed start with smaller things you can build that confidence and trust in yourself you said it beautifully before about how we like trusting ourselves and what an intention gives us is an intention isn't like a goal so a goal is something external like um i want to be able to run 5k but the intention behind running a 5k would be that i want to actually what i really want is to be able to feel fit and well and healthy enough in my body that i can do that the intentions are feeling exactly so once we get the feeling behind what we want then we can start
Starting point is 00:32:48 to put that into action and I think it's really important because when we say get specific people that are like oh I'll get specific on like the car make I want or whatever but it's not about that it's about the energy so like if it is say a romantic partnership that you're wanting to call in don't start listing listing like what's on their cv and how much money they're making like be like what does the energy of that person feel like how like do our energies feel together like those kind of things that are less tangible i guess and i think that the universe responds a lot better to that. Yes. And so even to our subconscious mind,
Starting point is 00:33:29 our subconscious mind works our feelings. Yeah. You can say anything you want. Because you can feel it. But if you don't feel what you're saying, it won't make any difference whatsoever. So we have to be able to feel it. To get into that feeling.
Starting point is 00:33:40 And so again, when I write intentions and I get people to write intentions, I want to know how those words make you feel like when you read them do you feel as passionate as you do about singing when you read those words do you feel like yes that's something i really really really want or do you go like i would like to get a like you've got to put that feeling behind it so it's intentions are about and remember we're working with something here mystical and magical so go a bit dreamy into it as well of like if the whole universe and the whole of the stars and the planets were on your side like what would you want get into that real feeling of adding a little bit of mysticism and
Starting point is 00:34:15 magic to it all as well as the light of the moon and the moon grows and grows and grows our energy builds with the light and the energy of the moon so we'll start to feel more energized we'll come out of that little dark moon funk we'll start to feel like there's a little bit of like a glimmer of hope we'll start to feel like things are kind of there's potential out there there's opportunity out there so as the moon waxes and waxes it's almost like the growing light of the moon begins to direct us to where we want to go so we'll start to find with the waxing moon that we'll think about someone they might call. We've got to be really looking out for the signs and synchronicities. We'll need some information and someone will tell us about a book.
Starting point is 00:34:54 Or we'll see a book sitting next to us on a table that someone's reading. And we'll be like, oh, that book looks really interesting. Notice the signs. Notice the synchronicities. Follow the pings. Exactly. Do as much as you can. This is the outward facing part of the lunar cycle where you also need to put yourself out there. So the universe will always meet you halfway.
Starting point is 00:35:10 You can't just sit at home and expect your new partner to come unless he's the postman. He's not going to be knocking on your door. I love that. Because I definitely used to do that i used to just wait being like why isn't that happening do you gotta come outside but even if that's just and again to your point before you're not necessarily going to go to bars because you're not going to meet a man that wants to go to bars so it's going to be more a walk in the park or and it's it's not it's not that thing of being like okay well i'm looking for this so and now i've got to go out and find it because
Starting point is 00:35:44 i've such a belief like the more you're for something, the less likely you are to find it. It's just more about, okay, what feels like the right thing to do today? Like the way that we always bump into each other in Hyde Park. It's really weird. Okay, me and Kirstie literally go into Hyde Park. We have no plan on meeting. And we just walk straight into each other. And neither of us go
Starting point is 00:36:05 the same route we go squiggly routes every time and nearly every time we do it we say oh my goodness i never walked down this path but something sets me today to just walk down it we do that all the time and then we stop and have like the chat that we need to have yes and it's so cool and that's how it happens so it's at least putting yourself in a situation where something could happen yeah without thinking i'm going to go to hyde park today to make this happen it's at least putting yourself in a situation where something could happen yeah without thinking i'm going to go to hyde park today to make this happen it's about i'm going to go and walk today i'm going to go and put myself in to this yoga class today and all these things that we can do that at least put our energy out there yeah a week after the new moon you get that first
Starting point is 00:36:39 quarter moon so this is the time just to pause and have that little mini check-in because the first quarter moon brings two things. It first of all brings a sense of things starting to come together. So we'll get that energy of like, oh, halfway to the full moon. Yeah, it kind of feels like there's something a bit exciting about there. What's coming together? What's working? What am I doing that feels like it's moving me in the right direction? Equally, this is where your inner critic will show up.
Starting point is 00:37:04 So this is where your inner critic will go up so this is where your inner critic will go are you really sure you can't really do that like how about you probably just don't bother because you probably won't achieve it anyway so this is the time to notice why and what are you doubting who are you doubting why are you doubting in yourself what's the voice of the inner critic saying don't do anything about it don't sit there and agree with it. Just make a note if you journal in your journal of I feel like this is coming together because I made these couple of phone calls and I sent out my CV to a few places
Starting point is 00:37:34 or I got clear on what I want for my relationship and I kind of feel in that space now. I feel romantic. I feel that energy. But equally, these are also some of the other thoughts I'm having. Then just carrying about your life as the moon gets bigger and bigger and bigger towards full, you'll start to feel your energy rising. We have a lot more energy around a full moon. That's why the energy out there on the street feels so crazy because that lunar energy is now like,
Starting point is 00:37:56 what last big push can you give to this? You've set these intentions. You've been going out there throughout the waxing moon. This is a time as the waxing lunar cycle as well to say yes, if someone calls and invites you somewhere, say yes, just say yes, say yes, even if it feels a bit odd, you can leave if you don't like it, say yes, because you just don't know what's going to happen when you get there, it's a time when anything that's presented to you, any opportunity, as much as you can put yourself out there do it and then as the full moon comes the full moon is a time of completion celebration and then release so when we get to the full moon we're going to again feel that emotional intensity but this time the emotional intensity seems to be much more on
Starting point is 00:38:38 the surface what most people describe to me they feel around a full moon is either anger or frustration and again i believe to our point earlier that it's actually frustration ourselves What most people describe to me they feel around a full moon is either anger or frustration. And again, I believe to our point earlier that it's actually frustration ourselves, because when we look back on the last two weeks since the new moon, when we review those two weeks of, OK, what's happened, we'll normally be like, why didn't I say yes to that invite? Well, I didn't say yes because I got a bit scared that the people that were there maybe wouldn't like me and I wouldn't fit in, so I didn't say yes because I got a bit scared that the people that were there maybe wouldn't like me and I wouldn't fit in so I didn't go why did you not go over that after that opportunity or go over to that person's house when they invited you oh because I thought that I might not get it
Starting point is 00:39:12 anyway and so I didn't do it and so we need to look at that frustration around a full moon because normally it's frustration at the missed opportunities yeah like the things we didn't go for because we listen to that little voice that said hang back don't go there don't do it stay small stay small on a full moon think about it the moon is out there in the sky in her full glory she's shining as bright as she can unapologetically she's not going to dim for anybody and she's like i need you to do the same so a full moon is like the full moon shines this big light over the last two weeks since that new moon and highlights for us where we didn't go after things but equally it's so important at this part of the lunar cycle to celebrate yourself because we never do it we very rarely celebrate each other
Starting point is 00:39:55 but we're really bad at celebrating ourselves that's how you begin to build trust in yourself by going well actually i did send that letter off or I did make that one phone call or I did put myself out there by going into the park every single day when I wasn't even sure why or what I was doing or I trusted that instinct that said go down this path and then I bumped into Kagi we we celebrate those things that we're like okay so I I did do some really good things I did make some stuff happen so take time to really celebrate and we're so bad at that we're so bad at being proud of ourselves so bad but a full mean is like shine tell me tell me what you did well tell me what you did well and then again we
Starting point is 00:40:35 start to build that muscle in ourselves that says i'm kind of all right i i kind of do know i i kind of can do it i can and this is where we start to develop that self-belief. A week later, we get the last quarter moon, where again, the moon's halfway down to new now. So this is the days you'll look in the sky and you'll see the exact half moon in the sky. This is the release point of the cycle. So as the moon wanes and gets smaller in the sky every day,
Starting point is 00:41:01 the energy then is set to help us to let go, to release, to surrender go to release to surrender so we look back now on the first quarter and we look back on what stood in my way and this is where we release the self-doubt the self-sabotage we do work around um self-belief work we do work around self-worth we do work around self-love we do work around also removing external things so if we realize and it might take a few lunar cycles that you've got that one friend who's always like really you're gonna you're gonna sing and you're gonna put it on instagram
Starting point is 00:41:36 i'm not really sure that's gonna be going what will people say if they've never heard you say you might realize you've got that one friend, quite well meaning you stop telling that friend about your dreams. Not to say you don't need to be friends with them. But again, I say this to people a lot. Be very careful who you share your dreams with because you only want to share them with people that are going to absolutely champion them and help you along the way. You don't want to be sharing your beautiful, precious little box of dreams with people people are going to pick it apart for you and I actually I think that's such a powerful thing to say because I noticed something with me like I used to always dream very big I remember I used to like often telling them to my family before doing anything to action them and then they would go because they would be met with
Starting point is 00:42:22 a like okay like stop with the pie in the sky ideas kind of thing. Come back down to earth and that's never going to happen and stuff. And it would completely disempower me. So actually, I think this is a really amazing way of working with your with your career, essentially, and what your aspirations in life. Because if you start doing it this way, you can build up what you say, that trust. Yes. And then keep it to yourself for as long as it needs to. Yeah. And then be aware of, like, who you're going to share it with and why.
Starting point is 00:42:52 Because I think often we, well, I can only speak for myself, is we share it with people because we want that thought to be validated. Validation. Yeah. We want someone else to say you can do it. Yeah. And then we can believe we can do it because someone else has said we can do it. And if they don't, if it's met with, like, I don't know how you do that, we're like, I don't know how to do it yeah and we can believe we can do it because someone else has said we can do and if they don't if they're met if it's met with like i don't know how you do that we're like i don't know 100 100 so the best way now is to lead by example and so again in the beginning i
Starting point is 00:43:14 think when i first told my family i was quitting my job to go to india and be yoga teacher i think they all thought i was crazy they literally they literally thought i was crazy. But I've just lived by example. But you fell into it. Yeah. I just knew I couldn't not have gone. I couldn't not have done it. And so now when I say something like I'm going to write a book, they all kind of go, okay, then sure.
Starting point is 00:43:36 Because by example, I've just kept doing it and doing it. And he stops not sharing in the beginning until I'd achieved it. And then it's almost like okay now i've done it this last quarter i mean is that time to to release anything even externally that's not in your highest vision so it might be outdated relationships it might be the job that you've realized that you really don't want to do and isn't in alignment with you it might be listening to other people's opinions anything that you need to release and let go of that stands in your way could even be like drinking or something absolutely I mean for
Starting point is 00:44:10 so many people I mean you've done a podcast on this haven't you I mean I've not stopped drinking because that for me was the way that I would sabotage myself I would be like going really you know things be going really well things were happening everything was falling into place let's go ruin everything but I think like oh absolutely and that was the cycle but it's terrifying that that's a socially accepted way to sabotage yourself i know like you know it's encouraged it really is i know and even that's difficult like i've not touched alcohol for what about 15 years really that's weird that we've never had this conversation yeah about 15 years everyone that comes into my life these days is sober and it's not like an active choice they just like it's just it's once you start to attract as well and once you declare
Starting point is 00:44:51 that to yourself so once you even if you're going to work with lunar cycles once you develop then that self-belief in yourself so once you go through a few cycles so you release on the last quarter you come back down to that dark moon you feel all the feelings again you're like okay where am i still out of alignment you go through another cycle once you've done a few of those you'll start to immediately catch okay this is the critic coming up again first quarter moon i'm just about to do something incredible here's the critic trying to pull me back this time around am i going to listen or am i going to be like okay i hear you but i'm still going to go and say yes to that thing anyway you'll start to get to full moons and before you
Starting point is 00:45:24 even know you'll be like i did this I achieved that oh my god look at what I actually did do you'll build that trust in yourself to know you can get what you want you can achieve what you want you can let things go you can put boundaries in place last quarter as well just to sidetrack again slightly it's a very brilliant place for boundaries that's where you set your boundaries around how much I'm going to let you in how much I'm going to let you interfere with what I'm doing how much I'm going to let your opinion matter this is where you start to say no a bit more to other people so you can give that back to yourself and again I think boundaries don't need to be communicated verbally to the person as in again where is that coming from you
Starting point is 00:46:05 know you're going like I'm putting up a boundary with you because you make me feel like this it's like not that's not it that's not what it's about it's about making that statement to yourself and creating that energetic boundary so you're like okay next time this comes around I'm not going to reinforce my own internal critic by going to someone that's going to essentially say I can't do this yes absolutely and so this is how do you see how we're working this with one lunar cycle we've managed to catch our inner critic we've managed to set intentions we've managed to realize what we're capable of we've managed to realize what's in our way and begin to let go of those things
Starting point is 00:46:37 and begin to set those boundaries and begin to trust in ourselves enough to know and as you journey with that even just for three months you will know yourself so much better by the end of those three months just from four check-ins a month because again how many of us ever sit down once a week to check in with ourselves and so it's just a beautiful act of self-care more than anything is living in alignment with the lunar cycle of bringing the power and the onus and the responsibility and the choice back to you of this is my life and alongside the moon i'm going to create some magic in it and it gives our life more meaning to our points before it gives us a purpose of something to check in it
Starting point is 00:47:16 gives us you can go outside and i mean in london we're a bit more difficult but we still you can go outside and look at the moon in the sky you can go out there and know that that support and that ancient guidance and wisdom that's been there for four and a half billion years is going to be there you can use it feel use it use that energy that energy that tends the tides that keeps the earth on its axis that gives us seasons like we're so arrogant sometimes as humans to be like nah it doesn't affect me i know all of nature is affected even the fact that our cycle is exactly the same as the cycle of the moon it's like that's not a coincidence no and so use it go out there use it this is coming out on a full moon oh yeah incredible so okay so that's great so this comes out in a full moon that means
Starting point is 00:48:02 that you've now got two weeks everyone to get prepared to look at when the next new moon is so have a look at when the next new moon is which would be in two pretty much two weeks time so if this comes out on 30th 30th so the Sagittarius new moon will be exactly two weeks later on the Monday so two weeks today Sagittarius new moon so on about the weekend before start to notice how you feel and this can be now your little mission to work with the moon for the next I'd say three months but if you only want to commit to one but three months will give you a really good framework amazing well thank you so much my love my pleasure this is so fun and I'm so glad we got to do it again me too and hopefully we'll do something um for people to work with this
Starting point is 00:48:46 absolutely good let's do it i hope you guys enjoyed this episode like i said kirsty's just such a great human being and she also has to follow up from her luna living book a journal coming out so if you guys enjoyed this episode and need a little prompting in how to work with these stages, check out her journal. It's not going to be out for a couple of months, but you can actually pre-order it. So check it out. And also her book, Lunar Living, is a fantastic read. So if you want a deep dive into the moon and all its wisdom, I highly suggest doing so. Myself and Kirsty are planning some exciting full moon and new moon
Starting point is 00:49:26 events so if you'd like to be involved please check out more details in the show notes. If you'd like to find me on Instagram you can at kaggy's world and if you'd like a reading with our astrological guide Nora she is at stars incline and you can find Kirsty at kirsty underscore gallica underscore. This podcast is growing through word of mouth, so please continue to share it with your friends or anyone you think might find it useful and leave us a review on Apple if you are enjoying it. You can also check out our Saturn Returns with Kagi Patreon page
Starting point is 00:49:58 if you want to join our growing community. Saturn Returns is a Feast Collective production. The producer is Scarlett O'Malley and the executive producer is Kate Taylor. Until next time, thank you so much for listening and remember, you are not alone. Goodbye.

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