Saturn Returns with Caggie - 9.10 Awakening Your Inner Goddess and Embracing The Rise of the Divine Feminine with Kirsty Gallagher

Episode Date: April 22, 2024

Welcome to today's episode of Saturn Returns, where Caggie is reunited with our SR regular and favourite Kirsty Gallagher. Kirsty is a renowned moon mentor, Sunday Times best-selling author, soul guid...e, yoga teacher and all-around beacon of insight who has just released her latest book, "The Goddess Path." This 13-step book will take you on a journey to help you to uncover all that keeps you hidden. By venturing on the goddess path, you'll reclaim your self-worth, learn how to establish your boundaries, cultivate intuition and learn who you truly are. Exploring ancient wisdom, personal growth, and the transformative power of the divine feminine. This Episode is filled with wisdom and guidance, as Kirsty takes us through the energies of each Goddess and how to harness these energies in our own life, allowing us to step into our authentic truth and our own power. --- Follow "Saturn Returns" for future episodes, where we explore the transformative impact of Saturn's return with inspiring guests and thought-provoking discussions. Follow Caggie Dunlop on Instagram to stay updated on her personal journey and receive more empowering insights and you can find Saturn Returns on Instagram, YouTube and TikTok.  Order the Saturn Returns Book. Join our community newsletter here.  Find all things Saturn Returns, offerings and more here.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello everyone and welcome to Saturn Returns with me, Kagi Dunlop. This is a podcast that aims to bring clarity during transitional times where there can be confusion and doubt. Your purpose is to be you. We think that our purpose is some big elusive thing outside of us that one day if I find my purpose over there, my whole life will be fixed and I'll know what I'm here for. And again, we're looking outside of us for everything your purpose is to simply be more you today I'm very excited because I am joined by one of our favorites one of the people that has been on the show many times I think more than anyone else and she has since become one of my closest friends. We were introduced back in 2020 when she had her first book out and we just clicked instantly. And I know that
Starting point is 00:00:52 you guys love her as well. And that is the wonderful Kirsty Gallagher. Kirsty is a moon mentor, soul alignment and transformational coach. She's a yoga teacher, meditation teacher, and she is a Sunday Times best-selling author. And in today's episode, we tap into her latest book, and I'm very excited about it because it's all about awakening the inner goddess and how we can use the goddesses to harness our own sort of divine feminine energy and awaken, which I really feel like we're in this time of awakening the feminine and using that into our day-to-day. And Kirstie is just one of those people that is a fountain of knowledge about so many different subjects, particularly in the spirituality, space so I always enjoy these conversations
Starting point is 00:01:47 both privately and publicly that I get to have with her and I think that you guys are going to love it so enjoy this episode and I hope it helps you tap into your own goddess Kirsty welcome back I'm so happy to be back we haven't seen each other for far too long it feels like forever it is far too long isn't it you and I it's that beautiful thing though that like we always know that we're there but then I saw your little face before when you opened the door and I was like how have I not hugged you for as long as I have well I think you said it's been 600 years it feels like 600 years though doesn't it it does it does but you've also been on the podcast many times I think more than anyone else so I'm very excited for us to get into whatever we're going to get into today
Starting point is 00:02:39 we never really know what it's going to be no idea but what i wanted to start with because of i guess the theme of the show and we touched on it a second before we started recording was what's happening astrologically because there are some big collective things going on yeah so would you be able to yes touch on that firstly i think the big the big shift that we've got at the moment is pluto has just moved into aquarius and pluto is a generational planet so when pluto moves it affects us as a collective for the next well 20 years now and there is a little bit of people saying oh why are astrologers saying that Pluto's me because Pluto will briefly go back into Capricorn again September October November but because it's just a tiny little brief dip it'll almost be a clearing out a have you learned your lessons kind
Starting point is 00:03:37 of a reassessment of the Pluto and Aquarius energy and what we're going through at the moment is a big collective I mean what we've been through over the past four years has arguably been one of the most difficult and challenging times of our lifetime perhaps people would argue generations before that it's also been one of the biggest shifts in consciousness that we've been through as well and so what we're really seeing now with this Pluto shift is that Pluto's been in Capricorn since 2008 and when Pluto moves through a sign Pluto tends to Pluto's the planet of death rebirth transformation and I often describe Pluto as a bit of a wrecking ball energy and people get really nervous about Pluto which understandably so because when Pluto energy enters your life you are transformed you're never
Starting point is 00:04:26 going to be the same again so when Pluto moves through a sign Pluto will first of all bring power to the energy of that sign but then Pluto will really uncover the shadow elements of that sign so Pluto's been moving through Capricorn and what are the shadow elements so well Capricorn is the masculine energy of the zodiac its governments its systems of power and control and so what we've really seen for me played out on the world stage over the past few years is that real shadow side of the masculine now it's just really important because I guess we might talk a lot about kind of feminine masculine through this podcast when we say masculine feminine This isn't men women and one thing I really feel that we need to Begin to heal in the world is this rift that started to be created between kind of men and women and girl power and this
Starting point is 00:05:14 And this is it's about us all now collectively coming back together So when we talk masculine feminine, we've all got masculine and feminine energies in us So what we've really seen at play on the world stage at large now is this real shadow masculine energy of greed, corruption, manipulation, power and control. And I think whatever your views are on the past few years on the pandemic, what we can all really obviously see now
Starting point is 00:05:39 is that we very much live in a world filled with corruption, with greed, with certain systems of power. And what we're seeing now, and we've been seeing in a shift filled with corruption with greed with certain systems of power and what we're seeing now we've been seeing in a shift over the past couple of years is a lot of these big systems these big corporations these big power structures have started to crumble down a little bit and one of the big shifts of Pluto and Aquarius is going to be power coming back to the people and none of us have ever lived in this lifetime we might have been there in previous lifetimes but none of us have experienced Pluto and Aquarius energy
Starting point is 00:06:11 because Pluto has a 248 year orbit so Pluto hasn't been in Aquarius for 248 years so none of us alive on the planet at the moment know what Pluto and Aquarius energy looks like. Is that what, because I feel like astrologists that I've met have always been talking about this thing happening of the systems that govern us, the structures sort of crumbling. Is this really the crux of that moment? I would say so. I would really say so. So when we look at the last time Pluto was in Aquarius, because all we can do is look at the last times, we had the American revolution the French revolution the beginning of the industrial revolution the Haitian revolution the we had so many big revolutions where power came back to the people and the people said not in our name enough is enough and what one of the really big shifts of Pluto and Aquarius wants to give us. And I feel like we're so ready for it on
Starting point is 00:07:05 the planet right now is this sense of real, authentic individual self-expression. So really beginning to know who we are at a really deep fundamental level in this realization that each and every one of us has a part to play in where the world goes next. And I've got this really big belief that my soul has chosen to be here at this time and it's what kept me going through a lot of the pandemic when life made absolutely no sense to me I'd sit there and I said but my soul has chosen to be here right now my soul has chosen to be here and I feel that for many of us our souls have chosen to be here for this big shift in consciousness that's coming and this shift of Pluto now is going to be here for this big shift in consciousness that's coming and this shift
Starting point is 00:07:46 of Pluto now is going to be it's going to affect our collective consciousness for the next 20 years and part of that is going to be each one of us really reclaiming that sense of purpose that sense of self that sense of knowing who we are we've really been sold a lie where we believe oh little old me I can't make any difference in the world and well that just happens in the world and it's about us all now really claiming that responsibility for our own lives and world and realizing that we are the change we've been waiting for we are the change we want to see would it be fair to say that looking back and when people do look back in history at the pandemic that astrologers might note that that was the crumbling
Starting point is 00:08:25 of a lot of things because of course that was a moment where the impossible became possible in terms of everything we thought was had to be yeah suddenly disappeared overnight and we were left with a completely altered reality and whilst things have kind of gone back to normal they also haven't and it's it definitely brought up a deep desire in people to have more purpose-driven lives absolutely i mean when we look back at that from an astrology lens what really started the pandemic was a meeting of saturn and pluto saturn and pluto met in a conjunction and that's when all of us as we're coming up to that we're like here we go and that happened right before the pandemic hit and what does that signify
Starting point is 00:09:17 saturn is the planet of um again um governments the patriarchy systems of control boundaries restrictions and so as as the meeting of these planets happened we knew something big was going to take place and this is that started the four years of big shifts and transformations and as you've quite rightly just said i think it made us all realize that the world we were living in when people started talking about going back to normal it's like but do we really want to go back there and what we've got now is this opportunity to create a whole new world for ourselves to really look at the way things used to be and what we want to be different and how we want to live in a different way because
Starting point is 00:10:01 the pandemic did show us more than anything what we no longer wanted to keep doing or repeating and how many of us were perhaps on a perpetual treadmill and living lives out of alignment with what we wanted and it gave us a real moment of as hard as it was a real moment of reflection it was like it was life-changing for so many people and you touched on this a second ago in terms of the i can't remember whether we were recording or not but in terms of the rise of the feminine and how does that play into this sort of collective astrological shift that we're experiencing so i mean i've been saying for a while to anyone who listened to me that i've really been predicting a rise of the feminine over the past couple of years and i do feel that this year is going to be the year that the feminine once again begins to rise and I feel like what we need in the world right now more than anything to outweigh all of this
Starting point is 00:10:50 kind of shadow masculine that we've got is we can't fight fire with fire and so what we do need now is this resurrection of the feminine and by that what I mean is we've very much been taught in the world that we live in that things like intuition well what do you mean intuition you can't live your life off intuition what do you mean you just knew what do you mean something you just told you to do something if things can't be explained in a spreadsheet with a mathematical equation or you can't explain it like when you say well i just know well what do you mean you just know what do you mean you just knew what do you mean something just told you so we've very much dismissed everything that the feminine
Starting point is 00:11:27 stands for and we've lived in this world where we glorify being busy we glorify being burned out we glorify 60 hour working weeks and being in the hustle and even girl bossing and all this kind of we've really glorified all of these masculine traits of do do do push push push go go go to our detriment to our detriment and we very much ignored the feminine who is flow and ease and surrender and intuition and emotion and inner knowing and all these really beautiful deep feminine qualities that help us to find that true depth of our authentic self, our deep inner knowing, the truth of who we are. The feminine is the creative life force energy of the universe that brings everything to life.
Starting point is 00:12:15 And when we can connect once more to that, when we can realize that we have divine feminine energy moving through us, we move through life differently. We start to realize we're part of something greater we start to trust our intuition we trust those little niggles we trust that inner knowing and in doing so we start to trust ourselves and take back our power to create our own lives so i've really felt that there is going to be such a big rise of the feminine and again by that i don't necessarily mean shadow feminine because
Starting point is 00:12:46 what shadow we had a lot of shadow feminine even when we had the big kind of girl power movements where i mean i'm sure many people listening will agree some of the worst bosses i've ever had have been women who've gone into a workplace and tried to be men and so we've got this wave of women where we try to be men and that doesn't work either. And also this is an observation and people might disagree, but the women that can occupy those spaces that are very male dominated tend to almost portray the worst of that kind of worse than the men. Because in order to survive there as a as a woman you kind of have to be well you have to suppress everything it is to be feminine so you have to suppress your emotions because otherwise you're labeled crazy or dramatic and you can't necessarily go into an environment like that with emotion because then you are just a crazy female you have to suppress your cycles because oh she's got pmt she's on a period what's wrong with her you have to suppress natural cycles you
Starting point is 00:13:43 have to suppress your intuition because again you can't perhaps head a boardroom I mean we do now we run our businesses very feminine like I'll very often say to Helen I've just got an idea for a workshop I just know we've got to do it there won't necessarily be the planning yeah but do you not feel that you're because I feel this sometimes in conflict because just simply by the label of being a founder or an entrepreneur running your own business you feel like you have to acquire a certain set of skills or be a certain way in your behavior that doesn't come naturally so you can see how conditioned we are to operate in that way you have to constantly check yourself and be like actually i could create it differently yes with ease with flow so we we we move in these spaces and what's been really interesting for
Starting point is 00:14:31 me and it was a huge lesson i came up against last year is that what we do find is that many female business owners many single mothers many single women have to spend so much time in the masculine because what we ideally want as women is we want to be about 80 in feminine so in ease flow surrender intuition emotion really tapping into those very deep feminine qualities and then about 20 masculine because the masculine is well exactly that so the masculine is the container i say i'm 99% feminine you're just 99% flow floating around even us on the podcast what are we going to talk about i want to flow but that's why actually you know a lot of people um in the sort of spiritual community have observed with my partnership that we are a
Starting point is 00:15:20 really good balance of masculine and feminine with tom so because he's very yes get shit done or something just like masculine is what gives us the motivation the drive the desire the structure so we want to be able to tap into that masculine when we need to and then move back into the feminine but many as i mentioned female business owners founders single moms have to spend so much time in that masculine energy because you do have to take care of everything you do have to be the one running anything but being too much in masculine is exhausting and this is where we find that we end up burned out exhausted pushing our emotions away we stop trusting our intuition we
Starting point is 00:16:02 stop trusting ourselves and we're just in the go go go go go and the healing for that and i went through a really big realization of this last year is that although this comes from being too much in our masculine what we actually need to do in those moments is call upon the divine masculine so whether you call that god universe source whatever name you give to that it's about realizing that we're held by something greater and being able to surrender into the support of something greater and give it up to something greater because little human us will struggle little human us thinks we have to do it all and little human us thinks i often laugh at little human me because little human me thinks
Starting point is 00:16:43 it's no it's better than the entire universe like little human me is like I often laugh at little human me because little human me thinks it knows better than the entire universe. Like little human me is like, I know the answer. And the universe is like, but if we just let go of that, I've got all of this waiting for human me. And I have to have this little human me, God bless you. But when little human me is having to do and sort and fix and control and be and be that masculine and feminine presence it's about then just surrendering back and saying i don't know what to do with this please help me i need support with this please help me and allowing ourselves to be held by a greater source of power that helps us then to be able to surrender back into that feminine and feel like okay i feel held i feel supported i feel safe now to be able to let
Starting point is 00:17:27 go of the grip a little bit would it be fair to say that some people are women are naturally more in their masculine absolutely so everyone's got a different balance of each absolutely and I think a lot of that will depend upon life experience and upbringing and whether you've had to be more in masculine as a protection system. And what we really want ideally is to be able to have that beautiful flow between, between each to not get stuck in either. Because if we get stuck too much in the feminine, that's when we tend to people please. It's when we tend to self sabotabotage it's when we tend to disagree with what everybody else around us wants it's when we lose our sense of self because we haven't got any of that masculine structure holding us and creating boundaries for us and a safe space for us so too much in our feminine and we get completely undisciplined we never get anything done we people please we become codependent we look to the outside world to do everything for us fix everything for us help us with everything so we do need to find that real healing in masculine
Starting point is 00:18:33 and feminine energies in ourselves it sometimes really helps as well to look at what is our relationship with the feminine and what's our relationship with the masculine and to be clearing up any kind of healing as well that needs doing around that on the sort of subject of the rise of the feminine interesting when you were talking about that i thought about my intention for the year my word for the year which was creativity beautiful so i've had a lot of you know how you said i've been telling people for a while that this is happening and there's this movement that I truly believe you know we're on the precipice of and whether it's just because it's on my own personal journey and the things that I want to achieve and do in my life but I also think
Starting point is 00:19:17 it's collective and usually these things are mirrored to each other but I never connected it with the feminine but I truly feel at the moment with the direction we're heading in in the world with AI and technology and everything that there is a real need for us to nurture our inner artist and our creativity and our creative self that I believe we all have but we just sort of discard because it's not how we're excelling in our career or whatever it might be so what are your thoughts on that in terms of creativity and accessing those parts of ourself as it relates to the themes we're discussing as in the feminine
Starting point is 00:20:01 so I do feel I think that that also taps into the authentic self that we're talking about that again each one of us I truly believe we've been so robbed of our ability to really feel like we can make a difference and I know you and I touched on this I'm almost sure we talked about this on the last podcast we did together but about purpose because I get asked about it so much and I'm sure you do and I I speak about this all the time. And I say, I'm going to give you a real, like, I'm going to really burst your bubble here. I'm going to give you like a real truth bomb here. But your purpose is to be you. We think that our purpose is some big elusive thing outside of us that one day if I find my purpose over there, my whole life will be fixed and I'll know what
Starting point is 00:20:42 I'm here for. And again, we're looking outside of us for everything your purpose is to simply be more you that's it and the more you that you can become so the more you can nurture the creativity within you because i truly believe that we all come to this earth and i did a light codes workshop a few weeks ago because we had a big pluto kas Cassini Pluto met the sun right before going into Aquarius and I don't know if you started to notice yet but there's a lot more light energy around so you'll see the sunrises sunsets I put up a post yesterday all over London I've just been taking pictures and I was I wrote it it was like it was about I was trying to talk about the podcast but has anyone else noticed the light at the moment? It's just so magical and I've just been taking pictures everywhere I go.
Starting point is 00:21:29 Beautiful. So this is what's called light codes. I call these light codes. And so light codes hold messages, energy, activations meant for you. So when we see light codes like this and we see light, it's almost like we've got this huge wave of light beginning to come into the earth now. And a lot of people have talked for a long time about the age of Aquarius. And it's almost like we're really coming into the age of Aquarius now.
Starting point is 00:21:53 So these light codes almost hold different activations, messages and energies. But then each one of us is born with light codes within us. So when your soul comes down to earth, you contain all these little, call them seeds of light. And just so when your soul comes down to earth you contain all these little call them seeds of light and just like when you put a seed into the earth so if you want to grow a sunflower you put a sunflower seed into the earth that sunflower seed contains everything it needs to grow into a sunflower right it just needs nurturing and taking care of and watering and some sunlight same within you so your soul comes with these coded energies and they say that and I tried to look for the exact science around this but my mind doesn't work very sciencey
Starting point is 00:22:30 but they say that we only use two percent of our DNA and the rest is what's called junk DNA but I believe that's light codes that's the truth of who we are and so within us are all these sort of seeds that your soul plants and your job your purpose is to awaken and activate these energies within you so within you are dreams desires goals that the world needs and so every little idea that you have that might be i'm going to put on a live show or oh i should tell the person in the supermarket checkout that i really like their hair today whatever it might be that's because something that wants to come to life within you is something that the world needs right now in order to be able to move forwards into the world
Starting point is 00:23:14 that we're creating so our purpose at the moment is to activate and awaken our light codes so your word being about creativity part of your part of your you owe it to all of us now to awaken within you the creativity. And this is the divine feminine. The divine feminine is the creative energy of the universe. And she animates the dreams and desires and ideas within you to bring them to life through you so the world can benefit. life through you so the world can benefit it's so interesting because also the same thing that I put up about the light that I saw everywhere with all these different pictures all over London I wrote about my word for the year I don't know why and said how you know my word for the year was creativity but I feel like I'm about to explode with ideas because at the moment I just feel like I have so many creative projects that I want to do that most people I speak to and talk to about it they're like okay you've lost your mind like you can't do all of those things but you can at least start to do one and then that
Starting point is 00:24:16 one will lead into two will lead into three and then maybe some things won't necessarily come to life and some things will and I say I say it like this because we do owe it to the world. And I would urge anyone listening as well to really understand and know and trust that what wants to come to life through them is needed. And the example I give is that you and I both know, we've known each other for long enough. And I was telling a friend before that what we really bonded over, I think, in the beginning was our real vulnerability. From the word go, you and I were so vulnerable with each other about what we were afraid of and it's almost like we shared deepest darkest treats within minutes of knowing each other so we've always been able to be quite vulnerable and I think both of us will agree to suffering from a little bit a
Starting point is 00:24:57 lot of like self-doubt imposter syndrome at times but people are going to listen to this podcast or maybe come to you when you meet people and say oh my god kagi your podcast changed my entire life you i know i've had fears around doing the podcast so can you imagine if you'd let those doubts and fears stop you from doing the podcast that every one of the hundreds and thousands of lives that you've touched and changed their lives would not have been changed in the way they have been if you'd let that doubt stop you so every time now you let the doubt stop you from doing the creative idea where you let the voice of other people go no no you can't do all of that that's too much every time you let that stop you then rob the world of what the world is going to get from you bringing those seeds and light codes to life and it's the same for everyone listening every time we silence ourselves censor ourselves shrink ourselves second-guess ourselves
Starting point is 00:25:48 talk ourselves out of it we rob the world of what we could have given to the world just by being who we are yeah and i think we've spoken about this before but when i was writing the book I was actually writing a chapter on my music and that yes that stage of my life and as I was writing it this person online that follows me just sent me this message saying I was just making a cup of tea in the kitchen and I felt called to message you to say this when are you releasing more music and I literally was like what and then we got into this whole conversation she went on to say she was like not releasing it and not putting stuff out is incredibly selfish and I was like I felt so called out yeah because it's everything you just said I think we get so in our head about the fear
Starting point is 00:26:40 or the doubt and the procrastination and what's going to be judged and people are going to criticize me and we make it and i say myself in this completely make it very like me me me whereas everything you've just said it's like flipping that and it's like no this is a an act of service collective yeah that's pluto and aquarius pluto and aquarius is the collective aquarius is the collective and so it's about realizing our part two playing where the world goes next and each and every one of us as we listen and we just let ourselves find that purpose which is just to be more you just to remove everything that makes you fear being you and this is a big part again of reclaiming the feminine because the feminine more so than anyone else has been as women our bodies our beauty
Starting point is 00:27:28 standards we've been pitted against each other for centuries i mean what body shape we should be this week what mascara we should be wearing we're told to inject and pluck and and do all these things to try to change ourselves so we live in a a capitalist world that profits from us feeling like we're not enough it literally profits and and it's so all-consuming exactly and we talked about this before we came on here that one of the quickest ways to strip anyone of their power is to make them hate themselves so while the only thing you're worried about is how big your thighs are you can't go out there and change the world because you're still looking in the mirror pulling your body to pieces or wanting to go and get something put here in your body or change
Starting point is 00:28:14 there or chop this or do this so one of the fastest ways to strip our power is to make us dislike ourselves and if we can take back our power in that respect and realize that we are a soul having a human experience and again true beauty is is someone's soul shining through it's their energy it's their essence it's when they exude life but we've been sold this real lie that profits from and keeps us small by making us feel like we're constantly from almost birth you've been subliminally told that you're not enough well how deep because i know in the sort of uh scale or spectrum of conspiracy theories i'm like still somewhere but most of my closest circle are always like sending you know telling me to share more controversial things.
Starting point is 00:29:06 I'm like, let's just calm down. But in terms of the intention behind, because if people listening feel, actually, that's true. I've spent the majority of my life obsessing over the number on the scale or that I'm getting older and I'm told I can't get older and all of these things and you said it's a sort of subliminal message but how intentional or because I I like to sort of give people the benefit of the doubt I'm just going to say that I think we all see the best in people but I do think what we live in at the moment is a world that values profit over people and so I think once things become profitable they just do take on a life form of
Starting point is 00:29:50 their own so I don't necessarily so it's not the intention isn't like let's keep everyone hating themselves I don't think it was I don't think anyone particularly probably sat around a table and went I know I know I've got a brilliant brilliant idea but I do think it became more about profit profit profit and let's sell this and this and this and this and yeah and actually they realized oh hang on if people hate themselves they buy way more stuff exactly but that's it you do the more you begin to let's say live a soul-led life you'd realize the less you actually need you really do need less because you're not looking to the material world anymore to give you validation or approval or to make you feel worthy or to make you feel good enough you self-source all of those things on that there's
Starting point is 00:30:39 obviously a lot of uh buzz at the moment with the sort of intersections of materialism and spirituality with manifestation being a huge thing what's your sort of take on that because as much as i think it can be a magnificent tool sometimes i feel that it is overly consumer related or like we need more more things absolutely so i i i like to speak about this a lot because i think especially in the spiritual world there became this big thing a few years ago about how it's not spiritual to earn money and almost like this vow of like chastity and this vow of poverty and this vows of celibacy and how you know we shouldn't for me why shouldn't we have all of the stuff why shouldn't you earn loads of money why shouldn't you have the handbag providing that is not the source of your happiness and that is not where
Starting point is 00:31:31 you equate your worth and that is not who you think you are so providing all of that stuff could disappear tomorrow and you would still be you have it all why why not how can people decipher whether their motivation is a positive or a negative one in that sense because I think it's that deciding if that got taken away tomorrow would my whole identity get taken away with it like why do I actually need that bag is it because it's a well done you've done really well this year you've worked really hard you really deserve this or is it if I carry this down the street people will think I'm a certain thing and they'll treat me in a different way and is it a badge that we're wearing it's actually a really beautiful experience coming back here because the last time I came back to around this area because I obviously lived here just down the
Starting point is 00:32:17 road from you there was this real moment of I don't miss it I'm really glad I don't live here anymore I'm walking down the street today it was like I don't miss it but I realized even if I was still living here I'd still be the the same me I'd still be as happy it doesn't matter anymore where I live if that makes sense yeah yeah yeah I don't like my living space doesn't define me anymore I think I struggle with that a little bit in terms of how much of an attachment I made to being around here but also how much this represented a stage of my life that I really worked very hard for sort of spiritually emotionally to get to that then I felt like I was like I don't want to I don't want to leave it but then I also have had to reconcile recently that change is inevitable and actually probably
Starting point is 00:33:06 the most exciting things are the things that we don't willingly step into always it's the things that we're not really sure how they're going to go that end up being the most fulfilling I do feel it's very different for you though because I think for you I mean I did I saw you transform through living here I think it will yeah go down as just being a space for you and I would really encourage you before you leave here and I did this in the flat I lived in when I did the most amount of transformation I went around to every wall in the house and touched the wall and said thank you because it contained all of the memories of the moments I was on my hands and knees on the floor and didn't think I'd make it to another day to then picking myself off the floor
Starting point is 00:33:42 drying my eyes washing my face standing up growing into a new version of myself and we also don't grieve enough in our modern day world we reserve grief for death well no one's died what's wrong with you but you actually i think you i saw you write something about this just as i was going through it but I didn't have the words to articulate it about how even when there's a really exciting new beginning that grief can still coexist in that experience and I think that's exactly what we're talking about and to kind of go back a second when I moved into this flat I remember moving in I'm only renting it but it was for me he's a commitment phobe i was like i remember being there i think at first you're like can i just sign a two-week contract and he was like no i wanted he wanted a much longer contract than you wanted to give the listeners like for context i was literally just floating around and i had been for many
Starting point is 00:34:42 years just living in other people's places then would kind of be there for a couple of months then move on so this was a massive commitment for me but I remember when I was feeling oh god what have I done and it was empty and I hadn't sort of homified it yet I found this diary this journal that I'd made an entry into a couple of months before and it was about the space that I wanted to find because home and it's really important I think for both of us and in it I'd written this sort of free flow almost like channeling of this space and described the floorboards and the windows and what it was going to represent for me and growing into this next version of myself and i remember reading it and looking around being like this is it this is it so it's felt very hard kind of leaving that stage but you know like you said grief and
Starting point is 00:35:38 but this touches on everything we've talked about we live in a world where it's all you're left or right you're this or that you believe in this or that and there's got to be an and you can be sad to leave it and excited about where you go next to touch on where we were a minute ago you can be deeply spiritual and love to have a designer handbag there can be an and in everything in life and this is what we need to come back to is remembering the ands and there can be two things can coexist exactly the same time and two experiences two two versions of the same experience even because i think that is like you say where we're going really wrong because it's like well
Starting point is 00:36:16 your story invalidates mine it's like no that that can be your experience and it doesn't invalidate mine absolutely but in terms of um kind of going back to this next stage that we're all going into the age of Aquarius because I think everybody hears about it it's been this big thing but what's it actually going to represent I do feel it is just going to be a representation of us once again, really beginning to remember who we truly are and to remember what we came here for and to just begin to show up in our most authentic, unique, individual ways and to begin to come together and heal once again and to rise together and to even bring back i think you touched on a point before and that's the beautiful thing about our conversations is we can go in so many directions and we never know which one it's going to go on but i know you touched on aging before and even on that i have such a big theory around aging because when we look back at kind of when all of this shifted i honestly believe that there's real, menopause has been talked about a lot at the moment, right? Because menopause is when women enter that crone energy, that wise
Starting point is 00:37:31 woman energy. And when a woman retains her bleed, her wise blood, she retains all the wisdom of her entire lifetime. And so at one time, the older women of tribes would have been the wise woman, the witch, the woman that everyone would have gone of tribes would have been the wise woman, the witch, the woman that everyone would have gone to that would have really helped them. And I honestly think, again, the patriarchal structures of control back in the days were quite frankly terrified of these older women who were wild and untamable and spoke their truth and gave the middle finger to, you know establishment and didn't care and so it's so interesting then that women then reach a certain age and i think women fear it so much more now i know how women in their late 20s going oh i'm gonna be 13 it's like wow and online women i've
Starting point is 00:38:17 noticed this this trend of women that are 29 30 being like i haven't i don't want to be disrespectful but it's like i haven't done anything to my face like this is what a natural face is it's like you're still incredibly young and the fact that that is almost revolutionary now is very concerning it really is because it's like no show me like a 70 year old that's going on yeah because society is still it's awful in how we discard absolutely elderly and it is this pervasive feeling for women especially if like i must not age i must stay in the sort of maiden archetype forever and it's not it's not allowing us to progress into these beautiful phases do you feel that we're reclaiming it i really do feel in this again is this aquarium energy i feel that we really are now beginning to reclaim that crone energy we're
Starting point is 00:39:10 really beginning to reclaim what it is to be an elder a wise woman we're beginning to reclaim you know women got put on the heap at a certain age and discarded because i do again think that they were so terrified of the immense power that they hold and i do feel like there is a rise now of even the menopause movement because even when you look at things like menopause how understood it is how 50 of the population just has to suffer and get on with it and again women are standing up now and saying no enough not anymore we're not doing this anymore so there's again this big rise of this energy coming through where we are starting to take back a lot more of our power and it really excites me excites me that all of us are no longer going to fear the same fears because all of this stops when we say it stops the the the ageist energy stops when we
Starting point is 00:39:57 we stop saying 29 years of age that we're old and you know it stops when we say it stops and we look at those representations of older women who in that crowing energy they just do not care anymore they're tearing up the rule book they are starting their lives all over again and it's it's incredible to watch but do you think that that's maybe just our space that we occupy and i'd say i'd say unfortunately generally speaking i feel like it might even feel the opposite right now anyway do you know what i mean in terms of the pressure for women to feel they have to remain frozen in time but i do think we're going to start to see that shift i really do i do think we're going to start to see a real reclamation of wisdom and wise woman and even reclaiming those crone energies of that being a true time of power in your life for those that might not be familiar with these archetypes would you
Starting point is 00:41:06 be able to kind of give a brief synopsis of each yeah each of the female archetypes yeah i mean kind of move through we can we look at so if we look at like over a woman's life we kind of do get maiden mother crow and energy which are the three kind of main feminine archetypes that most women will move through in their life and even in this it's beautiful when we start to reclaim these archetypal energies but also women especially more so than men go through so many more big transitionary periods in life so starting your first period becoming a mother if you choose to become a mother or can become a mother going through menopause these are such huge transitionary moments in life that again get very very lost or ignored and the more that we can mark these big transitionary moments in our life the
Starting point is 00:41:55 more we really start to reclaim again the the seasons and cycles because women go through a natural cycle anyway every kind of 29-ish days and even in that time we go through all of kind of the maiden mother crone energy within our own cycles where we are in that crone energy during our bleed and we're in our wise woman energy we can really tap into our crone energy when we ovulate we're in our mother energy we're in our fertile energy we're in our maiden energy as we just come out of our period and we get those first few days where we're like, oh, everything feels good in the world again. I feel like I want to get back out there again. So we move through all these different archetypal energies month by month in our cycles anyway. So when we move into the maiden energy, the maiden is normally the first 25 years of a woman's life.
Starting point is 00:42:44 But for most women women the true maiden begins when we get our first period so in that moment we get our first bleed and even this is so sadly lost and when I was writing the chapter about this my next book it was so sad to me to realize and I get so many women come to me now who are been through menopause and say no one ever taught me the power of my bleed no one ever taught me the power of my period and instead it was just something to put up with or keep quiet about and it became ashamed about yeah it became shameful it was dirty it was impure and even as we touched on before because we have different emotional fluctuations what we'd be like labeled crazy or a psycho or a bitch or we'd have pmt or whatever it might be so we learn to really squash
Starting point is 00:43:25 anything and try to make ourselves the same all day every day and it's just not the way that life is especially for us women we do go through that cycle and just on a side note of this men have got a 24-hour hormonal cycle which is why men a day later have forgotten all about it and we're still like in like 2021 on the 3rd of february when you said this because we just hold things differently because we just take longer to process them through our systems and that's where the traditional nine to five came from it came from a man's hormonal cycle which is just and that's where i think again i've always rebelled against the nine to five so i'm like but why what if i feel like doing 10 to six or eight to four or so the more we can again flow and adapt with our constant seasons and cycles that's again the feminine the feminine moves and weaves and it's not the feminine is
Starting point is 00:44:14 not linear the masculine is linear let me get you from a to b the feminine is like let me spiral let me flow let me move let me weave let me experience what i'm experiencing in this exact moment so even our first bleed we can often look back on it as being a time of feeling ashamed and dread and almost perhaps being scared of coming into womanhood now and what all of that meant um but this is our these are our maiden years where we're less likely to have any big commitments we're less likely to have children we're exploring the world we're exploring what it is to be us we're exploring who we are we're discovering a lot we're more carefree but with this again comes with social media the standards of perfectionism the what we should be doing the what they're doing on tiktok the filters all of these different standards now so i feel it's
Starting point is 00:45:03 really important for us to begin to teach young women again about the real acceptance of themselves and that your worth in the world does not need to be earned your worth does not need to be earned you are perfect and whole and complete just as you are and again on this note if people want to do work and have things done if you're doing that for you beautiful you go and do it for you but if it's for an outside gaze that's when we need to start to question what it is that we're doing if we're doing something for us because this is what i want this is what feels good for me it's like we might want to do our hair a certain way or a mascara or whatever it might be but it's when we're doing it for anything outside of us as we talked about before with the material goods if i'm only me because i own this or i live there or i have this that's not really who i am yeah that's such an important distinction it is if i know who
Starting point is 00:45:56 i am and i also have and again and i also have this but this could go away tomorrow and i'd still be who i am that's when we really start to know so the maiden energy is this beautiful time of exploration but also just be mindful not to fall into the the traps of you know looking for too much validation or approval or worth in the outside world and really learning how to source it from somewhere within us. And then we move into the mother archetype and the mother archetype is almost fertile years, whether you do or don't have children, whether you can or you can't have children. These are the years when we use the fertility to either create a family or to create a business, to grow a dream, to grow a desire, to make something happen, to create a home,
Starting point is 00:46:43 whatever it might be. We're in that real creation phase here and the trap that we come into with with the mother archetype is that we often hear a lot of women speak about when they become mothers losing that sense of identity well who am i outside of my family who am i outside of the children and women can struggle with feeling that loss of identity, loss of the maiden, that loss of being able to be so carefree. And then there's also all of the gaze on women who either can't or choose not to have children about why they're not doing it.
Starting point is 00:47:14 So again, this can be a time that's filled with a lot of obstacles. And so this is a real time to also really learn to mother yourself, to take care of yourself, to look after yourself. And to again, find that real sense of self-knowing of who I am and what it is I'm creating. And with this comes just a time of, we know who we are a little bit more. And this leads us into, we've added a couple of different categories over the years. Normally crone would follow but as we're now choosing to have children perhaps later and we're living longer our crone years used to be kind of those menopausal years but now we kind of talk a lot more about
Starting point is 00:47:55 perimenopause and things like this so we we have kind of the mage energy that comes in between and this is where we are our children might have grown up now and left and again women go through that moment then when empty nest syndrome what am i going to do we sought that re-exploration of all who am i who am i outside of the family and what do i want now we're normally more established in our careers in our lives in our sense of self in our sense of who we are so this is again a time of real self-discovery, of learning what we want all over again, which is what even the transition of menopause is, it's a meeting yourself again. You meet yourself again, but now as an adult with all the experience you've got behind you.
Starting point is 00:48:35 And then we're moving to that real Crohn energy. This, as I say, was menopausal years, but now it's seen more perhaps towards 60s in that real wise woman crowing energy of when we just find that full reclamation once again of self that full reclamation of this is who i am this is what i've been through this is my experiences my highs lows and everything in between and it's almost like we meet ourselves once again but this time with less listening to those societal expectations because we've gone beyond the point of really caring about them too much there's a there's a real self-knowing in that and a sort of rebelliousness isn't it what about the wild woman so the wild woman's another feminine archetype where we there's many other different archetypes and of archetypal energies that we can call upon in ourselves
Starting point is 00:49:29 so when we work with archetypes or goddess energies what we're doing here is we're calling upon an energy to lend us their energy their voice until we can find that within ourselves so every single one of us has within us a wild woman a wise woman a mother a maiden a crone a creatrix a visionary a medicine woman a carly a durga an isis a hecate a keridwyn we've all got these energies within us but it's almost like the best example i can give you is very often people say that if we're looking to like who we want to be, look towards someone that you admire. So if you look at someone you admire and it's like, well, what do you admire about her? Well, she's strong and she's fearless and she knows who she is. We do the same with the archetypal energies. archetype when we just want to not care so much about what society thinks of us where we want to be able to dance naked underneath the full moon and not care what anyone else thinks of us when we want to tear off all those shackles of their opinion and their expectation and what they want
Starting point is 00:50:37 or what they think of us or what we feel that society wants from us or the doubts in our own mind that says oh don't say that they might not like you don't do that they might think you're weird don't sit like that it might not be ladylike whatever it might be so we would then call upon that wild woman archetype in us to help us to find the wild woman in ourselves so we would feel into ourselves what does the wild woman feel like what would it feel like to feel just completely free to be myself right now to be able to let out an almighty roar if i wanted to to not be thinking now about are we talking about the right things or what were people like we would just call upon that archetype when we want to self-care if we're finding ourselves on the edge of burnout we'd call on the mother energy
Starting point is 00:51:18 to hold us to nurture us to say slow down my darling i've got you just rest for a moment don't do so much let me care for you let me look after you we might call on our creatrix if our word is creativity and we call on that energy within us to help us to create to bring something to life to draw to paint to dance without any need for it to ever have to go anywhere but just to feel what it feels like to have creative energy alive within us and the same with the goddesses the goddesses will lend you their voice their power their strength until you can find your own what is goddess carly about oh goddess carly's amazing death and destruction yeah yeah so carly's the one is she carly's the one to call upon when you know things in your life need to
Starting point is 00:52:06 change but you don't particularly know how to do that and carly is she's the goddess of time of death destruction and so what carly will do is when you call on carly's energies carly will come into your life and she will burn away anything not meant for you, burn it all into ashes. Then she'll dance on the ashes and help you to grow out of the, like the phoenix out of the flames, to really grow out of the ashes. So Carly's the one to call upon where you really want to be in your truth. You want to be able to speak your truth. You want to be able to own yourself. And so again, you would call on Carly and say Carly please help me to speak my
Starting point is 00:52:45 truth please help me to be wild please help me to be free please help me to release anything no longer serving me and anything that's keeping me from being all that I can be and then just be warned because Carly will dance a wild ecstatic dance into your life when you start to find things crumbling away or people falling away or challenges coming up that ask you to be more of yourself but in all those times rather than again shrinking back into little human us we can call on that Carly energy we can feel Carly we can ask ourselves what would Carly do right now Carly would say no Carly would say I'm not having that Carly would say I know I'm worth better than that I know I deserve more than that I'm not putting up with this anymore I'm not doing this anymore so we
Starting point is 00:53:27 can start to bring in that energy of Carly to help us to move into those same things in our own lives what is your favorite of the goddesses I'm a massive fan I work with Hecate a lot um she's the goddess of the witches she's the goddess of boundaries she's the goddess of liminal spaces the space in between and so for me i spend a lot of time in the in between of no longer quite she's the one to work with when you're no longer who you were but you're not quite yet who you're becoming i mean feeling that space of the void of the wilderness of of not quite knowing and hecate is often seen carrying two torches so Hecate's who if we look at the story of Persephone when Persephone was taken
Starting point is 00:54:13 into the underworld by Hades it was Hecate that went in and with her torch she's guided her out of the underworld so Persephone now spends six months in each so we call on Hecate when we're not quite sure where we're going we don't quite know where we are we're at a crossroads she's a goddess of a crossroads do I go left or right do I do this or that I'm unsure what do I do what's my direction what's my purpose and she will come along and help to guide you she's the goddess of boundaries so when we need to start to set boundaries for ourselves when we need to start to set boundaries for ourselves, when we need to start to say no, she's the one that will help us to come and really create boundaries. And she's also seen carrying keys. So she will come and help you to unlock parts of yourself, unlock parts of you that you've kept hidden. And I just love her as well because of her. I've been working a lot with like the witch wound and the witch energy lately. And from that, the sister wounding. like the witch wound and the witch energy lately. And from that, the sister wounding.
Starting point is 00:55:04 And so Hecate has just really helped me to own, I guess, my own inner witch, my own medicine woman, and to really begin to claim and not be as afraid of those parts of myself. Because that's a lot of what keeps, especially as women, really small and afraid. When you say calling on, what are your particular practices, if you don't mind sharing, for when you're working on what are your particular practices if you don't mind sharing for when
Starting point is 00:55:28 you're working with these energies yeah so a lot of when we work with feminine energies feminine's embodiment and so when we work with feminine energies i speak about this a lot it's not something that can be understood with the logical mind and it's like with intuition i've learned over my lifetime that the less logical sense it makes the more than I need to do it so I was telling you a story before about how I left my entire life in London after 10 years to move 100 miles away however far it is into a place that was up for sale it made absolutely no logical sense people would think I was crazy for doing that but because it made no logical sense I knew I had to do it and the feminine is very much the same the feminine cannot be put into a spreadsheet
Starting point is 00:56:10 or a mathematical equation or understood with a logical mind and the more you try to understand the feminine the more she will elude you so the feminine is body wisdom she's felt sent she's embodiment she's feeling it so you can sit there or read a line and go yeah Hecate is the goddess of boundaries I get that but it's only when you feel her energy in you you feel her helping you to set a boundary that you go oh there she was there she was she was with me so a lot of the work with goddesses is about just moving back into which again we've been very taught to dismiss most of us don't know we've got a body from the work with goddesses is about just moving back into which again, we've been very taught to dismiss. Most of us don't know we've got a body from the neck down.
Starting point is 00:56:48 We only spend all of our time in our heads, in our minds. And we really miss out on all of the wisdom that's held in our bodies. So when I work with goddesses, I like to try and embody them. How would Hecate move? How would she feel? Where can I feel her energy in my body? Where does she feel most alive within me? If I need to set a boundary, I'll stand, I'll close my eyes and I'll feel her energy, her strength, her know. Hecate's like, she's a sacred know of no, this isn't good to me. I'll
Starting point is 00:57:16 feel what that know feels like in my body. I'll feel what it feels like to say no. I'll feel the strength and the power and the wisdom within me so that then i can call upon that when i need her i can feel her in me because again my logical mind might know i need to say no but then my people please will go they might not like you they might never speak to you again maybe you should say yes maybe you should just say this time but what if you say no and then this happens but what if you say yes and then this happens my mind is not going to help me at all but when i can tap into the energy if if i say to you now imagine what it would feel like to say a sacred no
Starting point is 00:57:48 a no that like is a no because it's it's a yes for you saying a no to that you feel it right you feel it as a like it might be a fire in your belly it might be an opening of your heart it's an embodiment practice and knowledge only becomes wisdom when we embody it so we can again we can know something and go yeah i know that i know i should set a boundary but until we've embodied it that's when it becomes deep wisdom and again the more we can look to our bodies for our answers again i think you and i spoken about this many times before but if i need to make a decision I immediately come out of here I'll come into here yeah I think I've got a bit out of that practice recently I feel what it would feel like to say yes and I feel it in my body I feel like
Starting point is 00:58:32 what it feel like to say no and they might feel subtly different but one might make me feel a bit sick a bit like out of alignment a bit uncomfortable whereas the other one just feels clear and all of our wisdom lives in our bodies so when we can start to embody those archetypes as as an embodied practice and we can feel hecate's energy alike we can feel carly's ecstatic dance weaving in us going like break free go wild do the things that's when we start to work with the feminine okay i'm gonna start working with this i'm excited okay well so i'm the books out by the time that this comes out will be this book i've got to say it was a real um it was the one book i've written i suppose that i kind of feel the most i don't know what word to use not uncomfortable about the other stuff's very comfortable for me was these are
Starting point is 00:59:24 practices that i've done for decades but i've done in my own living room on my own yeah you know private they've been private they've been for me they've been because again i guess it's not been very mainstream and you could argue the moon wasn't very mainstream when i first started to talk about the moon and that wasn't particularly comfortable either when I first started to talk about it but the feminine has been so hidden so repressed so kept down for so long that it's been stuff that has been me at an altar with a candle in the darkness almost like I guess when we look back in the days of like the witch days and things like that it's been done hidden it's been talked about with like a select few other women and now it's going to be on shelves everywhere but i equally feel like back to our points before that me going through this discomfort is because it's part of what the world needs next and this book almost wrote itself i say in the beginning of the book these aren't my words
Starting point is 01:00:21 they're her words they're your words they're our words they're the words of all the women gone before us and they're the words of all the women who are yet to come so this book really um and people say to me you look so you light up when you talk about this book and at the same time i feel absolutely terrified about it because human me is like and i guess it's come back to the witch wound where i would have been burned at the stake for talking about this kind of stuff and I know that happened to me in a past life you know probably you and me together next to each other that's how we knew each other again immediately um so there is a fear about talking about this stuff a fear that says you're going to be seen and you're going to have to put this out there and it's going to be uncomfortable but I also know that it's bigger than me it's bigger than me and I kind of owe it to the world to let the the
Starting point is 01:01:11 feminine speak through me and set her free into the world and I just really my biggest wish is that I say in the beginning of the book it's not just a book for women it's a book for anybody so men have obviously got feminine energy within them or wherever you are on the gender spectrum we've all got masculine feminine energy so anyone can read the book and take anything from it but my real prayer is that it's a 13 step journey and even the reclamation of the number 13 felt so big because 13 and friday the 13th got made superstitious and unlucky when they were the day of the goddess so even reclaiming the number 13 and friday felt so big and powerful and
Starting point is 01:01:54 significant that we need to start to reclaim the numbers and the kind of the ancient feminine ways and it just takes you on a journey through reclaiming your self-worth and your boundaries and your energy and healing the witch wounds healing the sister wound reclaiming seasons and cycles reclaiming rest and receiving like we can't hear the feminine when we're always switched on in the masculine it takes you through reclaiming your purpose it's just a 13-step journey we're going to shadow work and the dark goddess and in every chapter you will meet a particular goddess that you can call upon to help you to do the work of that chapter so you will work with i love this yeah carly's in one of the chapters hecate is in
Starting point is 01:02:36 one of the chapters um i go through all of the goddesses i've worked with and some of my favorite favorite goddesses you know derga's in there and Lilith is in there and Persephone's in there and Isis and Keridwyn and um Bridget and it just takes you on a real journey but then with the practical how-tos in each section there is reclamation rituals where you can do these rituals daily to help you to reclaim these parts of yourself so you can begin to show up in the world as the full embodiment of the divine feminine that you came here to be i can't wait to get into it because thank you so much for coming on thank you for having me i always love chatting with you and i know that our audience are going to get so much from this conversation between me and Kirsty and learnt something because you know
Starting point is 01:03:32 I think it's such an important practice that we step into these aspects of ourselves that we reclaim our inner goddess and Kirsty really offers a connection and a as she acts as a sort of guide I'd say for a lot of women that are trying to deepen their practice and I'm definitely one of them and she's been such a guiding light for me in my own personal journey over the last couple of years so I'm I'm so grateful to have her in my life and if you guys want to dive a little bit deeper you can get the goddess path from any good retailer it's I believe already gone to a Sunday Times bestseller as have most of Kirsty's books and thank you guys so much for listening I like I say I hope you learned something from it and take something away and if you did enjoy this
Starting point is 01:04:23 episode please please do share it with a friend who you think might something away and if you did enjoy this episode please please do share it with a friend who you think might find it useful if you want to connect with some of your goddess sisters or give us a little shout out on instagram or any social media platform because that always lights up my day and helps us get discovered by more like-minded people so thank you again for listening and remember as always you are not alone goodbye this is a saturn returns production the producer is harriet pullen the executive producer is me keggy dunlop

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