Sawbones: A Marital Tour of Misguided Medicine - Sawbones: Doctor Brands

Episode Date: January 16, 2024

A lot of brands name themselves "doctor" – but how many of them are named after actual medical doctors? Justin takes the wheel with a little quiz for Dr. Sydnee and the listeners on Dr. Pepper, Doc ...Martens, Dr. Teal, and more. Music: "Medicines" by The Taxpayers

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Saubones is a show about medical history, and nothing the hosts say should be taken as medical advice or opinion. It's for fun. Can't you just have fun for an hour and not try to diagnose your mystery boil? We think you've earned it. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy a moment of distraction from that weird growth. You're worth it. that weird growth. You're worth it. Alright, Tommy is about to books.ones, a marital tour of for the mouth. Wow. Hello, everybody, and welcome to Sobhones, a marital tour of Miss Guy of Medicine. I am your co-host, Justin McElroy.
Starting point is 00:01:13 And I'm Sydney McElroy. Uh, Sid, it was rough week for you. Last week, you went directly from the holidays into the service. It's been rough several weeks, but yes, the last week. It's been a rough several weeks, but yes, the last week. It's been a long December, and there's reason to believe, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:33 That was what I meant by that. That was what I was hoping, and I was thinking like, man, I really hope Justin breaks into song right now. And not just at the harmony a little bit. That's how I do it with Adam when I'm in the, when I'm in my big beautiful Buick and Adam Derrick's on the right. It's like me and Adam. Yeah. If you play that with Adam Derrick, you'd be like, whoa, whoa, whoa. No, it was a long week on hospital service. I would encourage everybody who hasn't gotten the most recent COVID vaccination to get it, I would encourage you to stay home if you're sick
Starting point is 00:02:07 and to consider a COVID test if you have a respiratory illness. Perhaps. Perhaps. And we have, we mandated masking inside our hospital again, just in the last few days. Seems, seems a smart, smart thing to do. Yeah. So this is my way of saying that COVID is happening, along with every other respiratory virus on planet Earth. Okay.
Starting point is 00:02:34 They're all happening right now. So take appropriate measures to keep yourself safe. Thank you. I'm exhausted. I physically, mentally, emotionally, our hospital is full. Y'all. Yeah, full like like ambulance has showed up and they're like, no, thank you. There's like no where to put people full. Not today. That is that's where I'm coming from. What have you been up to Justin? Well, Sydney, it's so I'm so lucky that you were on hospital service actually We're not great for me because that gave me the opportunity to
Starting point is 00:03:01 that you were on hospital service, actually, we're not great for me because that gave me the opportunity to pursue one of my favorite passions and that is occasionally researching a solbona episode. And specifically researching a solbona episode about one of my favorite topic brands. I know you love brands. I do love brands. So what I have prepared for you today, Sydney,
Starting point is 00:03:25 is a bit of a challenge. Uh-oh. Welcome to the den of the Riddle Master, the Justin McRoy. The Riddle Master? Welcome to the den of the Riddle Master. Is that your TM Riddle Master? Him.
Starting point is 00:03:38 Riddle Master. Okay. Do you have I do not have, although that would be a to get. I know. So I do not have, although that would be a good not-com to get. I know. So here's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna tell you about some brand doctors, Dr. Brands.
Starting point is 00:03:51 And you are gonna, I'm gonna need you to tell me if the doctor in question of the brand's fame is a real doctor or not. Can I just preface with it, I'm not gonna know. It's okay, I researched theface with that I'm not going to know? It's okay. I research the whole episode. You're not supposed to know. It's just sort of a structural mechanism.
Starting point is 00:04:11 I'm just saying I'm not going to know. Because I think it's too often, you know, we see the doctor on there, DR Abdot, and you think this product knows what it's talking about. Okay. Now, when you say, let me just clarify, when you say, is the person that they're naming a real doctor or not? Do you mean a real doctor
Starting point is 00:04:32 as in they have a doctoral degree in some field? Or are you saying medical doctor? I'm saying doctor. Someone who holds an MD or DO. Yes, that's what I'm saying. That is what you're saying. I'm saying, no, any doctor. Any doctor. Okay, so they can meet That is what you're saying. I'm saying no any doctor. Any doctor. Okay, so they can be any doctorate. I don't know this was a medical you know, but like
Starting point is 00:04:51 is so any sort of I would argue the overall degradation is almost always medical doctor. Well, if it's a medical product, I do think the implication is that this is someone who has studied medicine. Yes, I do think that's fair. Okay. Perfect. Well, let's get right into the medical products that have Dr. In the brand and you're going to tell me if this is a real doctor or a fake doctor. Okay. Dr. Pepper. I feel like I've looked into this.
Starting point is 00:05:15 I love Dr. Pepper. In case I haven't said that before. I love Dr. Pepper. Diet Dr. Pepper is my favorite. It's just one of my favorite things on earth. You've done a, we've talked about this on cell phones for. We have about that one time when the ophthalmologist looked in my eyes and said, I can tell you like Dr. Pepper?
Starting point is 00:05:31 No, about Dr. Pepper. Oh. No, it's not. No. Dr. Pepper was, is a real doctor. There was a real Dr. Pepper. He was in no way affiliated with the creation of Dr. Pepper. As we talked about last time,
Starting point is 00:05:49 this is a long time ago when they did our soda medicine. Obviously, I don't remember. It was just a small part, it wasn't a whole episode. We just a brief mention. I only found it because I was searching back through all your notes, but Dr. Pepper, the drink, was invented supposedly by Charles Alderton. He was a young, farthest working in a store and he is in a pharmacy, obviously.
Starting point is 00:06:14 He loved to go in to the drug store and mix up medicine for people. He would go and make different concoctions for people. He loved to experiment with different beverages. So he would, in his spare time, you know, mix up these carbonate drinks. He loved the way it smelled in the drugstore. He loved the smell of it. And he wanted to make a drink that tasted like the drugstore smelled, right? I can understand why they didn't go with that as like the marketing campaign. Have you always wanted a drink that tastes like a drugstore smells? This drink tastes like a drugstore smells, yes.
Starting point is 00:06:52 That is a wide array. If you consider that like a drugstore, by drugstore we mean like pharmacy. And there are pharmacies that free stand, free standing pharmacies are also pharmacies like inside of grocery stores and like Walmart and places like that. So that's a wide variety of smells.
Starting point is 00:07:09 Yes. So he makes up the different soda fruit surrups, right? Right. The supposed, you know, 32 flavors that make up, or 31 is baskin. 23 flavors is as Dr. Pepper. But the flavors that make up the drink, he tried a lot of different experiments
Starting point is 00:07:29 and he finally came up with a mix that he liked, Dr. Pepper, that we enjoy today. Now, Dr. Pepper was born in Big Spring, Virginia on December 3rd in 18th of fall. You know, the inferior Virginia. Sorry. What's the truth? on December 3rd in 18th of fall. You know, the inferior Virginia. Sorry. Wow.
Starting point is 00:07:48 Wow, Sydney. I'm just aware from West Virginia. Wow. Listen, we get enough, you know, smack talk here in West Virginia. I'm just going to throw a little shade Virginia's way. And all I said is that we're the better Virginia. You're just saying all you're saying is best Virginia. Yeah, that's all I'm saying. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:06 Come for me, Virginians. Come on Virginians. Come for me. Okay. The real doctor pepper was Dr. Charles T. Pepper, which is fun to say, if you haven't tried it out out at home, I would encourage you now. I'll give you a moment. There you go. See, it's fun. Charles D. Pepper was born in Virginia in 1830. He was a Confederate surgeon during the American Civil War. He probably is not the worst one on camera today. Yeah, this is why we're the best Virginia. Here you go. We still see it. Okay. In practice college and Virginia.
Starting point is 00:08:45 Now, after that, he opened a drug store. So the popular story is that he ran this drug store, all their 10 worked at Pepper's Drug Store, then moved to his new drug store, where Dr. Pepper Morrison's, but where Dr. Pepper was actually invented. That might be true. There is not a lot Pepper was actually invented, that might be true. There is not a lot of evidence for it, it might be true.
Starting point is 00:09:09 The other thing, and this is probably the most common that's known anecdotally, is that Charles T. Pepper was a surgeon who had a daughter, named Ruth, who Alderton wanted to impress, the Charles Alderton, on Alderton impress. And so he named his drink Dr. Pepper as a way to honor her, her dad as like kind of a way to win his, his, his favorite work. We don't know. We don't know if you got to marry Ruth. So here's the wild thing about this. The Dr. Pepper Museum. And yes, Sydney. There is a Dr. Pepper Museum
Starting point is 00:09:46 We have got to visit I think at our first possible opportunity some way co-texas The Dr. Pepper Museum has no further than 12 different versions of why it is called Dr. Pepper Almost all of them have to do with Charles Pepper. So we're pretty sure that. And we know, we know for sure this was a real human. Documented existed. Yeah. Documented existed. What is possible is that Dr. Pepper was actually a rip off of Charles Alderton's original
Starting point is 00:10:17 formula and someone else had worked for Dr. Pepper and called it Dr. Pepper. That is another possibility. But we don't, we do know no. We'll never know. We'll never know the truth. We'll never know. We might know. I mean, we might at some point.
Starting point is 00:10:31 Can I say, if you were ever trying to impress me, would by naming something after my dad, I would suggest instead name it after me, I would prefer you to name it after me. Well, Ruth's drink while Punchy, I don't think it has quite the same historical, stain power stuff. That's the same history as remember when Pepsi was Brad's drink.
Starting point is 00:10:53 Yeah, I was hoping you'd get that. So that is the real Dr. Pepper. We don't know why exactly it's named after him, except for we know he didn't make it. So that's Dr. Pepper. I got a few more. Okay. Dr. Pops, that's a Z.
Starting point is 00:11:09 What's Dr. Pops? What is that? What? POPZ is the name, that's not a person. Sorry, it's PO, Dr. Pops, that is sold at Giant Eagle. It tastes somewhat like Dr. Pepper. Well, this is a soda. So do you think Dr. Pops is easy?
Starting point is 00:11:28 Dr. Pops is not real. What about Dr. Slice? I mean, we know it's Slice, but I don't think he made a soda. Okay, what about this one's stuff for Dr. Thunder? No, Dr. Thunder is the, that's the Sam's Club one, right? Yeah. Can I tell you one of my favorite things is that Dr. Pepper, one of the knockoffs of Dr.
Starting point is 00:11:49 Pepper is Dr. Thunder, and there is a knockoff of Dr. Thunder called Texas Lightning. And that's great. That's great. Well, I like it because it has nothing, Texas Lightning has nothing to do, except for I guess the original Dr. Pepper is from Waco, Texas, so I guess there's some, some around about connection, but Texas Lightning is from Waco, Texas. So I guess there's some around about connection, but Texas lightning is the derivative of the derivative. Also Mr. Pib, I assume there's no Mr. Pib.
Starting point is 00:12:12 I know he's not a doctor. I know we are only talking about doctors. Mr. Pib was a surgeon perhaps. Right, then maybe we'd get him on here, but no. Sorry, there's a soda stream offering. Dr. Pete is here real doctor. No. What about Dr. Bob? Is this a soda? It tastes kind of like Dr. Pepper. So these are all sodas? Yeah. No. Fair. Correct. They're all just ripoffs of Dr. Pepper, which was named for a man
Starting point is 00:12:40 who did not invent it. That is true. Probably. Also there is a line of stores, a conno foods and buy right supermarket. Their knockoff was called doctor. Okay. It's just called doctor. Like you can probably, me and my people find that. Well, you couldn't call it the doctor because now we've pulled in Dr. Who and... Over in the... I'm getting a little more medical here.
Starting point is 00:13:07 Over in the field of... The soda. Yeah, a little more medical than soda. We're gonna go ahead over to the field of deodorant with Dr. Squatch. Is Dr. Squatch a real doctor? Squatch? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:22 SQUATCH? Yes. Squatch? Yeah, Dr. Squatch. Yeah. SQUATCH. Yes. Squatch. Yeah, Dr. Squatch. Oh, man. My inclination is no, it does not sound like I've certainly never heard the last name, the surname, if you will, Squatch. But where would you come that if it wasn't someone's name. Yes. No. He is a Sasquatch. So I don't know. That's very progressive of you. If you think a Sasquatch could be a doctor. If you had said doctor Sasquatch, I would have said no.
Starting point is 00:13:57 Well, honey, that's not his name. Okay. His name is Dr. Squatch and he sells deodorant. Is it good deodorant? Like does it work well? I don't know. I don't advertise for deodorants that don't pay me money.
Starting point is 00:14:13 Doc Martins. Oh. I'm gonna guess they are named for a doctor. Yes. Yeah, just about actually. A class, a class, Merthons was a doctor in the German army during World War II. Oh, yeah. That's a Nazi.
Starting point is 00:14:40 So yeah, you say German army during World War II. So you mean he was a Nazi? He is a Nazi. Oh man. And then, by the way, if you search online as I did to research this, you will find many people trying to make a semantic distinction between someone that served in the German army
Starting point is 00:15:00 and someone who was a Nazi. And for my money, I'm sorry. That's a Nazi. You can argue about it if you want. You can try to get technical if you want. I know not everybody joined the German army for the same reasons, but I'm sorry. Well, but if you're, I mean, if you're on a team
Starting point is 00:15:18 and the guy to the left of you on the team is a Nazi and the guy to the right to you on the team is a Nazi then. Yeah. And the guy from the interview is Hitler. And you're like, that's a Nazi. Yeah, that's a Nazi and the guy to the right to you on the team is a Nazi then. Yeah. And the guy who was hitlar. Like a Nazi. That's yeah. That's kind of that. Oh man.
Starting point is 00:15:31 So like Doc Martin's have been named for a Nazi this whole time. Well, yeah. They have been named for a Nazi this whole time. So he is there a big and I need to know. Are there a lot of people who like fret about this on the internet and like. Or is there any movement to like maybe we should name them after somebody else? I'm just learning this and I I don't know if I currently own any doc Martins. I have owned them in the I have warned them I've been known to wear them in the past Yeah, so well, I mean, okay, so this is the interesting thing about it. Okay, so doc Martins
Starting point is 00:16:03 was a Doctor in the German Army in general war II. He heard his ankle in 45 and he found that the boots that he had were not comfortable on his foot. So he designed changes for the boots that would be more accommodating for his injury. He made, he found tires and made the bottoms up and made him out of soft leather. And then the war ended and the Germans started looting valuables from their cities.
Starting point is 00:16:37 And Merchand took leather from a cobbler shop and made the first pair of Doc Martin's, which would be a very interesting, perhaps even quaint story where he nodded Nazi, but here we are. This is rough. It's rough, but you've done it to me enough time, Sydney. This is what it feels like to have history thrown your face like a cold shower. Man, that's rough. That's, I mean, I didn't know this about Doc Martins.
Starting point is 00:17:04 So I feel like I feel like in this day and age, there would be some sort of outcry to rename them. It surprises me. There isn't some sort of like, hey guys, we love your shoes. Could you name them after someone else and not memorialize Anati? I don't know. That's weird to me. That there isn't a weird to me that it has a, that there isn't like a movement to, to do that. So he got into business, um, didn't have a lot of luck. teamed up with a friend named Herbert Funk in Munich in 47 and, uh, they, they went into business making the shoes and then a business in the UK, completely separate, bought the license to sell them in the UK. They're the ones that change the, his name is actually Meritons with, it's a, with an unlock above it, which they change to Doc Martin's just to
Starting point is 00:17:56 simplify. Yeah, but still. Here's the, it gets weird about. So Doc Martin, this is an, it's already weird. Yeah, this gets more into like fashion stuff, but like basically the boots become separate from any association with maritons become a symbol of like working class people and they're simultaneously adopted by like a lot of skinheads, right? So there's like almost a clash for the symbology of a shoe. And the working class people, a lot of them wearing Doc Marns, you then it then becomes like a mod 60s, like counter culture thing, like P Townsend started wearing Doc Marns and it became like a thing in that scene. So it's always had a weird like association with like some skinhead, some punk, some whatever.
Starting point is 00:18:47 So this history has always been really complicated. As far as I can tell, and I don't know, but it's not money that you spend on Doc Martin's is not going to. Right. Right. No, I know what you're saying. It's just the, it's the, it's the, well, and it's even weirder because like when I, like I said, I don't think I own any currently,
Starting point is 00:19:08 but I did at one point in my life have a pair of Doc Martins. And I bought them because I was a theater kid who wasn't straight was kind of, that's where, that was the demo that I fit into. So like, that's a weird mix of, I don't know. This is not my campaign to change the name of Doc Martins. I'm not saying that. I guess I'm just surprised there isn't some sort of, you know, like, I don't know. This is not my campaign to change the name of Doc Martin. So I'm not saying that. I guess I'm just surprised there isn't some sort of, you know, like I feel like we're at that point
Starting point is 00:19:29 where we're trying to recognize that we could still wear these shoes, but maybe we don't need to constantly remember somebody who was a bad dude. Like, you know what I mean? Like, aren't we moving into that kind of era? I don't know. I don't know how to feel about it. I don't know how to feel about it.
Starting point is 00:19:45 I don't know how to feel about any of this. I'm so out of my depth with regards to this topic. I bring it to you just to tell you that Doc Martens was in the German army in my book that makes him a Nazi. That's where I'm at. Wow. Wow, this was shocking.
Starting point is 00:20:04 And I mean, I don't know how to feel, and you're gonna need to give me a minute to assess that. Well, while you're taking that minute, let's head on over the building department. Let's go. The medicines, the medicines, the escalate my God for the mouth. The medicine, the medicine, the escalate my God for the mouth.
Starting point is 00:20:29 Most of the plants humans eat are technically grass. Most of the asphalt we drive on is almost a liquid. The formula of WD-40 is San Diego's greatest secret. Zippers were invented by a Swedish immigrant love story. On the podcast, secretly incredibly fascinating, we explore this type of amazing stuff. Stuff about ordinary topics like cabbage and batteries and socks. Topics you'd never expect to be the title of the podcast, secretly incredibly fascinating. Find us by searching for the word secretly in your podcast app. And at
Starting point is 00:21:02 at Lee in your podcast app. And at I'm Dan McCoy, I'm Stuart Wellington. I'm Elliot Ailen. And together we are the Flop House, a long-running podcast on the maximum fund network where we watch a bad movie and then talk about it. And because we're so long-running, maybe you haven't given us a chance.
Starting point is 00:21:23 I get it, but you don't actually have to know anything about previous episodes to enjoy us, and I promise you that if you find our voices irritating, we've been growing during over time. Perhaps you listened to one of our old episodes and decided that we were dumb and immature. Well, we've been doing this a while now, we have become smarter and more mature, and generally nicer to damn. But we are only humans, so no promises. Find the flop house on,
Starting point is 00:21:48 or wherever you get podcasts. Dr. Dre. Dr. Dre? Dr. Dre. Is a doctor. Has an Dr. Dre. Is a doctor. Has an honorary doctorate. Okay. Has not a doctor when he began calling himself Dr. Dre.
Starting point is 00:22:10 But then somebody granted him an honorary doctorate? Uh, yes, exactly. That is exactly what happens. Sydney, this one, this one's challenging to me personally. More challenging than the Nazi that made Doc Martins? No, not more challenging than that. Dr. Teal. Now, Dr. Teal, what line of products?
Starting point is 00:22:32 There are the Epsom salts. You can envision it in any way. Okay, I know I'm sitting there thinking it's something in a bathroom. What is the Dr. Teal label on? Yes. You know that you can envision the blue bottle. We've got a blue bottle and they'd be a lot like. I can see the blue bot. We've had a blue bot all in the blue bottle.
Starting point is 00:22:46 Yes, I can see the bag of Epsom salts now that you say that. No. Okay, said, I'm gonna come clean here. I have no clue. Well, that was disappointing. It's not disappointing because here's what's weird. I looked everywhere. I mean everywhere.
Starting point is 00:23:01 is here's what's weird. I looked everywhere. I mean everywhere. Nobody knows if Dr. Teal is a doctor or just somebody who is made up. I decided to tab into my journalistic experience and I actually tracked down a press contact for PDC brands, the company that owns Dr. Tiel. And you asked her, and I emailed, and I was like,
Starting point is 00:23:29 this is not a gotcha, I'm not out to get anybody. I don't really care what you're doing at all. Right. It does say misguided medicine in the name of the podcast, which worried me a little bit, so I just type solbones. And I'm like, you know, this is really easy. Just, it's not your it's actually a real doctor. And I got a response back and they said,
Starting point is 00:23:51 this is a unique inquiry. So requesting some feedback internally before reaching back out. They don't know. So you don't know. So just say you don't know, Dr. Teal. You don't know. You know, you're never gonna get another email, right?
Starting point is 00:24:04 I mean, you say that now, but. They are never sending, that was it. They are never sending another email. I will, I told them that I know it was a short lead time because honestly, it's a podcast, what you want. I'm trying my best, it's not real journalism, but I told them it. My wife was too busy in the hospital
Starting point is 00:24:21 to research an episode, and I'm trying. If they clarify for me, I will happily update. So I will, I will reach remind me listeners. I will continue to bring the fourth estate to bear. Dr. G. I know, but like if they did think it was a gotcha and they took like two seconds to Google us, they're never gonna tell us.
Starting point is 00:24:40 Like they're gonna see that I'm sitting here holding a water bottle with our sticker on it that says cure all's cure nothing. Yeah, but it's just episode which I bet I mean, I don't know. I don't want to I don't know they make it. So I would just like to know if Dr. Teal's a doctor. Yeah, we haven't we haven't ever done. I don't think we've ever done an episode on Epson salts.
Starting point is 00:24:58 Um, but I will. You can go to the opportunity. Yeah, no, we should. Well, I love to get out the T.O. on the show. If he is a he or a person that exists or is she, or anybody, if Dr. T.O. exists, I would love to have the entity Dr. T.O. on our podcast. I'm guessing there isn't a Dr. T.O. But I, I will say that I have, I have observed there are some people who kind of use Epsom salts as a bit of a cure all I think. Sure.
Starting point is 00:25:21 Now, I have not done all the research to know the whole history of it, but maybe I could do that and uncover it and see if I can find out anything to corroborate any sort of story about Dr. Teal. Real quick would love to talk to you about Dr. Stephanie. I don't know who Dr. Stephanie is. Dr. Stephanie makes a line of different nutritional… Actually, if you would do me a quick search on there, so you can help me to clarify the kind of products that Dr. Stephanie...
Starting point is 00:25:49 My immediate, without even looking this up yet, I'm googling as we speak, but without even doing it, my immediate thought is that this is a real person. Dr. Stephanie' I mean, probably. Is that daily supplements for sugar down? Yeah, like what is sugar down gummies? Blood sugar 24 hours. Is that what am I on the right thing?
Starting point is 00:26:15 Yeah, that's Dr. Stephanie. I mean, there's a lady standing here, Dr. Stephanie Redmond. Or certified doctor of pharmacy. Okay, see that you're cheating. Because I told you to just look at the products and you looked on our website so that was a cheat. Okay, that was a cheat. No, did you hear me because I told you to just look at the products. Sorry. Well, I'm a website, so that was a cheat Okay, that was a cheat. No, did you hear me though as I was looking say my suspicion is that it really is a person? Yes, that's correct. I just wanted to ask you real quick is that a like what's a doctor of pharmacy?
Starting point is 00:26:35 That's kind of why this is oh man. Let me tell you you're gonna make so many pharmacists mad of course You can have a doctor in pharmacy. No, I didn't say you can't. I'm just asking what a doctor in pharmacy is. It's just achieving a doctoral level degree in the field of pharmacy. With that person in day to day still work as a pharmacist or would they be like a researcher or what? It depends.
Starting point is 00:26:53 I mean, you could go into clinical pharmacy. You could work in a pharmacy. You could. There is a doctor of pharmacy who works on my hospital team. And she works with us in the hospital to monitor drugs that patients are getting within the hospital and dose antibiotics and TPN and all kinds of things like that.
Starting point is 00:27:11 So all the different, certainly you could be researcher too, work for a pharmaceutical company perhaps, or there's lots of different pathways that you could go. But yes, you can definitely achieve a doctoral level degree in pharmacy, which would make you capable of creating the medicine, I suppose. Yeah. But that is in no way an endorsement of whatever. I just feel like of whatever Dr. Stephanie Redmond
Starting point is 00:27:38 board certified doctorate pharmacy is selling here. I don't know what these are. Okay. Well, I was just wanting, there was just a way for me to ask about being a doctorate pharmacy because I had't know what these are. Okay, well, I was just wanting, there was just a way for me to ask about being a doctor of pharmacy because I had never heard of it before, so I want to be smart. Yes, it is a real thing.
Starting point is 00:27:53 Of course, yes. Ah, Dr. Brown. Wait, I'm still looking at, this one is called Men's Romance Maximum Support. Yeah, I, do you want to buy Dr. Stephanie's Men's Romance? So when you see a big box show up, what about there's a nerd? Oh, it's cheaper in bulk.
Starting point is 00:28:09 Men's hair gummies. You don't need that. You've got so much hair. You've got hair to spare. That wasn't necessarily a compliment. I'm in on your head. I'm in on your head. You know, you know, I just mean you've got a lot of hair.
Starting point is 00:28:21 A lot of hair. I love your hair. Oh, there we go. Now we're in compliment lane. Yeah. I love your hair. Yeah, I wish I. Now we're in compliment lane. Yeah, I love your hair. I wish I had. I wish I had. I thought this hair is not necessarily a compliment.
Starting point is 00:28:28 Well, you've got thick, full, curly, lustrous hair. I wish I had your hair. I wish I had your hair. Doc Brown. Doc Brown. No, that's a character. Oh, are we asking if the character? I'm asking if Doc Brown is a doctor.
Starting point is 00:28:44 The character Doc Brown within the world of the movie. Of what movie? Back to the future. Yes. But what about Dr. Brown? Dr. Brown makes baby bottles. Dr. Brown makes the baby bottles, everybody loves. Everybody loves the baby bottles, maybe Dr. Brown.
Starting point is 00:29:02 We didn't get those. No, I think Dr. Brown's thing maybe was after our time, but have you heard of Dr. Brown? A lot of people use the Dr. Brown baby bottles. I'm gonna say yes, this is a pediatrician. That's a guess, I have no idea. Correct. Dr. Craig Brown is a real person.
Starting point is 00:29:22 In fact, you can go see Dr Brown. If you live around, how clean is it? Shelbyville, the Montereyl and Dr. Craig Brown are both more kind of Shelbyville ideas. Doc Brown, this, this he came by honest. This is a quote from an interview with him when he started practicing at SBL Sullivan and Shelbyal Clinics, our second child literally screamed 20 hours today. It wasn't typical colloc. It was a full blown bloody scream. That was in 88 when Doc Brown was fresh out of residency and working as a family practice physician. He's a family doctor just like you. He and his wife Christy tried everything to sue their son, including multiple visits to eliminate medical issues. What he noticed was that
Starting point is 00:30:10 this is this is the quote that's when the mad scientist me came out when I noticed when I was feeding him led me to start drilling holes in his brother's own baby bottles. So there basically there was air getting into the milk and Dr. Brown decided to just start drilling holes in baby bottles until he figured it out. And he managed to find a bottle that actually like managed to treat the problem and help with the problem. And he's still. How about gassiness? Yeah. So he's still out there designing bottles, making products, he runs the company while he is a doctor and they have a growing business. He's still a practicing family physician. It's been in this medical
Starting point is 00:30:54 field for over 37 years. Well, that is very different than when you said that, I immediately Googled Dr. Craig Brown. That's what he said his name is, right? And I got Dr. Craig Brown dot com, which is expansive medicine, expansive holistic health. And there's like a picture of him on the front page here, like doing a really high kick. Cool. Like look at him. Whoa, look at that guy. Yo, the Dr. Craig Brown website is good. That's a good website.
Starting point is 00:31:26 I plan on producing that later in my pleasure. This is a $6 million man plan that he can walk you through. So that's Dr. Brown. I have, sorry, real quick, one more to get to. And this is about Dr. Brown. From back to the future. Another one. This is about Doc Brown, Dr. Brown. From back to the future. Another one. This is a soda.
Starting point is 00:31:50 Soda Dr. Brown, you've probably seen it in Delis. It's very common in New York Delis. I've never seen the soda Dr. Brown. You've never seen a soda Dr. Brown? No. Well, have you seen the person Dr. Brown? No. No, there isn't one.
Starting point is 00:32:03 That's right, there's not one. I got it. It seems to be just legend at this point. It's unclear whether or not there's a doctor brought it all. His first product was selling a celery. It was a celery soda. Yeah, I think we've talked about that. Yeah, he started selling it in the early 1900s.
Starting point is 00:32:24 And we've, I think we listened to proof episode about celery. Did we listen to that? There's a, there's a big celery trend. We did a, we talked about it on the episode. Yeah. Celery Soda was the, the, the big Dr. Brown thing. He, it is still sold as celery under the name Dr. Brown. It is not. So celery is Dr. Brown. Celery is made by Dr. Brown. Yep. Oh, so of Dr. Brown, it is not. So, celery is Dr. Brown? Celery is made by Dr. Brown. Yep. Is Dr. Brown the company? Yes.
Starting point is 00:32:49 Okay. Did they make a different soda that's just called Dr. Brown? Dr. Brown is the brand. So they make several different sodas. I think there's some different like, seltzer type things. Gotcha. Okay.
Starting point is 00:32:59 I've heard of celery. I didn't know that the maker was Dr. Brown. Oh, okay. Yeah. Yeah. And there may have been a Dr. Yeah. And there may have been Dr. Brown. There may not have been Dr. Brown, but it doesn't seem very clear, which probably no. Okay. This is the last one. And I was just, I was just tickled to death about this. Dr. Bronner, you know, Dr.
Starting point is 00:33:16 Bronner, the soap. Yeah, the soap. Okay. Dr. Bronner. Hmm. Yes. Is a doctor. Is an actual doctor who made soap? Yep. He's an actual doctor who makes soap. Really? What doctor of what? So sorry, I should have been more clear.
Starting point is 00:33:39 He's an actual person who makes soap, not a doctor. No, you, he was incorrect. Oh. A manual Theodore Bronner, his original name was a manual Heil Bronner, but he dropped that in 29 because of the associations of Heil with autism. Yeah, got. So really two ends of the spectrum here
Starting point is 00:33:58 with the creators on this. That's why he's up to you. That's why he's at the end. His parents, he begged them to immigrate to the US because he saw the Holocaust coming. But they both died in the Holocaust. Oh. Yeah. So he continued their sort of legacy making soap.
Starting point is 00:34:20 But his soap, he always did it his sort of own way in the soap biz, specifically on, he would, he did everything, he made pure castille soap, which I don't know enough about soap, but that's sort of their main product. But if you could, Sid, look up a Dr. Bronner, just type in Dr. Bronner label. BRO in NER. Yep. And see if you can find some texts. And I'll tell you some too. Because Dr. Bronner's labels
Starting point is 00:34:54 have been basically extremely similar for many, many decades. There's so much text on it. She has you, for decades, Dr. Bronners has used the entirety of his labels to espouse his moral philosophy and his moral teachings. Dr. Bronners, fifth cosmic principle. Yep. Treat Earth like home, cosmic principle six. Now wait, now I should mention that cosmic principle. They use a ton of solar energy, almost everything they use is recyclable.
Starting point is 00:35:27 They're moving towards the goal, a doctor-bronner of becoming 100% carbon neutral. Here are the moral ABCs. That's is the name of Dr. Bronner's philosophy, the moral ABC of astronomy's eternal all-one god Faith unites the human race. When we teach, these are just directly from this label of soap. Imagine you pick up a label of soap and this is what you read. When we teach the moral, I should say thanks to us, slow with two w' for reprinting some of this text. When we teach the moral ABC, all mankind is united, brave, strong, just free.
Starting point is 00:36:07 For the future will be better when we are better. Times will change when we change. Conditions will improve when we improve. And if you and I cooperate by full truth to accomplish them, still on your soap label, you read, we're all sisters and brothers, you and I here and now today, not them nor they you and I today. First, if I'm not for me, who am I? Nobody. Second, yet if I'm only for me, what am I? Nothing. Third, if not now, when unite, we must have courage and smile, my friend. Think and act 10 years ahead. Teach them, or ABC, theites All Mankind free, instantly six billion strong, and we're all one. Balance food for body, mind, soul spirit is our medicine. Self-discipline is the key to freedom,
Starting point is 00:36:50 breath deeply. Repetition is the key to knowledge. That's a wild soap label. It is not like any soap label I've ever seen. There's one that that reads to keep my health, this is life's goal. It says to keep my health to do my work to love to live to see it. I gain and grow and give and give never to look behind me for an hour, never to wait in weakness nor walk in power, always working, searching for more truth, more light, always speaking, fighting for what I found good and right. That is Dr. Bronner has his company continues to have the label to teach like that we're all one
Starting point is 00:37:36 and the way she'll take care of each other. And they have put those practices into use throughout their business. And it's just the one thing about it is that he's not a doctor. He's not a doctor. But if anything, he doesn't have a doctor. But he seems to have gotten something more true and healing than a lot of these doctors have. So I'm, oh, you think so. The Morale B.C.'s, I feel like.
Starting point is 00:38:03 So you think you could just tack that honorific on there. I feel like if you really, I think so. The Morale B.C.'s, I feel like. So you think you could just tack that honorific on there? I feel like if you really, I think the point in this episode, if you really deserve it, you should be allowed to be a doctor. That's what I'm saying. And really deserve it is Justin decides. Is an affectionate? You decide who really deserves it.
Starting point is 00:38:19 That's dictated by Justin. I didn't know there was a doctorate where sort of an affectionate doctorate where if you're just such a chill dude, no one gets upset about it. This is not, I did not realize that, but it seems like a good egg. I mean, that, yeah, it seems like a good guy. I don't, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:38:37 He's no longer with us, but he seems like it. Yeah, he seems like it was a good guy. And I mean, is it good soap? I don't know, I've never used it. I don't know, but their website is great. If you want to have it on their website, it is absolutely not that.
Starting point is 00:38:48 Does it get you clean? Does it get you clean? Because that's good soap. I'm not answering my book. Does it get you clean? And that's, hey, listen, that's a really low bar, okay? So people have done a lot of mess of stuff, okay? Honestly, I also, like, it also can't have any sense
Starting point is 00:39:02 of any kind for me, because then my allergies are just gonna be a mess all day. And if it's gonna itch and- If it said proudly tested on animals in the most cruel way possible. Well, no, obviously, no, I wouldn't want to be like that. I just mean like- Thank you. I just mean it doesn't have to be fancy. As long as it's unscented and, no, of course not tested. Sydney.
Starting point is 00:39:22 Croulee on animals and- Gets you clean. The final, our not tested. Sydney. Cruelion animals and gets you clean. The final, our final doctor is Dr. Scholes. And here's the thing said, I want to be honest with you because as I told you that I was going to say this at the end of the episode, the truth is, I don't know if Dr. Schultz is a doctor and you don't know if Dr. Schultz is a doctor. And as far as I could find in any document,
Starting point is 00:39:56 no one alive knows if Dr. Schultz was a doctor. And I was hoping that you would look into that for the next episode of Assault Bands. All right, next episode, I'll see if I can crack the case. Okay. And I will let you all know if I hear anything about Dr. Paul. Hey, you know what I'm going to do though? I'm going to leverage the power of our listeners right now and say that if anybody out there listening already knows the answer, this question, you don't need to look it up. You don't need to go research it. I'm going to do that part. But if you just happen to know this off the top of your head, And nobody does. Trust me.
Starting point is 00:40:25 You can email us. Try to need. And tell me, because I'm the one who reads the emails that comes to me. I'm the email checker. And then, and I will credit you. I mean, if you give me permission to, if you already know, please don't do any research. Nobody does. Please don't do any research.
Starting point is 00:40:38 It does not believe me. She does not allow me to make any research. What's our email? Justin, what's our email? Thank you. That's us. Thanks to TaxPaylor for the use of their song medicines as the intro and outro of our program.
Starting point is 00:40:47 And thanks to you, my friend, for listening. We so much appreciate you being there. Sorry about the long absence since our last episode, but our aim is to be more consistent. That's our 2024 goal. We will see how it goes. If it's any consolation to you, our beloved listeners, we are not like marathoning
Starting point is 00:41:09 marathoning a Squid game the challenge and We will be more diligent. It was it was between there were a lot of personal and work and things and I Not all not all fun, but And probably it's just the holiday. Yeah, but we are, and I was sad to not be doing this regularly because I love making this show and sharing it with all of you. So...
Starting point is 00:41:34 That is going to do it for us until next time. My name is Justin McRoy. I'm Sydney McRoy. It's always don't, don't, don't hold your head. Alright! Maximum Fun A Workroad Network of Artist-owned shows supported directly by you. a work-road network of artist-owned shows supported directly by you.

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