Sawbones: A Marital Tour of Misguided Medicine - Sawbones: Erectile Dysfunction

Episode Date: August 3, 2017

This week on Sawbones, Dr. Sydnee and Justin rub a baby alligator's heart on every penis we can find as we explore the history of treating erectile dysfunction. Music: "Medicines" by The Taxpayers ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Saubones is a show about medical history, and nothing the hosts say should be taken as medical advice or opinion. It's for fun. Can't you just have fun for an hour and not try to diagnose your mystery boil? We think you've earned it. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy a moment of distraction from that weird growth. You're worth it. that weird growth. You're worth it. Alright, time is about to books. One, two, one, two, three, four. We came across a pharmacy with a toy and that's lost it out. We saw through the broken glass and had ourselves a look around.
Starting point is 00:00:56 Some medicines, some medicines that escalate my cop for the mouth. Wow. Hello, everybody and bringing in welcome to Sawbones, a marital tour of Miskite Admedicine. I'm your co-host Justin McElroy. And I'm Sydney McElroy. And Sid, it is so nice to be back in the saddle, as they say, if you will. The podcast saddle.
Starting point is 00:01:21 Is that a thing? It is. We had kind of a, it's been a wild month. It has been. We've been all over. Yeah. We went to the Philadelphia to do a live show at the Philly Pod Fest a couple weeks ago. Then I was in San Diego, Comic Con last weekend. We were in Cincinnati before that scene, Jimmy Buffett live. That didn't affect sawbones, but it was cool and it contribute to a wild July. No, but the result is that we were gone so much and we were exhausted because actually I I work a day job too.
Starting point is 00:01:54 What? I'm actually a real doctor. A real life. And we missed last week. We missed an episode. We hate doing that. It was unavoidable and we're sorry. And I thought a good way to make up for that was to cover a topic this week that is probably one of the most requested that we get emails about. And generally, when I get an email asking us to cover this, it's something to the effect of, I look through your episodes and I can't believe you haven't yet talked about this.
Starting point is 00:02:30 It's generally the most of the emails I get or how have you not covered it yet. And that of course is erectile dysfunction. Oh yeah, now of course, it goes without saying that I don't bring a lot of practical experience or knowledge to this one. Okay. The J-man is, except when he's not, the J-man is always got his actions,
Starting point is 00:03:01 you know what I'm saying. Well, let's just, Justin, I think it's good for some personal stories. You're just not going to find as many as you don't want to for an entire episode. Well, Justin, first of all, you know, you did not inspire this episode, but that being said, I think it's important to write off the bat, acknowledge that there is this connection between the social connection, not medical, that is made between the medical problem erectile dysfunction and something that has to do with virility or impotence or the idea that somehow you're not able to, you're not up to
Starting point is 00:03:47 performing in some way. Well, we even hear impotence used as a shorthand or synonymously with the rectile dysfunction, right? Exactly, exactly. And I think it's good to remember that that connotation is not fair and it's untrue and it's not medically sound. It has nothing to do with the medical problem that we're talking about. Now, obviously, we're going to be talking about a lot of ancient history when people didn't
Starting point is 00:04:14 know that. So you're going to hear a lot about old cures that are connected to some of these false ideas. But unfortunately, it is an idea that perpetuates somewhat today. I mean, it's a reason that oftentimes people who suffer from this won't seek medical attention. So it should be that idea should be banished, done, and we will not do anything further it. Justin, done this. Okay, that's me. I'm sorry. Thank you to all the people who recommended this. Among the many recommendations are all of the following people.
Starting point is 00:04:45 Thorin, and Penny, and Abigail, and Sheldon, and Daniel, and Aila, and David, and Devon, and Arley, and Matthew, and Chimera, thank you all so much. So, let's go all the way back. Obviously, erectile dysfunction is a problem that I'm certain has been plaguing people with penises since there have been people with penises. In ancient Egypt, they had a really unique cure for this.
Starting point is 00:05:12 You could take some baby crocodile hearts, which I guess involves first getting baby crocodiles and removing hearts. That seems like a quite a feat. Yeah, because you got to get away from the parents. That's the number one thing. You don't want to fight the parents first. Because they are not going to like the reason that you need the hearts. You can't reason with them. No, I don't think explaining that you're going to grind them up and rub them on your penis will go very far.
Starting point is 00:05:35 Oh no, Mrs. Crockett out. You misunderstanding. I'm just going to grind up your kids' hearts and rub. No wonder all gamers are trying to eat us all the time. That sucks. They would remember that's that's weird enough that you would remember it and you would probably tell generations of crocodiles like, oh no, no, no, humans. Do not get me started on. Let me do you remember great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great,
Starting point is 00:05:58 grandpa Jeremy. Well, okay. By the way, if there are any kids out there listening and actually, I hope they there probably aren't now, since we've already told you, it's a better reptile dysfunction, alligators are not trying to eat you all the time. Concerning what just said. In the half opening, this isn't a zoology podcast. I'm just saying alligators aren't constantly trying to eat us.
Starting point is 00:06:19 So the ancient Greeks had a lot of ideas that kind of were connected to like animals that they thought were symbols of virility or that were connected somehow with genitalia or just stuff that looked like genitalia or that was genitalia. So for instance, you could capture a rooster and eat its genitalia or you could capture goat and eat it when you actually don't have capture like well, another kind of fast, you capture goat, eat, you know, capture like, well, another kind of fast. You capture goat. Eat it's genitalia.
Starting point is 00:06:48 Eat it. Just like that classic early internet meme, Mr. T8, my genitalia. I don't remember that one. It was actually Mr. T8, my balls. And there was a whole series of eat my ball. You know, this is this. This is this. And that was not like prodigy or compie serve whatever you're using at the time. Yeah prodigy that was my thing. So you could also eat a snake I think
Starting point is 00:07:15 this is one sort of like a weiner get it. Yeah good good. I'm actually gonna be providing a valuable service in this episode and just identifying different things that look like winners. Thank you, Jess. Yeah, no problem. That's good. That's helpful. They were snakes were also, snakes were also thought, because they shed their skin, that they were like, they had a
Starting point is 00:07:37 rejuvenating capability that snakes inherently could like constantly regenerate, sort of like the doctor. And so that they would be good for like rejuvenating yourself. There's also this substance, hippomones, hippom, hippomones. Hippomones. Hippom, it looks like hippomannes. Hippom, hippomons, I looked this up
Starting point is 00:08:01 how to pronounce it and I've already forgot. Hippomchan, the purple one. It looks like hippo mains. Anyway, it's a substance that is found on the forehead of newborn foals. Okay. And you're supposed to apply that to... All right. Fine. Who thought, I mean, I never know.
Starting point is 00:08:20 The Romans similarly had a lot of strange ideas. Some were instead of trying to treat it on the back end, try to prevent it. I like preventive medicine. I like that. All about preventive medicine. So one thing you could do is wear a talisman to ward off the chance that you'll have a right talisman function. One that was supposed to work was the right molar of a small crocodile. Can we just give them a break, please.
Starting point is 00:08:48 I don't know why we hate crocodiles so much. You could also, there was a small crocodile. We're targeting the children, still. Just the babies. There were also these things called fashion names, which were replicas of penises that you could wear, and that's from the word for bewitch. And this would say,
Starting point is 00:09:06 a choice, that's a fashion choice you could go with. Plus there was Priapus. That's when it, that's like too long, too hard. Priapism, an erection that won't go away, yeah. Like, yes, very good, very good. There's name for Priapus, the ancient Roman god, no. The ancient Roman god of like, virility and, I don't know, penises of erections, no.
Starting point is 00:09:34 But he was laughing. If you were having erectile dysfunction, you would pray for Priapus to save you. That's where Priapus and come from, comes from in case you didn't know. When it works too well. Oh, really? Are you sure? it works too well. Oh really? Are you sure you prayed too hard? Good well. Okay. What that's the tricky thing with the gods. One too many offerings and Prifism. Plenty the elder our family favorite had lots to say about
Starting point is 00:10:00 as you can imagine. Plenty had lots of ideas. So here are some things he said first of all Maybe it's a problem with arousal so maybe we just need to use something that's like an afrodisiac that'll turn you on a little more Some good things to turn you on our leaks or turpentine Maybe a little sexier some garlic and coriander and wine. At least that sounds like it. I don't know, smell kind of nice or aromatic. Or perhaps some boiled asparagus water. No. Less so.
Starting point is 00:10:35 Yeah, that's not really red mangains. There were also a lot of different, like herbal remedies, something called donax and clomatus and zippiumout and you mix it with Pearl Barley and wine and there was a loss in that he would recommend making out of a skink muzzle and feet and something rocket seed and then you like take it in white wine. Some of these were fake. He was just trying to some of them. Yeah, so these are not real.
Starting point is 00:11:02 No, I mean like the ingredients. He was trying to trick people with penises to come to his layer and like, do you have rocket seed? He's like, I got you. Your winger's not working. Ha ha ha. Pliny. Pliny was dirty like that. It was like a dirty tricky plate on people. If this doesn't sound bad enough, it got it. So in the 13th century friar, Albertus Magnus wrote in D. Annamalbus that here's some treatments for erectile dysfunction. So, as a quote, if a wolf's penis is roasted and in oven, cut into small pieces and a small portion of this is chewed, the consumer will experience an
Starting point is 00:11:41 immediate yen for sexual intercourse. So just get a wolf. And then it's penis. Can I ask you a question? Yeah. Is there a difference between not wanting sexual intercourse and the weener not working? Like what we're talking about? Completely. Like, these are very different things, but it was all tied in together.
Starting point is 00:12:03 It was, I mean, we didn't understand why sometimes erectile dysfunction occurred. And so you would come up with a solution like, well, maybe you're just not aroused enough. So maybe if we do something that we think causes arousal, it will lead to an erection. Okay. These were not necessarily connected at all. But, you know, we didn't know anything. necessarily connected at all. But, you know, we didn't know anything. Also, sparrow meat, it was considered to be a hot dry meat. When we talk about kind of the idea of the humor, things that were hot and things that were cold, so sparrow meat was hot and dry, and so it would work as well, but also it might constipate you. So be careful, because that could kill the mood.
Starting point is 00:12:47 to pay you. So be careful because that could kill the mood. In addition, he recommends you could eat a starfish. But if you do this, it is very powerful. And you might ejaculate blood. You might. So on that, it's not necessarily a risk. I'm dying to take it. But it's okay because if you do ejaculate blood, let us fix it. Come on. So don't worry. Come on. Magnus. And as I said, like you kind of already alluded to, ideas as to why did this happen, why did
Starting point is 00:13:14 it direct out of the function occur? We're pretty sparse. And so this resulted in a lot of kind of magical cures as well. So like things that again kind of connect to the idea that it's an arousal issue. So just surround yourself with beautiful men and women. And then it'll go away. Right. Which I mean, again, this is two very different things. You cast on, are you the one? Just go to the house and you'll get an erection. There were some really bizarre ideas, like
Starting point is 00:13:44 a man, if a man is experiencing, if someone with a penis is experiencing erectile dysfunction, they can pee through their wife's wedding ring. Okay. Like just aim through the ring. Sure. P through it. Or perhaps through the keyhole of the church door where they were married. Well, you should get written permission, I would say for sure on that. Are you gonna get that? Are you gonna be able to get that?
Starting point is 00:14:13 How late is your church? I'm kidding. Or you could just drink the water from the mouth of a young horse. Not a lot of like super peeling options this time. I definitely beats desecrating your your marital church, but in the in the ladies physical directory, which was published in 1739. Also, by the way, I found the subtitle to this. It's also called a rational account of the natural weaknesses of women.
Starting point is 00:14:45 So probably not my favorite pamphlet that's ever been published. So it had, it had a lot of possible explanations for erectile dysfunction. And it was, it was basically like, this is not something that ever just happens. Here are all the reasons it can happen and you can fix it. We're, we're kind of the idea. So mainly it was thought to be due to a deficiency of animal spirits. Oh, like the wolf pack zone. They're really 100,000 times because our daughter will not listen to any other. Yes. Because she's got no animal spirits, then no erection or just that the animal spirits were no longer flowing to the organs of generation. So they're in there, but they're not getting down to the business.
Starting point is 00:15:30 This was usually thought to be due to stress or things that were frowned upon anyway, especially this was directed mainly at women at the time. And so it was common to preach against excess and your husband is living a life of drinking and loose women and fast living. And this is why these are the reasons. Also, and we'll get into this more masturbation was often thought to be the culprit, was often blamed for the problem.
Starting point is 00:16:01 Yeah, yeah, I can see how that can be in issues of drugs for sure. Yeah. Please don't share anymore. I'm done. This was also thought to lead to a lack of what is called in the pamphlet, anomacula. They're talking about firms. Oh, well, why didn't they just say that?
Starting point is 00:16:23 Yeah, well, they didn't know. They're little teeny animals that become people's, which, so basically what they were saying is that it's infertility is what they're talking about. But they again said it's all this stuff, it's fast-living and things you shouldn't be doing. So it didn't matter though, in this pamphlet, the author says, whatever the cause, who cares?
Starting point is 00:16:46 Because I have the solution. It is called the prolific elixir. Okay. prolific with a CK. Oh, very fancy, gothic, I love it. It was a powerful, confect and stimulating bomb. And it promised to, and I'm quoting, fortify the nerves, increase the animal spirits, restore a juvenile bloom,
Starting point is 00:17:10 and evidently replenish the crispy fibers of the whole habit with a generous warmth and moisture. Sounds good to me. It was basically just like, I mean, it was a bunch of different stuff. It was aloe and mure, and saffron and wine and sage and amber. And you boil it for like 10 days so it reduces into this real thick, you know, elixir. Boiling it for 10 days. And you take it like multiple.
Starting point is 00:17:37 No. I don't think they boil it for 10 days. That seems like deep it or something. Yeah, a low boil. I don't know. It was, okay, listen, this was written in like Old English. It was very hard for me to decide. It seems wild. Deep it or something. Yeah, a low ball. I don't know. Okay, listen, this was written in like Old English. It was very hard for me to decide.
Starting point is 00:17:48 Okay. The point is that it takes you like 10 days and you get this elixir that you take like multiple drops throughout the day for a while and then your anomacular back. Perfect. I'm happy to have them. In the late 1700s, we moved on from these kinds of like cures to adding in things like electricity and magnetism. And this was very popular in the time in general for everything.
Starting point is 00:18:09 This is when like electricity was being used for what else? So you know, why not for a rectal dysfunction? Dr. James Graham advised that he could help reverse the effects of masturbation because it was often thought to be due to masturbation or marital excess. So maybe you're just doing it too much. By having his patients take cold baths, less sex, and sleep on his magic electric bed. No, he sounds like a very restful. Dr. John Caldwell said, I think we should just directly apply electricity to the genitalia or put them in a bathtub filled with electrodes.
Starting point is 00:18:47 No, you lost me. I have way through I was with you. That sounds dangerous. And another doctor, Hammond, advised just attach the electrodes directly to the spine, perinium, testicles, and penis. Oh. Although he did say the effect is rather unpleasant. Oh, thank you, Hammond. Thank you so much my friend for that completely unnecessary Code of air. I really appreciate it rather unpleasant rather unpleasant slightly unpleasant. Well said. I'm sure things got
Starting point is 00:19:18 progressively more buck wild as we get closer to modern era what what happened next they normally do and I'm gonna take you there But first why don't we head to the building department? Let's go. Now Sydney, I so rudely interrupted you, and I'm sorry for that. That's okay, just. I think we're around the 1800s. That's right.
Starting point is 00:19:43 I invited you too, So it's okay. So I'd already mentioned electricity was popular and I should just say there were a lot of not and like the doctors who invented these other things that I told you about would caution you against these sort of like quack products of electric belts that say they can do anything. It was common at the time to own like some sort of weird electric belt that would do, again, anything. They were, they were touted for basically every illness.
Starting point is 00:20:11 But there was one specifically called the Harness Electropathic Battery Belt, which was from 1893, and it was medical electricity for self-application. And there were a lot of those that the idea was just stimulate yourself with enough electricity and you'll be right as rain. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:32 There was a French physician who around this time, a Vincent Marie Mondet, who invented the congester. That sounds unpleasant. Not a great brand, Vincent. Now, to be fair, this was basically the first penis pump. Oh, that is my back baby. Austin Powers, you know, I knew when I thought, I'm gonna talk about penis pumps and Justin's gonna bring
Starting point is 00:20:55 up Austin Powers. I knew that was gonna happen. But you didn't predict that I would talk about it for the rest of the show. Uh, just think about it for the rest of the show. Yeah, baby. Just think about it for the rest of the show. Yeah, baby. So it would draw blood into the penis in like a vacuum type fashion.
Starting point is 00:21:10 You don't even explain to me how penis problems work, okay? There were other ones like the vital power vacuum massager. And there were also at this time introduced penile stints, which are exactly what you think they are. They are stents that you apply on the outside to your penis. It's sort of like a sprint, like a splint, you would apply to your arm, like you got a broken arm, and so you just splint it.
Starting point is 00:21:35 And then you just leave it on and hope your partner doesn't notice, is that the plan? Well, no, I mean, you've got to tell your partner. Listen. I mean, you, yeah, no, they have to be an active participant if you're going to use one of these old-fashioned penal stents so that everything comes out okay. Yeah. And if you know what I mean.
Starting point is 00:21:55 Also. And they, they touted that with a penal stent, you could introduce a penis into a vagina under all circumstance. And no matter what the weather. So at the same time, there was a doctor Joseph Lowenstein who was interested in trying to solve this problem in a unique new way. He invented the coitus training apparatus, which was kind of like training wheels for the penis.
Starting point is 00:22:21 Okay. So there are two rings at each end of the penis. And then there are these wires in between that are covered in rubber. Good. Thank you for that. Before. So again, the same kind of idea of like almost like a splint kind of thing. But you mentioned you'd have to, you've got to let your partner know what's
Starting point is 00:22:42 about to happen. And specifically in this case, you have to use a condom to hold everything together. Okay. This is all romantic so far. But you need to be very careful so that the support doesn't move in a different direction from the penis. You want it all going in the same direction. And that it was best if a dextrous man, his or his words, a dextrous man, tempted this.
Starting point is 00:23:12 That's just, or just, okay, no, just. And the idea was that this was really supposed to be like training wheels. Like, you would use this device and after you kind of got your sea legs, you would have erections because now you know how it works. You're reminding your penis of how it did do. But the problem with this is that a lot of people who use this, their partners were not thrilled with it because sometimes it could be difficult to remove. Right. So. That's a rough afternoon. There you go. Hot chat. I mean, he meant well. Yeah. I mean,
Starting point is 00:24:00 he was. He met well. There were again, a lot of cures that like things you could take ingest tonics and patent medicines and such that were invented to like the idea was that we're restoring vitality. A lot of this, again, they would tie back to what they called self abuse, which is a really horrible way of saying masturbation. Yeah. Again, this is the time. This is the time.
Starting point is 00:24:30 I am not calling it self abuse. It was back then. But basically because of that, you're losing your vitality and you need to restore it. So there was Dr. Brodom's nervous cordial and botanical syrup, which was said to get you ready for the married state. It had like cardamom in it. It had a little tension. There was something called Ebenezer, Sibley, Solar, Tincture, and Samuel Solomon's cordial bomb of Gilead. But this one will only work if you also, while you take it,
Starting point is 00:24:59 bathe your testicles in either cold water or a mixture of alcohol and vinegar, I would not think that would be good for. I just the last thing I wanted to do is introduce distractions into my special time of the day that I set aside for bathing my testicles in cold water and vinegar. But this cordial also had some brandy in it, so maybe it would make it more enjoyable. No, this is not how many of that works. And there were lots of other patent medicines at the same time, things like Dr. Cinnett's
Starting point is 00:25:31 Steel, Laws and Judges, and the Bollmove Mecha and all kinds of different things to stimulate your senses. In the 1800s, Frederick Hollick said, he thought this whole search for a cure was ridiculous because we already have something. Something already exists that we've known about for a while that makes us warm and cheerful and in the mood. And that is cannabis. My dude. All right. So Dr. Hollack basically just said, forget all this nonsense and smoke some weed.
Starting point is 00:26:05 Perfect. And then you're gonna be down. Yeah, for sure. This will fix your problem. There were other things that were less pleasant, advised at the time, gentsing, strict nine. Some things that you still see like, you know, him bay, I see that still marketed today like in kind of herbal supplements
Starting point is 00:26:27 and things like that. You'll find that a lot. And then some weird things like also I don't know drink pee. Take him lock. That's probably a don't take him lock. That's a bad idea that kills you. That kills you. That one's poison.
Starting point is 00:26:40 Don't ride bikes. Get a lot of massages, especially pelvic ones. And when I should ride to the massage because it's like what are you doing? spikes get a lot of massages, especially pelvic ones. And then they were particular mixtures that had things like stric-9 and phosphoric acid and orange peel or one that had, again, zinc and dameona. And then there was arcenius acid, which is kind of an arsenic and cocaine. It has been a while since we've had one that we've tried this many things for. This is a real, a real scatter shot attempt here. Well, Justin, I think it's fair to say that not everybody, but quite a few people enjoy having sex.
Starting point is 00:27:18 Yeah. And if you're having difficulty having sex, you're probably going to try just about anything you can to solve that problem. Fair. Not everybody. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, just man alive, we have a lot of different stuff here. People who like sex probably would. Surgery was attempted in the early 1900s. Some of this we have kind of alluded to before in other episodes. In 1913, there was a doctor at Northwestern named Victor Lesbinoff, who
Starting point is 00:27:45 transplanted slices of human testicle into a man with a rectile dysfunction. He claimed that four days after the surgery, the man jumped up out of bed and said, I got to get out of this hospital. I got to go have sex. I am so ready now. It worked so well that he literally left against medical advice because he could not wait any longer. I'm soft. I have trouble buying that frankly, Victor. In 1914, Dr. G. Frank Lidsten implanted a dead man's testicle into his own scrotum. And he won that. He won that bet. So congratulations. And there are also things like make preparations of goat, ram, boar, deer testicles,
Starting point is 00:28:30 like all the testicles and just inject them, like just inject them into your arm, which are probably early attempts at testosterone therapy, and people didn't know that's what they were attempting. That was probably trying that. They were also like implanting chimpanzee testicles in people trying to fix this problem. And we've talked about John Brinkley before. He's the guy who implant a goat testicles.
Starting point is 00:28:54 Right. And this was all in this same era. And again, it was all the idea like, well, we've tried all these kinds of approaches to either just like physically make the penis stand up or to stimulate like, you know, like aphrodisiac style make you aroused. And more. So this is like, again, like some early kind of attempt at hormonal therapy that you absolutely should not do and would not work, but I think that's where this is going. All right. In the 1970s and 80s, they invented the first penile rods and implants, like prosthetic devices that would like flexible rods that would hold the penis stiff and that could inflate at times when you needed them to. Inside or outside? Inside. Okay.
Starting point is 00:29:42 when you needed them to. Inside or outside? Inside. Okay. So, and there are still versions of this today. They're better, obviously, than they were in the 70s. But this is still, this is where the beginnings. And then the big breakthrough, you probably knew where this was going.
Starting point is 00:29:57 Sure. The big breakthrough in the treatment of erectile dysfunction came in 1998, fastest-selling drug in history, Viagra. Nice. So. Welcome to the show Viagra. Yeah. Come on on that 20th birthday.
Starting point is 00:30:11 Viagra, which was initially being investigated for its properties as it related to things like pulmonary hypertension and fixing other problems like problems like that like cardio pulmonary type problems And then was also found to work or erectile dysfunction. I wish I had been there when in the lab tests and that is garbage I'm excuse me Sorry, can I get some high-em in booth three? I get some attention over here, please Yeah me over in booth seven. I need some help over here as well. Yeah, I think we're old. Yeah, actually, we're old. It's, you know, it's kind of funny. Is it, it's crazy how many drugs we have discovered accidentally that they also do other things. But
Starting point is 00:30:59 that's also like, we're investigating this for blood pressure and then also like, oh, it makes you grow a lot of hair. In 2003, Cialis and LaVitra were introduced as well. All these meds work similarly. They kind of relax the muscles and the penis to allow an increase of blood flow into the penis and then it can become engorged and erect. Does it make it erect? Yeah. It makes it erect. Not instantly. But it makes it a wreck versus like normally, typically the penis does not become a wreck without some reason, unless it's a warning.
Starting point is 00:31:35 So, well, it depends. Okay. So Viagra is something you take before, like, like you take episodically, like you're going to take it when you need it. So I'm gonna get it on tonight. I'm gonna take a Viagra ahead of time so that it'll work when it needs to. Generally, Is it work right away or does it work when it needs to?
Starting point is 00:31:56 No, it doesn't work right away. Okay. Yeah. No, it works as you become aroused. Okay, thank you. That was my question. They can, now they can cause erections anyway. Don't get it twisted.
Starting point is 00:32:08 That's where, that's why they tell you if you have an erection lasting longer than, you know, four hours, go to an emergency room. I mean, they can, it can just cause an erection too. But then, because, but there's also the arousal part because when you look at medicines like sealas that you can take daily, just, and you not going to walk around with an erection all day when you take sealis, it's so that whenever you can be spontaneous, that makes sense.
Starting point is 00:32:34 Yeah, perfectly. Yeah. But as we already talked about, they do have side effects in that sometimes you can get an erection that will go away, which is not great. You do need to go to the... That's not a joke. Like, do go to the ER effects. Yeah, I don't know how to run.
Starting point is 00:32:50 And again, there are other treatments. There are injections that go straight into the penis and suppositories as well. Sometimes it is related to testosterone deficiency. We really should do an episode on that sometime because testosterone deficiency is blamed for all number of ills that are probably low, yes, low T. God help us. Why those commercials? I'm not saying it's not a problem. It's just not the as big a problem as they want you to believe it is. But testosterone replacement in some cases is absolutely necessary and sometimes can help with erectile dysfunction, not always,
Starting point is 00:33:25 but in sometimes can be helpful if that is the problem. If your testosterone isn't low, it won't be. So, you know, don't go by a legal testosterone. There are still penis pumps and tension rings, you know, that go with the pump, after you've used the pump, Peno implants we already talked about. And then sometimes it has to do with other chronic medical conditions. pump, peanut implants we already talked about. And then sometimes it has to do with other chronic medical conditions. And we can do things through like lifestyle changes, diet, exercise, or proper medication management, or weight loss, or whatever. Sometimes those different things, depending on the cause, I'm not saying generally speaking
Starting point is 00:33:58 like eat healthy and your erectile does function a go away. But if there is, if it is related to heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, something like that, sometimes medical management and lifestyle changes can also help. So, the important thing is though, it has nothing to do with some concept of how virile person is.
Starting point is 00:34:20 So, if you're having this problem, go see a doctor. There are often many things we can do. Pins doesn't make you man. So by extension of working a super powerful, always ready penis does not make you a man either. So. Absolutely not. And I promise you today, none of the treatments, none of the cures, none of the diagnoses, nothing that we recommend will have anything to do with baby crocodiles. Probably not.
Starting point is 00:34:50 Definitely not. 5% chance. Nope, not at all. Folks, that's going to do it for us. Thank you so much for listening to our podcast. Thanks to the taxpayers for these. Those are some medicines. This is the intro and outro of our program.
Starting point is 00:35:03 Hey, I'm working, I've got a couple of other, like, little things I want to mention real quick. I'm working on a graphic novel with my brothers. It's based on our podcast, The Adventure Zone, and we just put up pre-orders for that book this week. So if you have one of the list that I showed before and this is a recap of like the first arc. So it's a great place to pick it up. And if you're already a listener, then you will like it as well. So if you go to the, you can pre-order that right now from Amazon
Starting point is 00:35:36 Barnes and Noble comes out in July 17, 2018. Also, we're going to be going on tour this fall and doing some shows. Some of us will definitely be on some of those shows, but we're not exactly sure which one's yet. Yeah, we'll try to give you some heads up when we know. Yeah, but if you want to get tickets to those, you can get a McElroy slash tours. We're coming to Brooklyn and land a Nashville, Chicago, Minneapolis, Milwaukee. So come on out to those shows and more than that DC boss. Well, those are sold out.
Starting point is 00:36:13 But we are also coming to those areas as well. So if you live in those areas, we will see there if you bought tickets earlier. And I think that's going to do for us folks. So until next week, my name is Justin McAroy. I'm Sydney McAroy. And as always, don't drill a hole in your head. Alright. Comedy and culture.
Starting point is 00:36:53 Artist-owned. Listener-supported. A lot of times my instincts are wrong. They're mostly wrong, but they're not wrong in the sense that like I misread somebody, they're just extremely limited to my, you extremely limited to my idea of who they are. That was Mark Marin. I'm Jesse Thorn. I'm the host of NPR's Bullseye.
Starting point is 00:37:12 I'm so excited to tell you about my new show, The Turnaround. Join me as I sit down with some of the best interviewers in the world to ask them about how and why they do what they do. We'll go deep. Some of the biggest names in media, everybody from Terry Gross to Jerry Springer to Combat Jack. That's all on the turnaround.
Starting point is 00:37:31 Two episodes a week, this summer. Subscribe now, tell a friend.

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