Sawbones: A Marital Tour of Misguided Medicine - Sawbones: Detox

Episode Date: February 26, 2017

Before you start your next juice cleanse or coffee enema, we beg of you: Let Dr. Sydnee and Justin reassure you of the amazing detoxification powers of the human body. Music: "Medicines" by The Taxpay...ers

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Saubones is a show about medical history, and nothing the hosts say should be taken as medical advice or opinion. It's for fun. Can't you just have fun for an hour and not try to diagnose your mystery boil? We think you've earned it. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy a moment of distraction from that weird growth. You're worth it. that weird growth. You're worth it. Alright, time is about to books. One, two, one, two, three, four. Hello everybody and welcome to Saw Bones, a metal tour of Misguided Medicine.
Starting point is 00:01:08 I'm your co-host Justin McAroy. And I'm Sydney McAroy. Stop it, man. And I was like, there's a party about to start. What I do that. I was shaking my head at you to try to stop you from doing that. Oh, and I'm just gonna have a Pepsi Zero
Starting point is 00:01:23 less, a Zero Pepsi Zero podcast. I think about it. Hey, hey. It just going to have a Pepsi zero less zero Pepsi zero podcast. I think about hey, hey, it's still Pepsi Max by the way in my heart. Nice try Pepsi. Nice try. Before you take a sip of that, there's no room for that in the new J man's life final thing. Oh, that's true. Hollywood J Hollywood J for those of you who weren't aware, my husband's gone Hollywood. Yeah. He made a TV show. He's very important now. He's kind of a big deal. So.
Starting point is 00:01:48, We've advertised for it in Boy Howdy. There's some great programming on there, but my brother, my brother, me is a TV series in launch February 23rd, all six episodes available to watch right now. Right off the block. Three weeks trial.
Starting point is 00:02:03 Right off the block. Give it a shot. Let me know what you think. Hollywood J. Hollywood J is now on the show. So are you gonna get into the whole Hollywood lifestyle? Yes, I've got a lot planned. I'm gonna get a Gini, short for Lambo,
Starting point is 00:02:17 or a Lambo or a Gini, whatever short for Lambo Gini. Gonna get a sleek Lambo or Gini, and then I'm gonna do the next step after that, gotta do the cleanse. Gotta cleanse it out, all the toxins. Yeah, gonna do, you know, probably the lemon juice, hot pepper, one that I know about is good, this is the cleanse.
Starting point is 00:02:41 Right, what are you gonna, now when you're cleansing, what are you getting rid of there? Toxins, Sydney. Look around you. Like look in the air, okay? Look at the sky, right now. Blue, okay? And then white clouds of something? Those are toxins too, okay?
Starting point is 00:02:57 And you're just breathing fat. You know what's on the ground? Do you know what's on the ground? Dirt. It's made of dirt. You breathe it. That's car honey. That's carpet. That's our carpet outside Sydney in here. Oh, and you think the carpet's toxin free is full of dust is full of mites So Justin when people do detoxes do you have any idea? What's actually happening or why they're doing it or where that came from?
Starting point is 00:03:25 No, I don't know that much about it. I know it's been highly recommended to me. There's a 20 by the bottle of Juice cleanse that I bought at Always discount market for $3.99. I think it was the grandview weekend, Ellen. It was they They did have those, didn't they? They had like shelves and shelves on it. Let's talk about detoxification or detoxing. Now we should make a clear explanation here. Yes. I am not talking about the process of detoxification in a medical sense.
Starting point is 00:04:01 What we usually mean is that there is something in your body that you are slowly getting rid of through natural methods, you know, peeing it out and pooping it out and all the ways our body normally eliminates toxins. And we are perhaps monitoring you and alleviating side effects of that symptoms of that, providing supportive care while that's happening, specifically like drug withdrawal. So when we talk about opioid detoxification or alcohol detoxification, that is not what I'm talking about.
Starting point is 00:04:29 That is that has nothing to do with this kind of detoxification. The fact that we have to draw parallel between real detoxification and what we are talking about should speak fully. That already says something. Thank you to Jack for recommending this topic. just in yes you did to i will give you credit you a lot of a lot of assault there's a surprising number of solbona shows that
Starting point is 00:04:53 start with sitting at about this thing i was thinking about trying it is that the don't don't do that uh... the detoxification is based on the idea that there are unspecified toxins The detoxification is based on the idea that there are unspecified toxins out there somewhere, and that we need to remove them, they accumulate in our body, and we have to remove them through some sort of method that usually involves either puking or pooping or peeing or sweating or there are a lot more creative ones than that, but something to that effect. This concept, and this is something that people who
Starting point is 00:05:28 are proponents of detoxes will tell you is indicative of how it's real. This concept goes back to really to the humorous system of medicine. The idea that you have four humors in your body that need to be balanced, and when you have an excess of something, something can build up and you've got to get rid of it, it's kind of the you have four humors in your body that need to be balanced and when you have an excess of something, something can build up and you've got to get rid of it.
Starting point is 00:05:46 It's kind of the same concept because basically what you will do then is take some sort of noxious substance that will make you dramatically expel stuff from your body through an orifice and then you will be back in balance and detox, so to speak. But it's also involved like bloodletting and inemones and we'll meet with the question. But supporters like point to the fact that that used to happen as proof of validity.
Starting point is 00:06:15 Yes, the fact that the idea of detoxing is ancient, obviously means it must be real. Folks, if you gain nothing from within the solvents, let it be real. Folks, if you gain nothing from listening to Salad, let it be this. There's actually a name for this, the appeal to ancient wisdom is the logical fallacy that because ideas are old that they're good. And right.
Starting point is 00:06:41 What does it to mention, says, and why one of the sons is because ideas are persistent, doesn't mean that they're worthy. Like, this idea, like, solvents is a, nothing, if not like, the testament to the last hour long podcast about how ancient people did not know what they were doing. No, and just because something has stuck around and people continue to do it, doesn't always mean that it works. There are lots of reasons people continue to do this.
Starting point is 00:07:08 People press elevator buttons multiple times. No, they're never going to even when they're lit up. Hypocrity is particularly believed in fasting as a way of purifying the body, and various fasts are part of detox programs. But this was also, it wasn't just purifying your body, it was also a way of purifying like your your mind and your soul and a way to, you know, kind of become one with yourself, so to speak. And Ayurveda, I think you see a more clear, um, corollary to what we think of as detoxing now in the Panchakarma, which is the idea that toxins need to be cleared out of your system first.
Starting point is 00:07:47 That's where you, they actually state like there are toxins in your system. You've got to get them out. The only way to get them out is to either puke. So take this thing that'll make you throw up or here do a bunch of enemas with various things in them or bleeding, bloodletting. And then once you do that phase of it, once all the
Starting point is 00:08:06 bad stuff is out, you have to do like a neutralization kind of phase to get over the trauma of expelling all the stuff from your body, where you use like not so dramatic things like herbs and heat and sunbathing and fresh air and you eat a lot of warm foods and this like balances you back out now that you've expelled all the toxins Okay, and this is also kind of similar in the idea of like Native American traditions where they use like fastine or sweat lodges That idea, but again, that's more tied to like a spiritual detox, you know, like all this isn't purely a physical idea if you're getting rid of physical and And soul toxins if it's spiritual and bicensia mental, I can see some validity to that, as long as it wasn't physically harmful, because I think that those sorts of circumstances can provide
Starting point is 00:08:55 a sense of clarity, not endorsing sweatlogists, obviously, but I never know. Well, and I... I think the only danger I understand what you're saying, and I think a lot of people say like you sit in a sauna and you feel really great after sweating for a while. But the only problem is that for some detoxes, if they're really dramatic, I mean, there can be physical consequences to getting really dehydrated and sweating a whole bunch
Starting point is 00:09:18 or puking a whole lot or using enemas certainly. So I think there are medical consequences, and we'll get into some of those. In traditional Chinese medicine, this is addressed more through the removal of blockages that your body is going to allow toxins to flow through it normally, but they can be blocked by different energies and whatnot.
Starting point is 00:09:39 And that has to do with the theory behind acupuncture, freeing these blockages and allowing things to flow through naturally. So not so much that you need to do something, not that there are extra toxins in your body, that your body can't get rid of, it's just every once in a while, your body gets backed up.
Starting point is 00:09:56 And acupuncture usually can help that out. And then this concept, from all these ancient traditions has gotten a lot more intense now, I think because of these also true belief that our environment is getting more toxic, that we are being exposed to more chemicals and heavy metals and industrial waste products, than we were in ancient times. Yes, almost assuredly true.
Starting point is 00:10:27 Surely we are. And now that doesn't necessarily mean that our bodies aren't equipped to deal with it, as I'll get into, but because we're being exposed to more the idea that we need to do more dramatic things more often to free ourselves of these unspecified toxins has become more intense. And I would throw in there that's where a lot of people get the GMO non-GMO foods, non-genetically
Starting point is 00:10:51 modified foods. Do please us not get started on that. I know. Please. I'm okay with GMO foods. Obviously. I'm fine with them. They fed millions of hungry people.
Starting point is 00:11:01 Yes. They're miraculous. Or we stop it. So let's go through some of the different ways that you could detox yourself. The classic example is a diet. Should I just do them as you mentioned it? Does that mean you can do it?
Starting point is 00:11:11 Yeah, just do them as you go through. That's the risk of this. As I go through this, Justin is definitely going to be taking notes to do these. I'm sorry, I love you, but you so easily fall victim to this stuff. Not anymore. I've found that there's definitely an intersection
Starting point is 00:11:25 between willpower and these things. Like, I did a juice fast. I've probably told this story on the show that I did a juice fast for a day. Until lunch. Well, it was Halloween. And the internet says, bust it out, sit candy. Like, well, no, I guess I'm done with this juice fast.
Starting point is 00:11:39 One of the oldest ways of detoxing your body was just through dietary methods, mainly through not eating, but also ingesting substances that would help to flush your system, cleanse your system. Lemon and water is a popular thing, even today, that's supposed to stimulate your digestive enzymes, and it's a good antioxidant. Then, on top of that, you also fast. You eat very little. If you do eat something, it's liquid. That's where you get the juice cleanse
Starting point is 00:12:10 and that kind of thing that comes in. And then a lot of these detox diets will eventually let you eat food again, but you introduce it stepwise and you start with raw foods and you don't eat anything that has preservatives or artificial colors and nothing that's processed.
Starting point is 00:12:25 And the E-specant. Yeah, exactly. And you stay away, and I mean permanently, and a lot of these details. Much science is fun. You think fun enough? That would probably, I feel like that would be primo time to eat garbage, right? Like, I have so much garbage room in there. Like, if I just got rid of all my toxins, like, let's have a little fun, right? I'm assuming if you really buy into these detox diets, you're gonna try to incorporate some of these things into your continued diet though. Like you're gonna continue to stay away
Starting point is 00:12:52 from processed foods and sugar and that kind of stuff. That would be my guess. But I mean, I mean, there are four things to do than that. For sure, this is also where a lot of the fermented foods and we've talked about this before on the kombucha episode, the concept that if something's fermented, it's better for you.
Starting point is 00:13:08 Right. It's this belief of the detoxification that it provides. The master cleanse was an early example of a detox. Very buzzing. Yeah. I like that one. Very buzzing. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:13:21 Water, lemon juice, cayenne pepper, maple syrup. There it is. The last one's fun. That seems like, that seems like something was making a cleanse and their four year old was like, and now syrup! Like now I'd rather miss syrup!
Starting point is 00:13:32 But it did! Maybe they just squirted it in there and they're like, I don't wanna make another one. I don't wanna make another one, let me try this. You know what, actually that does taste better because of the maple syrup.
Starting point is 00:13:41 Excellent. My sister used to make concoctions in the kitchen all the time and try to make us drink them. I feel like this is where that came from. There are also a lot of supplements. One great example of these that I found were just non-specific detox capsules, so capsules that will detox you, that I saw on Goop, which I don't talk about Goop enough. Yeah, we should talk about Goop more.
Starting point is 00:14:05 Goop, of course, is Gwyneth Paltrow's lifestyle, healthy living website. It's actually her initials. Is that where that comes from? Did you know that? No. Gwyneth Octavian. Etappus Paltrow. I believe that.
Starting point is 00:14:20 Her initials. So these detox capsules have, so these are the ingredients. They have probiotics, so those are good bacteria. They've got some random, like, organic, psyllium, slippery, L, linseed, barley, clay, and those are like the initial capsules. And you take that morning and night and then it's part of a whole program because like you throw in there, there you have some specific drops
Starting point is 00:14:46 for your liver and kidneys that do something to them. Just do some plus phytoneutrients. So plant stuff is in there too. There's another bottle of that, and then there's an antioxidant supplement. So it's a whole package, by the way, of course, it's kind of expensive. And it's all free.
Starting point is 00:15:04 No, okay. Sorry, I should be expensive. And it's all free. No. Sorry, I should be quicker. And basically, this supplement detox is like, just take all this while you're doing your detox, whatever your detox is, this will support you through the detox process. If I needed to take something to supplement the fact that I'm just drinking lemon juice, like, if that's not enough for my body, I don't know what it needs. Like, please, I'm just drinking lemon juice. Like, if that's not enough for my body, I don't know what it needs. Like, please, I'm doing the hardest thing.
Starting point is 00:15:30 Well, and I don't know that, I mean, other than like the probiotics are like a good idea, I don't know that the rest, I mean, the rest of the stuff, I don't know if it'll make anything happen even, I don't know if it'll make you poop more, or pee more, or anything anything or just be there. Just being the moment. Just being you.
Starting point is 00:15:48 I don't know. I mean, if there's, if somewhere in these non-specific drops, if there's vitamins or something, I guess that's kind of helpful. Sure. Why not? You're not getting any food. Let's move on to the other end. Let's talk about animals and colonic cleanses.
Starting point is 00:16:02 Yes. We've talked a little bit about cleanses before on the show, so I won't belabor some of these. But I will mention these due date back again to ancient times, ancient Egyptians practice colonic flushes. The idea behind it is that, and I would say this is probably because the stuff that comes out of you, Tivoli doesn't smell good. Pupi.
Starting point is 00:16:24 And the stuff that comes out of your butt doesn't smell good. Thereoo-be. And the stuff that comes out of your butt doesn't smell good. There's a name for it. There's a clinical name for it. Stool. Poo-be. Peasies. Peasies. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:33 So they thought that stuff decomposed in your intestines and would make you sick, especially like if it got stuck to the walls inside because you weren't going to the bathroom regularly and you would start to reabsorb all this toxic stuff that was decomposing and you'd get really sick and so then you needed to flush it out. And that's where the Klang Flushes came from and so you could basically squirt water with various herbs or whatever up your butt. or whatever, up your butt. In Germany in the 1920s, we see like the coffee animal, which was a big, fuzzy thing to do, because then you get the, you get the impact of flushing at your colon,
Starting point is 00:17:15 just like you do a regular animal plus, it was thought that the coffee stimulated the liver and opened up all your ducts in your liver so you could flush everything out of your liver as well. I just don't understand. I tend to look at these things through a lens of like biology. And I know obviously there are like things that we can take that are not already in our bodies or in nature that are useful to us like for sure. But I just don't understand like you believe in evolution or God. I'm going to use God as a standard here.
Starting point is 00:17:45 Like, if you believe, I'm saying throughout all of time and space, right? Like if you believe that God made human beings in what reality do you think God was done with people? And he was like, well, the one thing that would be good is if I gave them somewhere a tube they could stick up their butt and blast it with coffee. Well, gosh, it's getting pretty late. And the sixth day is almost over, so I do need to wrap this up. You know what, I'm just gonna give them brains and creatively and hopefully figure it out.
Starting point is 00:18:21 Figure it out someday that I did want them to do this. I did want that to happen as part of my miracle that I've made But I just don't have the time right now That's like the like the watchmaker theory is that what that is What what put all the gears in place and set it turn in yeah, just and wait for them to find the end Wait for them to find it I'm gonna put coffee beans on earth and I do have plastic tubes on earth So okay, you know what I'll just do bamboo for them to find it. I'm gonna put coffee beans on Earth and I do have plastic tubes on Earth.
Starting point is 00:18:45 So, okay, you know what, I'll just do bamboo. Okay, I put bamboo, I'm gonna put coffee in there. And certainly, they'll get it from that, right? They'll get it. Well, we did. I mean, there you go, we did it. And we did it. Hey, good news, God.
Starting point is 00:18:58 We got it. We got it. And I mean, the similar practice, I mean, even today, the idea that you can just like flush your colon out with stuff to make you better. I mean, it's not that much more complicated. Like, I mean, that's still kind of the same idea. You can use different substances, but at the end of the day.
Starting point is 00:19:17 I get the idea, like, it seems dirty in there. I get it, but like, your body's getting out. For you. Exactly. Like, I know it seems dirty in there, but like, we're good. It's made to it. It's where the dirty goes You have to have a place for the dirty the bathroom. It's where the dirty goes Another another popular detox program device. I don't know that you know those foot pads
Starting point is 00:19:42 So there there are these little sticky pads that you can put on your feet and what they're supposed to do is draw out toxins and balance you and give you energy by removing all these toxins from your body. And the way you can tell that they work is that they turn brown after you do that. Like you stick them to your foot and then you take them off in their brown. The problem with them is that they don't work because the one is the only angle. The problem is they don't work
Starting point is 00:20:14 because first of all, very simply, they've been tested and reviewed by just taking them off of your foot and they're all brown and nasty and you're supposed to have heavy metals in them and so they tested them for heavy metals and there weren't any heavy metals in them. So there you go. Also they turn brown if you get them wet at all.
Starting point is 00:20:32 So I guess they're no one will ever buy them again, right? Wow. It's kind of ear canaling, right? Same thing where when you burn the candle and you open it you're like, whoa look at all the junk that was in my ear but no there was wax. No there's wax in the candle. Exactly. It's the same idea but I guess a lot of proponents of this practice will argue that the
Starting point is 00:20:52 reason that the some of the ones you buy don't work is that you're only supposed to use ones that have been like treated with vinegar that's been fermented for nine years. And if your pads have not been treated with that special vinegar, then they don't work. So obviously that's the reason. One strange note I found in my detoxing research is that there are some people who, and I mean, a lot of the people who recommend this other than, I guess, some celebrities
Starting point is 00:21:25 are practitioners of maybe like naturopathic medicine, probably some homeopathic practitioners. Yeah. So, so people who, well, I'm not saying, I'm not lumping naturopathic and homeopathic in in the same. I don't wanna put them together. Homeopathy is fake. Let me say that straight up. But just who might be recommending these things to you?
Starting point is 00:21:56 One suggestion is to remove all your dental fillings because they're metal. And why did you need them in the first place? This is not good. I would say that my dentist friends would say don't do that, that they're in there for a reason. And also I think it, like, aren't they like structural at that point?
Starting point is 00:22:14 And if you just like, like your teeth, or your avoidance of dentist is showing, you're just like taking wild shots here. I don't know. People who go to the dentist, give sitting a shout out and just let it know. Doctors don't know anything about tea anyway. Anyway, don't don't remove your dental fillings please, especially on
Starting point is 00:22:29 your own please. I gotta have more Sydney. I'm crazy about this. I'm gonna tell you Justin but first why don't we go to the billing department. Let's go! Hello and welcome to pod phone. What type of for the mouse! Hello and welcome to PODFONE! What type of podcaster are you looking for? You have chosen funny podcasts about bad movies. Great it are!
Starting point is 00:22:56 May we recommend the Flop House! Three friends talk about bad movies and make each other and you laugh. Great it are! The Flop House is playing at your ears. Talk about bad movies and make each other and you laugh. Rated R. The flop house is playing at your ears. If you download it right now or whenever. Rated R. To purchase tickets to the flop house, you don't need to do that just download it. The flop house rated R for nudity, I guess.
Starting point is 00:23:26 All right, so you had another one for me you're gonna tell me about. That's right. I want to spend a little bit more time on this. It's called Kylation. You heard a Kylation, Justin. It sounds familiar. So the concept of Kylation or Kylation Therapy
Starting point is 00:23:39 dates back to Alfred Werner who discovered the process of binding metals with other substances. That's basically like, from a chemistry standpoint, that's what you're doing. You're binding metals and that's chelation. This is back in 1893. It was initially used in some like industrial purposes, like in textile processing and places like that, but it was eventually found to have some medical applications as well. Initially, it was actually used just in test tubes, specifically one key lady in agent
Starting point is 00:24:10 is what I'm gonna focus on a lot called EDTA. It was used in test tubes, the purple top tubes, to help collect blood and keep it from clotting and to stabilize it and that kind of thing. So that was its initial medical application. It was just this kind of not preservative, but think about it similarly, something you would have in a test tube before you collect a blood. But dating back to the 1930s, we also discovered that chelation could be used in humans if they were exposed to metals, heavy metals, toxic levels, and their bloodstream that you could use
Starting point is 00:24:46 certain agents, initially EDTA, to clean, kind of cleanse that out of their bloodstream. So these are in situations of toxic metal exposures, what I'm talking about. So for instance, lead poisoning. Okay. We would use a substance to bind the lead in your head and get rid of it. So that was what it was initially like very specific toxic exposures. Like a chemical bouncer. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:12 And there's the nightclub of your body and removes the unsavory elements. It binds with the unsavory elements and drags them out. During like another example during World War II, there was another key lady agent, British anti-luo site, also called dimer captor agent, British anti-luocyte, also called dimer-captural, but anti-luocyte probably tells you what it does, it binds Lewisite, which was this arsenic-based chemical weapon, and it could be used to remove this arsenic-based toxin from your bloodstream. However, things get kind of confusing in the 1950s. When we start to see that patients being treated with EDTA for lead poisoning seem to have
Starting point is 00:25:52 some improvement in their heart disease as well. This was kind of this just random finding after doing these studies on lead poisoning. This led to the theory that maybe chelation could in some way will say dissolve to kind of talk, just to talk about what we're, what to visualize it. Dissolve coronary artery disease, atherosclerosis, the stuff that builds up plaque in your arteries.
Starting point is 00:26:20 So because this kind of theory was out there, we have this hypothesis. Throughout the 1960s, there are a lot of studies done on this treatment to try to figure out is this true? Could we really use this as a therapy for people who have really advanced heart disease to lessen their chance of having heart attacks, right? Okay. But it wasn't really conclusive. There was nothing that really showed that this actually, like it wasn't well replicated.
Starting point is 00:26:46 We couldn't explain why we saw it before and we weren't having a lot of luck replicating it again. And it was not accepted widely by doctors, but despite that fact, there were practitioners using it. A lot of people jumped on this bandwagon pretty quickly, even though studies were not necessarily supporting its youth. So something definitely did happen? Yes.
Starting point is 00:27:07 We just don't know why. Well, it could have been random. I mean, we have no idea. If you can't replicate it, you have to wonder if it wasn't just a coincidence. Now in the 1970s, it becomes popularized for more than just heart disease. It becomes part of alternative medicine as a way to, let's say, remove anything else that might be floating around in your bloodstream that you didn't know you were exposed to. So we start to see it, like it's used even more broad, and especially throughout the 1980s, not just for coronary artery disease and any other kind of vascular disease, but the
Starting point is 00:27:43 ideas that you're constantly being inundated with toxins and heavy metals that you don't know about. And so why don't we just kind of like give your blood a nice cleansing, you know, stick this EDTA in there get all of the bad stuff out and then you'll be better afterwards. It was thought that it reduced free radicals in the body by removing the heavy metals that form them.
Starting point is 00:28:07 And then this was the argument for why it treated heart disease. But this was also an argument used to support its use to prevent cancer, to help with diabetes, arthritis, vision, immune system function, osteoporosis, an immune system function. Listing a lot of things, Sydney.
Starting point is 00:28:24 Starting to sound like a cure all a little bit Proponents because this is this is still in practice today We'll argue that it is not accepted in medical circles Because EDTA fell out of patent and that was the big argument is that once drug companies couldn't make a lot of money off EDTA EDTA nobody was interested in pursuing it anymore So that was one of the biggest that's where you see like companies couldn't make a lot of money off EDTA. Nobody was interested in pursuing it anymore. So that was one of the biggest, that's where you see like,
Starting point is 00:28:48 that happens and that argument becomes the mainstay of why we're still doing it. Along with the idea that once we invented coronary artery bypass grafting, so open heart surgery, that it was so much more expensive that we would rather do that. It's us evil doctors. We'd rather open your chest and put you through a risky surgery than give you a key lady agent. Even though we know we know it's usually a work.
Starting point is 00:29:17 So they thought it was so profitable that the medical industrial complex killed it. And that also there was this one time where they were using key lation therapy on a kid and They had a terrible interaction and died. So there was also that That one did that one did happen, but mainly it's because we're trying to hide a secret treatment from you Hmm, okay now that doesn't happen at all on earth, right? That's not how doctors work I hate to say Marie for like 20 seconds, but like that's not how doctors work, right? No, it, Marie, for like 20 seconds, but like, that's not how doctors work, right? No, not at all. Maybe hospitals and maybe almost certainly insurance companies.
Starting point is 00:29:50 I would not put that past either of those entities, but individual doctors, if they know something works and it's really cheap, they're gonna give it to their patients. Oh, absolutely. My goal is to find, and especially the least harmful way of taking, I mean, that's part of my oath, and surgery, while absolutely, you can save lives, it's still risky. And if you can do something that isn't surgery that is much safer.
Starting point is 00:30:10 This is where these people lose me. Why wouldn't you? This is where these people lose me. Because I don't want to be down on anybody, especially people who aren't hurting people. But these people are so anti-medicine. They're anti-science and anti-medicine. That kills me. Yes.
Starting point is 00:30:24 Like that. And you know what? These days, I have increasingly little patients for people who are just making crap up. It drives me up a wall. And the thing is, there was something that happened with these patients who were treated for lead poisoning where they seem to improve in terms of their heart disease. But if we want to know the answer, what we do is something like a big giant trial to assess chelation therapy. So we did the trial to assess chelation therapy in 2012.
Starting point is 00:30:51 That's what it was called. A great name. A fine name. We like things that make words. So it's called tact. And at the end of it, they really found no significant differences in chelation and non-chelation groups overall. After analysis, there were some things that looked a little promising, but then once they looked at the study groups,
Starting point is 00:31:08 there were some important differences in the study groups that probably explained them. So at the end of the day, it was still not advised by any medical organization for anything other than, you know, actual toxic exposures like lead poisoning. A couple less, I think, anger-inducing things that I found. One is dry skin brushing, which is exactly like it sounds. You brush your skin with a dry brush. The idea is that there's all this environmental goo out there that's clogging your pores. If your pores are clogged, you can't detoxify yourself through your pores, so you have to vigorously rub yourself with a brush
Starting point is 00:31:49 and it will help your immune system and boost your circulation and sweep away all the dead skin cells and assimilate your lymph nodes and improve your digestion and improve the appearance of cellulite and help the cells in your body remove waste. Folks, I love a nice lw foot, as much as anybody. You can't just make it a medical treatment because you want it to be, okay?
Starting point is 00:32:09 Just enjoy your looping. It does remove dead skin cells. You can vouch for that. Yes. And this is often advised, again, as part of detox programming, as well as daily maintenance. Just give yourself a good dry rub.
Starting point is 00:32:23 Also sell you like a chicken wing. Also sell you like some marketing term. So if people say sell you like, they mean just like fat just like this in your body. And sell you like this in real either. It appeared in Vogue in 1968. It's not real. Okay. Maybe that's it. So if you see someone talking about sell you like, they just mean fat.
Starting point is 00:32:38 It's like a target with brushing it. What are you talking about? This last one is a lot more fun. Have you heard of rebounding, Justin? No, yes. After I try one of these crash diets, I rebound and eat a bunch of cereal. Rebounding is when you jump gently on small trampolines.
Starting point is 00:32:55 Okay. This is my favorite. I've never heard of this. I think that this could be also just like trampoline exercise. Well, I guess those tiny trampolines are supposed to be called rebounders, I think that this could be also just like trampoline exercise. Well, I guess those tiny trampolines are supposed to be called rebounders, which I didn't realize that. I didn't know that was a term for a small mini tramp.
Starting point is 00:33:13 It's a rebounder. It became popular in the 80s because NASA did a study that on trampoline exercise, and it showed that it was a good option for astronauts, you know, in space to maintain bone and muscle health, specifically because of the weight-bounding, the weight-bearing effect, that it was good to maintain bone health. We talked about this on the medicine and space episode that you can lose bone mass. Trampoline's working space.
Starting point is 00:33:42 Yeah. This seems unlikely. Well, I imagine you have to be like, wait it in some way. Seems weird. Yeah. But anyway, they did this theoretical trial on like, what if we give these little teen trampolines to astronauts? And they found some evidence that maybe it's good for bone and muscle health.
Starting point is 00:34:02 And it helps to prevent you from putting on due stress on your body because of the bouncing effect, whatever. So from this came claims that, oh, also, it improves your immune system and it boosts your lymphatic drainage and it's going to detoxify all of your cells, not from NASA. NASA just said, this is good for your bones. You should jump on a small trampoline. That's all it is.
Starting point is 00:34:21 It's like you put it in your bedroom and like every morning, you get on your trampoline and you jump very gently on your tiny trampoline. That's all it is. It's like you put it in your bedroom and like every morning you get on your trampoline and you like jump very gently on your tiny trampoline for 15 minutes. Okay. Hey, see these, at some point can we talk about hanging upside down? It seems like a lot of people in superhero movies
Starting point is 00:34:36 do that like Bruce Wayne did it in that one bad man movie. I'll look into the hidden, hanging upside down for you. See if there's any hot stuff there because I'll try that. I will. I hope rebounding's okay overall because we let our daughter do it on. Look at that, I'm sorry. See, there's need hot stuff there, because I'll try that. I will. I hope rebounding is okay overall,
Starting point is 00:34:46 because we let our daughter do it on a tiny trampoline. That's true. She has a handle bar though, so it's very safe. Do you, Justin, do you know how we really detox our body? You're a liver. That's number one. You're colon.
Starting point is 00:34:58 There you go. You're just reading. You're kidneys. I knew liver, and kidneys. So our bodies are really good at detoxifying. I know that, I know that in ancient times, we were not exposed to the amount of environmental toxins that we are now. I understand that.
Starting point is 00:35:13 But we've always been exposed to substances out there that we don't need and could harm us. We've had to have systems in place to get rid of the bad stuff. We are bodies do that already. So first of all, our liver, everything you ingest or inhale that enters your bloodstream passes through your liver. And it does lots of things for you, but part of its function is to take toxic substances and transform them into harmless water soluble.
Starting point is 00:35:43 So they dissolve in water compounds that can then be excreted from your body. That's its job. It doesn't store toxins, so it doesn't need to be cleansed of toxins. So when people talk about detoxifying your liver, that doesn't make sense. It's not storing them.
Starting point is 00:35:59 It's getting rid of them for you. And even in cases when the liver isn't functioning properly, maybe because you have chronic liver disease, there's no evidence that any of these detox things help that. So like people have tried that, like, well, but what about somebody who's liver isn't working very well? Well, none of this stuff that I mentioned is going to fix that problem for you. Your colon is part of your detox system as well. It disposes of waste products after the rest of your intestines have absorbed all the good stuff from it Your colon is in charge of getting rid of all the bad stuff. It doesn't need to be cleansed or washed out.
Starting point is 00:36:33 In fact, it's full of good helper bacteria that you absolutely need. All those probiotics that you want to take in a pill Well, you are a chock full of them and you don't want to wipe them out and the last thing you want to take an uphill? Well, you are a chock full of them, and you don't want to wipe them out. And the last thing you want to do is constantly irrigate your colon and disrupt that, especially because colonic irrigation, if done improperly, can cause pain, vomiting, diarrhea, electrolyte abnormalities, kidney failure, liver failure, perforation of the wall of your colon, and possibly death. About what a way to go.
Starting point is 00:37:03 With the coffee animal? With the coffee animal. With the coffee animal. And then finally our kidneys, our beautiful kidneys, they filter our blood, they eliminate waste products, they save water and good stuff that we need. Their design is amazing. Our kidneys are beautiful. Do you know if they're made to, if they take a really bad hit, they just like, they completely stop functioning and then rebuild themselves better than before.
Starting point is 00:37:24 Because if your kidneys just took a hit and got scarred up and then kept on going, I mean, our kidneys would all fail pretty early in our lives because they take lots of hits. They don't. They just, like, if you do enough damage, they'll just stop. Like, take a breather, they're going to go on a quick sabbatical and then come back full force. And modern medicine, we can help you if you're your kidneys sabbatical these days. Kidneys are beautiful. Anyway. And you should give your kidneys a week off every year,
Starting point is 00:37:49 at least, I feel like it's only fair. Kidneys sabbatical? Just a kidney sabbatical. No. And explore themselves. Take care of your body, of course. I'm not saying that because you're livering, you're colonin, your kidneys are up to detoxifying you
Starting point is 00:38:00 that you should be ingesting large amounts of harmful substances just to like put them through their paces. They're not going to get bigger or better or stronger. Of course, you should exercise and eat healthy and drink plenty of water. And I don't know, avoid drinking poison. That would be good. But you don't need to do anything else special to detoxify your body. Your body is very good at detoxifying itself. Thank you, Sydney. And for all of that information, it's gonna take a while for me to process it.
Starting point is 00:38:30 So if I do accidentally do any detox diets in the interim, as I'm sort of processing it, I'm sure I hope you'll let me know. Yes, I will berate you for it. Thanks. That's gonna do it for us folks. Thank you so much for listening. We hope you have enjoyed yourself.
Starting point is 00:38:45 I want to say thank you so much to the taxpayers, Fletna Cesarson Medicines, as the intro and outro of our program. And if you like all that detox talk just in next week, you don't even know this. Our episode will continue on this detox with a very specific detox that I am so excited to tell you about. Excellent. Well, Sydney, I look forward to that. But until then, my name is Justin McRoy.
Starting point is 00:39:08 And I'm Sydney McRoy. And as always, don't drill a hole in your head. Alright!

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